Write Me a Film?
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WRITE ME A FILM? A Symposium by Canadian Filmmakers INTRODUCTION Hugo McPherson WHAT ARE THE CONNECTIONS vision. So we will regard this as a quartet, between writing and cinema in Canada? not in musical terms, where four voices There is no authoritative answer to this play together, but in film terms, where question. Instead, there are almost as discordant voices achieve a special har- many answers as there are film makers mony or dissonance in a completed work. and writers. Hence a symposium, the In this script, Ian MacNeill, film form most closely related to the group maker, and former Director of English effort of making a film. I have not, how- Programme, relates the costs of film- ever, taken a further step towards film: making to the individual effort of the I have not asked each contributor to sub- writer. William Weintraub, novelist, mit his article to a score of colleagues script-writer and film-maker, dramatizes to have it revised, praised, condemned, the four-way problem of scripted and cut, expanded, re-titled, or changed to unscripted films. Guy Glover, producer, another subject before it reached the page-proof (or test print) stage. That and Director of English Programme, em- would have been too close to the real phasizes the inter-disciplinary, non-liter- process; and of course the budget for a ary nature of the film art. And Jacques symposium is not a film budget. Godbout, film maker, novelist, poet, and What follows reveals the attitudes of Directeur de la production française, four working film makers and writers looks philosophically at fiction and film, who occupy important places at the Na- and finds that words and visual images— tional Film Board. Each has chosen an though very different media — have a aspect of the relation between film and common bond in poetry. Bon appétit! I writing, and each expresses a personal shall add an Afterword. 73 UNEASY RIDERS William Weintraub The connection between writing and the cinema in Canada? Whither? I got some insight into this matter the other day by eavesdropping on a conversation that took place in the cafeteria of the National Film Board (or any other place where Canadian film makers gather). The conversa- tion was between RALPH OBSOLETE, a 40-year-old film maker, and a 20-year-old colleague of his, PETER WITH-IT. OBSOLETE: This film you're making, off faster than a well-made play. No, what's it about? we're just going to roll the camera and WITH-IT: Alienation. How people can't let it happen. That's what the kids communicate. want. OBSOLETE : Of course. What else is there? OBSOLETE: Easy Rider, eh? Who's writing your script? WITH-IT: Easy Rider? Are you putting WITH-IT: Script? Are you putting me me on again? The kids are laughing on? Who uses scripts? at that one. You ought to get out on OBSOLETE: You're having the actors im- the college circuit. It's really wild, provise, is that it? Realism? man. WITH-IT: YOU older cats might have OBSOLETE: I'd like to read you a quota- called it realism. We call it honesty. tion, which I just happen to have with OBSOLETE: What makes you think that me. It goes like this: "The making of when an actor makes up a line it's a film, to me, is simply the extension more honest than when a writer writes of the process of writing. It's the pro- it? Or more perceptive? cess of rendering the thing you've writ- WITH-IT: These kids aren't really actors, ten. You're still writing when you're dad. They're amateurs. More like real directing." It was John Huston who people. said that. OBSOLETE: YOU mean their jaws will be WITH-IT: Who's he? more slack? While they're grunting OBSOLETE: He made The Maltese Fal- around trying to think of what to say con and The Treasure of Sierra Madre next? and a few others. WITH-IT: NOW don't get uptight, man. I WITH-IT: Oh, JohnHuston. We had him see you're still hung up on that struc- in school. But that's not where it's at, ture thing. Well that's not where it's man. That's museum stuff. at. There's nothing that turns the kids OBSOLETE: And Eisenstein and Hitch- 74 WRITE MEA FILM? cock and Bergman. They all seem to them off by creating a whole bloody think that writing the screenplay is mystique about film. "It's a director's important. Maybe the most important medium . the director knows best part of it. ... at best the writer is a necessary WITH-IT: That's more of the same. Cosy evil. ." We resent writers and writing stuff for Film