OF MILLBURN AND SHORT HILLS Founded in 1888 Volume 108, Number 27 Thursday, July 7, 1994 •______\______40 Cents Board won’t act on school post until September Efforts by the Board of Educa­ after his present contract expires at tion to find a successor for Super­ the end of the coming school year, intendent of Schools Gerald N. at least one board member may Kohn will not begin before Sep­ have a different view. tember. Board of Education member That was the word this week Nancy Larner reportedly told a from the school board’s vice presi­ township resident during the past dent, Steven Safer. week that although she could not Dr. Kohn submitted his resigna­ speak for others on the school tion, effective June 30, 1995, on board, die extension of Dr. Kohn’s , April 18, the same day the Board contract was a “possibility” the of Education was to have voted on school body might consider in the extending his contract and the day fall. Ms. Lam er’s comment was before township residents cast their made, according to Roy Kirch, a ballots on the school board’s 1994- Coniston Road, resident and fre­ 95 budget. quent attendee at school board The telephone interview with meetings, in a conversation he had Mr. Safer was triggered by rumors with her in which he discussed the which have swept the community rumors circulating within the during the past month that the township. Attempts by The Item to board was prepared to schedule contact Ms. Larner were another vote—after the pending unsuccessful. October $35.5 million school Mr. Safer, the board’s vice pres­ expansion bond issue referendum ident, in his interview with The —on. Dr. Kohn’s future employ­ Item also reported the board was ment here. nearing a decision on filling the “To my mind, that (a vote on principal’s vacancy at the Glen- extending Dr. Kohn’s contract) is wood School. the fiirthest thing from the truth," The field of candidates for that Mr. Safer said. post has been narrowed to two, Mr. Safer said, and a decision is T HE FOURTH IN MILLBURN-Taylor Park Indepen­ explains the workings of a Revolutionary War cannon Mr. Safer also said that Board of to onlookers. Below, right, 2-year-old Kelly Education president Vivian Stein­ expected in the near future. dence Day afternoon was undoubtedly the most pop­ Although the board vice presi­ FitzMaurice is up to her knees in balls as she partici­ berg, who is now out-of-town on ular place in town for township residents of all ages. dent did not identify either of the pates in one of the events for youngsters. vacation, has already discussed the Below, left, a member of the Morgan Rifle Corps impending vacancy in the super­ two finalists, he said one was intendent’s office with representa­ employed in New Jersey and the tives of the New Jersey School second was principal of a Califor­ Boards Association. A member of nia school. The latter principal, that organization would be Mr. Safer continued, was inter­ addressing “the board and the pub­ viewed recently on the West Coast lic in September” and outlining a by Harlan Clark, principal of the procedure for selecting a new Deerfield Elementary School, and superintendent, Mr. -Safer con­ two Glen wood School parents. tinued. Dr. Clark and the two parents were members of a search com­ The board vice president said mittee appointed by the Board of that when Ms. Steinberg contacted Education following the resigna­ the School Boards Association this tion in May of Jean Schmidt from spring, she was told it was “way the Glenwood School position. too early” to launch a search for Ms. Schmidt, who received a Dr. Kohn’s successor. $140,000 payment from the Board Although Mr. Safer’s comments of Education at the time of her appeared to put to rest rumors that resignation, had been Glenwood the board was considering asking School principal since 1983 and Dr. Kohn to withdraw his letter of for the six prior years had been resignation and to remain here principal of the Deerfield School. School expansion plan meetings set

Specific building needs of the architect will meet parents and township schools will be the sub­ teachers o f that school and of the ject of a day-long series of meet­ middle school to discuss specific ings which the Board of Education needs of the two secondary has arranged for interested parents schools. and teachers. Under terms of the program The meetings have been schedul­ approved by toe Board of Educa­ ed for Tuesday. Sessions will be tion last week, additions will be held at the various schools and on constructed at the Glenwood, hand for each meeting will be Deerfield, Hartshorn and South Richard B. Shive, architect toy the Mountain Elementary Schools and school board’s $35.5 million at Millburn High School. Renova­ expansion and renovation pro­ tion work will also take place at gram. each of those schools and at toe Deerfield School work will be Wyoming Elementary School and the subject of a 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Millburn Middle School. session at that school; plans for toe Mr- Shive must complete his Glenwood School will be dis­ plans for toe work by July 25 so cussed at that school from 11 a.m. that they can be submitted to the to 12:30 p.m.; and the Hartshorn N.J. Department o f Education for Sandler touts inner-city program School meeting will be held in that approval. A bond issue to provide .... — ;------needs and my family. I often wrote Two less defined characteristics building from 1 to 2:30 p.m. fends to finance the work has been By Eveline Speed ie checks to charity but I never gave are resilience and motivation, said Mr. Shive will be at toe Wyo­ scheduled for October 18. ming School from 3 to 4:30 p.m, ■ 1 ■— time,” he explained. Mr. Sandler. The students who are Persons who have suggestions or After retiring from the grind of Now Mr. Sandler devotes one- selected must be able to withstand for a meeting focusing on the comments pertaining to toe work needs of that school and of the Wall Street and becoming a private third o f his time to charity-related the rigorous 14-month preparatory at the various schools, but who investor, one township resident has activities. One of his pet projects course that will introduce them to South Mountain School which will cannot attend the meetings this decided to modify his life of stocks is SE E D S, w h ich stands for a new life. return to public school use under Tuesday, are asked to submit their terms of the Board of Education’s and bonds by involving himself “Scholars, Educators, Excellence, “They will have college thoughts in writing to Deanne G. expansion program. From 5 to also in a program for gifted inner- Dedication, Success,” It is a opportunities that probably would Gitner, communications director, 6:30 p.m. a meeting has been at the Education Center, 434 city children privately-funded organization that not be available to them in the scheduled at the high school where Mark Sandler, a West Road resi- provides educational opportunities public schools,” said Ms. Millburn Avenue. dent, retired six years ago from 20 for disadvantaged students in New Machines, who taught in the years of Wall Street life. He was a Jersey who are highly motivated Newark parochial school system general partner with Bear Steams and who have-been identified as for 10 years. “There are no easy Brief agenda & Company and a senior vice pres- being academically qualified. The answers to changing the lives of ident with Donaldson Lufkin & two-year-old program seeks to inner-city school children,” she Jenrette. place its participants in indepen- added. “The answers are illusive.” “1 feel I ’ve been incredibly dent schools for their high school SEEDS is trying to approach a before Committee lucky in my life but that I’ve led a years. macro problem as a micro problem A brief agenda is in store for toe before the Committee, the panel selfish life," said Mr. Sandler. “I Mr. Sandler is one o f the found- by adopting a student-by-student Tow nship C om m ittee Tuesday will go out of service October 31. concentrated on my career, my ing members of SEEDS. Three strategy, she said. night when it holds its only public Persons whose hom es are now years agb he was asked by Blair “We’re trying, to tap the poten­ session of July. linked to toe police panel will have imuwnmnwininiliimiinuiinititiiniiiiniiimimmtimmininuiii Machines, president o f the SEEDS tial in these kids, to give them the No new ordinances are schedul- to use a private alarm company _ board and wife of Gordon kind o f education that wi ed to be introduced at toe session after that date, - J V I t i n # Midmtes, the state senator from \tf^^&^lQning^starfmItfe and only one mcmtre is ^ e d fot; &£ 'Die Conmttee Tuesday is also I f f ’kjl'ttC O l/U w J r Morristown, to join a steering Mr. Sandler. He recalled public hearing Sna adoption. y expected toaUfhbHiehlds fbr , , . committee to form this new orga- words spoken to his class at The ordinance due for hearing repairs of the heating, ventilating Mlllburn Middle School honor nization. He serves on the boardof Amherst over 30 years by Presi­ and adoption would terminate use and air conditioning systems at Students announced. Page 3. trustees as treasurer. dent John E. Kennedy. of the burglar alarm panel in police headquarters. The work is In essence, the program identi- Both Ms, Machines and Mr, Mark Sandler police headquarters which links expected to cost toe municipality Classified...... 11-13 fies gifted students in the public Sandler stressed the significance of 50 or. 60 role models in these com­ approximately 200 township more than $150,000, Comina events...... 4 schools by consulting with school an organization like SEEDS, munities,” they said, hopefully homes to the law enforcem ent Not certain as this edition o f The e#U »nrlal A principals, although anyone may which has sister programs around creating a snowball effect. agency. Ifeni went to press was the status S r ™ ” . " * '"...... •■••••••• g ^ m it nominations for the pro- the country. The distinction of SEEDS is a three-prong pro­ Nearly one-third of the alarms of a report from the Millburn Pub­ ODIlUaTies ...... ’" c gram. T he requirements are that SEEDS is that it is a .state-wide gram. In the first stage, during the coming into the panel, according lie Library’s board of trustees on ReligiOUS news...... 5 tj,e students must be dis- program.------sumnier between seventh and to police personnel, are toe result the future of the Glen Avenue S o c i a l ...... •...... advantaged—their family’s income “If we can work with bright kids eighth grade, a set number of stu­ o f either m alfunctions Ur false building, SpOrtS...... *7*9 . must be below $36,000 a year— who have the potential to be lead­ dents are invited into the program utarntg The trustees had been scheduled and they must be able to ers in their communities, this pro­ Continued on Page 4 "Under terms of the ordinance Continued on Page 4 mflfflfffp^iiiHiiiuiB«iiiiMiiiii»i^[tllllllHttllllimil,IIM dam^ngt,'°>,‘ academic ability . gram will ensure that we will have July 7,1994 Page 2 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills South Mountain elects Hospital association honors Marks as Trustee of the Year Rate as new president Under Mr. M ark’s leadership, Robert M'arks of 2 Sherwood the medical center was designated Road was . named Trustee of the . a Level III regional perinatal xen- ■ Salvatore Bate of 82 Locust Ave­ area, Mr. Ordan said other Fresh Year by the New Jersey Hospital ter, a cardiology and cardiac nue was elected president of the Fields’ stores have located in Association (NJHA).recently at its % surgery center and the only South Mountain Estates Civic residential neighborhoods similar annual meeting in Princeton. transplant program in the state. to South Mountain and have devel­ Association at last week’s annual A member of the board of During his tenure, the medical membership meeting of the organi­ oped a good relationship with their trustees of Newark Beth Israel center became the first Orem Cen­ zation. neighbors. Medical Center since 1976, Mr. ter for nursing excellence in the He said that trucks servicing the Marks has been active with the Mr. Bate succeeds Bennett Was- United States. serman as association president. Millburn Avenue- store would not NJHA for many years. He has Mr. Marks managed a. unique travel on the roadways within the Other officers elected at last served on its council on gov­ business for 40 years until his week’s session were Michael South Mountain area and that ernance since its inception and as retirement in 1993, manufacturing Gorman, first vice president, Scott deliveries to the store would be the council’s chairman. He became moving doll parts and plastic Horowitz, second vice president, limited to the 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. a member of NJHA’s board of measuring spoons for worldwide Wendy Drucker, corresponding period. trustees in 1993. distribution. He received his secretary, and Donna Davis, Mr. Ordan also told the residents Mr. Marks served as chairman undergraduate degree at the Uni­ treasurer. that noise from truck deliveries of Beth Israel’s medical center versity of Michigan and bis law Speakers at the meeting were would be held to a minimum due board from 1979 to 1988 and cur­ degree from Harvard Law School. Mark OrdSn and Liz Olson, two to the use of loading docks within rently is the board|s vice He also served in the U.S. Navy executives of Fresh Fields, a the building and truck engines and Rosalyn Hsu chairman. He is also chairman of and practiced law with the U.S. refrigeration units would be shut Beth Health Care Services Corpo­ Robert Marks health food supermarket chain government. which is planning to open a store down during unloading. ration, the medical center’s parent in the former Lord & Taylor build­ Responding to another concern corporation board. ing, Mr. Ordan is Fresh Fields’ of residents, Ms. Olson said gar­ A A U W award president and chief executive bage bins will be kept in an interi­ Relationships officer; Ms. Olson is the firm’s * or space, would be the subject of goes to SYD'S frequent collections and that the regional vice president of opera­ topic of workshop So very near you at the tions.- bins and garbage area would be Rosalyn Hsu “Men are from Mars, Women Are In his response to expressions of disinfected and kept clean by store MILLBURN MALL SHOPPING CENTER from Venus: Enhancing concern voiced by residents of the personnel. Rosalyn Hsu, daughter of Chris­ Relationships” will be the topic of tina Peng of $1 Hilltop Road, has an educational workshop which COOKING TO YOUR ORDER Township students capture been awarded a scholarship from will be sponsored by the NCJW SOUI'/SANDYVK IIKS/SIDK ORDERS/DI SSI RI the American Association of Uni­ Center for Women on July 12 at versity Women, Oranges-Short 7:30 p.m, Led by Lois Steinberg, Seating for hundreds! I"*** WORTH THE DRIVE science, mathematics awards Hills Branch. this workshop will explore ways to (Not at one time) | (Memphis Trih) Members of the Millburn High frey Pearlman and Michael Dalton A member of the 1994 graduat­ maintain and further develop School science and mathematics who tied for second place in cal­ ing class from Millburn High meaningful relationships. OPEN TIL8 PM (Mon/Saf) teams won state and county awards culus. School, Rosalyn will enter Barnard Ms. Steinberg is a licensed in end of the term competitions The middle school algebra I College of Columbia University in psychologist with a local' private TAKE OUT: (908) 686-2233 held in May. team placed first in the county the fall. practice. She works with children, ' math competition. Team members In addition to her superior aca­ adolescents and adults, and is par­ The physics team came in first included Lauren Fabian, Douglas demic record, Rosalyn participated ticularly interested in women’s ■ among 145 competing teams in the Gardner, Dara Heller, Mitchell in many school activities. She was issues. Water Heater state on state science day. The Slep, Ariann Weitzman and Jon a member of MASH, now known Registration for this workshop is members of the physics team were Gorelov. Tw o students receiving as PLP, a peer leadership group. required and open to all women. Jeffrey Pearlman, Michael Shear, individual recognition were She served as co-president of the For registration or additional Marc Rosenblatt, Jonathan Mitchell Slep, who won the indi­ Spanish club and wrote for the information, call the NCJW Center Dreyfus and Joshua Vatsky. The vidual county title, and Dara Hel­ school newspaper, The Miller. She for Women at 994-4994. Get back into hot water competition consisted of an exam­ also served as a junior volunteer at ler, who placed second. today with a new ination held at Fairleigh Dickinson Science teachers Bob Barkovitz, St. Barnabas Medical Center. 'The Reading & Learning'1 University that was administered Nipl Gargiulo and Fred Blumen- The Oranges-Short Hills branch to .724 physics students. of AAUW assists young women Center of Livingston energy-conserving feld supervised the science stu­ entering college by awarding All Ages The biology team of Milena dents, while mathematics teachers scholarships to graduates of area Joan Walsh and Kevin Fox super­ Reading Improvements Energy M iser Sterio, Demetrios Agriantonis, high schools. The local branch Reading Enrichment Laszlo Novak, Joseph Bookstaber vised the math students. also sponsors “Choices,” a pro­ Speed Reading • Study Skills Gas Water H eater and George Kihiczak placed first gram for inner-city girls that New SAT •Vocabulary in the county on science day and Grammar & Writing Skills Look at these $pedal College corner explores values and assists with All Elementary Subjects 50th among 165 state teams and vocational and educational Diagnostic Testing energy-saving features! 825 students. Robyn Perl, daughter of-Dr, opportunities. English for the Foreign Born The chemistry team—Sunny and Mrs. Louis Perl of 49 Far Membership in AAUW is open Spelling • Phonics • Rigid foam insulation Cheung, Michael Dalton, William Brook Drive, has been named to to graduates of accredited colleges. 177 So Livingston Ave., Livingston • Special flue baffles Jordan, Jayson Daniels and the Tufts University dean’s list for Inquiries may be made through the 201-992-5975 J • High-efficiency burner Carolyn Shin—competed against the spring semester. Robyn will president, Margaret Howarth, at • Low-input pilot 165 teams and 813 students fin­ begin her junior year at Tufts this 379-4634. ished 12th in the state. fall. •and 5 year limited tank warranty The science teams combined fin­ Tuesday Evenings-6:30-9:00 P.M. 4® GaHon Replaced, ished sixth out of 145 state teams. b y Water Heater including Students also received individual MILLBURN A ppointm ent Only • 30 M inute individual, recognition. In physics, Jeffrey l _ E q A l Pearlman tied for second place in MUSIC CENTER . confidential consultation with $ Q C Q 00 the state, Michael Shear ranked \ volunteer attorney.^^ 11th, Marc Rosenblatt ranked $50.00Rebate 18th, Jonathan Dreyfus ranked B k A s s i S T A N C E NEW & USED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A Professional Plumber installs it right! 21st and Joshua Vatsky ranked 1____.W9 MEN 31st. In chemistry, Sunny Cheung SALES • RENTALS • PURCHASES • REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES tied for.24th place in the state. Sheet Music & Accessories I k w Three high school students won • Special Rental Plan ■ | T ? OMEN CALL (201) 994-4994 | individual honors in the mathe­ A lla n F eid I The NCJW Center for Women is a nonsectarian, non-profit community service 1 matics league competition. They ■ E E B n ™ I sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women Essex County Suction. 1 "After We Sell - Wh Service" Plumbing 5 Heating were Angela Shih, who finished in 358 MILLBURN AVE." MILLBURN License Numbers second place in algebra 2, and Jef- 1925 i 7052 9 9 2 -2 2 4 p EST. 1955 177 S. Uv. Ave., Llvlngeton

THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills (USPA 348-680) ©1994 is published every Thursday by BAL Communications, Inc., a THECAMP LADY SAYS... “ B E S T O F T H E W E E K E N D ! . . . ‘One Last Ride’ is a hard-boiled, corporation at 100 Millburn naturalistic play. . . catches the ru$h and the depths of addiction. . . Avenue, Millburn, N.J. Official newspaper of the Township of “ C a ll N o w F o r S u m m e r 1 9 9 5 ” a Sure Bet.” -Los Angeles Times Millburn, subscription rates by mail post paid: one year, within Essex County, $16.50, else­ where, $20. Entered as Second W e a r r a n t | National Stage Company Class Matter October 6,1891 at FR EE Brochures & Videos , Plus Expert Advice from New Jersey’s presents the Post Office of MHIbum, New Jersey, under Act of March 3, Oldest and M ost Experienced Advisory Service. the EAST COAST PREMIERE of 1879, and second class postage was paid at Millburn, New Jersey 07041. Telephone (201) F o r f r e e , personalized service 376-1200. Postmaster: Send fo r you and your friends, eufte address changes to The Item, Vj • 100 Millburn Ave., Millburn, N.J. ,1 nil 0*041. Cunp 201 - 4 6 7 -2 6 4 0 •S t u d e n t M arge H eller End Gn tie r i su m m ers Cleaning Forever w i t h . . . Gutter Pro™ Alexus- Steakhouse & Tavern

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FREE 544 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, N) Outrageous Steaks • Great Burgers • Qverstuffed Sandwiches • Cold Beer Reservations Strongly Recommended Install Gutter Prp Today For Group Sales or Reservations call (201) 744-7377 Free no obligation estimate 1230 Route 22-W • Mountainside, N .J. • 908-233-5300 Phone 800-823-4776 955 Valley Rd., Clifton, N .J. • 201-746-6600 July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills Middle school honor students named Names of Millburn Middle band, Courtney Von Qlahn and Javaria Ahmad, Julia Balduzzi, Sixth grade School students named to the high Alexandra Winmk. Lily Baldwin, Elizabeth Boyle, Apirian, Michael Bachman, Orhan honor and honor rolls in the sixt Sixth grade Courtney Broadley, Kevin Belding, Cindi Bell, Anne seventh and eighth grade were Rachel Bloom, Aaron Brookner, Btichert, Sarah Carter, Jason Breewer, Mitchell Burakovsky, Chao, Shaiie Cipris, Stefania Cir- announced today by Nicholas J. Emily Carter, Matthew Castellan, Allison Butler, Victoria Cannizzo, celli, Judith Daniels, Hassan Dar- Navarino, school principal Maggie Cocca, Uma Damle, Jenna Catalon, Jeffrey Chan, Mat­ wish, Gati Desai, Ryan Dorn- Placement on the honor rolls was Masha Dexter, Blake Dohm, Andy thew Dahlman, Anthony Dasti, busch, Matthew Dotsko, Nicole based on die students’ foal grades Edwards, Andrew Errico, James Miata Dick, Rachel Doades, Eric for the 1993-94 year. High honor* Fischkoff, Andrew Gartland, Duarte, Darin Early, Brooke Domogala, Andrew Engel, Kristen roll students earned an “A" aver­ Rachel Geringer-Dunn, Mei Goda, Eisenstat, Martina Elliott, Jeremy Evans, Jed Feldman and Nicholas age in academic subjects while Robert Goodwin, David Gottlieb, Fraenkel, Melissa Francis, Anna Florio; Freundlich, Rena Glassner and honor roll students earfied better Erin Hayes, Laura Heller, Dina Also, Christina Harrison, Anne Tricia Gonnella; than a “B” average in those sub­ Hoffer, Nicole Hou, Joshua Hathaway, Samantha?.Herman, Also, Sarah Greenfield, Kathryn jects. y Huang, Stephanie James, Crystal. Shunsuke Hirayama, Kenny H aertel/ Jarrod Hanwacker, High honor roll Jiang and Maty Joyce; Rebecca Rendell, Jessica Rosen­ Eighth grade Ai m , Alexandra Kearse, Arelle Pamela Heilman, Yael Horn, berg, Randi Rothbaum, Eve Patricia Huang, Alisa Huston, Schott, Craig Seidenschwarz, Jes­ Mukul Bakhshi, Lauren Coate, Krause, Robert Landis, Julio Evan Jakub. Stephen Jeffers, sica Seigle, Varun (David) Melissa Davis, Delan De Alwis, Maclay, Huma Mahmood, Tyler Elliott Kalan, Stephanie Kalan, Sharma, Meredith Singer, Melissa Lauren Doto, Lauren Fabian, Evan Molnar, Erin Moran, Tristan Anna Katsevman, Daniel Komisar, Smith, Andrew Spey, Heath Feldman, Elnaz Firoz, Douglas Pelham-Webb, Benjamin Perry, Richard Krueger, Richard Kul- Sroka, Jack Tycher, Richard Gardner, Stefanie Goldberg, Sarah Pettengill, AUyn Rathus, Maxwell Reback, Kelly Reynolds, char, Adam Lebenstein, Brian Udell, Cheryl Weiss, Ashleigh Katherine Goldfeder, Jonathan Lebersfeld, Lauren Mahecha- Wolff, David Wollenberg, Gruber, Dara Heller, Robert Glenn Schwartz, Erica Slep, Rowntree, Krishna Maheshwari, Kathleen Yap, Steven Zampino Hoffman, Ariel Horn, Mayumi Danny Sullivan, Nicholas Sver- Sean Malin, Brian Marshak, Zer- and David Zenn. Ichino, Nicole Jackman, Eric chek, Seth Trueger, Aritetsoma lina Maxwell and Irina Mazo; nikhin, Alexander Sherman, Aaron Jacobstein, Cindy Kang, Yana Ukueberuwa, Rachel Wassef, Emi­ Silverman, Anna Stauffenberg, Kimelblat, Andrea Kornstein, ly Weisslitz, Matthew Wurgaft and Huang, Roger Huang, Regina Lauren Tamer, Mike Teves, W I- David Kruaser and Laure Laf- Josh Younger. Itkis, Elissa Jacobs, Seth Jacobs, liari Tunk, Uikhii Varid and Jason forgue; . Honor roll Andy Kadin, Justin Kilgore, Amy Wiggins. Also, Jessica Langsam, Shira Eighth grade Kimmel, Jeffrey Kirsch, Leslie Lowinger, Elizabeth Lynette, David Abuaf, Matthew Axelrod, Konsig, Laura Koss, Cindy Turtle Back plans Andrew McLellan, Grant Morgan, Eric Berkowitz, April-Dawn Kurzweil, Allison Lee-Leviten and Katherine Moran, Ben Myers, Siu Brown, Darren Buonocore, Lauren Erica Levine; night programs Yee (Grace) Ng, Stephanie Bussel, Ariya Charoenchaidet, Also, Paul Leyzerovich, Michael The docent organization of . Obodda, Anna Park, Justin Christine Dixon, Daniel Duarte, Lin, Andrew Linden, Amanda Essex County’s Turtle Back Zoo BEST W AGON-Top prize in the wagon category of Pelham-Webb, Mario Priore, Amanda Feinstein, Jordan Fis- Lordy, Ian Lyles, Corina Mac- will hold “Night Moves,” an eve­ Larisa Rashovskaya, Dana Roth- carin, Suniti Maheshwari, the Fourth of July children's parade at Taylor Park chler, Charles Flax, Sarah ning program that Will allow zoo berg, Lisa Searing, Jeff Seelbach, Raymond Malo, Beth Manocchio, was won by Brendan, Kelly and Conor Gilsenan. Frankel, Robyn Fried, Meredith visitors to have a docent led tour Aaron Silverman, Mitchell Slep, Peter Matkiwsky, Nicholas of the zoo after dark to observe the Michael Stancampiano, Danielle Gaylord, Mai Goda, Jonathan Nedostup, Lindsay Ott, Maya Gorelov, Katie Gotiinger and nocturnal behavior of the animals. Stein, Lisa Taddeo, Toritseju Perepelitsky, Michael Peroff, A brief presentation in the Educa­ Ukueberuwa, Jessica Weisslitz, Laurie Gotiinger; Richard Pikman, Tyler Pittenger, Also, Seth Heckman, Jamie tional Center will precede each FAHNESTOCK Ariann Weitzman, Brian Wosnit- Benjamin Popken, Jonathan Heilman, Asako Hirayama, Stacey tour. zer and Dana Yankowitz. Portny, Stefanie Preston, Aaron Hofflich, Eric Holtz, Chih-Ping This program will be held July Seventh grade Pzena and Parker Reynolds; Huang, Emma Jane Humphreys, 12, July 27, August 9, August 31, MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, INC Also, Sarah Rhodes, Graham Abigail Benjamin, Leslie Peter Ip, David Karp, Emily Katz, September 13 and September 28. AND OTHER LEADING EXCHANGES Riley, Robbie Riva, Ksenia Bernstein, Daniel Bookstaber, Sarah Keating, Christina Koziatek, July and August programs start at Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Investment and Advisors Servi Rybak, Justin Sachs, Samantha Linda Laniaoo, Cheryl Lee, Beth 8 p.m. and, September programs Jared Boschen, Michael Safer, Andrew Samaniego, Suite S00 ... Levitt, Sean Levy, Deirdre Will start at 7 p.m. 382 Springfield Avenue Brosterman, Jennifer Choi, Ajay Carolyn Schumacher, Jason Mahaney, Steven Mautone and Admission is $2 for adults and 3-2100 Summit, S.J. 07901 . " Damle, Lindsay Dratch, Nicholas Schuman, Kristian Schweitzer, Edwards, Fadi Elias, Maureen Kathryn McCarthy; $1 for children up to age | | | Daniel Scuilli, Kristina Semi- Admission is free, to members of Ellinwood, Melanie Francis, Also, Pascale Michel, Chen^Yo the New Jersey Zoological Society Shelby Freda, Rebecca Gordon, Pao, Melissa Pierre, Stdve Also, Courtney McKee, Sara It is mostimportant that program Jennifer Hildner, Stephanie Hor- Platovskiy, Jean Poh, Kim Menlow, Chen-zd Pao, Julia Park, participants bring flashlights, batt, Julien Howe, Kamil Hussain, Rodgers, Adam Rosen, Marc Susan Priore, Jeff Quandt, according to the docent organiza­ Kimberly Kaplan, Shira Kimmel Rosenthal, Justin Samaniego, Niomi Abeyawardene, Corey tion, and Edward Kirschenbaum; Joshua Schnell, Justin Siegel, Also, Jennifer Lee, Ying Liang, Samantha Small, Alyson Smith, Peter Liu, Jennifer Long, Kenneth Aaron Solomon, Lira Son, Jeremy ATTENTION ADVERTISERS: McBroom, Brooke Moldenhauer, Spom, Amanda Strickler, Margot Katharine Muscalino, Antal Sullivan, Greg Tiesi, Hidetoshi Novak, Justin Petrancosta, Mariam Torihara, Julie Tran, Karen Tsoi, Rashggd, Richard Rosenblatt, Rohan Vaidya, Teresa Valentin, Jonathan Schwartz, Holly Shaffer, Gautier Wallaert and Lynn Wu. Scott Silver, Deborah Steinberg, Seventh grade Diana Tejerina, Jennifer Tuch- l q a SWAML%, Tradition for % SALE? A ll Generations

