Swarthmore College Works Art & Art History Faculty Works Art & Art History Winter 1984 The Case of Rouen Cathedral: An Art Historical Detective Story Michael Watt Cothren Swarthmore College,
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[email protected]. The Case of Rouen Cathedral An Art Historical Detective Story by MICHAEL W. COTHREN ~ for the reign of the patron, King Louis IX, "Praeteritorum enim recordatio futu· ~ and even imply the political sanction of rorum est exhibitio. 11 ~ Christ for Louis's earthly power. The The recollection of the past is the I) windows of many medieval churches, ~ however, present problems to the mod promise of the future. 05 Sugerius Abbas em viewer which are even more basic. i The ravages of time have often con s' structed barriers between us and the orig hen we think of French inal glazings of many Gothic churches, Gothic stained glass, ra reducing them to a mere fragment of their diant and weU-preserved original appearance, and thus hindering ensembles like the Pari our aesthetic, as well as our symbolic and sian Sainte-Chapelle or historical understanding.