
ArchhishopSchulte is honoredby pope

') r). I ,) t)tstl0DS l C'tt,rditrctl t'cl)euls upP} I,I t,t n'teI Il; (ts ilr'() ntllllcrl '/sslsluttL 'l 'lrr0 u,t l'rit ttificul t te to L,l.S.Sclcs \\,\Slil\(i.l'()N-tlis Iloli, llfsii l)opc.lolrrr ^\\lll lras tlir itlctl lltc .\r'r'lrrlirrt:cst'of Al{CHBISHOP gCHUI-TE*fronr I'ltillttlclPhiit ltr tlttircltittg- lhc Pope a rtew honor. ft'ont it lht' ('orrrrtics of l{rr('ll l(} {lrr' lirri:lt flor.al rl1'1'111.11- []t'rlis t';rLlirr1.l.t.lt1:lr. \rrt'1l1ttrtp. t ions. l(!n iilltlS,'lrrrrhrll sri lr\ lo fofnl r' i r(:ll(is irr,,l t|r,ll-r|isll('t.:; li, {)- {ltc tttt l)tr'r'r,rr.,'1.\llr.rrtotrtr. ('('crl(i(l illtll lile lo ;r positiort irt ll\)nl {}l (lartlitral. .\l i!rt.srrrrrr. llil(' ll)(.[)rr1tr] lrrs llr thc colrrll'itl pr.o(,r.,$sionto an(l llrc rrlrcle carlt rrainr'tiIlrc ll,rsl Iilr. .lolur[ilol. \\ ab 1rt,lrrilr;rll,r. inl trtrltrt'Ct[ lr!' 'i It'ottt tltc t'cliqiort-s (](!t.c1l{}11.11,(rrc I ili'lli(.rl\ ;iiilat llisliuli uf ('i{ili ililr!(!- l {}t r.ai.!r. ltc httrl a nlr.ttt Liislrop l,co lltrr.r;lcy. r11rl,\.,' ilr:rr,. pf lt .ci;rrrrl. t{) l)t. ,------of lrt. qrr'r,lirr:1;lrrl ! 'VOL. :r lrarrrlslurlic lnd firr '\rriibrslrrrI 'l'ltis \1'tlrrr'.Sorirrr l}:rrrl: Ilirlir,ir,,\ir. iirr. t'l I'lrrlltlrltthin. l, NO. ?0 INDIANAPOLIS, r'iti!rirr.n,ii lr,'ing 1;1,!nrr lhe INDIANA, FEBRTIARY I7, I96I tlrcu, [ilLrtlia, of tlar',t lir't llri boorr r at,trtr{ sittt't' tlte i lJibll{,1) Jrcarl, lle ttt'.v I)itrlto'. cxilcd ,if tlt';rllt tr[ .luhrr ('ulilinll t)'llat.it, 'l'ltc llislrop ncu' lrorrur [ot' ;\r'chbislrop (llrorylsrrn. tlhirra, ('\.1 . {rn .\il,ru.t :l{}. lf}ti{). tr'lur is nort, r.c. Schttltc lrssiplns lrinr lo a plnt.r. AT' GEO RGI|IY) II',\r sirling irr lntlianapolis; arrrl r\r.clr- I ll ir.r. n;rtnctj tlti' Jlost lit t . llL\lu' tllc lhlorrt rrlrrlr lrc is lrapirl ;tlrho{ liorra|cnlrrr.r. lin aclrC l, .lo.r'Pit Ji.'Slr,'ii.l()r'nrcll]''['rtrtlltt' itt Ilorrte partit'il'atitti{ irr (),S.ll. "r"\ lilrr|li {)l'Sl. llcirrllrl .\r'r:ir;tlilrlr, Iirslrt'p r,l .\lrii.r arrtl .\rrrilrat'.r t,l cll luncliorts x1. whi(.h . thc llolv :{\ \\ r,ll it\ l\(.ilt{'{ ol Itilll:t{tIrt.t, I'ltrll'tlcii'i*:, lr' l)r' llislr,)p 1)i tilt. lf ltltt:r' is tht: ct lcllllnt. As arr Itt it'rl: arrrl alllu' lror s. ['rri. ttt'rr St,r. ul .\lit,tttlrrtr. ,\ssisiltnt al lhtl ['orrtili<.a1,'l'lrlonr.. 1o11111'11 lr.rrir:lrts ol' ('r)lliltlius, Ill'l()s llrc .\ r'clrhislrolr ( r\ l(: rlj:lntl;1 llt ir,i: lri,1tt,irr,t'rltlrr' \lr'st [it'r. [. hckrngs to l hc t{':. ltt';irit,tl llr. Jewish0fI icial Iirirllt{s ol St..lllrrr arrrl l(nilihls I r r' l'ir t llt i\' ltr' t (lir(i:tttrrr liirltrrlt l'ap;rl ('lrapcl. llc i.c also irt'rolrl. Ji;rr ct { lrlrlllq fil5r1.1,il, \t ot'c ol Sl. I'clr,r' ('lar or. lirr.rrrr,rla t'tl th(' plorllgxti\ (!ill'inr: lirrlrt;tll1 ;it]nrrull{('(l tr rtlt lttr' I riltl ol \lt('('('\:ilil1 lr) {. ol \1 :.jtriu'(l {}l lt(}nilt', ailrl ost:ot.lrtd llttlilttragtolis. \\'ils (,{)ns(iclill(.(t r1 ':tr:r lilrllrrp \i:rll. 1 ;11r'1rll oi \\'rr.lrrt:r tulttct'cd silli.. l lllilrlcgc noltrrllll. It illt a lrt lj. ltlrrol as thc.\ tltt,()lrl ('ltircilllrl irr S!. [,'urs, li1.l1,rl lir t'tti. lr;,, llt'r,ll s(.t\ ill.l t osr.t'\'(,(ll0 t.it|tlirr;rls. PERHAPg THE lrijtlrlr(lrl,rl tlrc Irllrr r'ri t{} _t ('r't tlrr, rlrslitrguishcrl rr lrclo lte ltitnsclf rras lalll ()\/ell lu l'rt- (lll lirr' (':rrrirrrirl r5il{rl'. l{r ,\tt.,llli{t.j irr .ltrst,Ilt t at'rlutlrl 'l'ltc llillt'r. rrtr" \ clash ltortrrt' lot' ltis sri{.(.oss(}t'tn s('r\ (' ils l'cclot', ;lnrl lir;rl school Ilisltop lirtrt.r.,\r'rlrh15l11rpnl St. l,orris. aicl Ilti'prrlrlic rcr:r,plion hclrl in tlrt, (:ltill llrt. S|c r Itrtliarrirpolis$irs 0h- lt'itrxl u,as a rtalir c -sonol lhc Tl.lE R ECEPTIOf''| 0\ ('nrng lr llrt' {'allreilr.al lrrrt: hegutr ('a|tlinul lli:rh l){' \\ t'{}tl1llo l;r1 11p11.iy1,lta\(\t.s f{}1. lairtt'rl tt tlrc te(lilost ol I)irt'r']sh. r lo rn(,\o it Iilllc lrt'lil'c ciglrt. THESE ACTIONS of the Ilol) .Sclrool arrriilor.irrirr.'l'\\'o norrr.s ll. llrr' srrllllor'I ol t,ltrrr.t.ltsclro,ri.. liittr:r'in rccogllilion of lltc slrir'. ruas a lIilrrrtt: to lltt' or.ganizatiotr l :rllrt't lt't'r' ruln(run(('(l lt('l'(' l)]' DURING THE r,rrc.lroru (.(,1{.. lrr,loIe llro r(,(f('l)lion llr,gail. olrl llr: eilctl lltr t'lt.'elronol ,r (;rrit- llull irn(l tntr{t'r'ial l)n}i{t'r'ss n)it(le arrrl ;rlriullr'rricnls cottttrtrltcc tlt:tl. .\t't'iilrisittrpl-:trlio Vltnozzi, ('o,('t:tonl in ( (,lrr._ I t icttrls arrrl atlrnir.t'r.sltatl alr.carll' itt llrr' irlltcrir.itl, {)lr(, ils I'r'csitit'trt in llltitJ tti il lltc,\r'clrrliot,r'se ol lnriitrnap laliclr ttt lcss Iltan luo lrrrtrr.s.Cal'dinal r\l)(iili'lr( l)t'lt'::irlt' to ll1.' 1 tt,,.',, (lrilitl liittr't ilt\ r'sl(,rl l\\,, llrcir'pl;rctt in lirrt: to 'a' glcill si('p lorrr:rrtl itr l .S. inl.rr.- olis

