Sunday Proclaimed "Rev. 0. D. Hollins Day" Mayor James Granberry Pro- Dunbar Graduate to Perform Here Friday Claimed Sunday, November 7Th, "Rev
Volume X, Number 45 Thursday, November 4, 1971 Eight Pages WEST TEXAS TIME (Week of Nov. 4-10) Dedicated to Informing the Negro Citizens of West Texas Sunday Proclaimed "Rev. 0. D. Hollins Day" Mayor James Granberry prO- Dunbar Graduate to Perform Here Friday claimed Sunday, November 7th, "Rev. O.D. Hollins Day" in the City of Lubbock in ceremonies at City Hall Wednesday morning. At the same time, Rev. Hollins' bro- ther, T. J. Hollins, of the First Mission Baptist Church of Santa Ma, California was made an honor- ary citizen. He is conducting the 25th Anniversary services for his brother. The week-long services got un- derway last Sunday and will con- clude Sunday afternoon with Rev. A.L. Davis, minister of Greater St. Luke Baptist Church, delivering the anniversary sermon at 3:00. A banquet was given in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Hollins Tuesday evening at the Plains Co-Op Oil Mill. Ernest Butler was chairman of the banquet committee. Appearing on the banquet pro- "REV. 0. D. HOLLINS DAY "—Reverend 0. D. Hollins, minister of gram was the Lyons Chapel Choir, Lyons Chapel Baptist Church, at right, and his brother, Reverend T. J. under the direction of Mrs. Sammy Hollins of Santa Ana, California, on the left, received proclamations Miller, church pianist and director from Mayor of Lubbock, Dr. James Granberry, Wednesday morning in of the 100-voice choir. She is the the Council Chambers of City Halt Sunday has been proclaimed "O.D. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hollins. Hollins Day" in Lubbock by the Mayor.
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