The Inner Dimension Catalog of Books, pamphlets, lecture tapes, music and “Jewish Jewelry” presented by: Gal Einai Publications A non-profit organization dedicated to the disseminating of the teachings of the Inner Wisdom of Torah—Kabbalah and Chassidut—and offering a contemporary presentation of classical topics in JJeewwiisshh MMyyssttiiccaall TThhoouugghhtt as taken from the teachings of RRabbbbii YYiittzcchhaak Giinnssbbuurrgghh a renowned master of Jewish esoteric tradition Updated on the: For further information: th 28 of Adar II, Gal Einai Institute 5763 Israel: P.O. Box 1015, Kfar Chabad, 72915 (April, 2003) tel: 02-996-1123 fax: 02-996-2111 USA: tel/fax: 888-453-0571 email:
[email protected] 1 English Books Rectifying the State of Israel: EB–05 A Political Platform based on Kabbalah The profound and ancient teachings of Jewish mysticism—Kabbalah—speak of the urgent need to rectify the world, instructing us how to pick up the pieces of our shattered dreams and mend the tattered fabric of our lives, both as individuals and as active contributors to humanity’s destiny. Today, the need for rectification is perhaps felt most acutely in Israel, where the dream of Jewish security and cultural revival seems to be threatened as never before. The light inherent in the Zionist dream—the aspiration that the Jewish people, after nearly two thousand years of exile, return to their homeland—is indeed great, but its vessels are small and immature. Secular Zionism has succeeded in creating material vessels, constructing buildings and roads, developing industry, and creating institutions of higher, secular education. But it has willfully neglected, or even rejected, the inner, spiritual dimension of the vessels themselves—the conscious intention that they serve God’s purpose in creation.