The Bright Lines Project: Clarifying IRS Rules on Political Intervention Drafting Committee Explanation Interim Draft May 8, 2014 Built upon five years of discussion and feedback, a committee of nine tax law experts, chaired by Greg Colvin (with Beth Kingsley as vice chair), has developed a set of six proposed rules which are designed to clarify the IRS regulations governing nonprofit organizations’ political activities. This document contains the proposed rules, as well as explanations and a number of examples prepared by Committee members and Public Citizen staff. The Colvin Committee also includes Eve Borenstein, Terence Dougherty, Rosemary Fei, Jim Joseph, Abby Levine, John Pomeranz, and Ezra Reese. Craig Holman and Lisa Gilbert, of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, have also contributed. Others, too numerous to mention, have offered helpful comments and suggestions that have influenced the proposal and this explanation. For further information, please contact Lisa Gilbert at
[email protected] or 202-454-5188. This draft represents the current state of the project as of December, 2013. Introduction Last year, a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration revealed that over a two year period, improper search criteria were used by inadequately supervised IRS agents to select the exemption applications of 501(c)(4) organizations, as well as some 501(c)(3), (c)(5), and (c)(6) groups, for special scrutiny. The criteria were intended to identify advocacy organizations that might be involved in political campaign activity, but some of the terms used (e.g. “tea party”) were biased in that they were more likely to refer to conservative than to liberal applicants.