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2 0 % O F F O P E N H O U S E ‘'B'naijeshurun 'fj! oday’s top designers have custom crafted X & t M collection of exquisite jewelry exclusively for Julius Oksenhorri. See our and Sabbath Worship The Congregation in Short Hills M line of bold, contemporary 14 and 18K designS for men, FRIDAY JULY 8TH 8:00pm featuring diamonds and precious stones. ‘At prices that are at MU S South llniilge wellbelow par. CALL TH E ITEM Serving jjgfl is Y o u r S p rin g C lean in g iijjji Open Da»y & TODAY! i i i m and Saturday ...... The Public ■IBM I0am-5:00pm 300 Millburn Avenue • Millburn, NJ since Really Done? im Itm toapm 201-379-1595 .1 9 3 0 376-1200 3:l.li Did You Rem em ber III i? Rl Your A ir D uets! II 1 '^BACTERIA' iM,ST'r,' v '>N . Ss. .viy/ DUS r h l A N N U A L I SHIKI O BM l JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE PI I < ) > I SUSHI BAR & COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~ FUNGUS ft FOURTH OF JULY SALE WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IN I DINING PICK A RESTAURANT THAT EVERYONE AGREES IS B p l I PUESDAY, JULY 5TH - SATURDAY JULY 16TH, 1994 ONE OF NJ'S MOST SATISFYING,EXPERIENCES ... h : . h r \ I CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 4th THE SHIKI JAPANESE STEAK HOUSE. I What's Lurking in Your Air System? I fourth o f July officially begins the Summer Season TO ALL GRADUATES SHIKI Is Proud Of Your Eflbrs to Achieve That Diploma In 19941 To Air Duct Cleaning Removes The Soure of: Show Our Appreciation. Bring It In During The Months Of May Or §jr many fam ilies. Our Annual 4 th o f July Sale is June ’94 And We Will Present You with A Delicious lee Cream Cake And Snap Shot With All Parties Of Four Or Morel All Graduates, Fam • Dust •'Allergy • Breathing Problems Dies And Friends Welcome. Please Call For Reservations. storeuiide ivith savings in every kgajtm m t. i ! 20% - 40% o ff their original prices. DAILY Fl™ L U N C H s p e c i a l s s 5 . tENS CLOTHING, SPORT JACKETS AND SLACKS, FROM H. FREEMAN k SON, PERRY 1 HIME ?LUS AMERICA, CESARANI, HASPEL. GLEN OAKS, THOMSON, AND DOCKERS. Com plete Dinner From MENS DRESS SHIRTS, SPORTSWEAR AND SWIMWEAR FROM JANTZEN, LONDON Appetizer, Salad, Soup, $ 1 FOG, LEVI’S, ENRO, B.D. BAGGIES, HATHAWAY. V on ! Standard Alterations included at No Extra Charge Dessert & Tea All Majoi Credit Cards Honorid ® Or InqUlfe About* Maguires' Charge ROUTE 22 • WEST UNION • 908-688-5555 i ROUTE 35 - NORTH S e r v i c e MIDDLETON • 671-9500

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Put the issue to rest Almost from the day when school superintendent Gerald N, Kohn submitted his letter of resignation, rumors began cir­ culating in the township that his departure at the end of the 1994-95 school year was anything but a done deal. Considerable numbers of township residents simply do not trust the Board of Education — they did not trust the board when it scheduled its own vote on Dr. Kohn’s future for the day before the public was to vote on a school budget; skep­ ticism was fueled by the board’s on-going failure to form a search committee to identify candidates to fill the superinten­ dent’s post; there are those today who paint a disturbing scenario which would see the board revisit the subject of Dr. Kohn’s future after this autumn’s school expansion referendum. Board of Education vice president Steven Safer put those rumors to rest, sort of, this week in an interview with The Item. The rumors, he said, could not be further from the truth. But at the same time Mr. Safer was attempting to close the door on any possibility the school board would retain Dr. Kohn beyond June 30 or next year, another board member was reportedly saying that the door certainly wasn’t locked and might even be ajar. There is no doubt in our mind that Dr. Kohn’s employment was an issue in the minds of residents as they prepared to vote in last April’s budget referendum; we strongly suspect that if he had not submitted his resignation on the eve of that vote and if the board majority had cast its ballots to extend his con­ tract, that budget would have been defeated. We have no wish Letter to the editor to see the school expansion plan held hostage in similar fash­ ion. The expansion proposal is too complex and too important to be immersed in speculation pertaining to Dr. Kohn’s future. Little League and Park But when the public is skeptical of the Board of Education’s Board of Education failed in its have a monopoly on good judg­ “C” fields were at Gero Park. intent and when the- Board of Education does not make an A rebuttal Editor, The Item responsibilities to this community. ment and responsibility. Building a Why? He did not know and could unequivocal statement as to its plans for the superintendent’s This letter is in response to the In fact, the more reasoned com­ school at Gero Park partly under not identify the difference between office, speculation and rumor and skepticism will continue. statement of Vivian Steinberg, munity sentiment was “keep out of the guise of the code word “high quality” baseball fields and It is time to put the Kohn issue to rest. If it cannot be done president of the Board of Educa­ Gero Park" and “watch how you “enhancement” of the park general purpose fields. Why? facilities was simply not an accept­ through a statement issued immediately by a majority of tion, which was published in last spend our taxes.” I will tell you why. Just because a committee of the able solution to our township Board of Education members, it should be the subject of pub­ week’s edition of The Item. I wear two : one as a long-time resi­ Board of Education spent a lot of needs. There was a total lack of Com­ lic discussion by the board at the special meeting it is already dent of and homeowner in time and motley on the Gero Park As president of the Millbum- munication with those persons and planning for next month. Millburn Township and the other proposal and just because it issued Short Hills Little League I have a organizations who had the knowl­ as president of the Millbum-Shoit a well-intentioned report with nice responsibility to a program that edge whjch would have been Hills Little League. pictures, charts and graphs, does includes over a thousand members invaluable to the school board’s Coming events I object to both the content and not automatically make the including boys and girls, parents, property committee. The property tenor of Ms. Steinberg’s state­ proposal right for the community. family and friends. Prior to the committee sliould have included Criticism of the report does not preparation of the property com­ the recreation department and Today, July 7 Tuesday, August 2 ment. Certainly she and perhaps signify mean-spiritedness; it means mittee’s report, neither the recrea­ Little League in its planning pro­ 8 p.m. Historic Preservation 8 p.m. Township Committee some of the other Board of Educa­ tion department nor Little League Commission meeting, Town Hall. meeting, Town Hall. . tion members are of the opinion that members of the community cess. The property committee had Wednesday, August 3 that the “only real opposition to will not simply nod yes to every­ was contacted about the proposal. a duty to pay attention to detail Friday, July 8 Why? , 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ 8 p.m. Planning Board meeting, the construction of a new school at thing the Board of Education sug­ and it failed to do so, wasting Mr. Shive, the architect com­ Market, comer of Main and Essex Town Hall. White Oak Ridge Park” is from gests is appropriate. months in the process. mended by Ms. Steinberg, had no Streets. Thursday, August 4 Little League. Unfortunately, her Also, Ms. Steinberg stated that 8 p.m. Historic Preservation opinion is so far off base as to be if there were a “decline in the pop­ knowledge about the nature of the Finally, Little League is not Tuesday, July 12 baseball fields at Gero Park. Why? opposed to the enhancement of 8 p.m. Township Committee Commission meeting, Town Hall. absurd. The opposition to the ulation (after millions of dollars He did not know that in-ground recreational facilities at Gero Park. meeting, Town Hall. Friday, August 5 proposal for a school at Gero Park were expended)” wouldn’t it be sprinkling systems were in place In fact, Little League has spent W ednesday, July 13 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ (the properly designated name of better to have a “beautiful building on all fields. Why? He did not approximately $50,000 which it 8 p.m. Board of Recreation Market, comer of Main and Essex the park) was widespread through­ to be put to uses compatible with a has raised over the past five years Commissioners meeting, Bauer Streets. out the community and not just park?” That kind of thinking is know that his drawing proposed the replacement of one Little to improve those facilities. The Community Center. Friday, August 12 from those involved with Little what troubles residents. “Tax and League Field and one Pony League recreation building at Gero Park is Friday, July 15 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ League. spend and if it does not work we field with two Little League fields, inadequate for township needs and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ Market, comer of Main and Essex Ms. Steinberg states that the w ill try to fix it later. ” That is making the plan illegal. Why? should be properly enhanced along Market, comer of Main and Essex Streets. Board of Education is “legally and poor judgment and management. He did know the Little League with other facilities at the park for Streets. M onday, August 15 morally responsible to represent So, what was described by the had just expanded thousands of the town’s recreational needs. That Monday, July 18 8 p.m. Board of Adjustment the feelings and entire opinions of property committee chairman as a dollars to install a new scoreboard is the primary tise of Gero Park. 8 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Town Hall. the entire community.” If the deci­ “w in/win” situation for the town at “B” field. Why? In fact, when The least desirable appropriate use meeting, Town Hall. Friday, August 19 sion to expand existing facilities became a big loss and a public 11 a.m* to 5 p.m . Farm ers’ was made, as she suggests, solely relations nightmare for the Board asked at a meeting held by the for Gero Park is for a school. Friday, July 22 Robert Riva 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ Market, comer of Main and Essex “to appease one segment of public o f Education. Why? Board of Education, he did not 13 Ridge Terrace Market, comer of Main and Essex Streets. opinion (Little League),” then the The Board of Education does not even know where “A ,” “B” or Streets. Friday, August 26 Friday, July 29 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Farmers’ Market, comer of Main and Essex Market, comer of Main and Essex Streets. Sandler touts inner-city program Streets. are saying that we have standards Continued from Page 1 even though they are returning to government or the state. programs that may not challenge M r. Sandler and the other board in the program and if you are dis­ Junior League awards $500 to study at one of four sites in the them as much as they should be members are constantly seeking advantaged and you meet these state. At the end of the summer, a challenged. new funding sources. One idea is standards, we’re willing to give to Millburn Middle School certain number stay in the program According to Mr. Spann-Wilson, to tap the board members’ com­ you help.” based on the availability of slots in SEEDS received 1,000 nomina­ munities. Thus, when M r, Sandler As Ms. Maclnnes pointed out, The Millburn Middle School has involved’ and ‘give o f themselves’ and the funding will now make participating independent schools tions for this summer’s program. contacted Ed Moos of Moraine the issues faced by inner-city stu­ received a grant of $500 for the and scholarship fending. The cuts Place as a potential funder, Mr. dents are not completely divorced continuation, of grade level that possible to a much greater Although 144 slots were available, extent.” are made on the basis of per­ he offered positions to 135 stu­ Moos agreed. from issues affecting students in involvement in volunteer activities formance in the summer program Mr. Moos owns his own upscale communities such as from the community research com­ Among the volunteer activities dents only because they were the in which the middle school stu­ and teacher evaluations. ones in the-pool he identified as securities firm and he has just Millburn Township, All parents mittee of the Junior League of the recently joined SEEDS’s “$5,000 want their children’s schools to be dents participated this year were Last summer, 60 students of 108 being able to handle the rigorous Oranges and Short Hills, Inc. club.” Why did he do it?, able to offer academic innovation, fund raising activities benefiting were accepted for the second phase academic challenge. “I thought the program sounded order and safety. A program such “We are thrilled to be a part of “Children Together,” a foster care of the program. This summer, 135 Mr. Spahn-Wilson shared his so interesting and worthwhile,” he as SEEDS may be the critical link this kind of community building in home for siblings, a St. Barnabas students have been accepted for concern that although the current said. “The idea o f taking people to a life of hope for these students, our young people," said Christine Medical Center poster contest, and phase one. budget is $500,000, up from Ancey, assistant community vice a valentine visit to a veterans hos­ $207,000 last year, he is worried and giving them a boost based on rather than a life of despair, which The students who remain in the pital. about funding for the program. merit. It doesn’t matter if they’re ultimately affects everyone in a president for the Junior League, in program will study on Saturdays a letter to Laura Levin Mardyks, a “We receive only a pittance Hispanic, black, red or purple. We troubled society. throughout the eighth grade school middle school guidance counselor Suell named from corporations,” he said. “Our year m addition to attending' their who has supervised the school’s board gave, over $40,000,” he regular classes at their present volunteer projects with Bernadette ass’t secretary added, which was almost twice as schools. Next summer, they will Hochberger, and John Rogers, the James F. Suell of 338 Wyoming much as corporate contributions. Where to write school’s two other counselors. Avenue has been elected an enter a residential program in PSE&G is the only corporate Millburn Township residents wishing to express their opinions to “It was a wonderful surprise to assistant secretary of New Jersey preparation for attending the pri­ sor that will continue to rive their representatives in the U.S. Congress, N.J. Senate, N.J. Assemb­ receive the letter notifying us of Manufacturers Insurance Com­ vate schools where they have been S s for the coming year. The ly or in Essex County government, can do so by sending letters to: the grant,” Dr. Mardyks said. panies. accepted. others said they just have too many “W e are so excited to be able to Mr. Suell, who is president of The harsh reality of having to requests for funding. SEEDS does U.S. Senate use these funds to further imple­ the Wyoming Civic Association, make cuts is not lost upon the not get any public assistance of Senator Bill Senator Frank Lautenberg ment our work within the com­ joined the firm in 1981 as a mem­ members of the board and the any kind, prom either the federal 731 Hart Senate Building 506 Hart Senate Building munity. Our young people have ber of the woikers’ compensation executive director of the program, Washington, DC 205i0 Washington, DC 20510 displayed such willingness to ‘get legal department and in 1992. Dwight Spann-Wilson. “We agonized over this,” said Committee House of Representatives Mr. Sandler. “But the way we Continued from Page 1 Rep'. Bob Franks Rep. Dean Gallo look at it, at least the students will to present a report on possible 429 Cannon HOB 24447 Rayburn HOB get a shot,” he said. “It’s such an expansion of the libraiy facility att Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 enriching experience, at leasj it the Committee’s June 28 meeting. T H E ^ I T E M gives them one-great summer’ The report was deleted from the s ' ‘ ' 1 #.Jr€ef»ate"' /v '-;* ’ 1 ‘ Of MILLBURN and SHORT HILLS agenda of that meeting and tenta­ 1 Senator C. Louis Bassano ■ Established 1888 Persinger receives tively rescheduled for this Tues­ 324 Chestnut Street day’s session. Union, NJ 07083 PUBLISHER Latin honors It is understood that the library N.J. Assembly Barbara A Lewis Cynthia Persinger recently trustees have dropped, for the immediate future, plans for a Assemblywoman Maureen Ogden Assemblyman Monroe Lustbader received a gold medal in the 266 Essex Street 2 West Northfield Avenue EDITOR national Latin examination and has major addition on the libraiy Millburn, NJ 07041 Livingston, NJ 07039 Carter J. Bennett been inducted into the national building and are now considering interior improvements only, .The Latin honor society at the Acad­ Board of Chosen Freeholders ADVERTISING DIRECTOR emy of S t Elizabeth where she is a library trustees will be meeting Tracy S. Dupuis student. Monday night with their architect, Freeholder James Treffinger At the school’s end-of-the-year but it is not known whether they Hall of Records, Room 558 Published At 100 Millburn Avenue. Millburn, N J. 07041 awards assembly, Cynthia received m il be prepared to make a formal 465 Martin Luther King Boulevard Editorial 201-376-1700_____ 3 7 0 . 5 4 5 ^ the~seholar-atlrtete award for the report te the Committee the fol- l _____1 ...... Newark, NJ071Q2 Display Adv. 376-1200 Classified Adv. 1-800-773-2387 sophomore class. lowing night.' July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills Page 5 worship service will be followed' Trustees are hosts Canon Freeman Rev. Horn by a punch reception in Fellowship Hall. for Sunday service preaching Sunday guest minister Rev. Horn is a graduate o f Stan­ The Rev. Canon Leonard ford University, Johns Hopkins at Congregational Freeman will be preaching at at Wyoming University and Union Theological Members of Community Con­ Christ Church’s 8 a.m. and 9:30 The Rev. Gregory Horn, pastor Seminary. He has served churches gregational Church’s board of a.m. services this Sunday. of the Fewsnnth Presbyterian in New York City and Montclair. trustees'will be hosts at the The 8 o’clock service will be Church in Belleville, will be the church’s 10 a.m. service Sunday. held outdoors in the St. Francis guest minister at Sunday’s-10 a.m. Beginning Sunday and continu­ Dr. Ronald Stegall will lead the Garth. Following the 9:30 service, service at Wyoming Presbyterian ing through the summer, broadly- service and his sermon, “The refreshments will be served on the Church. graded church school will be pro­ Optimism of Love," is based upon church’s front lawn. Rev. Horn’s sermon topic will vided during the worship service. the scripture reading, First Babysitting will be available be "Come on Lord, I’m in a Infant care is also available. Those Corinthians, Chapter 13. Baritone during the 9:30 service. Hurry,” taken from Marie, Chapter requiring pastoral care during the Donald Boos will sing two solos 5, Verses 21 through 43. Guest summer or those with questions based upon the scripture reading. Rev. Estler giving organist will be Marilyn Pedersen about the church’s summer sched­ Participants in the "Bridges and special music will be provided ule ard^ asked to telephone the Project” will be meeting today at 1 sermon at Pilgrim by Marilyn Schuster, harpist. The church office, 376r3066. p.m. in the church kitchen to Worship services of Pilgrim prepare food which will be distrib­ C ongregational Church will be THE EXPERTS AGREE: uted among New York City’s held this Sunday at 10 a.m. in the needy. The search committee will Deerfield Elementary School. CHENGDU 4 6 IS THE VERY BEST be meeting in the Rummel board The Rev. Kent Estler will CHINESE RESTAURANT IN NEW JERSEY room at 7 p.m. Sunday. deliver the morning message, The church office is now on assisted by Gordon Freund, summer hours and is open week­ chairman of the church’s Judge For Yourself days from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. diaconate. Soprano soloist Carol Bayard "Excellent" - New York Times TURNOVER SALE-Township residents Evelyn Lewis, Barbara L Ralho will sing “With Verdure Clad" Allan Gemberling and Betty Gemberling are among the * from Josef Hayden’s The Creation. “Best Sichuan Restaurant A mass was offered Saturday in volunteer staff of the 61st annual Turnover Sale of St. Rose of Lima Church for Bar­ She will also join tenor Thomas in New York Metropolitan Area" Booth in singing "Ten Thousand Morrow Memorial Church, Maplewood. The sale is bara L. Balbo of Main Street. Mrs. - Daily News, N.Y. being -held every Thursday in July from 9:30 a.m. to Balbo, who was 56, died June 29 Joys” by Don Marsh. Lillian Clark will welcome wor­ in the King James Qare Center, 12:30 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. on July 12 and 26. shipers as they arrive and Ruth Chatham. ★ ★ ★ 1 /2 The Star Ledger Born in Paterson, Mrs. Balbo Anne Estler will be the hostess at the diaconate reception following had been a township resident for ★ ★ ★ The Record Mid-July collision due 53 years. She had worked for 35 the hour of worship. years as a relocation manager for Millburn, in Scottish, means ‘ mill on ★ ★ ★ ★ Wine and Dine News Luncheon • Dinner • Cocktails Chubb Incorporated, Warren. a stream.* Millburn was chosen as the Gourmet take-out for comet and Jupiter Surviving are her husband, name for the township to honor 8 years Readers Choice Award Banquet Facilities Samuel Campbell who arrived here - N J . Monthly The Sperry Observatory at break-up that occurred during the Joseph J. Balbo; her mother, Lucy from Scotland after the Revolutionary Open 7 Days Union County College will hold summer of 1992, winch was the Sammartino, and her stepfather, War and built the community's first evening hours July Id and 17 for last time it passed by Jupiter. Salvatore Sammartino. paper mill. (201) 777-8855 public viewing of an unprece­ The actual, impact will be hidden dented cosmic encounter between from view as the collision is 1105 Rt 46 East, Clifton, NJ the Comet Shoemaker-Levy and expected to occur on the far side of Peer Support Groups for Women Jupiter. Jupiter. If the collision’s effects The observatory will open at remain visible for more than five REGISTER NOW FOR SEPT. - OC1 7:30 p.m. both days and remain hours, the fragments should swing • Recently Separated Women open until late. Members of the into view as Jupiter rotates. » Women in the Midst of Divorce Amateur Astronomers, Inc., a Calculations indicate that the • Women Over 50 Living.AlQtifi_.-. group based at the observatory, collision will occur within five and • Women Living in a Difficult Marriage will describe the celestial activity, one-half days of July 19 with • Self-Esteem which is expected to release energy indications pointing most strongly • Widows that is far more intense than that of to July 16 and 17. Dr. Thomas • Women Coping with Illness of a Family Membei • Women with Aging Parents i a nuclear warhead. said that cometary orbits are To Register: 994-4994 • PROJECT GRO A video camera will be attached among the most difficult to predict 8 Sessions • Non Sectarian 1____ jWJMEN to the observatory’s two high- since the m aterialin a comet is so Sponsored by National Council ot Jewish Women/Essex County Section powered telescopes and linked to light that gravity from the planets the lecture room enabling viewers and the sun can greatly affect its -am pton House the choice o f seeing some results course.„ • ■ of the collision in a movie format He also noted that 11 of the or directly through the telescope.* largest cometary fragments are Dr. Lewis Thomas, a professor estimated to be from 1.25 to 2.5 of astronomy at Union County miles in diameter, compared to Furniture Clearance Sale Installation included on orders over $500 College and past president and Jupiter’s diam eter-of more than All orders must be placed by July 30 treasurer of AAI, said the collision 88,000 miles. Special floor sample clearance will take place deep in the solar system as the comet collides with The township recreation department operates a municipal Par 3 golf course during tne first 2 weeks of our Summer Sale Jupiter, the largest of the planets and offers a variety of team sports partial listing PLUS DECORATIVE FABRICS that orbit the sun. The comet is not and other activities to township resi­ in a single piece, Dr. Thomas said, dents. Specific information is available Reg. SALE by telephoning 564-7097. Over 200 bolts in Stock! but in at least 20 pieces due to a Heritage camelback sofa-floral print $3415 $1395 Southwood Chippendale sofa-persimmon damask 2695 1395 Some selected bolts Century sofa-green/rust tapestry 2835 1395 30 - 50% OFF Heritage sofa-rose & green floral linen 2995 1495 Hickory chair multi pillow back sofa-beige 3269 1595 Hickory chair sofa-green/gold stripe 3199 1595 Hickory chair tufted soffrceledon damask 3519 1749 Heritage bergere chair-rose texture 2160 995 Hickory chair wing chair-blue damask 1985 795 Heritage dub chairs ©-Coral geometric 1595 ea. 695 ea. in Henredon contemporary cocktail table-blk. lac. 1595 699 Henredon contemporary end tables (2) blk. lac. 1049 ea. 399 ea. Drexel contemporary end tables (2) fruitwood 595 ea. 295 ea. Jasper drop lid desk-oriental decoration 1685 839 11 S. Passaic Ave., Chatham, NJ 07928 • (201) 635-5228 Drexel 5 pc shaker bedroom 4445 2395 Hrs.: Tues-Sat 10:00- 4:30 • Thurs 10:00 - 7:30 Baker 6 pc regency bedroom-pine 13,460 7395 lYvin size adjustable bed 1695 849 Assorted lamps, mirrors, pictures, twin headboards Reduced up to 60%

