College of Health Sciences Program for the 7th Annual Scientific Conference 20th – 22nd September 2011; Speke Resort ,

20th SEPTEMBER 2011

Abstract No. Time Presentation 8.00-8.30 Arrival and registration PLENARY Chair: Dr ; Co-Chair: Dr. Freddie Bwanga 8.30 - 9.00 Key note address – All for Health – One Health: Dr. Jane Aceng Director General MOH PLENARY Health Systems, Health Policy & Healthcare Chair: Prof Fredrick Wabwire-Mangen; Co-Chair: Prof. David Guwatudde PP1001_20 9.00-9.10 Health Systems, Governance and Health Outcome: Dr. Freddie Ssengoba PP1002_20 9.10-9.20 Challenges and Future Systems in Uganda to Ensure Delivery of Quality Care: Dr. Robert Basaza PP1003_20 9.20-9.30 Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in an Inter-department World: Prof. 9.30-9:40 DISCUSSION PP1004_20 9:40-9:50 Role of Cultural Institutions in Healthcare Delivery, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Dr. Nelson Kawalya PP1005_20 9:50-10:00 Impact of Private for Profit Institutions in Healthcare Delivery and Health Systems Strengthening: Dr. Ian Clarke PP1006_20 10:00-10:10 HIV/AIDS programming through District based technical assistance programme: Experience from STAR-EC: Dr. Samson Kironde 10:10-10:20 DISCUSSION 10:20-10:50 TEA BREAK OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY: MC – Prof. Harriet Mayanja; Co-MC: Mr. Gerald Makumbi 10:50-10.55 Welcome remarks by Chair, 7ASC Organising Committee MakCHS: Dr. Freddie Bwanga 10.55-11.10 Announcement of the Bill & Melinda Gates Research Grant for Africa: Dr. Wong 11.10-11.10 Remarks on Translating Research into Policy and Healthcare Delivery by Chair, Research College of Health Sciences Makerere University: Prof. James.K Tumwine 11.10-11.20 Remarks on Improving Referral Systems and Healthcare by Executive Director, Hospital: Dr. B. Byarugaba 11.30-11.40 Remarks on Graduate Training, a Strategy to Improving Research, Policy and Healthcare Delivery by Director School of Graduate studies: Prof. Elly Katunguka 11.40-11.50 Remarks on Professionalism, Ethics, and Research by Executive Secretary UNCST: Dr. Peter Ndemere 11:50-12:00 Remarks on involvement of NGOs by the President UNACOH: Dr. Joseph Herman Kyabaggu 12:00-12:10 Remarks on Achieving All for Health – One Health: WHO Country Representative 1

12.10-12.20 Overview of the Conference Theme, and Recent Developments in Training Health Professionals to Improve Healthcare by Deputy Principal College of Health Sciences, Makerere University: Prof. Celestino Obua 12.20-12.40 Remarks by Guest of Honor and Official Opening of the Conference: Hon. Dr. Christine Ondoa Minister for Health 12.40-13.10 Official launching of the Exhibition & Poster Session by Guest of Honor: Hon Dr. Christine Ondoa Minister for Health 13.10-14.00 LUNCH PLENARY Health Systems, Health Policy, & Health care II Chair: Prof George Kiirya; Co- Chair: Dr. Freddie Ssengooba PP1007_20 14.00-14.10 Health Policies: From Policy Development to Implementation: Hon. Dr. Samuel Okuonzi MP PP1008_20 14.10-14.20 Positive and Negative Impact of HIV Programs on Healthcare Delivery in Uganda: Dr. Alex Coutinho PP1009_20 14.20-14.30 District Healthcare Delivery System in Uganda: Dr. Joa Oketch 14.30-14.50 DISCUSSION PP1010_20 14.50-15.00 Improving delivery of health care through capacity building for health services researchers”: a case of master of health services research program at makerere university school of : aggrey mukose PP1011_20 15.00-15.10 Do Transport Vouchers Increase Attended Deliveries? A Case Study of A Rural Community In Uganda: Mutebi Aloysius PP1012_20 15.10-15.20 Strengthening service delivery through assessment of health facilities: Lessons from the comprehensive health facility functionality assessment for Karamoja region, Uganda: Rogers Ayiko PP1013_20 15.20-15.30 Access to Maternal Health Services Under a Decentralized and Privatized Healthcare System in Uganda: Guma Prince 15.30-15.40 DISCUSSION 15.40-16.10 TEA BREAK PLENARY Health Systems, Health Policies and HealthCare Delivery III Chair: Dr. Margaret Mungherera/Dr. Ezaati Isaac (Director Planning Developments) PP1014_20 16.10-16.20 COBES: A path to creating community focused health workers: Criscent Tumuhaise PP1015_20 16.20-16.30 One Health Approach – An Opportunity to Strengthen Inter-sectoral Collaboration for Improved Health: Dr. Geofrey Kabagambe PP1016_20 16.30-16.40 Achieving one health in Africa: AFNET Experience: Dr. Monica Musenero PP1017_20 16.40-16.50 Health Sector Governance: A Case Study of Uganda: Dr. Suzanne Kiwanuka 16.50-17.00 DISCUSSION



