Liverpool. • [ Kelly"S

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Liverpool. • [ Kelly 150 DOC LIVERPOOL. • [ KELLY"S DOCK ROAD-contil!ued. BRUNSWICK DOCK, entrance Liverpool ShipVITeck & Humane Manchester Ship Canal Co. Carr & Asbcroft, coal mers from Sefton street. MAP Q 8. Society (Robert P. J. Simpson (Bridgewater undertaking), Darlington John, ~hip broker Station here on the Overhead R.N. sec. & treasurer) W. H. Collier, manager Owen Jsph.&Sons,timber mers railway. Wright Richard M. head gateman Anderton Co. (Manchester Ship Hutchinson John &Peter, ship Dock master, William C. Jarvis Clay William, dock gateman Canal Co.), carriers by water owners Dock Traffic Manager's Office Jackson William & Sons, carriers Banks & Ratcliffe, timber mers (District F), NORTH & SOUTH CARRIERS' by water (Fredk. Bolt, agent) Hughes R:chd. & Co. shipbkrs Rt. Sutherland, traffic manager DOCK, entrance from Regent Fellows, Morton & Clayton (Man- • POST Office & Telegraph &c. William H. Jahnke, surveyor road. MAP C 11, C 12. Nearest chester Ship CanalCo.), carrienr James Phillips, postmaster of cargoes station on the Overhead railway by water Dock Master's Office, Evans R. & J. & Co. ship builders is Canada dock. Gandy John W. (~anchester Ship Wm.J.G.Tongue,dockmstr (Brunswick graving dock) Dock master, John T. Gould C~nal Co.), carne~ by .water Jas.Carter,assist.dockmstr JonesJn.&Sonsironshipbuil1ers BarnesJohn } . te Pacific Steam NaVIgatwn Co.'s L. & N. W. R. Co.'s 011ice, BRUNSWICK' BUILDINGS • Connor Robert pier mas rs Wharf John Poole, labeur master 1 J . wm· 0 · Gray Jonathan, timber merchant Great WesternRailwayCo.'sGoods TaylorChs.Sons~Co.tmbr.mers 2 :rJ'~nchi~a~. pier master Depot (Wm. Philip, goods agt ••• , •. h!rre is Garl,on dock....... S Barton Thomas, pier master CLARENCE DOCK1 entrance SOUTH SIDE. SOUTH SIDE. 4A Williams William head dock- from Waterloo roaa. &_Regent 3 Dawber James, blacksn;nth 'gateman ' road. MAP I 11. ~tat10n here DUKE'S PLACE: GarstonDockStn.(L.&N.W.~.) 4D Hunter John head dockgate- on the Overhe~d. railWB;Y· 1 McKay William Donald, clerk Garston Dock Goods Station 'man ' Dock master, Wlllmrn Wilson 2 Rawlinson Thomas, pierhead (L. & N, W, R.) 4E s· I . ~u'll" h d d k master E vansR _Ic. hd. .&C o.Li m. coal mrs , gateman1nc air " 1 1am, ea oc SOUTH SIDE. S Edwar d s B en)amm,. supt . o f Roseb~dge, & J?ouglas Bank Weighing Office (Hngh D. Kirk's Cartage Co. Limited, team canal steamers Collie~y Co. J::im. coal mers Clarke, supt) owners & forwarding agents 4 Pearson Charles, foreman H<;~lme George, JUn. coal m~l' Weighing Office (17 D & H B), Bilton Thomas, warehouseman W1gan Coal & Iron Co. Lun. CANADA DOCK, entrance from James Potts, weight taker Bath Henry & Son (metal coal mercha~ts Regent road. MAP C 12, D 12. Leith & Dundee Steamships (M. warehonses) Bathgate Archibald,coal mer Station here on the Overhead Langlands & Sons, manaa-en) Smyth, Ross T. & Co. corn & Wood John, coal me~ch~t railway. wEST SIDE. B.our merchant& &c :McCull.och & Co. millwnghts Dock Ofiice, Londonderry steamships (Grain- Faulkner C. T. & Co. general & boiler makers Dock master John Tong Gould ger & Co. managers) carriers, '21 Sumner Charles, gateman John Barnes; } . Silloth stean·ships (Grainger & James Winstanley, manager 23 Ro_berts Robert, waterman Robert Connor pier masters eo. managers) Milnes Tommy, stone merchant 26 Ontchley Frank, striker John Singleto~ engineer Dock master's office Griffiths & Williams, chain & 29 McAulay John, g&teman ' Glasgow steamships (C. Mciver anchor makers 31 Rushton James, ga~eman SOUTH SIDE. & eo. managers) Palmer George, ship smith BrownJsph.