[!»■ A ampton House W e ’ r e 467 Bloomfield Ave., Momclair Center Creating Beautiful Smiles H Dental Computer Imaging Comes to Short Hills Complete Interior Design Service Open Mon. nights til 8:30 (201) 744-0900 Dr. Craig Miller, director of Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry of NOT Short Hills, demonstrates a computer imaging system which allows the patient to participate In the creative process of Cosmetic Dentistry before treatment Is performed. The Imaging system is able to simulate bonding, bleaching, porcelain veneers, silver filling I MANAGER’S TREAT replacements and implant placement. Explore the striking possibilities of Cosmetic Dentistry! For more information; call GONNA 201-376-5656. TERIYAKI BEEF JULIENNE 4 CHICKEN DINNER TAKE F O R T W O f O N L Y | 2 5 r r

“ I’d like to invite you to an incredible dinner George Press Jewelers is moving The Montclair Breast Center fo r two, prepared hibachi style right i B i n i H n n n and he’s not going to take is pleased to announce on-site consultations in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the at your table, fo r just $25! THE jRPMBE 5TEBHHDU5E all that merchandise with him. breast. Expanding ypon their longstanding Your meal w ill include nutritious shrimp Instead, every piece of jewelry combined commitment to the treatment and appetizer, the traditional Benihana healthy salad, will be drastically reduced. care of patients with breast disorders, Teriyaki Beef Julienne cooked with scallions and But hurry, sale ends July 16th- Allen D. Rosen, MD, FACS mushrooms, chicken with sesame seeds, Japanese and onion soup, and freshly cut vegetables. All served Anthony C. Beriet, MD with the ultimate companions to a healthy meal, will )oinydur'phy§ician Team at the Montclair . Breast Center to offer services including post rice and green tea. So bring my ad for the food, mastectomy breast reconstruction, breast tne fim and the fantastic price. redu£tjpn, correction of breast assymetry It’s my treat” and male gynecomastia. William Munson, Manager For appointments please call: 33^-1800. Montclair Breast Center A DRAMATIC STEP FORWARD IN THE DELIVERY OF QU ALITY BREAST CARE 104 South Livingston Ave:, Livingston, NJ 07039 Nancy L E lliott, MD, FACS, Director Short Hill* 840 Morris Turnpike 467-9550. Open for lunch on Sunday. Ofltr valid through Jut, 31.I9H Sunday through Thursday only. (201)992-7797 39 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 Present this coupon when ordering. Not valid with any other promotional offers. j^SMi/rrr Tuesday- Friday 10AM-5:10PM, Thursday 10AM-8:10PM, Saturday I0AM-SPM July 7,1994 Page 6 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills Sandra E. MacKinnon Samson wins Risa Gordon is married piano honors wed to William Escher Pauline Samson, daughter of Dr. to Dr. Eric S. Siegel The bride, a graduate of die' and Mrs. Cesar Samson, o f Old Pingry School and Smith College, f Short Hills Road, Short Hills, was Risa Whitney Gordon, daughter earned her J.D. at the Hastings 1* the recent winner in two areas of of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon of College of Law of the University the annual Piano Teachers* Society Florham Park, formerly of Pilgrim of California. The bridegroom, of America’s Competition Program Road, was married April 23 to Dr. who also received his J.D. at the and, as a result, was presented in Eric Scott Siegel, son of M r. and Hastings College of Law, is a their Winner’s Festival at camegie Mrs. James Siegel of Bellmore, graduate of Stanford University. Hall’s Weill Recital Hall in New N.Y. York City. Rabbi Laurence Groffman and Katherine A. MacKinnon of Chi­ Pauline’s achievements were in Cantor Norman Summers offic­ cago served as maid of honor for the categories of solo piano per­ iated at the ceremony held at the her sister and the bridegroom ’s formance as well as in chathber Crestmont Country Club. brothers, H. Joseph and music. In the latter category, she The bride’s sister, Beth Gordon Christopher J. Escher, were best performed with her fellow of Miami Beach, served as maid of man. Donald C. MacKinnon of Millbum High School students, honor and the bride’s aunt, Pamela Boston, brother of the bride, was Benjamin Eakley, clarinetist, and Bloom of Greenwood Drive, was the usher. Bahar Foroz, cellist, in presenting matron of honor. Bridesmaids The Rev. Canon Leonard Free­ Beethoven’s Trio, Op. 11. were the bridegroom’s sisters, man officiated at the ceremony A 10th grade student at Millbum Dana Siegel of Bellmore and which was followed by a reception High School, Pauline also excels at Melanie Rubin o f Merrick, N .Y ., at Baltusrol Golf Club, the violin and saxophone and per­ the bride’s cousin, Robin Lelchuk Christ Church was the setting for forms with the school’s orchestra of New York City, and Deborah the June 11 wedding o f Sandra and band. She has participated in Pauline Samson Farfel of New York City, Jennifer Elizabeth MacKinnon, daughter of and won a variety of competitions Gold of West Orange and Amy Mrs. and Mrs. Malcolm D. MacK­ including the New Jersey Music Ciatti of Livingston. innon of Grosvenor Road and Educators’ Association Compete College Corner Marc Tarasow of Bronxville, Sunapee, N.H., to William Jon tion, The New York Rianp N.Y: served as best man. Escher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Teachers’ Congress’ Gifted1 Stu­ Matthew S. Abramovitz was a Groomsmen were the bride’s Henry J. Escher Jr. of Tolvca Mr. and Mrs. dents Competition and the New Phi Beta Kappa graduate this cousins, Seth and Mitchell Bloom Lake, Calif. William J. Escher, Jersey Music Teachers’ Associa­ spring of Wesleyan University. of Greenwood Drive, and Dave She is the securities counsel of The son of Undercliff Road resi­ Sperling, Howard Weinstein, Scott Following their wedding trip to tion’s Gifted Student’s Competi­ Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain tion, She has been a student of dents Dr. Aaron Abramovitz and Gross and Philip Rabito, all of View, Calif., and he is a partner at England and Scotland, Mr. and Dr. Andrea Savage, Matthew, a Mrs, Escher are residing in San Carmela Cecere of Chatham for New York. Dr. and Mrs. '.Major, Wilson & Africa, legal history major, won the Meyer The bride, a graduate t>.f Francisco. ily ears. Eric S. Siegel consultants in San Francisco. Prize for an honors thesis in Amer­ Millbum High School, received a Birth ican history and graduated with bachelor of arts degree from the State University, Albany. He Newcomers have beer tasting university honors. University of Virginia. She is a received his medical degree from Mr. and Mrs. Christopher John senior account executive at the New York State Health Science Gruber of Glen Allen, Va. Robert M cCarthy, son of Mr. Howard J. Rubenstein Associates, Center at Brooklyn, Downstate on tap for Saturday evening announce the birth of a son, and Mrs. Philip McCarthy of 20 Inc., a New York City public rela­ Medical School, and is a resident Timothy Baxter, July 1. Mr. and Wells Lane, received his bachelor tions agency. in internal medicine at Staten A micro-brewery beer tasting is « mad Mrs. Gruber are also the parents of of arts degree from Dartmouth Dr. Siegel graduated summa Island University Hospital. on tap this week for the New- by telephoning the Nadels at 576- a daughter, Heidi Luissier, who is College. Robert majored in cum laude with a bachelor of Dr. and Mrs. Siegel are residing comers/Encore Club. 6339. . ' " 2-years-old. Mrs. Gruber is the English at Dartrjrouth. science degree from New York in New York City. The tasting will be held at 7 The club will be holding its former Dana Gusmer, daughter of p.m. Saturday at the home of club monthly prospective members cof­ Mr. and Mrs. William Edward members Chris and Dan Sulzer. fee Tuesday from 8 to 10 p.m. Gusmer of Knollwood Road. Each attendee is asked to bring Those interested in attending are SWEET DREAMS...H g g S S / s K three bottles of an American asked to telephone Sharon Rimland 101 Baker St. • Maplewood • 201-761-5854 micro-brewed beer and appropriate at 564-9614. Membership in the, SWEET SUMMER OFFERS finger food. Newcomers/Encore Club is open (You must mention this ad. Not to be combined with any other ofler.) Those wishing to attend are to all township residents. asked to call Mr. or Mrs. Sulzer at The organization has scheduled 2 5 % O F F 376-1983. Weather permitting, the its monthly luncheon for July 22. F R E E 1 2 OS. beer tasting will be held outdoors. toy OBt «f Unit tw tet Europm Style CooU m A variety of other events are on Millburn’s history 1 5 % O F F With ParchiM of 2 Ox. the club’s schedule for July, according to Robin Cook, organi­ topic of telecast Invitation*, zation president. ‘'Millbum through the Millen­ Calligraphy Among the highlights of these nia” is the title of a program being Now available - Wine Cellars of Millbum fine Wines and -events is a “Tex-Mex movable telecast through the .month o f July Spirits may be combined with Sweet Dreams gourmet and More... feast,” Ms. Cook said. It will be on Channel 36, the public access specialty items for a spectacular gift basket! Baskets on held July 16 at 6:30 p.m. Details channel serving this area. display at Wine Cellars 279 Millbum Ave. 201-379-0123 for ev eiy of the movable fea$t can be The program, produced by the O ccasio n obtained and reservations to attend Millburn-Short Hills Historical made by telephoning either Nilda Society'can be seen Tuesdays at (201) 912-9640,, Incatasciato at 467-5181 or Marry 6:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 7:30 Anne O’Connor at 467-3547. p.m. and Fridays at 2 p.m. Abort Hills This Monday the club will be Seen on the telecast are photog­ holding a dinner from 5 to 6:30 raphs and maps of the community p.m. in the courtyard behind La dating from the 18 th century to the Cheryl S. Citron, M.D., F.A.A.D. Strada. Reservations can be made present. by calling Gina Abrams, vice pres­ PROUDLY ANNOUNCES THAT-' ident of activities, at 467-4308. Would-be hoop stars will have I PAIN? STIFFNESS? Laura J. Heilman, M.D., F.A.A.D. an opportunity to show off their NAGGING NECK AND BACK SORENESS’ ^ ;'? skills at a “donuts and hoops” get- m m HELP IS AVAILABLE of New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center together Saturday from 9, to 11 and Memorlal-Sloan Kettering a.m. at the home of Ken and Ellen DR. JOSEPH J. MURPHY Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology

J r a j | PALMER GRADUATE ‘ HAS Joffi^-HER iIII e PRACTICE OF: MASSAGE Suburban THERAPY Chiropractic Adult & Pediatric Cosmetic Dermatologic In Your Home Or Office Lute f-.-.i1 - Dermatology Dermatology Surgeiy Saiurda\ JWL Center VWSf t fMM umi • Chemical Peels MR. EUE SABBAN, MAt N.C.M.T. 301 Main St., Chatham • 201-635-0036 • Collagen Replacement Nationally Certified • Treatment of Hair Loss • Elimination of Spider Veins • Swedish • Sport • Deep Tissue • Neuromuscular Additional Evenings and Speciolixet in Sports, Sana & Medical Massage. Saturday Hours Available WORKING HOUSEHOLD?* 315 E. Noithfield Dc, Livingston “The most fantastical S u n f^ am 201-736-9370 NeverLand of them all" |J ||v e n il you are away from home-all day. you. can |ffl|en |oy a 201-$35*3200 Welcome Wagon visit Call me and lets work out a time As Welcome Wagon Representative,-1 call on brides-to-be new-parents "Robert Johanson. . . one KEEN'S and movers.with'a ba a S fm m u s e ^ ^ ^ p | f f i’carcrs,-and-information you can use Free of couise and no strings attached * of the finest actors to , ■ TENNIS AND ■ I d like to call on you — and will when we can Set a date and time perform Peter Pan in the \ SPORTSWEAR better acquainted and learn Take the Initiative. * history of theatre" where to Intel 'things 'you need • WodtfALL PUBLICATIONS , * Clothing§ • Racquets • Sneakers Welcome Wagon, An American Tradition Piea'se call | | | j like to • Men's & Ladies Warm Ups • visit' you soon EDUCATION' • Skirts • Shirts • Sweaters ' Don’t wait for your "Extraordinary costumes EVALUATION! SALE STARTS JULY 11 MARY ANNE O’CONNOR ■ B IS doctor to tell you , . (Gregg Barnes)" 4 * 467-3547 TREATMENT i p s . THE STAR-LEDGER * * * * * 30% to 50% OFF IRIS GRUBEL W l d 1 | that it’s time for a ON ALL SALE ITEMS! 3 7 9 -2 17 7 ■ mammogram. * "Christopher Innvar is # • ELLESSE •TAIL * perfectly marvelous " •LUX • THESTAp.&A/l TTE * • HEAD 1 If you’re 40 or 454 Pleasant Valley Way )\W . ' * * * West Orange | WELCOME TO THE GRAND PALACE ? older, you know “Talented and beautiful t (201) 731-2760 m it’s time. Becky Watson as Wendy " MON. - SAI10-5 | INN/DINER | * WfflFSttSlA publications 4 * THURS. TILL 1:00 f f j f f W m r SUN. CLOSED m m m | QUALITY FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES $ $ FROM BREAKFAST TO LATE NIGHT § "Fantastic scenery (Michael Breast cancer strikes one out of every eight women in the United States, Anania). . . heart thumping I GRAND OPENING SPECIALS | and it can grow for a long time before you feel a lump. Mammography is. * choreography (Daniel * the best method for detecting breast cancer in its earliest; most treatable If your car is / BREAKFAST LUNCH Pelzig). . . brilliant lighting V • TWO EGGS ANY STYLE ...... $1.99 • CAESAR SALAD W/CRILLED CHICKEN $4.95 ^ stages. That is why the American Cancer Society recommends regular 4 • REGULAR OR BANANA FRENCH TOAST $2.99 • SAUTEED STEAK TIPS OVER RICE mammograms for every woman over the age of 40. * (F. Mitchell Dana) ". * better than r . SHORT STACKS OF PANCAKES $150 • BROILED FILLET BLUEFISH, most, you Y . LOX & ONIONS OMELETTE ... B M POT. & VEG. 86 951 At the Montclair Breast Center, you will receive a mammogram using the better have latest General Electric technology, specifically designed to give the best * "Remarkable AntiGravity * picture with the lowest possible doses of radiation and the least discomfort. Dance Company. . . could usfixit. In the care of highly skilled, compassionate professionals’, you will have the opportunity to review your films and have a breast exam. Evenings hours • make you disbelieve in . PRIMETIME Mon-Thurs. are available. Accredited by the American College of Radiology. ■ Isaac Newton and believe 1 5 PM 10 PM in fairies at the same time " v CM-O-UNER MACHINES ALL DlffiBjS WffH y" Early detection: it £an saHrh ydtir lffe.N s WELIILTINKIN6 OVEN A . BELGIAN WAFFLES ..H E ..$£$9 • GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST Schedule your rnammogram appointment today. y W/STEAMED V E G ^^^ ^^H - *®-95' CALL 201 -376-4345 DINNER (Comes with soup or salad) . V IS A & Watlt-rCard CENTRAL . BROILED QO ROAST 2 LB. CHICKEN. It’s up to you. - POT. & VEG...... AUTO BODY - BROILEf) STEER BEEF LIVER. PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE. A family business since 1917 ONIONS & BACON ...... $9.95 I • LOW CALORIE CMARGQAL BREAST H \ Montclair Breast Center CHICKEN W/STEAMED VEG...... $9.95 ■ • SAUTEED CHICKEN PRJMAVERA , BffAIWic s u p u « « f o u a iii\ isr r si o 622-4439 $ OVER PASTA ...... $9.95 X . LOW CALORIE POACHED SALMON Nancy L Elliott, MD, FACS, director Richard and Harry Black J W/STEAMED VEG...... $12.95 COLLISION EXPERTS Y • OUR FAMOUS BONELESS 39 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 201/509-1818 274 Central Ave.. Newark. NJ RIB EYE STEAK. POT & VEG ....$12.95 SAUTE AVAILABLE™^8 All Baking Done on Premises

I OPEN SUN-THURS 6A-2A, FRI & SAT 24 HRS. 615 NORTHFIELD AVE. WEST ORANGE & 201-669-3200 l Banquet Facilities Available July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills Page 7 Eide’s homer,double Schwartz, 6 pace 3-2 Millbum win cited by Northern Hills A home run and a double by homer and Eide a 2-run homer in First team selection Seth Will Eide led the 1 M 2 year old the fifth inning to break the game Schwartz heads the list of seven Millbum-Short Hills All-Star tgam open. Aaron Brookner pitched four Mjllburn High School baseball to a 3-2 victory over Chatham in innings, striking out four and players who earned Northern Hills the championship same of -the giving up only two runs. Conference, Suburban Division M illbum 4th o f July Tournament. Millbum, which is also competi­ honors for the 1994 season. The local club jumped cm top of ng in the Long Hill and Edison Center fielder Schwartz, the Mil­ Chatham in the bottom o f the third tournaments, now has a 15-1 lers’ Defensive Player of the Year for the secohd consecutive season, when Ged.Bliwise’s single drove record. hit .286, was successful on 14 of home Eide who had doubled. Matt The team has benefited from ther 17 stolen bases and scored 21 runs Dahlman’s sacrifice fly drove pitching and hitting of Brian in his lead off spot in the order. home the second Millbum run and Young, Eric Domogala and He also registered a .980 fielding Eide's solo homer in die bottom of Bliwise while Dahlman, Robbie percentage as he made just one the fifth accounted for what proved Riva and Tyler Pittenger had miscue in 49 total chances. to be die winning ran. added speed and defense. Parker Earning second team recognition Dan Pulaski pitched three hitless Reynolds and Don Tansey have from Millbum (17-10) were first innings for the home team. provided the power in the middle baseman Rob Chimenti (.341, 26 Earlier in the week Millbum of the batting order throughout the RBI); pitcher Matt Wood (6-3, won the Clark Tournament by season and Andrew Errico has 2.77 ERA), second baseman Kevin defeating Cranford 10-5. given the team timely hits and Larner (.317, 19 RBI) and third Andrewndrew Samaniego had a 3-run solid pitching.p ittin g . baseman Jon Sabin (.373, 18 steals). XX inbush ups record to 5-0-1 Miller honorable mention selec­ Seth Schwartz CHAMPIONS—Millburn's 9-10 year old All-Star team tions were outfielder John Qualter won its third consecutive Clark Tournament last week. (.281, 15 steals) and shortstop nick and Qualter (John McAleavey ith 3-1 victory over Summit Team members are (front row, from left) Mark Susko, Mike Eslreicher (.294, 21 RBI). Winning Attitude Award). Wood and Sabin also earned he W omen’s One.n Eastern Senirtr S/vv'er Ascneiatinn virtorv Troy Pittenger, Adam Root, Alex Emposimato, Mark DIAMOND NOTES-Schwartz, The Women’s Open Eastern Senior Soccer Association victory 1994 season recognition from The Domogala (second row) Bryan Zampino, Jordan Chimenti and Wood were seniors Division leading Millbum Ambush over Summit in Chatham June 29. Star-Ledger. (5-0-1) rode goals from Denise Saliolas opened the scoring with Maleh, Teddy Emposimato, Chris Tansey, Brian Colin, while Larner, Sabin, Qualter and Estreicher competed as juniors this Wood was selected to the Saliolas, Janie Stecher and Amy her team-leading third goal of the Greg May, Doug Petkanics and Jordan Heilman. In the Newark paper’s All-Essex County Mumick to a 3-1 Morris County past season. season off a feed from Mumick. rear are coaches Drew Sarber, Bob Vogt and Jim Pit­ second team and to its All-State Millbum, after Summit tied mat­ Winners of 1994 team awards, ten g er. in addition to Schwartz, were Group 2 third team. Sabin received ters with just the second goal All-Essex County third team Six Millbum permitted by the Ambush this sea­ Wood and Sabin’ (co-MVPs), Lamer (Most Improved), Chimenti accolades. son, took the lead for good when The Millers also earned the No. Marcy Williams set up Janie (Best Offensive Player), junior frosh baseball Millbum All-Stars win ■EKJ. Priore (Top Substitute), 6 ranking in the final Star-Ledger Stecher’s first goal of the season. Essex County Top 10 with their Mumick closed out the scoring sophomore Frank Dasti (Best 17?10 record. players cited with her second goal of the season third Clark Tournament Pitcher) and senior Ethan Brans- 1994 season honors were pre­ on a pass from Jean Pitt. sented to six members of the AMBUSH NOTES—Millbum, The Millbum 9-10 All-Stars won Millbum was held to four hits, Millbum High School freshman which has outscored its opponents their third straight Clark Tourna­ two by Tommy Fox, in its 5-3 loss baseball team at the school’s recent lb-2 on the season, has also ment last week with a 6-3 victory to Chatham. Maleh pitched well, baseball awards dinner. received one goal apiece from over Basking Ridge. but was hurt by several errors. Award recipients were first base- Rose Miller,-Amy Tourtellotte, man/pitcher John Amorosa (Most Monica Ceklosky, Kathy Meyers,. Chris Tansey and Jordan Maleh Millburn jayvee Valuable Player), shortstop/ Suzette Soboti and Stecher. scattered six hits while Mark, catcher/pitcher Peter Bronsnick The Ambush returns to action Susko, Jordan Heilman and Tansey baseball award (Most Improved Player), infielder tonight following an extended had three hits each. Troy Pittenger Chris May and Amorosa (co-Best break due to the Fourth of July and Bryan Zampino starred on winners named Offensive Players)., out- holiday when it visits Randolph at defense. fielder/catcher Nick Delikaris 6:30. Millbum then returns home The All-Stars opened the Center fielder Mike Lester, left (Best Defensive Player) and Monday night face Long Valley at Millbum 4th of July Tournament fielder Jason Davis, catcher/out- infielder/pitcher Evan Schwartz 6:30 at Millbum High School. with easy victories over Livingston fielder Guillermo Silberman and and infielder/pitcher Teppei Inoue National and Florham Park before pitcher/infielder Andy Stroh of the (Winning Attitude Award). Registration open losing to Chatham in the finals. Millbum High School junior var­ Amorosa excelled at both the sity baseball team have earned In the 16-2 victory over the plate and on the mound. He com­ for baseball camp awards for their play during the piled a robust .516 batting average Livingston squad, M illburn’s 14- Registration is now being hit attack was led by Tansy’s three 1994 season. (31-for-60) with 28 RBI and also Lester (.415, one homer, 16 accepted for the final two sessions hits while Heilman, Doug Pet­ went 5-2 with a 3.09 ERA on the RBI) was named the team’s Most of the recreation department’s “It’s kanics and Greg May each had two hill. a Hit” baseball camp. Valuable Player. Best Offensive May was the second-leading hit­ hits. Maleh, May and Mark TRACK TEAMS RUN FOR CHARITY-Neighborhood The camp’s second session opens Domogala held Livingston in Player laurels were won by Davis ter for Millbum (11-6) with a .385 Monday and runs through July 22 (.423, two homers, 22 RBI). House nursery school director Nancy Spaeth accepts check. average and 15 RBI. and has Saturday rain dates. The Silberman made just one error in a check representing proceeds from the recent benefit Other impressive offensive num­ final session will be from July 25 Tansey and Adam Root gave up 90 total chances, a .989 fielding run-a-thon by the Millburn High School track teams bers were posted by Schwartz just three hits in the 17-2 Millbum percentage, to earn Best Defensive to July 29 with a July 30 rain date. from Miller track athletes Jeff Kaye and Kelly Milton. (.360, eight RBI), out-

College corner Short Hills Office 505 Millbum Avenue Luke McHale of 76-A Lakside Drive received his bachelor of arts Short Hills degree in chemical engineering last (201)376-4545 month from Bucknell University.

