Melissa Hathaway, Chris Demchak, Jason Kerben, Jennifer McArdle, Francesca Spidalieri

December 2016



F O G S E R I P D O U LICY ST Copyright © 2016, Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, All rights reserved.

Published by Potomac Institute for Policy Studies

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Cover Art by Alex Taliesen.


The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and the authors would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions: Dr. A. Nagarathna, Chief In- vestigator of the Advanced Centre on Cyber Law & Forensics, Co-ordinator, PG Diploma in Cyber Law & Cyber Forensics, and Senior Assistant Professor of Law at the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru; Mr. Tobby Simon, Founder and President of Synergia Foundation; Advocate Puneet Bhasin, Cyber Law Expert Managing Partner at Cyberjure Legal Consulting; Mr. Pukhraj Singh, Co-founder and CTO of Bhujang; Mr. J. Prasanna, Founder of Cyber Security and Privacy Foundation; Mr. Ashutosh Bahuguna, Scientist for the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India; and Mr. Bedavyasa Mohanty, Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation’s Cyber Initiative. The authors would also like to thank Alex Taliesen for cover art and Sherry Loveless for editorial and design work. INDIA CYBER READINESS AT A GLANCE



Country Population 1 311. billion

Population Growth 1 2%.

GDP at market prices (current $US) $2 .095 trillion

GDP Growth 7 6%.

Year Internet Introduced 1986 (ERNET), 1995 (public access)

National Cyber Security Strategy 2013

Internet Domain .in

Internet users per 100 people 26

Fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 users 1 3.

Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 users 5 5.

Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 users 79

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Development and Connectivity Standing International Telecommunications World Economic Forum’s Union (ITU) 131 89 Network Readiness Index (NRI) ICT Development Index (IDI)

Sources: World Bank (2015), ITU (2015), NRI (2015), and Internet Society.

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1 INTRODUCTION In 1995, the Internet be- came widely available In the 1970s, the Indian Department of Elec- to the Indian public, and tronics (DoE) started working with the United the central government Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to has since continued to formulate a strategy to bring computing to support Internet up- India – an action seen as crucial to the informa- take as a catalyst for tization of Indian society and to the boosting economic growth, job of local economies. In 1985, the National Cen- creation, more efficient India Internet ter for Science and Technology was created government operations, Penetration: 26% and became responsible for the establishment and increased access to of India’s first Internet Service Provider (ISP), public services. The In- the Education Research Network (ERNET) – an ternet penetration rate today, however, is still Internet platform aimed primarily at academic among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific region and research institutions. ERNET introduced and far behind other large, developing coun- the extension “.in” for domain names in the tries like China and Brazil, with only 26 percent country and provided Indian academic insti- of the population connected to the Internet.4 tutions with their first international connec- With nearly a billion people still not connected tions.1 This was one of three main initiatives to the Internet, India is home to the world’s that surfaced concurrently to connect society, largest offline population.5 However, unofficial academia, and government in India. The In- 2016 statistics suggest that India’s Internet dian Computer Maintenance Corporation penetration rates are on the rise.6 (CMC) – originally a government-owned entity later converted to a public limited company The government continues to push digitization in 1977 – initiated India’s first public network, to make government services available to all the INDONET network, which became opera- Indians electronically, however, these goals tional in 1986. INDONET’s goal was to create remain difficult to achieve because of the a networked infrastructure and culture within size of the off-line population. For example, the country and it was the first to provide elec- in 2006, the Indian government launched the tronic mail, file transfer services, applications, National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and initi- and data networks to public and private sec- ated 31 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) to offer tor entities.2 Finally, the National Informatics citizen-centric services, including pension pay- Centre Network (NICNET) – a satellite-based ment, income tax collection, banking and in- network – connected the central government surance services, and other projects. Although with the state governments and district ad- many of these projects were implemented ministrators to enable bi-directional informa- across the country, NeGP did not ultimately tion sharing on censuses, medical services, reach its desired goals.7 Yet, India’s initiatives election results, national policies, and other in these areas have continued to evolve over government services.3 the last decade, and lessons learned from

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2 previous setbacks have played an important India” encourages industry innovation in ICT role in shaping future initiatives. One of the solutions for the healthcare sector, knowledge more successful e-governance projects is the management, and financial services. This plan biometric identification scheme – the is one of many other related programs, such as world’s largest national identification number “Make in India,” “Skill India,” “Start-up India,” program, led by the Unique Identification Au- and “Stand up India,” launched to further en- thority of India (UIDAI).8 This biometric tool – a courage younger generations and the IT indus- 12-digit unique identification document which try to innovate, develop creative solutions, and captures details such as demographic and oth- promote domestic production of electronic er biometric data – allows for timely and effi- devices – India’s second largest import.12 This cient delivery of welfare services to Indian resi- is India’s “digital revolution” to fully realize dents and is now utilized by over 80 percent of the economic benefits of ICT. The implemen- the population.9 While this program may allow tation of “Digital India” is being coordinated more citizens to access e-government services, by the Ministry of Electronics and Information critics have expressed concern that this large Technology (MeitY) – former Department of repository of information could be misused for Electronics and Information Technology (DeI- state surveillance or breached by criminals to TY), and each of its initiatives – including the exploit the information. establishment, expansion, and modernization of core ICT infrastructure infrastructure – iden- Transforming India into a “digitally empow- tifies specific milestones and objectives to be ered society and knowledge economy” is one completed by mid-2018. of the main goals of the current government. Prime Minister Nerendra Modi laid out his vi- These plans continue to position India as sion in his 2015 digital strategy, called “Digital an ICT leader in the global marketplace. In India” – a broad economic plan to prioritize 2016, the Indian ICT sector contributed $143 job creation through innovation enabled by a billion in revenue, $108 billion in exports, robust telecommunications-connected infra- and employed about 3.7 million people.13 structure.10 Realizing that connectivity under- E-commerce – India’s fastest growing market pins economic growth, the plan outlines initia- – has grown by over 20 percent since 2015 tives to improve telecommunication services, (about $17 billion), as companies have adopt- including accelerating broadband deployment ed hyper-local e-commerce, innovative mobile by at least 50 percent (currently about 7 per- platforms, and online payment solutions.14 As a cent) and provisioning universal access to mo- result, some Indian IT services companies, such bile connectivity – increasing in rural India by as Wipro and Infosys are emerging as global 30 percent (currently about 45 percent). If suc- competitors in the world’s marketplace, while cessful, this plan could have a two-fold effect: others such as Flipkart (online shopping), Quikr (1) attracting foreign direct investment, and (online marketplace), and (jobs site) (2) increasing high-tech exports, which in turn are becoming major players in the fast growing could result in an additional GDP growth of 9 domestic e-commerce space.15 percent (~$180 billion).11 Additionally, “Digital

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3 Although India’s digital strategy has the po- Despite the several cyber security-related ini- tential to generate greater digital dividends tiatives that India has put forward, including and has already been quite successful in at- the initial 2008 Information Technology (IT) tracting foreign direct investments in the ICT Act, the recent establishment of a dedicated sector, the government has yet to make cyber National Cyber Security Coordination Centre security an equal priority – aligned with the (NCCC), and the commitment of “Digital India” economic initiatives. Cyber security is not to strive for a safe and secure cyberspace,20 a new issue for India, but the government India’s infrastructure security and resilience, now recognizes that it can also transform legal and regulatory measures, and broader cyber challenges into opportunities to drive economic reforms have not kept pace with the India’s ICT security and resilience agendas. In digital revolution envisioned by PM Modi. This launching “Digital India,” PM Modi equated is magnified by India’s lack of a professional cyber risks to a “global threat of bloodless cyber security workforce and the persistent war,” and asserted that “India has a big role digital, educational, income, and gender di- to play [in dealing with global cyber threats]” vide between on- and off-line populations. In and that his country “can provide innovative addition, India’s 2013 “National Cyber Security and credible solutions […] to ensure that the Policy” lacked an implementation plan and entire world lives in peace.”16 most of the government’s current policies are best described as “piecemeal.”21 Critics have While national statistics are not readily avail- also pointed to a number of recent cyber es- able, India continues to rank high on both the pionage attacks as indicative of India’s lack list of countries identified as major points of or- of a resilient cyber and coordinated security igin for cyber attacks – third behind the US and response apparatus.22 Finally, senior national China – and as a leading target for cyber crime security officials have drawn attention to the and ransomware. Countries like India are an lack of an integrated approach between the attractive target for hackers because they have various agencies mandated to protect India’s experienced a rapid increase in ICT uptake, critical information infrastructure.23 In summary, e-commerce activities, online banking and there is still a substantial gap in terms of na- financial transactions, but this increased con- tional-level preparedness for cyber risks. nectivity has not been accompanied by higher security awareness.17 The High Court of India India faces many challenges that make it dif- commissioned a study that showed that cyber ficult to determine how cyber security will be crimes such as ransomware, identity theft, prioritized moving forward. The primary ob- and phishing attacks cost the country over $4 jective for India is, in fact, the preservation of billion in 2013.18 In 2015, India’s National Secu- law, order, and security. Past and continuing rity Advisor, Ajit Kumar Doval, included cyber challenges, including existing and perceived security as one of the major internal security threats associated with separatism, sectarian- challenges faced by the country.19 ism, terrorism, and militancy, have dominated

