Pieta Will Be Repaired K of C to Open 4

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Pieta Will Be Repaired K of C to Open 4 Before and after damage 'Vandalized' Pieta will be repaired By JAMES C. O'NEILL VATICAN CITY - (NC) - Michelan- gelo's masterpiece, the Pieta, severely damaged by a hammer-wielding Hungarian will be restored as faithfully as possible to its original beauty but will remain forever flawed. The 6,700-pound statue carved from a single block of white Cararra marble was smashed by several hammer blows shortly before noon Pentecost Sunday, May 20, in its side chapel in St. Peter's Basilica. The statue, portraying the sorrowing Virgin holding the limp, dead body of Christ, is world famous and considered perhaps the most valued treasure of the Vatican. ACCORDING to visitors in the church at the time, a bearded man leaped over a low marble railing of the chapel, jumped on a table in front of the statue and began flailing away with a mason's hammer. In the rain of blows on the figure, of the Virgin the (continued on page 21) CHE PIETA," by Michelangelo, is shown left in 1964 as it was photographed during »e New York World's Fair. At right, damage to the fqmous sculpture is evident after a tan, who shouted, "I'm Jesus Christ," attacked it with a hammer severing the left rm of the Virgin and chipping some marble from Virgin's face and nose. Official ••• Appointments Archdiocese of Miami The Chancery announces that Archbishop Carroll has VOL. XIV No. 11 May 26, 1972 made the following appointments effective on the dates indicated. *•/ *! T ' . ' • THE MOST REVEREND RENE H. j ; GRACIDA — to Chairman of Arehdiocesan £.. Personnel Board effective May 25,1972. THE REVEREND MATTHEW A. MORGAN — to Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Stuart, effective June 8,1972. THE REVEREND JOHN J. " • f" - " ' " - ," • •* •«"•'•' *•'"•' - ' \ :\" McATAVEY — granted sick leave. THE REVEREND JOHND. McGRATH — to Arehdiocesan Director of Vocations, while retaining all other assignments, effective May 25,1972. THE REVEREND FREDERICK J. BRICE — to Secretary of Arehdiocesan Real Estate Board, while retaining all other assignments, effective May 25,1972. The following have been elected by the members of the Senate of Priests and approved by Archbishop Carroll as officers of the Senate of Priests of the Archdiocese of Miami: -•:•-•:• ::,: ." President: THE REVEREND WILLIAM J. HENNESSEY i i-._ Vice President: THE REVEREND MSGR. .-..—...^ . -%.y^ .-• •••,-- ,_ JAMES J. WALSH Secretary: THE REVEREND JAMES, SIX NEW priests were ordained last Saturday in St. Mary Hector Luciano, Diocese of Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Father BRIGGS Cathedral by Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll, shown in Joseph Stearns, Father Juan Sosa, Father James Vitucci, Treasurer: THE REVEREND JOHN miter, center, with Auxiliary Bishop Rene H. Gracida. and Father Orlando Espin, all of whom will serve in the McCORMICK Newly-ordained priests from left to right are Father Archdiocese of Miami. Carlos Roias, Diocese of Ft. Wayne-South Bend; Father Memorial Day Masses those buried in the arehdio- K of C to open 4 - day will be celebrated at 10 a.m., cesan cemeteries. Monday, May 29, in Our Lady In the annual Memorial of Mercy Cemetery, Miami; Day Message of the National and in Our Lady Queen of Catholic Cemetery Con- state meeting tomorrow Heaven Cemetery, Pompano ference, Father Francis H. Beach. Niehaus, Cincinnati, pointed PALM BEACH - Approximately 500 Cunningham General Assembly since 1955, Father John Schlink- out that members of the Knights of Columbus, their wives and guests Dechant transferred to the LaCrosse Council Wemorial NCCC offer every opportunity mann, pastor, St. Gregory will attend the 68th convention state banquet No. 2970 in 1953. Church, Plantation, will offer for the expression of patriot- Sunday night at the Palm Beach Towers Workshops on youth, drug abuse and Mass at Our Lady Queen ol ism and piety so that Hotel here. Day Heaven Cemetery, located at Memorial Day this year will (continued on page 2) 1500S.StateRd.No.7, not go unnoticed. Knights representing councils from throughout the state will hear Virgil C. Mass in the mausoleum "Through religious Dechant, Supreme Secretary. chapel at Our Lady of Mercy services and testimonials of Born in Antonino, Kan., Dechant Vlasses Cemetery,114U NW 25 St., respect may we augur an received his eariy education in Liebenthal, will be celebrated by Father annual handbook of virtue," Kan., and after attending the Pontifical Thomas Barry, pastor, SS. he said. "Lord, Jesus Christ, College Josephinum, he graduated from Salt Peter and Paul Church. by the three days you lay in City Business College, Hutchinson, Kan. scheduled the tomb, you made holy the graves of all who believe in HE HAS HELD the office of grand INVITATIONS have been