steamer State of Texas. Nlekertoa. Gatveston rl» ilj Ho.vo Ko*n. M«» bark Roaatta McNeil, Salled-ftteamer Vlndlrater. Rogers. Philadelphia; tek* AMUSEMENTS. THE MOUNT CARMEL TORNADO. OCEAN STEAMERS. West.C tl M A Co. Brown. San Franct-co: 27th, Wm II Diet*. Kndlcott. do. 5 L Simmons, Uandy. do. sllnry In June 1. bark Madura Stanton, Irom Cardiff, 3IK-Arriv«l, iMamir Wur, Crocker. Philadelphia; -learner Algiers. 11 awthorne. NewOrlcant.Bogort A Mor¬ port ,Br>, sehrs I II Borden. DATES OF DEPARTCRE KUOM NEW TORE FOR TOE gan. arrived May II. fir Sail rrancikoo HoiUS. KlliaOethnnri; Golden Rule. Wi|« Alt APPEAL »0* AID -DlBTnUCTIOS ASD DM* Steamer Now Orleans. Dearborn. New Or.aan*.Clark A flivtiu, June 31.Saileu, uaunir Irurac Bat tap), mi, N*w York; I'rhana. Allan, Itoboken, B M DuSietd, OILKOKE'* UARDLN. MONTHS or JLSfc AND Jl'LY. Baltimore. tiavnor. fort Johnson. Boa man. Arana. Sailed.Schrs J and titotiok im A o*ce TKWVWO WtailtBS SlMnwr. Ofkn. Steamer Saa Salvador. Nlcltanon. Savannah.George 11 a 1.1 f a x. Jhm 'JO.Hailed. Oar* Pactolu* (Br), Locxe, 8 Unrney, Gurney, Balls Seamau, A la evidently tba intention oI tbe managers .( this Tonga. London brlii Evviva iBri. Marvin. d>«. Stealman New York. resort to make it cool aa wail u musical. An town. Algeria 4 bowline Oraen Steamer Charleston. Lockwood. Charleston.J W tjuiutard Sailed Jlid. neauier Bermuda ( Br >. Angrove (Irom New 23d.S <lle 1. ach'i L A LvelL Borden. Philadelphia; popular J»ne 18T7. .V. St Johns. >P. Fanny Fern. Eaton: Louis Walsh, Comstock: American set on Moixi Cak>ieu HI., 21. P» eire Bronoway A Co. York), and Immense fan and wheel. costing $5,000, masonry Mute ol Virginia. 7'J ilroauway Steamer Fault*. Dnane. Wilmington aud Morehesd City, Arrived 2Jd, steamer Hibernian (Br), Archer, Liverpool Eagle, Bennett. Foam, llosan, Nay, Chiua, New TO TU« EDITOE or TH* HfcKAI.U via >t N tar Baltimore. Yor*. and driven by steam. bu been introduced. The air la V ieiaait. ... ..... til Uroadway NC.Wm I't'iyd A *'¦*, Johns. F, June l».Arrived, achrs la regard to the terrible tornado which dev.at.te Kh'in 3 Bowl'ng >reen Steamer uld worointou, Walker. Norfolk. City Point and Lisbon, June 17 -Arrived, brig Rio Vouga iPort), Do* GALVESTON, Laurel, MeCall, supplied irora tba street through lire window* and Anchoria .....j.luos 7 Bowling Ureas Kirlimond.Old Dominion Steamship Co. 6«ni<>*. Now York. Corpus Chrl-tl; Adolt Flake. H..den. Tuxpax thia one* beautiful lowo on the 4th in«i "the half ha* iJuu* 37 Broailway Steamer John Gibson. DC, via Manila Mav 4-Arrived, bark* American I.loyda, Ames. Cleared-Schrs Andrew BoJen, Wolfnrd, Tampleoi lorced through a wooden pipe, wbieb runa tba aniira (i«roi»iil*..iwv.. Musittgo. Georgetown, Slh. Woodberrr. San Fran¬ Mariha. Newman. Pensa ola. never been told." The path of the went of destruction Wyoming Broa.l way Alexandria.J I. Ronnie. Jr. Yokohama; ship Valley Forge. 