Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy THE GUIDEBOOK


YEAR OF PUBLICATION: 2012 onuments conservation and protection are fields in which MPoland – in spite of historical conditions, or maybe thanks to them – has been excelling other countries. Long lasting period of lack of sovereignty and threat of losing the national identity made Polish scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, as well as people from outside the aforementioned branch of industry, to focus on saving historical buildings and masterpieces of art for future generations. A combination of unfavorable occurrences, paradoxically, created the necessity to prepare ways and methods of conservation, which - as it turned out later – were crucial for development of the monu- ments protection industry in other countries as well. Reconstruc- tion of historical settlements, carried out on a great, unprecedent- ed scale, made the Polish conservation-related concepts, as well as their executors well known in all places in the world, where the outcomes of natural disasters or human activities has created ne- cessity to revitalize damaged objects. In many cases, training new craftsmen in teams of conservators translated to education of top class professionals, who become extremely wanted experts very quickly and were members of teams saving numerous monuments from destruction all over the world, including those, which are registered on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Rich experiences from archeological missions, combined with innovative approach, based on direct cooperation of professional from various fields, re- sulted in development of interdisciplinary approach to cultural her- itage protection – which is nowadays considered rather obvious. 5 Photo by: POLYCHROME PAINTING AND SCULPTURES CONSERVATION INSTITUTE The UMK Fine Arts DepartmentTorun, in

6 7 Department, and the Technology and Techniques of Monuments Department. In the case of Torunian UMK, the Conservation and Monuments-related Sciences Institute was created within the scope of the Fine Arts Department. One can obtain professional knowledge about conservation and restoration of polychrome sculptures and paintings, paper and leather, stone sculptures and architectonic elements. What is more, few years earlier, the Master of Arts level of education was created on the speciali- EDUCATION zation of the Cultural Heritage Protection, within the scope of which, the conservation specialization (theoretical and manage- he first education centers in Poland, focused on teaching pro- rial) has been proposed, as well as museum-related studies and Tfessionals specialized in monuments protection and main- historical and monuments-related studies in the field of art of tenance were established in 1945. The 70 years of tradition, the Orient. The educational offer of the Institute, supervised by when it comes to surveys and education in the field of conserva- PhD Elżbieta Basiul includes also Monuments-related studies and tion and restoration of art masterpieces, is the European-scale Conservation of Architectural Heritage Postgraduate Studies. achievement. The Polish education system training conserva- tors and restaurateurs has been the paradigm in many coun- ince December 1999, the Intercollegiate Conservation and tries. It is not an accident, though, that there is a positive term SRestoration Institute of Art Masterpieces of the Academy relating to the “Polish school of monuments conservation”. of Fine Arts in Cracow and has been operating, on the basis of which – except direct cooperation between im- owadays, professionals from the monuments protection portant education centers located in two Polish capital cit- Nand maintenance are trained at three universities: The Fine ies, few international research programs have been organized: Arts Academy in Warsaw, Nicolaus Copernicus University in To- run, and the Fine Arts Academy in Cracow. In the case of the • COST G7 Action “Design of laser technology to renovate mod- university located in the capital city, the Monuments Conserva- ern works of art.” tion and Restoration Department is responsible for that. The • E! 3483 LASCAN “Advanced laser renovation of antique paint- dean of the department is professor Jerzy Nowosielski. Stu- ings, paper, parchment, and metal objects” EULASNET LAS- dents can choose one of four specializations: Conservation and CAN, no. 120/E-410/SPB/EUREKA/KG/DWM 97/2005-2007 – Restoration of Polychrome Wooden Paintings and Sculptures; coordinator of the Diagnostics Work Package Conservation and Restoration of Books, Graphics and Antique Leathers; Restoration and Conservation of Stone Sculptures and • Culture 2000 “Gemeinschaftsprojekt zur Entwicklung und Elements of Architecture, and Restoration of Antique Fabrics. Verbreitungeines Stein-Informations-System”

n Cracow, there is the Faculty of Monuments Conservation and • “Modern methods of the material-based engineering in diag- IRestoration, with the Conservation and Restoration of Wall Paint- nostics of works of art. after laser pulse radiation renovation ing Department, the Conservation and Restoration of Easel Paint- - Matlas” ings Department, Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures 8 9 oreover, innovative research programs have been in- THE POLISH SCHOOL Mitiated, basing on the newest diagnostic instru- ments (such as roentgen spectrometer with XRF en- OF CONSERVATION ergy dispersion, LIBS laser spectroscopy, and portable Raman laser). Professor Jerzy Koss is the director of the Institute.

eveloped technological and laboratory facilities, combined Dwith small number of students that are matriculated every year makes it possible for new generations of professionals to obtain The biggestachievements from high quality of education, as well as access to the newest achieve- the historical point of view ments of the industry-related technique. Thanks to that, without underestimating the level of theoretical and creative classes, the graduates are entering the labor marker, being competitive for more experienced but less knowledgeable concerning newest I. Our achievements abroad techniques conservators, and for students of foreign universi- ties, accustomed to work on advanced, and excellent devices only. ozens of thousands of tourists visit one of the most promi- hile concerning the list of universities cooperating with Dnent monuments in Egypt every day – the Great Temple of the WPolish universities training professionals specialized in Ramses II in Aby Simbel. They find it hard to believe their eyes, conservation of monuments, following institutions should be in- seeing the name of a Pole on the pedestal of the monument of the dicated: Opificiodelle Pietre Durein Florence, Istituto Centrale di pharaoh, next to the signature of the UNESCO’s General Assembly Restauro in Rome, Institute of Art and Design EVTEK in Vantaa, Chairman and the Ministry of Culture of Egypt. The name is hard Technological Educational Institution in Athens, Universidad del to utter properly – Kazimierz Michałowski. The bust of the man Pais Vasco in Bilbao, Koninklijke Academievoor Schone Kunstenin could have been seen near to the entrance to the Egyptian Mu- Antwerp, Universidad Complutense in Madrid, the Malta Univer- seum in Cairo, next to the statue of Jean-Francois-Champollion, sity, Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Dresden, Hochschule für who was the first man in history that managed to decode Egyp- Angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunstin Hildesheim, Staatliche tian hieroglyphs. Such juxtaposition is not accidental, though. Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, Vysoka Skola Vy- In the very place: among the sands of the desert, a Polish school tvarnych Umenin Bratislava, Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Gal- of archeology and conservation was established half a century liin Como, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milano, The Fine ago. The achievements of the representatives of the school are Arts Academy in Lvov, Royal Fine Arts Academy in Copenhagen, so prominent, that no other nation has managed to be a match Conservation Department in Kiev, and Escuela Superior Autóno- for them. Its uniqueness is based on the interdisciplinary ap- ma de Bellas Artes Diego Quispe Titoin Peruvian city of Cuzco. proach to surveys, and close cooperation of archeologists, an- thropologists, architects, conservators, sculptors, and painters. Even though it seems pretty obvious nowadays, the very first in- terdisciplinary missions were launched by Poles. Their great pro- moter was professor Kazimierz Michałowski, the member of the 10 11 National Museum in Warsaw. They did not need to wait for long rious, richly decorated villas from the beginning of our era. They for such approach – harmonic combination of archeological work had also discovered a complex of public baths, with preserved with conservation and protection of monuments – to be suc- pools, heating systems, furnaces, and wide underground storag- cessful. Within few years, Polish archeologists and monuments es.Polish archeologists and conservators have still worked there. conservators have become the best Polish export commod- Works of professor Michałowski in Egypt are continued by his ity. It must be highlighted that the whole thing happened when students, such as Karol Myśliwiec, who is the director of the PAN the flow of commodities and serviced was severely restricted. Mediterranean Archeology Office, as well as Krzysztof Ciałowicz and Marek Chłodkicki. Their findings and discoveries created tarting from the fifties, the Polish archeological groups have the necessity to rewrite many of handbooks on ancient history. Sworked in Crimea, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Cyprus, and Iraq. In the same time, the Egyptian government, wanting to provide millions oles contributed to renovation of wall paintings in many coun- of citizens with electric power, decided to build the Aswan Dam. It Ptries of the world. In 2010, a conservator from Warsaw, PhD was, however, connected with covering significant areas of land Ewa Święcka, who was responsible for consultations and sup- with water and flooding thousands of priceless monuments. A Pol- port concerning frescoes renovation in Germany, Slovakia, Portu- ish expedition, led by professor Michałowski, had carried out the gal, Italy, France, and , as well as being the UNESCO and stocktaking of these objects, and the procedure became the basis ICCROM missions to Turkey participant, was awarded with the of the monuments protection plan1. Chances of securing the great Janusz Pasierb’s SKZ presidium award, Conservator Ecclesiae. temple complex of the Ramses II in Abu Simbel were unknown. On request of the UNESCO, professor Kazimierz Michałowski became the leader of the committee of experts that was to deal with the issue. The solution that was opted for was controversial: they de- II. Poland cided to cut the temple of Ramses II into thousands of pieces and moving it 65 meters up, above the water level. The risky, unprec- ar experiences and diametrical changes being their results edented works were carried out from 1964 to 1968 and ended up Wcreated completely new challenges for the Polish archeo- with a success, making the name of the Polish scientist recogniz- logical groups. Damages were in many cases equal to ninety per- able worldwide. It had been known even earlier to some art histo- cent of the whole structure, so they needed to analyze all techni- rians and archeologists: few year earlier, during the investigative cal, law and administrative capabilities in order to design the new works of the area of present Sudan, the scientist from Warsaw had shape of Polish cities after the war. The doctrine of conservators, discovered a Nubian cathedra in Faras, with perfectly preserved being against reconstructions must have been taken into con- frescoes, and had become a co-creator of Nubian Studies and the sideration. However, the scale of damages had not been seen in chairman of the international association of scientists - Society Europe earlier, so the methods used – being contrary to the doc- for Nubian Studies. He was also the one to make numerous dis- trine voiced by the conservators – were unprecedented as well. covered in Egyptian Alexandria, where Poleshad discovered a frag- ment of Roman district in Alexandria, including a theater and luxu- he decision concerning the necessity to make Warsaw the Tcapital city again, and – what was even more important – to 1 A. Żukowska-Maziarska: Taki był profesor, Podkowiański Magazyn Kulturalny nr 31- reconstruct the historic design of the city, had been made long be- 21/1999.

