11|2020 DER HANNOVERANER No. 11/ 94. Jahrgang | November 2020

Auction Good luck St. Felice!

Hannoveraner Verband Introducing the board

Sport Star Connection FRH wins in Luhmühlen

Star Connection FRH and ‘s Michael Jung won the Three-Star-Event Luhmühlen. Photo: Lafrentz AuctionSport

Good luck St. Felice!

The 137th elite auction in in October: No flow of visitors, the arena is dark. Only computer screens are lit behind the scenes. The offices of the training and auction centre of the Hannoveraner Verband are occupied to capacity. For the first time, this noble event of the year takes place online only. Regardless, it was exciting – the turnover also was okay. The most expensive horse sold for 205,000 Euros. By Petra Schlemm

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hotos of 60 horses are found on the internet at mains in Germany for 41,500 Euros. Cornflake PJ Statistics Pthe auction portal of the Hannoveraner Ver- already participated in horse shows. At the Han- Riding horses band: 40 dressage cracks, 20 jumpers – the four- noveraner Jumper Horse Championship in August, Offered for sale 60 horses legged participants are dozing quietly in their he returned home with a sixth placement. Sold 60 horses stalls, some are even lying down. All lines are open Net proceeds 1,794,000 Euros on Saturday afternoon; the excitement before the Favourite Boy measures 1,71 metres. This impres- Average price 29,900 Euros beginning of the final bid-up to the 137th elite auc- sive chestnut gelding by Floriscount and out of Top price 205,000.00 Euros Lowest price 11,000.00 Euros tion is rising. All the employees of the auction of- St.Pr.St. Donna Doria by Diamond Hit obtained the fice and all customer advisors congregate in the top bid of 62,000 Euros and will stay in Germany. Price range office of the training and marketing centre on the The State Stud as the exhibitor and Friedrich 10,000 to 14,999 Euros 11 horses 15,000 to 24,999 Euros 18 horses first floor of the building. Words in the Spanish lan- and Edda Kröner from Schüttorf as the breeders 25,000 to 49,999 Euros 26 horses guage are still buzzing through the air. Ursula Mül- are delighted. Favourite Boy was one of the most 50,000 Euros and more 5 horses ler, customer advisor for the Hispanic area, is talk- sought-after jewels of this collection. St. Felice was Sale by areas ing to a last-minute customer, who has difficulties the only horse with more interest. The second tal- National 40 horses logging in. She patiently tries to help. Which email ent to have been raised by the state stud in Hun- International 20 horses address did you use? Half an hour later, one hears nesrueck also was very much in demand. The bid- a sigh of relief: “The problem is solved.” up for the bay Landsmann by Lissaro/Sir Donnerhall Two-year-old stallions Offered for sale 24 stallions (breeder: Nicole Klatt-Cissee, Hahausen) stopped Sold 24 stallions The second horse offered for sale in the auction at 53,000 Euros. This handsome gelding also stays Net proceeds 443,000.00 Euros right away is a sensation. Bidding parties fight for in Germany. Average price 18,458.33 Euros the dark bay mare Felice by St. Schufro/Fürstenball Top price 52,000.00 Euros (breeder: Patrick Seefeld, Neustadt). As a three- The average price of the 137th elite auction was Lowest price 10,000.00 Euros year old, she was a finalist in the Hannoveraner 29,900 Euros. Even though it is less than last Price range Riding Horse Championships. At her mare test, the year’s average price of 32,561 Euros, two-third of 10,000 to 14,999 Euros 11 stallions guestrider gave her a ten for her rideability. The all the horses sold for more than 20,000 Euros in- 15,000 to 24,999 Euros 8 stallions offers came in quickly. Once the price went up, it cluding 18 athletes, which sold for more than 25,000 to 49,999 Euros 4 stallions became a duel between Germany and Austria. 30,000 Euros. The second most expensive horse 50,000 Euros and more 1 stallion Every three minutes, the picture of the country’s enjoyed a final bid of 82,000 Euros, his name Sale by areas flag changed on the computer screen. Sometimes ‘Egon goes to Hollywood’ by Escolar/Royal Blend. National 16 stallions the interested parties waited till the last 10 sec- The bay, which had qualified for the Bundescham- International 8 stallions onds before placing the next bid. With the 196th pionate and received a ten for his walk, will not be offer and after 90 minutes of bid-up time, the final in the movies, but instead he will move to South- announcement is displayed and exhibitor Wulf ern Germany. Michael Schenk from Römstedt ex- Rohlf from Lütjensee enjoys the selling price of hibited the three-year old; Christa Westermann 205,000 Euros. The mare with the competition bred him in Dannenberg. One third of all partici- name Arosa changes ownership to customers from pants sold to foreign customers; four horses found Austria. “In April, I would have needed many piec- new homes in the USA. es of paper,” Anne Janssen commented. As an em- ployee of the auction centre, she already partici- pated in the first online auction in April. At that time, she entered every bid on a large list, which was hanging on the wall in the office to keep all parties up to date.

Twelve other horses sold during the time that it took for Arosa to find a new home. When there is serious interest in a horse, it is very useful to have several screens available at the same time, which this proved. With just one screen, it is difficult to keep an overview. The most expensive jumper was one of the horses, which found a new owner dur- ing this period of time. Cornflake PJ by Carridam/ Loredo (breeder/exhibitor: Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierber- gen), an licensed and tested chestnut stallion, re-

St. Felice by St. Schufro/Fürstenball sold to Austria for the final bid of 205,000 Euros (left). The athlete Corn- flake PJ by Carridam/Loredo became the top-selling jumper with a sale price of 41,500 Euros. Photos: Ernst

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The star of the two-and-a-half year old stallions became the excitement of the day. The last bid-up of a total of 24 colts was for the black colt Saffron. The clicks just rolled in for the son of national Secret and out of a dam by Hohenstein (breeder/ exhibitor: Peter Bösch, ). The last bid caused confusion. The time for bidding did not extend automatically once the bidding had crossed the 40,000 Euro-mark. Interested foreign custom- ers complained. They wanted to continue bidding. A technical problem was found and solved. In the Statistics end, the bidding for the black was continued in his Foals very own auction at 9 PM. The bidders from France Saffron by Sezuan/Hohenstein found a new home in Offered for sale 21 foals kept the upper hand investing 52,000 Euros in this France for a sale price of 52,000 Euros. Photo: Fellner Sold 21 foals Net proceeds 212,250.00 Euros youngster. The average price for 24 young stallions look into a catalog. Since years, he works for the Average price 10,107.14 Euros amounted to 18,458 Euros. The majority remains Verband during auction times. He checks the sta- Top price 51,000.00 Euros in Germany. Out of seven colts, which were bought bles as the night guard. Until the morning hours, Lowest price 4,250.00 Euros by foreigners, three go to France. The auction of a he washes countless white saddle pads and Price range total of 21 foals did very well especially the sale of watches over the wellbeing of all horses with Ar- 4,000 to 4,999 Euros 1 foals the colt Dream of Hearts. The black-brown by gus’ eyes. This year, he is even more so personally 5,000 to 7,999 Euros 14 foals Damsey/Quaterback dominated the day. The involved than usually. His sister Irmtraud Mar- 8,000 to 9,999 Euros 1 foal breeding farm Blue Hors takes him to Denmark for quardt from Weste has bred one of the young stal- 10,000 Euros and more 5 foals 51,000 Euros. The breeding farm Vilhard GbR from lions, which is sold today. Cauntleroy by Colman Sale by areas Brombachtal in Hessen is the breeder and the ex- sells for 13,500 Euros and he stays in Germany. National 13 foals hibitor. 21 foals sold for an average price of 10,107 Even though you cannot tell as well as you could International 8 foals Euros. at a live auction in the arena, but it still is the same with an online auction: Behind these events, there No crackling excitement in the arena, no flowers, are numerous stories of people and horses, many no applause – instead emotional bidding from dreams, wishes and hopes. Some come true in Ver- home or from the road. But then, in the end, the den. “It always is fabulous, when customers are auction gets a face! Wilfried Brüggemann enters happy,” all employees agree, as they turn off the the office of the training and sale centre to quickly screens. n

It was phenomenal! sa, which was the filly’s name at the inspec- in the Bundeschampionate, “It would have tion, moves to Family Rohlf in Lütjensee. just been too much for a three-year old.” In- “At 100,000 Euros, I started gasping for air,” Three additional fillies complemented the stead he personally delivered the mare to Wulf Rohlf shares while thinking about the vintage. Being from Holstein, Wulf Rohlf ac- Verden. “It is a special year, and that is why Saturday of the 137th elite auction and re- tually is a breeder of jumper horses. The 58- we decided to send her to the auction.” membering the enormous tension during the year old planned to extend his breeding pro- 90-minute long bidding duel on the internet. gram to breeding dressage horses as well as St. Felice did her best during the entire train- “I thought that it would take 15 minutes.” jumpers – also with regard to his son con- ing’s period. Auction rider Nadine Fritz kept The joy was huge, once the sale price was tinuing the family farm. the owner informed at all times. He also al- determined: 205,000 Euros made his St. Fe- ways was in communication with the auction lice the top selling horse. When starting St. Felice under saddle, she management. “St. Felice was treated like a impressed with always being in balance and princess. I always had a good feeling!” One Three years before this memorable after- attentive. At her performance at the Hanno- thing is certain for Wulf Rohlf, “The people in noon, the breeder and trainer had returned veraner Riding Horse Championships in Ver- Verden did a phenomenal job!” Britta Züngel from Denmark filled with excitement. There den in August, St. Felice immediately attract- he had watched the stallion St. Schufro per- ed everybody’s attention. The acceptance to St. Moritz St. Moritz Junior form in and win the Young Horse Champion- the elite auction came along with it. Markus Wie Princess St. Schufro ships. He liked the dark bay a great deal. He Holdt rode her at the time. The trainer too Don Schufro Dorina quickly found a filly for sale. On the way had been full of excitement about the mare St.Pr.St. Asta home from farmer’s fair “Agritechnica” in from the start. Two months earlier, St. Felice Fürst Heinrich Hannover, he convinced his son Lennart to had received a ten for her rideability at the Fürstenball St.Pr.St. Hann.Pr.St. Maradonna stop at the farm of Patrick Seefeld in Neu- mare test in Neuenfelde and became a Han- Felicity S Regazzoni stadt. “She stood in the isle, built uphill and noveraner premium aspirant. With a heavy St.Pr.St. Riva St.Pr.St. Goldi with an alert eye,” says Wulf Rohlf. And Aro- heart, Wulf Rohlf renounced the participation

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Auction – Going Online

One, two, mine – in an online auction, horses are bought from the comfort of your home. A lot takes place in the proven fashion though. Beforehand, the team of the Hannoveraner Verband is faced with new challenges. By Petra Schlemm

e immediately realized that this would tailed photos were desired as well as information „Wgreatly impact us,” managing director via the phone. Customer advisor Daniel Fritz shares, Wilken Treu remembers his first thoughts after the “We received a lot of specific requests about spe- corona virus hit: contact limitations, closed borders, cial pictures, i.e. photos of all four feet from all full stables, the sale of horses completely down. sides to video clips while tacking up, mounting “What do we have to do to maintain our marketing and dismounting the horses. Sometimes we con- efforts and the business?” The Hannoveraner Ver- nected the client with the rider of the horse.” Dan- band answered this question with implementing iel Fritz has been an employee of the Hannover- online auctions. It entailed major changes. The aner Verband since ten years, first as a rider and pressure was huge. Even though the riding horses now, since four years, as a customer advisor. He for the April auction were still stabled with the certainly is able to evaluate the change. sellers, everything else was already taken care of and done by the time we were denied hosting the The switch was also exhausting for the employees In an online auction, the presenta- auction. “We had given our word to the breeders,” of the AAZ-office. A lot of explaining had to be tions of the young talents take place Dr. Katharina Wiegand, the manager of the auc- done especially with the older generation of breed- in accordance with Verden’s proven model and is transmitted via live tion office, highlights. ers. Registering and logging-in with a mobile stream. Photo: Fellner phone number and a password sometimes pre- The road from the arena into the worldwide web sented challenges. Anne Janssen and her col- was difficult. Since other laws apply for long-dis- leagues had to answer a lot of questions during tance sales via the internet versus sales on a public this time, but also sometimes made valuable con- auction - especially because of varying return nections. “I always compared the procedures with deadlines and disclaimers of liability - lawyers had to be consulted. “You grow into dealing with all the nuances,” Dr. Wiegand explains. The technical implementation was less of a problem. “There are service providers with a lot of experience.” Putting together the catalog in the training and sales cen- tre (AAZ) translates into a considerable effort for collecting photos, data and texts. Everything has to be edited even more so for the internet and then handed over in its entirety to the manager of the online platform. “It takes several more hours, but it is doable.”

