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The BG News May 3, 1972

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 3, 1972" (1972). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2720.

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By Patty Bailey senate could not arbitrarily adopt the the morning tomorrow, according to Staff Reporter proposal tor the entire faculty and Taliaferro stall Davis will be meeting with students Faculty Senate yesterday designated Individual faculty members may or on the green, in classrooms and in the May 4 as a "University moratorium in may not accept the policy since any pol- Union during the day and will hold a commemoration of the Kent State and icy the Senate adopts does not go into news conference in the Union at 6:30 Jackson State tragedies and in protest effect until 15 days alter it is acted p in of all destructive violence which is con- upon trary to the goals of our academic The Senate's decision is (inly an At 7 30 p.m Davis will address the community " official statement for the senate, not an student body in Anderson Arena of The resolution, proposed by the Stu- official policy of the University." Dr. Memorial Hall His speech will be part dent Body Organization iSBO). further Herman said. of a memorial service for the students stated that "the Faculty Senate of "The moratorium is not a strike.' who were killed at Kent and Jackson Bowling Green State University invites said Craig Taliaferro SBl) vice presi- Stale, and a protest of the Vietnam each faculty member, according to his dent He explained that by approving war or her own beliefs, to involve his or her the moratorium, the Senate is only Also speaking will be SusanGregory, classics i in a discussion pertaining to adopting a non-mandatory discussion of a staff member from Washington. the above events in order to facilitate a events during classlime. Taliaferro said one of the wounded stu- greater understanding of those He said slid is supporting the dents from Kent State may also be pre- events." national moratorium to be held tomor- sent A prayer or a moment of silence Moratorium Fatuity Senate yesterday designated May 4 a moratorium in commerotion of row will end ihe program •ha students killed at Kent State and Jackson State in 1970. HOWEVER. Dr. George Herman, University vice provost and parlia- RENNIK DAVIS. Seven Al .IIHIUI 10:30 p in a memorial mentarian for Faculty Senate, said the delendant. will be on campus early in march will form outside the building, move across campus to Founders yuadrangle. march down Wooster Street In Church Street, north on Church to Court Street and return on Court Street to the Administration Draft counselor assists registrants llldg On May 5 Davis may be available lor more small group discussion, depend- ing on Ins schedule. Taliaferro said. Editor's Note: The following is the conscientious objector" helping persons to go through the diffi- or have been released from their duty. the registrant applies for the classil ica second article in a three-fart series oa According to Miller, a man can claim cult process of making one of the most "The conscientious objector is asked lion the first chance he gets Friday afternoon , conscieatious objectors. The final arti- a conscientious objector status at his important decisions in their lives." said to do something that no one else in Miller said a person who applies for Socialist Worker's Party candidate for cle will be printed tomorrow. local draft board any time before he is Miller society is asked to do," said Miller the classification when he turns 1H is President, will speak in the Historical mailed an induction notice He compared the importance of a "He has to justify a decision in terms of probably more believable than one who Suite of the Union. By Jim Carey Once the claim is made, the ability ol draft decision to the importance of the deepest values that he has. It's not waits until later. Staff Reporter the individual to convince the draft selecting one's mate or occupation an easy thing to do for a person not "Boards are having trouble adjusting TALIAFERRO SAID Davis will not board that Ins claim is legitimate is the •i BELIEVE he (the registrant I experienced with the language." to the new definition ol a conscientious be speaking in the Grand Ballroom, If a person is really a conscientious (actor that will essentially determine should know all the alternatives avail- Miller stressed the importance of objector." he said because the Union Advisory Committee objector and exercises his rights, he whether or not he gets his classifica- able before he decides how he will language fluency when appearing Board members have usually has decided "political speakers of that probably won't end up hi prison, tion spend a couple years of his life." he before the draft board. believed that a conscientious objector nature" should not be permitted to according to Ross Miller, draft coun- The complex procedures leading to said. "A person who is not very articulate needed to apply because ol religious speak in the ballroom. selor at the United Christian Fellow- the appearance or appeals ol the regis According to Miller. 37.000 men are is not supposed to receive less convictions, according to Miller. "As far as responsibility for anything However, he said he sees a trend in ship i t'CF i Center trant are often too confusing lor the classified 1-0 (conscientious objector) consideration, he said. But in reality happening in Memorial Hall, neither Miller has been a dralt counselor for individual to cope with alone To deal and were available for alternative the articulate and well-educated person recent years that might ease the Slid myself, or OPAC (Ohio Peace three years, including two years at with these difficulties a potential CO civilian work as of last December has a better chance in accomplishing restrictions for a conscientious objec- Action Council) can be held responsible L'CF. and has become well acquainted often turns to a dralt counselor for He said another 29.000 men have been his goals, he said tor, because it was not us who scheduled the with Selective Service practices. assistance placed in 1-W and 4-W classifications, "APPLYING for a CO is not easy.' even) In that building We asked for the HOW DOES a registrant become a i see mv role as dralt counselor as which means they are presently doing he said, it is probably easiest when • to page 7 Grand Ballroom. "Taliaferrosaid Committee urges strike Hoover, 77, found dead The BG Strike Committee has issued community organizations agree with us "We cannot sit back, go to class and the following letter in response to the that a strike is the most constructive make contributions' while people with joint statement by University Presi- action we can take to end the war. as much right to live as we are bombed, in D.C. home dent Hollis A Moore Jr. and student "As originally intended by the Emer- strafed and murdered by foreign body president Jeff Sherman urging gency Nationwide Moratorium, the power. students to pledge money to a Bangla- national organization which called the If we are silent in a time when WASHINGTON lAPi-J Edgar desh relief fund as a memorial to the strike, the strike's main objectives are Hoover Ihe legendary head of the FBI four students killed at Kent: the following brothers and sisters are being thrown for 48 years, is dead at 77 "--Stop all bombing throughout Indo- in jail for their opposition to that aggression, we lower ourselves to the Death came to the bachelor Hoover ■The statements made by Hollis china; sometime Monday night or early Moore and Jeff Sherman, acting by "--Set a specific date for early with- level of good little Germans and. as yesterday morning at his home where consent of neither the University drawal of all American forces from such, share the guilt of the men who he lived with a housekeeper on the edge community nor Student Body Organiia Indochina: run our country A guilt that sending of Rock Creek Hark in the northwest tion. are not really worthy of an —End all American support and money to the people that our country tried to crush, a fashionably liberal section of this, his native city His body answer. economic aid for the Thieu govern- was fodnd by a maid at about 8:30 Their whole purpose was nothing ment cause, will never assuage. am on the Moor near his bed more than an attempt to blunt what- "A strike is the most constructive "Building a dynamic resistance His passing was announced "with ever antiwar sentiment is building on campaign the people of Bowling Green movement is the most constructive profound personal grief" by Richard G this campus can mount to show their disapproval of task facing us today. We are going to Kleindiensl. the acting attorney gen- "The only possible memorial that we the Nixon administration's escalation, build such a resistance here in Bowling eral can erect to the victims of Kent and of its imperialistic involvement in Green May 4 without Hollis Moore, Jackson is a continuation of their resis- Southeast Asia. without Jeff Sherman, and without the DR. JAMES L. Luke, coroner for the tance to the Indochina war. "We're also tired of symbolism and people who cannot see the horror our District of Columbia, attributed the "May 4 is not and never was rhetoric' the only alternative to government has unleashed against the Wli illiilibyMMwMlp death to hypertensive cardiovascular exclusively a memorial' for Jackson rhetoric being direct action Direct people of Indochina." disease, an ailment associated with and Kent. It is a day for an all-out effort action to end anncalculabledestructive Lee Knorak, member of the Wood County Board of high blood pressure. A heart attack to end the war in Indochina and express war is a most concrete show of per- THE LETTER was signed by Chip might have been the direct cause, he oar solidarity with the Indochiaese peo- sonal dedication to the cause of peace Mayhue. Michael Lenoff. Terry Sections, and Al Baldwin, Democratic committeaman, said He added that an autopsy was not ple and a fulfillment of our duty to the peo- Fowler. Calvin Stewart and Jim discuss voting returns. indicated because death was due to "Numerous liberal Congressmen and ples of Indochina and the world Vandenberg. natural causes. ■ago 2Ah* BO New.. Wed-ie^ey. May 3. 1972 opinion socialist party candidates

