History of Aurangzib Based on Original Sources
|I||UH| HISTORY OF AURANGZIB Vol. 11. Works by Jadunath Sarkar, M.A. 1. History of Aurangzib, based on Persian sources. Rs. Vol. 1. Reign of Shah Jahan, pp. 402. Vol.11. War of Succession, pp.328. 3J each. 2. Anecdotes of Aurangzib (English translation and notes) and Historical Essays, pp. 248. 1-3 text with an 3. Ahkam-i-Alamgiri, Persian English translation {Anecdotes of Aiirang- 5i6) and notes, pp. 72 + 146 ... ... i 4. Chaitanya's Pilgrimages and Teachings, being an English translation of his contem- porary biography, Chaitanya-charita- mrita, Madhya-lila, pp. 320+ ... 2 5. India of Aurangzib : Statistics, Topography and Roads, with translations from the Khulasat-ui-tawarikh and the Chahar Gulshan. (Not a history), pp. 300 ... 2^ 6. Economics of British India, 3rd ed., pp. 300 + (In preparation) .. •3 and Ravindra- 7. Essays, Social Literary, by nath Tagore, translated into English. (In preparation). SOLD BY M. C. Sarkar it Sons, 75, Harrison Road, Calcutta. S. K. Lahiri & Co., 56, College Str., Calcutta. Madras. G. A. Natesan, 3, Shunkurama Chetti Str., D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., 103, Medows Str., Bombay. LuzAC & Co., 46, Great Russell Str., LONDON. HISTORY OF AURANGZIB Mainly based on Persian Sources. JADUNATH SARKAR, M.A., Professor, Patna College. Vol. II. War of Succession. M. C. SARKAR & 0. SONS, ^^c ^ ' ]\^' Harrison <" 75, Road, \^ \ ^ ' \ CALCUTTA. * -v ^ >^* 1912. 55. net. Rs. 3-8 As. bs .7 KUNTALINE PRESS. Printed by Purna Chandra Dass, 6i & 62, BovvBAZAR Street, Calcutta. PUBLISHKD BY M. C. SaRKAR & SoNS, 75, Harrison Road, Calcutta. CONTENTS. Chapter XV. Battle of Dharmat. —tries to avert a Jaswant at Uijain, i —his movements, 2 — in his —his battle, 3—his difficulties, 5 treachery ranks, 7 — of 1 1 order battle, plan of battle, 9—contending forces, Van, J2— Rajput Van charges, 14—defence by Aurangzib's left IS— Rajputs destroved, iS—Murad attacks the Imperial — 21— 22— wing, 19 Jaswant's flight, plunder, —Aurangzib's in 23—his memorial buildings, 24 casualties, gain prestige, — Samn- 25—Aurangzib crosses the Chambal, 28 reaches garh, 30.
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