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1904 ,S-2» \d THE BRHAD-DEVATA







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First edition, 1904, One Tlwwsand Copies TO PROFESSOR ERNST LEUMANN








PAOES Introduction ix-xxxv

Sanskbit Text of the Brhaddevata .... 1-103

Adhyaya i. Introduction 1-11

ii. 1-125, Introduction ; 126-158, Deities of RV. i, 1-13 12-24

iii. Deities of EV. i. 13-126 .... 25-37

iv. Deities of RV. i. 126-iv. 32 . . . 38-49

V. Deities of RV. iv. 33-vii. 49 . . . 50-64

vi. Deities of RV. vii. 50-x. 17 65-78 vii. Deities of RV. X. 17-98 .... 79-91 x. viii. 1-98, Deities of RV. 98-191 ; 99-140, Conclusion 92-103

Appendix i. Index of Vedic Pratikas cited in the Brhaddevata 105-114

ii. Index of Authorities cited in the Brhaddevata 115

iii. Index of Deities of RV. according to the Brhaddevata 116-131

iv. List of Stories related in the Brhaddevata 132-133

V. List of Passages from the Brhaddevata cited in other Works 134-135

vi. Relation of the Brhaddevatfi to other Texts 136-154

yii. Index of Sanskrit Words and Names 155-198 \ INTRODUCTION

1. How I came to edit the Brhaddevata.

AMONG the secondary works of Vedic literature, the Brhaddevata has -^^ always attracted a considerable share of interest on the part of Vedic scholars. When Roth, in 1846, published his treatise, Zur Litteratur und Geschichte des Weda, he knew the work only from the quotations occurring in the commentaries of Sadguru^isya and Sayana, which were then, of course, accessible in manuscript only. He remarks, however

(p. 49), that copies would in all probability yet be found in India. Not long after this a MS. (b) of the Brhaddevata was actually acquired, along with the Chambers collection of Sanskrit MSS., by the Royal Library at Berlin. Adalbert Kuhn made it the basis of his account of the Brhaddevata published in the first volume (pp. 101-120) of Indische Studien (1850). Kuhn transcribed this MS., subsequently adding colla- tions from another MS. (h), which Haug procured at Poona in 1865, and which is now in the Royal Library at Munich. As he found these two MSS. insufficient for the purpose, Kuhn was unable to cai-ry out his intention of publishing an edition of the Brhaddevata. Meanwhile Max Miiller had obtained from India, in the sixties, three modem copies by the aid of Drs. Biihler and Bhau Daji. He, too, seems at one time to have contemplated editing the Brhaddevata ; for among his papers I found a transcript, in his own hand, coming down to the tenth Varga of the second Adhyaya^. But the inadequacy of his MS. material doubtless deterred him from proceeding any further. Later on, Dr. Thibaut, while resident in Oxford as Max Miiller's assistant, made extensive collations with a view to bringing out a critical edition of the Brhaddevata. But he, too, relinquished the project, being convinced that a text constituted from the MS. material at his disposal, would prove too conjectural in its character.

* See Wickremasinghe's Catalogue of the I of the Boyal Asiatic Society, 190a, p. 641, no. Max IliUler Sanskrit MSS. in the Journal I 57. ;

MITRA'S EDITION [introduction

In 1886 Professor Lanman contemplated the work of editing the Brhad- devata ; but the difficulty of obtaining access to some of the indispensable MSS., together with the pressure of other work, obliged him to desist from the enterprise. He then asked me to undertake the task of editing the text critically, together with a translation and various appendices, for the Harvard Oriental Series. I gladly accepted the otfer, as I had already collated a number of passages in the work for my edition of Sadgurusisya^, as well as for an article published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society*, and was, moreover, generally familiar with the auxiliary literature of the Rg-veda. Prof. Lanman accordingly handed over to me in 1897 his material, comprising Kuhn's collations and notes, together with a modem MS. (k) which Kuhn had obtained from India.

2. Sajendralala Mitra's edition.

While Professor Lanman was still contemplating doing the work him- self, the late Dr. Rajendralala Mitra began, in 1889, to bring out, in the Bibliotheca Indica, his edition of the Brhaddevata, the last fasciculus of which appeared in 1892. Soon after I had set to work on the text, I mentioned to Prof. Buhler, in the course of conversation, the task on which I was engaged, and I well remember his asking whether I really thought it worth while to edit the work afresh. Indeed, a cursory examination of Mitra's edition, with its array of critical notes, might easily lead one to suppose that little remained for a second editor to do, at least in regard to the constitution of the text. Such a supposition would, however, be very erroneous. Mitra's edition is in reality entirely inadequate and altogether untrustworthy as a basis for further research.

Its value I estimate at less than that of a single good MS. ; for it is full of defects from which such a MS. would be free. Besides a large number of misprints, it contains many impossible readings taken from incorrect MSS., omissions of lines, repetitions of lines, insertions of undoubtedly spurious lines, and lacunae. Thus, for example, in the second Adhyaya

(p. 56) seven ^lokas (128-134) are repeated, without word or comment,

in promiscuous order, from among the preceding thirty slokaa ; and in

the fifth Adhyaya (p. 148) there is a lacuna of fifteen slokas ^ due to pure carelessness, for there is no sign of any such lacuna in any of the nine

MSS. I have examined. Mitra's edition is, moreover, eclectic on no recog-

' Katyayana's Sai-vanukramanI, with ex- • Volume for 1894, pp. 11-29: 'Two Legends tracts from Sadguru^isya's commentary from the Brhaddevata.' Anecdota Oxoniensia, Oxford, 1886. ' Brhaddevata v. iia-136 in my text. Introduction] ACCOUNT OF THE MS. MATERIAL [xl

nizable principle ; for the reading chosen is not only constantly opposed to the predominant evidence of the MSS., but is frequently by no means the best a priori. Based mainly on one MS. (or two which are practically identical), it shows haphazard selections and additions from MSS. of an- other recension. I have estimated that the edition contains one error of some kind on the average for every sloka, making a total of about 1 200. I may refer the reader to p. 85 as a specimen, where a passage of three slokas (93-95), as a comparison with my text (iii. 95-97) will show, contains twelve mistakes, and is consequently quite unintelligible. Since Mitra gives no information whatever about the MS. material he used, his critical notes are hardly of any value as far as his own edition is concerned. They have, nevertheless, proved quite useful to me in the light of the MSS. which have been at my disposal. Judging by his notes, I infer that Mitra employed seven MSS. in the constitution of his text. These MSS. were sold after his death. Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasada S'astri very kindly took much trouble in tracing them for me to their present owner; but my strenuous efforts to obtain access to them by purchase or loan have proved absolutely futile.

3. General accoimt of the MSS. and their relationship.

For the purposes of my edition nine MSS. have been directly available. Eight of these fall into two well-defined groups, representing a shorter and a longer recension of the Brhaddevata. The former group I have designated A, the latter B (suggestive of the Berlin and Bodleian codices which belong to it). The ninth MS. belongs, as will be seen, in a sense to both groups. To these nine may be added the seven which were used by Mitra. It is quite certain from his critical notes, in the light of the material accessible to me, that four of his MSS. belong to the A, and three to the B group. Thus the evidence of altogether sixteen MSS. has been available, directly or indirectly, in the constitution of my text. Of this total, eight belong to A. This group has two subdivisions : the first (A^) comprising the Haug MS. (hj, two of Max MuUer's (m^, m^), Bhau Daji's

(d), and Rajendralala-'s (r^ : No. 3 called by him ga) ; the second (A^) com- prising Rajendralala's Nos. i, 4, 6 (rh-*r« = ka gha ca). The latter three are practically identical, for their readings are almost invariably the same, and often agree in opposition to the readings of all the other MSS. of both families. The readings of A^ are on the whole inferior to those of A', being often clearly alterations of the original text ; yet it is in some cases apparent that A* has preserved the correct reading as compared with all the other MSS. of both recensions. It is on A^ that Mitra — ;

xii] EELATIONSHIP OF THE MSS. [introduction mainly relied in constituting his text*. It is to be noted that A* has some affinities with b, one of the MSS. of the B group. Another MS. (m'), which was procured by Max Miiller from Bhau

Daji in 1861, also belongs to A in that part of the text which is common to both recensions ; here its readings nearly always agree with the subdivision A*. This MS. occupies a very peculiar position, for it also contains all the additional matter of the longer recension represented by the B group. The fact that when the same line occurs in different forms in the two recensions, both forms are often (e. g. v. 13 ; vi. 15) found in this MS., shows that it had a composite origin: it must have been copied from a MS. of the A group, while the passages there wanting were added from a MS. of the B group. I may here observe that the MSS. of the A group (including m*) are much more correct than those of the B group. B, comprising seven or (if m* be included) eight MSS., contains four subdivisions :

1. b. The Chambers codex of the Berlin Library, which, though very incorrect, is occasionally the only MS. which has preserved the true reading.

2. f. The FitzEdward Hall MS. in the Bodleian Library, which though also very incorrect, is of importance in constituting that pai-t of the text which is peculiar to the B recension. Closely connected with this MS. are three others, viz. one in the Cambridge University Library (c), Kuhn's (k), and Rajendralala's No. 2 (r' = kha).

3. r* and r'', two of Mitra's MSS. (= na and pnstakdntaram). They occupy together a somewhat independent position in the B group, as on the one hand they have a few additional slokas not occurring in the remaining MSS., and on the other they alone sometimes preserve the correct reading.

4. m*. This is the Max Miiller MS. which belongs in part to both recensions. It is much more correct than any of the regular B MSS. its readings diverge considerably from theirs and are often better. It

has proved of great value to me ; for without its aid I should have been unable to emend satisfactorily some of the corrupt passages in the longer

recension (e.g. iii. 95-97; vii. ia8, 129).

Six of these MSS, have a more or less independent value, viz. h, r*,

m*, b, f, r^, as each of them, in several cases, is the only one which fur- nishes the correct reading.

' It is evident that Mitra places the whole note, p. 53), while the fragments contained

passage ii. 69-197 (pp. 53-56) in parentheses, in i. 38-134 (p. 56) are doubtless derived from because it is wanting in r' r' (see his foot- the latter MSS. :

Introduction] ACCOUNT OF THE MS. MATEEIAL [xiii

The relationship of all the MSS. may be made clear by the following diagram Archetype

A1 B1

1 1

1 1 1 1 A' X* b m rl 1 1 1 i^

1 1. 1 1 1 I. i r' U c k r>


1 1 1 d

4. Detailed acconiit of the Brhaddevata MSS.

The A GroTip. 1. The most important MS. in this group, and the least incorrect of all the Brhaddevata MSS. I have used, is h ( = Haug), No. 43 of the Haug collection in the Royal Library at Munich. It con- sists of seventy-three leaves of paper, and is clearly written. Though very fairly correct on the whole, it contains a good many mistakes and corruptions in detail. It bears the name ' M. Haug,' and the date ' Poona, II Marz 1865.' On the title-page is written: at/ia Irhaddevatdntikramani- prdrambhah. Above and below this title, the page is covered with writing which consists chiefly of quotations from the Brhaddevata itself in regard to the Vaisvadeva hymns, beginning: atka vaiivadevasikte devatdvicdrah : hhinne tukfe vaded eva (i. 20), &c., and ending astame sasthdnte ca. It concludes

(fol. iti 73'') : hrhaddevatdydm astamo 'dhydyah. In another hand is added : iake 1767 (= A. D. 1845) vihavasicndmasamvatgare pkdlgimakrsnatrtiydi/dm candre [the next four letters are obliterated with yellow pigment, then a strip of white paper, followed by one of blue, is pasted on, covering almost two- thirds of the line] gvdrtham paropakdrdrtham ca Sridurgdcarane 'rpitam. Below this follow several lines beginning : amoghanandanaitk»dydm : laksanasya virodhe 'pi, and ending : Saunakakdrikdydm uktam. 2. m*. This is a modern copy, which belonged to Max Miiller, and is now in the University Library at Tokyo. On the outside are written

' in red pencil the words : Sent me by Biihler (present).' It ends : 149 II Iti brhaddevatdydm a»tamo ^dhydyah Sake 1767 (=:A. D. 1845) visvdvasundma- tamvatsare phdlgunakrsnatrtiydydm candre ddfaretyupahvayamanirdmabhattdnga- jagahgddharena aampddUam »vdrt/iam paropakdrdrtham ca. Then follows amogha- nandanaiikmydm . . . Saunakakdrikdydm uktam, just as in h. This is again followed by an exact reproduction of the contents of the title-page of h: atka vaihadevasukte, &c., down to asfame tasthdnte ca. There can be no doubt that this is a faithful copy of h. Like that MS. the ^lokas xiv] THE MSS. OF THE A GROUP [introduction are numbered continuously from the beginning, the total, 1049, being the same as in h. Some further details are given in Wickremasinghe's Cata- logue of the Max Miiller Sanskrit MSS. in the JKAS., 1902, p. 640, no. 56. 3. m'. Another modem copy, which belonged to Max Muller, now

' at Tokyo. On the outside is written in Max MuUer's hand : Sent by Dr. Buhler, Sept., 1866. A copy m. o. of the same MS. from which my other MS. (b) [= m*], likewise sent by Dr. Buhler, was taken.' It is dated &ake 1788 (= A. D. 1866). The last page contains the additional matter at the conclusion of h, amoglianandanaiikmyatn, &c., exactly reproduced. This, too, is undoubtedly a copy of h. Further details are given by Wickrema- singhe, p. 640, no. ^^. 4. d. A modern undated MS. of forty-two leaves, which formerly belonged to Bhau Daji, and is now in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay. When I wrote to Bombay for the loan of it, I had great hopes that it would prove to be the original of m^. But a brief inspection, on its arrival, unfortunately showed that this too is a faithful copy of h. The title-page is blank, but fol. i"" reproduces the contents of the title-page of h : atha vaisvadevasuMe, &c., and the additional matter at the end of h is likewise exactly copied amoghanandanasikmydm, &c. It differs from h only in the numbering of the slokas from the fourth Adhyaya onwards, where h goes wrong, h, and these three copies, as well as m^, all agree in the mistake of describing the seventh Adhyaya as the sixth.

5. r^. This MS. of Mitra's, described by him as ga, is very closely allied to h, almost invariably agreeing with the readings of that MS., when the latter dlflfers from all the rest (cp. the various readings of v. 11). It is therefore probably either the original or a copy of h ; but an inspection would be necessary to decide the question of priority between the two. It may be identical with the MS. of the Brhaddevata stated in one of the Bombay catalogues to have been sent on loan to Calcutta. It appears to be complete, as it is quoted by Mitra from the beginning to the end of his edition.

6. 7, 8. r*, r*, r*. These are the MSS. of Mitra, respectively designated by him as ka, gha, and ca. Mitra's critical notes show that they are practically identical in their readings. The first two, being referred to from the beginning of the edition, appear to be nearly complete ; the last six Vargas of the introduction are, however, wanting in them (ii. 97-127, pp. 53-56). The third, r', is incomplete, the whole of the introduction, or nearly two Adhyayas, being omitted ; it does not begin to be quoted till ii. 137 (p. 57). These three MSS. omit all the slokas wanting in h, besides a good many more, while they contain the additional matter found IntroductionJ A COMPOSITE MS. [xv in h. Their readings frequently agree in opposition to all the other MSS.* Either r^ or r* was probably the original of the other two, and may have been the only MS. which, according to a letter of his to Max Miiller,

' dated Dec. 3, 1873, Mitra at that time possessed. He there says : Of the Brhaddevata I have an only MS. extending to eight chapters. It is tolerably correct, but apparently corrupt.' On the relation of these three MSS. the following anecdote may possibly throw some light. According to a rule of the series, no text may be edited in the Bibliotheca Indica unless based on at least three independent MSS. A certain Calcutta scholar- was once anxious to edit a text of which he unfortunately had only one MS. This, however, did not prove an insuperable difficulty: he set his Pandits to work, ' and then there were three.' The readings of these three MSS. are on the whole inferior to those of h and r^, but in a few cases they alone have undoubtedly preserved the correct form of the text as compared with all the remaining MSS. (cp. i.

57; i. 75; i. 136; ii. 129)1 9. m^. This is a modem MS. which formerly belonged to Max Muller and is now in the University Library at Tokyo. It is dated Sake 1783 (= A.D. 1861), being a copy made from a MS. which belonged to Bhau Daji, but the whereabouts of which I have been unable to trace. It is the copy referred to by Bhau Daji in a letter to Max Miiller, dated Bombay, March 13, 1862, in which he says he is forwarding a copy of S'aunaka's Brhaddevata from a MS. in his collection. This copy has the peculiarity of representing both groups of MSS. On the one hand, in that part of the text which is common to both groups, it agrees in its readings with A, in particular with h and r^ (A^), and in this pai-t may therefore be accounted an A MS. On the other hand, it contains all the additional matter of the B group, and to this extent belongs to that group also. Owing to its independence and comparative correctness, it has proved more valuable to me than any of the other B MSS. I would have given much to trace the source from which it is derived. It shows a special affinity to h in two points. In the first place, the end of the seventh Adhyaya is here wrongly described (as also in the copies m^,

m^, d) with the words iti Irhaddevatdydm sagtko 'dhyayah. Secondly, this MS., like h, numbers the slokas consecutively, the final figure, however (owing to the additional matter in B), being 1281, while in h it is 1049.

The B Group. 1. b. A MS. belonging to the Royal Library at

> Thus in Brhadderatft i 11 all the B MSS., ' Instances of a certain affinity between aa well as h r* m', read ^'bhidlAyate, while r' r* these MSS. and b of the B group are to be

have pradriyat* (cp. also the various readings found ; cp. for instance the various readings

in L 18 ; ii. 158 ; iv. 16, ko.). unSer i. 124, 136, 137. :

XVI [introduction ] THE MSS. OF THE B GROUP

Berlin (Chambers 197) ; consisting of ninety-six leaves. It is well preserved and clearly written, but is very incorrect. It begins

Sngane^dya namah. mantradrghhyo namaskrtvd, &c. ; and ends : vimiati jyotir uttamam vimSati jyotir uttamam iti II 28 II ydskdt/a namah II om ydtkaya

namah II iti hrhaddevatdydm aitamo 'dkydyah samdpiah II i/i brhaddevatd samdp-

tah II samvat 1711 (=A.D. 1654) varse vaisdsasuklamsthydm ludhe likhitam

^ idam II It occupies a somewhat independent position among the B MSS., showing some affinity with A^.

2. f. A MS. in the Bodleian Library ^, presented by the late Dr. FitzEdward Hall. It is not dated, but has the appearance of being from 350 to 300 years old. It is written in a somewhat illegible hand, and is very incorrect. It is, nevertheless, in sdme cases, the only MS. which preserves the right reading. It is the original from which, probably, all the following three MSS. were copied. 3. c. A copy of FitzEdward Hall's Bodleian MS. (f) made at Calcutta in 1862 and presented to the Cambridge University Library by the late Prof. Cowell in 1875. I examined this MS. at Cambridge, but as

it is admittedly a copy of f, I have given no collations from it. 4. k. This is a modern copy, which belonged to the late Adalbert Kuhn, now the property of Prof. E. Kuhn of Munich, and lent to me by him through Prof. Lanman for the purposes of this edition. On the fly-leaf is written 'A. Kuhn, 1865.' It is dated samvat 1921 (=A.D. 1864). Written in Devanagari on bluish paper, it consists of fifty leaves, with eighteen lines to the page, which, as in European books, is longer than

it is broad. This MS. is very inaccurate, agreeing closely in errors and

omissions with f. It contains many additional mistakes owing to the somewhat illegible writing of the latter MS. My critical notes prove,

I think conclusively, that it is a copy of f. It must have been written before that MS. left India. 5. rl A MS. of Mitra's {=:kha), which his critical notes show to agree

so closely with f, that I have little doubt it is another copy made from FitzEdward Hall's MS. before it left India.

6. 7. r', r'. These two MSS. of Mitra's, designated by him as ha and pmtakdntaram respectively, agree very closely. They occupy a some- what independent position in the B group, as they alone occasionally preserve the correct reading (e. g. carundm in iv. 29). In a few cases they also have additional slokas not found in any of the other MSS. A correspondent, writing from Calcutta in 1898, informed me that one

' Described more fully in Weber's Catalogue Keith's forthcoming Catalogue of the Ad- of Sanskrit MSS., Berlin, 1853, p. 10, No. 47. ditional Sanskrit MSS. in the Bodleian

? Described more fully in Winteruitz and Library, p. ai. lutroduction] THE NlTIMAl^JARl MSS. [xvii

of Mitra's Brhaddevata MSS. had belonged to his ' travelling Pandit,' but had been sold after Mitra's death along with the rest. This was

perhaps r', the description of which as ' another MS.,' pustakdntaram, would thus be explained. 8. m^. This MS., which partly belongs to the B group, has aheady been described as No. 9 of group A.

5. The intiinanjari MSS.

As the Nitimanjarl ^ quotes very largely—to the extent of about 180 ^lokas^—from the Brhaddevata, I considered it advisable to collate all the MSS. of that work accessible to me. Mr. A. B. Keith very kindly undertook to constitute a text of these passages from four MSS. ^ (abed), which text I designate by n in the critical notes. To these four were after- wards added three other MSS. (g h m), from which Mr. Keith furnished me with supplementary collations. When I give various readings from

' the Nitimafijarl, I indicate the particular MS. in parentheses ; thus n (m),' 'n(b),' &c. I now append a brief account of these Nltimanjari MSS. based on Mr. Keith's notes. 1. a. Prof. Kielhom's MS., now in the University Library at Gottingen, is a copy (made in 1869) of a codex written in 1778 a.d. It contains all the eight Astakas complete. 2. b. India Office Library, No. 1649, dating fi-om about 1750, contains the first four Astakas only. 3. c. India Office Library, No. 966, dating from about 1650, contains Astakas 3-5 (3 being in a difierent hand). 4. d. India Office Library, No. 966, date about 1650; contains Astakas

2, 5> 6, 7, all in one hand. Astakas 2 and 6 are fragmentary. 5. g. This and the following MS. have the appearance of being a single codex, but are in reality two fragmentary MSS. They belong to the Government Sanskrit College, Benares, having been sent by Mr. Ralph Griffith to Max Miiller, among whose papers they were found after his death, g contains Astakas i-v. 13, its date being probably about 1600 A.D.

6. h. Contains Astakas ii. 9-viii, and is dated samvat 1684 ( = a.d. 1627). 7. m. This MS. belonged to Max Miiller, and is now in the Tokyo

' On this work see Eielhorn, Indian Anti- 1902, pp. 37-41. quary, t. 116; GOttinger Nachriohten, 1891, ' See Appendix v, p. 134 f. p. 181 f.; Peterson, Second Report, 1883-4, = Of these Mr. Keith gives a short account p. 8; A. B. Keith, JRAS., igco, pp. 137- in the JRAS., 1900, p. 137.

136 ; Sieg, Sagenstoffe deg Rgveda, Stuttgart, XVIUiii] TWO EECENSIONS [introduction

University Library. With the exception of a few small lacunae it is

complete. It is dated hke 1786 ( = a.d. 1864). It is described in Wickre-

masinghe's Catalogue of the Max Miiller Sanskrit MSS., p. 64a, no. 61.

According to Mr. Keith these seven MSS. fall into two groups : A,

comprising a, b, m ; and B, comprising c, d, g, h. A represents the more modem group, and shows a somewhat simplified text. Of this group m is perhaps the best. In the B group, g and h correspond on the whole, and have a general resemblance to c and d. The extract of the Ulwar MS. given by Peterson agrees with g (beginning) and h (end). In the quoted Brhaddevata passages, the NitimaSjai'I MSS. follow the

text of the longer recension (B) in nearly all decisive passages ; but the quotations seem to have been very carelessly copied.

6. Two recensions of the Brhaddevata.

An examination of these two main gi-oups of MSS. shows that B (or the longer recension) contains 133 slokas not to be found in A, while A has 18 not to be found in B. The question here arises, what is the relation of these two groups or recensions? A few years ago I read the Brhaddevata critically with three of my advanced pupils (one of whom was Mr. A. B. Keith), in order to teach them how to collate MSS. and to constitute a correct text from them. At that time I formed the opinion that the shorter recension was the original one, as the exten- sions in B produced the general impression of superfluous matter. Con- tinued study has, however, convinced me that the additions of the longer recension belonged, on the whole, to the original text, and that A is an abridgement ^. This conclusion rests chiefly on two arguments. In the first place, the text of the Sarvanukramanl is not only based throughout on the Brhaddevata as one of its main sources, but actually contains, although itself a Sutra work, a large number of metrical passages from the Brhadde-

vata embedded in its text : several of these passages are taken from the additional matter peculiar to B ^. The second argument is founded on the length of the vargas into which each Adhyaya is divided. The normal number of slokas in a varga is five ^. The fifty-eight vargas of the first two Adhyayas (in which the text of

' My text of the Brhaddevata contains lected in Appendix vi, Relation of the Brhad- 1334 slokas, of which 1073 are oommon to both devata to other Texts, pp. 147-153. ' recensions ; A has 1091, B 1206. The original This is derived from the division of the form of the text may have contained nearly text of the Rg-veda,where the normal number 1 300. of the stanzas contained in each varga is five,a3 • The evidence for this will be found col- far as the length of the hymn will admit of it. Introduction] CKITICAL PKINCIPLES FOLLOWED [xix

A has no omissions) contain 289 slokas, or one sloka less than 5 X 58

(=290). - These two Adhyayas contain no vargas with fewer than four slokas, and only four as short as that. The omissions in the text of A do not begin to appear till the middle of the third Adhyaya (iii. 6a). We find that four slokas are here omitted (85'"'-89'''') at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth varga, and two more in the nineteenth (95'"'-97"*) nineteenth is ; yet the end of the varga indicated by the figure 19 after the same sloka ^ in A as in B. In other words, though the three vargas in A contain only nine slokas, or an average of three for each, the old number 19 remains at the end of the third varga in A as well as B. The same thing occurs over and over again in the A MSS. The conclusion that A is an abridgement of the original text is cor- roborated by another feature in the numbering of the A MSS. It is only the A group that, in addition to numbering the vargas, also numbers the slokas continuously from the beginning of the book to the end. This seems almost certainly due to the fact that, by the omission of certain passages, the number of the varga (if occurring within such passages) also disappeared, and that the figures indicating the end of the vargas thus became inter- mittent in the shorter recension. Consequently a copyist would, I think, naturally come to adopt the additional method of numbering the Slokas of the whole work consecutively. It is obvious that this method of enumera- tion affords many opportunities of error. As a matter of fact h shows frequent mistakes in this part of its numbering. Hence the figures of the final sloka, 1049, in h, as well as 1281 in m^, do not correspond to the actual total of slokas contained in those two codices.

7. Critical principles followed in constitnting the Text.

In view of the existence of these two recensions, what method, it may be asked, have I adopted in constituting the text 1 Having arrived at the conclusion that the longer recension represents on the whole the original extent of the Brhaddevata, I have admitted the additional matter of B to the text, with the exception of a few occasional slokas or half-slokas, which are clearly spurious, and which have therefore been relegated to the critical notes. Every one of the additional lines of B has, however, been indicated, both in text and translation, by a B pre- fixed to it. Similarly, the comparatively few slokas which are peculiar to A are indicated by that letter. Hence the reader can see at a glance what lines are peculiar to either recension. I may here add that the text of the

' That is, in h d m' m' as well as m'. Mitra I but it is to be assumed that his A MSS. agree the this respect others. doe* not indicate vargas in his edition ; I with h in as in xz] RELATION TO OTHER TEXTS [introduction

Sarvanukramani proves some at least of the additional matter in A to have belonged to the original text of the Brhaddevata ^. But what method have I followed with regard to that part of the text which is common to both recensions, viz. six-sevenths of the whole work (or 1073 out of I aa4 ^lokas) ? Now in this common portion of the text the divergence of the two recensions does not in the vast majority of cases go beyond a word or two in the line, A having as a rule the correct reading, while B has a corruption. Sometimes, however, the divergence cannot be accounted for by the same original reading ; for while in these instances the matter is usually identical, the wording of part, or of all of the line, is entirely different ^. In this latter case I have, owing to the much greater correctness of the A MSS., followed the principle of adopting, when other things are equal, the readings of A. I have been confirmed in this by an examination of Sadguru^isya, who, in his commentary on the Sarvanukramani, quotes about fifty slokas from the Brhaddevata *. I find that he predominantly agrees with the readings of A, though he frequently quotes passages which are only to be found in B. From this I conclude that the readings of the B recension, as known to Sadguru^isya *, have, in the parts which the two recensions have in common, on the whole been better preserved * by A. It has, however, not by any means been my aim to supply here the text of the A recension pure and simple. I have endeavoured to constitute, by means of all the evidence that can be brought to beai- on it, a text approxi- mating as nearly as possible to the original form of the Brhaddevata.

8. External evidence liearing on the text of the Brhaddevata.

I doubt whether, with the exception of the Vedic Samhitas, there is any other work of Indian literature upon the text of which so much evidence out- side its own MS. material can be concentrated. From the point of view of textual criticism the task of editing the Brhaddevata has therefore proved

• See Appendix vi and note on Brhadde- * Sadgurusisya once quotes a passage (v. 64- vata vili. 137. 67) which does not even occur in all the MSS. ' The number of cases, in the common text, of the B family. in which the divergence of wording extends ' Sayana, who quotes nearly as much (see more or less to the whole line, amounts, I Appendix v) of the Brhaddevata as Sadguru- think, to hardly twenty. There is no instance sisya does, on the whole follows B, though in the first Adhyaya, in which the two re- he occasionally agrees with A. His relation censions can hardly be distinguished (there to the recensions is not veiy clear, as he some- being also no omissions). times has a different reading when A and B ' Cp. especially the critical notes on v. 50- are identical. This may have been due to 78. For a list of these quotations see Appendix quoting from memory. I have already men- v, pp. 134, 135. tioned that the Nitimaiijarl follows B. Introduction] EXTERNAL TEXTUAL EVIDENCE [xxi

one of extraordinary interest. This external evidence has enabled me, in many cases, to decide on the correct reading, which, judged by the MS. evidence alone, would have remained conjectural. It has, at the same time, shown that B has occasionally preserved the original reading, even if in a corrupt form. It has further enabled me to emend with certainty some

passages which are corrupt in the MSS. of both recensions '. It has in particular enabled me to restore several passages occurring in B only, which, without this aid, would have been desperate.

But in what does this outside evidence consist ? In the first place, about one-fifth of the whole Brhaddevata is quoted by Sadgurusisya, Sayana, and the author of the Nitimafijari taken together. In the second place, its text bears an intimate relation to that of the Naighantuka, the Nirukta, the Sai-vanukramani, the Arsanukramanl, the

AnuvakanukramanI, and the Rgvidhana ; owing to the very nature of the its is necessarily work connexion with the text of the Rg-veda very close ; the Maitrayanl Samhita, the Kausitaki and the Aitareya occa-

sionally throw light on it ; and several of its legends are historically linked with those of the .

9. Intimate relationship to the Nirakta and the Sarvannkrama^.

By far the most important relationship among all these works is, however, that which the Brhaddevata beai-s to the Nirukta and the Sarva- nukramanl. For it is historically wedged in between these two works in such a way that while it borrows largely from the former, it is borrowed from stUl more largely by the latter. There are many passages in which the exact words of the Nirukta are repeated, and others in which the diction is only so far modified as is required by the exigencies of metre. The wording of the Sarvanukramanl, in all that concerns the deities of the

?.g-veda, is based on that of the Brhaddevata throughout ; and though the Sarvanukramanl is a Sutra work, there are found embedded in its text fifteen anustubh padas of the Brhaddevata unaltered, besides about seventy- five others which are only slightly modified, by the omission of a particle, the transposition of a word, or the substitution of another word. There are, moreover, about ten passages which are clearly based in each case on a half-sloka of the Brhaddevata. There is, finally, at least one clear instance of a whole sloka of the Brhaddevata having been adapted by the author of the Sarvanukramanl *. In other words, what amounts to at least thirty

' Examples of such are : rauiamah (v. 34), et'ii'S (v. 144). See the notes on these passages. satpatih (iil. 70), aniahparidhi (vii. 98), aindrdgni ' All the evidence for this will be found (vii. 119), anupanijidli (v. no), rblm (v. 84), collected in Appendix vi, pp. 147-153. xxii] APPROXIMATE DATE [introduction

llokas of the text of the Brhaddevata can be unmistakeably traced in the Sarvanukramanl. This takes no account of the identity of diction which occurs at every step in the Sarvanukramanl, but cannot be shown to have a metrical source. Hence the high value of the Sarvanukramanl as a check on the readings of the Brhaddevata is obvious. With regard to the relationship of the Brhaddevata to the other cognate

works attributed to S'aunaka, I may here add that it has a half-sloka and the greater part of the following pada in common with the Anuva- kanukramanl. With the ArsanukramanI it shares three and a half slokas, and with the Kgvidhana two and a half slokas. There are besides a number of other passages in which its wording is very similar to that of the two latter works. All this borrowed or common matter will be found collected

in parallel columns in Appendix vi, ' Relation of the Brhaddevata to other texts,' pp. 136-154.

10. Sate and authorship of the Brhaddevata.

What evidence does the relationship of the Brhaddevata to other texts furnish towards determining the question of its date? An examination of the parallel material supplied in Appendix vi can leave no doubt whatever in regard, at least, to the relative date of the Brhadde- vata. From that material it results with certainty that the Brhaddevata, while posterior to the Nirukta, is anterior to the Sai'vanukramani. This conclusion at the same time takes us a considerable way towards an approximate estimate of the actual date of our text. It must thus be

later than 500 B. 0., but earlier than the time of Katyayana. Owing to the concise character of their style, both the Sarvanukra- manl and the S'rauta Sutra of the White Yajur-veda probably belong to the later Sutra period. Both works were composed by a Katyayana.

The Vajasaneyi Anukramani, which has nearly the whole of its introduc- tion in common with that of the Sarvanukramanl^, is also the work of a Katyayana. All this points to the author of these works being the same Katyayana, who, because the diction of the Sarvanukramanl shows several Vedic peculiarities and forms not sanctioned by Panini's grammar^, could hardly be identical with Panini's commentator of that name. Hence it seems likely that the Sarvanukramanl, as a later but still probably pre-Paninean Sutra, dates from not later than the middle of the fourth century B.c.^ The Brhaddevata, its chief source, could, therefore,

* See my edition of the Sarv&nulcramani, me in my edition of the Sarr&nukramanl, "p. viii, bottom. p. viii, and I see no reason to depart from it.

' Op. cit., p. viii, middle. But I do not think that its author can be iden- ' This opinion has already been stated by tical with the grammarian K&tySyana. Introduction] PROBABLE AUTHORSHIP [XXIU hardly be placed later than 400 b. c. Though slokas have undoubtedly been added here and there and some modifications of diction have probably crept in, the authenticity of the text as a whole is better guaranteed than that of perhaps any other ancillary Vedic work, by the fragments of it which are found embedded, from beginning to end, in the Sarva- nukramanii, itself a text which has been handed down with peculiar care. The early character of the Brhaddevata is further indicated by its mythological standpoint, which is that of the Vedic triad ,

Indra, and Surya ; Indi-a, moreover, is the predominant deity. The com- paratively lai-ge proportion (one-fourth) of narrative which it contains, in illustration of the hynms of the ?.g-veda, is thus the earliest col- lection of epic matter which we possess, dating as it does from a period when the Mahabharata could only have been in an embryonic state*.

The fact of its containing this additional epic matter, points to its beinc somewhat later in date than the DevatanukramanI, which though not extant is known from ten quotations in Sadgurusisya ^ and was doubtless an index of deities only. There seems no reason to doubt the tradition which attributes this and the other short Anukramanis to S'aunaka.

But is the ascription to him of the Brhaddevata also probable ? There can be little doubt that the DevatanukramanI, as the simpler of the two, was also the earlier. It is in itself unlikely that the same author should have reproduced this work in another form with exactly the same object, viz. to give a serial account of the deities of the ?.g-veda. This assumption is borne out by the internal evidence of the Brhaddevata itself. The writer several times speaks of himself in the first person *. On the other hand, S'aunaka is mentioned * fifteen times ' by name, generally with other authorities, especially Yaska, when different views are stated. Indeed, the impression is once or twice conveyed, that S'aunaka's view was not shared by the writer. In any case, the author could not possibly have meant himself when speaking of the 'Acarya ^aunaka' (ii. 136;

• I have shown in an article on the Arai- akin to the Great Epic deserve careful inves- nukramanl, Festgruss an R. von Roth (Stutt- tigation. gart, 1893), p. 112, that the SarvanukramanI ' Cp. my edition of the Sarvanukramant, contains metrical fragments from that work pp. vi and 206.