Abstract No. Time Presentation 8.00-8.30 Arrival and registration PLENARY Non Communicable Diseases I Chair: Prof. A.M Otim; Co-Chair: Prof. Jurgen Freers PP1018_21 8:30-8:40 The Emerging Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in Uganda: Prof. Wabwire-Mangen PP1019_21 8:40-8:50 Epidemiology, Prevention and Management of CVD in Uganda: Dr. Charles Mondo PP1020_21 8:50-9.00 Acquired Heart Diseases: Rheumatic Heart Disease: Dr. Emmy Okello PP1021_21 9:00-9:10 Cancer Epidemiology in Uganda: Dr. Jackson Orem 9:10-9:20 Discussion PP1022_21 9:20-9.30 Injuries: Boda boda Epidemic in Uganda: Dr. Olive C. Kobusingye PP1023_21 9:30-9.40 Rheumatology: Dr. Kaddu Mukasa PP1024_21 9:40-9:50 Epidemiology of Depression in Uganda: Prof. Ssegane Musisi PP1025_21 9:50-10:00 Burden of mental illness, and war conflict in Uganda: Dr. Eugene Kinyanda 10:00-10:10 Discussion 10:10-10:40 TEA BREAK Parallel Oral Session A: Non-Communicable Diseases Chair: Dr. James Sekajjugo; Co-Chair: Dr. Achilles Katamba PO1001_21 10:40-10:50 From fire to frying pan: the Mental Health trajectory of Formerly Abducted Female Youths and their choice of spouses in northern: Kennedy Amone-P'Olak PO1002_21 10:50-11:00 Nodding Disease In Northern Uganda - A Possible Relationship To Psychotrauma: Dr. S. Musisi PO1003_21 11:00-11:10 Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural Uganda: A Pilot Surveillance Project Among Diabetes Patients at a Referral Hospital Clinic: Olivia Namusisi Kasenge 11:10-11:20 Discussion PO1004_21 11:20-11:30 The role of alternative food stuff in the provision of nutrition among the poor populations in Uganda: Rachel Musomba Zimaze PO1005_21 11:30-11:40 Prevalence and factors associated with Axis I psychiatric disorders presenting at the A & ED , Mulago Hospital , Kampala Uganda: Odokonyero Raymond PO1006_21 11:40-11:50 Assessment of the consumption of vitamin a rich foods and other vitamin a deficiency associated factors amongst children (6-59 months) in selected households in kiryandongo county- masindi district: katanku denis musoga 11:50-12:00 Discussion PO1007_21 12:00-12:10 Estimation of the Short and Medium term Risk of Cervical Cancer in Uganda: Innocent Mutyaba PO1008_21 12:10-12:20 Androgen receptor status in carcinoma prostate, a preliminary report from Uganda: Florence Ajok PO1009_21 12:20-12:30 Sickle Cell Disease as a growing public health problem: Ruth N.S. Mukiibi


