steamer State of Texas. Nlekertoa. Gatveston rl» ilj Ho.vo Ko*n. M«» bark Roaatta McNeil, Salled-ftteamer Vlndlrater. Rogers. Philadelphia; tek* AMUSEMENTS. THE MOUNT CARMEL TORNADO. OCEAN STEAMERS. West.C tl M A Co. Brown. San Franct-co: 27th, Wm II Diet*. Kndlcott. do. 5 L Simmons, Uandy. do. sllnry In June 1. bark Madura Stanton, Irom Cardiff, 3IK-Arriv«l, iMamir Wur, Crocker. Philadelphia; -learner Algiers. 11 awthorne. NewOrlcant.Bogort A Mor¬ port ,Br>, sehrs I II Borden. DATES OF DEPARTCRE KUOM NEW TORE FOR TOE gan. arrived May II. fir rrancikoo HoiUS. KlliaOethnnri; Golden Rule. Wi|« Alt APPEAL »0* AID -DlBTnUCTIOS ASD DM* Steamer Now Orleans. Dearborn. New Or.aan*.Clark A flivtiu, June 31.Saileu, uaunir Irurac Bat tap), mi, N*w York; I'rhana. Allan, Itoboken, B M DuSietd, OILKOKE'* UARDLN. MONTHS or JLSfc AND Jl'LY. Baltimore. tiavnor. fort Johnson. Boa man. Arana. Sailed.Schrs J and titotiok im A o*ce TKWVWO WtailtBS SlMnwr. Ofkn. Steamer Saa Salvador. Nlcltanon. Savannah.George 11 a 1.1 f a x. Jhm 'JO.Hailed. Oar* Pactolu* (Br), Locxe, 8 Unrney, Gurney, Balls Seamau, A la evidently tba intention oI tbe managers .( this Tonga. London brlii Evviva iBri. Marvin. d>«. Stealman New York. resort to make it cool aa wail u musical. An town. Algeria 4 bowline Oraen Steamer Charleston. Lockwood. Charleston.J W tjuiutard Sailed Jlid. neauier Bermuda ( Br >. Angrove (Irom New 23d.S P. Fanny Fern. Eaton: Louis Walsh, Comstock: American set on Moixi Cak>ieu HI., 21. P» eire Bronoway A Co. York), and Immense fan and wheel. costing $5,000, masonry Mute ol Virginia. 7'J ilroauway Steamer Fault*. Dnane. Wilmington aud Morehesd City, Arrived 2Jd, steamer Hibernian (Br), Archer, Liverpool Eagle, Bennett. Foam, llosan, Nay, Chiua, New TO TU« EDITOE or TH* HfcKAI.U via >t N tar Baltimore. Yor*. and driven by steam. bu been introduced. The air la V ieiaait...... til Uroadway NC.Wm I't'iyd A *'¦*, Johns. F, June l».Arrived, achrs la regard to the terrible tornado which Kh'in 3 Bowl'ng >reen Steamer uld worointou, Walker. Norfolk. City Point and Lisbon, June 17 -Arrived, Rio Vouga iPort), Do* GALVESTON, Laurel, MeCall, supplied irora tba street through lire window* and Anchoria .....j.luos 7 Bowling Ureas Kirlimond.Old Dominion Steamship Co. 6«ni<>*. Now York. Corpus Chrl-tl; Adolt Flake. H..den. Tuxpax thia one* beautiful lowo on the 4th in«i "the half ha* iJuu* 37 Broailway Steamer John Gibson. DC, via Manila Mav 4-Arrived, bark* American I.loyda, Ames. Cleared-Schrs Andrew BoJen, Wolfnrd, Tampleoi lorced through a wooden pipe, wbieb runa tba aniira (i«roi»iil*..iwv.. Musittgo. Georgetown, Slh. Woodberrr. San Fran¬ Mariha. Newman. Pensa ola. never been told." The path of the went of destruction Wyoming Broa.l way Alexandria.J I. Ronnie. Jr. Yokohama; ship Valley Forge. 1 lit h.Balled. schr Martha, Newman. Peniaeola. circuit of tba building through a great number of Bothnia t Howlug .ireen Steamer Fanny Cadwaliader, Clerk, Baltlaioro.Wm Dal- cisco. T Sheldon, llares. outlets under tba boxes and tbe music stand tbe air ia was directly through the centre ol the town. the width i anada V» Hrou.lway cell. Iti port May 10, eblpe Oaranjab (Br), Owene. and Weil 23d.Cleared, brig Emily Pensaeola KrlMil 01 Broadway Steamer Gilrland (Br>, Rutter. A W Australian (Br). for New York. KEY WKST. June 22.Arrived. steamer City of Iluiuion. thus distributed to tba audience, and by reason ol in or the track of almost lotal desolation being about two Philadelphia.S Alio lor Sew York. Eldrldge, Sew York lor Galveston (and proceed* i>. toa beatod and atmos- I* Celand V> hroauwav Welsh in port May to the a Sixteen mom were either or -hln B F .Metcalf. Blenchard. Anler for order*.M port, June 23-Salled. bark George ia p kllleo outright 81 Laurent t>."> Broadway ealt A <'» Sheldon. to load for New Yurk NORFOLK. Kingman. successful, and to-night tba programme especially 4 Green Pout June America Howes, Marsala. the week a t.ew hare since died of lujurle. received, m ad Abyssinia Bowling Kark Aatror.ou (Oer), Kloppar. Bremen.Hermann Koop Spain (Trinidad), 16.Sailed, brig schr attractive. Paring composition, by Mate of In.liana.. 7- Hriiadnay A Co. (Br). I.emieux. Quebec. NEWBl'RYPORT, Jane 22 -Arrived, Mary A Rice, will be Union to nuinb-r who "Maine 0". Hroaaway Pictoo. NS, June 2'.). steamer (Br), Ken. Hobnkrn. Brtgnoli. performed. .a large I'oininerania Birk Car ilme A Susanna (iter), Trantwein, Metael.C Irrived, Alhainbr^ Sailed.Schr K Cocifiwell. Cheney. New York. to Adriatio ... 37 Broa'iwuy Tot la* A Co Wilson. New York. Lucy various injuries, several ol whom are not expected 7 lirean Port June 11. eebr Wilde. NEW BEDFORD. Juue 31-Balled, (learner Leopard, AND MOTES. Ethiopia Bowling Hark .'Metro (Ital). CaSoro, Trlette.Slocovtch k Co. Mruiiri, Sailed, Joseph MUSICAL DRAMATIC rccover. The cannot be le.e ...... Bi« Reed (from Port Uottieubnrx. Wil»r. I'hilai.slphs. lose of property possibly Spain Broadway Hark Durlt Uerdes iGer). Hiimuiann. Copenhagen. Hasilmt*), schrs Hannah E Shubert. A musical association la to b« at Cornell thie M»ir. J Bowling Green Funeii. Kdye A Co QI'XBKG. June 21 Arrived, ship* Forest. Lockliart. Ham¬ 22d.Sailed. King, Philadelphia; reorganized than $300,000 and may exceed that amount. City nf Chester. ..lJuly 16 Broadway Kark Scot's Bay (Hri, Murray. Ha»r».C W Hertvix. burg; Record. Dalslel, Liverpool: bark Equinox, Ouoding, Mnrv E Smith, Cam in. do; John Randolph, Parker. New had been (ire been WltcunMi; 2$' Broadway Hark Morton. Writ II ('regnall. Oeerdee. Kotterdam: Co- York University. lots occasioned by there might (J»ty So Cvelone thrl. Forbes. Montevideo.J Jr. A Hart Broaiiw iy Son». lumbua. Burrows. Falmouth. "fcmike" will played tbia week mirny ameliorating circumstances which cannot be in. State ol J u y 72 Bm ulway Cleared Kuuire Nirtiolas, Smith, Liverpool; Arrived-Schr Joseph Hav Hntler, Philadelphia. Georgia.. Hark Caibarlcn, llonkiu-. Caibarl*u.Bertram Bro*. 21*1. ship June 22, AM.Arrived, achr Union, Opera House. . eluded in the present eaae. The cituen. might have Gellert.. Hamburg.. 61 Broadway Bark Ziba (Br). Mortne. Liverpool, w, b»rk» Aiiiota. Homtevio. London; Samaran*. Davidson, NEWPORT, Hum, Britannic Uwrpwi j37 Brn.rtwaT Hark Mossrt (Mori, Aloertsen, Charleston.C Tobiaa A Plymouth, Aureu, Boenke, Newcastle; Sepientrto. Portre- New Bedford for New York. During tue laat season 120 concerta ware flven at escaped all to Hie or limb and the losses would I rin. Liverpool. J'KJ liroelway Co. ten. Newry Also arrived, iteamer Mary B Curtis. Newer, Baltimore .. Ras- for For:land; schr Brandvwlne. Brannitfan. Providence for Rail have at covered insurance. But Vl!!e (ie Pari*... Havre ..