ELITE FLIGHT CHAMPIONS-Team members of the Millburn Soccer Associa­ tion's Mid-New Jersey Youth Soccer Association Division 4 Elite flight champion Triumph are, kneeling, from left, Courtney Scally, Catherine Benedict, Leslie Konsig, Samantha Schnell, Sara Michelson and Sarah Elkins, second row, Maggie Cocca, Jamie Stiger, Lauren Gonnella, Ann Buckley, Corina Maccarin, Holly Shaffer, Courtney Broadley .and Carolyn Cooney and, top row,, coach Peter Smith. Missing from the photo is Alexandra Kearse. Millburn went on to defeat the Edison Bulldogs 1-0 in the MNJYSA Division 4 title game June 15. Golf Magazine holding is jjjjg g amateur challenge event soccer coaches H R H ^^^H' Sport I B B Fr>rFor TTnHftrsfflndinUnderstanding Inter- Amateur golfers will have an drivel participation in a $1 Million ., national Exchange is looking .for opportunity to fulfill their dreams Hole-in-One Contest; and discount soccer coaches to lead teams over­ of-playing with the greatest Senior’ coupons for local restaurants dur­ seas during the summer of 1995. PGA Tour players in the world ing the tournament. Destinations for 1995 SFU soc­ when they compete in the Golf « The entry fee for the Golf Maga­ cer teams may include Australia, Magazine Senior Tour Champion zine Senior Tour Championship Denmark, Holland or Italy- ship Amateur Challenge November Amateur Challenge is $2,500. Par Opportunities also exist for local 5-8 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. ticipation will" " be on a first-come,' organizations to host an interna­ The event will be held in con­ first-served basis. Amateurs inter-' tional team during 1995. Although SFU accepts coaching junction with the Golf Magazine HOME OF DISTINCTION EXCITlNu NEW Llal INU Senior Tour Championship. Fifty ested in playing should call 800- applications year round, applica­ contestants will move on to com­ 894-4653 to register. tions received by August 1, 1994, SHORT HILLS - Spacious rooms in over 6000 sq ft of SHORT HILLS- 5 bedroom colonial features master will receive first consideration for living space. 7 bedroom home on 2.13 acres. Quiet suite on 1st floor and large family room w/beamed pete in the Golf Magazine Senior n. jgKivJi'

planned in area An independently Owned and Operated Member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Wamock Automotive Group, the northern New Jersey multi-dealer­ ship, has announced that-it will sponsor a program of roller hockey clinics w d leagues for adults and SHORT HILLS SHORT HILLS young people. The program is being organized and conducted by the New Jersey Rockin Rollers, one of 11 new expansion teams that have been added to Roller Hockey International, a profes­ sional roller hockey league that completed its inaugural season last suAmer. The amateur leagues will take place at South Mountain Arena, K31-3828, in West Orange, Montclair Clary Anderson Arena, 744-8806, and Mennen Arena, 326-7650, in Morristown through September. Clinics will also be " will be conducted three or more times per week throughout Essex, Bergen and Morris counties.

Need,an Electrician? C OMMANDING VIEWS A PRIVATE RETREAT A TRUE CLASSIC! Larry and Ron, formerly Lancaster ..are yours from this stately 4 BR colonial nestled on one Tucked away on a private land on nearly an acre of wooded Traditional in detail thj$ 5 BR colonial on park-like Electric Co. employees have formed ^crf,terraced grounds adjacent to So. Mtn. Reservation. grounds is this gracious 4 B R , 21/2 Bth colonial w/beautiful grounds is in impeccable condition. Discover a superb 2 Lar-Ron Efecfftc Serviti,' Inc., /in* details! Handsome library and den plus fin. Rec. Room. A Enjoy spacious Kit/F4ni. Rft., central dir and convenient rm. suite for ail pair/related families/or professional order to continue to serve the com unique property! $649,000. Call 467-3883. offices. $520,000. Call 467-3883. mdrcial and' residential needs of location to schools and NY train. Proudly offered at the area. Fully insured and bonded. $499,000. Call 467-3883. License No. 7009. We install Fire and Burglar Alarms. Lar-Ron Electric Service Inc. Quality Work at Fair Prices Is ", Millburn/Short Hills Office Our Tradmark Prudential 59 Maid£treet 253 1 Clover Terrace Referral Serviceable. 467-3893 Union, N.J. 07083 ______68741443- July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills Page 9 Christina Eide graduates Phillips Exeter Christina T. Eide, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Richard P. Eide Jr. o f 36. M ontview Avenue, was among this month’s graduating class at Phillips Exeter Academy. She. was one of 13 students in the 351-member graduating class who satisfied requirements in classical language^ and received a Latin diploma. For academic achievement, die was designated a commended student in the 1994 National Merit Scholarship Program. While at Exeter, she was active. in student affairs as a reporter and sports editor on the board of Exonian, the school’s weekly student newspaper. During three years at the academy, Christina was recognized as one of the school’s finest athletes. A three time letter winner ip: soccer, she was honored at the fall sports awards assembly and awarded.the Coaches Trophy for team leadership and good sportsmanship. In her senior year, Fabulous 12 room center hall colonial with all the extras, 2 she was elected co-captain of the lacrosse team, honored by -the department of physical education and awarded the Class of 1947 Robert W. Kesler ’47 Girl’s Lacrosse Award. Chester/Long Valley Office Christina will attend Williams 142 Main St. Chester College in the fall. 908-879-7010 Reserve court space by phone The recreation department will accept telephone reservations at CHAMPION MACHINE—Team members of the Millbum Soccer Association's 564-7097 daily between 8:30 a.m. Mid-New Jersey Youth Soccer Association Division 4 flight champion Machine, and noon for the use of township B U R Q dO R ff are, in front, Chris Colabelli, kneeling, from left, Brad Wofsy, Michael Kimmel, tennis courts. Andre Fleury, Matthew Cohen, Russell Filipski and Peter Enderlin, second row, Residents holding tennis mem­ Joe Marcantonio, Brian Hubschmann, Kristian Schweitzer, Ben Popken, O rhalj berships may call 24 hours in Beldtng, Adam Iriando and Brett Senders and, third row, coaches Andy Ender­ advance to reserve court space. Reservations may be made on Fri­ lin, Peter Cohen and Hubert Fleury, "V day mornings for play on Satur­ day, Sunday and Monday. These reservation procedures Seton Hall University athletic pigSgus?3 will continue through Labor Day. I The township recreation depart­ to 1857, the year it was established fund slates two golf outings as a municipality by the state, Millburn ment will sponsor a trip to see Township had three schools, a 1-room Seton Hall University’s Pirate ings and individual hole sponsor­ New Jersey’s newest professional school house on near the Old .Short Blue Athletic Fund will hold two ships and reduced corporate hole baseball team, the Class A New Hills Road-Parsonage Hill Road inter­ golf outings Hus summer, which sponsorships may be obtained by Jersey Cardinals, host the Elmira section, another 1-room school house calling Pirate Blue* Athletic Fund (N.Y.) Marlins August 3 in a noon ’on White Oak Ridge near Parsonage will provide an opportunity for Hill Road and a 3-room building on executive director Richie Regan at matinee at Skylands Park ini players from southern and central Millburn Avenue opposite the present SUNNY RANCH New Jersey to enjoy Pirate Blue 378-9821. Augusta. Town Hall. golf, along with those from the Cozy ranch nestled on over 1/2 acre in Short Hills. Convenient northern part of the stare who have location close to all amenities. Panelled den off sunny living traditionally participated in the room. First floor laundry. $265,000 Pirate Blue event at the Montclair Golf Club in West Orange. The first outing will be held July 25 at the Montclair G olf Club at 8:30 a.m. and the second outing will be held at the Shore Oaks Golf Club in Farmingdale August 15 beginning with lunch at 11:30 a.m., followed-by golf at 1 p.m. SCHLOTT hiCALTORS The per person entry fee o f $275 for each outing, includes 18 holes COLDWELL BANKER SCHLOTT ONCE AGAIN of golf, electric cart, buffet lunch, CONGRATULATES DEEDEE KREINER refreshments and hors d ’oeuvres at the awards party. There will also TOPS IN SALES FOR 1993 be prizes ana gifts for all golfers and individual and team winners. DeeDee Kreiner recently received the prestigious CBS International Further information on the out- Presidents Circle Award at the company’s annual awards breakfast. By receiving this award DeeDee distinguished herself as being among the top 1% of the 54,000 Coldwell Banker agents ip the United States. DO IT NOW! Brandeis wins lax A true real estate professional for 19 years, DeeDee has unmatched Call to see this attractive, nicely remodeled 3/4 BR Col. Just a record of success. DeeDee has consistently been a Top Producer and step to schools, shopping & transportation. $459,000. letter at Denison year after year has received numerous awards not the least of which Alison Brandeis, daughter of was membership in the 1993 NJAR Silver Level Million Dollar Sales Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brandeis Jr. Club. of i2‘ Overlook Terrace, has If you are thinking of selling your home or purchasing a new home earned her second varsity letter put Coldwell Banker's Top Performer to work for you. DeeDee with the Denison University welcomes you to call her at home or office for all your real estate women’s lacrosse team. needs. DeeDee can be reached at (201) 467-3222 Ofc. or (201) 376-7958 Brandeis tallied four, goals and DeeDee Kreiner evenings or stop by and see her at 518 Millburn Ave. Short Hills. two assists as a sophomore attack for Denison, which went 12-3 overall, wop the North Coast Athletic Conference for the 10th consecutive season and earned a berth in the NCAA Division 3 tournament for the fifth straight year. ■ ■ I Brandeis is a psychology major SPACE GALORE at Denison. Room for everyone in this spacious 5 BR, 2 1/2 Bth home in Yankee game trip Short Hills. Enjoy the porch and deck overlooking large level lot. Offered at $599,900. Call 1-800-759-HOME, property slated for July 28 code 1105. The recreation department and SHORT HILLS the Millbum Fire Department will sponsor their annual “Knot Hole Gang” baseball trip to see the American League East leading New York Yankees battle the Bos­ ton Red Sox July 28 in a 1:05 p.m. matinee at Yankee Stadium. Limited spaces tire available for . township students entering grades four through 10 in the fall. The $10 registration fee includes a game ticket and motor coach trans­ portation. Departure time is 10:45 a.m. from Gero Park; Call 564-7097 for more details.

1 m. EXPANDED RANCH ^PHYLLIS VIL KALFUS, B.S., MA beautiful bouse impeccably maintained. Wonderful view from Counseling for breakfast area of lovely property. 3 BRs, 2.5 baths, CAC, slate Geriatric Patients roof, alarm system, underground sprinkler. Walt to Hartshorn and their families school. $469,000. Call the Millburn Office at 376-2266. 9 9 4 ^ 1 1 7 c o i D i u e u . SUMMIT SHORT HILLS £>-5 ’ 13 Wychwood Road SHORT HILLS B A N K E R 5 545 MILLBURN AVENUE Livingston 201-467-3222 IB 908-277-1770 (201)376-5200 Office hours by appt Nolmtlv works lianlrr for vou than BursnorlY. THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills July 7,1994 Page 10

Q Q f'

[Building Contractor! A larm s Bathrooms Bu»d9f»Cqrpenter | Building C o n tr c S t| ANY ALARM REPAIR JOSEPH EPISCOPO The Business Guide operates AND INSTALLATION L PACE J J. Potsco & Son CUSTOM BATHS •Mason Contractor 4 Bulkter Specializing in rewiring AComplelB on a 3-month seasonal cycle. Builder-Carpenter Complete Remodeling Service Additions • Alterations and upgrading of . Bathroom Modernizing ’ '#ife Ji.'SjO S'n., •ConcreteWilks existing alarm system Service, PLUS -Want The next cycle will begin Sept. Additions • Baths* Kitchens • •Wilks -Pities Commercial - Residential Deal with the man who 1. Deadline for the Fall cycle is will be doing your job. Basements • Decks» •floors -Fireplaces Burglar alarms, fire alarms, -Steps -Wood Decks August 12th. For more CCTV, cable TV, telephones 467-4455 Windows t Doors •Carpentry -Plastering •Sump Pumps Installed information call 746-1100 and r Over 25 years experience C a ll L o u is 35 Wears Experience •Grading•DrainageWork , MIKE SCANNIELLO (908) 604-8308 (908) 354-9244 ask for Rose Ann. 201-467-9229 FREE ESTIMATES 908-277-0286

Building Contractor) [Building Confroctor] Carpentry Carpentry Carpet Cleaning ( D e c k s D rap eries INTERIORS by DESIGN ~ FACIE ~ db BEDROSIANS Custom Decorating ery, Pillows Short H ills Ijpm t Construction General Contractor Carpet Cleaning Specials .valances A total Remodeling, Renovating Read Prints • Plan 2 Areas $ 4 9 .9 9 5 Areas $ 8 9 .9 9 smart Shades and Restoration Co. and Layout Design DECKS S • Additions 3 Areas $ 5 9 .9 9 7 Areas $ 1 1 5 ,9 9 Bedroom Ensembles • Alterations AT Work Guaranteed 20 years exp. Basements Pleated, Cellular, • Basements Small Jobs Welcomed 1-800-894-1480 Vertical Blinds • Decks No Subs-References Millbum • Summit Call us we'll beat Minimum order, 2 areas. Steps & Orientals prices seperately., any price. Discounts Available Serving Short Hills Free E A F u ly Insured Short Hills Offer good with coupon only Maximum 300 sq. ft. per area. lo r over 30 yrs. Impeccable, Affordable RON Truck powered steam cleaneing. Good through 8/25/94. (908) 964-8364 C 201/762-8848 (201)376-1010 467-3333 7 6 3 - 1 6 9 7

Electrical Contractor Floors Gutters Driveways Electrician Electrician Floors Gutters KBG Electric PAV-CON (3D hardwood floors SALEM FLOORS "AT-AINT ALL" LIC #7902 A .i ELECTRIC Kevin B. Gaynor s x CONSTRUCTION Specializing in restoration WOOD FLOOR: ” 1 COMPANY • Clean Quality Work Seamless Gutters & Leaders R GUTTERS* LEADERS i Paving Contractor • Sanding No Job Too Small ol old wood Hours, custom Installations Free Estimates STACEY • New Work & Repairs • Refinishing ‘ UNDERGROUND DRAINS^ No Challenge Too Great colors, repairs, installation Cleaning * Repairs Specializing in Older Homes • Staining r » Thoroughly cleaned & flushed T . Driveways • Parking Lots ELECTRIC Residential/Small * Environmentally sate finishes • Pickling I AVERAGE HOUSE $35.00 Belgium Block • Concrete Curbing SERVICE, INC. Business Specialists Reasonable Rates • Waxing "POWER WASHING" * Bonded NJState Lie #9867 Owner operated Homes/Docks t AU DEBRIS BAGGED n All Types of Masonry All Work Guaranteed Chris Oesterte • Michael Oesterle FROM ABOVE 1 SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY" 1-800-953-1959 "We Do Belter Work" & Concrete Work Millbum Area Walter Hensen ROOF REPAIRS S Vise/MC Accepted Emergency No (908) 628-6118 6 9 6 -5 2 5 2 Ask Us Why 2 3 9 -7 8 1 9 MILLBURNAREA (201) 325-1676 MARK MEISE 228-4965 (201)966-6010 Free Est finanong Avail ■ Fuly Ins. Fully Ins. Free Est. (201) 663-003? Dean M. Ferro (908) 464-3773 The Very Best 7 6 1 -7 6 4 0 londed LIC. * 8440

[Home improvement | Home Improvement [landscape Design ] [Home Improvement | Home Improvement | Home Improvement Don't Replace - Just Reface RC Garden Landscaping TRU-HANDYMAN DRIVEW AY SEALCOATINQ Dezi Folenta T & S Customs Home Improvements Fine Woodworking Quality Carpentry & Repairs Replacing Kitchen Cabinets & Countertops Genuine Quality Workmanship J . G O R D O N j g m S S * . & Remodeling Kitchens Baths • Basements M V g- Maintenance Design l Build Carpentry Basements Refinished. HOME IMPROVEMENT Many styles to choose from in Old and New Construction ■AO types of alterations l additions Cedar Closets. • Hot Crack Filler • House Painting & Washing Kitchens • Baths * Basements jpjjorm ica Wood Grain & Solid Colors. 2 Commercial Water Damage Repairs > Patching S.Repairs • wood Roof Treatments -.Bookcase-s • Wall Units For a FREE estimate ^ * w . Eg 6 Resident!# Custom Cabinetry 4 Carpentry "Jobs too small for ALL AREAS • Slate Roof Repairs 7 6 1 - 5 7 3 0 FREE ESTIMATES Quality Workmens hip at reasonable'pnes the Big Guys " CALL 1-800-285-2638 Free Est. F ully Ins. 783-0926 201 -478-2485 30 y r s . EXPERIENCE 6 3 5 -2 8 5 8 3 7 9 - 6 1 1 1

Masonry Landscaping | Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping [ Landscaping [ BOETTCHER LIMBACH'S LANDSCAPING "ART IN LANDSCAPING" A. DEL MAURO w f e u T O SAB'S SAVE MONEY AND STILL LANDSCAPING B A S E M E N T GEORGE R. LIMBACH, JR. Lawn Maintenance Design & Contracting Landscape Design IGN Treatments • Renovations WATERPROOFING Lawn Service You Can Count On YOUR GARDEN INTO A PLACE OF •Lawn Maintenance BEAUTY WITHOUT THE ADDED Sodding & Seeding •BRICKSTEPS •RETAININGWALLS Planting • Grading • interlocking * Lawn Maintenance Programs Thees & Shrubs •Spring Clean Up COST OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS •PATIOS -FOUNDATIONS Decks • Soil, Sod Concrete • Planting, Decks, Patios •Lawn Renovation NO JOB TOO SMALL- FOR EVERY •SIDEWALKS -BELGIUM BLOCKS Patios • Railroad Ties Pavers Landscape “Design •Cement Work NEED- INCLUDING FENCING, Retaining Walls fro m Concept to Com pletion Decks • Patio* RAILROAD TIE WALLS,- MAINTEN­ Drainage A L L WORK GUARANTEED • B.S., Landscape Architecture, Rutgers Univ. ANCE, ETC, READY TO GIVE Draining Pipe & Retaining Wall ESTIMATES AT ANY TIME PLEASE 201-564-9137 FR E E EST. FULLY INS. • New Jersey Association of Nurserymen fully Ins. • free Est. • Ref. Avail. Gutters deaned. CONTACT MR. RUGGERO. 4 6 7 - 5 1 2 5 (201) 379-7625 201-328-3885 762-1090 (201)761-5760 Free Est. Fully Ins. 201-377-4715 New Accounts get FIRST CUT f REE!

Moving Moving Moving Oriental Rug Cleaning Painting Painting Painting WTHONV GENERAL MOVING tfb BEDROSIAN’S AL GARFIELD INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PATS EXTERIOR PAINTING Interior • Exterior Oriental Rug & Area Rug Cleaning PAINT & STAIN LIGHT TRUCKING LIGHT MOVING * TRUCKING d Will move furniture I do my own work and • Power Washiw Specializing in small local guarantee it.’ • Pressure Washing • Roots moves, one item or more • Gutter <$Hmg • Carpentry • Painting household items,'etc.. Move furniture within the • Gutters • Plastering with carpeted van and truth 1-800-894-1480 • Repairs house With this coupon only. Good through 8/25/94. Cannot be combined with any FREE ESTIMATES Fully insured ■ L-ow fates Pick-ups and deliveries other offer or promotion. MINIMUM PICK-UP & DELIVERY ORDER $50 or Free Estimates • Insured REASONABLE RATES "Courteous & Careful" Appliances moved 3 drop off Locations: 10 Summit Ave., Berkeley Heights, Call Patrick at FULLY INSURED ' Gail Rob ■503 Springfield Ave, Summit. 35 River Road. Summit (908) 687-2064 201-377-9310 I 541-4419 (201)467-0513 4 6 7 -6 5 9 8 License #PM0043

[Plumbing & HedSfig] [ Plumbing & Heating | Painting Painting 1 Painting Paving P lum bing |iB»imMng aHeathig i RC MIKE ZILLANTE C H A R L E S H . S IL V A BORIS RASKIN A . D e L U C A Perfectionists Painting CONSTRUCTION STU’S C O N N E L L Y s PAINTING DRIVEWAY RESURFACING Plumbing & Heating Genuine Quality Workmanship (EXCAVATION PLUMBING PLUMBER CORP. INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PAVING PLUMBING • CURBING • SIDEWALKS • Repair PAINT t STAIN * Plumbing Driveways • Patios Interiors • Exteriors • SEAL COATING • PATIOS • STEFS' • Disconnect & HEATING • Power Washing Steps • Walks Plastering • Dry wall • WALLS • DRAIN WORK • Install all plumbing 3 7 6 -4 0 6 2 • Heating • fully Insured All types mason work ....Wallpaper Stripping • WATERPROOFING Jim O'Donnell • References FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES * Your parts br mine NO JOB TOO SMALL Residential • Commercial Interior Decorating • No Job too small Plumbing license 4*9874 • Handyman Service (201) 564-9354 Plumbing License 908-273-2767 • Free Estimates Over20yrs exp. 7 6 1 - 5 7 3 0 All New Work Guaranteed Servicing 226.-3053 FREE ESTIMATES Number 585 Plumbing License Number 5603 • Reasonable Rates Free Est. Fully Ins. MILLBURN Short HiHs/SummUlivingston Local References 992-1954 (201) 584-9293 EVES. 464-8 02 2

