4th-6th Grade Kids Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: , Prophet to TEACHER BIBLE STUDY Zephaniah was a prophet to Judah during the time that was king. The kings who came before Josiah—Manasseh (Josiah’s grandfather) and Amon (Josiah’s father)—were kings who loved evil and led the people away from God. Zephaniah prophesied in Josiah’s early years, before his reforms. Zephaniah’s message was about a coming day called the Day of the Lord—a day of judgment and a day of restoration.

Zephaniah’s prophecies were intended to get the attention of Judah. Read :14-18. Who could ignore descriptions like those? The Day of the Lord will be universal and intense. Zephaniah made a call to action: turn back to God.

Zephaniah also described God’s promise of future restoration. A new day is coming—a day when God will bring us home. (Zephaniah 3:20) The new day dawned with Christ’s first coming, but will one day come in fullness. On the day that Jesus gathers His people and reigns in victory, this promise will ring true over us: “The Lord has removed your punishment; He has turned back your enemy. The King of Israel, Yahweh, is among you; you need no longer fear harm” (Zephaniah 3:15).

The final Day of the Lord is coming. Do not ignore the warnings of Zephaniah. Respond to Zephaniah’s admonition: “Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth, who carry out what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be concealed on the day of the Lord’s anger” (:3).

If you are in Christ, you will be concealed from the Lord’s anger and experience the joy of a new day. We can look forward to and prepare for that new day. (See 2 Peter 3:13-14.) Jesus will be among us, a warrior who saves. “He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will bring you quietness with His love. He will delight in you with shouts of joy” (Zephaniah 3:17).

LESSON OVERVIEW/SCHEDULE Session Title: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Bible Passage: Zephaniah 1–3 Big Picture Question: What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Unit Christ Connection: God judges sin but redeems those who faithfully follow His commands. Redemption for all comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Transition Time Welcome time

1 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Activity Sheet/Table Centers Session starter (10 minutes)

Lesson Countdown Introduce the session (2 minutes) Timeline map (2 minutes) Big picture question (1 minute) Tell the Bible Story (10 minutes) The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me (optional) Key passage (4 minutes) Discussion starter video (5 minutes) Sing (4 minutes) Prayer (2 minutes)

Table Time Bible story review & Bible skills (10 minutes) Key passage activity (5 minutes) Activity choice (10 minutes) Prayer (5 minutes)


Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Zephaniah 1–3

When young Josiah was king of Judah, God gave a message to a prophet named Zephaniah (ZEF uh NIGH uh). God’s message was about something that would happen in the future. A day is coming called “the Day of the Lord.” On that day, God is going to punish people for their sin. “I will destroy everything on earth,” God said. “I will remove all people from the earth.” Zephaniah told God’s message to the people of Judah. Then Zephaniah talked about the people of Judah. A few evil kings had been in power, and the people had turned away from God. They didn’t follow Him, and they didn’t turn to Him for help. “I will get rid of all the things and places My people used to worship false gods. I will punish the leaders and the greedy salespeople. I will punish the people who think I just sit back and do nothing.” Zephaniah told the people what an awful day the Day of the Lord will be: a day of wrath, a day of trouble, a day of destruction, a day of darkness, a day of clouds and blackness. The Lord will show His anger because everyone has sinned against Him. What were people to do? This was terrible news! “Come together before it is too late,” Zephaniah said. “Change your ways. Turn to God and obey Him. Be humble. Maybe you will be safe from God’s anger.”

2 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Zephaniah said that God would also judge the countries around Judah. The would lose their land, the Moabites and Ammonites would be destroyed. The people in Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, would not be safe. Their city would be destroyed too. Would anyone be safe from God’s anger? Even the people in —the city of David—would be punished for their disobedience. God told the people what was coming so that they would learn a lesson. “I want you to fear Me and respect Me,” God said. Zephaniah told the people something that could give them hope. He said that when all these terrible punishments happen because of sin, God will keep safe the people who trust in Him. God promised restoration; He will fix everything, making it like new. “People who are kind and gentle, who are humble, will be safe. They will trust in My name,” God said. “I will make them holy and give them peace.” The day when God makes things right will be such a happy day for His people. God’s people will be glad. “Sing and be happy! Shout for joy!” Zephaniah said. “The Lord will be with you, and you won’t need to worry about anything bad happening.” “God will be with you,” Zephaniah said. “He will save you and show you how much He loves you.”

