excellence in life sciences

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EMBO facts & figures  EMBO table of contents EMBO Fellowships 24 – 71 Prefaces 4 – 5 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 24 – 41 EMBO actions in 2018 6 – 7 Statistics 24 – 25 EMBC actions in 2018 8 – 9 Awards 2018 26 – 41 Geographical distribution 2018 42 – 43 EMBO Advanced Fellowships 44 facts & figures 2018 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 45 – 75 Statistics 45 EMBC Member States 12 – 13 Awards 2018 46 – 72 Delegates and Advisers 12 Geographical distribution 2018 74 – 75 Financial contributions 13 EMBO Young Investigators 76 – 81 EMBO Council & Committees 14 – 15 Young Investigators 2018 76 – 77 EMBO Council 2018 14 Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 78 EMBO Committees 2018 15 Lectures 2018 79– 81

EMBO Membership 16 – 19 EMBO Installation Grants 82 EMBO Members 2018 16 – 18 Installation Grantees 2018 82 EMBO Associate Members 2018 19 EMBO Courses & Workshops 83 – 87 EMBO Scientific Publications 20 – 23 Practical Courses 2018 83– 84 Advisory Editorial Boards & Editors of Workshops 2018 84 – 87 The EMBO Journal 20 EMBO | FEBS Lecture Courses 2018 87 EMBO Reports 21 India | EMBO Symposia 87 Molecular Systems 22 EMBO Keynote Lectures 89 – 91 EMBO Molecular Medicine 23 Keynote Lectures 2018 89 – 91

EMBO Gold Medal 92 Gold Medalists 1986 – 2018 92

EMBO Women in 93 – 95 Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics 93 – 95

EMBO staff in 96 – 97

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org 1 Short-Term Fellowships to researchers at all career stages and from all disciplines across the life sciences. EMBO continued to foster scientific discussion and the exchange of knowledge: 97 scientific workshops and practical courses attracting more than 11,000 life scientists received EMBO funding. Like in previous years, EMBO engaged in crucial discussions on topics with relevance to science policy, with EMBO staff con- tributing to more than 40 policy meetings and workshops. The topics and issues EMBO focused on ranged from Open Access and Open Science to responsible research practices, the assess- ment of researchers and the exit of the UK from the EU. Working towards Open Access publishing, EMBO con- Maria Leptin tinued to support the idea of making the scientific literature EMBO Director freely accessible. However, we also cautioned not to sacrifice the existence of selective journals as an unintended result of equating ‘open’ to ‘for free’. As one possible answer to the question how to shape Open Access publishing, EMBO Press, Preface together with Press and Cold Spring This brochure reports on another busy year in which we main- Harbor Laboratory Press, launched the Open Access journal tained and delivered the EMBO Programmes and activities, but Life Science Alliance. also prepared for new developments and upcoming challenges. Finally, EMBO SourceData, the open platform that makes The EMBO community continued to grow in 2018. 62 life the data in research papers directly searchable, has been de- scientists from 26 countries were elected as Members or As- veloped further. The EMBO Press publications The EMBO sociate Members, recognizing their outstanding contributions Journal, EMBO Reports, Molecular Systems Biology and as researchers. The EMBO Membership now counts more than EMBO Molecular Medicine now process all accepted manu- 1,800 life scientists in Europe and worldwide, who provide scripts through SourceData and make their raw data files their expertise in the selection of those scientists who are downloadable from the EMBL-EBI’s “BioStudies” repository. supported by the EMBO Programmes. By serving on EMBO I sincerely thank the EMBC Delegates, the EMBO Members Council and providing strategic input, the EMBO Members serving on Council and Committees and EMBO staff for an- also determine the future direction for EMBO. other year of promoting excellence in the life sciences. 26 Young Investigators and ten Installation Grantees were selected to benefit from financial support and networking activities to facilitate their transition to being leaders of in- dependent research groups. EMBO supported excellent post- doctoral researchers by awarding 190 EMBO Long-Term Fel- lowships and five Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowships, and it Maria Leptin encouraged international scientific exchange by providing 337 EMBO Director

2 Preface | Maria Leptin EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO’s science policy engagement has developed further, be- coming an increasingly important activity for the community. As President of the EMBC, it is my wish that EMBO will be equipped with the means to further strengthen these three areas for the good of life science research in general and indi- vidual researchers in particular. It is a pleasure to experience the ongoing growth of the EMBC. In 2018 we welcomed Montenegro as the 30th EMBC Member State, making all life scientists working in this coun- try eligible for the EMBO Programmes. We are pleased to welcome Montenegro as part of the life science community that EMBO represents and look forward to offer the country’s Gerrit van Meer scientists the opportunities and support available in all of the EMBC President EMBC Member and Associate Member states. In 2019 we will use the occasion of EMBC’s anniversary to ac- knowledge its sustained support for the life science community over five decades. An anniversary symposium will provide the Preface framework for us to take the time to thank all of the EMBC Mem- Europe as a common political space is no longer self-evident, ber States and their delegates for their ongoing commitment. and a negative impact on the common scientific space in Eu- It will be an important year in other ways, too. With the next rope seems likely. The constant focus on common, cross-bor- Indicative Scheme, we have the opportunity to set the course to der goals is what strikes me most about the EMBC and EMBO. provide EMBO with the financial means to maintain its current These two organizations continue to reflect on the essence of level and quality of support for researchers, and, at the same the life sciences: collaborating efficiently across borders and time, to initiate the reform of the EMBO Long-Term Fellowship sharing knowledge without barriers to advance the under- Programme and to extend its work in shaping science policy. standing of life. This is what lies at the heart of the organiza- I am inviting all EMBC delegates to help and make this happen tions, and what makes them unique and valuable. – the actions we take today will determine the benefits of the In addition, EMBO drives scientific progress through its EMBO Programmes for life scientists in the future. membership. Through their international collaborations, con- nections and scientific expertise, the more than 1,800 EMBO Members strengthen the research community. The EMBC was founded 50 years ago in order to provide funding to EMBO to be a transnational, independent initiative with the mission to foster excellence in the life sciences by promoting excellent life scientists and by enabling networking Gerrit van Meer and knowledge exchange in Europe and beyond. Furthermore, EMBC President

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org Preface | Gerrit van Meer 3 EMBO actions 2018

Major decisions of the EMBO Council are listed below with other important EMBO actions including actions not described elsewhere in this report.

➔➔EMBO COUNCIL & OFFICERS 2018 EMBO Membership and Council ❚❚53 new members from 17 countries in Europe and nine associate members EMBO SECRETARY GENERAL based in nine different countries were elected. They join a group of more than Carl-Henrik Heldin 1,800 of the best researchers in Europe and around the world. 36% of the newly CHAIR, EMBO COUNCIL elected members are female. Titia Sixma ❚❚Council re-elected Carl-Henrik Heldin as Chair and Titia Sixma as Vice Chair of VICE CHAIR, EMBO COUNCIL EMBO Council for the year 2019. Karen Avraham ❚❚Titia Sixma, Karen Avraham, and László Nagy were re-elected, and Adrian Eileen Furlong and Jiři Lukas were newly elected to serve on EMBO Council Victor de Lorenzo for the period 2019 – 2021. Anne Ephrussi EMBO activities Matthew Freeman ❚❚190 Long-Term, 337 Short-Term and five Advanced Fellowships were awarded. Michael Hall ❚❚ Regine Kahmann 26 young researchers were selected as EMBO Young Investigators. They join a network of some of the best up-and-coming group leaders in the life sciences in Jürgen Knoblich Europe and beyond. Michel Labouesse ❚❚Ten Installation Grants were awarded. László Nagy ❚❚97 scientific courses and workshop, attended by more than 11,000 scientists, Paul Schulze-Lefert were funded. Claudio Sunkel ❚❚EMBO organized a workshop on analyzing the use of focal randomization as part of selection processes for fellowship awards. MEMBERS OF EMBO COUNCIL ❚❚EMBO Science Policy conducted four workshops on research integrity at ➔➔See page 14 for a detailed list institutes in EMBC Member States. of the 2018 EMBO Council Other EMBO activities ❚❚EMBO Scientific Publications continued to shape best practice in scientific publishing through its Transparent Process and contributions to debates about Open Science, Open Access, pre-prints and peer review. ❚❚EMBO and EMBL held ten joint EMBO | EMBL Symposia in Heidelberg, .

4 EMBO actions EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO actions 2018

❚❚Together with the American Society for , EMBO held the second ➔➔EMBO COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2018 joint ASCB | EMBO Meeting in San Diego, USA, attended by more than 4,000 scientific participants. EMBO Membership Committee ❚❚SourceData, an open platform from EMBO designed to make published scientific Luca Scorrano data easily findable, was implemented into the EMBO Press production EMBO Fellowship Committee workflow, making hosted data openly available. Christian Lehner EMBO Course Committee ❚❚The recipients of the EMBO Gold Medal 2018 are microbiologist Marek Basler for his pioneering work on bacterial type VI secretion systems (T6SS), Karim Labib EMBO Young Investigator Committee and biochemist Melina Schuh for her ground-breaking work on meiosis in mammalian oocytes. Ivan Dikic EMBO Publications Advisory Board ❚❚Frauke Melchior received the 2018 FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award for discovering a link between the small -like modifier (SUMO), oxidative ➔➔See page 15 for a complete list of stress and DNA damage, but also to recognize her generosity in guiding and the 2018 committee members mentoring young researchers and sharing protocols and reagents with the scientific community. ➔➔EMBO Council Office [email protected] Financial matters ❚❚The EMBO Council approved the accounts for 2017 and the budget for the EMBO activities for 2019. The EMBC funding is supplemented with income from the EMBO scientific publications. It is also used to pilot EMBO activities that are not funded by the EMBC. ❚❚Since 2009, the EMBO and EMBC accounts have been audited by KPMG Switzerland. This audit is carried out in addition to the standard auditing by a national audit court from one the EMBC Member States.

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO actions 5 EMBC actions 2018

➔➔EMBC OFFICERS 2018 The major decisions resulting from the meetings of the EMBC Delegates in July Gerrit van Meer and November 2018 are listed below. The Conference was supported by the Fi- PRESIDENT nance Committee, which met in July. Eirikur Steingrimsson ICELAND Boris Turk SLOVENIA VICE PRESIDENTS Election of officers for 2019 Anne Paoletti ❚❚EMBC re-elected Gerrit van Meer (NL) as President of EMBC. SECRETARY GENERAL ❚❚EMBC re-elected Eirikur Steingrimsson (IS) and Boris Turk (SI) as Vice Presidents of Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen DENMARK FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR EMBC. Lovorka BaraĆ Lauc CROATIA ❚❚EMBC re-elected Anne Paoletti (FR) as Secretary General of EMBC. FINANCE COMMITTEE VICE CHAIR ❚❚EMBC re-elected Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen (DK) as Chair of the EMBC Finance ➔➔STRATEGIC WORKING PARTY 2018 Committee. Ahmet Ademoğlu TURKEY ❚❚EMBC re-elected Lovorka Baraç Lauc (Croatia) as Vice Chair of the EMBC Finance Lucia Banci ITALY Committee. Hemma Bauer Financial matters Josiane Entringer LUXEMBOURG ❚❚EMBC noted the reports of the external auditors and approved the Angela Nieto SPAIN accounts for 2017. Barbara Ohnesorge GERMANY ❚❚EMBC approved the budget for 2019. Mark Palmer Anne Paoletti FRANCE Eirikur Steingrimsson ICELAND Boris Turk SLOVENIA Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen DENMARK Gerrit van Meer NETHERLANDS CHAIR

➔➔See pages 12 for a list of all EMBC Delegates

6 EMBC actions EMBO facts & figures 2018 | embc.embo.org EMBC actions 2018

➔➔FINANCE COMMITTEE ➔➔EMBC MEMBER STATES PERMANENT MEMBERS The following countries are Member States of the European Molecular France Biology Conference (EMBC): Germany ❚❚Austria ❚❚Iceland ❚❚ Italy ❚❚Belgium ❚❚Ireland ❚❚Slovak Republic Spain ❚❚Croatia ❚❚Israel ❚❚Slovenia United Kingdom ❚❚Czech Republic ❚❚Italy ❚❚Spain ❚❚Denmark ❚❚Lithuania ❚❚ ELECTED MEMBERS (2016 – 2018) ❚❚ ❚❚ ❚❚ Estonia Luxembourg Switzerland Austria ❚❚Finland ❚❚Malta ❚❚Turkey Belgium ❚❚France ❚❚Montenegro ❚❚United Kingdom Croatia ❚❚Germany ❚❚Netherlands ❚❚Greece ❚❚Norway Denmark ❚❚Hungary ❚❚ Poland Portugal Netherlands

➔➔For the scale of contributions by the individual EMBC Member States and use of the budget see page 13

➔➔EMBC Office [email protected]

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | embc.embo.org EMBC actions 7 facts & figures 2018

EMBC Member States 12 – 13

EMBO Council & Committees 14 – 15

EMBO Membership 16 – 19

EMBO Scientific Publications 20 – 23

EMBO Fellowships 24 – 75

EMBO Young Investigators 76 – 81

EMBO Installation Grants 82

EMBO Courses & Workshops 83 – 88

EMBO Keynote Lectures 89 – 91

EMBO Gold Medal 92

EMBO Women in Science 93 – 95

EMBO staff in Heidelberg 96 – 97

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org 9 EMBC Delegates & Advisers

embc.embo.org [email protected]

The EMBC is the intergovernmental body that funds EMBO. It is overseen by a President and a Prof. Gerrit Van Meer Secretary General. Each EMBC Member State typically appoints one delegate from a relevant EMBC President government ministry and one scientific adviser. Anne Paoletti EMBC Secretary General

Austria Germany Luxembourg Slovak Republic Dr. Hemma Bauer Prof. Patrick Cramer Ms. Josiane Entringer Mr. Jakub Birka Prof. Veronika Sexl Dr. Jan Grapentin Ms. Corinne Kox Dr. Silvia Pastoreková Dr. Barbara Ohnesorge Mr Marcel Sládok Belgium Prof. Peter Becker Malta Prof. Ján Turňa Dr. Laurent Ghys Dr. Joseph Borg Mr. Alain Heynen Greece Dr. Christian Spiteri Slovenia Prof. Marc van Montagu Prof. Spyros Georgatos Dr. Tomaz Boh Ms. Panagiota Katsafana Montenegro Mr. Andrej Ograjenšek Croatia Dr. Danilo Mrdak Prof. Boris Turk Dr. Lovorka Barać Lauc Hungary Ms. Djurdjina Bulatović Prof. Kreŝimir Pavelić Mr. Gergely Boehm Spain Prof. Làszlò Patthy Netherlands Dr. Cristina Bauluz Czech Republic Mr. Richard Derksen Prof. M. Angela Nieto Mr. Jan Buriánek Iceland Dr. Luise Perbal Prof. Zdena Palková Prof. Eiríkur Steingrímsson Dr. Jeannette Ridder-Numan Sweden Drs. Santje van Londen Prof. Björn Andersson Denmark Ireland Prof. Gerrit van Meer Dr. Maria Thuveson Prof. Birthe Kragelund Dr. Maria Nash Mr. Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen Mr. Garry Purcell Norway Switzerland Prof. Oddmund Bakke Dr. Isabella Beretta Estonia Israel Dr. Jacob E. Wang Prof. Damian Brunner Prof. Maia Kivisaar Dr. Yossi Kalifa Dr. Toivo Raim Prof. Joel Sussman Poland Turkey Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek Prof. Ahmet Ademoglu Finland Italy Ms. Maria Klimkiewicz Dr. Jale Sahin Prof. Johanna Myllyharju Prof. Lucia Banci Dr. Sirpa Nuotio Dr. Mauro Bertelletti Portugal United Kingdom Mr. Fabio Iannaccone Ms. Luisa Igreja Mr. Hugh Dunlop France Prof. Cláudio Sunkel Dr. Mark Palmer Dr. Elena Hoffert Lithuania Mr. Tim Willis Dr. Anne Paoletti Dr. Milda Jodinskienė Prof. Virginijus Šikšnys

10 EMBC Delegates EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBC Member States financial contributions & use for EMBO Programmes

[email protected]

The EMBC Members States provide the budget for the execution of the EMBO Programmes. The EMBO books are audited by independent external and internal auditors.

Entire budget 2018:

Euro 21,309,586 Budgeted use for EMBO Programmes % of total Rounded to the nearest percent. EMBC Member State* contributions Austria 2.08 Belgium 2.54 Other Croatia 0.33 Infrastructure and Czech Republic 0.88 administration Denmark 1.67 Science Policy 2% 9% Estonia 0.12 Young Investigator Finland 1.23 Programme France 13.93 4% 1% Germany 19.04 Greece 1.15 Courses & Hungary 0.58 Workshops 11% Iceland 0.08 Ireland 0.94 Israel 1.46 Italy 10.40 8% Lithuania 0.14 Short-Term Fellowships Luxembourg 0.18 65% Malta 0.03 Long-Term Netherlands 4.40 Fellowships Norway 2.64 Poland 2.65 Portugal 1.05 Slovak Republic 0.46 Slovenia 0.21 Spain 6.80 Sweden 2.88 * Montenegro, EMBC Member Switzerland 3.65 State since 2018, is not yet reflected in this overview. Turkey 4.05 United Kingdom 14.43 Total 100.00

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBC Member States financial contributions 11 EMBO Council

www.embo.org/about-embo/council [email protected]

The EMBO Council is the governing body of EMBO responsible for ensuring the development of the 2018 organization. The EMBO Council comprises 15 EMBO Members.

EMBO Council members Elected term(s) of office Name Country – Town 2016 – 2018 Karen B. Avraham IL-Tel Aviv 2017 – 2019 Adrian Bird UK-Edinburgh 2014 – 2016, 2017 – 2019 Victor de Lorenzo ES-Madrid 2013 – 2015, 2016 – 2018 Anne Ephrussi DE-Heidelberg 2018 – 2020 Matthew Freeman UK-Oxford 2017 – 2019 Michael N. Hall CH-Basel 2015 – 2017, 2018 – 2020 Carl-Henrik Heldin SE-Uppsala 2014 – 2016, 2017 – 2019 Regine Kahmann DE-Marburg 2015 – 2017, 2018 – 2020 Jürgen Knoblich AT-Vienna 2018 – 2020 Michel Labouesse FR-Paris 2016 – 2018 László Nagy HU-Debrecen 2013 – 2015, 2016 – 2018 Paul Schulze-Lefert DE-Cologne 2016 – 2018 Titia Sixma NL-Amsterdam 2017 – 2019 Claudio E. Sunkel PT-Porto 2015 – 2017, 2018 – 2020 Karen Vousden UK-Glasgow

EMBO Council members are elected for a three-year term of office and may be re-elected for one additional term of office.

Ex officio Council members Maria Leptin Director, EMBO Paul Nurse Secretary General, EMBO

Observers Gerrit van Meer President, EMBC Anne Paoletti Secretary General, EMBC Iain Mattaj Director General, EMBL Philippe Sansonetti CHAIR EMBO Membership Committee Karim Labib CHAIR EMBO Young Investigator Committee Christian Lehner CHAIR EMBO Course Committee Luca Scorrano CHAIR EMBO Fellowship Committee Paul Nurse CHAIR EMBL SAC

12 EMBO Council EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Committees

www.embo.org/about-embo/committees [email protected]

Through serving on boards and committees, EMBO Members deliver and guide the organization’s 2018 programmes, activities and publications. Committee members are appointed by EMBO Council.

Course Committee Young Investigator Committee EMBO | EMBL Symposia Internal Auditor EMBL 2013 Christian Lehner CH CHAIR 2014 Karim Labib UK CHAIR Committee* Tomasz Smolarek 2017 Thomas Lecuit FR 2018 Buzz Baum UK 2010 Maria Leptin DE CHAIR 2015 Zoi Lygerou GR 2017 Gerhard Christofori CH 2008 Iain Mattaj DE, EMBL CHAIR External Auditors 2017 Alexander Aulehla DE, 2018 Klaus-Armin Nave DE 2015 Enrico Coen UK Central Audit Service Netherlands 2016 Catherine Rabouille NL 2017 Antonella de Matteis IT EMBL** 2016 Peter Sebo CZ 2016 Christoph Dehio CH 2008 Anne Ephrussi DE, EMBL EMBO Audit 2016 Jens Stougaard DK 2017 Carlos Dotti ES 2015 Henrik Kaessmann CH 2018 Jernej Ule UK 2017 Darren Gilmore DE 2015 Michel Labouesse FR KPMG 2016 ES 2015 Laura Machesky UK 2017 Christian Lehner CH 2015 Núria Verdaguer ES 2017 Irmgard Sinning DE 2017 Jonas Ries DE, EMBL * Committee includes 2017 DE EMBO Members and ** external advisers Fellowship Committee Membership Committee 2017 Judith Zaugg DE, EMBL** 2013 Luca Scorrano IT CHAIR 2014 Philippe J. Sansonetti FR Publications Advisory Board* 2018 Malcolm J. Bennet UK CHAIR 2018 Frédéric Berger AT 2015 Johan Auwerx CH 2009 Ivan Dikic DE CHAIR 2016 Yehudit Bergmann IL 2015 Caroline S. Hill UK 2018 Pedro Beltrao UK 2016 UK 2016 Bernard Malissen FR 2013 Pietro De Camilli US 2017 Francesco Cecconi DK 2017 Pere Puigdomènech ES 2014 Ari Helenius CH 2017 Agniezka Chacinska PL 2015 Maria Rescigno IT 2017 Kristian Helin DK 2016 Marie-Anne Felix FR 2018 UK 2017 Chonnettia Jones UK** 2018 Fatima Gebauer Hernández ES 2018 Claire Rougeulle FR 2017 V. Narry Kim KR 2016 Nancy Hynes CH 2016 Peter Scheiffele CH 2010 Iain Mattaj DE, EMBL 2018 Magda Konarska PL 2017 UK 2014 Johanna McEntyre UK** 2014 Eric Miska UK 2016 Markus Wahl DE 2014 Tom Misteli US** 2016 Mariagrazia Pizza IT 2015 Sabine Werner CH 2018 Maya Schuldiner IL 2016 Erin Schumann DE 2013 UK 2017 Virginijus Siksnys LT Science Policy Advisory Group* 2015 Michael Sixt AT 2012 Geneviève Almouzni FR FEBS | EMBO Women in Science 2016 Shahragim Tajbakhsh FR 2012 Ioannis Economidis BE** Committee* 2015 Jörg Vogel DE 2013 Anne Ephrussi DE 2013 Cecilia Arraiano PT 2012 Toivo Maimets EE** 2017 Thomas Boehm DE 2012 Claudio Sunkel PT 2017 Anne-Lise Boerresen-Dale 2015 Gerrit van Meer NL NO** 2014 Johanna Ivaska FI 2014 Sean Munro UK 2014 Gerrit van Meer NL 2017 Isabelle Vernos ES 2014 Maciej Zylicz PL

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Committees 13 EMBO Members elected in 2018

www.embo.org/members [email protected]

Election to EMBO Membership is recognition of research excellence and the outstanding achievements made by a life scientist. The EMBO Membership includes more than 1,800 of the best researchers in Europe and worldwide. New members are nominated and elected by the membership annually.

Name Institute Research interest Judith E. Allen , United Kingdom Type 2 immunity, helminths and macrophage biology Maria Ina Arnone Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' | Napoli, Italy Developmental Salvador Aznar Benitah Institute for Research in Biomedicine | Barcelona, Spain; Stem cells in , aging and and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) | Barcelona, Spain Marc Bühler Friedrich Miescher Institute | Basel, Switzerland Epigenetic regulation of Janusz M. Bujnicki International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Computational and experimental structural biology Warsaw, Poland; and Adam Mickiewicz University | Poznan, Poland Sarah J. Butcher University of Helsinki, Finland Macromolecular structure and assembly Peter J. Campbell Sanger Institute | , United Kingdom Somatic in cancer and normal cells Michele De Luca Università di Modena, Italy Epithelial stem cells in cell and gene therapy George Diallinas National and Kapodistrian University | Athens, Greece Transporter structure-function and cell biology Nicole Dubilier Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie | Bremen, Symbioses between marine invertebrates and Germany bacteria Michaela Frye , United Kingdom RNA modifications in stem cells Sonia Garel Institute of Biology of the ENS | Paris, France Forebrain wiring and plasticity Petra Hajkova Imperial College | London, United Kingdom Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic reprogramming Gregory J. Hannon Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute | Cambridge, Small RNA, the piRNA pathway, cancer biology United Kingdom Axel Imhof Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) | Martinsried, proteomics Germany Artur Jarmolowski Adam Mickiewicz University | Poznan, Poland RNA in plants Luca Jovine Karolinska Institutet | Huddinge, Sweden Molecular basis of egg-sperm recognition Frank Jülicher MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme | Dresden, Germany Physics of living matter

14 EMBO Members elected in 2018 EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org Name Institute Research interest Jim Kaufman University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Structure, function and evolution of immunity Colin Kleanthous , United Kingdom Bacterial -protein interactions Stefan Knapp Goethe University | Frankfurt, Germany; and University Rational design of chemical probes of Oxford, United Kingdom Ana-Maria Institut Curie | Paris, France Immune cell migration Lennon-Duménil Matthias P. Lutolf Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Lausanne, Engineering self-organization Switzerland Alexander Meissner Max Planck Institute for Molecular | Berlin, DNA methylation in development and disease Germany; and Harvard University | Cambridge, United States Guillermo Montoya University | Copenhagen, Denmark Structural of nanomachines Eduardo Moreno Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown | Lisbon, Fitness fingerprints and mechanical cell Portugal competition François Nédélec EMBL | Heidelberg, Germany; and Centre de Recherches Cellular architecture Interdisciplinaires | Paris, France Salvatore Oliviero Università | Torino, Italy; and Italian Institute for Epigenetic modifications to regulate cell fate Genomic Medicine (IIGM) | Torino, Italy Ewa K. Paluch MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology | London, of cell shape United Kingdom; and University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Lori A. Passmore MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology | Cambridge, Protein complexes that regulate mRNA polyA tails United Kingdom Ana Pombo Max-Delbrück-Centrum | Berlin, Germany; and Gene regulation and architecture Humboldt University | Berlin, Germany Felix Randow MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology | Cambridge, Cell-autonomous and innate immunity United Kingdom Stefan Raunser MPI für molekulare Physiologie | Dortmund, Germany Structural studies of macromolecular complexes Eugenia Russinova Ghent University, Belgium Receptor-mediated signaling in plants Leonid A. Sazanov Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST) | Structure and function of membrane Klosterneuburg, Austria Alexander F. Schier Biozentrum | University of Basel, Switzerland; and Vertebrate embryogenesis and behavior Harvard University | Cambridge, United States Christa Schleper University | Vienna, Austria Ecology, physiology and evolution of Brenda A. Schulman MPI für Biochemie | Martinsried, Germany Mechanisms and functions of ubiquitylation Blanche Schwappach University Medical Center | Göttingen, Germany Membrane protein biogenesis and sorting Benjamin D. Simons University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Mechanisms of stem and progenitor cell fate

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Members elected in 2018 15 Name Institute Research interest Lea Sistonen Abo Akademi University | Turku, Finland Transcriptional regulation in cell stress Thierry Soldati University of Geneva, Switzerland Cell-autonomous defence against bacterial infection Rotem Sorek Weizmann Institute of Science | Rehovot, Israel The of bacteria: CRISPR and beyond Petr Svoboda Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR | Prague, Small and long non-coding in mammalian Czech Republic oocytes Kikuë Tachibana IMBA | Vienna, Austria Mechanisms of zygotic reprogramming to totipotency Nicolas Tapon Institute | London, United Kingdom Control of tissue growth and architecture Marja C.P. Timmermans Universität | Tübingen, Germany Pattern formation during plant organogenesis Iva Tolić Ruđer Bošković Institute | Zagreb, Croatia Biophysics of the mitotic spindle Xavier Trepat Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) | Integrative cell and tissue mechanobiology Barcelona, Spain; and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) | Barcelona, Spain Marie-Hélène Verlhac Collège de France | Paris, France Oocyte mechanics and Patrik Verstreken Katholieke Universiteit | Leuven, Belgium Synaptic and mitochondrial dysfunction in PD Manuel Zimmer IMP | Vienna, Austria Neural network dynamics and behavior Cyril Zipfel University of Zurich, Switzerland; and The Sainsbury Plant immunity and receptor kinase signalling Laboratory | , United Kingdom

16 EMBO Members elected in 2018 EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Associate Members elected in 2018

www.embo.org/members [email protected]

EMBO Associate Members are life scientists of any nationality who resided outside EMBC Member States when elected to EMBO Membership. The EMBO Membership includes a total of 152 associate members.

