Prepared the report:

Mirela Koci Ariana Bubeqi

Translated: Marta Bala


All rights reserved to the Local Economic Development Agency of Vlora Region “AULEDA”


Acknowledgments ……………………………………

Introduction ……………………………………………………………..

Planning of regional economical development......

Economic Animation......

Integrated economical services (Projects)......

Marketing territorial......

Capacity building......


Financial report......


“AULEDA” the Local Economic Development Agency become a promoter of the socio-economical development in Vlora Region.

Along the six years of activity this agency has created a clear profile about the realization of socio-economical analyses in different administrative units, identified the priorities in collaboration with the local actors, created socio-economical development plans of the region, enterprises initiatives, developing programs and composed pilot projects about the development strategy implementation.

Auleda has improved the planning instruments of regional development, economical animation, marketing, territorial promotion, leadership building and capacity improvement.

Integrated Socio-economical services and the implemented projects helped the community sensitizing especially that of the rural areas. After so many years of work experience and service the staff of the Agency is proud about all the reached results which had a great impact according to the socio –economical development in Vlora Region.

These results will never be concretized without the support of our donors: European Community, OXFAM, UNDP/GEF- Global Environmental Fund, ARTGOLD/UNDP, Puglia Region Italy, SOROS Foundation, which not only supported our developing projects but has offered all the technical assistance for their realization.

A special acknowledgment goes to the organs of local government: Vlora Region Council, Prefecture, Municipalities of Vlore, Sarande, Delvine, , Himare, Selenice and to 19 Communes of Vlora Region especially to the Elders where we have found great collaborators and effective partners with a common vision for the development of this areas.

Another very important component that influenced in the success of “AULEDA” Agency was the Board and the staff which has directed with great vision the activity and in total accordance to the Auledas mission according to the National Development Strategy.

All reached results along the 2008 year will be e great motive about the realization of initiatives , programs and new developing projects in function of community improvement and prosperity for the future.

Arjana Bubeqi Executive Director


AULEDA is a professional non-governmental organization created in August 2003 to serve over than 300 000 inhabitants of the Vlora Region, which extends 2706 square kilometers. Its headquarters are located in the Vlora city. Vlora Region comprises 4 Municipalities and 19 communes: Vlora, Orikum, Sarande, Delvine, Qender, Novosele, Shushice, Armen, Vllahine, , Kote, Barataj, Hore-Varnisht, , , , Lukove, Livadhje, , Xare, Dhiver, , . AULEDA is formed by private and public stakeholders, which agree about strategies and initiative aimed at improvement and exploitation of local resources contributing to a sustainable economic development. The organization provides assistance to communities, public and private institutions and local governments. AULEDA aims to enhance social and economic conditions in Vlora Region; promoting local resources mobilization and civil society development. Within this scope, the main objectives of AULEDA are the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favoring the development of economic activities and the creation of employment opportunities, within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. AULEDA undertakes project preparation and implementation, carrying out policy and sector studies, supports institution building capacities activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion and disseminates knowledge and innovative approach in sustainable economic development.


 Participating in the development projects and economic development planning

 Consultant services and technical assistance to the creation of micro, small and medium enterprises to their start up and development, special credit for investments.

 Organizational and institutional capacity building services and initiatives to implement the Local Economic Development Strategy.


The starting period of the 2008 year is characterized from the continuity of technical staff effort to consolidate the collaboration with the partners and to establish new collaboration networks to insure to the agency sustainable conditions and better perspectives for the future. The undertaken actions in the frame of the collaboration relationship aimed the accordance to the agency strategy objectives approved from the Agency Assemble As result of these undertaken actions along the 2008 year, Auleda Agency was partner of many Interreg III. A projects and at the same time was a selected partner in tens applications in the frame of the New European Community Program 2007-2013. What are to be emphasized along the 2008 year are the Agency effort as through the utilization of human sources to the financial tools to create sustainable consortium creation and not only to the Interreg project partners but especially with the new partners ,public and private organs also with associations which mission is in accordance with that of Auleda . Along this year, the Agency has participated in several international activities aiming the creation of sustainable consortium.

• Fiera delle Idee (Ideas Fair ):

Ideas Fair is realized on 9-11 July 2008 to Campobasso- Region of Molise. The aim of this fair was the presentation of different project proposals composed from public organs, agencies, associations and organization of different meetings with partners interested to our project ideas as with partners to which project ideas our agency was interested. From the internet were presented to our agency about 130 project- proposals presented from private and public partner organs from different Italian, Croatian, , Monte Negro and Greece Regions which are partners in the frame of the new fund IPA of European community. The staff of the agency basing to the priorities determined and approved from the assembly selected 5 project ideas valorized as most suitable for Vlora Region. Auleda requested planed meetings with all the partners that had expressed their interest and through these meetings were established new direct contacts with the project ideas partners present in this Fair.

From the other side the staff of the agency presented two project ideas, which included:

Valorization of Vlora River Resources and the investment Foto 1

stimulation in this area.

Creation of feminine enterprises in the sector of medicinal and aromatic herbs.

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Both project proposals presented to the partners were expected with great interest and result of this success were the several meetings realized with all the representatives in this Fair after our presentation.

The conclusion of this activity and of this participation was the composition of 10 project proposals with stable partners, which represented Campo basso Province, Molise Region, Agencies of Rural Areas Development, Marche Region, Federpark Association in Italy, the Association of Naval Environment Protection OASIS etc.

• Meeting realized in London from Oxfam GB.

This meeting aimed the local development partnership and the reinforcement of development cooperation of rural areas in different countries of the world as: Africa, Asia, Europe, India etc.

For the realization of this activity in Albania Oxfam has made possible the creation of Local Action Groups in three Regions in Albania, Vlore, Diber and Shkoder in collaboration with the Civil Society and Local Authorities following the European model and basing in the experiences of rural forums.

The principle of this group’s creation will be that of a complete equally of woman and man’s participation. These initiatives will be followed with capacity building through trainings and advocacy as the participation in leadership and budget.

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• Meeting realized in Gulianova, Pescara.

This meeting was realized in the second week of September from the association Adriatico-Jonico with object the conclusion of OASIS project and the presentation of new project ideas from the Public and Non Public Organs of Italy, Albania, Croatia, Monte Negro, Greece (Corfu, Thesproty). The staff of the agency valorized as very important this activity for the presentation of two project ideas, which focus, was the naval transport and tourism development. Ms. Mireal Koci as the project coordinator in collaboration with Mrs. Blenard Xhaferaj lector of Vlora University “Ismail Qemali” composed two project proposals, which were presented in Gulianova meting in the planed session of project ideas presentation. Auleda Agency was the only private or public Albanian organ that presented Project proposals in this meeting. .

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The presentation of the project ideas awake great interest to the partners. After the presentation of these project ideas, we had tens of meetings with representatives of Italian Regions, associations and researches institutions, Universities of Italy, Croatia, Monte Negro which requested our collaboration to make these project ideas in projects and have the possibility to compete in the new program of European Community Projects.


Direct result of this meeting was the inclusion of “Auleda” Agency and Narta Lagoon in ADRIA-PAN- the group of the public and private organs that has signed the Cerrano Card with focus the development and management of protected areas as their utilization for tourism development.


