CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282



DURATION AND SEASON 05 Days / 04 Nights LOCATION Department of Cusco ATTRACTIONS Archaeological and historical complexes: Archaeological complexes of Saqsayhuaman, Pisaq, Moray, Chinchero, , Historic Sanctuary of Machupicchu, Salt mines of Maras Museum: in Cusco Natural complexes: Local flora and fauna TYPE OF TOURISM Historical tourism TYPE OF SERVICE  Economical - Pool GUIDE – TOUR CONDUCTOR Spanish, English, French and other according to availability and demand

DESCRIPTION This route allows you to approach the Andean culture and its way to understand the world, its vision, technologies, melting with the Spanish culture and its permanence in today’s Indigenous communities. In this way, walking as well as by bus, we will go around the historical and archaeological complexes, communities, museums and natural environments so that we discover the Heart of the - the Andean culture’s last autonomous heir and the ancestor of the modern mixed world.

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282


Day 1: CUSCO CITY TOUR  Pick-up at the airport START OF THE SERVICES  Transfer to the hotel  Lunch not included  City tour at 13h00  Visit of the Cathedral: Religious colonial monument of extraordinary artistic value, where one can appreciate canvases from the 17th Century, beautiful indigenous carvings, the exuberant choir, and a main silver-coated altar

 Walk to the Qoricancha and visit of this religious centre known as “The Temple of the Sun”. The impressive engineering used in this construction and its fine finish clearly demonstrate the mastery of the Incan architecture.

Ascent to Sacscayhuaman: located 3km from the city of Cusco, this impressive fortress is made from monumental stones weighing up to 12 tons, and using remarkable architectural techniques.

Visit of Q’enqo : Situated close to Sacsayhauman, Q’enqo was a ceremonial centre. Its name means labyrinth or zigzag. It possesses an amphitheatre of 19 niches and an entry exists with a form of labyrinth towards the underground galleries. The top part possesses channels where rituals were realized.

Visit of Tambomachay and Pukapukara  Return to Cusco by bus and transfer to the hotel  Dinner not included  Night at the hotel

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

Day 2: MARAS - MORAY  Breakfast  Pick-up at your hotel at around 8h30am

 Visit of the archaeological complex of MORAY This is a unique archaeological complex with giant natural holes on the land’s surface that were used to build agricultural terraces or platforms with their respective irrigation canals. There is an average difference of 15°C between the highest and the lowest part of the site, some 30 m depth. In these formations, nature has created an environment, conditions, and microclimates, which are nowadays created by men thanks to greenhouses.

Moray, thanks to its climatic conditions and other characteristics, was an important centre for the domestication, acclimatisation, and hybridisation of wild vegetable species that were modified or adapted for human consumption. It is a greenhouse prototype, or experimental biological station, rather advanced for its times. It helped the American people in the past bring to humanity 60% of the vegetable products that it consumes; it helped the Andean men consume 1500 different types of potato, 150 varieties of corn, and many other products.

 Visit to MARAS The salt mines of Maras have existed since the pre-Incan era. They date back to a time in which salt was highly valued, and rationed accordingly. Salt was very important for . Even though it was not wealth in the strict sense, it constituted a power factor. It was a form of payment of the State, a gift, the offering in times in which the preservation of foods- meat, fish, shellfish- was practically impossible without adequate salting. This can be seen in the village of Maras where the most important inhabitants illustrated their weight in society by the opulence of the entrance ways in their houses, which still have the name of the families that built them.

The salt mines are located in an unexpected and surprising place. Hundreds of salt-retention

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

pools were erected over the sides of the mountain, hanging in a little gorge that flows over the of the Incas.

The salt gets to the gorge via a river that comes out to the left of the gorge. Big quantities of salt mass are at the core of the mountain. According to local inhabitants, there has already been some research about the origin and volume of the salt, however, none was successful. Slowly the salt dissolves in the water which comes to the surface.

Following this, the saturated water is drained through an infinite number of small canals, to pools in which centimetres of solar-heated water evaporates to let the salt deep down; the evaporation generates the star-shaped formation of the salt. The families which work with each pool spend all day bent-down with their feet soaked in the salt water. Then, with little boards, they begin to scrub the salt stuck at the bottom of the pools. They make piles which are dried before packing the salt to lift it onto a man’s back and to be carried to one of the 6 deposits where they weigh the bags. Nowadays, this work remains an exhausting task from another time that produces little money for a product that exists in quantity and is commonly imported.  Return to Cusco at approximately 13h30  Rest of the afternoon without services  Lunch and Dinner not included  Overnight stay at the hotel Day 3: SACRED VALLEY  Breakfast  Pick up at your hotel at around 8h00 am  Visit of the miradors of Ccorao and Taray  Continuation to the Complex of Pisaq This great archaeological complex is located in the P’isaq district, , 33km West of Cusco. The Spanish word “Pisaq”, is derived from the Quechua “p’isaqa”, “gallinacean”, a bird that is very common in the area, and very similar to the partridge or lluthu.