The customer advisors had to overcome bigger challenges. They drove to the home barns of the sale horses to do live interviews and take sequenc- es of video footage. For a live auction, interested The auction candidates are intro- customers will find a lot of information on the in- ebay; most people know ebay.” Six weeks after duced with a lot of information, ternet about every single horse: a photo, pedigree, originally planned, we were able to auction off the photos and videos at verdener- damline, radiographs and a veterinarian report. In first riding horses online. “The arena dark, all hors- auktion-online.com times, when customers are not allowed to person- es in the barn, the barn team in front of the screen. ally visit, even more information is requested. De- The circumstances were extreme.” Regardless a

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 5 Auction

seller and his wife traveled to Verden. They could times. There are no walk-in customers roaming not endure the stress while sitting at home. So through the stables. On the day of the auction, all they sat at a folding table in front of the horse’s horses are lightly exercised in the morning. Some box stall. The excitement was rewarded. The cou- may be tried out for the last time. “By the time the ple’s horse sold for a good price to South America. auction starts, the braids are already out, the blan- After the first auctions for riding horses, foals and kets are on and the stables are quiet,” the rider young stallions took place, we came to this pre- shares. The sentiments of the auction riders are liminary conclusion: The positive outweighs the ignored. “On a live auction, we work towards a bad. The prices have not increased, but they also climax for twelve days; we push each other, first did not decrease by a lot. “Our worry whether or the gala evening then the presentation. Today, not we could sell the horses via the internet was nothing like that. The feeling is missing.” gladly unfounded,” says Dr. Wiegand. “We did, Numerous computers are operat- however, very quickly gain a lot of experiences.” The sellers of foals and broodmares almost unani- ing during the bid-up of the online mously welcome the online sales. It saves in ex- auction. “The Niedersachsenhalle is Parallels to the fashion industry penses, risks and in most cases long travel times. dark, the team sits in front of the The base of buyers changes. We record a great The buyers, on the other side, are split. Family Gärt- screens,” says Anne Janssen. number of new clients, which we have never met ner from Nidderau, Hessen is a good example for Photo: Züngel before,” the Verband noticed. Daniel Fritz com- opposites in one family: Father Klaus is an IT-advi- pares the situation to the fashion industry, “There sor and hence very familiar with any kind of tech- are buyers, who demand intense advice from ex- nicalities and with the bidding modus. He follows perts, and then there are those, who order from the online auction from his home on three to four the sofa of their own living room.” It does not re- screens not missing anything. He likes the clock, quire a person’s presence to buy a foal or a brood- which extends the auction time of a horse with mare on the auction. Checking out the pedigree every bid by three minutes. “You know exactly, might be the deciding factor. “If you are looking where you stand and when it is over. With an auc- for a riding horse for yourself, then you go and try tioneer, you never quite know, when he will drop it out,” so the observations. One cannot see on a the gavel.” The disadvantage: You do not see your photo, what the horse might feel like. During times opponent in the arena. He also misses the net- of closed borders and cancelled flight connections, working before the auction. His daughter Chantal foreign customers rely even more so on customer (19) finds the old form of a public auction in the advisors or on their on-site agents. arena more “emotional”. She misses the thrill, the applause, the entire atmosphere. It also lacks room The horses are the clear winners according to Na- for spontaneous decisions. In 2018, the family dine Fritz, a professional rider at the Hannoveraner bought the young stallion Liverpool by Livaldon/ Verband. Because of contact limitations, exact Dancier (breeder: Horst Ullmann, Remels) sponta- times for try-outs are given and adhered to. The neously. They just had a certain feel about him. arena now is even quieter than before Corona “He entered the arena and just looked fantastic. I did not even have him on my sheet of paper.”

How will the auction program continue after Co- rona? In the course of restructuring the Verband, the newly formed marketing committee will delib- erate this issue. Public auctions in the arena of or online auctions; then there also is the option of a hybrid auction, in which the buyer cannot only buy at the location or over the phone, but also on the internet. Dr. Katharina Wiegand summarizes rationally, “The horses are not getting more expensive, just because the customers have various ways of bidding. The costs, however, in- crease because of the internet provider and the auctioneers.” Whatever the decision may be, “we cannot imagine to not having some sort of online marketing program in place.“ n

Rock Island by Rubin-Royal/Fürstenball was Chantal Gärnter’s favorite. She came for try-outs to Verden from Nidderau. Photo: Fellner

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Quarlito von Nymphenburg (breeder: Werner Rademacher, Flögeln) finished winning silver with Yeguada Cuevas Bajas. The Hannover- aner vice champion of three olds at the time had left for Spain after the elite auction to- gether with Quarlito.

Sansibar by San Amour/Fürst Heinrich (breed- er: Bernd Volbers, Beesten) obtained the sec- ond title in Madrid with rider Roberto Carlos Cruz Rodriguez. He became Spain’s champi- on of six-year old dressage horses. Quartar by Quantensprung/Laurentio (breeder: Ralf Zierke, ) finished second in this age group with rider Juan Jimenez Cobo. He had sold in the Niedersachsenhalle in November of 2018.

Another auction horse from Verden won a medal in the division for five-year olds. Dan- Sansibar became the champion of six-year olds with Roberto Carlos Cruz Rodriguez. Photo: private bury by Don Index/Hohenstein (breeder: An- nette and Detlef Schelhas, Lage) became the Spain 2016. Betty Boob by Bretton Woods/ Sandro vice champion. His rider Armando Martin Hit (breeder: ZG Königs, Bodenstein) won the Robles Andrade had discovered the now five- Outstanding thought-after title with rider Carlos Resino year old on Verden’s elite auction in October Auction horses Minayo. The owner Andrea Martinez had of last year. Maria del Mar Gonzalez Reina bought the black mare on the auction in rode Fraggle Rock by Floriscount/De Niro At the end of September, the best young January of 2017. Three months before, the (breeder: Jürgen Kötter, Rullstorf) into third dressage horses met in Madrid to select their dressage rider from San Javier, which is lo- place in the division for four-year olds. Dilara champions. Numerous auction horses from cated on Spain’s Mediterranean coast, had by Danone/Azur (breeder: Tanja Schulz, Ebs- Verden were in the mix and did well. The vin- already successfully invested in Farron de torf) advertised Verden’s auctions in the divi- tage from 2013 was especially impressive: All Amuta by Foundation/Sandro Hit, a horse sion for eight- and nine-year olds. In July of medal winners found their way to the Iberian from the Rhineland (breeder: ZG Werth, Mo- 2015, the mare had sold to Sergio Marti Peninsula via the Niedersachsenhalle in Ver- ers), on the elite auction. She presented Far- Perez from Valencia. The 42-year old rode her den including two, which had been dressage ron de Amuta herself in Madrid and finished into the bronze position. n pearls of Verden’s elite auction in October of in third place. Between the two stable mates,

Grande-Prize recipient Quaid passed away

The jumper horse producer Quaid pion of five-year old jumpers. Jo- by Quidam’s Rubin/Voltaire died hannes Ehning rode him at that at the age of 16 from the after- time. Quaid was awarded the suf- math of a colic. The bay from the fix FRH from the Hannoveraner breeding program of Friedhelm Support Society. As FRH Quaid, he Vehlber in Espelkamp already im- celebrated successes up to the S- pressed at his licensing. The level with different riders – last breeding farm Staj Mustang lo- with Hendrik Sosath, Marvin cated in the Czech Republic Drekhahn and Marek Klus from bought the premium stallion on the Czech Republic. the stallion market and sent him to the 300-day test in Adelheids- He passed his talents on to his dorf, which he finished with a descendants. In 2017, Quaid was jumping index of 129.85 as the awarded the Grande-Prize. His se- second-best of his vintage. The men was available via the State model athlete then started his ca- Stud Celle and later via the stal- reer as a competitor. In 2009, he lion stations Sosath and Staj was celebrated as Bundescham- Mustang. n

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 7 Hannoveraner VerbandSport

its work to the breeders at many different events. How was the cooperation on this committee? Trust and Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “The work was exciting and team-oriented. Everything was discussed without a preset result. The atmosphere was ex- cellent with a lot of trust between all members. reliability Many, sometimes controversial issues were dis- cussed without anyone feeling personally at- tacked.”

The farm of Family Lührs-Behnke in Verden-Borstel DER HANNOVERANER: Over the past forty is located no more than one kilometre by beeline. years, the Hannoveraner Verband had five chairmen. Which memories do you have To the newly elected chairman Dr. Hinni Lührs- from your predecessors? Behnke, trust and reliability are crucial elements of Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “That certainly is not an easy question to answer. The memories, the con- his new responsibility. scious experiences, the encounters were of differ- By Britta Züngel ent times. Our past chairmen over the last ten years were all very different by their demeanor and their character, but – to me – they all were absolute notable. Even as a small boy and as a DER HANNOVERANER: Dr. Lührs-Behnke, young breeder, but also later in my life, I always you were elected as the new chairman of had the feeling that they respected me. All had the Hannoveraner Verband on August 24th. and have positive, exemplary traits. In any case, What were the reactions? they all appeared to me as being authentic. I was Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “Positive! My circle of ac- especially delighted, when Friedrich Jahncke, quaintances perceived the meeting of the dele- Manfred Schäfer and Hans Henning von der Deck- gates as a trend-setting start for a desired new en came to me after the voting process congratu- beginning. You feel the hope that a broadly based lating me and wishing me the best. They offered team will be able to accomplish many things. It their help and support in case I needed their ad- became quickly apparent that in principle there is vice!” good chemistry within the team.” DER HANNOVERANER: Which face would DER HANNOVERANER: Which attributes are you like to give the Verband during your important to you, where do you see your term in office? strengths? Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “ The Verband should pre- Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “Honesty, impartiality and sent itself to the outside as a calm, sovereign, respect for fellow men are important. It not always confident, but also open-minded and innovative is easy to talk about your strengths and weak- association. It always is important to me to meet Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “The Han- nesses. By nature, I always try to balance differ- at eye-level. During the next weeks, I shall try to noveraner Verband should present ences. That certainly seems important for my new get a complete picture of the situation and do my itself to the outside as a calm, ‘job’. On the other side, this strength can turn into best to understand how everything works. That sovereign, confident but also open- a weakness, when the focus remains on balancing will look to the outside world as if everything is minded and innovative society.“ differences and not enough on the content. The quiet, but this is necessary in the first phase. Here Photo: Züngel dosage is the deciding factor. One always has to we lay the base for the future. It is crucial that the consider oneself and one’s doings. Another members, partners and customers of the Verband strength may be that I view my new, honorary are able to trust and rely on us.” work from various angles because of my experi- ence as a regular breeder, but also because of the DER HANNOVERANER: Which issues did you experiences that I gained during my time at the view as critical in the work of the Verband university, from my responsibilities as a member of over the past years? the structure committee and as the breed man- Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “As a regular breeder, you ager. I consider this an advantage for my job as did not get the feeling that there was enough of an the chairman.” effort made to include all breeders. In today’s time, you cannot just dictate everything from up above DER HANNOVERANER: You were a member in my opinion. Every club or association lives from of the structure committee and presented the community and certainly in such an emotional

8 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 SportHannoveraner Verband

area like the breeding of horses. We must in- Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “Our home life al- DER HANNOVERANER: How did your crease implementing the concept of service ways rotated around Hannoveraner horses. daily life change over the past few – especially towards the members.” For a long time, my father was the chairman weeks because of your new responsi- of the breeding club Verden. I remember that bilities? Where do you find a distrac- DER HANNOVERANER: How do you every Sunday we drove to the breeding sta- tion? measure the success of your work? tion in Stedebergen for the morning pint. The Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “The overall atmos- children got an ice cream, the adults talked Dr. Hinni Lührs-Behnke, “The first weeks of phere and the harmony must be good in the about horses. I have so many wonderful familiarizing myself with my new responsi- long run. Also the numbers must add up. memories. It is impossible to highlight just bilities were filled with a lot of appointments Those would be good signs. With the struc- one event or one horse. and meetings, and even more phone calls. At ture reform and the new board, we are given the moment, my days do not have a lot in the opportunity for a new beginning; the re- Or maybe not: From the money that I re- with my usual daily routine. Thank- sponsibilities are distributed over different ceived at my confirmation, I bought my first fully my family absorbs an enormous amount. committees onto many shoulders. However, broodmare from my dad. She was a twin, her I receive a lot of support. we must always question whether our meas- name: Waltraud Wuchtig by Wenzel/Absatz, ures are the right ones, whether the path the sister of Willi Winzig. She had a foal There is not much room for distraction at this that we selected is the right one.” every year and financed my studies. Her time. I hope that it will get a little calmer most successful son was Muchacho by Mau- after the fall and that I shall have time again DER HANNOVERANER: The Hannover- rice. With Jan Andreas and Dirk Viebrock, he to devote to the sport. I hope to be back aner gene was laid into your crib. won gold twice at the European Champion- playing goalie on my handball team n Which memories do you have? ships for young riders.”

Committee breeders‘ support

Harald Thelker from Venne repre- sents the Breeders’ Support Committee on the board. “I breed Hannoveran- er horses since 50 years. I am the chairman of the Re- gional Club Osnabrück/ since eleven years. As the board member for the area of breeders’ support, I would like to help with reconstructing our Verband. The process has started during the past months and I would like to help it advance.

