The Importance of Immigrants in Cancer Research
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ll Commentary Completing the Great Unfinished Symphony of Cancer Together: The Importance of Immigrants in Cancer Research Pat J. Morin,1,* Denis Wirtz,2,3,* and Ashani T. Weeraratna3,4,* 1Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA 2Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Institute for NanoBiotechnology, Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA 3The Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA *Correspondence: [email protected] (P.J.M.), [email protected] (D.W.), [email protected] (A.T.W.) Recent changes in U.S. immigration policy are adversely affecting biomedical science, at a time when biomedical research is most sorely needed on multiple fronts. Here we discuss the immense contributions of immigrants to cancer research and the adverse impact that current administration policies will have on successful cancer research. ‘‘America, you great unfinished but in recent years, an anti-immigrant grees than multi-generational native- symphony, you sent for me sentiment has rapidly burgeoned. This is born peers, and increasingly contribute You let me make a difference manifesting itself not only in crackdowns to the U.S. economy overall. Nearly 50% A place where even orphan on illegal immigration, but also in the of all Fortune 500 companies were immigrants thwarting of legal immigration, and the founded by immigrants and their children Can leave their fingerprints and sciences are particularly vulnerable to (Fearnow, 2019), and since 2000 nearly rise up .’’ this. In this commentary, we address the 40% of U.S.-based winners of the Nobel —Leslie Odom, Jr. and Lin-Man- issues this anti-immigrant sentiment Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, and Medi- uel Miranda, Hamilton poses, specifically for cancer research. cine have been immigrants (Ander- son, 2018). Introduction Immigrants and the Economy America has always had a complex and Immigrants are strong contributors to the Immigrants in Cancer Research: checkered history of immigration. From U.S. economy. Data show that immi- Current Status the first colonists who set foot on its grants make up a high percentage of the The contribution of immigrants to the shores to the waves of immigrants that essential workforce and are employed at biomedical, and specifically cancer came after—some involuntarily, like Afri- far higher rates than their native-born research, workforce cannot be over- can slaves so cruelly torn away from their counterparts (Sherman et al., 2019). Partly stated. A recent study looked at some of homes, others seeking to voluntarily this may be due to the lack of ‘‘roots’’ in the top cancer research centers in the escape theirs, like Irish immigrants who one particular geographical area, which country, including MD Anderson, Johns fled the potato famine to come here; Ital- allows immigrants to go where the work Hopkins, and others, and found that the ians who immigrated to Ellis Island to is, and this in itself contributes to the number of foreign-born cancer re- escape the unstable 1920s government economy. In figures from 2009, the searchers at these institutions ranged of Italy; European Jews who flocked average foreign-born adult with an from 40% to more than 70% (Neill and steadily here over the years, especially advanced degree was shown to pay Avasthi, 2020). It is not clear if these fig- during the pogroms (1880–1914) and over $22,500 in taxes, including federal, ures include those working in internet then again during the heinous reign of state, FICA, Social Security, and Medi- technology, artificial intelligence, and Nazi Germany; and more recently, refu- care, while receiving about a tenth of bioengineering, all critical fields for the im- gees from Central and South America. that back in government-sponsored ben- plementation of cancer research through Indeed, with the exception of the slaves efits (such as unemployment, Medicare, the technologies they provide. Many of brought here against their will, immigrants etc.) (Zavodny, 2011). Compare that to these immigrant workers are here on visas came to America to seek the American American taxpayers who reap two to for highly skilled individuals (H1B), schol- Dream and the solace offered by our three times more than they pay into the arly visas with a requirement to return Lady Liberty: ‘‘Give me your tired, your system in Medicare, Social Security, and home and provide service to their own poor, your huddled masses yearning to other benefits. Further, data show that countries (J-1), or student visas (F-1). In breathe free.’’ America was the beacon children born to immigrant families the past few weeks, we have seen two for innovators, scientists, and pioneers, are upwardly mobile, getting higher de- of these groups of visa holders suddenly Cancer Cell 38, September 14, 2020 ª 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc. 301 ll Commentary subjected to increased and draconian re- latter couple were both born in Prague, many in March 1945. After the war, her strictions with paltry explanations pro- but because of scientific limitations and family emigrated to Canada. After obtain- vided. While the executive order restrict- anti-Semitism came to the Roswell Park ing her Bachelor’s degree from the Uni- ing F visas was stopped through Cancer Institute in 1922 to pursue their versity of Toronto and her PhD from the lawsuits brought by an array of public studies on carbohydrate metabolism. Rockefeller University, Dr. Werb moved and private universities, processing of While not focused specifically on cancer to the University of California, San Fran- these visas at U.S. embassies abroad research, the Coris published an early pa- cisco, where she initiated her classic has slowed to a crawl. Further, re- per on tumor metabolism in 1925, which studies on the tumor microenvironment, searchers from specific countries— together with the body of their work focusing on the extracellular matrix (Ege- China, Iran, and others—are banned (including the Cori cycle, discovered in blad et al., 2020). The tradition of from entering the U.S. These restrictions, 1929) paved the way for the important outstanding immigrant scientists in the coupled with the abysmal failure of the research area known as cancer meta- field of tumor microenvironment con- U.S. response to COVID-19, will likely bolism. In 1931, the Coris moved to tinues to this day with researchers such serve to drive away talented international Washington University, where they as Kornelia Polyak (Hungary), Rakesh researchers in droves, who might prefer continued their groundbreaking work Jain (India), Mikala Egeblad (Denmark), to take their talents where they are and won the Nobel Prize in 1947. At Yibin Kang (China), and many others. In welcomed and appreciated, and where WashU, they built a leading department addition, immigrant scientists have made healthcare systems provide affordable of biochemistry which included seven huge contributions to cancer research care, especially during a pandemic. This future Nobel laureates (Rubin, 2019), an fields such as epigenetics, e.g., Danny is particularly true now that the gap in sci- immense contribution to cancer research Reinberg (Argentina), Peter Jones entific funding and excellence has been and biomedical science. (Zimbabwe), Jean-Pierre Issa (Lebanon); decreasing between the U.S. and other Another area of groundbreaking genomics and cancer genetics, e.g., advanced and developing economies. research encompassing the outstanding Alan Ashworth (UK), Elizabeth Blackburn work of multiple outstanding immigrant (Australia), Mario Capecchi (Italy), Edison Immigrants in Cancer Research: scientists is the crucial role of the micro- Liu (Hong Kong); immunology, e.g., An- Major Contributions environment in cancer progression. This toni Ribas (Spain), Lieping Chen (China), The contribution of foreign-born physi- field became widely accepted due largely Anjana Rao (India), Olivera Finn (Serbia), cists to American physics is well docu- to the efforts of Mina Bissell, who was Francesco Marincola (Italy); and count- mented, with luminaries such as Albert born in Tehran, Iran, and came to the less others. Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, Hans U.S. in 1959 for college and later received The development of chemotherapy in Bethe, and many others helping America her PhD from Harvard in 1969. Dr. Bissell cancer treatment certainly represents a to become a leader in technology and, then moved to Lawrence Berkeley Na- watershed moment in cancer research. incidentally, playing a major part in the tional Laboratory, where she has been Before the 1950s the treatment of cancer U.S. winning the space race via the suc- ever since. Her paradigm-shifting work was limited to surgery and radiation ther- cessful 1969 moon landing. A similar has been crucial in demonstrating the apy, but a series of experiments at NCI in argument can be made that immigrant role of the microenvironment in tumor the 1950s and 1960s led to the develop- scientists have played a major role in progression, a role that had been contro- ment of modern chemotherapy. A crucial U.S. cancer research, working in labora- versial before her studies. In 1982, Bissell member of the team involved in the devel- tories across the nation and helping to un- proposed the theory of dynamic reci- opment of this new approach was Min ravel the basic mechanisms of oncogen- procity, which altered our view of how Chiu Li, an immigrant from Shenyang, esis and develop new innovative tools cancer cells affect their environment and China, who had come to the University for cancer therapies. In fact, through the vice versa (Bissell and Aggeler, 1987). of Southern California in 1947 to pursue help of immigrant scientists, the U.S. has Similarly, Isaiah Fidler, born in Israel in postgraduate education following his MD become one of the world leaders in can- 1936, came to the U.S.