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puLl to ed i i s l tS'W!ili> .tIihn ;(u ItO' id billi ieil to out t el4lit u tiillil tO DaII.I hair a wi'tu, Ui mli iio - 1 clm,. lih 'unit st'salig''r diiii %(,lws.' Phi thII otlh.r white iis i l i -hilIL' dur.'n t ' Ia I 'e , hL. ILtli uh. .h i i

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l Ie [L, eS hut eti Ih. li iti vi; - it< tIn d U et ta etl" tP u -fi itor'. th~it hie took ill the white tIeuLuhstratot tt tie wi- I ter .t .ifthr, .' a d Theswit -Bo tt'rtsL of two stul. eit i Ihwlrt b1in Iz'it- aducn onts, e.wh ,Iwnit 7 x to lptit 'ol t ( sI p t I twii oet r~t 7.our i(olrnu hadi I dlim over- he ii light, small window, a lava- aotgh ,,dor- igw. e er III y, toik'I, iuid .11110 te-flour. p:tt, thye u' cargoad, nofhe khnow A ho, t wills ti lie. n pI.istered ii iill .h w.iy thut they hid a pu~~$BI (Itfa, I iSNitsie t) e Klainmen, mnd soci we wet being or sit aylauist without heavy-dloth followed hw iou, ~Irs. Our driver jprotettinl. As ou'eunt 'od, 'I pulled ui ik lv to ine Side if the guts. t hits, wills Ire bout AS road, apparently to see if the other close to glgss-i mi bed dedd-in-ce- cars would pass. 'te other cars men VAlo could zet away with TLlJ to a stop in the road, just ii twnitiutui y INID~lS pulled Amrerica,' in front of us. A man got out uv Tbhe next night we were stirred the lead cir with a chain in one by the sound of freedom singers hand and a club ijn the other. approaching us. The Nerro dew- After two wore turns we saw no onstrators were Wing punished for sight of the other cars, We the,, singing too loudly. Sheriff 1)avls went to the restaurant by mother plaredl Iih ten men i the adja- route. cent sweat-box. The eighteen N.- At the restaurant we were asked gro womrn had hen~placed in the to leave. We refused to do so,and 'tank,'' which is i padded cell we were arrested shortly. As we smaller than the sweat-box, even left the restaurant, we noticed that mote poorly lighted and ventilated, two of the cars which had earlier andi lacking a toilet or lavatory. followed us were parked behind In the Sweat-box We had to' the deputy's car in the driveway. sleep in shifts, becau', of lack At the county jail we wer, book- of space. One group would stand S T. A ed, fingerprinted, and mugged. Our while the other slept. Our food charges were trespassing, con- consisted of two thin jelly sand- spiracy to great,' a disturbance, wirhes, served twice a day. and btelng an undesirable guest. We mcln were released from the Our bond was set it $300 per sweat-box at noon Sunday, just be- charge. %TIswas arbitrarily lower fore the once-a-week visiting than the bonds of must other dem - hours. Apparently the sheriff was onstrators, which ranged from concerned about keeping up ap- $50C to $1,000 per charge. pearances. As we walked from lDana Swan, the other whitedemi- the dark sweat-box into th, bright onstrator, and I were placed in a sunlight, on route to the jail, one twelve-man cell-block with ton of us said, ''Well, I noe the sun other wbite prisoners, We weren't still shines."' Sheriff Davis over- served supper when the other in- heard this remark and sarcastic- mates were. After supper one of ally replied, "I don't understand; the deputie. talked through the bars in the pen you didn't like the sun, to a couple of the tougher-looking and now you do.'' prisoners, telling them that the two Sunday afternoon th.SCLCpoat- new guys were "a couple of those ed bond for all the white demion- freedom boys." [)splte thedept- strators and some of the Negroes. ty's prodding, however, we were (Bond was postedatdifrenttimes not harassed by the other inmates. for different people.) A. I Left On Tu esd ay, Wednesday and the jail I reflected that1, vdile I 'Tursday adl of the demonstrators was technically "tree"' for the first except the juveniles were placed time in seven days, there could in a chair,-Iink pen outside the be no freedom in St. Augustin. for jail. Toilet facilities In the pan either whites or Negroes so long consisted of a hole in the ground, as whites were militantly sad flo- surrounded by squares of plywood. lently committed to maintalnlag On Tuesday, one girl passed out segregation -s a nayof Wfe. Free- from the heat and tour others dom does not exist for Negroes became sick. 'They received no when they are continually setject medical attention. In protest fl to terrorism by whites; when He- agreed to refuse to return to the grons have nopoliceprotectiooand pen the next day, We wotild force whites have no police reutflctlona; the guards to either carry us ot when the safest plac. for a Negro or leave us inside. is in Iail; when Negroes aredenied The next morning, John Gibson any opportunity for betterment Sf ACCOUNT BY JULIAN BR OWN, 4AS and Wille Bolten, the two SCLC theit conditons; and when tey a FIRST-H AND leaders in jail at that time, were in turn critized for not doing Mny- called dovmstairs oh the pretext thing to better their couditians. And that they were to talk to thefemale freedom does ract exist for whites demonstrators. When the leaders when they are itimiduted by their were downstairs, guards and depu- own teens and pressrwd by the ties moved into the cells of the overt hostility mndvlolence ofthelr a~t Ac counting lobs are open

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pp I | l l.[1 J I li I .i| II ' i 'i o 5! r , 11 ii I 'pI Ii Nieit > sttl 1 , Li II, III I r II' iii 'ik (lit ment.iloiiti, to [olre~lrs of!il > 'i ll IC ill I IF'? 'I tarlti ft Iii!