&Co.shipstre.dlrs . EAST SIDE · GordonJosephL.timbermerchant 18 Turner EdwardWrake. •shipbkr • • • • · • • .he'IV! Battery st · • • • •. • · • w a terfor d s teamsh" 1p ·a o. L'rm1 "ted , Wannop & Davies· ' shipwrights Healey Joseph, ship store dealr lA, Coltart Robert & Co. tun- G K Payne aaent Taylor Richard boat builder New~ll ":iltiam, sltipwright & . ber brok!'rs . City of Dublin Ste~m Packet eo. Darby Edward Hy.sack oontractr shipsmi~h lA, Slater, Birds & Co. timber shipping berth Bisson Thomas, firewood dealer ...... here 11 Ganton dock....... merchants Cheshire Lines Committee ship- J~hnson W. H. & Co. timber dlrs ping sub-off.Alfd Manners man Kiln er Mrs. Esther E. team owner THE DOCKS. EAST SIDE. • ' Withington JohnWesley, foreman • MERSEY DOCKS & HARBOUR 1 Dobell Alfre(l & Co. timber CLARENCE GRAVING DOCK shipwright BOARD. brokers & BASIN, entrance from Re- -- Dock office, Revenue buildinga 1 Dernpsey Arthur & Co. timber gent road. MAP H 11 & H 12. EAST FLOAT (Birken.head), Canning place. brokers Nearest station on overhead entrance from CorporatiOn rd. Secretary, Miles Kirk Burton 1 Pierce Watts & Co. timber railway is Clarence dock MAP M 16, N 15. Marine Surveyor,M.A.Sweny R.N merchants & importers Dock master, Wm.AlderstonWard Dock master,Jn. J. Partndge R.N Acting Conservator of the River POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE Master of gridiron, Thos. Roberts Mersey, Admiral Sir G. R. 2 Lightbound, Rigby & Co. tiro- EGERTON DOCK (Birkenhead), Richards K.C. B., F.R.S. &c.; ber merchants CLA.RENCE HALF-TIDE DOCK entrance from Canning street. office, George's pier 3 & 4 Rimmer Thomas & Son, entrance from Waterloo road & MAP N 14 & ;.5.. Superintendent of Pilotage, Robt. timber merchants Regent road. MAP I 12. Nearest Dock master," ilham Wilson P. J. Simpson R.N 4 Duncan Ewing & Co. timber station on Overhead railway is GEO..,,GE'S DOCK t b t Water Bailiff, Francis 0. Simpson brokel'8 &c Clarence dock ~~ • en ranee o ·· R.N. George's pier 40wenJsph.&Sons,timbermers Dockmaster, WilliamWilson tom of Water street. ¥AP L 5 Taylor C. Sons & Co. timber WES'l' SIDE. 10, M 10. Neare~t stat~on ~;m AT.BERT DOCK, entrance from merchants Portrush steamships & Larne the Overhead railway IS Pier Wappiug. MAP N 10. Nearest 6 Chaloner Edward & Co. tiro- steamshps.(M.Langlands&Sons) Dhekad. te W'll" L t station on the Overhead rail­ her brokers EAST SIDE. oc mas r, 1. 1am ancas er, way is Custom House. WALL LETTER Box Sligo Steam Navigation Co.'s Albert Dock Pier nead Dock master, Wm. Lancaster 7 Harrison, Robinson & Co. tiro· shipping berth HARRINGTONDOClr (Toxteth Albert DockWarehou5eS(Thos. ber merchants !'rice, chief warehouse keeper), 8 Ellison, Murphy & Co. tiro· COBURG DOCK, entrance from ~~~~: ~!:r:n~t f~!re~:f:~! Albert Pier bead ber merchants &c Sefton street. MAP P 8, P 9. 