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

According to one theory, the Inca city of P’isaq takes the form of this bird, which was a tutelary deity of the tribe that lived in the region before the Incas. At first glance, surprise is inevitable. Later another sensation emerges: a deep respect for the creators of these 100-year-old buildings which are silent witnesses of the greatness of an empire. The beauty of its walls made from big blocks of polished stones with an extraordinary symmetry puzzles the visitors. P’isaq is composed of a combination of constructions such as houses, aqueducts, trails, bridges, a cemetery, walls and huge areas of great platforms.

 Visit of the market of Pisaq  Lunch in Urubamba  Visit of Ollantaytambo, last living Inca Village - Located 80km north-east of Cusco and 40km from by train, Ollantaytambo village is situated at 2792masl in .

In Inca times, the tampus were the living quarters which could accommodate thousands of people thanks to their gigantic granaries, their very well developed road networks and astronomic observatories. They were also characterized by their proximity to Cusco being located on the Inca Empire’s main road, which allowed the travellers to have a rest while going to important places like the Machu Picchu sanctuary.

Each one of this tampus or tambos owed its name to an important person in the Empire. In this way, Paucar’s tambo was Paucartambo and Ollanta’s, Ollantaytambo. This very one is quite singular thanks to its strategic location.

This Inca village presents some characteristics proving that members from the upper class used to live there. In total, only Cusco and Ollantaytambo are built according to this model: whether on the highest part of the town (on the mountain side) or in the valley, the architecture is the same and differs from other Inca architectonic complexes. The residential district is composed of carved-stone walls and trapezoid-shape doors. Along the straight roads, the water flows in some perfectly designed canals.

Ollantaytambo also keeps the secret of two famous legends: the first one tells that gods’

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

messenger, the Tunupa, arrived in the village a long time before the Inca Empire’s creation, and that he was disguised as an old man in rags. The inhabitants and in particular, the Curaca (chief) of the village, accommodated him with all the honours. In order to thank him, Tunupa offered him the stick he walked with. According to the legend, it turned into gold when the Curaca’s son was born. This first child, called Manco Capac, went out of Ollantaytambo brandishing it. After sticking it in a mountain close to Cusco (Huanacauri), he decided to build the Inca Empire and to found its capital at this very place.

The second legend tells that an Empire’s general fell in love with the Inca Pachacutec’s daughter and he decided to kidnap her in order to marry her. From this general’s name, Ollanta, comes the name of the town.  Transfer by train to Aguas Calientes at 19h00 (regarding the availability of the trains)  Dinner not included  Transfer on foot at your hotel in Aguas Calientes  Briefing with the guide at 21h00  Night at the hotel Day 4: MACHUPICCHU  Breakfast at the hotel  In the early hours of the morning, we will take the buses leading to the impressive citadel of Machu Picchu, where we will be able to appreciate the daybreak. We will observe one of the World’s Seven Wonders and its architectural techniques, which are unique in Peru.  Entrance to Machu Picchu

The impressive and colossal citadel of Machu Picchu is one of the most important tourist attractions in Cusco. 400 years hidden by the mountains and tropical jungle, it was rediscovered in 1911 by the explorer Hiram Bingham. Machu Picchu was a cultural and astronomical observation centre, whilst also a private refuge for the Inca Pachacutec. It is made up of 2 large areas,

CUSCO LAMBAYEQUE Email: [email protected] Av. Manco Cápac 515 – Wanchaq Ca. M. M. Izaga 740 Of. 207 - Chiclayo T: 51+ 84 233952 T: 51 +74 221282

one agricultural, and another urban one, where its temples, squares, and royal mausoleums stand out for the exquisite perfection of their construction.  After our visit, we will return by bus to Aguas Calientes  Lunch not included  Return to Poroy by train and to Cusco by car  Dinner not included  Overnight at the hotel Day 5: WAY OUT  Breakfast  Transfer to the airport regarding the time of your flight END OF THE SERVICES

SERVICES AND COMFORT INCLUDED  Entrance to all the attractions  Meals per person: 1 Lunch  4 nights at hotels  Touristic transport 04 days  Transfer from/to Airport- hotel  Tickets in Backpacker train Ollantaytambo-Aguas Calientes- Poroy  Bus to Machupicchu (round trip)  Official tourism guide (4 days) in shared service NOT INCLUDED  Lunches, Dinners not specified  Tips for the staff  Extra drinks WE  Camera and/or video camera with extra battery RECOMMEND  Light clothing, comfortable shoes, rain coat, cap  Rucksack or suitcase  Extra cash, particularly for those interested in purchasing handicraft  Water bottle, insect repellent, sunscreen (the sun is much stronger in altitude), personal toiletries, Personal medicines CUSCO Tel : (00-51-84) -233952 LAMBAYEQUE Cel.: (00-51- 74) 979232848 / RPM #744846 WWW.CHASKIVENTURA.COM [email protected]