(55 Broadway Brig Speed (Br). Larkln, Montevideo.J Norton. Jr. A St J on*. NB. June 23.Arrived, barks Frida (N'orl. Etetnwiy teut pait.elly by Montana Liverpool.. |2'J Broadway Son*. tnunen, Boston; Wanderer iHn. Lewis, do: Koniola New York ; slo»p Mary Elisabeth. Lewis. New Yora for Fall A C named la making a sonsa- now ar. le.t Hou,.le.. .nd (Brj. Edgeit. New tork; *ehr» Potomac. Udell, and S D River (and all sailed 22di. abarp tenor, Salvmi, many per.ons absolutely HriK Iwar iGer). lliibrr. St Pierre. Mart.Pentatou A Co. Sailed.Schr John Manlove. Hallock, Sew York; at Toulouse. homeless without rosourcos. lhe Helicl Brie Tliot Turull. Bate*. Port >nain (Irinidadj-.L WAP James. Stewart, do. tlon and entirely ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK^-THIS DAY Armstrong. Pearl, Coblelgh. do. It ia aaid that ia coming to tbla to r. Kd;ett. Rockland, NB .P I Nevsu* k 10.Arrived, Clenalvon, do for Haver- renderiug pecuniary * rien. dence for do; Potter A Hooper, Bradbury, Baltimore has contributed 4,0001. to the Beethoven # t5J#rt ,n Son. nenrlv loatuute circuuiil*BflM« Mftuv Sun »<-u...... 35 Snndy Hook...mora 6 34 Hrir C C Van Horn (Br). Hooker. Wilmington. NC. Acta*, April SH-Cleared. Lucy Pope. Uoutd. Channel. straw Monument fund of Vienna. nearly or article of clothing Hood morn 3 03 llell Gate morn 9 04 Bristol. June 10.Arrived, Bull ltivcr. Sivled.Schrs Decatur Oakes. Maker, Norfolk; Goldea nersooVToet quite every set*,.... A Burgess. l-.mily' HarrU, Rnle. Wilson. New York for Kali River. Anna lesvea lor on the 5th of which they possesseu, and .ny conlributloiis in this M'hr L A Van Hraut. Tojfcer. Demerara.Leayeraft k Sailed loin, Ladv Milton. Mcltae. Prince Edward Island. Mlaa Draadil Europe iin« Juue 7 -Arrived. Neukar (a), NEW HAVEN,June22-Arrived,brig* T Towner, Per¬ would also be gladly 'received by the Keliet Com Co. BRKar.RMAVKN, Wllllgerod, kins. 8t Croix; Ellsa McConnoll. Porto Klca July to be absent until the end of October. nrttee To illustrate tho unlortunate conditiou el Schr li A De Hart. Fnrnham. Aux Cayei(llayti) .A None* New York; Lina Scliwoon. Wagner. do. Thompson A Co Soled 7th, Klix* A Keitaer. Fletcher, America. u'Hd.Arrived, schr Whirlwind, Roper, Genrgetown, DC. Mile. Aim -Sailed, Fiseheltl. Caloria, New Ilrainard. Crockett. Vinalhaven: schrs Ira D Sturires. ilooa o. his'friends as t« what ho wotti do ;°tt-erro«^IIbe Lord C'ortia. Arrived at Sandy Hook at 0 :3j PM. Schr Sarah Jackionville A York. Johnson. K*tin>*bcc Klvcr; Aldine. Dennison, do; Ada Europe to fulfil an engagement with tbe Kellogg Eng¬ Steamer (Br), June*. Liverpool June 13 and Lavoni, Anderson, Slaght CORK. June 9.Sailed. Am«s. Adams. Dix Island, Mo. has always cured lor ine and 1 thing He always wiil Wyoming Petty. Hemisphere. I'ier, Quebec. Cleared.Steamers New York: Ellia lish h». in. next daV when a more carofui examination Queeimown 14th. with mdse and 4(V> passengers to Will- Schr Lottie. Klchmonit. Va.Ablal Abbott. Calcutta. Mat IS.Sailed, Perthshire, Alexuuder, New Mereedlt*. Chadsev, Opera Company. lam* June at 36 27. Ion 4ft 22. Speed. Rnig >t. McCreery. d>; Roman, Crowell. Boston; Catha¬ showed that he bad a .tie* of t.wbor which 4 (iulon. 10, pasio-d ship Sehr Viola STty, Owen. Frye A Co. York; Martha Davis, Benson, Boston. Aimtfc says sbo Is worth $'260,000, and In three hardly Maeedon (Hr.Taylor, from Quebec lor Greenock. .-chr Khxabethport.Jed.led A I'ocntH. April 12.Arrived, Wm 0 Putnam. Pltti, Cal¬ rine Whltincr, Harding. Providence; Vindicator, Rogers, could be usod iu savannah 3 with Siiranty hord. Allon. Calais, Me Frye Co. Kail River; Equator. Hiuckloy, Charleston: Juniata, Cath¬ years mora expects to be worth $400,uOO, when she rebuilding, '2'°. Steamer Gen Barnes. Olioeseinnn, day#, Sohr Item, Rager. Salem.Willis H Rope*. cutta (and sailed lUtb lor Caiicuti. New York; schri nuure and Clothing was entirelythatrgone. that he ^was mdse ami panaeuK.'r* to Geo Youue. JLune of! Capes of scnrOC ACXeu.ioin*. Bridgeport.Slumlord .Manufactur¬ Dkal, June 10-Passed, E W Stetson, Moore, Iron Lon- arine, Savannah; Anthracite. Orumley. will and retire. utterly without lhe old became \ ir.-tniA. naa»ivt Louisa l'rice from Port au dou ft>r New Yurk. Ptnta, Dix. Antigua: J W Peasley. Barker. Windsor, N8: marry resources, gentleman brig iliay), ing Go. Barali Clark, Brooks, Auirusta, Me; Kate V Altken. Brower. a relative at Jobn tba overcome with despondoncy and seemed to bo losing for New York. -chrWrof Farren, Llnslcy. New Uaven.B J Wenberg A Dublin, June S.Sailed. Hermann Becker, for Miramiohi Edwin Oxenlord, Oxenford, steamer Norfolk, with mdse to the Old as II Palk CB. Boston ; 8 L Godfrey, (; Ella F Crowell, Atkins, h.a m?nd. Fnenda came at ouce to the rescue, iiattoraa, Mallett, Co. (not before!; Ulh, (at. Sydney, Wellfl-et: New Regulus, Roffird. Bristol: Wild Pigeon, .ritio, la about to publish a volume ot songs, many of and tor hi. Dominion Steam-hip Co. Bohr Louisa Francis, Johnson, New Uaven.Miwter. Du!«(;bnrs.<. Jnne 10-Off. Aspotegon, McICenxie, Irom proviaiugnovidne food clothing monay Ship 1. rt Gilchrist .of Tbnmaston). Watts, Havre 40 Ip wicli for Plctou. Bray, Somerct; A Nevenger. Smith, Gardiner; Cora Van wblcb have been set to muslo. .na irumised assistance in re- d*y». iu ballast, to Snow k Burgoss. Had strong westerly I.LStxoRh. Juue 7.In tba Sound. Maria Kuyper, Permian, Uilder, Cherry, Saro; Horace Moodie. Hand, Bnston: M A This woek "Crabbed Ago" will be performed at Wal¬ winds. New York lor Ntralsund. Hood. Steelman, do: Rachel Seaman Beaman. Rvvorlv. rrvv-aa Ship .SuUote (Br), Lawrence, Valencia .May 1, SAILED. KAt.ao0Tit, June U.Sailed, Susan Oilmore. Carver. Liver¬ Sailed-Steamers Kllie Knlirht. Roman. Catharine Whit- laces Theatre, wttb Miss Kettle Allen, Mr. Atwater In ballast to master Had 3 days of earn- pool: A L Palmar, Kicbman (from Breton Perry). Madrnfc lBg, Vindicator. Ashland and Juniata. j June 23 - Arrived, shin Eric the Red. erly wind, to Gibraltar, when it blew a gale Steamer* City of Richmoud (Br), for Liverpool; Italy Dff7lh. Kebecc i, Alireus. from Pens.tcola for Koitock. Lkwrr. Del, Allen, and all tbe principal artists of tbe company in the caat. do: BralieiBri. De (and left for Philadelphia): bark Dannebrog lim.iv 0t low from tho west for 11 days: passnd Gibraltar Mnv 10; (Br). Tychn do; Kuyter(Belg), Antwerp; Passed the Lizard 9th, Helvetia, Nielsen, Irom Antwerp Liverpool A concert lor tba benefit ol St. Casimir'a Roman noor c!rcum»tHUcos .uq r»in*r or yiu to the Western thence Amorluua (f|). Havre, Devnni* tHri. Assyria (Nori, Kurtr.e Gloucester. E: sohrs John. Stirling, Guan- aSAa-vsSHStutber she succeeded bad Debt ..a-ier:> winds Islands, Glasgow: for New York. for Flora. Bel- (the 1 think, dead), had do: Dorian Bristol: tanaino (and left Condon. la to take on Thurs¬ being by calm andliKbt variable winds from SW to NW. June 11, (Br), (Br>. l.'topla (Br>. London; Off Sollly sill, llassel (bark), from PensacoU for Bremer- Philadelphia); Catholic Cburcb, Brooklyn, place lat UK 05. Ion .