Progr. in Nutr. - Vol. 22 - N. 2 - June 2020 | ISSN 1129-8723 progress in

Progr. in Nutr. - Vol. 22 - N. 2- June 2020 - Vol. in Nutr. Progr. nutrition Journal of Nutrition and Internal Medicine

Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Excerpta Medica/Embase, ISI Web of Science, Scopus (Elsevier) and Bibliovigilance. Impact Factor: 0,265 Pubblicazione trimestrale - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma DCB - Finito di stampare Giugno 2020 - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. Pubblicazione trimestrale - Poste Italiane s.p.a. Sped. in A.P. Progress in Nutrition

Journal of nutritional and internal medicine

Official Journal of the Italian Society of Nutritional Science (SISA) With the support of Nutrition and Food Research Association (ARNA)

Founding Editor Editor IN CHIEF DEPUTY EDITOR Massimo Cocchi Leone Arsenio Federico Cioni Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma


President G. Fatati P. Migliaccio Andrea Strata University of Terni University Sapienza of Roma University of Parma N.G. Frega A.L. Mordenti University of University of M. AbuKhader C. Galli K. Mullis Oman Medical College, Muscat, Oman University of Milano Premio Nobel per la Chimica 1993 F. Arfini C. Giacomini S.M. Nabavi University of Parma University of Parma Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, A. Aslan M. Gualerzi Tehran, Iran Firat University, Elazig, Turkey Terme di Salsomaggiore e Tabiano, Parma F. Nicastro D. Atkinson University of Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh G.M. Halpern Hong Kong Polytechnic University R.C. Noble G. Ballarini Scottish Agricultural College of Edinburgh University of Parma E.L. Iorio Osservatorio Internazionale dello B. Palmieri S. Bernasconi Stress Ossidativo, University of e University of Parma O. Isik G. Palmieri R. Berni Canani Balikesir University, Turkey Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Niguarda University of Napoli T. Leighton Ca’ Granda, Milano G. Bertoni Berkeley Università M. Renna University of C. Maioli CNR- Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni S.E. Carlson University of Milano Alimentari, Bari Kansas City University M.C. Mancini G. Riccardi E.L. Cavalieri University of Parma University of Napoli University of Nebraska R. Marchelli C.M. Rotella F. Di Lisa University of Parma University of Firenze University of Padova

srl­- Strada di Lodesana 649/sx Editorial Office Loc. Vaio - 43036 Fidenza (Parma) Valeria Ceci tel +39 0524 530383 E-mail: [email protected] fax +39 0524 82537 E-mail: [email protected] Index

Volume 22 / n. 2 June 2020 Mattioli 1885 srl­- Strada di Lodesana 649/sx Loc. Vaio - 43036 Fidenza (Parma) tel 0524/530383 Reviews fax 0524/82537 357 Cholesterol and Linoleic Acid: a forgotten cooperation? Massimo Cocchi, Chiara Minuto Direzione Generale Direttore Generale 361 Metabolic syndrome criteria and its association with type 2 diabetes and Paolo Cioni Vice Presidente e Direttore Scientifico cardiovascular diseases Federico Cioni Dhananjay Yadav, Nidhi Puranik, Amit Sen, Meerambika Mishra, Minseok Kwak, Jun-O Jin Direzione Editoriale Editing Manager Anna Scotti 370 Nutriology, pharmacology and cardiovascular effects of Xanthium sibiricum Editing Shi-Min Yuan Valeria Ceci Eugenio Nadotti Foreign Rights 378 Progress in Nutrition in Cerebral Palsy Children – A Literature Review Nausicaa Cerioli Ali Madi Almajwal, Iftikhar Alam Marketing e Pubblicità Responsabile Area ECM 388 Mediterranean Diet as a model of sustainable, resilient and healthy diet. Simone Agnello Project Manager Maria Letizia Truzzi, Matteo Ballerini Puviani, Alberto Tripodi, Natalie Cerioli Alberto Farinetti, Milena Nasi, Anna Vittoria Mattioli Massimo Radaelli Responsabile Distribuzione Massimiliano Franzoni Original Articles 395 University students meal experience at the dining hall Nurhan Unusan

