9781107025578 Index.Pdf
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02557-8 - The Sainte-chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Paris Meredith Cohen Index More information INDEX Aachen Billot, Claudine, 166 Charlemagne’s palace chapel, 117 Biram, Jean, 177 as prototype for Sainte-Chapelle, 117–20 bishop’s chapel (building type), 135–8 relics, 117 Blanche of Castile, 51 , 146 , 147 , 162 , 167 , 176 , Abbot Suger, 143 196 , 199 Abelard, Peter, 28 architectural patronage, 120–1 , 183 Adam of Senlis, bishop, 152 Blezzard, Judith, 168 Agnès de Méran, 63 Bloch, Marc, 143 Albertus Magnus, 8 Boeswillwald, Émile, 158 Alexander, Jonathan, 168 Boileau, Étienne, 173 , 194 Alfonse of Poitiers Böker, Hans, 119 patronage of Friars of the Sack, 178 Boniface VIII, pope, 152 Alfonso II of Asturias, 120 Boniface, archibishop of Mayence, 142 Amiens, city of, 111 Bons-Enfants, 177 , 178 cathedral, 34 , 92 Bony, Jean, 96 , 106 masons, 108–11 Boulet-Sautel, Marguerite, 170 Robert de Luzarches, 110 Bourdieu, Pierre, 7 Thomas de Cormont, 110 habitus, 7 radiating chapels, 100 symbolic power, 7 relation to the Sainte-Chapelle, 106–12 Branner, Robert, 3 , 15 , 47 , 96 , 99 , tracery, 100 163 , 172 Aquinas, Thomas, 8 responses to, 3 Aristotle, 7 Brenk, Beat, 82 , 162 Arnold II von Wied, archbishop of Cologne, 122 Breviary of Châteauroux, 150 Arsenal ms. 114. See Sainte-Chapelle: ordinals Brie-Comte-Robert art history Saint-Étienne “theoretical turn,” 3 triforium Autun plate tracery, 103 Saint-Lazare porch, 117 Caen Saint-Étienne Baker, Nick, 183 plate tracery, 102 Bar Sauma, 161 Cambrai Cathedral, 35 , 96 Battle of Bouvines.
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