Term 3. 2017 – 2018. Dear Parents, This term saw the publication of school league tables and as I have noted in the past, we don’t take a lot of notice of these as a great school is about so much more than a set of statistics focused on one set of examinations. However, that said, we’d rather be Manchester City than West Bromwich Albion at the moment (apologies to any Baggies fans), so it was pleasing to note that despite our lack of enthusiasm, we were in the top 50 of boys’ schools in the country for both attainment and progress this year and in the top 5% of schools for attainment and top 15% of all schools for progress. Nationally, the poor progress of boys overall between key stage 2 and 4 though remains an issue with the national benchmark for boys progress 8 being -0.24, whilst for girls it is +0.18. Fortunately of course, our progress score of +0.44 bucks this worrying national trend. As usual the term has been packed full of extra-curricular activities, in addition to our Y13 boys sitting mock examinations in preparation for the summer A Levels. Next term will see our Y9 boys begin that journey towards post 16 study, with the chance to make their choices for GCSE study, whilst our Y11 boys move ever closer towards their crucial GCSE exams. Finally, I hope you all enjoy the half term break and that the weather warms up a little!

Mr S Norman Head Teacher


Dates for the next Academic Year 2017 – 18.

Term Dates Term 4 Monday 19th February – Thursday 29th March Term 5 Monday 16th April – Friday 25th May Term 6 Monday 4th June – Friday 20th July Staff Training Days 2017-18 Monday 23rd July, 2018 (Twilighted) Tuesday 24th July, 2018 (Twilighted)

Term 3 Upcoming Events FEBRUARY Tuesday 20th February – GCSE information evening: 7pm Tuesday 20th February – Y9 Enterprise day Wednesday 28th February – Y9 Parents’ Evening

MARCH Saturday 3rd March – OHA concert Monday 5th March – Y10 Belgian visitors Thursday 8th March - Year 10 Parents’ Evening Friday 9th march – KS3 STEM trip to ‘Big Bang’ at Discovery Park Tuesday 13th March – 6th form Physics trip to Didcot Tuesday 13th March – Ski trip information evening Friday 23rd March - OHA Hockey Thursday 29th March - Prize giving at the Leas Cliff Hall Friday 30th March – School Ski trip departs.

A huge vote of thanks to the students and staff who contributed to this edition. Contributions from all students, past or present, are always welcome as are contributions from parents and carers. Email: Library@harveygs..sch.uk


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Mrs Maull & Mrs Shipley will once again be participating as judges for this fantastic competition. If you are in year 7 or 8, get creating and enter your own awesomely imaginative story, by Thursday 22nd February. Go to… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00rfvk1 …to find out all you need to know!


Chemistry at Work Our Yr13 Chemists were at Pfizer on Friday 26th January discovering how pharmaceutical products are developed. They had tours of the development laboratories and got to discover the many varied careers on offer at Pfizer using Chemistry. They also got to have the Aspirin that they had made at school analysed by various multi- million pound spectroscopic techniques. On top of which, they got to use the machinery which is very rare for schools. They were then given an interactive lesson on how to identify what they had analysed. The students were a credit to the school and asked excellent questions!

On Monday January 29th our Yr13 Chemists got a different view of Chemistry in the workplace by visiting Givaudan in Ashford. They research and manufacture the fragrances that go into many products in the home from air fresheners and bleaches all the way through to high-end fragrances such as Paco Robanne One Million. They are all produced in Ashford! The students found it fascinating to watch a machine scientifically comb hair to measure the fragrance intensity of shampoo or that they regularly map brain waves to visually see how the brain reacts to different aromas. The students really enjoyed the visit and were, yet again, a credit to the school.


Our year sevens continue to read prolifically! They have now read a total of 667 books, which is 35 358 239 words! This will have increased by the time this edition of The Harveian is published! Their progress was celebrated once again at the 100% Club, where students who have scored 100% in an Accelerated Reader quiz are awarded with a certificate and have a get-together with squash and cookies. The four lucky winners of the 100% draw each received a Diner vouchers too. Please keep encouraging our students to read, as research shows that the benefits will remain with them for their whole lives.