* also ; and it is clear that the SarvSnukramanl Brhaddevata L i ; ii. 146; iv. 32 (b) ; vii. 84 &c. borrows from it throughout. • The verb is in a past tense, aha, uvOca,

' In the longer recension, the Brhaddevata mene, abravit, excepting in two passages jn has one ^loka (v. 144) in common with the which his opinion is stated with that of present text of the Mahabharata. One half- Yaska and Galava (manyarUe), or that of jloka (viii. 98'^'') has also a closely parallel Yaska and Sakatayana (manycUe). form in the Bhagavadgita. All points in ' See the references in Appendix ii, p. 1 15, which the narrative matter of our text is under 'Saunaka.' XXIV ] EMENDATIONS [introductiou vi. 9), or of S'aunaka and other Acaryas' (v. 39), or the 'Acaryas S'au- naka, Yaska, Galava' (vii. 38). My conclusion, therefore, is that the writer was not S'aunaka himself, but a teacher of his school, who was not separated from him by any great length of time.

vll> Emendations.

The text, as it has been fixed by me, contains about 107 emenda- tions *. As might be expected from the coiTupt character of its MSS., no fewer than thirty-nine of these corrections had to be made in the passages peculiar to the B recension; while only one (and that a very slight one) occurs in the eighteen slokas peculiar to A. Over a hundred emendations seem at first sight a formidable number, one to the page on the average. The correction is, however, generally very slight. In the first place, the emendations are, with only three exceptions, concerned with single isolated words, not with whole passages. In the second place, over seventy of the corrections are concerned with a single letter. Twenty- four aflect two letters or one syllable, and eight are concerned with three letters or two syllables in a word. About seven of these cases consist of the omission, addition, or transposition of single syllables, chiefly for metrical reasons^. There is one case in which three successive words have been corrected (vii. 137), and only one in which the emendation afiects the whole pada (viii. 84*). One pada has been left blank (vi. 7"). Only one of the emendations (vii. 114) can, I think, be said to be palaeographically im-

probable ; while more than a dozen of them are rendered absolutely certain by external evidence. Wherever even a single letter has been added, omitted, or altered, without the authority of any of the MSS. of the

Brhaddevata itself, I have insei-ted an asterisk in the text ; and the reasons for the emendations are always discussed in the critical notes. Where I have only corrected faulty spelling, as tattva for tatva, sattra for satra, buddhvd for budhvd, I have not added an asterisk; but in cases like krttam for krtam, (iii. 23) I have done so. The asterisk has as far as possible been placed above the emended syllable. When I had first finished constituting the text, the number of passages in which I was doubtful as to the reading or the sense, was considerable. Continued study

' More than one-fourth (38) of these are posed against all the MSS. ; while the position found in the fifth Adhyaya ; only three occupied by another line (viii. loS"*) and of altogether in the first ; and eight each in the two slokas (viii. 84, 85) has the support of second,third, and fourth. Thus three-quarters one MS. only (m"). I have in a few cases of the emendations occur in the second half of transposed or emended the figures which the text. number the vargas. In the former case the

' Only one line (i. iig*'') has been trans- asterisk is to the left, in the latter at the top. '

Introduction] AKKANGEMENT OF NOTES [xxv in the light of all the external evidence I could bring to bear, has, however, now reduced these passages to hardly more than half a dozen. I have, perhaps, been over cautious in the matter of conjectural emenda- tion. If so, it is, I think, the effect of an experience I had at the age of twenty. When a student at the University of Gottingen, I was one day reading an English author, borrowed from the lending library, in the Tauchnitz edition.

Here occurred the expression ' milch cow,' which was corrected on the margin to 'milk-cow,' written in a German hand. The lesson conveyed by this correction I have never forgotten. My hand has often been stayed by ? the reflexion, ' Is this a milk-cow emendation Apart, however, from the question of emendations, it is quite impossible, even though I have always carefully weighed the evidence, that I should in eveiy case have selected the best reading supplied by the MSS. at my disposal. I have, therefore, endeavoured everywhere to furnish the material which will render the correction of any errors I may have left as easy as possible.

12. Arrangement of translation and notes.

Besides the use in the text of asterisks to mark emendations, and of symbols to indicate divergences of recension, a peculiar feature of the present edition is the placing of the critical and illustrative notes, imme- diately after the translation of each sloka in the second volume. In this way the reader can have under his eye, at the same moment, the text on the one hand, and all the material for its interpretation on the other. As regards the critical notes, I have very commonly added the readings of MSS. which have practically no independent value, partly to remove doubt as to the independent readings, and partly as evidence of the relationship of the various MSS. In a very few cases the readings of these secondary MSS. appear alone, because I sometimes found, after having returned the primary MS., that I had not specially noted its reading, and so became doubtful, even after careful collation, whether its reading after all agreed with that of the rest. I always remember what a German friend said to me many years ago in regard to assuming that a MS. has a particular reading unless a special statement to the contrary

! ' ' is made : ich traue Ihnen nicht —When the MSS. of a whole group agree (as to which there is occasionally some doubt, since Mitra does not always note the readings of his MSS.), I simply indicate this by A or B. These symbols, however, never include m^. In the case of emendations or doubtful readings I state my reasons pretty fully, it being so much easier to refute an error when this is done. As to the illustrative notes, d XXVIi] IREEGULAEITIES [lutroduction

I have not aimed at supplying an elaborate commentary, but only at giving enough to explain the text and facilitate its use as a trustworthy basis for further research. As the translation is for the use of scholars only,

it is meant to be a close one in which every word is accounted for. I have endeavoured to make it as clear and serviceable as possible by the employment of parenthetical additions. Wherever I have been doubtful in difficult passages as to the interpretation, I have stated this in a note, leaving it to others to improve upon what I have been able to supply.

13. Zrregnlarities in the text of the Brhaddevata.

Metre. The Brhaddevata is composed for the most part in the anustubh

metre ; but, like the other versified works attributed to 6aunaka, it contains an admixture of tristubh stanzas, forty-three of which occur in different parts of the work. It is to be noted that about 120 instances of hiatus are found between the first and second pada of anustubh lines, or about one case in every ten slokas. Thus even initial a must sometimes be read

e : i. after and (e. g. ii. 1 29 ; iv. 3 but 54). The vowels are here for the most part run together in the MSS., and have to be separated in order to restore the metre, as in the case of the Vedic Samhitas. Occasionally some of the MSS. remove the hiatus by the insei-tion of a particle. In such cases I have always preferred the reading with the hiatus. Owing to this loose connexion between the padas, I have separated the two halves of the line throughout the text (even in i. 30, 115). There are several instances of anustubh padas, when they form the first half of the line, consisting of nine syllables ^. In these cases the line always begins with two short syllables. There is one instance of the second pada containing seven syllables only, but this is accounted for by the line consisting of a pratlka of the Rg-veda, which has to be read with vyuha ^. Tristubh padas not infrequently have one syllable too many^, while others sometimes end iambically. This irregularity is doubtless due to the fact that jagati padas occasionally interchange with tristubh verses. Grammar. With regai'd to euphonic combination*, the Brhaddevata ^ very usually does not contract a final a ox a with a following r ; the hiatus is not avoided even in the case of i ^. On the other hand, irre-

' BD. ii. as ; iv. loz ; viii. 68, 70; and one MSS. in dropping visarga before a sibilant or two other instances as various readings. plus a hard consonant.

' ' Rjram uksanyCiijane : KV. viii. 25. aa. e.g. aiha rtus, ii. 13; hence rai rcaA,

' e.g. iii. 126, 127 ; viii. 99. i. 18.

* I have followed the regular practice of the • Naipdtikani rgbhdnji, ii. 78. Introduction] IKREGULAE GRAMMATICAL FOEMS [xxvii gular contraction after the dropping of Visarga is somewhat frequent, especially in the case of pratlkas K In two instances a is elided after the dual e: drsyete 'Ipdli (i. 8) and dve^iumateh (iv. 88). Sandhi is further appKed to a Pragrhya in vaidadasvy r»l (v. 61 ; also 89). The irregularities in regard to nouns, pronouns, and verbs are not inconsiderable. The weak

base is used in the feminine participle drohati (vii. 130). The base szuldsa

is once used instead of guilds (vi. 34). Adjectives derived from compounds,

especially from Devata-dvandvas, ai'e often irregularly formed : visvabhaisaji/a

(viii. 50), trigdnivatsarika (v, 97) ; amdrd-goma (vi. 27), gomd-pamna (iv. 91), and others as in the Sarvanukramani ^. The nom. plur. of patnl appears as pahiyaL jiainai/ah (ii. 8, 9, 12 ; iii. 9a) a,nipahn/i (viii. 128) beside the vegal&v Praihamagi/dm (beside dviUyagydm) occurs once (viii. 95). The form caturihik is frequently used instead of catagrbhih, sometimes even in direct association

with a feminine noun ^. Enam appears to be once used for enad (i. 73). Mantra is once used as a neuter (viii. 129)*. The neuter harag appears once (v. 19) as a masculine. In the verb, unaugmented forms occur several times: miat (iv. 113), harhayat (iv. 69), bodhayat (iv. 115), idmayat

(iv. 53). Amiidgati once stands for the 3rd sing, present (vii. 37) ; the

present base of bandh is twice hadhya (v. 134 ; vi. 14) ; apdhanat stands for apdhan (iv. 114), mocire for mumucire (vi. 15), agugvapat for agumpat (vi. 13).

The form mathjati has a passive sense (iii. 6a). Compound gerunds

sometimes take -tvd : namaskrtvd (i. i), samgrJiUvd (ii. 47), d-nitvd

(v. 18); while -ya is once used in the simple gerund sdntvya (iv. 3). With regard to syntax, the nominative is a few times used for the accusa-

: hetun. (i. pahcdsat pahcdSatam (vL ; bhrdtarah tive hetavah for 28) ; for 54)

for hhrdlfii (iv. 32) ; and the accusative with iti instead of the nominative occurs several times. The order of the words is frequently disregarded, especially in the case of iti^. This irregularity goes altogether too far in two or three cases*, making the passage either unintelligible without external evidence, or positively misleading. Vocabulary. With regard to vocabulary, the vowel of a few words

appears shortened under the influence of the metre : gikata (vii. 79), dSih (v. 170), NSMhdka (vii. 128). To the same cause are due the peculiar formations uruvdginl (iL 59) = urvan, and vdrimkapa (ii. 69) = tdndkapa, Brhataspati is meant (ii. 3) for an etymological explanation of brhagpati.

^ Ja.tatediUha,u.20', tisroktdh, yi. 136 ; vidvdm- raksohanadi, vii. 143. sarsigatdm, vii. ita; samiddhdpryah, iv. 63; ' See my edition, p. x, top.

' daryieti, i. 50 ; ileti, iii. 138 ; Rvrendravdifubhyam, See Index of Words, under caiur.

iii. payamaiyuUarii, vii. * also in ii. 132. 94 ; 10. There are Probably ' besides a few irregular contractions of pratikas V. 46; vi. 91 ; vii. la, 46, ill.

' : (vitatau), See i. iL 13° ; iii. 9a. of a different kind vitatadify u 57 ; 115 i xxviii] SUMMAKY OF CONTENTS [introduction

A fair number of Vedic words are used, such as krnlatra (ii. 60), rlMa

(v. 84), aitr'i (viii. 68), kdru (ii. 2a), klrin (iii. 96), krpanyu (ii. 27), tamagvatl (iii. 10), vddhut/a (vii. 134), vidvanga (iii. 147), vrktabarhis (i. 65), si/dvt (iii. 8),

««;^^^ { = sund: iv. 29); t7«t;a (ii. 134), Sukra (vi. 144); ^a^/m as an adverb

' (ii. 98) ; the verb ribh, to praise ' (iii. 96). The use of such words, how- ever, is not always an independent one, as they sometimes occur in passages which are only adaptations of the statements of the Rg-veda ^. The Brhaddevata also contains a few words which have not been noted elsewhere : kuntya, pratijmrvaka, prdiiga (adj.), ydjamdna (adj.), ndndnlya,

' Sarmomitrlyd ; vi-hkaya, to console ' (vii. 36), has been borrowed by the Sarvanukramani (x. 33).

14. Snminary of the contents of the Brhaddevata.

The contents of the eight Adhyayas of the Brhaddevata do not correspond in any way to the eight Astakas of the Rg-veda. Thus the enumeration of the deities of the hymns does not begin till near the end of the second Adhyaya (ii. 126). Each Adhyaya contains about thii'ty vargas of generally five slokas. The division into Adhyayas and vargas is quite mechanical, as it often cuts into the middle of a dis- cussion or a story (e. g. the end of vi, or the seventh varga of viii). The Brhaddevata begins with a long introduction embracing the whole of the first Adhyaya, and twenty-five vargas of the second. This intro- duction consists mainly of a classification and enumeration of the Vedic deities, in connexion with Prajapati as representing them collectively, and with the Vedic triad of Fire, or Vayu, and Sun, as representing respectively the gods of the three worlds. Seven vargas at the end of the introduction contain an interesting grammatical discussion, closely related to the Nirukta, and dealing with particles, prepositions, nouns, pronouns, compounds, and the analysis of words, together with a criticism of Yaska's errors in dividing words ^. The main body of the work, commencing with the twenty-sixth varga of the second Adhyaya, is, for the most part, concerned with stating the deities, in their successive order, for the hymns and stanzas of the Rg-veda. It is, however, by no means a mere index of deities, such as the Devatanukramani doubtless was. On the contrary, it contains a considerable amount of other matter, notably about forty legends, meant to explain the circumstances under which the hymns they are connected

' With the above irregularities, op. those ' This grammatical part of the Introduction collected from the Rgvidhana by Meyer in has been printed by me, with translation and his edition, pp. viii-xi. notes, in the Album-Eern, pp. 333-340. Introduction] RELATION TO THE MAHABHAEATA [xxix

with, were composed^. About 300 slokas, or approximately one-fourth of the whole work, are devoted to these legends. This is the most

important, as well as the most interesting portion of the book, for it comprises the oldest systematic collection of legends which we possess in Sanskrit. Narrated in an epic style, they are historically connected with a number of stories told in the Mahabharata. This historical con- nexion desei-ves to be carefully examined. Dr. Sieg, in the first part

of his meritorious work, ' Die Sagenstoffe des Rg-veda und die indische Itihasatradition ^,' has done this in the case of some legends. I cannot, however, in the present state of our knowledge, agree with him in supposing that the Brhaddevata has bon-owed from the Mahabharata.

He thinks that the story of Devapi Arstisena ^ is a clear example of such borrowing. In my opinion, the evidence is all the other way. The single fact that Devapi's patronymic, Arstisena, has, in the Mahabharata, become an independent name designating another person, but mentioned along with Devapi, is a clear indication of the posteriority of the Mahabharata form of the story; a differentiation of this kind being a not infrequent phenomenon in mythological development. In the Mahabharata, moreover, a third brother appears, and the name S'amtanu has become S'amtanu. It is, besides, impossible on general grounds that a Vedic work which is undoubtedly earlier than the Sarvanukramani, and not much later than Yaska, should have borrowed from the Mahabharata, which must have assumed the form known to us so many centuries later. The possibility even of interpolation appears to me, as regards the legend in question, to be entu-ely precluded by the internal evidence of the Brhaddevata *. Our text further contains other matters connected with the deities of the Rg-veda, such as an enumeration of ^, of female seers ^,

of the steeds of the various gods ', a detailed account of the AprI hymns *, and a fuU discussion of the character of the Vaisvadeva hymns'. The concluding nine vargas state the gods presiding over various kinds of ritual verses and over the different tones, with some remarks about knowing the deities of the Veda. Important and interesting is the state- ment, occurring in the Anuvakanukramanl also, as to a different sequence of the groups of hymns in the first Mandala ". The statements of the

' A list of these is given in Appendix iv, Literature (London, 1900), p. 287. pp. 132, 133. » ii. 129-131 1 iii. 55-57. » Pp. 150 ; Stnttgart, igo2. * ii. 82-84 = ArsanukramanI ^- 100-102. ' Brhaddevata vii. 155-viii. 9. ' iv. 140-142. * Cp. my review of Sieg's work in tlie ' ii. 158-iii. 32.

Deutsche Litteraturzeitung, Sept. ° ii. 19, 1903, 132-134 ; iii. 41-52. columns ; '" *. 2302-4 and my History of Sansltrit iii. 125 ; see note XXX ] RELATION TO THE KHILAS [introduction

Brhaddevata about the khilas, or supplementary hymns, are curious. Both of these subjects have been ably discussed by Prof. Oldenberg in his Prolegomena ^ with reference to the evidence then available.

15. The khilas of the Bg-veda in the Brhaddevata.

With regard to the khilas, a more trustworthy text than JVIitra's, and the discovery of new evidence, enable us now to speak with greater precision on many points. Thus we can now say with certainty that the Brhaddevata knows nothing of four khilas which Meyer, in his preface to the Rgvidhana (p. xxvi), supposes to bo referred to in the corrupt MS. (b) of the Brhaddevata which he used.

The relation of our text to the khilas is peculiar in two ways. In the first place, the Sarvanukramani, which is so largely based on the Brhaddevata, makes no mention of the thirty-seven khilas* to which the Brhaddevata refers. It only notices the group of khilas in the eighth Mandala^ besides referring to the existence, after 9g-vedai. 99, of a group of hymns by Kaiyapa *.

In the second place, of the twenty-five khilas printed in Aufrecht's ', and of the thirty-two in Max MuUer's edition of the Kg-veda®, the

Brhaddevata refers to only seven '', while, on the other hand, it mentions thirty other khilas not in Aufrecht.

Of the total of thirty-seven khilas, eleven occur after Rg-veda i. 73, seven are found at the end of the fifth Mandala, one after vi. 44 (b), the remaining eighteen being scattered through the latter half of the tenth

Mandala **. Of the thirty not in Aufrecht, about twenty have been known

' Die Hymnen des Rg-veda, Band i, Me- ' Aufrecht's vii, viii (r.r.), xviii, xx (M.M. trische und textgescliichtliche Prolegomena, xxvii), xxii, xxiii, xxv.

' Berlin, 1888 ; see chapter v : Die Sakala-und Two after x. 84, one after 85, two after 103, die Vashkala-Sakha. three after 128, one after 137, two after 151, ' These may be found in their respective one after 163, one after 166, one after 184, places by consulting Appendix iii. Index of four after 191. In these thirty-seven khilas

Deities, part i, pp. 1 16 ff. ; and the correspond- we probably have the additional matter of ing pratikas in Appendix i, part i, pp. 105 ff. the Bilskala recension which the Brhaddevata ' One of these (58) is not mentioned in any follows (cp. iii. 135 and Anuvaktlnukramanl

MS. of Sarvanukramani, two of them (57, 58) 21). They probably constitute eight groups are not mentioned in the Brhaddevata, while corresponding to the eight liymns which the the whole group is ignored in the Arsanu- Baskalas are stated to have in excess of the kramanl. S'akalas (Anuv. Auuk., 36). Thus the eleven * This reference is based on Brhaddevata Sauparna khilas would form one (cp. Weber, iii. ". 130 : see note Literature, p. 313, bottom) and samjndnam

' Second ed., vol. ii, pp. 672-688. and the two following would form another of * Seconded., vol. iv, pp. 519-541 ; see intro- fifteen stanzas (cp. Oldenberg, Prolegomena, ductory remarks there. p. 495, bottom). Introduction] THE KASHMIE KHILA COLLECTION [xxxi to exist from the mention of their pratikas or some general reference in other Vedic works, but of the rest not a trace has been found till now. It was a most fortunate circumstance that when I read a paper at the Hamburg Congi-ess of Orientalists, in September 1902, on my forthcoming edition of the Brhaddevata, I said a good deal about the khilas which are referred to in that work. As a result of these remarks, I heard, in March last, from my friend Prof. E. Leumann, of Strassburg, telling me that he had in his possession a transcript made by the late Dr. H. Wenzel of a collection of khilas found in a MS. of the Rg-veda which was purchased in Kashmir by the late Prof. Biihler ^. I gladly availed myself of his kind offer to lend me this transcript ; and by great good fortune Dr. Wenzel's note-book arrived in time for me to utilize, in my translation and notes, the material which it contained in regard to every khila mentioned in the text of the Brhaddevata. It has proved of the utmost service, since it has saved me from several mistakes, besides giving certainty in various passages where all would otherwise have been conjecture. In addition to the information I have supplied in the notes regarding the thirty-seven khilas mentioned in the text, it is here only possible to give a brief account of the collection as a whole. Now that the text is accessible it will be interesting to investigate how many of the eighty-nine^ hymns contained in it are referred to in Vedic works. The Brhaddevata alone quotes more than three-eighths of the whole number. There are indications that the text has been well preserved. Thus the initial padas of the first four stanzas of the khila brahma jajnanam quoted in the Aitareya (i. 19. 1-4) are found practically without any variation of reading and in the same order in the Kashmir collection. The khilas are here aiTanged in five Adhyayas, which are subdivided into Vargas. Each Adhyaya has prefixed to it a regular Anukramani, giving the pratika, the , the deity, and the metre of the following group of hymns. The position of the khila is indicated by the appended pratika of the hymn of the Rg-veda which immediately follows. The first Adhyaya contains twelve khilas, the first corresponding to Aufrecht's no. i, from which it differs in the initial pada only. Then come the eleven Sauparna hymns, of which, as they have been the subject of a good deal of specula- tion ^, I give the beginnings^ along with the number of stanzas contained in each: 1. iaivan tidiat^d (14) ; 2. pra dliarayantu madkiinah {"]) ; ^. ji/otkman-

' See his ' Detailed Report,' Bombay, 1877, what seems one khila may not really be two. ' Appendix i, No. 5, and some account of the Cp. Meyer, Rgvidhrma, p. xxiv ; Oldenberg,

MS., p. 35 f. Prolegomena, p. 508 ; Weber, History of Indian '' I am not yet certain as to the exact number, Literature, English Translation, and ed., being still doubtful in a few cases as to whether P-3i3t ;


tarn ketumaniMn tricakram (lo) ; 4. krias tvam lliuvanaiya te (ii) ; 5. imdtii vdm

sisralah ; 6. somas hhagadheyani (7) ayam smotno adribudhnah (6) ; 7. yada yunjdihe maghavdnam dhim (3) ; 8. yam gachatkas sutapd devavaniam (6)

9. ayamiomo devaydvdn mmedhdh (4) ; 10. idamdevdbhdgadheyam{^); 11. dxvind vahalam jnvarlh (8). This makes an aggregate of eighty-four stanzas. The second Adhyaya contains seventeen hymns, eleven of which are printed in Aufrecht's edition (ii-xii). The six others which follow the S'risukta are described in the notes on Brhaddevata v. 91, 92. The thirteenth (cakm/i) and the fifteenth (svap?ia/i) each consist of a single stanza only, while the corresponding khilas in Aufrecht (viii and x) have two and eight additional stanzas respectively. The third Adhyaya contains twenty-two hymns, the last being that of Nakula {hraltma jajhdnarri). Of these only five^ appear in Aufrecht, and one besides in Max Miiller ^ Two of the latter are much shorter than in Aufrecht or Max Miiller. The tenth, beginning pdvamdnlh, in which there is a lacuna after the middle of the third stanza, has six stanzas according to the Anukramani ; while in Aufrecht this khila has no fewer than twenty.

The seventeenth (dliruvd) ^, which consists of a single stanza, forms the conclusion of a khila of six stanzas in Aufrecht. Aufrecht's xvi, consisting of one stanza, is not to be found in the collection. The fourth Adhyaya consists of fourteen khilas, most of which are quoted by the Erhaddevata and all of which are described in the notes *.

Six of them are found in Aufrecht ^, one of these, however (« rdtri), having only four stanzas to Aufrecht's fourteen. The fifth Adhyaya comprises at least twenty-three khilas, of which, however, only the first four are noticed in the Brhaddevata". The last in Aufrecht is one of these [sawjudnam). The fifth, of eleven stanzas, beginning agnir deveddhah and characterized in the Anuki'amani as yajumn, is mentioned in the Aitareya Brahmana. The eighteenth, with eighteen stanzas, beginning etd asvdh (=AV. xx. 139. i), is in the Anukramani ascribed to Aitasa. The nineteenth, of six stanzas, beginning vitatau klranau

(= AV. XX. 133. 1-6), is referred to in the Brhaddevata (i. 57) as an example of 'enigma.' It is quite possible that several of the stanzas which seem to be quoted in the Brhaddevata from other , may really be meant to refer to khilas of the Rg-veda. With the exception of a few small lacunae, which could probably be

' xm, XIV, XV, xvu, xviii. mena, p. 507, bottom. ' That beginning ilaiva (no. xviii). * See notes on viii. 44, 45, 51,58, 59, 69, 93- ' This khila seems to be treated by the ' Corresponding to his xix, xx. i, xx. a-ia, Brliadtlcvata aa the last stanza of EV. x. 85. xxii, xxiii, xxiv.

'' " viii. Cp. vii. 137, note ; Oldenberg, Prolego- See notes on 93, 94, 100. Introduction] APPENDICES [:XXXlll

filled up in most cases from corresponding stanzas in the later Vedas, the text of the khilas is complete, and as far as I have been able to examine it yet, seems to be very fairly correct. Hence there seems reason to believe that a satisfactory edition of the text of these khilas could be produced from the Kashmir MS.

16. Appendices.

In order to make this edition as useful as possible, I have added seven appendices to the text. The first (pp. 105-114) contains an alphabetical list of all the Vedic pratikas occurring in the Brhaddevata. Besides Rg-vedic stanzas there occur here only pratikas of the khilas and of a few verses from other Samhitas, mainly the Taittiriya. A few pratikas represent only the first member of a word or compound {ambi-, sam-, aghora-). In a very few cases the pratika is slightly altered for metrical reasons, chiefly by the dropping of visarga (e.g. kahkata, tivrd,

dandd) and subsequent contraction with iti. The second appendix furnishes a list of the authorities quoted by the I Brhaddevata. It will be observed that the only ones frequently mentioned are Yaska (eighteen times), S'aunaka (fifteen times), S'akatayana (eight times), the Aitareya Brahmana (eight times), S'akapuni (seven times), and

Galava (five times). It is somewhat remarkable that the Aitareya is mentioned, with only one exception, in passages peculiar to B, while S'akatayana and S'akapQni never appear in such passages, and Yaska only two or three times. The references to S'aunaka are, on the other hand, almost equally divided between B and the common text. The third appendix (pp. 11 6-1 31) furnishes an Anukramani of the deities as stated by the Brhaddevata, with the deviations of the Sai'vanukramani added in the footnotes. These variations, which consist mainly of omis- sions of details on the part of the Sarvanukramani, are otherwise surprisingly few and unimportant. They are doubtless due to modified statements in other authorities, principally, no doubt, the Devatanukramani which we do not possess, but which Sadgurusisya often quotes. This commen- tator, in fact, sometimes expressly notes that the Sarvanukramani follows the combined statements of the two Anukramanis. The fourth appendix (pp. 132, 133) gives an alphabetical list, with cross references, of the stories related in the Brhaddevata. The fifth (pp. 134, 135) contains a list of passages following the order of occurrence in the Brhaddevata, which are quoted elsewhere, chiefly in Sadgurusisya, Sayana, and the Nitimafljari. The sixth (pp. 136-154) is of critical importance as furnishing, in e xxxiv] APPENDICES [introduction

parallel columns, the evidence for the relationship of the Brhaddevata to eight other texts, notably the Nirukta and the Sarvanukramani.

The last and longest appendix (pp. 155-198) is a very full index of the words and names occurring in the Brhaddevata. I have excluded from it

all words occurring in pratikas (Appendix i), in the list of authorities

(Appendix ii), and the names of constantly recurring deities and the corre-

sponding derivative adjectives (such as affni, dgnei/a), as these may all be

found by consulting Appendix iii. Thus, agni and dgneya are omitted when

occurring after the end of the introduction (ii. 135), unless there is some special reason for specifying them. Words of any importance found in

various readings are also given and indicated as such (e. g. antra). I have found this index extremely useful to myself, not only for the purposes of the translation, but for the final revision of the text. The help afforded by the possibility of constantly comparing cognate passages has been very considerable, and has often led to certainty in regard to the correct reading or sense, when I should otherwise have remained in doubt, or perhaps altogether in the dark. Indeed, I doubt whether a difficult Sanskrit text can ever be satisfactorily edited without an index of the entire work made before the editor sends his first sheet to press. This is one of the reasons why I have long had a strong objection to the vrretched method of bringing out texts in fasciculi. It has, as far as I can see, absolutely nothing in its favour. The editor probably begins to bring out his text before he knows it thoroughly, and

the final fasciculus, if it ever sees the light, probably has, or ought to have, a long list of corrigenda in consequence. Meanwhile the work remains practically useless to scholars, while its interpretation is rendered additionally difficult by its hidden errors. Much loss of time is also

entailed ; for while, for instance, the whole of the present work of about 560 pages has taken less than a year to pass through the press, experience shows that four fasciculi of, say, 1 00 pages spread themselves over some six years in the process of publication. I am also convinced that it is the duty of every competent and careful editor, not only to refrain from this futile form of publication, but to extract as much material as possible from his text while engaged in editing it. As he must, necessarily, be more familiar with his text than any one else is likely to make himself, research is sure to be more rapidly advanced by the adoption of this method.

17. Acknowledgment of obligations.

There now remains to me only the pleasant duty of thanking all those who have in any way assisted in the production of the present work. One or more valuable notes, which I have utilized in one form or another, Introduction] OBLIGATIONS [xxxv

I owe to Prof. Lanman, Prof. Kielliom, C. I. E., D. Litt. (Oxon.), Prof.

J. EggelJDg, Prof. Aufrecht ^, Prof. Harms Oertel, and Dr. E. Sieg. To my friend Prof. Ernst Kuhn I must express my gratitude for his kindness in placing at my disposal his eminent father's material, which considerably lightened my laboui-s, especially in their initial stage. Prof. Leumann has placed not only myself, but all other Vedic scholars, under an obligation by lending me Dr. Wenzel's transcript of the Kashmir Khila collection. The information extracted from it will, I believe, render the present work more useful in furthering Vedic studies than anything else which it supplies. Mr. A. B. Keith has read proofs of the whole text and translation with great care and insight, and I have benefited by his many sagacious suggestions in regard to both parts of the work. This is the third book of mine in which he has rendered me these valuable services within the course of four years. Mr. J. C. Pembrey, Hon. M.A. (Oxon.), the Oriental Reader at the Clarendon Press, has as usual gone far beyond what his duty required in the care he has bestowed on correcting the final proofs of this book. The advantage accruing to the present work from the minute attention of a man who has fifty-seven years' experience in reading Sanskrit proofs behind him, can hardly be over-estimated. To Prof. Lanman's unrivalled skill in editorship I am indebted for many improvements in the arrangement of matter and details of typo-

graphy, which will render this book more useful to scholars than it would otherwise have been. I must also thank him sincerely for having given me the opportunity of editing the Brhaddevata, a task from which I have derived more enjoyment than from any other work I have yet taken in hand.

