Unrestricted © AG 2016. All rights reserved. Aspectos involucrados en la integración de proyectos ferroviarios

- Costos

- Tiempo

- Recursos financieros Por medio de una ejecución - Tecnología llave en mano se logran optimizar estos aspectos - Recursos para la ejecución

- Terrenos, derecho de vía, etc.

- Afectaciones de vialidades y al público durante la obra

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 2 December 2016 Mobility Division Un sistema ferroviario se compone de distintos subsistemas

Edificios / Puentes Estaciones Información a Pasajeros Vías Depósitos / Viaductos / Talleres Túneles SISTEMA FERROVIARIO Cobro de Alimentación Pasajes Eléctrica

Telecomunicaciones Material Rodante Señalamiento Ferroviario

La integración de estos subsistemas define finalmente un sistema de transporte

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 3 December 2016 Mobility Division Un sistema ferroviario se compone de distintos subsistemas

Edificios / Puentes Estaciones Información a Pasajeros Vías Depósitos / Viaductos / Talleres Túneles

Cobro de Alimentación Pasajes Eléctrica

Telecomunicaciones Material Rodante Señalamiento Ferroviario

La compleja interrelación entre ellos exige un eficiente manejo de las interfaces

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 4 December 2016 Mobility Division Un sistema ferroviario se compone de distintos subsistemas

Edificios / Puentes Estaciones Información a Pasajeros Vías Depósitos / Viaductos / Talleres Túneles DIRECCIÓN

Cobro de Alimentación Pasajes Eléctrica

Telecomunicaciones Material Rodante Señalamiento Ferroviario

Una dirección eficiente es indispensable para optimizar costos, tiempo y calidad

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 5 December 2016 Mobility Division Estructura general de un proyecto ferroviario

• Responsable frente al cliente por un sistema de transporte. • Responsable por la integración de los distintos subsistemas Dirección General • Definición del concepto de operación • Estudios • Diseño del sistema de transporte • Gerenciamiento de interfaces • Control del plan de ejecución • Gestión de Contratos Planeación Gerencia Project • Definición del plan de capacitación de Proyecto de Proyecto Controlling

• Construcción Señalamiento Obra Civil Material Rodante • Mediciones y ajustes Sistemas • Puesta en marcha Infraestructura Capacitación de Control • Capacitación Subestaciones/ Telecomunicaciones Mantenimiento/ Catenaria/ Servicio al Cliente Líneas de Transmisión Un proyecto ferroviario debe contemplar distintos niveles de responsabilidad Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 6 December 2016 Mobility Division Contratación por subsistemas


DIRECCIÓN DE OBRA A V T C E F S S D M P I V n e l i e d e i u o f u e í a a m o l a r i ñ e b b e p d t r f r s e e m i a c r r o n ó u c n a o r o a l v t s i c i a t o e s a c a m i i t d a m t a i s s o c l ó o e r u n i s n R ó s i i / e o n t P n E e a o / n / i c a T d E s P t T d a o s a t l ú a a é e a c a s n n l c c i l a j o t v e e t e i e j r e o í n r i l s a c e e r n e o a s s e s s s

Suministro Obras Civiles Suministro Obras Electromecánicas La dirección de obra a cargo del cliente exige la administración de múltiples contratos Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 7 December 2016 Mobility Division Contratación llave en mano


Contrato por Ingeniería, Suministro y Construcción EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) DIRECCIÓN DE OBRA

Obras Civiles Obras Electromecánicas A T C V F S D M I E S V P n e l e i e i o f d u e í u a m a o l a r ñ e b i b p e r t d r f s e m e a c i o r r ó n u c n o a r o a l v s t i c a i t e o s c a a m i i d t a m t i a s s c o l ó o e r u i n n s R ó i s i / e o n t P n a o e E / n / i c a d E T P t s T d a o s a l a t ú a é e c a a s n n l c i l c a j o t e t v e e e j r i e n o í r i s l c a e r e e n o a s s s s e s

La ejecución llave en mano facilita la administración a través de un único contrato EPC

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 8 December 2016 Mobility Division Variantes para una ejecución llave en mano