1. Consortium of the protected areas management. Torre del Cerrano (Pineto-TE) 2. Naval Natural Resources Miramare (Trieste) 3. Regional Park Delta del Po Veneto (Venezia) 4. Regional Park Delta del Po Emilia Romagna (Ravenna) 5. Regional Natural Resources Sentina (S. Benedetto Tronto- AP) 6. Regional Natural Resources Calanchi di Atri (Atri-TE) 7. The Area of Biological Development Tegnùe di Chioggia (Venetian) 8. Regional Natural Resources Grotta delle Farfalle (Chieti) 9. Protected Areas of Narta Lagoon. Laguna di Narta (Albania)


10. AIDAP The directory of the Protected Areas. 11. WWF the Mediterranean Program Office. 12. AULEDA Local Economic Development Agency Vlore 13. CIVICA 14. IZS A&M, The Institution of Prophylactic Institute Abruzzi-Molise 15. Tethys: Researches Institution.

According to this agreement we are an Institutionalized Agency as a partner in future projects of the European Community with focus the tourism development and protected areas.

• The creation of Mediterranean European forum.

“Auleda” Agency and its relations created with the Italian partners of Puglia Region realized the inclusion of Vlora Municipality as member of the European Mediterranean Forum with focus the realization of common projects utilizing the Mediterranean European Structural Funds. This was realized by the undersigning of an understanding contract which gives the opportunity of a sustainable consortium.

Auleda Agency was determined from Vlora Municipality as the implementing organ of activities realized in and outside the country in the frame of the Mediterranean European Forum. The creation of this forum preceded the application of a common project with Puglia region which aims the institutionalization of this consortium as the discussion of the project ideas with common interest.

• Other efforts:

Basing to the adopted goals and Agency objectives are created long terms partnership relations with OXFAM.GB, REC, SNV, Albinvest to the which are applied a considerable number of projects and are discussed different projects and activities.

With the beginning of the ARTGOLD program and its assistance to the international relations, we will have the opportunity and the possibility to extend our relation with potential partners even abroad.


“Auleda” Agency was very active along the year 2008. The direct meetings with different local economic categories consisted in the main activity of the economical animation. These meetings aimed and had as objective the information and stimulation of economical activities improvement.

“Auleda” Agency took the responsibility of economical stimulation and the support to different operators which desired to improve their activities, their incomes and the most important to improve their lives. Along this year Auleda has realized meetings with handicrafts, farmers, collectors of medicinal and aromatic herbs and apiculture operators aiming the identification of their needs for trainings, financial support and capacities improvement.

These meetings are realized in mountainous villages with a considerable distance from Vlora City. Auleda faced transport and communication difficulties because the difference of social and economical capacities that this community has. .

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The aim of these activities was not only the presentation of the agency activities and the services offered to support the farmers but also the identification of the economical and social needs that the farmers face in the management and administration of their farms. Meeting of the economical animation are realized in the villages of Vlora River as villages with high potentials in the farming and agriculture sectors.

Foto16 foto17 From all this meetings the absence of the agriculture mechanic, high costs of land working, the lack of government subventions about the small farms support, the lack of bonding property as result of bureaucratic procedures, a credit system not flexible and not favorable for the farmers, high transport costs and the lack of the storage structures of their products were the main identified problems in the areas.

REACHED RESULTS 1. Undersigning of Cerrano Card about the treatment and management of the Protected Areas. 2. Entrance in Adria NET- The Network of the Adriatic Protected Areas. 3. “Auleda” is the representative unit of Vlora Municipality in the Europe Mediterranean Forum. 4. Sustainable consortium creation with Molise Region and Puglia Region for common projects. 5. Composition of 14 project-proposals in collaboration with Italian, Croatian, Serbia and partners about the new program of European Community.


3. Integrated economical services in different projects.

Along the 2008 year the agency has worked for the realization of the integrated economical services through the activities realization of several projects with focus the improvement of the economical and social development of the urban and rural areas of Vlora Region.

In this period are implemented 11 projects. From this, five projects have started the implementation by the end of 2007 year and one of them is still in the conclusion procedure.

The implemented projects are INTERREG and CARDS projects financed in the frame of the 2002-2006 Program of the European Community, projects financed from the Regional Italian Funds in the execution of the 84/1 Low as other projects financed from prestigious donors that operate in Albania as: OXFAM GB, SOROS foundation, UNDP etc.

Proj ect: “Objective 3: Institutional Cooperation between Puglia and Albanian about the European Community Politics for the Mediterranean” Financed from European Commission INTERREG IIIA project.

Project objective: The project aim is to build a partnership for collaborations, through Puglia and Albania in the European Politics contest.

The lead partner of the project is Region Puglia, Quinby (Agency for the Local Economic Development), Community Montana and other partners of Albania as Auleda the Local Economic Development Agency and the Administration of Vlora Region as direct beneficial of the project.


In the frame of this project are realized these activities:

Identification of Vlora Region Administrate needs of trainings, activities realized in the frame of the identification and the composition of the final rapport.

Trainings realization of Region Administrate in two fazes

Trainings began with the first phase in November 2007 and the second phase in 14-15 February 2008. The trainings thematic were based in the role of Region Administrate and especially focused in the Department of Region Development Program, the identification of project ideas and the creation of sustainable consortiums in the frame of the international cooperation

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The trainings thematic included information and knowledge’s about the European Community, its transnational collaboration, cohesion politics, territorial cooperation, 2007-2013, structural funds FESR and the social funds of Europe FES.

Direct result of these meetings was the composition of a Collaboration Memorandum between the two Regions. This Memorandum was undersigned in Italy from the Elder of Vlora Region Council Mrs. Agron Shara.

After the compositions of the Collaboration Memorandum along the trainings were realized, three project proposals which will be presented for the application of the new European Program

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These project proposals will focus in the agriculture, agro industry, rural economical development and oli ve culture sectors

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Administrative experiences exchange through the visits in different Italian enterprises

foto 24 foto 25 foto 26 At the conclusion of the project Objective III the Agency Auleda, Vlora Region, Quimby and Puglia Region created a sustainable consortium relations, which continued with the realization of common projects to be presented at the beginning of the European Community Program 2007- 2013.

Project I&A: Interactive Portal about the Tourism development between Albania and Puglia Region !

The provided activities of AULEDA for the project implementation: • Identification of the cultural, natural and historical monuments. • Promotion of the monuments. • Mapping process/ Web-GIS • Identification (priorities and needs) of the public and private organs that operate in the tourism sector.

In the frame of the project were provided the creation of the index files which will serve for the creation of the web page. So we started our job in collaboration with the specialists of the Cultural Monuments Department of Vlora Region to identificate all the Cultural, Natural and Historical monuments continuing with the accumulation of all the information needed for each monument. After several trips in all the region we detached all the monuments and accumulated all the materials and the photos for each object. The other step was preparation of the material in three languages Albanian, Italian and English to give the opportunity to all the interested people to visit our site and have a clear idea of all the beauties of Vlora region.

The process of the material preparation followed the fallen steps: 1- Identification of the cultural, natural and historical objects

2- The creation of the data- base .

3- Accumulation of the information regarding: a-history of the objects b- typology of the objects c- the epochs that the object belongs d- the geographical position e- the status ( if the object is visit able or not ) f- the normative acts that has determined this objects as monuments

In the frame of the project were provided also the promotional materials: Auleda agency provided the realization of 500 brochures of the cultural Monuments (the brochure are in the process of publication). 200 CD –ROM with the promotional material in Power Point of all the Objects. Auleda has collaborated also with different Medias (news agencies, news papers, local TV to promote the project results.

The mapping process was another important step. For the identification of the monuments position we based in the maps of Vlora Region and the map of Vlora city. So each of the objects is recognized with a number.

Project “V.A.L.T”: “Valorization of Art, Culture and Language

in Vlora Region”, INTERREG III.A Financed from the European Community

Aim of the project: This project aimed the valorization of art, culture and language in Vlora Region.