A. A. MACDONELL. Oxford, July 27, 1904.

' I am very glad that the extraordinarily and glossaries to Vedic and other works, have extengiye and valuable collectanea of this been acquired by the India Office Library and Teteran scholar, consisting largely of indexes will soon be available for the use of scholars.


innrt >T5i^ i^T^ ^nfsftrfn^ ^^^h^ i

HiMi^^ ^^-^HtWI *<'rsi

4^rri^ ^?n^ ^qri! ^^^T ^'^^^ ^ I

^'^^^^g^^ ^%T^jft^ ^^^ IIS II

^M[^ II ^^t^H^^'^t^ ^^: H^ II ^0 Introduction] BRHADDEVATA i. ii— [2

fT7%^ II \'^m G(^!^ 7T^ <^^^^ ^^ It ^ II riWI^ "^^Wt ^^ H^ H^ H^f^l

^^ftWT^Tt ^ TR^^XTf^^^^ II «^^ II

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^55rtijrH^^m ^TPwr ^^^ i^^^rf^ ii ^^ ii

wr^^: ^fwv^ ^*^ Tim m^ I 3] —BRHADDEVATA i. 35 [Introduction

5R«T ^H ^^^: ^^t: W^^r^ ^ i

^ftT%s^^f^T2n^ ^ir^: ^^n ir^ -^ ir^ii m h

^•^llWrilfH TRlf^^ *HriMI^ ^rT^: I "^ m^ Wi ^ ^^ ^ H^ ^IWrT: II ^Sll

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^^fir: inwr f^=T^ ^ ^^^: ^fi^^Hi i ^^l^H: ^i?8RT ^Tn im: ^^: U^f^ ii?Mil Introduction] BRHADDEVATA i. 36— [4

j^^fim^ in^n^^ nfn^T^ h^^ ^ ii ?« ii

^T^^ "^^ ^^ ^ fHng^S^ ^RTfHf^ II ^^ II t II

^ 71^ n^^ ^^^ f^>T^^: I

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^mf^^ ^^' Ktw ^infl: ^'W^w^ I mf^ ^Wr^BtS^^rrf^ rTRft ^^^IHT 118^11 6] —BRHADDEVATA i. 60 [Introductioa

^n^m^ ^% wm %^f^^fTT II 8b II

^nWT 'if^ f^%f?r ^TTtSH^^ftrfrT rff^ ii8eii

^rai^ II ii ^ ^ ii5irnfii^t f^^: ^n^ q<=i

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#^W ^^TRH^ ^friW^I«^IlTf^^ II ^0 II <\^ II Introduction] B^HADDEVATA i. 6i— [6

^fpi% ^^^^ Jl^^ nT^ni f^: II %^ II

^^?rf^ ^H%ar ^^t«rT IHTnrfH: I

5?^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^cTl^ ^T^cTT( lllr^ll

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^ f^'^tfrr f^^^rn^ fro ^ ^^rwr: iif,eii

IJWTm^ ^T^TtWrFt ^TTP?M f^^^ I

rf^r^m^f^vnTR rR rT%f ^^ II ^90 H

rTwrfii^ f^ijfwft ^wf^ ^^%^^: I

^^Wr^ TTf^1?TWT ^J^^q^ '^;^rn' I


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HIMM*I<4 J^rarg MrftHIH^ rTT^f^ llv9Mll «^mi

^qi^«|5|i)^fT "m <*iir9l,ll

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'FT f^ sfrnMHi^R Tf^: ^inm ff %f%;p[ iitoii <\%\\

^ff^^: ^j^n mg iTT^ ^^firffeii iit^^ii

d^ 'T^Ht'^: ^^m^i: H^mfrT: i

^ ^ PH^mw Tfq^ ^ ^ m^^ lit? II

^nits^TifN^ Tit xn^T^ T.^M^ri >: iitJJii

l^m: ^^ ^^ ^: #: ^w^fH^^ HHifH: 1

IRl^nf^ 11 II ^^ ^ fTTf'T n^Tl^^jl^TT!^ tM II <\S Introduction] BEHADDEVATA i. 86— [8

»TT»l^R^ ^^SRJI ^c^cjjrqi -^^ "^ II tS II

'S^ fet- ^^ ^^* ^^ HlW: I •TT^^i^ ^^^5^ ^^ ^ >T3I^S^ ^: llbtll

ii^ 11^^ ^^r% 57 ^-q^wts^jmr II be II

Tjft^ ?^5^rf¥iiPi:ii%^ 'u^^^ neon uii

tj«t^ ^^ ^5^: ^ ^Rmr^fr ^j^ ii e«^ ii

^%^ ij^HmiHt ^>ft c7t# ^HT^fT: iie^ii

f^;5T^^^w^f ^T^ ^^^ TRvm: I

f?TmrTTn% ^^^ H^^^Tf^ ^f5=?f^ II e^ii

^cTcTOT^ Hr*iii^ ^^: %f^ ?r^ II eM II <^eii

fh^^ 'M^wisfrifi ^1^ ^Tif^ ^n?!^ II elf ii

^'gr^ f^Hl ^rf^ ^rf^ ^T^: fW: i

^H4t^lrT%^T^ rT^ ^Trl%^ II es II 9] —BRHADDEVATA i. no [Introduction

H^ H^l ^«^ ^^ ^ TJ5^ ^^m: IRbll

5^^: g^>^ >iFR jm %^ w^^^ noon ^011

II «|0^ W %^T^€^ ^%H IlfrTT?^ II

^ ^ H^rT^^ ^^tf^^sftlfW f^: ino^ll

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Hi^rtHT^^:^ ch^^HR f^mr ii som ii ^v\


"^sqf^^: r»«ril§H T^^ %%f\

^"^^ ^f^%^ ii?!|i»T§rr^^nn: moQ.ii

^^^%^H^^ 1^^S>^^^ ^^: n«loii ^;?ii Introduction] BRHADDEVATA i. in— [10

J^ §»l^ cJTrfff IfiJ^ ^ %^^ I

<^t#tsii im ^ iim: ^^^ fk^ J^ I

^RPfnR§ ^H ^^fftSfl^ f^^ II «i«iM II ^? II

^T^zn: WTT ^ 'Irr^ ^n^^ ^5[^h: ^ in^^^ii

xi^^rf^^ra^ fw^ ^^ #Fn: II «i«^s II

f^TTT'TTfH ^ f^^rf^T »T^^r^^ Tim 11 «^^«^ II 11] —BRHADDEVATA i. 131 [Introduction

Tjf^T^^^fFra^: ^ftrTT cFT^T rf^^ ^: I

^iTiift^ ^ 1?^ rfjT^ i\wm ^Tmj{ in^<^ii Introduction] BRHADDEVATA ii. i— [12

"ff^ ^^^ ^Tcm ^mm f%^^^ ^: II H II

et'T^T^^f^^^ ^^^nwffT^^ ^ II ^ II

^IrTwfk^T f^ TTT^ ^q^Tpq ^^W> I

^^^W^Tp f^TTTmT ^fT^ ^^: II? II "^ ffl^^ ^^ ^^%^ JBlT^fri; I

^^^ ^tt: Ti^T ^ ^: -^J ^ m^^J II 8 II

^: w^ri ^^^ ^(^j^ f^fi^c^ ^frf: ii !? ii s ii

^: ^T^ n^: ^^ ^T^^ f^MH 11.911

^^^m^ ^^v. ^^^ ^ q«?T^: lib II

Hwnsi^ ^T^rgr^ vj^t: -g^T ^1^: moii

^^ ^^^^ f^t^ ^^^f^^T^: I

Tjf^ ^ ^fgS^'^T: ^^I^ ^ il=ISll ^11 13] —BRHADDEVATA ii. 24 [Introduction

^€j ifrft^ ^R^ oTt^: ^^ ^ t^HTT^ I

^^ ^ ci^ ftjftjCts^ ^g^'sn in? II

^^^ ^Tfft ^^ rPqifri^^.-H'^ ^: II

ijfTT^^ g f^^^r "^t: ^Hf^^^: ii «iM ii

%f^ fTi^TTw^ ^Sraf^^t if^.' nil! ?H

mi^ ^Tc?t^ AI^tHH; TlH^T^^ 'mfH IRCjII {{||

vi-^MHM* ^^qpm^ '^^Trf^c^ Wil IR9II Introduction] BRHADDEVATA ii. 24— [14

^TrPrRT "innHTp ^qif^fff ^wm \ rRT^g^ ^m^T^ ^Sftl^ IT^^TOTfl^lR^SII

f^gw H^i^fi ^^ ^th: ^: ^^: i

^^Q^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^f^ fw^frT I

i:^'^ I ^W'H'^l'JWt^^ 'jhW g ^ »l^ if^?^ ^^ ^^n ^^T|- ^q?i^: n??ii

^gfil^ftfH^^ ^ ?rif*=reR5rT: ll?8ll ^ggf^HT^ ^^ w^ ^ ^^r%TT: I

ti? %^W ^^ H^^ ^ffT ^ ^rT: II ^M II

?l^t ^TOTfrT ^i^^ ^l^f^: HfffltS'^?: I

T%^ ^IrTT ^^ ^^<*1M^S^^ II ?lt » ^ " 15] —BRHADDEVATl il. 49 [Introduction

11^ %rn H^^m lUT^^HFt ^JT^ ll?tll

"^^ "mfn wt^^ ^ ^ TT«mt¥^ I

^j^HT ^5^ H^ ^iwfrfftrftfkri: 11^(^11

1^ ^n W^ ^«^ ^ ^^ ^r#R^^ ^Flr^ I

iTfrTTt s<^*!|^H 'a^^Tlt^ ^^^^ II 80 II

^^^TRTI %FI ^TR^ ^^''qfrnR; II 8") II

*4H^H g 'Tfsci Tir^lJt f^+Hlf^fT^ I

iTOi^H ^^ ^ ^ ij^ ^5?R"nTfn^ II 8^ II bll

^ 4i«t«(rri UT^ ^gf^ftT^^: II 88 II

^mt ^T^ ^Ert^%^ ^^ ^"^FrffT ^: 11 8m 11

TifT^ ^f^#H inl^ 'fm^sf^frfT^ 118^11

%T!?pm#^7^ ^f^rt^prg ^ II 8s II inn: ^ n^ra?^ ^^t«^ n^ifn ^ i

^W^^^w: g^ H?n|^ ^ ^wi^ II 81; II ^11

fi^^tfRT ^^ f^ ^f^ tr^^T^ I Introduction] BRHADDEVATA ii. 49— [16

TOf^ ^^^^ ^#rT f^fti^ ^ff^ I

«l.ynir*irri TIT^ ^T^ in|: ^n^iftri; im«^ii

H%^ ^^ff^^ %^ 5TT% m^w, im^ii

^MR«Hr*4Wia*in^H '^^ H^^I^f^S^TFT; II Mb II ^^ II

g^^^Tri|rf ^^^^^^Tfeft II Men

^ H^n^R%f?T ^^ TTfrTT ^fj^* I ^ T^^^ ^ ^^f^ I'^Wt k!m*{ iilfOij

^NrNwr: ^^ ^i^ ^ iR^'FC iilf«^ii 17] —BRHADDEVATA ii. 72 [Introduction

ffHH*iWiri^MfrT >1<^N^ "^^fn: II f? ? II

^VftjF ^TtPtT ^^i^^ i|rM

^ ^VTfrTfti: in^ f^^HHrj Rr^*H^ II ^^ II

inirssT II f^ii^.' f%; ^^ %fei f^: II t,M

TftwfH: ^Rnni%ffl ^ ^rfiTO ir^ ^: iilf>9ii <^?ii


f^ y^fn it%^ w^^ mfVMith^ I

f^f^^^ ?|«^; ^t ^PfR^ ii: iilf(iii

^«l'lvri<^^T!Tt fTT*^*lf^ ^ran^vR^ 11 SOU

^nr^Tfrt ^PI%i^^»W^^TT ^ f^g^ IIS«^ll «l8ll

rf^m: gwrf^ ^^nfH ^rznwr^T f^r^H ii^^ii Introduction] BRHADDEVATA ii. 73— [18

^IT^ ^i^ g ^^f*^ ^^ 'T^ ^i^ ^ '

^^ ^'T M^«HiIMt ^^ ^^"GR^t "^ IIS? II

^^ ^^ HT^^ JJr^T^* ^5r% ^ llSiill ^wrft ^n^iHtsw ^^^ %^f^i ^HT f^TmTTn%^ H^ w^ ^T5i^ iisMii

f?fmifr*4H* ii^ ^^i[ TjWt ^ II toil

"nwr^ ^"^^ fSr^n^^ %^<^: ii bs ii «i% ii

^^nmn if^m ^n^FErw ^erf^: iit^ii

«^^n^ ^ T?ra ^ ^^ -^ ^^rft llb?ll

hHw^i ^T^TT^ ^^ ^5r5T ^ ^ ^^W I TT^ ^% ^ mfk^ ^^Rif^ tftm: iitjJii 19] —BKHADDEVATA ii 97 [Introduction


^^ ^3iR^ ^ ^'^^ ^f^: %^ \mn ii t% ii

iTIHT'^lrJT^^^ ^T^ ^ ^ft: t^'^m llbSII

^WHl^rT ^n^^ ^m cT^ ^ H^iT^ II tb II

<**rfM4^*J'I^R ^ lif^^tiHiehKTnTrl^ II ben

f*4riW^ ^5^ ^

r\ ^ f^ ^^i^^ ^MHI^T H^rf^ ^ II ^^W «\bll

^i^TOT^ HchK^ lff¥^ f*im»«lr^ I

fHriiEH^ v^ irfk^ c^^T^q^: iie^ii

^nfTTfq^RT^^ f^rmwT^ ^ q^ ii

^3^^%^;* f*qiq1m^ ^^ ^ g ^sfqqiT: iiQMii

^W^^hH^n^ ojT^ TI^iTTn rrm iie^ii <=iaii Introduction] BEHADDEVATA ii. 97— [20

^^ TTTrrfH 5^i|^ ^^ f^ ^^T ^mi iKitii

rTWI«;lHT^^m"^: ^!T^?T^I^ ^f^ 11^0.11

"^ «^oo II f^raf^ ^ ^^^"^ W^^ ^<^^r(^ II

«|0<^ M^rWI^K^* f^ rra«f^^ <^Tf^^ II II ^0 ||

'n^mr^^ vT^?ri fc^w ^f^n ^%!^ i

^T^5nf ^^fn^^ ^ f^tN ^'iMT Ti^ in 0^11

^c| Trf^jq^ f^^T^ ^^ff ^?[S3T zj^f^ II ^0% It II

?[??;^ 5RtH%^^ i,

S.l'^^M "IT^I^ ^PRfw: H«$rri^W5 I

B^^^w^ ^^T^^m ^m: mot II 21] —BKHADDEVATA ii. 122 [Introduction

gw^:^ 'n^ "^^i^ ^H j^ II «is«i ii ^^ ii

^^ ^i^^ ^gpq^ ^^iW^ f^i^^^r^T^ I

^?^ TH ^^^^ TiTOffl^l^ ^ II «=i^^ II


H ^M^^HTtsmfit ^^ ^«^f^ ^f^: in<=i?{ii

f^=TT^^frm^^^ ^^r^T^ftrSR^ -^^ II «^SM II

^I^TTq^ ^nf^ini q^l^l'Wl^^^: I

^4lrM*<^lfe^-l^ ^f^^^^c^: I

TT^^^srtf^^^: ^2iT^ ^rftfNfrr ^ ft^fn: in«^bii

^ ^^T^lin% ^^ ^ li^cT ^: I

^i*^rM< II f^sJI^^^Wt ^^ ^rfq ^r(^ ^^^ It

^ u;^ ^^ rf^ >TR^ ^^f% g II ^^0 II

5n»nftrr«^ xiftrin^Rt ^^It^ f^^^H^ ii ^^^ ii ^8 ii RV. i. I-] BRHADDEVATA ii. 122— [22

w: ??fs^^HH^ ^t: 'Hrnw ^3^rt: ii s^lf ii

c^^t «i|

^^neft TT^ ^;r^ ^l%T(^m II <^^

^j^JHfrT f^l^ ^ ^|cq%^^^^ ll<^90||

W^mf ^IH^llfet-MT ^'^ H^T^: in^^ll

^^^ ^"^i^ 3rfH>f^l||^f!7^ II <^^? II

^T g f^^fn^ 5H%^m f^qifrrm ii «\?^ ii ^s ii |

23] —BEHADDEVATA ii. 147 [-RV. i. 13

^ ^^)lf^ ^ MH^k^ ^JTW^ in^sii

^35T^^ ^^VT5R^ ^^r^tS^TRT W^'- W <\^^ II ^b II

ij^ ^^ rxir«iJ< Ti^fk: e^ »Tt^^ I

iT^ U4lTt

ll«*^c»KIHIH||^ f^5j|i<|U|^?nFq^ in^^ll

fl^s;^!m^T^^ ^I^T^TTjrt ^frT^m II <^8? II

»»^^ '^'5:^ ^mt^ ^^ f^: II ^^\i II ^

fHHvmi^4T|ljji^i ^ ^aftprrftr: ^Tw^ ii s8m ii

^55^ ^rf?i5n ^TTM T!wt ^rmrfH ^ i^ ii «iii% ii MV|HI*lt ^r^rt^^ flrO^I^t fT«JHmr(^ RV. i. 13-] BRHADDEVATA ii. 147— [24

g^^ g ^iJ ^:^^ f mf^f ^^ II «JM? II

^ ^TrT ^lii Tm ^%Tn ^'fr a «\m^ ii ?<^ ii

^^ 'pan^ 'ra ^rrar^ ^ 'r^^ inMMii

^VTf?T^#^ ^IT^ Bt^ IT^^ "^m: II <)MS II

»nflf%«^ri ^ »nT?t ft^: ^fjT^H inMtii

»nHt ^: ^rfrow II ^^ II 25] —BEHADDEVATA iii. ii [-RV. i. 13

Tr mf^Prf innHTp ^i^s^ ^ ^^^ 11 s 11

"^ ^1%T 'rfHt ^^^ ^^ T^fr^ffiT: II M II <\ii

imir^ HT^ %^ ^^PriM-^r if^:^ ^ 11 « 11

^[ZTRH^ f^ *M^?H TOtr^: ^^ g lib II

^rfq ^^nfi^wfH H>y^4i^R^ >i%r^ IIQ.II

«|ij<^l5.%: II ^11 rTl^ Hc|,^MI§c| ^ II ^0

^^'^ fl^an^^ 5T^k ^ k%l ^r^fn 11 11 E RV. i. 13-] BRHADDEVATA iil 12— [26

^ f^rilRl c^Ni g >TRjft H^fcT ^J# II «1^ II

inf^^T^ ^^: ^: ^WT^^ w^^ ^ II «)M 11 ^ II

^R^g^PC^ ¥iT W^ 57T%^^ff II Stf II

5StslTT i^^R^ftf TTt % ^ 'l^^ ins II

^ ^H^f^#?r ^^TiTT ^f^T^^: ii<^bii

^^ TTTWlt W^T^'I^R^J^xrfH: IROII {ill

'T^^ 5tnf^fqT3rt ^^5^ 1^ ^4^WiT: II ^<^ II

w^#dsirr^ ctt;* '^v^h^ -^T^v ir^ii «

27] —BRHADDEVATA iii. 36 [-RV. i. 15

UT^ ^TWrt HT^^T^ HlHTilfH II ^^ II

^: H ^ f^^TW^ ^^ ?T^ 5T f^im IRM II mi

mwfH g ^ irrp: wA ^sfti^wfw: i


^^^f^%^ ifrft^ W ^ ^R|5^ II ^tll

Hc^f i^H^Tf^ H'=Jrftfri f^rf^^: IR

^^ ii^frTHrn^t ^^Vm^'i^^: 119011 ^ii

^Tii^w T^^^t^^ f^"qt»w^ ^ ii?«^ii

rr%^lf^T ^Tl W^ "^fw "^^rn: II ^8 II

^t^HE^fn <4|^<*r*fTf^rn: ii ?mi « RV. i. IS-] BRHADDEVATA iii. 37— [28

^^iwiraT^T^ ^ ^^W^^^^ II ?t II

Tjaicn^^<+^ril^ g ^^^Tl T^'^cTt: II Bo II b II

^% fi|^ ^ »|%^T ^^ ^s^: I

^jq^ ^^H^ f^>T^^ fffi^: iijj^iii

^^Iro^Wfi f^^feW ^'McH!r^rri 118^11

5T ^nf^ ^T^FftfH ^ ^^T^ W H% II 8M II ^11

t^^ K^^'JTTf ^Wt <^^^^^: Il8«ll

•H^Wt^M^S^If^ rri ^ '%^ mmUll II 8t II "

29] —BRHADDEVATA iii. 6i [-RV. i. 15

31%^: ^^T^ %^ ^nzrr^'br ^ iiMo II «)o II

HfrT^m^Wl^n ^SJ^qr^rfq ^^rfTT^ II M^ II

^^ i1T!?I^ fiVkH^ ^ ^T ^^^^fxpft I

^^^T ^^W^ ^^Tift "TtrTHt <^^: II MM II ^^ II

^^: f^i^: -^^m^ ^f^ ^i^n^TT:^ ^T^ i

^sfwnw: fre: f#^ f^ tj^ ^ iiMbii

T}^^%^ '^^ ^TTiM ^ ^: nil- " ^® " RV. i. 16-] BRHADDEVATA iii. 62— [30

Bf^*ftj ^f^Tif inp ff^^ 'R ^^ I

B^TrnT:^r|^iRt ?[f^^^TOrr: ^^ II 1(^11 B^^TSri ^^ ^^^t ^^ ^^ ^ft I ^^^ BTTamuT ^ HWTIT §jf^^^^: II 1,8 II

iWlT^f^^T ^^: ^^^ ^en^Tc^^: ll^tll

HNIMrii rT^: WT^ ^ H^l ^m^ I

Hmfn: ^i^ ^m^ ^

ipft^T^* ^ ^^IW irq^ xi^ -^ ^ ll^<^ll t^^ii

^^loN g ^^^f^m^TT u^nxi^: iis^ii

fT^T|^^ FiT^ ^rer^T^ f^ ^: IIS? II "^ flT^ ^T^ qS^W ^wT^^ %^^^ I 31] —BEHADDEVATA iii. 86 [-RV. i. 20

imr f'lf^^ wf^t ^'i^ ^ ^3TO ii^bii

^^^plt 1X|^^^ fl%"«^|<^ri*^ II bo II

T(^ f^^ TT^ TT^^cnr^sm ii b<^ ii

^^ f ^^^^flTT^'?^^^ Ilb^li Stfll

"^ xiftNf%rT^Tot f^ ^^n^'?^ II b^ II

B^ F^|m ^^ Wf^ ^R^^ H bM II RV. i. ao-] BRHADDEVATA iii. 86— [32

n B^ffT iHT^^iWT?!; ^^ti ^ ^Ifn: ii bs

fjfftira^^ %^l t^ »^i: u^if^rr: ii beii

fflH^jMlfilt ^aifcf^^^-^rT^^rq^qtWU: l^iSII

JKK^ ^i^^T^^l ^ ^WT^ ^ Tj^ ^m: II e^ II «^b II

"^^n^ ^w ^^T ^^^^ w^: 11^? II

^T%^3fft^T^ fit iT«n hh: xTTT( I

B^WTht ff ^fW^ ^: "g^cf ^rft T.^ Iiemi

BTim f^ T?^^: ijTiif ^fTn:^T?T ^f^ iia^ii

H^T^raiFi m»ft ^ ^t ^fira ^^w^^ ii ebii 1

33] —BRHADDEVATA iii. 1 1 [-RV. i. 45

^f^^'n^T;: ^^RW ^'R?!^ ^3^m: II <^o^ 11 ^0 11

^^ iiT^^ ^ f^f^f^wiTf^^ rm: I

^^S^T^ ^-fWlfrf ^T^^TJJ ^inc: I

ipft% TTf^^fWR: ^ 'BTf^^^^ II <^oM II M^rilf^ ^'n ^^ ^ThMlf^'i^ ^f'T: I fki^W^^MWt "HrJT ^^ ^^U! ^IH|ri*(^ IISo^ll

m^^ ^ 'RW* ^35 ^fin M

' 4H ^ 'iM-Mli^eiH ^^T ^ g ^w ii«^obii


TS[^ ^(^ jj?^ •qtf^r^^ Htt: H«^«»mi

*T^ ^niT%^^ ^^^ '^ ^'^ ^ '

^n^'nf^ g T^fcT T» ^?^^ ^'^ ii«i«ibii


^w^ *< '^

^ P

/^ "

35] —BEHADDEVATA iii, 136 [-RV. L iii

BinrT^%^^5*n^ ^tn^ g ^^jjjtot f^ m^?^: ii

^^t#?[r^ Z^^Vf^ rlrtPHrtlTil^ II ' 1 ^

ii%BT »n: cm 5!f|i ^ «^ Hm M ; m^^a

^^i'Slim^^^rH^I^ fT^'^JT^ ^^^rfff: ll<^9?ll B^^ ^ ^*i!wi4M«^r^m<;5HfiL " *^?^ RV. Lio5-] BRHADDEVATA iii. 136— [36


tHRifiFwts^iftfH fhtt:: W^^T^ ff^ II <^JJM II

«n^^^ ^ ^$ ^?^ ^^uwr^jjftwr: iis8%ii ^^ii

cll^H II II 1^ I'^H VH^'^H^lP^^H S8S

fHMtHyi ^«WT^ ^ ^ ^rt*<

r 37] —BEHADDEVATA iii. 156 [-RV. i. 126

^fjrm"^T>^ f^Miii; T^«n^^ "^vrrrr: i

irfTPi^^g^T^ imn f^ ^i!^ ^ ii«iMoii ?oii

A chisel ri* fl^rHPri H'NMI^ ^T*: I

At3^ Hlrir

^^Wfwi^q^^ TT^ II ^^ II RV. L ia6-] BRHADDEVATA iv. i— [38

HTrePfnl fft^ifM^ M ^wi^ '^H^ "fi^g: I

^g ^: xif?fcir« ^r^ f«j«

^5^5 ^hi^ %^^ ^ffW ^^5%^ ^n^i^^^ IIS II ^Tt^r^' ^gyj^ l^^l ^^% tM

H I ^Ki^liTH l^

^I^^TJ^mHT^ g liTIrn ?T711 HT'T^ in<^ll 39] —BRHADDEVATA iv. 24 [-RV. i. 156

^ «rr5ffiT »t TH inrar ^^^ifwfrT i

^ wis Wirt M<^!^ ^n;wT^<«mt »Tci: I <^m4^ cT^ rnfis?Nt ^^ ^: mmi ?«

^^* fi^ ^^^HT^ ^ ^q«^HI ^fir II <^S II

^rftr ^sf^ ^ fi«% %i ^ ^H* n<^bii

r^g»!itj ^uf^fir 'ftftt ^^jnrrf^ ^ < i iwrt : m^iii

»I5Tf^ ^%*!pnf^ m^Tftn^^iiffH iRoii 8ii

^TRT W^ H^iiiM ^f%^5^»?^n^^: II ^<) II

ni|<'4J*mi^<^^ ^W^ ^q^TfTrT IR^II

B^m ^t^tmrof g XIT^^ ^fm ^cT^ I RV. i. 157-] BRHADDEVATA iv. 24— [40

Bti^ ^ irffTrt ^tbT i^ TRT «5iHMr: i

tfn ^mn{Rq4! ^ x^^^n"^^;^^ ii ^ff ii

f^T>l^ ^X ^ ^ TO^T^^ H^^ra: I

Si^ r niW ?fw «^Wt ^^JIFT Il^mfiT II ^«ll

^T^rarw %rT^ ^I^: ^m f^: i

' '^ fq^Thl ^lfH^^ I IWWT^g^tfHrn: IRbll

HW ^ITO^ ^TW ^^^ ^Pc^Wm IRQ II

TRW ^(^l!^U!Mi ^^f^^ Tl^#5TI^ II ?© II f, 11

5g?R ^

B^%5Fift ^#1KT ^i^nfr? ^jmn^fW: 119^11

^rPj^^qif^s^ ^^ % r^^ ^grn: 11 9? 11

ITTT^ ^^qinwW ^^T ^^frT xnfrT ^ I


H^n^ 'i^^i^nt tirrf*^: ^It^in^f^: 119M 11 9n - 41] —BRHADDEVATA iv. 49 [-RV. i. 169

Mi^^l^^i^H ^T^ 44**4rfyrc<<4Hril*^ II 9b II

l ^lr^-Hsj II 80 II til ^ rtrUmi l^^fi^ H ^T^

B^^ ttJ<»M^ ^: ^<^cy ^TO ^ ^ I

B?^ fii^^ #^ #^ ^T'WT ^t:^ 118^11

A Vim<^§(^r

**IVt<<4 W^^' ^R^ VJJ{1 "^l I

H^rim^if^'jgt ^"mi ^^' my^^m 118811 "^ ii^ii: qfl*lrM^ I

'H^n'rac^^fk^ "^Tr^qlf^ Wr!^: II 8^ II

^^wre«r: w^ rniWT %^ rmrr: ii 8«ii

H^^Tf^^R ^Ij^n^lfH ^ f^f»^: H8bll eil

o RV. i. 170-] BRHADDEVATA iv. 49— [42

•T ^ HI^HH ^jfisr ^^ ^W^<^H*i^ HMO II

f^ ^ V^lW^tf^Ti ^*\hMl iJmR^^ IIMSII

f^ ^ iiTrfftfH J^^TT^ ?5?tt 'n^?l^<^Hft^ 11 q^ II

<^0 in^T#^^ ^«^ %^ Tm ^ WSfk: H M? II II

li^rTTWTT ^'tof^ Hi<4«m lJ«T?Pjq^ I

^R^: nfH ^^T>«TT7^ ^I'i ^>i: TO5 W IIMMII

B^^: ^ ^%^ ?T^r4i«^ JHtSH^imlfll

'\'\ ^atnrf^qgrn^i^ Tf:^^^5rt«j^ ii ^s ii ii

ru^mn^MiMi ^^Twn^Ht^Rft^ ii Mb ii

^^: ^^T'Tft'T ^^5RT^^^ 5P^ IIMMII

%^5T»nf^>^^ m^^ ^?ft? f^ II 1,0 II

wn^ v^ ^m ^rftfn Tft^ g iiffSii 43] —BRHADDEVATA iv. 73 [-RV. ii. la

W^j l^TsnTT ^%i| %W^ ^ft f^: ll§r?ll

K+ioii^i^^l rilPci^^ f?T^ri^ II %fi\\ <^? II

?ri TTOT ftWi^ II ^J^ ^ iMRritsf^ ^ SO II

115^ TH^cTRf^ ^H4l4i "Sf^ ^ IIS«)||

H«JHIH^ ^rfyV^ ^ ^T^ l^THT I ^^ iTMHii^ ^^ H l fa< ^1 IIS^II

rt^ri^M ^ HTRt HTHHT^ T^jfhR: IIS^II RV. ii. II-] BEHADDEVATA iv. 74— [44

ri^r^lhl "^ilMI^ g "ITTO ^WTf ^5f^ I

^rfl^i^T^ ^rl^rn^ TJcn^ fft^^: IISSII

^ ^*<4«i^«< w^ ^ B«^ujwrriJ^ iiv9<>ii <\m\

^ HTl^irfJ^T^ W^ftfT ^: II to II

'HSIMI f^'^f^J'T^ ^^•^N^^^rtl I

^fWfif TWWrer ^^M!¥4f7l^ ^ llb<^ll

ffl^N<5^<^i^«ijf^5TlrfH'll^«m»|^ llb^ll

"^T^ ^ fi ^vs\ ^.^MianmT^^ iib?ii

^rmm ^^^^^ ^H^ T?t ^ Tf^ I TT i^^JITi^ if i^flfHRr ???Tit^ ^f ^ II t^ 11 ^R^frT i^ftTRlfw^ ^^ ^^mJ g ^ I ^* ^i^WpH ^fiT^f 'T^ ff ^^ H^ ^jfw: HbMII <^lfll

^wii» l'^ wr^ ^^^#fH "^^ ^^ I 45] —BRHADDEVATA iv. 97 [-RV. iii. 6

•^mrifr^ Tpf ^ f^«^ ^f^: hiM^ iit^ii

^u««imfHg^Fr gwr^ g ^rf^r^!^ ii

flHu^HM^ ^rwt f^rmrTT w^s^ ^: fkin^ Itr: ii ^ff ii

^n%^ ^55r% ^HT^ %»^Rr^ ^i^ ^h^: i ^^^ 11^ ^^n^^T f^tJTr^niT^txRT^RT^ U^JJil lie^ll RV. ill 7-] BRHADDEVATA iv. 98— [46

f^sf^9^^%T^s^sf?[fH^ i^t^rr: ^wm ^jn^ ^t^

f^: II at II

^nftr^wiTf^^^g ^

^ 4Hl«^r

^I^T'WT W^^ ^^T M«^

^n^ rTO ^r^'l x?^ fHiM

n ^ cjTin ^ri^wtPH ^r5R ^fifrr ?t^h ino^ii

SlT§^ ^ ftHTT^ ^ 'l^^ H^ g inoiJ II ^0 II

^% Hf?T g ?Rnai f^^Tftr^: ^njf^ ii <^om ii

fsRT^^^: ^i^^ ^^ ^^R ^ li<^oifii

' iTrrrfH^H^ ^f^ ^ II H^ g^^^1 mob

"^^ «s«ii*ir^ ^OT ^ ^ xrf?:-^f^m II ^oa. it ^^ n 47] BRHADDEVATA iv. 122 [-RV. iii. 57

g^w^ H^T^^ ^uf^T nrf'i^^ II <^<^^ II

fn^l^ri ^(^i^ri: ^s^^fk%iTH: i ff^ ^T^*^ #ff ^T ^\m ^H 5Fw^^ ins?ii

fftj^^t Hit: m ^t ^PRfTT HT^^ICHrl^ II «l

cT5«^ ^rr^ ^ ^^Wl rn«|Ml-H«^^^^r(^ II <)<^M II

ftlRTf^i'R^S'^T'^??!!^ IfP^lP^ II ^^% II

'' M< i Hiri

Pi«(jm<4 Hi: flt^ P4^i3mfH^iPi<*T: in^tii ^?ii

f^^^ "^"lii^^N ^fpHft.TT pHrt[Pm I

? B"^7?TT»TgT«^ rf^ ^ *4^P


fTJT^ ^TR^f^ %^ "^^n^Tffi H «^^M II ^M II

^ftMlf+lPri g?R ^^Rtfh g 'ftfW: II<^^SII

^^^nfvwwfff ^|t^ f^rmfk^ II <\^t II

^^^f^fk ^«ri wfw ^^^H'Si g in^

^ ^THTJ^ f^il ^f^H^TffFI ^ II «l^«^ II

^I^W^^W ^i^wrf^I "^ rT^ I f^ftp^ f^^fH ^ ^T^^ %^TJ?t5r^T II S?^ II

^ if ^ iHrHKIWt f^^^%r^^ I «

49] —BEHADDEVATA iv. 144 [-RV. iv. 33

W g ^ f^Wt 'T^rfiTJ^ ^^: '^'T^ ^H^: I


^\H*iir4 ^^m^T^ ht: ^H ^T^T ll<\9bll

B ^WI«h*JT

^^ IT% W ^^W^ ^flH: I

'^tItI ^]S5I^ ^^ ^rl ^I^ 'l^f I

^r^iqriHI f^t^^ ^H'J^lftl f%^ II <^88 II

^inj^if^ f^v II ^eii RV. iv. 33-] BRHADDEVATA v. i— [50

u il ^<;TO ^^t^ir: i

% ^'^^KiiMi ^ rTfl^^irHJrJirH W. II? II

T^ %^^T^««n ???[ftjn5r: ^^ ^ ii ?J ii

^^firf^^f¥W!^ ^reT^m '^^: ^*TfTT: ii M ii

HiHw1< ^T^ ^'t ^ ^ ^^ in ^^ ^5T?fi^: ilbll

<^0 ^ ^ Wfw B^ ff ^ ^^T^^Tf^^^t'TO^ II II

^m^^^^^T^ff^n'»(^#^%i^in<^ii ^11 51] —BRHADDEVATA v. 24 [-RV. v. a

^iHlr(i « ^ in^ ^"^ igd^ iisbii

«^fi?f?r HiymH'^^i ^^ ^5^ ?f^ II ^0 II

ft'*JNl*H<^^^i ^ IR ^xrf^%^ ^T II ^^ II ^ II


^^^ IT^^ ^tfk ^3n!RT r^ #^: I

^^!T^ ^ ^n^ ^ f ^i¥m^ ^ II ^« II M II

B^T^?: vjyi5rii"?i; TT^fff^ ^"^^ II ^^11

B^?^ ^ XTcft ^fijj ^ldM«( ^ f^^ufrTF^; 119011

B#^ ^u^ Tft>^ ^q^s^T^s^^ I

B^sn^^n: ^ ^^t ^^^^^ ^ II9

B^in*n ff HT«ii^ ^?n^ ^w^'^^^lf^: 119^11

B^: ^pnjW ^^1^ ^ft^m^ ^^^^: i

BB^^^f^ ^H ^ ft ^SW^^^ II 99 II

B^fr 4 ft^^* ^in ^iwrfti wf^ ^ 1 BTT^ -^x^ ^i^ 'R^Htt ^ ^T'^^ ll?8ll

.. BlrfTnj^ ^M^ THZj^^TTftRT trfti ll?MII

'^ g ^ ^'^^fH ITW^^ T^TTT^JITiT: II ?% II « II 53] —BRHADDEVATA v. 49 [-RV. v. 60

* i^db^JPri ^^^: T^^'TRft g TTT^: ll?