By EM Welfl Md DCM EMer ballot in as many as 40 states, including BOTH LIBERAL democrats have predetermined and aimed at continuing in memoriam pledged military aid to Israel and pledge the strategy of counter-revolution Gacst Staaeat Cetanalau Ohio. We ask you to remember the (our dead students from Kent The SWP campaign has the to militarily defend what they term around the world Neither McCarthy or endorsement and full support of the "American interests abroad." If you McGovern will alter that. State University tomorrow. Feminist Linda Jennets and black militant Andrew Pulley are conducting young Socialist Alliance (YSA) -who want to know what "American The success or failure of the SWP Four students who went to classes on an Ohio campus, similiar the most vigorous campaign waged by a consider that party the vanguard of the interests" means, address your campaign will not be measured in terms to ours, were killed at a noon rally two years ago. socialist party since Eugene Debs progressive American left. questions to ITT. of victory or defeat at the polls, although There was no reason for it. At that particular moment they did collected nearly a million voters for his Admittedly their campaign is an uphill Neither candidate has offered an a substantial improvement is inevitable not die for a said cause. The bullets could have hit anyone- jail cell in 1920 struggle. Far more than a battle for alternative to the NATO strategy of Rather, the campaign focuses around bystanders and participants-anyone. The reason Debs was campaigning political office, it is a struggle against deterrence by threats of terror and both building mass movements for peace, And yet. it comes as a shock to us that four students were from jail was because he bad been the dictatorship of ignorance which rules will maintain bases and military black liberation and women's liberation. presence in all countries in which the The most substantial progress in' killed that two students were killed at Jackson State...that arrested in Ohio for making an anti-war American politics. speech when it was unfashionable to be The government actively suppresses U.S. currently has bases The young America has traditionally been made by people are killed in the South and in our cities by men who are against wars. interest in non-capitalist parties and the socialists believe the Democratic Party, mass movement outside the party said to be protectors of law and order. Ohio hasn't changed much since them, educational systems treats socialism in the party of Frank Rizzo, Lester system. The SWP recognizes this and And there are people being killed today-once again by men who but the socialist movement has, a strictly negative light. However, the Maddox. and Richard supports these movements in word and are supposed to be protectors of freedom and law and order. They resulting in the founding of the Socialist electorate is not only in the dark about Daley, is beyond reform. deed may not be Americans or on American soil, but there are people Workers Party in 1938 Socialism. The Young Socialists spend The SWP is clearly the only alternative The liberal candidates merely pay lip being killed The SWP is not associated with any much of their time explaining to to the Capitalist Party. The essential service and beg women and blacks lo policies pursued by the U.S. government We ask that you think about this tomorrow. We ask that you not other left of center parties and has McCarthy and McGovern supporters stay within the system-give the serious differences with all of them. The basic facts about their candidates, of are not determined by the individual democrats just one more chance only boycott your classes-that is not enough. But what about your SWP has run presidential candidates in which they are not usually aware. personalities in office, but by the basic THE SWP DEMANDS that blacks be daily recreational activities and pleasures? every election since 1948 but has never Obviously, the SWP does not share the needs of the capitalist system with given full control of the black community If four students were killed on this campus, if babies were been allowed on the ballot in more than enthusiasm over the liberal candidates special attention to big business I see including the power over funds and plans slaughtered outside your window, if innocent people were being 19 states due to restrictive and of the Democratic Party. ITT). for construction and renovation and local gunned down before your eyes, we doubt you would be going to discriminatory laws. Pence, the U.S. finds it repeatedly education. class tomorrow or playing basketball or going downtown. None of them deviate from the necessary to support fascist military The SWP demands child care centers WHEN THEV DO get on the ballot, essential capitalist program of economic regimes and intervene in countries like and free abortion and medical care The sight would make you too sick to move or eat. And if you their votes are not always tallied This imperialism, militarism and suppression Cuba, the Dominican Rep . the Congo. Black Socialist Andrew Pulley and the think about it long enough, the mere thought of needless murder year Jenness and Pulley are going to of popular liberation struggles around Korea, Lebanon, but not South Africa. young socialists support the creation of should have the same effect The same sickening feeling that court and expect to be on the November the world. The foreign policy of the capitalist is independent black political party and would make you wanl to do more than strike from class-more Pulley recently attended the convention than go home for a few days "free" from classes in Gary. Indiana. We support more than a strike against classes. Cutting class is is a nationally recognized spokeswoman for the a common occurence Kverybody does it. But not everybody liberation movement and has a well boycotts a meal or a snack at the Union or a drink downtown or a developed platform on women's game of tennis liberation. Ms Jenness hopes to be If it seems too silly to boycott and commemorate needless available to speak at BG before the murder because its effect will have little outcome on the war, November election. then go ahead and carry out your normal routine of activities The socialist workers are committed tomorrow. Go ahead and let faculty, administrators, staff, to ending the capitalist system of legislators. American citizens and our president think we have militarism and inequality-a system which degrades human dignity, warps ended our opposition to the war and are no longer sympathetic to cultural values and prevents masses of> the students killed on our campuses people from controlling the institutions But think, just think of what you will be doing tomorrow if which govern their lives. Bowling Green State University studenls were killed on our inner Don't waste your first vote. Join the campus. young socialists for Jenness and Pulley It is a pity that death affects only when it is near. Other times and make a committment to ending racism, sexism, militarism and we just pass it off. go to class, have an ice cream cone and go to capitalism. Find out about the socialist bed. alternative. Friday. November S. black socialist , Andrew Pulley will speak to students in the Historical Suite of the Union, unless parent role a public microphone is made available out of doors. The student body is invited to Attend. A special invitation is University administrators are fond of saying they have extended to the black community abandoned the old attitude of in loco parentis. No longer will the rmtim»t The SWP supports the strike on May 4 ws?&* rV^§ and 5 and encourages students to University try to act in behalf of the student's parents, they say. 'YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE ED MUSKIE TO KICK AROUND ANY MORE! The student is old enough to take care of himself. reaffirm their anti-war sentiments If this is true, we'd like to know why the University has suddenly assumed the role of the self-righteous parent in the case of the young woman forced to move out of her dormitory because Lerrers she was pregnant According to Kayetta Paulsen, acting dean of students, it is an unwritten policy al this University that pregnant women be required to move out of their dormitories Various administrators have attempted lo justify the policy by offering vague excuses about the difficulty of maintaining a prison system in america pregnant woman's good health if she remains in a dormitory. However, we believe the health ot the woman is not the only reason for the unwritten policy We believe the University is Living in prison is living in hell. characteristic of the conditions in most us who haven't experienced it. exist in them And in the meantime, we falling back on the old in loco parentis attitude to make a moral Physical abuse by guards and brutal American prisons. Most of us have, during our lives, done must let the women and men in the judgment on the personal behavior of its students. sexual assaults are frequent. Dirty, The mental torture of being segregated something for which we could have been prisons know that people do care about The result of that judgment is banishment from the dormitory- overcrowded cells, inadequate medical from the outside world and treated like imprisoned; prison inmates are not a them -banishment for a woman, who can't hide her condition, but not care and unsanitary food are an animal is unimaginable for those of bunch of mad beasts, they are our sisters Most inmates' only contacts outside and brothers. the walls are through mail, and too mam for the lather of her child The American way is to put poor of them do not get any mail Assurance Pregnancy is a personal mailer. How a woman-married or people in prison; they have been forced that somebody cares, even just to send a unmarried chooses to handle thai pregnancy is also a personal to "crime" to exist economically. Also little note describing the spring flowers matter. ridiculous requests people are imprisoned for political or telling of last weekend's activities, It is not a situation in which the University should suddenly step offenses-refusing to kill in a senseless will help to break the loneliness in like an all-powerful god and tell the student what she should do war or letting someone enjoy life a little You can give someone hope that there more by giving him a harmless drug about her unborn child Students wonder why society never ROTC issue was so simple, it would not are people out here who care about his or Absurd laws have put many fine people her welfare. Let them know what's Derek Dickinson, assistant dean of students, promised listens to them I did until I read the have remained an issue for so long April 27 BG News which listed student The request for the University behind bars happening so that they can still be a part Thursday to launch a full investigation into the case of the woman of humanity, contrary to what they anj most recently expelled from her dormitory requests to the University president, president to end racism and sexism on including making a statement saying the campus is the most comical and HOPEFULLY SOMEDAY prisons as supposed to believe in prison It could be, We demand that the University lulfill that promise-soon. U.S. should end the now. unrealistic idea I have ever heard. they are today in this country-archaic you in there ending military recruitments on campus, 1 can almost imagine the president and certainly not conducive to ending all operations and drills by the declaring that "Henceforth, all students rehabilitation-will be abolished. Judi Levin military on campus, and ending all displaying any trace of sex or race will First, however, people must be made 904 Offenhauer B sexism and racism on campus be arrested." Racism and sexism must aware of the horrible conditions which me BG news First, demonstrators have no right to be faced and eliminated within the mind try to force their views on anyone, of each individual. There is no way any An Independent Student Voice including the University president single person can solve the problem alone. I was amazed at the ridiculous Editorial Staff SECONDLY, ROTC has as much right to be here as the demonstrators, if requests being made by supposedly hit and run not more. The "power lo the people" educated people. They were editot kathleon m. ftaie group seems to have a very limited unreasonable and impossible managing editor domon v beck definition of "the people." Besides, if the suggestions No wonder society tries to assistant managing editor... harold a. brown ignore studenls editorial editor cynthta a. suopis You've no doubt heard the lighlhearted crawling by. observing but not stopping Dave Steen & Larry Przybyla makeup editor katherine I. hatton statement "When I came to BG I learned to help. listing error 260 Kohl Hall what apathy meant Now I don't care." iporti editor jack n. carle IN THE FIRST place it is beyond us chief photographer keith h. meiser While this doesn't apply to all people at how anyone could hit and seriously injure copy editor lita m. boulanger This is just to correct an error Bowling Green there are many who are someone, then just leave. In the second let's hear from you apathetic about political and social entertainment editor gale e. bogle committed by the program of the place it is beyond us how people could t I International Week listing "An The BG News welcomes all letters to aspects of life outside the University. just drive by. look, and not even offer the Experiment in Shakespeare" as an the editor and opinion columns Letters Worse, however, is that there are minimal assistance to someone who i< original play by me, and reported in The may comment on any other letter, apparently some people at BG that don't down Business Staff BG News April 20. column or editorial give a damn about other people Of course this may not even apply to a It is not an "original play"; it may Letters should be a maximum ol 300 business monager ' phrlip o. slkkney majority of students at BG proved by the probably be classified better as an words, typewritten We ask that A PRIME EXAMPLE of this occured fact that three students did indeed help advertising manager vaughn e. rockhold experiment in Shakespeare, where I columns be no more than four typed April 8 close to 1 am On Mercer Road this person but we think it is high time have taken scenes from Shakespeare and pages triple-spaced behind Darrow Hall a student had been that all attending this University i hit by a car (hit and run I and was lying in Editorial ond Business Offices 106 University Hall just experimented or put in experimental The News maintains the right to edit examine themselves and start showing aj touches to them, in this case, an all submissions that exceed these the mud by the side of the road crying for Sone 372.2003 little basic concern for others who I International approach. limits, with respect to the laws of libel help need help. »>>• •». ■««-. - r» ' *-rf*T. t—m% »*•• '•««*-■ •"••al rNi •nri«M*« *a*h 4 Shakespeare will turn in his grave if he and proper taste fAtaHMVIW - - ■ *• '^J, »• -k, K.M.iif.i* U-.*»*. (I le«ti«|OiN* kMU At the best conservative estimate he M| reads that his scenes have become an Letters and columns must include the Mark Hurt Of—. ..•.—*- "original play" by someone else. author's name address and phone layed there for 20 minutes until finally ■>'■ ■'■ * •»• «»■■■■» »4m» SO »»■«» h>.««^iK.HN.MlrfH,Alw Darrow came out lo help. Edmundo Farolan Editor, co The BG News, lot Universilv Hall As they came out the exit in Darrow JeffHoon World Students' Association these students noticed several cars 425Compton AAcGovern takes Bowling Green

In the county, in delegate By Harold Browi were extremely pleased with ol Representatives. Charles outside of Wood County Irom at-large balloting. Paul Oilman of Tillin Samples officials had warned of Aift. Managing Editor voter turnout in the county F Kurfess won which results were not' McGovern had 2.428 votes in held ,i commanding lead in Brough and Scott will lace major cutbacks in health and cited several examples renormnation to defend his available Republican Sen George McGovern of 1.886 lor Sen Hubert H. Wood County over Howard Democrats Franklin of large increases in the seat in the November committeemen believed his programs and services if the Humphrey. 495 for Sen. Knight for the Republican Radeloll and John G Ault in South Dakota held a Democratic vote in several general election. He margin in Wood County was additional funds were not Edmund S Muskie. 237 votes nomination tor State Senator November Radeloff and commanding lead early this precincts, especially in and deleated challenger Clyde enough to ensure victory approved morning in at-large delegate lor Sen Henry M. Jackson of around Bowling Green Brooks in Wood County 3.726 Irom the 83rd district Aull ran unopposed in the Democrat primary balloting in the Democratic Washington and 148 for tol.528 Gilmore tallied 3.845 voles to Fifth District In the hotly contested race presidential primary in Eugene J McCarthy. Eighty In balloting for the Fifth His district includes areas 1.900 lor Knight, with two- Congressman Delbert I.atta Bowling Green of 122 precincts had Congressional Democratic for the Republican thirds ol the polling places in ran unopposed for re- At 1:30 a.m only two ol 19 reported presidential delegates in nomination lor Wood County the county reporting The Wood County Health nomination and tallied 5.695 precincts had not reported, Wood County. McGovern Sheriff, Chief Deputy Department 5 mill complimentary votes He with Sen McGovern as the In Bowling Green. also held the edge with 2.275 Raymond Coller appeared to Charles Brough and operating levy was tailing will lace Or Bruce Edwards winner in all 17 reported McGovern had 1.061 votes. votes to 1.639 lor Humphrey The News will carry com- have won the nomination George Scott appeared to be with 6.081 nu votes to 5.599 in November, who ran precincts Humphrey 351. Muskie 83. plete election returns in With 80 of 122 precincts the winners in Republican yes votes Most of the unopposed on the tomorrow's issue, including reporting he had 2.632 votes missing precincts were in The missing precincts Jackson 46 and McCarthy 48 Muskie was third with 471 balloting lor County Democratic ticket and returns Irom the Cleveland rural areas where Ihe levy were 1-C. which contains the Complete unofficial returns votes. Jackson fourth with Commissioner Brough held gathered 3,437 area. to 1.722 votes for Royce was not receiving University and 1-A which is are expected by noon today 230 voles and McCarthy filth a 700-vote lead over John complimentary votes Those Beaverson and 1,587 votes Bigelow and Scott held a substantial support located in the northeast with 154 votes. totals include only Wood for Bruce C Pratt Jr Health Department portion ot the city Democratic party officials Speaker of the Ohio House 2,500 margin over Gary County Primary concerns

