Pakistan Frees Bengali Leader
PRlbAY, JAUmART T, 1^2 'AGE Twenty iS9ahrI;?Btpr 1Ettwtti0 If^aU) Average Daily Net Press Run For The Week Ended The Weather lift of vemon left the road and N ovem ber 80, 1071 Clear tonight, low In 20s. Sun YWCA Will Open House About Town Drug Center struck a telephone pole. day partly sunny with high near 40. Precipltaticm chance near The Drug Advisory Center, Porants, COMPLAINTS 15,590 zero throughout. For Winter Oass Preview The deacons of Second Con 88 Park St., Is open Monday gregational ' Church will meet through Saturday from noon Wednesday night, the battery Wifiioiii Manchester— A City of Village Charm A preview ol the Manchester ners, 7 to 9:30 p.m., a number tonight at 7:80 at the church. to 10 p.m . was stolen from a car parked In PflriiMfi TWCA winter classes will be o' projecte In several different A telephone backup service an unlocked Holl St. garage. VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 83 (EIGH TEEN PAGES— T V SECTITON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1972^ (ClaMlfled Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS , . _ .__ media. Jeff Strong, instructor. Grade 7 Youth. Instruction is axallablei when the center Mhnchehtar Parenta given at an open house Tuesday Wedne^ay Class of Zion Evangelical Lu Is closed. r Last night, while lU own^ Portnen meet Snd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the on^ In for all YWCA mem- theran Church will meet tomor ' For drug advisory Informa- er was In Lig*ett Drugs at the Tuesday of each month at S Oommunlty Y, 79 N.
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