U15 The U15 hockey team have made a solid start to the hockey season with one win, one defeat and one draw. After an initial disappointing result at Norton Knatchbull the boys have rallied and recorded a fine 3-2 win against St. Edmunds (Canterbury) in awful conditions at the Three Hills Sports Park. Two early goals from Harry S and Cohen D set-up the victory and was suitably finished off by Josh W to seal victory. The team were disappointed not to take all three points against Sir Roger Manwoods on Tuesday 30th January. After falling one goal behind, and against the run of play, the boys fought back with a fine team goal by Josh W. With plenty of pressing from Harvey they could not force a winning goal but there were some excellent performances from George H, Sam P and Tom K. (Report by Mr Bristow)


Ashford & Shepway Schools Football League Finals Day On a wet & windy Wednesday in Term 3, Homelands Stadium (home of Ashford United) played host to the ASSFL league finals day. A very successful season from all Harvey teams saw us progress to the final game in 4 of the 5 age groups. The U15s missed out, coming third on goal difference. The day started with the Yr7s facing Homewood. Having gone unbeaten in the league campaign, including a 4-0 victory against the opponents, gave Harvey confidence. This belief, along with the quality in possession allowed Harvey to dominate throughout. Finley M added to his season’s total with 2 more goals, whilst Ben S, Tom H & Zac P rounded off the scoring to mean we came out 5-0 winners. The Yr8s arrived to applaud & congratulate their younger team mates as the trophy was

7 awarded, before getting themselves ready for their final against a tough Norton Knatchbull team. Having already lost twice to these in the season, we knew we would face tough opposition. A good training session the previous evening proved important, as our defensive & attacking plans came to fruition. Alfie M & Max F in midfield made it difficult for their big threat, whilst good possession from Lenny A & Fin D gave Gunjan P lots of opportunities to run at their defenders. Having defended really well throughout, the boys gave away what proved to be a fatal free kick just outside the box with 3 minutes to play. A well taken set piece saw Knatchbull take the lead. Despite this, we still created 2 good chances in the dying minutes, but either the bounce of the ball, the strong wind or just bad luck, meant that the ball didn’t fall for us. A undeserved 1-0 defeat was the final score. Straight after the final whistle, attentions turned to the Yr9s who also faced Knatchbull. Like the Yr8s, a mixed bag of results have come about from this fixture this season. A 5-0 friendly defeat in the first game of the season was forgotten when we returned to win in the league. Again a game plan had been created in order to maximise the possession we had, whilst also making sure we frustrated our opponents when they had the ball. Well lead by Arthur Y in midfield as well as Subarna S & Lewis C at the back, a brace from George E should have given us the victory, but some silly errors in the middle third of the field cost us 2 goals as well. Given the busy nature of the day, extra time was not played, meaning we went straight to penalties. Despite some very good penalties from Liam O & Luca B, unfortunately we couldn’t get the upper hand, meaning despite coming top of the league during the season, we wouldn’t be coming away with the trophy. The last game of the day, under floodlights, was for the Yr11 final. Again our boys had won the league, having won every game during the season. We faced North School this time, who have given us some great battles in the past. An early goal against us from a corner meant that we had an uphill task, but from that moment, we were dominant & never looked like losing. Now in awful, torrential rain, the ball skipped around nicely for us as we played impressive football around them. Good use of the ball from Oliver G, Ethan B & Ashis R carved them open time & again. The dominance paid off late the half when we finally broke down their defences. Taking on board what Mr Hark & Walton said at half time, the boys came out of the blocks in the second half with quite some tempo, Arthur P scoring 2 within 3 minutes to take the lead. He scored his hat trick later in the game, as Harvey fully took control. Goals

8 also came from Eban G, Ashis R, Oliver G & Jake G allowing a period of 10 minutes at the end when possession was the order of the day from the boys. Overall, coming away from the league season with 2 league winners’ trophies is a great achievement & a marked improvement from the previous year when we won none. The development over the season has been evident for all to see & this is a great testament to the boys’ commitment, will to listen & learn as well as their talents.