Window Cleaning | |Rubbl$h Removal| Tree S e rv ic e Power Washing Refinishing Roofing [Rubbish Rem oval| FRIENDLY TREE SERVICE, INC. Crystal Clear BILL’S ALL APPLIANCES RE-NU-IT K. DAMGEN MIKE PRENDEVILLE \ f a m i l y i u j s iin k s s Prof. Window Cleaning POWER WASHING DISPOSAL Furniture -Wood & Professional ROOFING 201-635-8815 Metals Taken Away * Pruning 4 Shaping Residential S Commercial Window Cleaning Refinishing All types ATTIC BASEMENT GARAGE • ATTICS • G A R AG E'S * Removals Gutter Cleaning • Tubs • Tile Residential & Commercial CLEARED * Stump Grinding Power Washing CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS 908-687-0296 • Cabinets • Frig Shingle • Slaite • Rubber REMOVED * Spray Programs Free Est./Fully Insured > Stove/Oven • Furniture MINI ROLL OFF DUMPSTERS Gutters • Leaders • Repair CHICHELO * Free Wood Chips ■ qieanandSeaf Decks Free Estimtes FAST FAIR RELIABLE Cell 587-0025 Gutter'Cle'ariin^ ' J""' 201-716-6431 ABLE TO CLEANUP-^ 325-2713-228-7928 * C rane S e rvic e \ 751-225D PROPERLY LICENSED "We lo a d - n o t y o u lm Fully Ins. Free Est. Fre e F.stimates 1 No Job Too Smull

m 'July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills Page H VACATION HOMES v' < V i l l i APARTMENTS HELP WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES tt FOR RENT COMMERCIAL VERONA- Unusual Availability, DIRECT MAIL writer/prqjact POSTAL JOBS. Start $1141/ PRESTIGIOUS HOUSE DNDACK PROPERTIES sale, 601 Upper Mountain LAKE PLACID «i ADIRI don't wait. Fabulously renov­ coordinator. Requires ability to hr. Far exam & application into, 1-800-773-2387 Offering a wonderful varieity of Adirondack properties ated 1 BR won't last. New write technical copy with flair call 2187688301. ext. NJS91. Ave., Upper Montclair. Beauti­ & condominiums. Call for fully restored 4 bedroom Dutch Lakefront estates, homes cabs, w/appli., eat-in kit., laund. while maintaining firm control 9am-9pm , Sun. thru Fri. New Jersey Only) a free brochure. Vacation rentals available. Colonial, built 1924. Freshly tacil. & more, conv. to public of many details. Candidates 201-746-1105 painted inside and gut, new transp. & local shpng. 2 blocks should have a liberal arts de­ PRE-SCHOOL instructor lor 4- BiU O Leaty, Lie. Broker At5SOC. tram Verona Park. Calt or visit gree or equivalent experience 5 moms, in Mtc. Must be (Out-of State) roof, newly insulated, beautiful (w) 518 523-4162 W. Terry Horrocks, Inc. 1 E: Lincoln St. 2IH-857-5650. emphasizing writing & organi­ enthus. & able to lead group of,, park-like back yard 63' x (h) 518-523-9405 2 car garage, new custom 13 Main Street zational skills. Does not require parents w/their child, ages 5 Lake Placid. NY 12946 (1)518-523-4645 FAX: 746-8131 bathroom with tile built sh VERONA- 5 1/2 room. First specific knowledge ol direct mo. - 4 yrs. Pref. exp. but will excellent hardwood floors door apt. W/D hook-up. Corn/, r Insurance. Non-smoking train. Call 201-744-6416. All classified ads appear automatically in The Item of office, Chatham. For for info., throughout, high ceilings, large to::STOflESJ»»>';' APARTMENTS ' loc. Avail, now. $1025/mo + Millbum and Short Hills, The Montclair Times, and utils. 239-8369. call Diane Davis,2014387800. the Verona-Cedar Grove Times, which have a com­ fireplace, sunporch, 4 bed­ S ' OFFICES - FOR RENT REAL ESTATE bined paid circulation of over 23,000. rooms, 2 bathrooms, new kitch­ DRIVERS- Get On Board With en appliances, washer & dryer, PRIME Corner Location: in­ MONTCLAIR: Highland Ave. VERONA: Claridge House - STRAIGHT TALK The Rising Star! OTR/short- oil steam heated, new gas hot dudes 8 parking spaces in NYC view. 1 BR, pvt. entr., extra Ig. 1BR w/dining rm. 1- How to become successful, downtown Mtc. 2,760 sq. It on lurnVunfum. Utils, inc. $795. haul. Home weekly (shorthaul), how much can you earn, STRAIGHT RUNNING CLASSIFIED water heater, upgraded e 1/2 baths & tern. $f450/mo. 2 level w/loads of windows & Single profl. pis. 7486563. Avail, now. Call Associate assigned late model eqpm't., what a typical day is like, cal system, minutes from excellent pay/benefits. BUR­ Route 46, near Mountainside custom woodwork. Conference Group Really, 201 -7489200. why training is vital, how to LINGTON MOTOR CARRIERS 4 lines (approximately 20-36 words)...... $12.00 Park with a new public pool, room, carpeting & kitchen. Call MONTCLAIR: 2 BR, kids wel­ become a licensed Realtor. owner at 783-1600. come. Modern, refrig., dose 1-808JOIN-BMC. EOE. (minimum charge) near MHIs Reservation arid W. CALDWELL: Duplex 38R. Call Steve Janett 2 additional lines $4.00 per line. reservoir. Priced to a Close to Blmfld Ave. $1,295+ DRIVERS. If you're looking to. 201-239-7700 VERONA-Offlce in center of Rentals, Bkr. 429-0909. The Prudential 4 additional lines $3.00 per line $249,000. Call 201-746-2620. utilities. Call 2284838. change jobs...We're looking lor town on Bloomfield Ave. 5 rm,' Janett Real Estate line #11 and over $1.00 per line you. J.B. Hunt, one of Amer­ suite. Heat & hot water sup­ MONTCLAIR: 5 RM. MOD­ WEST ORANGE: 2 BR, LR. letters - $2.00 per line extra ROLLING HILLS at Bernards- ica's largest & most successful RECP'T/ADMIN. Assist needed Blind Box Ad - $5.00 extra ville. 28 new homes. Pre­ plied. Rent $75Q/mo. Call 857- ERN, carpet, rirg., dose trans, EIK. full bath & yard. $7f5/me $715/neg. Prime Rentals, Bkr. trucking companies, is looking lull time lor busy auto dealer­ construction price from 0788, 9am to 5pm; 2280402 Call Mike at 777-1365 or 316- Cali for confidential eves. & weekends. 429-0909. for people interested in learn­ ship office. Must have Iriendly CLASSIFIED DISPLAY $289,900. Sales office, 20f No interview. ing to drive a truck. After com­ phone manor and have some Finley Ave., Sal. & Sun. 3-5pm pleting the required training, VACATION HOMES MONTCLAIR: 1BR, Modern, computer background. Will or call 201-822-3500. WEST CALDWELL: Small 1 Betty Robinson you can look forward to earning refrig, pkg. $475, neg. Prime bedroom apartment. $485. ^ train the right candidate. Pull • $23 per inch CALM WATER river cruising. Rentals, Bkr. 429-0909. up to $26,000.-$3Q,000. your benefits package. Call Mrs utils. 1st floor. No pets. Ceil 201-731-6064 Frequency Discount SHORT HILLS! Attr. side hall 1st year, plus comprehensive Gramescu or Mr. Brunner lor Col. w/lots ol charm. Exc. lod 201-2285769. Minimum 13 consecutive weeks - $20.50 mer or fait cruising the St. MONTCLAIR: Studio. Modern, benefits. Call 1-8088482197. interview. 239-5491. 15% discount to recognized advertising agencies Walk to bus/train/schools. 4 Experienced drivers call: 1- Lawrence river in exquisite refrig, dose to transp. $425 TO SHARE on open rate only BR, 1 1/2 ba., full bsmt & attic, comfon aboard an elegant utils ind. Prime Rental, Bkr., 800-3688538. EOE/-Subject to hdwd. firs., detached 2 car REPORTER/ replica steamboat. Outstanding 429-0909. BLMFD: Non smoking female W eichert j drug screen. DEADLINE - Straight Running Ads gar., Ig. backyard. $245,000. scenery and numerous attrac­ NEWSCLERK Owner. By appt. 201-376-0138. seeks same to share 2 BR ap: R ealtors tions. From $768. Free MONTCLAIR: 4 charm, rms,, Nice sunny BR, A/C, pool & oil DRIVERS-0/0 Lease program. 4:00 P.M. TUESDAY Principals only. brochure. 1 (BOO) 267-7868. kit., bath, utils,,pkg. Near NY st. pkg. Close to all trahs We S ett More Because We Do More No money down. Must meet company/DOT requirements. Weekly newspaper group DEADLINE - Classified Display trans. Business adults. Refs., $350/mo.+ utils., sec. 8 refs UP. MTCLR, Open House Late Model Walk-In Conven­ seeks energetic reporter/- HILTON HEAD ISLAND: Rent­ lease & sec. $85Q/mo. Avail. newsclerk tor entry level 12:00 P.M. TUESDAY Sun., 7/10, 12-4pm, 20 Ap al. New 3 BR, 3 bth condo. Un­ 8/1/94.7481671 or 7489561. ACCOUNT tional. We re on the move I position starting mid-Aug­ pleton PL.3 BR, 1.5 BA Colct limited golf w/cart at $26. 4 CLIFTON: Responsible young REPRESENTATIVES Call 1-808927-0431. nial, mint oondltion, hdwd firs, BANK TELLERS ust. Send or fax (201-746- * Employment Wanted, Apartment Wanted, Fur­ TVs. W/D, AC, sips. 8, In Port MONTCLAIR- very large & man seeks to share single SREj 0995) letter & resume to: LR w/fplc, formal DR, new EIK, Royal Plantation, off 9th Fair; LR. DR. DRIVER'S wanted FT & PT. 7 nished Rooms Wanted, Board Wanted, Real Estate clean 3BR apt. kitchen Ily home in quiet neighborhood. Lucinda Smith, Editor sunroom, deck, finished attic, way, 150 yrds from beach. Call & family room. 744-1771 (d) or FYt. barm, kit. privileges, back Full, and Pan Time Positions days a week All shifts avail. Wanted, House Wanted to Rent and out-of-town ad­ available lor New Providence Montclair Times very close to NY bus/train & 201-891-1324, 509-9263 (e). yard, cent, air & washer/dryer Apply in person, f Willard PI, vertisements MUST be PAID IN ADVANCE. shopping. $239,000; 201-509- and Livingston Credit Union Of-- Montclair, ALL 114 Valley Road, $450. ind. utils. 473-6360. Montclair. NJ 07042 8182. By owner. MAINE COAST (near Cam­ MONTCUIR: Forest S i, feds Full Time, BAM-4PM, M- FRIENDLY home parties now den). 3 BR oceanfront house, apt. $550, + utils. 1 mos. sec. + MONTCLAIR. Profl, M/F to F, with benelhs available in UPPER MONTCLAIR New Providence and Part Time SALES, outside.. Full time;pari great view, stairs to beach, refs. Near train station & share 2 story beaut huge Viet has openings (or demon­ NEW LISTING 3AM-1:30PM, M-F available in strators. No cash investment. time. College students ok, High tranquil fam. area. Activities schools. 201-7383037. home. Pvt. bath. deck, big * BAL Communications reserves the right to classify, 396 N. Fullerton Ave. : /Kingston Banking o.r Credit Part time hours with lull time commission, car expense Mr. edit or reject any advertisement. nearby. Avail 7/30-8/6. $675. trees, Indry. $600. 744-4346 Dietz7B5 3229 OPEN HOUSE 744-5025 or 746-5442. MONTCUIR: Two bedroom Union experience desirede pay., two catalogs, over 700, Sunday, July 10 apt. near Mtc center, LR MTC- Roommate to share Ig items. Call 1 -808488-4875 * No cancellations will be accepted in classified ads 1-5 or By Appt. fpr. more ifilontstien, please SALES Associate needed for < BUSINESS w/tplc, EIK w/DW, bright, wood apt.Kit, LR, pkg & laundry avail after Noon, Tuesday. Sparkling, sun filled side OPPORTUNITY call Barbara Lucca M tM sJlj GIRLS WANTED. From NJ the Joan & David boutique at firs, laundry, garage, avail. CohV. Claremont 'Ave lot.; The; Mall at Short Hills PT hall Col. in desirable family Aug. 1, $1,150+. 783-0647. 0300. between 7-19, to compete ir * BAL Communications accepts no liability for any neighborhood. Spacious AT&T MCI 900 numbers! $$$ $435/mo. Avail 6/1.226-2103. eves & wknds. Exp. req. Store­ Starting a turnkey 900 line as a this year's 4th annual 1994 error beyond the cost of the actual space involved rooms in pristine cond. a dm inisY ftation/con Newark Pageants. Over wide discount. Calf Katherine side-business is easier than MONTCUIR: 4 rooms, EIK, olf MTC.: profl. male/temale, non nor will it accept liability for failure for any cause to Walk to bus, train & shop­ TRACTS $25 000 W. $20,000 00 tq prizes and or Scott 3782287. insert an advertisement. you think. Call tor more info 1- street pkg. includes heat/hot smoker, to share Ig. 2BR apt, Caldwell Major mfg seeks ping. Loaded with, up­ water. Near all trans. Avail, im- scholarships..CeU'tbday 1-8001 grades ind. updated bath 800-417-4900^ close to NYC trans. $400/mo exp'd. person to coordinate SECRETARY, perm, part time. ITlBd. $75Q/mO.'746-4S75. + utils. Beth. 201-783-0530. PAGEANT, EXT: 40116.-(1 ISTATI REAL ESTATE ‘ rooms & kit., breakfast mi. APARTMENTS dealer/customer contracts. fOO-724-3268). M-TH 1-4, Fri (P;2 $5 58/Fir. Mktg. operations contract Little Falls area. Call Mr. Dietz - 1 SALE FORSALE with skylights, hdwd. fls., FOR RENT MONTCUIR;' Spac. 2 huge Fr. doors to 3-season sun UP-. -MTC■ G/F-, p S /fl! seeks bkgd. req'd Degree help GROWlNCj- -qci/ck ppm firm at 785-3229. VERONA $189,900 MONTCLAIR: Cljarming 2 BR, Apts., houses, townhouses, BR garden apt. A/C, wall oven, same. Sunny 7 rm apt. w/fpl. tel. W Proc./s. sheets a room & C/A. Fabulous tile bth, dining area, gar. prkg, needs counter person. Exp'd. 18 Gould Street Lg. closets, fplc., hdwd. Ilrs. Ig, patio & lushly landscaped condos, rooms, shares & hdwd firs, snrrn, pkg. Near must. SEEKING Recp'L/Secy. tor Estate must sell!! LR w/fpl. self controlled heat, lots Of- responsible & self motivated (NraJtiu full bsmt. with W/D, deep yard. By owner options to buy. trans. Watchung Plaza area SECRETARY. $450 Must be "people person" small firm in Little Fails Must FDR, MEIK. hdwd firs & closets. storage, lndry. No .fee. Can convert 1 BR to sunroom. $299,900. 201-746-2358. $60Q/mo. Race ummponant Roseland: \esst-T -Tgf#; | | | l s ind telephone, copying] have organizational skills. Must trim, LG lot, 2 gar adj busi­ $975. Avail. 81. Call 746-0193. Low maintenance. $140,000 WE DO JUST RENTALS Available 7/1.746-7406. w/everything from soup to processing orders, some paste be exp'd. in WordPerfect, com­ ness area, Opp town com­ Owner, 201-744-5975, nuts. Diverse, responsible - plex filing systems, dictaphone VERONA; 3 BR, 2 bth colonial FURNISHED up. Anisic printing knowledge a plex, Many upgrades. 7 DAYS A WEEK MONTCUIR. Efficiency apt. lively work environment. letter writing & telephone ans­ LR w/trplc, DR, FR, sunporch APARTMENTS TO LET plus. Exc. salary & benefits Bloomfield Ave. MONTCLAIR 3rd fir, microwave cooking Lo­ WP 5 1 a must wering Send resumes to PA Well maint. Close to trans. LOB cated downtown, 1 blk from all oki'2j$Si7901’5' ' WYN-1990 Call 628-0228 GREAT OPPORTUNITY poss. $197,000. 201-857-0175 MONTCLAIR Elegant S PAYR«ACCT.PAY Box 5204, this newspaper. Spacious 4/5 bedroom transportation. $500Jmo all stylish, 1 BR, fully tern $20,500 - Excellent oppty! MURPHY utils ind. 746-5388 aft 4pm. HANDYMAN FT, X iv e - itd home featuring eat-in kitch­ VERONA; Reduced b u l isned Executive rental! Asst Controller in admin avail immed on private property SUMMER JOBS! REALTY en, formal DR & 3 car w/terrace, a short walk to college Exp $269,000. Col. 4BR, MONTCUIR: 2 BRs, mod. O-a-ge M„s' Have sojr? BETTER HOMES rage. Super location bath, LR w/tplc, den, fin. base­ We Sell More NY trans. shops & dining EIK, Ig lR. Walk to everything. exp., & Drivers lie 731-5075 & GARDEN/REALTOR more! $125,000. (ME5312) ment, att'd. gar. Beaut, treed $1200./mo. Because W? Do More $875. + heat & util. 1 1/2 mo. Call 201-539-8000. 65' x 150' comer lot. 239-7823 Associate Group Req% HELP. WANTED Landscape BLOOMFIELD sec. Brokers invited 942-3734 WEICHERT REALTORS 7461533 201-746-9200 poniraClo/.H* oL part HAVE IT ALL PLUS CONDOMMUMS 201-228-0022 Cali 201 744-2728. OPEN HOUSES MONTCUIR. 1 BR Twnhse, THE GEORGIAN INN 6 over 6, 2-family.. 3BRs & Attention Landlords! $900 mo + util., off-street prkng 2 bths ea fir, C/AC, 2 car SUNDAY 1-4pm BELLAIRE HOUSE • Trying,to rent your apartment? close to major trarisyshoppmg Furnished rooms & suites HIGH SCHOOL student ex­ garage. Quiet side street. Smaller 1 BR Condo, Just Call,. private bath, maid & linen change program seeking local TELEMARKETING/Market Re­ Call 201-374-3900, M-F, 9-5. PERSONNEL SERVICE search. One of. the nation’s CLF 2200 #249,000 Attention Investors entirely renoVd w/ceramic RENTAL COMM, service. Daily, weekly representative to screen host Coldwell Banker Schlott 184-A Forest Street tile in foyer & kit.,new kit monthly rates. Call 746- 60 Roseland Ave Caldwell families and supervise ex­ largest & fastest growing com­ at MONTCUIR: 2 charming quiet panies in the measure- Realtors #201-778-4500 Montclair cabinets & appliances, new idotps Refr/gerator bath & 7156, 8:30 am 1:30 pm change students from around Schweppe & Co. Realtors ADVERTISING SALES ment/study ol air pollution (30+ 1355 Broad Street, Clifton 6 Family apartment build­ w/w carpet, balcony, 24hr. parking. $525. including, ui. t M-F. the, world lMu^ m b working for information contact: Irriiilipn ■ + sales) seeks p/ofl ing on residential street doorman, pool, parking, Call 201-744-3721 with teenagers and be self ; CHARMING) Colonial Exc. $250,000. $121,000. 