Name Institute Research interest Alfredo Oscar Cáceres INIMEC-CONICET-Universidad Nacional Córdoba, Cytoskeletal signaling and neuronal polarity Argentina; and Instituto Universitario Ciencias Biomédicas de Córdoba (IUCBC) | Córdoba, Argentina A. Bernardo Carvalho Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Evolutionary of Y chromosomes Michael B. Elowitz California Institute of Technology | Pasadena, United Synthetic and systems biology States Karolin Luger University of Colorado | Boulder, United States Chromatin structure and function Duanqing Pei Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health | Stem cell pluripotency and reprogramming Guangzhou, China Janet Rossant Hospital for Sick Children | Toronto, Canada Early mammalian development and stem cell origins LS Shashidhara Indian Institute of Science Education and Research | Hox gene function and epithelial morphogenesis Pune, India; and Ashoka University | Haryana, India Mikiko C. Siomi University of Tokyo, RNA silencing: small RNA biogenesis & functions Tadatsugu Taniguchi University of Tokyo, Japan Regulation of immunity, and cancer

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Associate Members elected in 2018 17 EMBO Scientific Publications


Bernd Pulverer Head Thomas Lemberger The EMBO Journal Deputy Head

The EMBO Journal offers rapid publication of articles and reviews on molecular, cell and that report novel findings of broad interest and wide biological significance.

Advisory Editorial Board 2018 | The EMBO Journal emboj.embopress.org | [email protected]

Reuven Agami Magdalena Götz Bernard Malissen Anne Ridley Dale Wigley * Left November 2018 Andrés Aguilera Ingrid Grummt Javier Martinez Marina Rodnina Alfred Wittinghofer Dario Alessi Crisanto Gutierrez Joan Massagué David Ron Dieter H Wolf ** We note the Geneviève Almouzni Christian Haass Iain W Mattaj Helen R Saibil Richard Wood passing of longtime Johan Auwerx Michael N Hall Marjori Matzke Philippe J Sansonetti Jeff Wrana board members and Randy Hall Ira Mellman Dirk Schübeler Raymond Zilinskas Facundo Batista Stephen C Harrison Marco Milán Paul Schulze-Lefert Special Advisors David Baulcombe F Ulrich Hartl Sean Morrison Luca Scorrano Art Caplan Anton J Berns Carl-Philipp Heisenberg Jorge Moscat Bertrand Séraphin Thomas Inglesby Cedric Blanpain Ari H Helenius Shmuel Muallem Michael Sheetz Lars Schaade Chris Bowler Kristian Sean Munro David J Sherratt Jeremy Sugarman Erik Boye Helin Kiyoshi Nagai Benny Shilo Hanna-Marja Voipio Bernd Bukau Regine Hengge Christof Niehrs Roberto Sitia Axel Wolff Javier Cáceres Nobutaka Hirokawa M Angela Nieto Austin Smith Raymond Zilinskas** Pico Caroni Mark Hochstrasser Bernd Nilius Harald Stenmark Christine E Clayton Eisuke Nishida Thomas Surrey Chief Editor Tony Hunter Poul Nissen Masatoshi Takeichi Bernd Pulverer Daniela Corda Ed Hurt Paul Nurse Sharon Tooze Patrick Cramer Nancy E Hynes Andre Nussenzweig Laszlo Tora Editors Pietro V De Camilli Elisa Izaurralde** Moshe Oren Hiroki Ueda Elisabetta Argenzio Bart De Strooper Stephen P Jackson Tom Owen-Hughes Frank Uhlmann Karin Dumstrei Ivan Dikic Reinhard Jahn Marcus E Peter Daan van Aalten Ieva Gailite Vishva Dixit Roland Kanaar Matthias Peter Gerrit van Meer Daniel Klimmeck Giulio F Draetta V. Narry Kim Nikolaus Isabelle Vernos Anne Nielsen* Martin Eilers Rüdiger Klein Pfanner Jörg Vogel Hartmut Vodermaier Jeff Errington Guido Kroemer Karen Vousden Reinhard Fässler Thomas Kunkel Olaf Pongs Gabriel Waksman Susan M Gasser Karim Labib Anthony Pugsley Michael Way Holger Gerhardt Achim Leutz Peter J Ratcliffe Stephen C West Pierre Gönczy Joachim Lingner Eric Westhof

18 EMBO Scientific Publications EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Scientific Publications

EMBO reports

EMBO Reports publishes scientific research in all areas of molecular and cell biology, as well as expert reviews, commentary and features that offer insight into the broader issues affecting science and society.

Advisory Editorial Board 2018 | EMBO reports embor.embopress.org | [email protected]

Reuven Agami Lluis Fajas Trevor Lithgow Pere Puigserver Jianzhi 'George' Zhang * Joined November Andrés Aguilera Jon Frampton Manyuan Long Michael Rape Hong Zhang 2018 Dario Alessi Michael Gale Matthew Lorincz Peter Ratcliffe Bing Zhu Manuela Baccarini Magdalena Götz Jiri Lukas Felix Rey Cyril Zipfel ** We note the Fredrik Bäckhed Pierre Gönczy Bernard Malissen Anne Ridley passing of longtime board members Vytas Bankaitis Cayetano Gonzalez Rob Martienssen Arie Rip Special Advisors Elisa Izaurralde and Facundo Batista Lawrence Gostin Heidi McBride Marina Rodnina Art Caplan Raymond Zilinskas David Baulcombe Eyal Gottlieb René Medema David Rubinsztein Thomas Inglesby David L Bentley Jean Gruenberg Pascal Meier Eytan Ruppin Lars Schaade Anton Berns Kun-Liang Guan Ira Mellman Jeremy Sugarman Dirk Bohmann Leonard Guarente Randall Moon Philippe Sansonetti Hanna-Marja Voipio Lutz Bornmann Crisanto Gutierrez Vamsi Mootha Claus Scheidereit Axel Wolff Michel Bouvier Christian Hardtke Sean Morrison Ueli Schibler Raymond Zilinskas** Thomas Brabletz Stepen Harrison Jorge Moscat Roded Sharan Javier Caceres Daniel Hartl Andrea Musacchio Benny Shilo Acting Chief Editor Pico Caroni Volker Haucke Kiyoshi Nagai Mikiko Siomi Bernd Pulverer Timothy Caulfield Yuehui He Bernd Nilius Titia Sixma Howard Chang Kristian Helin Poul Nissen Erik Sontheimer Editors Ian Cheeseman Stephan Herzig Thomas Nyström Nicholas Steneck Achim Breiling Zhijian Chen Tony Hunter Moshe Oren Mark Stoneking Holger Breithaupt Barbara Conradt Elisa Izaurralde** Duanqing Pei Dan Tawfik Martina Rembold Elizabeth Craig Peter Jackson Norbert Perrimon David Tollervey Esther Schnapp Beverly Davidson Rudolf Jaenisch Matthias Peter Peter Tontonoz Deniz Senyilmaz Tiebe* Gianni Del Sal Batsheva Kerem Craig Peterson Gabriel Waksman Ivan Dikic Karim Labib Stefano Piccolo Michael Way Dan Durocher Mohamed Lamkanfi Jonathon Pines Steve West Zvulun Elazar Thomas Langer Kathrin Plath Alpha Yap Jeff Errington Joachim Lingner Joseph Puglisi Richard Youle

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Scientific Publications 19 EMBO Scientific Publications

Molecular Systems Biology

Molecular Systems Biology is an Open Access journal that publishes pioneering research in the fields of genomics, systems biology, synthetic biology and systems medicine.

Advisory Editorial Board 2018 | Molecular Systems Biology msb.embopress.org | [email protected]

Ido Amit Galit Lahav Christina Smolke * Joined November 2018 Johan Auwerx Rune Linding Michael Snyder Gary Bader Andrew Millar Peter Sorger Philippe Bastiaens Vamsi Mootha Igor Stagljar Felix Naef Alex Stark Michael Boutros Jeremy Nicholson Lars Steinmetz Markus Covert Garry Nolan Amos Tanay Patrick Cramer Bela Novak Alexander van Oudenaarden Ileana Cristea Duncan Odom Marc Vidal Roland Eils Bernhard Palsson Marian Walhout Jan Ellenberg Lucas Pelkmans Jun Wang Michael Elowitz Norbert Perrimon Hans Westerhoff James Ferrell Ana Pombo Lingchong You Eileen Furlong Joshua Rabinowitz Marino Zerial Anne-Claude Gavin Nikolaus Rajewsky Ron Germain Rama Ranganathan Senior Editors Mark Gerstein Rudolf Aebersold Anne-Claude Gingras Fritz Roth Peer Bork Alexander Hoffmann Eytan Ruppin George Church Frank Holstege Uwe Sauer Laurence Hurst Eric Schadt Edison Liu Terrence Hwa Dirk Schübeler Luis Serrano Chief Editor Dirk Inzé Lucy Shapiro Thomas Lemberger Boris Kholodenko James Sharpe Hiroaki Kitano Benny Shilo Editors Jan Korbel Pamela Silver Jingyi Hou* Nevan Krogan Jan Skotheim Maria Polychronidou

20 EMBO Scientific Publications EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Scientific Publications

EMBO Molecular Medicine

EMBO EMBO Molecular Medicine is an Open Access journal that publishes high-quality research and expert Molecular reviews at the interface between clinical research and basic biology. Medicine

Advisory Editorial Board 2018 | EMBO Molecular Medicine embomolmed.embopress.org | [email protected]

Adriano Aguzzi Christian Haass Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli Joan Massagué Carl-Henrik Heldin Nadia Rosenthal Bart de Strooper Stylianos Antonarakis Jan Hoeijmakers Maria Rescigno Alan Ashworth Nancy E. Hynes Owen Sansom Chief Editor Hellmut Augustin Alain Israel Nicholas J. Schork Philippe Sansonetti Alberto Auricchio Barbara B. Kahn Yosef Shiloh Karen B. Avraham Gerard Karsenty Gerald Shulman Editors Andrea Ballabio Cynthia Kenyon Bruce Spiegelman Céline Carret Yann Barrandon Robert S. Kerbel Deepak Srivastava Jingyi Hou* Eduard Batlle Jean-Pierre Kinet Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara Lise Roth Anton J. Berns Andreas E. Kulozik Giulio Superti-Furga Cédric Blanpain Guido Kroemer Elaine I. Tuomanen * Joined November 2018 Clara D. Bloomfield Claude Libert Axel Ullrich Carlos Caldas Salvador Moncada Simon Wain-Hobson Vivian Cheung Matthias Nahrendorf Gerd Walz Kenneth Chien Luigi Naldini Hans Clevers Mihai Netea Christian Weber Ralph DeBerardinis Pierluigi Nicotera Lars Zender Elisabetta Dejana Bernd Nilius Massimo Zeviani Sven Diederichs Eric N. Olson Oliver Eickelberg Stephen O'Rahilly Senior Editors Martin Eilers Albert Osterhaus Dario Alessi Manolis Pasparakis Giulio Cossu Alain Fischer Christine Petit Stefanie Dimmeler Philippe Froguel Kornelia Polyak Uta Francke Gerardo Gamba Fred Gage Bart Lambrecht Peter J. Ratcliffe Matthias Hentze Martin Gleave Gideon Rechavi Gökhan S. Hotamışlıgil

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Scientific Publications 21 EMBO Fellowships

www.embo.org/funding-awards/fellowships [email protected]

EMBO Long-Term Fellowships fund postdoctoral research for a period of up to two years. Long- David del Alamo Term carry out basic research in the life sciences in laboratories in Europe and across the Programme Head world. International mobility is a key requirement for EMBO Fellows, and the EMBO Fellowship Programme, launched in the 1960s, was the first of its kind.

EMBO Long-Term Fellowships ➔➔

EMBO Long-Term Fellowships: Statistics Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 Year Applications Awards Success rate % 2018 1200 190 16 2017 1190 189 16 2016 1561 170 11 2015 1549 252 16 2014 1648 247 15

22 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships: Statistics Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 Country from* Applications % of total Awards % of total Success rate % Austria 79 1 15 1 19 Belgium 141 2 24 2 17 Croatia 36 1 6 <1 17 Czech Republic 76 1 8 1 11 Denmark 30 <1 3 0 10 Estonia 19 <1 1 <1 5 Finland 60 1 6 1 10 France 780 11 97 9 12 Germany 656 9 156 15 24 Greece 101 1 17 2 17 Hungary 59 1 4 <1 7 Iceland 3 <1 1 <1 33 Ireland 52 1 6 <1 12 Israel 372 5 76 7 20 Italy 565 8 88 8 16 Lithuania 23 0 6 1 26 Luxembourg 5 <1 2 <1 40 Malta 1 <1 0 0 0 Montenegro Netherlands 240 3 56 5 23 Norway 3 <1 1 <1 33 Poland 179 3 20 2 11 Portugal 207 3 28 3 14 Slovak Republic 35 <1 3 <1 9 Slovenia 13 <1 1 0 8 Spain 855 12 92 9 11 Sweden 99 1 12 1 12 Switzerland 61 1 14 1 23 Turkey 76 1 13 1 17 United Kingdom 202 3 44 4 22 Eastern Europe 152 2 23 2 15 USA/Canada 340 5 79 8 23 Others 1628 23 146 14 9 Total 7148 100 1048 100 15

* “Country from” refers to nationality

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 23 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Michael Ebner Austrian Max F. Perutz Laboratories Volker Haucke Leibniz-Institut Elucidation of molecular mechanisms | University of Vienna, für Molekulare that couple phosphoinositide signaling Austria Pharmakologie (FMP) | to lysosomal transport and function Berlin, Germany Camille Goemans Belgian de Duve Institute | Nassos Typas EMBL | Heidelberg, Dissecting the emergence of drug Brussels, Belgium Germany resistance in gut microbes Jelle Jacobs Belgian Katholieke Universiteit | Alexander Stark IMP | Vienna, Austria Uncovering molecular mechanisms of Leuven, Belgium active transcriptional repression Amy Beedle British King's College | London, Pere Institut de Bioenginyeria Switching the behaviour of focal United Kingdom Roca-Cusachs de Catalunya (IBEC) | adhesion kinase using mechanical force Barcelona, Spain Sarah Bowling British Imperial College | London, Fernando Children's Hospital Boston Generating a global view of cell lineage United Kingdom Camargo | Boston, United States trees during early mouse embryo development Erik Clark British University of Cambridge, Angela DePace Harvard Medical School | Data-driven modelling of pair-rule gene United Kingdom Boston, United States regulation in the Drosophila blastoderm Michael Grange British Centre for Stefan Raunser MPI für molekulare In-situ determination of the molecular Human Genetics | Oxford, Physiologie | Dortmund, and structural organisation of the United Kingdom Germany /Z-disk junction within the sarcomere of contracting cardiomyocytes Tom Hiscock British Harvard Medical School | John Marioni University of Cambridge, Cell state flexibility and robustness Boston, United States United Kingdom during early mouse development Daniel Hurdiss British University | Leeds, United Friedrich Förster , Structural and functional studies of Kingdom Netherlands enterovirus 2C proteins: Promising targets for antiviral therapy Julia Merkenschlager British | Michel Rockefeller University | Resolving during lymphocyte London, United Kingdom Nussenzweig New York, United States development Thomas Peskett British Birkbeck College | London, Yves Barral ETH Zurich, Switzerland Cellular control of Whi3 protein United Kingdom aggregation and its age-dependent malfunction Thomas Scott British | Joern Piel ETH Zurich, Switzerland Splicases from microbial dark matter: Norwich, United Kingdom Expanding protein structural and functional diversity Samuel Walker British Champalimaud Centre Bradford Lowell Beth Israel Deaconess Neural circuit principles of motivational for the Unknown | Lisbon, Medical Center (BIDMC) | state competition Portugal Boston, United States Ivana Jerkovic Croatian Max Planck Institute Giacomo Cavalli CNRS Institute of Human A locus-specific approach to dissect for Molecular Genetics | Genetics | Montpellier, the functional link between genome Berlin, Germany France architecture and Jaroslav Icha Czech MPI für molekulare Johanna Ivaska Centre for Biotechnology | Spatio-temporal co-ordination of Zellbiologie und Genetik | Turku, Finland -mediated adhesion and integrin Dresden, Germany endocytosis

24 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Anna Koslova Czech Institute of Molecular Matthias Fischer MPI für medizinische Characterization of genome integration (lounkova) Genetics of the ASCR | Forschung | Heidelberg, of the virophage mavirus Prague, Czech Republic Germany Daniel Mateju Czech MPI für molekulare Jeffrey Chao Friedrich Miescher Investigating the molecular mechanisms Zellbiologie und Genetik | Institute | Basel, of translational reprogramming during Dresden, Germany Switzerland cellular stress Maikel Boot Dutch VU University | Hesper Rego School of The role of physiological heterogeneity Amsterdam, Netherlands Medicine | New Haven, of single mycobacterial cells during United States infection Linda Franken Dutch University | Groningen, Kay Grunewald Heinrich Pette Institute | Completing the adenovirus 'life'-cycle Netherlands Hamburg, Germany Florien Gorter Dutch Wageningen University, Martin ETH Zurich, Switzerland Experimental evolution of Netherlands Ackermann interactions in a model microbial community Tom Kruitwagen Dutch ETH Zurich, Switzerland Jürgen Knoblich IMBA | Vienna, Austria Investigating prion-like mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases in human cerebral organoids Joran Martijn Dutch Uppsala University, Andrew J. Roger Dalhousie University | Reconstruction of the evolutionary Sweden Halifax, Canada history of parasitism and mitochondria in the anaerobic Metamonada Ivar Noordstra Dutch Utrecht University, Alpha Yap University of Queensland | Bridging scales: The role of cadherin Netherlands St Lucia, Australia nano-clusters at cell-cell junctions Carine Stapel Dutch MPI für molekulare Wolf Reik A single-cell multi-omics approach to Zellbiologie und Genetik | | Cambridge, United identify novel drivers of mammalian Dresden, Germany Kingdom germ layer specification Matthijs Bernard Dutch VU University | Joseph Raimondo University | Cape Town, Studying inhibitory microcircuit Verhoog Amsterdam, Netherlands South Africa maturation in the developing human epileptic brain Marit Vermunt Dutch Hubrecht Institute | Gerd Blobel Children's Hospital | Capturing the dynamics of enhancer- Utrecht, Netherlands Philadelphia, United promoter interactions States Charlotte Avanzi French Swiss Federal Institute of Mary Jackson Colorado State University Characterization of new drug resistance Technology | Lausanne, | Fort Collins, United and host adaptation mechanisms for Switzerland States Mycobacterium leprae Aude Bernheim French Institut Pasteur | Paris, Rotem Sorek Weizmann Institute of Understanding how phages counteract France Science | Rehovot, Israel the bacterial immune system Malik Chaker-Margot French Rockefeller University | Timm Maier University of Basel, Structural and functional New York, United States Switzerland characterization of P-Rex 1/2 in and cancer Clémence Claussin French European Research Iestyn Memorial Sloan-Kettering Novel approaches to map DNA Institute for the Biology Whitehouse Cancer Center | New York, replication dynamics genome-wide of Ageing | Groningen, United States Netherlands

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 25 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Samuel Collombet French Institut Curie | Paris, EMBL | Heidelberg, Linking chromosome architecture to France Germany gene expression dynamics: X inactivation in single cells Florent Delhommel French Institut Pasteur | Paris, Michael Sattler Helmholtz Zentrum Study of Hsp90 cycle and the France München | Neuherberg, involvement of cochaperones in its client Germany folding activity Guillaume Dubeaux French Institut de Biologie Julian I. Schroeder University of California Molecular mechanisms of stomatal CO2 Intégrative de la Cellule | San Diego | La Jolla, United signal transduction in plants Gif-sur-Yvette, France States Laura Faure French CNRS | Marseille, France Pere Institut de Bioenginyeria Detection and integration of mechanical Roca-Cusachs de Catalunya (IBEC) | signals from cell-cell and cell-matrix Barcelona, Spain adhesions in 3D environments Kevin Fidelin French | New Silvia Arber Friedrich Miescher Defining the functional organization of York, United States Institute | Basel, the mammalian red nucleus Switzerland Julien Gronnier French Laboratory of Membrane Cyril Zipfel University of Zurich, Deciphering the role of nanoscale Biogenesis CNRS-UMR | Switzerland organization and dynamics of cell Villenave d'Ornon, France surface receptors in plant immunity Amandine Guérin French Université II | Montpellier, Boris Striepen University of Pennsylvania Cryptosporidium invasion and host cell France | Philadelphia, United manipulation States Paul Imbert French Institut de Chimie et Sergio Grinstein Hospital for Sick Children | The role of the macrophage glycocalyx in Biologie des Protéines Toronto, Canada phagocytosis and macropinocytosis (IBCP) | Lyon, France Jonathan Jagodnik French Institut de Biologie Richard Gourse University of Wisconsin | sRNA targets of ppGpp: A missing step Physico-Chimique | Paris, Madison, United States in the stringent response regulatory France network Julie Jezequel French Université de Bordeaux | Beatriz Rico MRC Centre for Unravelling the molecular codes of Bordeaux, France Developmental specific interneuron-pyramidal cell Neurobiology | London, connectivity in the cerebral cortex United Kingdom Thomas Juan French Institut de Biologie Didier Stainier Max-Planck-Institut für Blood flow regulation of cardiac valve Valrose | Nice, France Herz- und Lungenforschung development | Bad Nauheim, Germany Envel Kerdaffrec French Gregor Mendel Institute of Thomas Flatt Université | Fribourg, The genetic basis of adaptive clines in Molecular Plant Biology | Switzerland Vienna, Austria Yacine Kherdjemil French Institut de recherches Eileen Furlong EMBL | Heidelberg, Dissecting the relationship between cliniques de Montréal Germany transcription and chromatin (IRCM) | Montreal, Canada organization using dynamic depletion of RNA Polymerase II Jérémie Le Pen French University of Cambridge, Charles Rice Rockefeller University | Function of human RNA-binding proteins United Kingdom New York, United States during yellow fever virus infection

26 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Noella Lopes French Centre d'Immunologie | Bruno Instituto de Medicina Cellular and molecular regulators of the Marseille, France Silva-Santos Molecular | Lisbon, pleiotropic activities of gamma delta T Portugal cells in the tumor microenvironment Claire Morandin French University of Helsinki, Laurent Keller University | Lausanne, Network theory to Biology: Linking gene Finland Switzerland networks to phenotypic development in honey bee Enzo Poirier French Institut Pasteur | Paris, Caetano Reis e Francis Crick Institute | Deciphering the mechanisms of antiviral France Sousa London, United Kingdom RNA interference in mammals Tracey Tenreira French National Institute for Cris Kuhlemeier University | Bern, Deciphering the Supergene involved in Agricultural Research | Switzerland the pollinator-mediated speciation of Villenave d'Ornon, France Petunia Maxence Vincent French Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Stephan Uphoff University of Oxford, Deciphering the regulation of des Systèmes United Kingdom mutagenesis by DNA damage and Macromoléculaires (LISM) antibiotic stress responses in single cells | Marseille, France Lea Wilhelm French Institute of Genetics and Ian Ganley University of Dundee, Determining the consequences of protein Molecular and Cellular United Kingdom aggregation on mitochondrial function Biology (IGBMC) | Illkirch, and mitophagy France Julian Dindas German University | Würzburg, Cyril Zipfel University of Zurich, Balancing immunity and phosphate Germany Switzerland homeostasis: analysis of a BIK1- regulated phosphate transporter in Arabidopsis thaliana Nicola Diny German | Brigitta Stockinger MRC National Institute for Aryl hydrocarbon receptor function in Baltimore, United States Medical Research (NIMR) | intestinal eosinophils London, United Kingdom Ionut Gabriel Dumitru German Deutsches Jonas Frisén Karolinska Institutet | Stroke-induced striatal neurogenesis in Krebsforschungszentrum Stockholm, Sweden mice and humans (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, Germany Evgenij Fiskin German Goethe University | Aviv Regev of MIT Analysis of gastric cell types and Frankfurt, Germany and Harvard | Cambridge, differentiation trajectories using United States massively parallel single cell RNA sequencing Lisa Fromm German Universität | Heidelberg, Davide Ruggero University of California Elucidating the impact of heterogeneous Germany San Francisco, United ribosome modifications on differential States of mRNAs Simon Fromm German EMBL | Heidelberg, James H Hurley University of California | Molecular mechanism of mTORC1 Germany Berkeley, United States regulation by the tumor suppressor FLCN-FNIP Moritz Gaidt German Ludwig-Maximilians- Russell Vance University of California | Effector-triggered activation of the Universität | München, Berkeley, United States mammalian innate immune system Germany