*>3 if W, pa»»ed tiie hnll ol selir Champion, ol Neaerland(Be g). Antwerp; Oder (Our), Bremen ; Gllslano haven. day evening next, under the direction of Slgnor Rafael Prince lidward's Island* both anchors were hanulnir to (Bri. Philadelphia; City nfMexico. Havuna; Huntsvllla, St Fbkkkaivtlr, April 11.Sailed, Prince Artbur. Willi. Mel¬ ^PORTLAND, Me. June 23-Arr!ved. schr* Ida C Bullard, tlie bowf, [Miri of hp.lwarks washed away and watlerloi- Johns I'll; Stale ol Texa>. Galveston via Key West; Al¬ bourne. Baltimore: Wm L Bradlav, do. Navarro. ast New Srw Cleared.Schrs Nelll . F Sawyer. Turk* Island ;R S air ol culiuro and comlort nurrouudedxjs&j?**.-.the lumilv. Ah j;od; botb masts xona about two or three I'eet above the giers. Orleans; Orleans, do; San Salvador, Sa¬ (iLOi'CESTKR. June 0.Arrived, Brunswick, Hutchinson, Derby, Mr. E. H. Gauge will have hia benefit at tbe Union deck: ve*»el otherwUe apnarentlv In jrood condition. vannah; Charleston, Charleston- old Dominion. Rich¬ New York; Saga, Ureen. Plctou. Philadelphia: J It Atkinson, dn. .wait away in a moment. What was once a happy Sliip Jobn Harvey, Brown, Boston Juno 1U, in ballast, to mond. Ao: John Gibson, Georgetown, Dr:AL'nes. Phila¬ Sailed 11th, iiaxelle, ilruu, Baltimore. Slile '.Bark Tatay. Tor Caps Town. Square Theatre on Wednesday oveninir, when a num¬ now aooeara as though it could hardly have onler. delphia: ship Russia (Hr), Llver|Miol; barks Liberia, Mon¬ Oraxcamoutm. Juue 11.Arrived, PORTSMOUTH, .lnn» 21 -Arnvod, schr Helen J Hoi way, beeu a the Passaroeang, Erlckesn, ber of tba best actors will appear tu a respectable cowshed, and commendable Bark /ampn iSori. Kuudsen, Lomlon 45 days, In ballast rovia; Valkyriou (Nor). Hamburg; brig Excelsior (Br), Penaacola. Thompson, Philadelphia. strong pro¬ you tic lady now iie« iu u crippled condition to Heuiiani A Hoveaen. Bermuda; schr J S Wooii. liiiKK.NOCK. it June II.Arrived, Baltic, Brenton. Wll 22d.Arrived, schr Charles E Morrison. Smith, Balti¬ gramme. ries received. Such or similar are tba circumstauoesrro^'IDJ"* Bark Driiiui Dubrovaekl (Ans). Percleh. (tlasson Dock 40 Also sailed, liriff W A lleney (Br), Aio Janeiro: *ehr* J P mint ton, NC; hinar Taxtiberskjeloer, Wlnnea. Penaair»la. more. a Chandler Nevis via PROVIDENCE, Jtino 22.Arrived, steamers McClellan, that tba ear ol ni'iuy To the for aid ol the towns in days, lu ballast to order. No date, lat 44, Ion 31, nt«s*d (Br), Charleston; Spartel, Speedwell, Uallk. May 10.Arrivnd, P ton* bottom up, freshly painted black, l'reddia Katun. Sailed Madras Tavlor. Baltimore via Norfolk; Touawanda. Sherman. Phil. turn hive May 13, Mary WixKina. Dexter, Ellen S Sal year, for Paw. matics should be tbe guide tn tntiaic. Tba members of vicinity responded nobly, had no rnOdor ¦. J une 2'J. 30 i!ili< » off I' ire Island, psxaei! an (iKNOA. June o-Arrived, (.'ostante, Ivancich, Darlen. adelDhla; Terry. Elisahethport trlbuted $1,000; St. 1H.100; theyincent.esoon.Chamber of abanaoncil Kcliooner. wood laden ; the rew were taken off Bnll tuekct; schrs John Crockford, Hart; Mary r1. WoodhulL were Uabwich, June 0.Arrived, J W Holmes, Holmes, R John Ms order clothed in pura white and forbidden to Cominerce, Cincinnati. $1,000, and remiuanccsareex. by a Philadelphia coal stexiner (see Mairtlme Mlseellany). MARITIME MISCELLANY. River. Hortoii; W P Phillips. Howell: Belle (lull. Brush; eat beans. peoted irom Chicago Could not the "g" I lie D D is anchored in Gravesond Bay for orders. IIamsuru. June 7-Kailed, Mary E Chapman, Wyman, St ickliam. Ilart: Henry May. Hatch, and t> M Tyler, Hart, mOKt Bark Cork 4i in Ship I'NtvKitsK 1422 built at this In now Uuhoken; Harvest. Corwln. New \t woter. A steam * Kylvanits Blanuhard, Oakes. M Johu. NB. Flyaway, Enos; Phillips; *r emotional auggestivenesa." Hit Hr and will receive mo Hark Richard Pearso Havre 37 days. In U'i powerful pump procured, Sailed Gent-re E'lwin, Sarals, and ^lmou Bacon, Cr >sby, Ne« Editor, you gratelu (Bri, Bartaby, which kept the vessel free, ami her ballast wa* nearly ad Oth, ..lenalla, ilatllald. Quebec; Nydia. Brav. do; inot as Great are on In Lou-.svlllo lor tho thinks of a ballast, to J II Wliltnev & Co. St Forbes. >B;'10th Martha Howkor. York; L A Bnardman, Norwood, do before). preparations going suflering coinmuulty. subscriptions will Bordeaux 37 with got out on IHth lust, when the pump broko down. A tng Michael, Chatham, I'AWTUCKET, June 22-Arrived, steamer El,en 8 Terry. be received K. S. Gordon Mayor or Hnrk I'arla (Nori Tonuesen, days, was in attendance to take the v.-scM to Pictou. Ihe bark'* Woodiide. Charleston (and was off N W lightship same coming mujic&l festival ot the Norm American Sunger- ^ankluhy by mdso to 0 St Amant k Cos vessel to Kunch, Kdve 4 Co. ; Balyer Elisahethport. Mount Carmel, or Hon. 1. J. Shannon, chairman of Palermo 07 with bottom is considerably damaged, 25 toetof her keel being day) 11th, Tabor, Tnylor. Wilmington. Sailed-Penrs Sunbeam. McGlnnls; Surge, Douslas, an< bund, wbicb ia to open July 9 and continue for one Bark haiiKen (Nor), Mairnnssen days, gone. Cleared IHh. Princeton, Bradley, .New York: Toledo, Pit- New York. the Relief Commltiee. Rt-Vl.AU fruit to Sgoble k Day; vesaet to Kunch, Edye k Co. Passed mun, -t Johu. NB; Lizzie liurrill, Blauvelt, Quebec; A £ Baratoea, Nlckerson, weak. There will be a chorua of 1,200 voices. Gibraltar 4. Hark AcoLr (tier), Broekletnan, from Bremen. In towing Alklnson. Klcliibucio. ROCKLAND, Juue 17.Arrived, schrs Magtfe Bell, llall, May the hast lliver had her fore and Botslord, and Allie New York; 18tb, Odeon, Walsh, New tarries back with bim Irom to Murk Klld (Nor), Salvenon. Bayi'nne 50 days. In ballast to np yesterday morniup Off the Skerrios 7th, Warsaw, Curry. Liverpool for Sandy Oakes, Nash, Kubl istoin England OBITUARY. order. maintopgallant masts carried away by the bridge wires. Hook. home at near St. to Bark Jobn S Godiu (Sw), Ilahla 38 davs. with on Sailed 15th, sehrs Ida Hudson. Kennlston; William Rice, bis Poterbof, Petersburg, $40,000 I.awrensen, Brio Lorn Lo*o.