^ '^ rI: hijjR^ TH^i^ ^^nf^^t ii 80 11

#r<[* B^rfif ^ Mir%cPTf ^rfi^ i ^ ^ 118111 bii "^ Bpfir ^* f^^ ^w^sfyR^^r^ I Binms^ fk^ ^ ^rn 1^ f?;^^i^: iiiJ^ii

Brf KH^Pri #^ ^"1^^ ^ H^rm^: I

BMj|H|^Hl4«=i cT^ ^^ ^tOrff^: WfTr{ II 88 11

B ^ ll^MTH^i \^fT^ ^ TH^ I

^^Rt qiHlPiPrf f ^^i5^ f% ^t: II 8m II ail

T^ rf^J ^^ ip^ S^ ^T^T ^T TT^^ ^^MT: II 8^ II

^ ^^?[W ?[frT 1^^ ^"nnt ^N^Ht 'W: I

J|*u^Hr( 8v9 II ^Ht g ?ni^ ^ ^ ^ht: Ii

w^ *4^P«P

BTi\TOT ^T^ flsR: ^^t: ^jtr; ^^^ '^^ii: i RV. V. 61-] BRHADDEVATA v. 49— [54

5R TB^mnSt TT^nf^ ^rf>FRr iwra ^ imoii

^ ^ i41 FIT^ ^ rT^ IT^SH^IIMlJll

5iilNlHiyi ^ HW ^ ^«*ii^^

^^^W ^FRT TT^ ?fH 'im ^ ^S^^ II MM II <^<^ll ^' B?iiimHiR ^ ^'^ 'rff ^ •J^ts^^^ I Bf^lt ^ Tnmt ^Rt "^^r^Pi ^:^ % iiMlfii

BTT^TR'm^wf^ ^^Rf<^5ri ^fi^ |lM9lt

B^TT'jf^i^f g ^rmTHT ^ Tr?n^ ff ^^^i^ i

B^fro?!^ %^f^irt 'T^ ItT: IIMbll

««*iivj$ ;r it thit «^ H'l^ HT^ I

^Snjf^W^ ^HTWr ^f^irf^IfRlfH IIM^II

- >?rriT«^W g 1RRT TRt ^^ ^^^hi II ^0 II »

55] —BRHADDEVATA v. 73 [-RV. v. 61

rn^ri w! ^^^: ^^nr^ ^fwt 'pirft ^r^ iif^^ii

^fk^ Hrii^\^ ^mm if ^: i

B5T c4

rf^^JR^ ^ "^^Ff^^f^fT^ lllfbll

FW^ Tl^ "^T^ ^5^^^^"^^^ " ^^ »

•^ % ^f^ ^5^11^ ^^ ^ZT^ KTORT I f^ rf ^rf?T^ ^ ^PMRyoJ+ilrH^: II S©

'R ^^ ^^^ 'f^ ^ ^ l^i^I'l I

'^^ g iRT^ TiOT^T^: g^Tfnrssn: iis^ii

« ^ra '^f^TTrRT^ TR^R; <^41ri*l IIS? II RV. V. 61-] BRHADDEVATA v. 74— [56

ig^: ^: ^j^ij^Tm ; fxnnfe H»T^^: il^til

XTHnil^TTVxi^ ^cHfi|r*r "^R fpi: 10^ II

5^**4 Hiajri ^^ ^^51^ ajfT^Hfir I

"SJ^^f JfTr^ ^ ^»lfei ^ tnfq^ II bo II

m{ Jfimmim^ f^^^ ^ttf^ ii b^ii

K^re^SlTT.1^ g ^^W ^ ^TTf^: llb^H ^^ ^ WHf^^ ^^ ti^ ^in??tn!^ I ^sf^;TTf^f?T ^%5T ^T^f^: ^¥nft Ilb8ll

ip: ^^ »T^ ^^x|H^5^ TH^ II bM II ii^ ^rr ^ ^^ i^*inf^ ^^ I 57] —BRHADDEVATA v. 98 [-RV. v. 87

^T^J^I ^fasfn T^w^ TjWt wuHT ^m iitbii

B li«l<

i{r^M\t\f6^^^<*i ^rfW^ OrmfTm^ II e<^ II ^S II

HMI^m T?irf^^: ^T^RnfftfTT WF^: II Q^ II

f'TOfTmn. Hvi^-m'tMift Mfl^^f H5?rf^iia?ii

'^^TTTlt rTWT%5T %r^n^ risiriTf5T ^ I

'j^H^TR^iif'T ^: ^rf^^ti^rfH f II ^mi

TWT^^tJTJjm: ^ "^^rn »T«?^ II ll ^ ^ff

r^«N»Hfl<* W^ J4^I«IH: TTSTRflT: I

"«l^<««f^rt: ^n% f^"^: ^|fH ^ II as II

'^ ?fT ^^nr^ ^^T^ ^Tn^ ^ iiQbii RV. vi. I-] BRHADDEVATA v. 99— [58

inrnrfii* ^ ^fr ^ ^n^qm^nr i "^^ ^^^TJlf^pft^sfq >1^^ ^ ^cT: moon

Rv.vi.^g^R2i g w^fTT^ Tmti Mag-^^ mo^ii

^^5Tf^ ^tf^ ^^^^ ^1f*^'Ti:'RI ^ II «|0J{ II

"^ ^ ^ ^^f^Hi^ ^^ g ^^nfHi^ II «ioM II

^f^lrft^T ^ ^PPI^ $^f?T T^t ^: II <^0% II ^0 II

B^: in^nimt ^rr^ ^wt ^ff^xnHm^ ii<^osii

B^ ^^ki^l #«n^ ^•^H* n^^ I

fkni Wf?T ^(f^ IJ^^lT^i T^ ^fqff|[ I HI^rfc«*<*>Rf^ g OT5i: "^^ ^3^5 moeii

B^^: wdr^ -sfj^ ^: ^1^ f^^nwrn^ i Bi-^-Mi'Jn s^pft'n: ^w ffft^Hi m«ioii 59] —BKHADDEVATA v. 123 [-RV. vi. 74


T?^ ifEr: w^i Tjf^^ w^: xrd %^'^: ^f^ ii «i<^? ii f^x?t»n^rRr<4^i^^^i^^:^rnTj^^ii«i«\8ii^^ii


I? ^75T% ^ %%fH ^^ er^^ ^ II <\^^\\ ^^ II

B^fw ^ ^sf^^^nr^ mw^ ^ ^^ in^oii

c)^<^ 'l^tfTT ^

^JWp?^ ^: ^: #iTP^?fH h! ^5HT II <^^^ II B xj^ ^ ^rfrn^^T »jf^T«tt ^mw^ I RV. vi. 75-] BRHADDEVATA v. 123— [60

^ cT^fiT fwi ^^ ^rMlPd ^^''Irn^ n^ll

^iHri^fw ^%T ^«l9»^M*4t?(^ II <^^t II ^M It

n^WT r^;m ^fm -^t^ ^Ifff ^^^ i ^Fpm flnfhn g ipft^ ^qrfiwf^Tijt n^

wtf^'Ufvir xti^ttfr g ^s^fv wfn M*^*ll I ^^ w^'* ^WT T^^rftsy^ ws^i ii«^?oii

'RTOt WftTl^ ^^'ft iui^^rii: in?<^ii

^^ ^»5jt wtfTT ^^^^ ^^ in?^ii

^R1^ fkt^ g ^VS^ ^T^ ift II <^?? H ^^11 61] —BRHADDEVATA v. 147 [-RV. viL i

m T!m ^HTir^ ^ ^j^fT^ ^ in8^ii ^tii

Rv. vii. tiNiMKit j^^WI ^nfN: ^fl^'^t ^: i HFl ^SHS(%|RT ^^^0!??^%^ in8?ll


fng "im^^i^^ i^^sc'iii^eT: ii «\8m ii

f!^^ r«f

^ fTWiq fT55T% flT^^ ^^^^ ^ in^bll

B|w H'iMi: ^Ht w^ Hi# TTfrafrr: i

»n^ ^ftnrt 'reni!^ ct^rp^h'^ ^^ i

rn?ts^ »j^l^TW^ ^ftre: ^^ f^: iiSM^ii

^if^UHj ^ftrrra wi^np ^^ram'fiiT I 63] —BRHADDEVATA V. 172 [-RV. vii. 43

r^ftl^ II 5«I"^lftlWH ^I^^rT^ ^^ ^: <\%0 1|

imi^S^ U ^WT^ flrft^ ITRT^ IJ^ I

^HjnO^TWrif'T ^ f'^rf^ X^^Tl!?^: II ^^^ II

?Tf^: ^^ ^Ri^ ^^ ^^R?i^ g inl^ii ^^H

?[^ ^ ^RT$ Hff^n ir*T ^ ^ inffjJii

B^s% ^ ^wt ^ ff^s'lTft^sfHin^ n!,|n

^s^^ m^s^ H»T^ ^ ^: m^sii 9911

B^ ^r\: ff ij?nf^ ^rf^ f^Trftfir ^ ^ i

f^^tI^ H^^I: h?^' H3ri%rT: II «^!f^ll

'i^WHii;r*fft ^ ^«^s^^ "^[^m: ii <^«^ ii ?8 ii RV. VU.44-] BRHADDEVATA V. 173— [64

^TfW^ H^RT^n^ "^^ifT: TTft^lfilrfT: II

m i'n ^xi ^l\^ ^jn^ ^p^-, inro^: i

^iimr t^"^^ ^ ^^ ^ fjTTg^ ii«isi{ii

^^^^^ ^^ ^^- II ?M II 1

65] —BRHADDEVATA vi. 1 [-RV. vii. 85

^ TTrnFrfir ^ ^%T w^ ^;^t ^^: i

^rf^^ f Tfri^^^^?^: ttTt! ^iftrfrr ii^ii

#W^ftfff g ^IN^ ^^"^ rTT II mt ^ H

B^pm: 5H^7 ^^: ^T^ ^<^l^i: Ti^tf^m: Ii^ii

B^ %7nT z^fnm: t t t i

B^^j^ ^^To^nf^ r+

BTji^ ^ ?r!n?n ^yjiP^Kn ^^: ^jprr: i

B^^in ^f^fwf^ ^15^^^^ vpT: II til

B^^ ^ I'lf^^rn^ fro: ^^?fT: xrn: i B^fPffh^^r^^HiT^ ^!Rr: ^^s^ff^ii^ii

--(jmO^M^uifH ??^^^T!j^ ^: moil ^M

B^ ^^tfrrf^ HpHJn^ ^v^ T{vm ^: i 'i^'ilM 'i^V^cfl ^rf^: ^T? ^^^ ii<^Sii RV. vii. 86-] BRHADDEVATA vi. 12— [66 67] —B^HADDEVATA vi. 36 [-RV. viii. i

^3n^: ^ilt^^^w P^TO^ flRfhi^ II ^JJ 11 M II

^isH'-q'ai f?w: ^: ^qr^ fro ^ irmii

A«Iifl< Vtmj f^ firfl^ll^j ^^qfin^ I

w^mK u HiK*K ^-^i^H ^i ^ ^irsii

1^ ^W^ Hftri; ^^T^:ft^rT«

iJ^K^n t^^ «!wi^wi: i»^ ^^: iR

xn^ u ^ ftrTTrftfw f^ f?re^ g ^n^rft ii^oii

^^ifMMlf^^Hr-iU^ ^ % T^ ^ tff^ II ^^ II

^t'^^^t^inrOrTTwn ^^ f^MMf^^ ii??ii

f^ i^l^ cTf^ ^f^ ^:f^W I

T.i^t»^'T ^m^ ^^%^ ^ ^: ii?i{ 11 «ii

RV.Tiii. i>35^: I

JJ^W riM«J5jlrTT^ ^5^* ^rffifr ^% II 9M II

^^1?t^ ri^lw^ ^U^MrWj i; ftn:: ^^Tni[^i RV. viil 1-] BRHADDEVATA vi. 36— [68

^ifV^^iRn ^r^rft: ^f^^ ^

^«Kirfl^<^ 5TT

^^ TT^: f^^ ^t tiv ?frT ^jiTfi; 118811 en ^lf

T^ ^U^yTili^j^ mi:;§i^cf ^i5<^: II ^% II

il% ^ ^(mft^i^rf^T^ ^^ tftf^ ^ri*i^ I

^^tlTHTljmM^ ^ft ^rartHTffT ^: II 8t II 69] —BKHADDEVATA vi. 61 [-RV, viii. ai

i<*{ir^r!i^ai fTf^[fHHr<.rrt ^^ i


BMHI^Ufi ^^T ^ 1^ fro^ 5RWft: IIM'^ll

B?i?nf^ c[^^ wp( TTT^rm^^t v:fwf{ im^ii

BT«i ^5^ ^ ^ P(tTO57 ^^fir: ilM^II B^[^ ^ ^^'^frf H4W*[rm,B(^r^ I

BiRTfnsH^i^: M>^TSJ^ ff^T^^ H^t liq^ll SSII

B^n^Ht ^|^«^ ^^^ ^T^i Tf?n^ I B^y^-rHPy TT^iWv *i^^«2Rmf^^ immi

^ TnT HT^ ^ ^^fnS^^l^iT^ II MS II

-^ f^^ ^RT^^ ^^^ f^VrfH II Mb II

B^ ^HRir^r ^ ^f^'MP* H^i^ij^,^ II M^ii s^ II


w^ "^^f^^ ^[^^ g n^ ?^ff II 1,0 II RV. viii. 2I-] BKHADDEVATA vi. 6i— [70

'mr ^ g^?^ ^^ ^^^n^^TO^: 11^? II


^$ S«iM

^^^ 1 i^'85' ^ni^ 'ilKT^ ^: II €{« II

^ ^^% ^rg^tm ;^^ ^^ f^^Trr: i

^nftmf'T xi^m^ ^ftr^^ wu^ m ii %t ii

^15^ ^^rn ^n^ «fi^: #: ^q?fTj^ ii€f

»i«i*4^4!^rri^?? ^"^ iT^ g II so II <\ij II

^^inTiwnfra ^ ^kT^ ii^ifrn II s^ a

BfT^ ^[f{T^ i|% ^n^ -^ri^Mf^ 'rft^rfn iis^ii 71] —BRHADDEVATA vi. 86 [-RV. viii. 56

B^TjT^ ^riiM^ ^nf^ifn ^rfOT^ I

^^f^T Ti ^^ftfrr iliS'ii fi!! mMmm : ii^m ii <)m ii

^^ ^wrt «w^ cTw^ ^«**i«i^i I

Bfnft f^i^ ^^ TT «i^^i»n: i Bli: InTf^Pif ^rT^Jin^ ^f^ ^'IJI^rt^ llb^H

^SR'n: MHl^^sftj ^: ^wj ^TT^tftfw ^HT^ lib? II

W'lST^ 1 ^^^- inrot ^^cT: HblJii RV. viii. 6c^] BRHADDEVATA vi. 86— [72

B^[rchTnrT>OHT% gi^^Tf^^' ^'^^ ' B^^l-^wiwri^ ^ iw^^jn^ ^^f^ llbbll

b^^tt: ^'i 'IT ^ ^'E^'^ mt^Ji^ ^ I

^3^ THin iT^m ^^T^fTTf^fn: ii ^o n

WX?T%[:W ^T^ f^^t %^ ^Mm II ^^11

?^W^S"8?^ ^IRT^ ^3¥t ^m T^l II 0^9 H


B^rHU HWV^T ^^ ^^frfk ^^ ^rTW lieMII <^^H

B ^|rH l1^^^r^ MixHlO* ^ HfT^^^ I

^'j f^^ ^"T 'fliS^lRu MillWri: I 5T^ ^^ TW^ f'^n^l^WT^ii^^ii 73] BRHADDEVATA vi. no [-RV. vlii. 96

HfarfVffT ll^bll ^011

^^f^ ^Tn^ra ^f^r^^ ^ttt? m ii «ioo n

^o<\ Befpn ^^ ^rT^TTj; ^T^s^: ^^ifrenr: ii ii

?5«) ^f^-iT^^ 3RT ^^ 5inf|.^ il%^ ^ II «\09 II II

'Sfj^j^^ ^lf^^ ffT'ftl'?^: ^^ ^ I

Hf^xii f^^ f^: ^^ «T g rfHtS>^^?!^ II <^0M ||

^frT^T^^ ^WF|; ^If^^iTFJ^ I

^F^H ^^^'^'t ^T^rrftirq^ ^ ^ II ^os ||

B^3^mT i^^^*^ ^t^T ^?rT^rR^% I

B^[n^fi!% l^Tf rT^ ^^ TJT^H ^TT: mot II ^^11

B^% flfftH TX^^ITJ^ ^fFT XRI^ I RV. viii. 96-] BRHADDEVATA vi. 1 10— [74

«^^%rf ll^^Tcf r!^^x[ ^Wfn: II ^^^ II

B ^i^ "^^^l&^^il^ "^^ ^^^T II ^^^ II ^9 »

^'R'j'^^T^T^^ rf x?^^fiR?^TT: ll«i«^8ll

rT^tir^^rMfw^ il% ^^ f^^^ II «i<^M II

fl^^'^rn ^WT ^^^^ ^^: instil

it^H'^Tq^wlsf ^T^ts^ffT mn^: II<^«^SII

BH^^JW?^ ^ITriTr^T( ^n?n ^T^ ^^ I

«^^0 ^^^^ ^^ «^ ^^H^: II It "^7 ^T# ^^n^ T#frT ^rarf^ifk ^% i ^ff^t^^Rf^H^TT^ ^^^ ^^T f^ ll«i^<)ll

^ ff^^ f?re^ f^«ng ^HrfTcr^ in^^ii 75] —BRHADDEVATA vi. 134 [-RV. ix. 83

H^fir II II f^^pjlRR #^T^ f^^t ^ ^^? ^M II

^^T^^TR?: ^*l^|9( ^RTO^^FJ^: II S^8 II

^ ftnm ^^T^ ^^'^ ^T^TSM ^ I

"^ni^f^: HWJi[ ^f^^iftrfir ^^fn: ii <\^m ii

^Tt(^ m^ ^3^^m i?Ht m ^g^^^: II <^^lf II

MM*!!^ inn ffir T^l^t^rnri g jf^ ^^ I i^H^ ^^^ TOftr^ff^ ^N^cf: ii<^^«ii

BTTSn IrqfT? ^TV^ U^sfwfl^^rl m^tll

BT^ ^1151^5^^ ^^nf ^rft^% ll

ix. RV. xnWT ^: 5Ht^ 57^ fNf T^T!?^ I RV. ix. 87-] BKHADDEVATA vi. 135— [76

^^ ^ ^ Hira^: ^ ^'if^'ft^^: I

^"S(J ^^TTTTFi: ^^m^^ ^^MTPRT'l^ ^ II ^^^ II

AMI^^S^S^ H^TOt IIT^HiT'lwi rr»T^T: in88ii

fx^^^x^^rnr ^t ^^^^^^ ii «i8m ii

"^ B uTaiTn^TfrrfH wiwfi ^nj^^^ ^ra a '^^% ii ^e ii 77] —BRHADDEVATA vi. 159 [-RV. x. 14

RV. X. ^Rin^^f^T ^^f?l ^^^ ^f?T f^: I

I? %g%fiT J^T^ f^f^u: ^*»J^

^^g^^ ^oblllAMH tl^W^Pri -m VJ: I ^^Hfi^pr^ ^TiPfT ^ ^: ^rr: ii«^8tii

»!ilf^ Tiflcf fN^ ^^ ll^sfi;: I #S^ ^T!J HP^ f^tftl ^W^fe^ll'^MOII

^R^yfrf: ^

T^^ fiT^T^T^n^ f^'^^ ^^T^^'^ II^M^II

"«ftfti"2|t^»^^ w^^ ??«i^ ^h: iismmii

WBirt "^^FHirrar^ #^5?w ^^rs;^: ii SMif ii ?<^ ii

BTT^ -qri^: xn^ f^^^m finn f^ m ii<^msii

Biiff ti^Itt fri^ ^wrf^"^ ^^^m: iiSMbii RV. X. 14-] BRHADDEVATA vi. 159— [78

^' ^«Me|,oMc(^ ^»^ ^11.^1^ HW II ^%0 II

i,Hi:inu ^%^ i^^T^m^TW ^ m^sii ?^ii

hit: ^iw^t 51^ ^m^i^ f^^^rT: i m ^TWi^ ^WT^^ ^qr^ikn^in g i ^m: iist??ii ??ii

5HPiPBT*2n f % ^m: II 79] —BRHADDEVATA vii. ii [-RV. x. 18

MpHim fkv^i Hwn^ ^t^t >3»^m"^^ ii ^ ii

^T5^ f^^^if f¥^«^ f^iT^TTTO^ I

^m f Hiivi^ w i^^ ctsj^ 'TH^jTHnn im ii s ii

H l <^t

f^^^rT^ 1^^ i^%f?f ^ TrW II >9 II

^m^fffHtsfxT ^ TTO^ f?re^T^: "q^:!^ ht: iibii

^: ti^^: 5H^^ z^ ii^^l ^ II Q II

Bt^ ^%^ ^inn# ^w?: ^^^r^ftj in^ii RV. X. i8-] BRHADDEVATA vii. 12— [80

^jmn ^^T^?T^ fHng nfrmfff in?ii

«)^ II BHrilt^iR^ ?T ^T^ ^ Wr^^^m^TfT^ II

tRiT^TOt 'n^^ ^^ e^frT ^tR^ II «^ 9 II

TJrfH^% ^qi^lf^ ^^l^H^ftj ^ inbll

B^^:^^Fnfi?g ^ HT iniTT ^^jif^^^ in^ii

^v^: TTOHT^ETT^ ^^^ti?^^ ^3^: 11 ^011 ^11

^^^t f ^PW^ Tn^TH ^.hg^M^ II ^«^ II

^'^ ^^TRl^^ TT^r: ^ ^^f% ^^iTfiin IR?II 81] —BEHADDEVATA vii. 36 [-RV. x. 33

^rafn T{^ ^frr wfir «t^*i']^

f^ ^t?RW ^i'rf^ ^^TT ^1^^ g II ^!{ II

^^^ v^^'^^n^ifi^ g ^^: ii^sii

^^ ^%l%f^ ^>^ ^^ ^ ^"^ ^^ ii^tii

f^ ^rq^ ^^ ^^: ^sj^Pf %^ ff II ^^11

^[TTrr: ^tj^^ f^%^ «=»^*f^ri

BTl^ H^^^rRTf ^^^ ?TPTWt TJTR I BTRnTO^ H^m V\^V ^H fxR^ II^SII ^"^: B^ffw fTWr ^l fTr^^f^ "^^^ I

B II frre^n^^T^I^ ^TI ^ d^^rf^ II ?^


xn:: ^Hft<4l Ti ^«^^ # ^S^ ¥^: ii ?i{ ii

M RV. X. 34-] BRHADDEVATl vii. 36— [82

m^m ^ ^^ ^ cT^^TC^frr^^ ii^lfii

B^f^^^^ T{^ Tift mi w^ vxT{ I

bw^t: ^5=f^ ^ir# 'TTFR^^HT'i^ II 9b II

f^mrri4«i: 55^^51% %^%s^ ^ f^: \\^q.[\

^^^m^'TT^T^ ^s^ ^f¥Tf?T: II 80 II bll

^cnTjf^i^ f^^ ^ ^^s^^ ^f^i: ii8«iii

B^^^ TgT:T ^f^ ^%ftjj fti^ ^f II 8^ II

BITTT imJT ^m rTWTrtlR^St ^S^^^^mt II 8? II Bii^m ^TTi^PsniT ^u^^T? ^^^ I

BW^TKtT^I^^ ^^J^rlf^ f^T^ II 88 II

B^TTW ^ #>^^^ ^ H^ ^ ^f^ I B'^^xf^ t{^', vj^-m ^ ^^t^ T?^f^q^ ii 8m ii eii

Bf^fTJPTiftfH ^% % ^ ^t -qft ^^^ m I

Bi^m iTT^^ "^fr pti^ fT^T imTTTT:?!; ii 8?f ii

Bmtrt ^^^^ gi^ ^ ^ g%Ji; ii8sn

n 83] —BRHADDEVATA vii. 60 [-RV. x. 50

m inTTTrfrnr: ^^<5^ ^^s't f^f^Ft ^tpi; i

H^t %^: ^ ^% fif^^i^^^T^rFi; II MO II

3RT^ H^ H"2nfV^ ^^ ^ ^ ^Tnn^ iiM<^ii

1«^ «^^ ^^T^m^ T|'fiT^f^<>M<=lR^ril^ im^ll

m^ sgj^F^^qRW fl^^^rmf^ ii m^ ii ^^ ii

^5^i TiriT ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^tIit: i ^^TF^Tfii^"!^ ^ftHtsgt^n'raT 11M811

^jqiVT^^fV^^ rTrlRtVR ^^f{ IIMMII

^w[R-H^ ^^z\^ ^f g^firfw f^f>i: II MS II

?^"R^l^^% ^ ^^: ^R^rnl^fn: iiM

^ B^ ^^ n>3t^ ^^ ^ I RV. X. 50-] BRHADDEVATA vii. 60— [84

ir -^ T!^ t^T ^^^}f{ ^^JlrHrTr ^^T?^^ II IfO II

^^JK^ ^^ ^Iip^# «f:^^ llffSII

^ inf^^^:q^«i ^iTfiqt ^^TFnfN; ii!{^ii

cTfftS^T: HT^TO^ ^ts^ l^^Tf^ I

<^? II ^sfW^^T^^^TT ^^ ^i^^T^ II !{? II

^^i^ ^TTT^T^ "^^T^^f^^Tjg: II !f8 II ^ ^^T^^^^f^ ^ ^^mf^T ^ ^i I i

^i^ccj B^^qr^n^ ^HT^ xi^i; ^rn: ^^^ ii IfMii

Hi^ciM R cTTHfilT^ f^^ \^ ^^ T»T^ I rT^rft^ f^nTT ^ ft^ H^ ^RT T1H ||t(!,||

^^ ^f^TO^Tftr^ Uff v^ 5irn: ^Jjm: ii IfS ii «i8 ii

BiT^%: fq?[Ky^ ^U ^^^^^: iifftii

f^Wr^q^^T^l ^^^ ^^ ^^iZT'R: II^QII

BftfTF^^a^Tm ^^ %fiT ^^f^ rTFi; II so II

BTT^«r%^T:Rl'^^T ^1^^: fqH?:^^T iis<^ii 85] —BRHADDEVATl vii. 84 [-RV. x. 58

B^ ^T^ Tjf^^^TrfT "^^T^^S^ ^srf^T: II ^^ II «^M II

^ftf%: ^^H\ ^ ^JTr^TOTH^^S^^l: 11^9^11

f^^J!%^ g "^^^t ^1%^ <=i

^rfjfH: dfcT: fl^ f^^w f^^r^^^: iissii ^%\\

^tN^^ ^^ ^ Mri«hl*^% II Sb II

'^511'^ ir^Tif^ ^%H^f^rT f¥^: II bo II


"^ 11 ?<^ % %^% flrft^ *?=R^re[^: II b^ II «^S

B^TI ^fk fq^^TT^ ^rflf Ii-^^TT(^ lib? II RV. X. 58-] BRHADDEVATA vii. 85— [86

TT^^Wrfft^f V^VtT' l^flr!T?^ II tM II

m ^nftm fi^ ^^ 'mt 'fTin^^'Tfi^ iib^ii uii

^ ^:^^^nTrra ^i ^ ^^nrr ^ iibbii

ww: g^'^ ^frf^ im^ ^jmn;^!!: ii bdii

^: i^^airf ^^ ^f?T xfrTH^^: ^ i

iR^mi'^'i TT^ ^ ^f^ ^s^: II aoii

^^K^mirei'^re^ f^r^TTRt^: iiq<»ii

^^: TTT^ ^ f^fk g 5fNT ^^ ^^^n: I

^^ #«IT %^?ft %qT ^^^ ^: xft II ^^ II

"^ >3#f: ^^^ ^T^T ^ ^ v;^m ^m^ II

tp: ^rfriffT ^^^ $^s^^: ^fTTn^ ilQJjii

^ ?!^f>WT^ g 'Tf^rt imi^^: IRM II

^ Hjir^-MI "^T^ ^T5ife^

^rftii:^JTW5ff^HFi; ^'iHTftxiftliig: iiebii ^on

^^^^ II^T^T^ ^t^^ppT ^ ^^^: IKl^ll

^?f;%^ ^^T^ %^ vTi?nT3? ^ II «i OS II

^i^ "^ ^n^ ^^ ^ ?^^ ef ^#^ I

ii <^o9 ^f?T n ^TTfw^n^TT: w^^ ??^ ^: ti ^<^ ii

^^TTH^ 'if)^! ^:^'^f^ ^«t: ii«^o^ii

M«llHW: ^^f^ftf^ ^ftj ^ H^t ^^: I

W^rftf^Tl^t?;; ^?1WT^^^ f^ 11 SOM II

fTRTR ^^^ >j^^i^ ^f'^^'^ ino!,n

^m^t i ^Iw^ H^T ^n^^T^Tfu^: II «ios II


fT^^^H^if^^ ^%^^ ^^wfw: II «^o(iii

5ft^RT^ n^»T^ Ti^w wfrrfeq^ I

ITOT ^ ^^T3F[ ^% rT^^TR IJifN^T in«i^ll

-^ «^<^? II ^ TTffilsTTTn^ f^^^i ^il^Ti^ II n ^9 xft g ^^ ^^ ^ft t^Tf^: gwr: i vi^ ^^^ fri^ ^: ^sw »in: in^^^ii

rR HT^: Krft^^ ^^R^ ^^T^ 'IT: H <\

m: ^ ^T^iW. ^^W UVHTt: I

jn^% 'TO ^i^ TTt 'i^ ^H ^ II <^<^sii

TT^^^T^oJ WtfrT f^'gif^^^PR: I

T:|^^;^reT W^ l^f^t^^^ ^ITl^ II S^b II ^^ II

^f^^ ^^ ^% ^ t^ xi^ft f^^^fw: II ^i'i^w 89] —BEHADDEVATA vii. 134 [-RV. x. 85

^^ HT^TfW ^^>l^^Tftr^^ II S^? II ^M II

«TI^^ %^^ W^^T^'Wt HU II ^^8 II

^^^mt \^ T^^w% ^rf^^fr ^^ ^ II «^^M II

^fru^ ^ WT^^ ^im m%^ Tt^t in^ffii

B g t^J^R 'ITHI^ ^W^ftl ^^?^ II «l^b II ^% H

B^: ^f ^^»n% Oif^Tfl^s^ ^P^^: in^^ii

^frfiT f^ngr^ig ^ ^^ n^t^ ii ^^o ii

»l^l'MM«l*4Mi g Trofn: TTS^f^yji; II «^^<^ II

HrT fwn fWn^ f^% ^ ^t^to: II ^?^ll ^sii

N RV. X. 85-] BRHADDEVATA vii. 134— [90

tlTTfHTT^fJNT^^ TJ^^^ rTTwri 3r|^ ^ II <\^^ II

B^ ^: n^n^ i^f{rr{ ^ ^Tn^T <^i¥\k : \\<\^Si\ ^bii

»i^ ^^^ ^^ r^Tiw% ^im^ I wRf^ iT^wT^^ ^^n^4 f^^TEm: m^bii

^^ "^Wt rTTf ^U^#^^iT "SIT II <)?QII

^: THn^rffff^ fN^^nf?!.'^ ^^r. ii ^8<^ ii

?^ ^ TiuR ^^ ^i# ^^Mt "^ 1: in8^ii ^eii

^^^fT'Ti^^P^TT^n ^^ ^S^ ^3rai^ ll<^8?ll 91] —BRHADDEVATA vu. 157 [-RV. x. 98

rT^np?T rRt: 1^ ^^sf^Tll^TlT^^ |

«^lfHTf>^^^^>^: ^^^: vj^^ ^nTr^; inM^^ii

mini g?(t^ ^:^Ti^ Ki^cH^M^ I

^t^ 11^ ^T^ tfrT^H g ^'T^: nM^II

TT^ ^<^IHl^: n^: ^^ ^ 35© I

^ gffffn^ «ni^ inrrarT: HHmT^w ii «iMSii

Tnrrerr: wsiiqT^ ii ^^ n RV. X. 98-] BRHADDEVATA viu. i— [92

5T TT^^mf^rtTf^ ^"qfif^fs^ ^rT^: I

^ ^^^T^ -q^^ ^# IT^^ % ^m: II ^ H

n^T^mw ^'i jTf^'^^^f?!^ II? II

Hg«iT^^ X^ifq: n^ g Tn^<5y%nni; 11811

HT^il^Tftr ^ TT^ ^^^^5q^T ^^ II mi H II

H ^T^ ^% ^iftl ^Tf^iftr ^^W^ ii!(ii

Bfirfti?iiT^ ^^»^ ^fvi% 5rm%^m IIS II

^^* rfrf: ^S# ^fr iftWt ^^ fHIT ^ 3R: II til

^f^xi^^%%^ f^f^^nls^ ^r^ moil ^11 93] —BRHADDEVATA viii. 24 [-RV. x. 108

"^ ^ifiii^"q>i ^;w ^^ ^ ^m II s^ II

^^^^i|t "^^ ^^Tf^f^ ^T II ^9 II

^^^ ^^: Wffk^ ^ ^ ^^ 'ifqi^R; II «i8 ii

•^\ ^xiTT^rTO^ ^f^rn?:Ti>ftf^ II ^^ n ^ ii

^j'Pr: ^^ ^ ^^ ^#^ ^7? htt?h: I

^frr^"^ *TTH ^T^ »|TTlT^r*4ri

^i^ ?T ff Tnn: ^Jif^ r|^ ^^^Rt gf^^nm: ii*^bii

^r| « TTRWt r^ 4 i rH "^^m W^l^ ^ II ^^[\

*T tMfw<,«4riirW"# in»r?TT|^ TT^ II R«i n

^rnTR^^ ^^ inirnTr^rn ^^tsjt ir^ii

^^T15f^lSrFrt ^ >Tt^T'^rT^fH lEpi: IR?ll RV. X. 108-] BRHADDEVATA viii. 24— [94

inff^nt^^ ^s^ ^OT TTT^wm^: ii ^m ii m ii

^TSRT^ ^TN^^Prft 1tS^^[^ ^JSjT: II ^S II

Bfwn^ ^^J ^m ^TffiTT ^ TTfr: ffT: I ^^K^m^mn^^T ^^ ^?Trf^^ ^^: IRdll

"^Jjm H^jp[iT TT^T^: tiq^aw: I

^!m^3iTTfc(^FnTTi^ ^nnrwt w ^: ii^^ii

"«iw%?5:^ mj^ ^rfw ^^^rqf^ II?? II

m W^T^ Tq^T f^: ^flRTrft H^reHT: ll?{ill

T?^FTfi:TcreHn x^^ ^fk^T^m II ?M II « II

^s-5!^^'^'^ g i^^snrrqT n^ ii?!fii 95] —BEHADDEVATA viii. 49 [-RV. x. 137

T?*^T!j: ^ TifrTsnj: ^: ^^irfk I

^^^* II ^t ^ "^^^S^ g ^fH^ » ?t

^n^ f^^ ^j^rHT ^m^wi^: II ?eii

fq^ ^arfir ^f^ TT#Tn^^^T?R: i

?frT % H' nS^ rT^ ^TT^: ^w firnfffrTr: II 80 II bll

^<\ ii ^w?[Tfti^TnHT'j^ ^ ^ ^ ^rer^: ii

"^ i^rf : ^Ti^ ^rwT H^«n ^ xf|f^?rf>T: ii 8^ ii

^^ 4I«Hi*Hilwi!| fwi(m ^^^n^ ^ II 8? II

•7 ft Tran: ^ ^^ %^"^ ^rofH 'r^i

5?11^ %[rf ^IRT^ ^^tl^: -qt 1 ^ II 88 II

ffTl!?T^ffTTT^^Hra^Irqi:^f^: Il8mi ^11

^(^ *TT^^ rf^ ^ ^g ^ ^^TT( I ^M*^*!"^ i^^'qi ^^^ trs^ ^ II 8^11

^^ #^ ijfir^ ^rf^^ "^t^^ rnr: ii8sii

^ft^R^ ?f?T t^^w^ %^m^ T^ tmi II 8b II RV. X. 137-] BRHADDEVATA viii. 49— [96

^ ^^ f%^?7 Wim ^ ^3^ II M^ II

^^ f^^ ^ ^Rf^c^R ^ ^^t: I

^#T^T^T m^^ ^fyHI^'»i^<+^'M'=i. II MU II ^'\ II

^J^ IjRT ^?ITlltfrf ^^51^ ???J10l ^^r^^ II MM II

B^3^7nT% xn^t g wTtt ^% ^i^^m^ iiMffii

^n:ii?TT^c^i!?n^ ^^"1% ^^^ hmsii

^^^ ^STCTT ^^ ^m^^HrT: ^T^ II Mb II

^(^m ^^rl\ W\^ ^ rTW: ^t I ^ji u^vir lEi^-^ va^ B^^ iiM

w^ii ^iftif^w^ i'^^^rf^T ^ ^ ii!{<^ii 97] —BRHADDEVATA viii. 74 [-RV. x. 176

^if^KIHl TT^f^ rPJlT^ ff 7^ II !f^ II

TRTc^W ^T^W^^ ^T?r^t ^ ^^H II If? II «|? II

^ rft^^ g5?TfH H^53T ^rsp^T'^RJi; I THrRj^^T^ ^ in^iTiHi H^;^ II %^ II


^n^ft^^f^^T: ^Ht ^H %^: II !fS II

« cfHirHr^lr^^: ^K^ ^^^iTsn'ff^: iiftbii <^^ii

^TrT^fiT IRMII^^ Wf^: ftmft ^^?^ \\SV\

HMn^^m: xrRe^ it^w^ ^ w^^i US'? II

i^ ^ U^sf^l^^T^ % ^% ^^pT3?R Ils9?ll <^M II RV. X. 177-] BRHADDEVATA viii. 74— [98

b"^^ f^vifit Tl^^T ^T ^T^ W^ ^rf^ ll^lll

RIh; g rn^%?^ ^^ ^^^^^ f^^: I

:C^rTt 'HIT ^^ WH %^ 'T'n ^p^ ll^bll «^^ll

in^TT^Hi^ ^rHrh*^; ^nm m tt^^ht: ii bo ii

in^ "^^mr #f?T fT^S^T^ oyf^HT: i

wf^^: ^^mHkM Ti^m f^ ^^i^^ II t<^ II

^fif^Wr ^^ f ^^^ TR^ II b^ II

Mi g ^im^fH n^^ ^T H^'ai^ II b^ll *<^9II ^^ ^ ^^IHT? * THHT vff ^: ^FT*i

^nftr^ ^T^rf ff ^^^M'^ H^ II b8 11

^^T^ JJrT^^ ^T^(^ ^^^tftfrT II bM II

^xfwi Wf ^luiiH wf

fro^ ^rR^ ^fn ^"nm^^ ^ II bb II *«)b 11

w^ 'frftfir ^iw^ ^TT^l ^^ 5iJt iib

^[^77: ^I'hyniiHi ^^T^: ^-^CTil^: II ^011

f^^!n^f^f%r!t ^T^ f\^^ B7^^ ^cm^ I

HT^«[^ ^t ^^ ^T^xm^TSj: IRS II

^ 'T f^^ ^T^TT'^ ^[P^ ^ ^^^THI ^ I

'Tzrn^: ^i^ri? e^ftira%^^: ii ^^ ii '


^rofflri: mti^w ^, ^^^^^ ^ ^% II e8 11

^r^ B^q^^ g flrft^^TTpqif^^ II ^M II

?!^: ^^ ^rm^T^ fiffk^ilT^ ^if^ iKitfii

TO w^rfiw^ ^i H^R^ f^: II e^s II

^ig^JIM^rri*! ^^ti^ ^ I3«l^ II (>b II ^0 II Conclusion] BRHADDEVATA viii. 99— [100

B ij^TOH ^%^: ^*Hi|H ri%i^^ ^^ ^t: ^>=JT^: i

B$5^^ ^fT^T^h^f^grr^^rnnf^ ^ ^r^ ^^>^J!^: i

B 11 «)00 ^ ^^ ^f^J^ f^f^i^ 'HIT %^T^ ^Wf>^VT5=I^ II B ^^^^1 ^iT cTPHrft^^ ^^^n^ fn^T: IT^^ f?T^!JTW: I

^«| ^%W if^ ^Tfl^ ^^TO%rTT^ ^ il «i09 II II

^"^ g TT^'ar ^^n^: ^^^: ^m: I ^^*^ ^i?w ^^^^ ^5^: inomi

f^w ^^r'^^ 5FTi^ '^T^ ^1^57 inolfii

fro^rf^ f^'^^ ^tt^ ^^^ ^ i ^^5^ f^T^rf: flt^T ^T^^ >|fi:^: ^HT: inosil

^re^l?^: ^iTf^rl^rTT: H^fT^fri^^mT: ll<^ol;ll ^^11

xff^ fk^^l: ^^} ^t^ ^^^^: ^t: moan

^nren w^ ^^'^ ^^^f^ ^f^ ^ i

^'^"^ ^jrd ft^^ ^ 'nrm^ i 101] —BKHADDEVATA viii. 123 [Conclusion

«)<^? 'i'?[^Wf^ ^rfk^qnt Hsf^rrf II II ^^ II

fkrft^ xhr: ;r^ T^M^imi^t 5^?^ II ^^^ 11

^nj^^rr: irf^Tn: ^"qr^ ^ij'M^M*j%ir) i

^^^: ^T^: fft f^ ^ '^fS fir^ n«)!fll

^^ firfh: 5HT«TT^ ^%^ ^WrftRT: II «i<^SII

^ir*HH^ ipft^s^ ^t: ^^ w^iiftsicf: I

^rj^Mi ^^I^ ^l^W^: ^K ^^ ii<^«^bll ^^W

f^l^^ ^ H'^^ fitsfw^TT^ ^^ I

^ ^^r^Wt %^ 'i'^WI'lfRTffrT: II S^o ||

^^IHTftirTOt f c^^lfimrT^reR: in^«»ll

^^^^%© wrwt ^ ^T^cnfl* in^^ii

5RT^: ^TrUPri^lCtS^ f^^ %^"^rT^ I Conclusion] BRHADDEVATA viii. 123— [102


XTsn 15TO\ ^^ ^^W^ f|^tf^"fiT^'^^WT ll«»^Mll

^r%df>i: ^Irn: ^ ^^w^^'^m: in^lfii

* ^)^: n^: Tl^rTT ^1^ ^^ Hnt "^xicfftf?^ I

^%n ^t: fi?rR!ts^ w«n f^xnfrr^ t^"^ ^in^tii ^!f ii

^^^ FIT^il'l^^^T ^T 57 HHT^n^^^f^ TRH^ 11 <\^ail

"^ '^nT^Tw: fr^ m ^T m^ I ^ ^^ ^ ^^ "^T^i; I

A "^^ ^ %^ e %^ ^^P[ mm^ ^ ^^^ ^^ rTwi; II ^?o II

f^^ ^^m^fJl if^^T^^Hil^^: n ^^<\ II

* H^r*!^^ ^Nfi "^wt fl^T^: II «l?^ II ^S II

^ ^^^f^ ^n H^^K^fh^^ in?? II

AfirWtS^ ^^ l|t^ ^fes?^S^%rTT^ I

A^RTOT ^rM^'yMH rir4,f^NR fhl^ ll<^?8ll

A^fTO$f%rnf?i ^^ ^^rf^l ^»Tf( I

\ 103] —BRHADDEVATA viii. 140 [Conclusion

AH^Tpsn?! ITT^It^ f^%TT%f?T T^IrnT^ n^MII

A^f¥^t^ ^^ 'Sj^ %?f M\*\H

A^fq ^ Tnm f^T^ ^[^ rT^TTi:^ I

fWk 5^1fw^1RT(; II ^b II

I XfH iDl^^lT ff^^TTT ^HTTTT H



[The citations in black-faced type refer to the Rg-veda, except where a specific indication to the

contrary is made ; and the other citations refer to chapter and verse of the Brhaddevata.]

akslbhyam, x. 163 : viii. 66. anjanti tva (sic), iii. 8. 1 : iv. 100. aksair ma, z. 34. 13 : i. 52. atah, i. 22. 16 : iii. 93.

vi. : v. ill. agavyuti, 47. 20 ati drava, x. 14. 10 : vi. 159. agastyasya, x. 60. 6 : vii. 97. adat, viii, 19. 36 : vi. 51. agna ayumsi, ix. 66. 19 : vi. 131. aditir dyauh, i. 89. 10: iii. 123. agna indrai ca, iii. 26. 4: iv. 102. adya nodevasavitah,v. 82.4: v. 89(B). agnina, viii. 3S : vi. 77. adhah, viii. 33. 19 : vi. 76. 6* agninagnih sam idhyate, i. 12. : ii. adhah svid asit, x. 129. 6'': i. 51.