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 27 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Barbara Grunwald German Technische Universität | Rama Khokha University of Toronto, Critical determinants of stromal München, Germany Canada contribution to pancreatic cancer progression Quirin Hammer German Deutsches Rheuma- Karl-Johan Karolinska Institutet | SYNKIT – Synthetic natural killer cells for Forschungszentrum Malmberg Stockholm, Sweden immunotherapy (DRFZ) | Berlin, Germany Dominik A. Herbst German University of Basel, Eva Nogales University of California | The molecular mechanism of gene Switzerland Berkeley, United States specific transcriptional activation Andreas Kautt German Universität | Konstanz, Hopi Hoekstra Harvard University | The genetic basis of predator aversion Germany Cambridge, United States behavior in Peromyscus mice in the Channel Island Archipelago Felix Keber German Technical University Clifford Princeton University, Proteome-wide analysis of the of Munich | Garching, Brangwynne United States intracellular dew point Germany Sarah-Lena German University of Dundee, Ben Lehner Centro de Regulación Transgenerational maintenance of Offenburger United Kingdom Genómica (CRG) | during replication in Barcelona, Spain C. elegans Franziska Paul German Weizmann Institute of Bruno Reversade Institute of Medical Human embryonic pluripotency: Science | Rehovot, Israel Biology (IMB) | Singapore, Characterization of a candidate gene Singapore linked to monozygotic twinning Gustavo Quintas German EMBL | Heidelberg, Prisca Liberali Friedrich Miescher Mechanisms driving symmetry-breaking Glasner De Medeiros Germany Institute | Basel, in intestinal organoids Switzerland Thomas Riffelmacher German University of Oxford, Mitchell La Jolla Institute for Metabolic characterization of natural United Kingdom Kronenberg Allergy & | La killer responses to sterile, hypoxic Jolla, United States injury Tim Rollenske German Deutsches Andrew University | Bern, IgA repertoire and function in Krebsforschungszentrum MacPherson Switzerland establishment of host microbial (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, mutualism Germany Laura Schaedel German Institut de Biosciences Sarah Köster Universität | Göttingen, Influence of intermediate filaments on et Biotechnologies | Germany microtubule dynamics and organisation Grenoble, France Simon Schäper German Philipps-Universität Mariana Pinho Instituto de Tecnologia Role of Z-ring dynamics in driving the Marburg, Germany Química e Biólogia | staphylococcal Oeiras, Portugal Simon Schwörer German Leibniz-Institut fuer Craig Thompson Memorial Sloan-Kettering Deciphering metabolic rewiring of Altersforschung | Jena, Cancer Center | New York, cysteine metabolism for redox control in Germany United States cancer cells Johannes Thoma German ETH Zürich | Basel, Björn Burmann University | Gothenburg, Protein-enriched outer membrane Switzerland Sweden vesicles as native tools for structural biology

28 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sven Truckenbrodt German Universität | Göttingen, Johann Danzl Institute of Science and UltraX – achieving sub-nanometer Germany Technology Austria (IST) | resolution in light microscopy using Klosterneuburg, Austria iterative X10 microscopy in combination with nanobodies and STED Thomas Wilhelm German Institute of Molecular Ben Lehner Centro de Regulación Transgenerational inheritance of Biology (IMB) | Mainz, Genómica (CRG) | environmentally acquired epigenetic Germany Barcelona, Spain memory Zivkos Apostolou Greek IMBB - FORTH | Heraklion, Peter B. Becker Ludwig-Maximilians- Domino nucleosome remodeling Greece Universität (LMU) | complexes and dynamics after Martinsried, Germany DNA damage Leonidas Greek Technical University Frédéric Allain ETH Zurich, Switzerland Structural and biophysical Emmanouilidis of Munich | Garching, characterization of FUS protein liquid Germany droplets in vitro and in vivo Nikolaos Karalis Greek Ludwig-Maximilians- Andreas Lüthi Friedrich Miescher Unravelling the logic of neuromodulation Universität (LMU) | Institute | Basel, in associative learning Martinsried, Germany Switzerland Stefanos Stagkourakis Greek Karolinska Institutet | David Anderson California Institute of Competitive interactions among brain Stockholm, Sweden Technology | Pasadena, states underlying innate behaviours United States Adam Volanakis Greek University of Oxford, Stephen Harvard Medical School | Single molecule studies of the role of PAF United Kingdom Buratowski Boston, United States complex in transcription Daniel Dar Israeli Weizmann Institute of Dianne Newman California Institute of Elucidating the effects of phenazines on Science | Rehovot, Israel Technology | Pasadena, the composition and biogeography of the United States soil microbiome Dan Davidi Israeli Weizmann Institute of L. Stirling Harvard Medical School | Saturating mutagenesis of the Science | Rehovot, Israel Churchman Boston, United States mitochondrial genome in search for critical cis-regulatory elements Yonathan Goldtzvik Israeli University of Texas | M. Madan Babu MRC Laboratory of Heterogeneity in ribosomal composition Austin, United States Molecular Biology | as a regulatory mechanism Cambridge, United Kingdom Dvir Gur Israeli Weizmann Institute of Jennifer HHMI Janelia Research Using insights from uric acid Science | Rehovot, Israel Lippincott- Campus | Ashburn, United biomineralization to pave the way for Schwartz States new therapeutic approaches for kidney stones and gout diseases Binyamin Knisbacher Israeli Bar-Ilan University | Gad Getz Broad Institute of MIT Discovery and immunotherapeutic Ramat Gan, Israel and Harvard | Cambridge, targeting of neoantigens arising from the United States cancer transcriptome Noa Liscovitch-Brauer Israeli Tel Aviv University, Israel Neville Sanjana , Genome-wide search for essential United States noncoding elements using Cpf1 tiling deletion screen coupled with single cell RNA sequencing

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 29 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Michal Polonsky Israeli Weizmann Institute of Long Cai California Institute of Tumors within context – understanding Science | Rehovot, Israel Technology | Pasadena, early breast cancer progression using United States spatial genomics Ido Sagi Israeli The Hebrew University | Richard Young Whitehead Institute | Regulatory principles of chromosome Jerusalem, Israel Cambridge, United States neighborhood formation and function in mammalian development Itai Schlesinger Israeli Technion | Haifa, Israel Elad Harel Northwestern University | Following photosynthetic energy transfer Evanston, United States processes with high spatio-temporal resolution Dagan Segal Israeli Weizmann Institute of Gaudenz Danuser University of Texas The effect of microenvironmental cues Science | Rehovot, Israel Southwestern Medical on cellular morphology and metastatic Center | Dallas, United cell fate States Uri Weissbein Israeli The Hebrew University | Jeannie Lee Massachusetts General Regulation of the stress response by B2 Jerusalem, Israel Hospital | Boston, United retrotransposon and EZH2 States Laura Cantini Italian Institut Curie | Paris, Manolis Kellis Massachusetts Institute and immunotherapy: Toward France of Technology (MIT) | new therapeutic perspectives in cancer Cambridge (MA), United States Giovanna Capovilla Italian MPI für Sallie W. Chisholm Massachusetts Institute Lysogenic potential in Prochlorococcus: Entwicklungsbiologie | of Technology (MIT) | Understanding the phage life cycle and Tübingen, Germany Cambridge (MA), United putting it to use for genetic manipulation States of host cells Manuel Carminati Italian European Institute of Lori A. Passmore MRC Laboratory of Structural basis of APT phosphatase Oncology (IEO) | Milano, Molecular Biology | activity in gene expression Italy Cambridge, United Kingdom Alessandro Cecconello Italian The Hebrew University | Friedrich Simmel Technical University Co-transcriptional production of Jerusalem, Israel of Munich | Garching, functional nucleic acid nanostructures Germany Bruno Cossermelli Italian University | Bergen, Pavel Tomancak MPI für molekulare Uncovering the genetic control of Vellutini Norway Zellbiologie und Genetik | cephalic furrow morphogenesis in Dresden, Germany Drosophila Marco De Giovanni Italian San Raffaele Institute Jason Cyster University of California Organization of the lymph node dendritic (HSR/TIGET) | Milano, Italy San Francisco, United cell network for induction of immunity States Giulia Escobar Italian San Raffaele Institute | Ana Carrizossa Brigham and Women's Investigating TCF1-mediated regulation Milano, Italy Anderson Hospital | Boston, United of PD1-Tim3- tumor-infiltrating States CD8+ T lymphocytes and their role in immunotherapy Emilia Favuzzi Italian King's College | London, Gord Fishell Broad Institute of MIT The role of microglia in the development United Kingdom and Harvard | Cambridge, and refinement of GABAergic interneuron United States circuits

30 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Gianluca Figlia Italian ETH Zurich, Switzerland Aurelio Teleman Deutsches A novel regulator of mTORC1 in response Krebsforschungszentrum to nutrient signaling (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, Germany Giulia Furlan Italian Université Diderot (Paris Eric Miska University of Cambridge, Deciphering the molecular coupling 7) | Paris, France United Kingdom between small RNA pathways, chromatin architecture and germline immortality in C. elegans Vito Genna Italian Italian Institute of Modesto Orozco Universitat de Barcelona | De-novo design of a XNAzyme to Technology | Genova, Italy Barcelona, Spain selectively hydrolyze MALAT-1 long non- coding RNA in cancer cells Matteo Gentili Italian Institut Curie | Paris, Nir Hacohen Massachusetts General Elucidating the molecular basis of France Hospital (MGH) | trained immunity and emergency Charlestown, United hematopoiesis States Maria Cristina Lo Italian University College | David Alsteens Université Catholique | Probing the biophysical interplay Giudice Dublin, Ireland Louvain, Belgium between silica nanoparticles and innate immune response Eleonora Melzi Italian , Facundo Batista Ragon Institute of MGH | Untangling the dynamics of HIV and United Kingdom MIT and Harvard, United germinal centre response during the States early phases of infection Sara Nencini Italian University of Melbourne, Jan Siemens Universität | Heidelberg, Evaluation of the functional involvement Australia Germany of specific subsets of poa neurons in regulating temperature-dependent metabolic adaptations Niccolò Paolo Italian International School for Andrew Plested Leibniz-Institut The molecular and cellular basis of slow Pampaloni Advanced Studies | Trieste, für Molekulare AMPA receptor signalling in neurons Italy Pharmakologie (FMP) | Berlin, Germany Lorenzo Rinaldi Italian Institute for Research in Gordon L. Hager NIH | Bethesda, United Steroid hormones dynamics in the 3D Biomedicine | Barcelona, States nuclear space Spain Fiamma Salerno Italian University | Amsterdam, Martin Turner Babraham Institute The RNA-binding protein ZFP36L1 Netherlands | Cambridge, United regulates the terminal differentiation of Kingdom B lymphocytes Giulia Saredi Italian University | Copenhagen, John Rouse University of Dundee, DNA interstrand cross-link repair and Denmark United Kingdom chromatin remodelling Giulia Schiroli Italian San Raffaele Institute | David Scadden Harvard Medical School | Dissecting the cell-specific determinants Milano, Italy Boston, United States of pre-leukemic clonal hematopoiesis Stefania Tavano Italian MPI für molekulare Carl-Philipp Institute of Science and Mechanosensation in cell migration: The Zellbiologie und Genetik | Heisenberg Technology Austria (IST) | role of friction forces in cell polarization Dresden, Germany Klosterneuburg, Austria and directed migration

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 31 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Dukas Jurenas Lithuanian Université Libre de Eric Cascales Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Study of novel toxins secreted by type VI Bruxelles | Gosselies, des Systèmes secretion system Belgium Macromoléculaires (LISM) | Marseille, France Migle Kazlauskiene Lithuanian Vilnius University, Martin Jinek University of Zurich, Mechanistic and structural studies of the Lithuania Switzerland RNA m6A writer machinery Gantas Perez-Mockus Lithuanian Institut Pasteur | Paris, Jean-Paul Vincent Francis Crick Institute | Regulation of growth termination in France London, United Kingdom Drosophila wing imaginal discs Magdalena Polish University of Cambridge, Cédric Blanpain Université Libre de Studying the molecular and cellular Sznurkowska United Kingdom Bruxelles | Brussels, mechanism of metastasis Belgium Jakub Wiktor Polish University of Technology | Johan Elf Uppsala University, Genetic landscape of the homology Delft, Netherlands Sweden search Tiago Baptista Portuguese Institute of Genetics and Catarina Homem Universidade NOVA de The role of the Mediator complex in Molecular and Cellular Lisboa | Lisbon, Portugal metabolism and fate regulation of neural Biology (IGBMC) | Illkirch, stem cells in Drosophila melanogaster France Fabio Da Silva Portuguese Institut de Biologie Christof Niehrs Deutsches The role of mitotic Wnt signaling in heart Valrose | Nice, France Krebsforschungszentrum development and regeneration (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, Germany Joana Silva Portuguese Institute for Research in William Faller Netherlands Cancer Understanding translational regulation Biomedicine | Barcelona, Institute | Amsterdam, in intestinal stem cells and colon cancer Spain Netherlands SofiaSoares  Portuguese Champalimaud Centre Christopher Harvard Medical School | Neocortical dynamics underlying distinct for the Unknown | Lisbon, Harvey Boston, United States learning types for navigation Portugal Jose Aguilar-Rodriguez Spanish University of Zurich, Dmitri Petrov Stanford University, Mapping the fitness landscape of Switzerland United States signaling pathways that control cell proliferation in yeast Pablo Alcon Spanish University | Copenhagen, Lori A. Passmore MRC Laboratory of Deciphering the molecular basis of Denmark Molecular Biology | DNA inter-strand crosslink repair by the Cambridge, United Fanconi anemia pathway Kingdom Patricia Spanish Autonomous University of Michel Vervoort Institut Jacques Monod | Evolution of reproduction and Alvarez-Campos Madrid | Madrid, Spain Paris, France regeneration in annelids: An omics approach Clea Barcena Spanish University | Oviedo, Spain George Vassiliou Sanger Institute | Identification of factors involved in Cambridge, United the expansion of age-related clonal Kingdom hematopoiesis driven by mutations in Dnmt3a

32 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Leire Bejarano Spanish Centro Nacional Johanna Joyce University | Lausanne, Exploring the role of the tumor de Investigaciones Switzerland vasculature in brain metastasis Oncológicas (CNIO) | Madrid, Spain Guillermo Burgos Spanish MRC Laboratory of Lewis C. Cantley Weill Cornell Medical Dissecting the role of metabolism in Barragan Molecular Biology | College | New York, United cancer genomic instability Cambridge, United States Kingdom Isidoro Cobo Spanish Centro Nacional Christopher K. University of California | Molecular mechanisms linking clonal de Investigaciones Glass San Diego, United States haematopoiesis and cardiovascular Oncológicas (CNIO) | disease Madrid, Spain Maria Cuenca Spanish University of , Blake Matthews Eawag | Kastanienbaum, Eco-evolutionary feedback of Cambronero United Kingdom Switzerland zooplankton communities after eutrophication period on Lake Victoria Marta Forés Maresma Spanish Instituto de Biología Pascal Meier Institute of Cancer Winners versus losers: Regulation of Molecular de Barcelona Research | London, United tissue homeostasis via cell competition (IBMB) | Barcelona, Spain Kingdom Miguel Jiménez Spanish Universitätsklinikum Massimo Centro Nacional Dissecting immunotherapy response Alcázar Hamburg-Eppendorf | Squatrito de Investigaciones modulators in glioblastoma Hamburg, Germany Oncológicas (CNIO) | Madrid, Spain David Lara Spanish Center for Applied Medical CeMM | Vienna, Austria Development of a scalable epigenome Research | Pamplona, editing technology to study the intrinsic Spain regulatory properties of epigenetic marks Mario Martin Spanish University of Minnesota | Cyril Herry Université de Bordeaux | Deciphering the coding of active Fernandez Minneapolis, United States Bordeaux, France and passive fear in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex Hernando Martinez Spanish EMBL | Heidelberg, Thomas Sainsbury Wellcome Dissociation of cell class-specific roles of Vergara Germany Mrsic-Flogel Centre for Neural Circuits cortico-striatal circuits during learning and Behaviour | London, and behaviour United Kingdom Miguel Muñoz Ruiz Spanish Universidad Complutense King's College | London, gammadelta T cell Interactions within de Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, United Kingdom the Tissue Ecosystem Network Spain Vicente Jose Spanish Institut Curie | Paris, Emmanuel MRC Laboratory of Molecular mechanism of asymmetric Planelles-Herrero France Derivery Molecular Biology | segregation of cell fate determinants by Cambridge, United the Elongator complex Kingdom Samuel Pontes Spanish Centro Nacional Rafael Yuste Columbia University | Behavioral function of pattern de Investigaciones New York, United States completion in the cortex Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Madrid, Spain

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 33 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sara Priego Moreno Spanish University of Birmingham, Jan Karlseder Salk Institute for Investigating the roles of dormant United Kingdom Biological Studies | La telomeric origins in response to Jolla, United States replication stress Hector Sanchez-Iranzo Spanish Centro Nacional Alba Diz-Muñoz EMBL | Heidelberg, Deciphering the role of tissue mechanics de Investigaciones Germany for zebrafish tail regeneration Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Madrid, Spain Marina Uroz Marimon Spanish Institut de Bioenginyeria Christopher Chen University of Pennsylvania Cell-cell adhesion regulation in sprouting de Catalunya (IBEC) | | Philadelphia, United angiogenesis Barcelona, Spain States Teresa Spanish University of Toronto, J Rosenblatt King's College | London, Regulatory mechanisms controlling Zulueta-Coarasa Canada United Kingdom a new mechanical epithelial to mesenchymal transition in zebrafish Amanda Andersson Swedish University of Cambridge, Hans C. Clevers Hubrecht Institute | Identifying genetic alterations and Rolf United Kingdom Utrecht, Netherlands mechanisms underlying metastases formation Erik McShane Swedish Max-Delbrück-Centrum | L. Stirling Harvard Medical School | The impact of RNA degradation on Berlin, Germany Churchman Boston, United States mitochondrial gene expression Annika Nichols Swedish University | Vienna, Alexander F. Schier Harvard University | The neuronal and genetic regulation of Austria Cambridge, United States sleep and arousal in zebrafish Valentin Flury Swiss Friedrich Miescher Anja Groth Biotech Research and How are functional genomic features Institute | Basel, Innovation Centre (BRIC) | propagated – is there a memory of the Switzerland Copenhagen, Denmark active state? Adrian Nievergelt Swiss Swiss Federal Institute of Gaia Pigino MPI für molekulare Structure and dynamics of intraflagellar Technology | Lausanne, Zellbiologie und Genetik | transport systems Switzerland Dresden, Germany Basile Wicky Swiss University of Cambridge, | Computing logic in live cells with de novo United Kingdom Seattle, United States designed protein assemblies

34 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | EMBC Associate Member States’ nationals/EMBC Co-operation Partner States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Ignacio Chilean Centro de Estudios Giovanni University of Bordeaux | Astroglial CB1 receptor: From Fernández-Moncada Cientificos | Valdivia, Chile Marsicano Bordeaux, France bioenergetics to behavior Roopesh Anand Indian Institute for Research in Francis Crick Institute | Characterizing the functions of human Biomedicine | Bellinzona, London, United Kingdom RAD51 paralogs and HELQ in replication Switzerland and ICL repair Srishti Dar Indian Tata Institute of Maria Leptin EMBL | Heidelberg, Synthetic reconstitution for in vivo Fundamental Research | Germany assessment of membrane-anchored Mumbai, India contractile actin networks in Drosophila gastrulation Joiselle Fernandes Indian Institut Jean-Pierre Ian Henderson University of Cambridge, Genetic and epigenetic control of Bourgin | Versailles, United Kingdom genome stability in Arabidopsis France Swarupa Panda Indian Umeå University, Sweden Tor Erik Rusten University Hospital | Oslo, Mechanisms of non-autonomous Norway support of tumor cell growth Abhijeet Pataskar Indian Institute of Molecular Reuven Agami Netherlands Cancer Functional genetic screening of Biology (IMB) | Mainz, Institute | Amsterdam, regulatory DNA elements Germany Netherlands Jaydeep Sidhaye Indian MPI für molekulare Jürgen Knoblich IMBA | Vienna, Austria Investigating impact of schizophrenia- Zellbiologie und Genetik | associated non-coding variants on Dresden, Germany enhancer activity using brain organoids Imtiyaz Yaseen Indian Centre for DNA Robin C. Allshire Wellcome Trust Centre Adaptation to external insults: Interplay Fingerprinting and | Edinburgh, United between stress sensing pathways and Diagnostics | Hyderabad, Kingdom heterochromatin stability India Chih-Yi Gabriela Lin Taiwanese Academia Sinica | Taipei, Joachim Lingner Swiss Federal Institute Functional characterization of the Taiwan of Technology | Lausanne, telomeric proteome during Switzerland replication

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 35 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | Non-EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Abdelghani Mazouzi Algerian CeMM | Vienna, Austria Thijn R. Netherlands Institute Characterization of novel factors involved Brummelkamp for Neuroscience | in the replication stress response Amsterdam, Netherlands Maria Micaela Lopez Argentinean Federal University of Rio Bénédicte Université Paris Descartes The role of UNC93B1, a protein Alarcon de Janeiro, Brazil Manoury | Paris, France chaperone for intracellular Toll-like receptors and the calcium sensor STIM1, in stress Pamela Anahí Ribone Argentinean Instituto de Philip Wigge University of Cambridge, RNA thermosensors in plants: Design and Agrobiotecnología United Kingdom role in adaptation del Litoral | Santa Fe, Argentina Simone Li Australian EMBL | Heidelberg, Morten Sommer Technical University HGT in the GUT: Comprehensively Germany of Denmark | Lyngby, characterising the spread of antibiotic Denmark resistance genes in the human microbiome Marta Kovatcheva Bulgarian Memorial Sloan-Kettering Manuel Serrano Institute for Research in Exploiting senescence for therapeutic Cancer Center | New York, Biomedicine | Barcelona, gain: A molecular understanding of United States Spain senescence, reprogramming, and novel senolytic targets Jacob Aguirre Canadian University of Western Nicolas Thomä Friedrich Miescher Termination of eukaryotic DNA Ontario | London, Canada Institute | Basel, replication by cullin-RING ubiquitin Switzerland ligases Stephen Cornick Canadian University of Calgary, Gérard Eberl Institut Pasteur | Paris, Regulation of MAMP physiology by Canada France innate immunity George DiCenzo Canadian University of Florence | Csaba Pál Biological Research The 'resistance modulator' hypothesis: Sesto Fiorentino, Italy Centre | Szeged, Hungary Host-encoded modulator genes shape phylogenetic barriers to the spread of antimicrobial resistance Michael Fatt Canadian University of Toronto, Patrik Ernfors Karolinska Institutet | The Role of the Rostral Ventromedial Canada Stockholm, Sweden Medulla (RVM) in regulating pain perception Anne Marie Labandera Canadian University of Calgary, Daniel Gibbs University of Birmingham, Investigating the protein interactome Nadeau Canada United Kingdom and methylation targets of the oxygen– sensing plant Su(z)12 homologue VRN2 Ankit Sinha Canadian University of Toronto, Felix Meissner MPI für Biochemie | Identifying contribution of Canada Martinsried, Germany mutational landscape to cancer- immune cell crosstalk in the tumour microenvironment Saifeng Cheng Chinese Huanzhong Agricultural Yonatan Stelzer The Hebrew University | DNA methylation dynamics during University | Wuhan, China Jerusalem, Israel mouse germline development Hongbo Guo Chinese Utrecht University, Ralf Universität | Heidelberg, Interrogating the unprecedented pro- Netherlands Bartenschlager Germany viral function of toll-like receptor 2 for dengue virus replication

36 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | Non-EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Shuheng Lin Chinese Cancer Research Center of Cédric Blanpain Université Libre de Reactivation of multipotent cell fate of Lyon (CRCL) | Lyon, France Bruxelles | Brussels, mammary gland stem cell Belgium Yan Ma Chinese The Sainsbury Laboratory Niko Geldner University | Lausanne, 'Filling the gaps' in the Schengen | Norwich, United Switzerland signalling pathway Kingdom Chao Sun Chinese Cornell University | Ithaca, Erin M. Schuman MPI für Hirnforschung | Understanding synaptic diversity using United States Frankfurt, Germany quantitative single-molecule localization microscopy Shuang-Yin Wang Chinese Centre for Molecular Ido Amit Weizmann Institute of Single cell analysis of the tumor-immune Life Sciences | Nijmegen, Science | Rehovot, Israel ecosystem in human cancer: Dissecting Netherlands the dynamics of immune-tumor cross talk following checkpoint blockade Peng Xu Chinese Tsinghua University | Wolfgang P. MPI für Biochemie | An in situ cryo electron tomography Beijing, China Baumeister Martinsried, Germany study of chromatin structure and relationship with nuclear envelope Hanting Yang Chinese Chinese Academy of Venki MRC Laboratory of Structural basis for co-translational Sciences | Beijing, China Ramakrishnan Molecular Biology | import of mitochondrial proteins Cambridge, United Kingdom Suyang Zhang Chinese MRC Laboratory of Patrick Cramer MPI für biophysikalische Structural and functional analysis of Molecular Biology | Chemie | Göttingen, human co-transcriptional pre-mRNA Cambridge, United Germany splicing complexes Kingdom Yilong Zhou Chinese Tongji University | MPI für Immunbiologie Understanding the molecular Shanghai, China und Epigenetik | Freiburg, mechanism of DHX9-ADAR1 interaction Germany in dsRNA response Stephen Methot Cypriot McGill University | Susan M. Gasser Friedrich Miescher Linking replication stress and aberrant Montreal, Canada Institute | Basel, transcription to the instability of Switzerland repetitive elements Marija Iljina Latvian University of Cambridge, Gilad Haran Weizmann Institute of Correlated dynamics of a disaggregation United Kingdom Science | Rehovot, Israel machine by single-molecule spectroscopy Hernan Morales Mexican Göteborg University, Tom Gilbert University | Copenhagen, Direct estimation of genomic diversity Sweden Denmark change over time using historical and modern samples of endangered species Adekunle Bademosi Nigerian The University of Patrik Verstreken Katholieke Universiteit | Synaptic autophagy: A major mechanism Queensland | Brisbane, Leuven, Belgium implicated in Parkinson's disease etiology Australia Funso Ogunmolu Nigerian International Centre for Anna Akhmanova Utrecht University, In-vitro reconstitution of dynamic | Netherlands microtubule remodelling at the distal New Dehli, India tips of centrioles during ciliogenesis

