The Inner Dimension Catalog of Books, pamphlets, lecture tapes, music and “Jewish Jewelry”

presented by:

Gal Einai


A non-profit organization dedicated to the disseminating of the teachings of the Inner Wisdom of and Chassidut—and offering a contemporary presentation of classical topics in JJeewwiisshh MMyyssttiiccaall TThhoouugghhtt as taken from the teachings of RRabbbbii YYiittzcchhaak Giinnssbbuurrgghh

a renowned master of Jewish esoteric tradition

Updated on the: For further information: th 28 of Adar II, Gal Einai Institute 5763 : P.O. Box 1015, Kfar , 72915 (April, 2003) tel: 02-996-1123 fax: 02-996-2111 USA: tel/fax: 888-453-0571 email: [email protected]


English Books

Rectifying the State of Israel: EB–05 A Political Platform based on Kabbalah The profound and ancient teachings of Jewish mysticism—Kabbalah—speak of the urgent need to rectify the world, instructing us how to pick up the pieces of our shattered dreams and mend the tattered fabric of our lives, both as individuals and as active contributors to humanity’s destiny. Today, the need for rectification is perhaps felt most acutely in Israel, where the dream of Jewish security and cultural revival seems to be threatened as never before. The light inherent in the Zionist dream—the aspiration that the Jewish people, after nearly two thousand years of exile, return to their homeland—is indeed great, but its vessels are small and immature. Secular Zionism has succeeded in creating material vessels, constructing buildings and roads, developing industry, and creating institutions of higher, secular education. But it has willfully neglected, or even rejected, the inner, spiritual dimension of the vessels themselves—the conscious intention that they serve God’s purpose in creation. Without this inner dimension, no matter how great the vessels (physical accomplishments) may seem, they remain immature, unable to contain and integrate the light of the Zionist dream. The result: the very light shatters its own vessels. In this book, Yitzchak Ginsburgh sets forth a conceptual and practical program for healing the ills of the State of Israel. These proposals are at once profound and practical, born of intimate acquaintance with the pulse of the people as well as the failings of Israeli politics, and permeated by Hassidic optimism and love for the Jewish people as well as for all humanity. ? hard cover, 230 pages. Regular price: $30 Sale price: $20

Transforming Darkness into Light: EB–04 Kabbalah and Psychology In Transforming Darkness into Light, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh presents the fundamental elements of a system of Kabbalistic psychotherapy, as it has developed in Hassidic thought and practice. In the course of this presentation, Rabbi Ginsburgh highlights many ways in which the Jewish mystical path to psychological well-being both agrees with and differs from the dominant schools of modern psychology. He also examines in depth the pivotal role played by the therapist, underscoring, in particular, the power of speech in counseling. Most importantly, however, in Transforming Darkness into Light Rabbi Ginsburgh shows step-by-step, how we can empower our souls to rise above our egos and submit to God. How we can separate out the negative influences of our lives and heal our psychological wounds. How we can taste the sweetness of inner peace so that we can do our part to bring the world to its ultimate purpose: peace and blessing for all humanity. hard cover, 192 pages. Regular price: $26 Sale price: $20


Awakening the Spark Within: EB–03 Five Dynamics of Leadership that Change the World "And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore…" This is the prophecy of Isaiah, promising the world what it yearns for -- a perfect future, a future without war, without hunger, without strife. That such a future awaits us, Isaiah says, is a promise from God. When it will dawn is up to the Jewish people. In this new best-seller, Rabbi Ginsburgh explains how every Jew -- man, woman and child -- can live up to this awesome responsibility by cultivating, in everyday personal life, his or her own innate sparks of leadership. He shows how seemingly insignificant individual efforts can have world-changing consequences and bring the prophetic vision of the future to its ultimate fulfillment. ? hard cover, 200 pages. Regular price: $26 Sale price: $20

The Mystery of Marriage: EB–02 How to Find True Love and Happiness in Married Life According to Jewish mysticism, the souls of a husband and wife originate in the same undifferentiated spiritual essence. The purpose of Jewish marriage is to enable the couple to manifest this unity of being into the context of everyday life, as developed through the threefold process of establishing an effective relationship, fostering togetherness, and finally, merging in true oneness. With many illustrations from Biblical personalities through modern psychology and Kabbalistic theory, Rabbi Ginsburgh traces the steps through which today's Jewish couple can actualize these ideas in their daily life. hard cover, 517 pp. Regular price: $36 Sale price: $30