*u- ho salvage <92000) the brig Off bar lightship 8th. Virgo, Michel son, Liverpool for and (5 W Dennis, New York; E fl JKBSZ WABDEN. sn|tar to rdcr. MayH, 1st 7 12 S, ion 33 50, exchanged ix>ch Lomond, from New York for Sal. nlca, before renortcil New York. Pressey, Baldwin, .42,000 net profits, besides a bandgomo gift of diamond with a letters SOHN. SS W. KmgUt Pratt, Richmond; 17th., J Parwell. Greeory, New signals briir allowing steering put Into Newoort. 1(1. was paid June 22 to the Block Island Off Ormeshtfca Sth, Gaspe, Thompson, Liverpool for 8J ichmond Thompson, and ¦tudsand two magnificent vasea from tbe Queen of Jesso Warden, a well-known scale manufacturer, ef Bark I'etehelee (of Liverpool). Burns, Babia40days, with wrecken. 'I lie brig wa* to proceed en tbe 33d. Quebec. York; Llndsey, Kennedy; sutrar to order: vessel to matter. London, June Johann Fleeich- Ada Ames. Adams, do; O Jameson. Campbell, a, Dancey, days, into AM June with centre board carried tenperfor, Quebec; Frey, Halvoneo, Hampton Koatlt; J 11 Mr. Maurioe Strakosob baa concluded arrangements suirnr to order: vessel to l'erkins k Job. Newport, KI, 23, Bowers, Harknetts, Cape Town; 11 tlx. t.racli Dyeruodo. 10th, K L (Sreirorr, Thorndlke. do. Brie I'atbfinler (of Diffbv, NP), Dakin, Kowey 40 days, away. New York: ^*ry Stewart, Pullertou, Bull Annie R CKPORT. Me, June 2D -In port, schr* L T Knight, tol which will enable him to live a seriea ot entartaiDr- ssrcrvrs with china to Hamlin k vessel to J W Pur Schr Motto (ot f"r New main¬ Rivert Washington Marv, for a Southern port. Baltimore. s.aAS"SJ.?5a» clay Gilllspee; Warren), Tork, sprung Klemlug, Jopp. Quebec. ST M RY8. June IS-Cleared. *chr Parragut. Wy- menu at Hall next aoason on the model of ker k Co. mast and put Into Newport AM Jane 23 to procure a now Entered out iHli, Euro, Hieglich, lor New York, Ga, Steinway liriK Americus. Iloopor. Marseilles W days, with tudae to one. LiaKr.icK, Juue 9.Arrived, Hamburg, Joreemen, St man. Baltlmnre. tbe Monday which bare ao A RAID. order: vesnel to hwan t Son. PussmI Gibruliar May 10. NB. f AVaNNAII, June 23.Sailed, steamers San Jacinto, popular concerts, proved POLICE Schr Flora Condon, from Belfast, Me. arrived at the John. New York ; Ssragossa. Baltimore. Briir Knn-om (Brl, Litson, Porto Cabello 14 days, with AM June and an¬ Sailed Oth. Ilammonla. Ander-en, St N'B. Hazard, Hooper, successful in Loudon. to lit wiston k Co Dclnware Breakwater 23, report* lotina John, >ALKM. Juno 21 Arrived, schrs 8 S Kendall. Kendall, coiTee, ke. chor in a blow the previous night. Lahi-ash, June S-Salled, Sebastopol, 'inrobull (from A W Port Jnhcsou; 8 J Theodore Thomas lias accepted tho position of con¬ Some ol the most notorious dens on the cast aide wofe Briir sandedl d'orti, Kraetas, Aracaren, Brasll 30 dnys, l'or. Glasgow). Quebec. Perth Amboy; Ellis. Fcrguion, with nuirar to order; vessel to i> Amsiuck k Co. Scntt CltAft P. Moonr, at Baltimore 22d from St Pierre. Juue Fert, Kort, an 1 William Hutman. Brown, Rondout. ductor oi tho New York I'btlbirmonic aa broken up last night by tbo police. There wero nearly M went ashore NW of Seven Foot Kntill. at I PM Lroiiorn, 5.Arrived, Olympia (s). Rait, Glasgow VINEYARD HAVEN. June 22.Arrived, steaming* Mary Society, and, Brig Lady Mary ,of Quebec), Hex. aoeio 25 days, with Mart, 21st, (and sailed Bth for Naples) ; Maud Scammoll. Theupson. Portland for of the three hundred and fllty prisoners captured The places su&ar to II V Swifl k Co: vessel to A K Outerbrldjfo. blowing very hard Irani SW remained nntll next morning, Cieooi. R Curtis Muir. Baltimore: John Hacon. Rich, onuof tho conditions arrangement, twenty mem¬ Hotehkl«s Barbados 14 with and was off oi cargo; veutei Baltimore, with dredge and In tow: schr Cnilioa, raided were owned Owner Na 1M Brig Britannia, days, sugar gntteu by nuloadiug portion Maablois, Jnne 7.Sailed, Kolinrt L Lane. Murray, Car¬ bers of bis orcheitra, to be named by him, will be ad¬ by 0.o#heghan anil molasses to II Trowbridge's Son*. leaking. diff; ilth. Northern Qneen. Oollar, New York. Katon, Hohoken for Haverhill, Mass. "Hat" No. . Sailed.Schrs Elisa, Wm Pickering. W N Gesner, in Bower", Urrlaan'a, Brlp Mary K Rowland, Lawton, llnmacsa. days, with Hcbx A J Brxtlkt, (torn Philadelphia for Providenea, Maduak, Mar 111.Arrived, Sila*Curtis, Ouvhton. Pooree. Mary mitted to membership the society. .ino ho. l« iJJ^werycatu mdse to Swan k Son. and K Waterman. Buaterneld, while going down the Delaware Thursday ulght, off Ches¬ Mksiina, JuneO.Arrived, Atsvrian (* , LtvrpooL Returned.Schr Samuel Aibooi is 53; Lllshop, d3; Ole Dull, 07; Von Brig O S Sule. Oales, of and from Portland 4 days, with ter. ha mlxtent&a*t struoic by lightning. The lohoouer Mblbouhmu, about J uoe 0.arrived, Colorado, Ingraham. Oilman, Btilow, bead! ti? to A R Robinson. 23d.Arrived, sehrs Garland, Libttgr. Peri Johnson for Jules Lind, l ou'sa Smith No. 140 Forsyth street; Liz*la Jones, proceeded. New York. Johnnie Meserve. French. Perth lor 41; Benedict, 72; Jenny 56; Gounod, 50; was the Sclir Macgie Ellen of Pertlandi. Littlejobn. Calbarien 0 far Portsmouth; Amboy No^ 42 Canal street. Thau there St. Lawrence with to order: vessel to C L l'atcb. May at Schr 0 W Holt, at Philadelphia Iron St John. NB. re- Plvhoutii, June8-Off, Malloville, Harlow, Uangoua Round Pond. Me; J 0 Hooker, Sawyer. Portland for New Pauline Lucca, 37; Nilss jn, 31; OQcnbacb, 68; Sims 31 day*, sugar 19, at anchor In Delaware wa* ran Into Bremen. Hotel, No. Bowery. Calbarien, was struck by llchining, which carried away while Bay Jnne B.Sailed, Whitmare, Itio Reeves, 56; Scbordor, 42; Tttiens, 43; Wagner, 84; foietonmaat and mainmast head. Eortsthaty the schr K A L Cnrderv, front New Vork. and lost - Pknakth, Hagentowu, ^'sillisd -Schrs J C Hooker, Garland, Johnnie Meierve, A If Alexandria tor New boom, had rail broken, bant smashed aud sustained other Janeiro, Samuel Gllman. and Chlllop. Wieniawikl, 42, and Viouxtemps, 57. COME TO LIFE. Scbr llurlbnt, Grilling. >Iave». The Corderv had oatla torn. Qvizamvit, June 10- Balled, Anna T Odell, Outhouse. NC. .June 21.Cleared, eteamer Bene¬ Sear Oeo Arsv. lingers, Baltimore. damage*. Hull; J S Pnntuppidan. Peterson. Baynnne; Sella. VeUutla, WILMINiSTON, Car! Rosa has lor next aeason in Eagland tba follow¬ Kchr Meteer. Williams, with cargo ftri m steamer Rusland Scun Riiooa B Tavlob. previously reported a* stranded Grounstet (?); 11th. Detetl Dubrovackl. Draboa, Leith; factor Jones, New York. at