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 37 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 | Non-EMBC Member States’ nationals Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Ana Stankovic Serbian Instituto Gulbenkian de Sebastian University of Zurich, Principles of reprogramming-induced Ciência | Oeiras, Portugal Jessberger Switzerland cellular rejuvenation Steven Briscoe US-American University of Chicago, Wieland B. MPI für molekulare The neuroepithelial cell to radial glial United States Huttner Zellbiologie und Genetik | cell transition and human neocortex Dresden, Germany expansion Michael Buck US-American MPI für Immunbiologie Caetano Reis e Francis Crick Institute | Metabolic regulation of cDC development und Epigenetik | Freiburg, Sousa London, United Kingdom and function Germany Jared Cregg US-American Case Western Reserve Ole Kiehn University | Copenhagen, Basal ganglia engagement of hindbrain University | Cleveland, Denmark and spinal networks that halt locomotion United States Kimberley Laband US-American Institut Jacques Monod | Geert Kops Hubrecht Institute | Developing a complex: SAC signaling Paris, France Utrecht, Netherlands dynamics from the human kinetochore John O'Donnell US-American Cornell University | Ithaca, Ramanujan S. MRC Laboratory of Mechanism of transmembrane domain United States Hegde Molecular Biology | insertion by the ER membrane protein Cambridge, United complex Kingdom Amanda Pocratsky US-American University | Louisville, Robert University College London, The contribution of spinal circuit United States Brownstone United Kingdom dysfunction to movement disorganisation in dystonia Anna Schroeder US-American Katholieke Universiteit | Johannes Letzkus MPI für Hirnforschung | Zona incerta afferents to auditory cortex Leuven, Belgium Frankfurt, Germany layer 1: Connectivity, computational role and memory function Kimberly Siletti US-American Rockefeller University | Sten Linnarsson Karolinska Institutet | A molecular comparison of development New York, United States Stockholm, Sweden and regeneration in the zebrafish spinal cord Tan Hop Huynh Vietnamese Gyeongsang National Pieters Jean University of Basel, Manipulation of host-protective University | Jinju, Republic Switzerland immune activation by Mycobacterium of tuberculosis

38 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org ERS | EMBO joint long-term fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sally Yunsun Kim Italian The University of Sydney | Charlotte Dean , REpaiR3: regeneration, recovery and Australia United Kingdom restoration of lung function

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 39 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 2018: Geographical distribution


Destination Nationality Austrian Belgian Croatian Czech Danish Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Indian (A) Irish Israeli Italian Lithuanian Luxembourgian Maltese Montenegrin Dutch Norwegian Polish Portuguese Singaporean (A) Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Swiss Turkish British Eastern Europe USA/Canada Others Total Austria 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 3 25 Belgium 2 2 1 6 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 8 41 Croatia 0 Czech Republic 1 1 1 1 4 Denmark 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 6 35 Estonia 1 1 Finland 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 12 France 4 1 1 8 7 1 3 11 1 8 1 3 2 11 1 12 35 110 Germany 1 3 3 1 9 4 1 20 8 13 1 2 3 4 1 7 2 1 4 6 9 26 129 Greece 0 Hungary 1 1 1 3 Iceland 1 1 India (A) 3 3 Ireland 1 1 2 Israel 3 1 6 2 1 2 5 20 Italy 1 2 2 2 2 10 1 1 6 27 Lithuania 0 Luxembourg 1 1 2 Malta 0 Montenegro 0 Netherlands 1 2 4 6 2 3 6 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 5 44 Norway 1 1 2 1 1 6 Poland 3 3 Portugal 2 1 1 5 1 1 11 Singapore (A) 1 1 2 1 5 Slovak Republic 0 Slovenia 0 Spain 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 8 1 4 8 1 1 2 14 53 Sweden 1 2 4 9 3 1 2 1 8 1 2 2 2 3 41 Switzerland 3 4 2 23 9 2 15 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 6 2 4 2 8 19 112 Turkey 1 1 2 United Kingdom 1 1 1 2 19 4 1 28 1 6 14 2 4 4 25 2 1 4 2 17 38 177 EMBL 2 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 4 20 Eastern Europe 0 USA / Canada 9 1 2 39 40 9 3 5 1 42 22 1 13 6 6 3 52 7 3 2 20 5 291 Others 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 20 Total 10 26 3 16 1 4 5 132 97 19 8 1 127 7 63 101 6 0 0 0 33 0 21 31 2 5 1 140 14 12 13 39 21 60 182 1200

40 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 2018: Geographical distribution


Destination Nationality Austrian Belgian Croatian Czech Danish Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Indian (A) Irish Israeli Italian Lithuanian Luxembourgian Maltese Montenegrin Dutch Norwegian Polish Portuguese Singaporean (A) Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Swiss Turkish British Eastern Europe USA/Canada Others Total Austria 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Belgium 1 1 2 4 Croatia 0 Czech Republic 0 Denmark 1 1 2 4 Estonia 0 Finland 1 1 France 1 1 2 1 2 7 Germany 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 5 23 Greece 0 Hungary 1 1 Iceland 0 India (A) 0 Ireland 0 Israel 1 1 2 4 Italy 0 Lithuania 0 Luxembourg 0 Malta 0 Montenegro 0 Netherlands 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 Norway 1 1 Poland 0 Portugal 1 1 1 3 Singapore (A) 1 1 Slovak Republic 0 Slovenia 0 Spain 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 Sweden 3 1 2 6 Switzerland 1 6 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 24 Turkey 0 United Kingdom 4 1 3 1 4 1 1 7 1 4 2 29 EMBL 1 2 1 1 5 Eastern Europe 0 USA / Canada 7 10 2 10 9 3 1 6 2 1 4 55 Others 2 2 Total 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 24 23 5 0 0 7 0 11 21 3 0 0 0 9 0 2 4 0 0 0 20 3 3 0 10 4 14 20 190

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Long-Term Fellowships 41 EMBO Advanced Fellowships ➔➔

EMBO Advanced Fellowships offer an additional two years of funding for EMBO Long-Term Fellows who demonstrate exceptional progress in their postdoctoral work. The fellowship allows scientists to complete their postdoctoral research in the host laboratory and to establish their own line of research.

EMBO Advanced Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Host laboratory Group leader Project Sebastian German Institut Pasteur| Paris, France Artur Scherf Something’s got a hold on « Me »: Identifying the role of Baumgarten m6A-binding proteins in Plasmodium falciparum mRNA Eduardo Bonavita Italian University of Manchester, United Kingdom Santiago Zelenay Analysis of cancer-associated inflammation: from tumour initiation to metastasis Nevena Cvetesic Croatian Imperial College London, United Kingdom Boris Lenhard Understanding evolutionary conservation of promoter architecture and dynamics in primordial germ cell development Ayelén González Argentinean Osnabrück University, Germany Christian Mechanisms of establishment and regulation of Montoro Ungermann membrane contact sites Felix Gunawan Canadian Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Didier Stainier Elucidating the critical cellular and molecular Research|Bad Nauheim, Germany mechanisms that drive heart valve morphogenesis

42 EMBO Advanced Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships ➔➔

Short-Term Fellowships fund research Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 Country from* Applications % of total Awards % of total Success rate % exchanges of up to three months between Austria 43 2 25 2 58 laboratories in EMBC Member States, Belgium 48 2 34 2 71 Associate Member States and countries Croatia 13 <1 7 <1 54 and territories covered by a co-operation Czech Republic 46 2 29 2 63 agreement. Their aim is to facilitate Denmark 45 2 31 2 69 collaboration and provide access to Estonia 2 <1 2 <1 100 Finland 26 1 13 1 50 different techniques and technologies. France 74 3 47 3 64 Germany 145 5 90 6 62 Greece 45 2 23 2 51 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships: Statistics Hungary 40 1 18 1 45 Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 Iceland 1 <1 1 <1 100 Year Applications Awards Success rate % India (A) 190 7 78 5 41 2018 598 337 56 Ireland 34 1 19 1 56 2017 588 281 48 Israel 52 2 36 2 69 2016 618 350 57 Italy 264 10 143 10 54 2015 401 194 48 Lithuania 1 <1 1 <1 100 2014 548 284 52 Luxembourg 1 <1 0 0 0 Malta 1 <1 0 0 0 Netherlands 88 3 56 4 64 Norway 7 <1 6 <1 86 Poland 75 3 49 3 65 Portugal 63 2 31 2 49 Singapore (A) 1 <1 0 0 0 Slovak Republic 6 <1 2 <1 33 Slovenia 18 1 10 1 56 Spain 735 27 374 26 51 Sweden 37 1 26 2 70 Switzerland 36 1 27 2 75 Turkey 50 2 23 2 46 United Kingdom 164 6 123 9 75 EMBL 5 <1 3 <1 60 Eastern Europe 53 2 18 1 34 United States / Canada 44 2 19 1 43 Others 300 11 82 6 27 Total 2753 100 1446 100 53

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 43 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Nicolas Gerardo Argentinean ETH Zurich, Switzerland Eric Miska University of Cambridge, Studying nuclear shuttling processes by Bologna United Kingdom C. elegans WAGO proteins: NRDE-3 and HRDE-1 Pablo Scodeller Argentinean University | Tartu, Estonia Malin Wennström Lund University | Malmö, Identifying and targeting the surface Sweden markers of pericytes associated with Alzheimer's disease Daniel Beard Australian John Radcliffe Hospital | Ulrich Dirnagl Charité - Neuroprotection: is the mechanism of Oxford, United Kingdom Universitätsmedizin | hypothermic neuroprotection explained by Berlin, Germany hamartin's effect on mTOR and autophagy? Anita Austrian John Innes Centre | Detlef Weigel MPI für Studying plant-associated interactions of Bollmann-Giolai Norwich, United Kingdom Entwicklungsbiologie | Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas on the A. Tübingen, Germany thaliana phyllosphere Gernot Posselt Austrian University | Salzburg, Thomas F. Meyer MPI für Infektionsbiologie The function and subcellular localization Austria | Berlin, Germany of the c-Abl kinase in Helicobacter pylori infections of primary human gastroids Verena Stoeger Austrian University | Vienna, Masha Niv Hebrew University | Identification of binding sites of L-arginine Austria Jerusalem, Israel on human bitter taste receptor 1 (T2R1) Sophie Zahalka Austrian Medical University of Edward Pearce MPI für Immunbiologie Exploring metabolic aspects of trained Vienna, Austria und Epigenetik | Freiburg, immunity in alveolar macrophages Germany Jubayer Hossain Bangladeshi University | Bergen, Vincenzo Cerullo University of Helsinki, Investigation of potential immunogenic cell Norway Finland death after the treatment with lentiviral vector-mediated HSV-Tk gene therapy in patient-derived xenograft model of human glioblastoma in humanized mice Tahirah Yasmin Bangladeshi , Massimo Lopes University of Zurich, Visualisation by electron microscopy United Kingdom Switzerland of the repair intermediates formed by homologous recombination at the site of a single chromosomal DNA double-strand break Jolien Beeken Belgian University | Hasselt, Angela Institute of Genetics and Dacapo, the Drosophila homologe of Belgium Giangrande Molecular and Cellular p27Kip1, is a molecular key to glial Biology (IGBMC) | Illkirch, migration France Mélanie Belgian Université Libre de Arnaud Javelle University of Strathclyde | Influence of ammonium transport Boeckstaens Bruxelles | Gosselies, Glasgow, United Kingdom mechanism of the conserved Mep-Amt-Rh Belgium protein family in the fungal filamentation induction Sofie De Groef Belgian Katholieke Universiteit | Nazif Alic University College London, Major facilitator superfamily transporter, Leuven, Belgium United Kingdom Calment, mediates sex-specific lifespan in Drosophila

44 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Annika Gillis Belgian Université Catholique | Margarita Salas Centre for Molecular Characterization of a new family B DNA Louvain, Belgium Falgueras Biology 'Severo Ochoa' | polymerase derived from a tectivirus- Madrid, Spain like genetic element found in Bacillus thuringiensis Disha Shah Belgian Katholieke Universiteit | Monica University of Cadiz | Cadiz, Elucidating the contribution of astrocytes Leuven, Belgium Garcia-Alloza Spain on functional network disruptions in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease Jimmy Van Den Belgian University | Gothenburg, Martin Miller Cancer Research UK Determining the extent of neo- Eynden Sweden Cambridge Institute depletion in cancer using a somatic | Cambridge, United simulation approach Kingdom Etthel Windels Belgian Katholieke Universiteit | Pascal Hersen Université Diderot (Paris Single-cell study of the wake-up kinetics Leuven, Belgium 7) | Paris, France and phenotypic memory involved in bacterial persistence Samantha Zaunz Belgian Katholieke Universiteit | Jurgen Marteijn Erasmus University MC | Understanding the role of base excision Leuven, Belgium Rotterdam, Netherlands repair mechanisms in fetal liver and bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells Vítor Falavigna Brazilian National Institute for George M. MPI für Functional characterization of genes Agronomical Research Coupland Züchtungsforschung | encoding apple dormancy-associated (INRA) | Montpellier, Köln, Germany MADS-box (DAM) transcription factors France Joe Frost British John Radcliffe Hospital | Bruno Galy Deutsches Investigating the role of the iron regulatory Oxford, United Kingdom Krebsforschungszentrum proteins in lymphocyte function (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, Germany Sarah Hollingshead British Sir William Dunn School | Ditlev Brodersen Aarhus University, Structural and functional studies into Oxford, United Kingdom Denmark recognition of specific RNA targets by toxin-antitoxin PIN domain proteins Pradeep Kumar British Institute of Aging Jérémie Sellam Université 6 Pierre et Elucidating the regulation of autophagy by Sacitharan and Chronic Disease | Marie Curie (UPMC) | Paris, the cholinergic pathway in osteoarthritis Liverpool, United Kingdom France Matthew Su British University College London, Chun-Hong Chen National Health Research Generation of mosquito clock mutants United Kingdom Institutes | Zhunan, Taiwan using CRISPR/Cas9 Sarah Thompson British University | Newcastle, Paul Proost Katholieke Universiteit | Post-translational modification of United Kingdom Leuven, Belgium chemokines during heart transplantation: implications for their biological function Naomi Todd British Queens University | Gernot Desoye Medical University | Graz, The role of novel anti-angiogenic protein, Belfast, United Kingdom Austria FKBPL, in spiral uterine artery remodelling important for preeclampsia Lucy Van Dorp British University College London, Tom Gilbert University | Copenhagen, Genetic impact of the Black Death on the United Kingdom Denmark people of Trondheim, Norway

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 45 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Martin Welch British University of Cambridge, Michael Meijler Ben-Gurion University of The Pseudomonas quinolone signal: more United Kingdom the Negev | Beer-Sheva, than just a transcriptional regulator? Israel Ivana Jovchevska Bulgarian University of Ljubljana | Gaetano Gargiulo Max-Delbrück-Centrum | Targeted next generation sequencing for Ljubljana, Slovenia Berlin, Germany more precise glioblastoma diagnostics George DiCenzo Canadian University of Florence | Peter Mergaert Institut de Biologie The role of epigenetic modifications in Sesto Fiorentino, Italy Intégrative de la Cellule | regulating symbiotic development by Gif-sur-Yvette, France legume nitrogen-fixing microsymbionts Lara Puetz Canadian University | Copenhagen, Rob Finn European Does the gut microbiome shape behavioral Denmark Institute | Hinxton | modifications during red fox (Vulpes vulpes) Cambridge, United domestication? Kingdom Julio Berrios Chilean Pontificia Universidad Diego Oyarzun Imperial College | London, Dynamic modelling and optimisation of Católica | Valparaíso, Chile United Kingdom methanol utilisation pathway of the yeast Pichia pastoris Jaime Espina Chilean Andrés Bello National Roberto Mayor University College London, Role of Warburg effect in collective cell University | Santiago, United Kingdom migration of neural crest cells Chile Xueyuan Leng Chinese University | Copenhagen, John Innes Centre | The importance of transcriptional kinetics Denmark Norwich, United Kingdom in regulation of the plant floral repressor locus, FLC Shuangjiang Li Chinese University | Amsterdam, Lorenzo Frigerio | Transfer of membranes and luminal Netherlands Coventry, United Kingdom content among distinct types of vacuoles in plant cells Yang Li Chinese University | Sheffield, Marlene Dreux École Normale Supérieure STING-mediated type I interferon United Kingdom | Lyon, France regulation in response to Zika virus Kaizheng Liu Chinese Radboud University | Johan Hofkens Katholieke Universiteit | Feel the force: cell adhesion in 3D Nijmegen, Netherlands Leuven, Belgium biomimetic hydrogels Qian Ma Chinese Swedish University of Roeland Boer ALBA | Barcelona, Spain Crystallographic analysis and biophysical Agricultural Sciences | characterization of the binding between Umeå, Sweden a novel signaling molecule and its target protein Wenshi Wang Chinese Erasmus University MC | Omry Koren Bar-Ilan University | Investigating efficacy and associated Rotterdam, Netherlands Ramat Gan, Israel mechanism of cyclic dietary intervention in Crohn's disease patients Nuo Yu Chinese Erasmus University MC | James Ellis Hospital for Sick Children | Dissection of CLASP1 function in Rotterdam, Netherlands Toronto, Canada cardiomyocytes Youjun Zhang Chinese MPI für molekulare Sarah Connor John Innes Centre | The metabolic engineering of procyanidins Pflanzenphysiologie | Norwich, United Kingdom in the plant cell culture Potsdam-Golm, Germany Tingting Zhu Chinese University | Gent, Belgium Wendy Harwood John Innes Centre | Functional characterization of temperature Norwich, United Kingdom signaling proteins in wheat

46 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Johana C Misas Colombian , Mark Banfield John Innes Centre | Biochemical and structural Villamil Germany Norwich, United Kingdom characterization of the fungal effector Pit2 and its conserved protease inhibitory motif Anamaria Brozovic Croatian Ruđer Bošković Institute | Thomas F. Meyer MPI für Infektionsbiologie Ovarian cancer organoids as a model for Zagreb, Croatia | Berlin, Germany investigation of drug-induced epithelial- mesenchymal transition Ales Drobek Czech Institute of Molecular Carolyn King University of Basel, Tissue localization of virtual memory CD8 Genetics of the ASCR | Switzerland T cells Prague, Czech Republic Ondrej Gahura Czech Biology Centre | Ceske Alexey Amunts Science for Life Laboratory The structure of 20S editosome from Budejovice, Czech | Solna, Sweden Trypanosoma brucei Republic Denisa Jansova Czech Institute of Jeffrey Chao Friedrich Miescher RNA biosensors in living cells Physiology and Genetics | Institute | Basel, AS CZ, Czech Republic Switzerland Petra Labohá Czech Masaryk University | Brno, Lena Palmberg Karolinska Institutet | Cyanobacteria in the air: do the human Czech Republic Stockholm, Sweden lungs like it? Andrea Strakova Czech University of Cambridge, Claes Gustafsson University | Gothenburg, Linking genetic changes to transcription United Kingdom Sweden alterations in canine transmissible tumour mitochondrial Lisa Frankel Danish University | Copenhagen, Andreas Brech University Hospital | Oslo, Elucidating functional interconnections Denmark Norway between autophagy, RNA-binding proteins and ribosome dynamics Anna Kroeze Dutch Sanquin Research | Yvan Saeys University | Gent, Belgium Analysis of cell subsets in acute graft- Amsterdam, Netherlands versus-host disease Chrissta Maracle Dutch University Medical Centre Pierre Morange Aix-Marseille Université | The role of SLC44A2 in Venous | Leiden, Netherlands Marseille, France Thromboembolism Elke Muntjewerff Dutch Radboud University | Gustaf Uppsala University, Visualizing the anti-inflammatory effect Nijmegen, Netherlands Christoffersson Sweden of CST on macrophage differentiation and migration Charlotte Rodrigues Dutch VU University | Reyk Horland Technische Universität | A multi-organ-on-chip approach Neves Amsterdam, Netherlands Berlin, Germany to investigate how leachables from orthodontic restorative materials cause systemic toxicity leading to skin inflammation and rash Cenna Van Manen Dutch Radboud University | Karsten Boldt Universität | Tübingen, Scrutinizing the role of the APC/C in ciliary Nijmegen, Netherlands Germany disassembly by identifying novel substrates using BioID2-proximity labelling and label- free Natalia Vtyurina Dutch University | Groningen, Oddmund Bakke University | Oslo, Norway A live-cell fluorescence imaging platform Netherlands to characterize the mechanism of internalization of nanomedicines by human cells

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 47 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sebastiaan Werten Dutch Medical University | Timm Maier University of Basel, The structural basis of the amino-acid Innsbruck, Austria Switzerland dependent regulation of mTORC1 Mahmoud Naguib Egyptian Uppsala University, Robert Kraus Max Planck Institute for Transcriptomic analysis of the host immune Sweden Ornithology | Starnberg, response against different Influenza A virus Germany subtypes in wild and domestic poultry Karmen Kapp Estonian University of Helsinki, Judith Rollinger University | Vienna, Chemical composition of Inonotus obliquus Finland Austria (Fr.) Pilát and correlation with the anti- herpes simplex virus activity in vitro Aleksandr Kovaltsuk Estonian University of Oxford, Johannes Trück University Hospital | Devising a clean naïve antibody repertoire United Kingdom Zurich, Switzerland Elisa Närvä Finnish University | Turku, Finland Jim Norman Beatson Institute for MASTL-regulated proteome and adhesion Cancer Research | switch Glasgow, United Kingdom Marie-Stéphanie French Karolinska Institutet | Scott Rice Nanyang Technological Role of the type VI secretion system in Aschtgen Stockholm, Sweden University Singapore, Klebsiella pneumoniae biofilm formation Singapore Iulia Blesneac French John Radcliffe Hospital | Sulayman Yale University | West Identification and characterisation of novel Oxford, United Kingdom Dib-Hajj Haven, United States Nav1.9 mutations in patients with chronic neuropathic pain Thibaud Dieudonné French Institut de Biologie Thomas Ruhr-Universität | Dissecting substrate specificity of ATP8B1/ Intégrative de la Cellule | Günther-Pomorski Bochum, Germany CDC50A, a lipid flippase important for Gif-sur-Yvette, France hepatocyte function Nadia Elkhatib French Institut Gustave Roussy | Tatyana Svitkina University of Pennsylvania Crosstalk between clathrin coated Villejuif, France | Philadelphia, United structures and caveolae. Consequences on States cancer cells migration Jonathan Fouchard French University College London, Magali Suzanne Université Paul Sabatier | Biophysics of peripodial membrane United Kingdom Toulouse, France withdrawal in the Drosophila leg disc Florian French Institut de Biologie John R Engen Northeastern University | Studying the TRiC/CCT assisted folding of Georgescauld Physico-Chimique | Paris, Boston, United States human tubulin by hydrogen/deuterium France exchange mass spectrometry Josée French Institut Gustave Roussy | Madalena University of Oxford, Defining and targeting backup DNA repair Guirouilh-Barbat Villejuif, France Tarsounas United Kingdom pathways in BRCA2-deficient cells Anne-Sophie Hafner French MPI für Hirnforschung | Etienne Herzog Interdisciplinary Institute Identification of the local transcriptome in Frankfurt, Germany for Neuroscience (IINS) | mature excitatory presynaptic boutons. Bordeaux, France Yea-Lih Lin French CNRS Institute of Human Wen-Chin Yang Agricultural Anti-cancer effect of novel compounds Genetics | Montpellier, Biotechnology Research targeting DNA replication from Chinese France Center (ABRC) | Taipei, herbal medicines in mouse models Taiwan

48 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Hélène Tubeuf French University of Rouen Shyam K Sharan National Cancer Institute Evaluation of the pathogenicity of variants | Mont-Saint-Aignan, (NCI) | Frederick, United inducing splicing alterations in the France States BRCA1/2 genes using a mouse embryonic stem cell-based functional assay Uwe Benary German Max-Delbrück-Centrum | Francesca King's College | London, Exploring cell fate decisions of progenitor Berlin, Germany Spagnoli United Kingdom cell populations of pancreatic and hepatic cell linages during embryonic development using a systems biological approach Fabian Braun German Universitätsklinikum Sasha Shafikhani Rush University Medical Microvesicular signaling: a new paradigm Eppendorf (UKE) | Center | Chicago, United in glomerular health and disease Hamburg, Germany States Franziska Dengler German Universität Leipzig, Johanna University | Oulu, Finland The role of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl Germany Myllyharju 4-hydroxylases in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis Simone Haeberlein German Justus-Liebig-Universität | Aaron Maule Queens University | Exploring aldehyde dehydrogenase and Abl Giessen, Germany Belfast, United Kingdom kinase as novel druggable targets in the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica Alexander Junge German University | Copenhagen, Zhiyong Lu National Center Text mining of disease-associated genomic Denmark for Biotechnology variants and their integration into the Information | Bethesda, DISEASES database United States Lisa Neidhardt German University of Cambridge, Matthias Mayer Zentrum für Molekulare Characterization of the BiP-IRE1 binding United Kingdom Biologie (ZMBH) | interface by hydrogen exchange mass Heidelberg, Germany spectrometry Jonas Niemann German University | York, United Tomas Universitat Pompeu Fabra Genomic archaeology to resolve an Kingdom Marques-Bonet | Barcelona, Spain evolutionary conundrum Johanna Ruhnau German Ernst-Moritz-Arndt- Amanda Sierra Achucarro Basque Center Role of the Th1 lymphocytes for the Universität Greifswald | for Neuroscience | activation microglia after ischemic stroke Greifswald, Germany Zamudio, Spain Diana Rüthnick German Zentrum für Molekulare Andrew Jefferson University of Oxford, Analysis of the function of a nuclear pore Biologie (ZMBH) | United Kingdom complex during spindle pole body insertion Heidelberg, Germany Janina Stautz German Goethe University | Henrik Strahl Newcastle University, Localisation, organisation and modulation Frankfurt, Germany United Kingdom of the unique K+ channel KtrAB in vivo Florian Stroehl German University of Cambridge, Balpreet University | Tromsø, Development of waveguide-based United Kingdom Ahluwalia Norway superresolution microscopy for nanoscale histology Alexander German University | Würzburg, David W. Holden Imperial College | London, Molecular phenotypes of Salmonella Westermann Germany United Kingdom virulence effectors Alexander Wurm German Universität Leipzig, Cristina Maria University of Cambridge, Interaction of GClnc1 and KAT2A in acute Germany Pina United Kingdom myeloid leukemia