The Hebrew Letters: Channels of Creative Consciousness EB–01 The Sefer Yetzirah teaches that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building- blocks of creation and that each letter's name, form, and numerical value embodies a unique significance in the creative process. The Ba'al Shem Tov further teaches that each letter–and each of its three aspects–exists in the dimensions of "Worlds" (the physical), "Souls" (the spiritual), and "Divinity" (the Godly).This book is a systematic treatment of these nine dimensions of each letter..,(See also below, the six-tape set The Hebrew Letters). hard cover, 501 pages. Regular price: $35 Sale price: $25

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English Pamphlets

The Anatomy of the Soul P–01 A systematic structural analysis of the various levels and subdivisions of the "powers" (intellect & emotions) and "garments" (thought, speech and action) of the soul, with the terms defined, charted, and inter-related. An introduction to basic concepts in Jewish mysticism. (See also below the tape "The Anatomy of the Soul"). soft cover, 73 pp., $3.50

I am Asleep yet My Heart is Awake P–02 A discourse on the existential condition of Jewish consciousness during the spiritual exile, and how the soul can be awakened to its Divine dimension providing the keys to redemption. soft cover, 51 pp., $3.50

The Torah Academy P–03 A basic analysis of how the manifold disciplines of the arts and sciences correspond to the sefirot and inter-relate. The resulting conceptual flow-chart is then shown to be reflected in the overall history of the Jewish people. (See also below the tape "The Torah Academy"). soft cover, 19 pp., $2.50

The Dynamic Corporation: Involvement, Quality, and Flow P–04 A Jewish approach to business management based on Kabbalah and Chassidut. Insights into the dynamic interrelations between employees, markets, and investors, and how the "rectified" corporation is a model for world rectification. (See also below the tape "The Anatomy of the Soul"). soft cover, 68 pp,. $3.50

The Seven Principles of Divine Service for Righteous Gentiles P–05 An exposition of the seven principles of Divine service, which correspond to the seven commandments that all non-Jews are required to fulfill, as they are rooted in the seven Divine emotional attributes. Prefaced with an analysis of the differences between Jewish and non-Jewish spirituality according to the Torah and Jewish mysticism. (See also below the tape "The Seven Principles of Divine Service"). soft cover, 26 pp., $3.00

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4 English Lecture tapes

Kabbalah and Chassidic Philosophy

Basics in Kabbalah N1146 In this tape, Rabbi Ginsburgh traces a brief history of the development of Kabbalah and explains basic Kabbalistic concepts. Also discussed are mystics, amulets, and the guidelines for recognizing authentic Kabbalah. In addition, you will find answers to many questions including: Why study Kabbalah? Can women study Kabbalah? Must I be 40 years old before studying Kabbalah? And more! 1 tape, Sale price $6

Three Streams of Kabbalah N1079 A survey of the three major streams in the historical revelation of the mystical dimension of the Torah: the Kabbalah of Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (the Ramak), the Kabbalah of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (the Arizal), and the Kabbalah of the Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov (the founder of Chassidut). 1 tape, Sale price $6

Philosophy and Kabbalah N1068 Philosophy is the endeavor of the mind to reach upward toward truth; Kabbalah is the revelation of Divine truth to the soul from on high. A discussion of how these two seemingly contradictory disciplines compliment each other, and their respective places in the overall study of the Torah. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Primordial Man N1085 In speaking of the process of creation and the progressive revelation of God's infinite light within finite reality, the Zohar (the seminal work of Kabbalah) refers explicitly to four "worlds." Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the great sixteenth-century master of Kabbalah, revealed in his teachings the fifth, higher world, known as Adam Kadmon, "Primordial Man" (which is only alluded to in the Zohar). The nature of this world and its ramifications in the soul is discussed in this lecture. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Order all 4 titles on the "Kabbalah & Chassidic Philosophy" series (4 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-001 - Regular price: $32; Sale price: $20 YOU SAVE $12 !!!