Tr» SO N.wi W.dn.tdoy May 3 1972 Pag* 3

Common Cause action attacks copy cost hike

WASHINGTON I AIM said the increase ordered raise in copying costs." newt»w is enforced. If those Common Cause announced April 26 by Chairman Wayne Gardner said: officially responsible for its yesterday it has filed suit to I'ayes i D-Ohioiof the Pouse "We are also preparing a enforcement fail to act. we block an increase from 10 Administration Committee number of complaints to be will go to court to seek cents to $1 a page charged by is "a truly cynical and filed with clerk of the Pouse compliance " the Pouse (' lerk f or copies of shocking step regarding those candidates GARDNER NOTED the Tally , Citiions .xamin. tally sheets at the Wood County Board of Sections. At of 2 • reports made under the new who have failed to file federal campaign financing ANNOUNCING the filing disclosure reports as duplicating fees charged by SnGGl o.m.thk morning; McGovern hold a commanding lead in Bowling Green. law. of the Common Cause suit required the secretary of the Senate John Gardner, chairman in US District Court here "We intend to take every and the comptroller general, of the crusader organization. "attacking the outrageous possible step to see that the the other two supervisory officers named in the law. remains at 10 cents a page "Hayes move." Gardner said, "was a direct-and Runners-up had looked to Ohio for support effective-move to nullify the act. as far as Ihe Pouse is concerned, by preventing • from page 1 votes for his delegates. withdrawal Irom the complete that lineup. staged a late surge there York on primary day to McGovern told a news public access lo the McCarthy had a full at-large primary competition. That. Muskie said in alter his triumphs in receive the endorsement ol conference he thought Sen. information Neither There was no presidential delegate slate.too In the original Muskie ending his active campaign, Wisconsin and Howard Samuels, president F.dward M Kennedy of Common Cause nor any prelerence poll in Ohio. Indiana s primary was a game plan. May 2 was was a mistake because it Massachusetts. ol the New York City Off- Massachusetts might other citizens' organization Ironically, this was a state presidential preference poll, circled on the primary required maximum eftorl The South Dakota senator Track Betting Corp.. who eventually endorse him But can pay the exorbitant fee of in which Muskie once had binding the 76-vote calendar as the day the and expenditure in every concentrated his efforts on sought Ihe Democratic he said Kennedy has his $1 a page The clerk of Ihe hoped to virtually clinch the delegation on the lirst ballot senator Irom Maine hoped to primary with a maximum the working class vote, gubernatorial nomination own timetable." Pouse has estimated thai as nomination Instead. Muskie at the national convention take clear command lor the impact in none." striving lor a showing to two years ago Gilligan. who had many as one million pages quit the primary campaign nomination. Muskie began prove he could command the endorsed Muskie. said on may be filed in Ihe Pouse last Thursday, while HE SAID he made the MUSKIE was on the ballot his campaign by announcing HUMPHREY moved to support of people vital to the primary day that he was this year remaining a candidate High! from Cleveland there, too. but he quit the he would enter each ol the Ohio alter scoring his first Democrats in any general because election day is the absolutely neutral." but Jackson spent nearly three "WE ARE TOLD the Indiana campaign even first eight presidential primary victory in industrial election day when the onlv thing a still believed the Maine weeks stumping Ohio tor Chairman Wayne Hayes and belore announcing his primaries, and Ohio was to Pennsylvania: McGovern McGovern Hew to New senator would be the candidate can do is pray. others are preparing an strongest Democratic amendment to change filing candidate against President deadlines Another Nixon amendment being It was quiet last night at the board... HUMPHREY and considered is to drop the McGovern both pressed requirement that the economic issues in the Ohio By Scott Scredon occupation of campaign Humphrey. McGovern HOWEVER, the levy was Edwards said he thinks precinct in the city-at least congressman in the 5th campaign. Tax relorm. and Staff Reporter contributers be listed, thus captured 80 votes to losing by about 500 voles McGovern s betting old twice as large as any other District, had 628 votes But demands lor an end to the making it harder for citizens It was probably because ol Humphrey's 30 in precinct 2- with 80 ol the precincts politics won't work" as a city precinct only 594 people had voted. war in South Vietnam were and journalists lo establish a lack ol McGovern D iWinthrop South and counted. basis lor the Democratic All ballots in Wood County A bit after midnight. Dr. Iheir other campaign Ihe identity of listed donors supporters in attendance Greenview Apts. I and Dr. Bruce Edwards, presidnetial nomination are counted by hand and not Dennis Anderson, assistant staples. that the Wood County Board precinct 2-E had professor of economics and Larry Snavley, a graduate by voting machines. professor of political science Jackson concentrated his "If Ihe law is opened up ol Elections remained McGovern's margin over unopposed candidate for 5th student in sociology at the COMICAL incidents were and an avid Eugene campaign on southern Ohio, for reconsideration it may- relatively quiet during last Humphrey 120-31. District Congressman on the University and candidate lor not lacking as the night McCarthy backer, said he charging that McGovern is be destroyed altogether." nights posting ol state, The proposed levy lo Democratic Ballot, said precinct 1-C committeeman. progressed. figured his candidate had 2.7 part ol the new left wing of Gardner said. The plain county and city elections increase operation expenses earlier in the night he was was still waiting for the After the first 10 precincts per cent of the county vole. our party." and that truth is that many- results. lor the Wood County Health watching what McGovern's results ol that race at 1:30 were counted. Delbert "That's about two and a Humphrey was not defining congressmen just don't want the public to know where Alter 80 ol Wood County's Department also received doing.' to see if he could use this morning. Latta. running unopposed on half per cent better than 1 his positions clearly because they get their campaign 122 precincts were counted heavy support from these any ol McGovern's tactics Precinct 1-C. which holds thought we'd do." he said he "wants to be all things to the Republican ballot for money." last night. George precincts. next November the University, is the biggest all men. McGovern totaled 600 more voles than Hubert Confused...but aware Humphrey, his closest competitor And with 17 ol Bowling Green s 19 precincts reported. McGovern had Student voters turn out won all 17. many ol them by margins ol 4 to 1 and 3 to 1 By Denny Law predominantly Republican." Frinzi said. TOWNSPEOPLE came in "The students have voted Democratic and and out ol the Board ot When the longhair walked in. the elderly- outnumber the town vote by about 100." Elections. 500 Lehman Ave.. women working at the tables turned their This is the first year males have worked the most ol the night, conversing heads as if on cue. and looked at his jeans and day board at the Ridge Street School polls, where on-campus students voted with Inends and local bare feet. Both Frinzi and Bob Delgado. sophomore politicinas. Realizing they were staring at him. he I B.A.I, said working at the polls has been a But there were no whoops sidled up to the nearest table and asked, ah beneficial experience, allowing them to see nad hollers as McGovern where am I supposed logo?" how the election system works. took an earlv lead in district After he was referred to another table, he Sandra Aspacher. a three-year worker at delegates and held it through signed his name, received his ballot and took the polls, said she is glad to see the young the night. refuge behind the curtain of the voting booth people turning out to vote. Ol the 17 precincts that "Sometimes I think the younger voters are ,„, reported McGovern Despite a few icy stares from some of the more aware of what they're voting for." she victories in Bowling Green, older women, the student turnout, as of 2 p.m. said. "They seem to know about the man they three of the biggest margins yesterday, was larger than the town turnout, are voting for and where he stands of victory came Irom off- accordingto Matt Frinzi. sophomore i Ed. I. campus areas including one of the poll workers. Ms. Aspacher said working at the polls apartments housing This is the first election since one-local involves a 12 or 13-hour day. Poll University students. students were granted the right lo vote in "We've been here since six this morning, MoMMnii, sophomore (Ed.), helped out yesterday at the Ridge Street School Precinct 2-C had 92 votes Wood County and I won't be able to leave until we've WOrK9r polling place. for McGovern and 16 lor 'The townspeople have voted accounted for all theballots." she said ; P—» 4/Ttw BO N»w». Wtodnwday, May 3, 1971 ON MARCH 31,1972 GREAT SCOT— ffltrr* THrifly Shopping /■ A Pl—*ur+ Great Scot LOWERED BEEF PRICES Great Scot set a 45 day ceiling on all meat retails and this means savings for youl Over 30 meat prices were lowered. Check & Compare) Great Scot has brought you guaranteed lowest total food cost since IMS.





FANCY SU6ARL0AF FIRM, CRISP PINEAPPLE LETTUCE T 3/1 HEAD SPECIAL OFFER! *f fet How to set your hair ffl ffl \\ ith ( hiquita Bananas. WBF PRICES GOOD WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS See the Chiquila display THRU MAY «, IWJ rr in our produce dept GreatScot GUARANTEED LOWEST TOTAL FOOD COST..JSINCE196$ Th. BG Newi, W.dn.iday May 3, 1 97? 'Paaa S Review

Chuck Berry -ha/I rock and roll

By Gale Bogle rehearsal with Bern and he jilterbugging. making waiting to be tamed to the end of his act. th> Entertainment Editor also refused to discuss what snakes and running through sometimes leading it and crowd managed to rock and Mums he would be playing in the people on the floor, sometimes letting it lead roll up on the stage with hOii The song said. "Hail, hail ins set with them before the jumping up and down or at him across the stage and finally the show had Jo rock and roll' and the crowd concert the least standing and IV really gut the crowd be stopped to clear the stage did as Chuck Berry The drummer and bass clapping with the music going on My so he could continue performed for almost two player were from the same explaining that the song is hours here Monday night. group in Toledo, and the BERRY FED the crowd a about togetherness If it But even in the midst 1*1 organ player wai from steady diet of what the} weren't For togetherness. I the mob that surrounded him The concert opened with another group in Columbus wanted to hear, his own hits wouldn't be here Bet i \ kept on playing with a ' Baddog. a local band who Individually, they might 'Roll Over Beethoven." sound that made the beams told the audience. We're a have been competent Sweet Little Sixteen." and WITH THE GIRLS sing mg vibrate boogie band, so if you want musician! but they couldn't Johnny B Qoode." one part ol the song and the i to stand up. do it. and the seem to get with Rei i \ - returned Memorial Hall I" gins answei mg them BetT) Chuck Berry was a trjp crowd did music al all the days of American said. "When 1 lean over this back in time to the days But there was one Rock and roll isn't a Handstand way I want you to come in when rock and roll hadn't problem Baddog seemed to The music was crass and it passive experience and the real strong with your ding-a- become "folked" 4r be having trouble crowd was in motion almost was loud Berry goes down ling hardened" or acidified; maintaining the steady beat a- much as Berry himself on his music, playing his By the time Berry made it and because it hadn't. H w»s which is essential for rock There were kids guitar like it is a wild animal to ' Johnnv B Goode." close fun So was Chuck Berry. ; and roll