Christ Connection: Zephaniah prophesied about the Day of the Lord—a day when God will judge the world for its sin and Jesus Christ will return. Jesus will make everything new, and everyone who trusts in Him will be safe.

TRANSITION TIME Session Title: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Bible Passage: Zephaniah 1–3 Big Picture Question: What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Unit Christ Connection: God judges sin but redeems those who faithfully follow His commands. Redemption for all comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Welcome time paper pencils Greet each kid as he or she arrives. Use this time to collect the offering, fill out attendance sheets, and help new kids connect to your group. Ask kids to work together to create a list of qualities or characteristics they want to have.

3 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Activity page Table Centers (Miscellaneous Activities) “Kitchen Mystery Message” / “All Things New” activity page, 1 per kid pencils markers Ask kids to find the letters located on the kitchen items to solve the mystery message. Say • What message did you find? What do you think the message means? Zephaniah delivered this message to God’s people. Listen to today’s Bible story to uncover what the message is about.

As time allows, lead kids to complete the activity page “All Things New.” Assist kids in locating and reading the Scripture references provided.

Session starter (10 minutes) Option 1: Money Hunt pennies, 50 (per class hour) Hide 50–100 pennies around your small group area. Pennies may be easy or hard to find. Invite kids to collect as many pennies as they can in one minute. After a minute, allow kids to count the number of pennies they located. If pennies are still hidden, give kids another 30 seconds to search for the pennies. Say • Do you want to keep the pennies or give them back to me? What if each penny was a dollar bill? Would you want to keep them? Money is a very important item in our world. Why is money important to people? We may think money is important, but money will not last forever. The prophet Zephaniah told God’s people a special message about the Day of the Lord. People will face the consequences for their sin. Money won’t be able to buy them forgiveness. How can people be forgiven of their sin? By repenting and trusting in Jesus. Jesus is more valuable, precious than any amount of money we could find.

Option 2: Corn Syrup Painting Allergy Alert light colored corn syrup food color small cups paintbrushes heavyweight paper Guide an adult to mix food color into the corn syrup to create the “paint.” Pour the paint into small cups. Invite kids to paint pictures with corn syrup. Allow kids to share about their paintings. As kids work, discuss the texture and appearance of the paint. Say • The corn syrup makes the color look shiny and new. Name some things that are bright and shiny when they are new. (possible answers: penny, jewelry, mirror, toys, books, cell phone) Why do we want things that are shiny and new?

4 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

The Bible talks about a day when Jesus will make everything new. What do you think that means? Our Bible story today will help us find an answer.

Transition to large group

LESSON Session Title: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Bible Passage: Zephaniah 1–3 Big Picture Question: What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Unit Christ Connection: God judges sin but redeems those who faithfully follow His commands. Redemption for all comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Countdown countdown video (insert provided DVD with lesson videos and worship) Show the countdown video as you clean-up table centers, set up classroom chairs for lesson and set it to end as large group time begins.

Introduce the session (2 minutes) apron oven mitts pizza pan [Large Group Leader enters wearing an apron and oven mitts, carrying a pizza pan.] Leader • Welcome back to Chef [your name]’s Kitchen. Today I am making “Shout for Joy Pizza.” How many of you like pizza? Oh, I see a lot of hands. What do you like to eat on your pizza? Select several kids to share about their favorite pizza toppings. Leader • You named some great pizza toppings. All of this talk of pizza is starting to make me hungry. I better get busy making my pizza. I thought of this recipe while I was reading the in the Bible. Who has heard of Zephaniah before? His book is found toward the end of the . Zephaniah was another one of the minor prophets. He had a message for God’s people. Let’s find Zephaniah on our timeline map.

Timeline map (2 minutes) Timeline Map – small group visual pack (Additional copies provided for Table Time Review Leader • Zephaniah was a prophet while Josiah was king of Judah. So even though we talked about Josiah first, Zephaniah lived at the same time. Do you remember what we learned about the Israelites last week?