I view my position as a link between the board, the regional societies, the breeding clubs, and the young breeders, so that all of them will be considered in all decisions. In- As born members, the chairmen of the regional clubs belong to the formation needs to be exchanged both ways. committee for breeder’s support (from left to right): Thorsten The area of breeders’ support is the represen- Hogrefe, Stoecken (BZV = regional club Lüneburg); Anne Kollberg, tation of the members on the board. Our con- Naestved/DEN (BZV International); Christopher Kroeckel, Honde- cerns about any and all questions about the lage (BZV Braunschweig); Walter Robert, Breitenbach-Gehau (BZV Hannoveraner Verband play a significant role. Hessen); Hermann-Josef Thoenes, Grefrath (BZV North-Rhine-West- By tradition, the auction in Verden is one of phalia); Joern Wedermann, Wangerland (BZV East /Olden- the most important subjects of the Hannover- burg); Uwe Wichers, Dobrock (BZV ); and Hartmut Wilking, aner Verband. She links breeders to the Ver- Stemwede (BZV Hannover). Anna-Lena Lührs from Osten is another band since decades. The sale centre must run member as the Verband’s youth representative. smoothly; it has the function of a lighthouse. New breeders must be contacted; older breeders must be motivated. I would like to of the Hannoveraner Verband. The same ap- proud to work for the Hannoveraner accomplish that our breeders again are proud plies to our employees. They too must be Verband.“n

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 9 Hannoveraner VerbandSport

Well set up

The board is voted in; the committees had their first meetings. In addition to the elected members, other people were nominated for the various committees. By Britta Züngel

Dressage committee

Stefan Blanken many years, before starting his own horse Anja Rietbrock (49) is a trainer business in . In all questions on (53) took over the and rider. He is a breeding and raising of youngsters, on train- parental training member of the ing and marketing, and on mare tests and and sales barn dressage commit- stallion performance tests (because of his for dressage and tee, who knows knowledge as a test rider), his expert opinion jumpers in Sot- the Hannoveraner is sought after within Germany and in for- trum. The master Verband better eign countries. in equine man- than most. After agement has the his training in Verden to become a certified After her training to become a certified golden riding badge in dressage and in trainer and rider, he was an auction rider for equine manager with emphasis on riding, jumping. n

Matthias Klatt re- ted in jumping and eventing competitions, test for jumping mares. Furthermore we shall presents the breed but then I got stuck on dressage. I prefer address the question, whether or not our committee on the training homebred horses. My experiences evaluation of horses is still up-to-date. It is board. as a rider and trainer will be helpful in fulfil- important in the breed to mind old, proven ling my duties on the breed committee – bloodlines. The conformation cannot suffer - DER HANNOVE- dressage.“ under no circumstances. The strength in the RANER: What can back and in the hindquarters as well as the the breeders ex- DER HANNOVERANER: What will be the rideability are of utmost importance.“ pect from the most important issues that the breed breed committee committee for dressage will address DER HANNOVERANER: The committees – dressage? and how will you proceed? have already met. What are your first Matthias Klatt, “The breed committee – Matthias Klatt, “Openness of the breeders, impressions? dressage will continue the work of the dres- the willingness to approach each other and Matthias Klatt, “I am very curious to hear the sage panel, which is in existence since some good cooperation are very important to me. questions of the breeders. There will be a time. I have always been very interested in Our agenda includes issues like the sport test lively exchange with the main office, and the breeding modern sport horses and especially for dressage mares in the course of a riding breeding manager will play a significant dressage horses. In earlier times, I participa- or dressage horse test analogous to the sport role.“ n

Dispute settlement committee According to the statutes, the board ap- Bad Bodenteich, who already worked on vote from the delegates on the next meet- points the members of the dispute settle- this committee. In case of partiality, the ing of the delegates in April of 2021 in Ver- ment committee. After a previous consulta- deputies will take over the task. As a dele- den. tion, the board came to this decision in its gate, Kathrin Wassmann from Badbergen meeting on October 5, 2020. From the cir- will take over for Dirk Ettwig; within the In accordance with the statutes A7, every cle of delegates, Dirk Ettwig from Neuen- membership, Jens Adickes from Mis- member has the right to call on the dispute kirchen-Vluyn will act as the official media- selwarden and Ralf-Peter Lehmann from settlement committee in a dispute between tor. From the circle of the entire membership, Teisendorf will take over. members or in a dispute between members the following gentlemen/women will com- and the Verband in the event that the dis- plement this committee: Wilhelm Lange The nominations for the dispute settlement pute’s basis lies in the execution of the from , and Dr. Uwe Clar from committee will have to be confirmed by a breed programs or the statutes.

10 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 SportHannoveraner Verband

Jumping committee

The banking econ- year old, who used to compete in a jumping master in equine omist Heide Pe- saddle as a teen. management ters from Groß learned at the State Sterneberg is a As an active jumper rider and committed Stud Zweibrücken devoted breeder breeder, Oliver Ross from Thedinghausen is and at the DOKR of jumpers. Com- very familiar with the matter. He worked (German Olympic bining consolidat- with innumerable young horses; with horses Riding Committee). ed damlines with out of his own breeding program, he suc- Since many years, current perfor- cessfully competed from jumping horse he operates his mance blood is a special concern to the 49- classes all the way up to the S-level. The own training and breeding facility. n

Hergen Forkert diary and a provider of ideas for the Hannover- open exchange of ideas and discussed future- exchanged his aner breeders.” oriented issues. My first impression was very jumping saddle for positive! To obtain a good co-operation with a seat on the board. DER HANNOVERANER: What should the the main office, we seek a lively exchange with For the first time, he breeders think of the term “special breeders, active riders and members of the also participated in field”? Hannoveraner Verband. The path is the goal; the pre-selection Hergen Forkert, “The Hannoveraner Verband is we have a lot of work ahead of us like, for in- for the stallion li- set up well in many areas and has a good staff. stance, modernizing the Program for Hannover- censing and was My special field is the jumping horse and the aner Jumper Horse Breeding.“ excited about the high quality of the pre- breeding of jumpers. I would like to provide im- sented jumping talents in the Niedersach- pulses with my experience in the field of breed- DER HANNOVERANER: What are your ex- senhalle in Verden. ing jumpers so that we will again breed good pectations from the breeders and the jumpers in Hannover.“ members of the Hannoveraner Verband? DER HANNOVERANER: Mr. Forkert, as a IHergen Forkert, “Most importantly, I wish for member of the board, which face will DER HANNOVERANER: The committees the necessary trust of the breeders and for a you give to the special field of jump- have already met. What are your first good basis as well as cooperation. Without the ing? impressions? Hannoveraner breeders and their good dam- Hergen Forkert, “Since I am a breeder, a trainer Hergen Forkert, “During the first meetings of lines, we will not be able to successfully show and an active rider, I view myself as an interme- the different breed committees, we had an and breed our horses.“ n

Eventing committee

Iris Schless from ter three years as an assistant in the training she not only deals the Rhineland par- and sales centre in Verden, she founded Top- with the breeding ticipated in the Eventers GmbH with Elmar Lesch. 3 years and raising of hors- European Cham- ago, the 55-year old, who is an FEI-steward es but also with pionships as a and a horse-show judge, took the risk and growing crop and young rider. Next started her own business in Kevelaer. managing cows. to her education Since nine years, in business, she Ulrike Edel-Heidhues grew up with hors- she is the chairman also completed a es. Born in 1974, the heart of the graduated of the AG Boden- training program to become a certified rider/ agricultural engineer belongs to horses with stein/PZV Braunschweig and is involved in trainer under the tutelage of Germany’s na- dual talent and a high percentage of blood. the Society for Riding Eventing in Bad - tional coach Hans Melzer in Luhmühlen. Af- On Klosterhof Buendheim in , burg. n

DER HANNOVERANER: There is no In my opinion though, there still is a lot of barns, and then, at a certain age, they can no board representation for eventing. room for expansion in this area. The connec- longer make the switch.“ What is important to you while work- tion of the breeders to the riders must be ing on the committee? strengthened, so that the horses, which by DER HANNOVERANER: With which pedigree belong in the sport of eventing, will measures would the Verband be able Iris Schless, “There are many good Hanno- be trained in this field from the start. Many to support the breeding and training of veraners competing in the sport of eventing. young talents start in dressage or jumper event horses?

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 11 Hannoveraner Verband

Iris Schless, “There are many options. We DER HANNOVERANER: What are the for this. We already have competent experts shall try to put together a group of good most important issues, which the com- on board. I would like to see the sport of young riders and trainers, which are available mittee for eventing will tackle? eventing reach the same level as the sport of as trainers to breeders of versatile horses. The dressage and jumping. All of us in the breed conditions on the terrain of the arena of Low- Iris Schless, “We already have a lot of ideas. committees should work out good concepts, er Saxony are ideal. I could very well imagine We would like to offer a suitability show to which can be quickly implemented and will an indoor event during the course of a horse breeders of horses with a certain share of sensibly improve the structure and the or- show in February or March or a cross-country blood, in which experts evalu- ganization of all three areas. At the end, we class as a qualification for the Bundescham- ate, whether or not a horse is suitable for should always see: How can every individual pionate in combination with a Hannoveraner this branch of the equestrian sport. We also horse improve in its sport? How can we se- Eventing Championships for five- and six- plan a workshop for breeders, where figures lect being more goal-oriented? And how can year old horses or a suitability class with a and information are discussed about the I better bring together breeders, trainers and cross-country part.“ sport of eventing. I believe there is a need buyers?“ n

Marketing committee

Thomas Bentes wart von der De- neer became the deputy breeding manager was 14 years old, cken-Prize for the of the ZfdP, before starting to work for the when he started best mare family a breeding farms St. Ludwig and Bonhomme. working with hor- total of three Since 2002, he manages a dressage training ses. As an accom- times. In 2002, facility with sales and a breeding program plished dressage Hannes Brüning be- together with his wife Leonie Bramall. rider up to the S- came the reserve level, the 62-year world champion of Malene Meyer old lives with his young breeders and from Meetschow wife and his three daughters, who all love to an executive partner of the Farm Brüning grew up as the ride dressage, on a farm in Boitzenhagen. GbR. daughter of a bree- The biologist and business administrator der. As customer ad- holds a leading position in an automobile Volker Dusche visor and as co-wor- firm and is responsible for product strategy. (54) grew up on ker in the department the parental horse of the marebook, she Hannes Brüning (38) and his family run a breeding farm in is well known in Ver- top level Hannoveraner breeding program. Isernhagen. After den. In 2018, the 37-year old, who holds a The horses from Ochtmannien obtained in- studying agricul- diploma in business administration, decided numerable successes in the sport and on ture, the graduated to run the breeding and raising facility in the mare shows. The breeding farm won the Her- agricultural engi- Wendland alongside her father Heinrich. n

With a diploma in respect to marketing. It is important to me align its view not only nationally but also in- business administra- and to the members of the marketing com- ternationally. The conditions how to address tion, Dieter Meyer mittee to discuss the different perspectives customers (with focus on the pre- and after- has the appropriate and goals in the areas of breeding, market- sale marketing) must be newly aligned and skills for the market- ing and service and we would like to do so the available resources need to be optimized ing committee. He is together with the breeders. After all, we for further development of the brand image connected with the must consider the economical aspects of the “Der Hannoveraner/The Hannoveraner” and Hannoveraner horse breeders and those of the Verband as the for possible expansion. We claim ‘the best to since his youth organization to find the answer to the fol- Verden’ – the marketing committee will also lowing question: How shall we as the Ver- address this claim in close cooperation with DER HANNOVERANER: As a board band position ourselves in view of the het- the breed and the breeders’ committee. In- member, which face will you give the erogeneity of our members, and behind terweaving the objectives of the breed, the area of marketing and what mental which messages will all members be able to marketing and the breeders’ committees will image should the breeders have of the gather? give us the orientation and a benchmark in area of marketing? our honorary position and also as members The required profile of the marketing com- of the Verband. Initial steps have already Dieter Meyer, “Most importantly a face that mittee is broadly defined as supporting the been taken in the marketing committee. And breeders and customers of the Hannoveran- board with important marketing issues and then there is a special heartfelt wish that the er Verband feel comfortable addressing with with factual marketing questions. It must hearts of the Hannoveraner breeders beat in

12 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 Hannoveraner Verband

the same direction and that we again view ing. The committee will also deal with moni- tise regarding the current demands on mar- us as a community of values, which once toring the newly created Hannoveraner Fo- keting horses. We all do have great respect made the Hannoveraner Verband big and rum. It offers us valuable assistance while for the huge and lasting tasks. As a team, we strong.” we work on these various issues. The mem- are highly motivated though and jumped bers of the Hannoveraner Verband should right into working mode. On the agenda of DER HANNOVERANER: What are the actively participate in shaping the future of the first meeting of the marketing commit- most important issues, which the mar- the Hannoveraner Verband. If we could do tee, the many subject areas made one thing keting committee will address? this in a constructive fashion and respect the very clear: We must set priorities, quickly opinion of people who think differently, analyze the strengths and especially the Dieter Meyer, “First we must evaluate the while making use of the knowledge of the weaknesses and allocate responsibilities old and the new marketing concepts to have older breeders and together transfer their within our committee but also towards the clear answers to questions like: Which is my knowledge into the areas of breeding and main office. target group (key point: structure analysis)? marketing in a professional and up-to-date Which needs does my target group have fashion, then we may soon hear these words Next to all the strategic and operative con- (competitions, recreational riding)? Which again in all horse stables, “Hannover – that’s siderations, it is important to include the goals does the Hannoveraner Verband pur- where we need to go!” main office with all its experience and com- sue with which type of marketing measures petences. I have the advantage of knowing (online and offline)? Which factors strongly DER HANNOVERANER: The committees most ladies and men at the main office on influence customer relations? We also must have already met. What are your first Lindhooper Strasse for many years. It greatly consider the competition in our marketing impressions? simplifies the cooperation with the main of- approach. Regardless of what we plan on fice. The main office did not have an easy doing, we must remain ‘smart’, which Dieter Meyer, “ After the elections on the time, in particular, during the phase of the means: Goals must be specific, measurable, meeting of the delegates at the end of Au- structure reform. We owe the employees of accepted, realistic, and have a set time gust, the board and the new committees sat the Verband our thanks and appreciation. frame. together and started working. The agenda of The cooperation with the main office will not the marketing committee is especially long. only be close and material-oriented; we Another important issue includes the analy- Hence it was very important to me to guar- would like to enrich it with fun and joy. After sis of the membership and the customers – a antee that the positions on the marketing all, the basis of our existence is our enjoy- basic requirement for goal-oriented market- committee reflect a very broad-based exper- ment of the Hannoveraner horse!“ n

Committee for finances, personnel/legal issues

As a board mem- year old mechanical and industrial engineer sage up to the S- ber, Carsten Leo- operates a medium-sized fence-construction level on horses, pold will re- company. He is engaged in the board of the which her parents present the com- study group Königslutter and is a member of bred. With a degree mittee for financ- the council of the Horse-Breeding Club in business admin- es/personnel/legal Braunschweig. istration, she works issues. Upon a for a large company suggestion, the Breeding jumpers is in the milk industry entrepreneur from a hobby of Dr. Ste- specializing in dis- was immediately nominated as vice phan Hinrichs tribution and marketing since more than two chairman, which he accepted. Among other from Kampen. Five decades. responsibilities, he is involved in ARGE for mares live in his the station Süstedt. barn. They all have pedigrees, which Since ten years, are currently high in Olaf Funke from demand. The businessman with a doctorate Vechelde is a degree (born 1960) has more than 20 years member of the of experience as a chief financial officer Hannoveraner Ver- (CFO) of medium-sized companies. band. He partici- In addition, Dagmar Borchers from Osna- pated in Verden’s The passion for Hannoveraner horses was brück and the business consultant Reimond auction program laid into the crib of Christina Könneke Menke, who is an accountant and an auditor with supplying horses a few times. The 53- (49) from Soltau. She has successes in dres- in , were appointed. n