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4 the national security agenda. 24 Improving the its commitment and maturity to closing the country’s cyber security posture will require gap between its current cyber security pos- committing sufficient resources and up-leveling ture and the national cyber capabilities need- the importance of it to the future of India’s na- ed to support its digital future. A full assess- tional and economic security. ment of the country’s cyber security-related efforts and capabilities based on the seven The Cyber Readiness Index (CRI) 2.0 has been essential elements of the CRI 2.0 (national employed to evaluate India’s current pre- strategy, incident response, e-crime and law paredness levels for cyber risks. This analysis enforcement, information sharing, investment provides an actionable blueprint for India to in R&D, diplomacy and trade, and defense better understand its Internet-infrastructure and crisis response) follows. dependencies and vulnerabilities and assess

India Cyber Readiness Assessment (2016)

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5 1. NATIONAL STRATEGY In 2010, the Indian government fell victim to In 2013, the Indian government a series of high-profile computer intrusions released the first “National at the National Security Council, the Na- tional Security Advisory Board (NSAB), and Cyber Security Policy,” which other high profile offices. The government acknowledges that unsecured responded to these incidents by creating an cyberspace can undermine Inter-ministerial Task Force on Cyber Defence confidence in the state and & Preparedness, chaired by the National its supporting infrastructure. Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) – India’s technical intelligence agency.25,26 This was also one of the earliest multi-stakehold- er initiatives on cyber defence.

The Task Force on Cyber Defence & Prepared- and “undermine confidence” in the state and ness helped inform India’s cyber policy and its supporting infrastructure.27 future organizations. In 2013, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology The document articulated a clear vision for In- (DeITY) – which was elevated and given the dia, stating that its goal was “to build a secure status of Ministry of Electronics and Informa- and resilient cyberspace for citizens, business- tion Technology (MeitY) in 2016 – released es, and government.”28 Additional objectives the first “National Cyber Security Policy.” The to ensure resiliency and trust in cyberspace in- cyber security strategy noted that increased cluded: strengthening the regulatory framework ICT penetration had been a catalyst for Indi- for ensuring a secure cyber security ecosystem; an economic growth and social development, enhancing and creating national and sectoral increasing employment opportunities, and level 24x7 mechanisms for obtaining cyber raising the standards of living. Moreover, the threat information; operating a 24x7 National document highlighted the role of the Indian Critical Information Infrastructure Protection government in driving ICT adoption in public Center (NCIIPC); and creating a cyber security services (e.g., government-to-citizen services, workforce of 500,000 individuals by 2018. The citizen identification, and public distribution document provided 15 additional objectives systems), health care (e.g., telemedicine, re- and related action areas, such as creating a se- mote consultation, and mobile services), edu- cure cyber security ecosystem; developing an cation (e.g., e-learning and virtual classrooms), assurance framework; encouraging open stan- and financial services (e.g., mobile banking dards; promoting the protection and resilience and payment gateways). While the document of critical information infrastructure; and cre- summarized the benefits India has realized ating cyber security awareness. In many ways, based upon increased ICT penetration, it also the document was highly aspirational, because warned about the inherent risks associated while it outlined clear objectives and action with an unsecured cyberspace, which in turn items, it did not offer an implementation plan or has the capacity to “reduce state resources” specific guidelines to achieve those goals.

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6 The strategy called for the creation of a cen- ity building and research and development tral national body charged with coordinating (R&D); (5) technical cooperation among Com- all matters related to cyber security in India. puter Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) However, while a National Security Council and standard setting; (6) the promotion of Secretariat (NSCS) was established as the cen- economic growth; (7) cooperation between tral coordinating body for cyber security and law enforcement officials; (8) the support of Internet governance, the Ministry of Commu- freedom online; and (9) the protection of data nications and Information Technology within and privacy.31 the Department of Telecommunications was the body tasked with the implementation of Moreover, the Indian government has recog- national-level cyber security policy.29 nized the benefits and threats derived from the use of ICTs, and both the 2013 “National In 2015, the position of the National Cy- Cyber Security Policy” and the 2015 “Digital ber Security Coordinator was created and India” initiative acknowledged the impor- staffed – taking advantage of institutional tance of Internet connectivity and ICT de- knowledge – by the former head of India’s velopment as key drivers of Indian economic CERT at MeitY. The Coordinator is positioned growth. Yet, while “Digital India” seeks to within the Prime Minister’s Office and is also the increase ICT penetration and ICT applications head of the newly established National Cyber in citizen-facing services, the national cyber Coordination Center (NCCC), located under security strategy squarely focuses on securing MeitY. The NCCC’s mission is to engage public India’s information infrastructure and building and private sector entities, including intelli- cyber security awareness. Thus, until the dig- gence agencies, law enforcement, ISPs, and in- ital and cyber security strategies are aligned, dustry to mitigate the effects of online threats, India may not realize the economic promises facilitate cyber threat intelligence sharing, and and national security guarantees needed to evaluate malicious information that may flow support its digital future. into the networks. The Finance Ministry has al- located US$130 million for NCCC operations, 2. INCIDENT RESPONSE but the NCCC is still building capacity and staffing the organization and it is unclear how it The amended 2008 IT Act (section 70A) pro- will carry out its intended operational activities posed the designation of a government or- and mission from a technical perspective.30 ganization as the “national nodal agency” for the protection of critical information infrastruc- Although the Indian government has yet to tures, and section 70B assigned that role to the publish an updated national cyber security Indian Computer Emergency Response Team strategy that aligns the country’s economic (CERT-In), charging it with “securing Indian vision with its national security imperatives, it cyberspace.”32 has outlined nine core principles for cyber se- curity: (1) the promotion of peace and stability; However, it was not until 2014 when malicious (2) a multi-stakeholder approach; (3) the sup- software was discovered throughout India’s port of funding for the United Nations Group industrial control systems,33 that DeITY (now of Government Experts (UN GGE); (4) capac- the Ministry of Electronics and Information

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7 NCIIPC has each organization or ministry with- The National Critical in a designated critical sector identify a “nodal Information Infrastructure officer” or computer information security offi- cer (CISO) to be the key point-of-contact with Protection Centre (NCIIPC) is NCIIPC. the central authority for the protection of critical information CERT-In was established in 2004 and today infrastructure in India. acts as the national central body for cyber incident response, incident cross-sectoral coordination, and the implementation of pro- active measures to reduce cyber risks across federal and state governments, industry, and Technology, MeitY) officially announced the academia. CERT-In serves also as an advisory creation of the National Critical Information In- body for both the public sector and critical in- frastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) under formation infrastructure, and works to develop the National Technical Research Organisation cyber security standards for all enterprises.37 (NTRO) as the dedicated agency for critical sectors. The government defines critical in- formation infrastructure as “those facilities, systems, or functions, whose incapacity or de- struction would cause a debilitating impact on India established its first national security, governance, economy and Computer Emergency Response social well-being of a nation.”34 This includes 12 sectors that fall under NCIIPC’s mandate, Team (CERT-In) in 2004, including: energy, transportation, banking and tasked with coordinating cyber finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, incident response activities defense, law-enforcement, e-governance, and and implementing proactive 35 water, among others. A mandate for this type measures to reduce cyber risks. of governmental organization that includes a combination of both the public sector and pri- vate sector is notable and offers some oppor- tunities to further information sharing activities and collaboration. NCIIPC’s key responsibil- ities include: identifying critical sub-sectors; The amended 2008 Act and the 2014 IT issuing daily and monthly cyber alters and Rules assigned CERT-In a broader set of advisories; conducing malware analysis and objectives, including: collecting, analyzing cyber forensics; tracking malware and botnets; and disseminating information on cyber promoting cyber security awareness and train- incidents; forecasting and publishing alerts ing; operating a 24x7 help desk.36 In order to of cyber security incidents; providing emer- facilitate better incident response among crit- gency measures for handling cyber securi- ical information infrastructure providers, the ty incidents; coordinating cyber incident