Mysteries of the Hebrew Letters

The Hebrew Letters: Channels of Creative Consciousness N6019 An in-depth analysis of the twenty-two letters of the . These tapes can be learned on their own or as a companion to the book The Hebrew Letters (see above). 6 tapes, Sale price $36

The Alef-Beit: N1069 An introduction and overview to the basic concepts and structures used in meditating on the Hebrew Letters. 1 tape, Sale price: $6

Meditation and Healing 5 Basics in Meditation and Healing N1073 In the teachings of the Ba'al Shem Tov, the three-stage process known as submission, separation and sweetening reveals one of the most basic models of . For this lesson, this process is employed to demonstrate the interrelationship between meditation, the fundamental mysteries of the Jewish faith and the healing process. 1 tape, Sale price $6

A Guide to Jewish Meditation N3033 This class offers an analysis of Jewish notions of meditation, its importance and practice. Included are instructions for guided mediations on fundament structures in Kabbalah such as the ascent up through the seven firmaments or the meditative construction of what is called Divine space. 3 tapes, Sale price $18

Six Levels of Healing N1136 An in-depth look into the soul and its connection with the healing process, followed by a discussion of the six types of healing techniques, the levels of trust that accompany each one, and the role of prayer in the healing process. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Healing Body and Spirit N1147 An explanation of the relationship between the manifestations of the soul, the body, and the levels of healing. In addition, this lesson draws connections between diseases and the ability to cure them though an understanding of the spiritual qualities of the four "elements": fire, air, water and earth. 1 tape, Sale price $6 Order all 4 titles on the "Meditation and Healing" series (6 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-002 - Regular price: $48; Sale price: $30 YOU SAVE $18 !!!

The Inner Life of the Soul

The Anatomy of the Soul N1065 A systematic treatment of the various levels, powers "garments" and subdivisions of the soul as taught and expounded upon in Kabbalistic and Chassidic literature. The structure of the soul is paralleled to the spiritual structure of God's creative energies (the sefirot) from which it derives. (This tape can be learned on its own or as a companion to the pamphlet The Anatomy of the Soul – see above). 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Powers of the Soul N1124 The powers of the soul parallel the Divine creative powers (sefirot). There are ten primary powers, which expand to thirteen. These divide into four basic categories: the super-conscious, the intellect, the emotions, and behavior. In this basic and fundamental lesson, these powers are discussed in terms of their inner dimensions. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Revealing the Secrets of Your Name N2081 According to Jewish mysticism, the Hebrew name of each and every entity in reality reveals its inner essence. This is particularly so with regard to one's own Hebrew name. This lecture is an elucidation of the secret of names in general and an explanation of how one's Hebrew name alludes to his purpose, direction and mission in life. 2 tapes, Sale price $12

6 The Twelve Senses of the Soul N1067 According to Sefer Yetzirah, one of the most ancient of Jewish mystical texts, the twelve "simple" letters of the Hebrew alphabet manifest themselves in creation as the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve months, and the twelve tribes of Israel, as well as in the soul as twelve distinct "senses." In this lecture, Rabbi Ginsburgh explores the interconnection between these ideas, as reflected in the teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidut. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Three Levels of Trust N1077 A lecture delivered on the anniversary of the release from prison of Rabbi , the founder of Chabad Chassidut. A discussion of the various meanings and levels of confidence and trust, reflected in the three appearances of the word betach ("trust") in the Five Books of Moses. Also contains amazing stories about Rabbi Shneur Zalman. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Selflessness, Love, and Security N1090 These three states of consciousness, fundamental to the Chassidic vision of soul- development, are shown to be essential not only to one's relation to God, but crucial to our efforts to hasten the Messianic redemption as well. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Divine Wedding: The Mystical Meaning of the Tzadik's Passing N1002 When a righteous person passes away, his soul, together with all the "sparks" he has rectified during his lifetime, ascends to the supernal worlds and there effects the unification of the Divine attributes. Thus, the Zohar likens the day of his passing to a wedding day. This lecture, delivered on the 7th of the Hebrew month of Adar, the anniversary of the passing of Moses, is a discussion of the influence of the departed soul of Moses with regard to the basic natures of man and woman in the context of marriage. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Freedom and Unity N1080 This address deals with the Kabbalistic meanings of freedom and unity, expounding on the verse, "God frees the bound; God raises up the bent over; G-d loves the righteous; G-d guards the converts" (Psalms 146:7-9) and unveiling its mystical structure. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Priestly Garments N1066 An exposition on the Kabbalistic and numerical significance of the different sets of garments worn by the priests in the service of the holy Temple–the four garments of the common priest and the eight garments of the high priest–as well as the nature and purpose of "garments" in general. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Order all 9 titles on the "Inner Life of the Soul" series (10 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-003 - Regular price: $80; Sale price: $50 YOU SAVE $30 !!!