(11.{ TEt,fVlSit)}l Ilrr !rlavr.,rol

n?\?t {anrelil ,r+t.! .,fr lralti ir:

4&vat fha {ierr{in*l rlur,rrrl llre

rf lcrntoir iv t!1 r:qrtl.ri.flr r-


tltFli'Tlr (,1 /r',1.l.ttr f f l-ii,,

fattiirtrl ir :h".., ,:, 1lr. ,rlroio:

.l llr+ l(,fl i :...:t f,.i .. ")1 t.]t

rrlirril tl,l.,.,ir:itt'. l:,t.' .,trt.,r li i:.;r'r , tri*!iJ, il,Jt? {rf :rt i.at,, 116r rilt. ltrr!iatragirir', f-;.{l{!iir !li}!r-r 1 ',t artrl J.1r /, r .., 1,,,r;r | ,t(' ,,,r. .r

Ma, Y'a :lr i.ic !.. tr:,,:1 i':.,=, hi

hdtly trtorr. lft,rir l,,i\i r , cqt,tt t I '1" tlld i 1:l' t. , ,ar rl: '.'tt. llr.'if!.(, ,.! iat\t !r I r.,rrt* ,ri 'flrr Cr,fr''',r,

R E4(:1'lOl'1...'(:{rr(liilrl l{inor .n, iuy. l lauglr iiurrrrq llrr lrn)rr !:onltrr:rir:? in llrt Cailrcdlrl r.rc" lury. Af llr r r:rrlirrlt r trreP,trorl rililcri!{'nl, lrc {icltled exlrc.rtly ,lur::iiorlr llul lo lrinr hy rrrcrrtbert uf llre prctr, Wlrttrr .rskerl whr-:lher Itt hrd hrard ltrorrl {lthr:rlrrl I'ii!tlr School'* hilllrly reyarde<[ brrskclbrll tcanr, ho slid lh,rl lrl "fillctJ Itrt{ becrr in" orr thr rulr- g+ci +rrr! !rr*v.. rll,:rrt llro crlr.. bt sttrl r;irrr-t of Crirpur Attu(ki orr F *trrut ry 9.