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8 response activities; issuing guidelines, advi- Arun Jaitley recently announced the establish- sories, vulnerability notes and white papers ment of a dedicated CERT for the financial sec- relating to information security practices, pro- tor (CERT-Fin) to strengthen the security and cedures, prevention, response, and reporting resilience of the Indian financial system.42 of incidents; and other cyber security-related functions as prescribed.38 The government allocated ₹85 (~$13.6 million) during the 2015-2016 financial year for three Subsequently, CERT-In released a framework activities: CERT-In operations, the Cyber Ap- document allowing it to track its progress to- pellate Tribunal,43 and cyber security research wards meeting the objective areas outlined in and development (R&D).44 the 2008 amended IT Act. Each objective area was assigned associated actions and measures 3. E-CRIME AND LAW of success. Since the release of the framework ENFORCEMENT document, CERT-In has updated its Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP) to counter The Indian government recognizes the sever- cyber attacks and cyber terrorism, as well as ity and impact of cyber crime and in light of other cyber-related incidents that impact criti- this, has passed and updated several statues cal national assets and endanger public safety to better respond to cyber crime and security or national security. In addition, CERT-In is con- breaches of information technology infrastruc- ducting security audits of critical infrastructure ture. The IT Act of 2000 – later amended in organizations; cyber security exercises at the 2008 – provides a broad legal framework for sectoral, national, and international levels; and the Indian government to address a range of entering into formal agreements to collaborate cyber security-related challenges. Cyber crimes with other national CERTs and sectorial CERTs. that are listed under the act include: “Tam- CERT-In is also utilizing media advertising to pering with Computer Source Documents” boost citizen awareness and provide additional (section 65); “Punishment for sending offensive cyber awareness training.39 messages through communication services, etc.” (section 66A); “Punishment for publishing Additionally, CERT-In established a security or transmitting obscene material in electronic alert system that publishes daily “advisories” form” (section 67); and “Power to authorize to and “vulnerability notes” on potential cyber monitor and collect traffic data or information threats and vulnerabilities on their website through any computer resource for cyber secu- and distributes them to interested CERT-In list- rity” (section 69B), among other crimes.45 serve subscribers.40 Moreover, CERT-In publish- es an annual report that provides an overview After the amendment of the IT Act in 2008, the of CERT-In activities, including a summary of constitutionality of the statute that prevents its botnet tracking and training workshops and the transmission of “offensive material” was statistics regarding cyber-related incidents.41 debated in the Indian Supreme Court. In 2015, Finally, in response to increasing incidents the Supreme Court struck down section 66A, of cyber fraud and underlying insecurities of deeming it unconstitutional, noting that the digital transactions, India Finance Minister statute had been widely misapplied by police

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9 in various states to arrest innocent persons for To help increase capacity and understanding posting critical commentary on social and po- of issues at the intersection of science, tech- litical issues and political leadership online.46 nology, policy, and law, the Indian government has developed a series of training centers. For Moreover, under the 2000 IT Act (section 84A), instance, the Advanced Centre for Research, the Indian government considered the adop- Development and Training in Cyber Law and tion of a “National Encryption Policy.” In 2015, Forensics at the National Law School of India the Indian government posted a draft of the University in Bangalore works to translate the law policy online that was formulated by an expert into technical terms and vice-versa by providing group at the former DeITY. The draft language training and education to judicial officers, pros- highlights some of the technical and institu- ecutors, investigative agencies, cyber secrity tional overlaps between cyber security, cyber personnel, technologists, and others. Funded crime, and lawful interception. The document by DeITY (now MeitY), the Centre provides triggered widespread criticism, based upon a unique hands-on training component.51 some interpretations that all citizens who use Additionally, the government – via a pub- encryption services – for example WhatsApp – lic-private partnership with the Data Security would be required to store plain text versions Council of India (DSCI)52 and the National As- of encrypted communications for 90 days sociation of Software Services and Companies or face potential legal action. Moreover, the (NASSCOM)53 – has developed cyber labs in policy also suggested that e-commerce sites Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, and Kolkata.54 The would be obligated to keep plain text data labs are designed to train law enforcement and encrypted text data of users for 90 days officials and industry partners in cyber securi- from the date of the transaction.47 As a result of the criticism, the Indian government removed the document after one day, stating that the document was “just a draft and not the view of the government.”48 However, some of the Through a public-private same security concerns that motivated the partnership with the Data creation of the draft “National Encryption Pol- Security Council of India (DSCI) icy” are also driving India to develop a Central and the National Association Monitoring System (CMS) for the “lawful inter- ception and monitoring of communication to of Software Services and address…national security concerns.”49 Many Companies (NASSCOM), the law enforcement officials, however, are not Indian government has worked fully aware of their adjudicating powers under with industry to develop the Information Technology Act of 2008 and cyber training labs in Mumbai, the successful investigation and prosecution of cyber crimes is still impaired by the lack of Bangalore, Pune, and Kolkata. standard procedures for searching, seizing, and forensically examining of digital evidence.50

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10 ty and forensics. Thus far, 49,000 individuals ber Crimes R&D Unit, a Cyber Crime Investi- have been trained through the DSCI cyber gation Cell, and a Cyber Forensics Laboratory labs pan-Indian program.55 In addition, with (which includes a digital imaging center), and a initial support from MeitY, the India University’s Network Monitoring Centre. The CBI also has National Law School has set up a Cyber Law a separate Economic Offenses Division that Centre and a Cyber Forensic Lab and conducts leads the investigation of cyber crimes related regularly training of law enforcement agencies to banking and financial services.57 The CBI’s in both cyber laws and cyber forensics. Cyber Crime Investigation Cell was established in 2001 and has a core team of individuals, The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is also who frequently interface with the US Federal advocating to increase the country’s capacity Bureau of Investigation (FBI), INTERPOL, and to deal with cyber crime and cyber insecurity. the police forces of other countries.58 MHA issued an advisory to state governments to build the technical capacity required to tack- In 2016, the government proposed the estab- le cyber crime, including training professionals lishment of an Indian Cyber Crime Coordina- for detection, registration, investigation, and tion Center (IC4), a ₹400 (~$64 million) “cyber prosecution of cyber crime. As a result, the control hub” under the MHA meant to moni- MHA is supporting the establishment of Cyber tor “child pornography and online trolling.”59 Crime Police Stations (CCPS) and Cyber Crime Moreover, the Indian government launched a Investigations and Forensics Training Facilities Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre (CCIFTC) in each Indian state under its police (Cyber Swachhta Kendra), part of CERT-In, modernization scheme. Cyber forensics train- in December 2016. The botnet center works ing and investigation labs have been estab- with the ISPs to detect botnets, alerts owners lished in the states of , , Mizoram, of software infections on their devices, and Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Megha- directs them to the CERT-In website which laya, Manipur, Jammu, and Kashmir. The gov- recommends procedures to remove malicious ernment has also established a state-of-the-art software and infections.60 This initiative is a facility for cyber crime investigation at the component of the “Digital India” and had ini- National Police Academy (NPA) in Hyderabad tial funding of ₹100 (~$16 million).61 to provide hands on training to police officers tasked with combating cyber crimes.56 Realizing the importance of cyber security as an important precursor to digital inclusion and The Indian Central Bureau of Investigation e-governance, various state governments have (CBI) – the lead body that investigates breach- also initiated statewide projects to tackle cyber es of central laws – views cyber crimes from two crime and data theft. For instance, the Govern- different perspectives: one is that computers ment of Maharashtra has launched a “Cyber are the means to commit crimes, and the other Maharashtra” project with a budget of ₹1000 is that computers are the target of crimes. As (~$150 million),62 and other states like Andhra a result, the CBI has set up various bodies to Pradesh63 and Telangana are following suit.64 help combat cyber crime. The CBI has a Cy-

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11 India is not a signatory of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime but will become a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s “Agreement on Cooperation in the Field on Ensuring International Information Security.”

