Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Annual Performance Report 2012 Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Roses of Mbuya Carnations WůĂĐĞŵĂƚƐŽŶƚĂďůĞ Jewellery Decorative hand made Table set Floor carpets Baby socks Hand made door & Table & place mats bedside mats Toilet paper holder Toilet/bathroom bin cover ŝƐƚĞƌŶĐŽǀĞƌ Ladies Hats Bags Reach Out Mbuya Parish HIV/AIDS Initiative P.O. Box 7303 Kampala, Uganda. Tel. +256 414 222 630/414 223 334 Mob. +256 772 228 844/ 772 703 555 Fax +256 414 220 479 Email [email protected] website www.reachoutmbuya.org Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Vision A community free of the spread of HIV where those persons already infected and affected by HIV and AIDS are living positively with an improved quality of life. Mission ROM is a faith-based non-governmental organization working in geographical boundaries of three Catholic Parishes of Mbuya, Kasaala and Biina. ROM aims to curb the further spread of HIV infection among the less privileged members of society in these communities and enable those already living with HIV and AIDS to live a responsible and dignified life. ROM does this by focusing on educating individuals and the community about HIV and AIDS as well as providing holistic care to those already infected and their families. Core Values »» Teamwork »» Client focus »» Professionalism »» Learning and growing organization »» Solidarity »» Encouraging direct involvement of persons living with HIV »» Respect for human life and enhancing human capacity “The greatest glory in living lies not in ever falling but in rising every time we fall.’’ Nelson Mandela Annual performance report, 2012 iii Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Contents Vision iii Acronyms. v Key definitions vi Foreword vii Highlights of the year 9 1.0 MEDICAL DIRECTORATE 12 1.1 HIV Counseling and Testing. 12 1.2 Linkage into care 15 1.3 Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) 17 1.5 Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (EMTCT) 19 2.0 COMMUNITY SUPPORT DEPARTMENT 24 2.1 Community Network of Care 24 2.2 Food and nutrition support 26 2.3 Operation child support. 26 2.4 Community prevention 29 2.5 Village Saving and Loans Association (VSLA) 30 2.6 Roses of Mbuya 31 3.0 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S OFFICE 32 3.1 Public relations and communications 32 3.2 Quality Assurance 34 3.3 Procurement. 35 3.4 Internal Audit. 35 4.0 MONITORING AND EvaLUATION DEPARTMENT 36 5.0 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORATE 37 5.1 The Human resources. 37 5.2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT.. 39 6.0 APPENDIX 41 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 42 iv Annual performance report, 2012 Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Acronyms AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ARV Anti Retroviral ART Anti Retro Viral Therapy BCP Basic Care Package CATTS Community ARVS and TB Treatment Supporters CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention DNA-PCR Dioxyribonucleic Acid-Polymerase Chain Reaction EPTB Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis FORO Friends of Reach Out HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus IDI Infectious Disease Institute MARPS Most at Risk Populations M2M Mother to Mother Supporters MOH Ministry Of Health OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PACE Program for Accessible Health Communication and Education PEPFAR Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PHC Primary Health Care eMTCT Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV PTB Pulmonary Tuberculosis PPP Public Private Partnership ROK Reach Out Kasaala ROM Reach Out Mbuya HIV AIDS Initiative UBA Uganda Bikers Association UPDF Uganda People’s Defense Force VSLA Village savings and Loans Associations WHO World Health Organization Annual performance report, 2012 v Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Key definitions Basic Care Package; Contains a Jerry can with Operation Gideon; A prevention program a tap, two mosquito nets, water guard and IEC which targets men with messages to enhance their materials. It is given to clients to improve their involvement in Reach Out programs. hygiene and sanitation and to reduce on episodes of Malaria and diarrhea. Roses of Mbuya; This is an Income generating project that makes a wide range of products including Community ART and TB Treatment Supporters textiles (clothing), school uniforms, household (CATTS); Are trained HIV+ clients who follow accessories like kitchen wear and beddings. Using up other clients to ensure they adhere well to their recycled papers they also make items like paper treatment. They use a peer approach to understand beads and handmade cards. Proceeds are used to their clients’ challenges and give feedback to both pay school fees for vulnerable children. the client and Reach Out. School Prevention; Provides prevention messages A section Community Network of Care (CNC); in schools through the peer-led clubs. under the community support department whose major function is to ensure that all enrolled clients TB treatment success rate; The additive of are monitored for adherence and followed up at clients who have completed TB