Annual Report 2008

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Annual Report 2008 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF VLORA REGION “AULEDA” ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Prepared the report: Mirela Koci Ariana Bubeqi Translated: Marta Bala Design: All rights reserved to the Local Economic Development Agency of Vlora Region “AULEDA” CONTENT: Acknowledgments …………………………………… Introduction …………………………………………………………….. Planning of regional economical development.................................. Economic Animation................................................................ Integrated economical services (Projects).......................... Marketing territorial.................................................................... Capacity building................................................................... Publications.................................................................................. Financial report........................................................................ AKNOWLEDGMENTS “AULEDA” the Local Economic Development Agency become a promoter of the socio-economical development in Vlora Region. Along the six years of activity this agency has created a clear profile about the realization of socio-economical analyses in different administrative units, identified the priorities in collaboration with the local actors, created socio-economical development plans of the region, enterprises initiatives, developing programs and composed pilot projects about the development strategy implementation. Auleda has improved the planning instruments of regional development, economical animation, marketing, territorial promotion, leadership building and capacity improvement. Integrated Socio-economical services and the implemented projects helped the community sensitizing especially that of the rural areas. After so many years of work experience and service the staff of the Agency is proud about all the reached results which had a great impact according to the socio –economical development in Vlora Region. These results will never be concretized without the support of our donors: European Community, OXFAM, UNDP/GEF- Global Environmental Fund, ARTGOLD/UNDP, Puglia Region Italy, SOROS Foundation, which not only supported our developing projects but has offered all the technical assistance for their realization. A special acknowledgment goes to the organs of local government: Vlora Region Council, Prefecture, Municipalities of Vlore, Sarande, Delvine, Orikum, Himare, Selenice and to 19 Communes of Vlora Region especially to the Elders where we have found great collaborators and effective partners with a common vision for the development of this areas. Another very important component that influenced in the success of “AULEDA” Agency was the Board and the staff which has directed with great vision the activity and in total accordance to the Auledas mission according to the National Development Strategy. All reached results along the 2008 year will be e great motive about the realization of initiatives , programs and new developing projects in function of community improvement and prosperity for the future. Arjana Bubeqi Executive Director INTRODUCTION: AULEDA is a professional non-governmental organization created in August 2003 to serve over than 300 000 inhabitants of the Vlora Region, which extends 2706 square kilometers. Its headquarters are located in the Vlora city. Vlora Region comprises 4 Municipalities and 19 communes: Vlora, Orikum, Sarande, Delvine, Qender, Novosele, Shushice, Armen, Vllahine, Sevaster, Kote, Barataj, Hore-Varnisht, Finiq, Mesopotam, Vergo, Lukove, Livadhje, Markat, Xare, Dhiver, Ksamil, Aliko. AULEDA is formed by private and public stakeholders, which agree about strategies and initiative aimed at improvement and exploitation of local resources contributing to a sustainable economic development. The organization provides assistance to communities, public and private institutions and local governments. AULEDA aims to enhance social and economic conditions in Vlora Region; promoting local resources mobilization and civil society development. Within this scope, the main objectives of AULEDA are the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favoring the development of economic activities and the creation of employment opportunities, within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. AULEDA undertakes project preparation and implementation, carrying out policy and sector studies, supports institution building capacities activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion and disseminates knowledge and innovative approach in sustainable economic development. MAIN DIRECTIONS Participating in the development projects and economic development planning Consultant services and technical assistance to the creation of micro, small and medium enterprises to their start up and development, special credit for investments. Organizational and institutional capacity building services and initiatives to implement the Local Economic Development Strategy. REGIONAL ECONOMOC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The starting period of the 2008 year is characterized from the continuity of technical staff effort to consolidate the collaboration with the partners and to establish new collaboration networks to insure to the agency sustainable conditions and better perspectives for the future. The undertaken actions in the frame of the collaboration relationship aimed the accordance to the agency strategy objectives approved from the Agency Assemble As result of these undertaken actions along the 2008 year, Auleda Agency was partner of many Interreg III. A projects and at the same time was a selected partner in tens applications in the frame of the New European Community Program 2007-2013. What are to be emphasized along the 2008 year are the Agency effort as through the utilization of human sources to the financial tools to create sustainable consortium creation and not only to the Interreg project partners but especially with the new partners ,public and private organs also with associations which mission is in accordance with that of Auleda . Along this year, the Agency has participated in several international activities aiming the creation of sustainable consortium. • Fiera delle Idee (Ideas Fair ): Ideas Fair is realized on 9-11 July 2008 to Campobasso- Region of Molise. The aim of this fair was the presentation of different project proposals composed from public organs, agencies, associations and organization of different meetings with partners interested to our project ideas as with partners to which project ideas our agency was interested. From the internet were presented to our agency about 130 project- proposals presented from private and public partner organs from different Italian, Croatian, Albania, Monte Negro and Greece Regions which are partners in the frame of the new fund IPA of European community. The staff of the agency basing to the priorities determined and approved from the assembly selected 5 project ideas valorized as most suitable for Vlora Region. Auleda requested planed meetings with all the partners that had expressed their interest and through these meetings were established new direct contacts with the project ideas partners present in this Fair. From the other side the staff of the agency presented two project ideas, which included: Valorization of Vlora River Resources and the investment Foto 1 stimulation in this area. Creation of feminine enterprises in the sector of medicinal and aromatic herbs. Foto 2 Foto 4 Foto 3 Both project proposals presented to the partners were expected with great interest and result of this success were the several meetings realized with all the representatives in this Fair after our presentation. The conclusion of this activity and of this participation was the composition of 10 project proposals with stable partners, which represented Campo basso Province, Molise Region, Agencies of Rural Areas Development, Marche Region, Federpark Association in Italy, the Association of Naval Environment Protection OASIS etc. • Meeting realized in London from Oxfam GB. This meeting aimed the local development partnership and the reinforcement of development cooperation of rural areas in different countries of the world as: Africa, Asia, Europe, India etc. For the realization of this activity in Albania Oxfam has made possible the creation of Local Action Groups in three Regions in Albania, Vlore, Diber and Shkoder in collaboration with the Civil Society and Local Authorities following the European model and basing in the experiences of rural forums. The principle of this group’s creation will be that of a complete equally of woman and man’s participation. These initiatives will be followed with capacity building through trainings and advocacy as the participation in leadership and budget. Foto 5 foto6 Foto 7 foto 8 • Meeting realized in Gulianova, Pescara. This meeting was realized in the second week of September from the association Adriatico-Jonico with object the conclusion of OASIS project and the presentation of new project ideas from the Public and Non Public Organs of Italy, Albania, Croatia, Monte Negro, Greece (Corfu, Thesproty). The staff of the agency valorized as very important this activity for the presentation of two project ideas, which focus, was the naval transport and tourism development. Ms. Mireal Koci as the project coordinator in collaboration with Mrs. Blenard Xhaferaj lector of Vlora University “Ismail Qemali” composed two project proposals,
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