12 13 J.F. Reusch, Angel of Death, 1886 J.F. Reusch, Angel of Death, 1886

Before the reconstruction Photo by: The Department of Conservation of Architectonic Elements and Details Poland Toruń, University, Copernicus Nicolaus Photo by: The Department of Conservation of Architectonic Elements and Details Poland Toruń, University, Copernicus Nicolaus After the reconstruction fore the Second World War’s ending. It happened on 5th November tions was returning the city its glam from the XVIII century. The 1944, a month after failure of the Warsaw Uprising, during the first spatial arrangement of the city was designed to depict its locali- meeting of the Architects’ Association of the Republic of Poland, zation from seven hundred years ago. The Old Town regained its taking place in Lublin. After 17th January 1945, the former citizens historical shape within some restricted borders. Fragments of of the city, being thrown out of the city due to repercussions af- former architectonic and other details were implemented into the ter the Uprising, started to go back to the ruins of the town. To basic shape of the buildings. Architects tried to maintain the old the town, which – despite of being destroyed – was meant to be arrangement of streets and their traditional pavements. What is their beloved home. The first, personal attempts to reconstruct also important, the majority of works were performed without us- the individual buildings were caused by desires to settle some- ing heavy machines, using historical manufacturing methods in where, but the reconstruction started to be an institutional mat- exchange. The reconstruction of the historical center of Gdansk ter after a short time. On 14th February 1945, the Capital Reno- (90% of which had been destroyed) was performed similarly. It vation Office, directed by Roman Piotrowski was established. The was also the case with Lublin, Wroclaw and other, smaller cities. authorities assumed that every building constructed before 1850 should have been considered as a monument. Such key feature he first stage of reconstruction of the Old Town in War- was used later as well to choose the object to be reconstructed. Tsaw had been finished in 1953, and three years later the citizens of Warsaw could have entered the chapel, the re- he CCRO was responsible for directing the progress of works construction of which – following the gothic style of renova- Tduring the deconstruction. Costs and expenses connected tion – was possible thanks to the Primate Council of Recon- with the very undertaking were included in the budget of the struction of Churches in Warsaw, appointed by cardinal Hlond. Ministry of Reconstruction. About 1,5 thousand people worked in the Capital City Reconstruction Office, including 351 engi- onfirmation of the righteousness of the way the architects neers, 28 constructors, 534 technicians and draftsmen, 49 jour- Chad followed was enlisting the Old Town in Warsaw on the nalists, painters and designers, as well as 12 economists. About UNESCO’s World Heritage list. The inscription was made on 9,5 thousand individuals were responsible directly for execution 2nd September 1980. Admiration for the complete reconstruc- of plans. In the case of the Old Town reconstruction, the Antique tion of the historic objects was accompanied by appreciation Architecture Department, led by professor Jan Zachwatowicz for restoring the proper glam of the city, which had been de- was of significant importance. The Department dealt with archi- stroyed almost to the ground during the Second World War. tecture and urban planning of the antique district, conservation, n 2011, the archives of the Capital City Reconstruction Office and reconstruction of monuments. At first, the workers of the De- were included in the UNESCO’s „Memory of the World” program. partment performed the stocktaking of unique objects, created I The archives, stored in the National Archives of Warsaw, are the plans of reconstruction, and prepared a database of monuments2. collection of 14 679 archival units, such as: photos, stocktaking tudies and surveys, as well as preparation of conservation-re- documentation, maps depicting the scale of destruction of War- Slated indications lasted few years. The effect of such prepara- saw during the Second World Was, as well as plans and projects carried out to reconstruct the city after the War. One can find de-

2 T. Markiewicz, J. S. Majewski: Budujemy nowy dom. Odbudowa Warszawy 1945-1953, scriptions of the condition of preserved buildings, conception of Warszawa 2012. reconstruction of antique objects, as well as investments and de- 16 17 18 19 signing documentation. The documentation was created between 1945 and 1953, thanks to works of the Capital City Reconstruction Office, The Reconstruction Board of Warsaw, CCRO Antique Archi- tecture Department, and the Conservation Office in Warsaw. The application to include the collection in the „Memory of the World” program, included following statement: Reconstruction of War- saw, the capital city of Poland was a remarkable achievement of conservators, architects, artists, and workers. It can be considered as a significant social event as well. It made Warsaw – the city that had been foredoomed during Hitler’s occupation and had been planned to be destroyed due to political and ideological reasons – became a symbol of the „untamed city”. Moreover, it presented the significance of national heritage in shaping the social identity and gave new meaning to conservation of monuments. Taking those occurrences into consideration, Warsaw became a prec- edent that has been widely discussed and has had a significant influence on carrying out similar undertakings in other countries3.

ne of such places is the Italian l’Aquila that was destroyed Oduring an earthquake in 2009. Italian experts, including a Venice architecture tutor – Pier Luigi Carvellati, stated that the reconstruction of the Old Town in Warsaw by maintain- ing its historicalforms, should be a great example for the city.

proof that the reconstruction of Warsaw had been inspiring Aconservators, architects, and even filmmakers, is that a British and Australian documental movie was made in 2011 and entitled „Out of Ashes”. Restoring the „historical” center of the Old Warsaw can be also an encouragement for contemporary authorities of var- ious cities that have not restored the antique structure. The resto- ration of town hall and the Old Town in Lubań was finished a year ago, and the tower clock started to measure time again. Taking advantage of the sum of 20 mln PLN (the half of which was granted by the EU) and work of urban planners, historians, conservators, architects, and art historians, not only was the town hall restored