Harvard s Carman to visit UF hiring eCll of h i

is. [Ii't i, t the I lorida ,musters. Apedkers whll( 'in, _, tlhr ( eiter lot lie 4iiuIh Ii aurl'i IIn \ua IriiFlail. HIs topic peered cii 11cr this wvar , Rei lios it Harvii' rdinm I iiikluu (l3rk 'ry, Ires, Ii tle p ~lll ettlhlik Ctistiai school, will vtsit I for the wttk of huhe 28 asthe b.tt {,t this ur ( n will \]ssiIps 1nd ArX\Ic. (haml lur, 1 s yeitr' S eligiion-irn-i Ife lectizers. it I. ITheological Semmirarv Cf Aminrci Thi. hindu Traditioi i \Iodeii, mg ii his remj,.rks I le harvard prtortssor will also Nathan Scott, professor of lit.,t India,'' roisirtlredi h < ii. tire .md theology, Irikeit ,' of ' A World Omin of Age, 'i (hic igo, Carl Mirhalsori, prrp - the I If-41 Hellgion-mi-F ife tioins gioup ut th Unijvtrsjty WO- intri'S ( lul' Wed., ,Iuil) I. I)iring sor of systematic thieoloo, 'e theme, will bw los5 topic when ie tiht week he willspeak to several University; andi Hariiont~~ol addresses the public it 7:30 p.m., relt Lur cl.as *s. professor of the philosophy {f Thurs., July 2, in the li w A udi- lielig Lol-ill-Iife contitnues its ligion, Colgate Hochiest er DNv j torium. A reception will follo program of provi ding lecturers School. Can't we ever have a little privacy around here? This the address. (armta has also beet, invited to are from India. The lady and her baby, rhesus monkeys, speak to the Faculty christian university is using them for tests on immunity, nutrition, Go All The Way by Air dental eruptions and blood value. Latin Club elects The UF Latin American Clib, an organization emphasizing bet- Fly South Central terrlations among intenatonal HC workers nede students, last week held elections for the eoniing year. IHomecomnng '64 still needs workers -- and lots TO JACKSONVILLE FOR CONNECTIONS TO Jose Ramon Riverc was elected of them -- for all kinds of jobs. More than 1,000 Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Washington and president. Alberto Molina will students worked directly on Homecoming last year, all points. . and so far less than 50 have been signed thIs year. serve as vice-president, Francois lobs are Opeln in a variety of fields, inchiding: Burger as secretary, Nelson Her- nandez as vice-secretary and Vii- linanice - receive requests for money from various Departures for Jacksonville - 7:35 am - 2:40 pm committees, check on the availability of the supplies ma Vlareas reasrer and most economical sources, authorize requisitions. All students are invited to join Return flights to Gainesville - 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm the club. Promotion and publicity - organize and ploD pro.- public withHomnecominigthroughb grams to acquaint the for Reservations: radio, television, newspapers and other media. IE EE meets Call Parade -- make arrangements for the anniualparade, The UFT chapter of the I.E.E.E- FR6-8437 (Airport) which Includes floats, oands and marching groups. will hold its second summer meet- FR6-4641 (downtown) Gator Growl -- help with a variety of technical ing June 28, at ',30 p.m. in Room equipment, including lights, microphones; secure 512 of the engineering building. speakers; coordinate sororities and fraternitfrs. Dr. Scott of the physics 1)e- Applications are available in the Florida Blue Key partment will speak on 'Unusual office, Florida Union. Effects In Super-Conducting Ma- terials at Tempertures Near Ab- solute Zero.' Best selling

book s M dnmght Star Evening Star Vogue

(('Ompiled by publishers' weekly) The Srowse Shop

il sP\ uli . AV IN Il I{II [II 001 -- lin OuaIBy Paperbacks C(iNV1 Nlt )N -- I letulhet kzeLeland Chils \' P S Wing Tangiers Astral ISOMETRIC EXERCISES TilE NIR.il IN I ISIhd - THE UNVANQUISHED . .vvilliam Faulkner Erich Maru einvque-. THE STRANGER .Albert Comus THlE WAPSIIOTS C A NDI) X Which -- John (hetver. A M IRROR FOR WITCHES .Esther Forbes TIl (;Rup - \ary Mu- TAB LES OF FUNCTIONS .Eugene Janke ART OF CHINA, KOREA & JAPAN . THE MAR TY HE I-- Nicliard .Pete r Swanr is yloulr E. Kinm. THE EGYPTIANS . .Cyril Aldred VON RYAN'S EXPREsSS -- TECHNICAL & REF ERENCE David Westheimer. favorite? THE VENETIAN AFFAIR - LIE ALGEBRA S . . .Jocobson Helen Macinnes. STANDA RD MA TH TA BLES ...Chem. Rubber Co. THE SPIRE -- williamGold- ION EXCHANGE RESINS . . Kunin WIND fROM THE CARO- LINAS -- Robert wilder. I WAS DANCING. -- V~dn a l r e'

Sharpe succeeds Corrick

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od itt J I TLI |1, | . I * Mi I r , ( '1 tlIrit

H!. Is niemle rof 'P U J 'l ta(hi AIIL rh \pubeutura

shapewht' line It I I stailf In August (If 13', Is current;

Melvin I . Sharpe, 4n assistant I xpertmnIt tatii n, dttor at the uiiivvrsity was lifted Fe serv',d ilL thit * , xtiy assistant to the lPresldetit by LTI- versity President I. Wayne Belt, Indorm t Ion staff, .nd wor1kd a this week. a stiff reporter for the C utlrit SharL*e iuc eels (,etog ( or- balix ender in (GutirIe, Rukl. rick, Who was retetly Ilied before rIui nih to < looiI tm like IDire, bor of IDevilopmInl Servies his ITI'tiU t5 derut.

