Encountering the Organization
issue 14 winter 2009 | 2010 promoting excellence in the molecular life sciences in europe Encountering the organization During the past 10 years researchers and their groups in member states indeed lives up to its original promise: to iden- EMBO has awarded around where research infrastructures are, despite all tify and foster talented scientists and to dis- 2,000 post-doctoral fellow- efforts, still insuffi ciently developed. seminate ideas, knowledge and technology ships, elected about 200 More than 5,000 scientists participate across borders. It does so in a particularly Young Investigators and sup- every year in the 70 to 80 events supported via sensible way by generating and sustaining its ported over 1800 researchers EMBO Courses & Workshops Programme. This communities and by catalysing interactions via short-term fellowships. Moreover, since the traditional core programme is now comple- between them (see fi gure 1). start of the respective programme in 2006, mented by our annual broad-scope conference Having all these fi ne programmes up and 34 young group leaders received support The EMBO Meeting and by the EMBO|EMBL running, can we lean back in satisfaction? Of through EMBO Installation Grants. The unques- Symposia. course not! There are considerable challenges tioned quality of these programmes, which This year’s inaugural life science confer- ahead of us. address the gifted individual researcher, is ence – The EMBO Meeting – in Amsterdam Taking, for example, a closer look at our based as well on the selection process in which was exciting and spirited. It attracted over activities throughout our member states we can rely on the expertise of our dedicated 1,300 participants, and I am confi dent that it reveals that even though EMBO is engaged membership, as we rely on EMBO policy to will develop into a major annual event in life in all of them, there are asymmetries, which offer opportunities for its awardees to interact, sciences in Europe.
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