5 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Right! They were not obeying God. They had forgotten the law. The good news is that a priest found the book of the law and Josiah read it to the people. God used Josiah to lead the people to obey the Word of God. Sometime during Josiah’s reign, God gave Zephaniah a message for the people about sin. Sin is breaking God’s laws. Since Adam and Eve sinned, people always break God’s laws. God wants people to know and love Him. He wants people to obey Him because they love Him. So God sent Zephaniah a special message to share with the Israelites.

Big picture question (1 minute) 11x17 poster provided Bibles Leader • Our big picture question is, What will happen on the Day of the Lord? Zephaniah’s message included information about the Day of the Lord. What is it? We will have to open our Bibles to Zephaniah to find out. Lead boys and girls to locate Zephaniah 1 in the Bible and listen to today’s Bible story.

Tell the Bible Story (10 minutes) “Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah” video Bibles, 1 per kid Bible Story Picture – 11x17 poster provided Big Picture Question: “What will happen on the Day of the Lord?” – 11x17 poster provided

Tip: A Bible story script is provided at the beginning of every session. You may use it to guide you as you prepare to teach the Bible story in your own words. For a shorter version of the Bible story, read only the bolded text.

Open your Bible to Zephaniah 1 and tell the Bible story in your own words, or show the Bible story video “Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah.” Leader • Zephaniah talked about the Day of the Lord. Our big picture question asks what will happen on the Day of the Lord. What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. The Day of the Lord is a time when two things will happen. God will judge sinners, and God will save those who trust in Jesus. Why will God judge sinners? All sin deserves punishment. Do you remember what God said in Romans 3:23? Everyone (except Jesus!) has sinned. Everyone (except Jesus!) deserves to be punished for their sin. Our sin separates us from God. But God had a plan. Who was God’s plan? Jesus! God doesn’t want people to be separated from Him. So God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to earth to be the sacrifice for our sin. Jesus paid the price for us. He was punished so we could be forgiven. God wants people to repent and trust in Jesus. Those who trust in Jesus will be safe from punishment on the Day of the Lord! Zephaniah’s message is one we should share with others. We are to tell others about Jesus and the Day of the Lord.

6 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me (optional) Using Scripture and the guide provided, explain to boys and girls how to become a Christian. Tell kids how they can respond, and provide counselors to speak with each kid individually. Guide counselors to use open-ended questions to allow kids to determine the direction of the conversation. Because some kids are not comfortable responding during a large group time, encourage boys and girls to ask their parents, small group leaders, or other adults any questions they may have about becoming a Christian.

Key passage (4 minutes) Key Passage Poster: Zephaniah 3:17 (11x17 poster, provided) Worship Song: “Yahweh Your God” (on provided DVD) Leader • While some of Zephaniah’s message is sad, it also includes a verse that should make us want to praise God. Read the passage with me. Hide the passage and challenge a couple of kids to say the passage from memory. Encourage the other kids to assist as needed. Join girls and boys in singing, “Yahweh Your God.” Leader • God rejoices over and delights in His people. He will save His people. He loves His people.

Discussion Starter Video (5 minutes) Unit 17, Session 3 discussion starter video (on provided DVD) Leader • During the Day of the Lord, God will bring His people to Himself. He will restore His people. What does it mean to restore? To restore is to bring back together. Think about the meaning of restore as you watch this video. Show the “Unit 17 Session 3” video. Leader • Do you think the friendship can be restored? How could it be put back together? Is it possible for a friendship to be so bad that it shouldn’t be restored? What about a friend who always gets you into trouble or a friend who has hurt you more than once? Select a few kids to respond. Leader • Sometimes because of sin a friendship can’t be restored, and sometimes because of sin it shouldn’t be. It’s not safe. But sometimes our friendships can be restored. Zephaniah said God would restore His people. The good news is that God will restore our relationship with Him. One day, everyone who has repented and trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior will spend eternity with God. We will be restored to Him. One day God will heal all relationships.

Sing (4 minutes) Worship Song: “One True God” (on provided DVD) Leader • Does everyone in our world believe God is the one true God? No. Why not? Think about the words of our theme song as you sing them. Lead boys and girls to sing “One True God.” As time allows, prompt kids to share some of their thoughts about the song lyrics.

