BRIEFING PAPER Number 8110 17th October 2017 By Sarah Barber; Alex Bate Louise Butcher; Hannah Cromerty; Rachael Harker; Lydia Jackson; Neil Johnston; Robert UK Youth Parliament 2017 Long; Theodora Manassieva; Andrew Powell; Douglas Pyper; Nerys Roberts; Tom Rutherford Contents: Background A curriculum to prepare us for life Votes at 16 Protect LGBT + People Support for young carers Transport First Aid education for all young people Mental Health Make the invisible visible Protect school budgets from damaging cuts Work experience hubs for 11-18 year olds | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 UK Youth Parliament 2017 Contents Background 4 A curriculum to prepare us for life 6 1.1 Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) 6 PSHE Association 7 Statutory PSHE? 7 Education Committee report and recommendation for statutory PSHE 8 Joint letter from select committee Chairs 9 Women and Equalities Committee scrutiny and recommendation 10 1.2 Sex and relationship education (SRE) 10 Current position 10 Reform: statutory Relationships and Sex Education 11 1.3 Citizenship education 12 1.4 Further Reading 13 Votes at 16 14 2.1 Who supports lowering the voting age to 16? 15 2.2 How many 16 and 17 year olds are there in the UK? 16 2.3 What would the impact of letting 16 and 17 year olds vote? 17 2.4 What has happened in Scotland? 17 2.5 The lowering of the voting age in Wales? 19 2.6 Recent debates in Parliament 19 2.7 Other countries 22 2.8 Further reading 23