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 49 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project George Diallinas Greek National and Kapodistrian Riccardo Università degli Studi di Co-evolution of transporters and University | Athens, Percudani Parma, Italy relative metabolic pathways: the case of Greece nucleobase-ascorbate transporters (NATs) Katerina Katsani Greek Democritus University of Steven Russell University of Cambridge, Genetic tools for the study of the human Thrace | Komotini, Greece United Kingdom Triple A syndrome in a fly model Antonios Lioutas Greek Centro de Regulación Ting (c.-Ting) Wu Harvard Medical School | Super-resolution microscopy to study Genómica (CRG) | Boston, United States dynamic enhancer-promoter interactions Barcelona, Spain Loulieta Nazerai Greek University | Copenhagen, Daniel Pinschewer University of Basel, Development of novel replication-deficient Denmark Switzerland LCMV vectors expressing Zika virus Michalis Petropoulos Greek University | Patras, Greece Stefan Terjung EMBL | Heidelberg, In-cell assessment of Cdt1/Geminin Germany interactions through high-content imaging John-Mario Roussis Greek IMBB - FORTH | Heraklion, Anita Göndör Karolinska Institutet | In situ interactions of Friend of Greece Stockholm, Sweden GATA1 (FOG-1), an erythroid-specific transcriptional co-factor, with CTCF and the cohesin complex in murine erythroid cells Anastasia Xagara Greek Biomedical Research Robbert Spaapen Sanquin Research | The role of Glycosphingolipid composition Institute - FORTH | Amsterdam, Netherlands on neuroblastoma differentiation and Ioannina, Greece immunogenicity Siu Tze (sarah) Mak Hong Kong University | Copenhagen, Douwe Molenaar VU University | Unraveling the microbial communities of Chinese Denmark Amsterdam, Netherlands Riesling Valéria Bugris Hungarian Biological Research Elspeth Garman University of Oxford, Radiation damage studies of Centre | Szeged, Hungary United Kingdom complexes in macromolecular crystallography Alexandra Veress Hungarian Agricultural Tamas Korcsmaros Research Park | The Comparison of the virulence factors Biotechnology Centre | Genome Analysis Centre, of Salmonella enterica pathovars by Gödöllö, Hungary United Kingdom bioinformatics methods Pratap Chandra Indian Tripura University | Alexandra Paulo University of Lisbon, Screening of spirooxindole derivatives Acharya Agartala, India Portugal as cancer chemotherapeutic agents by targeting G-quadruplex interaction Gautam Anand Indian Indian Institute of Alica Chroňáková Biology Centre | Ceske How safe is organic farming – case study Technology | Delhi, India Budejovice, Czech with effects of pharmaceuticals as an Republic abiotic stress on rhizospheric microbial community Jatin Arora Indian MPI für Evolutionsbiologie | Shyam Prabhakar Genome Institute | A new integrative approach to discover Plön, Germany Singapore, Singapore potential type 1 -relevant complexes of HLA-bound epitopes and autoreactive T-cells Shiyana Arora Indian Panjab University | Alena Sumová Academy of Sciences Elucidation of association of clock genes Chandigarh, India of the Czech Republic | and inflammatory markers of brain and gut Prague, Czech Republic in shift work disorder paradigm in mice

50 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Santhosh Arul Indian Anna University | Chennai, Jean-Claude University of Geneva, Biochemical and molecular role of high India Martinou Switzerland concentration pyruvate in cancer cells – insight as a possible therapeutic agent for cancer treatment Sayak Bhattacharya Indian Jadavpur University | Ute Hentschel GEOMAR | Kiel, Germany Identification and characterization of Kolkata, India Humeida marine bone degrading from the bone-eating Osedax worm and other associated microbial assemblages Gunasekhar Burra Indian Indian Institute of Louise Serpell University | Sussex, United Insights into the molecular structure Technology | Kanpur, India Kingdom of amyloid-like fibrils formed by polyglutamine-containing peptides Siddhi Desai Indian The Maharaja Sayajirao Sylvain Brisse Institut Pasteur | Paris, High resolution genomic analysis of University of Baroda | France multidrug-resistant (MDR) Klebsiella Vadodara, India pneumoniae isolates circulating in Indian country Aabha Deshpande Indian Goa | National Institute of Gert Wörheide Ludwig-Maximilians- Differential gene expression analysis in Oceanography, India Universität | München, marine sponge Cinachyrella cf cavernosa Germany Vaibhav Dixit Indian Birla Institute of Samuel De Visser University of Manchester, Exploring the role of CYP450 redox Technology and Science | United Kingdom potential in isoform specificity and drug Pilani, India metabolism Priyanka Dutta Indian University of Pune | Pune, Laurent Blanchoin Institut de Biosciences Dissecting Formin 2 (Fmn2) mediated India et Biotechnologies | actin-microtubule cross-talk: direct Grenoble, France visualization of cytoskeletal dynamics in vitro reconstituted assays Jitendrapuri Gosai Indian The Maharaja Sayajirao Asaph Aharoni Weizmann Institute of Incipient events of host root colonization University of Baroda | Science | Rehovot, Israel by rhizobia, their regulation and ecological Vadodara, India influence Ishita Gupta Indian Translational Health Titia K. Sixma Netherlands Cancer Molecular understanding of TRIM72 Science and Technology Institute | Amsterdam, mediated IRS1 regulation Institute | Faridabad, India Netherlands Nikhil Jain Indian ETH Zurich, Switzerland Yuval Ebenstein Tel Aviv University, Israel Cell-confinement regulated epigenetic- profiling during inflammation using super- resolution epigenetic genome mapping Shriraj Jakhalekar Indian Goa | National Institute of Alexander Aix-Marseille Université | Studies on impact of reproduction on Oceanography, India Ereskovsky Marseille, France regeneration in sponges (Porifera) Saketh Kapoor Indian Yenepoya University | Antonio Mazzocca Universita | Bari, Italy Development of novel pharmacological Mangalore, India therapies for liver cancer Sachin Kumar Indian Birbal Sahni Institute of Eske Willerslev University | Copenhagen, Reconstructing the human population Palaeosciences | Lucknow, Denmark history of South Asia: from modern to India ancient genomes

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 51 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sanjeev Kumar Indian All India Institute of Rogier W. Sanders University | Amsterdam, Design and development of stabilized Medical Sciences (AIIMS) | Netherlands native-like HIV-1 trimeric immunogen from New Delhi, India Indian clade C envelopes isolated from a pediatric elite neutralizer Kumkum Kumari Indian M S Swaminathan Anne-Aliénor Véry Université II | Montpellier, Model guided site directed mutagenesis of Research Foundation | France the halophytic wild rice sodium transporter Chennai, India OcHKT1;5 and cultivated rice sodium transporter OsHKT1;5 and examination of transport properties in heterologous systems and possible interaction with the plasma membrane proteolipid 3 (PMP3) Nitya Nandkishore Indian Institute for Stem Cell Michael Schubert Observatoire Conservation of developmental Biology and Regenerative Océanologique | mechanisms governing mesoderm Medicine | Bangalore, Villefranche-sur-mer, specification and axial extension among India France Vikram Pareek Indian Birla Institute of Seamus Fanning University College | Mechanistic insights behind the action of Technology and Science | Dublin, Ireland silver nanoparticles on multidrug resistant Pilani, India bacteria Unnati Patel Indian Indian Institute of Science Bernd Bukau Zentrum für Molekulare Ribosome profiling of omega-subunit of | Bangalore, India Biologie (ZMBH) | RNA polymerase and its silent mutants Heidelberg, Germany Pinky  Indian Birla Institute of Tony Miller John Innes Centre | Bi-directional amino acid transport at the Technology and Science | Norwich, United Kingdom plant vacuole by AtAVT6D Pilani, India Tooba Quidwai Indian University of Edinburgh, Gaia Pigino MPI für molekulare Defining a 'coatamer' function for IFT-A in United Kingdom Zellbiologie und Genetik | the transport of membrane cargos into cilia Dresden, Germany Cheryl Sachdeva Indian Amity Institute of Peter Rainer Nanyang Technological Evaluation of selected medicinal plant & Immunology | Noida, Preiser University Singapore, extracts and purified molecules for in vivo India Singapore antimalarial efficacy and inhibition of P. falciparum cytoadherence Devadathan Indian Rajiv Gandhi Centre Moritz Treeck Francis Crick Institute | Functional characterisation of chromatin Sethumadhavan for Biotechnology | London, United Kingdom regulatory proteins in Plasmodium Trivandrum, India falciparum Mohan Shankar G Indian Rajiv Gandhi Centre Connie Jimenez VU University | Evaluation of the molecular mechanism for Biotechnology | Amsterdam, Netherlands behind the anti-cancer activity of Thiruvananthapuram, tryptanthrin against Non-melanoma skin India cancer Tushar Shaw Indian Kasturba Medical College Ivo Steinmetz Medical University | Graz, An investigation of environmental | Manipal, India Austria influence on the growth of Burkholderia pseudomallei in the soil of south west coast of Karnataka

52 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Ranajit Shinde Indian Mukesh Patel Technology Matthias EMBL | Hamburg, Computer aided optimization, in vitro Park | Shirpur, India Wilmanns Germany activity and co-crystallization of Vibrio cholerae DHPBS inhibitors Archana Singh Indian University | Delhi, India Ian T. Baldwin MPI für Chemische A quantitative trait loci mapping study Ökologie | Jena, Germany to detect variation in JA signaling in the MAGIC population of Nicotiana attenuata Priyanka Singh Indian Jawaharlai Nehru Perdita Barran University of Manchester, Exploring the interaction of noradrenaline University | New Delhi, United Kingdom with alpha-synuclein and characterizing India the oligomeric conformers formed in its presence using ESI-IMS-MS Puja Singh Indian Institut Curie | Orsay, Paul Guichard University of Geneva, The role of microtubule polyglutamylation France Switzerland in centriole assembly and function Sanjay Singh Indian Ahmedabad University, Séverine Le Gac University of Twente | Development of 3D tumor spheroid system India Enschede, Netherlands for rapid testing of novel nanomedicines Suraj Toraskar Indian Indian Institute of Science Peter Seeberger MPI für Kolloid- und sTn coated gold nanoparticles as a Education and Research | Grenzflächenforschung | cancer vaccine platform: influence of Pune, India Berlin, Germany size, shape and antigen functionality on immunological responses in vitro and in vivo Manu Unni Indian Indian Institute of Science Irit Sagi Weizmann Institute of Ultra-structural study of Hydra mesoglea Education and Research | Science | Rehovot, Israel Pune, India Eimear Dolan Irish Royal College of Surgeons Elazer Edelman Massachusetts Institute Exploring hydrogel-encapsulated cellular in Ireland | Dublin, Ireland of Technology (MIT) | responses after injection into the beating Cambridge (MA), United myocardium States Robert Kavanagh Irish University College | Diarmuid MPI für Investigating the role that the SEPALLATA Dublin, Ireland O'Maoileidigh Züchtungsforschung | genes may play in developmental Köln, Germany robustness by generating single gene knockouts using CRISPR/Cas9 Aidan Kenny Irish Royal College of Surgeons Jesús Ávila Centre for Molecular Investigating the sequestering in Ireland | Dublin, Ireland Biology 'Severo Ochoa' | mechanisms of pathological tau on Madrid, Spain microRNA in neuronal soma and synaptic compartments Roisin Loftus Irish Trinity College | Dublin, Semir Beyaz Cold Spring Harbor Characterization of molecular mechanisms Ireland Laboratory | New York, that underlie -induced immune United States dysregulation Jordan Chill Israeli Bar-Ilan University | Ramat Michele University of Cambridge, Biocomputational simulation of molecular Gan, Israel Vendruscolo United Kingdom motions in toxin inhibitors and intrinsically disordered proteins Shimrit David Israeli Ben-Gurion University of Sander Van Leiden University, Visualization of bacterial communication the Negev | Beer-Sheva, Kasteren Netherlands during host-pathogen interactions Israel

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 53 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sarah Morais Israeli Ben-Gurion University of Ohad Medalia University of Zurich, Applying cryo-electron microscopy to the Negev | Beer-Sheva, Switzerland unravel in situ structural aspects of Israel cellulosome-mediated fiber degradation Hadas Pahima Israeli Hebrew University | Rudolf Valenta Medical University of Activating and inhibitor receptors: are they Jerusalem, Israel Vienna, Austria the key for fine tuning of allergy? Tamar Zehavi Israeli Ben-Gurion University of David Berry University | Vienna, Unravel mechanisms of rumen microbial the Negev | Beer-Sheva, Austria succession Israel Martino Adamo Italian Università | Torino, Italy Michael Fay Royal Botanic Gardens | Genetic diversity of an isolate population Kew, United Kingdom of the endangered orchid species Cypripedium calceolus Giulia Antoniali Italian Università degli Studi | Wim Vermeulen Erasmus University MC | Disclosing the APE1 function in DDR to Udine, Italy Rotterdam, Netherlands improve efficacy of chemo-therapy Barbara Bettegazzi Italian San Raffaele Institute Sabina Tahirovic Deutsches Zentrum Role of eIF4B in the translational control (HSR/TIGET) | Milano, Italy für Neurodegenerative of BACE1 and its relevance in Alzheimer's Erkrankungen (DZNE) | disease München, Germany Matteo Boretto Italian Katholieke Universiteit | Magdalena University of Cambridge, Modeling embryo attachment and Leuven, Belgium Zernicka-Goetz United Kingdom implantation using 3D endometrial organoids Elena Britti Italian Universitat de Lleida | Andrey Abramov University College London, Parkinson disease and Friedreich ataxia Lleida, Spain United Kingdom show similar mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction and calcium dyshomeostasis Enrica Calura Italian Università di Padova, Italy Sampsa University of Helsinki, A multi-omics pathway analysis for an Hautaniemi Finland actionable understanding of high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer Silvia Campello Italian University 'Tor Vergata' | Klaus Qvortrup University | Copenhagen, Characterization of a new in T Rome, Italy Denmark cell immune-surveillance communication: the migrasome Anselmo Canciani Italian Università | Pavia, Italy Serena Stanga Université Catholique A nerve-muscle co-culture model to de Louvain | Bruxelles, elucidate neurotrypsin function in Belgium neuromuscular junction (NMJ) formation Niccoló Candelise Italian Universität | Göttingen, Paolo Matteini Institute of applied Detection and quantification of protein Germany physics 'Nello Carrara' | aggregates by real time quaking induced Sesto Fiorentino, Italy conversion coupled with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Marianna Carinci Italian Università degli Studi di Nicholas Ktistakis Babraham Institute Role of TFG (Trk-fused gene) in autophagy Roma 'Tor Vergata' | Rome, | Cambridge, United by dynamic imaging Italy Kingdom Nicoletta Caronni Italian ICGEB | Trieste, Italy Pierre King's College | London, How Batf3 lung resident DCs contribute Guermonprez United Kingdom to T cell priming in a Kras/ lung cancer model

54 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Simona Cataldi Italian CNR | Napoli, Italy Jean-François University of Nice Sophia Alteration of splicing at PPARG locus Tanti Antipolis | Nice, France in hypertrophic obesity: impact of inflammation and high fat diet Martina Cerise Italian Università degli Studi | Andrea Gallavotti Waksman Institute of Use of DNA affinity purification sequencing Milano, Italy | Piscataway, (DAP-seq) in order to find targets of OsFD4, United States a flowering promoter at the shoot apical meristem of rice Vincenza Colonna Italian CNR | Napoli, Italy Nicole Soranzo Sanger Institute | Deciphering genetic causes of recurrent Cambridge, United pregnancy losses (REPROS) Kingdom Ugo Coppola Italian Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Alberto Stolfi Georgia Institute of The role of Klhl21 gene during Ciona Dohrnz | Napoli, Italy Technology | Atlanta, robusta pigment cell development United States Elvira De Leonibus Italian University of Rome Karel Jezek Charles University | Pilsen, In vivo neuronal recordings to reveal 'Sapienza' | Rome, Italy Czech Republic cooperation between brain regions under high memory load conditions Daniele De Martino Italian Institute of Science and Matthias University | Groningen, Tackling thermodynamic constraints in Technology Austria (IST) | Heinemann Netherlands metabolic network models with optimized Klosterneuburg, Austria Monte Carlo algorithms & applications to unravel the cause of overflow metabolism Elena De Vita Italian Deutsches Edward Tate Imperial College | London, Proteomic profiling of small molecule KLK6 Krebsforschungszentrum United Kingdom (transient) covalent inhibitors with activity (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, based probes Germany Giulia Dell'Omo Italian University of Milan | Adrian Harris University of Oxford, NSAIDs chemopreventive effects on Milan, Italy United Kingdom angiogenesis Daniela Esposito Italian Institute of Genetics Eleonora Leucci Katholieke Universiteit | Identification of COMET (Correlated-to- and Biophysics 'Adriano Leuven, Belgium MET) lncRNA mechanism of action to Buzzati-Traverso' | Napoli, dissect its oncogenic ability in papillary Italy thyroid carcinoma Irene Farabella Italian Centro de Regulación Ting (c.-Ting) Wu Harvard Medical School | Oligopaint modeling of genomes in 3D Genómica (CRG) | Boston, United States Barcelona, Spain Fabio Fedi Italian University of Nottingham, Richard Finkers University and Research | High-throughput identification of genetic United Kingdom Wageningen, Netherlands and epigenetic natural variation screen for fruit texture-related genes by a novel nanopore sequencing technology approach to improve tomato shelf life Serena Flori Italian Marine Biological Benjamin D. Engel MPI für Biochemie | Unveiling the native rearrangement of the Association of the UK Martinsried, Germany diatom chloroplast under light stress | Plymouth, United Kingdom

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 55 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Marco Gentili Italian Università degli Studi | Julio Juan Galvez Universidad | Granada, Evaluation of the relationship between the Perugia, Italy Peralta Spain microbiota, the intestinal inflammation and the anti-inflammatory protein GILZ Alberto Giaretta Italian Università di Padova, Italy John Doorbar University of Cambridge, Experimental assessment of a United Kingdom mathematical model of human papillomavirus early gene regulation Damiano Lironi Italian University of Rome Aleksandra MPI für molekulare Innovative mass spectrometry approaches 'Sapienza' | Rome, Italy Skirycz Pflanzenphysiologie | to investigate priming of defense responses Potsdam-Golm, Germany in Arabidopsis thaliana Anastasia Liuzzi Italian Università degli Studi di Ditlev Brodersen Aarhus University, Structural and functional analysis of a Parma, Italy Denmark chimeric for therapeutic use Marco Lorenzoni Italian University | Trento, Italy Marianna University | Bern, Multiple 2D and 3D platforms for the Kruithof-De Julio Switzerland analysis of prostate cancer: improving diagnosis and clinical management Flavia Angela Maria Italian Universita | Bari, Italy Jan O. Korbel EMBL | Heidelberg, Discovery of inversion variants between Maggiolini Germany human and macaque genomes using single cell template strand-sequencing Giulia Mana Italian Candiolo Cancer Institute Reinhard Fässler MPI für Biochemie | Characterization of the phenotype of Ras | Candiolo, Italy Martinsried, Germany and Rab interactor (Rin)2 knockout mice Grazia Marsico Italian National University of Niclas Karlsson University | Gothenburg, Elastin-like hydrogel as a therapeutic for Ireland | Galway, Ireland Sweden ischemic conditions: an insight into the glyco-environment Alessia Masuccio Italian Medical University | Matthias Peter ETH Zurich, Switzerland Discovery and mechanistic Innsbruck, Austria characterization of a novel druggable pathway to degrade the oncoprotein SKP2 and inhibit cell cycle progression Chiara Merigliano Italian University of Rome Daniela Rhodes Nanyang Technological and mechanics of the 'Sapienza' | Rome, Italy University Singapore, telomere associated protein AKTIP Singapore Simone Messina Italian University | Antwerp, Valeria Marasco University of Veterinary Physiological stress as a mechanism Belgium Medicine | Vienna, Austria underlying the effects of forest logging on tropical birds Giulia Milordini Italian King's College | London, Daniel Segal Tel Aviv University, Israel Suppressing amyloid formation: a United Kingdom structural approach Elita Montanari Italian University of Rome Graciela Université Paris 13 | Astaxanthin as natural ROS-scavenger 'Sapienza' | Rome, Italy Pavon-Djavid Villetaneuse, France for cardiovascular diseases. Study of its biological availability/efficacy using hyaluronan-based nanogels Francesca Negrini Italian Università | Bologna, Italy Marko Hyvonen University of Cambridge, Characterization of the interaction United Kingdom between Rapid Alkalinization Factor (RALF) and its receptor FERONIA in strawberry

56 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Samuele Negro Italian Università di Padova, Italy Giampietro University College London, Live imaging of alarmins released by Schiavo United Kingdom damaged sciatic nerve Roberto Oleari Italian Università degli Studi | M. Albert Basson King's College | London, Study of Prdm13 gene in the control of Milano, Italy United Kingdom mouse and human reproduction: analysis of the hypothalamic GnIH system Alessandra Pagliaro Italian Institute for Biomedicine | Patrizia Camelliti University | Surrey, United A two-dimensional co-culture system of Bolzano, Italy Kingdom human iPSC-CMs with primary human cardiac fibroblasts for the investigation of Arrythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Anita Palma Italian Instituto Superiore di Massimo Lopes University of Zurich, Visualization of the dynamic architecture Sanità | Roma, Italy Switzerland of replication intermediates upon loss of WRN exonuclease function and CPT treatment Marco Perez Italian Instituto de Biomedicina Shipley Janet Cancer Research UK | Identifying molecular markers of sensitivity de Sevilla | Sevilla, Spain Sutton, United Kingdom in young onset sarcomas Maria Lucia Italian Leibniz-Institut Gabriele Kaminski University of Cambridge, Tracking huntingtin protein aggregation in Pigazzini für Molekulare Schierle United Kingdom aging C.elegans Pharmakologie (FMP) | Berlin, Germany Giulia Pontarollo Italian University | Padua, Italy Christoph Johannes-Gutenberg- The role of gut microbiota Bacillus subtilis Reinhardt Universität | Mainz, in haemostasis and thrombosis: an in vivo Germany study with germ-free mice Rita Puglisi Italian King's College | London, Elisabetta Boeri Institut de Biologie Investigating the biogenesis of iron United Kingdom Erba Structurale | Grenoble, sulfur clusters and identifying reaction France intermediates using native mass spectrometry Antonella Rendina Italian CNR | Napoli, Italy Massimiliano Utrecht University, Neuroimmune overlapping mutations Caiazzo Netherlands leading to dementia: focusing on CD33 and TREM2 genes Leonardo Sacconi Italian University of Florence | Gil Bub McGill University | Optically induced re-entrant circuit in Sesto Fiorentino, Italy Montreal, Canada patterned cardiac monolayers Nathalie Sala Italian University of Milan | Barbara Di Universität | Regensburg, Assessing the role of EphA4/ephrinA3 Milan, Italy Benedetto Germany signaling in modulating ketamine and corticosterone effects on dendritic remodeling Francesca Sardina Italian National Research Council Andrew Grierson University | Sheffield, The HIPK2 kinase/spastin axis in hereditary | Rome, Italy United Kingdom spastic paraplegia (HSP): functional roles and potential therapeutic applications Gloria Scattolin Italian Università di Padova, Italy Michelangelo | Exploring the interaction of Campanella London, United Kingdom dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) with the mitochondrial cholesterol transporter TSPO Daisy Sproviero Italian Fondazione Mondino | Ammar Al-Chalabi King's College | London, R-loop forming sequences in ALS TARDBP Pavia, Italy United Kingdom and C9orf72 mutated cases

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 57 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Laura Tosatto Italian University | Trento, Italy Xavier Salvatella Institute for Research in Influence of phosphorylation in the Biomedicine | Barcelona, structural heterogeneity of androgen Spain receptor disordered N-terminal domain Elisa Vitiello Italian University of Grenoble Guillaume University College London, Light control of actomyosin contractility to | Saint-Martin-d'Hères, Charras United Kingdom tune centriole separation and France duplication Vitaliy Khlebnikov Kazakhstani University Medical Silvio Aime Università | Torino, Italy Development of chemical exchange Centre (UMC) | Utrecht, saturation transfer (CEST) MRI contrast Netherlands agents for non-invasive MRI monitoring of tissue engineering therapies Biljana Mojsoska Macedonian Technical University Dominique University of Grenoble Determining novel insights behind of Denmark | Lyngby, Schneider | Saint-Martin-d'Hères, persister phenotype using two long-term Denmark France evolutionary experiments Maria Isabel Nares Mexican University | Sheffield, Paul Hudson Royal Institute of Engineering double strand breaks in Rodriguez United Kingdom Technology | Stockholm, Synechocystis using CRISPR Cas systems Sweden Sara Ettamimi Moroccan Universidade do Algarve | Katja Lehmann Centre for Ecology and Taxonomic characterization and functional Faro, Portugal Hydrology | Lancaster, analysis of microbial diversity in Moroccan United Kingdom rivers using a metagenomics approach Irving Aye New University of Cambridge, Masahito Ikawa Research Institute for Placental-specific gene editing system Zealander United Kingdom Microbial Diseases | to study the mechanisms underlying Osaka, Japan pregnancy disorders Malgorzata Polish University | Warsaw, Emmanuella University of Zurich, Exploring the role of HDAC6 in cutaneous Bobrowicz Poland Guenova Switzerland T-cell lymphoma Dominika Polish The Polish Academy of Leho Tedersoo University | Tartu, Estonia Habitat translocation and its effect on Chmolowska Sciences | Warsaw, Poland species preservation and migration Małgorzata Cieśla Polish The Polish Academy of Jean-Paul Di Rago University of Bordeaux | Identification of new inhibitors of RNA Sciences | Warsaw, Poland Bordeaux, France polymerase III using yeast-based screening assay Michal Falkowski Polish Nicolaus Copernicus Valentina Rapozzi Università degli Studi | The relation between NO-NRF2 and University | Bydgoszcz, Udine, Italy photodynamic therapy (PDT) in prostate Poland cancer Piotr Hapeta Polish University | Wroclaw, Jens Nielsen Chalmers University of Transcriptomic analysis of the yeast Poland Technlogy | Göteborg, Yarrowia lipolytica growing on different Sweden sugars, glycerol and mixtures of those substrates Natalia Lis Polish Jacobs Universität | Benedict Karolinska Institutet | MCMV m152/gp40 sterically prevents the Bremen, Germany Chambers Stockholm, Sweden binding of NKG2D to RAE-1gamma Monika Polish University | Gdansk, Tom Pinceel Katholieke Universiteit | Coevolution of the endangered fairy shrimp Mioduchowska Poland Leuven, Belgium Branchipus schaefferi (Brianchopoda, Anostraca) and intracellular endosymbiont Wolbachia bacteria