12:30-12:40 Discussion Parallel Oral Session B: Maternal & Child Health Chair: Dr. Imelda Namagembe; Co-Chair: PO1010_21 10:40-10:50 Expanding family planning services delivery in uganda using performance based contracting: dr.henry w.kakande PO1011_21 10:50-11:00 Enhancing demand for longterm & permanent family planning methods through capacity building: a case study in two districts of southwestern uganda: wanyama john PO1012_21 11:00-11:10 Risk Factors for Infant Mortality in Uganda, A case study of Luwero District: Rachel Musomba Zimaze 11:10-11:20 Discussion PO1013_21 11:20-11:30 Vvf surgical camp outreaches the way to manage the vvf patient backlog: experience of mulago vvf unit: barageine justus kafunjo PO1014_21 11:30-11:40 Vht /iccm implementation progress in mpigi district: kaggwa godfrey PO1015_21 11:40-11:50 Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 or thereabouts: Reality or Rhetoric? Christine Nabiryo 11:50-12:00 Discussion PO1016_21 12:00-12:10 Male involvement in maternal in maternal health care services in Jinja district, Uganda: Peter Dyogo Nantamu PO1017_21 12:10-12:20 Practical Considerations In Recruitment And Retention Of Adolescents For A Rural Community Based Study In Eastern Uganda: Zam Zinda PO1018_21 12:20-12:30 Exploring cultural practices during the postpartum among mothers of Buwaiswa community in Mayuge District of Uganda: Susan Babirye- Kayongo 12:30-12:40 Discussion Parallel Oral Session C: Capacity Building, Health, and Environment Chair: Dr. Christopher Garimoi Orach; Co-Chair: Dr. Victoria Masembe PO1019_21 10:40-10:50 Assessing availability of Smoke-free Workplace Policies in Uganda: D. Nkonge PO1020_21 10:50-11:00 An overview of the water hygiene and sanitation situation in schools in Uganda Implications for health and education policy makers: Peter Kiwumulo PO1021_21 11:00-11:10 Is gender specific intervention needed to prevent pesticide intoxications among female farm workers: Erik Jørs PO1022_21 11:10-11:20 Air pollution - a cardiac problem: Freers Juergen 11:20-11:30 Discussion PO1023_21 11:30-11:40 A COBES approach to community health education. A review of Masafu District Hospital MakCHS COBES site: Kiiza Daniel PO1024_21 11:40-11:50 A Field approach to diagnosing a community of Kajara County; A COBES learning Experience at Rwashamaire Health Centre IV: Namusobya S. M PO1025_21 11:50-12:00 Midwifery Training in Uganda: Constraints and Opportunities: Christopher Garimoi Orach 12:00-12:10 Discussion PO1026_21 12:10-12:20 Building Capacity of Health Care Workers in the Private Sector to deliver HIV & AIDS Services – Mildmay Uganda Experience: Kambonesa Irene PO1027_21 12:20-12:30 Strengthening HIV and AIDS Paediatric Palliative Care systems: Lessons 4

from Mildmay Uganda HIV/AIDS care and Training Centre: Esther Kawuma 12:30-12:40 Discussion 12:40-13:40 LUNCH 13:40-14:10 POSTER SESSION PLENARY Health and Environment Chair: UNACOH Executive Director– Dr. Deo Sekimpi; Co-Chair: ACHS/Environmental Health Ms Julian Kyomuhangi PP1026_21 14:10-14:20 Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Uganda: Dr. Sheila Ndyanabangi PP1027_21 14:20-14:30 Center for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA): Dr. Possy Mugyenyi PP1028_21 14:30-14:40 Pesticides Use, Health and Environment Uganda Project: Baseline Survey in Pallisa and Wakiso Districts: Sekimpi D.K PP1029_21 14:40-14:50 Healthcare Waste Management in Uganda: Dr. Victoria Masembe 14:50-15:00 Discussion PP1030_21 15:00-15:10 Oral Health in Uganda: Dr. Isaac Okullo PP1031_21 15:10-15:20 Nutrition in Uganda; Where are we?: Dr. Ezekiel Mupere PP1032_21 15:20-15:30 Alternative : Prof. Wako PP1033_21 15:30-15:40 Overview of Occupation Health in Uganda: Mr. Joseph Byonanebye 15:40-15:50 Discussion 15:50-16:20 TEA BREAK & POSTER SESSION PLENARY Maternal and Child Health. Chair: Dr. Anthony Mbonye; Co-Chair: Dr. Josephat Byamugisha PP1034_21 16:20-16:30 Maternal & child health policies: Global perspective and Current Developments: Dr. Olive Sentumbwe PP1035_21 16:30-16:40 Status of Family Planning Program Implementation in Uganda: Dr. Jennifer Wanyana PP1036_21 16.40-16.50 Neonatal Health in Uganda: Dr. Waiswa Peter 16:50-17:00 DISCUSSION