"Where Your Frie nds Are Every Night"

JOIN 1HE WASH PARTY OIkay, Tiger, there's the bell. Now remember, keep your left up. These chimps hove been with the unive rsity for three yeors. They came here as infants, were SAVE 50% ON YOUR LAUNDRY bottle-fed and doapered. The chimps are used for immunological studies. Getor Groomer Coin Laundry Adjol ning University Post Office Police to sell bicycles

Thew (aino~sville Poili Ie let'blt- i3. Boy's, N orn min, s.rIal * rnmer$ will auction off 22 Ib.tIdol,,d $3$947* bicycles ijnd .six (irs ti [ hi hIgh- 14. GIrl's Flying IEagr. ser- est IbidderS ror caL'h ai 'loon .iuli. ia #10799. IC. 11w xolice depsrt ment is lo. IS. Boy's, Appoilo, serial the beauty caied it 721 N. W. * Ch SI. e 1083 935. Sicre is a list of the Wesiciit.lyer, ser- is built in eeb6 Students who recognize their uWil ad #3768. serial OF MIAMI number riny climn the 17. Boy', Western fyer,,,e,- vehicles beftae the 16 hif they Iiid #21437. it I priVe OwTIIrsi p. 8.,itoy, * C. higgins. lal 4 12379 55. BIlK>EN 19. Boy's, scilwinni, ~srial # K- I. Boy's, iiumbelr. 20. boy's, Sch wtim, 'C Iii dI886- 2. Boy's Western F I yet-, sernd 8(Il. #S007l2C5. 21. toy's rio nriie, sernd N 3. Boy's, seh I whin I .s&,rLdi # 12774. KU 12 2 5. 29.) boy's, ,,hw~ri, seriil #808- 4. boy's, 'hi Iiamle, s,.rial $ 4IE;. (97515. i. Boy's, I) till t, B 3:'04. AULITO Moil FS 6. lily'S, [hirelt, IC) eia numb 11Wr. I , 11tS2 I huvi oit 2-dr, white, 7. 14(y3,S Iii ie It, selril I Motor ('A A8H')63 I I'7 2. 2. I'FSU Buick toadm~as ter -dr b. li's, I e.irevs rtl ii CiouVirtl, g:,rle itid lblark, III lol4;. Vi 594817.'7.

1. ltey'', 11( I mI , I? I,8 0. By'N nester 1-yet Ii 'i7'iO02. ,i sp. 5. 195 ( hevrolgt Il-dr. 9edia, II1. Boy'', ' u III Iiw serIial 4 1882 bda< k anl ' rein', II) # A AH63R9O. ,. t ' 2. boy's, Olyer, . i9S5 Ponti &, 2-dr. sedan, s,,rij 4 2U'0. whIte .md hnu , IID 4 A 755! I6543,


I just rented my dorm through Gatar Classifieds

ri WE Stay away froni St A ugustine, s tudents

Yet there will be io Alligator editorials urging stixdents to commit thcmtselvye to in ,mt. ik'ustine e enii tthu, U *inetVilie, but it coul i bAppen anywhler*, 'IlN the rights struggle, to take up their signs and bandalds and march or, t. Augustln*. [t iot cOndJIIe nOr sUPPm[t the rmvoveimenlt of students In actions that mnig!. As a matter of fact, this Is wn editorial against that sort of thing,. iin vilince, ,Ioodshiii, cle itJ ictionis dial however well-nmotivated, thr-eaIen to rip p students are not equipped to stand against police dogs, clubs, guns or cattle prods. the codhti y, ahton ttlat inlet prwseut eircutn't ices, cannot begin to mat~ha Demonstrations are for the benefit of the press. They change few minds at the ori- nrcomplishei for evil unleashed. ginal local.; instead they bring pressure to bear upon local officials from higher, out- Integration, tolerance, brotherhood must cone. But they must come slowly,. Pi , side sources. They do not enrich racial understanding. They build no foundation for leaders of both sides who await the coming battle with eagerness are not really im- the bond of compassion that must exist in each rice for the other before true civil rested In civil rights; they are Interested In the sort of violent glory that will e rights can comn. meaning to their lives, though it may destroy a hundred or a million others. t.r' If you wished to change the status quo, you might better do it one person at a time, leaders will cultivate the virtue of patience; they will steadfastly press their case,, striving for depth rallier than surface effect, quality rather than quantity. their very dignity and determination will win more hearts and minds than ever a sclt - The motives of students who take part in demonstrations are largely irreprochable-- ing slogan cold do. which makes their actions somewhat sad, becaus, they are being used, in m3 opinion. I urge through the Alligator, therefore, that students refrain from demonsti attn, Perhaps not consciously used, but used. The baffle will not end this summer. There will still be time to parade, if paradue The place of students Is in school. A great deal depends upon us; we carry the dreams must, when academic life is successfully completed. What is more, there will be tini of fathers and mothers, we pattern the future for yoimger brothers and sisters, we hold to write letters to newspapers---intelligent letters, because you are a college gradu ii. the security and happiness of wives yet unmarried and children yet unborn. It is a lot There will be time to argue with fellow workers and frtends--argve effectively heciau to jeopardize. you have learned to think, and to understand the minds of other men. Certainly there Is no more reprehensible creature on the face of the earth than a You may be too tired, as a gas station attendant, to parade. You may not haivi ti,. bigot. Unfortunately, all of us are bigots In one way or another. The only difference at $1.25 an hour, to sit ,n. between idealistic demonstrator and cynical sheriff is one of degree. We should -- John Aski

Lionel, I sow you Let me kiss it and your finger Aw, c'mon, Lionel Correction Catch make t better! o in the door!