7 Interpersonal Relationships

The Thirteen Types of Love N1075 An analysis of how love can and should permeate all our interpersonal relationships, from our most intimate to those pertaining to our collective national and religious consciousness. The unique manifestations of love between teacher and student, husband and wife, parents and children, king and nation are discussed. 1 tapes, Sale price $6

Cycles of Marital Intimacy: N1097 According to Jewish law, a Jewish couple's life of marital intimacy is governed by a women's menstrual cycle of the wife, which takes the partners through the successive stages of disunion, anticipation, and consummation. Here, these phases are shown to guide the couple mutually through progressive levels of spiritual growth. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Reproof from Love N1072 The Tanya, the classic text of Chabad Chassidut, begins with the lesson that the indirect approach – in the long run – is often the shortest, and ends with a reproof of the author to his followers. Here, Rabbi Ginsburgh ties these two ideas together, explaining how it is possible to give reproof from love. 1 tape, Sale price: $6

Order all 3 titles on the "Interpersonal Relationships" series (3 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-004 - Regular price: $24; Sale price: $15 YOU SAVE $9 !!!

The Jewish Year

The Beginning of the End: Chai Elul N1045 Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidut, said that the twelve days before Rosh HaShanah (beginning on the eighteenth of Elul)–"the beginning of the end"– should be used for introspection on the state of one's relationship to God over the preceding twelve months. Through this, it is possible to draw from above a new source of life force for the coming year. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Inner Teaching of the Chanukah Dreidel N1135 Spinning a dreidel may seem like a simple child's game, but this popular custom embodies some of the deepest insights of the Kabbalah. In this lecture, Rabbi Ginsburgh explains the secret of the dreidel and how it teaches us about Mashiach, kingship, and Jewish unity. 1 tape, Sale price $6

A Mystical Understanding of Purim: Conscious Determination N1052 Is reality absolute or relative? Can we influence it? And if so, how? Here, Rabbi Ginsburgh describes the inner workings of the subconscious and conscious mind, detailing the process whereby a Jew can influence reality. In addition, Rabbi Ginsburgh explains the custom of Jews to dress up in masks or costumes on Purim as an exercise in conscious determination. 1 tapes, Sale price $6

Order all 3 titles on the "Jewish Year" series (3 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-005 - Regular price: $24; Sale price: $15 YOU SAVE $9!!!

8 Jewish Women

Rachel: The Essence of Woman N1107 According to Kabbalah, our matriarch Rachel represents the ultimate rectification of woman in particular and the Jewish people as a whole. There is an inner connection between this rectification and the ability to express oneself through speech. These ideas are developed in light of the historical cycles of exile and redemption and the unique contribution women can make in today's world 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Ever Ascending Flame N1084 In this lecture, based on the spiritual lessons inherent in the procedure of lighting the menorah in the Holy Temple, Rabbi Ginsburgh discusses the mystical dimension of the women's of kindling Shabbat and holiday candles. This leads to a discussion of the essence of flame and the role of the righteous leader in every generation. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Order both titles in the "Jewish Women" series (2 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-007 - Regular price: $16; Sale price: $10 YOU SAVE $6 !!!

Kabbalah and Science

Three Principles of Modern Physics N2086 In the past, many considered science and Torah to be conflicting or even irreconcilable. As the understanding of the physical sciences matures, more and more of their theories align with the Torah – especially with Torah concepts and structures drawn from its inner dimension, the Kabbalah. This lecture delves into the three major principles of modern physics and their parallel concepts in Kabbalah. 2 tapes, Sale price $12

Kabbalah and Business

The Dynamic Corporation N1074 An analysis of the conditions necessary according to Kabbalah for establishing and maintaining a successful business, and how these same principles can be applied to many other facets of life. (These tapes can be learned on their own or as a companion to the pamphlet The Dynamic Corporation – see above). 1 tape, Sale price $6

Kabbalah and Education

The Torah Academy N2145 An in-depth proposal how to set up the ultimate Jewish learning institution, the "Torah Academy," where secular subjects and knowledge are taught, not separately, but through the wisdom and knowledge of the Torah. (These tapes can be learned on their own or as a companion to the pamphlet The Torah Academy – see above). 2 tapes, Sale price $12