Internationally, the Indian government is part- Information Security,” in 2016, Indian govern- nering with other countries and international ment officials signed a “Memorandum of Ob- organizations to reduce cyber crime. India ligations” with the Council of the SCO Heads has signed 39 mutual legal assistance treaties of States for the purpose of gaining full-fledge (MLATs) with various countries, which often in- membership in the SCO. Their membership is clude the exchange of cyber crime information likely to be accepted at the summit of leaders among signatory countries to facilitate swifter of the SCO member states in Astana in June incident response and indictment of criminals. 2017. As part of its accession, India will have to The MHA International Security II Division accept all documents that have been adopted is the central body that handles requests for by SCO member states in the last 15 years, information regarding extra territorial crimes, which will include the “Agreement on Coop- including cyber crime. A seven-member body eration in the Field on Ensuring International was also recently formed within the CBI to en- Information Security.”67 sure compliance for all MLA requests.65 4. INFORMATION SHARING Nonetheless, India is not a signatory of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime As stated in the amended IT Act of 2008 (sec- (commonly known as the Budapest Conven- tion 70B), CERT-In is the designated national tion). It rejected the Budapest Convention be- agency for emergency incident response, as cause of Section 32B of the Convention, which well as the collection, assessment, and sharing allows members to access or receive stored of information on cyber incidents.68 CERT-In is computer data located in another member responsible for sharing relevant information state, should the requesting member obtain 24x7 regarding cyber attacks, vulnerabilities, lawful and voluntary consent. India views this as solutions, and cyber crisis management. Ad- an infringement on the sovereignty of a coun- ditionally, NCIIPC is responsible for sharing try.66 Even though India has yet to become an malware analysis and other information with official member of the Shanghai Cooperation critical infrastructure organizations and their Organisation’s (SCO) “Agreement on Coop- critical sub-sectors.69 eration in the Field on Ensuring International

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12 While India does not have a national informa- egy, the Indian government set aside ₹775 tion sharing policy, the 2013 “National Cyber (~$124 million) over a five-year period to cre- Security Policy” does highlight the importance ate the national level mechanism intended to of information sharing and cooperation as a generate situational scenarios of existing and key strategic area. The national cyber securi- potential cyber threats and to facilitate infor- ty strategy highlights three main action areas: mation sharing.71 (1) developing bilateral and multilateral rela- tionships with other countries in the areas of cy- There have been instances, albeit limited ones, ber security; (2) enhancing national and global of information sharing between the Indian cooperation among security agencies, CERTs government and industry. In 2010, India’s CBI defense agencies and militaries, law enforce- entered into a memorandum of understanding ment, and the judicial systems; and (3) creating (MoU) with NASSCOM and DSCI to facilitate a mechanism for dialogue related to the tech- information sharing on emerging technology, nical and operational aspects of cyber security security standards, and best practices between with industry in order to facilitate recovery and law enforcement and industry.72 While this resilience efforts, including with critical infor- was an important initiative, in 2012, DSCI and mation infrastructures.70 the Indian government released the “Recom- mendations of [the] Joint Working Group on Moreover, the 2013 strategy notes the im- Engagement with the Private Sector on Cyber portance of creating an information sharing Security” and highlighted that private-public national-level mechanism for the timely ex- information exchange was insufficient. The doc- change of threat information. Two years after ument creates a roadmap for the private-pub- the release of the national cyber security strat- lic-partnership and advocates for the establish- ment of institutional mechanisms to promote convergence and coordination between the public and private sector. The document also outlines private sector intentions to set up Infor- mation Sharing and Analyses Centers (ISACs) in various sectors, which would cooperate While India does not have a with sectoral CERTs at the operational level.73 national information sharing policy, the 2013 “National Cyber Subsequently, the Indian Banks-Center for Security Policy” does highlight Analysis of Risks and Threats (IB-CART) – a body the importance of information modeled after the US financial service ISAC (FS-ISAC) – was set up in India in 2014 by the sharing and cooperation Reserve Bank of India’s Institute for Develop- as a key strategic area. ment and Research in Banking Technology. The IB-CART’s main objectives include: disseminat- ing and fostering the sharing of relevant and actionable threat information among members

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13 to ensure continued public confidence in the and policy goals. The strategy provides a list of banking sector; aiding the sector’s resources R&D action areas, including: the development to assist the entire sector with cyber situational of trustworthy systems (i.e., testing, deploy- awareness and advanced warning; and con- ment, and maintenance throughout the sys- ducting research and intelligence gathering to tems lifecycle); the use of R&D to promote tai- alert members of evolving or existing threats. lor made, cost effective, indigenous solutions To date, IB-CART has attracted more than 90 to cyber security challenges for future export; institutions from at least 60 public, private, and and the facilitation of joint R&D with academia foreign banks in India.74 While other private, and industry for cutting-edge technologies real-time cyber threat intelligence networks and security research. are used more widely in the financial services sector, IB-CART may one day become a model MeitY has furthered acknowledged the im- for future ISACs, such as in the power75 and portance of indigenous cyber security R&D petroleum sectors.76 as applied to India’s national security. Indige- nous R&D allows India to develop tailor made solutions and products in the face of export restrictions on sophisticated products and systems from advanced countries. The gov- The Indian Banks-Center for ernment science and technology roadmap Analysis of Risks and Threats advocates for indigenous R&D as a means to (IB-CART) shares information protect its ICT supply chain from manipula- and alerts with more than tion. Moreover, India has expressed concern 90 participants from at over imported IT products because it believes least 60 public, private, and that these products may present “veiled secu- rity threat[s].”77 foreign banks in India. MeitY notes the important role the private sec- tor plays in addressing short-term R&D, leading to commercially viable products. Even though India has emerged as the second largest ex- porter of computer and information services in 5. INVESTMENT IN the world and is making significant strides in e-commerce, the private sector still faces chal- RESEARCH AND 78 DEVELOPMENT lenges. For instance, the World Bank ranks India low in terms of ease of doing business – starting a business, dealing with construction India’s 2013 national cyber security strategy permits, enforcing contracts, and paying tax- (“National Cyber Security Policy”) outlines es.79 Moreover, unstable electricity and issues India’s commitment to cyber security R&D to with the quality of broadband service has also meet short, medium, and long-term economic been an obstacle in the past, especially in the

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14 areas of cyber security R&D. Some of these con- and create a national repository of courses in straints continue to impact local entrepreneurs information security.84 It also set up a dedicat- and multinational companies interested in con- ed grant administration scheme and called for ducting business in India, although PM Modi R&D proposals in various ICT areas, such as has promised to address these concerns.80 For cryptography and cryptanalysis, network and example, under “Digital India,” a public-pri- systems security, security architectures, vulner- vate partnership unveiled a user-friendly web- ability and assurance, monitoring, surveillance, site, entitled “eBiz,” providing users the ability and forensics.85 to more easily start and operate a business.81 Additionally, in 2013, NASSCOM initiated Moreover, a variety of cyber security-related the 10,000 Start-ups Program (Start-up Ware- courses and degree programs are offered at a house). This initiative, modeled on “Start-Up number of Indian universities. The well-known Chile,” seeks to create a micro-ecosystem Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) offers where early stage start-up founders can work undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level together and share their best practices with degree programs where students can focus each other. Start-up Warehouse was launched on cyber security and network security-relat- in Kolkata with initial funding of approximately ed issues. A number of universities also offer $35 million from the West Bengal Government undergraduate and master’s degree programs (Ministry of IT) and the Small Industry Bank of in cyber security, such as the Indian Institute India. It was conceived by NASSCOM and is of Technology Mumbai, the M. S. Ramaiah now supported by more than 35 global corpo- Institute of Technology (MSRIT) in Bangalore, rations including Google, Kotak Bank, Hitachi, SJES College of Management Studies in Ban- IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Sony, and Wipro. At least galore, Jadavpur University in Kolkatta, and eight other state governments are following the K.K. Modi International Institute in New Kolkata’s lead and incubating start-up centers. Delhi.86 Recently, the India Institute of Tech- They realize the economic potential of this ac- nology in Kanpur became part of the world’s tivity and the importance of providing global largest student run cyber security challenge. exposure to Indian entrepreneurs, thereby The competition tests student knowledge of connecting them to the global marketplace.82 information security, from hardware and soft- ware penetration testing to protection, digital Outside of fostering a more conducive busi- forensics, and government policy.87 While aca- ness environment, India also plans to build a demic programs are now available for the new- more professional cyber security workforce of er generation, the students leaving university 500,000 skilled workers by 2018 through ca- are not necessarily prepared with the requisite pacity building, skills development, and train- skills needed by industry.88 ing.83 In particular, MeitY launched a broad Information Security Education and Awareness As a result, industry is working to build cyber (ISEA) project to address the human resource capacity. For example, NASSCOM launched requirement in the country, train government a “NASSCOM Cyber Security Task Force” in personnel, promote cyber security awareness, 2015, aimed at making India a hub for cyber