Lead partner of this project was the Lecce Province Italy. This project included 15 partners in Italy and Albania respectively the provinces of Lecce, Bari, Mediterranean Culture Institute of Lecce Region, Albanian Culture and Tourism Ministry, Eco Museum of Rock- Cursi Commune Italy, Auleda-Vlore, Teuleda-Durresi, Integra Onlus and Adrias Commune.

Auleda agency was the only partner that operated about the project implementation in Vlora Region.

The activities of this project consisted in:

Identification of cultural, historic and nature monuments in Vlora Region.

Were identified about 65 monuments that has taken the statute of cultural, historical and natural monuments from the Culture Ministry and approved from the V.K.M (Ministers Council Decision). For all this monuments was prepared a complete information including their history, the belonging period, stylistic characteristics, photos and this actual statute. With this information’s were prepared lots of CD that served as very important promotional material for the territory


La classificacione degli monumenti culturali della Regione di Vore Progeto “VALT” 2007-2008

Pasqyra e monumenteve kulturore te Qarkut Vlore Projekti “VALT 2007-2008

Classification of cultural monuments of Vlora Region Project “VALT“ 2007-2008 foto 27 foto 28 foto 29

Identification of typical traditional cooking’s and the publication of an ethno gastronomic publication common for Albania and Italy.

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Result of this project was the identification of 30 traditional cooking’s which identify Vlora Region end its traditional values.

Basing to these materials was made possible the publication of a gastronomy manual in Albanian and English to serve to all the national and international tourists interested for the culture and tradition of Vlora Region.

Valorization of art, culture, religion and language.

Through its collaborators Auleda Agency realized completed surveys about art focusing to traditional handicrafts, costumes, folk music and especially of Polyphony valued from UNESKO as World Human Heritage.

Also is realized from lexicon linguistic specialists a survey about language and expressions of this area and were identified proverbs of Laberia Area.

These surveys were even publicized on the web page of Auleda Agency with the scope to serve to all the tourists interested for this area and to the researchers of these fields.

foto 33 foto 34 foto 35 Very important and with surveys values was the survey realized about doctrine and the religious cohabitation as a very important promotional element of Vlora Region.

Promotion of the B&B structures of Vlora Region.

Through this activity the Agency “Auleda” increased its collaboration with Mikpritja Association created in the frame of another development touristy project

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. The Association “Mikpritja” of Vlora has as members different touristy operators that manage the B&B structures. In the frame of this project was created the network between the members of this association and the touristy agencies that operate in Vlora Region aiming the creation of attractive touristy package for national and international tourists with focus ecotourism and rural tourism. All the materials and the products of this project are includes in the web page of Auleda Agency.


Identification of 65 cultural monuments of Vlora region. Creation of 200CD- with promotional materials of culture, nature and history of the Region. Realization of ethno- gastronomic manual with traditional cooking’s of Vlora Region. Realization of three surveys about music, language and religion of this area. Creation of a network between the members of “Mikpritja” Association as proprietors of B&B structures with Touristy Agencies that operate in Vlora Region.

PROJECT” Construction of an artificial wetland for the treatment of sewage in Narta School, Narta Lagoon area”. (Second phase). Financed from JEF-UNDP

The aim of this project was the creation of a fit depuration system about the treatment of the sewages in the School of Narta near Narta Lagoon as the community environment education in this area. Fit- depuration is a new and innovative technology applied for the first time in Albania. .

The first phase of this project included trainings of environment specialists about the application of this innovative technology, the construction of fit- depuration system and its functioning, the promotion of this technology in the community of the area.

The second phase of the project included the colaudation of the fit- depuration system, the construction of the didactic and sportive flap, school environment systemizing, realization of the reposing environments, greenness insemination in the fit-depuration system as the water monitoring that comes out from the fit-depuration system.

1. Fit-depuration system colaudation:

Was a decisive process and very important because according to this valuation was reflected the successes of this system. This process passed in different phases, continuous evidences of the system in all the technical phases and defect repairing in all the system. This project phase extended in one month.

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Very important about the colaudation process was the normal functioning of the system FWS of fit depuration and especially of rectangle bathtub which beside the specific form was constructed with an isolating geo membrane produced in Italy. To eliminate the flowing in the system interflow was utilized neoprene isolator of very high quality.

2. Construction of the didactic and sportive flap:

Through this activity was made possible the creation a didactic flap for children’s. In this flap will be advertised not only the construction drafts of the system function but even typical flora and fauna of Narta Lagoon area. Narta Lagoon is a protected area because of its biodiversity.

Also for the children’s was constructed even the sportive flap with a volleyball and basketball ground. The constructive works were made from EMB Construction Firm which realized also the fit-depuration system construction

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The decorative elements of the school environment were natural elements of wood and grit to give more natural and ecologic profile to the school.

Foto 44 3. Plants insemination for the fit-depuration system.

This activity was realized in collaboration with the specialists of Agriculture Technology Transfer Center. To realize this process were firstly identified the plants (Fragmits) as the other plants that grow in the environment of Narta Lagoon. These plants were taken in nature and after the preparatory treatment were made their insemination in the system.

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foto 47 foto 48 Now the project is in the conclusive faze, that of the table’s preparation from ARPAT- Toscana Region realized for the didactic flap and the water monitoring that comes out from the fit-depuration system and valuate the success of the project.


4. New technology promotion:

Along the community sensitizing and the environment education the activities of this project were focused even in the promotion of this new technology and its application of this experience in other areas. For this reason, the staff of “Auleda” in collaboration with ARPAT, GEF/UNDP and IDEASS presented the technology and the results reached in the frame of this project in the Water National Conference organized in Tirana.

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In addition, this technology is promoted even in the local and national media organs encouraging the interest of other areas to apply this new technology. Taking to consideration the natural context of this project implementing area, was attracted the attention of Prespa Commune in Korca Region as an area with common natural resources.


Final colaudation of the fit-depuration system of sewages in Narta School. Construction of the didactic flap with information about flora and fauna of Narta Lagoon. Construction of sportive flap with volleyball and basketball grounds for the students of the school. Creation of the relaxing environments round the school environment. Sensitizing of 300 pupils and teachers about the ecologic systems and sewages treatment. Creation of environment protection volunteer group of this school.

Project: “The realization of an integrated network between the researches organs, fair organs, local and regional organs, the economical development agencies, located to the Adriatic area, for the birth of the innovative entrepreneurs consolidation” ROSA- CARDS

This project aims the realization of an integrated network between the different public and private organs, businesses and fair organization organs.

Lead Partner of this project for the Italians were the Union of the Molise Trade Chambers for the the Commercial Chamber of Tirana and for the Croatians the Istria Region.

Foto 52 foto 53 The Albanian partners in this project were the Chamber of Trade and Industry Tirane, The chamber of Trade and Industry Lezhe, Shkoder Region, The Local Economic Development Agencies “Auleda” Vlore and “Teuleda” Shkoder.

The activities of this project included:

Mapping of local productive system.

The aim of this activity was the identification of businesses that operate in Vlora Region classifying them according to the sectors, number of employers, annual incomes etc.

To realize this activity were directly contacted 150 businesses that operate in Vlora , Saranda and Delvina cities , to which were taken detailed information’s about product typology, annual incomes, number of employers according to the education qualification.

Directly were contacted even the Statistic Directory in the Region and the Chamber of trade and Industry of Vlora Region, Vlora University “Ismail Qemali” Prefecture and Municipality Vlore.