Contrato por Ingeniería, Suministro y Contrato por Ingeniería, Suministro y Construcción Construcción EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) con integración de obra civil con electromecánica I N

T Integración de Sistema y

Suministro Obras Civiles E

G Suministro Electromecánico (E+M) R A T V C A E F S D M S I P V n e l i e C d e i o f u u e í a a m o l a r i ñ e b b e p I r d t f r Ó s e m e i a c r r o n ó u c n o a r o a N l v t s i c i a t e o s c a a m i i d t a m t i a D s s o c l ó o e r u n i n s R E ó s i i / e o n t P n a E e o / n / S i c a d T E P s t T I d a o s S a t l a ú a é e a c a s n T n l c i c l a j o t e v t e E e i e j r e o n í r i l s M c a e r e n e o a s s A e s s S s

Contratos separados para Obra Civil y E+M con integración de sistemas, manteniendo el carácter llave en mano del proyecto Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 9 December 2016 Mobility Division Las funciones de la ingeniería de sistemas

La ingeniería de sistemas define el sistema de transporte

Adicional al suministro de los subsistemas, se deben llevar a cabo tareas de ingeniería de sistema, la cual es un proceso interdisciplinario que asegura la correcta integración, logrando un sistema ferroviario, por medio de: • Definición de un concepto de operación • Estudios, diseños preliminares • Configuración del sistema de transporte • Identificación de interfaces • Plan de pruebas, ensayos y puesta en marcha de sistema • Plan de medio ambiente • Concepto de capacitación general • Plan de mantenimiento Un sistema de transporte seguro, confiable y con una alta disponibilidad asegura la movilidad de las personas, otorgándoles una alta calidad de vida

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 10 December 2016 Mobility Division Seguridad del sistema y disponibilidad

La ingeniería de sistemas asegura la disponibilidad y seguridad

Un alto nivel de movilidad se asegura por medio de una operación segura y confiable.

Por medio del proceso RAMS se aseguran estas premisas, durante todo el proceso de implementación del sistema.

• (R) Reliability = Confiablidad

• (A) Availability = Disponibilidad

• (M) Mantainability = Mantenibilidad

• (S) Safety = Seguridad

(Base: Norma EN 50126)

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 11 December 2016 Mobility Division Contratación por Lotes vs. Llave en Mano

Llave en Mano Lotes Contrato Negociación y cierre de un único contrato por el suministro Negociación y cierre de múltiples contratos que no tienen de un sistema de transporte urbano. Un único responsable responsabilidad de coherencia entre ellos. Múltiples frente al cliente. responsables parciales.

Plazos Plazos acotados por coordinación centralizada durante Mayores riesgos de demora, por actuación simultánea de todo el proceso. Riesgo de demoras mínimo. distintos contratistas. Alta necesidad de coordinación.

Financiamiento Financiamiento pre-estructurado para un sistema completo. Paquetes financieros sueltos obligan a ingeniería financiera Ingeniería financiera ya elaborada. Cierre financiero único adicional. Cierres financieros independientes generan define plazos concretos y riesgos acotados. mayores plazos para el proyecto en su totalidad.

Costos Optimización de costos por menor utilización de recursos, Alta necesidad de coordinación implica mayor utilización de por ejemplo: personal, tiempo, montos de inversión, etc. recursos, como también mayores riesgos.

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 12 December 2016 Mobility Division Participación activa del cliente en un proyecto llave en mano

Un proyecto llave en mano no es una “Caja Negra”

Especificaciones Sistema de Funcionales Transporte ????

Una ejecución llave en mano podría generar el temor de pérdida de influencia y control sobre el propio proyecto.