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15 security research, training, and products, which representatives.91 The MEA also has a Global is expected to generate a $35 billion market Cyber Issues Cell that tracks international mat- by 2025.89 DSCI also intends to train at least ters impacting national policy and that rep- one million professionals in cyber security and resents India’s cyber security interests, abroad.92 to build 1,000 successful cyber security-related companies.90 India’s aspirations to develop a India has been very active in the internation- digitally empowered society and knowledge al arena to help shape international norms in economy requires a robust commitment and cyberspace. Indian National Security Advisor, investment in cyber security basic and applied Ajit Doval, has called cyberspace a “global research and broader university programs to common” in need for a renewed approach close the gap between talent availability and and new norms when it comes to diplomacy or workforce demand. conflict.93 To further its cyber diplomacy agen- da, India has participated in multilateral discus- 6. DIPLOMACY AND TRADE sions in various international fora including: the United Nations Group of Government Experts The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) (UN GGE) in the context of international secu- treats cyber security as a tier-one foreign policy rity and ICT, the United Nations Commission element and India has been actively engaged on Science and Technology Working Group on in diplomatic and trade and commerce ne- Enhanced Cooperation, and the United Na- gotiations related to cyber security for a few tions Office on Drugs and Crime Open Ended years. The Joint Secretary for Policy Planning Inter-Government Working Group on Cyber- at the MEA acts as the head of cyber issues, crime.94 The government consistently states and is charged with negotiating agreements that “cyber security is the top issue when it with third countries. The MEA has a division comes to global security” and stresses India’s entirely devoted to cyber security entitled commitment to tackle cyber threats. the “E-Governance and Internet Technology” (EG&IT) division staffed with four permanent In addition, India has been involved in a num- ber of high-level bilateral and multilateral cyber dialogues with a variety of countries, including Australia, Canada, China, Germany, France, Japan, Kenya, Russia, South Korea, US, United Kingdom, and United Arab Emirates. The Indian Ministry of Although it has adopted different approaches External Affairs treats on key cyber security and Internet governance cyber security as a tier-one issues that sometimes appear to advocate element of foreign policy. for one position with one set of players and another position with others. For instance, statements made after a trilateral meeting in April 2016 among the foreign ministries of In-

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16 mit in 2015, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa addressed issues of India has worked to shape common interest and priorities to strengthen international norms in and broaden intra-BRICS cooperation. The group emphasized the central importance of cyberspace through multilateral the principles of international law enshrined discussions related to global in the UN Charter, particularly the political cyber issues in various independence, territorial integrity, and sov- United Nations forums. ereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs of other states, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.98 India expressed deep concern regarding the potential misuse of ICTs for purposes which threaten international peace and security. In dia, Russia, and China seemed to suggest that 2016, India hosted the 8th Annual BRICS Sum- India supports a multilateral approach to Inter- mit in Goa, where it advocated for public and net governance issues.95 On the other hand, private investments in infrastructure, especially the “US-India Cyber Relations Framework” connectivity, to ensure sustained long-term agreement signed between India and the US growth.99 The leaders stressed the importance in September 2016 noted that both countries of their economic partnership, advocated for are committed to a multi-stakeholder model of approaches to bridge the financing gap in Internet governance. The agreement commits infrastructure, and tasked the New Develop- the two countries to conduct information ex- ment Bank (NDB)100 – a multilateral develop- changes on cyber threats and other issues of ment bank proposed by India at the 4th BRICS mutual concern; promote bilateral cooperation Summit in 2012 and formally established in on law enforcement and cyber crime issues; 2015 – with advancing sustainable develop- coordinate cyber capacity-building efforts; ment projects in BRICS, emerging economies, support an open, interoperable, secure, and and developing countries. A representative reliable cyberspace; and encourage responsi- from India was appointed as the first President ble state behavior in cyberspace.96 of the bank, and India will host both the next NDB Board of Governors’ annual meeting and While ICT and cyber security matters are not the first BRICS Trade Fair in 2017. listed by the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry as a top-tier element of foreign trade India also recognizes the strategic importance policy,97 India is advancing its digital agenda of the Regional Comprehensive Economic and select cyber security issues in numerous Partnership (RCEP) to its future. RCEP, currently other economic fora and trade negotiations. in its last rounds of negotiations, is an Asia-Pa- For example, India is an active member of the cific free trade agreement among the 10 econ- BRICS Summits. At the 7th Annual BRICS Sum- omies of the ASEAN region (Brunei, Cambo-

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17 dia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, , the making it difficult to address the wide range of Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) cyber issues in foreign affairs and trade. Given and six of its free trade partners (Australia, the importance of cyber security policy, this China, India, Japan, New Zealand, and South could prove increasingly problematic for India. Korea). The 16 participating RCEP countries account for nearly 30 percent of global GDP 7. DEFENSE AND CRISIS and over one quarter of the world’s exports. At RESPONSE the November 2016 ministers meeting, India convinced all other countries to bundle the Organizations within four Indian government different parts of the negotiations for goods, agencies have cyber security mandates incor- services, and investments together into one porating national cyber defense: the Prime package.101 If India is successful, the RCEP will Minister’s Office, the MHA, MeitY, and the become the largest regional trading bloc in the Ministry of Defense. world.102 The goal of the RCEP is to lower trade barriers, promote economic and technical co- The National Technical Research Organisation operation, protect intellectual property, en- (NTRO) – modeled after the National Security courage competition, facilitate dispute settle- Agency in the US – is a specialized technical ment, and improve market access for exporters research and intelligence gathering unit under of goods and services. The RCEP gives India a the administrative control of the Prime Min- platform to influence its strategic and econom- ister’s Office. Established in 2004, the NTRO ic status in the Asia-Pacific region and bring to does strategic monitoring of satellite and ter- fruition its “Act East Policy.” While the nego- restrial Internet communications. The NTRO is tiation is not finalized, elements of the trade the lead repository of India’s technical assets, measures include data protection measures, including intelligence satellites, unmanned intellectual property rights, restrictive rules on aerial systems, and intelligence aircraft. It pro- exceptions to copyright, and data sovereignty vides technical intelligence to other govern- claims for national security purposes. ment agencies on internal and external security issues.103 Additionally, reporting to the NTRO, Although the Indian government considers is the National Institute of Cryptology Research cyber security a top-tier element of its foreign and Development (NICRD). Founded in 2007, policy, the MEA continues to be understaffed, the NICRD designs and develops encryption

The National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) is modeled after the US National Security Agency and is a specialized technical research and intelligence gathering unit under the administrative control of the Prime Minister’s Office.

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18 products for national security applications. it will work with public and private entities to The NICRD was the first of its kind in Asia, and mitigate those threats. has sought to create a pool of cyber security and information security experts for national Within the Ministry of Defence (MoD), two security purposes.104 The NTRO also provides main agencies, outside the armed forces, funding to the India Consortium Group, a have missions related to cyber security. The not-for-profit comprised of India’s leading Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) works to information security experts and researchers combine the intelligence produced by the that often make policy recommendations on three services – the Army, Air Force, and Navy cyber-related issues. – into actionable information for the military. The DIA controls the Defense Information The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHS), charged Warfare Agency, which handles all elements with Indian internal security, also has a series of of information warfare, to include psycholog- organizations under its administrative control ical operations, cyber war, network security, that have mandates including cyber defense. and electro-magnetic spectrum operations.106 The Intelligence Bureau (IB) is the lead intelli- Moreover, the Defence Research and Develop- gence body that focuses on internal security. ment Organisation (DRDO) is the lead defense Even though limited information is publicly agency for R&D and testing and evaluation for available on the IB, the MHA gave the nod all fields relevant to national security, includ- to the IB in 2015 to create a “cyber security ing cyber security. The DRDO is involved with architecture,” or wing, that would work inde- the design, development, and production of pendently of the NTRO. This wing plans to state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, and include 500 individuals that would work to military platforms, in addition to infrastructure. counter online radicalization from terrorist In one project, the DRDO built two ranges for groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and testing electronic weapons sytems.107 the Levant (ISIS).105 While there is no singular national level organi- Moreover, the newly established National zation in the military tasked with cyber defense Cyber Coordination Center (NCCC) will co- of the nation, each of the military services ordinate near real-time situational awareness have included cyber defense – and at times, and rapid response to cyber security incidents offense – in their respective military doctrines. between intelligence, law enforcement, and The 2004 Indian Army Doctrine, the most re- defense. The NCCC will also collect, integrate, cent publicly available doctrine, defines seven and scan Internet traffic data from different different forms of information warfare; how- gateway routers of major ISPs at a centralized ever, it does not explicitly state that the Army location for analysis in order to provide proac- needs to have this operational capacity.108 The tive cyber threat detection and defense at a na- 2009 Indian Maritime Doctrine also provides tional level. However, as previously mentioned, a high-level definition of information warfare, it is still unclear how the NCCC will share cyber including electronic warfare and deception. security threat information and to what extent Unlike the Army Doctrine, however, the Mari-