Beside the primary information were requested even secondary information’s by the questionnaires directed to the businesses. According to these questionnaires were collected information’s about the referring territory, surface, population, total number of enterprises that operate in the territory, employers in total, exports and imports, destination exporting countries and the origin countries of import. This information was collected basing to the 2000 year to 2007 as conclusive year.

Foto 54 foto 55 Very important was the information taken about the innovative enterprises and the fund that consume about the scientific survey results to be very low.

Important informations:

Were identified 6460 enterprises from which 5350 are small and medium enterprises. They operate in the businesses sectors of construction, production, service4s and transport.

The annual incomes that derivate from this enterprises for all this sectors are115.500.000 Euro (According to the Tax Directory of Vlora)

The annual fund utilized for scientific surveys is 77.000 Euro.

Registered brands number appears to be very low.

Normative acts mapping in the base of which develop their activity all businesses:

Through this activity is aimed the identification of normative acts that disciplines and improve the territory development, including even those normative acts utilized along this project application. What was noticed after this completed analyze of the legal frame was the absence of regional lows for the productive and industrial system.

Promotional mechanism mapping of businesses as of the scientific centers that work about the promotion of new technologies promotion as support for the businesses.

Along this activity were identified all local government and non government institutions which have in their structure offices that work for the promotion of innovative technologies. Such institutions as Municipality of Vlora and Saranda, “Ismail Qemali” University, Institute of Agriculture Technology Transfer as the Chamber of industry and Commerce Vlore pay great attention to the innovative technologies and their application to the local productive system. .

Foto 56 foto 57 The annual Fair Expo-Vlora organized from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Vlore is a very efficacy tool for the promotion of innovative technologies and the contact establishment between the national and international businesses.

Creation of a network between respective organs of Albania and Italy.

To this activity preceded several activities realized in Italy, Albania and Croatia the main goal of this activities was not only the presentation of the activity to each of the partners included in this project but especially the identification of collaboration fields , realization of common initiatives and creation of concrete projects to help businesses and improve the local productive system.

Basing to this frame was realized the Idea Fair in Campo Basso Italy, Meeting of ROSA project partners in Tirana-Albania, meeting of businesses representatives public organs and developing agencies of Italy, Albania and Croatia in Isernia- Italy and Pula-Croatia.

In these meetings Auleda Agency has referred its activity to support businesses, promotion of innovative technologies and improvement of scientific surveys improvement.

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Creation of project web page and exhibition of businesses in a virtual fair.

Very important part of this activity was the organizations of a web page for a Virtual Fair were businesses can promote their products; establish new contacts with their homologues in Italy and Croatia. From the other side the organization of Ideas Fair as the meeting between the partners served as a great initiative for the establishment of a sustainable consortium.

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1. Mapping of Local productive system, creation of a data base with information about the enterprises activities. 2. Normative Act data base and the legal frame that businesses operate. 3. Public and private organs data base that promote innovative technologies as the fund utilized for scientific surveys. 4. Data-base of enterprises classified according to the sectors, annual incomes, and number of employers. 5. Effective Network of Adriatic Region between public and private organs and developing agencies . 6. Virtual fair on a web page where businesses promote their products.

Project: “Social integration of the women of Lumi Vlore,

through incomes generation from the commerce of aromatic and medicinal plants”.

Financed from SOROS Foundation

This project aimed the improvement of the socio-economic statute of the woman’s that live in the area of Vlora River through the given support to improve their activity as collectors and elaborators of the medicinal and aromatic herbs. The project started in October of 2007 end was concluded in March of 2008.

This project was developed in the area of Vlora River. The partners of the project implementation were: EDEM/ USAID – The USAID program about the encouragement of the Albanian businesses exporters and EPCA – Albanian Exporters Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs.

Main objectives of the project included:

1. Improvement of women’s qualification for the collecting manner of the medicinal and aromatic herbs. Improvement of the drying conditions and the storage of the herbs respecting the organic standards 2. Creation of a productive network, collectors and elaborators of the medicinal and aromatic herbs. 3. Certification of the accumulating areas as of the products accumulated according to the European standards. 4. Community sensitizing for the importance of accumulation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic herbs 5. Higher efficiency of the women’s role inside the family and the reinforcement of her role in the community. 6. Better product marketing through the creation of a local brand.

For the realization of this objectives were realized integrated activities that completed each other.

A. Identification of the collecting and elaborating the medicinal and aromatic herbs women and their training according the contemporary technology and the organic standards. Were realized 8 trainings in which participated 76 women and girls that collected and elaborated medicinal and aromatic herbs also habitants of the villages Terbac, Kuc, Vranisht, , Kote.

Foto 64 foto 65 foto 66 B. Creation of a collecting, elaborating, exporting network as the institutions related to this sector in local level served for the creation of the collaboration relations between the actors that operate in this sector to eliminate the abusive links which increase the price and reduce the real earnings of the collectors. In the meeting about the organization of this network between the collectors, elaborators and exporters were established legal contractual relations to insure the collectors for the product marketing and from them the quality of the product.

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C. Better marketing of the medicinal and aromatic productions through the creation of a marketing brand and the certification of the products areas origin .The staff of the agency created different examples for the etiquettes and brand variants .From the funds of the project were produced the etiquettes which are in the disposition of the subjects interested for the marketing and exporting of this medicinal and aromatic herbs.

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D. Society sensitizing about the importance and cultivation of the medicinal and aromatic herbs.

In the frame of this project were realized meetings with the community of the rural areas especially those mountainous which collect medicinal and aromatic herbs, meetings with the representatives of the local power and local institutions that directly or in indirectly are related to this sector.

Foto 72 foto 73 As prepared and published a leaflet with concentrated information about the socio-economical effects of this industry and especially for the legal frame in the base of which operate all the subjects and individuals. The aim of the publication of these leaflets was not only informative but even a message for the community and the protection of natural biodiversity as the rational collection and effective of the medicinal and aromatic herbs without damaging the biodiversity.


1. Training of 75 collecting and elaborating women of medicinal and aromatic herbs. 2. Collecting, elaborating and exporting medicinal and aromatic herbs network creation. 3. Etiquettes production for the export of medicinal and aromatic herbs. 4. Publication of a leaflet in which were included the legal frame of collecting, marketing and export of medicinal and aromatic herbs.

Project: SITRUS: Innovative System for a Sustainable Rural

Tourism. New technologies.

Financed from the European Community. INTERREG IIIA

The project SITRuS aimed to offer services to the public administrate, entrepreneurs, public and private touristy operators basing to the territory contextual information. The operative instruments of this service were the data base and the Web GIS open source. The offered services with these instruments were referred “Source repertory” and the touristy organs. In a special way, the main objective of this project was the implementation of the operative managing processes to create a new touristy marketing basing to new tourists arrivals

In the frame of this project were implemented:

1. Methodologies and development processes of the touristy development services through service packets for sustainable tourism as a service packet for the cultural activities. In this way was created the experimenting possibility from the private organs interested to the touristy sector as of museums, archives or libraries to test the validity of the determined indicators.

2. Methodologies and development processes of new touristy products to increase the offers through: a). Informative system of the territory referred to the specific products (expectancy, natural and human factors, historical and archeological values, re creative services, movement services etc. b) development of the quality marks. c) Research and valuation activities from the specialized subjects for the realization of touristy packets.

3. Methodologies and communication process to direct concrete actions to attract the final client in these areas.

Auleda Agency in the frame of this project realized several activities basing to the main objectives.