3 The record in the UNESCO „The memory of the world” list.

20 21 but twelve tenement houses as well, and street and pavements to 2015, a project entitled “The Old Town in new form” will be re- were covered with paving. The works were continued in 2012. alized here. The works, amounting to 15 mln PLN will be aimed at renovation of roads and pavements, including the foundations. owever, the Old Town reconstructed thanks to post-war Historic places will regain their initial charm due to implementa- Hoptimism must be revitalized again. Such issue is caused tion of gas lanterns. In 2012, a complex, three-year plan of revitali- by various factors. Reconstruction of the antique structure of zation of the Cathedral in Warsaw, entitled „The cultural heritage the Old Town, which was executed under the time pressure, treasury – The Arch-see Basilica, the Archdiocese of Warsaw Mu- caused experts to focus on reconstruction of tenement hous- seum”. By taking advantage of funds amounting to 20,9 mln PLN es and revaluation of their architectonic decor. The conserva- (17,7 mln PLN of which will be received from funds of the European tion works, have not been yet performed in the preserved cel- Union), conservation of walls and belfry will be performed, as well lars. This significant omission has been dealt with recently. as the floor of the basilica, stone sarcophaguses and epitaphs. Drainage of the surrounding areas and drying of the walls of vestry hanks to the economic support of the Norway Grants, within and the northern part of the object are currently performed. The the scope of the European Economic Section Grants Program T project includes replacement of the electric installations, imple- carried out between 2009 and 2011, it was possible to realize the mentation of new lighting systems, change of sound systems and program of adaptation of the cellars to serve cultural and educa- central heating. The arch-see will be also equipped with new alarm tion purposes, as well as to execute a significant set of conser- and fire prevention systems. Trying to take advantage of the first vation works, improving the look of the objects. Conservators reconstruction of the object, a plan of additional glass informa- decided to expose authentic vaults – being the original part of tional plates, and lighting highlighting the most important parts the antique complex – as well as brick elements of medieval and of the building was created. A tunnel, connecting two complex- contemporary provenance. The total cost of the project amount- es of crypts will be created for tourists as well. New educational ed to 8 821 960 euro. Within the scope of the project, a series of rooms are to be implemented as well, in order to present the his- seminars and consultation-oriented meetings with partners from tory of the Cathedral and the history of burying in Poland. The ex- Norway took place. Two of them, organized in Warsaw, were de- ecutor general of the project is the Art-con Company from Torun. voted to exchange of conservation experiences in the field of ar- cheological supervision during investments and presenting the n Lublin and Gdansk, structures of the Old Towns have been effects of the works in the form of preserved buildings, as well as Iexamined by conservators. Surveys concerning possibili- to creation of the Antique Interpretation Center program. Interest ties of creation similar decorations in Old Town in Olsztyn were concerning the performed works among the citizens of Warsaw started in 2012, on request of the local conservator of monu- was proven by the fact that during the Night of Museums 2011, ments, professor Jakub Lewicki from the UKSW in Warsaw. the antique cellars were visited by two thousand sightseers4.

owever, those are not the only conservation-oriented under- Htakings aiming at enchant the Old Town in Warsaw. From 2012

4 Artur Zbiegieni: Realizacja projektu adaptacji piwnic na Starym Mieście w Warszawie, Renowacje i zabytki nr 3 (43)/2012.


onservare est novam vitam dare – according to the credo of Cconservators, the Kings’ Castle in Warsaw has been revital- ized. However, by a combination of political and economic events, the works were undertaken thirty years after the end of the World War II. Even though the decision concerning reconstruction was issued in 1949, realization of the project – which was evolv- ing and which was awaited by the citizens – started in 1974. The project of Jan Bogusławski was to be realized. According to the assumptions of conservators, while reconstruction the idea of „development” of history was maintained, especially by using ico- nographies from 1939. After the conservation – executed by the National Company “Monuments Conservation Workshops” – all preserved fragments of the object were implemented, increasing the level of originality and strictly connected with museum-relat- ed functions of the Castle and its connection with the National Museum5. In general, the cubage of the reconstructed Kings’ Cas- tle amounted to 144 580 m3, and the total usable area – 21 680 m2.

owadays, the reconstructed object requires care of con- Nservators as well. That is why, realization of the project of renovation of the western elevation of the Kings’ Castle was planned for the period between 2011 and 2013, total cost of which amounts to 15 020 993,22 PLN. The subject of the project is to: drainage, disinfection and insulation of damp fragments of the elevation, removal of sediments from the surface, removal

5 Irena Oborska: Pracownie konserwacji zabytków – działalność w latach 1956-1988. Pro- jekty i odbudowa zamkukrólewskiego, Wiadomości konserwatorskie nr 31/2012.

24 25 26 27 of disintegrated plasters, conservation and strengthening of the 4. Auschwitz Birkenau, the Nazi German concentration and structure of plasters, conservation of stone sculptures and ar- death camp /1940-1945/ (entry number - 1979) chitectonic details that were made in the elevation and plas- 5. The historic center of Warsaw (entry number - 1980) ters, painting of the whole elevation using historical techniques, 6. The Old Town in Zamość (entry number - 1992) assembly of the anti-bird system, assembly of security system 7. The medieval city in Torun (entry number - 1997) and installation of lighting. The works have been performed by a consortium including: RENOVA LTD Monuments Conservation 8. The Teutonic Knights’ Castle in Malbork (entry number - 1997) and Revitalization Workshop and the INS-TOM LTD Company. 9. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the mannerist architectonic and landscape complex and the pilgrimage parky (entry number - 1999) 10. The Peace Churches in Jawor and Świdnica (entry number - 2001) 11. The wooden churches located in the southern part of the Lit- THE CONDITION OF THE tle Poland: Binarowa, Blizne, Dębno, Sękowa, Haczów, Lipnica- MONUMENTS IN POLAND AND Murowana (entry number - 2003) 12. The Muskauer Park (entry number - 2004) FORMS OF THEIR PROTECTION 13. The in Wroclaw (entry number - 2006)

t is not the only form of monuments protection enlisted in the ue to geographical localization, Poland has been the buffer- ILaw on Monuments Protection and Maintenance dated on 2003. Ding country for years, being the country joining both Eastern It also includes the monuments of history that are stationary rem- and Western cultures. The legacy of thousand years of history nants, having a significant importance for the Polish culture. It is visible in hundreds of thousands of stationary and moveable was set by the President of Republic of Poland in a special regula- monuments, being created by various cultures and presenting tion, on request of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. numerous beliefs and life views. Among the rich and diverse cul- The very first distinction was granted in 1994. Only in the last year, 6 tural heritage, there are also some top-class objects. Thirteen of following items were added to the list of historical monuments : them were included on the UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natu- • Kórnik – park and castle complex, including parish church – ral Heritage. The number gives Poland the tenth place in Europe. the necropolis of its owners, being one of the best preserved and the well-known aristocratic mansions in Poland. Its indis- Poland – objects enlisted on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List: pensable value is a valuable library and various exhibits; 1. The historic center of Cracow (entry number - 1978) • Duszniki Zdrój – paper mill – the oldest paper mill in Poland 2. The salt-pit in Wieliczka (entry number - 1978) and one of the oldest objects of such kind in Europe, produc- 3. Belovezhskaya Pushcha / The Białowieża Forest (entry number ing fabric sheets in a traditional fashion; - 1979, 1992) 6 Biuletyn Informacyjny ICOMOS 2/2012.