Branch. on lluit Island and told, wa* 1) C 23d.Cleared, brigs Begina (Bp). Urgellea. Hamburg; ing operas in Macfarren's Ellen Wilklns, a domestic at BronxTlllo, Westcheeter ashore Long Sacta purchased by Capt Trecl Dabrovackl. Turcenovich, Bristol; Juma* R Boyd, Eleanor Melanla Landa, contemplation:."ivanboe," Steamer Denmark (Br), from which arrived Cobb, of Pensacola, who succeeded in gattlag her afloat. Baker, Alloa; Tommitltovlcli, Hall; Kon* Harold, (Br), Partelow, Glasgow; (Sp), ealled IMt night at Police London, came lfitb. iter are flerup. Hamlmrg "Kobiu Hood" (with Miss Gaylord as Maid Marian), connty, Hosdqiartere 23d, reoorisJune 12. lat 48 10, Ion 25 50, »poke bark She into Ponaacola in|uries reported scliwiniro. Oreat Yarmonth; Hakon llakonsen, Houge, WARKIIAM. Jnne 22.Bailed. *chr Marcus A Davis, Wuber's ..Oberou," Donizetti's "Lucia" (lor Mme. and stated that she had recently aeen and ). lise (Dutch), bound W; 14th, lat 40 12, Ion 35 33, b-le a* light. London; Murld, Nicholson, >ll*o: Traflk, Jacolison, Mont¬ Long. Philadelphia. Charlotte lielboy (Nor), bound W: lOlh, lat 43 50, Ion 45 10, A Dkrhuct..Capt John C Wolf, of pilot boat Mary A rose; 1 ndependonala Perttvlano. I'alunibo. Dublin: Fannv June schr Llllie O Weill and Xlcotai's Wtvoe ol line steamer nound 150 miles K of wh«n about skalQeld. Shield*. Crown WaRRKN, 21.Sailed, Wells, liluuebc, Cole), "Merry Wind- been Anchor R; 22d, Sandy Williams, So 10, report*:.June 22, AM. 05 Hamburg; Prince, Cochran, Hoboken. *or," ^It hi.° "salliedledInThe Charfw HoslutaU Ilnok, a State line steaiuer bound £. miles KalS of Shndy Hook, 1'nll in with a water logged Gla naased bark Q ¦uasts standing, mainsail torn, foresail and all good; SotrritAiirTON.' Jnne 0.Sailed. Yeddo (a), Owen, New , STEAMBOATS, AC. 22d, reports.lune 17, 21, nothing but standlnu; was too low in the water to York. mdd'r braided uun, of u made by Detective Dixon. S IVrry (of M John, NB), from Dublin for New York; June Jib get ,0AN7~YAffflF"F0lt SALE OR CHAftfKR^ sized, gray distinguished, lat 43 W. Ion 30 30, au Iceberg; lOlh. lat 43 at liar name; a* tier side lights were burning, she must Shiklds, June 11.Sailed. Royal Standard (a), for Mon¬ *Y?T~KL of 18. passed 20, have been abundoued but a short time. Found a bundle of treal. J\.4S feet in length; in perfect order' every accommoda- friendly exproFslou lace, but with fiery, flashing Ion 56 10, saw a brig rigged steamer, with tw . funnels, tlon: master mi board; can be on e*»y DETERMINED TO DIE. bound E: 21st, lat 41 40, Ion 40 40, a Uuion steamer bound letters in the cabin, teverai of which weio addressed to SwiNKKimpK. June 7.Arrived, Camilla. Beckmann, New purchased eves. In the presence ot bis orchestra he does not Capt W M Itand.ill. of sehr Jesse B Allen, care of Cox A York; Lord Olaremion, Davis, Philadelphia. terms. For particular! address BAUER, bos 143 llerald K. 40 Took the derelict in tow and Stkttin. June I'hor, New oftico guide, be conducts in the lulieat sense of tha Green, Broadway. brought 5.Arrived, Ingvoldsen, York; ______only William E. Mone, thlrty-Dve year# of age, of No. BjrSteamer Rhein (Ger), from Bremsn. ke, which ar. her to Jersey City 23d. Omen, liaB^land, do. bis musical in rived 22(1. winds and much dur¬ June IN BOATS OP ALL KINDS..ORDKRil word. Ho utters thoughts his coun¬ 113 Noble swallowed some acid reports!.Had westerly fog I'orti.akd, Me. Juno 22 -The steamer Cambridge, on her St NAZAiRt, 3.Sailed. Susanna, Berkeland. New street, Grceupolnt, ing tho passage: Juno 10, lat 48 24, Ion 20 25, passed ship York : Salome, 1 liyveseu. Ponsncjla. ABAROAINreceived by T. DESMOND, Boat Builder. 37 Peck slip, tenance. in bis bearing, In every motion of his baton. Hanna trip irom Boston to Bangor last ni^ht, collided «s i111 nn un¬ .1 which be obtained irom a galvanic battery on the 19th (Nor), bonnd.W. known . carrying awa.v :iie latter's jlbboom and SBrn.LK. .1 one -Cleared, Dart. McKenzle, Canso. dlj. Mii-s Lydia Thompson will begin al Wallnck's tne Saii;on, April 34.Arrived, l.l.rtie II, Kabaon, Batavla. LAWRENOB KIVF.R BUILT DOUBLE SCULL August inat. with the Intention of ending hie lilo. It not PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. badly damaging steamer's wiieelhonae. Tkcro. Jut-e 7..sailed. Axel, ~8T. contract Is for weeks at and Itobert torQueb'SC. A"outritfirnd 25 feet long and 42 inches wide dou> l« 20. Tbe twenty $80,000, t.ivtne the desired effect he tied a rop« lightly around BOUND SOUTH. Qcick Passauk.Brig Dillon, Capt Davis, which Yarmouth. 1W, Jnne 11.Sailed. Viking, of aud for New ender, varnished and comnlete. with m»«t and (all. sculls, ten nl Mis* Alice mto the river. W arrived «t iloston June 21 from Buenos Ayres, made die York. lor weeks $35,000. Uurvnle, a suc¬ hf. nock and jumped ben going down Initio In it* Ilia sweep* and cushions. and in perfect coudit on, for sale low. Steamer City ot flow Bedford, Pish, New Bedford far rim from Port 31 days, eUim«d quickest Passed Bye nth, Elenor (ship), Londun for Halifax. rojrn Miss a lor the last tuiu be was rescued, nnd the next uay con- on Apply 52 Broadway. 32. New at. wing, where photo¬ cessful lyric artiste; Marie Williams, performer h f* York. time record. can lie seen. signed to the Klalbush Asylum. A close «atch New London Tor New BARiww-t.*-Kennies* June II.The from 8t Mar¬ graphs ol boy chnrscters; Wis* Ella f'hamper, the youuger ot to be over him lor the ol Brlp lieorce (Br),Climn plain, York, RocsroRT, Me, Jnoe 23.Sehr Alfred (,'hxse, Robinson Lara, had kept purpose preventing in ballast. to master. which sailed last -nnday for N'ew Yoik, with a cargo or garet's Bay. In towing up from Plel yesterday, ijot out ol saTk and onahtkr, meamboatsJ tho Chanmnn sisters; Miss Emily Duncan, notad for hfm troni taking his life. Yesterday morning, how- Schr Kmily, Trnworthy, Ellsworth tor New York. lime, xprauvr »leak when w» 30 or 40 tuilex southwest channel and grounded, but got. off next tide without ap- A-kor. Freleht Propeller,. Steam Yuclits. Launches. Rival her beauty; Mioses Alico ftonnett, Lln.i ftvtr* *'. \fhllO MO ^a8 *C,t a,0nC ,0r 14 Sclir Caroline Young. Young. Sandwich tor New York. of Moniiez'n, setting tho limp on Ore. 8he pat back to parent damage. Uar.a», Tnut, Ac. UBOBOB F. PLYMi.R,39 South at. Mervtlle, to one of the window gratings with .omo Sci'r Unic. Thompson, Boston tor Now York. thin port. The Are in under control at present, and If the Klukiiinq, .Time 0.The bark Rllx* McLaughlin, which 8ALB U A RTBR-WO 0LDMAKB M rion Nathan and Alice Atherton are tho Schr