145- adhi, vi. 46. 31 : v. 108.

: ii. i. : iv. agnim, i. 12. 1 145 ; 127 4 adhvaryavah, v. 43. 3 : v. 41.

viii. : vi. (b) : viii. 31. 14 75 ; x. 166 anarvanam, i. 190 : iv. 63.

61. anasvanta, v. 27 : v. 29 (b). agnim usasam, iii. 20. 1 : iv. 102. anu nah, TS. III. iii. ll^ : iv. 88 (b). agnir ukthe, viii. 27 : vi. 68. anrksarah, x. 86. 23: vii. 131. v. agniparjanyau, vi. 62. 16: 118. anv asya sthuram, viii. i. 34 : vi. 40. agnisomau, i. 83 : iii. 1 24. anv it, TS. III. iii. 11^ : iv. 88 (b).

Bgne, i. 44 : iii. 1 1 1 (b). apa, X. 131 : viii. 46.

: viii. (b). agne acha, x. 141 53 apafyam tva, x. 183 : viii. 80.

: viii. agne tava, x. 140 53 (b). apasyam, x. 79 : vii. 117. agne naya, i. 189 : iv. 62. apat, viii. 69. 11 : vi. 92. agne marudbhih, v. 60. 8 : v. 48. apehi, x. 164 : viii. 67. agne ea ksesat, vi. 3. 1: v. 105. aprajah eantu, i. 21. 5" : i. 58. agram, iv. 46 : v. 4. abudhram, x. 36 :"vii. 37.

: vi. agre, x. 1 147. abodhi, i. 167 : iv. 36 ; v. 1 : v. 12. vii. aghora-, x. 85. 44: 137 (b). abjam, vii. 34. 16 : v. 165. acety agnih, viii. 56. 5 : vi. abhi, : : 85. v. 41. 19 v. 37 ; vi. 50. 6 v. acha, iiL 33. 3'* : iv. : 107 ; v. 43. 8 117; viii. 49 (khila) : vi. 84 (v. r. (b); V. 41 v. 83: v. 88. b) ; VS. iv. 25 : viii. 1 5. acha vada {v. r. b), t. : 88. 83 v. abhi nah {v. r. b), v. 41. 19 : v. 37. anjanti, iii. 8 : iii. ; v. 43. : v. (b). 28 7 41 abhldam, x. 48. 7 : i. 49. ; . :;


abhur u, x. 27. 7 : vii. 24. aByavamiyam (suktam), i. 164 : iv. 31 abhrapnisah, x. 77: vii. 116. asyai me putrakamayai,(khila) : viii. 84. amandan, i. 126. 1: iii. 155. aham, iv. 26 : iv. 135 ; viii. 74. 13 amajurah, : vii. (b). vi. : viii. x. 39. 3 48 95 ; X. 125 43. amisam, x. 103. 12: viii. 13. aham bhuvam, x. 48 : vii. 57. ambi- (tame), ii. 41. 16 : ii. 137. aham manuh, iv. 26. 1: i. 51. ayam yah, x. 27. 21 : vii. 27. ayam somah sndanavah, i. 45. 10°: a, iv. 16 : iv. 127 ; v. 43. 10 : v. 42 (b) ;

iii. (b). : vi. : v. Ill V. 43. 11 V. 43 ; 28 106 ayam krtnuh, viii. 79 : vi. 97. vi. 50. 8: V. 117 ; x. 31: vii. 34; ayam devah, vi. 44. 22 : v. 108 (b). X. 60. 1 : vii. 96. ayam, i. 20 : iii. 90 ; v. 51. 4 : v. 46 a ganta, viii. 20 : vi. 57.

viii. 100. 1, 4 : vi. 117,118; x. 60. agne yahi, viii. 103. 14 : vi. 128.

: vii. : ; : 12 loa ; x. 142 viii. 54 x. a te, ii. 33 iv. 89.

144 : viii. 55. a tva, i. 134. 1 : iv. 5 ; viu. 95 : vi. ayam mata, x. 60. 7 : vii. 100. 109 ; X. 173 : viii. 73. aranyani, x. 146 : viii. 57. a tva ratham, viii. 68 : vi. 91. aram, i. 170. 4 : iv. 53. ad aha svadham anu, i. 6. 4: ii. 139. arayi, x. 155 : viii. 60. a dhenavah, i. 152. 6 : iv. 17. aruno ma sakrt, i. 105. 18 : ii. 112. a nah, i. 89: iii. 122; i. 186: iv.

vi. : vi. ava, viii. 96. 13: 115. 62 ; viii. 8 47 ; viii. 46. 25 ava drapsah, viii. 96. 13 : vi. 1 1 6 (v.r. b). vi. 80 ; X. 85. 43 : vii. 137 (b). avita nah, ix. 67. 10 : vi. 131. a no bhadrah, i. 89. 1 : iii. 122. aviram, x. 86. 9 : i. ^3. apah, X. 9: vi. 153; vii. 47: v. 174. avivrdhat, viii. 80. 10 : vi. 97. apantamanyuh, x. 89. 6 : vii. 144. asvina, i. 92. 16 : iii. 124. a ma pusan, vi. 48. 16 : v. 1 14. asvinau, v. 78 : v. 84. a mam, vii. 50 : vi. i. asat, z. 27 : vii. 23. a me, viii. 101. 7: vi. 126; viii. 85: asavi, x. 104: viii. 16. vi. 98. asavi te, v. 43. 5 : v. 41 (v. r. b). ayam gauh, x. 189 : viii. 87. asau, i. 105. 16 : iii. 137. a yahi, x. 172 : viii. 73. asau ya esi, viii. 91. 2 : vi. 102 (b). ayusyam, (khila) : viii. 45. astu srausat, i. 139 : iv. 7. a rudrasah, v. 57. 1 : v. 47. asteva su pra-, x. 42 : vii. 40. a vah, X. 76 : vii. 116. asmakam, ii. 31 : iv. 86. a vartanim madhuna, iv. 45. 3° : iii. asmakam uttamam, iv. 31. 16 : iv. 97 (b). 139 (»)• a vam, viii. 42. 4: vi. 78.

asmin, x. 38 : vii. 39. avir abhut, x. 107 : viii. 22.

asmai, i. 61: iii. 118. a sarma, viii. 31. 10 : vi. 74 (b).

i. : : asya, 164. 1 iv. 32 (b) ; ii. 32 : iv. asah, X. 103 viii. 13.

86 ; X. 8. 7 : vi. 148. aavina (=-au), i. 30. 17: iii. 102. ;; ;


a sah, viii. 46. 21 : vi. 8o. iha, i. 21 : iii. 91 ; x. 85. 42 : vii.137 (^)' asasranasah, vi. 37. 3 : v. 107. iha bravitu, i. 164. 7 : i. 53.

iii. : a sur etu, (khila) : viii. 59- ibeba vah, 60 iv. 122.

ichanti, iii. 30 : iv. 105. rjanam, x. 132 : viii. 47. ichanti tva, iii. 30 : iv. 105 (v. r. b). Irmantasab, i. 163. 10 : iv. 27. iti vai, X. 119 : viii. 40. ilisva, viii. 23 : vi. 63. ittha, i. 80: iii. I2I. ile, i. 112. 1: iii. 138.

: Ije 1» : (r. idam, i. 113 : iii. 138 ; ii. 28 iv. 83 agnim, v. 60. v. 48 r. b).

: : viii. : iv. 49 V. 5 ; iv. 51 v. 6 ; 18

ut, : (b) viii. : vi. vi. 49; X. 56: vii. 83 ; x. 61: vii.ioa. V. 42. 3 V. 37 ; 73

: : viii. x. : viii. indrah, iv. 47. 2 v. 4. 94 ; X. 101 10 ; 179

: vii. (khila): vii. 118. indra ksatra, x. 60. 6 96. 77 ;

indra drhya, x. 100 : viii. 10. uta, vi. 50. 9, 10 : v. 117 ; viii. 18. 8 :

: (b). viii. : vi. indram mitram, i. 164. 46 iv. 42 vi. 49 ; 67. 10 90.

: viii. indra ^resthani, ii. 21. 6 : iv. 74 (b). uta devah, x. 137 49.

: r. b). indra somam piba, i, 16 : iii. 34. uto bi vam, iv. 38. 1 v. i {v. indrasya, i. 32 : iii. 104. ut tistba, i. 40 : iii. 107.

indra, iv. 41. 1 : v. 2 [v. r. b). ut suryah, vii. 62 : vi. 5.

indrakutsa, v. 31. 9 : i. 56 ; v. 28. ud asau, x. 159 : viii. 6^.

indragni, v. 86 : v. 89 ; ui. 12 : iv. ud iratam, x. 15 : vi. 159.

loi (p.r. b). ud irsva nari, x. 18. 8 : vii. 13.

indravaruna, vii. 82 : vi. lO. ud u jyotih, vii. 76": vi. Ii (b).

viii. : (b). tyat, vi. 51. 1 : vii. indro va, 21. 17 vi. 59 ud u v. I18 ; 66.

imam jivebhyah, x. 18. 4: vii. II (b). 14 : vi. 9 (b).

imam nah, x. 124 : viii. 41. ud u tyam, i 60 : iii. 113.

imain nu, viii. 76 : vi. 96. ud u fyab, vii. 38 : v. 167.

imam no jajnam, iu. 21. 1 : i. 51. udyan, i. 50. 11 : iii. 1 14.

imam, i. 84 : iii. 126; iii. 64 : iv. 121 ud V eti, vii. 63 : vi. 5.

: iii. : X. 76. 5: ii. 137 {p.r. b). upa, ii. 86 iv. 90 ; 53. 11 iv. 115

i. : iii. ii. : iv, 42. : V. ; vi. 47. : v. 112. imah, 114 139 ; 27 83 ; V. 7 38 29 X. 18. 7: vii. 12. upaprayantah, i. 74: iii. 1 20.

imam khanami, x. 145 ; viii. 55- upa priyam, ix. 67. 29 : vi. 133.

imani, viii. 69 (khila) : iii. 1 19. upa ma sat, viii. 68. 14 : vi. 91.

ima nn kam, x. 167 : viii. 61. upa earpa, x. 18. 10 : vii. 17.

imam, X. 67: vii.107; x.86.46: vii.137. upopa me, i. 126. 7 : i. 52.

viii. 48 : vi. : vii. para mrsa, i. 126. 7 : iv. ime, 79 ; x. 18. 8 upopa me 3.

11(B). ubbayam, viii. 61 : vi. 86 (a). _

: vi, ime cetarab, vii. 60. 6 : vi. 7 (b). ubbabbyam, ix. 67. 25 132. vi. iyam susmebhih, vi. 61. 2 : ii. 137. urum, vii. 99. 4: 35.

iyam, vi. 61: v. 119. ulukayatum, vii. 104. 22 : vi. 32. usana-] I. INDEX OF VEDIC PRATIKAS [108

usana, v. 29. 8*: v. 27. kanikradat, ii. 42 : iv. 94. usanta, vii. 91. 2 : vi. 18 (b). kaninaka, iv. 32. 23 : iv. 144. uso vajena, iii. 61 : iv. 124 (b). kanya vah, viii. 91. 1 : vi. loi (b).

kam, X. 99 : viii. 9. urdhva u su na utaye, i. 36. 13 : iv. 100. kam etam tvam, v. 2. 2 : v. 20.

Qrdhvah, vii. 39. 1 : v. 169. kaya, i. 165 : iv. 44.

kas te, i. 30. 20 : iii. 102.

viii. 25. : vi. 66. rjram uksanyayane, 22 kasya nunam, i. 24 : iii. 98.

ii. : iv. ftam, 30 84. kim nah, i. 170. 2 : iv. 51.

iv. 8° : ii. rtasya slokah, 23. 43. kim no bhratah, i. 170. 3 : iv. 52. rtena, v. 62: v. 81. viii. kim, i. 161 : iv. 27 ; x. 108. 1 : 26. rdhak, viii. 101. 1: vi. 1 24. kim ad utasi, iv. 30. 7 : iv. 134. vi. (b). rbhur dhlrah, ix. 87. S*: 135 kuba, X. 22 : vii. 22.

ma, x. 166 : viii. rsabham 69, kesy agnim, x. 136 : viii. 49.

III. 2^ : rsayo va indram, TS. v. v. 157 ke stha, v. 61. 1 : v. 69. "(B). ko adya, i. 84. 16 : i. 57.

ko nu maryah, viii. 46. 37 : ii. 109. ekam camasam, i. 161. 2 : iii. 87 (b). ko nu vam, v. 41 : v. 36. eka, vii. 95. 2 : ii. 137. krilam, i. 37 ; iii. 107. etat tyat te, vi. 27. 4: v. 137 (b). ksetrasya, iv. 57 : v. 7. etam me stomam, v. 61. 17 : v. 74. eta u tyah, i. 92 : iii. 124. gananam, ii. 23: iv. 81. etau me, x. 27. 20 : vii. 27. grbbnami te, x. 86. 36 : vii. 135 (b). edam, v. 26. 9 : v. 26. gauh, viii. 94 : vi. 109. esah, V. 42. 15 : v. 40. gaurih, i. 164. 41 : iv. 42 (b). esa kseti, v. 61. 19 : v. 75. gharma, x. 114: viii. 38. eso, i. 46: iii. 11 2.

caksuh, (khila): v. 108 (v.r.B). aitu, viii. 31. 11 : vi. 74 (b). catto, X. 166. 2 : viii. 60. aibhih, i. 14: iii. 33, 51, 80. candramah, i. 105 : iii. 131.

citra it, viii. 21. 18 : i. 48 ; ii. 137. o cit, X. 10 : vi. 154. citrah, x. 115 : viii. 39. o cit sakhayam, x. 10 : vi. 154 {v.r. b). citram, i. 115 : iii. 139. o tyam, viii. 22 : vi. 62.

janisthah, x. 78: vii. 115. ka imam, iv. 24. 10 : iv. 133.

jamyantah, vii. 96. : vi. ka im, vii. 56 : vi. 3. 4 19.

: iv. : v. jarabodha, i. 27. 10 : iii. kah, iv. 43 v. 3 ; 65 7. 99.

: (b). kankata[h], i. 191 : iv. 63. jatavedase, i. 99 iii. 130 katara, i. 185: iv. 61. jamaye na, = iii. 31. 2 (?) : i. 57- kada vaso, x. 106 : viii. ly. jimutasya, vi. 76: v. 128. kad ittlia, i. 121 : iii. 141. jusasva nah, vii. 2 : v. 160. 109] CITED IN THE BRHADDEVATA [-nakir in"

iv. 1 : iv. jyayamsam, v. 44. 8 : v. 43. tvam, 127.

tve ha, vii. : 161. jyestha aha, iv. 33. 5 : iii. 87 (b). 18 v.

: vii. tam vah, ii. 30. 11 : iv. 85. daksasya, x. 64. 5 104.

(b). vii. 33. : i. tac caksuh, vii. 66. 16 : vi. 5 ; vi. 9 danda[h], 6 50.

: viii. dadhikram, iii. 20. 6 : iv. 102. tat, iv. 58 : V. 7 ; X. 120 40. tatam, i. 110: iii. 131. dadhyan ha me, i. 139. 9 : iv. 10. tad vo adya, vii. 68. 12 : vi. 6. dasa, V. 43. 4: v. 41.

viii. : vi. 86. tan nu, i. 166 : iv. 48. data me, 65. 10

cit, iv. : iv. tam, i. 145 : iv. 16 ; viii. 88 : vi. 98. divas 30. 9 137.

: vii. tam u stuhi, v. 42. 11 : v. 38. divas pari, x. 45 41.

durat, viii. : vi. tam pratnatha, v. 44. 1 : v. 44 (b). 5 45.

iii. 4°^ : ii. tava, X. 138 : viii. 51. dreadvatyam, 28. 137,

9° : tavagne yajfiah, x. 51. : vii. 75- devah, x. 165 viii. 69.

(b). i. 2: iii. viii. tasya dyuman, viii. 31. 3 : vi. 73 devanam, 89. 122; 88: tam su te, x. 64: vii. 81. vi. 98 ; X. 27. 28 : vii. 27. ta vam, i. 154. 6 : iv. 20 ; viii. 26 : vi. 65. devanam patnlh, v. 48. 7 : v. 45.

1 : v. tisrah, vii. 101 : vi. 35. devan huve, x. 68. 45 (a), tivrasya, x. 160 : viii. 64. dogdhri dhenur vodhanadvan a^uh sap- t!vra[h], i. 23. 1 : iii. 94. tihpuramdhiya,VS. xxii.22: iii.79. tubhya, x. 167 : viii. 70. dyava, ii. 41. 20 : iv. 92. tubhyam, ii. 86 : iv. 91. dyaur na, vi. 20 : v. 90, tretam etat, x. 86. 84 : vii. 134. drapsah, x. 17. 11 : vii. 9. te 'vadan, x. 100 : viii. 36. dvayaft agne, vi. 27. 8 : v. 141. te satyena, vii. 90. 6 : vi. 18 (b). dvayan, vi. 27. 8 : v. 140. tyam cit, x. 148 : viii. 55. dve naptuh, vii. 18. 22 : v. 163. tyam u su, x. 178 : viii. 77. dve virupe, i. 96 : iii. 129. tyan nu, viii. 67: vi. 87. trayah ke^inah, i. 164. 44 : i. 95. dhanuh, x. 18. 9 : vii. 15. trayantam, x. 187. 6 : viii. 50. dhanva, x. 86. 20 : ii. 69. tri^ cit, i. 84 : iii. 104. dbata dadhatu no rayim, TS. III. iii. 112-3 tri, V. 29 : V. 27. : iv. 88 (b). tvain , i. 91: iii. 124. dharavarah, ii. 84 : iv. 89. tvara by agne, vi. 1 : v. 104. dhiia, vii. 88 : vi. 15. tvam tyam, x. 171 : viii. 73. dhrtavratah, ii. 29 : iv. 84.

: ; : iv. iii. : iv. tvam, i. 81 iii. 104 ii. 1 6^ ; dhenuh, 68 122.

: vi. (a). viii. 11 : vi. 48 ; viii. 71 : vi. 93. dhruvasu tva, vii. 88. 7 15 tvam ague, i. 46. 1 : iii. 1 10 (b). tvam agne brhat, viii. 102 : vi. 127. na, i. 170 : iv. 50 ; iii. 81. 2 : iv. Ill ; tvasta, X. 17 : vii. 7. X. 117 : viii. 4c. tva, iv. 28: iv. 1 36. nakir indra, iv. 80. 1 : iv. 133. ;;:

nakir de°-] I. INDEX OF VEDIC PRATlKAS [110

naiir deva minimaBi, x. 184. 7 : viii. 48. piirvo devah, i. 94. 8 : iii. 1 26 (a). nakih Budasah, vii. 82. 10 : v. 162. pusa, X. 17. S'*": vii. 8.

ii. i. prchami tva, i. : i. na jamaye, iii. 31. 2 : 113 ; 57 {^)- 164. 34 50. na tarn, x. 126 : viii. 44. prthuh, i. 123 : iii. 140. na tasya, x. 40. 11 : vii. 48 (b). pra, i. 36 : iii. 107 ; i. 122 : iii. 140

i. : i. i. : iv. ii. 41. : nadasya ma, 179. 4 53. 159 26 ; 19 iv. 9a ;

: iii. : vii. iii. : iv. ; iv. : namah, i. 27. 13 99 ; x. 37 39. 33 105 33 v. I

te, (khila) : viii. V. 43. 9 : V. (b) ; v. : namas 44. 42 62 v. 37 ; namas te astu vidyute, AV. i. 13. 1 : i. 54- V. 87 : V. 90 ; vii. 34 : v. 165 na mrtyur asit, x. 129. 2 : i. 58. vii. 63 : vi. a ; vii. 96 : vi. 19

vijanami, i. 164. : i. viii. 4. 16 : vi. viii. : vi. na 37 5^- 43 ; 7 47 ;

vii. : i. viii. : vi. : na sa svah, 86. 6 56, 101. 6 125 ; x. 32 vii. 34 nahi, viii. 80 : vi. 97. X. 102 : viii. Ii ; x. 188 : viii. 88. nananlyam (siiktam), ix. 112 : vi. 139. pra krtani, viii. 32 : vi. 75. nasat, x. 129 : viii. 45. pra ketuna, x. 8 : vi. 147. nasatyabhyam, 1. 116 : iii. 139. praja ha, viii. 101. 14: vi. 127 ; viii. 14»'': ni te, iii. 33. 10" : iv. 107. 101. vi. 128 (b). ni vartadhvam, x. 19 : vii. ao. pra tat, i. 129. 6 : iv. 4. nil cit, i. 68 : iii. 1 17. pra tad duhsime, x. 93. 14 : vii. 147 (b). 1° nunam bhagah, vii. 38. : v. 168 (b). pra tari, x. 69 : vii. 91 (a). nu me, vi. 21. 11 : v. 106. prati, i. 171 : iv. 55. nejamesa, (khila) : viii. 83. prati tyam, i. 19 : iii. 75. nendro asti, viii. 100. 8": vi. 1 18 (b). prati vam, vii. 67 : vi. 4. nairhastyam, (khila), viii. 94. pratlcine, x. 18. 14: vii. 18.

pra te, x. 96 : vii. 154. patamgam, x. 177 : viii. 75. praty agnih, iv. 13 : iv. 129. payasvati[h], x. 17. 14 : vii. 10. prathai ca, x. 181: viii. 77. pari, X. 155. 6 : viii. 61. pra devatra, x. 30. 8 : vii. 33. parejdvamsam, x. 14 : vi. 155. pra nu voea, vi. 69 : v. 119. pavitram, ix. 83 : vi. 134. pra niinam, x. 62. 8: vii. 103. palva, i. 66: iii. 118. pra-pra, i. 138 : iv. 7. pantam, viii. 92 : vi. 107. pra ma, x. 33. 1 : vii. 34. paviravi (v.r. b), vi. 49. 7: v. 116. pra yantu, iii. 26. 4 : iv. 103. pitum, i. 187 : iv. 62, pra ya jigati, vii. 104. 17 : vi. 30. piba, vi. 17 : v. 105 ; x. 116 : viii. 40. pra ye, i. 86 : iii. lai. pivanam mesam, x. 27. 17 : vii. 25. pra vah, i. 156. 1 : iv. 20 ; v. 44. 4 punantu ix. 67. : vi. V. (b) X- viii. mam, 27 133. 43 ; 175 : 74. punar nah, x. 69. 7: vii. 94. pra vartaya, vii. 104. 19 : vi. 31. purfsyasah, iii. 22. 4 : iv. 104. pra viraya, vii. 90 : vi. 16, 17 (b). pQrvah, i. 94. 8 : iii. 127. pra vo mahe, x. 50. 1 : vii. 60. purvih, i. 179. 1 : iv. 58. pra vo vajah, iii. 27. 1 : iv. 103. :


pra samrajah, vii. 6 : v. l6l. bhadrah, x. 60 : vii. 107. pra samraje, v. 85 : v. 89. bhuk, AV. XX. 135. 1 : i. $$. pra su, X. 75 : vii. 115. bhujyum amhasah, x. 66. 12 : vii. 106. pra su sa vibhyah, iv. 26. 4 : iv. 136. bhuvanasya, vi. 40. 10: v. 116. pra sustutih, v. 42. 14 : v. 38. bhumih, (khila) : viii. 51. pra sunavah, x. 176. 1 : viii. 74. bhurit, viii. 65 : vi. 86. pra sota, vii. 92. 2 : vi. 18 (b).

viii. : prastokah, vi. 47. 22 : v. 140. maksn, 31. 16 vi. 73 (b).

: iii. pra hi, x. 26 : vii. 23. madhu vatah, i. 00. 6 1 23. pra hi kratiim, ii. 30. 6 : iv. 84. manisiaah, x. Ill : viii. 38. pragnaye, vii. 5 : v. 161 ; vii. 13 : manojavah, viii. 100. 8: vi. 120.

V. 161 ; X. 187 : viii. 88 (v. r.) manthata, iii. 20. 5 : iv. 103.

: ii. iii. pratah, i. 126. 1 : iii. 153 (a) ; i. 126 mandasva, 37. 1: 27. 7° iii. 140, 150; vii. 41: v. 170. mandu samanavarcasa, i. 6. : ii. 141. pratarjitam, vii. 41. 2 : v. 170. mama, x. 128 : viii. 44. pradhvaranam, (khila) : viii, 94. mama vrate, (khila) : vii. 117. pravepah, x. 34 : vii. 36. mayobhuh, x. 160 : viii. 72. pravepa ma, x. 34 : vii. 36 (v. r. a). mahat, x. 61 : vii. 80. preta, x. 103. 13 : viii. 14. mahad devanam asuratvam, (refrain of) prestham, viii. 84 : vi. 98. iii. 66 : iv. 123 (b). prehi prehi, x. 14. 7: vi. 158 (b). mahai cit, i. 160 : iv. 49.

mahan.viii. 6 : vi. (khila) : viii. (b). praite, x. 04: vii 146. 46 ; 1 4 protaye, vi. 21. 8 : v. 106. mahanagni, AV. xx. 27. 1 : i. 55.

pro sn, X. 133 : viii. 48. mahi, viii. 47 : vi. 83.

mahi trinam, x. 186 : viii. 86. bat, v. 84 : v. 88. mahi, iv. 66 : v. 7. babhruh, viii. 20. 1: vi. 71. mahim u su, VS. xxi. 6 ; TS. I. v. 11^;

babhrur ekah, viii. 28 : vi. 69. AV. vii. 6. 2 : vii. 104.

bal ittha, v. 84 : v. 88 (v. r. b). mahe, v. 70 : v. 88.

bfhaspatih, x. 182 : viii. 79. maho agneh, x. 36. 12 : vii. 38 (b).

brhaspate prati, x. 08 : viii. 7. ma, X. 67: vii. 90 ; x. 85. 32 : vii. 133.

bodhat, iv. 16. 7 : iv. 1 29. ma cit, viii. 1 : vi. 40.

brahma, (khila) : viii. 14. mata, viii. lOL 16: vi. 127.

brahmana, x. 162 : viii. 6^. mata ca, VS. xxiii. 26 : i. 48. brahma devanam, ix. 06. 6: vi. 136. manah,i.l62: iv. 27; vii. 34.17: v.165.

ma no raksah, vii. 104. 23 : vi. 31.

bbagabhaktasya, i. 24. 6 : iii. 98. ma no 'hih, vii. 34. 17: v. 165 (v. r. a).

bhagamugrah,vii.38.6'': v. 167,1 68(b). mahitratn (suktam), i. e. mahi trinam,

bhadram, i. 88. 8 : iii. 122 ; iv. 11. 1 X. 185 : viii. 86.

i. 58 ; V. 80. 12 : v. 36 (b); x. 26 : mitrah, iii. 50 : iv. 123.

vii. 23. mitram, i. 161. 1: iv. 17. : :

mitraya-] I. INDEX OF VEDIC PKATlKAS [112

mitraya, x. 65. 6 : vii. io6. yad vak, viii. 100. 10: vi. 121.

iii. : iv. (a). i. : iv. : mitraya panca, 69. 8 123 yam, 129 4 ; viii. 3. 21 vi. 4a ;

mancami, z. 161 : viii. 64. viii. 19. 34 : vi. 50.

murdhanam, vi. 7: v. 104. yaa tastambha, iv. 60 : v. 5.

mainam, x. 16 : vi. 161. yas te, x. 83: vii. 117.

mogham annam, x. 117. 8 : i. 49. yasmin vrkse, x. 135 : viii. 48. 4,"^ mo su, X. 69. : vii. 9a. yasya, x. 33. 6 : vii. 36. yah, X. 97: vii. 154. ya anayat, vi. 46 : v. 108. ya gauh, x. 65. 6 : vii. 106.

ya indra, viii. 12 : vi. 48. yam kalpayanti no 'rayah, (khila): ya indragni, i. 108 : iii. 131. viii. 45.

ya ima, x. 81 : vii. 117. ya dampati, viii. 31. 5 : vi. 74 (b).

ya im vahante, v. 61. 11 : v. 70. yam, i. 80. 16: iii. 121.

yah, V. 42. 10 : v. 38 {v. r.) ; viii. 31 : yavat tarah, vii. 91. 4: vi. 18 (b).

: vi. : : vi. vi. 73 ; ix. 67. 31 133 ; x. 39 yuksva, viii. 26. 20 6y. vii. 40. yuje, X.13: vi. 155 (v.r. a).

yah krntat, viii. 45. 80 : vi. 8a (b). yuje vam, x. 13 : vi. 155.

yam raksanti, i. 41: iii. 107. yuBjate, v. 81 : v. 88.

yac cit, i. 25 : iii. 98. yuvam tam, i. 132. 6 : iv. 4.

yac cid , i. 28. 6 : iii. loi. yuvam, x. 24. 4 : vii. 23.

yac cid dhi satya, i. 29 : iii. 102. yavoh, viii. 26 : vi. 67.

yajfiasya vah, x. 92 : vii. 146. yuvo rajamsi, i. 180: iv. 61.

: r. yajae, vii. 97 : vi. 25, 36 (b). yuvor u su, viii. 26 vi. 67 {v. a).

yajnena, ii. 2 : iv. 65. ye, X. 86. 31: vii. 133.

yat, vii. 60: vi. 4; x. 58: vii. 83(3), 90; yena, i. 60. 6: iii. 113.

X. 86.14: vii. 134; x. 155.4: viii. 61. yenedam, (khila) : viii. 69.

yat te, ix. 67. 23 : vi. 133. ye pakasamsam, vii. 104. 9 : vi. 39.

yat tva siiryB, v. 40. 6 : v, 38. yo jatah, ii. 12: iv. 68.

yatra, i. 28. 1: iii. 100. yo nah, ii. 30. 9 : iv. 85.

37° : vi. viii. 81. : i. vi. yatha, viii. 6. 45 ; 13 yo ma, vii. 104. 16 : 49 ; 30.

(b) 18. 5 : vii. 12. : iv. vi. 74 ; X. yo me, ii. 28. 10 83.

viii. 24. : vi. vi. (b). yatha varo susamne, 28 63. yo yajati, viii. 81. 1 : 73

: 86. yatha vatah, v. 78. 7 v. yo yajnah, x. 130 : viii. 46. vi. vii. yad adya, vii. 60 : 5 ; 66. 4 yo rajamsi, vi. 49. 13 : v. 1 17.

vi. 6 (b). yo vam pari-, x. 39 : vii. 46 (b). (b). yad adya eurah, vii. 66. 4 : vi. 8 vii. yad arjuna, vii. 55. 2: vi. 13 (b). raksohana[m], x. 87 : 143.

i. ratham, v. 56. 8 : v. 46. yad indra citra, v. 39. 1 : 49.

i. rathitamam kapardinam, vi. 66. 2 yad indraham, viii. 14. 1 : 55- v. (b). yadi vaham, vii. 104. 14 : vi. 30. 119

r. b). raibhl, X. 85. 6: vii. 133. yad uttame, v. 60. 6 : v. 48 (v. :


vanaspate vidvangah, vi. 47. 26 : v. vaisvanarasya, i. 98 : iii. 139.

112. vy usah, vii. 75 : vi. 10.

vane na, x. 29. 1: ii. 114. vapnr nu, vi. 66 : v. I30. ^atadharam, iii. 26. 9: iv. 103. vayam, vi. 53: v. 118; viii. 21: vi. ^atam,i. 89. 9 : iii. I33; i. 126. 2 : iii.