1. Training of the rural areas women interested for the creation and management of the B&B structures.

Auleda realized 10 training séances with the rural areas women that were interested in the management and creation of B&B structures in the villages of Radhime, Tragjas, Dukat, Himare, , Dhermi, , Palase, . In this trainings participated 112 women of this villages. The thematic of the trainings included not only information according to the rural tourism and B&B structures but concretely for the services , management way and obligations toward the client, breakfast ingredients that can be offered to the tourist , typical products and their promotion, the quality and hygiene of the offered products. With great interest was expected from the woman’s the training about the preparation of the traditional end typical cooking’s of Foto 74 foto 75 Vlora Region as a very important element for the identification and attraction of the tourists in their structures.

Foto 76 foto 77 2. Identification and preparation of the material according to the natural, historical and history monuments.

This activity was the continuity of the activities realized in the frame of I&A project. To the list of 60 monuments were added other 40 monuments creating so a complete data base of the cultural resources of the area. For the composition of this database were taken to consideration the information’s taken from the Culture Ministry and the Decisions of Council Ministers about the classification of these monuments as cultural richness. Each of the monuments was identified with a code that determined the typology of the monument, the determined number in the general map of

the region. In addition, this database were included even information’s of the actual conditions and if it was visit able or not. In this database were included also information about the geographical position its altitude and longitude that served directly to the GIS Map.

Foto 78 foto 79 foto 80

3. GIS Mapping

GIS mapping started basing to a monument map of Vlora Region to which were determined with numbers the identified monuments. About the determination of the geographical longitude and altitude was worked with 25 topographical maps in the program ARC- CAD. With all this materials was realized the GIS map which are in function of the operators and tourism specialists about the composition of touristy itinerary packets. .

Foto 81 foto 82

4. Promotional materials.

Very important aspect of this project was the preparation of the promotional materials. Direct products of this project were the realization of a documentary of high technology quality prepared from the Institution of the Innovative Technologies ITC. Milan. This documentary described in detailed way all the history of the monuments accompanied from the interviews made to the local personalities and the partners of the project, part of which were even the interviews given from the Executive Director of Auleda Ms. Ariana Bubeqi, Project Coordinator Ms. Mirela Koci and the Tourism Expert MRS. Zhulien Papajorgji.

Foto 83 foto 84 This documentary was showed to the final event developed for the project in Saranda , event in the which the Agency Aulede referred all the realized works in the frame of the project. Auleda also prepared a CD with materials according to the cultural historical and natural monuments of Vlora Region.


1. Were identified 100 cultural, natural and history monuments and their determination in Vlora region map. 2. Training of 112 women about the B&B structures. 3. Preparation with CAD program of 25 topograf maps of the monuments determining even the geografical altitude and longitude of each monument. 4. Production of a high technology documentary about the monuments description. 5. Creation of a web page for the project and the Region monuments.

Project ALBA 47: “Rural Economy, financed from


The main objective of this project was the determination of an integrated system about the valorization of socio-economical development resources in the rural areas. In function of this goal will serve even the creation of a integrated collaboration between the actors included in the territory, public or private organs, individs of all categories and social groupings especially to the marginalized categories in the employment sector as are woman’s and youngsters. In addition, this project aimed the identification and revaluation the experiences in local level to create employment possibilities and to identify them as good practices. Direct result of this project was the promotion of a very successful consortium created between the local institutions and public organs, local government institutions, private organs, Auleda the Local Economic Development Agency and the businesses that operate in the rural areas.

The activities of his project included:

Trainings with the women of rural areas.

This activity started in the first faze of the project implementation and ended along the second faze. To realize this training from the Agency was undersigned an agreement with the Directory of the Commercial High School, which will put to our disposition the environments of the school.

The academic staff of the school selected basing to the specific qualifications of the courses created the curricula’s of the restaurants and cuisine.

In the trainings realized in 20 days participated 16 women’s that came from the Orikum City and the villages of Dukat, Tragjas and Radhime. “Auleda” agency secured the transport of the woman’s from their villages to the school environments.

Foto 85 foto 86 At the end of the trainings process the participant woman’s took a certificate that testimonies the taken knowledge in this course. From the donor and the agency, Auleda realized the support to the training woman’s with plates set and a salad bowl means that insure contemporaneous and cultured service.

Foto 87 foto 88

Foto 89 Youngsters trainings

The trainings with the youngsters according to the calendar plan started in January. To recognize the participants were realized some meetings with representatives of Orikum Municipality, Directory of Tourism, Youth, Culture and Sports and the Elders of the villages of Radhime, Tragjas and Dukat


The group of the youngsters that followed the course was composed from 33 components respectively 2 from Dukat, 2 from

Foto 90 foto 91 Tragjas, 10 from Orikum, 5 from Radhima, 3 from Brati, 4 from Vajze, 5 from Vlora and 1 from Kuci. In the total of the group, only 3 were girls.

Foto 92 foto 93 According to the agreement signed with the Directory of the Commercial and Economical High School were charged three teachers of this school to complete the graphic of the courses and the curricula’s for each course.

The duration of the course was three months where 2 months were planed for the theoretical and practice course in the environment of the schools and the other part in the best restaurants and hotels of Orikum area. In function of the trade and especially to that of the touristy sector was provided the curricula to be divided in three groups: hostels and receptions, restaurants and cuisine.

After the conclusion of the training séances of theory and practice was enabled the realization of the professional practice in many restaurants and hotels as : Restaurant “Pulebardha” 1 and 2, Hotel/Restaurant Paradise, Hotel Alpin, Orikum, Hotel Konomi Uji I Ftohte etj.

Along this professional practice, the youngsters exercised in the practice all the information profited from the theoretical classes. In the end off the training cycle the youngsters were provided with a certificate, which demonstrates the knowledge they got through the training course

The profited knowledge and the certification will create more possibilities to these youngsters to find them selves in the work emporium along this touristy season.

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Foto 96

Touristy journey with the youngsters

Part of the activities, which as target-group had the youngsters, was also the touristy journey with itinerary Vlore-Sarande-Gjirokaster-Vlore. This activity was provided from the agency staff aiming the identification of different touristy experiences, different services and different forms of organization. We created for the youngsters, the possibility to create a complete frame of the tourism development. Valuating different forms of tourism: as coastal, mountainous, cultural, sportive, ecological tourism etc. .

Foto 97 foto 98 foto 99

The youngsters visited historical and archeological monuments, touristy places frequented from national and international tourists as: LLogara, Porto Palermo Castle, Butrinti, Lekuirsi Castle. Gjirokaster, Viroi and Finiqi, which represents a great model of tourism management.

Foto 100 foto 101

Foto 102 Guide Preparation

In the program of the project activities was provided the preparation of the Orikum Guide. The first phase of the guide preparations consisted in the accumulation of the information linked to demography, geographical position, cultural, natural and historical monuments, information linked to the transport and other services offered for the tourists, expectant structures, capacities of services, photos, typical products of the area, ethnography and traditional costumes, handicrafts products, aquaculture and medicinal herbs.


foto 103

According to the accumulated information was considered the realization of two guides: the first guide was focused especially in the cultural monuments and in the expectant structures B&B while the second the agriculture guide reclaiming the typical agricultural products of the area.

Foto 104 The structure of the two guides passed firstly in the phase of discussion inside the staff after from the Orikum Municipality and at last to the donors Each of the guides will be published in three languages Albanian, English and Italian and will be in function of national and international tourists. .

Investment to valorize the cultural and archeological richness.