Pike. fluaton for Now York. Inc'eaae she will come out without YaOIIT'FOR OR 0 principal ol tits underclothing inado luto a rope, bvory effort Penny Kiipntrlck, leak don't probably any stranded on 21m February »l the .lulscUe-gut. floated to¬ a good oyster sloop. Apply to janitor, fool of 70th st. Schr Ann T Hippie, Hncon. New Bedford Tor New York. serious dxmai;e. vuh artists engaged. Many woil known comedians aceom- was put forth to resuscitate him, but without the de¬ Salem tor New day. and towed to Antwerp. North River. Sclir Mary June. Wllliama. York. ffMTIMT. Juno 21.Two or the schooner* in onr tba The d< ballt.l will bo sired reeult. Schr Csstllisn. Meat s. Salem for New York. arriving Monthosk. June 11 .The Nina, Mackentle, from (Quebec, HUNDRED ALL ALSO SPOON pnny troupe. corps engaged port yesterday »ui ed up without thn help of tlie strhmtuir. in rounding to off the dork yesterday afternoon, was car¬ BOATS, KINDS; Schr Mfr»d K llowe. Ifr.we. Salem for New York. made the to Osrs. ready to ship. 36s South »t.. near (iourern -ur here. IS IT A NUISANCE? Sclir Xi-v, llaker. Kali Kiver for New York. Since the appropriation by government im¬ ried by tho Ude upon the t ail or the scalo. but got off at ¦lip. STBPHEN ROBERTS. Kcnr 11 8 Overton, Breaker*' Kolly, HI, for Saw prove (lie Pawcatuck many vcsecls have entirely dispensed hi h water and mooted iu the river. It is ihoumit she ha* Wilton, with the use of Ik-Id. and found tbelr way to our port easily not sustained any material injury. 46-FOOT SLOOP . THOROUGH LY OYER* STRIKE OF lliON OPERATIVES. York. with their own e. nvenlences. Tho Southern Hotel, No. 679 Broadway, has a bowl¬ sehr Klyaway. Knos, Providence for New York. Southampton. June 0.On the Mth Inst the Indua (a) ar haulnl an t newlv furnished, everything desired for in .< Sclir Montro*e. Hillnsor. Providence for New York. Sinml'iimno.Mr Ablel (Jove's new ship of 1400 ton* re¬ here Iroin Gibraltar. a three- lar^e or small yacht, sale or exi'hanite; owner would let attached, which Mr. of the Grand rived paaaed waterlogged or Au-k-vtowm, Pa., June 23, 187T. ing alley Towers, Sclir Brandy win*, i-riirdon. ProvUlence tor New York. mains on t e stocks at Kast Boston. She In for sale, i he masted acliooner abandoned. auparently of American build, the above one daycday. week month, with erew. Address Is auuisanco. under tbat Sclir Mettle K Smith, Providence for New York. new shin Iceberg, recently launched by Mr Justin Taylor, is with foremast HEAWORTHY, Herald t'ptown office. A number of in tbo iron Central Hotel, says Laboring Bliss, painted xr en. and only standing The large operatives etnployod Schr .1 II Young, Bartlett, Providence for New York. lully rigged and look* fin ly. with royal varils aloft. The name on tier stern waa parlialir obliterated, the letters idea bo applied lor an injunction beioro Judge Douo- Ice Is also Both are owned the Tudor SA1.E.STK VM YACHT LITTLE NBLLIE, S3 manufrcturinii; estiblisliments In the Scbuylklli, I,e- Sclir Llllle O Well*, Weill. Warren. HI, for Hnboken. Kin* ringed. by To, WWED only remaining. feet lune. 11 feet beam ne.irly new and In or¬ hue, on tbo ground that bis guests cannot Schr Anson Brown. Oolhv, strattord for New York. and will be eoilpered. after whloh tbev will be loudud with s.Tl>e Colorado derIlOiin Kur further nartlcnlars perfect of hifh an>l r-usquehuDnu valleys ure ucw on a strike sleep Schr Kate Newman, Newman. New Londou Tor New Ice and sent to the Ka»t Indie*. Tralkk. June bark. Robbina. from St every respect. inquire mzhts on account oi the rumbling noise occasioned by At Samuel Wiitta t Co have .lohn. SB. for thla port has urrlv d at Carriirnaholt Roads, 1.1.11,1) A uahkiso.N, 34 to 44 1st St.. Williamsburc. iim tbc iiunoiincru reduction in All tne Yorn. Thnmaaton, already put up a ana wages. the "I it'C balls. Tbo doieudanU in ibis caiie New London 'or moBlittle used. pair-o»red Oi'<. Inquire tlio janitor nl the are between one iiihushikI .mil one ihousunu live bun- Sclir P i} Rnisell, Mohafl'cv. Portland. Ct. for New York, wind sets In Irotn tick. Moat or addre-a and that ibe only club which meets there Is tbo one on Tuesday. June 2B, noon. Irnm tho siiiptard or Mr Justin reasel la in hur^n of the mate, who had to throw overboard New York Athletic Club House. Harlem, oreij men .in Mtriko, and it In this nurubor will sclir Bloom r. Marnavd, Bridgeport for New York. K*»t Shn Is l:>01.¦ otrt inches box Post office. po-sible bearing till' uauie ol Custer, who sacrificed Us life in II New Haven for Now York. Taylor. HtStlWi long <»¦ deck, a considerable portion of the deck cargo. I,'i72 be lamely inoreaccu in h lew uuyo. Tbc tivcnil re¬ Sclir C I'ellameter, unit, I n- feet extreme breadth of neam and 23 feet uepth ot 42 the Sioux war. ami ihnt the gentlemen wlio compose Mshr Aluart Phitro, Bingham. ("old, Sprln* Harbor for " rent between end in fUMOIA June O-The Duke of Newoasile, which went SALE-SLOOP YACHT. FEET OVER ALL| duction if ibut announced by l lie Hoiblehern Sieei nnd are all men of business, who do hold, niclodln^ height decks, about to be aold furnished and complete in everv respect; ti lo that club not New Yor*. II touK carpentera' measurement. Mexrs .t Pick- atliorc on thla roast, ia advertised by public auc¬ FORhandsomely Irou Company, lieing from llvo twenty-live per cent. the lows iu There are sclir W P Greenwich lor tion on the 11th Inst. fs>t snd able; will sell cheap. Address SLOOP YaCIII', break any May. :i,0u0 bowlers BoccI, Mead, Albany. man, of Salem, own her. and slio will be commanded by herald office. belonging to legitimate clubs in New York and its vi¬ BOUND EAST. Capt Bray, formerly of the Mindoro. and will be employed BRAKEMAN KLLLED. and tbev are excited over what In the I'.axt India trade. AMERICAN POETS. OR CAT BaAT: PRICE $S5. fl«.' cinity, greatly they for BALE-SMALL consider an invasion or their rights. Steamer Oen Whitney. Hallett. New York Boatou. tiAUMCHKO.At t'liextcr. Pa. Juno 23. a large iren xteame® r quire ut 452 East 122d «t.. llarleui. June Bteame." Anioe 0 Barstow, Keuney, Now York lor Provi> tor tbe line, at' New York. She was not June 22 achri Fwshiso, N. Y., 23, 1877. denre. built Mallory chrlt- ALEXANDRIA. rrived, Mary Haley, male-a is foot , copper VasI toned. Boston Hind lulled for Hri.hton): Albert 0 Paige, George- leued. cast prime order; smart and able. Timothy Sullivan, a brukeman on a construction FALL OF A CHUltCH. steamer Bolivar, (Jeer. New Yore for New Liondon and 11 at t le V New L Fob ballast; Ap¬ Norwicii. town; llcrachel. Grotou Kelaie, union: ply in J AC K. Brvuklyn Yacht Club, foot ot Court trnln at Hunter'* was thrown under tbo cars Howard Williams, Providence: II R Coiigdoa," do (and Brooklyn. Point, I'riB OrloITe (Br). Belfontaine, New York for Sautauder. WHALEMEN. sailed for Georgetown). sL. and killed yesterday. For some year or more the old trame church edlflo* HriMC Terra Nora
