An Epidemiological Profile of Malaria and Its Control in Uganda
An epidemiological profile of malaria and its control in Uganda Report prepared by National Malaria Control Programme, Kampala, Uganda & The INFORM Project Department of Public Health Research Kenya Medical Research Institute - Wellcome Trust Progamme Nairobi, Kenya October 2013 Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to the following individuals from the INFORM Project, KEMRI- Wellcome Trust programme: Emelda Okiro, Ngiang-Bakwin Kandala, Caroline Kabaria, Damaris Kinyoki, Stella Kasura and Jonesmus Mutua; We are also grateful to the help provided by Andrew Balyeku in geo-coding health facilities in July 2013, Didas Namanya of the ministry of health, planning department for help with administrative unit information, the WHO country office –mTRAC project for parts of the health facility inventory, and Catherine Linard for assistance on modelling human population settlement. We are grateful to the technical leadership of the Uganda Ministry of Health for agreeing to sign the MoU that facilitated this collaborative work. We acknowledge in particular all those who have generously provided unpublished data, helped locate information or the geo-coordinates of data necessary to complete the analysis of malaria risk across Uganda: Jane Achan, Seraphine Adibaku, Miriam Akello, Paul Ametepi, Martha Betson, Teun Bousema, Simon Brooker, Clare Chandler, Jon Cox, Deborah DiLiberto, Grant Dorsey, Thomas Egwang, Allison Elliot, Francesco Grandesso, Jean-Paul Guthmann, Stephen Hillier, Narcis Kabatereine, Rita Kabuleta-Luswata, Mark Kaddumuka, Ruth
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