
Z. Lacković Fifty years of neuropsychopharmacology


Zdravko Lacković

Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsihopharmacology, Department of & Croatian Brain Research Institute, University of Zagreb School of

In the fi fty years since the fi rst Pula congress a lot of methodology of reverse pharmacology – instead has changed in neuropsychopharmacology. Granted, of a classic approach, nowadays receptors are more the major groups of psychoactive drugs had already and more often synthesized from the human been discovered: neuroleptics, antidepressants, ben- followed by search for their endogenous ligands and zodiazepine anxiolitics, psychostimulants... Neu- possibilities of their pharmacological manipulation. rology was using the basic antiepileptics while, for Th rough this, we now have orexines (hypocretins) example, the treatments for vascular and immuno- as key of wakefulness. By reverse logical diseases were more expectative. At the time pharmacology we have discovered such receptors as of the fi rst Pula congress in 1960 we had only just the new opioid ORL1 and its endogenous discovered that myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune , nociceptin and fi nally, after several decades disease. It is also the year when defi ciency of diff erent assumptions, the prolactin-stimulating in the brain of Parkinsonian patients was discovered, a factor. What is especially intriguing and motivating fi nding which was to revolutionize understanding and is the fact that there are still hundreds of G- treatment of this disease. Th e last fi fty years have also receptors, nuclear receptors and synaptic receptors seen a proliferation of approaches to therapy and the waiting for researchers to discover their and success of these medical fi elds has grown considerably. useful implementation through pharmacology. During this time, more than twenty researchers have been awarded the for research related to Pharmacology in 60’ functioning of the and have or will have a signifi cant infl uence on the development of Nobel prizes in Pharmacology new drugs. Th e greatest breakthroughs still waiting Fundamental change in conepts: coexistence of- for clinical implementation have been in the fi eld of neurotransmitors, the question what really pharma- basic research. Discoveries of excitotoxicity medi- cological reseptors Endogenous opioids, endozapines, ated by glutamate receptors as well as neurogenesis endocanabinoids in adults are creating brand new hypotheses on the Fundamentaly new reserch strategy: „Reverse of diff erent psychiatric and neuro- pharmacology. Orexins, Prolactin stumulating factor logical diseases ranging from schizophrenia and drug abuse to ALS. However, speaking subjectively, there • 2009 - Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, Jack W. are two developments that had the deepest and stron- Szostak • 2008 - , Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Luc gest impact on pharmacology. First was the discovery Montagnier of endogenous opioids based on the inquiry into real • 2007 - Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans, Oliver Smi- function of diff erent pharmacological receptors in our thies . Th is discovery has shown that the so-called • 2006 - Andrew Z. Fire, Craig C. Mello pharmacological receptors did not evolve solely for the • 2005 - Barry J. Marshall, J. • 2004 - , Linda B. Buck purpose of drug-deliverance but that they also have a • 2003 - Paul C. Lauterbur, Sir Peter Mansfi eld physiological purpose in the functioning of an organ- • 2002 - , H. Robert Horvitz, John E. Sulston ism. Th e second important event was the discovery • 2001 - Leland H. Hartwell, , Sir

62 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 49, (Suppl) No. 2, 2010 Z. Lacković Fifty years of neuropsychopharmacology

• 2000 - , , Eric R. Kandel • 1980 - , , George D. Snell • 1999 - Günter Blobel • 1979 - Allan M. Cormack, Godfrey N. Hounsfi eld • 1998 - Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, • 1978 - , , Hamilton O. Smith • 1997 - Stanley B. Prusiner • 1977 - , Andrew V. Schally, Rosalyn Yalow • 1996 - Peter C. Doherty, Rolf M. Zinkernagel • 1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg, D. Carleton Gajdusek • 1995 - Edward B. Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Eric • 1975 - , , Howard M. Temin F. Wieschaus • 1974 - , , George E. Palade • 1994 - Alfred G. Gilman, • 1973 - , , • 1993 - Richard J. Roberts, Phillip A. Sharp • 1972 - Gerald M. Edelman, Rodney R. Porter • 1992 - Edmond H. Fischer, Edwin G. Krebs • 1971 - Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. • 1991 - , • 1970 - Sir , , • 1990 - Joseph E. Murray, E. Donnall Th omas • 1969 - Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey, Salvador E. Luria • 1989 - J. Michael Bishop, Harold E. Varmus • 1968 - Robert W. Holley, H. Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. • 1988 - Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Nirenberg Hitchings • 1967 - , Haldan K. Hartline, • 1987 - • 1966 - Peyton Rous, Charles B. Huggins • 1986 - Stanley Cohen, Rita Levi-Montalcini • 1965 - François Jacob, André Lwoff , • 1985 - Michael S. Brown, Joseph L. Goldstein • 1964 - Konrad Bloch, • 1984 - Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Köhler, César Milstein • 1963 - Sir John Eccles, Alan L. Hodgkin, Andrew F. Huxley • 1983 - Barbara McClintock • 1962 - , , • 1982 - Sune K. Bergström, Bengt I. Samuelsson, John R. Vane • 1961 - Georg von Békésy • 1981 - Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel • 1960 - Sir Frank ,

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