7 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Prayer (2 minutes) Leader • Before we finish our time together, I have a question. Does anyone remember our big picture question and answer? I see some hands. Call on a few kids to share the question and answer together. Leader • Great job! OK, everyone say the big picture question and answer with me. What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. We need to share the good news about Jesus with others. Close in prayer.

Dismiss to small groups for Table Time

The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me Ask kids if they have ever heard the word gospel. Clarify that the word gospel means “good news.” It is the message about Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Use the following guide to share the gospel with kids. God rules. Explain to kids that the Bible tells us God created everything, and He is in charge of everything. Invite a volunteer to read Genesis 1:1 from the Bible. Read Revelation 4:11 or Colossians 1:16-17 aloud and explain what these verses mean. We sinned. Tell kids that since the time of Adam and Eve, everyone has chosen to disobey God. (Romans 3:23) The Bible calls this sin. Because God is holy, God cannot be around sin. Sin separates us from God and deserves God’s punishment of death. (Romans 6:23) God provided. Choose a child to read John 3:16 aloud. Say that God sent His Son, Jesus, the perfect solution to our sin problem, to rescue us from the punishment we deserve. It’s something we, as sinners, could never earn on our own. Jesus alone saves us. Read and explain Ephesians 2:8-9. Jesus gives. Share with kids that Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again. Because Jesus gave up His life for us, we can be welcomed into God’s family for eternity. This is the best gift ever! Read Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; or 1 Peter 3:18. We respond. Tell kids that they can respond to Jesus. Read Romans 10:9-10,13. Review these aspects of our response: Believe in your heart that Jesus alone saves you through what He’s already done on the cross. Repent, turning from self and sin to Jesus. Tell God and others that your faith is in Jesus. Offer to talk with any child who is interested in responding to Jesus.

8 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

TABLE TIME LEADER Session Title: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Bible Passage: Zephaniah 1–3 Big Picture Question: What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Unit Christ Connection: God judges sin but redeems those who faithfully follow His commands. Redemption for all comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Bible story review & Bible skills (10 minutes) Bibles, 1 per kid Timeline – small group visual pack “Zephaniah, the Prophet” megaphone

Option: Retell or review the Bible story using the bolded text of the Bible story script.

Add the “Zephaniah, the Prophet” megaphone to the “Southern Kingdom” chart in your classroom.

Help kids read the call to repentance in Zephaniah 2:1-3 and God’s promise to His people in Zephaniah 3:16- 20. Ask kids to think about some of the following questions and statements. Invite kids to share their thoughts. Say • Why should we tell our friends about Jesus and the Day of the Lord? It is sad to think about how people will be judged for their sin on the Day of the Lord. Those who do not repent and trust in Jesus will spend eternity apart from God. But the Day of the Lord is also a good day. God will save those who have repented and trusted in Jesus. Those people will spend eternity with God! Jesus told His followers that they should tell other people about Him. God desires for all people to repent. We should tell others about Jesus. What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Who will return on the Day of the Lord? (Zephaniah prophesied about the Day of the Lord—a day when God will judge the world for its sin and Jesus Christ will return. Jesus will make everything new, and everyone who trusts in Him will be safe.)

If you choose to review with boys and girls how to become a Christian, explain that kids are welcome to speak with you or another leader if they have questions. God rules. God created and is in charge of everything. (Genesis 1:1; Revelation 4:11; Colossians 1:16- 17) We sinned. Since Adam and Eve, everyone has chosen to disobey God. (Romans 3:23; 6:23)

9 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

God provided. God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from the punishment we deserve. (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus gives. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again so we can be welcomed into God’s family. (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18) We respond. Believe that Jesus alone saves you. Repent. Tell God that your faith is in Jesus. (Romans 10:9-10,13)

Review the timeline in the small group visual pack.

Key passage activity (5 minutes) “Chop, Stir, Frost” Instructions Key Passage Poster: Zephaniah 3:17 (provided) Guide kids to sit in a circle. Choose one person to start. The first person will say the first word of the key passage. The second person will say the second word of the key passage and so forth. When you announce “chop,” everyone must pretend to “chop” a vegetable while continuing the game. When you announce “stir,” everyone must pretend to stir a pot of soup. When you announce “frost,” everyone must pretend to spread icing on a cake. Say • Why do you think Zephaniah said these things about God? If you had to write one sentence describing God, what would you write?