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 13 December 2016 Mobility Division Participación activa del cliente en un proyecto llave en mano

Un proyecto llave en mano no es una “Caja Negra”

ROLES DEL CLIENTE • Especificaciones funcionales Especificaciones • Definición de los parámetros de operación Sistema de Funcionales Transporte • Definición de plazos • Evaluación y Aprobación de los componentes y equipos ofrecidos • Inspecciones de las instalaciones y equipos • Control del plan de ejecución • Ensayos de recepción y pruebas

En un llave en mano, el cliente participa activamente en cada fase de la implementación, mientras la responsabilidad por el sistema la asume el contratista

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 14 December 2016 Mobility Division Algunos ejemplos de interfaces entre sistemas

En base a un concepto de operación definido por la ingeniería de sistemas:

• Definición de las características del pantógrafo respecto del hilo de contacto y sistema de suspensión para una operación segura y con bajo desgaste. • Aseguramiento de la continuidad de la puesta a tierra de todo el sistema para protección de personas y medio ambiente. • Definición de medidas para minimizar los efectos de la corrosión por corrientes parásitas, para protección de estructuras metálicas propias y de terceros. • Definición de la obra civil en función del gálibo dinámico del material rodante • Estudios de compatibilidad electromagnética y minimización de efectos en instalaciones propias y en terceros (ej.: “usuario con marcapasos”) • Definición del perfil longitudinal para optimizar operación y consumo de energía, por ejemplo: pendientes en entradas y salidas de estaciones. • Definición de parámetros de vía y material rodante para asegurar máxima performance en la operación, por ejemplo: velocidades comerciales, confort de pasajeros. • Configuración de trenes y elección de geometrías para garantizar la capacidad de transporte requerida. • Correcta elección del perfil de ruedas respecto del perfil de riel para una óptima operación con el menor desgaste. • Definición de los requerimientos de cada uno de los subsistemas para asegurar los parámetros de operación deseados, por ejemplo: cantidad y tamaño de puertas de coches para maximizar la velocidad de intercambio de pasajeros en estaciones, máximos desgastes de rueda para minimizar diferencias entre piso de coche y de andén. Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 15 December 2016 Mobility Division Mobility Division 8. INNOVACION Y TECNOLOGIA

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Global megatrends will shape our lives in the coming decades…

Demographic • Sharp increase in world population to 9 billion by 2050 (2010: 7 billion) change • Aging societies: Generation 65+ will almost triple by 2050

Urbanization • The percentage of people living in cities will increase to 70% in 2050, compared to about 50% in 2010 • A large number of megacities will spring up, especially in the fast- growing newly industrialized countries

Climate change • Climate change is a threat to humans and to nature • The cost of doing nothing is far higher than the cost of taking steps now

Globalization • Economies, politics, culture and other areas of life will become increasingly interconnected • Growth will be strongest in the BRICS countries: China will overtake the USA in terms of economic power before 2040

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 17 December 2016 Mobility Division The world of mobility is facing tremendous challenges …

Globalization of transport Aging and growing population Climate change and resource scarcity

Disruptive technology Smart data and cloud IT Behavioral change: “Shareconomy”

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 18 December 2016 Mobility Division Rail and road transport networks are crucial for mobility in cities d

n More and more people and goods need to e

r sec be moved predominantly by rail and road

T +2 Cities grow by 2 inhabitants per second

Rail traffic 2014 2030 2012 2040 Road traffic 2030 - car density will increase … s e

g 6 m 10 m 19.7 bn 28.5 bn 4× 10× n e l

l Ø a 20 km/h h

C German urban rail transport US rail cargo transport capacity Average speed in big cities will drop further Indonesia China

Mobility is No.1 on the mayors' political agenda – and specifically to … s u c o F

increase capacity preserve environment ensure safety cope with tightened budgets

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation –

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 19 December 2016 Mobility Division We have been shaping mobility as a technical pioneer since 1847

1847 Trainguard MT Railway signaling and technology Driverless metro Johann Georg Halske create the first alarm bell system

Copyright: Stadtwerke München

1879 Velaro Siemens presents the first electric Rail vehicles One of the most railway at the Berlin Trade Fair efficient high-speed platforms in the world

1924 smartGuard Siemens installs the first automatic Road traffic engineering Web-based mobile traffic signal system at Potsdamer traffic control center Platz in Berlin

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 20 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1847- founding and first electromagnetic bell

2012 Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske founded the company* in 1847 in Berlin. Siemens constructed the 2011 first electromagnetic bell. It indicated to the grade

2008 crossing attendants that a train was approaching.

