Transhumance in Eastern , . May and October 2011

Transhumance is the seasonal movement of shepherds and their livestock. They migrate between mountainous and lowland pastures as the seasons change. Transhumance used to be widespread in Bulgaria and although the transhumance is of high importance for the maintenance of grassland habitats and culture conservation, the practice was lost under communism.

It has been unclear until recently, but we are happy to inform you that the Transhumance in Bulgaria, for the fourth continuing year, also will be held this year. The main reason for this is that the National Park “Sinite Kamani” (Blue Rocks) near need a herd to grace the higher pastures and that in the area Kotel – Sliven the move of herds is not banned. This Transhumance will again be open for tourist who, with their contribution, will help the economic possibility by side-financing the shepherd’s family and contact person of the Foundation for Wild Flora and Fauna (FWFF). The spring Transhumance will be held from 14-21 May and the route goes from Arpaluka – Kotel – Zheravna – Neykovo – Sinite Kamani. The autumn Transhumance will be held from 8 – 15 October with reversed route. See Google Planet: Arpaluka to Sinite Kamani, with as centre Neykovo

Per day the distance will be not more than 15 km and the attitude difference not more than 600 meters (400-1000 meters). The heard will be between 100 to 140 sheep, accompanied by the shepherd’s family Dobri and his wife together with one or two horsemen, and facilitated by Lucho from the local FWFF branch. Jaap van Beelen, a Dutchmen living in Kotel and owner of goKotel, will be organisator, guide and interpreter during the tour. During the spring transhumance, a festival will be organised at the day that the herd will leave Kotel, The festival includes Bulgarian and Karakachan folklore, the ritual blessing of the herd, and competition for the best sheep shaver, the best/most practical shepherd’s attribute and shepherd dog. In the evening their will be a festive diner together with the shepherd family and FWFF staff.

Every night one of the local guesthouses will be reserved for you on bead and breakfast basis, most of the evenings we will also have our diners there. Some of the guesthouses are traditional wooden houses from the Bulgarian revival period (1800-1870). We have chosen for this option from experience, it will make it easier in bad weather conditions (whole day rain) and also will ease the task of the shepherds. For guest travellers that really want so, there will be an option to also spend some nights (not guided) with the herd and the shepherds. If you are considering this, please bring along your sleeping back and a little tent. Maximum number of guest that can go along is 12.

Dates and Prices: Spring Transhumance, Kotel – Sinite Kamani: 14-21 May, € 440 Autumn Transhumance, Sinite Kamani – Kotel: 8-15 October, € 415 Included: • 7 days Transhumance, of which minimal 4 whole days walking with the herd and shepherd family in the mountains. • 7 nights break and breakfast in guesthouses, mostly on 2 persons rooms • 7 days lunch/picnic • 7 nights diner, some days in the guesthouse and other days with the shepherd family in the open • Transhumance festival and festive diner at the day in Kotel • English, Dutch, Bulgarian speaking guide • Transportation help of luggage and to the guesthouses

Excluded: • Flight to Bulgaria (cheap flights are with Wizz air or German Wings, alternative also direct flights with Bulgaria air) • Transport to Sliven/Kotel and back to the airport (twice a day there is a direct bus connection from to Sliven/Kotel for resp. 20 or 24 Leva / € 10,50 - 12,50) • Travel insurance • Personal expenses like souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, etc.

Equipment, to bring with you: • Good walking shoes (type B/A or B) • Good rain coats • Flashlight and knife • (Option) sleeping bag and hikers tent when you plan to stay some nights out with the herd

Further information / Reservations: When you want to join or when you have further question, please reply by e-mail to [email protected]. We will send you the travel instruction to Kotel. An advance payment of € 200 has to be transferred to our bank account; we will send you the details.

Transhumance Bulgaria 2011 is organised by FWFF Bulgaria ( ) together with goKotel ( ), and is possible thanks to the good work of Rebelfarmer ( ) over the last 3 years. For background information, see some press articles of previous transhumance: Article Bulgarian Newspaper Dnevnik translated in English, November 2009.pdf From Website BBC, October 2008.pdf Article Newspaper Trouw in Dutch, January 2010

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