Abstract No. Time Presentation 8.00-8.30 Arrival and registration PLENARY Infectious Diseases, Drug Resistance, and Emerging Tropical Diseases Chair:: Prof. Elly Katabira; Co- Chair: Dr. Andrew Kambugu PP1037_22 8:30-8:40 Emerging Infectious Disease: Future Challenges for Africa: Prof. David Serwadda PP1038_22 8:40-8:50 Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response: Infectious diseases – Emerging and re-emerging IDs: Dr. Issa Makumbi PP1039_22 8:50-9.00 Animal to human diseases: Prof. David Kabasa PP1040_22 9:00-9:10 Emerging Infectious Diseases: A district experience (DHO Masindi): Dr. Turyagaruka John 9:10-9:20 Discussion Chair: PP1041_22 9:20-9.30 Drug Resistant bacteria and Lab detection: Dr. Freddie Bwanga PP1042_22 9:30-9.40 Approach to management of drug resistant microorganisms: Pragmatic approach: Prof. Moses Joloba PP1043_22 9:40-9:50 HIV drug resistance and Lab detection: Dr. Immaculate Nankya PP1044_22 9:50-10:00 Detection of malaria drug resistance: Dr. Samuel Nsobya 10:00-10:10 Discussion 10:10-10:40 TEA BREAK Parallel Oral Session A: Infectious Diseases & Drug Resistance Chair: Dr. Alphonse Okwera; Co-Chair: Dr. William Worodria PO1028_22 10:40-10:50 Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Pattern among PulmonaryTuberculosis Patients in Mwanza –Tanzania: Dr. Range, N. S PO1029_22 10:50-11:00 Quinolone- resistant gonorrhoea among men with urethral discharge in kampala, uganda: dr. Musinguzi patrick PO1030_22 11:00-11:10 Resistance to etravirine among HIV-1 isolates from individuals failing NNRTI –based ART in Kampala, Uganda: Dr. Francis Ssali 11:10-11:20 Discussion PO1031_22 11:20-11:30 High Prevalence of oxacillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the surgical units of Mulago hospital in Kampala, Uganda: Dr. Florence Christine Najjuka PO1032_22 11:30-11:40 Evaluation of slide drug susceptibility test for rapid diagnosis of multidrug resistant tuberculosis in mulago hospital: beatrice achan PO1033_22 11:40-11:50 Development of new drug combinations against drug resistant tuberculosis: a new paradigm shift: claude kirimuhuzya 11:50-12:00 Discussion PO1034_22 12:00-12:10 Attributes of Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Kampala, Uganda: A Review of the 2007 Cohort: Martin Ruhweza PO1035_22 12:10-12:20 Determination of circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains and Transmission Patterns among Pulmonary TB Patients in Kawempe Municipality, Uganda, using MIRU-VNTR: David P Kateete


PO1036_22 12:20-12:30 Genetic structure and phenotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis causing pulmonary tuberculosis in Kawempe-Kampala Uganda: Wampande ME 12:30-12:40 Discussion Parallel Oral Session B: Infectious, Re-Emerging Diseases Chair: Edith Dr. Nakku-Joloba; Co-Chair: Dr. Irene Andia-Biraro PO1037_22 10:40-10:50 Changing Behavioral Patterns in the Arboviral Vector Aedes Africanus: Concern and Possible Disaster for Emerging and Re- Emerging Diseases: Lukindu Martin PO1038_22 10:50-11:00 Regional mapping of oro-pharyngeal carriage of yeast species associated with oral lesions of HIV/AIDS patients in South West Uganda: Agwu, E PO1039_22 11:00-11:10 Prevalence of fungal colonisation and infection of burn wounds and associated factors among inpatients at mulago burns unit: luweesi henry 11:10-11:20 Discussion PO1040_22 11:20-11:30 Kampala University Students: HIV-related findings from a respondent- driven sampling survey: George William Lubwama PO1041_22 11:30-11:40 Field Experience Of Sputum Collection For Tb Diagnostic Work-Up In Cohort Of Adolescents In A Rural Resource Limited Setting Of Uganda: Richard Isabirye PO1042_22 11:40-11:50 High religiosity can be a barrier as well as a facilitator to anti-retroviral therapy adherence among people living with hiv in uganda: an exploratory study: christopher tumwine 11:50-12:00 Discussion PO1043_22 12:00-12:10 The prevalence of hiv, syphilis and co-infection among csws who seek for std services from the national std reference unit in mu: ziraba emmanuel PO1044_22 12:10-12:20 Intestinal helminthes infections and nutritional status of children attending primary schools in Wakiso District, Central Uganda: Lwanga Francis PO1045_22 12:20-12:30 Assessment of factors associated with occurance of diarrhoeal diseases in batwa (pygmies) children under five years of age in kayonza sub-county, kanungu district: arthur kiconco 12:30-12:40 Discussion Parallel Oral Session C: HIV, TB, Malaria, & Other IDs Chair: Prof. Charles Karamagi; Co-Chair: Dr. Damalie Nakanjako PO1046_22 10:40-10:50 Factors influencing male involvement in Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission services in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa: Alice Ladur PO1047_22 10:50-11:00 Male partners’ support during pregnancy, lessons learnt from PMTCT programming in Kayunga district, Uganda: Mary Dutki PO1048_22 11:00-11:10 Major determinants of early infant diagnosis of hiv at jinja regional referral hospital: alero susan rose 11:10-11:20 Discussion PO1049_22 11:20-11:30 Comparison between Active and Passive Case Finding Of Tuberculosis among Adolescents in Eastern Uganda: Ndaabe Amos 7