2006 2004

2001 * “Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske” – the Siemens & Halske Telegraph 1996 construction company 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 21 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1870 - first electric block

2012 The Siemens block used electric current for the first time to switch on signals for protecting lines between stations. 2011


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 22 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1894 - first electromechanical interlocking

2012 The first electromechanical interlocking is put into operation in Prerau/Mähren. Points can be electrically 2011 remote-controlled.


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982

1956 1894 1870 Werner 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 23 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1956 - geographical-circuitry interlocking

2012 Commissioning of the first geographical-circuitry interlocking in the Kreiensen station. 2011


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 24 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1982 - microcomputer interlocking

2012 The first microcomputer interlocking is put into operation by the jointly operated Duisburg railways and ports. 2011


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 25 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 1996 - electronic interlocking

2012 One of the largest electronic interlockings in the world was put into operation in Hanover. The commissioning 2011 took place at one weekend in only 16.5 hours.


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 26 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 2001 - electronic interlocking

2012 On November 26th, 2001 the world‘s largest electronic interlocking of the new line Köln-Rhein/Main with 834 2011 controlled elements was put into operation.


2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 27 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 2004 - signaling and control system Transrapid

2012 On December, 31st 2002, after just 23 months of engineering and construction time, the 2011 Transrapid made his maiden trip in Shanghai, China.

2008 The regular operation started on January, 1st 2004. 2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 28 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 2006 – ETCS European Train Control System

2012 After the first Europe-wide passenger transport with ETCS level 2 on the route Berlin-Halle/Leipzig in 2011 December 2005, approval was granted in July 2006 for

2008 passenger traffic at 200 kilometers per hour on this route now equipped with LZB and ETCS. 2006 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 29 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for the rail services for more than 150 years 2008 – Automatic train control with WLAN technology

2012 The L10 Olympic Line was commissioned in Beijing both in record time and on time for the 2008 Olympic Games. 2011 It is equipped with the new Trainguard MT train control 2008 system, data being transmitted via WLAN. The state-of- the-art system enables moving-block operation with 2006 extremely short headways. 2004 2001 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 30 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for railways since more than 150 years 2011 – Biggest order in history

2012 170 km of Copenhagen’s commuter rail network will be equipped with energy efficient technical solutions from 2011 Siemens by 2018. For Siemens Rail Automation it is the

2008 biggest deal in the history so far. The order is part of one of the largest infrastructure projects in this vein in 2006 Europe. 2004 2001 1996 1982 From left: Morten Søndergaard (Program manager Banedanmark), 1956 Jesper Hansen (CEO Banedanmark), Jochen Eickholt (CEO Siemens Business Unit Rail 1894 Automation), Jukka 1870 Pertola (CEO Siemens Werner Dänemark) 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 31 December 2016 Mobility Division Safety for railways since more than 150 years 2011 – Biggest order in history

2012 Trackguard SInet realizes a new communications architecture for connecting outdoor elements to 2011 interlockings. A hierarchical network now replaces the

2008 current star-shaped ISDN point-to-point connection to the element controllers (ECs). The remote fail-safe 2006 interlocking computers can be centralized and replaced 2004 with an end-to-end connection between the central 2001 interlocking computer and the ECs. 1996 1982


1894 Werner 1870 1847 von Siemens

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 32 December 2016 Mobility Division Our innovative approach is shaping the mobility of tomorrow

eHighway Technical Monitoring Controlguide OCS Sitraffic sX/smartGuard ICx System

System to supply power to Flexible pantograph status Expanded operations control New web-based control New modular, flexible and electric HGVs with hybrid monitoring system system for passenger systems for road traffic energy-efficient generation of drives transport and freight, mining management long-distance trains and industrial railways

Integrated Sitras SFC plus Trackguard Sinet Smart Parking Remote Services Mobility Platform

Integration of information, The latest multi-level Real-time capable, Automated and integrated Remote diagnostics and route planning, booking and converter to stabilize traction distributed, wide-area on-street parking space maintenance of rolling stock, reservation across different power supplies communication system for management equipment and infrastructure means of transport electronic interlockings

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 33 December 2016 Mobility Division We offer efficient and integrated mobility through intelligent networking

