VOL. 2 • NUM 42 www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com 20 de Octubre de 2019 Sentimientos de Otoño La Argentina Lali Marta Sanchez Los Spurs jugaron COSA Westside Emilio Nicolas Sr Debuta en Estados Art Formed by Culture, partido inter Community Area October 27, 1930 - October 12, 2019 Unidos Tradition, and Memory escuadras Plan en el Festival Mala Luna Continues to Seek este fin de semana Stakeholder Input Por Sebastian Gutierrez By Dr. Ricardo Romo Por José I. Franco By Isa Fernández 2 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO 20 de Octubre de 2019 This grass roots publication is the life Emilio Nicolas Sr source for a community that is not easily afforded viable access to diverse and ac- October 27, 1930 - October 12, 2019 cessible media. San Antonio and the sur- rounding counties have become accustomed media. During his six years at (NASB) and served on numer- economy. to relevant news brought to them in both KCOR, Nicolas was regularly ous boards, including the Board What Nicolas felt was his great- English and Spanish since 1913. and swiftly promoted, eventu- of Trinity University, where est accomplishment and what he Steve A Duran Sr. ally becoming the station’s he served for 25 years. He was was most proud of, however, CEO/Publisher
[email protected] president and general manager. on the Board of San Antonio was his family. In 1961 Nicolas and a group Savings Association, The Uni- Nicolas Sr. was preceded in Ramon Chapa Jr. Co-Publisher of investors bought KCOR-TV versity of the Incarnate Word, death by his parents, Mr.