58 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Adrian Odrzywolski Polish Medical University of Joris Vermeesch Katholieke Universiteit | Genetic basis of Gollop-Wolfgang Lublin | Lublin, Poland Leuven, Belgium syndrome Katarzyna Rodzik Polish The Centre of Laura Poliseno CNR Institute of Clinical Study of the biological role played by MCM7 Postgraduate Medical Physiology | Pisa, Italy and its embedded miR-106b-25 cluster Education | Warsaw, in clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) Poland progression. Joanna Rusecka Polish University | Warsaw, Aurelio Reyes MRC Mitochondrial Functional analysis of a novel potentially Poland Biology Unit | Cambridge, pathogenic c.493G>C (p.Gly165Arg) variant United Kingdom in the RNASEH1 gene Paulina Rybakowska Polish Center for Genomics Yvan Saeys University | Gent, Belgium Systemic autoimmune diseases and Oncology Research stratification using single cell high- (GenyO) | Granada, Spain dimensional mass cytometry data Łukasz Szymański Polish The General Karol Jacek Kubiak Université de Rennes 1 | Overexpression of MELK as a tool for Kaczkowski Military Rennes, France accelerated wound healing Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology | Warsaw, Poland Elżbieta Wanowska Polish Adam Mickiewicz Manel Esteller Institut d'Investigacio The roles of lncRNAs in alternative splicing University | Poznan, Biomedica de Bellvitage regulation and chromatin structure Poland (IDIBELL) | Barcelona, modulation Spain Zbigniew Warkocki Polish Polish Academy of Jose L Universidad | Granada, Investigation of the molecular mechanisms Sciences | Poznan, Poland Garcia-Perez Spain of retrotranspozon silencing at the post- transcriptional level in human – concept building and initial studies Valery Zayat Polish The Polish Academy of Magdalena University of Cambridge, Recapitulation of early events of human Sciences | Warsaw, Poland Zernicka-Goetz United Kingdom peri-implementation development by creating a model of human embryogenesis with the use of stem cells in a chemically- defined 3D culture conditions without destroying embryos Krystyna Polish The Polish Academy of Silvia Instituto Universitario Role of Wnt/beta-catenin in the three- Zyzynska-Galenska Sciences | Warsaw, Poland Muñoz-Descalzo de Investigaviones dimensional cell distribution during cell Biomédicas y Sanitarias fate decision in early mouse embryos | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain José Eduardo Araújo Portuguese Universidade NOVA de Janne Lethio Karolinska Institutet | Insight in peritoneal fibrosis by analysis Lisboa | Lisbon, Portugal Stockholm, Sweden of the peritoneal dialysis effluent by HiRIEF (high-resolution peptide isoelectric focusing) and TMT (tandem mass tags) proteomics and peptidomics Joana Gaifem Portuguese Universidade do Minho | Alexander Mosig University Hospital | Jena, Deciphering the microbiome and metabolic Braga, Portugal Germany factors contributing to protection against ulcerative colitis

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 59 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sofia Gomes Portuguese Leiden University, Gerhard Gebauer University | Bayreuth, Natural abundance of carbon and nitrogen Netherlands Germany stable isotopes of fungal guilds Cátia Janota Portuguese University of Lisbon, Pablo Vargas Institut Curie | Paris, The impact of confinement on cell Portugal France architecture during migration Carla Lopes Portuguese Instituto Gulbenkian de Susana Godinho Queen Mary | University Establishment of 3D human culture Ciência | Oeiras, Portugal of London, United systems to investigate the causes and Kingdom consequences of centrosome amplification in Barrett's esophagus tumorigenesis Cátia Monteiro Portuguese Centro Nacional Elizabeth Moyal Cancer Research Center | Molecular regulation of microenvironment- de Investigaciones Toulouse, France dependent radiation resistance in brain Oncológicas (CNIO) | metastasis Madrid, Spain Daniela Pinto Portuguese Technische Universität | Rute da Fonseca University | Copenhagen, Divergent evolution and horizontal gene Dresden, Germany Denmark transfer in the extracytoplasmic function sigma factor protein family Susana Rocha Portuguese Katholieke Universiteit | Rodrigo Barderas Instituto de Salud Carlos Matrix mechanics driving cancer Leuven, Belgium III-ISCII | Majadahonda, progression Spain Ana Cláudia Silva Portuguese University of Castilla-La Sebastian Eves- University of Cambridge, Epigenetic changes during the formation Mancha | Ciudad Real, Van Den Akker United Kingdom and maintenance of galls, by the root-knot Spain nematode Meloidogyne javanica Aleksandra Russian Gregor Mendel Institute of Igor Ulitsky Weizmann Institute of Mapping lncRNAs in hundreds of A.thaliana Kornienko Molecular Plant Biology | Science | Rehovot, Israel natural accessions and investigating the Vienna, Austria role of transposable elements in their variation Anastasia Russian Politecnico di Milano | Sabine Rolland Du University of Grenoble X-ray microtomography study of a biofilm Shchegolikhina Milano, Italy Roscoat | Saint-Martin-d'Hères, growth within 3D-printed copy of a soil France pore network Jakub Kraus Slovak Masaryk University | Brno, Mats Fredrikson Uppsala University, Gaba, glutamate, and brain function Czech Republic Sweden Dominika Kubalová Slovak Slovak Academy of Anne-Claude EMBL | Heidelberg, The role of oxysterol-binding homology Sciences | Bratislava, Gavin Germany protein Osh6 in the transport of anionic Slovakia phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol Martina Gobec Slovenian University of Ljubljana | Gerd Bendas Universität Bonn, Evaluation of Bax inhibition and Ljubljana, Slovenia Germany degradation as a possible therapeutic approach Ainhoa Alberro Spanish BioDonostia Health Johannes Grillari University of Natural Plasma extracellular vesicles in human Garitano Research Institute | San Resources & Life Sciences aging: comparison of isolation methods, Sebastian, Spain (BOKU) | Vienna, Austria characterization and functional analysis of different vesicle subtypes Elvira Alfaro Arnedo Spanish CIBIR - Center for Martin Charité - The role of IGF1R in pneumococcal Biomedical Research of La Witzenrath Universitätsmedizin | pneumonia Rioja | Logrono, Spain Berlin, Germany

60 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Maria Isabel Spanish Hospital Clínico Provincial Christian Gilissen Radboud University | Implementation of DNA 'omic' technologies Alvarez-Mora | Barcelona, Spain Nijmegen, Netherlands for the identification of disease causing variants in undiagnosed disorders Erik Aostri Spanish University of the Basque Gary Stephens University | Reading, Characterization of the effect of Country | Leioa, Spain United Kingdom non-psychoactive cannabinoids on hippocampal synapses Jaione Arnaez Spanish Basque Center on Aviv Mezer Hebrew University | Macromolecular properties of human Cognition | Brain and Jerusalem, Israel hippocampal subregions, age-related Language, Spain changes and associations with memory performance Esther Arnaiz Spanish BioDonostia Health Adrian Harris University of Oxford, Identification and function of hypoxic non- Research Institute | San United Kingdom coding RNA in renal carcinoma Sebastian, Spain Angeles Aroca Spanish Instituto de Bioquímica Milos Filipovic Institut de Biochimie et Role of hydrogen sulfide in autophagy Aguilar Vegetal y Fotosíntesis Génétique Cellulaires (IBVF), Spain (IBGC) | Bordeaux, France Laura Spanish University | Copenhagen, Dorothee Staiger University | Bielefeld, Identification of mRNAs bound by specific Arribas-Hernandez Denmark Germany N6-methyladenosine-binding proteins with key roles in plant developmental timing Alexandra Atienza Spanish Universidad Autonoma | Stefano De Renzis EMBL | Heidelberg, Deciphering the role of the cubilin- Madrid, Spain Germany amnionless complex in regulating Drosophila melanogaster nephrocyte morphology Jesús Beltrán García Spanish University | Valencia, Lluis Fajas Coll University | Lausanne, Epigenetics and immunosuppression in Spain Switzerland sepsis and septic shock. Potential use of and their PTMs as biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis Maria Spanish Center for Genomics John Lacava Rockefeller University | Defining the interactome of human active Benitez-Guijarro and Oncology Research New York, United States LINE-1 retrotransposons in pluripotent (GenyO) | Granada, Spain cells: understanding how new LINE-1 insertions are epigenetically silenced during embryogenesis Rebeca Berdún Spanish Universitat de Lleida | Craig Wheelock Karolinska Institutet | Characterization of changes in CNS Lleida, Spain Stockholm, Sweden oxylipins levels during obesity Paula Blanco Torres Spanish Centro Nacional de Dan Andersson Uppsala University, Prediction of antimicrobial peptide Biotecnología (CNB) | Sweden resistance in the opportunistic pathogen Madrid, Spain Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Alfonso Spanish Autonomous University of Simonetta Grilli Institute of Applied Feasibility study of human cell Blazquez-Castro Madrid | Madrid, Spain Sciences and Intelligent electroporation by the pyroelectric effect of Systems | Pozzuoli, Italy lithium niobate

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 61 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Alba Boix Amorós Spanish Universidad Politecnica | Marca Wauben Utrecht University, Study of human and bacterial extracellular Valencia, Spain Netherlands vesicles from human breastmilk in healthy and mastitis-suffering women María Del Mar Spanish Center for Genomics Jose Guerrero University of Cambridge, Validation of disease human models Bonillo Lamolda and Oncology Research United Kingdom derived from Bernard-Soulier syndrome (GenyO) | Granada, Spain patients with mutations in GP9 gene and their subsequent correction by gene therapy Cristina Bueno Spanish Universidad Complutense Linette Willemsen Utrecht University, Interaction of 2S albumin allergens with de Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, Netherlands intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) as a model Spain in allergy development Ricardo Calderón Spanish Instituto De Investigación Elsa Anes University of Lisbon, Role of cathepsins during Mycobacterium González Marqués De Valdecilla | Portugal tuberculosis-HIV co-infection Santander, Spain Pedro Carmona-Saez Spanish Center for Genomics Julio RWTH University | Aachen, Deciphering regulatory networks in and Oncology Research Saez-Rodriguez Germany systemic lupus erythematosus (GenyO) | Granada, Spain Mar Carrión Caballo Spanish Complutense University Elena Neumann Justus-Liebig-Universität | The role of the VIP/receptors axis in of Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, Giessen, Germany rheumatoid arthritis bone remodeling Spain Javier Casares Arias Spanish Centre for Molecular Juan Martin King's College | London, ESCRT machinery in midbody remnant Biology 'Severo Ochoa' | Serrano United Kingdom inheritance in epithelial cells Madrid, Spain José Carlos Spanish Complutense University Sergi King's College | London, Looking through the physical forces that Castillo-Sánchez of Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, Garcia-Manyes United Kingdom maintain lung surfactant as highly packed Spain membrane complexes Tania Cid Díaz Spanish Universidade | Santiago Ainhoa Mielgo University of Liverpool, Assessment of obestatin/GPR39 system de Compostela, Spain United Kingdom as a regulator of skeletal muscle mass in pancreatic cancer-associated cachexia Inmaculada Coleto Spanish University of the Basque Rodrigo Gutierrez Pontifical Catholic Identification of novel ammonium- Country | Leioa, Spain University of Chile | responsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana Santiago de Chile, Chile using RNA-seq analysis Sandra De La Fuente Spanish Institut de Recerca Sven Hendrix University | Hasselt, Generation of genetically engineered Ruiz Biomèdica | Lleida, Spain Belgium cells to stimulate neuroprotection and in neurodegeneration Marc De Manuel Spanish Universitat Pompeu Fabra Tom Gilbert University | Copenhagen, The evolutionary history of lions based on | Barcelona, Spain Denmark ancient whole-genome sequences Irene Del Hierro Spanish Centro de Biotecnología Julia Santiago University | Lausanne, Structural characterization of pattern García y Genómica de Plantas | Cuellar Switzerland recognition receptors/glycan ligands Madrid, Spain complexes regulating plant immune responses Judit Domingo Prim Spanish Stockholm University, Pablo Huertas CABIMER | Sevilla, Spain The role of EXOSC10 and DIS3 in resection Sweden of DNA double-strand breaks

62 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Carlos Durántez Spanish University | Valladolid, Clara Prats University | Copenhagen, High resolution respirometry Spain Denmark mitochondrial measurements in isolated skeletal muscle fibers Cristina Egido Spanish Universidad de Angela Bradshaw University of Glasgow, Development of viral vectors as gene Turrión Salamanca, Spain United Kingdom therapy for the rare disease: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Beatriz Escudero Spanish Heinrich Pette Institute | Benjamin Mount Sinai School of Evaluation of interferon role in bat Pérez Hamburg, Germany TenOever Medicine | New York, xenochimeric mice infected with Marburg United States virus Pau B. Spanish Universidad Autonoma | Gerald S. Shadel Salk Institute for Neuronal specificity of mitochondrial stress Esparza-Moltó Madrid, Spain Biological Studies | La signaling Jolla, United States David Esteve-Bruna Spanish Instituto de Biología Moussa Institute of Plant Sciences Regulation of RNA Pol II activity by DELLA- Molecular y Celular de Benhamed Paris - Saclay | Orsay, prefoldin-Paf1c in Arabidopsis Plantas | Valencia, Spain France Ana Falcon Spanish Centro Nacional de Jose Jalife University of Michigan | Cardiac Purkinje cells infection by Biotecnología (CNB) | Ann Arbor, United States pathogenic influenza virus Madrid, Spain Ángela Fernández Spanish University | Oviedo, Spain Henry Morris Massachusetts General Roles of PTH in regulating pace and stage Iglesias Kronenberg Hospital | Boston, United of differentiation of cells of the osteoblast States lineage Cristina María Spanish University | Valladolid, University of Oxford, Role of IDE protein ( Degrading Fernández-Díaz Spain United Kingdom Enzyme) on pancreatic hormones secretion Maria Desamparados Spanish The Foundation for the Oscar Kuipers University | Groningen, Bacteriocin gene clusters in Streptococcus Ferrer Promotion of Health and Netherlands dentisani: regulation, identification, Biomedical Research | production and characterization of novel Valencia, Spain antimicrobials to inhibit ESKAPE pathogens Anais Franco Spanish Università di Padova, Italy Sharon Tooze Francis Crick Institute | Dissecting the role of an orphan gene Romero London, United Kingdom in autophagy, a new FoxO-dependent regulator of muscle mass Carlos Galán Spanish Centro Nacional James Donald Children's Hospital Boston Mitochondrial transplantation for ischemia de Investigaciones McCully | Boston, United States reperfusión injury Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Madrid, Spain Juan Manuel Garcia Spanish Institut Curie | Paris, Stefan Wieser ICFO – The Institute Super-resolution imaging of cortex Arcos France of Photonic Sciences | dynamics in amoeboid migrating cancer Castelldefels, Spain cells Marta García León Spanish Centro Nacional de Nathalie Aix-Marseille Université | AtALIX mediated regulation of stomatal Biotecnología (CNB) | Leonhardt Marseille, France dynamics in response to hydric stress Madrid, Spain

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 63 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Laura García Spanish Universidad | Zaragoza, Ivo Lambrichts University | Hasselt, Molecular and histological characterization Mendívil Spain Belgium of human age-related cardiac remodeling by second harmonic generation and multiplex immuhistochemistry Nuria García-Díaz Spanish Instituto De Investigación David Gomez- University College | Dissecting the malignant signaling axes Marqués De Valdecilla | Matallanas Dublin, Ireland driving the development and progression Santander, Spain of cutaneous T cell lymphoma and Merkel cell carcinoma. A proteomic approach for diagnosis and therapy Álvaro García Spanish University of Malaga, Spain Clara Sanchez ETH Zurich, Switzerland Unraveling the mechanism of TTLs proteins Rodriguez in cellulose biosynthesis Galo Goig Spanish Instituto de Biomedicina Nicola Segata University | Trento, Italy Towards strain-level resolution of lung de Valencia (IBV) | microbiota interactions during tuberculosis Valencia, Spain disease Yolanda Elisabet Spanish Centro Andaluz de Marc Wösten Utrecht University, Flagella and pili microscopy and motility González Flores Biologia del Desarrollo Netherlands studies in Sphingopyxis granuli strain TFA (CABD) | Sevilla, Spain in aerobic and anaerobic conditions Elena Gonzalez Spanish Instituto de Biología Bertrand Université Paul Sabatier | In vivo imaging of secondary neurulation Gobartt Molecular de Barcelona Benazeraf Toulouse, France and associated neural tube defects (IBMB) | Barcelona, Spain Lucía González Spanish Instituto de Investigación Christoph University | Victoria, Application of an iMALDI method for the Rodríguez Biomédica | A Coruña, Borchers Canada validation of cartilage-related biomarkers Spain in clinical samples Carolina Gutierrez Spanish Hospital Universitario Valentina University | Gothenburg, Changes in gut microbiota in obese Repiso Virgen de la Victoria | Tremaroli Sweden subjects after biliopancreatic diversion Malaga, Spain surgery and its association with changes in metabolic and inflammatory parameters Cristina Herencias Spanish Centro de Investigaciones Aljoscha Wahl University of Technology | Determination of the path network wiring Biológicas (CIB / CSIC) | Delft, Netherlands fatty acid metabolism in the predatory Madrid, Spain bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus Carla Huerta-López Spanish Centro Nacional Gordana Columbia University | Novel protein scaffolds to guide maturation de Investigaciones Vunjak-Novakovic New York, United States of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Madrid, Spain Isaac Hurtado Spanish University of Malaga, Shohreh University | Copenhagen, Soluble interferon beta receptor in Guerrero Spain Issazadeh-Navikas Denmark Parkinson's disease and its role in the modulation of interferon beta in a neuroinflammatory context Elías Spanish University of Alicante | James Hartwell University of Liverpool, Exploration of Phosphoenolpyruvate Hurtado-Gaitán Alicante, Spain United Kingdom Carboxylase Kinase (PEPC-K) as a regulator of carbon flow towards phenylpropanoid- stilbenoid pathways in grapevine (Vitis vinifera)

64 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Jon Lapeyra Spanish University of the Basque Tom Gilbert University | Copenhagen, Contrasting the gut microbiome of wild Country | Leioa, Spain Denmark and farmed fish species from the Biscay Bay (technique optimisation and scientific collaboration) Oriol Llorà Spanish Insituto de Salud Global Jake Baum Imperial College | London, A conditional over-expression system to de Barcelona | Barcelona, United Kingdom decipher sexual conversion in Spain parasites Patricia Llorente Spanish Centre for Molecular James Adjaye Heinrich Heine University Study of the lysosomal function and Biology 'Severo Ochoa' | | Düsseldorf, Germany its repercussion on APP processing / Madrid, Spain metabolism in SAD patients iPSc-derived neurons Moisés Maestro Spanish Centro Nacional de Eri Sakata MPI für Biochemie | The chaperone-mediated ubiquitin Biotecnología (CNB) | Martinsried, Germany degradation system (CUPS): Madrid, Spain a structural analysis of the interaction of the Hsp70: substrate complex with the proteasome Juan Manuel Martí Spanish Instituto de Parasitología Ester Hammond University of Oxford, Involvement of PARP-1 in replicative stress Martín-Consuegra y Biomedicina 'López- United Kingdom during early hypoxia Neyra' (IPBLN) | Granada, Spain María Carmen Spanish Universidad Complutense Bernhard University of Birmingham, Multimodal decoding of episodic memory Martín-Buro de Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, Staresina United Kingdom reactivation in humans: from single-cells to Spain whole brain interactions Aranzazu Martínez Spanish University | Valencia, Luca Scorrano Università di Padova, Italy Study of the influence of the OPA1 protein De Marañón Peris Spain on and insulin metabolism in Patricia Mendoza Spanish University | Gothenburg, Uwe Irion MPI für In vivo characterization of ALKALs and Garcia Sweden Entwicklungsbiologie | their receptors in neural crest and Tübingen, Germany neuroblastoma development Miriam Merenciano Spanish Institute of Evolutionary Michael Boutros Deutsches Deciphering the phenotypic effect of Biology (IEB) | Barcelona, Krebsforschungszentrum putatively adaptive transposable elements Spain (DKFZ) | Heidelberg, using CRISPR genome engineering Germany Miguel Merlos Spanish Mendel University | Brno, María Luz CIC bioGUNE | Derio, Metallothionein-2 as a metabolism Czech Republic Martínez Chantar Spain regulator altering chemotherapeutic efficiency Andrés Spanish Universidad Autonoma | Jeff Errington Newcastle University, Unravelling the molecular mechanism Miguel-Arribas Madrid, Spain United Kingdom of a novel antitermination system that is widespread on conjugative plasmids of gram-positive bacteria

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 65 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Elisa Millana Spanish Università | Pavia, Italy Annalisa Pastore King's College | London, Structural study of NOX5 regulatory Fananas United Kingdom domain and its interaction with the catalytic domain by NMR Ana Monteagudo Spanish Universitat de Barcelona | Maria-Elena Helmholtz Zentrum | Using dCas9-fusions to address the role Sánchez Barcelona, Spain Torres-Padilla München, Germany of Zinc-finger KRAB-domain containing proteins in the protection of oocyte- derived methylation during embryonic reprogramming Cristina Spanish University | Aberswyth, Paolo Consiglio per la Ricerca Identification of quantitative trait loci Monterrubio Martin United Kingdom Annicchiarico in Agricoltura e l'Analisi (QTLs) controlling response to drought and dell'Economia Agraria | re-hydration in white clover (Trifolium Lodi, Italy repens) Beatriz Moreno Ruiz Spanish University of Castilla-La Tatiana Korotkova MPI für Oscillatory activity in hypothalamus Mancha | Albacete, Spain Stoffwechselforschung | during different phases of feeding-related Köln, Germany behaviors Virginia Spanish Universitat de Barcelona | Janine B. Illian University | St Andrews, Using innovative Bayesian methods Morera-Pujol Barcelona, Spain United Kingdom to investigate fine-scale processes affecting spatial distribution of seabirds: a metapopulation approach Noelia Spanish Centro Nacional David Sedmera Charles University in Characterization of the electrical activity in Munoz-Martín de Investigaciones Prague | Prague, Czech meis1flox/flox; meis2flox/flox; alphaMHC- Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Republic CREwt/- fetal hearts by optical mapping Madrid, Spain technology Luna Peláez Noelia Spanish CABIMER | Sevilla, Spain Valentina Massa University of Milan | Analysis of the interaction of bromodomain Milan, Italy BET proteins with the Cornelia de Lange- associated factor Nipbl Carlos Núñez Otero Spanish Umeå University, Sweden Dagmar Heuer Robert-Koch-Institut | Use photo-affinity probes to identify the Berlin, Germany target of anti-Chlamydia compounds in isolated inclusions Anna Palle Lopez Spanish Cajal Institute | Madrid, Pablo Chamero University of Tours | Tours, Study of the role of vomeronasal sensory Spain France signaling in the establishment of aggression-induced social dominance Paul Spanish University of Malaga, Sigolène Meilhac Institut Pasteur | Paris, Reparative and pro-regenerative Palmquist-Gomes Spain France mechanisms in the vertebrate embryonic heart Iván Parra Izquierdo Spanish University | Valladolid, Adrian H. Chester Imperial College | London, Side-specific effects of interferons in aortic Spain United Kingdom valve endothelial cells Pedro Pastor Spanish Centre for Research in Antía Rodriguez ETH Zurich, Switzerland Spatial analyses of the architecture of the Agricultural Genomics Villalon SAS regulatory network (CRAG) | Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

66 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Patricia Pérez Spanish Centro Nacional de Santiago Institute for Research in In vivo characterization if distinct Ramírez Biotecnología (CNB) | González Biomedicine | Bellinzona, neutrophil subtype responses after Madrid, Spain Switzerland infection with vaccinia virus Rosario Prados Spanish CABIMER | Sevilla, Spain Neus Visa Stockholm University, Exploring the connection between DNA Carvajal Sweden repair and RNA editing Sara Ramírez Spanish Institut D'Investigacions Carmen Sandi Swiss Federal Institute Investigating the link between brain Biomèdiques August of Technology | Lausanne, insulin resistance and the development Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) | Switzerland of cognitive and mood disorders in the Barcelona, Spain context of obesity and T2D Facundo Nehuén Spanish Universidad de Fabrizio d'Adda di Istituto FIRC | Milano, CRISPR-Cas targeting damage-induced Ramos Ochoa Salamanca, Spain Fagagna Italy long non-coding RNAs as a novel tool to modulate the DNA damage response in mammalian cells Consuelo Ripoll Spanish Universidad | Granada, Michela University | Trento, Italy High-throughput screening of metabolic Spain Alessandra Denti targets and antitumoral metabolic drug candidates for breast cancer diagnosis and therapy Lucía Robado De Spanish Centro Nacional Richard Mark Memorial Sloan-Kettering Identification of novel mechanisms Lope de Investigaciones White Cancer Center | New York, involved in tumor-adipose tissue crosstalk Oncológicas (CNIO) | United States during melanoma metastasis Madrid, Spain Rita Mariana Robles Spanish Instituto de Neurociencias Menno Witter Norwegian University Analyzing the structure and function of the Picó | San Juan de Alicante, of Science & Technology neuronal microcircuits of the restrosplenial Spain (NTNU) | Trondheim, cortex Norway Jeronimo Spanish Cajal Institute | Madrid, David Bikard Institut Pasteur | Paris, CRISPRi targeting: using CRISPR-mediated Rodríguez-Beltran Spain France to combat antimicrobial resistance Judith Rodríguez Spanish Institut de Recerca de Michelle Buckner University of Birmingham, Anti-plasmid natural compounds to l'Hospital de la Santa Creu United Kingdom combat antimicrobial resistance i Sant Pau | Barcelona, Spain Maria Saigi Spanish PEBC | L'Hospitalet de David A. Barbie Dana-Farber Cancer Contribution of MET genetic alterations in Llobregat (Barcelona), Institute | Boston, United lung cancer immunosurveillance capability, Spain States using derived organotypic tumour spheroids Pablo San Segundo Spanish Universidad Complutense Peter Nilsson Royal Institute of Identification of new protein biomarkers in Acosta de Madrid (UCM) | Madrid, Technology | Stockholm, the serum and CSF of Alzheimer's Disease Spain Sweden patients using protein microarrays Fátima Sánchez Spanish University | Copenhagen, Tomas Universitat Pompeu Fabra The genomic consequences of near Barreiro Denmark Marques-Bonet | Barcelona, Spain extinction in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis L.)