(b). 53 57- 148 ; viii. 6. 46 : vi. 47. vayah, i. 50 : iii. 117. satena, iv. 46. 2 : v. 4.

varunah pravita bhuvat, i. 23. 6 : iii. 79. sam nah, vii. 38. 7: v. 167.

vasisva hi, i. 26. 1 : iii. 99. samnomitriya [rk], i. 90. : iii. 79- vahnim, i. 60 : iii. 117. &m, viii. 18. 9 : vi. 50 ; x. 59. 8 vata a vatu, x. 186. 1 : i. 50. vii. 94.

vatah, X. 186 : viii. 88. fesvat, i. 30. 16 : iii. 103. vatasya, x. 168: viii. 71. ^asvad dhi vam, (khila) : iii. 118.

vamam, iv. 30. 24 : iv. 138. sasah, x. 152 : viii. 59. vayav a yahi, v. 51. 5 : v. 46. sasat, iii. 31. 1 : iv. ill. vayo, iv. 47. 1 : v. 4. ^iksa, viii. 2. 41 : vi. 43. vi krosanasah, x. 27. 18 : vii. 26. lucim, vii. 93: vi. 19.

vi jyotisa, v. 2. 9: v. 3 1. ^unam vahah, iv. 57. 4: v. 7. 8*' vitata[u], AV. xx. 133. 1: i. 57. sunam kmaiah, iv. 57. : v. 9.

vi tisthadhvam, vii. 104. 18 : vi. 30. sunam nah phalah, iv. 67. 8* : v. 9.

vidhum dadranam, x. 55. 6: vii. 81 (b). sunaslrau, iv. 57. 5 : v. 9.

vibhrat, x. 170 : viii. 73. ^rat, X. 147 : viii. 57. 5*^: vivasvantam, x. 14. vi. 157. sraddhaya, x. 161 : viii. 58.

viso-visah, viii. 74 : vi. 94. srudhi, ii. 11 : iv. 79.

visvam, ii. 24. 12 : iv. 81. srusti, vi. 68: v. 131.

viivasmad indra uttarah, (refrain of) svityancah, vii. 33 : v. 163.

X. 86: iL 67 ; vii. 141.

visvet ta te, viii. : vi. 1 9. sa id raja, iv. : 6. 100. 6 1 50. 7 v. visvesam vah satam, vi. 67: v. I2i. sah, vii. 95. 8: vi. 19.

visvo hi, X. 28 : vii. 29 {v. r. b). samvatsaram, vii. 103 : vi. 27.

visvo hy anyah, x. 28 : vii. 29. sam-sam, x. 191 : viii. 97.

visnuh, X. 184 : viii. 83. sam-sam it, x. 191 : viii. 94.

visnor nu kam, i. 154 : iv. 19. sam sravanti, (khila) : v. 93.

8'' vi hi, X. 86 : vii. 141. sam ha yad vam, v. 31. : v. 37.

vihi, iv. 48. 1 : v. 4. sakhayah, viii. 24 : vi. 6^.

vilu cit, i. 6. 5 : ii. 140. sakhe visno, viii. 100. 12 : vi. 1 34.

vrkse-vfkse, x. 27. 22 : ii. 1 1 1 ; vii. 37. samjSanam, (khila) : viii. 93, 95-

vrsa, X. 11 : vi. 155. sanat, v. 61. 5 : v. 81.

vrsne ^ardhaya, i. 64: iii. 1 18. sapta, X. 27. 15 : vii. 35.

vedisade, i. 140 : iv. 16. sa pratnatha, i. 96 : iii. 139.

venae tat pasyat, (khila) : viii. 66. sa bhrataram, iv. 1. 2 : iv. 138. Q sam] I. INDEX OF VEDIC PKATIKAS [114

sam, V. 42, 18 : v. 40 ; vi. 69 : v. 121 ; susuma, i. 137 : iv. 7.

viii. : 44 (sam-) vi. 79 ; x. 59. 10 : susamiddhaya, v. 5 : v. 26.

vii. : 94 ; X. 85. 47 : vii. 137 ; x. 91 suryarasmih, x. 139 : viii. 51.

vii. 145. suryo nah, x. 158 : viii. 63. 31°: sam asvaparnah, vi. 47. v. 113. soma ekebhyah, x. 154 : viii. 59. samit-samit, iii. 4 : iv. 96. somasya ma, iii. 1 : iv. 95. samiddha[h], i. 188 : iv. 62. somanam, i. 18 : iii. 66. samiddhah, i. 142: iv. 16; ix. 5 : vi. somarudra, vi. 74 : v. 1 22.

130. sfcutasah, i. 171. 3 : iv. 56. samiddhas cit sam idhyase, x. 150 : stuse, vi. 49: v. 115; vi. 62: viii. 58. 119. samiddho agnih, ii. 3 : iv. 6^. stuhi, viii. i. 30: vi. 41. samiddho adya, i. 188 : iv. 62 (v.r.) ; x. stuhi ^rutam, ii. 33. 11 : iv. 90.

110 : viii. 37. sthirau, iii. 53. 17 : iv. 116. samudrajyesthah, vii. 49 : v. 1 75. sthuram radhah, viii. 4. 19 : vi. 44. samudrafc, iv. 58 : v. 10. syona, i. 22. 15 : iii. 93. samudre, viii. 100. 9 : vi. 120. srakve, ix. 73 : vi. 134. sam pusan, i. 42 : iii. 108. svasti nah, x. 63. 15 : vii. 105. sam ma, x. 33. 2 : vii. 34. svastir id dhi, x. 63. 16 : vii. 105. sa yo vrsa, i. 100 : iii. 131. svadus kilayam, vi. 47. 1: v. 109. sarasvati tvam, ii. 30. 8* : iv. 85. svadoh, viii. 48 : vi. 83. sa roruvat, x. 28. 2 : vii. 32 (b). savita yantraih, x. 149 : viii. 58. hamsah, iv. 40. 5 : v. 3. sasarparlh, iii. 53. 15: iv. 1 16. hamsah sucisat, iv. 40. 5 : v. 2. saha, i. 48: iii. 113. hantaham, x. 119. 9 : i. 56. sahasram, i. 167 : iv. 49. taye jaye, x. 95. 1 : i. 53. sa hi ratnani, v. 82. 3 : v. 169. havih, X. 88 : vii. 142. sa te jivatuh, x. 27. 24 : vii. 29. havisa, i. 46. 4: iii. 112 (b). sukimsukam, x. 85. 20 : vii. 130. himenagnim, i. 116. 8 : ii. 110. suguh, i. 125. 2 : iii. 151 (a), 153 (a). hiranyakeso rajasah, i. 79 : iii. 1 20. sutramanam, x. 63. 10 : vii. 104. hiranyapanim, i. 22. 5 : iii. 91. sudevah, x. 95. 14 : i. 53. huve, ii. 4 : iv. 65. sunltho gha, viii. 48. 4: vi. 81 (b). hota yaksat, i. 139. 10 : i. 57. surupakrtnom, i. 4 : ii. 139. hvayami, i. 35 : iii. 45, 105. ;

115] [Svetaketn


Adhvaryavah, vii. 105. Bhallaveyi ^ratih, v. 159. Asvalayana, iv. 139 (b).

Madhuka, i. 34.

Aitara, ii. 138. Mathara, vi. 107 (v.r.) ; viii. 85. Aitareyaka, v. 3 (b), 35, no (b); vi. , viii. 90. 17 (b), 108 (b), 117 (b), 129 (b); vii Mudgala Bharmyasva, vi. 46.

72 (b). Maitrayanlyaka, ii. 138.

Aupamanyava, vii. 69. Yaska, i. 26; ii. iii, 13a, 137 ; iii. 76, Aurnavabha, vii. 135. 100, 113 (b) ; iv. 4, 18 {v.r. b); v. 8, vi. 40 ; 87, 107 ; vii. 7, 38 (b), 69, Katthakya, iii. icx3. 93. 153; viii. II, 65. Kausitaki, v. 44 (b). Kraustuki, iv, 137. Rathitara, i. 26; iii. 40; vii. 145. Rathltara {v.r. Rathitarlsutah), v. 143; Gargya, i. 26. vii. 145 {v. r.) ; viii. 90 {v. r.). Galava, i. v. vi. (v.r.) 34 ; 39 ; 43, 107 ; vii. 38 (b). Lamakayana, iii. 47 {v. r. Lomaka- yana, Romakayana). Chandogah, v. 23 (b).

Sakatayana, ii. i, Nidana, v. 33 (b). 95 ; iii. 156 ; iv. 138

vi. ; vii. viii. 90. Nairaktah, i. 34. 43 69; 11, ^akapuni, iii. 130, 155 ; v. 8, 39 ; vi.

; vii. viii. Baskalah, viii. 85. 46 70 ; 90.

Sandilya, ii. Brahmana, v. 11, 25, 157 (b); vii, 14 133. (b); viii. 100 (b). Saunaka, i. 3 7 ; ii. 1 36 ; iv. 1 8 ; v. 3 7 (b), (b), 39 40 ; vi. 6 (b), 9 (b), 107, 116; Bhaguri, iii. v. vii. 100; 40; vi. 86, 107, 38 (b), 153 ; viii. 11,76 (b), 99 (b).

Bhallavi- Brahmana, v. 33. Svetaketn, i. 34. :

KV. i. I-] [116


[The deviations of the SarvanukratnanI are stated in the footnotes.]

Mandala i.

1 Agni. 16 Indra. 2 1-3 Vayu, *-« Indra-Vayu, ''-» Mi- 17 Indra -Varuna. tra-Varuna. 18 1-^ Brahmanaspati, * also Soma- ''"* 3 1-3 Asvinau, *~* Indra, Visve Indra, ^ also Soma, Indra, Da- devah, ^"-^^ Sarasvati. ksina, ®~* Sadasaspati, * Nara- 4 Indra. samsa '. 5-11 Indra. 19 Agni parthivas and Marutah. 6 *-9 Marutah, ^•'"' Indra and 20 Rbhavah. Marutah *. 21 Indra-Agni. 12 Agni, ^'' Nirmathya and Ahava- 22 1-* Asvinau, «-» Savitr, »•" Agni, i^ niya. " Devyah ""j Devapatnyah: In- i*"i* 13 Apriyah dranii, Varunani, Agnayi', 1 Idhma'', ^ Tanunapat, ^ Nara- Dyavaprthivyau, i* Prthivl,i* Vis- i^-^i samsa, * Ila, ^ Barhis, ^ Dvaro nu or Devah, Visnu.

'' * '^^ *"« devyah, Naktosasa ", Daivyau 23 1 Vayu, Indra-Vayn, Mitra- i" ^-^ hotarau ^, ' Tisro devyah", Tvastr, Varuna, Indra Marutvat, 11 Vanaspati, ^^ Svahakrtayah. 10-12 Visve devah, "-is Pusan 14 Visve devah. Aghrni^, i6-23a6 Apah, 23«<». 2* 15 Rtavah: Agni. »-« 1 Indra, ^ Marutah, ^ Tvastr, * Agni, 24 1 Ka, 2 Agni, Savitr, « or , * Sakra (Indra), " Mitra-Varuna, 6 -IS Varuna. T-io Agni Dravinodas, " Nasa- 25 Varuna. tyau, 1^ Agni. 26-27 Agni.

' *' SarvanukratnanI. Idhmah sa- ' Narasamsa or Sadasaspati, Sarv. ^ Agni- middho vSgnih, Sarv. " Usdsanakta, Sarv. mdrutam, Sarv. See note on iii. 92.

* Pracetasau added in SaiT. ' Their ' Devapatnyah omitted in Sarv. ' Simply names, Sarasvalilabharatya^, added in Sarv. Pusan, Sarv. : : :

117] III. INDEX OF DEITIES [-KV. i. 99

27 ^° Agni madhyama', " Visve de- 51-57' [not stated]. vah*". 58 Jatavedas^. 28 1-* Indra (Bhaguri), Indra-Ulu- 59 Vaisvanara. ^"^ khala (Yaska and Katthakya) "=, 60 Agni. Ulukhala^-s Ulukhala and'^ Musala, 61-63 Indra. ' Cannaadhisavanlya or Soma *. 64 Marutah. 29-30 Indra. 65-73 Agni. 30 "-" Asvinau, 20-22 Usas. Khilas (eleven) 31 Agni. 1-4,6-1 1 (msvad dhi m»«) Asvinau, 5 32-33 Indra. (j»2a»j=viii. 59)^, Indra -Varuna. 34 Asvinau. 74-79 Agni. 35 Savitr: 79 i~3 Agni madhyama. ^'' Agni, " Mitra-Varnna, ^' Ratri. 80-84 Indra. 36 Agni 80 1* Dadhyanc, Manu, ' 13-14 Yaupyau. (nipatitah). 37-39 Marutah. 85-88 Marutah. 40 Brahmanaspati. 89-90 Visve devah. 41 1-3-T-9 Varuna, Aryaman, Mitra, 891.2.8.9 Devah", " Aditi. *~' Adityah. 91 Soma. 42 Fusan. 92 Usas 43 1"* Rudra, ^ also Mitra, Varuna, 16-18 Asvinau. Vi^ve devah ', ''"' Soma (b). 93 Agni with Soma. ° 44-45 Agni (b) : 94 Jatavedas 44 i*2 also Asvinau and Usas (b)8. 8060 Devah, ^*'"' Agni or the six

45 lo"* Devah (b). deities mentioned (Mitra-Varuna, 46—47 Asvinau: Aditi, Sindhuj Prthivi, Dyu).

5 •. 46 also Aditya (Yaska : b) 95 Agni Ausasa". 48-49 Usas. 96 Agni DravinodasP. 50 Surya: 97 Agni Suci. •Varuna'' (dyubhakti), "~^^ roga- 98 Agni Vaisvanara. ^^"' ghna (trca), dvisaddvesah. 99 Jatavedas.

* Not specified in Sarv. '' VaUvadevt, on iii. 114. ^ -Agni, Sarv. Omitted in " " Sarv. daivi. Simply Indra, Sarv. See its usual place : see note on vi. 86. No ° note'' on iii. loi. * No reference to Soma reference to this stanza in Sarv. There in Saiv., Prajapati Hariscandra appearing is no reference to these stanzas in ' " ° instead : see note on iii. loi. No men- Sarv. Agni, Sarv. Or Agni, Sarv. tion of Visve deva^ in Sarv. * The text ^This and the following three deities are

(iii. Ill) does not expressly state which two identical with those stated in the Sarv. ; but

^ i. would supply stanzas ; Sarv. : adyo dvrcah. No refer- Sadgurusisya (on 95) 'or

ence to this stanza in Sarv. See note Agni ' in these four cases (96-99) from i. 95. : : ; ;


100-104 Indra*. Asvinau, * Indra, '' Agni, * Maru-

9 105-107 Visve devah. tah, Indra-Agni J or the seer 108-109 Indra-Agni. praises the Rishis or himself,

110-111 Rbhavah. Indra-Agni being incidental ' 112 Asvinau 1" Brhaspati, " Devah «. ^" Dyavaprthivyau, ^''Agni. 140-141, 143-144 Jatavedas"-.

113 Ratrynsasau ''. 142 Apriyah: 114 Rudra. 1* Indra. 115 Surya. 145-150 Agni. 116-120 Asvinau. 151-153 Mitra-Varuna.

120 ^^ duhsvapnanasini. 151 1 Mitra.

1 21 Indra ; Visve devah in the Svara- 152 8 Aditi or Agni; Aditi= Agni

". samans (Saunaka) '. 122 Visve devah. 154-156 Visnn. 123-124 Usas. 155 1-^ Indra-Visnu. 125 Praise of Svanaya Bhavayavya's 157-158 Asvinau. gifts. 159-160 Dyavaprthivyau. 126 '~® Bhavayavya, *•'' jayapatyoh 161 Rbhavah.

sampravadah ''. 162-163 Medhyasyaasvasya " samsta- 127-128 Agni. vah. 129-133 Indra. 163 1° also many and various

129 6 Indu. steeds '. 1-" "-^t 132 6 Indra-Parvata'. 164 Vi^ve devah (b), Surya 134 Vayu. (b), ^"^ Sarasvat or Surya (b)J. 1-3-9 *-« ^ 135 Vayu, Indra-Vayu. 165 Marutaindrah samvadah : Ma- 136 1-6 Mitra-Varuna, 8.7 pyu and rutah deity in i-a-t.e.s.io-is^ j^. the other deities mentioned. dra in 3-6-7.9_ 137 Mitra-Varuna. 166-168 Marutah. 138 Pusan. 167 1 India. 139 Visve devah 169 Indra. '-* 1 Vi^ve devah, ^ Mitra-Varuna, 170 2-* Indra, ^-^ '.

" Sarv. on i. loi adds adyd garhhasravi- * Visve deva^i, Sarv. Agni, Sarv. ^ ny upanisat. According to the Sarv. the There is no reference to this stanza in whole hymn is to Usas only, except 1* in Sarv. ' Various other deities are men- which Batri is associated with her : usasyam tioned as addressed in this hymn, hut they " dvitiyo 'rdharco ratred ca. See note are not assigned to specific stanzas, as is on iii. 141. Sarv. : Indra or Visve devalj. done hy Sarv. for the last eleven. ^ Sam- Bhavayavyaromaiayor dampatyoli sam- vado 'gaslyendramarutdm, Indra Marutvat *" vadah, Sarv. ® Sarv.: Indra-Parvata. being the deity, and the last triplet being There is no reference in the Sarv. to spoken by Agastya, Sarv. * No statement the Eishis or the self-praise of the seer. about ; indragattyayoji saipvada aindra^. : ;

119] OF THE RG-VEDA [-EV. ii. 43

171-172 Marutah. 186 Visve divaukasah (=devah). 171 3-6 Indra Marutvat (b). 187 Anna. 173-178 Indra. 188 Apryah. ^'^ 179 Dialogue : Lopamudra speaks, 189 Agni. 3-* Agastya, ^'^ a Brahmaca- 190 Brhaspati.

rin. 191 Upanisat 180-184 Asvinau. apam trnanam suryasya stutih kecit 185 Dyavaprthivyau. tad va visaghnam ».

Mandala ii.

1 Agni. 32 ^ Dyavaprthivyau, ^-^ Indra or 2 Jatavedas*". Tvastr, *•« Raka, s-' Sinlvall, » Six 3 Apriyah, goddesses, Gungu, &c. ^ 4-10 Agni. 33 Rudra: ^^ 11-22 Indra. rsir mrgjam astaat '.

23-26 Brahmanaspati ; Brhaspati 34 Marutah. where that form of the name 35 Apam napat. appears. 36-37 ^itavah. 24 ^^ Indra- Brahmanaspati. 38 Savitr.

27 Adityah : Mitra-Varuna, Daksa, 39 Asviuau. Amsa, Tuvijata, Bhaga, Axya- 40 Soma-Pusan: man", « also Aditis. *-i8 28 Vamna: 41 1-2 Vayu, » Indra -Vayu, (five

^^ Duhsvapnadyapranaiinl. triplets to) the Prauga deities *•, ^' 29 Visve devah. Havirdhane ; Agni incidental ', 80 Indra: ^^ Dyavaprthivyau, ^^ Havirdha- • Indra- Soma, *"' Vac madhyama*, ne ^ ' Brhaspati, ^* Marutah. 42-43 Indra in the form of a ka- 31 ViJve devah. pinjala.

^ ' Sarv., where * is stated to he optionally SarasvatT, Sarv. Lingoktadevatdh, Sarv, spoken hy India. According to the Arsa- ' No reference to this in the Sarv. ^ Only nnkramani, Indra is Rishi of ^'^ Indra in the second hemistich, Sarv. See

* and Agastya, or Indra or Agastya, of . Mandala i. 2-3. The third i»da option- "'^^ * There is no reference in the Sarv. to its ally to Agni, Sarv. ^ Dyava- being vUaghna. ** Agni, Sarv. ' The prthivyau or Havirdhane, Sarv. (cp. §ad- individual names are not stated in the Sarv. gurusisya). :


Mandala iii.

1 Agni. 33 Dialogue of Visvamitra and the 2-3 Vaisvanara. rivers: 4 Apryah. 1- Nadyah, *-^-«-^o VisvS- 5-6 Agni mitra, *'' the two deities praised

Dj'avaprthivyau, Usasah, Apah, [i. e. Indra and Savitr] are in- Devah, Pitarah, Mitrah (nipati- cidental ''.

1 »•" J, ""^o tah)«. 53 Indra-Parvata ', Vac 7-29 Agni: anaso 'ngani, ^^-^* Vasistha- 8 ^~* Yupa, in the rest Yupah, * Vis- dvesinyah. 54-57 Visve devah. ve devah ^, ^^ vrascani, 58 Aivinau. 12 Indra-Agni. 59 Mitra: 20 1-* Visve devah. * Visve devah (b)''. 22 * Dhisnya Agnayah ". 60 Rbhavah: 25 * Agni-Indra. ^"^ Indra and Rbhavah, *•* Indra 26 1-3 Vaisvanara, *"« Marutah ^ incidental (b)''. ^ Gurustavah®, 61 Usas. 27 lEtavah''. 62 i~3 Indra-Varuna, *~* Brhaspati, 29 « Rtvijah «. '-9 Pusan, 10-12 Savitr, 13-15 Soma, 30-53 Indra. 16-18 Mitra-Vanina.

Mandala iv.

1-15 Agni: 16-32 Indra: 1-3 1 2~* Agni, or Agni and Va- 26 Self-praise of the seer as if *"'' runa '. Indra", Syenastuti. 13-14 lingoktadaivata (eke). 27 1-5 Syenastuti". 15 '•* Somaka, "'i" Aivinau. 28 Indra and Soma °.

<.«-8'io * Anydsam apt nipato driyate, Sarv. Sarv. 8 Rtvighhyo vd, Sarv. ^ *" Yupat or Visve devab, Sarv. " Puri- spoken by the rivers, ^"^ in praise of Indra, syehhyo 'gnibhyah, Sarv. Sarv.: mdru- Sarv. * The stanza is not specified, but tas {trcah), which Sadgurusisya explains hy the first is doubtless meant. ' Vac sasar- dvitiyasya (tfcasya) mdruto 'gnih. The deity parT, Sarv. ^ No statement in the Sarv. of '•* would be Agni only according to the 'Sarv.: ^*; cp.note* on iv.128. "" Sarv.:

BD., but according to the Sarv. it is alter- indram ivdtmdnam rsis tustdvendro vdtmdnam. " 5 natively in praise of the Atman: dtmastutirvd Sarv. : Indra or Syena (Sadg.). Indra purvdtmagita (agnih param brahma vd, Sadg.). or Indra-Soma, Sarv.

* Upddhydyastutih, Sarv. Rtavyd vd, :

121] OF THE RG-VEDA [-RV. V. 43

30 '"^^ Usa madhyama (^akata- 48 Vayu. yana), ^* Bhaga, Pusan, Arya- 49 Indra-Brhaspati. man". 50 Brhaspati

^^ ». ^"^ '"-^^ 31 Surya (Asvalayana : b) purodhatuh karmasamsa '', 32 23-2* Indra's two steeds (haryo Indra-BrhaspatL stutih). 51-52 Usas. 33-37 Rbhavah. 53-54 Savitr. 38-40 Dadhikia. 55 Visve devah. 38 ^ Dyavaprthivyau. 56 Dyavaprthivyau.

* '' ^~3 * * 40 Agni, Vayu, Surya ; Surya 57 Ksetrapati, Suna, SunasT- 8" (Aitareya Brahmana : b). rau, 6-''Slta, ^''Krsi, KrsijTva 41-42 Indra-Va^una^ manusyah, ** , *'' Dha-

43-45 Aivinau. na *. Or the whole hymn praises

46 ' Vayu, ^"^ Indra-Vayu. agriculture (Krsi)'. 47 ^ Vayu, *~* Indra-Vayu.

Mandala v.

1-4 Agni». 42 3 Savitr (l^aunaka), '-» Brha- 5 Apriyah. spati, '" Marutah, ^^ Budra, 6-28 Agni. ^* Ilaspati (Sakapuni), Parjanya- 26 • Vi^ve devah. Agni (Galava), Pusan (Yaska), 27 8 Indra-Agni. Indra (Saunaka), Vaisvanara 29-40 Indra. (Bhaguri), '^ Marutah, '* Asvi- 29 9" U^ana. nau'.

318''U&lna^ » Indra and Ku- 43 3 Vayu, * Soma, " Indra, ' Agni,

tsa. '' Gharma, * Aivinau, ^ Vayu and *~* """* 40 Atrinam karma kirtyate '. Pusan: '<""'' Agni, Divauka- 41-51 Vi^ve devah. sah, " Vac madhyama, ^^ Brha- 41 "IlaJ. spati'.

" No reference to this stanza in Sarv, mention of them in the BD. or the Sarv. ''* •> Surya only, Sarv. <= 42 Self-praise •^ Sarv.: "indra or Kutsa, *'' Indra or of Traaadagyu, Sarv. ^ No reference to Usana. ' Sarv.: * Surya, ^'' (because

• * ' this triplet in Sarv. Sarv. : S^una- his deed is praised): cp. Sadg. No sirau. No reference to this in Sarv. mention of this stanza in Sarv. Of

' Anfrecht in his index, KV.^, p. 477, states all these individual deities the only one

'Maruta^, Bndra und Vishnu' to be the specified in the Sarv. is Eudra. None deities of v. 3 '. Tlioiigh these three of these individual deities are mentioned names occnr in that stanza, there is no in Sarv. EV. V. 44-] III. INDEX OF THE DEITIES [122

44 ' Soma, or Devah, or Indra, or 81-82 Savitr. Prajapati, * Vayu, * Aditya ". 82 * duhsvapnanasinl (b) ''. 46 ''•* Devapatnyah. 83 Parjanya. 51 *•«•' Indra-Vayu, « Vayu ». 84 Prthivi madhyama®. 52-61 Marutah. 85 Varuna.

56 8 Rodasi (sing.) •>. 86 Indra-Agni.

57 1 Rudrah ". 87 Marutah, with incidental mention 60 8 Terrestrial and Middle Agni of Visnu '.

with the Marutah. Khila I : Srisuktam ; Agni incidental.

62-72 Mitra-Varuna. Khila 3 : Prajavat.

73-78 Aivinau. Khila 3 : Jivaputra.

78 ^"'garbhartham upanisatstutih^. Khila 4 (samravanti) : payasvinyah. 79-80 Usas.

Mandala vi. ^"^ 1-6 Agni. 47 Soma ; or Indra with inci- ^O" 7-9 Agni Vaisvanara. dental Soma (b)'', Devah, 10-16 Agni. 20!- Bhumi, 2o« Brhaspati, ^O"* In- 17-27 Indra: dra, 22-25 Danastuti of Abhya- ^'^^ 2°" 21 Visve devah. vartin and Sarnjaya ', Bhava- 27 * Danastuti of Abhyavartin and vrttam ™, ^^'^^ rathabhimarsa- 29-3ioi. Sarnjaya 8. nah, (Jundubheh sarnsta- 28 Gavam stutih, ^-s^ Indra''. vah, 31 <"« Indra ». ^~*'* 29-46 Indra: 48 Trnapanikam Prsnisuktam : "-'3 "-^^ 37 3 Vayu and Indra '. Agni, Marutah, Maru- 4422-24 Soma; according to some, tah or Adityah or Visve devah °, "-!» '20.21 22 Indra (b)^. Pusan, Marutah,

p. Khila {cahuA : b) : sarlra. Dyu-Bhu or Prsni 45 31-33 Brbustutih.

* No individual deities are mentioned in Sarv. ^ Soma only, Sarv. ' The num- Sarv. ** No reference to this stanza in ber of the danastuti stanzas (22-25) is not

Sarv. " There is no reference to this stated in the BD. (v. 140), while the Sarv.

stanza in the Sarv., but the whole hymn is makes no mention of Abhyavartin. ™ No

stated to he addressed to the or the reference to this in Sarv. " There is no *-i'-2i Maruts and Agni. Antyah paUca gar- statement as to the deity (Indra) of

hhasrdviny upanisat, Sarv. * Simply (see note on BD. v. 109). In Sarv. the deity

PrthivT, Sarv. ^ No reference to Visnu in results from the paribhasa anddese Iv indro ° "-^^ is-is Sarv. * Cayamdnasyabhyavartino ddna- devatd. Sarv.: jj^^ytj^^.^ ^-^ stutih, Saxv. ''Sarv.: "^ Gavati or Marutah or lingoktadevatalj. ^ Or Maruts,

Indra. ' No reference to this stanza in Sarv.; but this is probably an interpola-

Sarv. ^ No reference to this triplet in tion : see note on BV. vi. 48 in Sarv. : : ::

123] OF THE KG-VEDA [-EV. vii. 43

49-52 Visve devah 69 Indra-Visnu.

49 ^ Agni, * Vayu, ^ Asvinau, '' Vac, 70 Dyavaprthivyau. « Pusan, 9 Tvastr, i<> Rudra, "-^^ 71 Savitr. Marutah, '^ Visntu". 72 Indra-Soma.

50 « Rodasi, « Indra, ^ Savitr, ^ Ag- 73 Brhaspati. ni, ^^ Asvinau '. 74 Soma- Rudra. 51'-'SQrya''. 75 Yuddhopakaranam, samgraman-

52 ^^ Agni-Parjanya ''. gani:

53-56 Pusan: ^ yoddha varmi °, ^ dhanuh, ^ jya, «'"' 55 ^ Rudra according to some (b)*". * artnl, « isndhih, ^o'sarathih, 57 Indra-Pusan. rasmayah,''asvah,*ayudhagaram'*, 58 Pusan. ' rathagopah, ^^ ranadevatah", ^^

59-60 Indra-Agni. isuh ', '^ kavacah ', '^ kasa^,^* has-

61 Sarasvatl. tatranam'', ^^"digdha isuh, ^^''ayo- 62-63 Asvinau. mnkhl, ^""' Varunam astram, *^ ^' 64-65 Usas. dhanurmukta isuh ', yuddhadih, 66 Marutah. '* kavacasya badhyatah stutih, ^* 67 Mitra -Varuna. yuyutsuh, ^^^ atmana (rser) asi- 68 Indra-Varuna. sah^.

Mandala vii.

1 Agni. and with Indra. 2 Apryah. 34-37 Visve devah 3-17 Agni: 34 " Ahi, " Ahi budhnya".

5, 6, 13 Vaisvanara. 38 Savitr:

''. led (jjjo_ 60 6<^<* '-8 18-32 Indra : Maxutah incidental Ahi", BhagaP, 18 ^^~^* Danastuti of Paijavana. vajinah. "> 32 the same '. 39-43 Visve devah 33 Indra hymn or dialogue of Vasis- 41 ^"^ Bhaga, ' Usas, or a prayer tha and Agastya™ with their sons for the seers 1.

' None of these individual deities are to the Maruts in Sarv. No reference mentioned in Sarv. * No reference to this stanza in Sarv. ™ There is no to this in Sarv. " Varma, Sarv. reference to Agststya in the Sarv. (saTrislavo * Ratha, Sarv. * Lihgoktadevatah, Vasisthasya sajnitrasyendrena vd samvadah),

Sarv. * Isava^j, Sarv. * Pratoda, ° Sarv.: ""* only. ° No reference to

Sarv. ^ Hastaghna, Sarv. ' Sarv. this pada in Sarv. ' Sarv.: *" Savitr "•'« "-'» isavalj. " lihgoktadevatat, or Bhaga. ' Sarv.: ^ lingoktadevatat, saipgramasiM);, Sarv. No reference ''Usa*. : : :

RV. vii. 44-] m. INDEX OF THE DEITIES [124

44 Dadhikra: 67-74 Asvinau. * devatah pariklrtitah ». 75-81 Usas: i"' 45 Savitr. 76 Madhyama (Agni: b)'. 46 Rudra. 82-85 Indra -Varuna. 47 Apah. 86-89 Varuna. 48 1-3 Rbhavah, * Visve devah or Rbha- 90-92 Vayu. vah. 90 ^-^ 91 2-*-', 92 2 Indra-Vayu (b). 49 Apah. 93-94 Indra-Agni. 50 1 Mitra-Varana, * Agni, ^ Vi^ve 95-96 Sarasvati. *-8 devah, * Nadyah. 95 », 96 Sarasvat. 51-52 Adityah. 97 Brhaspati: 1 ''^ 53 RodasT ( = Heaven and Earth). Indra, Indra and Brahma- i" 54 Vastospati. naspati, Indra and Brhas- ^"* 55 * Vastospati, prasvapinyah. pati. 56-59 Marutah. 98 Indra 8. 59 12 Tryambaka \ 99-100 Visnu. 60-66 Mitra-Varuna 99 *-« also Indra. eo 1 Surya, ^ Aryaman, Mitra-Va- 101-102 Parjanya.

runa (b)". 103 Frogs. 62 i-» Surya. 104 Indra - Soma'' (raksoghnam) 63 !-«'"' Surya. " Soma, 1° Agni, ^^ Visve devah, " 66 *-" Adityah or Savitr, Aditi, 12-" Soma, " A^ni, " Indra, ^^-"^ Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Bhaga Gravanah, ^^ Marutah, 1*-" ^s ** (b)'', Surya (b), " caksuh Indra, atmana (rser) asih',

". (suryasya) : a prayer (b) Indra'.

Mandala viii.

1-4 Indra 4 "-" Pusan (Sakatayana), i^-^s In- i^-^i 1 ^"-^^ Danastuti of Asanga, '* dra, "•" Pusan (Galava)^ Asanga. Danastuti of Kurunga. 2 "-^^ Danastuti of Vibhindu. 5 Asvinau: 37cd-39 3 21-2* Danastuti of Pakasthaman. Danastuti of Kasu.

* Lifigoktadevatalj, Sarv. *" Eaudri devatantya, i.e. Indra and Brhaspati are its mrtyuvimocant, Sarv, ° No reference deities (98 ' being = 97 "). "" The eighth

to this stanza in Sarv. See note on vi. 7. stanza is by implication meant to be ad- * No reference to individual deities iu Sarv. dressed to Indra-Soma; Sarv.: Indra only. 23"* 23" ' No reference to this statement about ' Sarv.: only. <* Prthivi and An- * 1* stanza 16 iu Sarv. No reference to tariksa. 'in and the seer utters a ^^'^^ ' '' Piisan. this stanza in Sarv. Sarv. adds : ukta- curse. Sarv.: Indra or : : : :

125] OF THE EG-VEDA [-EV. viii. 67

6 Indra: (b)J, 5-9dampati (b), lOasih (b)^, ^i-'2 2" Agni Vaisvanara (Sakapuni and Pusan (b), 13 Mitra, Aryaman, «-" 1* Mudgala)*, Danastuti of Varuna : Adityah (b), Agni, Tirindira. 1*-'^ yajvan (b). 7 Mamtah. 32-34 Indra: 19 8-10 Asvinau. 33 Indra addressed by a Danavi '. 11 Agni. 35 Asvinau. 12-17 Indra: 36-37 Indra. 17 "•» Vastospati". 38 Indra-Agni. 18 Idityah: 39 Agni. *•«•'' Aditi«, 8 Asvinau, »" Agni, 40 Indra-Agni. 9* Surya, 9" Anila*. 41-42 Varuna: 34.38 *-8 19 Varuna, Aryaman, Mitra ', 42 Asvinau, ^•3' Trasadasyu. 43-44 Agni. 20 Marutah. 45m_46 Indra: 21 Indra: 46 *'^ Mitra, Aryaman, Marutah " 21-2* "•" Danastuti of Citra. (b), Danastuti of Kanlta 22 Aivinau. Prthuiravas, 25-28.32 Vayu. 23 Agni. 47 Adityah: 24 Indra: 9 AditiS "-"alsoUsas. 28-30 Usaa'. 48 Soma. 25 »-» Mitra -Varuna, "-" Vi^ve de- 49-56 Indra: vah8, 22-24 Danastuti of Vara \ 54 '•* bahudaivata (pragatha)". 26 Aivinau 55-56 Danastuti of Fraskanva. 20-25 Vayu. 56« Agni, "Surya P. 27-31 Visve devah. 57-58« [not stated].

29 Frthakkarmastuti 59 [mentioned as a khila after i. 73]. ^ Soma, ^ Agni, ' Tvastr, * Indra, 60 Agni (a).

' * * Rudra, * Pu§an, Visnu, Asvi- 61-66 Indra (a) : nau, ' Mitra-Varuna, ^^ Atrayah*. 65 " Deval? (Bhaguri)', """Visve

31 ijya: devah ' (Yaska).

^•2 ^akra, yajatam pati (b), *•* yajvan 67 AdityS^: i«-»2Aditi".

* No reference to this stanza in Sarv. stavo yajamSnapra^amsa ca. Sarv.: "*"' ' No reference to this hemistich in Sarv. dampatyor diisah, without further de-

* No mention of these three stanzas in Sarv. tails. No reference to this stanza in Sarv. does not assign these three to the Sarv. "^ 45 1 Agni and Indra, Sarv. snccessive padaD of the stanza. * Adit;a>;i, ° There is no reference to these two stanzas

Sarv. ' Sarv.: Danastuti of Yarn Sau- in Sarv. ° Visve devali, Sarv. ^ Sarv.