28 29 • Palaces and landscape parks of the Jeleniogórska Valley – it 14. Kamień Pomorski – the cathedra complex is the complex of mansions with surrounding parks from XVIII 15. Kanał Augustowski – the waterway and XIX century, creating harmonic cultural landscape; 16. Kanał Elbląski 17. Katowice – the Nikiszowiec workers’ settlements • William Lindley’s Filtering Station in Warsaw – the complex 18. Kazimierz Dolny of buildings and devices used for water treatment from XIX 19. Kotlina Jeleniogórska – palaces and landscape parks of the and the very beginning of XX century. It is a prominent techni- Jeleniogórska Valley cal monument, which is still used in accordance with its initial 20. Kozłówka – the complex of parks and palaces purpose; 21. Kórnik – the complex of parks and palaces, including the par- • Żyrardów – Factory Settlements from XIX century, being one ish church – being the necropolis of its owners of the biggest spinning centers in Europe – it is the evidence of 22. Kraków – the historical structures of the city superiority of the linen production industry in the Kingdom of 23. Krzemionki k. Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego – Neolithic flint Poland, and innovative urban conceptions. mines 24. Krzeszów – the former Cistercians abbey In total, the list of Polish history monuments is equal 25. Ląd – the former Cistercians abbey in Ląd upon Warta to forty-eight items7. Those are as follows: 26. Legnickie Pole – the post - Benedictine monastery complex 27. Leżajsk – the Bernardines’ monastery complex 1. Biskupin – the archeological reserve 28. Lubiń – the Benedictine abbey 2. Bochnia – the salt mine 29. Lublin –the historical architectonic and urban complex 3. Chełmno – the Old-Town 30. Łańcut – the castles and parks complex 4. Częstochowa – JasnaGóra, the Paulinian monastery complex 31. Łęknica – the Mużakowski Park, being a landscape park 5. Duszniki Zdrój – the paper mill 32. Malbork – the Crusaders’ castle complex 6. Frombork – the cathedra complex 33. Nysa – the Saint Jacob the Apostle and Saint Virgin and Martyr 7. Gdańsk – the city surrounded by fortifications from XVII cen- Agnes’ church complex tury 34. Ostrów Lednicki 8. Gdańsk – the Westerplatte battlefield 35. Poznań - the historical structures of the city 9. Gniezno – the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary’s Cathedral 36. Racławice – the battlefield of the historical Battle of Racławice and Saint Adalbert’s Cathedral 37. Srebrna Góra – the Srebrnogórska Stronghold, the mountain 10. Gostyń – Głogówko, the Saint Philip Neri’s monastery complex stronghold from XVIII century of the Oratory Congregation 38. Stargard Szczeciński – the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of the 11. The Saint Anne’s Mountain – the composed cultural and natu- World’s church and medieval walls of the city ral landscape 39. Tarnowskie Góry – the antique silver ore mines and the „Black 12. Grunwald – the battlefield Trout” adit 13. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – the Mannerist complex of the pil- 40. Torun – The Old Town and the New Town grimage park 41. Warsaw – the historical structure of the city, including the

7 National Heritage Institute. Kings’ Route and Wilanów

30 31 STATIONARY OBJECTS ENLISTED IN THE REGISTER OF MONUMENTS (on the basis of data provided by NID - 31.12.2011)


DOLNOŚLĄSKIE 136 1416 111 606 99 489 191 845 820 199 2144 332 332 390 8110

KUJAWSKO-POMOR- 22 494 74 174 25 89 235 408 397 109 493 102 149 132 2903 SKIE

LUBELSKIE 52 808 56 169 13 107 157 399 309 91 528 67 463 300 3519

LUBUSKIE 34 535 36 142 23 132 78 197 303 80 1947 86 60 102 3755

ŁÓDZKIE 33 569 15 152 19 62 209 387 121 78 559 120 149 106 2579

MAŁOPOLSKIE 57 995 59 324 32 68 216 412 284 234 1462 73 401 406 5023

MAZOWIECKIE 127 1022 58 577 14 155 349 936 374 137 1755 256 344 343 6447

OPOLSKIE 36 646 54 136 28 74 78 216 188 80 1040 81 138 145 2940

PODKARPACKIE 50 1004 80 242 19 53 155 305 281 109 878 68 359 246 3849

PODLASKIE 68 512 9 191 4 14 58 114 86 117 555 77 334 120 2259

POMORSKIE 61 507 108 225 14 71 156 270 219 181 846 103 135 148 3044

ŚLĄSKIE 69 598 16 328 36 88 85 201 166 232 1573 189 110 128 3819

ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE 45 444 15 51 18 30 68 226 91 16 199 68 176 114 1561

WARMIŃSKO- 67 898 128 278 28 99 190 420 523 195 1915 209 522 142 5614 MAZURSKI

WIELKOPOLSKIE 143 1109 38 468 22 338 448 998 926 171 1440 258 360 262 6981

ZACHODNIOPO- 58 853 68 258 23 165 100 712 157 108 355 118 245 127 3347 MORSKIE

IN TOTAL 1058 12410 925 4321 417 2034 2773 7046 5245 2137 17689 2207 4277 3211 65750

32 33 NUMBER OF DECISIONS AND NUMBER OF OBJECTS IN THE NUMBER OF DECISIONS AND NUMBER OF OBJECTS IN THE DECISIONS DECISIONS The B Register of Monuments (art and artistic manufacturing) The B Register of Monuments (art and artistic manufacturing)

Accepted 1.01.2011 - 31.12.2011 As for 31.12.2011 (without deleted items) Name of province Number of Number of Equipment Collections Others Name of province Number of Number of Equipment Collections Others decisions objects of churches decisions objects of churches 1. DOLNOŚLĄSKIE 47 927 907 20 1. DOLNOŚLĄSKIE 2211 33002 29067 392 3543 2. KUJAWSKO-PO- 24 514 506 8 2. KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE 347 7830 7367 75 388 MORSKIE 3. LUBELSKIE 792 18343 16221 779 1343 3. LUBELSKIE 7 326 305 21 4. LUBUSKIE 350 5381 4737 644 4. LUBUSKIE 23 619 330 289 5. ŁÓDZKIE 757 13564 12050 602 912 5. ŁÓDZKIE 7 116 107 9 6. MAŁOPOLSKIE 1265 23901 19236 1347 3318 6. MAŁOPOLSKIE 54 1013 971 42 7. MAZOWIECKIE 1939 19243 13160 3526 2557 7. MAZOWIECKIE 10 62 52 10 8. OPOLSKIE 941 7789 6674 744 371 8. OPOLSKIE 39 503 495 8 9. PODKARPACKIE 905 48571 11531 36364 676 9. PODKARPACKIE 55 853 787 1 65 10. PODLASKIE 576 4086 3624 65 397 10. PODLASKIE 8 140 106 34 11. POMORSKIE 538 5025 4840 65 120 11. POMORSKIE 12 64 63 1 12. ŚLĄSKIE 913 6808 4045 2193 570 12. ŚLĄSKIE 40 267 171 96 13. ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE 433 11504 9683 1247 574 13. ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE 17 272 189 83 14. WARMIŃSKO- 14 174 171 3 14. WARMIŃSKO- 300 4445 4103 265 77 MAZURSKIE MAZURSKIE 15. WIELKOPOLSKIE 19 504 503 1 15. WIELKOPOLSKIE 1115 18023 16210 1075 738 16. ZACHODNIO-PO- 6 27 27 16. ZACHODNIO-POMOR- 544 2015 1921 4 90 MORSKIE SKIE

IN TOTAL 382 6381 5690 1 690 IN TOTAL 13926 229530 164469 48743 16318 Kościół Św. Michała Archanioła w Łasku Photo by: M. Paździora 34 35 NUMBER OF DECISIONS AND NUMBER OF OBJECTS IN THE 42. Warsaw – William Lindley’s Filtering Station DECISIONS 43. Wieliczka – the salt mine The B Register of Monuments (art and artistic manufacturing) 44. Wrocław – the historical structure of the city

As for 31.12.2011 45. Wrocław – The Centennial Hall Name of province Number of Number of Equipment Collections Others 46. Zamość – the historical structure of the city, surrounded by decisions objects of churches fortifications from XIX century 1. DOLNOŚLĄSKIE 2211 33002 29067 392 3543 47. Żagań – the post-Augustine monastery complex 2. KUJAWSKO-POMOR- 347 7830 7367 75 388 SKIE 48. Żyrardów – the Factory Settlements from XIX century 3. LUBELSKIE 792 18343 16221 779 1343 4. LUBUSKIE 350 5381 4737 644 here are almost 66 thousand of stationary monuments en- 5. ŁÓDZKIE 757 13564 12050 602 912 Tlisted in the monuments register, and 42% of them require a 6. MAŁOPOLSKIE 1265 23901 19236 1347 3318 protective or general renovation. Only 9% of all monuments do 7. MAZOWIECKIE 1937 19230 13148 3526 2556 8. OPOLSKIE 941 7789 6674 744 371 not require complex fixtures. It causes necessity to initiate new 9. PODKARPACKIE 905 48539 11499 36364 676 investments in order to preserve stationary monuments. Moreo- 10. PODLASKIE 576 4086 3624 65 397 ver, Poland is in possession of numerous moveable monuments. 11. POMORSKIE 537 5002 4840 65 97 There are almost 229 thousands of them, including the plastics, 12. ŚLĄSKIE 913 6808 4045 2193 570 13. ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE 433 11504 9683 1247 574 artistic manufacturing, and utilitarian art items, as well as coins, 14. WARMIŃSKO- 300 4445 4103 265 77 historic remnants, technical devices, collections of libraries, musi- MAZURSKIE cal instruments, and folk culture-related items. Those remnants 15. WIELKOPOLSKIE 1115 18021 16208 1075 738 16. ZACHODNIO-POMOR- 544 2008 1914 4 90 require specific storage conditions (proper climate-related fac- SKIE tors, fire and theft protection), as well as proper conservation.