I mean. Id be bouncing along with the music and all of a sudden the beat would get lost and I'd remain suspended in the air until it came back to bring me down With rock and roll, you should be able to just keep bouncing steadily forever. CHUCK BERRY was W'fflfidk something else entirely I'is set started off slowly as he Rock tried to get the musicians and equipment together and Chuck Barry had concert-goers literally "rolling in the aisles." WI8& n warm them up for the real Members of the audience climbed on stage neor the end of the music w$& "■g|: roll performance. aKij&B>-V"*M Kfl There were three musicians playing with Berry, but their sound was \m Gilbert and Sullivan almost lost in the thunder of ■■■■■T w • lniHHHW 3f-fl Berry's guitar And even WMidi when Berry wasn't playing Newsahete by Oene 1. Puseer the sound system was in songs and prose adjusted to leave no doubts Guitarist Rockin' and rollin' Chuck Berry coaxe s his hit numbers of "Roll Over Beethoven" about who was the star of the and "Johnnie B. Goode" from his guitar. show. "An Evening with Gilbert of six actor-singers, a fellow in theater This back-up group had no and Sullivan will be narrator and a pianist presented Friday and Saturday at 9 p in in the The program, sponsored Chamber Orchestra to feature Carnation Room. Union. by Theater Unbound, is free and open to the public Act I of the presentation is composed of dialogue and The cast includes Chris music competition winners song from the opera "The Matesich. senior IA&S). Pirates ol Penzancc. Music Lou Phillips, sophomore and song will be integrated Three winners of the professional level in several Hlogger. Mutations." ijy iMus Ed. I. Linda Marshall, with dialogue and action to School ol Music competition areas including technique, Dennis Dieterich. junipr graduate student in music. form a kind of modified will be featured at the tone and memorization iMus Ed i; and Concerto David Hamilton, junior Chamber Orchestra concert Winners receive a cash in B Mat Minor. Opus 23. first Reader s Theater i Ed. i. Scott Stoney. junior tonight at 8 15 in the Grand award and the overall movement.'' b,y (Ed. l. and Mike Sartor, Ballroom. Union winner of the competition Tchaikovsky, leaturing John Act II consists nt a sophomore lEd ). receives the Stephen Beattie H Smith senior I Mus Ed.) selection ol songs from other The School of Music has award of jloo The Chamber Orchestra is Gilbert and Sullivan works Dennis Kratzer. graduate held competition lor the last conducted by Emil Raab. including I1 MS student in music, is the five years in piano, The program includes director of orchestral Pinafore." The accompanist and Ron woodwind, brass, voice, "Secret of Suzanne studies and the assistant Gondaliers. The Mikado Vigneault. graduate student strings and composition Overture." by Wolf-Farrari; conductor is Richard and "The Yeoman of the in speech, is the narrator. categories Winners "Concert for Oboe." by ( tot fan. instructor of Guard participate in preliminary Mozart featuring Peter performance studies. The production is directed and final competition. Ferris, senior iMus. Ed i. The concert is Iree and The company is made up by Tom Lyttle. teaching Rehearsal for "An Evening with Gilbert and Sullivan." They are judged on a "Dance Rhythms."' by open to the public ••/TIMMMMM, -, AWy », 1*71




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<• Th. M New*, W«ineidoy, May 3, 1 *T>/f^ 1 Calls for an end to war SBO to petition Nixon

The Student Body undersigned members ol the conclude petition circulation supporting the following Organization iSBOi began University community. shortly after May 4 circulating petitions this changes in ROTC respectfully petition to Mr I. The President's Review, morning to be sent to Nixon to end the ground, air THE PETITION will then President Nixon and Ohio all military parades and all and sea war in Indochina be submitted to University drills with weapons or Sens William Saxbe and immediately "*,'. '• , President Dr Hollis A reasonable facilities Robert T.itt calling lor an Craig T&iferro, . SBO Moore Jr. President Nixon. be discontinued. ™ immediate end to the war in vice presidjit v>aid SBO Sai*e and Taft J ROTC remain on our Indochina members - WU . be •,At a steering committee campus. The petition reads "We. canvassing life caTrflfts with meeting Monday. SBO 3 Courses taught by the SBO. and the the petition I'e hopes to adopted a statement ROTC that can be better offered within our academic community be offered there 'This is the first time SBO has said anything about the way we feel.'' said Taliaferro A BANGLADESH campaign will be initiated May 4 as part of memorial observances for the students killed at Kent two years ago "Rather than turn away from the strike, we are bringing the two together."' Taliaferro said The campaign will run to Bridge South Vietnameie cross the river at Go Dau Ha by tampan the end of the quarter and may be resumed next fall if out after Viet Cong sappers blew out a span bridge Monday, 35 there is a need, said miles northwest of Saigon. Taliaferro City tables Conneaut proposal

City council tabled for fur- protest the proposed Safety Service Director traffic lights will be retimed -authorize an eight-inch ther study Monday night an improvement Wesley K I'ollman said the as recommended by the trai water line on High Street ordinance calling for road "We know Conneaut city hopes to gel Us street fie commission between Napoleon Road and improvements on Conneaut Avenue may well be the repair started Tuesday on In legislative action the Eighth Street. Avenue worst road in the city." said Seventh. Eight and 1'igh council adopted ordinances -authorize a six-inch The complaint was regis- Gordon. "We also know of streets that would walerline on Filth Street tered by James H Cordon. the incessant pounding the I'offman also reported In --establish sanitary between Manvllle Avenue 1446 Conneaut Ave street has received stems council thai Ihe downtown sewers on Conneaut Avenue. ands College Drive Gordon also presented a from trucks involved in the Darrow Residents of Darrow Hall, (he University's first coed dormitory, petition signed by over 60 per construction of Belleville protest are protesting a proposal to give Clutter College students firtt cent of the persons residing Acres and not from the priority in the coed retidence hall. on Conneaut Avenue small number of Conneaut Moral, ethical training between Mitchell and'i. residents between Winter Wintergarden Roads who"' garden and Mitchell Roads /' "WE ALSO know that the may be grounds for CO city has never provided any maintenance ol Conneaut • from page I case, which stated more explicitly that a per- ACLU files Guard suit other than pot hole cold son could foe a CO by reason ol moral and ethi- patch In other words, we The old definition ol a conscientious objec- cal training as well "I bv reason of religious are faced with paying for tor permitted granting the classification to training COLUMBUS iAPI • Ho n son Wolrrlan parents of Ms Scheuer. was decision by a US Appeals nearly II years of neglect members of a peace church, like the Menno In addition Miller said he thinks the Attorneys lor the American executive director of the to ask for wrongful death court after it was dismissed from city administrations." nites or the Quakers, he said Supreme Court will back a conscientious l'i\il Liberties I'nion Ohm At II said the sun damages of (1 million plus by a U.S. District Court. Gordon continued Miller said now almost every major reli- objector who reluses to answer draft board In yesterday's suit, said I ACLU l ol Ohm yesterday would be filed in U S unspecified amounts in Gordon also said it is gious body has recognized the validity of questions that deal in hypothetical situations tiled a suit against £• Ohio District Court in Cleveland punitive il.iin.iges, Vkolm'.iii Wolnun, the guardsmen are unfair that "37 families conw■icht.ioOs objector lljatemenbj. that National Guardsmen in on behall ol Sandra Scheuer said to be charged with "acting in should pay lor whal may recognition'might affect the'Selective Ser- HE SAID queslions such as. "If your grand- connection with the 1970 Ol Youngstown one of the THE 29 guardsmen as well concert and under color of ultimately be used by 600 vices reexaminationof its policies, he said mother were attacked in your presence, how killing nl lour students "ii lour students killed during .is seven other defendants law. intentionally, wreck- families We would hope thai Miller referred to the Seeger case in 19M would you respond'" are not really fair ques- the Kent Stale Universit) an antiwar demonstration on had been named previously lessly and wantonly shot city council would set up the and the Welch case in the summer of 1970 to tions in actions filed bv the ACLU guns, in Ihe direction of per- campus, a spokesman for campus in May 1970 machinery to establish an illustrate this trend. , .N j Yet Miller admitted thai his views often theACLl' said The sun on behall ol the That action is awaiting a sons on KSU's main campus equitable assessment policy ACCORDING TO Miller, the Seeger case differ with ihe Selpi live Service processes. without legal justification.'' so that all benefiting prop stated that a person could be a valid CO if his "As I see l< i. individual finds it deeply Gen. Westmoreland cited erty owners may participate view of life was as important as his belief in offends Ins -I lo participate in a war The suit will note, said in the financing " God right now ,. ilul At this time the Wolman. that even if the Council later tabled the l.'e said the Seeger case led to the Welch . law does lie - ail guardsmen were ordered to ordinance at the request of shoot "such orders were Councilman Bruce Bellard. Quire Pd/zibly Col ley's lawyers appeal patently unlawful and did not chairman of the streets and legally justify shooting at alleys committee. Ihe students." the MO/T UNU/UAL FILM of me. £AR! The suit was also to name WASHINGTON IAPI - An panel to life in prison but the responsibility for My Lai as 'Brand X' film appeal lor l.t William I. sentence was reduced in a result of the Yamashita a former Kent State official (allev .li claims that only review to 20 years, case after World War II "who knowingly caused Ohio "A refreshingly National Guardsmen to to be shown the rankest form of victOI - THE APPEAL claims when that Japanese different love story." hypocrisy and command there were 31 errors in the commander was convicted disperse a lawful, constitutionally-protected control has prevented Gen lour and one-half month trial lor misdeeds by The movie "Brand X" will Walter E. Orthwein be shown in 201 l.'ayes Pall William Westmoreland [ram and asks that the verdict and subordinates assembly, thereby contribut- St. Louis Globe-Democrat being tried in connection the sentence be set aside and The Army has 30 days to ing the deaths."' Wolman today through Saturday at 7 with the My Lai massacre charges dismissed said and 9 p.m. answer the Caliey appeal The action was brought The charge was contained Caliey is under house but in such case, extensions Donation is $1 and the in a 461-page brief filed by arrest at Ft Bennmg.Ga under the federal civil rights movie is sponsored by are given freely statutes. Wolman said ('alley's lawyers in the Court Westmoreland was Middle Class Youth. nl Military Appeals charged with dereliction of Caliey was convicted duly on Sept 9. 1970 March 29 lasi year ol the apparently because he was murder ol al least 22 in overall command of civilians in the South American forces in South Vietnamese hamlet during a Vietnam at the time of Mv March 1968 infantry assault Lai ('alley was sentenced by a The appeal said six-officer court-martial Westmoreland had