EI)IToit: K

Re: Gerry Richman's article on c'heatlng, part I!. This article reported an obser- vation that five out of fifteen stu- dents cheated in a language lab., and was not considered unusual. DonAds Also reported was the experience of one school in finding that cheat- log increased under the proctor system, resulting in theschoolre- verthng back to the Honor System. The Fe ister- Winston battle: bang bang Perhaps tils was not as much as an increase in cheating as it was EDITOR: A. The change-over to the tri-t to reorganize reserve holdings different set of patients." an increase in detection of cheat- Apparently Mr. Winston mis- mester system, with faculty con- for courses. Students also are I'm sure that our sleepingtbeau- ing. Actual cheating might have understood my last letter. My tracts for 2 1/2 trimesters (10 deprived of time needed to write ty can explain the position take" decreased for all we know, Cer- intention was not to degrade anyone full months) puts us at aneconom- that term papers and reports de- by the U of F's AAUP. I'm Ilw tainly cheating does occur under or anything. The purpose was to Ic disadvantage In the sellers' velop their mastery of subject mat- sure Mr. Winston would agie" the Honor System, and with the state that some courses and cur- market for faculty that prevails ter. A fourteen-week trimester that It doesn't take ut apple ex- stigma identified with Informing, riculum adapt more easily to the nationally. simply does not contain as many pert to tell when an apple Is rot- it seems that cheating occurs quite trimester system than others, due B. Students suffer under hours the and minutes for library', ten, which is the case with thw freely. to their nature; the trimesterdoes trimester plan franm the fact laboratory that or field work as does trimester. not allow enough time for extra- they move right from one trimes- a seventeen week semester. The Anty educative value of the Honor curricular activities; to urge stu- tor Into another without adequate wrong remedy was prescribed as System must be morally weighed startid theydireton of being dent government to take some ac- time for professors to reorganizedthe would-be doctors forced upon against the injustice done by the tion on behalf of the students; "Sue Junio College What the course material, to develop newtthe University of Florida a pre- rthink?or ee cheating student to the non-cheat- trimester causes certain students doyu reading lists, or for the library scription Intended for an entirely Gerald Feaster ing student. On theoretical grounds to become upset and irritable over It is unlikely that the honor Sys- trivial matters. ten, haa more than little educative J AZZ COR NER yakSe. It li unfortunate that man I am opposed to Whe trimester, Is sometimes dishonest, but, di.- yes, but I do not Whink the college Who's afraid of regarding or overlooking his fact of education is out to get me. Jimmy Smith? For will not make it otherwise; this is Mr. Winston's information, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" is the name of V-8583; stereo V6 -8583) Is one of Jimmy's be< my knowledge of the college is what the Honor System seems to * successful Broadway play. It's also the name of recordings to date. It features Jimmy backed up with frdli*-tbe university catalogim attempt. and a successful record by organist Jimmy Smith. a big . Arrangements are by the great Oliver friends in the college. I have .11 Jazz critic Leonard Feather once said that " His Nelson. Improvement would result if we the respect in the world for the (Jimmy smith's) relationships to previous jazz ex- "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" is agOOV' could encourage the non-cheating College of Education and apologize portents of the parallels those of tune written by Don Kirkpatrick mnd Kevin Knox. It student to ewpoee the cheating stu- to Mr. Winston and to anyone else Charlie Christian and Jimmy Blmnton to earlier guitar- comprises two tracks on the .1bmm. If the stage dent, a Riehman'st article sug- who may have been offended. ists and hessists.'" play of the Sante name were anything like this funky organ ditty, it would be hannad in Boston. to etjiea cheatin student when If Mr. Winston would care to ht I. like saying Jimmy Smith isth jazz you, at one time or another, have awaken from hls 'gratfyag sium- Jimmy Smith was bortn December 8,1925, Jimmy's renditionof "John Brown's Body" isenough yourself d.ad. It ii then that in Norris-. her," I would like to debate the town, Pa. Hi. parents were accomplished pianists. to make ol' John twist and shout. This is not the rirst you would regard yourself as an trimester system with I him. Jimmy was powidirng the keyboard almost before he time Jimmy has jeuzedupafomkwne. lIsten t0 "Walk Wnormer. lnibrmlug, as an i- would lk, his reaction to this wa, old enough to walk. At the age of nine Jimmy won Right In" on his " " album (Verve monarual moral act, Involves turning against section of as' article In the Alli- the Major Bowes Amateur Show on radio. V-8544; stereo V6-8544). your own kind. Speaking for my- gator (May12) concerning the prob- He tried his luck at being a song and dance man The most Interesting track on "virginia Woof self, and others that I have dis- lems of university seen the as In 1942 when he teamed up with his father to work the is the Richard Rodgers compoeition "Sliughter or ciased this with, pobtbly the ma- by the UF chapter of the Ameremn night clubs. Tenth Avenue." Oliver Neiso's excellent arranlge- jority of students, at one tim. dur- Association of University Profes- Jimmy's formal musical training did not include the mont plus Jimmy's emotion-filled solos prove that the ig their school experience, have sors, One of the problems stated organ. In 1948 he studied string bass at the Hamilton jazz style may be tastefully applied even tO very cheated. AIUhOqgh this does not Was: School of Music, and during 1949-50 he studied pluno complex compositIons, mike as cheaters, it does make "Impoultion of the trimester at the Ornitein Conservatory. -s reluctant, and in some way system without knowledge of its Jimmydid not adopt the organ until Three more tracks round out the album -- "Wives morally unfit, to eose the cheat- effect on students hefome hi w or faculty in trio in September, 1956. Since that timedimsy has and Loes""WOmnliof the World" and' Bluesette.' ing student causing him to aufler the educational process -- We made literally dozens of successful rerigsha. This Is one of Jimmy Smt's finest albums, It the punishment which we escap4. need objective study of the aca- ha. swing and "soup' from beginnng to end. The result Is, cheainguderthe demic effects and the indirect The evelpmet ofthejazz organ which began Honor System where exposure is financial cOsts of the trimester wit Fats" Wailer and "ild Bill Davis hasre V. ye 0 P I n I 0 14 CINEMA v1t~t~Ic~I fl&rti~.I Save th >se anc(lmn statues Vi I, oI m' I uzil hii mIot~l. 'he