1 Partridge James, assistant 9.A., Holme J. H. & Co. timber Nearest station on the Over- tion on the Overhead ra!lway is harbour master merchants head railway isBrunswick dock. Herculaneum dock: 8 LancasterWilliam,dock master 9A, Holme, Wainwright & Co. Dock master, William c. Jarvis . Dock master, Dav~d Ross Dean 9 Reid William, pier master timber merchants 1 SOUTH BIDE. 46 Suascar G~orge, Jiller master 10 Carr J ames, pier master 9 Farnworth & Jardine, timber' Dock Engineers' Office (George 48 M~~y Obver, pier m~ter brokers Fosbery Lyster,engnr.-in-chief) Bntish'Yo:kman Public House AT.EXANDRA DOCK, entrance 10 Mackay A. F.& D. timber brkrs EAST siDE. Co. L1m1ted (branch) from Regent road. MAP A 12, 11 Wilkinson John L. & F. tiro- South Dock Fire Engine Station A 13. Station here on the Over­ ber merchants South Dock Bridewell, HERCULANEUM DCCKS (Tox:· head railway. 12 Halsall Jas.& Son, timber mers David McWilliams, keeper teth park), entrance from Dock master, Richard A.Crafter, 12 Wyllie Robert H. timber mer British Workman Public House Sefton st. MAP S 6. Station S7 Langton Dock pier head IS Williams& Davies,timbermers Co. Limited here on the Overhead railway. Hnmphreys Thombll, pier master 13 Sheraton Harry & Co. timber I Dock master, David Ross Dean, .A.lexandra Towing Co. Limited merchants · COLLINGWOOD DOCK,entrance Harrington dock (Beaumont Crook, manager), 14 Smith Jas. & Co. timber mers from Regent road. MAP H 11. HERCULANEUM PIER, tug owners 16 Parker R.obt. & Co. timber mers Nearest station on the Over- 49 Hodge Wm. head gate keeper British Workman I'ublic House !6 Cox Robt.& Co. timber merchtf head railway is Clarence dock. 60 Col well Charles, pier master Co. Lim. (branch) 17 Lancaster J. H. & Co, timber Dock master, Richard Pender 61 Murray Thos. head gatekeeper merchants Police Station, William Carlton, ALFRED DOCK, Birkenhead rd. Timber Traffic Office ( dist. B), bridewell sergeant Killip Robert, coffee rooms Seacombe. MAP M 14. Joseph G. SavBI!"e, manager Shropshire Union Railways & Dock master,Jn. T.PartridgeR.N Roberts David, bon & Co. Canal Co. dep()t BORNBY DOCK, Regent road. Limited, timber merchants Nearest station on the Overhead BRAMiiEY-MOORE DOCK, en- here i.r Canada st CORN DOCK or EAST WATER- railway is A.lexandra dock. trance from Regent road. MAP • • •• '· ·' • • · • • • • • LOO, entrance from Waterloo Dock master, Richard A. Crafter, G 11, G 12. Nearest station on road. MAP J 11. Neareststa- 37 Langton Dock pierhead the Overhead railway is Sandon CANNING DOCK, entrance from tion on the Overhead railway is Richter Charles, pier master dock. Strand st. MAP M 10. Nearest Prince's half-tide dock. Dock master, William Long station on the Overhead rail· Dock master, Owen Pritchard HUSKISSON DOCK, entrance Pier master, Thomas '.fulloch way is J ames street. Grain warehouses, Alfred Benj. from Regent road. MAP E 11, Nelson James & Sons Limited, Dock master, William Lancaster Bridger, warehouse keeper E 12. Nearest station on the meat importers (cold stores) Wagstatl Thomas, team owner Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Overhead railway is Sandon Customs Depot Liverpool Cartage Co. Co. grain receiving office, dock. Weights & Scales Department, Thomas J. Mullen, manager William Haslam, foreman Dock master, Charles Leggett, Joseph Brownbill in charge Brown Matt. Allison, team owner Sandon dock · Thomas Robert, team owner DUKE'S DOCK, entrance from Hunter Simon, pier master BROCKI.EBANK DOCK, en- Wapping.
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