The Guardian, April 26, 1972
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Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-26-1972 The Guardian, April 26, 1972 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1972). The Guardian, April 26, 1972. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SBP candidates respond to queries of press, organizations representatives BY JAN DAGLEY dantlal candidates Ssre not run Ron Paul, staff writer for the can promote s>.nsn! Interests Managing Editor their campaign* through letters GUARDIAN and presently one c£ ln the beet manner," Paul said, published in the GUARDIAN, two student representatives 011 "Those who hare said the new committee I was In charge of the SBi' governing the senate w# BOWl IJ will be suf sst up a free day care cen- and tb> Sto^te governing the until we can find a bat- Four at the five announced it was decided that Uw cam- the Academic Council, claimed c nslttutlon Is nasty must re- . (( flclent candidates for student bcdjr palgn would be more fair and that he was running solely to member It's taken over a year ire "!*' 2.°° V me" ter. I worked on an entertain- 5 Bp. P**) tried to work for ieT # president met a panel at stu- more "professional" for all bring about the Implication <M now." he ceot&uied, ment series that had $20,000 the stuWKtts en the Academic Students ought to be placed dent press and special Interest concerned If platforms were the proposed new constltiAlon, Ted Low, whose campaign pos- LOT'S platform calls for a day to get rid of at the end of the Council, kg ft* not easy.four- OH the board of trustees. The grot* representatives Monday covered as regular news. In which the present Student ters claim "Orrllle would have car8 center, students on the year, it was so successful." teen representees could do average trustee Is over 50. It's aSernocn in a special preaen- In keeping with this policy. Senate would be replaced by a wanted It thai way," said that board ci trustees, a referen- He claim he's "not moch of more than one. a hell of a long time since he's tation by the GUARDIAN and "Face the Issues" wwi held Studeot Caucus, composed of "there has been no student gov- dum to select the new presl- a politician, but I know how (o Minainyer: 1 can foresee been a student. WWSU, "Face the Issues." to give the candidates an ade- the 14 new stuient represents- eminent the three years I lave dent, as well as blocking ail get things done—1 know how to lng 14 student body presidents Hughes: 1 try to avoid dirty This Is the first year at WrlgM quale opportunity tires or the Academic Council, been here. parking fee hikes. beat my head against the ad- instead at ana. politics on this campus. State that student body presl- tbelr views. ••I believe the Student Caw "Now it's the same n'.i Is. >"" "uchff! ministration." Low: The new constitution Minainyer: We're all running Rick Minainyer revealed his doesn't go far enough. If we see on the same things, two reasons for running. "First it as a starting point, not an Hughes: Coming I want to defeat the new consti- and, then I'm for it. 1 know ' Utile tution. The students haven't had Hughes: I'd like to the backward in the midwest, but ample opportunity to study it. ombudsman not )ust sK In there we hare begun. even though it was printed ln the tnJ ^v, direct lens, but actually Low: We don't need a bunch GUARDIAN." get something done. The second of new offices and new ideas— Mlnamyer continued: "None you get 14 people lobbying with we need a real change. of us have heard anything new the administration, nobody's Paul: The money should not here, but I think these old Ideas going to get anything done. be spent on administration but can really happen next year. The VolumGUARDIAe 8: Issue 34 Wright Stcte diversity N Low: The committee system on services. black and white students are has no worked. Hughes: I've worked in a stu- really united and together." Mlnamyer: We should have dent government that worked, "1 want to work through the A STUDENT PVBUCATIOIS a Division of Information, like a i*l 1 think that's the biggest committee structure," he as- a student ombudsman, to see thing I have to offer. serted. what the students want. Low: This election boils down Jeff Budd, the latest announced Low: Student government as it to, Paul dciesn'i want to be Students casi ballots candidate running on an "ap- Is today is just nonsense. elected, Hughes Is igtsct with athy" platform, could not be Paul: I agree. a paper government and Mlna- contacted lor the debate. Hughes: This paper govern- myer, who's been In student on constitutional issues The program was then opened ment has -;one loo far—no com- government, represents the way to questions and answers. ment. things are. I'm bringing a On the new constitution and change. WrlgM State University stu- in philosophy. Mlnamyer: A no vote on this h r Hughes: I refuse to sit an a dents will decide the destiny of Anc-tiier advantage, as ha sees « ® thing meaiu no change but not made t i comments: 1 choice. panel with Ted Low again. He' l student government at the polls it, u thai the students will work totally Immature. this week. A special referendum ln partnership with the faculty. sf ore the student body instead of as a separate entity. April 24-27 concerns whether According to the proposed re Students protest cuitinq into forest, petition circulates to move parking parking lot be built ln the plice The audience pursued ques- dents serving on the WSU The students will comprise 25 where trees and underbrush fill Academic Council, voicing their percent of the Council and will tioning ttie difference ln dis- the land directly about the main- tance between the Skyway Park opinions on curricula, budget participate In drafting all unl- The woods stand a chance tenance and fine arts buUdlng. and the woods. and university afflars along with verslty policies. of not being cut down a.vl turned Dr Marvin Selger of the bio- That distance Is approximately deans and faculty members. Students would be elected to Into an asphalt jungle, if stu- logy department strongly op- ApproxiniHtely 1500 students Academic Council on the busts 1/4 mile. dents have their way. posed the building of any more Student Pat Moran requested signed the petition calling for of their academic major, lr.- At an open meeting of the Park- parking spaces, especially in permission from the committee the referendum. According to stead of cn the basis of their ing Review Committee, stu- that designated area. to circulate petitions among dents, faculty and staff voiced Selger pointed out that the the student bod/ ln support of their opinions that if the woods prime spot of the woods had the Skyway Park area to be must be cut, it should at least been cut Into when the presi- used as a parking 1<* Instead be for a legitimate reason. dent of the university's house election has been called to coo- College of Business and Ad- of the woods. The committee acknowledged skier such revisions. llnsltration, College of Science A few weeks ago, the com- was built. DON NOLAN CASTS HIS VOTE on the constitution referenda elections. Others wait ln line. that could bedone but was rather WrlgM State student govern- and Engineering, College cf mittee had suggested that a In Selger's evaluation, ASDE the house sits on the best land doubtful as to how successful of the University. the students could be. Moran and other students and student body president at-large representation. Robert Marlow, a member of Faculty committee proposed to find minority profs started petitioning Monday and and appointed cabinet. This A separate Student Services the committee, in his intro- will continue until 5 pm Thurs- yesr, student government spon- Board w5fl handle the allocation ductory talk, said the "ul- day. sored a three-day "October of the money to the student female members In all four of teen of these are domestic and Rivers plans lnvestigate tlmal» <a parking for use of At that time, the committee Daze' carnival, operated a book organizations requesting it. the Colleges. "This does not re- custodial workers. All super- University contracts including tand wlu eventually be the will again review their decision exchange and I an the University Sf the referendum passes I flect the cosmopolitan staffing vtsory and higher paying post- those with SAGA Foal Services skyway Park area." as to where the parking lot will Club, an Interim snack bar in we<>k, the new constitutl Tbls Is a second of a two- contemplated by General tions are occupied by males, of Ohio Inc and the 'nerlcan skywjy Park was be built. the University Center, spending Id be sent to Academic part series 5 the Affirmative Memorandum No 3," says University Publications—of Federation of State, County, ,or mmtary housing during the University President Brage a total of |58,000.