^mna, and nu reference to Usas. '^ Sarv. * Agni and Surya. ' 58 is not men- '*-»2 1^24 only, Mitra -Varuija. »" No tioned in Sarv. ' This stanza is not reference in Sarv. to a Danastuti. * No mentioned in Sarv. ' These stanzas are ^'* details given in Sarv. ^ Sarv. : ijya- not mentioned in Sarv. :


68-70 Indra: 85-87 Aivinau. 68 "Rtavah, "-"Danastutiof Rksa 88-93 Indra: and Asvamedha*. 93 3* Rbhavah' (arbhavi: b). 69 ""^ Indra, Agni, Visve devah^ 94 Marutah. iio

72 havisam stutih payahpasvosa- pati : Indra (Saunaka), Indra- dhinam ca ". Brhaspati (Aitareya Brahmana) 73 Asvinau. (B)8 74-75 Agni: 100 *'^ Indra atmanam tastava'',

^^-^^ 8 » i""" 74 Self-praise of the seer ; also Suparna', Vajra', Vac. ^-* ^''"' Danastuti of ^rutarvan (b), ^* Pa- 101 Mitra-Varana, also Arya- rusm *. manJ, ^''•^ Adityah, ''•^ Asvinau, 76-78 Indra. 3-i» Vayu, "-12 Surya, " Usas or 79 Soma. candrasuryayoh prabha'', ^* Pava- 80-82 Indra: mana', "•" Go. 80 1" Visve devah«. 102-103 Agni: 83 Devah«. 103 ^* Agni madhyama, with Ma- 84 Agni. rutah and Rudrah ".

Mandala ix.

^s 2t ", Soma Pavamana is the deity of this Savitr p, Visve devah Agni ', Mandala. 31-32 svadhyayadhyetrsamstavah. 5 Apryalji. 73 Agni Raksohan'.

66 "-21 Agni. 83 Gharmasamstavah '. ^^-^^ s!> 67 "-'^ Pavamana and Pii§an ", 87 Rbhu(BJ». 25 ^6 Agni, Savitr ", Agni and 112 Indra'.

* ^*"^^ ^ Sarv. : Danastuti of Rksa and Sarv. Usas or Suryaprabha, Sarv. As vamedha, without any mention of Btava^. ' The B MSS. state that according to the ^* '' Sarv.: Visve devab only. " Agni or Aitareya Aranyaka is addressed to Agni, * ^^^* "" ""^ havisam stuti only, Sarv. Sarv. : to the Sun, and to the Middle Agni. ^** " Danastuti of S^rutarvan only. * 80 " Simply dgnimdrutl, Sarv. Pava- Devah, 83 Visve devat, Sarv. Aindrdr- mana or Piisan, Sarv. ° Agni or Savitf,

""^ '' bhavi, Sarv. * Marutah, " Indra and Sarv. Or Agni only, Sarv. ' Or Brhaspati, Sarv. ^ Indra atmanam astaut, Agni, Sarv. ' No reference to this

Sarv. ' No reference to this stanza in stanza in Sarv. ' No statement in Sarv. ^ No reference to Aryaman in Sarv. : : :

127] OF THE EG-VEDA [-RV. X. 41

Mandala x.

1-7 Agni. 27 15 Maratab, " Vajra, "'"' Agni, 8 1-6 Agni, '-» Indra. Indra, Soma, ^^ °'*Parjanya and 9 Apah». Vayu, " Agni, " Surya, ^o-^i In- 10 Dialogue of and YamT. dra and the bolt, ^^ Indra's bow, 11-12 Agni. 2^ Parjanya, Anila, Bhaskara, ^^ "* 13 Havirdhane. the last two only, 2* Indra or

14 Yama madhyama '' Surya *. " Atharvanah, Bhrgavah, Angira- 28 Dialogue of Indra and Seer: Indra ''-^ sah, Pitarah", Pretasisah (b)'^, is addressed in the odd stanzas. "-12 ^vanau. 30 Apah: 15 Pitarah. *•* Agni madbyama as Apam 16 Agni kavyavahana °. napat'. 17 1-2 Saranyu, ^-f- Pusan, »" Pusan or 31 Visve devah. ^-' Agni, "Agm', *-« Pusan, 32 Indra. SarasvatI, " Apah, """ Soma s 33 1 Visve devah, 2-3 Indra, *-^ Kuru- " Apah. sravana Trasadasyava, *~' Upa- ^-^ 18 1-* Mrtyu, 6 Dhatr, « Tvastr, masravas. Mrtyu, "-" Prthivl \ " Alisah'. 34 i-'-^-i^ Aksah, " Krsi (a); the rest 19 Gavah; according to some, Apah aksaninda ™. ^'^ Agni-Soma, ^ Indra and Agni 35-36 Visve devah

J. 12-" incidental 1, * Indra 36 Savitr (eke), " Savitr (^au- 20-21 Agni. naka, Yaska, Galava) ". 22-24 Indra: 87 Siirya: *-* ^^'^^ 24 Asvinau. ' incidental deities, Viive de- 25 Soma. vah". 26 Pusan. 38 Indra. 27-29 Indra: 39-41 Asvinau.

* The pratlka of the hymn, apah, is men- of these details are stated for this hymn in tioned, but -without a direct statement that Sarv. There is no statement about it is addressed to the Waters. ^ Simply these two stanzas in Sarv., the whole hymn Yama, Sarv. " LifigoktadevatSh, Sarv. being simply described as addressed to Lihgoktadevata^ or Pitarah, Sarv. Apalj or Aponaptr. ™ Sarv. simply

* ' ^ Simply Agni, Sarv. Whole of ad- states regarding the whole hymn : ahsa- dressed to Pusan, Sarv. " Apalj or Soma, krsipraiatnsa ca aksakitavanindd ca. " No Sarv. *'Sarv.:''"Pitrmedha^. * Pitr- statement about these three stanzas in the ^•"•'^ medha or Prajapati, Sarv. ^ No state- Sarv. ° No reference to stanzas ment about this stanza in Sarv. ^ None in Sarv. : : : :


42-44 Indra: 63 " Marutah, " Pathya svasti". "'"' 44 Brhaspati ». 64« Aditi". 45-46 Agni: 65 ^ Mitra-Varuna, * Vac madhyamS, 45 ^^"Dyavaprthivyau, ^^''Vi^ve de- '^ Asvinau ". '*"i^ vah». 66 Vac madhyama and Manu (a)'. 47 Indra Vaikuntha. 67-68 Brhaspati

48-50 Self-praise of Indra Vaikuntha. 67 ""' Brahmanaspati (b)'. 51-53 Dialogue of Agni and the 69 Agni. Devah^ 70 Apriyah. 54-55 Indra 71 Jnana. " 55 Sun and Moon ". 72 Vi^ve devah (b), 2'"> Brhaspati (b)'. 56-57 Vi^ve devah. 73-74 Indra. 57 ^Indraj^Agnij^-^Manas/Soma*. 75 Rivers (sravantyah). 58 Jivavrttih Subandhor manasa stavo 76 Gravanah. va^ 77-78 Marutah. 59 1-3 Nirrti, *"'"' Soma, ** Nirrti^, 79-80 Agni. «-«Asuniti (Yaska: «" only), ^ 81-82 Visvakarman. Bhu, Dyu, Soma, Pusan, Kha, 83-84 . Svastis, s-^" Pathya, Rodasi Khila I (mama vrate) : Visve devah. """ (dual), Indra ^ Khila a [ut) : Agni i~* 60 Aiksvaku, ® Prayer for Aiksva- * Mitra-Varuna, "^ Indra-Agni. ku*, ^ Aiksvaku, ' Subandhor 85 1 Surya, with Satya, Siirya, Rta, '"^^ asnm ahvayan 1, asya cetaso Soma, ^~* Soma, ^ Candramas', dharanaya, ^^ labdhasum pani- ""'^ Suryayai bhavavrttam, ^*-^^ bhir asprsan^. Asvinau, ^^SuryaV'Visve devah", 61-66 Visve devah. " Surya-Candramas', ""'' Surya, ^-i' "<"« ("-is 62 Angirasam stutih ; Manu Sa- Candramas" Asvinau: varnya \ Aurnavabha), ^^ Surya, ^^-^^ Gan-

* *-" "" "•" No reference to this hemistich in Savarner danastutilj. Sarv. : Sarv. ^ The Sarv. apportions the Pathya svasti (no reference to the Maruts). speakers in 51-53. " No reference " No reference to this stanza in Sarv. to this stanza in Sarv. No details ° In Sarv. 65 is simply vaihadevam. ° ^ in Sarv. Mana-dvartanam, Sarv. Sarv. : No reference to these two stanzas in Sarv.

* Nirrti and Soma. ^ Liftgoktadevatajj, ' No reference to this pada in Sarv. Sarv. *" Sarv.; 1"° Dyavaprthivyau or ' Sarv. simply states that the whole hymn *"* Indra. With the stanza Indra ksatra, is addressed to the Devalj. ° Sarv.:

* '"'^ but the deity is not expressly stated ; Sarv. Soma. Sarv.: simply Siiryavivaha. ''"^l. ^ = " ^ Indra. Sarv. : yaraJAi^ ''Sarv.: Devah, Sarv. Soma and Arka, Sarv.

" " ^^ labdhasamjilam asprsan. Sarv. : Visve Sarv.: Candramas.

'' deva^i or Abgirasaip stuti|), Visve deval;, —

129] OF THE RG-VEDA [-EV. X. ii8

dharva Visvavasu, ^^ dampatl, 100 Vii^ve devah. 24-28 Vadhu ', ^^ Giving away of 101 Rtvikstutih>. the bride's garment by the bride- 102 Dmghana or Indra (Yaska), Visve groom, ^^ Husband forbidden to devah (Saunaka)™. ^^ take the garment •", yaksmana- 103 Indra:

sinl, *^""^ paripanthinah, ^* Re- * Brhaspati (b), ^^ Apva, ^^ Indra ceiver of the bridal dress, ^* Bha- or Marutah. vavrtti, ^° Dhanasisah (b), ^'^ Sam- Khilai": ^ Marutah.

^8-47 " ^ ^ yogasisah(B), Prayers for the Khila 3 {brahma) : Surya, Gharma,

married couple", *^ Prajapati (b), 3 Brhaspati, * Savitr, S"" Surya-

« Indra (b), « ( = khila) Brbas- Candramas.

pati (b). 104 Indra. 86 Vrsakapi^ 105 Indra. 87 Agni». 106 A^vinau.

88 The three Agnis (terrestrial, mid- 107 Prajapatya Daksina ; according to

dle, and celestial) '. some daksinadatarah,*-iiBhojah''. 89 Indra, ' also Soma. 108 1-3«'-9 Sarama,'«-*-6-8-i''-" Panayah. 90 Pumsa. 109 Visve devah. 91 Agni. 110 Apriyah. 92-93 Visve devah. 111-113 Indra.

93 ^*-" rajnam danastntih (b)«. 114 Visve devah: 94 Grava''. eke: Devah, Indra, Chandamsi,

95 Dialogue of Pururavas and Urvafi '. Agni madhyama'. 96 Indra J. 115 Agni. 97 Osadhlstavah. 116 Indra. 98 i-3BrhaspatiS*-^Devah, 8-12 Agni. 117 Anna'. 99 Indra. 118 Agni Raksohan.

' ^""^^ Sarv. : nrnam vivahamantra avisos is not explicit, but rgbhih (viii. 7) I take * ^'•^'' ca. Sarv. : vadhuvasahsamsparia- kapifljalanyayena—to mean three,' in com- mocanyau. " The Sarv. gives no details for bination with the contents of the hymn.

'*"*', which would therefore be addressed to The Sarv. simply states that the whole hymn

Surya, the whole hjmn being described as is addressed to the Devah. ' Visve devah

a self-praise of Savitri SQrya. ^ Dialogue or Rtvikstutih, Sarv. " Sarv.: Indra or of Vrsakapi, Indranl, and Indra, Sarv. Drughana. " This khila of two stanzas,

• Agni Raksohan, Sarv. ' Siirya and beginning a»au, is printed in Aufrecht's Eig- Vaisvanara, Sarv. ' No statement in veda,ii*,p.682. ° TheKakulahymn.tothe Sarv. ' Gravaijah, Sarv. ' The Sarv. third stanza of which the pratlka mahan

apportions the stanzas to the respective refers. •" Sarv. simply Daksina daksind-

** speakers. ' Sarv. : Indra's steeds [hari- ddtaro vd. No reference to this alternative

ttuiih). ^ The wording of the BD. here in Sarv. ' Dhandnnaddnapraiamad, Sarv. EV.x. 119-] m. INDEX OF THE DEITIES [130

119 Laba. dharva, Indra and Surya being

120 Indra: incidental '.

^ Aptyah incidental ". 140 Agni (b). 121 P^ajapati^ 141 Agni and Viive devah K 122 Agni. 142 Agni. 123 Vena. 143 Asvinau. 124 ^-* Self-praise of Agni, * Varnna, 144 Indra. » Soma, ^-^ Varuna, "'""' Soma, 145 Bhavavrttam aupanisadam suk- "'Indra". tam: ^"^ Sapatnyapanodikah,* Pa-

125 Vac-i. tisamvanani ''. 126 Aryaman, Mitra, Varuna *. 146 Aranyanl. 127 Ratri. 147-148 Indra. 128 Viive devah, 149 Savitr.

Khila I (namas te): Vidyut. 150 Agni. Khila a {yam kalpayanti no Wayah): 151 Sraddha.

krtyanasanam. Khila I : Medhasuktam.

Khila 3 {ayugyam): hiranyastutih. Khila 2 (a sur etu): Agni.

129 Paramesthin : bhavavrttam '. 152-153 Indra. 130 Bhavavrttam. 154 Bhavavrttam. ^'^ 131 Indra: 155 Alaksmighnam : Brahmanas- *•' Asvinau. pati, * Indra \ ° Visve devah. 132 Mitra-Varuna: 156 Agni. i"' Dyu, Bhumi, i""* Asvinau. 157 Vi^ve devah (Indra being the 133-134 Indra. chief deity and the Visve devah, 135 Dyusthana Yama 8. Adityah, Marutah subordinate)". 136 Kesinah. 158 Surya. 137 1 Devah, 2-* Vata, ^ Visve devah, 159 PaulomI praises her own virtues "•'' Apah K and those of her co-wives ".

Khila [bhumih) : Laksa. 160 Indra.

138 Indra. 161 Bajayaksmaghnam : Indra-Agni 139 ^-3 Savitr, *-6 self-praise of Gan- (Yaska), lingoktadaivatam (eke)°.

* No refoience to this stanza in Sarv. reference to this stanza in Sarv., the general ^ " *"* Ka, Sarv. Sarv. ; yathdnipdtam, description of the hymn as alaksmighnam ' Indra. ^ Vdg Smbhrni, Sarv. * Visve therefore specifically applying to the first devah, Sarv. ^ Bhavavrttam only, Sarv. and fourth stanzas. ^ Sarv. simply ^ Simply Yama, Sarv. ^ Sarv. describes vaihadeoam. ° Sarv.; paulomi dacy the whole hymn simply as vaiivadevam. dtmdnam tustdva. ° The deity not being

* Sarv.: self-praise of Devagandharva Vis'- mentioned in the Sarv. would by the pari-

vavasu ; no mention of Indra or Siirya. bhasa be Indra. Sadg., in quoting the BD.,

^ Visve devah only, Sarv. ' Sarv. simply remarks that Indra is the deity in the upanisat, ta'gaimhidhanam, ^ There is no opinion of S'aunaka, who iu quoting Yaska : :

131] OF THE KG -VEDA [-KV. X. 191

162 Sravatam garbhanam anumantra- 181 Visve devah. nam": Agni Raksohan''. 182 Brhaspati.

Khila (venas tat paiyal) : Vena. 183 Lingoktadevatah 163 Yaksmanasanam. ^ Prayer for man desiring a son, * 1 64 Duhsvapnaghnam : Indra and prayer for woman desiring a

Agni incidental *". son, ^ self-praise of the seer ^.

165 Prayascittartham " : Kapota*. 184 Prayer for offspring : Visve 166 Sapatnaghnam. devah ^

Khila {yenedani) : Manas. Khila (nefamem): garbhartham. 167 Indra: 185 Santyartharn pavanarn suktam": * Varuna,Vidliatr, Anumati, Dhatr, Adityah, Surya, Varuna, Mitra °. Soma, Brhaspati*. 186 The father of the seer Ula, i.e.

168 The father of the seer Anila (i.e. Vata°. Vata)'. 187 Agni. 169 Gavah. 188 Jatavedas. 170 Surya. 189 Self-praise of Sarparajnlj Surya 171 Indra. (eke). Vac (Mudgala, Sakapuni, 172 Usas. Sakatayana) p. 173-174 Rajne 'bhisiktay^numan- 190 Bhavavrttam. *~* trane 8. 191 ^ Agni 1 ; samjnanam '.

^ 175 Gravanah. Khila I (samjndnam) : Usana,Varuna, 176 Agni: Indra, Agni, Savitf, ^ A^vinau, ^ Rbhavah. 3-*-« Msah.

" ^ 177 Surya or Mayabhedam Khila % {prddhvardndm) : Agni.

^ ', Vac (Sannaka : b) Khila 3 (nairhastyam) : sapatnagh- * 178 Svastyayanam : Tarksya^. nam : Indra and Pusan.

179-180 Indra. Khila 4 (Mahanamnya rcah) : Indra. and others merely means to mention their Anvrcam yajamanapatnihotrd^isah, Sarv. opinions. * GarhhaiamsTax>e prayaiciltam, Garbhdrtha^lr Ungohtadaivatam. ™ Svas- Sarv. '' No deity mentioned in Sary. tyayanam, Sarv. " Sarv. simply adityam

" Kapotopahatau prayaicittam, Sarv. {:=aditidevalyam, §a(lg.). " Sarv. simply * Visve deva^, Sarv. Simply lihgokta- vayavyam, ^ Sarv. : (sdrparajrii) dtmadai- devata, Sarv. Simply vayavyam, Sarv. vatam sauryam vd. ' In Sarv. the first

* RajHah stutih, Sarv. Simply maya- stanza to Agni, the remaining three »a»j- bhedam, Sarv. No reference to this jUdnam. ' Cp. BD. viii. 97. stanza in Sanr. ^ Simply tarksyam, Sarv. Agastya-] [132


Agastya, see Vasistha and Lopamudra. Trisiras and Indra, vi. 147—153. Agni and his brothers, vii. 61-81. Tryaruna and Vrsa Jana, v. 13-22. Atri, tee Bhrgu. Tvastr, tee Rbhus. Apala, vi. 99-106. Abhyavartin, v. 124-128. Dadhyanc, iii. 18-24. , iv. Ii-i5'

Indra, tee Grtsamada, Trasadasyu, Tri- Devapi, vii. 155-viii. 9. liras, Visnu. Daityas, see Grtsamada. Indra and the seers, vi. 137-141. Indra's birth and fight withVamadeva, Nahusa and SarasvatI, vi. 20-24. iv. 130-135. Panis, tee Sarama. Indra as a partridge, iv. 93-94. UrvasI, vii. Indra and the Maruts, iv. 46-55. Pururavas and 147-15*. tee . Indra Vaikuntha, vii. 49-60. Pragatha, Indra and Vyamsa's sister, vi. 76-77. , tee Bhrgu.

UrvasI, tee Pururavas. Bhutamsa, tee Kasyapa. Bhrgn, Atri, Bharadvaja, birth of,

Ebhus and Tvastr, iii. 83-88. V. 97-103-

Kakslvat and Svanaya, iii. 142-151. Maruts, see Indra. Kanva and Pragatha, vi. 35-39- Lopamudra and Agastya, iv. 57-61. Kapota Nairrta, viii. 67-68. Kalyapa Bhutamia, viii. i8-20. Vasistha and the dog of Varuna, vi. 11-15. Grtsamada, Indra, and the Daityas, Vasistha and Agastya, birth of, v. 143- iv. 65-78. 159- Ghosa, vii. 42-48. , see Indra. Vi^vamitra, son of Gathin, iv. 95- Citra, tee Sobhari. Vi^vamitra and ^akti, iv. 1 12-120.

Trasadasyu, the seer, and Indra, vi. Visvamitra, Sudas, and the Rivers, iv. 51-57- 105-108. Indra, vi. 121-123. Trita, iii. 132-137. Visnu helps 133] IV. LIST OF STORIES [-Svanaya

Vrsa Jana, tee Tryamna. Sarama and the Panis, viii. 24-36. Vyamsa's sister, see Indra. SarasvatT, tee Nahusa.

Savya, iii. 115. Sakti, tee Visvamitra. Sndas, see Visvamitra.

Syavasva, v. 50-81. Subandhn, vii. 84-103.

Sobhari and Citra, vi. 58-62. Saptavadhri, v. 83-85. Soma's flight, vi. 109-115.

Saranyu, vi. 163-vii. 7. Svanaya, tee Kakslvat. BD. i. 2-] [134


i. 2 ' Nitimanjari on RV. i. i. iv. 120: Sadgurusisya on RV. iii. 53. ii. 105 : Dui-ga on Nirukta ii. a. iv. 126 : Nitimanjari on RV. iv. 18. 13. 30 "''-1 31°'': iii. 18-33 • Nitimanjari on RV. i. iv. 1 Nitimanjari on RV. 116. la. iv. 18. 13. iii. 101"'': Sadgumlisya and Sayana V. 8 : Sadgurusisya on RV. iv. 57* on RV.'i. a8. V. 14-21, 22*"*, 23: Nitimanjari on iii. 140°'', 142-150 : Nitimanjari on RV. V. 2. 9.

RV. i. 126. 7. V. 33-36°'': Nitimanjari on RV, iv. iii. 155-156: Nitimanjari on RV. i. 3°- 15- 68'"', 71'"'): 126. 6, 7. V. 50-79 (excepting 61, iv. 1-3"'': Nitimanjari on RV. i. 136. Sadgurusisya on RV. v. 61. "''-67''* 6,7- -iv. 50-79°'' (excepting 64 iv.ii-15: Nitimanjari on RV.i.147.3. 69<'''-7i°''): Nitimanjari on RV. iv. 21, 24, 25"'': Nitimanjari on RV. \ V. 61. 17.

i. 18. I. V. 72'"'-79°'': Sayana on RV. v. 61. 17. iv. 22, 23, 24°'': Nitimanjari on RV. V. 97-101 : Sadgurusisya, introduc-

i. 158. 5. tion to RV. V.

2. : introduction iv. 35 : Sayana on AV. xix. $3. V. 97-102 Nitimanjari, iv. 49 "''-53: NitimanjaiT on RV. L to RV. V. 106°'' 170. I. V. : Sayana on RV. vi. 24. 5. 111°'': vi. iv. 57-60 : Nitimanjari on RV. i. V. Sadgurusisya on RV. 47. 179. I. V. 124-128: Nitimanjari on RV. vi.

iv. 66-69 '• Nitimanjari on RV. ii. 27.4-

12. I. V. 129-133: Nitimanjari on RV. vi.

iv. 66-68 : Sayana on RV. ii. 12. 75- I- Nitimanjari on RV. vi. iv. 93-94 : Sadgurasisya on RV. ii. 43. V. 136-138: iv. 96'""' : Sadguru^isya on RV. iii. 5, 6. 27- 4- vi. iv. io5'"'-lo6"'' : NitimanjaiT on RV. y_ 129-140 : Nitimanjari on RV.

iii. 33. 1. 47. 22. V. (excepting 153°''): Niti- iv. Ii2*"'-li6'''' : Sadgurusisya on 143-155 manjari on RV. vii. 104. 16. RV. iii. 53- 149-155°'': Sayana on RV. vii. jiv. ii3'"'-ii4: Sayana on RV. iii. V. "• 53- 15- 33- 135] V. LIST OF CITED PASSAGES [-bd. viii. ,36

vi. ii'^-i^"'': Nitimanjari on RV. (vii. 37°"'*: Sadgunisisya on RV. x. vii. 55- 3. 34- '"'-13 37""'': vi. 1 1 : Sayana on RV. vii. 55.3. vii. Sayana on RV. x. 34. "'-28 vi. 27 : Sayana, introduction to vii. 42-44°'', 45-47 : Nitimanjari on

RV. vii. 104. RV. i. 117. 7. vi 28"': Nitimanjari on RV. vii. ^vii. 61-81°*: Old MS. of Sadguni- 104. 16. sisya on RV. X. 50. vi. 32"'': Sayana on RV. vii. 104. 22. vii. 6l'"'-66°^ 74, 75°*, 76'"': Niti- vi. 35-38 : Nitimanjari on RV. viii. i. manjari on RV. X. 51. 8. vi. 43"'': Sadgunisisya on RV. viii. 4. vii. 89'"'-90°'': Nitimanjari on RV. v. vi. 51-57°'': Nitimanjari on RV. viii. 60. 12.

19- 37- vii. 97'"'-loi : Sayana on RV. x. vi. 58'"'-62""': Nitimanjari on RV. 60. 7.

viii. 21. 18. vii. 97-98»\ 99'"'-ioo°'': Nitiman- vi. dS"*: Sadgximsisyaon RV.viii.a7. jari on RV. v. 60. 12. Sadgunisisya on RV. Sadgurusisya on RV. x. 71. vii. 109: viii. 46. Sayana on RV. x. 71. 12. vi. 79*"'-8o Sayana on RV. viii. Old MS. of Sadguni- 46. 21. sisya on RV. X. 98. vii. 155-157: vi. gi"^-g2''' Sadgnmaisya on RV. Nitimanjari on RV. x.

viii. 68. 98. 8.

vi. 99-106 : Nitimanjari on RV. viii. 1-9 : Old MS. of §adgurusisya

viii. 91. 7. on RV. X. 98. vi. 99-100, I02**'*, 105-106: Sad- Iviu. I°^ 2*"'-7°'': Nitimanjari on gunisisya on RV. viii. 91. RV. X. 98. 8.

vi. i09'"'-ii3'''', 114-115: Sayana viii. 40*: Sadgunisisya on RV. x.119.

on RV. viii. 96. 13. viii. 65°'': Sadgurusisya on RV. x. vi. 110: Nitimanjari on RV. viii. 161.

95- 7- viii. 73"'': Sadgurusisya on RV. X.I 73. vi. iai'"'-i24"'': Sayana on RV. viii. viii. 98°'': Sadgurusisya on RV. x, 100. 12. 191 (sLV"*).

(Nitimanjari on RV. i. viii. 133 : Sadgurusisya on RV. x.

116.6. 191 (si. IO'"'-ll°'').

SayanaonRV.vii.72.2 viii. ^35°: Sadgurusisya on RV. x.

and AV. xviii. 1. ^^. 191 (si. 2°).

viL 1-7"': Nitimanjari on RV. i. Sadgurusisya, Introduction

116. 6. i- 2 (p. 57)- viii. 136; viL 1-6 : Sayana on RV. vii. J2. 2 Sayana, Introduction, RV. and AV. xviii. i. 53. ed. M. M.'^, vol. i, p. 23. : ;

BD. i. 106-] 136]



[The few deriationa of the Brhaddevata from the Naighantuka are pointed out in the notes.]

Naig'hantuka v. i, a (terrestrial is the source of Brhaddevata i. deities—forms of Agni and AprI 106-109"''. deities)

Naighantuka v. 3 (other terrestrial is the source of Brhaddevata i. deities) 109 "''-114.

Naighantuka v. 4, 5 (atmospheric is the source of Brhaddevata i. deities) 132-139.

Naighantuka v. 6 (celestial deities) is the source of Brhaddevata ii. 8-12.

Naighantuka v. 3 (the part em- is the source of Brhaddevata ii. bracing the names Nadyah to 73-75- Agnayl)

Naighantuka i. 15 (the steeds of is the source of Brhaddevata iv. the different gods) 140-144.

2. THE NIRUKTA. Nirukta. Brhaddevata. vii. 3 : Evam uccavacair abhiprayair i. 3 tadabhiprayan rsTnam mantradrstayo hhavanti. rsinam mantradrstisu.

vii. I : Yatkama rsir yasyam deva- i. 6 : Artham ichann rsir devam

tayam arthapatyam ichan stutim yam yam ahayam astv iti prayunkte, taddaivatah sa mantro pradhanyena stnvan bhaktya bhavati. mantras taddeva eva sah. 137] VI. KELATION TO OTHER TEXTS [-bd. 1.103

' liirukta. Brhaddevata.

i. X. 42 : Devatanamadheyany anukran- 17 (cp.viii. 129): Devatanamadheyani

tani, suktabhafiji . . . mantresu trividbani tu: suktabhaSjy athavargbbanji vii. 13 : devatah . . . suktabhajah . . . tatba naipatikani tu. rgbhajai ca . . . kas cin nipatabhajah.

i. 20 : Yad anyadevate mantre nipa- i. 18: Mantre 'nyadaivate 'nyani

tati naighantukam tat. nigadyante 'tra kani cit. i. I : Purvaparibhutam bhavam akhya- i. 44 : Yah purvaparibhuta

tena acaste. ihaika eva . . . lena tam artbam ahah. vii. 5 : Tisra eva devatah , . . Agnih i. 69 : Agnir asminn athendras tu prthivisthano, Vayur vendro van- madhyato Vayur eva ca, tariksasthanab, Suryo dyusthanah. Suryo diviti vijneyas tisra eveba devatah.

i. vii. 4: Atmaivaisam ratho . . . atma- 73 : TesSm atmaiva tat sarvam

yndham . . . atma sarvain devasya. yad yad bbaktib prakirtyate : tejas tv evayudbam prabur vahanam caiva yasya yat.

vii. 18 : Yas tn siiktam bhajate, yas- i. 78 : Nirupyate havir yasyai mai havir nirupyate, 'yam eva bo Buktam ca bhajate ca ya, 'gnir, nipatam eva^te uttare jyotisi saiva tatra pradbanam syan, etena namadheyena bbajete. na nipatena ya stuta. vii. 19 : Jatavedah . . . jatani veda, i. 92 : Yad vidyate hi jatah san jatani vainain vidnr, jate jate vid- jatair yad vatra vidyate.

yata iti va, jatavitto va jatadbano, ii. 30 : bhutani veda yaj jatah, jatavidyo va jataprajnanah.

Yac caisa jatavidyo 'bhud vittam jato 'dbivetti va,

ii. 31 : vidyate sarvabbutair hi, yad va jatah punah punah. vii. 23 : Rohat pratyavaroha^ cikir- i. 102-103 : Rohat pratyavarobena fitas tam anukrtim hotaagni- ciklrsann Agnimarutam marute sastre vaisvanarlyena suk- ^tram vaisvanarlyena

tena pratipadyate . . . tata aga- suktena pratipadyate. chati madhyasthana devata Ru- Tat as tu madbyamastbana draip ca Marutas ca tato 'gnim devatas tv anusamsati, ; : ;


Nirukta. Brhaddevata.

ihasthanam atraiva stotriyam iam- Rudram ca Manitas caiva sati. Stotriye 'gnim imam punah.

vii. 8 : Ayam lokah pratahsavanain i. 115-116: Loko 'yam yac ca pratah vasanto gayatri trivrt stomo ratham- savanam kriyate makhe, taraip sama ye ca devaganah sama- vasantasaradau cartu mnatah prathame sthaae. stomo 'nustub atho trivrt. gayatri caikavimsas ca vii. II : Sarad anustub ekaviinsastomo yac ca sama rathatntaram, vairajam samajti prthivyayatanani. Sadhyah sama ca vairajam Aptyas ca Vasubhih saha. vii. 8 : Ath%asya samstavika deva in 7-130"'': Indrena ca Marudbhis ca Indrah Somo Varunah Parjanya Somena Varunena ca

Rtavah ; Agnavaisnavam havir na Parjanyenai-tubhi^ caiva

tv rk samstaviki dasataylsu vidyate Visnuna casya samstavah ; ' athaapi^gnapausnam havir na tu asyaivagnes tu Pusna ca

samstavah. samrajyara Varunena ca. devatam arthatattvajno mantraih samyojayed dhavih, asamstutasyapi sato havir ekam nirupyate.

vii. 8 : Athaasya karma vahanam ca devatavahanam caiva havisam avahanarn ca devatanam vahanam havisam tatha yac ca kim cid darstivisayikam. karma, drste ca yat kim cid visaye parivartate. vii. 10 : Antariksaloko madhyamdi- i. 130-131 nam savanam grlsmastristup panca- Chandas tristup ca panktis ca dasastomo brhat sama. lokanam madhyamas ca yah etesv evasrayo vidyat vii. 1 1 : Hemantah. pafiktis trinava- savanam madhyamam ca yat Btomah sakvarara sama ity antari- rtu ca giisma-hemantau ksayatanani. yac ca samocyate brhat; sakvarlsu ca yad gitara namna tat sama sakvaram.

u. I : Aha caivasya dvaa stomav asrayau Sakatayanah, yai ca paScadaso namna eaukbyaya trinava^ ca yah. ; ;::; :


Nirukta. Brhaddevata.

" vii. 10: Athaasya samstavika deva ii. 2-3 ' : Samstutas caiva Piisna ca Agnih Somo Varunah Pusa Brhas- Visnuna Varunena ca patir Brahmanaspatih Parvatah Soma-vayv-agni-kutsais ca Kutso Visnur Vayuh. Brahmanaspatinaiva ca, Brhataspatina caiva X. 1 1 : Brhaspatir brhatah pata. namna yas capi Parvatah.

" ' vii. 10 ; Athaapi Mitro Varunena ii. 4-5 : Mitras ca sriiyate devo samstiiyate, Pusna Badrena ca Somo, Varunena sahasakrt, 'gnina [Vayvma, shorter recension] Rudrena Somah Pusna ca, ca Piisa, Vatena ca Parjanyah. punah Pusa ca Vayuna, Vatenaiva ca Paijanyo

laksyate 'nyatra vai kva cit. vii. 10: Athaasya karma rasanupra- ii. 6 : Basadanam tu karmasya danam,Vrtravadho, ya ca ka ca balar Vrtrasya ca nibarhanam, krtih. stuteh prabhutvam sarvasya balasya nikhila krtih. 8''-9"*: vii. 24 : Adityarasmayah . amuto ii. 'rvancah paryavartante. Suryasyaiva tu patnayah amuto 'rvan nivartante pratilomas tadasrayah.

vii. 1 1 : Asau lokas trtlyasavanara ii. 13 : Asau trtiyam savanara varsa jagati saptadasastomo vairu- lokah, sama ca raivatam

pam Bama . . . sisiro 'tichandas tra- vairupara caiva, varsas ca yastrim^astomo raivatam samajti Sisiro 'tha rtus tatha. dyubhaktlni. ii. 14 : Trayastrimsas ca ya stomah klptya saptadasas ca yah chandas ca jagati namna tathatichandasas ca yah.

" '"'-16 '' vii. II: Candramasa Vayuna samvat- ii. 15 : Etasyaiva tu vijneya sarenajti eamstavah. devah samstavikas trayah Candramas caiva Vayus ca yam ca sarnvatsaram viduh. vii. 23 : Athaapi vaiivanariyo dvada- ii. i6'"'-i7-'':

sakapalo bhavati . . . athaapi chan- Ke cit tu nirvapanty asya domikam suktam saniyavai^vana- sauryavaisvanaraip havih

ram bhavati . . . athapi havispan- sauryavaisvanarlyam hi tlyara suktara eauryavaisvanaram tat Buktam iva drsyate. bhavati. ; : ;


Nirukta. Brhaddevata.

vii. 14 : Agnih kasmat ? agranir bha- ii. 24 : Jato yad agre bbutanam vati, agram yajnesu pranlyate, an- agranir adhvare ca yat, gam nayati samnamamanah. namna samnayate vangam

stuto 'gnir iti suribhih.

viii. I : Dravinodah kasmat ? dhanam ii. 35 : Dravinam dhanam balam vapi

drarinam ucyate . . . balam va dra- prayacbad yena karmana,

vinam . . . tasya data dravinodah. tat karma drstva Kutsas tu prahainam dravinodasam. viii. 5 : Napad ity anantarayah pra- ii. 27 • Anantaram prajam ahur jaya namadheyam. napad iti krpanyavah.

viii. 6 : Nara&mso yajfia iti Kattha- ii. a8 kyah: nara asminn asinah samsanti yajne yac ehasyate nrbhih

Agnir iti Sakapunih : naraih pra- stavanty aprlsa tenemam sasyo bhavati. Narasamsam ta karavah.

iii. 2-3 : Narafomsam ihaike tu

Agnim ahur ; athetare Narah samsanti sarve 'sminn

asina iti vadhvare.

Etam evahur anye 'gnim : Narasamso 'dhvare hy ayam, naraih prasasya aslnair ahus caivartvijo narah.

ii. 30-31 : See under i. 9a.