Bringing Mashiach (the Messiah)

To Rectify the World N1003 In this lecture that was given to women in the Tomb of (Kever) Rachel, Rabbi Ginsburgh discusses: "Bird Consciousness" -- the ability to see reality from above. "Fish Consciousness" -- the ability to see reality on the absolute perspective of G-d, Who never closes His eyes. Also discussed: Where was Mashiach last seen? Where is he now?; The seven stage process of spiritual birth; Two stages of sovereignty, to conquer and to rule; The deeper meaning of Shema Yisrael and why we cover our eyes; The secret of the seven heavens and the descent of the soul to earth; What came first, heaven or earth?; Meditation on the inner meaning of the fish and chicken prepared for Shabbat; The power of the media to alter our perception of reality and the power of women to revolutionize the media; Man's responsibility to rule and thereby elevate creation to recognize the Creator. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Five Stages of the Coming of Mashiach N1120 The Lubavitcher Rebbe began a campaign to bring the idea and the imminent reality of Mashiach into the consciousness of our generation. This class elucidates the prophecy of Isaiah and the writings of Maimonides that relate to the various stages in the revelation of Mashiach to the Jewish people and the world at large. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Footprints of Mashiach N1113 The period immediately preceding the Messianic era, when the energy of a new age for mankind is already perceived, is referred to in Jewish tradition as the "footprints [or "heel"] of Mashiach." By examining many places in the Torah where the word "heel" appears, especially regarding the snake in the Garden of Eden, some of the rectifications needed to actually bring the anticipated days of Mashiach closer are revealed. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Unknowable Ways of Mashiach N2108 King Solomon stated in the book of Proverbs: "There are three things which are too wondrous for me, four which I know not: the way of the eagle in the sky, the way of a snake upon a rock, the way of a ship in the midst of the sea, and the way of a man with a young women." An explanation of the symbolism of each image, ultimately connecting all the levels to the mission of Mashiach. 2 tapes, Sale price $12

Anticipation and Fulfillment N1078 Even though it seemed logically impossible, Jacob "guarded" the vision of Joseph's dream and patiently waited for the moment when it could be fulfilled. In this in-depth analysis of that Biblical story, Rabbi Ginsburgh discusses the role of anticipation with regard to Mashiach, Shabbat, mitzvot and one's own sense of joy for himself and for G-d. 1 tape, Sale price $6


The Secret Menu of the World to Come N1109 According to the Midrash, a lavish feast will be served to the righteous in the beginning of the World to Come. This lecture discusses the inner meaning of the feast and the significance of the specific foods that will be served, as well as the spiritual service of eating and how the feast represents the transition between this world and the world to come. 1 tape, Sale price $6

Order all 6 titles on the "Bringing of Mashiach" series (7 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-006 - Regular price: $56; Sale price: $35 !!!


Zionism: Past, Present and Future N1096 In this tape, Rabbi Ginsburgh outlines how we are to conceive of and "elevate" the historical Zionist movement in light of the teachings of Kabbalah and how these teachings instruct us to expand the vision of classical Zionism toward the true "New Middle East" and Messianic future. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Four Holy Cities: , , , and Shechem N1125 This lesson in the spiritual geography of the land of Israel focuses on the inner dimension of the four holy cities. By reflecting on the mystical properties of each city, they are shown to correspond to the four "elements": air, fire, earth and water. 1 tape, Sale price $6

The Love of the People and the Land of Israel N1064 The nature of love, the most inclusive power of the soul and the foundation of all human and Divine creative development, is examined from a Kabbalistic and psychological point of view, especially in relationship to the love of the people and the land of Israel in the past, present and future. 1 tapes, Sale price $6

The Rectification of the State of Israel N1001 In this tape, Rabbi Ginsburgh sets forth a conceptual and practical program for healing the ills of the present state of reality in the State of Israel. Included in this lecture is an in- depth discussion of the five practical steps that every Jew, and the entire Jewish People, must take to rectify our current reality and to hasten the revelation of the Mashiach. 1 tape, Sale price $6 Order all 4 titles on the "Land of Israel" series (4 tapes) at a special discount price. SET-008 - Regular price: $32; Sale price: $20 YOU SAVE $12!!!

