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Newsletterakp04-05.Pdf TH E AGA KHAN PROGRAM FOR ISLAMIC KHAN PROGRAM ARCHITECTURE E AGA & 1issue AKPIA AKDN Based at Harvard University and the The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) is Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an agency of the Aga Khan Development The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Network (AKDN), a group of agencies Architecture (AKPIA) is dedicated to the founded by His Highness the Aga Khan akpia study of Islamic art and architecture, that work in the poorest parts of Asia and aktc urbanism, landscape design, and conser- Africa. The Aga Khan Foundation focuses october 2004 vation - and the application of that on rural development, health, education knowledge to contemporary design proj- and the enhancement of non-governmen- TH features: ects. The goals of the program are to tal organizations. Its programmes includes E AGA KHAN TRUST FOR CULTURE TRUST KHAN E AGA improve the teaching of Islamic art and the Aga Khan Rural Support Programmes architecture - to promote excellence in and the Mountain Societies Development Lecture Series p.2 advanced research - to enhance the Support Programme. Aga Khan Health Aga Khan Program MIT p.3 understanding of Islamic architecture, Services is one of the largest private urbanism, and visual culture in light of health networks in the world. Aga Khan Aga Khan Program Harvard p.11 contemporary theoretical, historical, crit- Education Services operates more than Aga Khan Program GSD p.17 ical, and developmental issues - and to 300 schools and advanced educational Aga Khan Trust for Culture p.18 increase the visibility of Islamic cultural programmes at the pre-school, primary, heritage in the modern Muslim world. secondary and higher secondary levels. Established in 1979, AKPIA is supported The Aga Khan Planning and Building by an endowment from His Highness Services provides material and technical the Aga Khan. assistance to rural and urban areas. The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development AKPIA’s faculty, students, and alumni works to strengthen the role of the private have played a substantial role in sector in developing countries by promot- advancing the practice, analysis, and ing entrepreneurial activity and support- understanding of Islamic architecture ing private sector initiatives. Two universi- as a discipline and cultural force. ties are also part of the Network: Aga Khan University, and the University of Central Asia (UCA). 1 AGA KHAN PROGRAM FOR ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE The Fall 2004 AKP Harvard Lecture Series: “AN EVENING WITH...” A Forum for Islamic Art MIT Lecture Series & Architecture OCTOBER 4 FEBRUARY 17 AG “Images of Sufi Leaders in Ottoman and “The Tiling of The Dome of The Rock” A KHAN PROGRAM FOR ISLAMICA KHAN PROGRAM ARCHITECTURE & Safavid Manuscripts” Dr. John Carswell Prof. Ethel Sara Wolper, University of Independent Scholar, Aga Khan Fellow (2005) New Hampshire MARCH 17 OCTOBER 25 “Moments of Vision: Exhibiting The issue “The Afghan Girl’ in Transnational Visual Culture” Relationship Between Venice and The Prof. Holly Edwards, Williams College Islamic World” 1 Dr. Stefano Carboni akpia NOVEMBER 15 Curator, Department of Islamic Art aktc “Rural-imperial Relations in Medieval october 2004 TH Jordan: An Architectural Perspective from APRIL 14 E AGA KHAN TRUST FOR CULTURE TRUST KHAN E AGA Tall Hisban” “Examples of Exquisite Jewelry and Bejewelled Dr. Bethany Walker, Grand Valley Objects in Classical Arabic Texts” State University Dr. Ghada H. Qaddumi Independent Scholar, Aga Khan Fellow (2005) SPECIAL EVENT, DECEMBER 6 “Deliberating Iraq” film screening and The AKP Harvard Lecture Series takes place discussion with one of the directors of at Harvard University’s Sackler Museum, “About Baghdad” 485 Broadway, Room 318 Cambridge,MA. Sinan Antoon, Dartmouth College Lectures are held on Thursdays at 5:30pm and are open to the public. For further For abstracts and biographies, please consult: information, contact the Aga Khan Program at Harvard University. abstracts.htm All events are free and open to the public. All events are on Mondays from 5:30 2 to 7:30pm in room MIT 3-133 AGA KHAN PROGRAM AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty Currently, Nasser is working on a number of Islamic world. Heghnar just published a book books to be published in 2005 and 2006. First entitled, The Image of an Ottoman City: is a collection of essays, L’art Islamique à la Imperial Architecture and Urban Experience in Nasser Rabbat recherche d’une méthode historique, which he Aleppo in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth originally delivered as lectures at the Institut Centuries [Leiden: Brill, September 2004]. AG Nasser Rabbat is the Aga Khan Professor of du monde arabe (IMA) in Paris in January and A KHAN PROGRAM FOR ISLAMICA KHAN PROGRAM ARCHITECTURE & Islamic Architecture. His scholarly interests February 2002. Second is an edited book of Heghnar was awarded a National Endowment include the history and historiography of essays on the courtyard house entitled, The for the Humanities Grant as