1873 Hamburg
; TIAMBURG. in. Route. 101 box 4 J. ; from the Berlin-Hamburg to the Altona station 1 M. ; Flottbeck 2<|4 M. ; suburb of St. George 10 J.; Grasbrook 12 J.; Wandsbeck 11(2 M. — Between 10 and 11 p. m. one-half more; from 11 p. m. to 5 a. m. double fares. Post Office (.PL 36), Post-Str. Fifteen branch-offices in different parts of the town. Telegraph Office at the General Post Office. Omnibus every 7 min. from the Schweinemarkt (PI. G , 3) to Altona (p. 110), by a different route alternately, fare 3 half the distance J'., 2 J.; i|4 to Hamm and Horn (p. 108) from the Rathhausmarkt every hr. ; to Ep- peniiorf (p. lOT) and Lockstedi in summer every hour , in winter every 2 hrs., from Her^-Str. 19; to Harharg three times daily from Schliiter, near St. Peter\s I 14 with luggage J., 20 J'.). Tramway (starting from the Rathhaus-Markt, PI. E, 4). 1. To Wands- i|2 beck (p. lOS) every 12 min. , 3 J. ; 2. To Barmheck every hr. ; 3. To i|2 EimsbiUlel every hr. ; 4. To Hoheluft, eight times daily. Junction Railway ('Verbindungsbahn') between Hamburg and Altona: 15 trains daily from the Berlin station at the Klostevthov (PI. G , H, 4) to the station of the Blankenese and Kiel railway at Altona (p. 110). The intervening stations are the Dammthor (PI. F. 1), Sternschanze, and Schul- terblatt (comp. Map, p. 106). Steamboats (comp. advertisements). 1. On the AUter. Small screw- steamers, leaving the Jungfernstieg every 10 min., touch at the Lombards- briicke, and then at Alslerglacis, Rabenslrasse , and Eppendorf on the W.
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