The New College Rgan

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The New College Rgan THE NEW COLLEGE RGAN PUBLISHED BY THE STUDF£NTS OF NEI COLLEGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEW COLLEGE COJL MUN IT Y 2 ~GAN' News • 1972 (?) Thursday's Trustee IS I I' I KANSAS CITY, Mo. --The Student a tiona! Education The New College Trustees added an Approximately 2~ of the million Association, the nation's largest college student organi2ation, has announced that its official task forces and committees extra midyear meeting to the normal Fall raised is in the form of endowments and will include at least one-third ethnic minority represen­ and Spring conclaves and are presently unit trusts and will not be available tation, The unprecedented action was taken at a three- holding meetings in Hamilton Center. One for this year's budget. The trustees day meeting here. The decision was reached by the SNEA executive of the major items under consideration reaffirmed their stand that endowment committee prior to the semi-annual meeting of the 80 000- is the budget, which they hope to finalize should not be used for operating expenses. member organization's representative assembly in Kans~s to pave the way for imple•entation. City Jan. 28-30. Develop11ent SNEA president Frank Burress, a government major from During the morning, the trustees Development is expected to come up Sacr11mento State College in California stated: "Our elected three new members to their ranks, with a plan for their operations in the action will set an example for all teach~r association bringing the total to 33. Mrs. Rosemary future, in particular, a reorganization affiliates of the ational Education Association and prove Bouden, an interior designer, Richard unequivocally that we don't give lip service to involving which, hopefully, will eliminate one ethnic minority members " He added that the executive Nelson, a Sarasota attorney, and Morton staff position. Unfortunately, new committee action regarding committee selection quotas Qvistgaarft-Petersen, an iolman, are the duties, including work with associates, soon could lead to similar efforts in balancing minority n.ew members. representation in SNEA governing bodies. may eliminate whatever advantage is Executive committee member Dennis Man1anares, a At 3:15 Thursday afternoon, the gained. Chicano student from New Mexico and SNEA Rocky trustees meet in joint session to hear Note: 8?% of the Alumni and Z1 out of Mountain regional representative, lauded the mandate the reports of their various committees. as "the first tangible commitment of SNEA to adequately 30 trustees contibuted to New College. ensure that minimal minority representation is prevalent At 3:15 Thursday afternoon, the •Investment• This action states the rninumum standards acceptable to SNEA and we realize that as an organization we cannot trustees met in joint session to hear the The majority of NC money is invested survive on minimums. It will start the process of looking reports of their various committees. in insurance with our only interest in at minorities as qualified members and not just token •Development• common stock an amount donated by Eckerd. officeholde~ ." Representing the Southeast region on the SNEA execu­ The trustees announced that they He originally donated S25,000 in Eckerd tive committee. Robert R Jennings, a black student, said: are 11 reasonably confident11 that the Ford Stock, which is invested according to "This act of leadership is a minimal requirement and Challenge has been met. There have been recommendations made by Merrill, Lynch, should by no means be a standard. However, it is the right step towaTds progressive education. It is time that several close calls as the auditors cut Pierce, Fenner & Sllith. The trust is now all minorities be evaluated on the basis of capabilities and the amount raised from $1.030,000 to worth $200,000. The Investment Committee not on color, class, nor creed. Because of discrimination Sl,Oll,OOO, and again when development also announced the sale of three unit minorities must be assured representation. " ' found an addition mistake which lowered trusts, all consisting of Eastman Kodak the amount to 31,005,000. The trustees Stock which generated $305,000. We were expressed that although last year they paying out more on the trust than Kodak received the check that put them 11 over pays in dividends. the toprr a mere five minutes before the *Finance and Education• SWP press party, this year they 11 had a couple The budget discussion was scheduled 1 The 1972 Socialist Workers Party of hours to breathe. ' for today, so the Finance Committee passed ( SWP) presidential campaign of Linda over that portion in their presentation. Jenness and Andrew Pulley is beginning One point of progress is the insti­ an intensive six week campaign on 34 tution of a Summer Study Program. One campuses in Florida. The SWP just complet­ new possibility is rental of plant to a sub yn 11 