$PlR ITIJAL UOl.JOt.tE't...Al llrr rvening r+e eplion, t!./d ra(ond graderr lrom Cnllrr:lr,rl sra

! nop* visits senrinary - Abortion bill denounced - Orrst Little Sistersof p'or E= THE VATICAN cnd of tlre Cottt't of.the I'incconc, for Saparation of Chrrrch']'#:'t and in Cuba, warncrl {rt ("c, "':'. ""..., d yrcd ru ru Irurtcturtttst r1:d)(rtr ,lurrl ;l;': rdh€ \Yllalcvcr measures are viow oI iltc ..*l',,];:,,""j:; lii: I)Anoranlic vaticnn *"lJ:" $,,?H,i,,;'itt.*I'il,;:;itTl,it ru*ikitt,ll'hi'illT[:..i"Ll i*,m:'i:'"''"lxT: ancicnt Donritricitn Cltttrclt,.of reinstate an association suit neccssary" ..cra6icate 's,*J:"jil: iardcns antl of thc,,iiy uf fi,iui". at- to lrom sants sabinq on llottre liiiii;;;e;;;i linir;;;;ir",rd'.tr;;;; tacking an sslccnrcnt herwocn our faurcrlantt the!r!q ruwtrs t'r Itill A- helra,lirl did lastlo-l ycar,r the sowers of IIill, As been irntler.rvay sincc 1{}ir?. the Ncwark archrlioeesc,s';;h";i tlaitors,;";,,^;:."";;,:"- the sowers Pontiff distributcrl ashcs to car- :rrrrr.rnnsnrr,lir' a.,,"^,::*:i of eountcr- dinals present at thc Ash Wctlne.s- AT HOME r,,rl'r,rJ'oi't1,*';il":il;;;\,r|;1il:li revoltttion." H1s denunciation 'l'he rvas day cercmony, Pope will Center. Saton Ihll f.".^.'.^"""^ feqn specifieally as the gt'ountl mark the fonr; Suudays o{ Lenl at I NEW YOttli-A spolicsrnlrr lur in rh, ,.,,r^o pr:r 6n .:,,:l:::: for h governlnent take- four o( Ilome's nrore poprtlotts thc Jcsuit l'ldttcittionirl Associa- itnrrr.r,6.r rnincrnrn " ",ji;"'";:ll ovcr o[ the country's Catholic parishes - thc Churchcs of St. lion has tct'tttrrtl Presidenl Ken. scltools,_ IIc told the chccr.ing iouuino , si00 00o 1,""j;" i-"'Il; "falangist nedy's m'oPosals crowd.that priests .Iohn Baptist Itossi, St, l\{aria tirl Irc

cst ing. mttch " rcles. dull, quality of WURLIII'ZIR ion should be rcflccting the tastc anci urlequalled rHE GETIUINE I jusl rvasn't The rlarmth of fanrily tifc in Colonial America is reflcctetl in 4 tlrc mellorr,rress of nraPIe irr this liar'ly Amcrican piano l>y ii ,..notodelergenl CHAIR LOTJNGE 5629 E. Wash. St. lVurlitzer. A trtrly finc instrttnrenf in arr incrcasitrgly popular ;$ | 135 E. Troy furniturc st1le, it trilI bc the ccnter of farrrily pride for ycars. tl;, ...noiqbleochl Slclby) Phone Ll 5-1331 for a {Hort your wA 4-5369 23 E. 38ih Sr. I'herc is a Wurlilzer piarto to complcrncnt homc . , . itl With fqbulour tAUN0RY AlD, rp6tr qnd rtoinr /':1 rrver 30 srylcs and finishes to choose from, irrclucling Frcnch rovrcd by prcrpirotion, cormclic, oilr, grcqlcr, blood, '':"i co Iu mbus, t.d.':'5'd'L.iff5' @ Provinc.ial, antl Danislr Sculpturcr starting

THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY 17, 196I PAGE FIVE . SOCIAL REFORNI r-t . r UrgesState aid for schools (1__ _ r /-l e r Uommercral consprracy x*1{:"1."fiiliT:trt:x':*.m'r,,,".r,;#,:','i,r,.1J[1,:'i1xi:t ranam Ureene-S latest: lle also a

Pricc 14.00. y?rr. ,li,''.,i',"',,J*'l!i:1,1;iii,,Jll"ili,lllI il0RIUARY ,. CATHOTIC NEAR EASI WEIFAI: ASIOCIANON USHER i P,rblirhcdEvery Fridoy f8O loxingfon Avr. at 46th Sf. Xrr ioti'iz, N. y. ;l:)Jll,i'"'ii,lli,1l,;11,i1,"',;1"1;i;iL,,, w,warhinoron sr. MErrose2.e352 I ,*t';}."' tlrrotrghorrtfour Nur'tlreln fie*, Jer',reycr-rtrnties, [ ^^=-l PAGE SIX

Cames set Close games mark road Edlied by lho Clrric Scminrrlrnr ol Wcrl Brdor College at lllcl I City, Little usorld to championship r-ound