vuiIt i. bL ,.i t if .ini 1 'lh 1 ps S 'A wIil-toldi *s hut i t so ( toie e arid tlj it Is list e ' isit alIa b IN I'- tii rthit'mvi \wIli elote hle,,, tu it 4tow pet sial haw tre e, pr I'm t 'i s ii! o r0' nOst Ieopi!. to apprei lit,. It myijit ,w imiderstoltd tre Is i'restuii Whitfield,. 149. A11 I know p. tt ie I tttrid Cul~f Coast Junior ( ol- Ibut .js je ho, mnd hb sit uggle to rt etch America I vis w itrhing thc Idupiit ShRIW' lilt, which is located near Pana- tIn whrih I lot ate! in lhe Swihti. Is not seen is i fantastic Ilream realized, but as all this letter of the Week in Mla) 21 I ha!l a iii rnIr ity. I amn writing I do t kirvw hlLe I Aml zoii1 0o epleal afflrmitiln of a country he has so beautifully Show desire that these .ihierit relies y in regard to Dupont's select the I iver sities which I m Sidictid for tlthe I It'15011. After .ill, as K azan should Ibt sn edt d the week, which was shown on from Irowing, goirg ti write bhese, letters to. I states, "h ess could I hatve made this mnovIe' und that most (If tomorrow s lead- I av 24 on our localtelevlsion sta- hope th at whoever reads this letter Stylistically, Ihe movie Is typical Xaran, though in ers will come out if today's tini- o.I do not know when it ap- will ue a little interested In this this cab.', form, iot .inI' create's image, but adds Versitle. arid ( olleges, it seemed [red on your local television Idea, and niaybe eeif there Is somjetin griijilos., sonmetlitig nile Of his oilier to me tijat the ,ttion In Gainesville; if It did at siudetits should help aniy initenest inii I iroiuti the Il n- uilmii jave. Note how impexrso~nal things are, how In the raising of nm uney to save Ii hIis show, which Dupont verst and uthle r laiStitUtIOhi-- or r ahme ra states a {ondttirij 4an effect) with the these relics. resented on this date was about On top of this, ihigiher learning, I feel thait it de tacli,,ent of A 10.w mont ay. Note how Kaza I's NleMi River. It traced the path they should want to; anyway, It would he a worth while project for hero is set .lga Inst (niot within) the tonlt p t of things. would be worthwhile project. I the Nile from Its origin to its the college studer its of this nation, Note ihiw con enit 01n,1 adscap* and pepl are imposed riciuth ijear the sea. 'The narra- I have decided to write a let- .1111 ill over the world, to under- (Mn him like the wra lh of s tme lisp!.' sed god. Y ot tir of the film was George Mason. ter (concerning the ,trme thing take. It woul hr better than tOU Id lIttos t par at el our' ie ro's struggle with flhat partt of the film which I waS which I have written to you about) hilmy raids, sil -is aitI these of Odysseus. crned about was the area which to one Ilniiversity which is located other things. But the parallel Caitiot U,. allowed to be car, ted Aill bt. flooded by water from the in the western part of our nation, Preston Whitfield too far, 9 Ic, Oilr hero is ijot a. ca rtljy warn or, unri darn when it is conipleted. but anj Innoc tn." lie is conrruined on hisS ourijey, in this area there are a number almost destroyed as a Lrrsorn, but intheenjd, he mii- ijiacienlt Egyptian statues. I tains his dignity and reajite,, his dreaij. IUndike ii writing this letter in regard to A ttacking thc sys tenm hIls amoral Greek ancestors, he is a 20th century uhse statues. The Aswan dam will hero in that his tale is moral. F refit gypt very much; but these As has been said, the viewer will never truly under- in wfl( Egyptlan statues must be st aid why this mnovde MlITST be more legenxi lh n t a], vid from drowning. They must munnliers endorsed thu TlhOtin. As but the play onl the viewer's eimoticijs cannot ir Preserved for posterity for I poini of lirormnat Ion, there was missed say by itily the crassest Of iijdividluals. I pl~e of the future to gaze at The Allig.ator article oncenriug rio roll call vote whereby the this sense, Knzan reflects the spirit of miatly of his diiwonder about. There have the I egishttive (ouhicil meeting of author of thje Alligator article other films, particularly ''Splendor ini thje Grass.' 4 berIl effortstotaise money to move wis misleading and In- could have supported his state- Kazan's tradenm.rks, his (lose-ups of races having May 26th V ,('UI of these statues by various correct. Tlhe council did vote on mont -- whichi was unfair to both the most acute and intense expressions, his panning organizations. Some money has whether to approve the Athletic parties. Thu point I wish to con- 4; of and keying on aspects of a betting (as in lb. court- onl raised, but a lot more needs Association Allocation FCe, the vey is that despite party differ- ship of the homely, Greek girl) to create atmosphere, uo he raised. A few of the statues nmotiohi failed. As stated, this was dices, both (,&tor and VOTE pa)- his ljand-held effects to establlshj the feeling of a have been moved, but there are definitely NT