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 67 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Laura Sanchez Spanish Universitat Autonoma Ario De Marco University of Nova Gorica Identification of novel CXCR4 ligands for de Barcelona | Barcelona, | Vipava, Slovenia cell-targeted nanomedicines of metastatic Spain cancer Laura Spanish Vreje Universiteit Brussels, Gavin Kelsey Babraham Institute Epigenetic safety assessment in mouse Saucedo-Cuevas Belgium | Cambridge, United blastocyts derived from in vitro follicle Kingdom culture Jorge Simón Spanish CIC bioGUNE | Derio, Andreas Bikfalvi University of Bordeaux | Modulating angiogenesis by targeting Spain Bordeaux, France NEDDylation Miguel Simon Spanish Universitat Autonoma Asaph Aharoni Weizmann Institute of Omics and imaging approaches to unveil de Barcelona | Barcelona, Science | Rehovot, Israel the roles of PIF1a during tomato fruit Spain ripening Sergi Taboada Spanish Natural History Museum | Tomasz Suchan The Polish Academy of Developing and implementing hyRAD London, United Kingdom Sciences | Warsaw, Poland (hybridization capture using RAD probes) on a key deep-water sponge from the North Atlantic Rebeca Torregrosa Spanish Centro Nacional Didier Stainier Max-Planck-Institut Signaling downstream of Notch in heart Carrión de Investigaciones für Herz- und development: role of Gpr126 Cardiovasculares (CNIC) | Lungenforschung | Bad Madrid, Spain Nauheim, Germany Covadonga Vara Spanish Universitat Autònoma de Irene Johannes Kepler Exploring active recombination hotspots González Barcelona | Cerdanyola, Tiemann-Boege University | Linz, Austria via sperm-typing in house mice natural Spain populations presenting different PRDM9 allelic diversity Joana Vitallé Spanish Biocruces Bizkaia Health Sergi Wellcome Trust Centre for Human CD300a receptor: a new target of Research Institute | Padilla-Parra Human Genetics | Oxford, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to Barakaldo, Spain United Kingdom bind and infect host cells? Aurélia Emonet Swiss University | Lausanne, Paul MPI für Impact of the rhizosphere community on Switzerland Schulze-Lefert Züchtungsforschung | flg22-hypersensitive Arabidospsis thaliana Köln, Germany lines Shang-Te Danny Hsu Taiwanese Academia Sinica | Taipei, Friedrich Förster Utrecht University, Visualizing how mitochondrial Taiwan Netherlands nanomachines response to stress signals by cryoelectron tomography Feyza Alyu Tekes Turkish Anadolu University | Roberto Università | Camerino, Role of PPARgamma receptor in Eskisehir, Turkey Ciccocioppo Italy neuropathic pain: identification of new pharmacological strategies Gizem Caliskan Turkish Cumhuriyet University | Laszlo Tora Institute of Genetics and Structure/function studies of the ATAC Sivas, Turkey Molecular and Cellular histone acetyltransferase coactivator Biology (IGBMC) | Illkirch, transcription complex France Yeliz Demirci Turkish Dokuz Eylul University | Irene European Bioinformatics Investigation of the genetic pathways in Izmir, Turkey Papatheodorou Institute | Hinxton | early and late stage brain regeneration Cambridge, United using the zebrafish model Kingdom

68 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Ufuk Demirel Turkish Nigde Omer Halisdemir Csaba Hornyik The James Hutton Investigation of molecular response University | Nigde, Turkey Institute | Invergowrie, mechanisms of potato against abiotic United Kingdom stress Enis Hidisoglu Turkish Akdeniz University | Andrea Università | Torino, Italy Early alterations of hippocampal GABAergic Antalya, Turkey Marcantoni synaptic properties induced by Abeta42 oligomers Ozge Karadas Turkish Institute of Technology | Laoise McNamara National University of The effect of mechanical signals on Izmir, Turkey Ireland | Galway, Ireland osteogenic differentiation of stem cells on paper scaffolds in a vibration/perfusion bioreactor Burcu Nur Keceli Turkish Ghent University, Belgium Frédéric Berger Gregor Mendel Institute of In vitro and in vivo interaction properties Molecular Plant Biology | of the chromatin organizing factor heat Vienna, Austria intolerant 4 and centromeric histone 3 Melek Cemre Manav Turkish Aarhus University, Lori A. Passmore MRC Laboratory of Structural studies of a novel (p)ppGpp Denmark Molecular Biology | synthease enzyme SAS_RNaseH II from Cambridge, United Mycobacterium fortuitum Kingdom Alp Ozgun Turkish Bogazici University | António Salgado Universidade do Minho | Investigating molecular mechanisms of Istanbul, Turkey Braga, Portugal neural stem cell differentiation under the effect of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields Filiz Senbabaoglu Turkish Koc University | Istanbul, Udo Oppermann University of Oxford, Identification of chromatin related genes Turkey United Kingdom regulating Temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma multiforme Mehmet Yabas Turkish Trakya University | Edirne, Sebastian Herzog Medical University | Deciphering the mechanism by which Turkey Innsbruck, Austria phospholipid flippase ATP11C controls early B cell development Reyhan Yaka Turkish Middle East Technical Anders Stockholm University, Development of an optimal ancient DNA University | Ankara, Turkey Götherström Sweden capture method for samples with varying levels of preservation Poonam Bheda US-American Helmholtz Zentrum Jane Mellor University of Oxford, Single-molecule analysis of transcriptional München | Neuherberg, United Kingdom noise during gene induction and repression Germany in yeast Erika Urdaneta Venezuelan Humboldt University | Sander University of Edinburgh, Dissecting the infection RBPome of the Berlin, Germany Granneman United Kingdom major pathogens Salmonella Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus Phong Nguyen Vietnamese Architecture et fonction Carlos Tornero Centro de Investigaciones Structural insights into Ty1 and Ty3 des macromolecules Biológicas (CIB / CSIC) | yeast retrotransposons DNA integration biologiques | Marseille, Madrid, Spain mechanism(s) at genes transcribed by RNA France Polymerase III

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 69 EMBO | EuropaBio Joint Fellowship awarded in 2018 Name Nationality Home institute Group leader Host institute Project Sarah Aitken British University of Cambridge, Núria López-Bigas Institute for Research in An integrated genomic and epigenomic United Kingdom Biomedicine | Barcelona, analysis of Ctcf hemizygosity in physiology Spain and chemical carcinogenesis Ondřej Mikula Czech Academy of Sciences Daniel Falush University | Bath, United History of speciation and admixture in of the Czech Republic | Kingdom Ethiopian rodents Prague, Czech Republic Bálint Mészáros Hungarian Eötvös Loánd University | Toby Gibson EMBL | Heidelberg, MIMIC: mapping integrin mediated Budapest, Hungary Germany interactions Regis Correa Portuguese Instituto de Biología David Baulcombe University of Cambridge, The role of plant virus-acquired Molecular y Celular de United Kingdom adaptations on host epigenetic responses: a Plantas | Valencia, Spain systems biology integrative view

70 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 71 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 2018: Geographical distribution


To From* Austria Belgium Croatia Republic Czech Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India (A) Ireland Israel Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Singapore (A) Republic Slovak Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom EMBL Eastern Europe USA / Canada Others Total Austria 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 16 Belgium 1 2 3 2 2 1 5 1 17 Croatia 1 1 Czech Republic 2 1 1 4 Denmark 1 1 2 2 6 1 2 15 Estonia 1 1 Finland 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 10 France 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 2 2 19 2 4 1 2 51 Germany 2 1 2 3 1 9 1 1 9 1 3 3 2 19 3 1 1 8 4 74 Greece 1 1 Hungary Iceland India (A) Ireland 2 2 1 1 2 8 Israel 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 14 Italy 1 2 3 1 2 1 9 1 2 2 2 26 Lithuania Luxembourg Malta 1 1 Montenegro Netherlands 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 9 1 1 23 Norway 1 1 1 3 1 7 Poland 1 1 Portugal 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 12 Singapore (A) 1 1 1 2 1 6 Slovak Republic Slovenia 1 1 2 Spain 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 29 Sweden 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 4 25 Switzerland 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 12 2 1 32 Turkey 1 1 United Kingdom 5 1 2 5 1 2 15 1 2 8 2 24 3 2 2 1 40 2 1 4 1 3 127 EMBL 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Eastern Europe USA / Canada 1 2 3 7 1 1 2 4 9 2 1 38 1 1 73 Others 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 13 Total 12 15 3 10 18 1 3 13 33 8 6 56 7 10 68 1 17 1 16 13 1 4 190 10 5 15 37 1 1 3 20 598

* “From” refers to home institute (see list on pages 46 – 72) 72 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 2018: Geographical distribution


To From* Austria Belgium Croatia Republic Czech Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India (A) Ireland Israel Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Singapore (A) Republic Slovak Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom EMBL Eastern Europe USA / Canada Others Total Austria 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 10 Belgium 2 2 2 3 1 10 Croatia Czech Republic 2 1 1 4 Denmark 1 1 2 4 2 10 Estonia 1 1 Finland 1 1 1 3 France 2 1 1 5 4 1 2 1 9 1 4 31 Germany 2 1 1 2 5 1 5 3 1 2 9 3 1 6 42 Greece Hungary Iceland India (A) Ireland 1 1 1 3 Israel 2 2 1 2 1 2 10 Italy 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 15 Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Netherlands 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 6 1 1 19 Norway 1 1 1 1 4 Poland 1 1 Portugal 1 1 1 3 Singapore (A) 1 1 1 1 4 Slovak Republic Slovenia 1 1 Spain 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 17 Sweden 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 18 Switzerland 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 19 Turkey United Kingdom 5 2 1 2 12 1 2 5 1 15 1 2 2 20 1 1 2 2 77 EMBL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Eastern Europe USA / Canada 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 24 Others 1 1 2 4 Total 7 13 1 6 10 1 2 11 21 5 2 31 5 5 41 12 1 14 5 1 2 90 7 3 10 28 3 337

* “From” refers to home institute (see list on pages 46 – 72) EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Short-Term Fellowships 73 EMBO Young Investigators

www.embo.org/funding-awards/young-investigators [email protected]

Through the Young Investigator Programme, EMBO identifies and supports some of the best Gerlind Wallon young researchers in the life sciences. EMBO Young Investigators are group leaders in the early Programme Head stages of setting up an independent laboratory in EMBC Member States, Associate Member States or countries and territories covered by a co-operation agreement.

EMBO Young Investigators 2018 Name Nationality Institute Research interest Country Vaishnavi Indian Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Quantitative biology of the and IN Ananthanarayanan associated proteins Tom Baden German , Brighton Evolution of feature computation in the vertebrate UK retina Emmanuelle Bayer French Laboratory of Membrane Biogenesis CNRS-UMR, The function of membrane tethering in plant FR Villenave d'Ornon intercellular communication David Bikard French Institut Pasteur, Paris Studying and fighting pathogenic bacteria with the FR help of CRISPR Mathieu Brochet French University of Geneva Signalling in malaria parasites CH Ross Chapman British University of Oxford Mechanism and control of DNA repair in immunity UK and oncogenesis Polly Lei Lei Chen Chinese National University of Singapore Understanding RNA editing in human cancer: Causes SG and functional consequences Alan Cheung British University College London Molecular mechanisms of the transcriptional UK coactivator complexes SAGA and NuA4 Sebastian Deindl German Uppsala University Single-molecule and structural studies of ATP- SE dependent chromatin remodelling Xiaoqi Feng Chinese John Innes Centre, Norwich Epigenetic reprogramming in plant germlines UK Meritxell Huch Spanish , University of Cambridge Understanding liver regeneration and its implication UK in liver cancer Nicole Joller Swiss University of Zurich Immune regulation through infection history CH Taco Kooij Dutch Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen Unravelling malaria parasite to inform NL intervention strategies Yanlan Mao British University College London Mechanical regulation of tissue growth and UK regeneration Ivan Matic Croatian Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne ADP-ribosylation in DNA repair and ageing DE

74 EMBO Young Investigators EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigators 2018 Name Nationality Institute Research interest Country Hind Medyouf French Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Tumor Biology and Role of the bone marrow microenvironment in DE Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt hematopoietic malignancies Andrea Pauli German IMP, Vienna Protein-based control - from fertilization through AT embryogenesis Martin Pilhofer German ETH Zurich Multiscale models of macromolecular machines CH mediating cell-cell interactions Anthony Roberts British Birkbeck College, London Building the cilium with ATP-driven molecular UK motors Nathalie Rochefort French University of Edinburgh Neuronal processing of visual information in the UK mouse visual cortex Peter Sarkies British Imperial College, London Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and UK evolution Ziv Shulman Israeli Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Cellular dynamics of the antibody immune response IL Manuel Valiente Spanish Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Metastatic colonization of the brain ES Madrid Sven Van Teeffelen German Institut Pasteur, Paris Physical cell biology of bacteria – cell shape, cell size FR and growth Julie Welburn French Wellcome Trust Centre, Edinburgh Cooperation of microtubule motors, cargos and their UK tracks Hyun Youk Canadian University of Technology, Delft Distinguishing long-term dormancy from death: NL Principles of restarting life

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigators 75 Applications and awards 2014 – 2018 Country from* Applications % of total Awards Success rate % % of total Austria 26 2.5 8 30.8 6.2 Belgium 26 2.5 1 3.8 0.8 Croatia 3 0.3 0 0 0 Czech Republic 11 1.1 0 0 0 Denmark 21 2.0 0 0 0 Estonia 0 0 0 0 0 Finland 10 1.0 0 0 0 France 85 8.1 16 18.8 12.4 Germany 144 13.8 22 15.3 17.1 Greece 4 0.4 0 0 0 Hungary 4 0.4 0 0 0 Iceland 2 0.2 0 0 0 Ireland 8 0.8 0 0 0 Israel 39 3.7 7 17.9 5.4 Italy 50 4.8 3 6.0 2.3 Luxembourg 2 0.2 1 50 0.8 Netherlands 38 3.6 5 13.2 3.9 Norway 4 0.4 0 0 0 Poland 4 0.4 1 25.0 0.8 Portugal 38 3.6 0 0 0 Slovakia 1 0.1 0 0 0 Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 Spain 78 7.5 6 7.7 4.7 Sweden 42 4.0 2 4.8 1.6 Switzerland 57 5.5 17 29.8 13.2 Turkey 6 0.6 0 0 0 United Kingdom 199 19.1 29 14.6 22.5 Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 Singapore 26 2.5 7 26.9 5.4 Taiwan 10 1.0 1 10 0.8 India 98 9.4 3 3.1 2.3 Others 7 0.7 0 0 0 Total 1043 129

76 EMBO Young Investigators EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigator Lectures 2018 Young Investigator Conference Location Date Ana Cvejic 19th Australia and New Zealand Zebrafish Meeting AU-Wollongong 27 January – 4 February Bungo Akiyoshi International Congress of Cell Biology 2018 (ICCB 2018) IN-Hyderabad 27 – 31 January Ana Jesus Garcia Saez 4th EACR Conference A Matter of Life or Death: From Basic NL-Amsterdam 1 – 3 February Cell Death Mechanisms to Novel Cancer Treatments Suzan Rooijakkers Keystone Symposia on Antibodies as Drugs: Translating CA-Whistler, British 25 February – 2 Molecules into Treatments. Columbia March Manuel Thery EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Tissue Self-Organisation: DE-Heidelberg 11 – 14 March Challenging the Systems Ana Jesus Garcia Saez SPACELL: São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on BR-São Paulo 15 – 25 March Frontiers in Cell Biology Carmine Settembre Autophagy: Basic Biology, Aging and Age-Related Diseases IT-Via Giovanni Pascoli, 18 – 23 March Lucca (Barga Claudine Kraft Autophagy: Basic Biology, Aging and Age-Related Diseases IT-Via Giovanni Pascoli, 18 – 23 March Lucca (Barga), Joanna Sułkowska 255th ACS National Meeting, Cyclic and Topologically US-New Orleans 18 – 22 March Complex Polymer Symposium Kristin Tessmar-Raible 2nd International FishMed Conference on Zebrafish PL-Warsaw 25 – 27 March Research, FishMed2018 Filippo Del Bene 2nd International FishMed Conference on Zebrafish PL-Warsaw 25 – 27 March Research, FishMed2018 Nolwenn Jouvenet RNA viruses: Immunology, pathogenesis and translational IN-New Delhi 28 – 30 March opportunities Elena Seiradake Big Questions in Biomedical Research DE-Rottach-Egern 4 – 7 April Ana Claudia Marques EMBO workshop on Noncoding RNAs in Embryonic IL-Rehovot 8 – 11 April Development and Cell Differentiation Maria Luisa Cochella Noncoding RNA IL-Rehovot 8 – 11 April Pere Roca-Cusachs EMBO Workshop on Nuclear mechano-genomics SG-Singapore 17 – 20 April Magdalini Polymenidou 9th International Meeting on Unstable Microsatellites and IT-Naples 21 – 26 April Human Disease (UMHD9) Kristin Tessmar-Raible 2018 SRBR Biennial Meeting US-Amelia Island, Florida 12 – 16 May Magdalini Polymenidou EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Cellular Mechanisms Driven by DE-Heidelberg 14 – 17 May Liquid Phase Separation Lori Passmore Pseudoenzymes 2018: From molecular mechanisms to cell IT-Cagliari 16 – 18 May biology (EMBO workshop)

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigators 77 EMBO Young Investigator Lectures 2018 Young Investigator Conference Location Date Manuel Thery EMBO | EMBL Symposium: : From Atoms to DE-Heidelberg 27 – 30 May Complex Systems Nicolas Plachta Cell Polarity Signalling 2018 - The Role of Cell Polarity US-West Dover 2 – 9 June Networks in Development, Growth Control, and Regeneration Thomas Wollert 83rd Harden Conference: Autophagy - from Molecules to GB-Chesford Grange, 3 – 7 June Disease II Warwickshire Sonja Lorenz The Ubiquitin System: Function, Physiology and its Role in BS-Nassau 3 – 6 June Disease Maria Luisa Cochella EMBO Workshop - C. elegans development, cell biology and ES-Barcelona 13 – 17 June gene expression Hendrik Poeck 23rd Congress of European Hematology Association (EHA) SE-Stockholm 14 – 17 June Yogesh Kulathu FASEB meeting, Ubiquitin and Cellular regulation US-Colorado, Snowmass 17 – 22 June Village Yue Wan 13th Microsymposium on Small RNAs AT-Vienna 18 – 20 June Diego Pasini When and Where: temporal and spatial regulation of IT-Rome 20 – 22 June biological processes Gaëlle Legube Chromatin Structure and Function US-Newry, Maine 22 – 27 June Lori Passmore 2018 FASEB SRC: Post-transcriptional Control of Gene US-Scottsdale, Arizona 24 – 29 June Expression: Mechanisms of RNA Decay Marek Basler Gordon Research Conference on Bacterial Cell Surfaces US-Mount Snow, West 24 – 29 June Dover Jochen Rink 7th Euro Evo Devo (EED) meeting – “Evolution of IE-Galway 26 – 29 June regeneration in Metazoa” symposium Igor Ulitsky EMBO Workshop: RNA: Structure meets function SE-Stockholm 1 – 4 July Sebastian Hiller Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) IT-Lucca 7 – 13 July “Mitochondria and Chloroplasts” Yuki Nakamura The 23rd International Symposium on Plant Lipids JP-Yokohama 8 – 13 July (ISPL2018) Paola Picotti In-situ methods in cell biology and biophysics DE-Berlin 26 – 28 July Bungo Akiyoshi GRC Centromere Biology: The Structure, Function and US-Mount Snow 29 July – 3 August Evolution of Centromeres Nicolas Plachta 2018 GRC on Mammalian Reproduction IT-Lucca 29 July – 3 August Ana Eulalio 2nd Argentine Meeting on Non-coding RNA Biology AR-Buenos Aires 30 – 31 July Ana Jesus Garcia Saez 2018 Gordon Research Conference/Gordon Research US-Newry, Maine 4 – 10 August Seminar on Cell Death

78 EMBO Young Investigators EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigator Lectures 2018 Young Investigator Conference Location Date Nicolas Plachta Santa Cruz Developmental Biology Meeting US-Santa Cruz 11 – 15 August Alessandro Vannini ECM31 European crystallographic association ES-Oviedo 22 – 27 August Alvaro Rada-Iglesias EMBL Conference: Transcription and Chromatin DE-Heidelberg 25 – 28 August Manuel Irimia Neurofly, 17th European Drosophila Neurobiology PL-Krakow 3 – 7 September Conference Yogesh Kulathu Finnish Symposium on Proteostasis in Health and Disease FI-Helsinki 4 September Jochen Rink EMBO workshop on Size and Shape IN-Bangalore 4 – 8 September Yogesh Kulathu EMBO workshop on Modularity of signaling proteins and AT-Seefeld in Tirol 16 – 21 September networks Sonja Lorenz EMBO workshop on Modularity of signaling proteins and AT-Seefeld in Tirol 16 – 21 September networks Isabel Bäurle FISV- Italian Federation for the Life Sciences - 2018 XV IT-Rome 18 – 21 September Congress Nicola Iovino FISV- Italian Federation for the Life Sciences - 2018 XV IT-Rome 18 – 21 September Congress Lori Passmore Complex life of RNA DE-Heidelberg 3 – 6 October Martin Jinek Complex Life of RNA DE-Heidelberg 4 – 6 October Ana Cvejic 4th annual meeting of the Danish RNA Society DK-Copenhagen 10 October Kristin Tessmar-Raible Wild Clocks Meeting 2018 DE-Seewiesen 16 – 18 October Petra Hajkova Molecular Mechanisms of Developmental and Regenerative SG-Singapore 10 – 13 November Biology Julien Vermot Conférence Jacques Monod: Modelling Cell Fate FR-Roscoff 19 – 23 November Claire Wyart 20th EMBL PhD Symposium: Game Changers - Taking the DE-Heidelberg 22 – 24 November Life Sciences to the Next Level Martin Lenz 20th EMBL PhD Symposium: Game Changers - Taking the DE-Heidelberg 22 – 24 November Life Sciences to the Next Level

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Young Investigators 79 EMBO Installation Grants

www.embo.org/funding-awards/installation-grants [email protected]

EMBO Installation Grants support early-career scientists establishing independent laboratories Gerlind Wallon in one of six participating EMBC Member States that fund their respective grantees. At present, Programme Head the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Turkey accept Installation Grant applications with the aim of strengthening the life sciences in these countries.

EMBO Installation Grant Recipients 2018 Name Nationality Moving from Moving to Research interest Ogun Adebali Turkish University of North Carolina, Sabanci University, Istanbul, TR Precise G protein-coupled receptor Chapel Hill, USA evolution in the context of genetic diseases Serap Aksu Turkish Bilkent University, Ankara, TR Koç University, Istanbul, TR Exploring immune cell signalling in-situ and in real time Claudia Bank German Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Fitness landscapes and the predictability Oeiras, PT Oeiras, PT of evolution Sukru Anil Dogan Turkish MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, TR ROS-mediated control of tissue-specific Cambridge, UK mitochondrial biogenesis Serap Erkek Turkish Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Epigenetic regulation of bladder cancer Center, TR Center, TR Anna Karnkowska Polish University of Warsaw, PL University of Warsaw, PL Evolution of phototrophy in eukaryotes Serkan Kir Turkish Koç University, Istanbul, TR Koç University, Istanbul, TR Dissecting tumour-induced signalling pathways driving energy wasting Lukasz Piatkowski Polish Institute of Physical Chemistry of Poznan University of Technology, Biological water: The role of hydration in the Polish Academy of Sciences, PL organization Warsaw, PL Martin Schwarzer Czech Institute of Microbiology, Czech Institute of Microbiology, Czech Deciphering the bacteria-driven host Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ juvenile growth promotion Michal Szymanski Polish Intercollegiate Faculty of Intercollegiate Faculty of Structural basis for DNA repair in human Biotechnology of University of Biotechnology of University of mitochondria Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, PL Gdansk, PL

80 EMBO Installation Grants EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses & Workshops

www.embo.org/funding-awards/courses-workshops [email protected]

Through the Courses & Workshops Programme, EMBO supports and encourages the sharing of Gerlind Wallon scientific knowledge and skills across all career stages and disciplines in the life sciences. EMBO Programme Head funds over 90 scientific events every year, which are organised by some of the leading scientists in their fields and attract more than 11,000 participants annually.