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19 While there is no singular organization in the military tasked with cyber defense of the nation, each of the military services have cyber defense – and at times offense – in their respective military doctrines.

time Doctrine identifies electronic warfare as a Command headquartered at Viskahapatnam, key task for the Indian Navy alongside harbor the service stood up an exclusive cyber war- defense, mine warfare, and other more tradi- riors cadre – the first military service to establish tional naval responsibilities.109 Finally, the 2012 such a group.112 Additionally, in 2014, it was re- Air Force Doctrine defines both defensive and ported that the Indian government approved offensive information operations in addition a “Framework for Enhancing Cyber Security to cyber warfare. The Indian Air Force (IAF) of Indian Cyberspace,” which is not present- outlines key cyber threats to the IAF, including ly publicly available. The Framework includes infrastructure based attacks, sophisticated mal- the establishment of Cyber Operation Centres ware, and other hardware and software based (COCs) by each of the defense services, and threats. The IAF concludes by acknowledging as a result, each service established interim that cyberspace presents multiple challenges COCs.113 The Indian Headquarters Integrated but also potential warfighting benefits, and Defense Staff is also responsible for informa- that the IAF needs to develop a “well-defined tion security and related cyber projects with roadmap” for the future.110 all three services.114 Despite all these efforts to develop cyber capabilities, armed forces have Outside the official doctrine, each of the mil- taken little action to engage in a cooperative itary services has sought to enhance cyber approach to cyber security and operations ca- capabilities for future conflict scenarios. In pability development. 2005, the Indian Army created the Cyber Se- curity Establishment to secure networks at the After suffering a series of breaches at the Na- division level and conduct security audits. The val Eastern Command and the DRDO, chiefs of Army has also established a Cyber Security the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force submit- Laboratory at the Military College of Telecom- ted a draft proposal to establish a cyber war- munications Engineering,111 and two units fare tri-command to the MoD. While the draft within its Intelligence Corps to counter foreign proposal was submitted in 2013, the MoD still cyber espionage attempts targeting Army net- remains undecided on whether to establish a works and personnel. Moreover, after the Indi- dedicated cyber command.115 an Navy suffered a cyber attack on its Eastern

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20 CRI 2.0 BOTTOM LINE that aligns its national economic visions with its national security priorities, updates to this According to the CRI 2.0 assessment, India is country profile will reflect those changes and still in the early stages of developing a path to- monitor, track, and evaluate substantive and ward cyber resilience and cyber readiness, and notable improvements. is currently partially operational only in one of the seven CRI essential elements. The CRI 2.0 offers a comprehensive, compar- ative, experience-based methodology to help The findings in this analysis represent a snap- national leaders chart a path towards a safer, shot in time of a dynamic and changing land- more resilient digital future in a deeply cy- scape. As India continues to develop and bered, competitive, and conflict prone world. update its economic (digital agenda) and na- For more information regarding the CRI 2.0, tional cyber security strategies, policies, and please see: initiatives to reflect a more balanced approach academic-centers/cyber-readiness-index.

Legend Fully Operational

Partially Operational

Insufficient Evidence

IDI Rank NRI Rank GDP Rank National StrategyIncident ResponseE-Crime & Law EnforcementInformation SharingInvestment in R&DDiplomacy & TradeDefense & Crisis Response

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21 ENDNOTES Pillars,” 1. Biswarup Sen, “Digital Politics and in/content/programme-pillars. Culture in Contemporary India: The Making of an Info-Nation,” (New 11. This is based on a World Bank report York, NY: Routledge, 2016): 71-72. that noted that a 10 percent increase in mobile and broadband penetration 2. Ibid. can deliver increases in per capital gross domestic product of 0.81 per- 3. Institute for Defense Studies and Anal- cent to 1.38 percent, respectively in yses, “IDSA Task Force: India’s Cyber developing countries. For statistics, Security Challenge,” (March 2012): 19. see: Deloitte, “Digital India: Unleash- 4. International Telecommunications ing Prosperity,” Deloitte (2015): 3. Union, “Percentage of individu- 12. “Digital India: PM Modi Says India als using the internet,” (2015). Can Play a Big Role in Cyber Security 5. World Bank, “World Development Globally,” July 2, 2015, NDTV, http:// Report 2016: Digital Dividend,” Wash- ington, DC: World Bank (2016): 7-8. pm-modi-says-india-can-play-a-big- role-in-cyber-security-globally-777319. 6. “India Internet Users,” Internet Live Stats, July 1, 2016, http://www.inter- 13. NASSCOM, “IT-BPM Overview,” http://

7. Ministry of Communications and 14. NASSCOM, “eCommerce Snapshot,” Information Technology, “National e-Governance Plan,” 15. Dhruva Jaishankar, “Internet Free- in/content/national-e-governance-plan. dom 2.1: Lesson’s from Asia’s De- 8. Unique Identification Authority of veloping Democracies,” German India, “UIDAI Background,” https:// Marshall Fund (March 2015): 13. 16. “Digital India: PM Modi Says India 9. Unique Identification Authority of India, Can Play a Big Role in Cyber Security “State/UT wise Aadhaar Saturation: Globally,” July 2, 2015, NDTV. Annexure 1,” 17. Venkatesh Ganesh, “India lagging news/aadhaar_saturation_15082016.pdf. Lagging in cyber Cyber security Se- 10. Ministry of Electronics and Information curity awarenessAwareness,” The Technology (MeitY), “Digital India: Hindu BusinessLine, August 29, 2016, About the Programme,” http://www. info-tech/india-lagging-in-cyber-secu- gramme, and “Digital India: Programme rity-awareness/article9046626.ece.

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

22 18. “Cyber frauds cost India $4 bil- 25. Vijay Mohan, “Fresh wave of cyber lion,” The Hindu, October 23, 2013, attacks hits India,” The Tribune, Febru- ary 11, 2016, http://www.tribuneindia. Economy/cyber-frauds-cost-india- com/2010/20100212/main7.htm. 4-billion/article5261594.ece. 26. Pukhraj Singh, “Thinking Offensively!”, 19. Press Trust of India, “Internal Security Seminar: The Monthly Symposium, Will be a Big Challenge for India: Ajit October, 2016, http://www.india-seminar. Doval,” NDTV, October 31, 2015, com/2013/650/650_pukhraj_sing.htm . internal-security-will-be-a-big-chal- 27. Ministry of Communications and Informa- lenge-for-india-ajit-doval-1238573. tion Technology, “National Cyber Securi- ty Policy,” Department of Electronics and 20. Department of Electronics and Infor- Information Technology (July 2, 2013): 2. mation Technology, “Digital India,” 28. Ibid, 3. pdf/Digital-India-DeITY-Details.pdf. 29. In July 2016, the Ministry of Commu- 21. Dilip Kumar Mekala, “The government nications and Information Technology needs to be more serious about India’s was bifurcated into the Ministry of cyber security,” Force, July 2015, http:// Communications and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technol- ogy (MeitY). For more information on 22. Abhishek Bhalla, “Modi government MeitY, see: gets cracking on cyber espionage,” Mail Today, June 28, 2016, http://indiatoday. 30. Muktesh Chander, “National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection ing-cyber-espionage/1/702377.html. Centre (NCIIPC),” National Techni- cal Research Organisation, http:// 23. SD Pradhan, “Cyber security: Need for an overall national cyber strat- national-critical-information-infra- egy,” The Times of India, January structure-protection-centre-nciipc. 18, 2016, http://blogs.timesofindia. 31. Geetha Nandikotkur “India Opens cyber-security-need-for-an-over- Cyber Coordination Centre” April all-national-cyber-strategy/. 13, 2015, http://www.bankinfose- 24. Dhruva Jaishankar, “Internet Free- ordination-centre-a-8100. dom 2.1: Lesson’s from Asia’s De- veloping Democracies,” German 32. Melissa Hathaway’s interview with Arvind Marshall Fund (March 2015): 8. Gupta, Deputy National Security Advisor, at the Cyber 360: A Synergia Conclave, Bangalore India, September 29, 2015.