402 Nutritional knowledge among coaches and personal trainers in Kuwait: a cross sectional study Progress in nutrition Registrazione Tribunale di Parma Fawaz D Almansour, Ahmad R Allafi, Ahmed Aldughpassi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi N. 4 del 21/1/1999

Spedizione in abbonamento postale 411 The effect of Hijamah on different health parameters Abbonamento annuale euro 57 Ahmad R Allafi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi

I dati sono stati trattati elettronicamente e utilizzati dall’editore Mattioli 1885 spa per 415 The association between the prevalence of cigarette smoking and la spedizione della presente pubblicazione e complications in patients with type 2 diabetes di altro materiale medico scientifico. Ai sen- Erhan Onalan, Nevzat Gozel si dell’Art. 13 L. 675/96 è possibile in qual- siasi momento e gratuitamente consultare, modificare e cancellare i dati o semplice- 420 Sleep efficiency and duration assessed with metabolic holter: Associate with mente opporsi all’utilizzo scrivendo a: Mat- body composition and dietary components tioli 1885 srl - Casa Editrice, Strada della Lodesana 249/sx, Loc. Vaio, 43036 Fidenza Nilüfer Acar Tek, Semra Navruz Varlı, Merve Şeyda Karaçil Ermumcu, (PR) o a [email protected] Yasemin Ertaş Öztürk

Progress in Nutrition is indexed by: Scien- ce Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®); 430 The evaluation of the nutritional habits of 14-25 years old people with Journal Citation Reports/ Science Edition; skin problems Excerpta Medica/Embase, ISI Web of Pınar Sökülmez Kaya, Canan Asal Ulus, Bahtinur Taşcı Science. Scopus (Elsevier), Bibliovigilance

Impact Factor (released in June 2018): 0.265 440 Investigation of Relation Between Clostridium Colonization and Nutrient Consumption in Intestinal Flora in Athletes and Sedentary Men Ayça Genç, Erkut Tutkun, Hakan Acar, Erdal Zorba 449 Comparative Phytochemical Profile of Some Medicinal Plants from Gilgit-Baltistan Muhammad Ismail, Shams Jamal, Noor Ul Haq, Shabbir Hussain, Shafqat Hussain

456 The Relationship Between Disease Severity and Hematologic Parameters in Geriatric Patients with Acute Pancreatitis Erhan Onalan, Yusuf Gökalp, Burkay Yakar

462 Effect of skipping breakfast on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular function under a mental load in healthy female students Asuka Sawai, Naoyo Nie, Shinya Sawai, Kayoko Tsuzuki, Osamu Tochikubo

471 Body mass index and insulin resistance in healthy adults: Associations with plasma osteocalcin, phylloquinone levels, and dietary vitamin K intake Yasemin Ertaş Öztürk, Makbule Gezmen Karadağ, Müjde Aktürk, Nevin Şanlıer

479 Culture, gender and coffee drinking in Kuwait Ahmad R Allafi, Asma Saleh, Ahmed Aldughpassi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi, Abir Hersi, Farhia Ahmad, Sara Aljluwi

485 Levels of vitamin D and vitamin D pathway gene polymorphisms in adults: results based on rural agriculture workers in Punjab province of Pakistan Nadia Hussain, Amira SA Said, Mirza Rafi Baig

493 CYP1A2 polymorphism and caffeine ingestion in relation to apoptosis markers after a resistance exercise in trained men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled, crossover study Mohammad Rahman Rahimi, Hassan Faraji, Tahseen Abdulkarim Amin AL-Zangana, Maryam Khodamoradi

501 Production of fresh fish sausages containing natural preservatives (Laurus nobilis L.) it’s nutritional composition and oxidative stability Özlem Emir Çoban

507 Investigation of Food Consumption Frequency in Sports Faculty Students Mehmet Çebi, Murat Eliöz, Bade Yamak, Osman İmamoğlu, Yener Aksoy

515 Roseburia species in intestinal flora in amateur and professional male football players Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak, Ayça Genç, Hakan Acar, Erkut Tutkun, Muhammet Fatih Bilici, Ferhat Güder