Society liberals. Look, if because deep down we know that writ- you want to write, write. If you want ing is real work and directing is just to make films, make films. It's two play. different ball games. What we're try- WITH-IT: You're hung up on that puri- ing to do is create a new, non-verbal tan work thing, man. Unless you sweat language. That old words-on-paper bit you won't go to Heaven. Why don't isn't going anywhere. you relax? Roll the camera and let it OBSOLETE : Let's talk about your last film happen. Let it turn you on. Don't feel — Opus, I think you called it. If I re- so threatened by freedom. member correctly, you spent ten min- OBSOLETE: We'll never have a feature utes before the screening explaining to film industry unless we do something us how you were creating a new, non- about the writing problem. verbal language. Then we saw the film WITH-IT: (triumphantly) That word — six minutes long — and then you "industry" gives you away, doesn't it? spent half an hour explaining the sym- The hell with meaningful relevance, bolism and other goodies. That was you want factories with Hollywood the most verbal goddam performance written on the chimneys. I ever saw. Is that your new, non- OBSOLETE: (weakly) Hitchcock ... Berg- verbal language? man . Faulkner wrote for the WITH-IT: I can't help it if you old folks movies . .. have to have things translated for you. (At this point, SAMUEL SAGE, cup of OBSOLETE: What you mean is that if I coffee in hand, enters and sits down at had been high on acid I would have the table. He is Professor of Communi- understood what those out - of - focus cations at a well-known Canadian uni- blurs meant. versity, and a film sage. He is 50 years WITH-IT: You're getting all uptight old and wears a new beard and a mán- again. You would have understood if dala around his neck.) you cared. All you want in films is for SAGE: I liked Opus, With-In. the butler to open the door and say, WITH-IT: Thanks. "Anyone for tennis?" Anything to take SAGE: The mosaic thing came off quite your mind off what's relevant. well, I thought. And there was a kind OBSOLETE: (belligerently) Unless we in- of "foreground restlessness," if I may volve writers, we'll never have a Cana- coin a phrase. I was reminded of dian feature film industry. God knows, Oldenburg's use of mass. we've made plenty of features, and all OBSOLETE: (shouting) What about the of them stink. That's because we've boredom? What about the goddam never encouraged writers — brought savage bone-crushing inhuman bore- them along, made them feel part of dom of these goddam youth films? film making. Instead, we've frightened (We notice, for the first time, that while 75 WRITE ME A FILM? the others have been drinking coffee, Council sends Old Sage ten thousand OBSOLETE has been nipping at a to explicate With-It's films. "Come all flask.) ye thesis writers ..." In the nick of OBSOLETE: {screaming now) Incoher- time, too, now that the oie T. S. Eliot ence is boring. lode is drying up. WITH-IT: The alcohol makes them up- SAGE: DO you really want to stop all ex- tight. Ugly, isn't it? perimentation, Obsolete? Would you SAGE: {smiling) You can sometimes have stopped Picasso in his youth? pacify them by telling them a nice, Would you have stopped McLaren? old-fashioned linear story. OBSOLETE: I want to stop being bored {WITH-IT lights up a joint and offers by experiments that are unsuccessful. one to SAGE. But SAGE declines, apolo- We used to throw those away, but getically, and fills his pipe with Edge- now we screen them for the public. worth Tobacco.) And I want to stop treating every SAGE : What you don't understand, Obso- snot-nosed kid who comes along as a lete, is that we young people see Film genius. Nowadays everybody's a genius as part of a total Communications until proven otherwise. In my day, it Picture. Subject matter is no longer in used to be the other way around. the ascendancy, no matter what your WITH-IT: {with his generation's Love) rear-view mirror tells you. If we have Never mind, Obsolete, you still serve a to try to verbalize the New Cinema's purpose, I guess. qualitative parameters for purposes of SAGE: It just so happens that With-it is identification through your generation's six years ahead of his time. syntax, we might call them "honesty," OBSOLETE: Then let's put his films away "freedom," "relevance," "spontaneity." for six years and release them when But essentially, Post-Syntactic is where people have developed the stamina to it's at.