, JicDonuld. New Yoik lor Halilax, Sailed.Brig Matilda. Washington: acbr Joa Maxflcld, yiOR "saLK-A ICOMPLETE little steam yacht) on the corner ol Devoc street aud Graham avenue has K8. A letter Irom Capt Wilbur, it »chr Kllen Rodman, ot Pair- BrLbt< n. r lti period order; uood sea ho it and last: warranted; caa IN OHIO. chr W Jt H Wotberipoon (Br), Petti*. Kew York for 3 -Scbra M Laura be seen loot 123d St.. Harlem. for TRI/EI'EjnNY. FROST in at hnvi-u. report"! her at Barbudos June elexn. I'aascd up Sollle Steelnian. IS ,\lesA DaniM I'rlce. »«V> schr A B Baxter o, Jnno 23, 1877. Sclir Banger , Sellers, John. Maniv. Provincetown. was in with the Pasted down.-cUra Allreii Brabroo*, Calvin P on SaLK-40 FOOT VCIlT, HULL; AL80 abundant source for firewood. Last the wind sclir Bonnie Lite ,Br), lirlllln. New York for St John, company Prunklln, iiarrla, 14 foot i'lensu e Hoat, cheap. 718 Water it. There was a slight frost In ibis vicinity Imi night. night chasing whalrx. Jj H Cowperthwnlto. Menry Da»ey, J >1 Harlow, ilebecca F caused u portion of the roof to fal. in. An alarm wits NB. f. lat 33 iit >. |on 4* 4^ W. srhr Gaga H M smith and Kmma B ^haw. from Georgetown. 2S-FOOT WELL Schr Fannie P Hall, Mall, New York for Boston. spoken.June June achr SALE.A YAOHT; BUILT*; raised and tho polloe and Kire Bepartmeni, under Sclir Kuth S l/odudon. Terry. New York lor Wellfleet. rhinitis (of Provincetowm. Nickerson, all well.had taken APPONAl'O, 21-Arrived, Shamrock, Troy, IioRonly two years old ; will sell sloop rigged or with cat FROST IN CANADA. Astistnnt Chiet Johii W. levelled the 150 bbls oil. Havorslraw. sail or both has hsckmatack frames, natural bend; will Kngmecr iStrntli, hchr Hero, Ba--er. New York for Salem. Jane ichr John F remainder oi the building by orders of Commissioner S- lir Oneida. Wheeler. New ^ork lor Salem BOSTON, 32.Arrived, Krani. Ilowea, sell cheap: hnve no timn to use it. Apply at No. 26ti Elua- Toronto, Ont, June 23. 1877. .'antes Hon well and the Hoard of Kire and Building*. Sclir Helle. Kellv, New York lor Ileunte. Baltimore. bnth st first floor. h.mily New York for SPOKEN. Cleared.Brig Susie J Strout. rlrkett. New York; ivhr A frost in the northwostern section of this province The notglihurs aro greatly rejoiccd at Its destruction, :clir Adclla. Chase. Dedliiaport. Kate Miller, Vau Zandt, Richmond, Va. 8 AI. F. A C A T- RIOt JE D~ 8AIL U OAT. 26 KEET an Sclir llel' ti. Perry, New York lor New I'.odford. Imam, in lorm* moderate. Id* as it baa long been eyesore to ibeut. lor Belle O'Brien (el Tlioinaston), O'Brien, from Havre, 2H4.Arrived. barks Astra ,ltali, Stiauros. Trapani; IVIORloop. II leet ...nod order; last nlfbt did rountrierable injury to crops. .. rhr i'liil beildin l.indsly. Nee York Pall River. Ship a let st lt< iludsnii «t., lioboken, N. J. Sell,- Ariel. Pendleton. New York lor Providence. and wits ordered to St John, NB. June 20. lat 40 15, Ion Nereid. Mckeraoii. Loudon; Mabel, II t. lloilo; hrlga quire Now Yoik lor Now Haven. 61' 4i I. . Mary AUerton. Unmeet. Kio Grande de Hul; Dolen (Nori, TOR OR TO CHARTER.TBK MALICIOUS MISCHIEF. Hchr Win Farren, Lindslcy, Irom ; Kliwii M Mitchell, Katoti. ('alharleo SALE KHOOdi MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. Scliriii \t k<-ii. I'onta, .\imv York tor Stamford. ship i/owell. Philadelphia for San Francisco, Dletrichsen. Sasua ; Yacht .-i iid. M e-*t long, lor pleasure parties, by day o» .May 12, Ixt N Ion W. »chr» Little Annie iBr). Roberta, Arrovo; Joiiti II Converse. I Atlantic st. s-lir l>nr. Oinnubell. New York fur Stem ord. N, Woehawkm; W Fish. i week. Apply to 0. LINDSaY, 103 SI ..ciir Su'llo llnrtoti. iiurlev, New York or Itrldgeport. ,~hl|. Viola iHri. Viiuvhan, from Liverpool tor Qtiobeo, Plnmnier, .lo-epli Watts, laremont, WlR AN IXPASF. MAN KTESCED FOB THROWING June 'I. lai Ion 41.' Ta: llattle Br.kcr, Baxter. HaliJmrre; Kawtoue, llatih, 'saL% "It CHARTER-MI OB "WHEEL STEA\N ltKI'jllSTMKNT, ) Hchr Millie '.'rank, Kdwaroa, New York fnr lireenwlob. 4.">, . urriCK or tiik Chirk Signal lloboken for Mtf. Ship » I! BUnchnrd, Meady, Irom Liverpool loi San Fran- ltohnketi. FIOHboats. Turs, Ac.; light draught, well found. Apply t* orriruK,! 8IO.NLS \T Il.vIL1.OAD CAM. Hehr Cnniires*, Wlilard, I'ortlfind, Istrian a June 24.1 A. M. ) Sclir Klltabeto, Snow llotiuken for Portsmouth. eis'o, April 2!>. oCCape Morn Cleared-Steanii-ra thr), Kltta, Liverpool; Som- WM. II. H a/ iorv«r. Cor- yacht ing, a man named John Bromley, who haa, by bis owu Roodout for Boston. eiro, June 5, lat 34, Ion 36. aerey, Baltimore; E 1. hmersen. Sears. Williamsburg; DRAUGHT TCO BOAT.-H. DUBOIS A lemperature, southerly winds, partly cloudy weatbor Schr J Barrett, I'chert. ( ahot. Chiiv, and J S Hragden. Jones, New York. SON. confession, been engaged throwing stones at moving Schr E S t.llilersleevo. Hull. Rondout for ? fnr Pawtucket Olu order: built by Foaron; wnuld tak.> a aood ncioll tront tbe east, cloudy and weather 10 for New dersoti. Philadelphia. Havre; Lnehlno iltal), Olitari, DuMin; liario (Altai, food mostly partly cloudy ofltciaL bad netui cxcrtttl hid »om« clew which Schr .lulls Ann. Molt, An. London. liarre selira George L Kessenuen. |lo«tnn San haw In psrt excbanne. Address S1IELL BOAT, Her».| rain areas would lean to tbe 'ourre o the r annoyance. hey seltt Krankitn rlerce. Worth, in buy lor stony Brook. CMLMRl. June 17.Arrived, brl? KJartxn (Nor), Matian, l!