Activity choice (10 minutes) Option 1: The Gospel Plan Verse Search table tennis balls, 10 per team Gospel Plan Poster (11x17 poster provided) Bibles, 1 per team buckets, 1 per team

The following items have been printed on table tennis balls: God rules; Revelation 4:11; We sinned; Romans 3:23; God provided; John 3:16; Jesus gives; 2 Corinthians 5:21; We respond; Romans 10:9-10. Make one set per team. Kids may play in groups of three or more. Instruct each group to assign one team member to locate and match each phrase with each Scripture. He may refer to The Gospel Poster for help. Once the match is made, he should hand off the two balls to the next player. The second team member should bounce the balls to the third team member who will catch the balls in a bucket. You may opt to have kids trade roles throughout the game. If you have more than three kids per team, instruct kids to rotate in and out as they play. Say • Why is it important for us to understand the gospel? What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus.

10 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

4th-6th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 17, Session 3: Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah

Option 2: Celebration Activity Stations background music supplies for the stations you decide to provide

OPTIONS: If space or help is limited, lead kids to do each activity together. Lead preteens to create their own stations.

Say • One day Jesus will return. He will make all things new. It will be a time of celebration for those who have repented of sin and trusted in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Let’s take a few minutes now to celebrate all that Jesus has done and will do. I have set up a few different activity stations that you can visit. Explain to kids that while the music plays in the background, they may visit as many stations as they would like to celebrate Jesus. They may blow bubbles, draw a celebration picture, jump for joy, laugh out loud, play a balloon game, sing, and so forth. Sample activity stations may include: bubble station (bubble wands and solution); art station (paper, markers, and other art supplies); ribbon station (steamers and ribbons); instrument station (musical instruments); highest jump station (room for kids to jump around free of obstacles); Scripture reading station (Scriptures printed on index cards or marked in Bibles); singing station (theme song); loudest laugh station (room for kids to stand); balloon bop station (room for kids to sit and tap balloons into the air). Post an adult helper at each station. Say • What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Those who trust in Jesus will celebrate when Jesus returns to make all things new. Today’s celebration is a small taste of the worship and praise we will have when we spend eternity with God. Who will make everything new? (Jesus will make everything new, and everyone who trusts in Him will be safe.)

Prayer (5 minutes) Say • We deserve to be punished for our sin. But Jesus died to save us, and we can repent and trust in Him. Think about Jesus and His sacrifice. Allow kids to share any thoughts or questions they may have.

Close in prayer.

Clean-Up Room

11 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources

Instructions: Find the letters located on the kitchen items to solve the mystery message.

UNIT 17 • Session 3 • Older Kids Activity Pages J udah, The Southern Kingdom

© 2013 Lifeway Instructions: Read Zephaniah 3:17-20 and Revelation 21:3-4. Draw a picture of something Jesus will fix and make new when He comes again.

UNIT 17 • Session 3 • Older Kids Activity Pages J udah, The Southern Kingdom

© 2013 Lifeway Family Journal Page Judah, the Southern Kingdom Zephaniah, Prophet to Judah Host a family cooking contest. Assign a different dish for each Zephaniah 1–3 family member to create a meal. Make it a simple meal. Invite Preschool a family friend or relative to be the judge. Assist younger kids, Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 but let them do as much as possible. The judge should pick his Big Picture Question: What will happen at the end of or her favorite part of the meal. Write down who made what time? At the end of time, God will rescue His people and who won below. Talk about how God is going to one day and punish evil. Christ Connection: Zephaniah told the people about judge the decisions we make during our life. Remind them that a special day when God will punish sin and Jesus will we will all fail, but Jesus didn’t. That’s why we put our trust return. Jesus will make everything right. in Him. Kids Key Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Big Picture Question: What will happen on the Day of the Lord? God will judge sinners and save those who trust in Jesus. Christ Connection: Zephaniah prophesied about the Day of the Lord—a day when God will judge the world for its sin and Jesus Christ will return. Jesus will make everything new, and everyone who trusts in Him will be safe.

UNIT 17 • Session 3 © 2013 LifeWay OK TO PRINT The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

UNIT 17 • Key Passage Poster (ESV) © 2013 LifeWay J OK TO PRINT udah, the Southern Kingdom