THE UPPER ROOM COFFEE HOUSE PRESENTS FOLK & COUNTRY SINGERS SANDY STARK & JOE PACK FRIDAY, MAY 5 - 9 p.m.-l a.m. 243 N. MAIN ST. BOWLING GREEN CUFF RICHARD .ANN HOLLOWAY ...BiiirGRAHAM UAO EMTMJUtOOMIl Euchre Tournament No Student Night or Passes This Showing This is Group Rates Available— Call 352-0175 May 3. 7-10 P.M. 25c person Sorr?eth7ir?g Oiffeper-jt STARTS Ohio Suite — Union Bring a partner TODAY! 945 South Main Street HBOBET! Bowling Green.Ohio Trophies will be awarded at 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. THBATRf ^,.1/Th.lON.wi. *•*-•*•». M«y 3. I»" i 2 3 i ' 0 It 17 13 6 ' DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 14 \ l« i.nri "2 Gen I Fra'ti'f Corp " 'Manassas' reviewed 17 ■16 '♦ ACROSS 43 Debbie —, 1J Say to. TO ■V' P'1 I Army women', artreaa. I Eipou.ea. by Bill Wyman and fiddler be the coming trend in the steel guitar and Berime B> l.arry Epke , np. 45 Diatreaa. II Receptacle of a a 74 1 ?5 albums The first side is ro Byron Berime gets his opportunity to show 5 5«am. 46 Leprechaun. flower. Manassas is the name of jl would seem unlikely called "The Raven la his mastery of the CfcW fidd- 9 Hal material. 47 Small branchei. 22 Did nothine. n 77 '■ ■I » 31 37 33 Stephen Stills' new band and that such people could make suite)." Apparently Stills ling style. This side is prob- 14 Help 4° Tell to aomeone 24 What omega : 2 34 a dull album Surprisingly, thinks a suite consists of a ably the best of the album, 15 Aecoiately «'« „ ■?«•"• "»"••• H ■ the new album the band has formed. S2 Baae. 26 Tooth. series of songs played with- but only for those who enjoy recorded that is just what happened on 16 Beaeech 56 Certain dancei. 27 Hold dear. 37 The group includes such this double record set out breaks between them large doses of this kind of 17 Uncomfortable: » — "lea: J «■ Spaciou.. Each side has its own The songs don't have much music. j w„i,. wordi. 30 Far. 40 ■ ■ people as Chris I' and H • concept' which seems to in common, except possibly "CONSIDER," the third 19 Flowed out 5» Raiaed on end. II Rope loop. Dallas Tavlor. assisted here Jowly 60 Currency of 32 Ol a certain a general feeling of depres- side, consists of a series of 43 u 20 lie.... Ih,',,,ni „ %"" „ sion depressing songs with some |71cEARHINGsT I 71c EARRINGS 21 Buttercup. •>' bailie: roe.. " ••=•, - <• 48 THE SIDE DOES show the minor social import. The 23 Turn or Iwi.l. 62 Operatic heroine. 35 OinVoll — £ I Al ni»«.«« ,,[ 3ft V. r •* rv I major weaknesses of the vocal harmonies sound ingl ike 60 ■51 ■ H 53 54 55 26 Rove in nue.t of heavy hydroien. 39 Thick clump, ol album First. Stills is much Crosby. Stills, Nash & Young booty. 64 Di.iner. ^ |r.M. ^ l " more brilliant lhan the songs are quite obvious here, as M | 57 56 show. Second, although well as on other spots. Stills' " Bouquet. DOWN « Act"..'." Haaao. '"•■» s.-* 60 3000 Earrings! there are enough people vocals on this side are 35 A» man. 1 Homelc child. 44 A.l.tir 59 36 Suffix in 2 Skilled. 45 H.lh and playing, the music doesn't among the best he delivers ' 1 V, chemLlry. 3 Cubicle. 8 twig. 62 63 1 have much life in it. on the album, especially on ,7 Sack 4 Valiant. 4') Ba.ehall area!. "Johnny's Garden." 38 Chicory. 1 Cooked. 50 "F...ay. ol Occasionally the band A R T F I A K H A H 1 s 39 l)i.limli«e .tyle. 6 Ohlu.e. .1 Forbidden. : manages to gel cooking, but SIDE FOUR is called 1 ft 1 V N X I | 40 Chair part. 1 Awtria: Abbl. .3 k.nd o riwew. ! these times are few and far A I U £ I 1 T E l 1 L "Rock & Roll is Here to 41 Bri«hlly colored « \»fj*. '» Type ol woll. I ■ between It appears that Stay." but it's the greatest r> r C R J 1 L I R P I E they have too many persons misnomer since "Bobby ■• ■ '. in <:ar,l»n*r'i .,ml *.6 Sombrero. a)V " '■ 1 e. -.1. __ 11 TMT dnwo ,8 Patriotic .or.etv. IS I ID S o 1 f S 1 C 0 » 1 per pair hanging on. Each is com- Sherman's Greatest Hits." .-.lia.vcig. -■ — R 1 '' M 1 1 A H 1 petent, but together the ■ ■ - AMSWBI TO rTrcYrOK rtzzu These songs are more up- i N A 1 R I ! V whole is considerably tempo lhan the rest, but still N E G HUM N l) r. >m« t n 5 weaker than the sum of the don't show much more than IT I t B J 1 A N (VALUES UP TO $3.95) T parts the individual capabilities of ■ ■ C H A IjR M' | E H 1 U The second side. "The the hand's members The HO R ''■ A 0 A PIT ■ l V,Cl ^ Wilderness,'' shows the band still doesn't work. Jlr "1 1 A f Ttfif band's capabilities as a This album is available I 1 1 1 1 0ITISI S P r '■ HOURS: 11 TO 5 - MON. THRU SAT. country-and-westem group from the University Book- Al Perkins does quite well on store 904 7ic EARRINGS!E. W00STER |7U EARRINGS TWO MINUTE urn CL3SSIFIED mm