There once rvas a tcen-age hoY Indianapolis and e teen-age girl rvho loved SAHM lheir own littlc u'olld. They loved BY BILL it thay didn't so ntuch that ittst \\'hilc tltc .lttttior alld Sen' have time to lhink about the ior divisions are windillg tlp nlsny people tvlto tlitln't also live r\r'clttlioce s ;t tl l.ottrtlaructtt in this rvell-loved little lr'orld, l)lilttel's al. Sccciuit Sttncltry, Who rvcre thosc other people? lhc Carlats rvill oPctt llteir Well, they rvcrc the Ncgrocs in Hrrnrral rlogfight for thc Cndct their own torvn, to tell onc exant- Alchdirrccsatr'lltttt'nntncnt cltatrt- ple. 1'hese Negroes rvcrcn't 600 yetttt\' a6)"o pionshigr. alloled to go to tltc high scltool ililililtilililililililililililil11ililililil1ililililililililililil prctty lornrcd thc Opert t'ountl Aatut's Stttttlay At'c that ntttch l,'rou) 1307 to 1376 all tltc popt's wolld. ThcY scltt'tlttlctl at Otrl l,atly of Lottrtles center of this little ntost of the cartlinals wt'Lt: nnrl St, Pnttl's had their own schc\ol-"Nagroes 'i'ho "ltnd in lntliattapolis antl French. If rt'nch it in (iitltt'iel own," solllc' gi.rn in Tcll City. Si. oI like to be tvitlr their t'tty vcncl'nblc ltis' thc bag," Rs ('rrrrnclsvilltr, once brrt ilris [roY atttl tltc lliclttttontl tlcan- one said ; tory tentltt:r oncc obscrt'ed, l\ntl girl to ash "gottc er'1' r,hattrlriott, tttcels IIoly Nsnle, this ng'er bothcred not only had thc C'lrttt'r'lt "A" n'hy Ne11roes, bcing 'I'hc winnel of tlttt Intliattapolis llremselves li'tench," papacy ns rvcll hatl girls eitirens. ctc., tnulttatttettt, on ihc l,otrldes floor boys and torr, Iost its intclnlt ionitl t'ltitt'ltttcr 'l'hct"ll $'cren't fholr orvn rrs mttch 8s at 2 p.rn. bc follolctl by and with it its itrtcfrlltionnl own. S{. l,ouis of Ilirlcsvillc an

By F. J. SHEED .. Whqt may very well have k-ept IIim, they could go on persuadlng their trust from reaching its last The Transfigur.ation of themservesihat behina'theare"o": Our fine edge was their sheei failure Lord upon the mountain, followed fulness oi in* woras ihere- w"s to understand what IIe had told bY the healing oI the demoniae, some dreadfut -eanini_just"al them alo,ut IIls death. Now He f,opuO tfrai tfreie"rnidiil ,f theBihle rs best? we may place in early Arrgust, !h"v 'tti, Ue proceeded to tell them again. trehind Tcn wceks later, arountl the mid. (The tutk ;a diiir?-H; dlo of October, Son of lr{an shall be he. flesh and drinking Uir 6lood. By IGNAIIUS HUNT, O.S.B. It rvill uot Itul't to stal.c once Lct rts hasten lo grant, however, trayed lnto With Our Lord was in the hands of man and the daughter of Jairus and nrol'c thnt it is the or,iSinal texts that this version has won not a they.-shall Jerusalem f o r kill Iliml and after I{e the wi

7fh in r serier sponsored al a reader service by Indianapolis' Oufslanding Colonial Mortuary


Recolleetion, Vtlwiat and. Jolwiaion sct Ner'r''' Itlother:s l. fete lrusllands bJ, Oblute llllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliili[iiiiii1iiiiii1iiiiiii11iiii1ii1iii gxtttlt

NU\\' YOllti.-'l'hc National Le- plan fronlits \\rc:," Coast officc. gion olj Dc




II0ORE an(l KIRK MORTUARIES _--- - Ou'uc-rlancl Operated ir.y Tressie Kirk 2530Srarion Sr. Lt. 6.1564 ill? E. wa.shinsronst. Fa:i.iiii -ai 8e5lE. {6rhSr, rr., i.siiir lgll W.Wa:hingtonSt, ix. r4lrr The Socirl Little I ltr,.'.er 3{{7Collesc Av-. Wl, eeOiO begins nt 6:ljO lj.ln. in tlre arrrli- tot'iurn, I'lth an(l .lJosart, THE CRITERION, FEBRUARY'17, 196I PAGE NINE Masses Vincent de Paul St. Bernadette's (Continue(l {rom page ?) group Tic Tacker rnce. But hope is still here, Ior he forgives as he chastiscs. slates I FE8. z2-Ember lyednesda.y in Ceneral Meeting Spring. That God speaks to The- qurrt.orly (ic'eral lvtcct- vitics, rr man in man's time and place and . as subscribers or lrene. lsnguige-a notion basic to the ili['i',i'iti''l'Tli:Xlf#"[il'i',;l antrwomen oranv Christian religion-ls the message l::.'."*r*lor*n riupport cent de-Parri, witl be heltl in the llttnl the work of of thir ltlass. And man :rnust Cathodral Social Center, 1824 N, the Conferances by titeir charib listen, And he must repent. And Ircnnsylvania St., at 2:30 p.m. on able eontributions. he must act*he must do the will Sunday, !'cb. 19. of the .Father. He ean make no demands, he can require no signs. All active and honorary mem. Leibowitz bers of the to speak . But God, who created time, forrr Indianapolis con" knows its importanco to finite ferences are rrrged to attentl. The man. I{cnce the referenees to d0 counail also invitas to this mcct, at perents' meeting days and 10 nights, and lhe three Ing pastors or layrnen who aro Many days intercsted in in rvhich both Jonah and the the \tinr:entian work Irving Leibowitz, ntanaglng particrrlarly , Son of l\Ian know darkncss. The and those living in editor Lenlen lii.lr** of the Indianapolis Times, timr cyclcs oI the liturgy, with parishes that do not now have will be the guert spcaker varying emphrses snd teeents, Conferenccs, at thc Every I)*y Cathedral lligh ryould be irrelevant in heaven, On While the School paronts active membershin Fish of Some Kind earth thay make scnse, In meetlng on Tuestlay, tctr. bccarrse the Indianapolis ConfcrcucL lt. The Slgipe Salad-Every Dey it is in this milieu g that nran is comparntivcly snlnll, the reg. mceting begins at p.in. in l.he Fried Fish-Every'Day opcralc.r. tular reports ol their Deviled Eggr -riw.:: i:,r:irrRi;:r ^ r'i::r:ti\,Ey\' activities rchool, present an intcresting pieture of I FEB. ll--1'lrursdny of thc fir.st WOOO'S AUTHOR-Sirler Goorgiana, l\Ir. FRIEO I{ALIgUT STEAKS S.p., goes over a recfion of lhe potcntinl plrases and l[rs. Williarn Ash me "Freneh of Spiritull EVERY FRIDAY wock in l.ent. l\Inn. then. her lalesl book, Dramrlirrlionr,,, chairnren wllh lwo ol hcr rlu- antl Corporal Works of I\terey in charge of thc sor:ial necds on enrth a special tinre of denk, rophomorer Mary Crmpbell (left) from Towson, Md,, rnd that might be accomplishetl ,by horrr Iollowing lhc nrectint, pcntncf, i,r rcpcntnnce, a tilne piqur, Kry Clemenr from Ohio. Tha St. llrry.of.thc.Woods :rctive (jonferenccs praying Collego in all of the RUSSET fot pity the of the T,ord. profetsor'r prrishes 'Iodsy's book wrr published lrst monlh by J. Weston coordinated through the Thc UNUSUAL {irst lesson Walch of Caleleria is r stern I'articrrlar Council. 37 South Moridian ALL lN A DAY-l,elhaps the indit'idunl rvho travelotl the gl.citost renrinder thnt man is jrrdged, not Sl, "('alrlinal distance to alttrrd the on lhc bn.sis of the guilt -- * nowNT,owN -_- Itittcr.l)ay" olrsorvance in Indianap- corporRte l0:4s - p.t\I. olis lsst Sunday was Dr. Thomar F. Ccrncy, vice presitlent of the rnce, ndr in humnn solidar- A.[1. 2:i]0 of re. -?:30 p.ilL ity in sin, but 4:15 I,.Nl. ,serrch. developnrent Rnrl contr.ol at !--li Lilty Lto., lrrri rather on the hnsir t member ol lRtl_PARXlt{6rt ltt of his der.