Teachings for Righteous Gentiles

The Seven Principles of Divine Service for Righteous Gentiles N1121 An exposition of the seven principles of Divine service, which correspond to the seven commandments that all non-Jews are required to fulfill, as they are rooted in the seven Divine emotional attributes. Prefaced by an analysis of the differences between Jewish and non-Jewish spirituality according to the Torah and Jewish mysticism. (This tape can be learned on its own or as a companion to the pamphlet The Seven Principles of Divine Service – see above). 1 tape, Sale price $6 11

SET-011 Super Special

Purchase the entire "English Lecture Tapes" series (52 tapes) at a SUPER SPECIAL PRICE and SAVE $168

Regular price $416 Super special discount price for purchasing the entire lecture series : $248

You SAVE $168!!!

Music tapes

Original Chassidic Melodies by Rabbi Ginsburgh

Quill of the Soul: "Speech is the quill of the heart; song is the quill of the soul" – Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi Volume 1 F002 8 melodies, including: Two victory nigunim, Adon Olam ("Master of the World"), Dvekus Chabad and In Anticipation of Mashiach. Performed by Cantor Zalman Bronstein, children's chorus, and orchestra; arranged and conducted by Yonatan Goodman. 1 tape, $10 Volume 2 F003 9 melodies, including: Shalom Aleichem, HaAderet VehaEmunah, Nigun Ga'aguim and Nigun Hisva'adus. Performed by Cantor Zalman Bronstein and instrumental ensemble; arranged and conducted by Yonatan Goodman. 1 tape, $10 Volume 3 F004 4 melodies: The Song of the Soul, Arousing Mercy, The Joy of Purim, and Exultation of the Soul. Arranged for violin, cello, and piano trio by Yonatan Goodman. 1 tape, $6 Volume 4 F005 10 melodies, including: Three Farbrengen melodies, Awaiting the Redemption, Melody of Yearning, Travelling On, All are Beloved, plus a Dance Melody. Arranged by Yonatan Goodman. Yaron Prensky, violin; Raz Cohen, cello. 1 tape, $10 Nigunei Chen Mystical Melodies of Faith (cassette tape) F020 11 melodies, including melodies composed especially for Shavuot, Pesach, Sukkot, Tu Bishvat, and Lag B'Omer, two composed for the month of Adar, and one for the month of Nissan, called, "Exodus in Spring." Arranged by Mordechai Brodsky. Mordechai Brodsky, violin; L. Brodsky, piano. 1 tape, $10 Nigunei Chen Mystical Melodies of Faith (CD) CD-001 Same as above on cassette tape. 1 CD, $14.50 Perek Shirah – The Song of Creation (cassette tape) F010 Ten melodies composed and sung with children, by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

12 Perek Shirah is an ancient text, attributed to King David, comprising 84 sections composed of Biblical verses that articulate the song of creation to God: the song of the heavens and the earth, of the sun and the moon, the trees, the animals, the birds, the fish, and even the insects. The ten melodies in the present CD/tape include twelve songs from Perek Shirah, a representative collection of the songs of the various creatures. In Kabbalah and Chassidut, it is explained that Perek Shirah parallels the section of our daily prayers in which we stand in the world of Yetzirah ("Formation"). This is the world of small children, the consciousness of a soul who, like a child, is deeply moved by experiencing the wonders of nature that God renews everyday. In the song of the Jewish child -- the purest form and expression of the Jewish soul -- he connects to all of nature, uncovers its higher roots, deepens the connection between himself as a person and the whole world, and identifies with the wondrous Divine harmony that God created by creating nature. 1 tape, $10 Perek Shirah – The Song of Creation (CD) CD-004 Same as above on cassette tape. 1 CD, $14.50 Perek Shirah – The Song of Creation Pamphlet P-007 Melodies and chords pamphlet. $3

