
Reporting to Lists

IndieBound Bestseller List

ABA members are encouraged to report their weekly. Reporting is fast, easy, and confidential. The Indie Bestseller Lists are an expression of independent booksellers’ handselling prowess. Other reasons to participate? • To showcase the strength of the indie channel in the industry • To receive customized demographics reports about what’s selling in your area (when reporting via Nielsen BookScan) • To receive a more robust monthly white box mailing of ARCs and galleys • To create indie bookstore buzz in-store, in print, and online

Stores can report electronically in one of three ways: manual entry, file upload, or via Nielsen BookScan. (Please note: this reporting system is only available to ABA members. For more information on how to join the ABA, click here.) • ABA manual entry: enter your top sellers by hand (click here for instructions) • ABA file upload: upload a file from your POS system (click here for instructions) • BookScan via your POS system: BookScan is compatible with Booklog, Anthology, WordStock, IBID and IBIDie, SQ1 and iMerchant, Basil, and in Store. For more information on BookScan, please contact Dennie Halby ([email protected]).

Once you’ve chosen a reporting method, The report should include sales occurring during the week beginning 12:01 AM Sunday through midnight Saturday. • If reporting via ABA manual entry or ABA file upload, transmit the weekly report no later than 3 AM EST each Tuesday via the ABA reporting site. The reporting site opens each week at midnight Saturday EST. • If reporting via BookScan, transmit the weekly report no later than 6 PM each Monday.

For questions, visit the ABA Indie Bestseller FAQ page.

For technical support, contact Peter Reynolds ([email protected]).

The New York Times Bestseller List

The New York Times Best-Seller Lists, posted on the web on Wednesday nights and published every Sunday in the print Review, reflect sales reported by vendors offering a wide range of titles. The sales venues for print books include independent book retailers; national, regional and local chains; online and multimedia entertainment retailers; supermarkets, university, gift and discount department stores; and newsstands.

It’s increasingly important for independent booksellers to make their voices heard on a national level. Please demonstrate the importance of the indie sales channel by reporting your sales to this national outlet for book news.

If you do not yet report your sales to the New York Times, you can request to do so here.

If accepted, you are expected to send your confidential report with sales from the previous Sunday-to-Saturday period by noon EST on Tuesday each week.

Reporting stores receive the following: • A weekly email letting you know what titles will be covered in the that weekend, giving you advance notice to order these titles for your loyal readers • A PDF containing the Best Sellers Lists hours before they appear online and 10 days before they are listed in the print Book Review • A complimentary copy of the printed Book Review sent directly to your store

For more detailed information, visit the Best Sellers List reporting site.