Despite the quantity of fixtures reducing from Terms 1&2 (we played over 100 in that time), the importance of the games we played this term increased, as they were all latter stages of the County & National Cups. First up were the Yr8s who faced tough opposition from Essex in the A-Team National Cup in the form of Cardinal Newman Catholic School. This school were a great step up in talent to anyone else we have played this year, coming out 3-0 winners. The following Saturday, we hosted Rainham Mark in the quarter final of the county cup. Despite going ahead early, we didn’t take our chances, allowing the boys from Medway to come back in to the game. On a windy Saturday morning, it truly was a game of two halves as Rainham took control late in the second half to come out 3-2 victors. Our Bs didn’t fair any better in the National Cup, facing Hurstmere in the last 16 of the competition. Hurstmere are a very big school both in terms of intake, but also footballing tradition & this showed as despite our best efforts, a 7-0 defeat was the outcome. The Yr9s enjoyed success in their cup exploits, beating local rivals Dover Grammar 4-0 in the semi final to setup a great day out at the final later in the year. Goals from George E (who is now second in the scoring charts) & Luca B were enough. This was helped by some great goalkeeping from Dover “Old Boy” Harry W. The U16s have travelled all over the county in their cup exploits this year. The latest being an away day to Bromley FC to face Bishop Challenor in the quarter finals. A 1- 1 draw (thanks to a goal from Owen D) through extra-time meant it came down to penalties. Something that had cost the team in the past. Not this time, however, with the boys being perfect with their kicks, whilst the opposition saw one saved & another missed. They now face Ravens Wood in the semi final in late February. Despite not having the best season this year in the league, the 1stXI are on track to achieve a Back2Back cup season, as they have progressed to the final for a third time in four season. They will face tough opposition to retain the trophy though, with either Tunbridge Wells Grammar or QES (who won the league) to come. As & when details of dates & locations are confirmed for the various competitions we are still in with a chance of winning, we will advertise it around school & on Twitter. Congratulations to our year 9 footballing trio of George E, Harry W and Luca B. Not only have the boys been instrumental in helping the Harvey side get to the county final this year, but they are also part of the Kent Schools FA team that have just made it through to the national final. We wish them every success with their two huge finals next term.



The first game of the season took the Harvey to the Marsh . The Harvey started the match slowly trailing 1 try to 2 at the end of the first third. After a good team talk the Harvey ran back on with confidence and quickly scored 2 tries in succession. The Marsh Academy only broke the Harvey’s defence line once leading to a try. Good delivery by the scrum-half Scott G and powerful running by Alex C led to a further two tries. The final third started with both teams scoring a try one after another. The Harvey was on the home stretch but still scored 2 more tries before the final whistle putting the end score 8 tries to 4. The scorers for the Harvey were Alex C x3 Scott G x4 Callum H x1.


All three of our school teams have started their seasons at 50%, winning once and losing once and our aim was to get our sides to their season semi-finals. With two teams making their district finals last year, we want at least one team through to a final this season, so all three teams need to win their final league fixtures to make those aims realistic again. The under-12 squad is in development and they followed a disappointing loss to (11 - 22) with a spirited and composed win vs Marsh Academy (24 - 12) showing some good progress. So far, energy on both ends of the court from Harry E, Keane V and Jack W has been encouraging, whilst Barnaby E and Brandon K have provided more than their share of scoring. A friendly match between Castle’s Cavaliers and Forsyth’s Falcons

10 will help us further refine the squad now that the football season is drawing to a close.

Our under-14 side opened their season with a dominant 35 - 2 win against Marsh Academy, Pharrell Y providing the majority of points and some great energy in defence. Harry W grabbed almost every rebound on both ends of the court and Kian C provided the assists that made his teammates look even better. Euan S showed that he is making some real progress this year too. Their second game saw HGS go down 36-17 to a powerful North School team who have an England player among their very large squad. But our boys held their own really well in the second half after a very slow start and a big early deficit was erased from our heads. We won the final quarter against a team who perhaps had won before we began the game and that should give us confidence if we meet them again in the latter stages. The Under 14s final fixture against Brockhill gives us a chance to gain revenge for a defeat in the final last year so we will need to be at our best. Year 12 student Mason R has been getting some coaching experience, leading this group this year. Thank you for all of the time you have volunteered Mason. The under-16 team won their season opener 80-19 vs Wye with eye-catching performances from Dylan L and George C, stepping-up to lead the team without Oscar H and Adeep R. James D had his best game for the school yet and scored a spectacular 360-degree layup which wowed everyone watching. Josh H debuted with 2 points and an assist in his first game for the school also.


In our second game, Oscar could only manage a few minutes in his attempt to come back from knee and back injuries and we lost George for most of the second half after a heavy fall where gravity won.

John Wallis’ larger, stronger squad beat us 42-26 after we had reduced the deficit to six points at the start of the fourth quarter. Disappointingly, HGS looked like we had the momentum on our side before a fire alarm caused the game to be put on hold temporarily. Then, when play resumed, we failed to execute our plan well enough against a side much stronger than the one we beat in last year’s semi-final. Again, our final game vs Towers has to be a win if we are still serious about competing in the semi-finals and beyond again this season. We would also like to thank Betteridge and Milsom, construction consultants for supporting HGS Basketball and providing us with a new kit, designed by Josh F (Y12). The kit looks fantastic (photos to follow next term) and we hope that we can complement it with a medal or two again this year.