'l'ltt'r't rs strrtlllt'. is so lltrtclt ttcl, lilltl t'orrrinrl in nrr tlrc lll(,iulutl of Ilehlcn,, .\r'anraie nntl Gr.r,r,lt lclrus, rrol lo spcali of tlrtr olhct. DEATERs t'olilf('(l olir.]rrlal frono laltgttagt,s. thirl ttr, urll @wffi- llt,ats lrt' in l positrorr I 0f Indianapotis to lx'tlcr OrrI lr.iltlsiai.ion. CHECKTHIS C. t. FoxworthyCo., Inc. j WIDEVARIETY OF LENTEN i[lie,seu'onrlcrful little lish flotn the cokl I I ffi Ed Martin coust:rl rvirtcr of tr'Iaine s.ill adtl rvelcome ll I MENUTREATS YOU CAN FINDAT STANDARD t'ariet1' trr l.ttrrtcrr -*- nn"y A. SharpCo. . nreals for snaclis, || I SO FRESH sirllrtls, lr lrtl.rcs, 'l .lrrrre irrrtl )lrilirr rlislrcs, loo. JerryAlderman Ford i ou ll Iill(l nliln]. wa\'$ | | t() rrstrIhotn irt ottr | | HatfieldMotors, Inc. r BONEL E55 ',1,1 I I't'eI't,t'i1rt' lrrroliltt. \\'irrrt lr co1r1'? PERCHFIIIETS *"t McKayFord, Inc. 39c | SO FRESH WPIT! TO: FREE | I RECIPE BOOKIET --.-_l SEABOARD PACKING CO. FlLtEIS BONELE55 tll 39c BATH, MAINE ,"q9"D Ntptrrno Fitch . -srrr.rlirrt,str.ill stle{ch 1,orrr footl FurniiureBarn lltttlget. lo{). An(l ipr:xlterrsir.ens'tley ar:e, BREADED LARGE s,3: Oper Sundcyr p.i,l, SHRIITIP 49c t,he1'actullll' gir.e 1'ou tnore healtht'ul'good. l-6 We ekdoyr 12.9 ne,ss "Quolity BOOTH lor .\'oul' lnoltc1' thirn irn.r.oilrer food. Furnilure ol Eorn Low Overlrecrd pricer,, Nt'tri rrrreserost a lrt:rrnv or. trvo nrot.e thatt JUMB. trfr:' m.ost.Jlirine ftIany Splnirrrrls 9600 E. Woshingron (U.s. 40 E) ru 6-3205 '.['lrc.t,'r'r'lrirckcrlblanrls, brrl they're \votth it. BREADEDS}IRITUTP lII $I.99 49c rtith slrr,cili 's car.e hr, lire 6lored Wed, corrn{r'1 lirlgcst sarrlirrcnncker. irr religious lifr: ',r,i: !! BREADED0YSIERS 49c i\lr\DRID-Olcr' 3,5.000 i Catlrolic luung people of hollr sexcs irr BOOTH I Slrlin alc plcparing to enter lcli. 'i ENGINES-All Mokes ond 'orir' girrtrs olrlers or the pr.icsthoorl. S0UTHAFRfCAN IOBSTER IAIIS 1'ltc rnajolitl, Models $1.15 ale of lulal or.igin, llttt an inclcasing proportion* 'iiiliSrrn I Doy Insfollotion 6.110 at prcscr.ll-arc ft'oril ilrc Guarqnteed 10,000 Miles or 120 Doys ,r*r, rvot'king class fanrilios in the TAns cltlcs. $2.3g SO FRESH 1'his is a sanrpling of thc infor- nlatron containct! in a rrervly- Crqnkshqft 's3: "r*!l "Gui(ic" Exchonge, Cylinder Hendr Exchonge published offieial to thc FfSHSIfCKS 39c 79c All Mokes & Models tlatlrolic Church in Spain rylrich is 'rd Complete Mochine Shop Servico tlcscliberl as suppll ANYs,zE P,E.E i,'t'l0s ing fol tlre CQ[BY CHEESE Lb 59C ,5'r,t fit'st tirnc full particulals about iASY CRTDII all Ilrc cr"rtttttlr"s t]t rlirrce:cs, in. ttnMS as .i) cluding the nanres of the par.ish tow A3 clergy, The data supplied is as 2.97 PfR Wt{. IilOREIENTEI{ of SUGGESIIOHS Det:. 31, 1fi60. look for green -firc the littlo box with thc tol)ilt'ts tllill MACARONI O FRUIT "Keep 11r:..1e Chutcll & SPAGHETTI CANNED hrndy kay oponarinride rnd pttbltt'alronr EXClnlrliE I nrrrrrlreI l,r'{;:i, \lilh g tol9.B, CHEFBOY.AR.DEE PIZZA O CAMPBELL'sMEATLESS SOUPS coupioof sant in the cupborrd.', llt)2 in i\Iadlul anrl lTl irr Har'r:e. I I TASI 57. lotta.