Traditional Chassidic Melodies

The Precise Melodies of Chabad Rebbes (cassette tape) F006 Among the thousands of Chassidic melodies, there are unique ones which were composed by the Rebbes themselves or which the Rebbes adopted as their own. These are known as the "Precise Melodies." Every detail of these melodies is exact and purposeful, and they reveal the highest levels of the soul, through which every Jew is constantly connected to G-d. Mordechai Brodsky, violin; Avinoam Ben Yosef, oboe; Ariel Cohen, synthesizer. 2 tapes, 20 melodies, $20 The Precise Melodies of Chabad Rebbes (CD) CD-002 Same as above on cassette tape but has only 15 melodies. 1 CD, $14.50 My Entire Being F001 11 traditional Chabad melodies, performed by the renowned Rabbi Zalman Levin accompanied by instrumental ensemble. Arranged by Yonatan Goodman. 1 tape, $10 Meditative Melodies for Chanukah (cassette tape) F008 A collection of 9 traditional melodies sung in various Chassidic courts at Chanukah candle lighting time. Includes a sacred melody attributed to the patriarch Jacob. Arranged by Mordechai Brodsky and sung by Rabbi Ginsburgh. 1 tape, $10 Meditative Melodies for Chanukah (CD) CD-003 Same as above but on CD. 1 CD, $14.50

Jewish Jewelry The JEWISH HEART JEWELRY has been designed according to this mystical significance under the direction of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh. For a deeper understanding of these pieces, visit:

The Jewish Heart The secret of the Jewish Heart is explained in Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. The Jewish Heart Jewelry has been designed according to this mystical significance.

The great Kabbalist, Rabbi Abraham Abulafia, explains that the word lev 13 ("heart") alludes to its actual form: two face-to-face lameds." The name of the letter lamed in Hebrew signifies "the heart that understands knowledge," while its form represents the upward aspiration of the heart to achieve (understand) knowledge. Knowledge in Hebrew is the power of the soul to unite with the other, or one's soul-mate. The Jewish Heart, which is formed by two lameds, appears therefore like a bride and a groom facing each other as they aspire upwards to receive the blessings of the Infinite One.

The Tikun Chavah The Torah teaches us that one’s Hebrew name reflects one’s inner essence and is a determining factor in the fulfillment of one’s destiny. The Hebrew name of the first woman, Eve—Chavah—means “living one.” Although it was Chavah who participated first in the primordial sin, which introduced death to the world, after having committed the sin she was named Chavah, “for she was the mother of all life.” From this we learn that it is Chavah—the woman (and man, by giving expression to the female side of his personality)—who can rectify the primordial sin and transform its punishment, death, into a source of eternal life. The name Chavah—???—is composed of three letters: chet, vav, and hei. The numerical value of chet is 8; that of vav is 6; and that of hei is 5. These three numbers are the numbers of points of the three classic forms of the “star” or “shield,” which are respectively known as “the shield of Abraham,” “the shield of David,” and “the shield of Solomon.” It follows that the combination of these stars, in this order, alludes to how women can rectify reality.

Visit our on-line web-store ( to see the different types of jewelry that are now available, including: Jewish Heart Gold Necklace Jewish Heart Gold Necklace with Diamonds Jewish Heart Pins Tikun Chavah Necklace

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A few important notes: <>Orders are usually shipped the next business day. <>Shipping options: USPS Media Mail & UPS Ground: 3-5 days Other ground & air shipments: 5-10 days (depending on local postal service in country of destination.)

* There are NO tax charges except for orders sent to the state of Maryland. We are not responsible for taxes that may be applied in your local area for receiving specific items. * When ordering on-line, there is no need to worry about credit card safety. Our secure server software is among the best available. More infomation can be found on the web-site.

* All prices are subject to change. For 15latest updates visit our on-line webstore.

Order Form Please send the following order to:

Name: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Country______Zip: ______Phone: ______Fax: ______Email*:______*this is a required field

price per Item code quantity $ total $ item

TOTAL $ plus shipping and handling: See *NOTE below

___Please charge my credit card # ______Type of card: __Visa __ Mastercard __American Express __ Discover Expiration date (mm/dd/yy) ___/___/___ Name on card ______Billing address (if different than shipping address)______City ______State/Province __ ZIP/Postal Code ______

___Please subscribe me to Rabbi Ginsburgh's FREE weekly Torah message sent via email. My email address is: ______.

Notes or comments: ______

*NOTE: Due to the fact that shipping charges are in accordance to the weight of your purchase. When ordering by mail or fax we will calculate the shipping charges only after we receive your order form and then charge your credit card accordingly.

Only when ordering via our on-line catalog and store, will you be able to see shipping and handling charges calculated at real time as you fill out and submit the form.

All prices are subject to change. For most updated prices visit our on-line webstore.

______For office use only:______Order #______Received:______Approved on: ______Approved by:______Sent: ______