IN TOTAL 13923 229453 164416 48743 16294 oth stationary and moveable monuments are unevenly distrib- Buted on the area of Poland. The biggest number of stationary monuments has been recorded in following districts: dolnośląskie (8,1 thousand), wielkopolskie (6,9 thousand) and mazowieckie (6,4 thousand), and the lowest number of them – in podlaskie (2,2 thousand) and świętokrzyskie (1,5 thousand) districts. Moreover, the highest number of moveable monuments can be found in pod- karpackie (48,5 thousand) and dolnośląskie (33 thousand) district, with the lowest amount being preserved in podlaskie (4 thousand) and zachodniopomorskie (2 thousand) districts. Both stationary monuments and collections of moveable objects require proper fire and anti-theft protection. Interestingly, even with alarmingly high number of object requiring conservation works, number of repre- sentatives of both aforementioned groups is gradually increasing Photo by: Pro.digi, 36 37 (about 1,5 thousand per year). Such occurrence leads to reflection and necessity to redefine the role of the historical heritage from the material point of view. The duality of the issue can be easily observed: on the one hand, the interestin preservation of monu- ments is increasing, on the other hand – willingness to develop can cause significant modifications of antique objects, changing them into profitable institutions, forgetting about historical values8.

hat is important the society is becoming increasingly aware Wof the fact that the cultural heritage is a measurable value that is worth caring about. The results of social research, car- ried out at the end of 2011, on request of the National Heritage Institute within the scope of the project entitled Stop Heritage Crime – Legal and illegal circulation of cultural heritage – The ed- THE CULTURAL HERITAGE ucational and investigative platform of exchange of experiences PROTECTION AND TOURISM concerning preventing of crimes against the cultural heritage seem to prove the thesis. Almost nine in ten Poles (89%) declared that in their opinion the national heritage is of significant importance. THE MOST IMPORTANT Nearly the same percentage – 86% stated that every monument PROJECTS FOR THE FUTURE has its economic potential, and gives possibilities for local socie- ties to gain profits thanks to it. More than a half of respondents are convinced that monuments have a positive influence on social here is no need to convince readers those investments in cultur- and economic development of societies. The respondents also fo- al heritage affects development of cities, as well as whole coun- cused on indirect benefits connected with antique objects, such T tries. It is obvious that such activities tend to increase the touristic as development of services. Even though the respondents were and investment-related attractiveness of the region, stimulating fully aware of considerably high funds needed to preserve the her- the development of the service sector and creation of new work- itage items, they were convinced that such undertakings would places. It is understandable, especially concerning data provided be connected with high revenue in the future. While asked about by the World Tourism Organization, according to which. The cultur- the sense of carrying out investments using public funds, 82% al tourism amounts to 35 to 40% of the entire tourism industry and agreed that such activities are necessary. Moreover, demolition of is increasing be 15% per year, that is – three times faster than the antique objects in order to build new buildings and elements of ar- overall tourism industry10. This is the form of tourism, where the in- chitecture caused disagreement of 77% of surveyed individuals9. terest of visitors is focused on rich history of people or regions that 8 National Heritage Institute. has been preserved and presented in the form of monuments, his- 9 The report concerning social surveys Dziedzictwo kulturowe w oczach Polaków[w:] Stop torical districts, traditional architecture, and manufactured items. Heritage Crime – Legal and illegal circulation of works of art – The investigative and educa- tional platform of exchange of experiences in the field of prevention of crimes against cultural heritage, July 2012. 10 Cultural Tourism making it work for you. A new strategy for cultural tourism in Ireland.

38 39 40 41 he potential is understood by authorities of Polish cities and els cover the period between XII and XIX century. A small part of Twhole regions, who, supported by archeologists, conserva- a great graveyard from XI century was reconstruction, in order to tors, and art historians try to lure as many tourists as possible. present the remains of the oldest Cracow inhabitants and arrange- A great example of combination of archeology and conservation ments of the graves that had been surveyed by anthropologists. with popularization of history of a particular country can be the The whole track includes few hundred remnants discovered dur- Traces of European identity of Cracow – the Main Squares’ under- ing excavations between 2005 and 2010. The area of the reserve ground touristic track exhibition11 that was made available for was additionally enriched by using dozens of multimedia presen- tourists in the second quarter of 2011, and cost about 52 million tations, holograms, and movies presenting the history of Cracow PLN. After two years of operation of the exposition, it can be ob- and one of the oldest squares in Europe. The digital reconstruc- served that the idea has been a hit. Even though it is hard to state tions of medieval objects can be admired, and the reconstruction that the former capital of Poland lacks in visitors, the attendance of a stall of a medieval merchant rivets visitor’s attention. The pre- is enormous – about four thousand people per day, giving the es- sented objects are connected with trade items that had been pur- timate number of a million per year – it is a proof that a proper chased and sold in Cracow between XIV and XVI century, such as arrangement and method of presentation can be considered as bars of lead and copper, as well as piles of rock salt. A presentation interesting, even for those, who have visited Cracow many times. of historic movies takes place in the cellars of the Square as well.

he basis of the exposition is the archeological and architec- he owners of the Palace Museum in Wilanów are also follow- Ttonic reserve. It presents stone walls of the oldest commercial Ting the same path. In 2005, many conservation and restoration buildings located on the Square: The Bolesław’s Stalls from the projects were carried out there. They were additionally financed second half of XIII century and the Rich Stalls that were established by structural funds of the European Union, the Norway Fund (NMF at the end of XV century. The reserve had been connected with EOG), as well as thanks to national NFOŚiGW’s funds. The realiza- the underground of the northern andeastern part of the Square. tion of the “Restoration of the first art museum in Poland interior – Various medieval cellars are available there, and the entrance is The Palace Museum in Wilanów” cost about 1,1 million euro. With- possible thanks to a corridor from 1870s. The pre-location settle- in the scope of the project, Chinese and Hunters’ Rooms from XIX ment relicts can be encountered in the northern and eastern part century were reconstructed, as well as chosen rooms of the main of the reserve (from XII and the first half of XIII century); those are building. A temporal exposition presenting collections gathered the foundations of few wooden houses made from oak logs. The by owners of Wilanów, such as Chinese furniture items, and the settlements were destroyed by a fire and the invasion of Mongols collection of Far-Eastern art was organized here. The project was in 1241. Next to the remnants of the destroyed village, manufac- awarded with the Sybilla 2007 prize in the category of the Muse- turing workshops from XII century were reconstructed, such as: um-related Event of the Year, given by the Ministry of Culture and a goldsmith, blacksmith, and horn-maker workshop. In the re- National Heritage. The results of works of the conservators were serve, fragments of streets made from shaped limestone from XIII additionally awarded with the Grand Prix. What is more, in 2005 and XIV century are presented, that are additionally framed with and 2006 the retaining wall of the upper terrace was strength- wooden pavements. On the archeological remnants – sand blocks, ened, reconstructed, and protected. In the future, these works the sections of strata are still visible. The preserved cultural lev- are to be the basis for adaptation of the building for exhibitory, educational, and recreational purposes of the Sobieski’s Chamber 11 Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano [w:] Biuletyn Informacyjny ICOMOS, nr 2 (17)/2012.