Congratulations to both the year 7 and 8 Indoor Athletics teams who won the Ashford and Shepway Competitions on Thursday 11/01/18 at the 3 Hills Sports Centre. Year 7 Team - Kobey P Zachary P Joe T Emmanuel V Callum H Crispin W Charlie L Matt D. Year 8 Team – Ihab A Oscar M Leo C Alfie W Marlow T Zak D Tom C. The year 7 boys scored a massive 200 points combined in their events with Towers School Ashford on 173 in 2nd place. An overwhelming victory by the novices! The year 8 competition was a lot closer with Harvey on 201 points beating John Wallis also from Ashford just 4 points behind on 197. Both teams went on to represent Shepway Schools at the Kent Championships at Medway Park on Monday 05/02/18.



Congratulations to the year 8 Handball team who finished runners-up at the Kent School Games competition! Drawing their first game woke the boys up after a long mini bus journey and they went on enthused to win the rest of their pool matches convincingly. Meeting Dane Court in the semi-final they played exceptionally well and in a thrilling game with both teams excelling they ended up 1-0 winners.

Another tough game in the final against St Gregorys ended up even at full time. In extra time once again both teams were outstanding with St Gregorys scoring the winner in the 4th minute. Lenny A was an inspiring captain and deserves a special mention for his organisation and motivation on the day. Sonny R as goalkeeper was voted Most Valuable Player of the Tournament by the team.

CROSS COUNTRY Several Harvey boys braved some very inclement weather conditions whilst representing Shepway at the Kent Cross Country Championships held at the Duke of Yorks School in Dover. Special mention to Morgan W our only senior runner who managed to gain a top ten finish; a great achievement against some of the top runners in the county.



Another opportunity for the year 9 Leaders to shine was presented at the ASPEA Indoor Athletics Championships at the 3 Hills Sports Centre. Several teams from Folkestone and Ashford competed for the honour of going through to the County Championships. A very important event therefore and the boys first taste of dealing with KS3 students nearly their same age! As expected they were outstanding and it is no overstatement to say that the organiser would not have been able to run the event without their help. Her own words and observation. She went on to compliment the team collectively; ‘They showed maturity far beyond their years, even helping to correct errors of older students. The initiative they showed in the field events was exceptional and I cannot express my thanks enough. The track boys were also extremely professional and only received a 15 minute break over the whole event, however they never once complained and simply got on with the task in hand.’ A very pleasing response from Alicia Nolan the Ashford Games coordinator. Her congratulations and gratitude were passed onto the boys and the Headteacher contacted regarding the boys conduct. This was commended with Positive Referrals and donuts in school as a reward. The team have a quiet time in term 4 BUT will be very actively involved in terms 5 and 6 with lots of Athletics, Tennis, Rounders and Softball.



Dry slope lessons have begun for those boys joining us on this Easter’s ski trip to Austria. Mr Chamberlain and sixth former Matthew G have been putting the beginners through their paces at Folkestone Sports Centre as the boys have been mastering their snow plough turns. Sessions for our more experienced skiers will begin after half term. The parents information evening for the trip to Austria will be in the main school hall at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 13th March.

Next year’s trip has already be planned and we will be returning to Winter Park, Colorado during Easter 2019. It proved to be very popular when we last visited in 2015 with over 50 boys. Perfect snow conditions and glorious sunshine makes Colorado one of our favourite venues. Letters for this trip have been emailed home. For further information please see Mr Castle


Harvey Sportsmen of the Term

Mason R (Yr12) Has assisted with the U14s basketball team so far this season at training as well as at fixtures.

Harvey Grammar School Sports Team of the Term

U14 FOOTBALL TEAM Have progressed to the County Cup final as well as securing top spot in the District League.








Own a local business? Know someone who does? Would you or they be interested in sponsoring or donating to Harvey Sports? We compete in local, regional, county & national competitions, not to mention the full & extensive extra-curricular programme we run within school. This gives the boys as much opportunity to participate, have fun & develop as possible. We want to continue to do this, whilst inspiring more boys to get involved. The prospect of pulling on a new Harvey sponsored kit would help this no end.

Contact Mr Cowling ([email protected]) or Mr Walton ([email protected]) for more details.

Follow us on Twitter for up to date fixtures, results/scorers & all things HGS Sport using the handle @HGSSport.



For more details, see the posters around the school, or ask the member of staff in charge of the club.


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