Thi a Flor I I hr I * , ii S Im , iai 'tlii hg il i.1 L ,l 't puLl to ed i i s l tS'W!ili> .tIihn ;(u ItO' id billi ieil to out t el4lit u tiillil tO DaII.I hair a wi'tu, Ui mli iio - 1 clm,. lih 'unit st'salig''r diiii %(,lws.' Phi thII otlh.r white iis i l i -hilIL' dur.'n t ' Ia I 'e , hL. ILtli uh. .h i i ilelut , tina itu tht i.h ir It - '- , th t si t the tutu', lie wAs so l Ie [L, eS hut eti Ih. li iti vi; - it< tIn d U et ta etl" tP u -fi itor'. th~it hie took ill the white tIeuLuhstratot tt tie wi- I ter .t .ifthr, .' a d Theswit -Bo tt'rtsL of two stul. eit i Ihwlrt b1in Iz'it- aducn onts, e.wh ,Iwnit 7 x to lptit 'ol t ( sI p t I twii oet r~t 7.our i(olrnu hadi I dlim over- he ii light, small window, a lava- aotgh ,,dor- igw. e er III y, toik'I, iuid .11110 te-flour. p:tt, thye u' cargoad, nofhe khnow A ho, t wills ti lie. n pI.istered ii iill .h w.iy thut they hid a pu~~$BI (Itfa, I iSNitsie t) e Klainmen, mnd soci we wet being or sit aylauist without heavy-dloth followed hw iou, ~Irs. Our driver jprotettinl. As ou'eunt 'od, 'I pulled ui ik lv to ine Side if the guts. t hits, wills Ire bout AS road, apparently to see if the other close to glgss-i mi bed dedd-in-ce- cars would pass. 'te other cars men VAlo could zet away with TLlJ to a stop in the road, just ii twnitiutui y INID~lS pulled Amrerica,' in front of us. A man got out uv Tbhe next night we were stirred the lead cir with a chain in one by the sound of freedom singers hand and a club ijn the other. approaching us. The Nerro dew- After two wore turns we saw no onstrators were Wing punished for sight of the other cars, We the,, singing too loudly. Sheriff 1)avls went to the restaurant by mother plaredl Iih ten men i the adja- route. cent sweat-box. The eighteen N.- At the restaurant we were asked gro womrn had hen~placed in the to leave. We refused to do so,and 'tank,'' which is i padded cell we were arrested shortly. As we smaller than the sweat-box, even left the restaurant, we noticed that mote poorly lighted and ventilated, two of the cars which had earlier andi lacking a toilet or lavatory. followed us were parked behind In the Sweat-box We had to' the deputy's car in the driveway. sleep in shifts, becau', of lack At the county jail we wer, book- of space. One group would stand S T. A ed, fingerprinted, and mugged. Our while the other slept. Our food charges were trespassing, con- consisted of two thin jelly sand- spiracy to great,' a disturbance, wirhes, served twice a day. and btelng an undesirable guest. We mcln were released from the Our bond was set it $300 per sweat-box at noon Sunday, just be- charge. %TIswas arbitrarily lower fore the once-a-week visiting than the bonds of must other dem - hours. Apparently the sheriff was onstrators, which ranged from concerned about keeping up ap- $50C to $1,000 per charge. pearances. As we walked from lDana Swan, the other whitedemi- the dark sweat-box into th, bright onstrator, and I were placed in a sunlight, on route to the jail, one twelve-man cell-block with ton of us said, ''Well, I noe the sun other wbite prisoners, We weren't still shines."' Sheriff Davis over- served supper when the other in- heard this remark and sarcastic- mates were. After supper one of ally replied, "I don't understand; the deputie. talked through the bars in the pen you didn't like the sun, to a couple of the tougher-looking and now you do.'' prisoners, telling them that the two Sunday afternoon th.SCLCpoat- new guys were "a couple of those ed bond for all the white demion- freedom boys." [)splte thedept- strators and some of the Negroes. ty's prodding, however, we were (Bond was postedatdifrenttimes not harassed by the other inmates. for different people.) A. I Left On Tu esd ay, Wednesday and the jail I reflected that1, vdile I 'Tursday adl of the demonstrators was technically "tree"' for the first except the juveniles were placed time in seven days, there could in a chair,-Iink pen outside the be no freedom in St. Augustin. for jail. Toilet facilities In the pan either whites or Negroes so long consisted of a hole in the ground, as whites were militantly sad flo- surrounded by squares of plywood. lently committed to maintalnlag On Tuesday, one girl passed out segregation -s a nayof Wfe. Free- from the heat and tour others dom does not exist for Negroes became sick. 