i FAGE TEN THE CRITERION, FEBRUARY 17, 196I AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE J CorzuentualF'ranciscans to Ann'.ral institute slated NOTRn DAIUE, Ind.-[ro{hcr $iiti$ii:!jll: r.;lHlt?,\?;,,,'":t""""'' Il[. Verda Clare, president of the MRs. J0HN FUCtf, Jotlprsonville Cardinal Cushing Collegc, Rrook- MRS. MAXlllE Kl-LlMp, Guittord Ml55 CLItNORA MORAll, Ruitrviltr CCW line, I[ass,, since 1S54, has heen appointed I\{idwest Provincial Superior of the Sistars of the llolv Cross. The appointment wa,s made here try l\Iother Kathryn l\larie, C,S.C., Superior General, Mother' Verda Clare succceds Ivlother lllary Clarc, rvho tlictl late in January, and will assurne GltRisu0lu her new duties about March 1, at the Sisters'Provincial llouse M0T(}RS,n{C. in South Bcnd, lnd.

NATIVECLERGY WASIIINGTON*FourSccs in MILAN, INDIANA r\frica formcrly staffed try the \Yhite Fathers worc trtruerl ovcr Phorre Oflico 2791 - Servi

Sisltlt.stoottr.C|rin;tofSottih\]\,rl|!lJ\|rrr'r.rJ.lrt!-vI By DANA C. JENNINGS nrunity of Clu'inbridgc supplics r\nrer.ica' as r'ell as to t1e In" Ileland's nrosI fnnrous o.\'stcls.

The Deorborn Grovel Woulc{you likc trr Co., Inc,

PhoneWH.4-2285 ttdtG and lla;n Jtrrelt aclvcrtiseyour busine-qs ODcr Dmroirrr hl ADFolnlnrrl Patntni.ze Ou,r Adaerti,scrs lThe riterion? George f, Sltrader lruneral IIonrc I Tlre cost ,s surprisingly low. Your messagc reache! i 43,000 Catholie families each week, including hundredr I in your own area, I I I I l For rales write fo: Advertising Manager I The Criterion, P.O. Box 174, IndianapoliC, Ind. loyrr wirhlowERs -l I f lgn BrozitGreenhouses ! Insulancelgencies u.5. BRICK 25 N. Wolnuf phonr 2S!l I G"n"rol lnruronca* Bondr t utgring Bros.,Inc. lrorll, Ind' Patronize COMPANY rc x. wolnur !r. phona 220t Crurfiad Stonr ' fxcovolinq I Focr BrickWith Thr Our Agtieuhurc limt Color Eurnrd lr 'llhe Ph. Y.t 7.3256 Aduertisers t,r.D, r, HwY. 37 Kl. 7'!l!l THIRD[YE, Riddell Nation:rl .llank WAS}IETERI[ of Brazil, Incliana Tefl0ily Federal Since 1885 Membar FrrlC DAUBY'S N. lSth St. & 3rd Avc. C.6597 $. & L. Assn. DEPT. STORE I Blorkr Ofi Moir ln foll (lry | -l TEI.I CITY PeoplesBuilding NATIONAT BANK "t5 & LoanAssn, lcon ol Good ?{9 lllatn Sl Ph. 336 pepst' !onllng Sonicr" l,.Bu So"trbt" . . . Havc I tl|3 f,loln Kl. 7"tta6 @ ;RTE PAIKIN6 tEE SCHOOL SUPPLY INC. CO., m School Supplies - Jonitor Supplies 6f,,RatzBroth"rri DIXON's VARIETY 8iil Ind ror AI.TEQUIPMENI REQUIREDFOR YOUR SCHOOTS - gunKHART'S i Your BOTTLE GAS Dcelcr STANDARD SEllVlCE prumarxc ,r Hranr{G i Atrlian.,!-I!'inilljr?' Piii!3 Wiedemann's - Blats Atbr Tir.s-8illeri.5 l2rh& Meinsr. ph, 253if;Tu,:ll,9,ll"tl"'"" 5l,;il: Falls City - Gophel - Pabst AfiTERICANTILE & SALESCO. TheFranklin Counf Nalional Bank FunerolHome Wholesrle FORMICA -lf:l'Jl:",l,*- Zoercher-Giflick of Brookville "Leadership frern BercrtaV €on1eou1 throllqh Setvlce' fFI.tCITY, IND, lll;.\t B aR 5t:I)IlR At- Dnf Oill' f s*SURA.NCF. Cofi t'Oal llON THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY I7, 196' PAGE ELEVEN