4- It'' I I, - ~ I 4 U J L '~IhI II) ii I' I ii Hri- ii liii It' '44, U V 'ii SNI I L

I - S- 44 gaibI-1'L, ------. 'A 'id''il d sii t . - ito 1 -I ill Icei I .( all utter -, ',ri . Agt i',nilt.l U -4)m 4. ,( . lI~I,4.( ti I P 2-22 ttti Se rvices Air Crnditiorner, Admnirajl Royal I B-147-4- A eI., [)elujxe, 17,000BT's,fitve opira- [ argw rinodern furnish Idhouse 95 hevrolet , 2 ,IIIor, ; tiozial controis, rn lets than 30 trailer, [ear Liiiversity, mr -cor - ew,.d paint you .! Md, ood \l11 \ k lowa.tt hours. (urig iinaicost $300. 'lioned, $7UJ.O0 per miorth. Adults stifdlnt tO ,Phiie cirnifortalble ,uiie traTnsportation $t1~. Phione NB Vs, sogetsu School, taught by top -qu Ilifted e ss Yours for $290. ( a] I vai ,it V riv. only, phone I ? 6-80G1. li-I e of rolrns b~egiIninhg Ituue 1,-th - 2-4612 evening's i.md kmi, Iin truc U for rhe first lite in I lorida from 3t -(). .1 ri ss ir]t cirmpus at 321 5. W. l1ith >1. (B-I3-!0. Tkok yc. (0u ses leading to li- 5emnl-I'ivate air - 0,inditi(}Iid cerie. C all I H 6-0896, Mrs, Imi I our air cioiditlonglt Cbevy rooms fur rcut,* for termi 31. II Nova. completely equipped. S '. ______--)- [ ET's TALK TE RMS. S5xlO Ni- $65.00 inc luding utilities. ( all 6- cdly .ivallibhl. Ava, iIb1 on Muin- Biest lowest price buy in town, .shua Lxparndo Mohile Iloime corn- 2773 or 2-6078. (I1-146-t-.). day Jun. I] at 321 S. W. 1.1th St. W U 1PY has mwved to Gaines- $2,30. (all F N U1 tiays or (8-147-t-c), ville. AiTEhATR NS of all kinds- jie I witl study, 2 teldrooms, TV 372-5032 es brings. yG-IlJ-5t-ci- an tent a. A/C anrd fther extrais. it ross street from admiis Iratio,, See at l ot #i, hickory 11111 lark, Room avaIlable April 16th in house AII{-CONHITl(MED furnished Itux- building at 1238 5. W. 3rd Ave. 2720 5. W. Ar her Rojd. (A - wIth 3 other boys. Air -condi- urr apartment, 2 rooms, kitchen, 300 1, MF Rcl:lFS, fIlberglass Phone 6-8506. (M-145-F-c). 143-ti-c). lioning available. $35. per month. bathIiroom. I block Iromn c ,mnpus,. body, $1500. I8O ME UtE 1)1S,1971' NESTOR'S TV SE1{VlCE Was 372-0958. (13-145-3t-c). Avilabe JcI u 20th .it lis $950. C all 6-03.13. ((r-143-tf-c)' count fort ed to move. Now located 'at price. ( all 372-4807 a.nm. or 222 S. I. 1st St., west of Old FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apart- suppertime. (II-147-t-c). All A-RhMU U - 1961. \Iust sat - 1J60 Norton 600 *r Recent over-- Post office. I. r ee estimattes, aneiit, partially furnished, stove rifici, lecause leavig s' hgool. Thi; haul. Excellent condition. $575. Tubes checked Free, phone 372- 2 or 3 mle flicienry apartments fr rent. l' u os (ill 6-4758 after 5. (A-j47-2t-u)* and refrigerator. c re 3as de~treated w 7326. We invite alourold friends timn. $65per month. Phone 2-797l. 147 -St-c). (all flub (ook, 8'x43' flIck's Trailer with II' FR 6-9372. 0G- (3-145-ti-c). l47-2t-c). x :30' cabauxa. Air conditioned. Fenicet yard. Arither Road Vi - lage. Thomas Real Estatel G. Stewart. El? AlP-CONDITIONED efficiency Wanted 6-11.<(A-14-6t.c:)* apartments for Ill-Bl term, Suit- Help Wanted 3 BR, I 1/2 bath, CCB home; able for 2 or 3 people, $70 per FOR SA IF -- tar rack, alummunum WANTED - Female roommate to electric range and refrigerator, month at 1829 N. W. 2nd Ave. & wood, lightweight, share S room apartment. $75 pays l ibrarian and Arts & (rafts In- screened porch, patio, fenced yard, good condi- Suitable for 3 or 4 people at tion - 62 x 42, $12.50; Cot typ for 3 months' rent. Utilities in- structor at the Boy's Club, 20 dead-end street near elementary I5IS N. W. 4th Ave., $100 per chided, Available "ow. Phone hours per week. Call Charey and junior high schools. Take up btds, aluminum, rolditig, with foani mont?(B-. Call)FR 6-4353 after rubber cover-ed pads, 376-8804. C-144-tf-c). tDobbs, FR 2-5341. (E -145-tf-c). GI payments $75 per no. Call $10 each, si.-14 -tic PIhone 2-7815 alter 5 p.m. (A- after 5:30. FRt 2-0947. (1-147- Hide St-c). 144-ti-ic). or riders to Palatka for Mon., HE LP WANTED[ - Male university Tues., Wed., 8:15 a.m. class 'at students -- Full or part time sales- MAIL STIII)ENTh - Two rooms 3 BR, 2 bath, Ccli home, cen- coming- Junior College. Phone 2-3748-. furnished motel men wanted. flours canbe arrang- tral he at inig, hardwood floors, type, ground floor, (C-147-3t-c)-. nILDTH RU refrigerators. Two blocks from ed around your school schedule. Florida room. Located near lit- air-conditioned library, near most Good commission paid, $1.25 per tiewood. Terms to suit buyer. SA TURDAY - WANTED Straight thru ride to hour guaranteed for minimum sales Owners moving out of state, Call colleges and all practical require- Illinois about July I. Will share meuts. Suminier rates. Furnished quota. For Interview 'all circu- 372-3793. 621 N. W. 35th St. (I- gas expenses. Phone extension Manager, 9-Il a.m. lB 2- SPIST PICtURE""lEST DINECTOn" duplexes. 6-6494. (fl-l47-Bt-c). lation 143-51-c). "SKIT STONY ANO ICIEEVLAY-- 2832. (C -147-lt-nct. l-aw Irofessor selling spacious 3 bedroom home, Study,I-l/2bath, w 0*~ 400 CARSATA DRiVE-iW THEATRE 0 L-- many extras, negotiate eqlurty. FR- 1: 30*5 :00*8: 30 R l 959 90 also held THE BA tS PersonalI

