Special Reports
On The News A WORLDWIDE FACTUAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT SPECIAL REPORTS: U.S. REDS FELT R.F.K. BETRAYED THEM - SEE PAGE 11 - McCARTHY: U.S. COMMUNISM'S TROJAN HORSE - SEE PAGE 5 - ARE RAP & STOKELY ON U.S. PAYROLL? PRICE PER COPY: 35 0. 'JUNE 15, 1968 INSIGHT On The News is published fortnightly in Miami, Fla., by Independent Research and Publishing Association, inc. office of pub- imsiGHT lication: 8551 Coral Way, Suitt 301-A, Miami, Fla. 33155. Subscnp- norm United States and Possessions 54.00 half year, 56.00 one year. • All other countries add 51.00 year per subscription. Address subscl1P On The News lion communications to: INSIGHT On The News, Subscription Dep- ailment, P.O. Box 591, Coral Gables, Fla. 33134. Editor: Dr. Fernan- do Penabaz. Contributors: Alan Courtney, Nguyen Cong Vien and William S. Buren. Subscription and Circulation Department: Ann JUNE 15,1968 VOL. II, NO. 10 Gathings. President of 1.R. & P.A.: John W. Chblfant. AN INTELLIGENCE REPORT FOR KEY PERSONS DEMANDING UNSLANTED, IN-. DEPTH INFORMATION OPEN LETTER Dear Readers: and very especially in U.S. academic circles? Once more, we have been exposed to the pathetic, grue- Who has turned his back on the men who sailed aboard the some, and seemingly endless spectacle of violent bloodshed, abandoned and forgotten, ill-fated Pueblo? national abasement and the total inability of American "Lib- Who maintains the shameful farce now going on in Paris eralism" to take stock of itself and what it has brought about under the guise of "peace" talks which, in truth, are accom- in
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