Niccolo Machiavelli
HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, AND DIPLOMATIC WRITINGS OF NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI TRANSLATED FROM THB ITALIAN BY CHRISTIAN E. DETMOLD IN FOUR VOLUMES VOL. I. BOSTON JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY I882 Copynghf, 1882, CHRISTIANE. DETMOLD. BY - All rights reserved. UNIVERSITYPRESS: JOHN WILSONAND SON, CAMBRIDGS. C 0 R RI G EN’D A. -----t VOLUMEI. Page 143, lines 9 and 10 from top, instead of “ state their wishes to the rioters,” read, “learn the wishes of the rioters.” VOLUME11. Page 52. ‘1 THE PRINCE?”chapter 16, 3d line, instead of the words, ‘1 indulged in so that you will no longer be feared, will prove injurious. For liberality worthily exercised, as it should he, will not be recognized,” read, ‘1 practised so that you are not repufed liberal, will injure you. For iibitralit’y worthily exercised, as it should he, will not be known ,’ ’ &c. * K0.m. * This erroneous translation resulted from a difference in the text of the Testine Edition (1550),which wah used by me in the translation of “The Prince.” Page 39, chap. 16, 2d and 3d lines, read “ Knndimnnco la liheralita usata in modo, ahe tu non sia tem~to,ti offeiitle.” It should be, ‘I che tu non sia tenato.” c. E. I). TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. INoffering the present translation of Machiavelli’s principal historical, political, and diplomatic writings, my original object was simply to afford to the general reader the opportunity of judging for himself of the character of the man, and of those of his works upon which his reputation for good or for evil mainly depends.
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