Another very important activity with an evidently impact for the community is the investment for the valorization and the return to identity to one of the most important objects of the area of Orikum. Taking to consideration the respective values of each object we reached the conclusion that the Ancient Theater of Orik bears values that demonstrate not only the ancient civilization but also huge traditional and cultural heritage of the area. . The idea of the Director of the Park confirmed also from our directly visit to the park of Orik was the restoration of the Saint Well where were performed the pagan rituals to the Gods. The employers of the park realized the cleaning of the well in 9m deepness and asked in frame of this investment to be realized the flooring with fictile slabs typical for the period, the reconstruction of the groundsel and two jars at the same form with the original.

To determine the typology of the jars we meet a restoration sculptor with whom we discussed different variants. The last variant that was accepted from all the parts was the realization of a metallic skeleton and once prepared the skeleton in the form of jar it will be completed with the original peaces found in the park. Every thing new found that belong to this jar will complete this skeleton to offer to the visitors the original idea of this ancient object.

foto 98

Foto 105 Foto 106 Foto 107 Inside this investment was provided the realization of a wood table, which explains the ritual in the Albanian and English language.

Foto 108 . Food and Folk festival The Organization of Food and Folk activity consisted in the most important and difficult activity because the realization of this activity in the complex needed the organization of different meeting with different producer groups of the typical products of Orikum. This activity is conceived in accordance with the opening of the summer season of Orik 2008.

Food and Folk” festival was concepted as the fair of the typical products of Orikum area. Fair of the traditional elements and folk related to the traditional costumes, language and music. Fair of the handicraft works that bared in all this year a clear identity of the area tradition, fair of the modern products presented from local businesses, gastronomy fair, where performed traditional and contemporaneous cooking’s the best restaurants of the area.

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Foto 111 foto 112 A very important element of this fair was the realization of a theatric presentation “Ancient Voices” which aimed to bring the period of antiquity in the present. This show evocated the traditions and live of Ancient Orik especially in the period of the Roman influence

Foto 113 Foto 114 Foto 115

In this activity participated the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr Jemin Gjana, the Minister of Environment Forests and Water Administration Mr. Luter Xhuveli , Elder of Vlora Region Mr. Agron Sharra also personalities of art and culture

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foto 119

REACHED RESULTS Training of 112 women of Tragjas, Dukat, Radhime, Kanine, Pishe-Poros, Himare, Qeparo and Vuno villages about the creation and management of B&B structures.

Creation of a touristy interactive portal (webpage) between

Puglia and Albania for the realization of common touristy


Reconstruction of the Saint W ell in the Archeological Park of Orik. Realization of four farmers fairs to expose their agriculture, farming and handicraft products.

Training of 26 women and 33 youngsters in the organized courses of cuisine, restaurant and hostel.

Project ALBA 50: “Construction of the farmers trade Orikum, Financed from OXFAM.

Main objective of this project was the construction of the farmer’s trade in the Municipality of Orikum as a modern infrastructure to serve the community of the area and the tourists.

The idea of this investment came from the interest that the farmers that were obliged to market their products along the national road without securing to the customer hygiene-sanitarian conditions for the products especially in the summer season where this area is congested from the tourists.

The constructive works of this trade were realized from the Linea Decor firm selected according to the public procure procedures. .

Foto 120 Foto 121 Foto 122

Foto 123 foto 124 foto 125 The trade functions from a year. Has a capacity of 38 posts, which create a cultured environment for the marketing of the farming, agriculture and elaborated products.

The valuation for this investment was

expressed even from the Albanian

government especially from the prime

minister, which participated in the

inauguration of this trade Foto 126 In the continuity in this trade are realized different trades for the farming and agriculture products with the participation of the farmers from all the areas of Vlora region.

Foto 127 Such a structure is not only for the farmers support but also even for the community of the area that can profit products marketing basing to the European Community marketing standards.

Foto 128


The construction of a contemporaneous trade for the marketing of farming and agriculture products, divided in 38 marketing units.

Incomes improvement in the Orikum Municipality as result of the controlled trade application.

Higher safety of the consummator, round 10000 habitants of Orikum and thousand of inner and international tourists that visit Orikum area along the year.

Project Mental Health: “Social enterprised for the psychosocial integration of the patients of the psychiatric hospital in Vlora city. Financed from Puglia Region .

The local development Agency “Auleda” as the legal representing on the contract signed with UNDP ARTGOLD Albania, Albanian Health Ministry and Region Puglia, the donors of the project, has had the coordinated role between the partners during the implementing process. Auleda’s staff in base of the program defined after the contract assigned have followed and monitored with attention all the activities related with the construction of the social centre for the mental health patients and the activities in the focus of which were the divertissement and the growth of their capacity.

The Agency activities were focused on these specific objectives:

• The creation of the 24 hours shelter with the typology of the house building for 8-10 women which were the patient of the neuropsychiatry hospital during the project implementation, in order to realize the psycho-social integration with the aim to grow up their autonomy in the daily life. • The improvement and strengthening of the Community Centre activities of the mental health in Vlora city through the organization and realization of the psychosocial rehabilitation activities of the patients and the persons who frequent the centre.

The works for the reconstruction of the social centre for the mental health patients.

Based on the discussions with the partners was defined the reconstruction of the third flow of the building at the Mental Health Centre Community that at the beginnings of the works were downgrade. The Director of the Agency Ms. Ariana Bubeqi and the Project Coordinator of Auleda Ms. Mirela Koci, have visited the ambient that were planned to

be transformed in the Social Centre, before the beginning of the works, documented through the photos the status of the building before the works, in order to have clearly view for the type and the volume of the works

Foto 129 Foto 130 foto 131

Foto 132 Foto 133 In collaboration with the represents of the company was evaluated with very attention the plan of the project for the social ambient, defined in detail way, including the divertissement, retirements space as well as those of the kitchen, sleeping and personal hygiene. In the meeting with the represents of the Company “Ajdini EG” and the Directory of the Hospital was discussed the preventive evaluated voice to voice and defined the over fulfilment and the missing found in some other voices. At the end of the discussions all the partners give Ok for the beginning of the works.

The works for the realization of the construction begin with the cleaning of the existing ambient from the old furniture, dirty spaces, amortized things, unfixing of the old doors and windows and totally out of functions, the elimination of damaged hygiene objects etc.

The works continuous with a considerable volume of works done for the destroyed of the damaged walls and the adoption of the ambient according to the project, the connection of the electric and hydraulic system totally

amortized, plastering and isolated works in order to eliminate the must and the humidity, emplacement of the slabs and the hygiene equipments on the bathrooms, emplacement of the heating and cooling system with a central system of furnace, emplacement of doors and windows as well as other works that have been reported in a periodically way from the implementing company through the different works situations and from the supervisor reports (look at the report supervisor) Auleda staff has monitored closely the works that have been done, giving the suggestions for the modified of the spaces or Foto 134 foto 135 adoptions of the ambient, the measurements and the colour of the slabs, the selection of the hydro hygiene equipments, the realization of the decorative works with Foto 136 Foto 137 gypsum, the colours for From the other side the staff of the painting the walls with agency give the opportunity to the the aim to create an women to give their suggestions for the ambient esthetical and spaces, the rooms, the furniture and the functional. painting, in order that those were actively included in this project.

For that reason in collaboration with the Directory of the Hospital “Auleda” has organised a visit in the social centre in order to monitor the works for the Foto 138 reconstruction.

• Furnishing of the centre According to the plan of the project at the beginning was defined the criteria for the furnishing and the way of its realization. For the furnishing of the centre according to the criteria’s and Albanian legislation, was selected Gjeci Sh. P. K Company, with its centre of activity in Lezha city. In a meeting developed in the “Auleda” office with the company represents and the Directory Hospital Ms. Antonela Agaj, was defined exactly the quantity of furniture, the type and the style, materials and colours according to the other elements of construction. After the furniture were produced Auleda staff monitored nearby the quality and after the evaluation of those handover through a procès-verbal act signed from the company, Auleda agency and the directory of the hospital. Auleda staff after that realized the equipment of the centre with the useful elements for the daily normal life such as blankets, sheets, kitchen dishes etc.