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 13 Hannoveraner Verband

The supervisory board

Ernestine Zwing- into these structures and further improving benevolently. Dear Breeders, look, participate, mann (47) from them.” and contribute. Continue to eagerly partici- Lindwedel is the pate in the forum, this wonderful instrument chairwoman of the THE HANOVERIAN: What are the most of communication within the Hannoveraner supervisory board. important issues, which the superviso- Verband. Discuss, criticize, and remain fair. In addition to her ry board will address? Again and again issues will appear, which can passion for horses, Ernestine Zwingmann, “The first core task of be viewed very differently. The exchange of the trained female the supervisory board will most likely be of- arguments will make solutions possible, hotel manager is a fering support in the shaping of the organiza- which are factually correct and not just bene- trainer and advisor in personnel and organi- tional structure and its process in accordance ficial to a few but to the entire Verband.” zational development. with the new statutes and the rules of proce- dure. Who is responsible for what in the main THE HANOVERIAN: What will the coop- DER HANNOVERANER: What should the office and on the board? Which decisions will eration with the main office look like? breeders think of the supervisory the main office make in the future? Which Ernestine Zwingmann, “The supervisory board? the board? When will the advisory board be board needs to receive information from the Ernestine Zwingmann, “We, the members of informed? main office on a regular basis. We also imag- the supervisory board, would generally like ine offering support in the decision-finding to be perceived as critical but also open, cu- THE HANOVERIAN: What do you desire process, if so desired and requested. A sys- rious and benevolent. While thinking within from the members of the Hannoveran- tem of communication will so develop and the new structures, we hope to continue er Verband? establish itself. Friendly openness and timely meeting with the board and the main office Ernestine Zwingmann, “It is our wish that answers of already emerged issues will be at eye-level. It is the only way putting life they perceive us critically as well – but also perceived positively on both sides.“ n

Hendrik Hüsker Fulda-Hünfeld and Landvolk Wittingen. Since three years, he is from -Wachen- later on in East Hes- the chairman of the Horse Breeding Club Wit- dorf is the vice sen and as delegate tingen. Two years ago, he was voted on the chairman of the ad- of the Regional So- board of the Regional Society of Lüneburg. visory board. After ciety Hessen/South he finished his stu- Germany. Further- As the son of a far- dies in agriculture, more, he is the mer, Matthias he added a business chairman of the ad- Grupe from Groß degree. Since more than twenty years, the 52- visory board for dairy and of the district far- Sisbeck grew up year old is the manager for an agricultural mer association Fulda-Hünfeld. with animals. He engineering provider. Six years ago, he took holds a position in over the chair in the PZV Bassum-Freuden- Since more than 60 the upper manage- berg. years, Hannoveraner ment of a large au- horses are bred on tomobile combine in Matthias Bug from Hessen is one of the the farm of Family , where he manages the area of passionate breeders. Before the fusion of the Schacke in Wittin- “Holistic User Experience” for the past years. Hessian studbook with the Hannoveraner gen. Achim If time allows, the 47-year old rides jumpers Verband, the 60-year old farmer was enga- Schacke (57) is up to the 1,40 Metre-level. n ged as the chairman in the Breeding Club employed with the Good Governance

The delegates voted Norbert Bramlage people. Norbert Bramlage is a founding mem- the Hannover- from Dinklage to be the Good Governance ber of the Horse Breeding Club Oldenburg. aner Verband representative. The 65-year old manages an Since 30 years, he is the chairman of the through good agricultural horse business with his wife Ber- Association of Privately Owned Hannover- cooperation of nadette. An insemination station, as well as aner Stallions and as such, he is predomi- all involved peo- boarding, raising and training of horses are nantly involved in the organization of the ple,” says Nor- the main focus of his business. He also trains stallion show in Verden. “It is important to bert Bramlage. apprentices to become professional horse me to support the positive development of n

14 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 Sport

Fonti Abeti by Negro/Sir Donnerhall was the winner. His one-year older half-brother Darko di Fonti Abeti (Rhld.) by Charmeur became the champion of six-year olds. Seven-year old Claudia di Fonti Abeti (Rhld.) by Apache/Don- nerhall rounds off the successful quartet. Claudia is one of Riccardo Volpi’s first home- bred horses. He exclusively breeds horses for dressage.

During the inspection tour of the Hannover- aner Verband in Italy in September, foals were registered and evaluated in a foal show. Just like last year, St.Pr.St. Funkenmarie by Fürst Nymphenburg/Wolkenstein II was the The Italian champions Ecuador di Fonte Abeti with rider Frederico Maxia, Darko di Fonte Abeti, Fortu- dam of the winning foal. The sire was Negro. na di Fonte Abeti, Claudia di Fonte Abeti with breeder Riccardo Volpi. Photo: Schlender The powerfully moving and typy, liver chest- nut filly stood out together with three addi- Italy champions in all classes for young horses at tional foals out of a large group of a good- the age of four up to seven came from this quality vintage. All four foals were awarded Triumph in Tortona breeding farm. All horses were homebred, gold medals. A colt by Franklin/Christ fol- trained on the farm, and successfully present- lowed in second place. A filly by Franklin/ At the end of September, the breeding farm ed by trainer/rider Frederico Mexia. The Apache and an already weaned colt by Jovi- Allevamento Fonte Abeti owned by Riccardo Rhineland mare Fortuna di Fonte Abeti by an/Royal Classic, the oldest foal of this vin- Volpi and located in Sansepolcro in Tuscany Apache/Christ became the championess of tage, were the other two medal recipients celebrated a grand success at the Italian four-year olds. In the division for five-year Championships in Tortona/Piemont. The olds, the already licensed stallion Ecuador di Maren Schlender

France tadt) won silver with rider Jessica Michel Bot- ton. Zouzo Majishan had participated in the Big Applause April auction in 2019. Sarah Krusch rode On the last weekend in September, the French Furst von Bottlenberg by Finest/Stedinger Championships for young dressage horses (breeder: Birgit Dammann-Tamke, Ohrensen) took place in Fontainebleau. In Cycle Clas- into fifth place. Magic Moment by Millenium/ sique, the most difficult test series, nine Han- Don Bosco (breeder: Renate Hormann, noveraners and one horse from the Rhine- ) followed in seventh position land reached the final of the thirty-best with Pauline Guillem and Dothraki de la four-year olds. Four Hannoveraners finished Gesse by Dragon Hill/Rubin Royal (breeder: Dahmann d’Ellbe won gold in the six-year old within the top ten. Loudzi Gold by Livaldon/ Haras de la Gesse, Boulogne Sur Gesse/ FRA) division with Emilie Lebrun. Photo: Les Garennes Scolari (breeder: Heinz Gerdes, Hude) won in ninth with rider Charlotte Cesi. Four Han- the bronze medal with owner/rider Pauline noveraners participated in the final of the olds. Dantana by Dantano/Fürst Romancier Guillem. She had discovered the mare as a fourteen-best six-year olds. Ninjago by Ne- (breeder: Claus Quast, Hamburg) sold to foal on Verden’s elite auction in the fall of gro/San Remo (breeder: ZG Hardekopf-Hart- France on the elite auction in 2019, and now 2016. Jessica Michel Botton rode Fabio de mann, Luedersfeld) won bronze. He had won the bronze medal with rider Vanina Nay- Hus by Don Juan de Hus/Wanderbusch II found his way to France via Verden’s elite rolles. (breeder: Xavier Marie, Petit Mars/FRA) into auction in 2018. fourth place. The second horse of Pauline In another championship for five-year olds Guillem, Fitzgerald Monroe by Franklin/Zonik In the Cycle Libre for four-year olds, Freya des during the “Grande Semaine de Fontaineb- (breeder: Stoeterij Vogelzang, Meerssen/ Paluds by Don Juan de Hus/Relevant (breed- leau”, Legende du Hans by Livadon/Don Fre- NED) followed in eighth place. Alfonso de la er: Pablo Bouillot, Maussane des Alpilles/ drico (breeder: Volker von Hoersten, Bad Chica Parras rode Dress Code de Malleret by FRA) earned a spot on the podium with rider Bederkesa) finished second with rider Charles Dancier/His Highness (breeder: Anna Savels, Agathe Andre. Falcone du Hans by Fürsten- Jousson. Dahman d’Ellbe by Don Fredrico/ Handrup) into tenth position. Ten Hannover- ball/San Remo (breeder: Willi Schulz-Haus- Weltregent H (breeder: Bernd Nordmann, aners reached the final of the 30 best in the brandt, Wittingen) had sold to France on the Syke) found a new home in France on Ver- division for 5-year olds; four finished among November auction in 2019 under the name den’s auction last November. Now Emilie the top ten. Zouzo Majishan by Zack/Soliman Fiorello. With his rider Lisa Kloninger Cha- Lebrun won the gold medal with him in the de Hus (breeder: Guenter Roehrich, Neus- chaty, he won in the division for five-year division for six-year olds. n

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 15 Sport

pair placed fourth in the second qualification, and third in the final. Freestyle Cachas Conelly (Rhld.) Three of the top five in the introductory class dances to victory of the Amateur Tour Large in Herzlake/GER came from Hannover and the Rhineland. Conelly by Cachas/Hornet Rose (breeder: Joachim Hufenstuhl, Lindlar) and Andre In spite of Corona, the international horse show Schäfer finished fourth. One day later, the calendar was filled to the rim in the fall. In Keysoe/ pair won the second qualification.

GBR, Mount St John Freestyle and Charlotte Dujardin Calido danced to victory with a personal best performance. Chica Fino (Hess.) (VA) Text: Britta Züngel · Photos: Stefan Lafrentz At the CSIOY in Opglabbeek/BEL, Camille De- molie rode Chica Fino by Calido/Levisto (breeder: Karl-Heinz Jirjahn, Lüchow) into Baloutinue third position in a 1,45 m-class. Showjumping Baloutinue by Balou du Rouet/Landor S (breeder: Heinrich Meyer, Langwedel) won Cascadello three classes at the CSI2* in Tryon/USA. Adam Prudent rode Baloutinue to victory in Cascadello Boy RM (Rhld.) Balou du Rouet the two-phase jumping class on the first day, After three clear rounds in the Youngster Tour Balenciana K in the main jumping class on the second day of the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, Katrin Eck- At the CSI2* in Gorla Minore/ITA, the name and then also in the Grand Prix. The victories ermann and her mount Cascadello Boy RM Balenciana K by Balou du Rouet/Grosso Z were unchallenged, since the pair won all by Cascadello/Balou du Rouet (breeder: Josef (breeder: Dr. Petra Krause, Klein-Flintbek; line three classes by at least one second. Ruyter, Rees; line of Wilkuer) won the final. of Elbmeise) was added to the list of winners. Edouard Schmitz from Switzerland rode her Bella Balou (Rhld.) Crossover to victory in a two-phase jumping class. Her At the CSI3* in Busto Arsizio/ITA, seven- The second qualification of the Youngster clear round in the Grand Prix was rewarded years-old Bella Balou by Balou du Rouet/ Tour in Riesenbeck/GER celebrated a dual with a fourth placement. Quidam’s Rubin (breeder: Karl-Heinz Girkes, Hannoveraner victory. Right behind Granate Viersen; line of Neapaza) and Fabio Crotta P, Crossover by Cascadello/Chacco-Blue Second place in Lier on the farm called Azelhof: Daymian by Darco and rider David Will (here in from Italy finished the two-phase jumping (breeder: Harm Wiebusch, Wedel) came in Aachen). class of the Youngster Tour in fifth place. The second with rider Chloe Reid from the United States. The pair celebrated another second placement in the final.


Checkpoint Chacco (Rhld.) On the second Saturday in October, Check- point Chacco by Chacco-Blue/Ferragamo (breeder: Johann and Hanno Klinken, Mönchengladbach) and rider Skye Morssink- hoff from the Neterhlands finished the Gold 3 class of the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP in fifth place.

RMF Chacco Top (VA) On the last day of the CSIOY in Opglabbeek/ BEL, Chacco Top by Chacco-Blue/Graf Top (breeder: Torsten Siems, Oyle; line of Isabella) and Giavanna Rinaldi celebrated a victory in a time and fault-class.

16 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 Sport

Christian’s Chacco The 2012-born Christian’s Chacco by Chac- co-Blue/Balou du Rouet (breeder: Stud Le- witz, Mühlen; line of Schneiderin) left a good impression at the CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, when he finished the final of the Small Tour in third place with rider Katrin Eckermann.

Come il faut

Chao Lee (Rhld.) Katrin Eckermann celebrated an international victory at Ludger Beerbaum’s facility in Riesenbeck/GER. She won a speed class of the Medium Tour with Chao Lee by Comme il faut/Chacco-Blue (breeder: Otmar Ecker- mann, Kranenburg; line of Schließerin).