521 Dietary Habits of Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Frequency and Diversity of Nutrition Intake – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Waqas Sami, Khalid M Alabdulwahhab , Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid, Tariq A Alasbali, Fahd Al Alwadani , Mohammad Shakil Ahmad

528 Does mindful eating have a relationship with gender, body mass index and health promoting lifestyle? Gizem Köse, Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak 536 The Relationship Between Anthropometry and Jumping Performance in Handball Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak, Nebahat Eler, Serdar Eler, Hakan Acar

541 Factors influencing quality of life in cancer patients receiving haemodialysis treatment Kadir Gokhan Atilgan, Mehmet Deniz Ayli , Tulay Eren , Cengiz Karacin, Hatice Sahin , Tamer Selen , Ebru Gok Oguz, Fatma Ayerden Ebinc, Gulay Ulusal Okyay

547 The Effect of Gymnastics Training on Anthropometric, Somatotype and Some Performance Characteristics in Pre-school Girls Harun Genc, Ali Erdem Cigerci

555 Mindful Eating Questionnaired: Eating Control, Emotional Eating and Conscious Nutrition Trio Gizem Köse, Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak

562 The Chemical Characterization of Arabic gum- Chitosan-Propolis Beads and Determination of α-Amylase Inhibition Effect Merve Keskin

568 Eating habits and gender differences amongT urkish agricultural engineering students: a cross-sectional study Özge Can Niyaz

577 The correlation between the media usage, physical activities and nutritional approach for Romanian students Octavian Barna, Marius Trandafir, Catalin Vasile Savu, Aurelian Gheorghiu, Cristian Serea

588 The Effect of CardioT ennis Exercises on Lipid Metabolism of Sedentary Women Şeniz Karagöz, Alparslan Ünveren , Tülay Köken

596 Investigation of Cronobacter sakazakii (Enterobacter sakazakii) Presence in Cereal Infant Foods Tevhide Ziver, Gözde Okburan, Özer Akgül, Suat Saribas, Bekir Kocazeybek, Bekir Kocazeybek

603 Association between polymorphism in TaqI, BsmI, Apa1, DHCR7, GC, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 genes and vitamin D deficiency in Saudi obese females Manal Bin obead, Sahar Abdulaziz AlSedairy, Naveed Ahmed Syed, Periasamy Vaiyapuri Subbarayan, Tahani Aljurbua, Maha Abdulaziz Aljuwayd, Shaista Arzoo, Ali Abdullah Alshatwi

617 Assessment of chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of Sous vide cooked Luciobarbus esocinus (Heckel, 1843) during chilled storage Ayşe Gürel İnanli, Yelda Yaz

626 Investigation of the effect of sodium bicarbonate intake on the lactic acid, heart rates and aerobic performance in elit mountain bikers Gürhan Suna, Kenan IŞILDAK, Ömer Cumhur BOYRAZ 632 An Experimental Investigation of the Contribution of Regular Physical Activity to Organizational Commitment of Employees in A Food Company Mustafa Deniz Dindar, Gokmen Ozen

640 The opinions of physical education teachers about the prevalence of obesity and nutrition problem in schools Sinan Uğraş, Ahmet Enes Sağın, Mehmet Güllü

645 Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Nutrition of Students at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences at University Taner Yılmaz, Ibrahim Dalbudak, Şıhmehmet Yiğit

660 Prediction of heart disease by classifying with feature selection and machine learning methods Cengiz Gazeloglu

671 Validation and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Self-Perceived Food Literacy Scale Kevser Tarı Selçuk, Celalettin Çevik, Hakan Baydur, Reci Meseri

678 Effects of MTHFR C677T Gene Polymorphism on Migraine Together with Biochemical and Clinical Parameters in Turkish Population Mustafa Nisari, Recep Baydemir

684 Food insecurity is associated with food diversity, depression and blood pressure among rural and urban high school students in Kurdish population Pishva Arzhang, Bahram Pourghassem Gargari, Amir Bagheri, Elyas Nattagh Eshtivani, Abed Ghavami, Farzad Mohammadi, Alireza Rahmanabadi

692 traditional methods used by mothers living in different regions of turkey for increasing breast milk supply and weaning Esra Tural Büyük