42 43 n 2003, the conservation and reconstruction works were accom- eration Program. In the future, attempts to acquire additional Ipanied by some archeological surveys12, that were carried out on funds to reconstruct and improve the look of the courtyard and the basis of partnership with the National Monuments Investiga- to make the 50-hectare Morysinpark, being a closed nature re- tion and Documentation Office. Within the scope of the works, serve, available for wider audience. Thanks to consistent un- a project of a garden on the upper terrace had been created, and dertakings that have been carried out since 2005, the palace in the object was reconstructed afterwards. The next stage of the Wilanów not only returned to the awareness of citizens of War- restoration of the palace and garden complex in Wilanów, realized saw, but also became a place for prestigious diplomatic meet- thanks to funds from the EOG Financial Mechanism increased the ings and organized tours of domestic and foreign visitors13. quality of technical and conservation works, and improved the functionality of the museum. The garden elevation of total acreage lans concerning revitalization of a prominent palace and park of 9993 m2 and sculptures outside the palace were reconstruct- Pcomplex, a summer mansion of the last Polish king, Stanisław ed, thirty-five copies of valuable statues were created. Moreover, August Poniatowski – the Łazienki Park, are ambitious as well. a new object was built (the pavilion for sculptures), seventy-nine The plan for 2011-2015 includes, among others, following items: chambers and rooms of the mansion were examined concerning • Conservation and repairs of the Palace on the Island, their archeological condition, and 3821 m2 of the mansion were including the surroundings of the object additionally examined taking into consideration archeological fea- • Conservation and repairs of the Old Orangery and the tures. The Palace Museum in Wilanów became a member of the Stanisław’s Theater European Kings’ Residences Association, and leader of prevention • Revitalization of the garden surrounding the Chopin’s statue conservative works projects. Afterwards, the owners of the ob- • Revitalization of the Orangery Garden ject managed to revitalize four other gardens of the palace and perform digitalization of the collections (partially in the 3D tech- • Conservation of the King’s Collection of Masterpieces of Art nology, the 3D laboratory was opened as well). Moreover, a com- (including: sculptures, garden statues, graphics, furniture plex conservation and restoration of private apartments of king items and paintings) Jan III was performed and other palace chambers (that had been • Modernization of the cloakroom, lounge and toilets in the of poor technical condition before the renovation) were made ac- Palace on the Island cessible. All terrain registrations were performed using the new- • Repairs of the roof of the Cadets’ House est documentation technologies, incorporated into the CAD and • Conservation of the King’s Collection of Paintings and Fur- GIS systems. A lot of attention was attached to construction of niture website of the museum, the content of which is comparable to • Stanisław’s Theater fire protection portals owned by the most important European institutions. • Modernization of the infrastructure of gardens he last stage of the works is to reevaluate and adapt the • Thermal modernization of the objects Tforeground of the palace in Wilanów, organized within the scope of the 2007-2013 Mazowieckie Districts’ Regional Op-

12 A. Gołembnik: Badania archeologiczne terenu rezydencji królewskiej w Wilanowie, 13 Badania, konserwacja, renowacja i rewaloryzacja zabytków rezydencji wilanowskiej, Ibidem. Renowacje i zabytki nr 3 (43)/2012.

44 45 ithin one and a half year, the exchange of the asphalt sur- years. The renovation and revitalization works were accomplished Wface was performed, replacing it with mineral one within the in 2011. The palace is in a perfect technical condition again, with scope of the project of revitalization of the Chinese Alley, a project clearly defined educational and museum-related functions. In of illumination of the Diana’s Chapel was created and realized, the order to make it possible, historical division of chambers was re- Modernistic Garden was revitalized, the bridge and the Chinese stored, creating the possibilities for further repairs. A new fixed Gate were examined by archeologists, two other gates were con- exhibition of the Eastern Carpets from the collection of Teresa served, conservation of the western pavilion and the main body of Sahakian’s Foundations was created, as well as many rooms that the Palace on the Island were executed, as well as conservation of serve strictly didactic purposes. The interiors were adapted to re- the floor of the Stanisław’s palace and modernization of the ex- flect the times of Jan Poniatowski. Taking into account the con- hibitory halls, the window frames were repainted, modernization servators’ suggestions, air conditioning system was implemented and constructional works of the roof and attic of the Catet’s House into exhibitory spaces, and technical devices were hidden in a pre- were executed, polychrome paintings on the walls of the Hunters’ pared chamber under the courtyard. Conservation-related exami- Palace were examined by the archeologists, paintings from the nations works were performed on the entire area of the building, collection of Stanisław August were conserved, as well as furni- the results of which was to reveal – where possible – old relicts ture items, medallions, and sculptures that were partially revital- that made it possible to restore the historical character of the in- ized, ninety-five copperplates from the “Metamorphoses” series terior. The elevation was also painted in more historical fashion of the King’s Collection of Stanisław August were renovated, non- and sculptures and stonework underwent complex conservation. invasive examinations of the condition of gypsum statues fromthe aforementioned collection were carried out and eight gypsum asing on the detailed analysis of information included in the copies of sculptures by Michelangelo were carried out, eighty- Bprince Józef’s Stock Account, Katarzyna Jursz-Salvadori cre- five golden-plated frames were revitalized and fully documented, ated a project of painting-based decoration in the prince’s apart- and the Agricola’s fountain was conserved as well. In September, ment, and reconstruction of fireplaces, mirrors, and stoves. The an agreement for additional financing was signed. It concerns paintings, as well as facets and rosettes were made by the team a partial funding of the „Conservation and repairs of the palace on of conservators supervised by Karol Klataand Wojciech Roman, the Island with its surroundings and the Łazienki Park Museum in fireplaces were carved in white marble by Paweł Pietrusiński, Warsaw” project. The undertaking had been designed to execute the stove was created in Nakomiady Palace’s Manufacture. Win- conservation and repairing works in the palace, amphitheater, pa- dow and painting frames were made in the Monuments Con- vilions and their surroundings, as well as creation of a virtual mu- servation Company, and the hangings, pelmets and curtains 15 seum. The cost of the investment is estimated to be 36,5 million are works of the Art Center and Conservation Workshop . PLN, 24 mln PLN of which will be funded by the EFRR. The accom- t is worth noting, that place objects are not the only type of ob- plishment of the works should take place around December 201414. Ijects that are of increased interest when it comes to monuments he Copper-Roof Palace in Warsaw that had been owned by conservation. Another important group is sacral buildings – a short TPrince Józef Poniatowski regained its glam within last few overview of such monuments will be mainly focused on under-

14 Muzeum Łazieki Królewskie. Letnia rezydencja króla Stanisława Augusta, Renowacje 15 I. Witkowska-Martynowicz: Zamek Królewski – działania rewitalizacyjne, Renowacje i zabytki nr 3 (43)/2012. i zabytki nr 3 (43)/2012.