Contagio Three starts – three victories: Baloutinue by Balou du Rouet and Adam Prudent won the Grand Prix in Best Boy Tryon. Photo: Sportfot Henrik von Eckermann’s Best Boy by Conta- gio/Sunrise (breeder: Kurt Biedenkapp. weeks later, the CSI had one star less. Cinsey (breeder: Willem Klausing GbR, ; line Mücke-Atzelhain; line of Esche) found a new finished a 1,50 m-class in ninth place. of Pension) and Daniela Theelen enjoyed a home at the facility of Family Gulliksen in fourth placement in the final of the Medium Norway. At the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP, he ob- Con Coleur Tour. The grey is yet another successful son of tained the first international successes with At the CSI2* in Tryon/USA on the first week- the mare Stapira. She already delivered his new rider, 28-year old Victoria Gulliksen. end in October, Us-rider Rebecca Conway Grand Stakkato, a Stakkato-Prize recipient, The chestnut finished the qualification to the rode Con Coeur by Contendro/Couleur-Rubin the premium stallion Dakato and the Herwart Grand Prix in fourth place. (breeder: Ingo and Britta Janssen, Holtgast; von der Decken-Show champion German Girl. line of Selma) into fourth place in a two- Not enough yet: Graf’s Stakkato and Card- Catch me Imperio Egipcio phase jumping class, which Baloutinue and esch also already celebrated successes at the At the CSI3* in Canteleu/FRA, Francisco Jose Adam Prudent won. S-level. Mesquita Musa rode Catch me Imperio Egip- cio by Contagio/Werther (breeder: Heinz Ti- Cornet Obolensky Diarado etje jun., Bottendorf; line of Julianca) to vic- tory in a qualification (1,50 m) to the Grand Cornetto K (VA) Diamants Aurora Prix. Cornetto K by Cornet Obolensky/Calido Jessica Mendoza and her mount Diamants (breeder: Johann and Johannes Krull, Doer- Aurora by Diarado/Chacco-Blue (breeder: Contendro pen; line of Pille) and rider Alexandra Thorn- Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; line of Gaby) delivered ton delivered a clear round in the 1,50 m- the fifth-best time in the international jump- Carlson main jumping class at the CSI5* in St. ing class on Thursday at the CSI2* in Colum- On the second weekend in October, Carlson Tropez-Grimaud/FRA. This performance was bus-Johnstown/USA. by Contendro/Stolzenberg (breeder: Dr. rewarded with a tenth placement. Christian Stempehl, Lachendorf; line of Orina) Decurio (VA) and Viggo Bjoerklund finished a two-phase Cornets Iberio Linda Heed rode Decurio by Diarado/Cornet jumping class at the CSI2* in Opglabbeek/ Cornets Iberio by Cornet Obolensky/Iberio Obolensky (breeder: Johann Djuren, Neu- BEL with the fourth-best result. (breeder: Heinrich Ramsbrock, Menslage; line schoo; line of Jelora) into sixth place in the of Steingilde) won some money during the Grand Prix (1,50 m) of Vejer de la Frontera/ Cinsey (VA) second week of the CSI3* in St. Tropez-Gri- ESP. The top form of Cinsey by Contendro/For maud/FRA. Denis Lynch rode him into fifth Pleasure (breeder: Andre Vagts, Bargstedt; place in a two-phase jumping class (1,45 m). Dicannus line of Clotilde) already became visible in the In Busto Arsizio/ITA, Dicannus by Diarado/ two-phase jumping class of the CSI5* in St. Coupe de Coeur Chacco-Blue (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; Tropez-Grimaud/FRA. Alberto Zorzi rode the line of Jemma) and rider Annina Zueger en- thirteen-year old into fourth place. Three days Coupon joyed a second placement in a two-phase later, the pair cheered about a third place- On the final day of the CSI2* in Herzlake/ jumping class of the Youngster Tour. The next ment in the main jumping class (1,55 m). Two GER, Coupon by Coupe de Coeur/Stakkato day, the pair finished the second qualification

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in third place. The pair again belonged to the Diatendro Gavi best in the final, which they finished with the second-best result. Diva S Graffiti In Lier/BEL, event rider Michael Jung rode his Christoph Könemann traveled to the Medi- Diraba second Hannoveraner Diva S by Diatendro/ terranean Equestrian Tour in Oliva/ESP with She placed third in the Free-Jumping Cham- Askari (breeder: Erich Single, Pfalzgrafenweil- his mount Graffiti by Gavi/Lordanos (breeder: pionships of the Program for Hannoveraner er) into third place in a speed class for five- Gerd Wieker, Ganderkesee; line of Nicodem- Jumper Horse Breeding, has two descendants year olds. The pair finished the final in fifth ia). During the first week, the pair finished a with successes in jumping competitions at place. In addition to Django S, Diva’s dam class of the Gold Tour in third place. Louie the M-level, and is currently a top performer Anna had two descendants by Diarado, Dark and rider Vladimir Tuganov won the class. in Italy: Her name Diraba by Diarado/Conten- Diamond S and Daniels Jack S. Michael Jung dro (breeder: Heinrich Bremer Jun., Nöpke; has successfully competed all in jumping Graf Top line of Nokadere). At the CSI2* in Gorla Mi- classes at the S-level. Daniels Jack S has nore/ITA, the ten-year old won a time and changed owners. Last year, his new rider Tiara Graf Compliment fault-class with rider Francesco Tuturiello. Bleicher became the European Children’s At the CSI2* in Columbus-Johnstown/USA, Champion aboard Daniels Jack S. Spencer Smith celebrated his debut with Graf Django S Compliment by Graf Top/Compliment (breed- On the last weekend in September, event Embassy er: Petra von Burchard, Nienhagen; line of rider Michael Jung made a detour to the Aricia). The first show participation of this CSI3* in Lier/BEL, where he competed two Everton PJ pair finished with a fifth placement in a half-sisters Django S and Diva S. The dual Everton PJ by Embassy/Light On (breeder: 50,000-US Dollar Grand Prix. Until now, Olympic champion rode Django S by Diarado/ Horse Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen; Markus Hauri had ridden the ten-year old. Askari (breeder: Erich Single, Pfalzgrafenweil- line of Streife) celebrated his first interna- er) into fourth place in the two-phase jump- tional victory at the CSI2* in Herzlake/GER. Grey Top ing class for seven-year olds. The bronze medal winner at the Bundes- championat won with rider Alexa Stais the Granate P Don Diarado Youngster Tour for six-year olds. Granate P continues on her career path. The The Grand Prix of Riesenbeck/GER welcomed daughter of Grey Top/Levistano (breeder: Pi- a high-carat field of competitors. Maurice Forsyth etscher GbR, Kalbe) celebrated her next vic- Tebbel and his mount Don Diarado by Diara- tories in Riesenbeck/GER on the first week- do/Lord Lancer (breeder: Dirk Lohmann, Sch- Fancy Me end in October. With rider Stephanie Böhe, ermbeck; line of Carmina) showed no weak- After a quick excursion to Valkenswaard, she won a qualification of the Youngster Tour. nesses finishing fourth with a fast round. Fancy Me by Forsyth/Gimpel (breeder: Holger Baum, Hofheim-Wallau; line of Doublee) re- King Kolibri Dylano turned to the Cote d’Azur at the beginning of The Dutch rider Loewie Joppen had tacked up October. At the CSI4* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/ Kolibris Vulkano Dree Boeken Dylano by Diarado/Baloubet du Rouet FRA, Henrik von Eckermann jumped her into Germany’s young riders won the Nations Cup (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen; line of third place in a two-phase jumping class. in Opglabbeek/BEL ex aequo with Belgium’s Nachnahme) at the CSI2* in Kronenberg/ NED. The pair placed fifth in the main jump- ing class on Saturday. Sentower Park in Opglabbeek/BEL is about 60 km from the Equestrian centre De Peelbergen. At Sentow- er Park, Dylano finished a two-phase jumping class with the fifth-best result.


Daymian Two Hannoveraners took the lead in the two- phase jumping class of the Youngster Tour in Lier/BEL. Daymian by Darco/Clarimo (breed- er: Matthias Wittke, Marienheide) finished second with rider David Will behind Q Seven.

Fancy Me by Forsyth (here in Doha) placed third in St. Tropez-Grimaud with rider Henrik von Eckermann.

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Breeder Carolin Hoffmann rode her Numero Uno-daughter Night Light (here in Leipzig) into second place in Herzlake/GER. young riders. Kolibris Vulkano Dree Boeken by King Kolibri/Vulkano (breeder: Arend Kam- phorst, Prieros; line of Algave) was a member of the German team with Kathrin Stolmeijer.

Lord Pezi

Leotie KJ Palm trees line the border of the show ring at the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP. Janne Friederike Mey- er-Zimmermann rode Leotie KJ by Lord Pezi/ Couleur-Rubin (breeder: Johann and Jo- hannes Krull GbR, Dörpen; line of Jedlita) into fourth place in a two-phase jumping class. One week later, the pair celebrated a second placement in the Grand Prix. of the Youngster Tour in Gorla Minore/ITA 1,55 m-jumping class after numerous top Ludwigs As was rewarded with a fifth placement. placements. At the CSI5* in St. Tropez-Gri- maud/FRA, Henrik von Eckermann rode the Louie Nabab de Reve ten-year old to victory against tough compe- On the first weekend in October, the time and tition. jumping faults decided the second jumping Nabab’s Atlanto (Rhld.) class of the Gold Tour at the CSI2* in Oliva/ During the second week of the Peelbergen Perry KHR ESP. The performance of Louie by Ludwigs As/ September Tour in Kronenberg/NED, Mikael A new winning ribbon decorates the box stall Catoki (breeder: Diether Baust, Stadthagen; Forsten rode Nabab’s Atlanto by Nabab de of Perry KHR. At the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP, Rich- line of Nolenga) and rider Vladimir Tuganov Reve/Almeo (breeder: Frank Müller, Hück- ard Vogel rode the son of Perigueux/Kolibri was rewarded with a second-place ribbon. eswagen; line of Feofa) into fifth place in the (breeder: Karl-Henning Rollwage, Bockenem; first qualification of the Grand Prix, in which line of Yuminda) to victory in a two-phase Messenger 101 horse-rider combinations participated. jumping class of the Gold Tour 3. In Satur- The pair placed third in the main jumping day’s main jumping class, the nine-year old Messentus PS class on Saturday. finished in a very close second place. On the fourth weekend of the Autumn Tour in Vejer de la Frontera/ESP, Messentus PS by Numero Uno Primus vom Neumühler Hof Messenger/Cento (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Two hours after Perry KHR had won a two- Mühlen) and Armando Trapote finished Night Light (Rhld.) phase jumping class at the CSI2* in Oliva/ fourth in a speed class of the Youngster Tour. In the opening class of the Large Tour for ESP, another son of Perigueux shines under amateurs at the CSI2* in Herzlake/GER, Spain’s sun. Primus vom Neumühler Hof out Lordanos Night Light by Numero Uno/Contendro and of a dam by Livello (breeder: Bruno Gericke, her breeder Carolin Hoffmann from Velbert Tangen) finished the first qualification to the Lordan placed second. Grand Prix in third place. It has been quiet around Lordan by Lordanos/ Landor S (breeder: Gerd Sosath, Lemwerder; Perigueux Pembroke line of Nachbarin I) over the past months. At the CSI3* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA, Now the 2004-born bay reports back from an Paul Walker (VA) Pembroke by Perigueux/Quick Star (breeder: international competition. At the CSI2* in At the CSI3* in Vejer d la Frontera/ESP, Paul Andrea and Norbert Wulf, Schillsdorf) and Columbus-Johnstown/USA, he finished Walker by Perigueux/Cornet Obolensky rider Alexandra Paillot enjoyed a third place- fourth in a jumping class with jump-off with (breeder: Wilhelm Gößling, Börger; line of ment in a 1,45 m – jumping class with jump- rider Nayel Nasser from Egypt. Gotenprobe) and Matthew Sampson finished off on the last Sunday in September. third in a speed class of the Big Class. Luidor Quaid The excellent performance of Luidor by Peter Pan (VA) Lordanos/Quidam’s Rubin (breeder: Dieter Finally the time had come for Peter Pan by IB Querido and Jens Röbken, Iswege; line of Aslaug) and Perigueux/Escudo (Z.: Hans-Joachim Bruns, Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking and his mount IB rider Clint Sulmoni in the first jumping class Isernhagen; Line of Seemoos) to win his first Querido by Quaid/Graf Sponeck (breeder:

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Hannoveraner News

D‘avie FRH with Lisa and Thomas Müller Photo: Helgstrand Dressage

D‘avie FRH is back in Germany. The son Sunny Boy by Sampres was one of the best in the Youngster Tour of Herzlake/GER with rider Jens of Don Juan de Hus/Londonderry (breeder: Baackmann (here in Paderborn). Dorothee Heitmüller, ) is stabled at the facility of Lisa Müller in Otterfing, Jürgen Dittmer, Pedingworth; line of Serone) St.Pr.A. Quincy Lady (VA) Bavaria. Andreas Helgstrand had bought enjoyed a second placement after an exciting At the Cote d’Azur, Quincy Lady by Quintend- the 2012-born chestnut on the stallion jump-off to the Grand Prix of Herzlake/GER. er/Lordanos (breeder: Andrea Janssen, Neu- sales. With rider Severo Jurado Lopez, schoo; line of Mazurka) and rider Julien D’avie FRH became the world champion of Quibelle Epaillard celebrated two victories within young dressage horses in 2018 and in On the second day of the CSI2* in Columbus- three days. The pair won two 1,45 m-classes 2019. Johnstown/USA, Spencer Smith rode Quibelle at the CSI3* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA. by Quaid/Stakkato (breeder: Jörn Masche, Tülau; line of Gallone) into fourth place in an Sampres international jumping class. Sunny Boy (VA) Q Seven (VA) Sunny Boy by Sampres/Acorado (breeder: In- At the CSI2* in Lier/BEL, Emma Stoker and grid Beutler, Isernhagen; line of Duena) was her mount Q Seven by Quaid/Stakkato one of the best seven-year old participants at (breeder: Manfred Schäfer, Köchingen) cele- the CSI2* in Herzlake/GER. Jens Baackmann brated a victory in the two-phase jumping rode him into fifth place in the opening class class of the Youngster Tour. of the Youngster Tour. The pair enjoyed an excellent second placement in the two-phase jumping class. Dormello II and Mailin Ngovan Quality

