Academy of Agriculture Journal 2 : 1 (2017)1 - 4 Contents lists available at ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURE JOURNAL Available online at RELATIONSHIPS OF OIL CONTENT AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION WITH SEED CHARACTERS OF DIPLOKNEMA BUTYRACEA B.B. Bandyopadhyay, L Joshi, M.K. Nautiyal Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand 263145 ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Corresponding Author Diploknema butyracea (Phulwara/cheura plant) grows in wild form in sub- B.B. Bandyopadhyay Himalayan tracts and outer Himalayan ranges of Uttarakhand state. The plant Department of Genetics and Plant contains high concentration (> 60%) of oils/fats in kernel along with high Breeding, College of Agriculture, palmitic acid (56.80 - 64.10%), oleic acid (28.00 – 31.30%), linoleic acid (4.30 - G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 5.70%) and stearic acid (2.40 – 3.50%). Oil/fat is used for edible purposes and and Technology, Pantnagar. U.S. for preparation of local medicine, soap, etc. Conventional approaches of Nagar, Uttarakhand 263145 breeding are difficult for the improvement of plant because of recalcitrant
[email protected] types of seed and perennial nature of growth habit. Correlation and path coefficient study was performed among 4 major fatty acid components, total Keywords: phulwara/cheura fat/oil content and some seed characters. The results revealed that palmitic plant, fatty acid components, seed acid, stearic acid and seed coat colour determined the oil content in kernel. characters, oil content Non-significant relation between total fat/oil content and other traits emerged from negative influence of oleic acid, linoleic acid and other fatty acid in opposite direction.