EMBO Courses | Workshops | Symposia 2018 Title Organizer Location Dates Practical Courses 2018 bioinformatics for life scientists R. Salek UK-Cambridge 5 – 9 February EMBC Member States Techniques for mammary gland research M.D. Vivanco DE-Heidelberg 4 – 9 March Advanced optical microscopy for cell biology B. Amos UK-Plymouth 4 – 14 April Molecular interrogation of single-cells to P. IT-Siena 6 – 12 April decipher population heterogeneity and Ricciardi-Castagnoli plasticity Extracellular vesicles: From biology to A. Hendrix DE-Heidelberg 8 – 14 April biomedical application Characterisation of post-translational M.R. Larsen DK-Odense 19 – 26 April modifications in cellular signalling Microbial metagenomics: A 360º approach J.E. González-Pastor DE-Heidelberg 23 – 30 April Computational molecular evolution A. Stamatakis GR-Heraklion 6 – 17 May Characterisation of macromolecular complexes M. Marcia FR-Grenoble 12 – 19 May by integrative structural biology iCLIP: Genomic views of protein-RNA E. Bechara ES-Barcelona 3 – 9 June interactions Advanced electron microscopy for cell biology C. Stigloher DE-Würzburg 12 – 22 June Quantitative proteomics: Strategies and tools J. Krijgsveld DE-Heidelberg 17 – 22 June to probe biology 3D developmental imaging G. Martins PT-Oeiras 30 June – 8 July Integrative modelling of biomolecular A. Bonvin ES-Barcelona 2 – 6 July interactions Light sheet microscopy P. Tomancak DE-Dresden 2 – 11 August

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses & Workshops 81 EMBO Courses | Workshops | Symposia 2018 Title Organizer Location Dates Practical Courses 2018 Molecular geobiology H. Sapers DE-Heidelberg 26 – 31 August EMBC Member States Microbial ecology: Hands-on training in D. Fontaneto BE-Bruxelles 2 – 7 September (continued) prokaryotic and eukaryotic metagenomics (ICME-9) Cryo-electron microscopy and 3D image C. Sachse DE-Heidelberg 2 – 10 September processing methods Membrane PEPC1 (Membrane Protein C. Löw DE-Hamburg 10 – 18 September Expression Purification Characterization 1) Correlative light electron microscopy P. Verkade UK-Bristol 23 – 28 September Tree building: Advanced concepts and practice T.M. Embley PT-Faro 24 – 29 September of phylogenetic analysis Phenotyping neurological syndromes for R. Krause LU-Luxembourg 4 – 10 October systems genetics Biomolecular interaction analysis 2018: From F. Silva PT-Porto 29 October – 3 November molecules to cells Computational analysis of protein-protein A. Via IT-Rome 5 – 10 November interactions: Sequences, networks and diseases Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and E. Sabidó ES-Barcelona 11 – 16 November data analysis Solution scattering from biological D. Svergun DE-Hamburg 19 – 26 November macromolecules

Practical Courses 2018 CEM3DIP 2018: of macromolecular assemblies R. Natesh IN-New Delhi 18 – 29 March EMBC Associate Member and cellular tomography States

Practical Courses 2018 Developmental biology J. Ewer CL-Quintay 9 – 21 January Co-operation Partner Country

Workshops 2018 Exocytosis and endocytosis: From synaptic E. Karatekin ES-Tenerife 16 – 20 January EMBC Member States vesicles to nanodiscs Optimizations and trade-offs in cell growth N. Barkai IL-Rehovot 25 – 27 February and survival Microglia 2018 C. Gross DE-Heidelberg 18 – 21 March

82 EMBO Courses & Workshops EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses | Workshops | Symposia 2018 Title Organizer Location Dates Workshops 2018 Noncoding RNAs in embryonic development I. Ulitsky IL-Rehovot 8 – 11 April EMBC Member States and cell differentiation (continued) Perspectives on skin cancer prevention G.P. Dotto CH-Les Diablerets 8 – 11 April Integrating systems biology: From networks to P. Falter-Braun DE-Heidelberg 15 – 17 April mechanisms to models Telomere biology in health and human disease S. Boulton PT-Troia 1 – 6 May Lysosomes and metabolism R. Ricci IT-Naples 6 – 9 May Molecular neurobiology E. Seiradake GR-Heraklion 8 – 12 May Target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling in L. Ryabova FR-Strasbourg 15 – 19 May photosynthetic organisms Pseudoenzymes 2018: From molecular E. Zeqiraj IT-Sardinia 16 – 19 May mechanisms to cell biology Molecular biology of mitochondrial gene N.G. Larsson SE-Svartsjö 20 – 24 May expression Challenges for magnetic resonance in life G. Parigi IT-Grosseto 27 – 31 May sciences Plant genome stability and change 2018 C. White DE-Gatersleben 3 – 6 June

Chromatin dynamics and nuclear organization in E. Soutoglou FR-Illkirch 3 – 7 June genome maintenance Gene transcription in yeast: From global F. Stutz ES-Sant Feliu de 9 – 14 June analyses to single cells Guixols Bacterial persistence and antimicrobial therapy C. Dehio CH-Ascona 10 – 14 June C. elegans development, cell biology and gene S. Van Den Heuvel ES-Barcelona 13 – 17 June expression Cortical interneurons in health and disease O. Marín ES-Costa d´En 17 – 20 June Blanes Dendrites 2018: Dendritic anatomy, molecules P. Poirazi GR-Heraklion 17 – 20 June and function New shores in land plant evolution J. Becker PT-Lisbon 20 – 23 June

Membrane fusion in health and disease Y. Modis UK-Cambridge 24 – 28 June Molecular and developmental biology of S. Bray GR-Kolymbari 24 – 30 June drosophila Antibodies and complement: Effector functions, P. Bruhns ES-Girona 28 June – 1 July therapies and technologies RNA: Structure meets function G. Castelo-Branco SE-Stockholm 1 – 4 July archipelago

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses & Workshops 83 EMBO Courses | Workshops | Symposia 2018 Title Organizer Location Dates Workshops 2018 Viruses of microbes 2018 K. Dabrowska PL-Wrocław 9 – 13 July EMBC Member States Imaging mouse development T. Hiiragi DE-Heidelberg 24 – 27 July (continued) In-situ methods in cell biology and cellular P. Selenko DE-Berlin 26 – 28 July biophysics Cell and developmental systems S.G. Martin CH-Arolla 20 – 24 August Lymphocyte antigen receptor signalling C.T. Baldari IT-Siena 25 – 29 August Chemical biology 2018 M. Köhn DE-Heidelberg 29 August – 1 September Molecular biology of archaea: From C. Schleper AT-Vienna 3 – 5 September mechanisms to ecology Physics of cells: From biochemical to R. Hawkins UK-Harrogate 3 – 7 September mechanical (PhysCell 2018) Enzymes, biocatalysis and chemical biology: A. Mattevi IT-Pavia 9 – 12 September The new frontiers Nuclear receptors and biological networks S. Mandrup GR-Kolymbari 11 – 15 September Physics of integrated biological systems M. Labouesse FR-Cargèse 11 – 21 September piRNAs and PIWI proteins M. Simonelig FR-Montpellier 12 – 15 September Cellular signalling and cancer therapy M. Sibilia HR-Cavtat 14 – 18 September The molecular and cellular basis of J. Godwin MT-Valetta 15 – 19 September regeneration and tissue repair Modularity of signaling proteins and networks Y. Ivarsson AT-Seefeld in Tirol 16 – 21 September DNA replication, chromosome segregation and Z. Lygerou GR-Kyllini 17 – 21 September fate decisions Membrane contact sites in health and disease T. Simmen CH-Arosa 21 – 25 September The inflammasomes V. Hornung DE-Martinsried 25 – 28 September Molecular advances and parasite strategies in M.A. Hakimi FR-Les Embiez 30 September – 3 October host infection Island Cilia 2018 L. Pedersen DK-Copenhagen 2 – 5 October RNA and genome maintenance: Cooperation P. Beli DE-Mainz 10 – 13 October and conflict management From epigenome towards epitranscriptome in M.R. Matarazzo IT-Capri 14 – 17 October cell fate choice Experimental approaches to evolution and K.R. Patil DE-Heidelberg 17 – 20 October ecology using yeast and other model systems Endoplasmic reticulum function in health and M. Lemberg IT-Lucca 21 – 25 October disease

84 EMBO Courses & Workshops EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses | Workshops | Symposia 2018 Title Organizer Location Dates Workshops 2018 Phagocytosis of dying cells: Molecules, K. Ravichandran BE-Ghent 24 – 27 October EMBC Member States mechanisms and therapeutic implications (continued) Mechanisms of neuronal remodelling A. Yaron IL-Kibbutz 8 – 12 December Ein-Gedi

Workshops 2018 Modelling infectious diseases in the cell and J. Hiscox SG-Singapore 22 – 24 January EMBC Associate Member host States Nuclear mechano-genomics V.G. Shivashankar SG-Singapore 17 – 20 April Size and shape J. Rink IN-Bangalore 4 – 8 September Molecular mechanisms of developmental and R. Dunn SG-Singapore 11 – 13 November regenerative biology

Workshops 2018 Neural development C.T. Chien TW-Taipei 2 – 6 March Co-operation Partner Country

EMBO | EMBL Symposia Tissue self-organisation: Challenging the T. Hiiragi DE-Heidelberg 11 – 14 March 2018 systems EMBC Member States DNA replication: From basic biology to disease T. Halazonetis DE-Heidelberg 7 – 10 May Cellular mechanisms driven by liquid phase E. Lemke DE-Heidelberg 14 – 17 May separation Microtubules: From atoms to complex systems C. Janke DE-Heidelberg 27 – 30 May Biological oscillators: Design, mechanism, A. Aulehla DE-Heidelberg 3 – 5 June function Innate immunity in host-pathogen interactions F. Randow DE-Heidelberg 24 – 27 June Principles of chromosome structure and C. Haering DE-Heidelberg 5 – 8 September function Organoids: Modelling organ development and J. Knoblich DE-Heidelberg 10 – 13 September disease in 3D culture The human microbiome P. Bork DE-Heidelberg 16 – 19 September The complex life of RNA A. Ephrussi DE-Heidelberg 3 – 6 October

India | EMBO Symposia Big data in biomedicine A. Agrawal IN-Delhi 25 – 27 February EMBC Associate RNA viruses: Immunology, pathogenesis and G. Medigeshi IN-New Delhi 28 – 30 March Member States translational opportunities From synapses to memory: RNA based S. Banerjee IN-Manesar 15 – 18 October regulatory mechanisms

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Courses & Workshops 85 86 EMBO Courses & Workshops EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Keynote Lectures

www.embo.org/funding-awards/lecture-grants [email protected]

EMBO funds its members and associate members to give a keynote lectures at international Gerlind Wallon scientific meetings. The aim of the lectures is to support the exchange of scientific knowledge, Programme Head support members in forming and maintaining scientific networks and collaborations, and to raise awareness of EMBO.

EMBO Keynote Lectures 2018 Name Lecture Title Location Date Keynote Lectures 2018 Sophien Kamoun 14th European Conference on Fungal IL-Haifa 25 – 28 February EMBC Member States Genetics Tim Clausen Microbial Stress: From System to Molecules IE-Kinsale 23 – 25 April and Back Roger Patient IUBMB Focused Meeting on GATA GR-Lasithi 28 May – 1 June Transcription Factors in Development and Disease Anne Eichmann International Vascular Biology Meeting FI-Helsinki 3 – 7 June 2018 Kristian Helin FASEB Science Research Conference on IT-Florence 17 – 22 June Biological Methylation: Fundamental Mechanisms in Human Health & Disease Ido Amit EACR25 From Fundamental Insight to NL-Amsterdam 30 June – 3 July Rational Cancer Treatment Susan M. Gasser The 43rd FEBS Congress – Biochemistry CZ-Prague 7 – 12 July Forever Anne Ridley Small G Proteins in Cellular Signalling and UK-Cambridge 9 – 12 July Disease Dirk Görlich Life at the Edge: The Nuclear Envelope in DE-Potsdam 25 – 28 July Nucleocytoplasmic Transport, Genome Organization and Cell Cycle Regulation Ray Dixon 13th European Nitrogen Fixation SE-Stockholm 18 – 21 August Conference Regine Hengge The 5th Young Microbiologists Symposium UK-Belfast 27 – 28 August on Microbe Signalling, Organisation and Pathogenesis Jennifer Frankfurt Conference on Quality Control DE-Frankfurt 2 – 6 September Lippincott-Schwartz

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Keynote Lectures 87 EMBO Keynote Lectures 2018 Name Lecture Title Location Date Keynote Lectures 2018 Elly M. Tanaka Engineering Multicellular Self Organization UK-Cambridge 3 – 4 September EMBC Member States (continued) Wolf Reik FISV 2018 XV Congress IT-Roma 18 – 21 September Claudio Gualerzi Central European Symposium on HR-Sveti Martin na 19 – 22 September Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Muri Resistance CESAR 2018 Olli Kallioniemi Curie Multidisciplinary International FR-Paris 24 – 29 September Course on Computational Systems Biology of Cancer Magdalena 3rd International Meeting – Building the FR-Paris 26 – 28 September Zernicka-Goetz Cell Thomas J. Silhavy Bacterial Protein Export 2018 BE-Leuven 30 September – 3 October Karen Vousden Mechanisms to Therapies: Innovations in ES-Bizkaia 9 – 11 October Cancer Metabolism James E. Rothman FEBS Special Meeting – The 2018 Golgi IT-Sorrento 15 – 19 October Meeting: Membrane Trafficking in Cell Organization and Homeostasis Paul B. Rainey IGC Symposium 2018: Microbial Eco- PT-Oeiras 22 – 24 October Evolutionary Dynamics M. Angela Nieto Joint Meeting of the Portuguese, Spanish PT-Porto 7 – 10 November and French Societies for Developmental Biology Ueli Schibler Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Clocks DE-Mainz 15 – 16 November Claudio D. Stern Conférence Jacques Monod on 'Modelling FR-Roscoff 19 – 23 November Cell Fate' Ewan Birney 20th EMBL PhD Symposium: Game DE-Heidelberg 22 – 24 November Changers – Taking the Life Sciences to the Next Level Geneviève Almouzni Conference Systems Epigenetics: Towards NL-Amsterdam 27 – 30 November Precision Cancer Medicine Keynote Lectures 2018 Roman Jerala ICBE Asia 2018 – International Conference SG-Singapore 8 – 10 January EMBC Associate on Biomolecular Engineering Member State

88 EMBO Keynote Lectures EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Keynote Lectures 2018 Name Lecture Title Location Date Keynote Lectures 2018  International Society for Computational CL-Viña del Mar 7 – 9 November EMBC Co-operation Biology Latin America, SOIBIO and EMBnet Partner Joint Bioinformatics Conference 2018 (ISCB-LA SOIBIO EMBnet 2018)

Keynote Lectures 2018 Andreas Plückthun 43rd Lorne Conference for Protein AU-Lorne 4 – 8 February Non-EMBC Member Structure and Function States Santiago F. Elena 13th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop NZ-Auckland 20 – 23 February Marino Zerial The Hunter Meeting: Systems, Cells, AU-Lovedale 19 – 22 March Development Xiaodong Zhang FASEB SRC: Machines on Genes-Nucleic US-Snowmass 25 – 29 June Acid Enzymes Jiří Bartek 4th International Cell Senescence CA-Montreal 8 – 11 July Association (ICSA) Meeting Andrés Aguilera Dynamic DNA Structures in Biology (FASEB US-Olean 8 – 13 July Summer Research Conference) Bernd Bukau in the Cell US-St. Bonaventure 22 – 27 July Javier Cáceres II Argentine Meeting on Non Coding RNA AR-Bernal 30 – 31 July Biology Wolfgang P. Baumeister Small GTPases in Membrane Processes: US-Leesburg 23 – 28 September Trafficking, Autophagy and Disease Andreas Radbruch LXVI Annual Meeting of the Argentine AR-Mar del Plata 14 – 17 November Society for Immunology Anu Suomalainen- AussieMit2018 AU-Melbourne 29 November – 1 Wartiovaara December Satyajit (Jitu) Mayor Asian Biophysics Association Symposium in AU-Melbourne 2 – 6 December conjuntion with the Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Keynote Lectures 89 EMBO Gold Medal

www.embo.org/funding-awards/gold-medal [email protected]

The EMBO Gold Medal is awarded annually to young scientists for outstanding contributions to the life sciences in Europe. Candidates are nominated by EMBO Members and selected by EMBO Council. The recipients of the 2018 EMBO Gold Medal were Marek Basler, Biozentrum at the University of Basel, Switzerland, for his pioneering work on bacterial type VI secrestion systems, and Melina Schuh, Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Goettingeu, Germany, for her ground breaking work on meiosis in mammalian oocytes.

EMBO Gold Medalists 1986 – 2018

1986 Heidelberg, DE 1999 Konrad Basler Zurich, CH 2010 Jason W. Chin London, UK 1987 Barbara Pearse Cambridge, UK 2000 Christof Niehrs Heidelberg, DE 2011 Simon Boulton London, UK 1988 Antonio Lanzavecchia Basel, CH Daniel St. Johnston Cambridge, UK 2012 Jirˇí Friml Ghent, BE 1989 Hugh Pelham Cambridge, UK 2001 Matthew Freeman Cambridge, UK 2013 Thijn Brummelkamp Amsterdam, NL 1990 Erwin Wagner Vienna, AT 2002 London, UK 2014 Sophie Martin Lausanne, CH 1991 Patrick Stragier Paris, FR 2003 Anthony Hyman Dresden, DE 2015 Ido Amit Rehovot, IL 1992 Carl-Henrik Heldin Uppsala, SE 2004 María Blasco Madrid, ES Sarah Teichmann Cambridge, UK 1993 Jim Smith London, UK 2005 Dario Alessi Dundee, UK 2016 Richard Benton Lausanne, CH 1994 Paolo Sassone-Corsi Strasbourg, FR 2006 Frank Uhlmann London, UK Ben Lehner Barcelona, ES 1995 London, UK 2007 Jan Löwe Cambridge, UK 2017 Maya Schuldiner Rehovot, IL 1996 Enrico Coen Norwich, UK 2008 James Briscoe London, UK 2018 Marek Basler Basel, CH 1997 Dirk Görlich Heidelberg, DE 2009 Gold Medal 2009 revoked in Melina Schuh Göttingen, DE 1998 Adriano Aguzzi Zurich, CH January 2016

90 EMBO Gold Medal EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Women in Science

www.embo.org/science-policy/women-in-science [email protected]

EMBO is committed to monitoring gender balance in all its programmes and activities. In Gerlind Wallon addition, EMBO develops initiatives to counteract gender imbalances and to raise awareness of Manager issues facing women scientists as their careers advance.

Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics EMBO Membership (including Associate Members) EMBO Courses & Workshops 2014 – 2018 Year Total number of members % Women (including EMBO | EMBL Symposia, EMBO | FEBS Lecture Courses, 2014 1656 16.7 EMBO Conferences, EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Courses, 2015 1694 17.4 EMBO Practical Courses, EMBO Workshops) 2016 1729 18.0 Year % women % female speakers 2017 1779 18.9 2014 49 32 2018 1810 19.8 2015 49 35 2016 49 35 2017 50 36 2018* 51 37

*2018 data represents 74% of the events

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Women in Science 91 Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics EMBO Short-Term Fellowships Applications % Awards % Success rate % 2014 Female applicants 322 59 167 59 52 Male applicants 226 41 117 41 52 Overall 548 284 52 2015 Female applicants 240 60 116 60 48 Male applicants 161 40 78 40 48 Overall 401 194 48 2016 Female applicants 362 59 201 57 56 Male applicants 256 41 149 43 58 Overall 618 350 57 2017 Female applicants 335 57 170 60 51 Male applicants 253 43 111 40 44 Overall 588 281 48 2018 Female applicants 355 59 208 62 59 Male applicants 243 41 129 38 53 Overall 598 337 56 2014 – 2018 Female applicants 1614 59 862 60 53 Male applicants 1139 41 584 40 51 Overall 2753 1446 53

Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics EMBO Long-Term Fellowships Applications % Awards % Success rate % 2014 Female applicants 742 45 86 35 12 Male applicants 906 55 161 65 18 Overall 1648 247 15 2015 Female applicants 773 50 118 47 15 Male applicants 776 50 134 53 17 Overall 1549 252 16 2016 Female applicants 733 47 67 39 9 Male applicants 828 53 103 61 12 Overall 1561 170 11 2017 Female applicants 594 50 80 42 13 Male applicants 596 50 109 58 18 Overall 1190 189 16 2018 Female applicants 575 48 76 40 13 Male applicants 625 52 114 60 18 Overall 1200 190 16 2014 – 2018 Female applicants 3417 48 427 41 12 Male applicants 3731 52 621 59 17 Overall 7148 1048 15

92 EMBO Women in Science EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics EMBO Young Investigator Programme Applications % Awards % Success rate % 2014 Female applicants 64 32 7 26 11 Male applicants 138 68 20 74 14 Overall 202 27 13 2015 Female applicants 64 37 8 35 13 Male applicants 111 63 15 85 14 Overall 174 23 13 2016 Female applicants 65 30 9 36 14 Male applicants 149 70 16 64 11 Overall 214 25 12 2017 Female applicants 88 34 11 39 13 Male applicants 169 66 17 61 10 Overall 257 28 11 2018 Female applicants 74 38 11 42 15 Male applicants 121 62 15 58 12 Overall 195 26 13 2014 – 2018 Female applicants 355 34 46 36 13 Male applicants 688 66 83 64 12 Overall 1043 129 12

Participation of women in EMBO activities: Statistics EMBO Installation Grants Applications % Awards % Success rate % 2014 Female applicants 27 39 2 25 7 Male applicants 42 61 6 75 14 Overall 69 8 12 2015 Female applicants 27 31 3 33 11 Male applicants 59 69 6 67 10 Overall 86 9 11 2016 Female applicants 19 28 2 29 11 Male applicants 50 72 5 71 10 Overall 69 7 10 2017 Female applicants 13 30 3 50 23 Male applicants 31 70 3 50 10 Overall 44 6 14 2018 Female applicants 15 31 4 40 27 Male applicants 33 69 6 60 18 Overall 48 10 21 2014 – 2018 Female applicants 101 32 14 35 14 Male applicants 215 68 26 65 12 Overall 316 40 13

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Women in Science 93 EMBO staff in Heidelberg under contract in 2018

Director Maria Leptin EMBO Director [email protected] Director’s Office Eilish Craddock Personal Assistant to EMBO Director [email protected] Bettina Trueb Senior Project Coordinator [email protected]

EMBC and EMBO Council Gitta Bourke Senior EMBC and EMBO Council Administrator [email protected] Heike Lorenzen-Schmidt EMBC and EMBO Officer [email protected] EMBO Membership Volker Wiersdorff Head, Information Support & Resources [email protected] [email protected] Head, EMBO Membership & Elections Larisa Bulgatova Programme Officer [email protected]

Courses & Workshops Programme, Gerlind Wallon Head, Courses & Workshops Programme; [email protected] Lecture Grants EMBO Deputy Director courses_workshops @embo.org Joy Akinyi Programme Officer [email protected] Ayesha Asif Programme Officer [email protected] Igor Jukic Graphic Design & Communications Assistant [email protected]

Fellowship Programme David del Álamo Head, Fellowship Programme [email protected] [email protected] Larisa Bulgatova Programme Officer [email protected] Ingrid Busby Programme Officer [email protected] Leonard Nevaril Finance & Fellowship Officer [email protected] Benardine Ngu Accounting & Programme Officer [email protected] Inga Strazda Programme Specialist [email protected]

Global Activities Luis Valente Head of Global Activities [email protected] [email protected] Anastasiia Romanova Programme Assistant

Science Policy Programme Michele Garfinkel Head, Science Policy Pogramme [email protected] [email protected] Alessandra Bendiscioli Programme Specialist [email protected] Helen Sitar Programme Officer [email protected]

Young Investigator Programme, Gerlind Wallon Head, YIP/Installation Grants/Women in Science [email protected] Installation Grants and Women in Olena Steshenko Programme Officer [email protected] Science [email protected] Administration & Finance Bernhard Huber Head, Administration & Finance [email protected] Jonathan Kirsch Deputy Head, Administration & Finance [email protected] Seán Bourke Reception & Building Maintenance [email protected] Eva Portik Financial Officer [email protected] Leonard Nevaril Finance & Fellowship Officer [email protected] Benardine Ngu Accounting & Programme Officer [email protected]

94 EMBO staff in Heidelberg EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO Press Bernd Pulverer Head of EMBO Press, Chief Editor, The EMBO Journal [email protected] [email protected] Thomas Lemberger Deputy Head of EMBO Press, Chief Editor, Molecular Systems Biology [email protected] [email protected] Elisabetta Argenzio Editor, The EMBO Journal [email protected] [email protected] Erica Boxheimer Editorial Assistant, Data Integrity Analyst [email protected] [email protected] Holger Breithaupt Senior Editor, EMBO Reports [email protected] Achim Breiling Editor, EMBO Reports [email protected] Céline Carret Senior Editor, EMBO Molecular Medicine [email protected] Annika Diederich Editorial Assistant [email protected] Karin Dumstrei Senior Editor, The EMBO Journal and Coordinator, EMBO Press [email protected] Elin Erikson Editorial Assistant Ieva Gailite Editor, The EMBO Journal [email protected] Adam Gristwood Officer, Science & Society* [email protected] Jingyi Hou Editor, EMBO Molecular Medicine & Molecular Systems Biology [email protected] Daniel Klimmeck Editor, The EMBO Journal [email protected] Joel Maupin Marketing & Project Manager [email protected] Anne Nielsen Senior Editor, The EMBO Journal Fiona Panayi Editorial Administrator [email protected] Maria Polychronidou Senior Editor, Molecular Systems Biology [email protected] Martina Rembold Editor, EMBO Reports [email protected] Christopher Rickerby Editorial Assistant [email protected] Lise Roth Editor, EMBO Molecular Medicine [email protected] Meryl Schneider Editorial Assistant Deniz Senyilmaz Tiebe Editor, EMBO Reports [email protected]

SourceData Thomas Lemberger Head of SourceData [email protected] Eva Benito Garagorri SourceData Scientific Coordinator [email protected]

EMBO Marketing & Communications Tilmann Kiessling Head, Public Relations & Communications [email protected] [email protected] Annika Grandison Senior Public Affairs & Communications Officer [email protected] Igor Jukic Graphic Design & Communications Assistant [email protected] Sandra Krahl Senior Graphic Designer [email protected] Pauline Marchetti Graphic Designer [email protected] Stephen Pewter Digital Communications & Information Officer [email protected]

Information Support & Resources Volker Wiersdorff Head, Information Support & Resources [email protected] Alejandro Riera Mainar Senior Web & Database Developer [email protected] Stephen Pewter Digital Communications & Information Officer [email protected]

*on secondment from EMBL

EMBO facts & figures 2018 | www.embo.org EMBO staff in Heidelberg 95

EMBO Responsible editor Meyerhofstr. 1 Tilmann Kießling 69117 Heidelberg Editor Germany Annika Grandison T +49 6221 8891 0 F +49 6221 8891 200 Production: Coordination, layout, graphics, cover [email protected] Pauline Marchetti www.embo.org Data curation: Joy Akinyi Gitta Bourke European Molecular Ingrid Busby Biology Conference Joel Maupin Meyerhofstr. 1 Olena Steshenko 69117 Heidelberg Inga Strazda Bettina Trüb Germany Volker Wiersdorff T +49 6221 8891 0 F +49 6221 8891 202 Photos [email protected] Marietta Schupp (EMBL Photolab) Ivar Pel embc.embo.org Publication date: June 2019 CONTACT EMBO & EMBC

EMBO Courses & Workshops EMBO Young Investigators EMBO Installation Grants EMBO Women in Science EMBO Keynote Lectures Gerlind Wallon EMBO Scientific Publications Programme Head Bernd Pulverer Maria Leptin Deputy Director Head EMBO Director +     +    

Eilish Craddock EMBO Fellowships EMBO Scientific Publications Personal Assistant to David del Álamo Thomas Lemberger the EMBO Director Programme Head Deputy Head +     +     +    

Administration & Finance EMBO Science Policy EMBO Global Activities Bernhard Huber Michele Garfinkel Luis Valente Head Programme Head Head +     +     +    

Information Support & EMBC Resources EMBO Council & Committees EMBO Communications Membership & Elections Gitta Bourke Tilmann Kießling Volker Wiersdorff Administrator Head Head +     +     +    

Complete list of EMBO staff in Heidelberg on pages  .