Foto 139 foto 140 foto 141

Foto 142 foto 143 foto 144 After the finishing of the reconstruction works and the furnishing we think that was created a hospitable, comfortable and functional centre which step by step is going to create the conditions for the social integration of the women benefiters of this project.

Foto 145 foto 146 foto 147 Now after this investment 10 womans of the mental health hospital are out of the scheme of the hospital services and live in indipendent way managing all the live activities.

Support for the Italian expert missions for the Neuropsychiatry hospital staff training

“Auleda” the Local Economic Development Agency has given its contribute in every faze of the project and was an important support for the realization of the activities, trainings with the staff of Mental Health Community Centre and the Neuropsychiatry Hospital. Auleda has supported with a logistic way the realization of the activities, the accompaniment of the foreign experts and the services in their function in the period of the mission development respectively: in date 14-24 of April, to continue on 21-31 of May and 18-28 of June.

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During the trainings were treated themes connected closely with the way of the treatment of the mental health patient out of the hospital, the psychological and social assistance and above all their social integration. The doctors, psychologists, sociologists nurses showed interest for the thematic of trainings and were actively participants during the different discussions

Support for the realization of the activities

In the frame of this project were realized a considerable number of activities of rehabilitations, integration and divertissement character such as: the activity of laundry where the women made all the hygiene sanitary process.

Foto 153 foto 154

Foto 155 foto 156 Kitchen activity where women have learned to cook, to prepare the table and to select the products for cooking. Warning abilities that have loosed in time, sport activities out of the hospital in the sport field of “Halim Xhelo” School included the handball, football, basketball, the chess championship with the participation of patients, medical personnel and represents of community . Walking on the beach, the bar frequented for drinking a coffee and made discussions, re creative activities and English language course.

This activities aim above all building up the daily life abilities, rehabilitee and their integration to the society.

The participation of the mental health women patient in the artisan fair that Auleda Agency has organized for the Touristy Season Ceremony of Orikum Municipality, Food and Folk festival supported by Oxfam GB was very important for these women to be accepted as normal from the community. They present to the activity (fair) on the Auleda pavilion their needle works, the works with knitting needle of sockets, fascinators and heats. The works attracted the interest of Orikum community and of the tourists.

Foto 157 foto 158 The activity of the documentary move that was very interested even for the patients and medical personnel. Auleda Agency provides the logistic equipments for communication included laptop, video projector that was taken in rent by our partners. The using of video projector was evaluated from the specialists as very important support because through it they demonstrated in the perfect way the messages for the patients


Reconstruction of the Communitarian Center of the mental

health patients and the creation of the protected houses

The rehabilitation of 10 mental health patients in the environments of the communitarian center able to make an individual live.

Enlivenment of live and activities in the Communitarian Center of Mental Health.

Training of 25 doctors and nurses of the Psychiatric Hospital

about the new treatment techniques for the mental health


Project ALBA 63: Support for the farmers of Shushica Valley of Vlora Region to reach the trade” . Financed from OXFAM.

The main goal of this project was the farmers support about the capacity improvement and better product quality.


• Meetings with the partners and collaborators included in this project implementation. • Identification of the farmers group about the starting process of farmers association and for imputes benefit. • Creation of a database of the beneficiary farmers from imputes distribution in collaboration with the local authorities. • Realization of the trainings determined in the training graph to present the new recent methods in the sectors of agriculture and farming. • Realization of the experiment in the two mini farms about the cattle treatment with the studied nutrition. • Vaccines distribution and their application in the cattle are of Shushica Commune.

1. Meetings with partners:

Along the third faze of the project implementation are realized several meetings with our partners in this project. To determine the modalities of the imputes distribution to the farmers of Shushica Commune is assigned a meeting with the Elder of this commune Mrs. Lulzim Petani as with the specialists of agriculture in this commune. In this meeting the staff of the agency presented the program of imputes distribution that will profit the farmers along the application of this project. Was requested a detailed analyze from the specialists of agriculture about the number of farmers that cultivate vegetables , the cultures that are determined to be cultivated this year , the land surface cultivated separated according to the cultures..

In the base of this database will be made the detection of the farmers that will profit from imputes distribution program. The same methodology will be followed even for the determination of the profiting farmers for the support with vaccination for the cattle’s. In the commune of Shushca in collaboration with the specialists of the Directory of Agriculture were determined the farmers that will profit from this application according to the characteristics that this area has in this direction.

Foto 159 foto 160 foto 161 The Elder of the Commune and the specialists of agriculture and farming were willing to help with their collaboration in this faze. They will offer the complete database to realize a right and efficiency selection of the farmers.

Along the selection, process according to the representatives of the commune is very important to be valuated not only the economical level of the farmers but even their disposal to work.

2. Realization of trainings aiming the insertion of the recent methods in agriculture and farming sectors.

Farmer’s trainings consisted in one of the most important activities of this project implementation related directly with the quality and quantity of agriculture and farming products. Along the first faze of the project are realized 27 meetings respectively in the villages of Beshisht, Mekat, Ceprat, Llakatund and Risisli and has participated 120 farmers. The thematic of the trainings has included information’s about the water importance in the cattle arrangement and the increase of the milk productivity. Racial improvement, conditions of the stall regime, and the observance of the hygiene standards. Farmers were presented not only to the practice indicators but to even the practice of the treatment process for the cattle’s to profit higher efficiency. .

Foto 162 foto 163 foto 164 Agriculture trainings thematic were focused in two main directions: trainings of vegetables, viticulture, fruit trees including themes related in the technical criteria’s of building a new vineyards, wine production in home-made conditions, winter pollard, plantation creation with fruit trees, varieties, seeds, pesticides their utilization, contemporary technologies of young plants production etc.

3. 3. The experiment about the treatment of the recent methods of nutrition.

Along the third faze of the project was realized the demonstrative experiment in two cattle’s farms in the villages of Llakatund and Ceprat respectively in the farms of Avdi Aliu and Ramadan Jeshili. This experiment was focused in the balanced nutrition to the cattle treating the cow with concentrate nutrition.

Foto 165 foto 166 The followed methodology had as focus of the experiment the small farms with two or three cows. According to the methodology, one of the cows should be feeding in the traditional way and the two others with balanced nutrition offered from the project. This nutrition was concentrated with all the needed elements and with 19% proteins.

To the farmers was given a material that included all the determined information’s to take along the experiment as the number of cow matriculation, the quantity of nutrition given per day and the quantity of milk taken from the day of the experiment starting for both cows

Foto 167 foto 168 foto 169 According to the survey in the three of four first days, the quantity of milk was quite the same because the cow needs several days to adopt the new regime. In the fifth day was obvious the change of the quantity with 2-3 lit and increasing gradually up to 8 lit from the cow that continued the traditional nutrition. This experiment and its results were presented to the other farmers increasing their interest in the utilization of this product. The farmers that made the experiment and the other farmers requested from the specialist information’s about the costs and its distributors. This was a very important indicator of the quality and had a great impact to the community In this way through this experiment, we brought not only a change in the milk efficiency but also e very important change of the farmer’s mentality to prove the recent technology in this sector.