Photo: reitsportarena/Petrillo Serge Quorado It was a triple victory for Hannover at the At the CSI2* in Herzlake/GER, Ramona Hill- Suisse Championships for juniors. In iges and her mount Quorado by Quality/ Solero MS (VA) Roggwil, Verden’s former auction horse Ramiro’s Son II (breeder: Hans-Dieter Mart- Solero MS by Silvio/Espri (breeder: Richard Dormello II by Dancier/Weltmeyer feld, Bederkesa; line of Alzarina II) enjoyed a Mangels; line of Corona) was of the success- (breeder: Horst Rosebrock, Klein Linteln) fifth place in the Large Tour for amateurs. ful Hannoveraners on the Mediterranean and Mailin Ngovan won the gold medal. Equestrian Tour in Oliva/ESP. Michel Hecart Delphino by Danone II/Wolkentanz Quintender and the 2006-born chestnut finished the (breeder: Ulrike Lahmann-Gehrke, Grand Prix with the fourth-best result. Wittingen) became the reserve champion Quarenghi with rider Noemi Zindel. San Ravallo, a In Ivanskoe/RUS, Natalia Simonia and Stakkato Rhineland-bred horse by San Armour/ Quarenghi by Quintender/Escudo (breeder: Ravallo (breeder: Tobias Schulte, Hünxe) Oleg Sheyko, Moscow/Russia) won the sec- Stan won bronze with Tallulah Lynn Nater. The ond World Cup-jumping class within a four- At the end of the CSI2* in San Miguel de Al- black-brown had also found a new owner week span. The pair had already won the first lende/MEX, Stan by Stakkato/Sacramento in the Niedersachsenhalle years ago. qualification earlier and placed second in the Son (breeder: Isa Probst, Weyhausen) and second class. Karime Perez Nunez finished a time and

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fault-class with the fifth-best result. The four- on/USA. The premium sire and his rider Kama line of Antipathie). With this performance, teen-year old bay had celebrated his biggest Michelle Godek crossed the finish line of the the ten-year old and her rider Vasevolod successes with rider Juan Manuel Luzardo main jumping class on Friday with the sec- Starikow won the class. from Uruguay, before the young Mexican ond-best result. rider took over the reins in February. Valcetto OT (VA) Hello Shelby (VA) At the CSI2* in Herzlake/GER, Valcetto OT by Stakkato Gold At the end of September, another auction Valentino/Concetto (breeder: Otto Tiemann, horse from Verden obtained the second 1,50 Diepholz; line of Pia) and rider Christina Hen- Digisport Satisfaction m-victory at the CSI5* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/ riksen from Denmark delivered the fastest Digisport Satisfaction by Stakkato Gold/Cen- FRA. After Peter Pan, Hello Shelby by Stolzen- four-penalty round in the second qualifica- to (breeder: Marlies Visscher, Heisfelde) cele- berg/For Pleasure (breeder: Susanne Fuehrer, tion of the Amateur Tour finishing fifth. brated her biggest success so far at the CSI5* Grossmoor; line of Iphigenie) won one of the in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA. Nineteen-year old most important classes of this horse show Vancouver Dreams Jeanne Sadran rode the 2008-born bay mare with rider Scott Brash. A sixth place in a The result sheets of the Grand Prix (1,50 m) in a 1,50 m-class and placed fifth in front of jumping class with jump-off (1,50 m) for this at the CSI3* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA re- the magnificent backdrop. pair followed on Saturday. flected a thirteenth placement for Vancouver

Solero At the CSI2* in Gorla Minore/ITA, Joerne Sprehe rode Solero by Stakkato Gold/Graf Grannus (breeder: Stud Sprehe, Benstrup; line of Adana) into second place behind Pius Schwizer in a class with jump-off.

Stakkato’s Highlight

Veyron (DE) Veyron (DE) by Stakkato’s Highlight/Anton (breeder: ZG Lohrey, Büdingen; line of Nachnahme) has reached the classes at the 1,50 m-level of difficulty. At the CSI3* in Cantelou/FRA, Axel van Colen rode Veyron into fourth place in the qualification (1,50 m) to the Grand Prix.

Stolzenberg Two top-five placements for Vittorio by Valentino and Sophie Hinners in Kronenberg (here in Aachen). Salino Stolzenberg x Contendro – with a pedigree Uccello Dreams by Valentino/Stakkato (breeder: ZG like this, jumping talent can be expected! Strunk, Bochum) and his rider Max Kühner Salino (breeder: Klaus Steffens, Stinstedt; line Victorio (VA) from Bavaria, who competed for Austria. of Aslaug) jumped into fifth place in the final Two Hannoveraner earned a spot on the po- of the Youngster Tour of the CSI2* in Herz- dium of the Grand Prix in Tryon/USA. Ba- Vanilla PJ (VA) lake/GER with his rider Tim-Uwe Hoffmann. loutinue and Adam Prudent won after the Vanilla PJ by Valentino/Raphael (breeder: exciting jump-off. The premium stallion Victo- Horse Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen) Samba de Janeiro rio by Uccello/Graf Top (breeder: Hans-Hein- and her rider Dieter Vermeiren from Belgium On the first weekend in October, Samba de rich Plate, Otterndorf; line of Anegada) and impressed with a perfect start to the CSI2* in Janeiro by Stolzenberg/Glenfiddich (breeder: his rider Abigail McArdle from the USA fin- Bonheiden. The pair won the speed class on Christa Marklewitz, Plate; line of Lunda) and ished in third place. the opening day. Kai Thomann attracted attention, when they obtained a fourth placement in the opening Valentino Vescovino class of the Big Tour at the CSI2* in Riesen- At the CSIOY in Opglabbeek/BEL, Soenke beck/GER. Van Lou Fallenberg and Vescovino by Valentino/Fly Only one horse delivered a double clear High (breeder: Heinrich Ronne, Altenmelle; Stonehenge (VA) round in the jump-off to a 1,45 m-jumping line of Fliese) celebrated two victories. The Stonehenge by Stolzenberg/Kolibri (breeder: class at the CSI2*-W in Invanovskoe/RUS. twelve-year old won the Grand Prix after al- Christian Temme, Mühlen) was one of the Her name was Van Lou by Valentino/Lorda- ready finishing the qualification with the best successful Hannoveraner at the CSI2* in Try- nos (breeder: Heinrich Ramsbrock, Menslage; result.

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Vincent (VA) Verdi DSK Belstaff by Brentano II/De Niro (breeder: At the CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, Vincent by Breeding Farm Schmitz-Leitner, Rommer- Valentino/Racket (breeder: Heinrich-Wilhelm Verdinale (VA) skirchen; line of Juka) for the first time, and Lükens, ) and rider Clarissa Crotta Verdinale by Verdi/Drosselklang II (breeder: he did it very successfully: The pair finished earned a spot on the podium with placing Wilhelm Bollhorst, Wetschenhardt; line of both, the Grand Prix and the freestyle, in third third in the qualification of the Medium Tour. Sidoza) and her rider Jaime Azcarraga from place. The privately owned stallion belongs to Mexico celebrated three victories at the Dongseon Kim from Korea, who had ob- Vittorio CSI2* in San Miguel de Allende/MEX. The tained top placements aboard the 13-year Sophie Hinners rode Vittorio by Valentino/ pair won a two-phase jumping class, a time old bay at the beginning of the year in Flori- Ramiro’s Bube (breeder: Dr. Hartmut Schulte- and fault-class and a class with jump-off. da. Wiese, Plettenberg; line of Steingilde) into third place in the second qualification to the . Desperados Grand Prix of Kronenberg/NED. The pair also won a third-place ribbon in the Grand Prix. Dressage Descolari (VA) Three classes – three victories for Descolari Voodoo by Desperados/Weltmeyer (breeder: Manfred Voodoo by Valentino/Charismo (breeder: Belissimo M Zimmermann, Dümpelfeld; line of Admella) Walter Rohlfs, ; line of Flimmerkind) and Luca Sophia Collin! At the CDI4* in found his way to Columbia. At the CSI2* in Belafonte (VA) Hagen/GER, the pair won all three classes for San Miguel de Allende/MEX, Voodoo for the Since June, Family Pidgley owns Belafonte by young riders. first time jumped into the top five at the in- Belissimo M/Wendekreis (breeder: Ingo ternational level. In the Grand Prix, his rider Rosenberg, Groß Banratz; line of Nachnahme). Dimaggio John Perez Bohm had qualified two horses 15-year old Annabella Pidgley, who success- for the jump-off. Voodoo had to make do fully competed ponies until now, rides Bela- Duke of Britain with a second place right behind his stable fonte from success to success. At the CDIJ in At the CDI4* in Hagen/GER, Duke of Britain mate Gerdinieke. Keysoe/GBR, the pair won the introductory by Dimaggio/Rubinstein (breeder: Sarah and class for juniors and finished the FEI-individ- Tony Pidgley, Windsor/Great Britain; line of Van Helsing ual test in third place. Klaseta) and rider Fredric Wandres not only danced into fourth place in the Grand Prix Ventago Brentano II and into fifth place in the freestyle, the pair From their trip to Gorla Minore/ITA on the now also is on the German championship first weekend in October, Sven Fehnl and his DSK Belstaff cadre. mount Ventago by Van Helsing/Scendix On the last weekend in September, the show (breeder: Stefan Trentelmann, Rastede; line grounds in Hagen/GER invited to an interna- Don Henrico of Arma) returned home with a third-place tional dressage show for the second time. ribbon from the final of the Youngster Tour. Riding master Hubertus Schmidt competed Don Henry (VA) At the CDI4* in Hagen/GER, David Taylor rode Don Henry by Don Henrico/Fishermans Bronze for Faustus at his Championship debut Friend (breeder: Gerhard Slink, Grossheide; The dressage riders determine their German line of Prosperine) into fourth place in the champions at the end of September – tradi- Prix St. Georges. tionally in Balve. Title defendant Dorothee Schneider rode Faustus by Falsterbo/Forrest Don Crusador xx (breeder: Heino Bruns, Gödenstorf) in a championship for the first time. She did it Diabolo Nymphenburg (VA) very successfully: Verden’s former top seller Diabolo Nymphenburg by Don Crusador/ danced in the Grand Prix Special and in the Weltmeyer (breeder: Fritz Kleine, Oyle; line of freestyle into third place earning bronze be- Isabella) and rider Leonie Koch are one of the hind Jessica von Bredow-Werndl on TSF best German pairs in the junior division. At Dalera BB and Isabell Werth with Weihe- Horses & Dreams in Hagen/GER at the end of gold OLD. “With a personal best, Faustus September, they finished the individual test clearly surpassed all my expectations. He with the fifth-best result. had many highlights. He used to be a little timid in the dressage ring,” said Dorothee Don Principe Schneider. “Now he found himself, starts attacking and enjoys showing off. I am very, Doctor Wendell MF Faustus and Dorothee Schneider Photo: Lafrentz very proud of him.” n Doctor Wendell by Don Principe/Sandro Hit was born in the USA on the farm of Maryan-

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na Haymon, Columbus/USA. At the World Cup-show in Budapest-Fot/HUN, the judges had the black stallion and his rider Maria Kle- mentieva in fourth place.


Emilio Three years ago, Ninja Rathjens became team European champion for U25-riders with her mount Emilio by Earl/Dynamo (breeder: Wer- ner Lenz, Vorwerk). At the end of September, the pair delivered a radiant performance in the Grand Prix-freestyle at the CDI4* in Hagen/GER, which was rewarded with a fifth placement. This ride was a personal best for this pair.


Mount St John Freestyle (VA) Leonie Koch competed Diabolo Nymphenburg by Don Crusador in the junior division in Hagen/GER. Applause for Mount St John Freestyle! The daughter of Fidermark/Donnerhall (breeder: Stephan Kurz, Zöbingen; line of Liebeslust) in the Prix St. Georges at the CDI3* in Key- . won the Grand Prix and the Special at the soe/GBR. Eventing CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR with outstanding per- formances and a personal-best score. His San Amour rider is the, at this time, seemingly unbeata- Bertoli W ble Charlotte Dujardin from Great Britain. Sun of may life (Rhld.) Sun of may life by San Amour/Rubioso N Monkeying Around Romanov Blue Hors (breeder: Stud Babiacki, Rees; line of A top performance in Great Britain’s only Flachsglocke) and rider Regina Isachkina pi- four star-long test entailed not only the vic- Thranegaardens Rostov affed and passaged into fifth position in the tory of this prestigious event for Monkeying Thranegaardens Rostov by Romanov Blue Grand Prix at the World Cup-show in Buda- Around by Bertoli W/Donnerhall (breeder: Hors/Diamond (breeder: Jens Riishede Jens- pest-Fot/HUN. Christian Heinrich, ; line of Mafera) en, Bronderslev/Denmark) and rider Lone and rider Izzy Taylor, but also brought the pair Bane Larsen successfully participated in the Stedinger onto the cover of the magazine “Horse & Small Tour of the CDI4* in Hagen/GER finish- Hounds”. ing second in the Prix St. Georges. Sirius Black (VA) At the CDIJ in Keysoe/GBR, Gemma Owen Betel xx Rubin-Royal rode her mount Sirius Black by Stedinger/ Rotspon (breeder: Johann-Bernhard Tuitjer, By my side Rubin Al Asad (VA) Krummhörn; line of Badda) to victory in the At the end of the show season, Johannes At the CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR, Lara Buttler individual test for juniors after finishing sec- Hayessen made it into the international rode Rubin Al Asad by Rubin-Royal/ Wander- ond in the team test. sport’s pages of DER HANNOVERANER with busch II (breeder: Hans-Hermann Wiemer, his performance at the CCI2*-S in Bad Sege- Ovelgoenne) into second place in the Grand Wolkentanz berg aboard Betel xx/Rabino (breeder: Hein- Prix-freestyle right behind Charlotte Dujar- rich Schottmann, Mehrum). The pair finished din. Wind Dance on an excellent second place. Wind Dance by Wolkentanz/Wanderbusch II Totilas (breeder: Muteus L. Smidt, Krummhörn; line Canstakko of Inka II) presented himself alive and well at MSJ Top Secret the CDIJ in Keysoe/GBR. At a proud age of Cambion MSJ Top Secret by Totilas/Dacaprio (breeder: 19, he and his two years younger, female At the CCI2* in Wesel, Elisa Abeck and her Mount St John Equestrian LLP, Thirst/ Great rider Abigail Taylor were rewarded with a mount Cambion by Canstakko/Dorian Britain; line of Idra) competes at the interna- fourth place for their performance in the (breeder: Stefan Trentelmann, Rastede; line tional level with rider Amy Jean Woodhead. team test and a fifth place for their ride in the of Arma) improved from the 23rd position af- She rode the nine-year old into second place individual test ter dressage to an overall fifth place.