201-742-4741 William Yamashita AiMURTMENIB WANTED The Montdair Times seeks motivated. Supplemental in­ telemarketer/market researcher 201-744-4701 ext. 104 tell time temporaiy outside to conduct phone surveys of in­ cond. 7 rms., 3 lg: Bfls. mod MONTCUIR 4 i ^ 2 BR in 2 come. Call -AISE 1-808 Full service to landlord ADULT STUDENT seeks advertising salesperson be­ dustrial companies, elec 9 ^ 3 § 1 formal DR,'-lg. LR with Lovely 3 BR Colonial LITTLE FALLS: Tulip Gardens. fam. house. Ail utils, except 1/2 IS/BLIN.G No Fees! clean, quiet apt. with private ginning early to mid-Sept ties & govt, agencies. Report skylight, den, deck, 2 full 17 Hathaway Place Luxury & convenience- de­ elec. $785/mo., 1 1/2 mo. sec., baths/lndry. rm . garage, 'alarm Glen Ridge scribes this 2BR, 2 bath condo bath in Little Falls or Upper ember Must be well organ­ JULY OPENING to President. 5+ yrs. successful system. NY bus, train/shop-- On quiet, residential street, w/fplc. & laundry rm. Asking Montclair. 908-901-6507, ized, highly motivated and 910.50/START telemarketing req'd. with auto­ personable. Previous sales mated calling & PC screen ping. $239,000. Call 857-1468. walk to NY transportation, $179,900 or lease $1450/mo. complex. Hdwd firs, A/C, ga­ MONTCUIR CENTER: 3rd tlr College students and H S rage & pool. $850 ind. heat. FEMALE Grad, student with experience useful. Please data entry exp Hjghly-competr schools. $194,900. spac. sunny 2 BR apt. LR, DR, grads. 18+ welcome. Call Prudential Zinn Realtors, 92 cat seeks room or 2 BR apt. to FAX cover letter and re­ tive salary. Part time,(30 hrs' CRESTWOOD (adult 55+),i tile bath, parquet firs. Prkg — led. to apply. 0 ' “ ’— 7500 homes, 40 styles! MONTCLAIR(Upper) Bellaire |Church St., Montclair, NJ. 201| share starting Aug. or Sept. sume to: Sara Singleton t all areas. 227-! week) or lull time. Send Designer decor. Avail. 9/1 1st, 908-838<73.^^H ■201-746-8131. resume inc'. sal- history, re­ $30,000-$130,000. • 7 dub- 184-B Forest Street House.. 2-6th floor Studios 744-5544 xj5.1. Indep. Owned Young profi/couples pref'd. No houses. 15,000 active resi­ Montclair from $69,900,1 -1 si floor 1 BR & Operated. MANAGER TRAINEE (Retail quirements -is. Enviroplan, Inc., pets. $800. + utils. 2388814 ALASKA JOBS! Earn up dents, shopping, transporta­ On quiet residential street $89,900, other 1 BR’s slight­ MATURE, respons. temale Jewelry) Excellent position 3 Becker Farm Rd.. Roseland. BEST SELECTION stud, {non, smoker) seeks apt. $30,qpqin, three months fishing available for an outgoing, NJ 07066. Attn: TMR. tion Brochure/video 1-800 with large yard. Good rent ly higher Joan R Hoon- MONTCUIR .sunny studio, 631-5509,HEARTLAND REAL-! potential. $160,000. hout/Realtor, 201-744-4100. IN TOWN nYgEJIc area Low free rentj( isainforT Also construction, can| energetic individual. Retail ex­ $545. H/HW pd. Kitchenette, neries. ojl fields plus more! Call' !R#FfC F/T^»VT J Fasl- ■TY ASSOCIATES, Realtors, One & two bedroom apart­ exchange 'far eider care or perience required. Jewelry ex­ HOUSE FOR RENT A/C, wd. Ilrs., laundry, garage. hskpng. 8/1 or 9/1. 224-9073 1-504-646-4513 ext. K7322 24 paced Trading Co. needs PQ Box D 480 Rt 530. Whit­ ALSO ments, condos & town- perience preferred. Our stores 746-0770, Gail Winston, Bkr, hrs..Directory, refundable bright, reliable assist, to Traffic ing, NJ 08759. CLASSIC Colonial located CARRIAGE House in Mont­ houses. in Upper Montclair and Summit Manager, Requires exp. in on quiet family street. - Stop Shopping - Mtc, Glen Ridge, deal with exclusive jewelry clair: 3BR, 1 1/2 bath, LR MONTCUIR: 1BR in Upper Blmfd. . area 5-6 rrr1, apt. CAREER "OPPORTUNlTY wilb truck coordination Lotusjs^S FOR SALE BY OWNER, 221| Large rooms, living room w/tplc., DR. new kit. apple. Never an application fee! lines (TiJIany, David Yurman, port/Export a plus. Small with fireplace, eat-in kitch­ Montdair. X-large living area, desired for profl. female. Exc. Prudential Zinn Associates Charles Krypell) and pres­ Midland Ave„ Mtc., NJ. Fully $165Q/nro. Call 744-5609. a 1 REALTORS Unsurpassed pro­ friendly office. Send resume'to. retin. classic Vicl New rooM en, walk to NY transporta­ D/W, W/D, Eat-in-kitchen, yard refs, avail. 429-7953. tigious watches (Rolex, Baume & off-street p_kg. Within walking fessional training, nationally American Iran & Metal Co., 15 BRs + lull bath on 3rd ■ tion. Total 7 rooms, 4 SHORT HILLS RANCH. 4 BRs, & Meraer, Tag Weuer). Pleas­ distance to NY train & shop­ 1 BR recognized name, computeriz­ Bloomfield Ave, Verona 07044 master BR suite w/new pvt. bedrooms. $159,000. 3-1/2 baths, near Hartshorn PROF'L. woman seeks ant working environment: with; ping. $850 + heat. Prudential pref'd.- ed office support systems, per­ or FAX 201 -857-2417. bath, + 3 BRs & full bath on school. $3800/mo. 201-822- apt. Upper Montclair reasonable hours (open Thurs­ Zinn Realtors, 92 Church St„ will consider others. Maximum sonalized sales and marketing 2nd II., LR, formal OR,! round RED BRICK Georgian sit­ day nights 'phlyy this position 3500. \e,. ... 3I Montclair, ^^^ ^7 4 4 -5 5 4 4 -9355. materials high earning poten­ WAITERS/Waitresses & Hosts- room, otlice, powder rn uated on a landscaped half offers advancement, medical id It. Indep. Owned & Opera­ tial. Write Prudential Zinn. As­ /Hostesses F/T or Pit., days sfrti., mod. EIK w/laundry on 1st acre. French doors in living SOUTH ORANGE: Seduded benefits, retirement plan and ted. &/or nights. Exp. pret Apply in floor, (in red room w/wet bar room, dining room & center Carriage House on 2 acres. 3 sociates REALTORS®, P G. other paid benefits. Competi­ Box H Montclair. NJ 07042 person betw. 2.4pm, The Of­ and . 1/2 bath + workshop ill hallway onto brick patios. BRs, EIK, DR, Fam. Rm, Liv. BLOOMFIELD: 1 BR, on-site tive salary package and incen­ MONTCUIR. 2-3 BR w/DR, or phone Judy Zinn 744-5544. fice, 619 Bloomfield Ave. bsmt. Two-car detached + Total of 10 rooms, 6 bed­ Rm w/FpIc. Laundry, Gas heat, parking, good location, $595/- BLOOMFIELD;- Non smoking tive program. Call for interview 1 Eat-in-kitchen, W/D. Nice apt Independently owned/oper. Montclair car attached garages, screen rooms, 3.5 baths. $349,000 Pets okay Walk to NYC trains, mo. includes h/hw. 201-783- female, pvt. enlr. & bath, pkg Ms. Vickers. 201-744-0400. $1400. + utils., avail. 07/15/3377 or 783-3717. w/NY bus outside door & NY lite cooking. 748-2113. ed porch on ..north- & wes train within walking distance. CARPENTER, exp'd. w/basic WAREHOUSE (front) sides, 1001 x 300' level! PICTURE perfect Colonial Principals only. 201-762-8572. -.* MEDfCAL ASST, Pleasant, on large landscaped over­ BLOOMFIELD: 2nd Hr in I'ltOfl/mo, Prudential Zinn M m ROOM lor female, N/S tools & reliable transp Exp.'.ih meticulous, mature minded landscaped lot ending at. brook, Realtors, 92 Church St!, cabinetry, crown molding, Cor- inc. rear brick patio wlthl sized property. Large RENTALS WANTED 5 1/2 rms & sun porch. $850. Pvt. ent., kit., sitting room, person to screen patients and Montdair, NJ. ,201-744-5544 iqn,- tiling Must be a perfec­ assist eye doctors in mod permanent gas grill. Walking rooms with natural wood­ util. 2 BR's, Ig kit, DR, w/d. parking. Nr. Watchung Plaza. Our company has a part- work and hardwood floors, WANTED: Fam. ol 3 from CA hook-up in bsmt. Avail. 8/1. No x151. Indep. Owned/Operated. Walk to stores/NYC trains. tionist. Refs, req'd. Small computerized offices. Flex. hrs. dist, to elementary & highj remodeling co. working mostly M-F, full bnlts Call Ann at 403- time position available school, bus, train station large eat-in-kitchen opens seeks 3+ BR's home in area for kids. 6889628 or 743-9799. |wSincf.J$350. 744-3477. working in our warehouse to rear deck. Total 9 rooms, 12 mos. Beg. 9/1. Pret turn, MTC.: charming Tudor, 3 rms, in Montdair Call betw. 5-7pm, 7575: shopping area. $630,000. Call $735. all utils pd., BR, LR, cute: Gary Stoddart, 201-256-5.172 : 744-4035. 5 bedrooms & 2 full baths. unturn ok. Call 418681-9133. BLOOMFIELD: Renov. 1 BR LOVELY room, Montdair $235,000 apt. in secure bldg. Micro, D/W, kit & bath, wd firs, pkng, lndry. Heights sect, of Clifton MOTHERS & OTHERS. Earn 746-0770; Gail Winston, Bkr. QARPE.NTEFTS helper Own excellent income part-time please come in to complete FOR SALE by lender. Seaside COMMERCIAL AC, hdwd Ilrs.. on sie Indry. privl, linens, pkg on prem Nr application at: CONDO PROPERTY Gar. H/HW inc. Nr. NY trans. major hwys. $375/mo 503- transportation Call 228-3911- while helping others, yourself & Heights, NJ. 2 BR, 1 bait- MTC.: 81/2 Ig rms., $800, betw ,6 &9:jt:ihr " our environment. Call Joanne, RLB Food Distributors . house w/1 car garage. 1 blk. tc Meticulous 1 BR condo unit MONTCLAIR: 1,500 s.l. office. No pets. $685.687-1706. 5237 or 778-3443 alt. 6pm. 2 Dedrick Place on 2nd floor. Low main­ H/hw pd. One BR, LR, dinette, 20>-674-3603, WestOrange. beach. Fully furnished in 6/94 Roof top, heat/air, bathroom/- Clerical - dental lab W. Caldwell, NJ 07007 tenance includes many ex­ BLOOMFIELD: tBRap's Exc foyer, wd. firs, hi ceilings. MONTCUIR: Lie., clean + All new and beautiful. Financ­ kitchenette. Phone & computer 7480770, Gail Winston, Bkr. needs full-time person tor of­ ^^EgpETARY. with good ing available. $78,500. Call G tras. $76,000. lines installed. Parking ind- locations. Lndry fadlities. From Lg. 2nd II. Share bath. $535/mo., Inc. H/HW. Sec. & Pkg. + W/D avail. Sec. Long or fice. Monday-Friday, 9am- organizational ability & typing God&ey now (908) 686-4400 > uded. Rent negotiable. Immed. MTC.: 4 charming rms, $895. 5:15pm Call 228777j@ IBBl for remodeling business. Must Coldwell Banker Schlott occupancy. 201-7484900. refs. 7480929. lerm. $410/mo. 994-7373 A GREAT Realtor«®201-783-5100 H/HW pd One BR, LR, small be take-charge indiv. Serious CEDAR GROVE: 1 BR with den, Ig. kit., laundry, nr train. UP. MONTCLAIR: Attractive CONSTRUCTION ExpU/per-- oppty lor rrght person 744- HOUSE for sa[e by owner OARAGES 746-0770, Gall Winston, Bkr. son needetf to work with gen. NEW Fabulous contemp. with sepa­ MONTCLAIR large .deck. Very private. Near furnished room to Jet,..Gentle­ NEED TO RENT single garage NYC bos. $775. Prudential man pref'd. No kitchen priv­ contractor. Masonry 4-eeme rate suite lor in-law^or live-rnl carpentry skills req. Salary to CAREER OPEN HOUSE in .Millbum. For storage on a Zinn Assoc. REALTORS. MT.C 4 Ig rms, $925, can be ileges. Call 783-9665 anytime. Porter Cul de sac loc. $769,000. Con­ Sun, 7710,1-4pm 2BR, LR; EIK, wood firs., park­ commensurate with exp Con­ tact owner at 575-0557 or 228 temp, basis. Call 201-762-7155 744-5544. Ind. Owned/Oper. 261 GROVE STREET ing, great location, nr train. sider It Done Construction, OFFICE CLEANING 5044. No realtors. UP. MONTCUIR; Free room BEGINS FARMHOUSE COLONIAL STORE9 AND ESSEX Fells: Exec, town- 746-0770, Gail Winston, Bkr. and board in exchange for 746-8705. Leave message. INCREDIBLY low construction Sunny, spacious 4 Bedrooms, offices housel 8 rms, 2 baths, LR household duties. Call 783- 2 baths. Lovely yard. New 2 SOUTH ORANGE |cQGK|pre6ok needed'Sat. & financing for a limited time w/cathedral ceilings/balcony II car garage. Steps from NY AFFORDABLE AIR CONDI­ Lovely studio apts. w/A/C, 3am-5:30pm to prepare 3 only! No down payment on C/A, laundry, quiet,' wooded. transportation. Asking LOW TIONED Stora/Olflce, Mont­ Ig. closet space, hdwd. firs, meals daily lor geriatric popula- well as evety other materials. Call Miles Homes:, clair, 43 Glenridge Ave. 600 sq $2400 + utilsll 201-239-2300. $200's. in a beautiful LUXURY i our residential health­ 4pm. Interested individuals today for details. 1-800-343- It. No fee. Call 201-7482B2B. elevator residence, walk to MTCfOesiiabie room in ideal care fadlity. Apply in person M- contact Human Resources 2884. ext. 1. PASSAIC VALLEY LITTLE FALLS: One bedroom apanment, 1st floor, available shopping, train & other loc. Share bath, laundry, park­ F, 1-4pm or cal! 744-6333 The at 908-277-8633. REALTORS 201-256-8400 INTERESTING, unusual lower Aug. 1st. $700. Includes heat, trans. Only $775/mo. ing. Male household ol 2 men. Charles Bierman Home, to LBI-Beach Haven oceanside level spaces. Pvt. entr., Madison Ave., Montclair. Please call 201-763-1969. Security & refs. 744-1155. SUMMIT newly renovated 3 BR, 1 ba. OPEN HOUSE bathroom. Ideal lor arts & oil street parking. 890-7295. ranch. Gas heat. C/A, 2 car. SUNDAY 2-4pm crafts, hobbies, get away from HELP WANTED MAPLEWOOD: 1BR condo. UP. MTC: Charming, newly COTTAGE GARDENS Land­ MEDICAL GROUP gar. $146,900. Also new con- 17 Nassau Road your wife, pvt. otlice, mas­ COMMERCIAL scape Design. PT/FT. Summer Garage, attic. H/HW Ind. dec. 5 rm„ 2 BR. 2nd fl„ W/D, 120 Summit AVe. struetion 3 BR, 2 ba, ranches (off VaHey Road) sages, etc. $125 & up. 201+ gar., pkg. Walk to train, bus & or perm, if qualified. 673-2494. Summit, NJ from $179,000. Call 609-492- Upper Montclair $80Q/mo. 1 1/2 mo sec. Call A FUN WAY to earn money owner 763-6870. shops. Avail. July 15th. 744- from homel Discovery Toys 1102. $259,000. 3361. COUNSELORS for summer 4 BRs, EIK, fireplace, 2 car MTC. CTR.: Ofcs. fr. 275 s.f. seeks enthus. self starters. daycamp Excel salary 9:30- PART time medical office hel­ MILLBURN. Rosemont Gar­ Call for confidential LONG BEACH ISLAND- Un­ garage, playhouse. Ex­ Some w/pvt. baths. Curr. avail, Corporate exp. helpful. Join per to assist w/filing, phones & dens. 3 rms, 1 bath. $790/mo„ UP. MONTCUIR; LR, Ig. BR, 3:30pm. 663-2732 after 6pm crowded beaptjes, congenial cellent commuting. Quiet newly renov. bldg. loc. hean of now to get set for busiest sea­ lite typing in our W.O. office. interview. H/HW ind. New carpets. 1 mo. kit. & foyer in pvt, Victorian. call 947-8386. people. For friendly, profes­ side street. By ov— downtown. Qtufner, 744-3300. son. Call 857-773? (or details. Exc: oppty. lor personable, reli­ dec., no pets. (201)376-7377. Pkg, 1 carl Storage space and sional service, call HCH Inc. 201-746-1 CRUISE ships hiring. Earn up able indiv. to join a congenial Gary Large utils, inc. $850/mo. 1 1/2 mo. ACCOUNTS receivable clerk. $2000Wmo. working on Realtors, 82nd & Blvd., Harvey MONTCLAIR CENTER: 1200 sec. No tee. 5089334. staff. Call 201-2383811. 201-746-1515 Cedars 609-494-3311 or 800- OPEN HOUSE..Montdair. Sun­ sq. ft. Lower level walk-in. Ideal MILLBURN: 3 1/2 room apt. Busy pharm. financial services cruise ships or land-tour com­ Gar. & C/A included. No pets. 494-3310. day 12-3. 26 Oak Place. Beau­ for office, hobbies, photo, light dept, needs exp. A/R clerk panies. No exp. necessary. For Call 201-3784819. UPPER MONTCUIR. Brook­ w/computer exp. Knowl. ol info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. PART-TIME Doctor's office- tifully and completely ren­ assembly. 201-783-9364. field Rd. Lg. studio. $625. No A BIT OF NEW MEXICO ovated 2 BR Victorian. Close to chargebacks helpful. Resume C8969. Refundable fee. typing, insurance, billing & MILLBURN: Fabulous loc. 1 fee. Also Forest St. 1 BR apt. in Montclair. By owner. Duplex,i NY bus/train. Exc. condition. MONTCLAIR. Office space. with sal. history to: Kayen phone skills req. Computer W eichert BR updated apt. Conv.- to NYC $575. CaH 746-2417. Kramph, Bradley Pharmaceuti­ DOORMAN lamp, tor summer. charming w/chestnut beams & j By Owner. Relocating, must Business oppty. Prime location skills a plus. 2286624. Realtors trplc, hdwd Ilrs. 3 BRs, 2 bths, train/bus. Avail. Aug. 1. 201- cals. 383 Rt. 46W, Fairfield, NJ Must have neat appearance, Sell. $145,000.201-7888830. on Park St. Plenty ol pkg. Calt UPPER MONTCUIR, near tel. manners. 7-3 and 3- artist's loft S fin. bsmt. 3785132. 07004-2402. WeSeBMonBecmtseWeDoMm 744-2557 anytime. trans. & shopping, wood floors, shlfts. Variable days. PART time/full time. Immediate Adorable, low taxes, will go PUNNING VACATION AT MONTCUIR: Short term. Un­ t BR , $700/month, includes Claridge House 1,2384244. work. See our ad under "July fast. Perfect for; 1st •' time JERSEY SHORE??? Call lor CARPENTER or carpenter's MONTCLAIB: 7750 sf, can be usual strange studio, super water. 201-7484930. Opening". 227-9099. buyers. $162,000.783-0554, free guide 'Summer Days, helper exp’d. in home remodel­ used lor office/apt. Watchung bright, large radical flowing Summer Nights". Information ing, Must be neat, courteous Plaza. $925/mo. Prudential space. Windows + 4 large sky­ VERONA: 5 room. 2 BR apt., 2 PERMANENT person for com­ Subscribe to pn hotels, restaurants, enter­ Zinn Assoc. REALTORS. 201- able to work on own, clever, CLASSIFIED bining, lite typing. A few lights. New bath & exciting kite. family,lovely, quiet street, park­ easygoing, own tools & trans. tainment, more... Call PRES- 744-5544, Ifid, Owned > Oper. hrs. a week. Psychologist's ol- THE ITEM Near buses. Avail. 7/14. Call ing 1 car. $900./mo. 1-1/2 mos For exciting oppl'y with growing Fax it-201:746-8131 201*744-8589. sec., rets req'd. 201-2386196. tice. Call 857-2640. . 201- 379-5459 j^RECYaEWURP^reJ. call 744-6680.

