United States Patent 0 Patented Oct
3,056,839 United States Patent 0 Patented Oct. 2, 1962 1 2 outlet at 140° C., the temperature then being raised 3,056,839 gradually to 170° C. A steady stream of carbon dioxide PRODUCTION OF UNSATURATED KETONES was evolved from the pyrolysis of the methylbutenyl Richard Norman Lacey, Hull, England, assignor to The acetoacetate, leaving methylheptenone in the reactor. Distillers Company Limited, Edinburgh, Scotland, a The nature and weight of the aluminium tri-carboxylate, British company the temperature to which the mixture of methylbutenyl No Drawing. Filed Dec. 17, 1959, Ser. No. 860,082 acetoacetate and the aluminium tri-carboxylate was heated Claims priority, application Great Britain Jan. 14, 1959 and the yield of methyl heptenone produced based on the 4 Claims. (Cl. 260-595) methylbutenyl acetoacetate, are shown in the following 10 table. In the table is also included, as a comparison, the The present invention relates to the production of yield of methylheptenone obtained under the same condi organic compounds and in particular to the production of tions except that no aluminium tri-carboxylate was unsaturated ketones. According to the present invention, the process of present. producing an unsaturated ketone representable by the formula 15 Weight of Yield of Exam- Weight of methyl- methyl BJ~—C=C]E[.C§H2.CHLCO.Ra ple Catalyst catalyst heptenone heptenone, (grams) produced percent R2 (grams) comprises contacting an allyl acetoacetate representable by the formula 20 None __________________________________ __ 215 63.5 R3 1 _____ __ Aluminium triacetate _______ __ 8.8 251 74 2 __________ .._do _______________________ __ 13.2 251 74 R1—J>—0.C0.(JH2O0Ra 3 _____ -_ Basic aluminium triacetate 8.3 253 74.5 (CHa.COO)4.OAlz.4H2O.
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