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 23 Sport

Contendro Desperados FRH finished the CCI4*-S in Paso Robles/USA in second place with rider Tamra Conner K Smith. Three weeks later, the pair was victori- One on and one on the right: Two ous in Woodside/USA winning a four star- Hannoveraner out of the line of Steingilde short test. earned a spot on the podium for their perfor- mances in the CCI3*-S in Baborowko/POL. Danone Johanna Pohjonen rode Conner K by Conten- dro/Rabino (breeder: Sabine Kietzmann, Debby (Rhld.) Lehrte; line of Steingilde) into third place. Anna Lena Schaaf celebrated international Over the past four years, this pair represented successes with Fairytale. Now the 19-year old Finland at the European Championships for female rider set a successful course with Fair- juniors and young riders. Conner K got into ytale’s daughter Debby by Danone/ Fidertanz the experienced hands of trainer Andreas (breeder: Gerd Neukäter, Vörde). At the Brandt after placing fifth in the free-jumping CCI3*-L in Luhmühlen/GER, the German competition in Verden. In 2015, Conner K champion of young riders finished in second changed into the hands of the then 16-year place behind Star Connection FRH. old Johanna Pohjonen. Don Frederico Candy Girl (VA) Candy Girl by Contendro/Argentinus (breed- Dark Desire GS er: Breeding Farm Fries, ) had a su- Dark Desire GS by Don Frederico/Carismo per show season. After the second placement (breeder: Bernd Gehrdau-Schröder, Stelle; in the CCI3*-S in Segersjoe/SWE at the end line of Cassanta) and rider Emma Brüssau of August, the 2005-born bay won the three- finished the pair’s first CCI4*-L in Strzegom/ star short test in Copenhagen/DEN with rider POL on their dressage score. The pair had the Anna Nielsson. In Luhmühlen, Anna Lena Schaf rode Debby by fourth-best dressage score and finished on Danone into second place in the CCI3*-L and an overall fourth place with a phenomenal St.Pr.St. Corona (VA) became the German champion of young riders performance. with that result. In the CCI3*-S in Varsseveld/NED, St.Pr.St. Corona only added 1,6 time penalty points to Don Kennedy her dressage result. The daughter of Conten- Chico’s Boy dro/Garibaldi II (breeder: Diedrich Meyer, Don Geniro Köhlen; line of Blenna) and her rider Yingfeng Callas Alex Huan Tian rode his proven Don Geniro Bao from China finished with a top result Aline Stahn and her mount Callas by Chico’s by Don Kennedy/Giorgione (breeder: Pamela placing third. Boy/Lafontaine (breeder: Joachim Tobaben, Dews, Great Britain) into fourth place in the Ottensen; line of Nadelspitze) returned home CCI4*-S in Burnham Market/GBR. Chacco-Blue to Germany from Strzegom/POL with a fourth placement in the three star-short test. Edward Star Connection FRH (VA) After winning the 3*-short test in Avenches/ Concours Complet Extravagance SUI three weeks ago, Star Connection FRH by Extravagance by Edward/Wolkentanz (breed- Chacco-Blue/Star Regent xx (breeder: Dr. Con Classic er: Hoswitha Buchner, Bad Harzburg) is on Rainer Nitsch, Luhmühlen; line of Schildam- Con Classic by Concours Complet/Crazy the way to the top. At her second interna- sel) and rider Michael Jung won the three Classic (breeder: Uwe Riebock, Vierhöfen; tional competition, she celebrated her first star-long test in Luhmühlen/GER. line of Altmaid) also placed within the top victory. The liver chestnut mare delivered an five in Strzegom/POL. Christoffer Forsberg impressive start-to-finish victory in the Contendro’s Bube from Sweden rode the seven-year old into CCI1*-Intro in Copenhagen/DEN with rider fifth place in the CCI3*-L. Dirk Schade. Charly Van Ter Heiden It was the first and only participation in an Dancier Embassy international competition in 2020 for Charly Van Ter Heiden. At the CCI4*-S in Little Danito (VA) Hann.Pr.A. Esra BS Downham/GBR, Mollie Summerland from Once discovered on the Alsfelder Advent, At the CCI2*-L in Wahlsdorf-Liepe/GER, Great Britain rode this eleven-year old, dark Danito by Dancier/Wolkenstein II (breeder: Hann.Pr.A. Esra BS by Embassy/Federweißer bay son of Contendro’s Bube/Escudo II Claus Schütt, Hemmoor; line of Juggema) is (breeder: Klaus Corhs, Oldendorf; line of (breeder: Klaus Steffens, Stinstedt; line of pursuing a career as en event horse in the Gele) and rider Andreas Brandt obtained the Aslaug) into fourth place. USA. The half-brother to Olympic champion best dressage result. After incurring 3,6 time

24 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 Sport

penalty points on the cross-country course, Samarant Great Britain the pair finished in second place overall. St.Pr.A. Silia (Rhld.) Diamonds are Forever! Graf Top Carla Brunner took her mount St.Pr.A. Silia by Samarant/Donnerhall (breeder: Dirk Go- 338 competitors met in Great Britain for the Viktor Krum vaerts, Geel-Antwerpen/Belgium) to Pratoni championship for four-year olds. of The son of Graf Top/Raphael (breeder: Frie- Del Vivaro/ITA to participate in the pair’s first Mount St John Diamonds are Forever rose in drich-Wilhelm Rusch, Belum; line of Antje) CCI4*-S of their career, which they complet- Keysoe. The mare from the Rhineland by Dia- listens to the name of Harry Potter’s wizard ed with the fourth-best result. mond Hit/Royal Classic (breeder: Andre Ober- student Viktor Krum. The ten-year old com- meyer, ) and rider Amy Woodhad peted at the international for the first time in Valentino delivered an impressive performance and left Thoresby Park/BGR. Rider Oliver Jackson rode the show ring as the champions. Emma Blun- him into third place in this three star-long St.Pr.A. Vally K dell, who also owns Charlotte Dujardin’s test. St.Pr.A. Vally K by Valentino/Freiherr (breeder: Freestyle, had bought the liver chestnut mare Dr. Susanna Kleindienst, Vienna/ Austria; line as a foal from her breeder. n Grand Cru of Steingilde) was in top form in Baborowko/ POL. Nadine Marzahl and the eleven-ear old Giacomo finished the three star-short test in second France Kristin Rickert and the 16-year old Giacomo place in front of Connor K, who also goes by Grand Cru/Argentan (breeder: Klaus-Hein- back to the renowned foundation dam Stein- Don Easy formidable rich Augustin, Benz; line of Jumga) finished gilde. the 2*-short test in Bad Segeberg in fifth At the French championships in Vierzon, Don place. Watermill Rolex xx Easy by Don Frederico/Rubinstein (breeder: Dagmar Meyer, Abbensen) won the champi- Grey Top Wilbert BO onship title of the Small Tour with rider Paul- Wilbert BO by Watermill Rolex xx/Woodstock ine Guillem. The dark bay had been one of the Go for S (breeder: Katrin Butterbrodt-Over, Neustadt; pearls of Verden’s elite auction in October of Michael Jung and his mount Go for S by Grey line of Nermala) celebrated his first interna- 2017. Lights of Londonderry by Londonderry/ Top/Colon xx (breeder: Erich Single, Pfalz- tional victory in Strzegom/POL. Germany’s Weltmeyer (breeder: Inge Bulle, ) grafenweiler; line of Liebeslust) did not add rider Pauline Knorr had already before suc- and Charlotte Chalvignac-Versin won the any penalty points to their dressage score, cessfully ridden Wilbert BO also in Nations bronze medal at the Grand Prix-level. Four- not on the cross-country course and not on Cups representing Germany. With his new teen years ago, Lights of Londonderry had left the stadium course. At Go for S’ debut at this rider Jordy Wilken from the Netherlands, the stallion market for France. With rider Ber- level, he finished the CCI4*-L in Strzegom/ Wilbert Bo won the three star-short test in nadette Brune, he attracted attention at the POL with the third-best result. Strzegom/POL. n international level. n Byebye Hamilton! A long and successful career came to an end in Strzegom/POL: Hamil- ton by Heraldik xx/Furioso’s Sohn was retired from competitions after placing sixth in the four star-short test. Three years ago, the dark bay had participated in his first European Championships at this location with his rider Josefa Sommer. At the time, the pair finished the indi- vidual competition in twelfth place. Hamilton competed a total of 82 times at the international level.

He was born on the farm of Josefa Sommer’s dad Joachim. It is called Gut Waitzrodt and is located in Immenhausen in northern Hessen. The breeder had ridden Hamilton’s dam, the Hessian mare Fiorella, up to the M-level in jumping competitions, before she had her first foal in 1992. Hamilton completed his first suitability classes with Judith Som- mer, before maturing to the international level with Josefa. In 2011, they won the National Competition for event rider, and, two years later, they became the team European champions of rural riders. “When Hannes was 18, he still felt like 12. It made it even harder to find the right time to retire him,” the 38-year old shared. Hamilton will Hamilton and Josefa Sommer at the European Championships in Luhmühlen. enjoy his retirement together with his full-brother Henry. n

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 25 Breeder‘s PortraitSport

Horses are the Passion

Elizabeth Kapp grew up in Poland. Since almost 20 years, she breeds Hannoveraner horses in Clüversborstel together with her husband Peter- Michael. The couple specializes in breeding quality foals with dressage pedigrees. By Jürgen Stroscher

Elizabeth Kapp from Clüversborstel Photos: Stroscher must have been born with the infamous it turned out! There she met Peter-Michael, the „I horse virus,” 50-year old Elizabeth Kapp younger brother of the stable manager. “On the shares. She has no other explanation for her great 70th birthday of my father Karl, we started to get to passion. She was born and grew up in a small Pol- know each other. At the time, I was an avid foot- ish town, in a home, which did not allow for hors- ball player. When I told Elizabeth that I also knew es. “I always thought about horses. As a child, I how to ride, our relationship quickly moved for- drew them.” With her relentless enthusiasm, Eliza- ward,” the 58-year old Peter-Michael Kapp shares beth convinced her parents, when she was a teen- with a smile. They got married in 1993 and moved ager that she wanted to learn how to ride. “At the to Clüversborstel, which is nearby. “Here we found time, there were no private riding stables in Po- a suitable small farm, on which we could also keep land. I had no other choice than to make contact our horses.” The Kapp couple still actively rode for with the State Stud Bialy Bor.” The then 14-year some time. Both had two or three riding horses. old convinced the management of the state stud “When our children were born quickly behind each with her commitment and her excitement to allow other, there just was not enough time for riding her to at least help groom the breeding stallions. horse.” The five children today are between 20 and “Since my parents not always had the time to take 26 years of age. Even though they do not share the me to the stud, which was 30 kilometres away, I passion for horses, almost all five still live at home. often had to take the bus or hitchhike.” The em- “The family is most important to us next to the ployees at the state stud quickly realized that the horses. We do not mind that our children follow teen Elizabeth was very serious and committed. their own interests. At least we do not have to Hence in addition to caring for the horses, she also worry about them getting injured while riding The breeder’s pride: Elizabeth Kapp soon was allowed to ride the elegant four-legged horses,” Elizabeth Kapp sees the silver lining in with her colt by Valverde/Dancier. creatures. this development. She cannot imagine a life with- Photo: Stroscher out horses though. “When the horses just stood in “There I learned from international trainers how to the barn, Elizabeth came up with the idea to breed ride. I often rode eventing and also participated in Hannoveraners. And if she has her mind set on competitions.” Later on, Elizabeth Kapp started something, no one convinces her otherwise.” breaking the young horses to saddle. To build a professional perspective with horses, she started “When we were offered three fabulous mares, I studying agriculture at the university in Posen. put my idea into action,” Elizabeth Kapp shares. “When I had the opportunity to do an apprentice- With zest and thirst for action, the prospective ship in Germany, I did not hesitate and accepted.” breeder approached the implementation of her As luck would have it, my path led to the riding new plan. She attended stallion presentations, facility of Jürgen Kapp in Bötersen near mare shows, and collected information on breed- on the Wümme River at the beginning of the nine- ing horses whenever she could. She participated in ties. A decision, which would shape her future, as a course on how to inseminate mares at Heike