• Networking of various means of transport and mobility providers, such as rail and bus operators, taxi firms, car-sharing and bike-sharing providers, P&R and car park operators, etc. • Optimized mobility chains for passenger and freight transport • Planning, booking and billing of multi-modal journeys based on individual preferences and on ecological and economic criteria • The integrated mobility platform IMP is the trailblazer for simple, seamless mobility from A to B

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 34 December 2016 Mobility Division Siemens organizational structure

Siemens AG Managing Board

Joe Kaeser Lisa Roland Siegfried Klaus Janina R a l f P. President and Chief Executive Officer Davis Busch Russwurm Helmrich Kugel Thomas


Power and Gas Wind Power and Renewables Power Generation Services Energy Management Building Technologies Willibald Meixner (CEO) Markus Tacke (CEO) Randy Zwirn (CEO) Ralf Christian (CEO), Jan Mrosik (CEO) Matthias Rebellius (CEO) Business Units: • Onshore Business Units: Business Units: Business Units: • Large Gas Turbines, Generators • Offshore • Power and Gas • Medium Voltage & Systems • Control Products & Systems • Distributed Generation • Distributed Generation and Compressors • Low Voltage & Products • Steam Turbines • Wind Power and Renewables • Transformers • Compressors • High Voltage Products • Transmission Solutions • Energy Solutions • Energy Automation • Instrumentation and Electrical • Smart Grid Solutions & Services

Mobility Digital Factory Process Industries and Drives Financial Services Healthcare1 Jochen Eickholt (CEO) Anton Sebastian Huber (CEO) Juergen Brandes (CEO) Roland Chalons-Browne (CEO) Bernd Montag (CEO) Business Units: Business Units: Business Units: Business Units: Business Units: • Mobility Management • Factory Automation • Large Drives • Commercial Finance • Advanced Therapies • Turnkey Projects & Electrification • Motion Control • Process Automation • Project & Structured Finance Power, Oil & Gas • Diagnostic Imaging • Project & Structured Finance Energy • Mainline Transport • Control Products • Oil & Gas and Marine Management, Mobility and Industries • Laboratory Diagnostics • Urban Transport • Product Lifecycle Management • Mechanical Drives • Project & Structured Finance Healthcare and • Point of Care Diagnostics • Customer Services • eCar Powertrain Systems Leveraged Finance • Services • Customer Services DF&PD • Insurance • Ultrasound • Treasury • Financing & Investment Mgmt.

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. 1 Separately managed Page 35 December 2016 Mobility Division We are the comprehensive partner for efficient, integrated mobility solutions

With consistent automation and digitalization, and “intelligent electrification solutions, we are setting the crucial technological trends in rail and road mobility – for greater sustainability, efficiency and reliability.

Dr. Jochen Eickholt CEO of

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 36 December 2016 Mobility Division Our focus is on the industrial growth areas around electrification, digitalization and automation

Electrification Digitalization Automation

Power stabilization for the Swedish railway Sitraffic Traffic Management, Berlin (VIZ) Driverless metro, Paris

Photo: Jörg Lange, Traffic Control Berlin

• 13 static Sitras SFC plus multi-level converters • Europe's most advanced traffic control and • Metro Line 1 is 17 km in length, and is the stabilize the Swedish traction power supply information center busiest and most historic line in Paris network • Controlling more than 2000 traffic controllers, • Daily passenger-carrying capacity: • Total power: Over 280 MVA 1100 detectors, 250 cameras and eight traffic about 725,000 passengers management systems • Much fewer outages, which means improved • The track, rolling stock and operations control operating reliability • Total length of the network of roads, tunnels center are equipped with the Siemens and motorways covered: 1500 km Trainguard MT train protection system • Smaller footprint and lower noise and CO2 emissions • Traffic information is made available to the • Result: 15% lower energy consumption, public, the media and the authorities via 20% higher passenger-carrying capacity Internet, e-mail and SMS text message services

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 37 December 2016 Mobility Division Digitalization drives our mobility

Availability … Throughput … Passenger experience …

• Smart data analytics for infrastructure • Integrated resource management • Passenger Information & Assistance and vehicle service • Software for next generation train Systems • Combine high vehicle/infrastructure control (ETCS Lx and CBTC) • Broadband & Entertainment Services performance with Best-in-Class • Next generation digitally enhanced • Automated fare collection Service & Maintenance interlocking "Be-in/Be-out"