PO1050_22 11:30-11:40 Lifetime Depressive disorders and Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy in a Rural HIV Clinic in Southern Uganda: Etheldreda Nakimuli-Mpungu PO1051_22 11:40-11:50 Effect of electronic medical records and same day patient tracing on clinic efficiency and adherence to appointments in a community based hiv/aids care program, in uganda: stella t. Alamo 11:50-12:00 Discussion PO1052_22 12:00-12:10 Routine viral load monitoring reduces the rate of accumulated genotypic resistance to commonly used antiretroviral therapy in Uganda: Hakim Sendagire PO1053_22 12:10-12:20 Prevalence of virulence factors in Staphylococcus epidermidis from intensive care unit patients at Mulago hospital in Kampala, Uganda: Moses S Okee PO1054_22 12:20-12:30 Preparations for Genetically Modified Anopheles gambiae s.s. Mosquitoes for Malaria Control in Uganda: Birungi K 12:30-12:40 Discussion 12:40-13:40 LUNCH 13:40-14:10 POSTER SESSION PLENARY Vaccines Chair: Prof. Moses Kamya Co-Chair: Dr. Katongole-Mbidde PP1045_22 14:10-14:20 Recent developments on HIV Vaccines: Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu PP1046_22 14:20-14:30 Recent developments on Microbecides: Dr. Anatoli Kamali PP1047_22 14:30-14:40 HPV vaccine in Uganda: Prof. Florence Mirembe 14:40-14:50 Discussion PP1048_22 14:50-15:00 Malaria vaccines: Dr. Okwanga PP1049_22 15:00-15:10 What Drives Routine Immunisation Performance in Africa? A Synopsis of Findings from a Landscape Analysis: Suzanne Kiwanuka PP1050_22 15:10-15:20 UNEPI Programs and Vaccine Delivery Systems in Uganda: Dr. Rachel Seruyange 15:20-15:30 Discussion 15:30-16:00 TEA BREAK PLENARY CLOSING CEREMONY Chair: UNACOH Executive Director Co- Chair: Freddie Bwanga 16:00-16:30 Mathew Lukwiya Memorial Lecture: DMLML Lecture: Hon Dr. Christopher Baryomunsi MP

16.30-17.00 Guest of Honor Closing Ceremony: Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health - Dr. Asuman Lukago PS Ministry of Health



Abstract No. Presentation Presenter PS1001_20 Experience of setting up and implementing a quality management Susan Logoose system in a TB epidemiological study in preparation for future TB vaccine trials PS1002_20 Client satisfaction with HIV/AIDS care services: a comparative Doris Kwesiga survey of a public and a private health facility in Kabale distri PS1003_20 A community based approach to mobilise participants for medical Stephen Mugamba male circumcision (MMC) service program; the Rakai experience PS1004_20 Factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care services among Nansubuga Resty adolescent pregnant mothers. Case study of Naguru Teenage Health Center, Kampala, Uganda PS1005_20 Conducting outcome evaluations: lessons from evaluation of a Mary Dutki community PMTCT program PS1006_20 Improving delivery of health care through capacity building for health Aggrey Mukose services researchers”: a case of master of health services research program at makerere university school of public health PS1007_20 The family centered approach in the Provision of holistic HIV and Esther Kawuma AIDS treatment, care and support to Children, A case study of Mildmay Uganda PS1008_20 Ifhhro global health advocacy and the role of health professionals Gerald Tushabe