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

23 33. The Gazette of India, “The Informa- 39. Department of Information Tech- tion Technology Act of 2008,” Indian nology, “RFD: Results-Framework Ministry of Law and Justice, (February Document for ICERT 2011-2012,” 5, 2009): 14, (2012), upload_files/dit/files/downloads/ Images/CERT-In_RFD2011-12.pdf. itact2000/it_amendment_act2008.pdf. 40. Indian Computer Emergency Re- 34. Pukhraj Singh, “In Cyberspace War- sponse Team, “Welcome to CERT- fare, India is Still Shooting in the In,” Dark”, The Quint, February 26, 2016, 41. Indian Computer Emergency Re- ion/2016/02/25/in-cyberspace-warfare- sponse Team, “Annual Report,” india-is-still-shooting-in-the-dark.

35. Muktesh Chander, “National Critical 42. PTI, “Cashless push: Computer Information Infrastructure Protection Emergency Response Team to check Centre (NCIIPC),” National Techni- cyber frauds,” The New Indian Express, cal Research Organisation, http:// February 1, 2017, http://www.newind- national-critical-information-infra- get-2017/2017/feb/01/cashless-push- structure-protection-centre-nciipc. computer-emergency-response-team- to-check-cyber-frauds-1565845.html. 36. National Technical Research Organi- sation, “National Critical Information 43. The Cyber Appellate Tribunal allows Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC): any person that may be aggrieved by Role, Charter, and Responsibilities,” an order by the Controller of Certify- ing Authorities, or by an adjudicating national-critical-information-infra- officer, to file an appeal before the structure-protection-centre-nciipc. Tribunal. For more information, see: Ministry of Electronics and Information 37. Indian Computer Emergency Re- Technology, “Cyber Appellate Tribu- sponse Team, “Welcome to CERT- nal,” In,” 44. Government of India, Ministry of Com- 38. The Gazette of India, “The Information munications and Information Technology, Technology Act of 2008,” (February “Unstarred Question No: 4671, An- 5, 2009), and “The Information Tech- swered On: 22.04.2015, Budgetary Allo- nology (The Indian Computer Emer- cation to Counter Cybercrime, Bharaten- gency Response Team and Manner dra Singh,” Lok Sabha, (April 22, 2015). of Performing Functions and Duties) Rules, 2013,” (January 16, 2014), 45. The Gazette of India, “The Informa- tion Technology Act of 2008,” Indian dit/files/G_S_R%2020%20(E)2.pdf. Ministry of Law and Justice, (February

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

24 5, 2009): 14, 51. Advanced Center for Research, Devel- upload_files/dit/files/downloads/ opment, and Training in Cyber Laws itact2000/it_amendment_act2008.pdf. and Forensics, “Academic Programs,” National Law School of India. 46. Amit Choudhary and Dhananjay Ma- hapatra, “Supreme Court strikes down 52. The Data Security Council of India (DSCI) Section 66A of IT Act which allows is an industry organization that was arrests for objectionable content online,” founded to promote data protection The Times of India, March 24, 2015, and to develop and implement security and privacy best practices for all Indian india/Supreme-Court-strikes-down- industries that operation information Section-66A-of-IT-Act-which-allowed- systems. DSCI was established by the arrests-for-objectionable-content- National Association of Software and online/articleshow/46672244.cms. Services Companies (NASSCOM).

47. “National Encryption Policy draft 53. National Association of Software and withdrawn: 13 things to know,” The Services Companies (NASSCOM) is a Times of India, September 22, 2015, trade association covering the Indian Information technology and business tech/tech-news/National-Encryption- process outsourcing industries. Policy-draft-withdrawn-13-things-to- know/articleshow/49056912.cms. 54. Data Security Council of In- dia, “Cyber Labs,” https://www. 48. “Criticisms forces government to roll back its draft encryption poli- cy,” The Indian Express, September 55. Melissa Hathaway’s interview with 23, 2015, http://indianexpress. Nandkumar Saravade, CEO of the com/article/india/india-others/ Data Security Council of India (DSCI) government-withdraws-draft-nation- Mumbai, India, September 22, 2015. al-encryption-policy-after-furore/. 56. Ministry of Communications and Infor- 49. Press Information Bureau, “Surveil- mation Technology, “Unstarred Question lance System,” Government of India, No: 5763, Answered On: 29.04.2015, March 9, 2011, Cyber Training, Janardan Singh Sig- newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=70747. riwal,” Lok Sabha, (April 29, 2015).

50. Arunabh Saikia, “Why most cybercrimes 57. Internet Democracy, “Watchtower: in India don’t end in conviction,” Live Mapping the Indian Government’s Cyber Mint, July 29, 2016, http://www.livemint. Institutions,” https://internetdemocracy. com/Home-Page/6Tzx7n4mD1vpy- in/watchtower/ and Central Bureau QCOfATbxO/Why-most-cyber-crimes- of Investigation, “Divisions in CBI,” in-India-dont-end-in-conviction.html.

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

25 58. Prashant Bakshi, “Security Implications tember 16, 2016, http://www.newindi- for a Wired India: Challenges Ahead,” Strategic Analysis (2001): 114. sep/16/Telangana-government-formu- lates-cyber-security-policy-1520023.html. 59. Press Trust of India, “New cyber-control hub to check pornography, online trolls”, 65. Ministry of External Affairs, “Mutual The Times of India, July 18, 2016, http:// Legal Assistance Requests,” http:// cyber-control-hub-to-check-pornography- online-trolls/articleshow/53269223.cms. 66. Council of Europe, “Convention on Cy- bercrime,” Council of Europe (2001): 20. 60. CERT-In, “Welcome to Botnet Clean- ing and Malware Analysis Centre 67. PTI, “India likely to join Shanghai (Cyber Swachhta Kendra), http:// Cooperation Organisation within a year,” The Indian Express, June 14, 2016, 61. “Government facility in 3 months to article/india/india-news-india/india-like- clean malware from mobiles, PCs,” ly-to-join-shanghai-cooperation-or- The Economic Times, May 24, 2015, ganisation-within-a-year-2852341/. tech/software/government-facility-in- 68. The Gazette of India, “The Informa- 3-months-to-clean-malware-from-mo- tion Technology Act of 2008,”14. biles-pcs/articleshow/47404157.cms. 69. Indian Computer Emergency Response 62. Priyanka Pugaokar, “Maha Govt In- Team, “Welcome to CERT-In,” http:// vests 1000 Cr In ‘Cyber Maharashtra’ and National Tech- Project,”, August nical Research Organisation, “National 28, 2016, http://www.channeltimes. Critical Information Infrastructure com/story/maha-govt-invests-1000- Protection Centre (NCIIPC): Role, cr-in-cyber-maharashtra-project/. Charter, and Responsibilities,” http:// 63. Sridhar Raavi, “AP – First in India to national-critical-information-infra- have 24X7 Cyber Security”, Mirchi9, structure-protection-centre-nciipc. November 30, 2014, https://www. 70. Ministry of Communications and dia-to-have-24x7-cyber-security/. Information Technology, “National Cyber Security Policy,” Depart- 64. Express News Service, “Telangana ment of Electronics and Information government formulates cyber security Technology (July 2, 2013): 9-10. policy”, The New Indian Express, Sep-

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

26 71. Government of India, Ministry of Com- 77. Ministry of Electronics & Infor- munications and Information Technology, mation Technology, “Strategic “Unstarred Question No: 4671, An- Approach,” swered On: 22.04.2015, Budgetary Allo- content/strategic-approach. cation to Counter Cybercrime, Bharaten- dra Singh,” Lok Sabha, (April 22, 2015). 78. World Trade Organization, “Interna- tional Trade Statistics 2015,” World 72. DSCI, “CBI, NASSCOM-DSCI signs MoU Trade Organization (2015): 140. to fight Cyber Crimes,” November 23, 2010, 79. World Bank Group, “Ease of Do- ing Business in India: 2016 data,” 73. DSCI and Government of India, “Recommendations of Joint Working data/exploreeconomies/india/. Group on Engagement with the Private Sector on Cyber Security,” (2012), 80. Dhruva Jaishankar, “Internet Free- dom 2.1: Lesson’s From Asia’s De- Data%20Security%20Council%20 veloping Democracies,” German of%20India%20(DSCI)%20-Recom- Marshall Fund (March 2015): 15. mendations%20of%20JWG.pdf. 81. Ministry of Commerce and Indus- 74. Institute for Development and Re- try, “Welcome to e-Biz,” https:// search in Banking Technology, “In- dian Banks- Center for Analysis of Risks and Threats (IB-CART),” http:// 82. Melissa Hathaway’s interview with Ravi Ranjan, Managing Director of Start-up Warehouse, Kolkata, India, 75. The Indian Ministry of Power in its September 24, 2015, and “1000 Start- overview of the power sector includes: ups” coal, gas, oil, hydro, nuclear, and re- newable power sources. Ministry of 83. Ministry of Communications and Informa- Power, “Power Sector at a Glance ALL tion Technology, “National Cyber Securi- INDIA,” ty Policy,” Department of Electronics and content/power-sector-glance-all-india. Information Technology (July 2, 2013): 4.