Guaranteed availability Best asset utilization Enhanced passenger experience

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 38 December 2016 Mobility Division Our portfolio – overview

Integrated, intermodal mobility solutions Railway turnkey projects

Rail automation for passenger and freight transport Locomotives

Automated fare collection Regional and high-speed trains

Services in rail and road transport Power supply solutions for rolling stock and road vehicles

Rolling stock for short- and long- Road traffic management distance rail transport

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 39 December 2016 Mobility Division We help cities create an attractive, competitive and sustainable future – for example Vienna ...

Traffic management system ÖBB operations control systems and traffic monitoring

Ticket sales Underground railways system

Regional and Trams long-distance trains

Parking space ebuses management

Operations control systems Electronic interlockings and timetable validation

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 40 December 2016 Mobility Division The Mobility Division has a global presence

Main locations

• Austin • Augsburg • Moscow Bratislava • Louisville • Berlin • Sochi • New York • Braunschweig • St. Petersburg • Novato • Erlangen • Yekaterinburg • Pittsburgh • Krefeld Aurangabad • Sacramento • Luhe-Wildenau • Munich • Chippenham • Wegberg-Wildenrath • Beijing • Poole • Shanghai Bangkok • Several Service Depots • Xian

The Hague Wallisellen • Graz • Vienna

• Chatillon Madrid • Melbourne • Paris • Brisbane

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 41 December 2016 Mobility Division Organizational structure of the Mobility Division

Mobility Division/MO CC

Jochen Eickholt Karl Blaim (CEO) (CFO)

Business Units

Mobility Management Mainline Transport Urban Transport Turnkey Projects & Customer Services Electrification

Michael Peter (CEO) Sabrina Soussan (CEO) Sandra Gott-Karlbauer (CEO) Ralph Hasselbacher (CEO) Johannes Emmelheinz (CEO) Pierre Bauer (CFO) Veronika Bienert (CFO) Franz Gredler (CFO) Carsten Schladitz (CFO) Marko Feulner (CFO) Products, solutions and turnkey Short-distance, regional and Railbound urban public Complete rail and road solutions Services and tools for road and systems for rail long-distance rolling stock, and transport vehicles, eBuses and and rail electrification solutions rail infrastructure and rolling and road automation and product and system solutions for passenger coaches stock optimization passenger and freight transport

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 42 December 2016 Mobility Division Mobility Division 9. MEJORES PRACTICAS INTERNACIONALES

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Mobility Management Business Unit

Segments • Mainline Rail Automation • Mass Transit Rail Automation • Freight and Products Rail Automation • Intelligent Traffic Systems • Innovative Technologies

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 44 December 2016 Mobility Division Signaling and control system for the longest freight line in East Africa

• Siemens is equipping the new 912 km line in Mozambique with the Trainguard PTC signaling and control system • Planned to be operational in 2015 • The contract covers the equipment in the operations control center in Nacala and the servicing and maintenance of the signaling systems • The project is part of the Nacala Corridor. This railway line will shortly transport coal from a mine in Moatize to a transportation hub at Nacala-a-Velha on the coast • Improving the security, reliability and capacity of coal transportation • Siemens is also supplying and installing power distribution solutions for the new deep sea port in Nacala-a-Velha

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 45 December 2016 Mobility Division Optimizing traffic flow on Highway 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

• Toll system for a 13 km fast lane • Operational in 2011 • Intelligent algorithm which calculates the toll charge dynamically according to traffic density • Guaranteed minimum speed • Improved energy efficiency • Revenues from the dynamic toll are reinvested in the transportation infrastructure • Pays for free bus transfers to the city center • The time savings create a high level of acceptance among drivers

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 46 December 2016 Mobility Division Highlight Project: United Kingdom London Crossrail

Siemens is leading a consortium with Invensys for supplying a signaling system for Crossrail’s central section. Crossrail will run 118 km and through 21 km of new tunnels under central London to Shenfield and Abbey Wood. It will use CBTC in the central operating section and in the branches, with the ETCS Level 2 standard as well as with the principal legacy signaling systems based on UK rail infrastructure.