ed a massive petitioning drive, collect­ group called "Scholars University, Inc. ing over 51,000 signatures to place the which would offer graduate degrees. It SWP e stu suit being initiated by the Committee 11Educational the point was made the trustees requested that New Co~1ege'e for Democratic Election Laws (CoDEL), Priorities" meeting that this could name should not be used. Mr. Lyons then that will challenge the Florida filing is a job which will split the community announced that he had in his possession fee require~~ent, vhich is 15,000. probably give the up into groups pamphlets printed by "Scholars" nailing Michael Maggi, Wayne Hieber and committee drooping espousing different New College. The discussion vas post­ Debbye Chlosta, three National Field eye•, ,but _ ~as, poned until this could be investigated. Secretaries for the Young Socialists ideologies that are The New College Summer School seeas that's what ~i's actively hostile for Jenness and Pulley (YSJP), will be all about. toward each other, to be well underway with 128 New College organizing thousands of Florida students Although the while these diver­ Students and 16 to 18 faculty me•bere in the largest socialist campaign since meeting was called gent opinions can who might participate. It is too early the Eugene v. Debs presidential campaign for the purpose be nourished in an to know how many other students the of 1920. They will speak on the follow­ of discussing ed­ acedemic environ­ program will attract. ing topics: "Youth and the '72 Elections"; ucational prior­ ment. Reports were also presented showing "The Politics of Women's Liberation"; ities, most of that: On the wholet' (1) The 10:1 student-faculty ratio "Which Way for the Anti-War Movement: those present no real alternative Mass Action or Electoral Politics11 ; has not hurt education except in extreae seemed to be there to Lee Snyder's ''Black Nationalism in the l970's11 ; instances. (Gorfein, College Examiner) specifically to 11 working paper" "Crisis in Ecology"; and 11The Gay Lib­ prevent Dr. (2) Procedure for expediting eration Movement". were proposed, and prosecution of NC by faculty aembers was Snyder's proposal some people thought Maggi, Hieber, and Chlosta will lacking. (Gorfein, Faculty Statue from becoming there shouldn't be. be at New College February 14 to apeak Committee. policy. Doug Stinson with students and plan action in the Although the (3) Students are doing more work Sarasota area. Further information will discussion more or and getting more satisfacories under th< be posted on the doors at Hamilton Center. less espoused the contract system. This has the effect of ~~~ssssssssssSGSGSGSG~~~~~~~~~~~~~status quo, a num- increasing class size. This has lead the "SARASOTA BIKE trustees to suggest a "•ore balanced ..... OTIc E ber of students HEADQUARTERS" I~ spoke in favor of Freshman program" and/Dr the inclusion in the core program Sales - - Rentals the catalogue that an incollling student rigina asanalternative Complete Repair Service "may encounter some lecture courses. 11 0 I G rap h ic to an impossible There was also talk o! lilliting the num­ ideal and of re- ber of courses a student could take and A ,. t quiring students Within walking distance reorganization of tutorials. 1/2 mile north of New College on right hand side (4) The faculty_does not feel Off­ Exhibition & Sale! !:a~a~~ :o~::~ool Campus students take up auch of their Ph. 355-8989 time. In fact they compared it to the experience. 7000 North Trail { b f d amount of time it takes to negotiate and ) e . 11 ri ay of th~: :~:~!~. evaluate a contract. however, were sick One final report. Although the of people telling majo~ity of faculty aembers consider 11 am to 9 Pm them what was best Save bread and hassles Off-Campus Study a very Yaluable exper­ for them and were on your passport and ID ience, the majority of students rated photos Come to Hamil­ Ca m pus B0 0 k Sh 0 p against mandatory ton Center desk between On-Campus Study higher. Dou~ Stinson PRICES--$4.00 UP TO $5,000.00 programs. Most llA M and Noon, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 14 and LARGE SELECTION OF PRINTS seemed to feel that 15. Dave Andresin of Ro~ IN $4o00 to $20n00 RANGE if New College stu- Mo Photo will be on cam­ From--Roten Galleries, Baltimore, Md. dents were of the pus at that time to take your pictures. Three fine (This is a Repeat Visit type purported to passport photos for $a. 00 Feb. 3rd was a day of be admitted, the (reg. $3. SO). RAIN & TORNADOS present loose struc- ~~~~sSRso~w~e~r~e~sc~h~e~d~u~l~e~d~i~t~r~)~~~~~ss~ture was the beat. Editorials, Letters, Etc. 3 0 y I g~u~tdAoM th Hog Po rlor I Dear Editor, Beiore your last issue, I'd placed a :~: Small change and the s11all college ;~: t 0 good deal of confidence in Doug Murphy's ·:· It has occurred to ae that the Organ is slowl7 changing its character, just as ·:· ~~he college is slowly changing its character.
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