46 47 takings made in Poznan. Between 2005 and 2007, conservation the external elevation was conserved, as well as the stone plinth works in an antique parish church were executed. They included of the church, ledges and lanterns, the western stone portal, the about 70% of the entire interior: presbytery, the central part of the woodworks of doors and the signatures; what is more, the smooth transept, the main nave, both side naves, the tribune above the parts of the walls were conserved (in the main nave, presbytery, eastern nave, the vestibule, vestry with its paintings and sculp- side naves, porch, vestry, and in few chapels: of the Holy Sacra- ture-based decorations, coverings of the walls and altars, as well ment, and Komorowski, Tarnowski, and Barszcz’s chapels), as well as the floors. The works were delayed due to discovery of an ini- as frames of the arcades, vaults of the side naves and the Wężyk’s tial color patterning of the monumental columns supporting the chapel, moldings, and sculpted details of it – capitals, plafonds in extended ledge. Ultimately, it was decided to recover the initial the main nave, decorative plates, profiled architectonic sections, colors of the capitals. Moreover, a part of collection of clothing and following chapels: Saint Victoria, Tarnowscy, and Komorows- items and accessories from 1790 – 1810 was conserved. The items ki. Construction and assembly works were performed as well. had been used to bury citizens of the city, nobles, and monks, n the very moment, the conservation works are performed and they were discovered in the crypt of the parish during arche- in another valuable object in Łowicz – the Saint Karol Bo- ological and investigative works that were carried out last year. I romeusz’s Chapel in the local Museum. The scope of the reno- n the same time (2005 – 2007), the Saint Antoni Padewski Con- vation includes conservation works of the walls of the hall and Ivent Franciscans church from the end of XVII century was re- ledges. Their aim Is to clean them from the sediments, recover- constructed in a complex fashion. The works included the main ing surface of walls and moldings below the Michelangelo Pal- nave, both side naves, the choir, a collection of paintings of Adam loni paintings, exposure of initial plasters and moldings, with Swach, the main altar, side altars, stalls, the pulpit, epitaphs, parts of the original color patterning, as well as conservation benches, items of furniture, floors, and the Holy Heart’s Chapel. and restoration works concerning the molding decorations of A wooden baroque pulpit had its lively colors revived, and the al- the walls in order to recover the original character of the ob- tar regained its initial coloring patterns. Later, between 2010 and ject, that had been used to serve important sacral functions. 2011, a conservation of the baroque church of the Holy Blood of olish professionals from the monuments conservation indus- Jesus was carried out. It included the main altar, the pulpit, ma- try are active outside Poland as well. A year ago, the Ministry jority of paintings, sculptures, and carpentry. During the works, P of Culture and National Heritage organized tree projects within a unique polychromeelements of screen walls was discovered16. the scope of the Operational Program, entitled; The national her- spectacular conservation was also executed in Łowicz, the itage – Protection of the cultural heritage abroad. Those were: Acity in Masovia District. The works performed by the AC Mon- the restoration of Konstanty Jeleński’s tombstone, together with uments Conservation and Łowicz Constructions Consortium in- fencing on the Ross’ Graveyard in Vilnius, conservation and mar- cludes conservation of the cathedral basilica of Assumption of the bling of walls below the choir, pulpit and the side entrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Łowicz with belfry, fencing, and the archi- Saint Wawrzyniec the Martyr Collegiate in Żółkwia in , tectonic conservation of the interior. Within the scope of works as well as conservation works performed on the Łyczakwoski Cementary in Lvov. In the last year, within the scope of the very

16 Iwona Błaszczyk: Perły poznańskiego baroku. Konserwacja sakralnych wnętrz ze same program, conservation and arrangement works were per- środków unijnych, Renowacje i zabytki nr 2 (42)/2012.

48 49 50 51 formed in the Saint Catherine Church in Sankt Petersburg, the ern Borderlands. It is not an accident, though that in Poland, in conservation of a stone lantern in the Holy Sacrament’s Chapel Zamość, ten-day international trainings concerning national in Lvov was executed, as well as conservation of A. Radecka–Mi- heritage protection are organized every one or two years20. The kulowiczowa tombstone on the Ross Commentary in Vilnius and Summer Conservation School gathers twenty professionals from marbling of the Żółkwia collegiate fencing and the Basilica17. Middle and Eastern Europe, the professional career of whom concerns monuments protection and revaluation. The city that hroughout last years, renovation of chosen tombstones in the is enlistedon the World Heritage List, is then transferred into TŁyczakowski Commentary was performed along with Ukrain- a „laboratory” for conservators, and is the host for many tutors ian conservators, as well as intense works in the Ormian cathedral from Polish universities, as well as professionals dealing with 18 and Latin cathedral in Lvov . The works in the Armenian Cathe- monuments protection. There aremany visitors from abroad as dral were initiated four years earlier and focused on the severely well. So far, professionals and conservators from following coun- damaged frescoes located on the northern wall and the western tries improved their skills in Poland: Albania, Armenia, Austria, arch. During four conservation seasons, the entire polychrome Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, part of the section was renovated and partially reconstructed. Montenegro, Czech Republic, Estonia, The Russian Federation, Currently, the renovated frescoes are looking much better than Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Poland, the Republic of Mol- those preserved in the northern section and in the presbytery. dova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Hungary. The decision about continuation of works is connected with sig- nificant costs, the source of funding of which is not yet defined. efore experts from abroad starred to train in Poland, Polish The problems arise in connection with setting of the wooden altar Bprofessional had been working in almost every part of the called “Crucifixion” (“Golgotha”) on the sidewall of the church. The globe. Even few dozen years ago, the educational and investiga- team of conservators that has been working for three seasons in tive potential made it easier for the National Monuments Conser- a row, under the supervision of Andrzej Kazberuk, deconstructed vation Company to initiate missions in twelve foreign countries: the altar, creating two hundred and fifty separate parts19. Each in Belarus, Macedonia, Algeria, Egypt, Cambodia, Mongolia, Viet- of them has been conserved, and the polychrome parts were nam, and Cuba. The missions were treated by the company as the restored in some parts. Two figures that had been found in mu- possibility to gather some information about possible conserva- seums of Lvov were reconstructed and their heads were reat- tion service markets, as well as presentation and promotion of in- tached; the central figure of crucified Christ was renovated as vestigative and conservation capabilities of Polish professionals. well. The accomplishment of the works will be possible after stabilization of the corner of the sidewall and its foundations. mong monuments having the highest value and were conserved Aabroad, about twenty of them are registered on the UNESCO’s oreover, Polish conservators, art historians, and archeolo- World Heritage List. Those are, among others, the Citadel in Algiers Mgists are highly appreciated on areas other than the East- (Algeria), queen Hatshepsut’s church in Deir el-Bahari (Egypt), the Angkor complex (Cambodia), Augustusburg Brühl palace and the 17 Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Sanssouci Palace complex in Potsdam (Germany). Those undertak- 18 Kultura to umiejętność dziedziczenia, Kurier Galicyjski nr 5 (129)/2011. ings were in majority perennial activities including conservation 19 ARS ARMENIACA Sztuka ormiańska ze zbiorów polskich i ukraińskich, katalog wystawy Muzeum Zamojskie 2010. 20 UNESCO.

52 53 and constructional works, as well as restoration ones, such as wall paintings conservation and protection of sculptures. Currently, hundreds of professionals that have been trained in the PKZ are the main part of not only Polish but also European monuments conservation industry. The level of realization has been appreciat- ed and awarded with such prizes as the Europa Nostra award and the Golden Medal of the International denkmal ’96 Fairs in Leipzig, as well as the European Award, given to professor Tadeusz Polak, CONSERVATION the creator of the PKZ and active worker of the organization, for his “Prominent devotion to European cultural heritage protection”. OF PAINTINGS It is the highest award in the monuments protection industry21.

hile considering the category of the most prominent events Win the field of paintings conservation, one of the top of them will certainly be the works on the „Battle of Grunewald” by Jan Matejko. Conservation of the masterpiece took profes- sionals about two yeas. The painting had been created in the oil technology on the canvas of the size of 426x987 cm. The painting had been finished by Matejko in 1878. He had been working on his masterpiece for about six years. It depicts the last phase of the battle – the retreat of the Teutonic knights and death of the Grand Master – Ulrich von Jungingen, during the attack of soldiers from Cracow. Matejko, while painting the picture, had taken ad- vantage of the description of the battle created by Jan Długosz.

he valuable canvass had been destroyed during the Second TWorld War. The masterpiece had been hidden and trans- ferred from Warsaw to Lublin and buried on the area of the City Camp, where it had survivedtill 1944. After removing him from the hideout, it turned out that the bottom part of the “Battle of Grunewald” was torn apart in four places, covered in mold, and partially rotten. The dramatic fight to save the well-known painting lasted about five years, and professor Bohdan Mar- 21 Mirosław Olbryś: Działalność zagraniczna PP PKZ: prace konserwatorskie, misje ba- coni was responsible for supervision of the progress of works. dawczo-konserwatorskie oraz współpraca międzynarodowa, Wiadomości Konserwatorskie nr 31/2012.