Project scope

• Trainguard MT train control system • Controlguide Vicos OC 100 operations control system • Airlink radio communication system • Westrace Mk2 interlocking • Surelock point machines • Maintenance of signaling system • Line length: 21 km • Headway: 120 seconds

Commissioning date 2018

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 47 December 2016 Mobility Division Highlight Project: Denmark Copenhagen S-bane

Siemens is responsible for refurbishment of the complete mass transit network in Copenhagen including ATC equipment for 135 passenger trains. After completion, the system is upgradable to driverless train operation (UTO-ready). Successively, the trains, maintenance vehicles and tracks of the seven lines will be modernized.

Project scope

• Trainguard MT train control systems • Trackguard Sicas ECC interlocking • Controlguide Vicos OC 101 operations control system • Clearguard AsZ 350 U axle counting system • Airlink radio communication system • Switchguard Bsg 9 and ILS 915 point machines • Line length: 170 km • Headway: theoretical 70 sec /operative 90 sec

Commissioning date

Phase 1: 2014 until Phase 6: 2018

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 48 December 2016 Mobility Division Highlight Project: China Hongkong Shatin Central Link

Siemens is responsible for the refurbishment of the existing East-West Line and a 6 km extension to the 47 km long North-South Line as well as the modernization of the main control system. The project includes ATC equipment for 37 new passenger trains and two depots. After completion, the system enables unattended train operation (UTO).

Project scope

• Trainguard MT train control systems • Trackguard Sicas ECC interlocking • Controlguide Vicos OC operation control system • Controlguide Station Management (WinCC-OA, S7) • Airlink radio communication system • Clearguard TCM 100 track circuits • K400 signals • Switchguard point machines • Line length: 57.8 km, 28 stations

Commissioning date

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. 2015 until 2020 (9 phases) Page 49 December 2016 Mobility Division Many completed projects …

Istanbul Line 1

Beijing Line 10

Nuremberg Line 2/3

Nanjing Line 2

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Suzhou Line 1 Page 50 December 2016 Mobility Division Proyectos de Renovación con CBTC

q Siemens tiene la mayor experiencia a nivel mundial en proyectos de renovación y migración de líneas de metro pesado con el sistema de control automático de tren ATC más puntero, el CBTC

q 235 trenes y 115 km de líneas ya actualizados

q Más de 555 trenes y de 395 km en fase de actualización

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 51 December 2016 Mobility Division Highlight Project: Istanbul Metro Line 2

Siemens is responsible for the migration of the existing ATC SACEM system in the Line 2 Metro in Istanbul to the new Siemens CBTC system.

Project scope

• Trainguard MT ITC Level • Trainguard MT mix operation ITC and CTC Level • Trainguard MT CBTC Level • Trackguard Sicas ECC interlocking (ATC and ATS) • Airlink radio communication system

Commissioning date

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. 2008 until 2012 (3 phases) Page 52 December 2016 Mobility Division Highlight Project: Caracas Metro Line 1

Siemens is responsible for the migration of the existing ATC PA-135 system IXL Relés + PA135 in the Line 1 Metro in Caracas to the new Siemens CBTC signaling system.

Project scope

• IXL Westrace KMI • Track circuits FS2550 • ATP Sirius CBTC and back up speed codes • LED Signals • ATS Rail9000 • Trains: Sirius CBTC Onboard equipment

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 53 December 2016 Mobility Division Proyectos de renovación con CBTC de Siemens

New York Canarsie Line / Copenhage S Bane Helsinki L1 PATH

Paris L1 & OCTYS Budapest M2 Program (L3-5-9-10-12) Caracas L1 Estambul M2

Hong – Kong SCL

São Paulo CPTM Madrid L7b Metro Este L8 - L10&11

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 54 December 2016 Mobility Division Mainline Transport Business Unit

Segments • Commuter and Regional • High-Speed and Intercity • Desiro, Locomotives, Velaro Russia • Locomotives • Bogies

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 55 December 2016 Mobility Division New locomotives for more efficient rail services in the USA

