Compilation and Translation Review Vol. 11, No. 2 ( September 2018 ), 61 - 98 A Cultural-Translation Study of Paratexts via Victor H. Mair’s English Translation of the Tao Te Ching Chih-hong Rudy Chen This paper looks at the authoritative sinologist and philologist Victor H. Mair’s English translation of the Tao Te Ching. It examines Mair’s use of paratexts to support his cross-cultural transfer of such highly Chinese-culture-bound religious and philosophical terms as Tao, Te and Ching from the Chinese source text into English. More specifically, it looks at Mair’s interpretative assumptions as well as methodologies. This brings into play several relevant issues with regard to the role of cultural translation within the wider field of translation studies. Firstly, the paper explores Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “thick translation” approach, and such cross-cultural linguistic practices as the use of annotations and of other forms of scholarly paratexts, in order that (in Appiah’s words) an “academic’ translation” is produced. Secondly, selected elements of these paratexts are examined in the light of André Lefevere’s notion of ideology and Lawrence Venuti’s notions of foreignization and visibility, to help us better understand the external factors requiring Mair’s careful considerations in the “transaction” of meaning across languages and cultures. This cultural translation study on Mair’s translation of the Tao Te Ching with extensive preface, annotations and back matter seeks to shed light, then, on the depth and complexity of the art of cultural-translation, itself so vital to cross-cultural understanding. Keywords : Tao Te Ching, thick translation, cultural translation, paratexts, ideology Received: July 14, 2017 Revised: Feburary 12, 2018, June 22, 2018 Accepted: June 27, 2018 Chih-hong Rudy Chen, PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University, E-mail:
[email protected] 編譯論叢 第十一卷 第二期(2018年9月 ), 61 — 98 梅維恆《道德經》英譯:副文本之文化翻譯探討 陳致宏 本文透過觀察當代權威漢學家及文字學家梅維恆(Victor H.