>gu-en. office. .lid Bias. Kiugeraid, Newburyport, Ktta. Sailstou, aaauaburi , ______mi re untucces*!ui it.til aboui tlireo weeks Sell r Josephine. Meyer*, anjnoy for Bridgeport. For tbo lialf States, stationary or lower pressure, >ohrJ II I rI up. Mraefsfn. ElUabeiliporl for (! hathan. Sew York N 0. OTBAM LAUNCH OUTFIT FOB when a trsiu oravlug between C'oicob I'learcd-Steamers America, Billuna. Savannah; sea suitable tor a SALE.ENnlNEj ago Sclir Mary Mow, Bacon, ICIiiabetliuort lor Providence. il,tviiv, June 21.Arrived, bark Poseidon (Nor), Beck, barka I'alaillu OHniIor. IV heel, Ac small boat; In cotupiata stationary temperature, southerly Winds, partly cloudy Bridge and .Stauilord was siruk uy a Urge stone Wood*. or New Haven, Gull. Maraliman, Charleston; (Argi, Jones. .rder. Address I.AI N«'H. Ill WashlriKton st. Hcltr Baltimore, Klttahcthport Baltimore. St Johua, PR, Bartelomeo Douovaro iltal,, Trabui o, waaihar and occasional sbowera. winch puuotraied a wiuiow, hitting in tbe bead Hon. Schr Kaihioa. Oarlierry. Elir.abe.liport for Bridgeport. I'ART: ut bun Scnr A llaininond. Uoidtbwalte. Port Johnion lor Liverpool, June 23.Arrived, aieameri Buena \ entnra Queeuitown. OHAKtBB FOR ES ^A iTAXljSOMEi NEW Tennessee and tbo Ohio lower Rogar Avenll, Uaabury, injuring severely. Saco. Also cliared. ateatners D J Price, Wilmington, NC: and fast schaonar. Ho tons; first elasa Mcoomix For Valley, pressor*, train was and a was »eon retreat¬ Schr War Steed, t ook. Port .lohnaon for Boston. Baltimore: St Loulx Held, Philadel¬ Foley, TO sailing The stopped vagrant Millard. for (Sp). Isplma, (Br), Kxperlmcnt. Pierce. Ne#bern, NC; brig R C Wrtgbl, datlons Apply »2 .lo«»u St., Saw Yort. ¦tstionary or higher temperature, soutborly winds, ing aoross a pasture Held. 11.0 train incn gave chase Schr Henrietta, Philadelphia Mystic. phia; ship Bin Bouauta. Stanley. San Francisco; brig Mo- Clark. Kio Janeiro; achrs Chaae, Ingrabam. Bath, Me; rain areas. nun succeeded in and the runa¬ Ulrica It Smi'h, ..niltb. Javlrionvllle. CHARTBR .(M" DAY. LESS MONTH. ITcTjULyT, cloudy weather and overtaking irrostiDi; rina Dodero (Ital), Vellla, Baltimore. new. staneh. fast 60-foot carries partly who tbo nainu if above. He wan tried lor Sailed.ship Grey Eagle: bark Mont* Tabor; briga TO Steamer; l.Y»; very For the Lowor Missouri aua Upper Mississippi val¬ way, gave BELOW. Sailed 234.steamers Texas (Br), Laurenaen. Halifax and Italia and K C t*rl(int. cheap.ESMON B, 42 Curtlaudt st. ttm offence heloru tho Bridgeport Superior Court, -Arrlvaa. achrs Old and lake south¬ msau- Minnesota (Kri, Burwell, Boston. RA.NGUR, June 21 Chad,Wiley; Mary SMALL CABIN tACUT leys npper region, fulling !,urometer, Judge rt no lord, and acquitted on the ground of Vlnule Swift 'Br IJswell, from 15. Philadelphia; B Smith, Herald. Poland, and Motes Kddr. War¬ "|irANTBI)-.A H.'> CIIETpToB « Ship Liverpool M*y Jnne barks ai Lownefi vl cash, not over (set lonir, nor drawtn'r more than 1 erly winds, warmer, partly cloudy and cloudy weutber |iy, but m leRtenceu uy the Court to live years' eon- sb'p ronioes (f»rt), Rom Pernamhnco. QuciMrrotrx, 23.Afftived, UjolaP (Ital), ren, New York. Address OhtlRO 7H fliKt be In KOod order. Auulv t« to Stewart, Richmond, Va; Oberon (Deri. Schmidt, Buxton tu load lor Philadelphia) Wm MrLoon, llogera, from WM. H. HAiSARJ>. Jr.,tl2 Harrison, corner West at. The Missouri and Mississippi rivers wilt fall slowly. t, Taylor, Philadelpnla .Augusta; spreul, aNTEU-a OOOU BINHLB SHELL BOAT. AD> Cautionary signals continue at Dulutb. Hlrbmond; I'ushaw. .. from I'otomac Liver; Kite M dress boa 5.508 Post office Steamer Cltv of fUchmond (Br), Leltcn, Liverpool via New Yora. Barter, UartOr. Savannah Areoloa. New York; Lacy Jane, w I. bojt Dale. Jnne bark Linnoa do. WEATHER TRiTEBI>AT. Queenstown .J O Sivillb, 20.fialltd, (Nor), Bartb, AN tiD.A WM1TE H XT.L~BOATTab7)UT M Ptlf TUB Steamer Italy iBri, >lmp»on, Liverpool via Qiteenatown. Boston. BAKER'* LANDING, Jnoo 22.Sailed, sebr SeraU A Fal w long a mi 4i inches beam. R. D. II., 2 9fH fhce. record will show tbe changes in the FVV.I Hurst. cotter, miautt. New York. Tbo following SHIPPING NEWS Steamer i'ycho Bralie (Br), Miller, Liverpool.But* X Je- StKUiroRB, June 23.Sailed, bark Mohican, Berry, CHARLESTON. J line 2.1.Arrived, steamer Geo W Clydo. OO FOOT BOAT FOB SALE CII EAPTWON TUB *rfa^Sonn race two irs temperature for the past twenty-lonr hours, in com¬ vona. Boiton. Tribon. New York. ye aifo over all boats: built by 1". dste ol last steamer i.'topla Hri. tlralg. London .IIAnderson Bros. Cleared.Steamers City nf Atlanta, Woodhull, New York; Mctiieh ui after toe model <>f Sophia V. parison with the corresponding year, as HERALD WEATHER OBSER¬ Steamer Uoriuu (Brj, Sntithwick, Bristol, E.Henderson Tirgltiia, 1!ntiter. Philadelphia. ELLSWORTH BROS,, Bayonna, N. J. thermometer at HudDOt'a YACHT Brov FOIIEIGN PORTS. C i M I N E, J uno IS-Arruod. brig Stephen Blaliop, Oil- .ludicated by the pharmacy, Mass. . "teaiuet Devonia (Br), Monroe, tilai^ow. Henderson key, (iloue.-i.ver, MlSCRLi* AXBOL'M. Hkkai.d building VATION*. * achrs Cum- 1870. 1877. Hroa. Gibraltar, Mar 2fl.Sailed, narks Daniel Draper (Hal), DIGIITON. June W F Green, o. 1X70. 1877. Steamer ,Br), Knox, Ulasirow. Henderson Bros, Botton.1 (from New York., Alicant*; June 2, Alberto (lt*l), wing*, ilenruetiiwn. DC; Illluota. Wilson. New York. Wif^SB IKTi.y. ANY sfAI'K; PaY~WHE.? AS M 3:30 P. M.... V» 7ii Jt-NK Assyria ol Em¬ D'divorced. AXKMOAM UfAdUOT, Removed 25J 2 A. M A). 1S7T. steetner iideri'Jer;, LeUt, Bremen vt« Soathaumton. Martiiio(rroin t'hilml oh ia> Venice 1/ Invl.llailtaii, l.auro Sutiod Sohr II T Gadget, Smith, Georgetown, DC; Hall. 0 A. M <0 M 8 P. M M 71 Oelrlclis a Co (Irom New York), Ueuoa; Prometheus . Brauhering ily, lor New York. broaiiway, opposite City «IS H«r. bor.l Mate ol W tfront Simeto Viviano KAjsTPORT. Juno ill.Arrived, berk Continental. Tup- » A. M ?<> 0 P. M 81 At Hear I rich .i t»-K-. Wind. Weather. Steamer Nederland lBel(), Bandle, Antwerp.O Col- i'hllxdelnliia), Trieste; Ud, (Ital), lko'ally"obta7>'kd in new yobb 12 M 86 89 12 P. M 74 fO trora $0* Orlennti. Uenoa. per. Kin J aneiro. D1YOROKjud other Stataa without publicity; advice tree: nas '"steamer Ue Kuyter (Beljf), Falck, Antwerp.Punch, Edye Towed through the Straits Kay 30. brlx Rlmnnd (Nor), FORI HESS MONROE. June 23.Arrivnd, barks Anna when NEW YORY LAW Average temperature yesterday II nr*e shoe J*oeni:*i.uO 7J (?.lOlear from Palermo (14 days out; tor I'hiUdelphia. (Nori, Laiaen, Antwerp, seeking; St Olaf (Nor), LunJ, granted. aOENCY. for date last Hospital ubiii 4 P.M Wi.l.t «*| H'lt'lear A 0«>. Msgnnnxeu, Wm from 265 Broadway. Average '.emperatare corresponding Heniandl'nu'p "I'M Llft.lii rtt 88IV* Clear Steamer City of Mexico, Mcintosh, Havana, Profrese, In port June s. brlj Hurdott llart, Ostarberar, Irom New Liverpool for nlohmond, Va; Owen, (Br), Newry, year lions. Campeachv, 4e. p Alexs ndre A Son*. Tork lor Genoa, reloading, to sail auont the 25th. seeking. IVORCES7LliT»AL KVKBTWHERE) ftPEEDlLYO£ 1870. 1877. Handy l3PM|U0.tti .Sailed, ships Gettysburg, Uail, 8» Jokn, PALL RIYBR, Juno 30-Arrl»*d, Mhr Sylvester Ualo, D"Mined without publioity. No adrauee payments. Weekly average 73 U 1-7 .Moderate. .J de Kiver* k Co. NB. Miaeoari (Br>, Warren, dbedlao. Coloman, New York, FREDERICK KINU. Lawyer, 6 St. Mark't platM,