Ride to N. Y. City, long Island

to nothing. (all 376-1012 alter 4:20 6 00 p.m. (J1-147 -lI-p). SosSt& Found

I (SI - HUiidi ot keys. 'ear the C Ihi day Jun 4t. I'inde please return to Room 9, I lorida Union. Yourhelpwilltiedeepy aprec- DRI YE-iN'TIIEA'lE'S D' JUST LiKE ONE BIG S7&WFGARAGE SAL atd(1-I7t-) COMES CHEAP Last Sunday hundreds drove out for our first Shop 'n Swap Meet. .saies were ode, old fashioned horse-trading carried on. .many interesting and items FIM DINFORD MONEY COMES HARD rare were dis- played. .this Sunday will be bigger and better! If you have something to sell. AND LIFE ISA GIRL something to swap.or something you want to buy. .BE HERE SUNDAY !! WITH A SUITCASE ATHOUSAND MILES SHOPPERS & VISI TORS FREE! HOME. FROM ADMISSION: VENDORS & SELLERS 5Cc per CAR

- i 4AtI' ~ Li it t',C\ fl t21 IV I t{t BOOK REVIEWS

CsArD A s tep into the f uture AnyVW ~ay You F, [ t it Look At it I u 1K . ]\

spou IssUI GATOR SPORTS i i FSU clinic opens I i I s e(Ito tiht \ear In 1963 and , 'Im I I AlIgotor Advertising-. shlero ftit hi II i d I askit- im i key, toath ii! North Caro- mu 6 4 huma' lii ,ater fIow1 champions. University Ext. 2832 itasw tits wvk tox I IolrtIdA rh., third .m1p11.l bask etb all iu~t r I cllnPt his Hayden Riley, whose j Soar t l lii It. . I ta.im~ te imt upliet the Kentucky his I II ,it tiued mjpe~ike, ', hr the foothill Wiltit Its tle I, the 1963-64 sea- In 5 minutes d" HEELS put on awle No',' sta o I a SOLES put onr I n 15 minutes d I 'ntwi gust speakers. tu L-b t l Irlsigel s who,.* Haylt,, heaj S ie-

OE mi eIlct j.k kisted >1, i, the ltin I Bluebonnet The ethr i It S football and baa- MODEF IN SH the I( REPA I1 SH9P kethall cahing staffs will assist t lloul:-' howl, 'aol l~as is of Missislppi across from Is t national bank ition to hit lug the clinic.

STARTS TONITE! TW o SUPERB HITS'! isbt it aiii fu th ms FIRST T IMES SHO WN TOGE THER!! !!! sloilfot a Val bsprc y paa ai UF golfers in NCAA meet LIId(Iquatt'lV pi put d CI\iliiim 4 'OSCAR' WINNERS PLUS MANY NOMINEES! ! to ajpiase *0wmId option' tv wIll be represented at the First d.y's play will feature an steo n Laww e,, t b lihiui NCAA golf chv .nmpionship by cap- Eiast-West best ball match with open 7; show 7:45 * see both late as 9:40 a skid to toluinteer Cor the job. tamn Richard l eckey and junior Lerkey, of st. Petersburg, repro- has a wife and child to conmidii-, Laurie 1 a m m e r, Hlood Coach senting vlorida if chosen, Quali- Mer and above the risks Ihe Buster Bishop antnownced. rying play begins June 35, with IS frst &lst limnseif faces He has a succes- ,Tis year's collegi ate golf holes of medal play that day and champion--si will -e hed at Col th next ACADEMY AWARDS WINNER!I orado Springs, Colorado from June Low 64 qualifiers enter match book deals with his decision Galors will leave June Ii and continue until Scarns in Annapolis-trainEd 14-20. The play BEST former let pilot with consider- GaInesville June 12, scheduling elimlitatod, with the fias slat-d able knowledge of the U S a practice rn' on the l3th. for the 20th. I ACTOR Ralph space program, makes "The Pil- SIDNEY ap , Kelley cops hand ball crown neuvening In the Capitol a rd A POITIER Nelson's the White House as well as bin- lntramurals handball, long afav- Physical Education Dflt. stafl tahizing glimpses of Am, t a a orite at the UF, again saw sum- tripped up Sam Shay. In a squeak- pi incipal spare bases met participation at a high peak. er, 19-21, 21-7 and 21-0. -p - The hotly contested tourney, alter In the other.-semis Tomn Keiloy some extremely competetive ac- Spawn of Evil, by Paiul I slipped past l~arry Wasserman, Weilman