M»S Parts i( iwpsiarv Now leasing for Sept Paven WALK TO I F rmte for summer Call STADIUM ntrj Call KJ s Appliance Pouse Manor at corner of CAMPUS CALENDAR 352 5627 after 5 3&3229I Or slop -il 309 S Mercer !■ E Wooster 352 M-iin 7444. 352 937B Preferred Properties Rental AD. BLDG. olfice has moved to The 4IK I'ongratulalions Chris i PEAl" Need 2 subJeasers Club at the corner ol 7th 4 Pollman on being chosen lor for summer quar 2 bdrm Pigh For rental info call (he 72-73 cheerleading lit bath furnished, pool, air Wrdnratfay Mav J. W72 352 9378 or 352 7324 BOWI.ING GREEN — TEI.. 352 02*5 CAMPUS squad' Best o( ItH'k' 1 •■■>■ cond cable T V 352 7915 Your Phi Mu Sisters Fern rmte needed sum lall June Iree I bdrm apt for Air cond June free Call 352 The N v Po« uyi this summer pool air cond 352 HELD OVER—7th WEEK 7485 MANOR about Brand X • Scenes UN Sijima Tau Delta will sponsor a rofle*? tor Klnrmre I'DWI* of making it on the road are in the loungr ol Proul Pall al 10 am lodav enacted wilh a spini thai Summer Apartments NOW-MONDAY TBRt' THURSDAY — » P.M. Bowling Green's only Summer Reduced Hales makes sex-education hlms exclusive recreation room Frl. 7 It II — Sal. 2:11, 7 & 10-Sun. 2. 5, I P.M APARTMENTS seem ptisiiiveK anemic 3539863 352 1972 Peated Indoor Poo! Cas Brand X H (inallv here Mav Fireplace-Party Room Now leasing for Sept Paven JUST SOUTH OF BURGER CHEF 3< w kitchen facilities and bar- STUDENT PRICES FOR THURSDAY Pouse Manor at corner ol AND SUNDAY WILL NOT APPLY TO Outside Courtyard w patio There* will be a womew s polliKk supper wilh Klorrntr Mercer 4 E Wooster 352 "THE GODFATHER" Kly lo Kurope with us on our and gas grills-Dance Area- Powe 4 30-4 pm lotoy al Vi'F 7444 or 352-9378 • NEW LARGE PARKING chartered 707 Leaving Locker Rooms, all this Columbus July 5 lor l-nulm. offered bv Preferred LOT or Amsterdam Return Iron. Properties ph 3529378 or Needed 12 F to share apt • MODERN lor fall 865 per mo Call 372 London to Columbus Aug I 352 7324 • FURNISHED • TWENTY BUSINESS 1275 round trip Write 3735 or 372 3824 Heverend K P BIlll Men-rooms-quiet. for study LOCATIONS Bowling Creen s onlv The Sociology Undergraudale Interest Croup will meet Whitehouse. Ohio. 43571 or litest I'd 353 8241 after7 liiiWililill'Ji'iL'.V'iiillffl lomichl at S 30 pm in 211 Moseley Pall Mr Kvan Berlshe call 877-5232 exclusive recreation room AT YOUR DOOR Peated Indoor Pool-C as will speak 2 bdrm avail lor summer Fireplace-Parly Room CHINESE WATERCOLOR Pay no utilities June Iree w kitchen facilities and bar "THE TEM'I FIRST REAILT SATISFTIMfi. IIS COMMERCIAL Special Summn Rates BRIWPKs THE WORKING Cheap1 352 9350 after 4 Outside Courtyard w patios AMERICAN FILM. ONE OF THE MOST BRUTAL AND MOVING PAN!) CKAI-T CENTER $150 per Month and gas grills Dance Area 5l5C mneaul 353-V932 CHRONICLES OF AMERICAN UK EVER OESWNEO WITHIN t Wanted 1 or 2 girls to share Linker Rooms all this apt fall Call 352 6226 offered bv Prelerred TNE LIMITS OF POPULAR ENTERTAIRMENT." The Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship will have a praver Coming soon' LlMlIf, - Properties ph 352 9378 or —Vincent Canby, New York Timai meeiuiK tonight al 7 pm in Prout Chapel H"in-*I College Nighl ol the PHONE Prelerred Properties offers 352 7324 veat' Vt'atch lor details' exclusive 4Ds Club and Hec '"THE BODFUTHEn" IS A SPECTACULAR MOVIE. ONE OF THE 352-7365 352-4045 Center Model open 7 days a CAMPUS MANOH behind FINEST RANBSTER MOVIES EVER MADEI" A spiritual solution lo ihe wk 8-5 Mon-Fn 15 Sat and Burger Chef for the linest in economic problem Hahai - atnt Shalit. NBC-TV 352-9302 Sun at 7th 4 Pigh 4l>sClub campus living Furnished laith 352 5M8 352 9378 or 352-7324 Vi complete FULL security Middle Class Youth will sponsor the lilm Brand X Now leasing lor SUMMER system PARKING. SPOPS tonight through Saturday at 7 and ~* pm in 201 Payes Pall FOR SALE OR RENT F single or double now sum CLASSROOMS, all at vour and NEXT FALL II H dona l ion fall Private entrance bath front door Ph 352 9302 352 ■ii Ihe v~ 196* Sunbeam Alpine Cood kit 201S College 7365 or 352 3045 conditKW Call Chuck 352 7362 For lease or sub-lease (un in Ridge Manor Apts Bowling in the sun summer or fall, call Green's most convenient BlS Florence Powe will speak on Feminism and Literature ' 1950 Chrysler Scyl 4-duor Greenview Apt 3521195 apts 2 bdrm summer lease** tonight at 7 30 pm in 220 Math Science black good cond 372 255* Serious, but swinging onlv $140 per mo including M-xSS molt between II 3012 30 and 3 » management all utilities 352-0717 352 7760 I)oov RECORD BREAKING RUN B 4 00 HURRY - Wilt END SOON! Prelerred Properties Rental Apt for summ 2-bedrm I SIT HA tank regulator olfice has moved to The IDs block from campus tree seaview gauge and other Club at the comer of 7th It central air-cond Call 352 Kiperutienial Studies sponsors The Fable Theatre vqp $140 Phil 352-7791 fifth For rental info call 352 7219 C Cts Reduced rates Thursday Night is Company tonight and tomorrow at Bpm in 315 P Pall Sunday — 9378 or 352 7324 For Sale 3 aquariums 10.15 BOSUABGHSNHc opening 'til :1p.m. Prelerred Properties offers I.D.s Nee. Includes 20 gal Call Jim 352 0258 Nice 2 bdrm furn mobile exclusive 4Ds Club and Kec All Area Sludenls $1 Ov , ADULTS-$1.00 home with air available Center Model open 7 davs a 69 CPARCEH R T Pemi. sum qtr only Lot 33 525 wk 8-5 Mon-Fn 15 Sal and aulo Many extras 352-4335 Thurstin across from Sun al 7th and Pigh 4Ds Larry Offenhauer l.ow sum rale Club 352-9378 or 352 7324 LUST&FOl'M) STAMVM copulation as the answer to 352 7484 belter peace ol mind and 71 Punda SI* 350 352-6404 Maurer 4 Green Apts Now l.osi pr of brown glasses personal liberation KYO alter 4 pm F-m roomate needed for leasing 3 4 4 man apts 3 Fn between Founders and Brand X is madness we Summer $100 00 lor entire man $195. 4-man $200 2 Rodger* (all Janice 372 TIN Diana VMC. highly recommend it Don'I Folk guitar lor sale Kxct. summer Close to campus bdrm. (urn air cond wall 1576 rondl 160 00 Call 354 6042 Call 354-6042 For small to medium size miss it' May 3-C in 201 Paves to-wall carpet Fall 0;tr teases 3520717 or 352 7660 IIONMT arrangements. The WANTED For Sale 66 Crand Pm 352 Furn apt I block from NOW SHOWING • Ann and Bruce • so you wine glass shape allows lor a traded in the lavaher lor 7387 campus June 352 0661 Large furn duplex. 4 Wanted to buy Cood used cEvi 7 25.9 30 Sat & Sun 2 10.350.530725.930 something a little bit persons all utilities paid $70 graceful display oilier garden's electric guitar. |50- 1100 shinier' Congratulations on F.lec guitar $175 new I yr Now leasing for Sept Paven each 354 8005 range Call Ken 353 4754 best blooms. 5'/i" lull. vour KD-Phi Psi exc cond Best oiler 3S4 Pouse Manor at corner of CHARUE CHAPLIN engagement-the sisters ol Mercer & E Wooster 352 Preferred Properties Rental HONORED WITH THIS YEARS SPECIAL RIDKS Kappa Delta 7444.3529371 office has moved to The 4Ds 70 Bug 1700 cc Completely Club al the comer of 7th 4 Hide needed desperately to Jell Sherman Congrats on modified engine Custom Student Apartments Pigh For rental info call ACADEMY AWARD Rochester N Y Thurs Fn being tapped lor Anleans interior, white pinstripe Responsible management 352 9378 or 352-7324 Mav 4. i Will share Love Your Proud Pinmate $3500 invested Sell 12100 or 353-9863 -352 1972 expenses Beth 372 4509 best oifer 352-9365 Need I man lor 2-man 2 bdrm NOTICE Anybody knowing Rooms It apts for summer- apt Fall 352-4335 Lam Need ride Friday i May 5 > to The Mini Compole. the whereabouts of the 1964 YW Yan (or sale Good Rooms for tall-near campus "MODERN East Cleve. or Eastern Alpha Camma Delta sign condition, new paint Phone Ph 352-7365 Student Apartments The Suburbs -Call Mary-J72-&I74 A liny gem of a mini dish. please call 22467 No 352 0466 Quiet Ones 353-9863 - 352 1 TIMES" To just admire, or to use questions asked Bowling Green s onlv 1972 HELP WANTED Cibson SJN accoustic guitar exclusive recreation room for candies and nuls. HAS NEVER BEEN Whats Brand X* An A case Excellent condition Peated Indoor Pool-Gas Rooms for men summer 5* diameter. WANTED C.irlsio dance m outrageously raunchv $225 354-5234 Fireplace-Party Room fall 3 blks from University SHOWN ON spare time tall I 4S5-7M9 parody of normal television w kitchen facilities and bar kitchen, recreation rm. TELEVISION programming Brand X Craig Siereo car-cassette Outside Courtyard w patios private entrance, call 353 If you are lo be in Bowling knows where it s at sexually tape player with 4 speakers and gas grills-Dance Area 1705 Green this summer and politically and pop Perfect cond $60 354 0665 Locker Rooms, all this would like to volunteer with A UTy.vcry culturally It transgresses offered bv Preferred Now leasing for Sept Paven Crisis Phone call 3S1-7M7 funny mo> ic the last taboo Newsweek 1969 Ford Fairlane Properties ph 352-9378 or Pouse Manor at corner ol li isaUunn Its here this week Mav 3-6 automatic power steer call 352 7324 Mercer 4 E Wooster 352 lAllrllH'K PERSONALS 352-4113 7444 352-9378 Coming soon' Lasalle s For Summer-June 15th to loving one The Brothers ol DELTA Final College Night of the 66 TR4 Triumph Exc cond Sept 15th 2 Bedroom If fill MHtM* Leasing a Greenview Apt is TAl' DELTA wish to year' Watch for details' 3534751 furnished apartments for only half of the fun-the other I lllll llltUls congratulate PETE 8130 00 per month Call half is living none 352-1195 reason, you KOTSATOS on being Earrings :ie per pair FOR SALE 1963 Simca Newlove Realtv 353-7381 ii.i\rTi i Keen it initiated Into Antean White. 4-door needs repair The Bermuda Server. Purple Mushroom Needed I 4 2 sludenls lo vou rannol Society Best offer call Debi 352-9215 Eff apts for grad students occupy Campus Manor Apts .ill,nil tn delay A delightful variation of one of Lenox's most Congratulations to my 213 Greenview who need privacy 4 quiet with other students BG s 1'ietrnl < popular gilts. For candies, nuls. cheese or relishes. Deli* our tea was "Funkier LO" on your activation Near campus June finest 2 mm walking Veil I than a mosquito s tweetee'" Love. BFO CVW runs OK 200 or offer occupancy For summer distance from Adm Bldg 20 9Vi* long. reeeeri . The Phis 669 2494 only or I yr 195 ph 353-8065 various business at your See some good buys through frontdoor Ph 352-9302 352 World famous Lenox China. Ivory toned. Each Hairy Buffalo. Dimer. Beer, our remodeling me ss Bar (or sale'Call 3524110 2 bdrm furn air cond 7365 or 352-4045 and Flowers" What more Revamping our entire available for summer trimmed with 24-karal gold. In gilts so beautiful, 8130 mo 352-0717 352 7660 could a Phi Mu ash for sound systems Specials on TRAILER 10x50 2 Bdrms Sublease Greenview Apt 2- only a mother deserves one. Yours. Thank you Pikes for a really old models Excellent prices Partially furnished Fully man June free 352-6180 fabulous tea' You really on new As always, we skirted and setup Ca.. 352 Preferred Properties offers Charlie Chaplin to showed us the meaning ol service all brands of 7043 after 7pm exclusive 4Ds Club and Rec Fm Grad needs apt for FAST FUN' Love-Tt* Mas electronic Center Model open 7 days a sum or fall Must be close to "MODERN TIMES" equipment . .. Stereo-amp Am KM radio wk 8-5 Mon- Fn 15 Sat and campus - Call collect 448- Earrings 7lf per pair SERVICE SPECIAL air suspension speakers Sun at 7th 4 Pigh. IDs Club. 2430 with I'.iukiieCn\ll.ini Purple Mush room Clean It demagnetised lube turntable Walnut Retails 352*378 or 352-7324 I $300 will aril '. price »i»,,i>„i.ri,,.i,to,»imk.,i.ii,• N. Irish elders say cool if Protestant youths rampage