1 lit h.Balled. schr Martha, Newman. Peniaeola. circuit of tba building through a great number of Bothnia t Howlug .ireen Steamer Fanny Cadwaliader, Clerk, Baltlaioro.Wm Dal- cisco. T Sheldon, llares. outlets under tba boxes and tbe music stand tbe air ia was directly through the centre ol the town. the width i anada V» Hrou.lway cell. Iti port May 10, eblpe Oaranjab (Br), Owene. and Weil 23d.Cleared, brig Emily Pensaeola KrlMil 01 Broadway Steamer Gilrland (Br>, Rutter. A W Australian (Br). for New York. KEY WKST. June 22.Arrived. steamer City of Iluiuion. thus distributed to tba audience, and by reason ol in or the track of almost lotal desolation being about two Philadelphia.S Alio lor Sew York. Eldrldge, Sew York lor Galveston (and proceed* i>. toa beatod and atmos- I* Celand V> hroauwav Welsh in port May to the <ia*par, achr Emllio greater Tulume puabea lighter hundred yarda, while on either aide of tbla track, to fit* »! Brussels.. 15 ttroudw.ty Steamer Agnes. Smith fiilladelohia. Br-irert A Morgan. Month it a t.. June 2').Arrived, (termer Gamma, Lack- MAKBLEIIKAl'. June 18.Arrived, F Ca- pbere ponerated by (be thousands of visitors and gas Alsatia...., 7 Howling Green Steamer Ann Kllia. Richards. Philadelphia..la* Hand. liur«t, London; 21st. bark Alice. Hornier. Newcastle. bada. Swain. Philadelphia tela tba windows and ventilators in tba roof. the width ol about one hundred yarda more, many California ~ Green Huston.II Dnoork cleared 21st. bark Keindeor, Campbell, Queen*town or NEW ORLEANS. June 23.Arrived, utoahiera Knicker¬ through Bowling Steamer Glaucits. rtearse. New York ; Lone Star, Forbes. do. Tbe effect on enuring Irotn the aweltarlnc street on a building were unroofed or otherwise seriously injured. Neck 2 Bowlinj Green Steamer Uen Whitnnv. Iialiett. Boston.11 F Dlnmck. Pal tuouth bocker. Krmhle. rinrUnd Of* i'roa.lway K Met- Porto Cabfi.io. lone 8. In »chr Marion U*?a, Passr.s. June 21 -Balled, hark Saleta (Sp). Europe. hot night ia exhilarating Tbe concerts continue to l>a Sixteen mom were either or -hln B F .Metcalf. Blenchard. Anler for order*.M port, June 23-Salled. bark George ia p kllleo outright 81 Laurent t>."> Broadway ealt A <'» Sheldon. to load for New Yurk NORFOLK. Kingman. successful, and to-night tba programme especially 4 Green Pout June America Howes, Marsala. the week a t.ew hare since died of lujurle. received, m ad Abyssinia Bowling Kark Aatror.ou (Oer), Kloppar. Bremen.Hermann Koop Spain (Trinidad), 16.Sailed, brig schr attractive. Paring composition, by Mate of In.liana.. 7- Hriiadnay A Co. (Br). I.emieux. Quebec. NEWBl'RYPORT, Jane 22 -Arrived, Mary A Rice, will be Union to nuinb-r who "Maine 0". Hroaaway Pictoo. NS, June 2'.). steamer (Br), Ken. Hobnkrn. Brtgnoli. performed. .a large I'oininerania Birk Car ilme A Susanna (iter), Trantwein, Metael.C Irrived, Alhainbr^ Sailed.Schr K Cocifiwell. Cheney. New York. to Adriatio ... 37 Broa'iwuy Tot la* A Co Wilson. New York. Lucy various injuries, several ol whom are not expected 7 lirean Port June 11. eebr Wilde. NEW BEDFORD. Juue 31-Balled, (learner Leopard, AND MOTES. Ethiopia Bowling Hark .'Metro (Ital). CaSoro, Trlette.Slocovtch k Co. Mruiiri, Sailed, Joseph MUSICAL DRAMATIC rccover. The cannot be le.e ...... Bi« Reed (from Port Uottieubnrx. Wil»r. I'hilai.slphs. lose of property possibly Spain Broadway Hark Durlt Uerdes iGer). Hiimuiann. Copenhagen. Hasilmt*), schrs Hannah E Shubert. A musical association la to b« at Cornell thie