r m Jidy7*1994 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills Page 12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED .GARAGE SALE MSCAUHEHifORMUl DOMESTIC T B H f w * SOFA-Colonial brawn plaid A VERONA family needs resp. EXP'O. woman looking tor w/Wood trim $50; maple dinette housecleaning position. Reis, ESTATE SALE SANDRA KONNER ASSOC. person to watch £ transport 2 1782 LAMBERTS MILL ROAD, WESTFIELD set-6 chairs w/pads; table ex­ moonroot, comb, or key lock early teen boys to local ac­ avail. Own nans. Call Neia A. HANDLE (Exit 135 GSP, next to Shackamaxon Golf Club) SPECIALISTS IN tends to 60". Call 239-4708. doors. A/C, 69,000 mi. Exc. tivities. Schedule flexibility and Morin, 201-57B-8562. FRIDAY 10aro*4pm, SATURDAY 10«m-2pm HOME « ESTATE SALES cond. $4000.744-6691. WITH CARE oar are' requirements. Job SOFABED, $250. Refrigerator f FEMALE housecleaning tech. responsibilities inc. supervising We will self the contents of also dean office or apt. Complete contents- mahog. din. rm & bdrm. fum., $150. Crib 8 baby items, filing 1988 LINCOLN Town Car. Sig- home activities, educ. reinfor­ your home or estate cabinet, aifnoire, stereo. Call Weekly, bi-weekly or one shot chests, desk, beds, chairs, old Phifco radio, IN ONE WEEKEND1 series, sandstone 4 dr;, B E T S Y D A U S cement & periodic ovemite deals. Good refs. 509-2473. cameras, lamps, silverplate, Hammond organ, air 201-746-4339. i roof, auto everything, stays. Terrific home environ­ conditioners, TOOLS, pictures, records, Kitchen­ always gar. Non smoker, no 201-744-9260 ment inc. pool, full gym & com­ EXP.’D LADY seeks house- ware, sewing machines, National Geographies, good SOFAS, bookcases, den tables pets. Exc. cond. in spite of puter fad Income equal 6 chairs, univ. multiple wt. ma­ PET SITTING deaning, Mon., Tuesr & Thurs. Complete Liquidation Service 107,000 mi. $6500.744-6691. w/time commitments, expertise Excel, refs. Call 201-509-2290 chine, desk 8 armoire! classi­ DOG TRAINING & qualifications. ' Call aft. Mary Wood, 201-783-2942 575-1665 cal records. B.0.226-2006. 1981 HONDA Civic hatchback. 6:30pm il you can meet re­ EXP'C. person with Driver's lie. spd., A/C, 77,000 orig. mi. quirements. 857-4370. Only needs muffler £ tail light Serving the Montclair area & refs, seeks position house­ since 1982. keeping, companion or child­ Runs like new, very de- All PAIR, warned to care tor 2 r ESTATE SALE COMPUTERS: USED IBM Bonded care. Live-in/ouli’37?;1462. PC’s, complt. w/warranty. Key­ girls, 3 A 9,-live-in, Eng;spkng. . 22 BROOKSIDE TERRACE, VERONA ADOPT-A-CAT: "A.J." 3yr old N/S, roust drive, hrs. 1-6, M-F. Friday * Saturday, 10AM-4PM. board, monitor, etc. $500-$800. 1989 BMW 325I. Mint cond. EXP'D. woman seeks babysit­ Printers. 783-770010am-I0pm spayed female, grey/whl, very Exc, refs needed. 783-3649. ting part lime or full time 9am- actions: Grove Ave. to Linden to 8rookside) Loaded. A/C, P/S, P/B, P/DL. cool dat. "Rudy", 2yr. neutered masville DR w/needlepoint chairs, washed pine P/W, C/C, sunroof, fog lamps, 2p^ or 7am-3pm. Call 746- compatibles, $295. We org/wht, very affec­ BABYSITTER for 2 yr. old girl m : BR set, oak Drexel BR set, sofa, loveseat, chairs, wht Gar. 57k mL $12,500 or tionate. See these and more . K 5 yr. old boy in my N. Cald­ etables, lamps, kit. set, Thomasville credenza, buy 8 repair computers, b.o. Call John at 912-3*17. printers, monitors, drives 8 cats at PAWS, 95 Walnut St„ well home. 4 evesTwk. 3-9pm. EXP'D. Lady is available for washer, dryer, refrig., Williamsburg chandelier, TV, Montclair. Open 7 days, 12-4. Must have own car, exc. refs, boards. (908) 464-7496. housekeeping or babysitting draperies, clothing, linens, trunks, bric-a-bracs & 1987 DODGE Shadow. Newly Call 746-5212. and exp. Call 226-2543. much misc. No checks. rebuilt engjtne. Good cond. As­ position 4 half days a week. MAC + PC: Monitor, keyboard, Call 783-5056. SIDEWALK king $1500 or best offer. Call CHILDCARE needed 3 days/- ULLIAN SMITH 226-0868 mouse incl. Great for 1st time 509-9403. wk. for 2 children beg. Sept. PC user £ children. Some sott- EXP'D., reliable & responsible AAB RUBBISH REMOVAL Warm, reliable, Eng. spkng. incl. $350.473-7316. 1982 SUBARU Wagon GL Metal, wood. Residential- paint Must drive & have exc. refs. woman seeks job as babysitter CLEARANCE or elderly care. Live out. Refs, DOWNTOWN MONTCLAIR FURNITURE 1800. 5spd, A/C, P/S, fi/W, cans, unwanted items, etc. Call Bi||762£. avail. Call 201-678-4796. REFfNiSHlNG P/B. 105k. Running cond. Must 201-743-1B72,7 days a week. SIDEWALK,SALE sell, $600 or BO, 744-7612, EXP O NANNY needed to care SALE A.P. LAWN SERVICE. Spring lot 6 mo old in our Montclair FEMALE college student seeks 2 DAYS ANTIQUE OR NOT summer employment as LIMITED EDITIONS, ONE OF A KINDS Local couple will profly re 1985 GRAND WAGONEER- dean-ups, fertilizing, pruning. io'-'e V - N® D/lic V-B, good cond., leather int., Weekly maintenance. Call 201- & rels a must Call 509-9458 ' Mother's Helper lot srn child ODDS & ENDS, COLLECTIBLES & ANTIQUES store your once beautiful wkdays. Exp., rels. 2398529. Friday & Saturday & DISCONTINUED ITEMS FROM STOCK ROOM furniture into treasured trailer hitch, sunroof, garage 857-1366. kept. 95K highway mi. $3,200. [P P 'B CARETAKER Tqr new­ July 15 & 16th 10am-5pm possessions,Quality repairs HONEST lady seeks office nand-stripping,refinishing £ or b,0. 239-7059 or 857-2457. BIG D’S RUBBISH Removal £ born beg. late autumn. Care in EVERY FRI. & SAT. IN JULY Hauling. House, garage, attic £ our Montclair home. N/S. Must and/or housecleaning. Rea- Food, Fun & Bargains Galore! chair caning.Free est. Ref. ile rales & refs, available. Bloomfield Ave., Church Street & Vicinity 11A M -5PM 1989 FORD ESCORT LX. Exc. basement. Reas, rates. Call drive. Lite hskpg. Must have 201-509-1012 corid. Only 7,000 miles. $5000. rets Calf 783-1125 (voice mail) 201-955-1696. Rain or shine 675*5754. Free Parking Call Ray. 201-746-1214. FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN - ALL TYPES OF HOME IDEAL for college student: HOUSECLEANING. Exp. lady DON'T MISS ITH ALL SALES FINAL Refinish, Repair, Restoration. 1991 HONDA Civic DX. White, REPAIRS and remodeling. Cate for two children, 9 & 6 at seeks Mon. morning & Wed. 26 CHURCH STREET, MONTCLAIR, NJ morning position every other Upholstering, Cane, Rush, etc. no A/C. 48,000 mi. Exc. cond. Painting, sheet rocking, car­ the shore wknds in Aug. Trans, Call Steve IZZO, 226-5737. $6000. 201-744-5026. pentry, etc. Water damage provided to shore!. Oriver's lie week. Reis. S trans 817 7?JfL: TOTAL HOUSE SALE Everything must be sold! MISCELLANEOUS specialist. Larry 783-4216. req. N/S, refs req. 379-4278. ARTANO HOUSEKEEPERS, nannies, 119 Union St. Montclair ____FOR SALE 1992 HONDA Accord. Mocha ART SERVICES brown metallic fin. 4 dr., auto t-IVELYi interesting energetic nurse's aides. All nationalities. Friday & Saturday 10am-4pm ALL KINDS OF Mason work, BARTER BOX Consignment GOOD BOOKS everything, in tip-top cond. steps, sidewalks, patios, foun­ person wanted to help run Lic/bonded, Screened. 18 Centuiy weaving loom, curved glass china closet, CALLIGRAPHY formal hand­ Shop.Tues-Sat.lO-5.We accept ) mi. $14,000.744-6691. dations, brickwork, basement house m Montclair' Lite AURORA Agency, 540 Brdwy, chairs, outdoor fum., records & albums, lamps, dres­ BOUGHT & SOLD written envelopes for any spe­ clothing, hshld goods, etc. 102 waterproofing A ceramic tile. fiskpng.,Wry, & helping to get Long Branch,NJ.908-222-3369. sers, convertible sofa, bunk beds, bookcases, Walnut St. Moniclair.744-9698. High prices paid. Prompt cial occasion. Reas, rates. Call tables, household goods, glassware, pottery from gift Noelle 201 -256-4920. 1990 VOLVO 740 SEDAN, Call Gabriele 201-450-5299. 11 yr. do to after school removal. Browsers wel­ 36,000 miles, automatic, mint V,e~‘s1 of 'ime| EXECUTIVE .BABIES Birlh.tt shop. Too much to list! BRASS FLR. LAMPS, pics, of come, free parking. We condition. $12,000. Call 201- oil Must, have exc refs Call, eighteen months iocw© sj1,B: ANTIQUES CABINET MAKER Presidents, Paintings, corner make house calls. 748-8493. i.vqs "599-2671. mos.- 3 yrs Call 201-743-3531 SHORT HILLS GIGANTIC TURNOVER SALE. cupboard, dropJeaf table w/6 ■THE CHATHAM BOOKSELLER 187 HARTSHORN DR. Clothing, f& S linens, books, chairs, pine sideboard, 2 TVs, 8 Green Village Rd. OUTSTANDING ANTIQUE BR LIVE-IN Housekeeper wanted KID GLOVES NANNIES Madison £ DR sets. Must be seen. 1993 MERCEDES Benz 190E THU-FRI, JULY 7-8,10-4 etc. Morrow Church, 6Q0 AC, baby scale, bird,cage, old 6.19,000 mi. Sunroof, alarm, foj'.Moii-Fn, F/T work in Gillette 822-1361 Rosewood French armoire, CUSTOM WOODWORK (Off Parsonage.Hill Rd) Ridgewood Rd. Maplewood. sewing machine. Call 746-8799 mini cond. $24,000. 201*573- home Childoare respons fof We have top notch nannies for curved glass china's $345.- • Built-In Bookcases ELEGANT... Thurs. morris; in July 9:30- MILITARY ITEMS- American, 2729. 10 yr old. girl. ,6?ijc., English immediate placement, yearly & 12:30pm., Tues. eves. July 5- BRAND new video games for $2800. King size brass bed, • Wall Units speaking req'd. Refs, req'd. summer, al affordable prices. custom made furnishings & German; Japanese- WW I, it £ was $3000. now $850., 4 pc. • Custom Kitchen 12 & 26.7-9pm. Genesis and Super NES. .Su­ Civil War, Daggers, swords, 1993 HONDA Civic EX: 4 door, 908-668-5100 betw. 9am-6pm 568 S. Livingston Ave., Living- accessories! Barcelona per Streetfighter II $69, Super wicker porch set, $435., Cabinets £ Vanities 201-740-9111. style chairs, sofas, glass bayonets, guns, etc. Unit trop­ Hoosier cabinet, country cup­ , 554 miles. Fully loaded. As­ • Antique Fum. Repair HUGE GARAGE SALE: Knick Metrqid $58, NBA-JAM and hies, antique bamboo fly rods/- king $14,500. Call 509-7750. ’LOVING BABYSITTER needed top game table & uphol­ knacks, dishes, sports equip., many more. Call 334-2329. boards, 3 Lg breakfronts, DR stered chairs, art works by reels. Appraisals. 783-6145. 228-5290 tor 8 me &'2 3/4 yr. boys, MAID-A-DAY baby stuff. 50 Sagamore Rd. table w/2 leaves 6 8 chalts, Starting B/94 25-30 hrs, over 4 ABELEW, SCHIENEMAN reg. $5500. as is $2300. Many 1993 FORD ESCORT LX, 5 JEFF GERARD ESTABLISHED CLEAN* Maplewood. Sat. 10-4pm. SUMMER SALE. Community wkdys ifi our W. Orange home. & studio of PICASSO. SELL us your used Genesis other summer bargains. spd, 4 dr, A/C, AM/FM, 25K ING SERVICE: Office, Church Thrift Shop, 65 Bowden and Super NES games and One owner, exc. cond. ESjat for eve student; Live out. Glass & chrome entertain­ Estates coming in daily. Visit all CALL 783-7768, A. Campbell. Home & Condo Specialists. HUGE multi-household garage Rd. Cedar Grove. Every systems or trade up for brand $8,100.731-0818 alter 7pm. Own" car'. N/S. Call 731-6846 ment center, occ'l tables, sale. Everything must gol 3 Granny's Attic Stores: do it for you- all types ot Responsible & Reliable. Thurs,10-4pm. 857-2762 game. 334-2329. Parsons dining table & Furn., appls., antiques, dishes, Clifton Clearance Center carpentry work, masonry work, FULLY INSURED. chairs. WURLITzER spinet 85 MONTE CARLO. 2 DR NANNYsi Live in, driver, N/S, jewelry, lamps, frames, tools & DESK; Roll-top Walnut. Good 1076*1080 Main St. painting, wallpaper hanging. piano, WALLACE STER­ WANTED-VCR's, also TV's. coupe. P/B, P/S, P/W, P/L, A/C lll& fjjf fi 1 yr j*"SMr2 yr old 661-1111 much more) 51 Lynwood Rd., condition, $140. A/C- Emerson 472-6617 Free est. Move debris £ more. Refst '-needed,- Eng spkng LING, Franklin Mint mugs, Portables, color, any condition. Fri. 12-6. Sat. 10-6pm £ TAIV. Auto, 8 eye. 307ci. New Verona. Sat.,. July 9, 9am-4pm. Quiet Cool, 7,000 BTU's, $110. pay cash to $25. Murphy, tires, brakes A exhaust. White lv, Jnsg 378-4934 [MAID-2 ORDER/jrafl(^|fg ART GLASS, kingsize Sun „ , JuffiraO, 9am-8pm Mahwah Store: CARPENTER/Craftsman. 15- Call 226-0658. w/blue velour int. 30k miles on cleaning. Full range of services upholstered brd, master 743:0380 anytime. 142 Franklin Tpk. yrs. exp. Excel, workmanship Please no eariy birds! eng. Runs great. $2000. neg. NON-.SgjdkffH,'’ woman to}, oc,- avail. Free est Move nyoui suite furnishings. Ultra DESK with matching chair, 529-5516 at excel, prices. Doors, WANTED TO BUY; ALL Call 201-751-9634. cassionally babysit for 5 & 2 yr. service. Call Pally, 748-1095: suede bar stools, formica LARGE moving sale. Stepper, hutch with bookcase lop, Colo­ 10-6pm. 7 days a week windows, tile work, sheetrock, BEgirte m Shprl HJIs Reis table & 8 chairs, wicker col­ SPORTS CARDS 8 MEMOIR- Our New Sloatesburg Store gen'I. home repairs. 812-0593., fum., fools, houseware items, nial style, best cond. $200. A1 pays $i0-$l0k. cash for all f§j-j|ljg 0>379;72ffi W^URE college student lection, white formica BR,. BILIA. All older cards, pro­ 160 Rt. 17 etc. Sat. & Sun. 9-4. Rain or cash. 201-744-9048, daily. cars, trucks, junks £ late model H I for housecleaning, in rediner, rower, BROWN shine, 32 Floyd Rd., Verona. grams, autographs (sports 8 2,000 sq. ft. CERAMIC TILE INSTALLED: non-sports), yearbooks, pins, wrecks. Running or not. High IDEAL: Student to live in 8 as- Montclair. S h L reliable; effi- JORDAN patio, stereo, Open weekends 10-6pm. New and repair work. No job GE COMPACT REFRIGERAT­ statues, rings, trophies, ad- miles o.k. 812-9174,24 hrs. | B lie, Mc.||§§fjiffl ex­ Refs, § | | i request. TV's, Hotpoint freezer, MONTCLAIR: 43 Lloyd Rd. OR, $75; ladies 10 speed bike, 1-914-753-8015 too small. Jim Britton, 575- Blackgamma mink coat, vertsing/display signs, game change tor babysitting 3pm- Please call 680-1106 anytime. Sat. 10-4pm. Pitney Bowes let­ $45; solid maple desk, $50. 6373. 7pm weekdays only Pvt cm, ladies & mens clothes, golf used equip., game worn WANTED: Antique dealer VOLVO 1981, engine in ex­ ter folder & stutter, antique Call 201-746-1032. eves. cellent. condition, 2 new tires, A'C 8 tv. 3rd Hr. 908-830-1528 MATURE WOMAN seeks post" & ski equipment, bric-a- wheel barrow, cooktop double . WILL PAY CASH 201- would like to rent space in a CERAMIC £ vinyl tiles, addi­ 746-9697. quality antique shop. Share ex needs minor repairs. $550. tions, carpentry, repairs £ in­ ^ ^ W a i,6 -a r 509-1150 aft'er. tion caring for infant or new­ brac. oven, water softener-filter, HANDYMAN: Lathe, paneled born. Exp’d... with refs. Mon to No Checks-See You There! penses, shop time £ advertis 201-509-0083 or 783-4432. novations and much more. Call printer, stereo, kids bikes & drawers, window sash, doors, CONSIGNMENT Fn„ itv&ouL'iqi-asa-iOBy. HARRIET GREENHOLTZ much more ing. Interested call 228-0439. Nick 450-4038. TAG SALE UNLIMITED lumber, wood. 239-1874 CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUE: DENTAL'asst., pariwme. No M A lw H WOMAN seeking MOVING sale. Fri/Sat 10-4. 12 EDUCATIONAL “s i r CLOSET REMODEL. Home or position caring lor elderly Day's A WENDY SANDS SALE: 36 New/almost new better clothes. office. Professional, reasonably BB11 Pleasani last learner tor Aubrey Rd., Up, Mlc. Furn., Now accepting Spring/Summer EXPERIENCED TEACHER/- CAMPGROUND MEMBER- or weekends Ltvejri/oul Good Cayauga Way, Short Hills, Sal. SHIP-Over 700 resorts, $1-$2 priced. Free estimates. Please pvt' .West 'O'ange'practicefgjU only .White Qak appls., stereo, tel. answ. ma­ Sklncare 8 cosmetics. merchandisatoJDnce Again, 40 Counselor will remediate- - - . rels Call-201-676-6555 chine.-linens,-books, clothes & nightly. Memberships-Valued ball Alan 783-0741. 201 736 7095 Ridge ’ Rd. to tpfigh'jlf to! Call tor a complimentary facial Valley Rd.,fiP. 746-6061. enrich your child tor tall in my toys. All muSi-gp,,, products or to earn extra $ Millburn home. 201-376-:3427 • at $5000. Must sell, sacrifice at MIDWESTERN nanhy/live in . Cayauga', Sofa & chairs, ffls'5 $395.1-800-207-2267. COMPUTER Consultant. Col­ MEDICAL asst -wanted tor Iti- bronze chandeliers & others. Visa 8 Mastercard Accepted. tefnist; Send resume to: 8ox Energetic, fun loving, resp 22 MOVING SALE: 779. Children's lege senior in Mtc. Exp'd. w/all yr. old woman looking: to care Bric-aFbrac, clothes, records, LEARN JAPANESE. Experi­ PCs, IBM, Macintosh etc. Can 5203, this newspaper. toys, car seat, leaf blower, 201-509-7857 MUSfCALlNSTBUMENTS tor your children Extensiye drafting tables & misc. enced teacher • all levels. Call help you set up, train the kids clothes, furniture, A/C's 7 PC. BLK LACQUER BR 201-783-7254. RECREATIONAL-THERAPIST, exp. Exc. rets. Calf Heather armoire. 2 Valley View Rd ELEC, keyboard console or you, advise on purchases. PARTIAL HOUSE SALE suite. Asking $900. or B/O. Lowrey Genie 16 orch $8/hr. Call Adam 783-3454. JOpjn,. Mon - Thurs 378-9161, lv. msg. Verona, 8:30am-2:30pm. VJXG- roll top desk, exc. 177 Union St., Montclair. f,\ IBM Comm-typewriter, Refrig, W/D also for sale. Glass ONE ON ONE tutoring. Cert. rhythms, organ, piano, £ 12 Needed'lo assist in the imple- table w/4 chairs. Call 239-8635 K-12: Social Studies, Gov’t., mentalion of daily activities MOTHER'S helper- in altar? One Day- Sat. July 9 MULTI FAMILY SALE: Sal. tape; 19“ color TV; chair more instr. Easy to play. EducJ DAVID C.BOYNTON. Painting 9:30am-3:30pm. Political Science. Cert, £lun. $950 or b.o. 746-2703. Contractor. IntVExt., Wallpaper programs Artistic and/or (nuqif noons. 16 yji.old girl, YMCA only 9-3pm (Rain; =Sun) Toys, tjornacri wht. wall unit; util. Partial contents elegant BEDROOM sets (2): Very good Elementary specializing Math, ■dal .fairiv Jjet'd. Other duties babysitting cert, exc. swimmer, piths, hswares, etc. Lots of I wtodtlet. 675-2430 aft, 6. Hanging. 25 years exp. Cald- good with children, help clean home- sideboard, beds, cond. 1- Dk. oak, 2 dressers, Reading, Science. 857-4560. PIANOS FOR SALE well/Monlclair area. 746-4457. let- include documentation and stuff! 8 Oxford St. Montclair. [mirror, dbl. hdbrd, $150. 2- house & so on£pp£ Mtc. loc. golf clubs, bicycle, player MUST SELL- upholstered Law- leading group activities S t j piano, ofc. desks/chairs, Girls It yellow 6 dr. dresser, 2 PLAY N LEARN Day Care, Up­ PIANO- 5'4" Grand Piano. Like jsghqtne exp" desirable, de- tore! Diane 746-9099. MULTI-YARD SALE 25-30 No. son style love seat, large wing I DAVID’S JHOME sml refrig., stove, tables, nightstand, twin hdbrd, per Montdair, estb. 1973. Ages new. Polished Ebony. 2 yrs old, rgme.tn related field req'd. Call Willow St,, Montclair. Thurs- chair, fruitwood slender post MY housekeeper needs w cabinets, tools, books, [$125. Youth 4 dr. dresser (2), :2-l/2 to 6. Full, part or call in. under warranty. Beautiful IMPROVEMENT schedule and Sat. 9-5pm. Children's Clo­ double bed, Hammond spinet records, 8 inch telescope maple, $35 ea/2 for $50. Mov­ Summer Camp. State Cert sound. $5990.467-7937. Free estimates- Low ^ffiview/appi. ing work Ra Is a reliable & thing, furniture, lots of stuff. electric organ. 201-744-5471. ho,nest sell starter wlft»S|n dQ: mirror, much more. ing. 201-376-2215. 744-5575. Sally or Keith KeUy. Prices. Interior £ Exterior housework Lqurid' wei| igal OFFICE DESK, computer nAMQTUMNQ Painting. Wallpapering, July sa'e Sat. MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale, Sat BELLINI Crib £ changing table. READING TUTOR. Masters in Mffi680-.' 681, ISonsg July 9 9am 3pm 15 Chestnut table, 2 4-drawer fife cabs £ 1 Sheet Rock, Paneling £ (Converts 10 bookcasa/dresser) reading, certified, teaching ex­ PIANO TUNING £ REPAIRS: Ceilings. Ceramic £ uno­ ty&sL'.3iifl9j^3^V0-4+ You M ip U 'Glen Ridge Lof|j||i 2-d'awer Mag c Chet mjera? pfESgieilORS seeks land NURSE S asst gaggse® won't be disappointed, there is 31, $500. Call 467-5909. perience. Grades Kpfewjra Also available tor piano playing leum Tiling. 748-9438, 1- great stuff, big 8 small. Eariy brand new Jog R Cycie w/bike at house parties. Damien Del scaping, deck r el in., painting Avail, lull time 11am^Mlits: merit1 To Holland attachment by Motiv. Call Jim Millburn area. 201-564-7685. 800-281-9438. birds will be barbecued. BRASS BED, QUEEN, com­ Russo, 403-1558 or 857-0083. any odd jobs. Excel, refs. Call Best of references. 201-4-.6- Montclair. No early birds. S i t 46-8007. fS liliro nimB 744-6197 plete with Ortho mattress set, SUMMER TUTORING 1656. PARTIAL CONTENTS of MU9ICAL DO it tor a $50 consulting fee. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! SINGLE STATION Universal unused In box. Cost- $1000.- subjects by exp’d. Montclair house. Umoges china, BR, DR INSTRUCTION Shirley's Decorating Service. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Relocating. weight training machine. In ex­ sell $325 cash. 201-970-8130. teacher. State cert. K-8. Call OUR wonderful, loving 8 kitchen turn., tools, book­ Use my sugg. to turn your DOMESTIC caregiver is looking for FhBS Huge clearance sale. cellent condition. Original cost 201-746-3064. CAROL BAYARD, NYC Opera cases, tables 8 lamps,'#? pumpkin into a coach .239-0559 iW m A S H IO N E D cleaning work starting ifi- JOlgWeffi Twice Told Tales $2900.- asking $1200. Call CHANGING DECOR. Must sell leading soprano for 10 years is Momingslde Rd. Verona. Sat. immed. 60" round glass top PyW'a smile) The key to com respon. & reliable & especially 627 Bloomfield Avenue 8pm, 467-B583. TUTORING accepting voice students. Call ELIZABETH HOME Improve­ 8 Sun., 10-3pm. No early birds. dining room table w/brass fort & convenience is at youil good w/babies & newborns. Verona ALL SUBJECTS 201-761-4823. ments, Inc. Carpentry, Gen'I 746.0731 - Cyndy. Pis. call aft. 8pm. 744-6786. ; M , July 8, Sat. July 9 ELDERLY, FRAIL STAIRLIFT, decor style base. 6 matching Contractors, Restorations, Ad­ RELOCATING: Selling furn. in­ chairs (off while silk seals). 2 K/COLLEGE 10am-6pm deluxe with all features. Ex­ ESL SAT PREP PIANO LESSONS: Your home. ditions, Sidewalks. Free est.'s. cluding antique brass bed, cellent condition. Best otter. brass £ glass front ott white Noted teacher/musician, M.A ANITA'S POUSH POWER POLISH POWER rugs, Snapper, bike, toys, etc, INSTRUCTION IN Jack 908-289-3934 HIGH QUALITY CEDAR GROVE- 52 Skytop Call 201-746-4575. curios. (1 is lighted bar). Lg Carnegie recitals. Begln-adv'd etc. Cash. Sat 10-4pm. 47 brass £ glass wall unit. All like YOUR OWN HOME CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING 'Ffd (oil Faitview). Sat. 9-1.. Call: ELLEN FLOOR SANDING, scraping £ Rain or shine. Fum., art work, Overlook Rd., Livingston (ott STREISAND Tickets for July new. Best offer accepted. For SERVICES Rle 10 E. beh. Force Farm). • 201-467-0274 waxing floors. Free estimates. Profl. cleaning, apts, hswares 8 more. No junk. 10. Also will exchange 2 July appt 201-485-6000. PIANO LESSONS. Excellent Spring Cleaning. Pvt. res­ Call G. £ G. Floor Mainten­ .house?, condos & offices. 10 tickets for 2 on July 12.201 TUTORING avail P i M pianist £ teacher, new to area. ance, 201-744-2171. idences, Commercial, Real SHORT HILLS-Garage sale. IDAYBED, white iron £. brass, Mm. work. Refs Call: CEDAR GROVE: 116 Ridge 567-4275, anytime. grade teacher In N. Caldwell­ Call Tom Booth, 201-761-4823, Profl. work. Free estimate, Rd. Sal. 8-4pm. Estate Furn, books, records, comic complete with 2 Ortho mat­ 201-798-8691 Cali Barbara 201-998-6299 books, picture's, baskets, kids elementary grade subjects. Wi FRANK SCALZITTI ROOFING. sale.CVw won't believe the TRUCK LOADS of , kitchen tresses £ pop-up trundle. Un- come 10 your home. 867-1845. PIANO LESSONS- Former fac­ Roofing repairs, patching spe­ prices & free mdse. 509-1542 stuff, clothes £ much more. 16 cabinels.Quaker Maid Custom, in box. Cost $800.- sell ulty at Peabody Prep. Interna BRAZILIAN ladies seek house RESPONS. college student, Birchwood Dr., Short Hills. Sat. cialist. Reasonable rates, 201- cleaning jobs. We have good Bath vanities, marble tops. Gas $325. cash. 201-970-8130 AUTOS lional competition winner. Post­ 345-4567,201-278*0109. home for the summer, looking DESIGNER Children's Clo­ ;. Disc, prices. Install, op­ FOR SALE grad degree from Peabody refsVown car. Our customers for 25-30 hrs. p/w to babysit. love Our cleaning. 482-3140 Im thing. Big Sale! Infants thru tional, Paterson Stoye.S Kitch­ DESIGNER 60' square glass Call Beatrice Long. 4#7-7937. FURNITURE MOVING: bsm’U Own frans. N7S. English speak­ toddler. Sat., July 9, 10-2pm. SOME FURN,, window AC, en Center 684-3400. table w/8 designer upholstered '86 CHEV. S10 Blazer. 2 dr, ing & legal w/great refs. Cal lamps, clthg, linens, odds £ 93k, am/tm cass., new trans­ attic cleaning, lawn main­ CAREIAKER avail: Christian 188 Claremont Ave, Montclair. £ stainless arm chairs in con­ STUDY PIANO wilh qualified £ Ruth 201-783-2612. ends. 257 Cedar St. Cedar mission £ exhaust. $4200. Call tenance, shrubbery. No job too woman willing to work nights, TUPPERWARE temporary fabric. Matching exp'd. piano teacher, specializ­ small. 201-676-0161, Franklyn DRIVEWAY SALE Comics, Grave. Sat. £ Sun. 9-3pm. No custom designer lacquered 201-239-^93. ing in beginners ol all ages care lor elderly/handicapped/ WOMANeeeks elderly care full early birds. convalescent. Caring & reliable baby furniture, household Summer is here- do you buffett w/brushed stainless MM Manhattan School 0 or pari time. References. Call items, 40 gat. aquarium, etc. serving top. Coordinating glass '87 MAXIMA, Silver, loaded, HOME w/rels. Santos 669-1613. UNBELIEVABLE Sale: Anti­ have Tupperware to keep Music. Diane Moser, 783-9501. 746-5922 after 5, Sal., 7/9 & Sun., 7/10, 9-4. 87 your foods fresh? To re­ waterfall side table. Perfect for great condition, one owner, ga­ ques, collectibles £ new desig­ IMPROVEMENTS Franklin 1 St. (off of Grove) southwestern or contemporary rage kept. 78.000 miles, CHILDCARE: AupairCare cut ner children’s wear. Fri/Sat, quest our new catalogue J»ET8 Porches/Garages/Decks YOUNG woman, exp'd. in Verona. Raindate 7/16 & 7/17 interior. Best offer. Call 516- $5,500. Call 201-746-8158. tural exchange. Experienced July 8 £ 9, 9am-3pm. No early featuring our latest prod­ Baths/Kitchens/Basements childcare, looking tor a nanny ucts £ colors £ our new 424-0333, or 201-994-1841, legal European aupairs. Affor­ position M-F.. Refs. avail. Call birds. 153 Gates Ave., Mtc. '91 FORD Explorer XLT. 4 dr PET SITTING Repair £ Renovation dable live-in childcare, Tupperkids line please call Ive message. Hannah al 763-7344. auto, 6 cyl„ 4WD, alarm government-approved, local YARD SALE: 212 Little Falls DAILY DOG WALKMG Professional Work counselors. Call NJ Regional 509-0469 DREXEL 3 pc phone, A/C, P/S, P/B, P/W GARAGE SALE FURNITURE SALE: 241 No. Rd., Cedar Grove, Sat. July 9 P/M, C/C, tilt, fog lights, rear At Affordabls Pricss Office. Pat Poppili 516-696- wallunit w/drawers, drop-leaf Mountain Ave. Upp. Montclair. £ Sun. July iio,: I0am-5pm, del., tint, am/fm cass., P/DL, 201-691-5829 6176 or 800-4-AUPAIR. H Household items, clothing, WEDDING gown, sz. 10. Trad solid teak gold leal chinoiserie (E) SALE Sat. ctniy- 9-3pm. Double beds, detail: Exc. cond, $550 firm. moonroof. Black/gray leather 21 CREST CIRCLE tools £ lawn equipment. hand beaded, long sleeves, Int. JACK OF ALL TRADES couch, tables, chairs & much beaut, button-down back ovei Also, 5pc French Prov. fruit- Exc. cond. 37,000 CLEANING - Polish lady wants SOUTH ORANGE . ODD JOBS io dean your home. Please call more. No early birds. Point D’Esprit, chapel train, fin­ wood BR. Cane hdbrd, chest, $16,500. 