'They received no when they are continually setject medical attention. In protest fl to terrorism by whites; when He- agreed to refuse to return to the grons have nopoliceprotectiooand pen the next day, We wotild force whites have no police reutflctlona; the guards to either carry us ot when the safest plac. for a Negro or leave us inside. is in Iail; when Negroes aredenied The next morning, John Gibson any opportunity for betterment Sf ACCOUNT BY JULIAN BR OWN, 4AS and Wille Bolten, the two SCLC theit conditons; and when tey a FIRST-H AND leaders in jail at that time, were in turn critized for not doing Mny- called dovmstairs oh the pretext thing to better their couditians. And that they were to talk to thefemale freedom does ract exist for whites demonstrators. When the leaders when they are itimiduted by their were downstairs, guards and depu- own teens and pressrwd by the ties moved into the cells of the overt hostility mndvlolence ofthelr a~t Ac counting lobs are open a ' 1 |i I[' 1 1T'it[ Iit~i~' I'1i'rks, pp I | l l.[1 J I li I .i| II ' i 'i o 5! r , 11 ii I 'pI Ii Nieit > sttl 1 , Li II, III I r II' iii 'ik (lit ment.iloiiti, to [olre~lrs of!il > 'i ll IC ill I IF'? 'I tarlti ft Iii! Harvard s Carman to visit UF hiring eCll of h i is. [Ii't i, t the I lorida ,musters. Apedkers whll( 'in, _, tlhr ( eiter lot lie 4iiuIh Ii aurl'i IIn \ua IriiFlail. HIs topic peered cii 11cr this wvar , Rei lios it Harvii' rdinm I iiikluu (l3rk 'ry, Ires, Ii tle p ~lll ettlhlik Ctistiai school, will vtsit I for the wttk of huhe 28 asthe b.tt {,t this ur ( n will \]ssiIps 1nd ArX\Ic. (haml lur, 1 s yeitr' S eligiion-irn-i Ife lectizers. it I. ITheological Semmirarv Cf Aminrci Thi. hindu Traditioi i \Iodeii, mg ii his remj,.rks I le harvard prtortssor will also Nathan Scott, professor of lit.,t India,'' roisirtlredi h < ii. tire .md theology, Irikeit ,' of ' A World Omin of Age, 'i (hic igo, Carl Mirhalsori, prrp - the I If-41 Hellgion-mi-F ife tioins gioup ut th Unijvtrsjty WO- intri'S ( lul' Wed., ,Iuil) I. I)iring sor of systematic thieoloo, 'e theme, will bw los5 topic when ie tiht week he willspeak to several University; andi Hariiont~~ol addresses the public it 7:30 p.m., relt Lur cl.as *s. professor of the philosophy {f Thurs., July 2, in the li w A udi- lielig Lol-ill-Iife contitnues its ligion, Colgate Hochiest er DNv j torium. A reception will follo program of provi ding lecturers School. Can't we ever have a little privacy around here? This the address. (armta has also beet, invited to are from India. The lady and her baby, rhesus monkeys, speak to the Faculty christian university is using them for tests on immunity, nutrition, Go All The Way by Air dental eruptions and blood value. Latin Club elects The UF Latin American Clib, an organization emphasizing bet- Fly South Central terrlations among intenatonal HC workers nede students, last week held elections for the eoniing year. IHomecomnng '64 still needs workers -- and lots TO JACKSONVILLE FOR CONNECTIONS TO Jose Ramon Riverc was elected of them -- for all kinds of jobs. More than 1,000 Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Washington and president. Alberto Molina will students worked directly on Homecoming last year, all points. and so far less than 50 have been signed thIs year. serve as vice-president, Francois lobs are Opeln in a variety of fields, inchiding: Burger as secretary, Nelson Her- nandez as vice-secretary and Vii- linanice - receive requests for money from various Departures for Jacksonville - 7:35 am - 2:40 pm committees, check on the availability of the supplies ma Vlareas reasrer and most economical sources, authorize requisitions. All students are invited to join Return flights to Gainesville - 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm the club. Promotion and publicity - organize and ploD pro.- public withHomnecominigthroughb grams to acquaint the for Reservations: radio, television, newspapers and other media. IE EE meets Call Parade -- make arrangements for the anniualparade, The UFT chapter of the I.E.E.E- FR6-8437 (Airport) which Includes floats, oands and marching groups.
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