... JUsr IMAGTNE r{OW OOOPS' THAT t lo,n,. both_.ol Jclfrrsonvirler broth!r, WllliBB. sirrct' Mdrv (i0g' er Jsflsl5qql THIN63 WOULD BE IF YOUR flllrr:urrrrrr€' R,EMINDSME... Remember Them Your MOTHER RAN TI{E HOUSE ...I WAS CUPPOSEDTO In Prayers KEPT AFTER SCHOOL HURRY HOME ANI HELP AGAIN THE SAME WAY., FORNOT HAVING I.IERTAKE DOWN YOUR HOMEWORK.BUDDV THE YOURALWAYS BEHII.ID TIME. I t.c,ilAirrr r"trl& l?Bllr, 68, Horycros! :i "?';; It !, "l fit' n,rr,',1',1"'L r ::iL',i:?',,,,:Yl:' -oi 5t. lonn ot Arc ol,,,t'0.',.,xerrruire *rsrir, l. (ro:s (cnrelery, fililiiil;,, il "ITRRE HAUII t t,,'$l*11,',1'1i,,, j,' t t I T. i',. ti 1.,",,r-;r, t,,jl : I IndianapolisParish Shopping List

* Aseumption *l* Lady of Lourdet *l* Nativity St. Jude St. Phifip -t- -l-Tl* * * Neri * Browntr Scrvice Station i llnce lStO {lall tf",! JELLED.MAGIC Ghrct Ol ttnr! rl ^.K. orrter, ^**.lttlit, No 9rlp*No Strr1trtg{o f,C HEIDENREICH Wolfc Shctl Servicc Station furt AppU ^Jlrr. lEas s. til0llto^N fjrr-i.l wrrh. Roid srrYlet i PRIESTS ARRESTED ' '* *"t*"ls' t d'!ri Berry Bror. Paint Stcrr i*l||i-[Ml tlrp. tuh.,'flrc, lritcrt ttr5t Jdlr l;t'l lvrrbtort r ltr..t fh lifll Silffif ssn, Wsrh-glmodr. \tF HE[ron !,{$r{ | $ll&47 o lEnvtcl caLLi o St. Andrew * rE lre t{oti * Crlhedral * Bradley Hardwarc Cq lhwn lot All Ocmrloar StoiG 8n, UoE thn| !3rt. rlt0 a.!" tu 8- p.ni,-su!. 0 r.h. dl I g.-. KIYSIONE PHANMACY Anthony's Flower Shop 'l'lromlrron |I x. ?a!!. IJ05 N. P{l!D. Compleb l.tnc Hrrdsrrr (.tlrthonl) ILtt loor. llrltlFb ApL, Jm .t \Yltme Burdrall Farntr I'roprlrtofr SHOPS lllS llrrlkor lrr. $T. t"ltll SN)REY'S FOOD r$! E ITailt -Prorcrlptlon Sprclollrtr- EoElhDert lnd. tvwdev rnd EFlcurF Foodl. o . Lrarl Pollbb l\lcer Camplolr Ltnr nf Sle,L lmm trupplla Reul Estute lll a€$l !tl:. s.t6lf lrvlngton and Flamingo, St. Lrwrence Flower Shop St. Ann * fltftf to stAvf You "flo\yEr! "38 f(lf All 0(ei!l0ni' BAff' BUYINGor SELL|N6 tYtl'H llllll \l.illt lillsl'tr- t t. JoHNtoilAvr. (itl(l(:lrl{l ou.ll,l'l'Y lis WAIYIN'S 680tE 38rh tL 7.755$"-- io.rirrorc ouTsTANl)l\(: l iit t ls .\lil, FL 0-5508 PI{ARAIACY VE(iI1'I.\ tll,l'ls Iawart ntlc:r fr (:olal qrrry-(lut So'r (:l l!r. Cl,5,9079 Cor.trolt Rd.rl frrnrrorth u,s. l0l(-..l'll\tli.\Ts c||. 4.r000 Dkeount on Pkf, Ltqusrr io;Io4- 1'%l .t rostPx r{- - v=- LES & GARY'S . 0uAl,l'IY txlr(is . INE rrOODS. 3915E. lorh FL 7.0t07 . EXPnlt'f I.n}}SCnIIY|I0NISTS. (oLl lN'tRll sT. lilirlls GAMBRAtt PHARTVIACY Mixrd 0rlnlt, {ocllrllr, l.yarll.r ;::;: Filry trla?r tath Cro!r.r l-.trtrsylr,rnlt Deluxs Sandwiehcr _l'::,:'1_ 4W 4401 i. Wsrhlnglon tt. lflt. 4-I036 Mrry Lar M(lh.r n';:""1::1"'W.:1--::-.'W- ?L t-t678 Indlcnopollr, Ind. St. Mark {lormtrlt St' Rrl;l! )lirl.1! * 5t. Bernadette * * lrra f'rasc/pllon Drllyrrt t !9RMA M, XIAt, /6, Sf. Anrl;orry Ctrr,rch, (rn,ft4fy. Plrlnqo Liiluors - f,{onrt Qrd.af feb, l,l, lloty tros\ Srrrvivor:i !on? Ge0rqc: iirl/r_Jlltur!, |y',r1. f.i,tr5_ founlrirt S?rYi(i - Shart ordrrr Woodcroft Pharmacy Bqrlhs Gillie Hardwaro & Srrpply u!r: chke;- rirlrr. i,lt5- t,tlcr Silrilir; brolltrr, n l- MULHERNTS S"I'.i\NDARD PATRICK illonIARI\. osrrr bert Riirf.clt!. ,t+l'fJ"U llol Uolltrtr il?., ltB. 1t{}3s {r{r ltAt)ri{^\ gTgt? vtst'I ouB Ni.)Iil (tAtr /r SERVICE $f . I ,i. sofrr,"|ii,' ,rurv (r0r\ (iurr{ti, PAIIVT I .h. l,- lloly { rlsl {."111p141y. WOLMAN'SDRUGS anrf r l]xt']:$'r r'ltrisr,'til1rl'toN st:Ilvttit MORROW'S PHARMACY !trrvivori: ^.