54 55 imilar situation tool place during the very last approach to save from any chippings, was removed. The duplicate varnishes and Sthe painting – from July 2010 to May 2012 that is – for 22 months, three layers of old retouches were removed as well. They were citizens of Poland were observing works performed by conservators. replaced by new layers and with properly prepared new varnish. It was possible thanks to creation of specific accounts on social por- tals, as well as due to usage of other Internet sources and the YouTube. he painting that had been removed from the wall by com website that was used to inform viewers about progress live. Tthirty-six workers of the museum, was later equipped with new frames and looms (designed by engineer Arendar- he front side of the painting was protected using Chinese tis- ski form Cracow). Thanks to their construction, the overall Tsues, the canvass was removed from the loom and turned weight was reduced from 700 to 290 kilos, and it was pos- upside down by a giant roller. The first task was to remove all sible for only one man to lift the canvass to the exhibitory reinforcements that had been used by conservators right af- height. The cost of the conservation amounted to 1,2 mln PLN22. ter war. The contemporary conservators were removing the pro- tective linen and the wax and resin solution that had been stick t is also worth noting that few dozens of lost paintings have re- to the back of the paining. Afterwards, the original canvas was Iturned to Poland, thanks to attempts of Polish diplomatic, consular strengthened by soaking it in a special preparation. After evapo- and monuments protection authorities. Each of retrieved canvass- ration, professionals started to connect the torn elements and fill es is a new, and in many cases risky task for conservators. The short the gaps in the canvass; the very stage of the works lasted about overview of retrieved masterpieces of art is presented below23: two months. When it was accomplished, the backup procedure was started. However, there were some dramatic moments: the conservators had spent many long hours ironing the canvass, but after impregnation it turned out that small fibers erected and after covering the canvass with the impregnating solution – they congealed. The unusual situation required a unique reac- tion: it turned out that… shaving the painting will be necessary. A chirurgic scalpel was used to perform the activity. Ultimately, the backup linen was stick to the back of the canvass by using acryl- ic joints. The procedure took the professionals about four days.

he second stage of the works was based on renovation of Tthe front of the canvass, that is – the painted layer. Concern- ing the relatively big size of the masterpiece – about 42 square meters – the conservation was made in the Matejko’s Hall in the National Museum that was adapted for the purpose. On this stage, physicochemical were necessary in order to identify the initial and duplicate joints used on the painting. While start- ing the works on the front side of the painting, the Chinese tis- 22 The National Museum, blog of the conservators. sue that had been used since June 2010 to protect the painting 23 The Foreign Office, the list of retreived works of art. 56 57 Source: MSZ Source: Aleksander Mroczkowski (1850-1927) Harvesting, 1882, oil on a canvas - 42 x 81 cm. Lost during the Second World War. Source: MSZ Source: Retrieved from the USA in 2008. A painting that was probably created by Jacob van Walscapelle (a painted that was active between 1665 and 1718), presenting Flowers in a glass vase (oil, canvas - 76 x 61,5 cm). It was stolen from the National Museum in Warsaw. Retrieved in April 2001 from the USA. Source: MSZ Source: „Liber de naturarerum”, the late medieval copy of Thomas Can- timpratensis’ work, written in the first half of the XIII century. The manuscript disappeared from the collection of the Municipal Library in Wroclaw. Found in London, and returned to Poland in September 2011. Source: MSZ Source:

A painting assigned to Georg Penczow (about 1500-1550), The Holy Tinity (oils, board - 51,3 x 39,2cm).

It was stolen from the National Museum in Warsaw. Retrieved in MSZ Source: February 2002 from the USA. Witold Wojtkiewicz (1879-1909), The Pageant, 1908, (distemper on canvas - 39 x 71 cm), stolen from a private collection in Cracow, retrieved in spring 2012.

58 59 Source: MSZ Source: Source: MSZ Source:

Jan Mostaert (about 1475 - about 1555) A painting by Adriaen Brouwer (1605/6-1638), The portrait of a Courtier The peasants in an inn (oil, copperplate - 17,5 x 23 cm). It was (also known as the portrait of Carol VIII – the king of France). stolen from the National Musem in Warsaw. Retreived in February Oil on a plank - 42 x 32,5 cm. 2002 from UK. Source: MSZ Source: Source: MSZ Source:

Pieter de Grebber (born around 1600) A painting by Charles – François Hutin (1715-1776) The portrait of a reading man from the first quarter of XVII cen- A woman on a chair (Oil, canvas - 77 x 55,5 cm). It had been tury. Oil on a plank - 69,8 cm x 50,8 cm. Stolen during the World stolen from the National Museum in Warsaw and occurred in War II, retrieved from Great Britain in 2008. December 2002 on the Paris antiquarian market.

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NEW DISCOVERIES, Source: MSZ Source: NEW CHALLENGES Józef Brandt (1841-1915) The Ambuscade (oil on painting - 29 x 21 cm), a missing part of iscoveries made by Polish scientists during examination of the collection of Zachęta Fine Arts Association in Warsaw, found monuments are connected with new challenges for the Pol- in the USA, retrieved in June 2012. D ish monuments conservation industry. The „Vistula – Interdis- ciplinary Examinations of the bottom of the lake” that has been organized for four years on initiative of PhD Hubert Kowalski from the Archeology Institute of the Warsaw University led to dis- coveries of marble antiques that had been stolen from the Royal Castle in Warsaw in 1655 by Swedish invaders. In 2011, after de- tailed examinations carried out by using hydro-acoustic devices, side sonar and bottom profiler with the Coda DA50 data acquisi- tion system, nine marble objects of total weight of five tons were pulled out the water. Those were window frames,fragments of arcades, a windowsill, a lintel, ledges, two parts of a plate inlaid with yellow marble and connected using oak pins. According to Source: MSZ Source: the preliminary analysis of the material, majority of the elements Lucas Cranach Senior (1472-1553), were made from marbles and limestone from Polish excavations, Madonna under the firs (oils on a plank - 71 x 51 cm); the painting mainly from “zygmuntówka” and “dębnik”. The discovered frag- had been stolen in 1947 from the Archdiocese Museum in Wro- ments survived 350 years on the bottom of the lake quite well, claw and replaced by a copy. Exported to Germany, retrieved in and their condition was evaluated to be good and very good. July 2012 from Switzerland24 xceptionally low level of water in Vistula that could be observed 24 Włodzimierz Kalicki: Niesamowita historia jednego z najbardziej poszukiwanych dzieł in September made it easier for professionals to perform their sztuki. ”Madonna pod jodłami” wróciła do Wrocławia, Gazeta Wyborcza 27.07.2012. E 62 63 work. Thanks to accurate localization, they managed to lift ob- jects, the total weight of which is estimated to be twelve tons. Among them, one can encounter two fountains, floors, stairs, balustrades, and fragments of armor. Those findings are quite a challenge for Polish conservators – never before had they to deal with objects that were lying in water for three and half century. The situation is a bit complicated due to the fact that some of object were covered in sand, some in clay, and others – in loam (causing partial discoloration). Even concerning those difficul- ties, the uniqueness of monuments from XVII century is worth to pick up the gauntlet and to conserve them, making it possible to create an exposition neat to the Royal Castle afterwards25. This is one of the most important (if not the most important indeed) task foe the Polish monuments protection branch for next years.


ummarizing the condition of Polish monuments protection Sand maintenance, it must be noted that – concerning the con- dition of global and Polish economy – the professionals special- ized in the field have been famous for their excellent know-how and they feel comfortable while starting new professional chal- lenges. Concerning the professional aspect, Polish conserva- tors are the desired professionals on the labor market, and their creativity, as well as easiness in adaptation to varying conditions translate to hiring them even for the most exotic undertakings.

KRZYŻTOPÓR Photo by: A. Jaskuła. 25 H. Kowalski: Wazowskie dekoracje rzeźbiarskie, wydobyte z dna Wisły, Renowacje i za- bytki, nr 3 (43)/2012.

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1. [Market square, Poznan, Poland © whitelook] / Fotolia]

2. [palace (Poland) © rsooll] / Fotolia]

3. [Statue of astronomer Nicholas Copernicus in Torun, Poland © 123108 Aneta] / Fotolia]

4. [king castle in old town of Warsaw © formiktopus] / Fotolia]

5. [Gdansk in Poland © Artur Bogacki ] / Fotolia]

6. [Town Hall in Wroclaw, Poland © kilhan] / Fotolia]

7. [Old town in Krakow city panorama, Poland © jacek_kadaj ] / Fotolia]

8. [Old town square, Wroclaw, Poland © neirfy] / Fotolia]

9. [Castle in Moszna, Poland © Anzelm] / Fotolia]

10. [Malbork © dmowski] / Fotolia]


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