M»ir. J Bowling Green Funeii. Kdye A Co QI'XBKG. June 21 Arrived, ship* Forest. Lockliart. Ham¬ 22d.Sailed. King, Philadelphia; reorganized than $300,000 and may exceed that amount. City nf Chester. ..lJuly 16 Broadway Kark Scot's Bay (Hri, Murray. Ha»r».C W Hertvix. burg; Record. Dalslel, Liverpool: bark Equinox, Ouoding, Mnrv E Smith, Cam in. do; John Randolph, Parker. New had been (ire n.vu been WltcunMi; 2$' Broadway Hark Morton. Writ II ('regnall. Oeerdee. Kotterdam: Co- York University. lots occasioned by there might (J»ty So Cvelone thrl. Forbes. Montevideo.J Jr. A Hart<epool; Also sailed. schr Wm A Lovering. Rmlib, Philadelphia. be at tba Grand Labrador )-'iil> Broaiiw iy Son». lumbua. Burrows. Falmouth. "fcmike" will played tbia week mirny ameliorating circumstances which cannot be in. State ol J u y 72 Bm ulway Cleared Kuuire Nirtiolas, Smith, Liverpool; Arrived-Schr Joseph Hav Hntler, Philadelphia. Georgia.. Hark Caibarlcn, llonkiu-. Caibarl*u.Bertram Bro*. 21*1. ship June 22, AM.Arrived, achr Union, Opera House. eluded in the present eaae. The cituen. might have Gellert.. Hamburg.. 61 Broadway Bark Ziba (Br). Mortne. Liverpool, w, b»rk» Aiiiota. Homtevio. London; Samaran*. Davidson, NEWPORT, Hum, Britannic Uwrpwi j37 Brn.rtwaT Hark Mossrt (Mori, Aloertsen, Charleston.C Tobiaa A Plymouth, Aureu, Boenke, Newcastle; Sepientrto. Portre- New Bedford for New York. During tue laat season 120 concerta ware flven at escaped all iejur.es to Hie or limb and the losses would I rin. Liverpool. J'KJ liroelway Co. ten. Newry Also arrived, iteamer Mary B Curtis. Newer, Baltimore .. Ras- for For:land; schr Brandvwlne. Brannitfan. Providence for Rail have i.mu at covered insurance. But Vl!!e (ie Pari*... Havre ..(55 Broadway Brig Speed (Br). Larkln, Montevideo.J Norton. Jr. A St J on*. NB. June 23.Arrived, barks Frida (N'orl. Etetnwiy teut pait.elly by Montana Liverpool.. |2'J Broadway Son*. tnunen, Boston; brigs Wanderer iHn. Lewis, do: Koniola New York ; slo»p Mary Elisabeth. Lewis. New Yora for Fall A C named la making a sonsa- now ar. le.t Hou,.le.. .nd (Brj. Edgeit. New tork; *ehr» Potomac. Udell, and S D River (and all sailed 22di. abarp tenor, Salvmi, many per.ons absolutely HriK Iwar iGer). lliibrr. St Pierre. Mart.Pentatou A Co. Sailed.Schr John Manlove. Hallock, Sew York; sloop at Toulouse. homeless without rosourcos. lhe Helicl Brie Tliot Turull. Bate*. Port >nain (Irinidadj-.L WAP James. Stewart, do. tlon and entirely ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK^-THIS DAY Armstrong. Pearl, Coblelgh. do. It ia aaid that ia coming to tbla to r<nnmitie« la now rations to two j Terra W il'KB Srr.AUKtt Bhbin. ' PM.Arrived, schrs Louis Walah. Comstock. and Ameri¬ Wagnar country issuing dally nearly Hrlg Nora Bn, Lockhart. Halifax. NS-C Rer- can Bennett. Kail Hirer for Now York; Illinois. Dcrsou. who aro unable io them- »C.1 Attn MUOX HIGH WATIfc. taux. AkdrossaN, June M-Suiled. BiIsk, for Shediac. Eagle. raslda hundred quite help Abxrdovkt. June Richard*. Da- Wilson, Dlghton for do; Honora Butler, O'Brien. Provi¬ permanently. selves, besides such aid asi they can Pan rises 4 30 Got.
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