-. t*iT,lttAt.loi,. qtrAl,l. iols, John I., ol Indiarr,rlrolii; Jariler t., Xourrlcanlng tupplior . Y l)trtjQt ( I'|il|D[fl Mr s.0568 Pr.$crlptlon Spaclnltdr of llission. K.!or,rs; d.ultlrtrr5, lrrrn Wrro, furntrrP!pu, flltr;r I illflnlr ol Brorrkvillc; ( nllr.rrIr {luill rdd llo\frr},try ErFcn 'ilil)rlciilrorl a flr? rr6t $. rtrtrnlt)taN t,L &ttrt5 v [1dqisr. ol lrrtlilrrrpolr:; l!lct, Mrj. 0cr].!f and llattrty Sen4er 'U,S. Irortofflc. Subrtrtto[ f{ow Op.n) lldrrr!l0rlc, ltdrllrorirc, (dlif . Cir \1'rrlt ---_- I r80,irAt wr trilrr,rr,ltr, r(r. sr. cdr,e.ir,0 * Hofy Spirit M'FFETT & Morrow's Pharnracy --.-i.l:'"r'.,!:l:..-l l: .. l:llt:1" .! :l : 1:ll':. lll: * Holy Angels * PURVI] TMTRSON HEIGHIS 7747S. Msridian TU 1.9339* 5t. Thomas * srAn0ArDsrlvtct CTEANERS - a Pr[scilpltoti tPretAiltl$ t "Wr Apprrtle'cYout lurlncsr" tS0J l.j- illchlrrn lngllrh I tnlrc; tt t.49tl !'L B.?t0? Floridc Flsh d Poultry -lllrulrrrd- 'r\\'ltrn Vr)ur (inrntr'lrli Ar. Not St. Michael l.lq'5pnlls61 to You they Should B. * l'rmour lor ont 8er toudr (]orllnB to llll llcKtAND DRUG SIORT !'l$li . oYi'titilt . 8ltRrnlP "Your Piilrh ShorplnIi (:cntrr- {gth .nd ltotrnrtlvuh ttA lll(|r FEENEY'sTAVERN p'troNs, Safcwoy New Manrgemcnl Pllll,scnr st(:x B{x)rt NtiriDs Quality Fooda crlsilb-l'rcs, LINWOOD r0ys, H ILLIL|nR c.tHl!s fttr$s afs, CLEANERS agtJ Sotrtherilrrr ;r-ic, Fl- l.?llt .t LATAYDl'l'hlrD, "!Y.rh (-ht- Narivity ,1,12/L Ncp York (ctr, li.lrcod) tt t,?to0 chotd. llerc.} . \lALi€R 0. DUilCAN,proD. PAT DOLLEN'g (:|l €AlH rnd (ARRY 8,ll wert iilrd. l4fa. 7308 Southeasfern Avc I * St. Catherine * ,,t'BtiJ,sH cu.l u&als,, St. Monica Bedford * !r.'* bB.t oltl own trulls rtrd rctc|'.bter Stonc I lrdm (lrowcrr, Thh lnttrol to! trc|b -P611 nets quelltl, 3 Srrirrrr.8urrq. ort (0r. lol, I |] rf r.{t', * Little Flower * Irt Ur $upptt lct6 146; rrd lood I HolyCross rnd caur. 'rrcr. Futlb:rn'r. MORROW'S PHARMACY ;i;'u,rij,lt.t I ET. htaa0 rr 6.4186 *A'Y stAtrY '.'.n.r, cL 5-01?5 te0l SUUBCUMII{ tAl tritmilnd) EVERLY I P.Q. Sub.Station SHELL SERVICE t Prcrcription Specialirtr * @ rlr LOl)t'lNo. {itJtlEIrtNG end lt}[rlIRA Palntlng*tnteriof"l'Ii, ind Etterlo?. [.ow. !{qfjj' :1"::':-:ll":",: 5t. Fetrick * Sl. Francis * IIETIn'IXfiT|I

- s0uTllSrDr'$Nrwfst H0UStKt€PtR COA1pilll0N I^. liij"d .ldrrlv ART'S DRUGS TASTY-GO CHICKEN l*il nl(irr. (on5l.l!r"1 ntaie, !crildtp, or touolC.''oo' Musi {lrruun J. Mt:uNll]R ' '"' '{o c/oT'r' feJlurinQ Il',1 lj.IDo!e "Your l{tnny Pcnny Chicl,rtr itrd l'olsloc! ii,iir,:i'1": :''l REXAI.L Druggist" HL,ngn.i.n Virril. Eread l(l ll :irh sL rr striloD si. Lt, {{r 20?6 PR0SPIC! [U 7'5673 -Preccriptionr- FREI Delivery Wilhi'1 Alils Rddius ffi

* St. PhlllpN-.1 * * St. James * iRli ,

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