PS1009_20 Initiating a research and scientific writing culture at the college of Kawooya Ismael health sciences through the research and writers’ club; a mumsa initiative PS1010_20 Quality of Family Planning Services in PMTCT Programme in Gulu Henry Komakech Regional Referral Hospital, Northern Uganda PS1011_20 Geospatial analysis and decision support for health services Shuaib Lwasa planning in Uganda PS1012_20 THE CRANE SURVEY: Methods and Procedures George William Lubwama PS1013_20 Kampala University Students: Risk factors for unplanned sex – a George William qualitative study Lubwama PS1014_20 Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding emergency Kivila Stella Kamuu contraceptive pills among female undergraduate students of makerere university-uganda



Abstract Presentation Presenter PS1015_21 Self care practices of sickle cell patients attending mulago NANTUME Sickle cell clinic, kampala, uganda CECILIA PS1016_21 Low serum vitamin b12 levels among psychiatric patients admitted in Michael Ssonko butabika mental hospital PS1017_21 Approaches to diagnosis and management of asthma and Rebecca Nantanda pneumonia in under-fives in Mulago hospital: work in progress PS1018_21 Paediatric Asthma outcomes evaluation for resource limited settings Andrew Kiboneka PS1019_21 Promoting physical activity at the workplace: an opportunity for JUDITH AGABA people with cardiovascular diseases KIIZA PS1020_21 Sensitivity and specificity of clinician administered screening Dickens Akena instruments in detecting depression among hiv-positive individuals in uganda PS1021_21 Role of Nutrition care and support in the Prevention of Mother To Esther Kawuma Child Transmission of HIV-The Mildmay Experience PS1022_21 HIV Prevention and Psychosocial Support Services in Secondary Jane Namuddu schools in Kabarole District PS1023_21 Academic stress, Psychological distress, Alcohol Misuse and Etheldreda Academic performance among MUK-CHS medical students Nakimuli-Mpungu PS1024_21 Adult Health Seeking Behaviour before Death in the Makerere Aloysius Mutebi University Iganga/Mayuge HDSS (IMDSS) for 2008/2009 PS1025_21 Malaria Burden in Pregnancy at Mulago National referral hospital in Kampala, Uganda PS1026_21 Intimate Partner Violence, HIV Infection, and HIV Diagnosis Robert Kairania Communication in Rakai, Uganda: Implications for Counselling PS1027_21 Factors associated with male involvement in maternal health care Peter Dyogo services Nantamu



Abstract Presentation Presenter PS1028_21 Assessment of knowledge of school nurses in HIV care and support Lillian Ayebale for in school positives PS1029_21 Functional characterization of rhomboid homologs in mycobacteria David Kateete PS1030_21 Evaluation of Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding among HIV- Musa, Odongo Positive Clients in selected Health Facilities in Tororo District PS1031_21 Adverse Drug Reactions among patients admitted to the Medical Baingana S ward Gulu Regional Referral Hospital: a descriptive study PS1032_21 Evaluation of Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding among HIV- Musa, Odongo Positive Clients in selected Health Facilities in Tororo District: Implications for Tuberculosis Case Detection and Control PS1033_21 Functional characterization of rhomboid homologues in Sylvia Irene Mycobacterium bovis Wanzala PS1034_21 Antiniociceptive and Antipyretic Properties of the Aqueous Extract, Adiukwu C. Paul Crude Saponin and Alkaloid from Vernonia amygdalina Leaf PS1035_21 Community Sensitization In Preparation For Enrollment Of Infants Elizabeth Nangobi And Adolescents Into A Study To Assess Tb Incidence Mwanja

PS1036_21 Distribution of Community acquired typhoid fever among febrile Ezera Agwu patients attending clinics in Bushenyi, Uganda: case study of the year 2005 PS1037_21 Pattern of malaria prevalence among febrile patients treated with Ezera Agwu chloroquine, fansidar and quinine in Bushenyi, Uganda PS1038_21 Sentinel serological survey of the prevalence of syphilis infection Ezera Agwu among patients attending clinics in Bushenyi district of Uganda PS1039_21 Adhering to ART is a challenge: The experience of an adolescent at Esther Kawuma Mildmay Uganda PS1039_21 Impact of HIV and AIDS on Older Persons in Uganda: A systematic Esther Kawuma review of the available literature PS1040_21 Risk factors for tuberculosis infection among adolescents in rural Mutunzi Ronald Uganda PS1041_21 Response to salvage therapy among Heavily ART experienced Francis Ssali individuals in Uganda PS1042_21 Significant pharmacokinetic interaction between nevirapine and Pauline Byakika- artemether-lumefantrine in HIV-infected Ugandan adults Kibwiika