26 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 SportBreeder‘s Portrait

Kemmer. “Even though the breeding of horses was owners are glad to have found a good home for not going to make a lot of money, I wanted to their mare, where she will be used as a broodmare. make other people happy with my horses. I consid- More than ten mares frolic on the terrain of the ered my own expectations on a sport horse. How breeding farm Kapp. Elizabeth Kapp is definitely would I as a rider like my sport horse to be? We selective in her breeding program. “Mares get two knew from the start that we only breed foals and or three chances. If the offspring is not correct, not offer riding horses.” The capacities of expand- then I no longer use the mare for breeding.” She ing the farm, which is located in the middle of the was certainly correct breeding Röschen by Rotspon village, are limited. Furthermore, the time plays a (breeder: Jürgen Wisch, Otterndorf) and Die Tänz- significant role. Peter-Michael Kapp has a job. And erin by De Niro (breeder: Ulrike and Reinahrd Elizabeth Kapp is occupied with caring for her Bosse, Sickte). “I listened to my gut feeling.” In large family. She attends to her broodmares and 2016, both mares delivered colts. As two-year olds, the numerous foals in her free time. Le Filou by Le Vivaldi and Le Livaldon by Livaldon presented themselves beautifully at Verden’s li- Last year, seven foals from Clüvers- A successful start into breeding horses censing. While Le Filou was not licensed, he suc- borstel came to Verden. Si by San At the beginning of 2000, the Kapp couple started cessfully sold on the stallion sales. The son of Lival- Amour/Diamond Hit participated in the 136th elite auction. Photo: Ernst their breeding program with three mares: Galimba don out of the 2003-born Die Tänzerin was by Grande, De la Hoya by De Niro (breeder: Burk- licensed. The couple Kapp no longer were the ex- hard Wahler, Medingen) and Hawana by Liberty hibitors, since both colts had found new homes as Life (breeder: Klaus Kotschofsky, Visbek). The foals in Verden. chestnut mare Galimba was one of the last daugh- ters of Grande. She already was 14 years old. The “During our career as breeders, we only had good two other broodmares came to the barn of Family experiences with the Hannoveraner Verband. We Kapp at the age of three and five. They had excel- successfully sold more than 30 foals on foal auc- lent bloodlines. First they bred horses with jumping tions. We also learned that the overall appearance in mind. De la Hoya delivered a colt called Pepe by of mare and foals is decisive.” Because of sales of Perigueux in 2008, Stallone by Stalypso in 2009 foals to foreign countries, the couple Kapp cannot and a filly called Stella by Stalypso. All three ma- say with certainty how many offspring out of their tured into good jumpers. Julia Beck rode dark bay breeding program continued developing. They do Stella to victory in an international 1,50 m-jump- know that two colts out of the mare Die Tänzierin In 2018, two stallions out of the ing class in 2015. Now, Elizabeth Kapp focuses were licensed in Poland. “I try to see the producers breeding program of Elizabeth more and more on stallions with purely dressage in person. I feel that I can best evaluate their natu- Kapp made it to the licensing. The pedigrees. “De Niro is one of my favorite stallions. ral predispositions. Then I am not afraid to use son of Röschen by Le Vivaldi found He had all the traits, which I value in a producer. A young stallions.” The Kapps had the best experi- a new home in Lower Saxony as a superb character and a lot of charisma. And, he ences with De Niro, Dancier, Bonifatius and all stal- not-licensed stallion (see above). A son of Livaldon out of the mare Die passed on his remarkable genes.” The 1998-born lions with V-blood. Fame and honor – in other Tänzerin sold in Verden as a foal and mare Debby by De Niro (breeder: Margit Koring, words the breeders’ pride – play a significant role was licensed two years later. Rastede) came to the barn in Clüversborstel. “Deb- with Mr. and Mrs. Kapp…n Photos: Ernst, Tilgner by had been very successful in the sport of dres- sage until she got injured. I was then able to trade her against one of our foals.” With her quiet, social disposition, Debby not only influenced the brood- mare band over the past years, she also still is a member of the herd. In 2020, she delivered a filly by the stallion Vivino, which comes very close to the breeding ideals of Family Kapp. “That is the reason why I shall keep the filly. She is long-leg- ged, correct, alert, has a straight-forward charac- ter, and impresses with exceptional movement in all three basic gaits.” Debby’s daughter Lu by Lord Loxley (born 2010) reached the S-level in dressage with her rider Mathilde Klausberger.

Elizabeth Kapp developed into a collector of broodmares over the years. “When I discover a mare with a special pedigree somewhere, then I cannot just let her stay there.” Often these mares were injured and can no longer compete. So the

Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 27 Breeding

The test scores

Inner values Character/ temperament Performance willingness Trot Canter Walk Rideability/judges Rideability/ guestriders jumping Free Weighted fina score Weighted dressage score Weighted jumping score

14-day stallion performance test 07/05/2020 to 20/05/2020 Average score/19 participants 8.78 8.87 8.68 7.39 7.87 7.32 8.05 8.07 7.39 7.77 7.66 7.57 Schimmel by Calido/Silvio 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.50 8.00 5.50 7.00 7.75 9.00 7.85 6.86 8.63 Pferdezucht Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen Schimmel by Cornet‘s Boy/Arpeggio 8.50 8.50 8.50 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 7.55 7.00 7.78 B.: Günter Mulder, Goch Grand Designs by Grand Galaxy Win T 8.25 8.50 8.00 7.00 7.00 8.50 7.50 7.00 5.00 6.73 7.43 5.63 B.: Woodlander Stud, Cradley/GBR Influencer by Ibiza/De Niro 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 7.50 8.50 8.00 7.75 5.50 7.20 7.84 6.15 B.: Thomas Heuer, Bienenbüttel Lord Legend by Libertad/Baroncelli 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 8.50 7.50 8.50 8.50 8.00 8.30 8.25 8.15 B.: Rita Twiedy, Salzbergen Santiamo GT by Spörcken/Fürst Piccolo 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 7.00 8.50 8.25 6.50 7.80 8.21 7.08 B.: Gestüt Letter Berg, Coesfeld Vermeer by Vitalis/Sir Savoy 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 7.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 8.15 8.25 7.88 B.: Theresa Bahlsen, 14-day stallion performance test Adelheidsdorf 17/09/2020 to 30/09/2020

Average score/36 participants 8.59 8.61 8.57 7.31 7.90 7.40 7.82 8.19 7.49 7.79 7.66 7.64 Ascii S by Abke/Werther 8.75 8.50 9.00 6.50 7.00 4.00 6.50 6.50 9.00 7.28 6.00 8.33 B.: Gestüt Staats, Bahrdorf Belvedere DB by Belissimo M/Danone 9.25 9.00 9.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.25 7.50 8.68 9.09 8.00 Westfalia Bitcoin by Bon Coeur/Licosto 8.25 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 7.50 8.50 7.00 7.68 7.78 7.25 Z: Julia und Tim Karrasch, Langenhagen Bloomberg by Bon Coeur/Don Index 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.75 6.50 8.25 8.74 7.25 B.: Ludwig Schüring, Gescher Cornet Animo by Cornet Obolensky/Amino 8.50 8.50 8.50 5.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 8.25 8.50 7.55 6.44 8.18 BWP Falcon DXB by For Romance II/Stedinger 8.25 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 8.00 8.00 5.50 7.43 8.38 6.33 B.: Elmadin Löcke, Tiddische Fendi by Feinrich/Sandro Hit 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.00 8.50 7.50 7.50 8.25 6.00 7.45 7.99 6.68 Oldenburg For Space by For Pleasure/Comte 8.25 8.00 8.50 6.00 7.50 7.00 7.50 7.75 9.00 7.88 7.04 8.58 B.: Marion Gräbener, Wilnsdorf Forlee by For Pleasure/Comme il faut 10 10 10 7.50 8.00 7.00 9.00 8.50 10 8.85 7.80 9.50 Westfalia Ibiza Dream (Rhld.) by Ibiza/Dimaggio 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 9.50 8.50 9.00 9.50 6.50 8.30 8.95 7.38 B.: Axel Windeler, Verden-Walle Indianapolis (Rhld.) by Indian Rock/Fidertanz 8.25 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.50 5.50 7.28 7.83 6.23 B.: Johannes Baumeister, Kranenburg Macchiato by Morricone/Just Perfect 8.75 9.00 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.00 7.75 6.00 7.88 8.94 6.78 Westfalia Madness by Kannan/ 9.25 9.00 9.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.50 7.50 9.50 8.28 7.50 8.90 Emerald van het Ruytershof, KWPN Manoulito by Manchester van‘t Paradijs/ 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.50 8.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 9.50 8.20 7.28 9.00 Clinton, OS Brauner by Qualito/Embassy 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.50 8.00 7.50 8.00 8.25 9.00 8.25 7.54 8.73 B.: Helmut Böttcher, Rehlingen Va‘Pensiero by Vitalis/Fürstenball 10 10 10 9.00 9.00 9.50 10 10 8.00 9.15 9.38 8.45 B.: Zuchthof Düvel, Katlenburg-Lindau 14-day stallion performance test Schlieckau 09/09/2020 to 22/09/2020

Average score/22 participants 8.42 8.48 8.36 7.55 7.86 7.48 7.98 8.16 7.00 7.66 7.74 7.29

Balmain by Borsalino/His Highness 8.75 9.00 8.50 8.00 8.50 7.50 9.00 8.50 6.50 7.83 8.18 7.13 B.: ZG Mausberg, Burscheid Damaschino II by Danone/Fidertanz 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.50 8.75 6.50 7.75 8.04 7.05 B.: Burkhard Wahler, Don Libre K by Don K/Likoto xx 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.50 6.50 7.00 8.00 6.50 7.15 7.15 6.83 B.: Wilfried Lührs, Neustadt

28 Der Hannoveraner 11|2020 Breeding

Stallion performance test justice to his role as the favorite at his 14-day-test in September in Adelheidsdorf. Two Radiant Winners An incredible five times, the judges gave the reigning Bundeschampion of three-year old In May, a predisposition test already took stallions the ideal score of 10. In addition to place in Adelheidsdorf. Lord Legend by Lib- his character, his rideability was most impres- ertad/Baroncelli (breeder: Rita Twiedy, Salz- sive. The weighed dressage score amounted bergen) obtained the best Hannoveraner re- to 9.38. the final overall score was 9.15. With sult. At the conclusion of the test, the dark this result, the radiant stallion from the bay out of the line of Cabanda was licensed. Klosterhof Medingen held the lead of his vin- The producers Pik Bube I and II also go back tage of 36 participants by a large margin. to the line of Cabanda. Lord Legend not only Fiducioso by Foundation/Dancier was licensed in obtained a good result in dressage, a score of Verden last year. Photo: Ernst 26 two-and-a-half year-olds completed their 8.25, he also was one of the best jumpers first predisposition test with the emphasis on with a jumping score of 8.15. censing in Verden. In addition to his exquisite jumping in Neustadt/Dosse. The Westphal- basic gaits, the judges and the guestrider at- ian stallion For Planet by For Pleasure/Cornet At the first 14-day test in the autumn in tested the model athlete very good rideabili- Obolensky obtained the best result of 8.45. Schlieckau, Fiducioso by Foundation/Danci- ty. With a weighted dressage score of 8.83 Crown Prince by Cornet Obolensky/Diamant er (breeder: Guido Kamphorst, Nordhorn) and good free-jumping score of 8.28. Fiduci- de Semilly (breeder: ZG Schwarz, Wolfhagen) finished as the winner of the test. Last year, oso finished on an overall score of 8.68. was the better of the two Hannoveraner. With the black-brown (owner: Breeding Farm a consistent performance, he finished on a Schafhof, Kronberg) had already been one of Va’Pensiero by Vitalis/Fürstenball (breeder: final overall score of 7,75. n the most noticed dressage stallions at the li- Breeding Farm Düvel, Katlenburg-Lindau) did

Fiducioso by Foundation/Dancier 8.75 8.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.50 8.00 8.68 8.83 8.28 B.: Guido Kamphorst, Nordhorn Laudate Dominum by Lord Leatherdale/ 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 8.50 8.00 9.00 9.25 8.50 8.65 8.41 8.60 Fürst Fugger, Oldenburger Marian von Bellin by Morricone/Fidertanz 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.75 6.50 8.10 8.71 7.23 DSP Moreno by Morricone/San Amour 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 6.00 7.85 8.58 6.80 Oldenburg Dunkelfuchs (Rhld.) by Santo Domingo 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 7.35 7.75 6.60 B.: Eibe Johanns, Cuxhaven 14-day stallion performance test Neustadt/Dosse 11/09/2020 to 24/09/2020

Average score/26 participants 8.86 8.92 8.79 6.58 7.77 7.06 7.65 7.85 8.27 7.84 7.29 8.12

Clas Winningmood by Chacoon Blue 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.25 8.50 7.70 6.96 8.10 B.: Bernhard Rensen, Werlte Crown Prince by Cornet Oboblensky 8.50 9.00 8.00 6.50 8.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.00 7.75 7.33 7.98 B.: ZG Schwarz, Wolfhagen Trot Canter Walk Rideability impression Overall Weighted dressage score Canter Rideability Scope Ability impression Overall Weighted jumping score 3-day sport test dressage part I Münster-Handorf 3-day sport test dressage part II in Münster-Handorf 14/09/ to 16/09/2020 14/09/ bis 16/09/2020 Average score/6 participants 8.13 8.38 8.33 8.32 8.33 8.30 Average score/3 participants 8,40 8,27 8,27 8,40 8,17 8,31 Belvedere DB by Belissimo M/Danone 8.80 9.00 8.00 8.80 8.80 8.68 Cavoiro-H by Casallco/Calido, OS 8,60 8,80 8,60 8,50 8,40 8,61 Westfalia Dimaggio Black by Dimaggio/Fürst Heinrich Confire PJ by Calido/Contender 8.70 8.50 9.00 9.00 8.80 8.82 8,60 8,20 8,00 8,50 8,30 8,30 Oldenburg Pferdezucht Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen Le Vermont by Le Vivaldi/Fürst Heinrich 8.20 8.50 7.20 8.00 8.00 7.98 B.: Josef Wilmes, Handrup 3-day sport test dressage part II Münster-Handorf This chart includes all Hannoveraner stallions, which successfully 14/09/ bis 16/09/2020 completed the stallopn performance test, as well stallions from Average score/3 participants 8.00 8.20 8.03 8.47 8.30 8.22 other studbooks, which have been licensed or have been accepted El Salvador by Escolar/Sandreo 7.60 7.80 7.30 7.70 7.60 7.61 Westfalia for Hannover. Kardam‘s Whisper by Toto Jr/Sir Sinclair 8.60 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.30 9.10 KWPN

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