well as a J. Paul Islamic art and architecture, urban history, Courtyard House: Between Cultural Expression Getty Post-doctoral Fellowship in the History and post-colonial criticism. Among his honors and Universal Application,to be published by of Art and the Humanities, which allows her are, the Chaire de L’Institut du Monde Arabe Ashgate in 2005. Third is a book of collected to go on leave in 2004-2005 to work on her (IMA), Paris, 2003; the American Research essays co-edited with Irene Bierman and next book, Ruins into Monuments: Preservation, issue Center in Egypt (ARCE) Fellowship, 1999-2000 Nezar AlSayyad, to be published by Lexington Nationalism and the Construction of Heritage 1 and 1988-89; the J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Press in 2005 under the title A Medieval Cairo in the Modern Middle East. This project akpia Fellowship, 1993-94; and the Malcolm H. Kerr for a Modern World. engages in the contentious debate about aktc Dissertation Award, The Middle East Studies cultural heritage and nationalism in the october 2004 Association (MESA), 1991. In Fall 2004, Nasser is teaching Religious modern Middle East by focusing on the TH E AGA KHAN TRUST FOR CULTURE TRUST KHAN E AGA Architecture and Islamic Cultures and politics of architectural preservation in Syria Beside publishing articles in specialized schol- Historiography of Islamic Architecture. under French colonial rule, 1920-1946. arly journals and edited collections, Nasser Heghnar plans to spend time in Syria and regularly contributes to a number of Arabic Lebanon in the winter for field research. She newspapers and journals on art, architectural, will also present a paper on the historiogra- and cultural issues. He serves on the boards of phy of Mediterranean cities at the conference, various organizations concerned with Islamic Heghnar Watenpaugh “Mapping out the Eastern Mediterranean,” to cultures, including the editorial boards of be held at the German Oriental Society in Muqarnas and the Journal of Architectural Heghnar is the Assistant Professor of the Beirut. She will be in France in the spring for Education (JAE); Barakat Foundation, USA; History of Architecture and the Aga Khan archival research and to participate in a sym- Programme for Islamic Understanding (PIU), Career Development Professor of Architecture. posium on the contemporary Arab Middle London School of Economics; and the Arts In addition to early modern Islamic architec- East. In addition, Heghnar continues to work Initiative Committee of the Islamic World, tural history, her research addresses the on articles on the intersection of gender and NYC. He lectures extensively in the US and preservation and commodification of architec- the practice of space in Islamic cities, and the abroad, and maintains several websites ture, and their relationship to modernity, colo- architectural history of the co≠eehouse. focused on Islamic Architecture. nialism, and nationalism in the modern 3 AGA KHAN PROGRAM AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of the board of directors of the Royal Society for Fine Arts - The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, and is the coordinator of the inter- Irvin C. Schick Mohammad al-Asad national academic and curatorial committee of the Museum With No Frontiers Discover AG Irvin Schick received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Mohammad al-Asad is an architect and archi- Islamic Art project, which is developing a A KHAN PROGRAM FOR ISLAMICA KHAN PROGRAM ARCHITECTURE & from MIT. He has taught at Harvard [1995- tectural historian, and the founding director virtual web-based museum of Islamic art. 2003] and at MIT, where he is currently a of the Center for the Study of the Built researcher. He is the author of The Erotic Environment in Amman ( He Mohammad will be replacing Heghnar in the Margin: Sexuality and Spatiality in Alteritist studied architecture at the University of Spring semester and will be teaching two Discourse [London, 1999] and Çerkes Güzeli: Bir Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and history of courses:“Issues in Modern and Contemporary Sarkiyatçi Imgenin Serüveni [The Fair Circassian: architecture Harvard University. He held post- Islamic Architecture and Urbanism, Heritage issue Adventures of an Orientalist Motif] (in Turkish: doctoral research positions at Harvard as a Battleground”; and “Architecture of the 1 Istanbul, 2004). He has also edited or University and the Institute for Advanced Eastern Arab World: Nineteenth and akpia co-edited a number of books including Turkey Study, Princeton. He also taught at the Twentieth Centuries”. aktc in Transition: New Perspectives [New York, 1987]. University of Jordan, Princeton University, the october 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and TH E AGA KHAN TRUST FOR CULTURE TRUST KHAN E AGA He has recently completed an annotated the University of Illinois at Urbana- anthology entitled Avrupali Esireler ve Champaign, where he was the Alan K. and Müslüman Efendileri: Türk Illerinde Esaret Leonarda Laing Distinguished Visiting Anlatilari [European Women Captives and Professor.
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