Outlaws in thed ays bE twn ' i campus championship last Friday playoff berth. he Revolution a, nd the CIvil alter noon. Kelley took the titi. in a close andn war lhd plenty of snipE fu, ithe semis Billlien, of the t'F one over Ilent. 21-36 and 21-9. id of t hr in evii deeds hi pI)actie Thiey (fold sw.oop down On - moving. Tatdf 5ttle'mttN steal. baini Harden, Baumaster win net title kill and mceapu in! u, the tiatk- I foieqt This hook i ound, The U)! Intramnurals tennis doub- the team of Ilardei,-Baumuster Should b les finals resulted tip .stml us of I hi m04t I apacioi.s In a victory for slip past the duo of Bales.Stautf, the team of Htarden and Baumaster moviegoing.n pci lod - -thE 6-I, 6-'3. Ibtpi bihiothers Will1am Fox alter a tong battle throughout the Jaumcs Ford. Sanmuel Mason tourney. in. resulting final playoff saw Housekeep/ng John Long atnd th e arch mm - The semi-finals saw the teams Ilsrdenu-Faumnaster down Akbar- deter a nd conspirator. John of Akbar and Worthy upend the worthy team 6-I, 6-I, for the Mirell,.who planned a general welch-wbipp team by a forfeit and campus title.


ph~I tw40MN -four Yiiur w~l)ITWu p ru. Ot yorks

ljke 'Ids ii vou a olijr FI il e (latioI, you 'c nt to 'lu ik'' up to the Hioi r oiifl andc report wh It ynu s.*w. F?,tlher, yflu irt to lre fly vnrpit tlj, violator And reprt tI 'hat f*r roi what vcou have win. Th. person tlhenL ha, twenuty-frt hi n to voliutarilv fur,' 111MM I I I in to iiheHn',r C ourtt. ' I. r jurn takes full noli< e I,! his tiorn inasein thi p~eralty. ~uIo if lie fails to 'aI with i 24 hours Ijteu yu rave h(ttfied h im >hld~ you report what yu saw tc the Court. Theni, the pr ceiu re Is the SIirhe; the studeipt may maintain his irunocmnice and thorough investigation may resltin the chargess beIing driipped for lack (If evihuecc. Or, the .student may then plead guilty ini thi, face of substantial evidence -- whirh will - likely mean a heavier penalty then 1! hr had directly comie to tihe Court Iin the first place, after y,,U had spoken with him. Panacea ror the Ills of the honor System" No - but, It Is hoped, a vehicle for inc reased cooperation. I do't nowabot yo gus, ut 'm oingdowtow fo a hirct. hes ar Certainly there are defects in this proposal. he marmset, aSout Amricn mnkeytha frquenly as win, whch nteest student may talk you out of reporting him. He may the nivrsiyi conecion ithsysem nd rga trasplnts threaten you, possible answer: do not notify him Unortnatly- alone, if you fear the possibility or reprisals. First, no abesav ben or4PIMAE AB HOOSBY ARLY JONSON point out what you saw to a fellow student; have he or she go with you. Let the student know that your act is not isolated but rather Is supported by other students. Second, the same problem in effect exists under the present system. Witnesses can in any case be intimidated. 'Tis is nothing new to American Jurisprudence. A treat deal of moral courage is needed to testify in court, just as it is to report a Book violation of the law. sale re port in any event, the student may attempt to convince method could even be used for the more serious you that you were in fact honestly mistaken, and that violations. In discussions with several members Student Government's S tudent the violation need not be reported. This in some of the Court, however, there appears to be strong Book Sale handled over $1200 in cases is what happens under the present system af- sentiment to continue the present system, along with merchandise for the Spring tri- ter a violation I. reported. A student who reported the proposed change, to insure enforcement of the mester. Checks were mailed last a violation declines to testify because he is "con- system by the Student who thinks the violation it too week, along with notices of the vinced" he was wrong. A possible answer Is to, serious to warrant waiting twenty-four hours of post- status of books not sold. within reason, Ignore admonitions of mistake and poning action by the Court. leave this to the trained staff of Honor Council and 'Most people got about 25 per Justices who make a thorough investigation of all cent more for their books through This, cases. if there has been an obvious mistake, the In rough form, Is a basic outline of the pro- the sale than they would have Il posed change in the Honor charges are dropped and all records are destroyed. System. It may be sub- they had sold them to o'e of the mutted This avoids the "sneaky" aspect. The student must to the Student Body as a constitutional amend- book stores," said Drew Haslett, merit in the fall, It could respect you for doing what you feel is right. He even be put into effect secretary of student activities. individually by a voluntary twenty-four must further respect you for giving bin, an oppor- hour wait without a constitutional amendmnenL. tunity to redeem himself and avoid . harsh penalty. What do you ''we were also able to sell a lot it seems advisable to use both This suggested think? Do you have a better Idea, or do you think of books that the stores weren't method of enforcement as well as the present method, the present system is adequate? 6 even buying this year." with the present method being used for more seri- ous violations The next will such as selling stolen examinations, article discuss the method of penali- Students not returning to UF stealing more valuable property, or participating in zation and how It can be changed to overcome the in the Fall may reclaim books not the Walker Auditorium 'Flying or other reluctance V" mass to report violations, as well as improve 9 sold in Room 305 of the Florida cheating. Discretion as to which method should be the "rehabilitatIon" and educational value of the Union today fran, I-5 p.m. Others entire employed would be left to the student. The new Honor System. are asked to wait until the sale ...... in the first week in September to reclaim their books.

50C Adults *o o'~ 35c Children 'ool It' Ati I YoeP "These 3m Sm. keow"



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