treatment and home based on their health status. They also ensure those declared cured of TB over the TB treatment that appropriate referrals are made to Reach out outcome total (Treatment failure, death, transfer out, departments for support. It is comprised of CATTS, defaulters, treatment cure and those completed). M2M and Adolescent supporters. Teenage and Adolescent Supporters; Ensure that Community Prevention; The prevention and teenagers and adolescents are supported to adhere sensitization arm of Reach Out that aims at to their drugs, remain in care and live positively. sensitizing adults in the community through the treasure life, Operation Gideon and couples Treasure Life Programs; These are aimed at programs. addressing specific health related topics designed for specific target groups. The programs are held Hope Restoration Centers (HRC); Shelters within a community for at least one month to ensure built with support from SPEDAG (a clearing and acceptance and phased introduction of messages. forwarding company) to shelter weak and displaced clients or those who have lost their jobs. Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA); Mother to Mother community supporters An alternative loan scheme targeting the entire (M2M); Women who are eMTCT recipients and community. It brings together community groups ensure that mothers attend and adhere to eMTCT based on self-selection. Group members are able to guidelines. work together to save money. Operation Child Support (OCS); Supports Youth out of school Program; Targets out of children with education through provision of school school youth with prevention messages through fees and scholastic materials as well as addressing small group discussions and games. the psychosocial needs of OVC in school. vi Annual performance report, 2012 Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative Foreword he voices of the poor ROM exhibited courage in the often go unheard, year 2012 with new programs Tcompounding the fact targeting MARPS, the Private- that they experience multiple Public partnerships and the challenges which violate their integration of maternal and rights and dignity. Reach Outs’ child health activities right work in 2012 placed emphasis from the household to facility on innovations targeting the level. The courage and patience poor at the community level to take on difficult tasks, to with ethos focused on ensuring start something new are the that communities have the principles around which ROM capacity and confidence to was founded. participate in and shape the programs targeted towards We successfully partnered them. Throughout this annual with eight private clinics as report, we illustrate how part of our move towards the communities have been strengthening their capacity instrumental in shaping our to deliver HIV services in work, and providing expertise addition to expanding access and vital resources through within ROMs service area. This involvement in empowerment is reflected in the expansion programmes like VSLA. of the number of children immunized and those accessing Dr. Stella Alamo Talisuna ROM continued to champion HIV counseling and testing Executive Director the role of Peer groups services. We have maintained to promote positive living Zero mother to child and to support adherence transmission of HIV, our TB and retention through success rates remain above 85% comprehensive home based for both Mbuya and Kasaala, care. The establishment of linkage into care improved to peer groups within schools 76% while laboratory quality helped us reach more children assurance remained at 100%. while the post test club and peer-led community Our success is made possible prevention groups enabled us by the support and efforts reach a wider audience which from our generous funders, included young women, men, friends and well-wishers. couples, and youths out of We truly appreciate your school through tailor made contributions. You have HIV prevention messages. As demonstrated real commitment you read this annual report, in safeguarding the rights and you will find testimonies from dignity of PLHIV and OVC. the poor including women, We will continue to strengthen men and children who ROM information flow with our remains committed to serve. stakeholders over the coming We have availed them this year through timely reports platform so their voices can be and regular website updates at www.reachoutmbuya.org. In Chairman Board of Directors heard. Please share this report Father John Munghereza, addition, we will expand the so these voices reach far and Our Lady of Africa, Mbuya wide to end the suffering and feedback loop with our clients pain caused by HIV. beyond the village meetings to Annual performance report, 2012 vii Reach Out Mbuya parish HIV/AIDS Initiative hot lines so that our services remain relevant to our ROMs work through the provision of your invaluable target population. resources, knowledge, skills, and passion. In 2012 Reach Out was honored with a visit of USA We acknowledge those who have departed from the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and her remarks ROM family in the year 2012, and thank them for their remain an encouragement to the staff and clients.
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