746-0698. (Wyoming Ave. to Blan­ YARD Sale: 145 Chestnut St., Painting, carpentry, roof anytime, 201-478-0472. Mtc. Fri/Sat/Sun, 10-5pm gertip w/headpe. 783-7736. triple dresser, mirror, telephone repairs. Attics, cellars, chard to Crest) GARAGE SALE. 681 Eagle table. Exc. cond. $650. ■92 VOLKSWAGEN Passat, Fri. & Sat 10-4, Rock Ave., W. Orange. Fri., 7/8 Furn., elec, dryer, glasswares, while. Take over lease. $277. yards, gutters cleaned. Air WE DO IT ALL! drapes, curiains, etc. WOLFF TANNING BEDS New cond’s. Driveway sealer. Double hump back sofa, & Sat., 7/9,10-4. Hshld. items, Commercial- Home Units From FORMICA kitchen set. table £ until 8/23/96. Very low mileage. turn., toys & qlothes. Reloc. Manhattan-must sell Whan only tho vary boot Mtc., Verona, Cedar Grove YARD (SALE; friefay;* Satur- &l99.j>0. ,/N Laqras-Lotiptjs 4 chairs $50; Cross Country set, campaign twin s other1 Accessories. Monthly pay SkTFxerdSi 7Miirie^$20. Call 201^04,8780. N , , , WlMo*..*,, V , Move in or Move out, BR furniture, Herend dinner GARAGE sale Sat., July 9,9-5. day, 9-3pm. 266 Park Si., N /Tree trimraingi • ' Upper Montclair. ments as low as $18.00. Call 785-0651. Call Al - 661-3252. One Time or fllegular. set, Wedgwood, crystal, sil­ 45 Fairfield St.4 Montclair. TVs, Today FREE NEW Color 'CASH Paid at your door. Used VERONICA CARRELL ver,. bric-a-brac, major ap CommercialTHome albums, dishes,. mens 8 Catalog 1-800-462-9197. FUTON, like new; stereo cab, cars or mini-vans wanted 890-5791 pliaiices & more. ' womens clothing, books, hshld. YARD SALE: Misc. hshld Clean or abused, any year, any Items, lamps, tables, dog cage, w/gtass doors; rediner; coffee JONEKLUND items. Lots of odds 8 ends. table; wall unit. $300 or b. mileage. Best prices paid. Call 201-748-6770 chairs, books, bookcases, etc. WURLITZER PIANO w/bench. ^RESTORATIONS 2 FAMILY yard safe. 33,Hillside Radiator cover 17x23, can hold 535-3100 (d) or 509-9223 (e), Rich first B57-1195, anytime ADOPT-A-DOG: "Sam", beagle CONTINENTAL Ave., Mtc. Sat. & Sun. 9-3. GARAGE/moving sale. We FriySalTSun, 10-6pm. 17 Mar- •Stripping £ refiniohing - ston PI. Montclair (ott Douglas 3 1/2- x 21 radiator. Baby fum. mix, 2yr neutered male, blk/tan, Great items. Kid's toys, fum., moved too much-you benefit! 1 HASSLE FREE SELUNGI interior woodwork - kitchen DOMESTICS Rd. Glen Ridge).___ Call 226-7872 after 3pm. BEDROOM SET, complete, very active, no other dogs. NANNIES clothing, ladies jewelry, etc. Karastan rug, DR mirror, exc. cond.. with roller drawers, Top dollar paid. High miles OK. "Emily" hound mix, Syr spayed cabinets • Painting • inte­ framed artworir, dinette set, MISCELLANEOUS f Any condition. For free quotes HOUSEKEEPERS Also, assorted chairs, etc, female, blk/tan, needs yard, rior £ exterior • Light 41 JAMES St.; Montclair. Sat. crystal, tools, wardrobes 8 WANTED 7|3-4880. Montclair Auto Sales COMPANIONS/ Moving. Call 201-746-4575. prefers adults. More dogs at repaira A plastering HOME HEALTH AIDES only, rain or shine. July 9,9am- more. Both fancy 8 )unk. Sat., ANTIQUE VICTROLAS- Sokf- ALL LIONEL, IVES, AMER­ PAWS, 95 Walnut St„ Mont- 3pm. Furn., clothing, misc. • Load paint removal Days 201-857-8538 July 9,10-3. 23 Heller Dr„ Up. Repaired- Bought. We also ICAN .Flyer £ other trains. Col­ 1979- 6HEVY Caprice station lair, open 7. days, 12-4, call Eves 201-509-7806 Mtc. Call 509-7334 for direc­ have a large selection of old lector pays top cash prices. 1- wagon* Good running cond. 744-5212. 746-7483 671 Bloomfield Ave„ Verona tions. records £ cylinders for 800*464-4671,201-635-2058. Altd, that fits Chevy pickup 63 SUNSET Ave., Verona. Sat. 201-746-0728. QUEEN size hide-a-bed couch ENGLISH speaking female & Sun., July 9th & 10th, 10-4. COINS. Private collector $180, patio table-4 cflairfTS : w/tafs. seeks childcare, In" Rear bag mower, band saw, CLASSIFIED AVANTI Refrigerator- 1yr. old pay top dollar to buy old 00 $50. gas BBQ $75, radios; tools £ more. Priced to Must seH iffiffiSd. Price “neg Can 201-746-5784,__ je j,Btgj£le»di Hryiest, respons. Live out. Fax It-201-746-8131 r 374-6330 alt. 7pm 783-4836. name, number £ coin type. July 7,1994 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills Page 13 w m m m cards waucNoticf; SUPERIOR (CHAN) 1-310 Overlook PERRELU SHERIFF'S SALE CONTRACTING SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JER­ SEY. CHANCERY DIVISION. ES­ gala raises SEX COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F- CUSTOM INTERIOR PAINTING 8286-93. GLENFED MORTGAGE Residential & Commercial CORPORATION. PLAINTIFF; -VS- $300,000 Painting & Wallpapering PAUL A MACK. JR ET ALS, Ceiling & wall repairs DEFENDANTS. Execution For Sale The Overlook Hospital Founda­ Interior carpentry repairs of Mortgaged Premises tion is more-than $300,000 richer Refinishing appliance's & cabinets By virtue of the above stated writ of Execution, to me directed, I shall ex­ as the result of its recent “Over the pose for sale by Public Auction, in Rainbow” fund-raising gala. 40 Conger St. Bloomfield. NJ SHERIFF S OFFICE, Essex County The event, held in a tent erected 2Q1 -429-3500 24 Hours Courts Building itj- Newark,' on Tues­ day. the 12 day of July , 1994 at one- on the roof of the hospital’s new thirty P.M (prevailingtime) medical arts center complex, B U S IN ES S C A R D S PERSONALS MUNICIPALITY . Newark COUNTY: Essex STATE: of N.J t attracted nearly 1,200 persons. la w n c u t t in g s e r v ic e s . NO VENA Tp ST JUDE: This STREET & STREET NO: 309 *S Among four persons honored at Weekly, bi-weekly, one lime or 18th St. the gala was Dr. Anthony F. Cop­ novena has never been known TAX BLOCK AND LOT: Block 1793- vacation cuts welcomed. Call to tail. This novena must be Lot 10 pola of 77 Hillside Avenue. Dr. Rich. 201-857-1195. , said tor 9 consecutive days. DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 100 x 25' Coppola, who has been associated Publication must be promised. NEAREST-CROSS STREET: 225 with Overlook’s medical staff for MASON; Steps, patios, plaster­ Oh, Holy St. Jude, Apostle & feet from Twelfth Street ing, etc'. Reasonable. Free Martyr, great in virtue & rich in 40 years, received the hospitalls estimates. Please call John, miracles, near kinsman of in the Office of the Register of Essex medical service award for County. Jesus Christ-, faithful inter­ A deposit of 10%. of the bid pnce in exemplary dedication to patient cessor of all who invoke your cash or certified funds is required at care. PAINTING special patronage in time of: the time of sale. Other honorees were Robert H. need '©: you t have 'recourse The approximate amount of the INT./EXT Irom ©e depth of my heart & Judgment to be satisfied by said Mulreany of Westfield, retired to suite your schedules humbly beg to whom God has sale is the sum of FIFTY SIX THOU­ Overlook board chairman, who Days/Nights/Weekends given great power to come © SAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY received the community service Reasonable Rates THREE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY my assistance. Help me in rhy CENTS, ($56,293.70), together with award; Doris C. Sullivan o f Sum­ Call M ike 235-0522 present urgent- petition.,. In the costs of this sale, mit, a long-time member of the return, I promise to make your the Sheriff reserves the right to ad- name known & call you to be hospital’s auxiliary, who received pvSra^tiHudepray^'ijs all RECREATION SOFTBALL CHAMPIONS-Members of the recreation depart­ the volunteer service award; and RETIRED CARPENTER Gar who jifiWke'Tyo'dOiifl, ASSart Newark, N.J. June 6,1994 Thomas D. Sayles of Chatham, drs, - brick pointing, window’s, 'flair ARMANDO B. FONTOURA, Sheriff ment's seventh through ninth grade softball league tournament titlist Braves chains, plastering, stairs, pot* William M. E. Powers, Jr., Attorney president Of the Summit Bancor- dies, repairs, gtass|||§ Mike Pub:6/16,23,30 7/7,1994 Fee $62.40 are, front row, from left, Kristen DeMarino, Courtney Von Glahn, Amy Rockoff, poration, who accepted the corpo­ Serafin, 744-5860. PUBLIC NOTICE Kim Kaplan, Nika Backman and Rebecca Gordon, second row, coaciwom Hild- rate service award on behalf of ner, Jennifer Hildner, Lauren Rodbart, Andrea Kornstein, Beth Kennedy, Melissa Summit Bank. SHEET ROCK, painting, elec- LEGAL-NOTICE trical, decks lloor refinishing, > Assistant Supennte'-c Davis, Lauren Doto, coach Dick Rodbart, Dara Heller and Katey Lewis. etc.. Quality service. Rea­ Business ot the Board ol Education sonable rates. Call 674-7842 of the Townshp ot Millbum in the County ot Essex. State ot New Jer.. SUPERIOR Seal Coating & by authority ot said Board Indian fare excels at Sangam Palace Driveway/Parking Lot Mainten­ ance will protect, seal & beauti- OtHoe ot the Board of Educa- for the pungency to remain. mango ice cream ($2.50). monella. ' ly your drive-way. Incl. full sur­ 434 Millbum Avenue, Millbum, This is a sour curry with a At Sangam, the (service is friend­ face sealer, poi.liblp, prack fill1,; New Jersey, up to 2 00 p m prevail- By Eveline Speedie Coffee seems rather unsuitable ing & oil stam removal. Free Tuesday, July 19, vinegar base. The meat is rubbed after such a meal, so complete ly if a bit harassed when there are est. 228-6194. 16 Passenger - Type II School Van Whether you are a pro at digest­ with vinegar and then covered with your repast with strong Indian large parties booked. They will ’ f Tqay be o ing dragon-mouth curries or a a mixture of spices (cumin, pep­ spiced tea ($1.50) or try the lassi always take the time to explain the TONY CARAVEllA. I63n- Rtieirw percorns, chillis, turmeric, car­ dishes and are only too willing to ups, wkly. lawn maint., shrub neophyte to Indian food, Sangam (a yogurt-based drink) or a mango trimming, fully ins 1-BO0-287- Palace on Bloomfield Avenue in damom, cinnamon, coriander, and shake ($2.50). please. Sangam does not have a Montclair is well worth a visit. It’s ginger are mixed with water to The appeal of Indian food may liquor license but there is a liquor easy to miss on this busy form a paste or masala). Some of it be a mystery to the uninitiated but store right around the comer. HEALTH AND . Sangam Palace, 399 Bloomfield HEALTH SERVtCES thoroughfare despite its prominent is rubbed into the meat directly there are certain health benefits in red awning and collection of gold- and allowed to marinate while the the spices used that are surprising. Avenue, Montclair, 746-7121, BODY/mind empowerment plated samovars displayed in the rest is fried in clarified butter Turmeric, for instance, is a Open 7 days. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. therapy. BMET. A unique: ap-; to 2:30 p.m. Special buffet lunch, ' proach to ©erapy which goes window. Once inside, however, (ghee) and made into a sauce. The yellow-powdered herb that is typi­ beyond the scope Of trad, you will find superior Indian food vindalu preparation takes hours but cally used to season and add color $ 7.95 Friday to Sunday. Dinner: 5 physical therapy sessions. that will draw you back for many it can be made in advance and at to rood. It has been found to to 10 p.m. Major credit cards BMET is based on the princi­ By order of the Board of Education repeat visits. Sangam it was exceptionally good. destroy bacteria, including Sal­ accepted. pals of Oriental philosophy. Ronald T Brennan Food is very important in the The lamb was degreased complete­ Clients-utilize these skills for Assistant Superintendent therapeutic purposes. BMET is Indian culture and enjoys a promi­ ly and die chef will make the dish abcut facing the truth,' j | nence that is reflected in the as hot as you request. AFTER 40 YEARS WHOLESALE teaches survival and shows extensive cooking time allotted for In addition to lamb, poultry and you the way to go beyond your it and the intricacy of the prepara­ seafood selections, Sangam also physical limits and gain fohc- tion of dishes. The basic philoso­ offers goat cooked in a curry, in a tion. For appt. call 201783- NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 6437 and ask tor Dinu Dan, phy that pervades all Indian cook­ mild masala sauce or a spicy BMET Specialist. ,, TOWNSHIP OF MILLBURN ing is balance and harmony; the vindaloo. Most of the entrees fall BHB d i c i o k COUNTY OF ESSEX meals are characterized by an intri­ in the very reasonable $9 to $12 ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 13-94 cate blend of many different range except for the seafood Bring a classic look to your, horns ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTIONS 12-2- spices, tastes, textures and form to KOHLER | ^ EAT SCOTT!' IT'S MAGIC! 1,12-2-2 AND 12-2-3 OF THE MILLBURN TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE specialties, which can go as high with Revival" ledy Magic at^g be §|, CODE PROVIDING FOR MANDATORY RECYCLING. achieve this end. as $17 for lobster tikka masal (lob­ luring "Thurston" the magi- a complete line of traditionally The Ordinance, of which the foregoing is the number and titles, Sangam lulfills this mission in a ster cooked with tomatoes in a macaw. Available tor chil­ was passed on final reading at the regular meeting of the Township homey, unpretentious way that styled faucets. i's or adult parties. For ,nlo. Committee of the township of Millburn in the County of Essex, held on cream sauce). ■ cast brass construction SCOTT DBUKKER 201- the 28th day of June. 1994 makes it a charming neighborhood An excellent offering here is the William J. CSlveney. Mayor -8332, anytime. hang-out as well as a special place vegetarian thali, a combination ■ ceramic valving Lynn Rogers-Eisenbeil to dine. It is tastefully but simply dinner. For $14.95, we selected • matching accessories FINANCIAL Township Clerk decorated with decorative plates, three vegetable curries from a TOWNSHIP OF MILLBURN wall hangings, pictures and plants. FORECLOSED gov't, homes ORDINANCE NO. 13-94 choice of 16 selections. The meal Visit our beautiful new designer ^ The small dining area can accom­ and properties. HUD, VA, j | j | | ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTIONS 12-2- includes soup, samosa (a crisp, showroom. See the latest in r p r r etc. Listings tor your area. 1 12-2-2 AND 12-2-3 OF THE MILLBURN TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE modate about 50 diners at one seat­ CODE PROVIDING FOR MANDATORY RECYCLING. spiced patty that can be filled with Whirlpools, bath fixtures and , ” , <_ Financing available. Call toll, ing and the tables are fairly close BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE either minced lamb and peas or accessories in a wide range of free 1 (800) 436-6867 ext. R- TOWNSHIP OF MILLBURN IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. STATE OF together, but once the food comes 2402. NEW JERSEY, as follows: potatoes and peas), chutney, raita styles, finishes and colors. purchase I Section 1 Section 12-2-1 entitled “Definitions" of Chapter 12, Arti­ the world closes in around it. (yogurt), papadum (a thin, crispy Showroom sales subject to 3% sales tax PERSONALS cle II. entitled “Recycling" of the Code of the Township of Milburn, We started our dining experience lentil bread), rice and puri bread New Jersey (the “Code"), is hereby amended and supplemented as ADOPT: BIRTH MOTHER,: Ipt with the appetizers, which are and dessert. follows superb here and addictive. They LAWRENCE KANTOR SUPPLY us help you. We are a happily A The definition of "Clipboard" is hereby added to Section-jpg' The vegetables we chose were married couple longing toj) to read in its entirety as follows range in price from $2.50 for an 169 Scotland Road, Orange, N J. (2 blocks North of Central Ave.) adopt a white newborn to "Chipboard" shall mean gray cardboard, including cereal boxes, gift assortment of vegetable pakoras sag panir (spinach and homemade whom we can give the best of boxes, cracker and cookie boxes and note pad backing" cheese cubes), alo gobhi (potatoes HOURS: Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-5prn • Sat. 9-1 •'201-676-2766 B. The definition of "Co-mingled glass" in Section 12*2*1; is herriby (our favorite) to $6.95 for life.. Confidential. Med/iegal and cauliflower in a tomato based appetizers cooked in the tandoor penses pd. Pis. call Rae and "Co-mingled containers' shall mean c m glass; sauce) and alo chhole (chickpeas, Marty 1-800-348-8109. oven, which is a barrel-shaped clay aluminum cans, foil or food containers; 1 ; and #1 potatoes and onions in a thick and #2 plastic." oven. The pakoras (vegetables frit­ INTERMEDIATE male tennis flplpC. The definition ot "Co-mingled rrugated sauce). We requested it to be player seeks partner tor eve­ paper" in Section i2~2d:* hereby amer ters delicately spiced and lightly served madras or medium hot, to follows fried in a gram flour batter) con­ ning or weekend matches. Mtc. ill mean brown paper shopping bags, catalogs, permit the full flavor of the vege­ Jcrivener'jj area. Call Howard .783-4847, chipboard, colored paper, computer printouts, corrugated boxes, high- sisted of eggplant, potato and zuc­ tables to survive the blend of eves, or 212-697-5753 days grads paper, junkmail, magazines, newspaper and telephone books chini slices and kofia balls (little Soft cover and hard cover books shall not be included in mixed spices. E.A.C. Licensed Foreign Adop­ vegetable balls) served with a We ordered an accompanying tion Agency is holding a semi­ O. the definitions of "Corrugated paper" a spicy coriander chutney and spiced dish of lamb biryani ($12.95), I —x^&'. Toys & Collectibles nar August 27, 1994 Newark. sn 12-2-1 shall both read: onion. This i$ a light way to start which is a kind of Indian paella Orphaned infants & toddlers "(See Mixed paper)" ’ I j ujlhe definition gf "Vegetative waJte" is the meal and it is tempting to keep that includes lamb, peas, cloves, urgently need adoptive R M S ® * ' Things Neat & 90's families. Free information 12-2-1 munching but easy to fill up fast. rice, pine nuts, herbs and spices "Vegetative waste1 ' shall n s clippings, leaves, brush, tree Mulligatawny soup ($2.25) is a about current adoption proce­ branches, herbaceous waste and twi blended with long-grain rice. The for the >vhole family dures in Russia, Ukraine, and spiced lentil soup. It is one of five mixture of flavors was excellent China. For reservation call 216- Section 2 Section 42-2-2 ol Hi Code I of entitled ‘Mandatory Separation Of Recyclable Materials from rther Solid Waste" is hereby soup selections on the menu and and the rice moist and flaky 562-3900. amended to add five new categories of solid waste products which another favorite for its tangy, sub­ • Stamps • Coins • Sports & Non-Sports Carts shall be separated, namely: grass clippings, high grade paper, junk : iMOTICB tle flavors. We also had an assortment of Memorabilia • Comics • Rocks, Etc • D \\ Britains mail maoazines and chipboard so that the entire Section 12-2-2 shall Indian breads that are baked in the read in its entirety as follows: In addition to tandoori BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ‘Section 12-2-2 Mandatory separation ecycable materials from specialties — chicken, lamb or tandoor that range in price from . Bl )ING • SELLING • \P P ^ I $ 1 W « TOWNSHIP OF MILLBURN other solid waste $1.95 for puri to $4.95 for the LEGAL NOTICE tment tenant, business seafood cooked in the tandoor Every occupant, whether specialty breads such as sangam PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Otherwise, of any building or premises in the Township shall oven — there are a dazzling range Toys & Games for fun and learning , , . t Monday, July 18, 19$4, at the separate frornmbther solid waste products: alumirtutin bans, ro» of entrees from which to choose. naan. Our experience here has Milbum Municipal Building, 375 food containers, oo-mmgted glass, piastre containers, bn and bi-r been to stick to the non-specialty • Arts & Crafts • Science & Nature I Milbum Avenue, MiHburn, New Jer­ cans, leaves, grass-clippings;brush^rtjte^od^MedhW^iL We selected one meat dish, one sey, the Board of Adjustment will telephone books, high grade vegetarian and one rice . breads. They are cheaper and for * Rubber Stamps • Puzzles • Party Favors - hold a hearing on the application of paper (untunaJ magazines, chipboard and construction and demoli- some reason, better. and much much more . . , featuring | the undersigned, at which time and bon debris Every occupant shall prepare the aforementioned recycl­ The Lamb Vindaloo ($10.95) is es materials for pick-up, collection and recycling, pursuant to this Ar­ a dish for lovers of those dragon- We usually, don’t have room for Geo SvFvfei, (S timty for Kids, ticle Tonnege ol matenalS recycled by. private -vendors shall be mouth curries. The lamb morsels dessert, but the gulab jaman reported: pbi»uantfd,-Sect(oj)S1;2^^H^^a RAVENSBERGER. f r S S B i Section 3 Section 12-2-3 of the Code is hereby amended and were lean and tender and not at all ($2.50) that comes with the thali is supplemented as fqllpm- fatty. They were cooked in a vent good if you like sweet, syrupy des­ A The title-of Section'1is-'hereby amended to serts. It is a deep fried cheese ball Zoning District, Block 4205, Lot-23 hot, spicy sauce and served with InteraetafEfun^B^H and is more commonly knot potatoes, die starch absorbing the dipped in syrup. A lighter and for anvoccasion any person" any age. 400 Old Short Hills Road, Short more refreshing compromise is the Hills. The Applicants seek to ere< tangir.ess of the dish but allowing f ^ l M en gifl-wr'ap' it for you and three small additions to their horn 1(a) Newspapers, corrugated paper, magazines, telephone books,, weisbipCPS daily! (a total of 424 square feet), there junk malt, high grade paper and chipboard from residents shall be flat­ a request for variances: permitting tened and placed into securely tied bundles and placed in brown Theater timetable rear setback of 20.5 feet for the pro­ paper bags or corrugated paper boxes Each bundle shall not exceed (201) 762-5650 posed addition instead of t fifty pounds in weight" __ , Madison 4 - Thurs; THE LION KING (PG) quired 25.58 feet; and permitting C All Subsequent subsections of Secbon-12-2-3 are hereby relet- MILLBURN Millburn 1 - Thurs; SPEED (R) 1; 3:20; 5:40; 1:15; 3:15:- 5=15: 7:15; 9 IS: Fri; Mon; Tues; 178 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood Village building coverage of 3,015 squai Wed, 1 30. 3 30, 5 30, 7 30, 9 30, Sat, 1.30, feet instead of the permitted 2,217 ' ^ 6 former subsection 12-2-3 (d). new subsection .12-2-3 .(c)-: s 8; 10; Fri; Mon; Tties; Wed; t:20; 9:45; Sat; Sun: square feet; together with any other hereby amended by deleting the word "Co-mingled:" 2; 4:45; 7:20; 9:45. ' 3:30; 5:30; 9:30: Sun; 1:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:30; Sat variance or waivers that the^ Board E, Former subsection 12-2-3 (e) new subsection J^S j^ts Millbum 2 - Thurs; THE SHADOW (PG13> Sneak Preview: IN THE OUTFIELD may deem applicable or necessary hereby amended to read in its entirely as tollows: 1:15; 3:30; 5:45; 8:10; 10:30; Fri; Mon: Tues; (PG) 7:30; Sun; 3:30. B L IS S ESTABLISHED 1 8 8 2 ■||JPPNPHM October 1st LIVINGSTON A copy of said application and "(d) L. Wed; 7:30; 9:50; Sat; Sun; 2:T5‘ 4l4b; 7:30; documents is on file with the Secre* Saturday following Thanksgiving for prekup^^H 9:50. Colony 1 - Thurs; thru Wed; WOLF (R) tary/Clerk of the Board of Adjust­ Township Public Works Department B M | |Bives M and H grass M | will not MAPLEWOOD 12:45; 3:30; 6:15; 9. ment and may be inspected bet. the be collected at curbaide " Maplewood 1 - Thurs; I LOVE TROUBLE Colony 2 - Thurs; thru Wed; I LOVE TROU­ hours of 8:30 a m. and 4:30 p.m., K Former subsection 12-2-3 (g) subsection 12-2-3 (0 is (PG) 1:15; 3:45; 7:15; 9:45; Mon; Tues; Wed; BLE (PG) 2; 4:30; 7; 9:20. Monday through Friday, by all inter­ hereby amended to read in its 1:15; 7:16; 9:35. Colony 3 - Thurs; Fri; Mon; Tues; Wed; THE ested parties to said meeting. "W Vegetative waste Irom eacn private resraen Maplewood 2 - Thurs; WYATT EARP LION KING (PG) 1; 3:10; 5:20; 7:30;,9:30; Sat; David and Leslee Rothberg up by the Public Works Department on designated (PG13) 6; Fri; Mon; Tues; Wed; FORREST 1; 3:10; 5;20; 9:30; Sun; 1; 5:20; 7:30; 9:30; Sat Applicants recycled through designated collection days or recycled through pn- GUMP(PG13) 1; 7; 9:40; Sat; Sun; 1; 4; 7;9:45. Sneak Preview: ANGELS IN THEOUTFIELD BLACK CARPENTER ANTS Lawrence Levitt, Esq. vate contractors or composted using approved composting techniques MsplewoodT - Thurs; BABY'S DAY OUT (P6) 7:30; Sun; 3:10, CAN DAMAGE YOUR HOME Attorney for applicants on one's own property. Residents shall (KD 1:30; 7:1 {j; 9;, Fri; Mon; Tues; Wed; 1:20; D^te: Juty 7^1^94 ^ ^ s ^*346? ;! , , % .. UNION BlackjGarpenter Ants excavatiyextensive^lleries iryfopd, to: servers Blush shall be bundled in lengths not ere- 7(20; 9; Sat; Sun; 1:15; 3:15; 5; 7:20. Union 1 - Thurs; ©ru-Wed; FOREST GUMP' ____ghing not more than fifty pounds and shall 'Maplewood 4 - Thurs; Fri; WOLF (R) 1:30; (PG13) 1:4; 7; 10a, nesting places and can do serious damage to your home They re • Tlw Public Works Department shall not pick up 7:25; 9:40; Sat Sun; 1:30; 4:15; 7:25; 9:40; Mon; Union 2 - Thurs; thru Wed: WQLF (R) 2:20: unsightly and unsanitary but theywire no match for Bliss trained Tues; Wed; 1:30; 7:25; 9:30. 4:50; 7:20(9:40. WEST ORANGE Lost Picture Show - Thurs; Mon; Tues; technicians. Ask about our PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN Essex Green 1 - Thurs; ©ru Wed; WOLF Wed; WIDOW'S PEAK (PG) 7:2Q; 9; 10; Fri; it s backed by over a century ot reliability.'\ ■ (R) 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45. 5:15; 7:2Q; 9:15; Sat; Sun; 1:16; 3:15; 5:15; 7:20; Essex Green 2 - Thurs; thru Wed; FOR­ 9:15.’ PHONE: REST GUMP (PG13) 1; 4:15;7:15; 10:11 BERKELEY HEIGHTS . Essex Green 3 -Thurs; SPEED (R) 2; 4:30; Berkeley Cinema - Thurs; Fri; Sat; Sun; 6 7 6 - 8 8 8 8 1 8 7:30; Fri; ©ru Wed; 2; 4:30; 7:30; 10. THE LION KING (PG) 11; 1:10; 3:20; 5:30; 7:30; I to the Recycling Center t MADISON 9:30; Mon; Tues; Wed; 12:40; 2:50; 5; 7; 9. - Thurs; THE FLINTSTONES Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect i CRANFORD ©ru Wed; FORREST GUMP (PG13) Cranford 1 - Thurs; THE SHADOW (PG13) 800-773-2387 1:45; 4:30; 7:20; 10:05. 1:15; 3:30; 5:45; 8; 10:10; Fri; thru Wed; 2:30; 5; BUSS Madison 2 - Thurs; THE SHApOW (PG13) 7:30; 9:4®. EXTERMINATORS Subscribe to 1,“ :15; 5:30; 7:45; 9:55; Fri; ©ru Wed; 2:30;. Cranford 2 - Thurs; BLOWN AWAY (R) 1; William J Caveney 3:15; 5:30; 8; 10:20; Frl; ©ru Wed; 2:15; 4:45; 5;15; 7:30; 9:45. ONE OF THE OLOCST ANO LARGEST THE ITEM Mayor Madison 3 - Thurs; ©ru Wed; WOLF (R) 2; 7:20; 9:50. n-r- l..ly 7 100f , Fee:*83.64 5:7:40; 10. IS .. Page 14 THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills __ ; ' ■ ; ■______July 7,1994

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