knight, district deputy, state deputy, state extended by Msgr. James F. you and, even though their bodies lie. in the earth, they treasurer and was named supreme secretary Nelan, Arehdiocesan Director in 1967. The same year he was named a, of Cemeteries, to the general trust that they, like you, will rise again. Give them eternal Knight of St. Gregory by Pope Paul VI in public to participate in the recognition for his work in the Church. Masses, offered particularly rest, 0 Lord, and may your light shine on them forever." Dechant is presently president of the for the repose of the souls of Dechant Motor Co., Inc., and a director of •I the Home State Bank, LaCrosse, Kan. A THE VOICE, P.O. Box 1059, Miami, Flo. 33138 Fourth Degree Knight of the Bishop The old days recalled by St. Mary's grads 1 "-•.- *\'jv. *f .--.:'' < > • ST. MARY high school alumni held a reunion last Saturday which began with Mass celebrated by Father Ronald Pusak and Father Robert Palmer, both graduates of the former high school. Another graduate, WTVJ's Ralph Renkk, is shown recalling school days with Father Pusak, now pastor, St. Joan of Arc Church, Boca Raton. K of C to open meeting .-.-• - • 'v * (continued from page IJ REGISTRATION for the four-day pornography will highlight Sunday's convention, May 27-30, begins at 10 a.m. on IN 1952 Bob Palmer was a member of St. Mary High School football team, left, activities preceding the banquet. Principal Saturday. Mass to be concelebrated in St. which won the South Florida Catholic Conference title. Today as Father Robert speaker for the Decency Workshop will be Edward Church at 8 a.m. Sunday will Palmer, right, he is assistant pastor in St. Clare parish, North Pafm Beach. Robert Dornan, who hosts his own television formally open the convention. District program, "The Robert Dornan Show" over caucuses will begin at 11 a.m., and will be I Channel 5 KTLA in southern California. followed by breakfast, then workshop Dornan won Emmys for "Tempo," sessions beginning at 1:30 p.m. another TV program he hosted in 1968 and A Memorial Mass on Monday at 9 a.m. "I can't believe 1969. will be celebrated by Msgr. David Bushey, it," two The Decency Workshop speaker has Vicar for Religious in the Archdiocese of alumnae of St. acquired an international reputation as a Miami, and pastor of St. Brendan Parish, Mary's seem to c-hampion of those families who have sons Miami. The Mass will be celebrated at Our be saying as and husbands missing-in-action and who are Lady of Florida Retreat House chapel Mrs. Robert Zel- prisoners of war in Vietnam. He has visited State Deputy Joe Matthews of Miami nik, Miami, and Vietnam six different times. will preside at the sessions. Mrs. John Mark- wardt, Madison, Wis., look at 1951 class picture. U R D I N1 U Archdiocese will staff school safe! Five priests of the Arch- during the school's Sixth An- Three teaching Brothers vanity fair's pechgio® panties diocese will be appointed to nual Sports Award Banquet. of the Southwest Province of the faculty of Archbishop Cur- The Archdiocese has as-the Brothers of the Holy buy 3 and save 50c to 1.15 ley High School before the sumed the administration and Cross, and two other Brothers • Fall term begins, Archbishop the responsibility for staffing of the same order who are in Coleman F. Carroll an- the boys high school, the staff positions, will be leaving Vanity Fair's rayon/nylon pechglo® gives nounced last Friday evening Archbishop said. at the end of this school year. fabulous next-to-the-skin comfort. So soft and cool! Schools to start vacations June 7 Summer vacation for students in schools of the Tier dmm'i mil If fc Archdiocese of Miami begins on Wednesday, June 7, according to the Depart- ment of Schools. Classes for the 1972-73 academic year will resume on Monday, Aug. #©.r fi@ffclfif I 28. Classes in Archdio- cesan schools will be suspended on Monday, May 29, in observance of Memorial Day. 116-001 Brief, (whita, pink) .\---*ilhiiiJlL- Size 4-7. reg. 1.75 each. 3 for 4.50 Size 8. reg. $2 each. 7 FESTIVE, SWINGING DAYS ABOARD CARNIVAL 3 for 5.25 CRUISE LINES' MARDI GRAS, WITH STOPS IN ST. iiliBiiiiiii THOMAS, SAN JUAN AND MQNTEGO BAY JUST TO CATCH YOUR BHIATB. Feres alarl tiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliP it low u »175 Bowfete fee. Departs new downtown Port oi Mlsml ovary Saturday #16-002 Trunk, (white, pink) year 'round at 3 p.m. Size 5-7, reg. .2,50 each, •Minimum rale oublocMo availublllly. 3 for 6.35 NQISHOWN: Group rates available upon request. #16-006 Bikini (white) T.S. Mardi Gras Is registered in Panama. Size 8-9. reg. 2.75 each. Size 4-7. reg. 1.50 each, 3 for 7.15 3 for $4 Archdiocese of Miami Weekly Publication S^condvcUss postage paid at Miami, Florida. Subscription mt&@t $5,QQ a year; Foreign, DAYWEAR LINGERIE, SECOND FLOOR DOWNTOWN MIAMI.
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