Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-24-1972 The BG News October 24, 1972 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 24, 1972" (1972). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2764. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2764 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Independent Bowling Green, Ohio Student Tuesday, October 24, 1972 Voice ■me BG news Volumo 56 . Numbor 2S Kissinger returns to U.S.; meetings 'short of accord' By George hspei here had fallen short of an accord KISSINGER headed for Washington ment saying efforts toward an accord Associated Press Writer There was no official guidance on to report to President Nixon alter five between the allies would continue this, nor even on the subjects dis- days of (alks with President Nguyen SAIGON iAPI ['residential aide cussed from either side Van Thieu. the most intrusive Indo Tin Song, a newspaper thai often Henry A Kissinger returned to the But an apparent failure to reach china peace negotiations to date fksked reflects Thieu views, said the general United States yesterday as the I1 S agreement centered on a cease-fire at the airport if it had been a pro- impression of observers was that nego- Embassy and a semiofficial Saigon plan and an interim government to ductive visit. Kissinger replied: It tiations between Thieu and Kissinger newspaper issued statements serve until a final political solution was always is when I'm here had been conducted in a very heated indicating the latest peace negotiations achieved The embassy issued a brief state atmosphere in the face of the unyielding Vietnamese determination Saigon news analysis to stand pal on its position." THROUGHOUT THE duration of the negotiations between the I! S delega- lion and President Thieu. observers noted thai the South Vietnamese had Is peace so far away? always maintained their clear cut posi- tion lo reject any peace solution con- trary to the interesls ol Ihe South Viet nan* se people. Tin Song continued By Richard Blysteoe Along the docks the picture was nol A girl in her last year of law studies Associated Pre*! Writer so bright. A jobless stevedore in a was pessimistic A spokesman for the presidential green fatigue jacket sipped tea from a "In ordei lo gel peace, il must he palace said !»■ could not confirm the SAIGON i API Henry A Kissinger's glass at a tin and cardboard stall and wanted by both sides she said "If we Tin Song account and the I s secret conferences here have raised said: "Life is poor now If peace comes conceded we cannot have peace Embassy would nol go beyond its 29- some hopes of early peace among the 1 will go home and grow rice and have word statement young and the educated of Saigon, but a better life " Among gruil. cookie, soup and Both .Newsweek and Tune magazines skepticism and apathy prevail among A foreman observed "We think cigarette vendors in the 2nd Precinct, have reported thai the United Slates the old and the unemployed. about our jobs first We don't think the verdict for peace by new yeai was and North Vietnam have agreed to a Yesterday, the day of Kissinger's about peace or war " yes -- none, no -- one and no opinion settlement that would include a cease- departure, was a pretty day in the capi- The proprietor of the stall, a stocky six fire But there has been no official con- tal At clubs wealthy Vietnamese in man with a gray crewcut. wasn't "I am too busy'to think about it." firmation in Saigon from eithei is or while tamiS togs flashed across the buying that He shook his head and said said one woman South \ ictnamescoflicials courts Shops were full of goods his neighbors all are discussing the comings and goings at the presidential palace across the river. "We want peace.'' he said, "but not U.S. jets shoot down Candidates under the Communists. Nobody can live where the Communists come." Meeting He had fled his Mekong Delta home when the Viet Cong came, he said 3 Soviet-built M/Gs Candidates toi the US House ol Both his sons joined the army and one Representatives ohm Senate. was killed "You talk, you discuss." the pro- SAIGON iAP) The us Command i.Hut Mi ACTION in South Vietnam Ohio House "i Representatives reported three uev. MIG kills ovei was large!) confined to the central and count) eommisstoner will prietor said Then he pointed to a sign painted on a wall across the street: North Vietnam and hostilities con highlands and coastal provinces, where meet in the Howling Green High linued unabated to the south vcslerday Communist-led lorces have resumed School cafeteria tonight at 8 to When the North Vietnamese Com- munists withdraw, then peace will A command spokesman said Air highway harassment and shellings discuss election issues Force Phantom jets shot down Ihe near population centers The candidates will meet as part come." Soviet-built MIG21s in a dogfight west Reports Irom Binh Dinh province on ol the annual Candidates Meeting, of Hanoi eight days ago. but the kills the central .oast said mortar and sponsored by the I'orrysburg and One side must surrender," said the foreman ""Either the North Viet- were not confirmed until yesterday IV recoilless rifle shells hit a large truck, Bowling Green League ol Women reported no U S. losses in the air killing five Vietnamese and wounding N«w.ph.l. by 0«M J. Pinker Voters. namese or the Americans and South Vietnamese No surrender, no peace " battle 23 A question and answer prrn«l Saigon headquarters also reported a The Bowling Green Vietnam Veterans Against the War will follow th< meeting A mile away at the law school of Sai- American planes have shot down 177 da) long battle In Hinh Dinh Province, marched from the Administration Bldg. to the ROTC offices in The meeting will be taped by gon University students in clean shirts MIGs over North Vietnam since the three miles east ol Phil My. a district Memorial Hall yesterday. The non-political Veterans' Day ser- Channel 70 to be broadcast before studied posted grades. Ten were asked beginning of the Indochina war. Wi ol lown. In which ,7.1 enemy were killed the Nov 7 election vice wai held in memory of those who have died in the Indo- if peace was coming before next year them this year MIG interceptors have and 12 captured A communique said china conflict. About 50 persons participated. Five said yes. two said no, three said downed 71 US aircraft in the war. five government soldiers were killed maybe. according to command nguus ami seven wounded. Aide says AAcGovern narrowing gap By Denny Law bility of the Nixon administra- the Pacific from IS to six would Staff Reporter tion announcing a Vietnam put the United States in a dan- peace plan. Weil said if one is gerous position Gordon Weil, executive assis- proposed, "the settlement will "But what they don't tell you tant to Democratic presidential be pretty much what is thai the Soviet Union has no nominee George McGovern. McGovern has been advocating aircraft carriers in the Pacific. said yesterday the senator is all along. "making rapid progress toward And if that is the case, then "THERE is plenty of mili- closing the gap between him we can ask the question-what tary waste, but ■ the Nixon and President Nixon" in Ohio's took so long"' Why did 20.000 administration only shows the public opinion polls. Americans die while these surplus-surplus that can be cut Weil, who was taping a 30- (Nixon's I plans were being back." Weil said. minute interview on Channel formulated'.'" Weil also said McGovern has 70, WBGU-TV. said he doesn't By sending Henry Kissinger, been misrepresented in other think polls represent an presidential advisor, around areas, such as when he asked accurate picture of public- the world in search of peace. his first vice presidential run- opinion. Weil said President Nixon "is ning mate. Senator Thomas finally responding to pressure Eagleton. to step out of the "POLLS MAY reflect the that has been on him all along ' race this summer because at cilizens's opinion at the time If a peace plan is announced. one time he had been under they're taken, but I don't think Weil said " we can only hope the psychiatric care. they're accurate when you con- people see that McGovern. sider how volatile political through his standing disappro- Weil said the public views opinion is in this country." Weil val of the war. was the man this as a case in which said responsible for it." McGovern changed his mind. He said McGovern was run- However, he said that's not ning behind Senator Edmund WEIL ALSO criticized mem- true. Muskie in the polls during the bers of the Democrats for "After McGovern was con- New Hampshire primary, yet Nixon Committee, and said fronted with the information, he won the nomination despite they were not affiliated with he acted out of his friendship earlier predictions. the Democratic parly. first and asked Eagleton what "We see there is a change ' The money they're spending he could do to help," Weil said.
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