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27 86. Shiksha, “Cyber Security/IT Security 92. Internet Democracy, “Watchtower: Courses in India,” Mapping the Indian Government’s it-cyber-security-courses-in-india-catego- Cyber Institutions,” https://inter- rypage-10-127-1-0-0-1-1-2--none-1-0.

87. Virendra Singh Rawat, “IIT Kanpur 93. Full speech by AK Doval at the annual to host global cyber security chal- Hindustan Times Summit, held in No- lenge,” Business Standard, August 8, vember 2014, 2016, com/watch?v=eccxX_H_8OQ . com/article/current-affairs/iit-kan- pur-to-host-global-cyber-security-chal- 94. Ministry of External Affairs, “An- lenge-116080801015_1.html. nual Report 2013-2014,” Ministry of External Affairs (2014): xviii. 88. Venkatesh Ganesh, “India lagging in cyber security awareness,” The Hin- 95. Indian Ministry of External Affairs, “Joint du BusinessLine, August 29, 2016, Communiqué of the 14th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federa- info-tech/india-lagging-in-cyber-secu- tion, the Republic of India and the Peo- rity-awareness/article9046626.ece. ple’s Republic of China,” April 18, 2016, 89. “Nasscom task force to make India htm?dtl/26628/Joint_Communiqu_of_ hub for cybersecurity research,” the_14th_Meeting_of_the_Foreign_ ETTelecom, May, 26, 2015, and Melissa Ministers_of_the_Russian_Federa- Hathaway’s interview with Venkathesh tion_the_Republic_of_India_and_ Murthy, Director of the DSCI Cyber the_Peoples_Republic_of_China. Labs, Advanced Center on Research and Development and Training in 96. U.S. Embassy & Consulates in India, Cybersecurity Law and Forensics, Na- “Framework for the US-India Cyber tional Law School of India University, Relationship,” Bangalore, India, October 1, 2015. framework-u-s-india-cyber-relationship/.

90. Melissa Hathaway’s interview with 97. Ministry of Commerce and In- Nandkumar Saravade, CEO of Data dustry, “International Trade,” Security Council of India (DSCI), Mum- bai, India, September 22, 2015, and Remarks by Nandkumar Saravade at 98. “Ufa Declaration,” 7th BRICS Summit, the Cyber 360: A Synergia Conclave, Ufa, Russian Federation, July 9, 2015, Bangalore India, September 29, 2015. Docs/25448_Declaration_eng.pdf. 91. Ministry of External Affairs, “About Us: Administration,” http://

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.

28 99. “GOA Declaration,” 8th BRICS Summit, 105. Vijaita Singh, “MHA nod for cyber Goa, India, October 16, 2016, http:// security wing under the IB,” The Indian Express, June 18, 2015, http://indianex- ration%20and%20Action%20Plan.pdf. nod-for-cyber-security-wing-under-ib/. 100. New Development Bank, “Gene- sis,” 106. Vinod Anand, “Debate,” Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses: 101. Kirtika Suneja, “RCEP countries agree Journal of Defence Studies (2008), to Indian demand on services, invest- ment negotiation,” The Economic tegratingtheIndianMilitary_VAnand. Times, November 8, 2016, http:// 107. Center for Strategic and International economy/foreign-trade/rcep-coun- Studies, “Cybersecurity and Cy- tries-agree-to-indian-demand-on-ser- berwarfare: Preliminary Assessment of vices-investment-negotiations/ National Organization and Doctrine,” articleshow/55305824.cms?utm_ UNIDIR Resources (2011): 74. source=contentofinterest&utm_me- dium=text&utm_campaign=cppst. 108. Headquarters Army Training Command, “Indian Army Doc- 102. Asit Ranjan Mishra, “India to talk tough at trine,” (October 2004): 20-22. RCEP trade meet,” Live Mint, November 2, 2016, 109. Indian Navy, “Indian Maritime Doctrine: tics/mOzWKi4gvcNzK7KkBTqJWI/India- Naval Strategic Publication 1.1,” (2009): to-talk-tough-at-RCEP-trade-meet.html . 52 and 92, sites/default/files/Indian-Maritime-Doc- 103. RS Bedi VrC, “NTRO: India’s Technical trine-2009-Updated-12Feb16.pdf. Intelligence Agency,” Indian Defence Review, April 23, 2015, http://www. 110. Indian Air Force, “Basic Doctrine of the Indian Air Force, 2012,” (2012): 131-134. ntro--technical-intelligence-agency/. 111. Center for Strategic and International 104. Ashok Das, “Key security outfit now near Studies, “Cybersecurity and Cy- Hyderabad,” Hindustan Times, May 7, berwarfare: Preliminary Assessment of 2007, National Organization and Doctrine,” india/key-security-outfit-now-near-hy- UNIDIR Resources (2011): 72. derabad/story-UZz98GoeIXjaHhe- FU6CfKK.html, Internet Democracy, 112. “Indian Navy creates exclusive cyber “Watchtower: Mapping the Indian Gov- warriors cadre,” Deccan Herald, July ernment’s Cyber Institutions,” https:// 12, 2012, http://www.deccanherald. com/content/263791/indian-na- vy-creates-exclusive-cyber.html.

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29 113. Security Risks, “Security Issues with South Asia: Cyber Security Threats Enhanced,” Security Risks Monitor, December 3, 2014, http://www.securi- iw-cyber-security/cyber-securi- ty-threats-enhanced-3936.html.

114. Indian Air Force, “Basic Doctrine of the Indian Air Force, 2012,” (2012): 132.

115. Vivek Raghuvanshi, “India Still Un- sure on Need for Cyber Command,” DefenseNews, December 8, 2014.

© 2016 Cyber Readiness Index 2.0, all rights reserved.


Melissa Hathaway is a leading expert in cyberspace policy and cybersecurity. She serves as a Senior Fellow and a member of the Board of Regents at Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and is a Senior Advisor at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She served in two Presidential administrations where she spearheaded the Cyberspace Policy Review for President Barak Obama and led the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative for President George W. Bush. She developed a unique methodology for evaluating and measuring the level of preparedness for certain cybersecurity risks, known as the Cyber Readiness Index. She publishes regularly on cybersecurity matters affecting companies and countries. Most of her articles can be found at the following website: http://belfercenter.ksg.

Chris Demchak is a subject-matter expert on the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ Cyber Readiness Index project. Her research areas are digital resilience, cyber conflict, and the struc- tures and risks of cyber space. She designed a digitized organization model known as “Atrium” that helps large enterprises respond to and accommodate surprises in their systems. She is also the author of Wars of Disruption and Resilience: Cybered Conflict, Power and National Security.

Jason Kerben is a subject-matter expert on the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ Cyber Readiness Index project. He also serves as senior advisor to multiple Departments and Agen- cies in matters related to information security and cyber security. In particular, he focuses on legal and regulatory regimes that impact an organization’s mission. He develops methodologies and approaches to assess and manage cyber security risk and advises on a myriad of specific cybersecurity activities including international principles governing information and communi- cations technologies, identity and access management, continuous diagnostics and mitigation and cyber insurance.

Jennifer McArdle is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and an Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI. Jennifer’s aca- demic research and publications focus on cyber conflict, escalation management, and military innovation. She is a PhD candidate in War Studies at King’s College London.

Francesca Spidalieri is a subject-matter expert at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ Cyber Readiness Index Project. She also serves as the Senior Fellow for Cyber Leadership at the Pell Center, at Salve Regina University, and as a Distinguished Fellow at the Ponemon Institute. Her academic research and publications focus on cyber leadership development, cyber risk manage- ment, cyber education, and cyber security workforce development. She also published a report, entitled State of the States on Cybersecurity, that applies the Cyber Readiness Index 1.0 at the US state level. POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES 901 N . Stuart St . Suite 1200, Arlington, VA 22203