BELFAST (API-Gangs of challenge police and British headed by former Cabinet conciliatory attitude by the Catholic youngsters who for teen-age Protestants calling troops in rampages through minister William Craig. British government to the the past three years have themselves Tartans have the Roman Catholic Short announced yesterday it had Catholic minority been the spearhead of rioting become a new force on the Strand district of East Bel ordered the Tartans to halt They say the British, who in Belfast and Londonderry. streets of Northern Ireland fast. They shattered win- their rampages and to meet took all control in Northern But their eldeis in the mili- dows, wrecked pubs and with police authorities. Ireland six weeks ago. are Catholic youngsters, tant Ulster Vanguard Move- homes and started fights soft on the gunmen of the skilled with brick and bottle, ment are telling them to with Catholics. THE TARTAN gangs are a Irish Republican Army now are part of the IRA. "cool it." But the Vanguard move growing symptom of l IRA I, and they fear Britain Their Job is to draw troops Last weekend. Tartans ment. an organization claim- Protestant dislike of what eventually will force North- and police onto the streets turned out by the hundreds to ing 100.000 members and thev consider an over- ern Ireland's Protestant where IRA snipers can pick majority into union with the them off. Irish republic. The immediate cause of Minority talk Witness says China trip last weekend's rioting was the shooting of two young Protestants on the Shankill Road. Belfast's Protestant set for tonight damaged foreign policy heartland Tartans claim the gunmen in Amani Room WASHINGTON - congressional testimony Kennedy and Johnson were Roman Catholics. Ichrin O. Reischauer. a that the deterioration of administrations was leadoff former U.S. ambassador to U.S.-Japanese relations witness at hearings by the THE TARTANS' uniform Dr Win O Stone, assistant Japan, says confusion and unless corrected "could lead House Asia subcommittee on is faded jeans and denim to the provost for minority false expectations aroused in the long run to as great a the impact of Nixon's new jacket, heavy boots-useful affairs, will talk with by what he calls the foreign-policy disaster" as China policy on U.S. rela- in a light and tartain scarf students on the future of tions in the rest of Asia. The Tartan is a symbol of the minority students and Angry-looking splinters reach skyward out of the split in this histrionics of President the Vietnam war But he did Nixon's Peking trip "will not elaborate in his prepared Reischauer's answer was Scottish strain in the ances- minority affairs tonight at 7 Busted telephone pole located off Ridge Street at the back of the probably lose us far more statement. that "it is essential that the try of most northern Protest- in the Amani Room. Heini plant. than it has gained " The ambassador to Japan administration comprehend ants Dr. Stone's discussion is Reischauer said also in under the Democratic the damage it has done and Their role in Northern Ire- sponsored by the minority then seek to repair it as thor- land's current troubles is affairs committee of the oughly and quickly as possi- counterpart to that of the Student Activities Office ble." He said Nixon deserves S. Viets prepare Hue defense great credit for taking steps toward putting US-China relations on a realistic basis RENNIE DAVIS and away from the former tary region called Quang Tri One hope that Hue could SAIGON (APl-Battered Bowen. deputy senior U.S. Van Thieu DM with U.S. China-containment policy. South Vietnamese troops a "major defeat" that beheld lay in US air power, WILL BE ON CAMPUS advisor in the north, said a Ambassador Ellsworth But he said he was were forming a new line "cannot be papered over as and for the first time in the heat-seeking missile fired Bunker and Gen t'reighton "appalled by the possible north of Hue yesterday in an a strategic withdrawal or war. five aircraft carriers from a hand-held launcher W. Abrams. U S com- costs to this country and to effort to defend that one- anything else " were operating off the coast MAY4th and5th shot down a US. helicopter mander in Vietnam, to dis- the world of the apparently time imperial capital with the arrival of the Mid- southeast of Quang Tri The cuss the worsening situation thoughtless, one might say against the enemy's general HE SAID enemy moves way four crewmen, a U.S. reckless, style in which the Speech May 4th at 7 30. Anderson Arena offensive. against Hue, H miles south US fighter-bombers flew advisor and two Vietnamese policy' change was effec- Enemy pressure on the of the lost provincial capital, ti4» slrikes in South Vietnam, There was no accurale were killed count ol South Vietnamese tuated." new defense positions was could come at any tinu' But two-thirds of them in the Gen. Brown said another losses in the Quang Tri relatively light, a U S offi- he added that South Viet- north B52 heavy bombers problem that has arisen is FUTURE CPUS Conn's most cer said The line is about 16 namese commanders were launched 75 strikes, some of debacle, the worst reverse the probability of enemy yet suffered by government miles north of Pue and 35 "confident and resolute" them west of Hue where one troops and agents infil- Learn Now About the popular models forces in a month-long string miles south of the demili- that their forces can defend arm of the North Viet- trating toward Hue by ming- next CPA Exam. of battlefield setbacks —Oar CM ■»»♦»■ CT— tarized zone the city that was ravaged in namese offensive may ling with refugees who con- now in stock. The North Vietnamese the 1968 Tet offensive. strike One senior U.S officer tinue to pour south from the Cincinnati SI 3 641 4«l/ See them now! were moving southward A North Vietnamese said the job of reorganizing Quang Tri area CIIVtlAND 216 696 0169 after their victory at Quang broadcast said Thua Phien THE NORTH Vietnamese ' the South Vietnamese forces Elsewhere. Communist 1 scattered at Quang Tri was o»Yionsn 241 toil Tri. A senior US. officer in Province, of which Hue is conquered Quang Tri Pro- command forces attacked k underway littlf GPlde the northernmost 1st mili- the capital. was doomed vince by moving in tanks, oun euccftffu twtmm nf PMMNT, Landing Zone English, the The task of putting them long-range artillery and last major government 1 back together will be a dilli 115 OF USA sophisticated anti-aircraft |MUB.C mt|opp. strongpoint in northern Binh cull one. U.S. officers guns to combat allied air MET COUMB MMf Dm fe*. Dinh Province on the central predicted. Chess team places 2nd power, and a new threat was coast added yesterday Brig Gen Thomas W PRESIDENT NGUYEN Congratulations To Our New Active! The BGSU Peoples Chess prizes, and Downing Federation placed second received a second-player IfW Future H last weekend in the Region board prize Back Pack Equip. DENICE JACOB Seven chess tournament for Dayton. Karlham. AwcdktKeTect.*^ FLORENCE HOWE the Intercollegiate Chess Central and Illinois Valley Oocloi MCAT By SISTERS OF ALPHA PHI League of America. also participated in the Giatuiit Gflf Of mm 0AI liwvti ISA I Bulmtu ATGSB WHITE-STAG WILL BE ON CAMPUS TOD A Y The team ended the tournament Nfl I BDS 2 |i Mtd weekend with a 4-1 record, — FEATURING — losing only to Ohio State Picks Fumes Tents 10:00 a.m. - Coffee - Proul Lounge — University Sleeping Bags Char Broiled Steaks and Chops Players included Bruce l«* ia>M ■ Ni> JtiM, .'UMtfU Trail Food a. Access Downing, senior lEd and . WuhMflwi Mow • Oftiftt Full Course Family fVMVTHlNGfOftTHf 12:00 p.m.- Sack lunch and talk A&Si. first board. Mike Hi A^. 1.1 Dinner CAAWfR to Women's Caucas Bennett, teaching fellow, DETROIT 12 VARIETIES second board; Joe Herkert. (313)354-0085 PANCAKES & WAF — Faculty lounge, Union - graduate assistant, third Coleman Sales FLES board, and Steve Paal. Prf*fffM« III mi rteMta Iff kt sophomore iB.A.i. fourth miiwo» if Giffeftt SrMflf la & Service Open Tin". thru Sat. SffMM CfWftf ' VffMNftMf Soft 7:30-8. board Mafiul lf> Ho« Uta ni«< fr U 5353 LEWIS AVE. 4:30 7:00 p.m. - Women's Potluck Supper Bennett and Herkert a ttel l.lf - SaMI Sundays 7:30-7:09 received first-player board TOLEDO - 472-5924 -=H 9-8 DAIIY - SAT. 9-5 412 EAST WOOSTER BANQUET ROOM — UCF — for fastest SPECIAL DAILY service, call Do something special LJeeLtvasdou m'qHt 7:30 p.m. - Lecture on taKe your fauorfte cjirf outtoctinrnherat our new "Feminism and Literature" Pfl&unio. number: — 220 Math-Science — 352-5169 fro-i5:oo-roo ihettionlM 1.15. ~L isanello s SPECIAL Big N Cafeteria All You Can Eat... Every Wednesday TERRY CHICKEN We Use fratk D»»t> CO-ORDINATORS 5-1 Daily (Vices are notfWdelivery: «jg '*£^ _ DINNERS ^Fr^Sat^ MMfS /cWS.mRia 353:7177 1/3 OFF Golden Fried Chicken GREENVIEW TOPS - 2 STYLES Crisp Cole Slaw APTS. THE SISTERS OF ASSORTED COLORS French Fried ALPHA XI DELTA S-M-L Potatoes WELCOME THEIR NEW REG. $10.00 Fresh Roll & Butter NOW $6.67 FANTASTIC 14 $1.49 Love Thy Neighbor • Barb Best • Claudia Mastrangelo Served from 4 00 p.m. to 8:00p.m. RENTING FOR FALL at 11:00 •Kalhy Blaha • Jan Meyec *«. •DeeDeeOolch • Diane Mini • 1 and 2 Br Apts Theieehy Shorts ■ Karen Hall • Beth Rader • 9 and 12 Mo Leases Maker'is •■ • Sharon Hall " teslte Shearer *£h Reg. S6.00 • Pool. Rec and Laundry Rooms ■Kalhy Hank • Debi Stanford • Ox Roast •Chris Bobhey • Amy Tasker $3.99 • Serious, but Swinging Management 214 NAPOLEON RD. WE'RE PROUD TO 352-1195 CALL YOU OUR NEW 12-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. SISTERS POWDER PUFF 1010 S Main Open 10-10 Dairy Sunday 11-i 525 RIDGE ,10/TheMNeon, .Moy3, 1»7J EMU makes em count ]%& Falcons win derby, lose game