• The American rail operator Amtrak commissioned Siemens to design and build 70 electric locomotives • Improved efficiency and mobility for inter-city passengers in the NEC (North East Corridor) and the Keystone Corridor • Designed for easier maintenance • Regenerative braking system for greater energy efficiency (energy is fed back into the electricity supply system) • Meets the latest safety requirements and crash standards

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 56 December 2016 Mobility Division Desiro City regional trains for the Thameslink line through London

• Supply of 115 newly developed Desiro City regional trains • Siemens is also installing the new Trainguard railway signaling and safety system for ETCS Level 2, and has signed a long-term train maintenance contract involving two new depots • The Desiro City Thameslink rolling stock will be operated as 8- and 12-car trains in dual mode • Start of production: 2014 • The first trains are due to begin passenger service in 2016

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 57 December 2016 Mobility Division Urban Transport Business Unit

Segments • Light Rail and VAL • Metro and Coaches

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 58 December 2016 Mobility Division Avenio Munich – the new tram for the Bavarian capital

• Munich ordered eight 4-car Avenio units, the new generation of Siemens trams • 100% low floor tram (step height 300 mm) with a bright, fully walk-though passenger area • Maximum length 37 m and a passenger- carrying capacity of 216 (4 persons/m2) • Maximum speed 70 km/h • In passenger service since September 2014 • Accelerated production in response to the large increase in demand on the Munich trams

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 59 December 2016 Mobility Division New driverless Inspiro metro trains for Kuala Lumpur

• 58 Inspiro 4-car driverless metro trains • The design of the train, also known as the "The Guiding Light", was inspired by the dynamism, elegance and technical progress of Kuala Lumpur • Service will commence on the new SBK line in December 2016: Connecting the suburbs of Sungai Buloh and Kajang to Kuala Lumpur • Line length: 51 km with 31 stations • It is the first and largest part of an infrastructure plan aimed at reducing traffic and mitigating environmental impact in Kuala Lumpur • Two new depots will also be fully equipped • 95% recyclable

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 60 December 2016 Mobility Division Turnkey Projects & Electrification Business Unit

Segments • Rail Solutions Asia Pacific • Rail Solutions Americas, EMEA • Project Metro Riyadh • Rail Electrification

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 61 December 2016 Mobility Division Turnkey driverless metro system for Riyadh

A state-of-the-art underground railway system is under construction in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh, consisting of seven lines with a total length of 175 km • Siemens is supplying turnkey systems for the two driverless lines 1 & 2 • Completion: Late 2018 • Line length: around 63 km • Capacity: more than 15,000 passengers per hour • Shortest headway: 90 seconds • Includes: 74 Inspiro trains, electrification, signaling and communication system, 31 electronic interlockings

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 62 December 2016 Mobility Division Gurgaon turnkey metro line for Delhi

• Connecting the Gurgaon Cyber City business and residential district to the city metro network, with a line length of ~ 6 km • Includes: 7 metro trains, signaling and communication system, railway electrification, service depot, system integration • Maximum speed: approx. 80 km/h • Peak headway: 120 second intervals. Capacity of about 30,000 passengers per hour with about 800 passengers per train • Planned line extension by the end of 2015: 7 km to the south as an integrated rail solution

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 63 December 2016 Mobility Division Customer Services Business Unit

Segments • Mobility Management • Turnkey Projects & Electrification • Mainline Transport • Urban Transport

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 64 December 2016 Mobility Division Predictive maintenance for the Velaro RUS

• 30-year maintenance contract for eight 10-car high-speed trains (starting December 2009). A further eight trains were added in 2014 • 99% availability and reliability achieved with a predictive maintenance concept • Trend analyses and the evaluation and linking of data (data mining) are used to detect fault sources at an early stage • All maintenance activities are planned, carried out and monitored with the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 65 December 2016 Mobility Division Modernization and maintenance of light signals in Manchester

• Service contract for 2200 light signals of Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) • Length of contract: 15-year contract (starting in 2011) with an option to extend by a further five years • So far, 600 controllers have been replaced and about 50,000 LED optical units have been installed • Guaranteed availability: 97.7% • Results so far: Energy savings worth GBP 700,000 and a 30% reduction in the monthly failure rate

Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. Page 66 December 2016 Mobility Division