210 farmers of the villages Risili, Ceprat, Grabian, Llakatund, Drithas, Beshisht, Mekat of Shushica Commune trained about the new technology about the cultivation of agriculture plants and cattle’s breeding

2 mini farms in the Commune of Shushica are supported with

balanced nutrition for a period of 30 days. (Pilot Experiment)

10 liters of milk more as result of the cow’s treatment with balanced nutrition.


Consists in one of the main directions of “Auleda” Agency. Through this activity is aimed the promotion of socio-economical and cultural resources of Vlora Region. Also very important are to be presented the potentials and possibilities for a sustainable development of this areas.

This territorial marketing from the staff of the agency is realized through the realization of national and international fairs , participation of national and international fairs, preparation of promotional materials not only for cultural natural and history values but even for the areas resources.

PARTECIAPTION ON NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL FAIRS Along this activity, the Agency Auleda has participated in the International Fair of Handicraft products in Gjirokaster. The agency in collaboration with the handicrafts of Vlora city presented in this fair different works of this area as: wood works, textile materials products, copper, stone and mosaics, from the handicrafts of Vlora city. In this fair participated two businessmen’s that realize handicraft works in mosaics including here even the flagstones for mosaics which are known even in the international marketing sectors.

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This fair had a great participation from handicrafts of Balkan countries including here Monte Negro, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania.

Foto 173 foto 174 Zagreb Autumn Fair On September 2008 “AULEDA” Agency participated in the Autumn Fair of Zagreb. To be presented in the best way possible and with dignity in this fair the agency contacted with all the businesses interested to participate in this fair. Direct result of this collaboration was the participation of two businesses that operate in the field of Albanian Culture and typical Product promotion. Valuating the presentation of the Region the Agency staff exposed in this fair typical products, promotional touristy products that operate in Vlora Region including even touristy packets, handicraft products etc. Auleda prepared promotional materials as publications, economical surveys, touristy guides, leaflets to be presented in this fair and give a clear idea to the interested participators for the work of the agency and the beauties of Vlora Region. .

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Important objective of the agency is also the capacity improvement of the staff through trainings and continuous qualifications as about the development programs politics, program management and concrete projects. This objective is reached with the participation of the staff in different activities as: participation in different trainings, summer courses, support in master degrees, experience exchange through visits in neighbor countries etc. Auleda-s staff is trained about environmental politics and the consideration of environment as development source, Politics of European Community and FESR and FES Funds, composition of new projects according to the politics of the new European Community Program, training of farming and agriculture politics and their application from the Development Agencies, training about the credit system and the operation models to avoid negative experiences.

Summer university:

On September of 2008, one of the members of the agency took part in the Summer University realized from KRIIK Albania. In this university were treated themes related to European politic, standards, advocacy and lobbing, legal government and reforms.

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Foto 180

Staff qualifications:

Along the 2008 year the Agency staff is trained about different thematic related to environment, development programs, applications about IPA projects , projects management, realization of surveys and development plans, utilization of high efficiency technology for resources mapping etc. These trainings are realized from the respective specialists of REC (Albanian Environment Agency and Holland Embassy), USAID and Lawful Albanian Program EDEM-USAID about the improvement of enterprises and export in Albania, Albinvest, Institute of High Efficiency Technology ITC of Milan-Italy, ARTGOLD and IDEAS/UNDP etc. .

Foto 181 foto 182

Foto 183 foto 184 Very important was the training realized in London from OXFAM GB about LAG-S (Local Economical Groups) and their function.

This training was realized according to an OXFAM project and its partners in Albania financed from DFID. “AULEDA” Agency was the only representative selected for this project implementation In Vlora Region.

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Promotion of socio-economical resources of Vlora Region, agency activity as the services that the agency offers, community sensitizing about important problems were the main activities realized along the 2008 year.

Auledas web page

Along this year as result of the financial support from ARTGOLD-UNDP is realized the web-page of the Agency www.auleda.org. In this web page are added in continuity information’s about the agency activity , services that the agency offers, financial mechanisms to support farmers and small businesses activity.

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Also this web page serves also as a efficacy way to establish sustainable consortiums not only with local partners but even national and international interested to our activity.

Orikum Guide Publication

In the frame of “Rural Economy” Project financed from OXFAM GB was realized the publication of the touristy guide of Orikum 2008. In this guide is given very important information’s for all the tourists. From the other side this guide is a great promotional material for the socio-economical of Orikum Area.

In the pages of this guide is given information for the cultural, natural and history monuments that can be visited from national and international tourists, information about the B&B structures , hotels, restaurants, touristy villages and archeological and natural parks.

foto 188

The Orikum 2008 Guide is prepared in tree languages English, Albanian and Italian and is in disposition of all Touristy Agencies as for the Information Centers of Vlora and Orikum.

Agro-Guide of Orikum treasures

In function of the promotion of traditions and values for the detected areas of Vlora Region was prepared the Guide of “Orikum Treasures” In this guide is given information about flora and fauna, evidencing so the autochthonous creatures of the area.

Very important was the information given about the Black Goat as an autochthonous value, for which invests not only the Albanian State but even international Organisms that has in their mission the protection of autochthonous races.


foto 189

The material of the guide was prepared in two languages, Albanian and English. These publications have served as an important instrument for promotion in several fairs developed in national and international cities.

Publication of the survey “ Ecological Valley”

With the financial support of ARTGOLD/UNDP was realized the survey of the socio-economical resources of Vlora River Area and was created the Development Master plan of the area.

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In this survey are given statistics information’s about the development resources , sectors that actually are developed, social education services, health services, investment levels, farming and agriculture development as the visions and perspectives for the future. Direct product of this survey was the Developing Master plan of the area where are determined the development priorities and direct interventions in the ground.

Leaflets publications. Along this year are realized two leaflets: “Medicinal and aromatic herbs as sustainable development source” and the “Ecological Valley of Shushica directed to the future”

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In this leaflets is given information about the typology of the medicinal and aromatic herbs collected in the Area of Vlora River , the legislation in the base of which operate all the interested subjects for this sector , indicators and statistics according to the values and importance of this activity.

Auleda-s Agency activities along the 2008 year:

Along the 2008 year, the activity of Auleda Agency is focused in the main direction of its work in accordance to the statute mission. The perennial activity is focused in:

Trainings about capacities improvement, professional abilities according to the work trade request.

Construction and reconstruction of different objects aiming the adaptation in the old structures and the construction of the new ones in function of the community (construction of the fruit and vegetables trade in Orikum, construction of the fit-depuration system in the Narta school about the sewages treatment, restoration of the Saint Well in the Archeological Park of Orikum, reconstruction of the Communitarian Center of Mental Health Patients).

Fairs (participations and organizations) are organized four farmers fairs of typical local products and is participated in the National Handicraft Fair.

Consortium creation in local, national and international level.

Territory promotion (preparation and material publications: surveys, posters, leaflet, guides, CD, DVD aiming the territory promotion and its resources).

Economical Animation especially in the rural areas of Vlora Region aiming the improvement and increasing possibility for new businesses building or their enlargement.

Imputes support (direct support to the farmers with young plants and vaccines for cattle’s and tiny livestock’s.)

Services ( includes business-plan realization for all the individs and institutions interested in this sector, financial balance preparation, businesses trainings about the account maintenance, translating services) etc.

Table of activities separation according to percentage in the year 2008

Trainings 15% Construction and Reconstruction 43% Fairs (organization & participation) 5% Partnership 7% Territory promoting 10% Economical Animation 5% Inputs support 10% Services 5%

10% 5% 15% 5%


7% 5% 43%

Trainings Construction and Riconstruction Fairs (organization & partecipation) Partnership Territory promoting Economical Animation Inputs support Services

Financial report .