By FRED R ORTUP Hitting only two round Washington stroked one off was touched up for four runs threatened to cut into the (-3 Aitiitui Spern Editor trippers sll season, the starting and losing pitcher in two innings in the other lead Eastern bad mounted. Falcons put to good use the Jim Salem with two outs in game played between the With one out and the bags Bowling Green's baseball prevailing 40 miles per hour the first inning and Bill two teams at Ypsilanti. And jammed, Mills promptly Falcons won their first gusts and wacked three out Reichel greeted reliever Ric although be delivered three struckout Mike Wood and got Home Run Derby of the of the park to account for all Richmond with a shot in the gopher balls during the Martin to fly to center fifth inning for added afternoon, the gusts did aid season yesterday against the their scoring Paul Miles hit "After that fifth inning I insurance. his hurling. Eastern Hurons at his second of the season figured I kind of had things EMU got their other two "THE WIND really helped Stellar Field, but came away while Mark Ammons and in hand." testified Mills, runs in the second on two my curve," he said. It was smarting from an 8-3 Jeff Martin, starting in his now 3-1 on the season. "I hits, a walk and an error. that quick-breaking pitch, shellacking in a non-league first game of the season, think that demoralized game. accounted for the other two The win was especially mixed with a sneaky fast them." Coach Don Purvis' club is sweet for Huron pitcher ball and a slider, that kept now 13-8-2 on the season BUT THE Hurons. eyeing Woody Mills who went the BG offstride when Mills "Not to take anything while the Hurons snapped a revenge after losing to distance against BG, needed it most. away from Mills or seven-game losing skein to Bowling Green. 9-3 on April striking out a season high 12 Although the Falcons Eastern. " said Purvis, "but move their record to 10-14. 11, bombed two homers and passing two. He allowed outhitEMU. 10-8. Mills kept we were flat. "I think we BG's five game non-losing themselves, both with a pair 10 hits the local crew under his suffered a little letdown streak was broken of — « the k*«s Jeff lit thumb in the fifth when BG after last weekend i when BG took two of three from BULLETIN OU). but maybe that's An unidentified Bowling Or««n slicker (left) jockey* for natural " Scramble position against an Illinois man. BG hod an easy time against BG's hard-throwing right- Mistakes-something BG Illinois but expect a tougher match against Kenyan today. hander Jim Meerpohl will be hasn't made an abundance named the MAC Player of lately-played a big role in the Week in baseball today. the loss Falcon hurlers The News has learned issued seven walks and hit a Upstart Lords may be batter while the defense Meerpohl. the 6'3", 207- committed three erors pound senior from Hamilton, gained the honor on the LINESCORE strength of his performances hard pill to swallow against Ohio State and Ohio RHE University. EMU 320030000-882 ByJACKCARLK in Ihe league with 41 points contributed to the fact that BG 100200000-3103 Last Tuesday he tossed a Sports Editor alter nine games He has 23 freshmen have added depth goals and 18 assists to his team I hitter in shutting out OSU Batteries: EMU-Mills and allowed only one run and Gentle BG-Salem. The Bowling Green i n is helped on attack "Having lost only one against Ou Saturday In his Richmond (I), Schoene (7). lacrosse team has been by Bob Voiles who is starter and the added depth last 16 innings he's given up Lonchar i8> and Arbinger rolling along to in averaging about two assists this year has helped us," one earned run Meerpohl HR-Washington. Reichel. Impressive record and s a game I'eiser said has a 2 21 ERA in 33 innings Miles. Ammons. Martin 2b- league championship since They have a balanced this season to complement Allen WP-Mills (3-1) LP- the season opened, lasl attack." Cochrane "WE FEEL WE should his 3-1 record Salem(2-2i month commented.'' and also a win it." Cochrane said "We However, an unexpected good inidtif-Ul unit led by have a great attack with obstruction may |Hip up in Kevin McDonald." \Vin Zabeck and Laddie the Falcons' path today at (Horyl I as the two feeders (lochrane also indicated who can also score goals if Ambitious schedule Gambler, t) thai the Kenyon close The surprising Kenyon needed And Bob IXK-ker is delense was adequate and ■titirn't Lorry Ml Lords, who were 3 Ml lasl hav ing a great year. Late Participation in the THE CLEVELAND Arena that their goalie is the Zabeck is the team's shortstop Gary Haas bsbblad a aiownoor in the fourth inning. prestigious Maryland doubleheader on St. year, have relumed all bul second best in the league. one ol their starters and are scoring leader with 23 points Second baseman Tod AMon takes the Iota throw from Haas. Invitational and the first Valentine's Day will match on eight goals and 15 assists Cleveland College Bowling Green against currently 6-1 in the league Mike Tavener. from and 10-1 overall Their only England, has moved from Docker has added 19 points doubleheader put together by- Cleveland and Kent State loss was lo Demson lasl the in nil i. lit to the goal Ihi.s 117 goals, two assists i and Nick Mileti highlights the 26- against Akron. Wednesday. 10-7 year to (ill the spot of Horyl has contributed 21 Women: tennis 1st,track 3rd game 1972-73 basketball Our 1972-73 schedule points on 12 goals and nine schedule for Bowling Green certainly shows our desire to They're a (cam having a graduated all-league assists. THE BOWLING GREEN women's The Falcons, under the continue to play the best great year.'' said coach performer Dave Peace. The Bowling Green women's tennis "Our midlields have been track team finished third in the five-team direction of Pat Haley, also college teams available," Mickey Cochrane "They're Tavener has made 120 saves team remained undefeated over the jelling, the defense has been meet held last weekend. Central Michigan have an attractive 12-game sais Haley "From a a balanced team and are in nine games while allowing weekend after competing in a doing a good job and we've was first with 52 points while Ohio State home schedule featuring Al coaching standpoint, this has capable ol winning the only 32 goals for the second quadrangular match where they defeated always had a goalie," was second 143 points) and BG third (41). McGuire's powerful to be one of the toughest game They have been best percentage in the Kalamazoo College. Central Michigan commented Cochrane on Ihe BG had five individual winners with Marquette team. NIT schedules ever at BG since extended this season but league University and Eastern Michigan rest of his team's outlook Barb Britton leading the way with wins in selection St Joseph's of Pa. we must play eight straight have kept on winning " University by winning 24 of 27 matches. Coach Jim I'eiser of After today's road game The women had their toughest time with the 80-meter hurdles and the high jump and nationally ranked games on the road in THE LORDS are led by Kenyon indicated that part the Falcons will travel to Kalamazoo College, one of the top-ranked along with running a leg on the record- Marshall December and January. If allackmen Dave (ronin who of the success of his team Ohio University for a non- small college learns in the nation BG won setting 880-yard medley team The Maryland Invitational we don't gel reported as is Ihe leading total point man this year could be league contest tins weekend 7-2, losing only in the No. 3 and No 4 Diane Dereup won the discus and Lauri is scheduled for Dec. 29-30 missing in action, we could singles In the other matches BG defeated McVicker the long jump as well as running and will feature the NIT develop the experience CMU. 8-1. and romped past EMU. 9-0 a leg on the 880-yard medley team. The champion Maryland Terps needed to be a contender for The next match will be at Wayne State other two runners on the medley team along with 6 II' Tom the MAC championship." Thrill, agony' for BG tomorrow with matches scheduled at Ohio were Janell Wolfe and Kim Koch The new McMillen NIT quarter- Haley said Slate on Friday and a triangular at Kent record set bv the 880-vard medley team is finalist Syracuse and THE COMPLETE with Baldwin-Wallace and BG 2 01 Georgia Tech complete the schedule Dec 2-Mac field Murray. 9-at Niagara. Il-at SI Bonaventure. 13 at Ball at Drake, Ball State U. Okla. transfer makes good State. 16-at Central Michigan, 29-30-at Maryland Invitational By JIM FERSTLE side by side with a guy," Watkins. Rex Miller, Don Jan 4-at Cincinnati. 6-at "The thrill of victory and added Wottle "Now I know Williams and Don See in Miami. 10-MARSHALL. 13- the agony of defeat how it leels " second with 41 3 and 1:28.6. WESTERN MICHIGAN. 17- This introduction to ABC'S respectively; Dennis Leone. ST JOSEPHS. 20-at Kent Wide World ol Sporls could The most disappointing third in the javelin with 193' Tom Fortuna gets chance State. 24-DETROtT. 27- be used to describe the track thing about it was that the 11"; Fegley. fourth in the OHIO UNIVERSITY. 31-at team's efforts last weekend loam was psyched to win 120-yard high hurdles in 14 2. Toledo at the Drake and Hall Stale and I had the feeling that I Jon l.'elder. fourth in the By JEFF MAYS "I didn't dislike Oklahoma pressure, so I came here." FORTUNA agrees with relays let them down."' he long jump with 22' 9"; Tracy Sports Writer State, but I wasn't getting to Fortuna commented. Piper and thinks that his Feb 3-MIAMI. 5-at Friday brought Ihe agony continued "Especially Elliott, sixth in the six-mile play enough," Fortuna said I With his performances putting is coming along. "I Northern Illinois. 10-at ol defeat lor the second Breeze He ran a fabulous with 29:26.7 and Bruce It was a long time coming averaged 75 in competition thus far he has proven he can dropped a couple of long ones Western Michigan, 12- place four-mile relay crew race He went out in 58 Vermilyea. first in the but Bowling Green golfer against other team members lake the pressure and Piper at Ohio State and I started to CENTRAL MICHIGAN. 14-al ol Dave Wottle Rich i seconds in the first 440) and collegiate mile in 4:15 1 Tom Fortuna has finally but 1 still was 10th or llth man expects he will get even gain confidence, which is the Cleveland state 17 KENT Breeze, Steve Danforth and stayed right with them gotten his first taste of and I never made any of the better whole thing." he said STATE, 20-MARQUETTE. Craig MacDonald Alter a college tournament tournaments I'm still glad 1 Putting is really mental If 24 at Ohio University. 28- 4 1)9 3 opening leg by "THE HURT is sort of competition From the way wenl there, though, because "He hits the ball a long you're thinking well, you're LOYOLA. Danforth and a 4 06 4 by dulled by the fact that I knew he's responding, it was worth when you shoot 74 and 75 and way for a small man. and he going to putt well." March 3-TOLEDO. Breeze, things started to I wasn't at full strength." the wait still get beat, it keeps you doesn't stray from the happen Wottle said But it still trying." fairway very often," Piper With this renewed I was tripped at least hurts " The 5'5". 115-pound junior said "He's extremely good confidence. Fortuna hopes he three I lines,'' said "It was obvious that he spent his freshman year at BUT THE challenge of from the fairway, at the can help the Falcons make U.A.0. MacDonald who was tuned wasn't strong enough." said Oklahoma State, a perennial playing in tournaments was Kepler he hit 44 of 54 greens the trip to the NCAA in 4 07 6 lor his carry The Brodl On the last turn, college golf power, and then missing and Fortuna chose to in regulation Right now he's tournament in Miami. Fla . third time I almost (ell where he would normally transferred to Bowling pursue his college golf career having a little trouble getting June 19-24 Womens down make his move, he pulled up Green last spring But he had at Bowling Green confidence in his putting, but IT even with Popt-jou but you to sit out a year before he when he gets that he's really could SM that he just didn't sporrs could compete. "Best fall i allowed the other teams I needed to play in going to be tough " to catch up." added coach have his normal strength He tournaments to prove to just hasn't had time to After missing the spring myself 1 could take the 151% Mel Brodl If he wouldn I trip due to the eligibility rule. MCAT-DAT-GRE Ball" have lost the time trying lo recover from the sickness Fortuna has averaged 76 2 regain his balance he might that hit him last week " IM Notes Subaru strokes per round, just a LSATATGSB have opened up quite a lead Sailors Someone who is on his way fraction behind team-leading Doubles and Michigan State (the Entries lor the IM track NATL BDS. Sales to recovery is Rick Rick Faulk's 76.1. He was winner i might not have and field meet are now • Prapwotion for toil roqvirod Schmttker. who had the BG's low finisher at the host Growth caught back up If they did. available from fraternity and far Itmiitiw la rfraduata and sickness a week prior lo pioJtsdtnel ithttfcj Tournament residence hall athletic Kepler Invitational at Ohio FROM 1970-1971 Hopejoy i MSI' anchorman i Wottle's illness He won the I Sii and rwotvo lOfaton iwrm chairmen or from the IM State three weeks ago wouldn't have had as much mile in 4 12 3 at Ball State regatta ■ Smalfraurn left as he did " office in 201 Memorial Hall Saturday, a step ahead of BOWLING GREEN coach • Volvminoul motorist tor homo As it happened, though. teammate Bob McOmber in Entries are due May 8 The •ivdy praporad by aiporta m John Piper met Fortuna The Bowling Green sailing Hopejoy s 4 02 mile was second with 4 12 6 fraternity meet will be held MAY 18 three years ago when club will host a regatta this good enough to hold back McOmber came back later Tuesday. May 9. at 6 p m. • Item achodvW con Fortuna was in the process of weekend for the Midwest la ma.1 indrviduoi n Dave Wot lie's 4 04 5 and lo win Ihe three-mile in and the independent meet 7.00 p.m. winning the Lakeland Junior Collegiate Sailing give Michigan State Ihe win. 14 11 1 with Jim Ferstle in will be run Wednesday. May Session Invitational in Fostoria and Association IMCSAI at the 16 26 6 to 16 27 8 14 25 1 10. al6pm Port Clinton Yacht Club Special Ceatpact Courses He wouldn't have minded Entries lor the coed tennis was immediately impressed But Fortuna was already The two-day event losing that much." said THOSE WERE not the i Mixed doubles i and men's headed for Oklahoma State (Saturday at M) a.m. and STANLEY H. RAP LAN The Danlorth of Wottle "Except singles are now available only "thrills of victory" as Sunday at 9 30 a.m.) will be EDUCATIONAL CENTER Registration to Popejoy. if it had been two school records were set from athletic chairmen and "He asked me if I had the sailing "flying juniors" 0ETROIT BRANCH anybody else it wouldn't by second place furnishers. at the IM office Entries are made up my mind about classification eliminations I1T1I W. TookMataL toko 111 Subaru Deadline have bothered him so Dave Fegley and Steve due Mav 9 with play to begin school." recalled Fortuna. for area "A "of the MCSA SOUTnFKID. MICHIlAh 4M7i And you were going to buy much " Danforth May 15 "And I told him I had decided OUIJM-SOJS a Toyota" A Datsun? A "IT WAS a funny leeling. Fegley ran 53 1 for the 440- Ten coed Softball teams Teams competing will be Mav 5th on Oklahoma State." the University of Michigan. Sotora Pinto? A Vega? A Beetle'' said Wottle Starting to yard intermediate hurdles began league play last Ttrraajli Michigan State University kick and looking over and and Danforth was timed in Sunday. Each team will play After spending a year Eoauhari watching this little motor- 28.38.1 for the six-mile run five league games with the there. Fortuna ran into Piper the University of Detroit. Si«ct 1938 UNIVERSITY mouse' pull away from me." Other placers at Ball State lop four teams advancing again at the Western Junior Wayne State, the University kronchos in prmcrol cities "It's the first time in eight were Ed Watkins. second in into the playoffs Games are and expressed an interest in of Toledo. Batten Michigan. talLS. P0NTIAC IN the 100-yard dash in 9 7; the played on the IM fields at 2 transferring to Bowling General Motors Institute and Tho Tutoring School with Bewllag Greet. O. years I've ever been two NoHonwklo tooMtolron outkicked when I started 440 and 880-yard relays of p.m Green Bowling Green. UAO OFFICE