ii PA STATISTICS YEARBOOK 2014 | Highlights , £4.3bn Total physical and digital book sales and income from journals © 8% to £1.2bn Total digital books and electronic journal subscriptions ª 2% to £3,311m Total physical and digital book sales © 11% to £563m Total digital book sales ªª5%ª to £2,748m Total physical book salesª © to 17% Digital share of combined physical and digital value book sales ª 3% to £1,866m Home sales of physical and digital books ª 1% to £1,444m Export sales of physical and digital books © 3% to £1,016m Total income from journals © 8% to £162m Gross receipts from rights and coeditions ª to 94% Share of output on paper from known sources | PA STATISTICS YEARBOOK 2014 iii Acknowledgements The Publishers Association would like to thank Nielsen Book Research, which has been responsible for the compilation and analysis of sales data on books and digital products, and Roger Watson, for the data on publishers’ income from rights and coeditions in this yearbook. Many thanks too for the individual contributions of those who have written the annual and sector reviews and the exchange rates appendix, to Nielsen BookScan for providing assistance and data to help in the yearbook’s compilation, and the participants of the various PA statistics schemes. Finally, thanks for all the help with this project to the PA’s Yearbook Production Committee, chaired by Mark Gardiner (Penguin Random House), and to Nicholas Clee, the publication’s consultant editor. Published by: The Publishers Association 29B Montague Street London WC1B 5BW t +44 (0) 20 7691 9191 f +44 (0) 20 7691 9199 e
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