X. 5 : Yad arudat tad Rudrasya rudra- ii. 34 : Arodid antarikse yad arodit vidyudvrstim dadan nrnam, tvam iti Kathakam ; yad tad Rudrasya rudratvam iti Haridravi- catnrbhir rsibhis tena kam. Budia ity abhisamstutah.

X. 8 : Indra iram dmatlti. ii. 36 : Iram drnati yat kale Marudbhih sahito 'mbare, ravena mahata yuktas, tenendram rsayo 'bruvan.

X. 10 : Parjanyas (trper adyantavipari- ii. 37-38 : Yad imam prarjayaty eko taaya) tarpayita janyah, paro jeta va rasenambarajena gam janayita va, prarjayita va rasanam. kale, 'trir Aui-vasai carsi tena Parjanyam ahatuh. tarpayaty esa yal lokan janyo janahitas ca yat, . : : : :


Ninikta. Brhaddevata.

paro jeta janayita yad vagneyas tato jagau.

ii. X. 12 : Brahmanaspatir brahmanah 40 : Pataram brahmanas tena pata. Saunahotra stuvan jagau.

ii. : ksiyati X. 27 : Tarksyas : time 'ntarikse ksi- 58 Stime 'ntarikse yati, turnam artham raksaty asaoter yad va tiirnain ksaraty asau, va. Tarksyam tenaivam uktavan.

xi. 6 : Mrtyur marayatiti sato mrtam ii. 60 : Yat tu pra

stauti Mrtyur iti svayam. xii. 16 : Atha yad rasmiposam pusyati ii. 6^ : Pusyan ksitim posayati tat PQsa bhavati. pranudan rasmibhis tamah, tenainam astaut Puseti.

xiL 25: Kesl.kesa ra^mayas, tais tadvan ii. 65 : Prakasam kiranaih kurvams bhavati, kasanad va prakasanad va. tenainam kesinam viduh. xii. 27 : Atha yad ra^mibhir abhipra- ii. 67 : Vrsakapir asau , . . kampayann eti, tad Vrsakapir bha- raimibhih kampayann eti vati vrsakampanah. vrsa varsistha eva sah. xii. 18 : Atha yad visito bhavati, tad ii. 69 : Visnater visater va syad,

Visnur bhavati ; Visnur visater va vevester vyaptikarmanah, vyasnoter va. Visnur nirucyate. i. 4 : Atha nipata uccavacesv arthesu ii. 89 : Uccavacesu carthesu nipatanti: apy upamarthe,'pikarmo- nipatah samudahrtah

pasamgraharthe, 'pi padapiiranah. karmopasamgraharthe ca kva cic caupamyakaranat. i. 9 : Padapiiranas te mitaksaresv an- ii. 90 : Mitaksaresu granthesu

arthakah kam Im id v iti. puranarthas tv anarthakah

ii. 91 : kam Im id t iti vijneyah. i. 4 : Tesam ete catvara upamarthe bha- Iva na cin nu catvara

vantiti : iveti . . . neti . . . cid iti . . upamartha bhavanti te. nn itL ii. 2 : Atha taddhitasamasesv ekapar- ii. 106

vasu ca . . . pravibhajya nirbriiyad : Samasesv api taddhite dandyah puruso dandam arbatiti. pravibhajyaiva nirbruyat dandarho dandya ity api. : : : ; ;


Nimkta. Brhaddevatfi.

i. I : Bhavapradhanam akhyatam. ii. I2i: Bhavapradhanam akhyatam; sadvikara bhavanti te: i. 2 : Sad bhavavikara bhavanfciti Var- janmastitvam parlnamo syayanir : jayate, 'sti, viparinamate, vrddhir hanam vinasanam. vardhate, 'paksiyate, vinasyatlti.

xii. 40 : Yat tu kim cid bahudaivatam, ii. 133 : Vaisvadevam vadet sarvam tad vaisvadevanam sthane yujyate. yat kim cid bahudaivatam.

''-136'' ii. 43 : Sarasvatlty etasya nadivad de- ii. 135 " : Sarasvatiti dvividham vatavac ca nig^ma bhavauti. rksu sarvasu sa stuta:

nadivad devatavac ca. Tatracaryas tu Saimakah:

nadivan nigamah sat te.

viii. 22 : Tany etany ekadasaprisuktani ii. I54"*-I57"': tesam vasistham atreyam vadhrya- Tesam praisagatam suktam,

svam gartsamadam iti narasamsa- yac ca Dirghatama jagau,

vanti ; maidhatitham dairghatama- Medhatithau yad nktam ca:

sam praisikam ity ubhayavanti ; ato triny evobhayavanti tu. 'nyani tauuuapatTanti. Rsau Grtsamade yac ca Vadhiyasve ca yad ucyate, Narasamsavad Atrea ca dadarsa ca yad Aurvasah. Tanunapad Agastyas ca Jamadagnis ca yaj jagau, Visvamitra rsir yac ca jagau vai Kasyapo 'sitah.

iii. 2-3 : See under ii. 28.

ii. 18: Usah kasmad? uchatiti satya iii. 9 : tama uchaty usah. ratrer aparah kalah.

viii. 10 : Nakteti ratrinama : anakti iii. 9 bhutany avasyayena; api va nak- naktanaktimam himabindubhih taavyaktavarna. api vavyaktavarneti nanpiirvaiicer idam bhavet. Tvisitas tvaksater viii. 13 : Tvasta turnam asnuta iti iii. 16: va syat

nairuktas ; tviser va syad diptikar- tiirnam asnuta eva va, manas, tvaksater va syat karoti- karmasuttarano veti. karmanah. viii. 14: Madhyamikaa Tvastajty iii. 25 : Tvasta rupavikarta ca ahar, madbyame ca stbane gama- yo 'sau madhyamike gane.

mnato 'gnir iti 3akapvimh. ; : _ : : : ;


Ninikta. Brhaddevata. viii. 3 : Esa hi vananam pata va pala- iii. 26 : Ayam vananam hi patih yita va. pata palayatiti va.

viii. a : Ko dravinodah ? Indra iti iii, 61: Parthivo dravinodo 'gnih

Kraustnkih : sa baladhanayor datr- purastad yas tu klrtitah, tamah. tam ahur Indram datrtvad eke tu balavittayoh.

viii. 2: balena mathyamano jayate. in, 62 : jayate ca balenayam mathyaty rsibhir adhvare. viii 2 : Rtvijo 'tra dravinodasa uc- 111, 63-64"^: yante, haviso dataras, te cainam Havimsi dravinam prahur

' janayanti : rsinam putrah "... ity haviso yatra jayate api nigamo bhavati. (balena ma- datara^ cartvijas tesam, thyamano jayate) tasmad enam aha dravinodas tatah svayam.

' sahasas pntram, sahasah sunom, sa- rsinam putra ' ity esam

haso yahum. drsyate ' sahaso yaho.'

viii. 2 : Ayam evagnir dravinoda iti iii. 65 : Dravinodo 'gnir evayam ; Sakapunir, agneyesv eva hi suktesu dravinodas tadocyate: dravinodasah pravada bhavanti. agneyesv eva drsyante pravada dravinodasah.

xi. 1 6 : Rbhor Vibhva Vaja iti Sudhan- iii. 83 : Sudhanvana Angirasasy- vana Angirasasya trayah putra asan putras trayah para babhuvnh. ^•bhur Vibhva ca Vajas ca, ^isyas TvastuI ca te 'bhavan. i. 5 : Agastya Indraya havir nirupya iv. 48-50 Marudbhyah sampraditsam cakara Sa [Agastyas] tan abhijagamalu 8a Indra etya paridevayam cakre. nirupyaindram havis tada Marutas cabhitustava suktais

tan nv iti ca tribhih. Niruptam tad dhavis caindram Marudbhyo datum ichati vijnayaveksya tadbhavam Indro neti tam abravit.

ii. 24 : Vi^vamitra rsih Sudasah Paija- iv. 106 : Purohitah sann ijyartham

vanasya purohito babhuva . . . sa Sudasa saha yann rsih vittam grhltva Vipat-Chutudryoh Vipat-Chutudryoh sambhedam

sambhedam ayayaa . . . Sa Visva- &m ity ete uvaca ha. mitro nadls tustava 'gadha bhava- Pravadas tatra drsyante taMti, api dvivad api bahuvat. dvivad bahuvad ekavat. ;. : : :


Nirukta. Brhaddevata.

vi. 31 : Karalati . . . Puseti ... so iv. 139 : Karulatiti Pusokto:

'dantakah : adantakah Puseti ca 'dantakah sa iti sruteb. Brahmaiiam. vii. 4 : Mahabliagyad devataya eka iv. 143 : Ayudham vahanam capi

atma bahudha stuyate : ekasyatmano stutau yasyeha drsyate, 'nye devah pratyangani bhavanti tarn eva tu stutam vidyat

(cp. also vii. 4, under BD. i. 73). tasyatma bahudha hi sah.

ix. 40 : Sunasirau : suno Vayuh (su V. 8 : Vayuh sunah Surya evatra sTrah ety antarikse), sira Adityah sa- sunasirau Vayu-Suryau vadanti. ranat.

iii. 1 7 : Areisi Bhrguh sambabhuva . . V. 99"*: Tato 'rcibhyo Bhrgur jajSe angaresv Angirah. angaresv Aiigira rsih.

v. 13 : Urvasy apsarah . . . tasya dar- V. 149 : Tayor Adityayoh sattre, sanan Mitravarunayo retas cas- drstvapsarasam Urvasim, kanda. retas caskanda; tat kumbhe nyapatad vasatlvare.

V. : 14 Sarve devah puskare tvaadhara- V. 1 55 : Sarvatra puskaram tatra yanta. visve deva adharayan.

ii. Ahir ayanad : 166: 17: ety antarikse ; V. Ahir ahanti meghan, sa ayam apitaro 'hir etasmad eva nir- eti va tesu madhyamah. hrasitopasarga ahantiti. Yo 'hih sa budhnyo, budhne hi

so, 'ntarikse, 'bhijayate. X. 44 : Yo 'hih sa budbnyo, budhnam antariksam, tannivasat.

vi. sakini vi. 5 : Sakatam fekini gavo 138: Sakatam gavah jalam asyandanam vanam, krsir asyandanam vanam, udadhih parvato raja: samudrah parvato raja durbbikse nava vrttayah. evam jivamahe vayam.

xii. I : Kav Asvinau ? Dyavaprthi- vii. 126: Suryacandramasau tau hi,

vyav ity eke ; ahoratrav ity eke pranapanau ca tau smrtau, Suryacandramasav ity eke. ahoratrau ca tav eva, syatam tav eva rodasi.

xii. 14 : Suryah sarter va suvater va vii. 138(b): Suryah sarati bhutesa svlryater va. su virayati tani va. xi. 5 : Candramas cayan dramati ; can- vii. 129 (b): Cam dramati va cayami dro mata,candram manam asyeti va; cayaniyo dramaty nta; .;: : : :


Nimkta. Brhaddevata.

candras candateh kantikannanah . . cameb purvam ; sametani caru dramati, ciram dramati, earner nirmimlte 'tba Candramah. va purvam.

ii. 10 : Devapis carstisenah Santanus vii. 155 : Arstisenas tu Devapih ca Kauravyau bhratarau babhuva- Kauravyas caiva Santanuh tuh. Sa Santanuh. kaniyan abhi- bhratarau Kurusu tv etau secayam cakre. rajaputrau babhuvatuh. Jyesthas tayos tu Devapih, kaniyams caiva Santanuh tvagdosi rajaputras tu Rstisenasuto 'bhavat. Rajyena chandayam asuh prajah svargam gate gurau. Sa muhurtam iva dhyatva prajas tah pratyabhasata.

Devapis tapah pratipede. Tatah San- viii. I : Na rajyam aham arhami, tano rajye dvadasa varsani devo na nrpatir vo 'stu Santanuh.

vavarsa. Tarn iicur brahmanah 2 : Tato 'bhisikte Kauravye adharmas tvaya carito jyestham vanam Devapir avi&t. bhrataram antarityabhisecitam na vavarsatha Parjanyo tasmat te devo na varsatiti. Sa rajye dvadasa vai samah.

Santanur Devapim sisiksa rajyena. 3 : Tato 'bhyagachad Devapim

Tam Tivaca Devapih : purohitas te prajabhih saha Santanuh; 'aani yajayani ca tveti. Tasyaitad prasadayam asa cainam varsakamasuktam. tasmin dharmavyatikrame. 4: oiiiksa cainarn. rajyena prajabhih sabitas tada. Tam uvacatha Devapih prahvam tu praSjalisthitam na rajyam aham arhami tvagdosopahatendriyah

yajayisyami te raj an vrstikamejyaya svayam.

ix. 23 : Mudgalo Bbarmyasva rsir viii. 1 2 : Ajav anena Bharmya^va vrsabham ca dmghanam ca yuktva Indrasomau tu Mudgalah eamgrame vyavahrtyajim jigaya. ajayad vrsabharn yuktva aindram ca drughanam rathe. ; ; ; : ;



Arsaniikramam. Brhaddevata.

1.2 Atragnim lla ityadi ill. Ii6: PratHame mandale jSeyS prathamam mandalam prati, rsayas tu satarcinah; Satarcinas tu vijneya ksudrasuktamahasukta rsayah sakhasiddhaye. antye, madhyesu madhyamah.

u. I : madhyamesv rsayo jneya Sarv. Introduction ii. 2 mandalesv atha madhyamah. (Cp. satarcina adye mandale, 'ntye : X. I ksudrasuktamahasukta, daiamam mandalam prati madhyamesu madhyamah.) ksndrasukta mahasukta

vijneya rsayas tv iti.

vii. : Arstisenas tu Devapih. X. 45 : Arstisenas tu Devapih. 155

° ** : Prajapatyasya yat suktam X. 95 : Prajapatyasya suktam tad viii. 80

' ' ' apasyam tva Prajavatah. apasyam tva ' Prajavatah.

X. loo-ioa: Godha Ghosa Visvavara ii. 82-84: Ghosa Godha Visvavara Apalopanisan Nisafc Apalopanisan Nisat Brahmajaya Juhur nama, Brahmajaya Juhur nama, Agastyasya svasaditih; Agastyasya svasaditih ; Indrani cendramata ca Indrani cendramata ca Sarama Romasorvasi Sarama Romasorvasi; Lopamudra ca Nadyas ca Lopamudra ca Nadyas ca Yami nan ca Sasvati; Yami nari ca Sasvati Srir Laksa Sarparajnl Vak Srir Laksa Sarparajnl Vak Sraddha Medha ca Daksina; Sraddha Medha ca Daksina Ratrl Suxya ca Savitrl Ratrl Suiya ca Savitrl brahmavadinya Iritah. brahmavadinya Iritah.


Anuvakanukramani. Srhaddevata.

Anuv. 21 : Gautamad Ausijah, Kutsah iii. 125: Gotamad Ausijah, Kutsah Paruchepad rseh parah; Paruchepad rseh parah; Kutsad Dirghatama ity e- Kutsad Dirghatamah, sasvat sa tu Baskalakah kramah. te dve evam adhlyate. .



Bgvidliana. Brhaddevata.

i. 1. 1 : Namaskrtva mantradrgbhyah. i. I : Mantradrgbbyo namaskrtva samamnayanupurvasab. i. I. 2 : samamnayanupiirvasah.

iii. 8.6: Da^aksaram tu santyartham. vii. 21 : Dasaksaram tu santyartbam. iii. 22. 3 : Suryayai bhavavrttam tu. vii. 123 : Suryayai bbavavrttam tu. iv. 1.5: Brhaspate pratity etad. viii. 7 : Brhaspate pratity etad (a). Brbaspate pratity rgbbib (b).

iv. 24. 2 : Yathasvamedbah kraturat viii. 92° ''-93"'': sarvapapapanodanah, Yatbasvamedbah kraturat tathagbamarsanam suktam sarvariprapranodanah, sarvapapapanodanam. tatbagbamarsanam brabma

(v. r, "papapranoda") sarvariprapranodanam


Sarvanukramani. Brhaddevata.

L 3 : etah praiigadevatah. ii. 135 : etah praiigadevatah. i. 4 : surupakrtnum (da^a) aindram. ii. 139 : Buriipakrtnum ity aindram.

i. 1 2 : Pado dvyagnidaivato iL 145 : padas tatra dvidevatab: ninnatbyabavaniyan. nirmathyahavanlyarthau.

i. 13 : iti pratyrcam devatah. ii. 146 : pratyrcam yas tu devatah. i. 14 : Aibbir vai^vadevam. iii. 33 : agneyam siiktam aibbir yad vaiivadevam.

i. 18 : caturtbyam Indrai ca Soma^ ca iii. 68 : caturtbyam Soma Indrai ca pancamyam Daksina ca. pancamyam Daksinadbika.

i. 23 : antyajidhyardhaggneyl. iii. 97 : adbyardbaantyaagnidevata. : ; : ; :


Sarranukramani. Brhaddevata.

i. 34 : adaa kayyagneyyau savitras iii. 98 : kayy adya,

trcah . . . asyantya bhagi va, agneyy rk, Savitus trcah:

' bhagabhaktasya ' bhagI va.

i. 40 : ut tistha . . brahmanaspatyam. iii. 107 : ut tistha brahmanaspatyam,

L 41 : yam raksanti nava yam raksanti trayas trcah Varuna-mitraaryamnam Varunaaryama-mitranam madhye trca Adityebhyah. madhya Adityadaivatah.

i. 50 : antyas trco rogaghnah. iii. 113 : rogaghnas trca uttamah.

i. 91 : tvam Soma . . . saumyam iii. 1 24 : tvam Soma saumyam, ausa-

i. 92 : eta u tyah . . . usasyam . . . sam trco 'ntya asvinah. eta u tySfi, trco 'svinoh.

i. 94 : purvo devas trayah pada dai- iii. 1 26 (a): vah. purvo deva ity rco devadevas trayah padah.

iii. : i. 95 : dve . . . ausasaya vagnaye. 129 dve virupe suktam ausasagnaye i. 96 : sa pratnatha . . . dravinodase. sa pratnatheti dravinodase 'gnaye. i. 98 : vai^vanarasya . . . vaisvanari- vaisvanarasyeti vaisvanariyam yam. asmat purvam sucaye 'gnaye punah. i. 97 : apa no . . . sucaye.

i. 99 : jatavedase . . . jatavedasyam iii. 130 (b) :

etadadlny ekabhuyamsi : suktasaha- jatavedasyam suktasahasram eke sram etat Kasyaparsam. aindrat purvam Kasyaparsam va- danti. jatavedase suktam adyam tu tesam ekabhuyastvam manyate Saka- punih.

i. 108 : Ya Indragnl . . . aindragnam tu. iii. 131 : triny, aindragne ya indragnl tatam ity arbhave pare. i. 1 10: tatam . . . arbhavam tu.

i. II4-I15 : ima . . . raudram, iii. 139": ima raudram, param sauryam

citram . . . sauryam. citram.

i. 1 20 : antya duhsvapnanasinl. iii. 139': antya duhsvapnanasinl.

i. 142 : samiddha apriyah . . . anty- iv. 16 : samiddha apriyo 'ntyaindrl. aindri. :


Sarvanukramani. Brhaddevata.

i. 164: alpastavam tv etat. V. 43 (a) : suktam alpastavam tv etat.

i. 164: gaurir iti . . . etadantam vai- V. 42 """(b) : gaurlrantam vaisvadevam. svadevam.

i. 164: Indram Mitram sauryau v.42"'(b): Indram Mitram ime sauryau; vantya Sarasvate Suryaya va. Baurl vantya Sarasvate.

i, 165 • ^ynjo Marutam. v. 44: Marutam ayujab.

i. 1 79 : brahmacary antye . . . apaiyat. V. 59 : brabmacary uttame jagau.

L 190 : anarvanam barhaspatyam. v. 63 : Brbaspater anarvanam.

ii. 29 : dhrtavratah . . . vaisvadevam. V. 84 : dbrtavrata vaisvadevam.

ii. 32 : dve dve Raka-Sinlvalyoh. V. 87 : dve dve Raka-Sinivalyoh.

iii. 2j 4 : vaisvanarlyam tu . . . eamit- v. 96 : vaisvanariye samit-samid samid apriyah. apryah.

iii. 20 : Agnim usasam (adyantye) vai- V. 102 : agnim usasam vaisvadevl. svadevyau.

117'', 118*, iii. 53 : abhisapas ta Vasisthadvesin- v. 119": yah, na Vasisthab srnvanti. Vasistbadvesinyab smrtah,

abhisapa iti smrtah, Vasisthas ta na srnvanti.

iii- 58, 59. 60 iv. 122: dbenur mitra ibeba vab.

Dbenur . . . Mitrah . . . iheha vah.

iv. 13 : lingoktadaivatam tv eke. iv. 129": lifigoktadaivate sukte, eke.

iv. 15: rsir bodhad ity abhyam [v.r. iv. 129°'': rsir bodbad iti dvabbyam dvabhyam] Somakam Sahadevyam Btauti Somakam eva tu. abhyavadat.

iv. 15: parabhyam asya^vinau. iv. 130*: parabhyam Asvinau stutau.

iv. : tat . . . savitram tu . . . " 53, 55-57 v. 7 : Tat savitre dve tu, ko vaisva-

ko vaisvadevam . . . mabi . . . dya- devam ;

vaprthiATiyam, ksetrasya . . , tisrah V. 7 ' : mabI dyavaprtbivTyam param ksaitrapatyah. tu yat,

* V. 7 (b) : ksetrasyeti tisras tu ksai- trapatyah. : ; ;


Sarvaniikramani. Brhaddevata. "* iv. 58 : sauryara vapam va gavyam v. 1 1 va ghrtastutir va. Apam stutim va yadi va ghrtasta- tim gavyam eke sauryam etad vadanti.

V. 27 : natmatmane dadyat. V. 32''(b): atma hi natmane dadyat.

V. 61 : Vaidadaivl Taranta-Purumil- V. 62"'': Taranta-Purumllhau tu

hau. rajanau Vaidadaivi rsl.

89"'' V. 85 : pra samraje . . . varunam. V. : varunam tu pra samraje indragniaindragnam uttaram. V. 86 : Indragni . . . aindragnam.

v. 90 " : Visnunyangara param preti V. 87 : pra vo . . . marutam. marutam.

vi. 48 : antyS Dyavabhumyor va Prs- V. 114'': antya Dyubhvoh klrtana ner va. Prsnaye va.

vL 68 : ^rusti van aindravarunam. v. 121° : srustiti caindravarunam.

121'' vi. 69 : sam vam . . . aindravaisnavam. V. : sam aindravaisnavam pai-am. i. 166 : Mitravamnayor diksitayor Ur- V. 149 : tayor Adityayoh sattre vaslm apsarasam drstva vasatlvare drstvapsarasam Urvasim kumbhe reto 'patat. retal caskanda; tat kumbhe nyapatad vasativare.

" '' siiryas tisra vii. 60 : yad adya . . . saury adya. vi. 5 : yad adyaikot ud vetity ardhapaScamah vii. 62 : ut Suryah , . . tisrah sauryah. sauryah. vii. 6^ : ud vetiti cardhapaneamah.

8 '"' vii. 66 : caturthyadya da^adityas, tis- vi. (b) : yad adya sura ity adya rah sauryah. dasaditya rcah smrtah.

" '' vi. 9 (b) : stuta ud u tyad ity etas tisra sauryas tatah parah.

' tisrah. vi. : urum aindrya^ ca tisrah syuh. vii. 99 : urum ity aindryas ca 25

"'' vi. 26 (b) : vii. 97 : yajSe . . . aindryadi . . . anty- aindri ca, yajna adyendram evastaut, antya tv Indrabrhaspati

trtiyanavamySv aindrabrahmana- vi. 27"'': trtlya navami caiva spatye. stautindrabrahmanaspatl.

"* : tu yat vii. 104 : aiudrasomam raksoghnam. vi. 27 aindrasomam param

vi. 28°: rsir dadarsa raksoghnam. : '


Sarvaniikramam. Brhaddevata.

vii. : 104 pra vartayeti pancaindryah ; vi. 31": pra vartayeti pancaindryah. ma no raksa ity rser atmana aslh. vi. 31": rsis tv asisam asaste

vi. 31'': ma no raksa iti tv rci. viii. 5 : antyah pancardharcas Caidya- vi. 45°'': ity ardharco dvrcas cantyah eya Kasor danastutih. Kasor danastutih smrta. 80 viii. 46 : pragathau ca vayavyau. vi. " : a nah pragathau vayavyau. viii. 47 : antyah pancosase 'pi. vi. 83 " : antyah pancosase 'pi syuh.

" * viii. 68 : Rksasvamedhayor danastu- vi. 93 : Rksasvamedhayor atra tih. panca danastutih parah.

od . viii. 7a havisam stutir va. VI. 93 athava suktam uttaram havisam stutih.

viii. 100 : ayam te . . . Nemo Bhar- vi. 117'': Nemo 'yam iti Bhargavah. gavah.

viii. loi : vayavye sanryau . . . usasya. vi. 136°: vayavye saurye usasya. ix. 67 : savitry agnisavitrl vaisva- vi. 133'"': ubhabhyam iti savitrl devl. agnisavitry rg uttara,

" vi. 133 : punantu mam vaisvadevl.

X. 17 : dve Saranyudevate. vii. 7 : Saranyiidevate dvrce.

""* X. 1 9 : agnlsomlyo dvitlyo 'rdharcah. vii. 30 : ardharcah prathamayas tu agnlsomlya uttarah.

" * X. 25, 26 : bhadram . . . saamyam, pra vii. 33 : bhadram saumyam, pra hi

hi . . . pausnam. pausnam.

^33: dve Kurusravanasya Trasadas- vii. ^5 '• Kuru^ravanam arcatah

yavasya danastutih . . . mrte Mitra- pare dve Trasadasyavam.

tithau rdjiii tatsnehad rsir mrte MitrStithau raj Si Upamairavasam putram asya vya- tannapatam rsih paraih

' iokajat. vii. 36 : Upamairavasam yasya caturbhih ea vya^okayat.

X. : 47 Vikuntha namasnri, Indratu- vii. 49 : PrajSpatyasurl tv asid lyam putram ichanti, mahat tapas Vikuntha nama namatah;

tepe ; tasyah svayam evendrah putro sechantlndrasamam putram jajne. Sa Saptagustutisamhrsta at- tepe 'tha sumahat tapah. mauam uttarais tribhis tustava. Afii. 50 " : tasyam cendrah svayam jajne. :: ; :


SarvSnukramani. Brhaddevata.

'*"* VU.57 : Saptagustutiharsitah, atmanam eva tustava

aham bbuvam iti tribhih.

bhratrsu 61*'': X. 50 : vasatkarena vrknesu vii. vasatkarena vrknesu Sauciko 'gnir apah pravisya. bhratrsu,

' vii. 62, : SancTko 'gnir iti Irutih,

vii. 6a " : sa pravi^ad apakramya

^ vii. 6a : rtun apo vanaspatin.

^ X. 56 : dvaipade tv Atrimandale. vii. 86 : dvaipada ye 'trimandale.

vii. " X. 56 : Aiksvako rajasamatih. 85 : rajasamfitir Aiksvakuh,

** X. 56 : Bandhvadin purohitams tya- vii. 85 purohitan

ktva, " vii. 86 : vyndasya Bandhuprabhrtln,

* vii. 86 : tato mayavinau dvijau X. 56 : anyau mayavinau ^resthataman " vii. ' : Asamatih puro 'dhatta matva purodadhe . . . 87 varisthau tau hi manyate.

vii. * X. ^6: . . bhrataras trayah 89 bhrataras trayah

ma pra gameti . . . svastyayanam vii. 90 : jepuh svastyayanam sarve japtva yat te yamam iti . . . mana- meti Gaupayanah saha avartanam jepuh. mana-avartanam tasya

suktam yad iti te 'bhyayuh.

X. 60 : a janam iti . catasrbhir Asa- vii. 96 : rgbhir eti catasrbhis matim astuvan. tata Aiksvaknm astuvan.

X. 60 : Agastyasya svasa mataisam vii. 97°'': Agastyasyeti mata ca rajanam astaut (cp. Ars. x. 24). tesam tustava tam nrpam.

X. 60 : Subandhor jlvam ahvayan. vii. loo**: Subandhor asum ahvayan.

X. 60: tarn antyaya labdhasamjoam vii. loa"'': labdhasum cayam ity as- asprsan. yam prthak panibhir asprsan.

° * X. 62 : sal angirasam stutih. vii. 103 : sal . . . angirasam stutih.

'"' X. 71 : Brhaspatir jnanam tustava. vii. 109 : taj jnanam abhitustava suktenatha Brhaspatih.

X. 81 : Ya imah . . . vaisvakarmanam. vii. 117'': ya ima vaisvakarmane.

" X. 98 : Arstiseno Devapih (cp. Ars.x. 45). vii. 155 : Arstisenas tu Devapih. ;

153] VI. RELATION TO OTHER TEXTS [-bd. viii. no

Saxyannkramani. Brhaddevata.

X. loi : ud budhyadhvam . . . rtvik- viii. 10* : ud ity rtvikstutih param. stutih.

* X. 103 : asuh . . . Aindro 'pratirathas, viii. 13 (b) : Aindro 'pratiratho jagau. caturthi barhaspatya. viii. 14 "(b): caturthi barhaspatya syat.

* X. 107 : DaksinS va Prajapatya. viii. as : Prajapatyatha DaksinS.

(Ars. X. 50": Prajapatya Daksinava.)

: X. 109 te Vadan . . . Juhur Brahma- viii. 36 : te 'vadan vaisvadevam tu

jaya . . . vaisvadevam. Brahmajaya Juhur jagau.

X. 124: Agnivartmasomanam. viii. 41 " : Varunendragnisomanam.

" X. 132 : Ijanam maitravarunam. viii. 47 : maitravarunam ijanam.

" X. 155 : arayi . . . alaksmlghnam. viii. 60 : yad arayity alaksmighnam.

** X. 157 : ima nu kam vaisvadevam. viii. 61 : vaisvadevam ima nu kam.

X. 164 : apehi duhsvapnaghnam. viii. 67": duhsvapnaghnam apehlti.

X. 166: rsabham . , . sapatnagham. viii. 69": rsabham ma sapatnaghnam.

X. 170, 171 : vibhrat . . . sauryam . . . viii. 73 " : vibhrat sauryam tvam tvam tyam. tyam. "'" Sarv. Intr. ii. 7 : arthepsava rsayo de- viii. 137 (a) : vataS chandobhir abhyadhavan. arthepsavah khalv rsayas chandobhir devatah pura abhyadhavan.


The passage in iv. 10 beginning athatai chandodevatah (Weber's ed. of the

VS., p. Iv) is based on BD. viii. 105-107"'', 108° ''-11 1. The whole of one floka, and parts of others, are metrically recognizable:

Sarvanukramani. Brhaddevata.

iv. 10 : sarva rca agneyyah viii. no: samasta rca agneyyo vayavyani yajumsi ca Bfimani saurani sauryani caiva samani

sarvani brahmanani ca. sarvani brahmanani ca. : : ; :


VS. Sarvannkramani. Brhaddevata.

wOd , Devatam avijnaya vui, 131°'*: jusante devatSs tasya yo juhoti havir nadevatavidah. devatas tasya viii. 13a : avijnanapradistam hi havir na jasante. havir neheta daivatam. samnyasya manasi tasman manasi samnyasya devatam havir huyate. devatam juhuyad dhavih,

svadhyayam api yo 'dhlte viii. 133 : svadhyayam api yo 'dhlte mantradaivatajnah, mantradaivatavic chucih, BO 'musmin loke sa sattrasad iva svarge devair apldyate. sattrasadbhir apldyate.

Tasmac ca devata vedya i. a : Veditavyam daivatam hi mantre mantre prayatnatah mantre mantre prayatnatah: mantranam devatajnanan daivatajfio hi mantranam mantrartham adhigachati. tadartham avag^hati.

na hi kaicid avijnaya i. 4 : na hi kascid avijnaya yathatathyena devatah yathatathyena daivatam srautanam karmanam viprah laakyanam vaidikanam va smartanam casnute phalam. karmanam phalam a^nute.


Bhagavadgita. Brhaddevata.

*'' viii. 17"'': sahasrayugaparyantam viiit 98 : sahasrayugaparyantam ahar yad brahmano viduh. ahar brahmam sa radhyate.

""* Sadgurusisya, p. 167, 9 sahasrajTigaparyantam ahar yad brahmam ucyate.


Abbidhanacintamani. Brhaddevata.

Last sloka, p. 443, ed. Bohtlingk ii. 93 lyanta iti samkhyanam lyanta iti sainkhyanam nipatanam na vidyate: nipatanam na vidyate: prayojanava^ad ete va^at prakaranasyaite nipatyante pade pade. nipatyante pade pade. 155] [Atri-8aii»°


are given under the root participles, [N.B.—Finite Verbal Forms, simple and compound, ; gerunds, infinitives, simple and compound, in their alphabetical order.]

m., member, limb, pi., iii. iv. Amsa, iv. 8a ; v. 147 ; vii. 114, a6ga, 135 ; Am^umatl, vi. no. 116; vii. 77. amsa, iv. 22. Anga-desa, iv. 24. akarmaka, i. 31. AjQgarraja-grha, iv. 24. akasmat, iv. 15. angara, v. 99, 102.

iii. pi., i. aksa, m.pl.,dice, i. no ; vii, 37. , 115; v. 99, 103; vi. vii. iv. vi. vii. loa; aksaya, 55 ; 60. 127; 98; 156, 157; aksara, i. 62. viii. 126. aksa-samstuti, i. 52. Aja ekapad, ii. 11. aksa-stnti, vii. 36. aja, goat, pi., iv. 141. akhila, vi I2, 86, 124. ajavika, n., iii. 147 ; v. 64.

; r^^, the aSc, iii. Agastya, ii. 82, 131, 156 iii. 128 ; anci, root 9.

iv. 47. 51. Si^ 58, 61, 64; V. 150, -v/aSj : anakti, iii. 9. 152. aSjana-karman, «., vii. 12.

i. ; iii. anjanti-Bukta, iii. Agnayi, 112 ii. 75 ; 6, 92. 28. Agni, i. 5, 69, 82, 86, 97, 118, 126; anistha, ii. 3a.

iii- viii. ii. a, 22, 24, 27. 37. 1*4 ; 37. 86; anu, adj., 140.

iii. vi. viii. (Tapasa), 58 ; fl. (trayah), anda-ja, 115. 160. atikrama, v. 70.

Agni-devata, iii. 97. atigama, ii. 49, 50, 55.

Agni-daivatya, ii. 145. atichandas,y. pi., ii. 14 ; viii. 108. agni-dhana, viii. 68. atirikta, ii. 100.

Agni-bhuta, i. 64, 67. atisvara, viii. 113, 116.

Agni-vayu-vivasvat, j9/., iv. 37. atisvarya, viii. 120. Agni-suryaanila, pi., vi. 50. atyadbhuta (karman), vi. 24.

Agnijndra-surya,^/., ii. 70. atyaya, ii. 64.

Agnlsomlya, vii. ao. Atri, ii. ^6, 129, 156; v. 29, 31, 50, agra-m, ii. 24. 64, 65, loi; pi., iv. 98; V. 12, 13,

agre-sara, vi. 52. 28 ; vii. 98 ( = Mandala v). agrya, ii. 77. Atri-putra, v. 52, 57- agha-marsana, W2.,viii.9i; adj., viii. 93. Atri-mandala, vii. 86.

Aghnya, i. ia8; ii. 78 ; viii. 125. Atri-samstava, vi. 72. .

Atri-suta-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [156

Atri-suta, vi. 99. anavadyangl, vi. 104,

iii. Atharvan, ii. 13; 18, lai ; pi. anas, wain, iv. 1 16.

Atharvanah, i. 125; vi. 156; viii. anasuyu, vi. 14a. 125. anagata, vii. 30 (b).

Atharvangirasa, »j. = Atharva-veda, ii. anagas, adj., iv. 60. 143; pi. (mantrah), v. 16. anadhara, viii. 139. adantaka, iv. 139. anavrsti, vi. 137. adarsana, v. 65. aniyukta, iv. aS. adas, pron., that (celestial); m., asau anirukta, vii. 16.

(Agni), V. 48 ; vii. 14a ; amum anirukta-suktadi, viii. 15.

(lokam), iii. 13. Anila, Wind, vii. 38 ; a seer, viii. 71.

Aditi, i. 124; ii. 45. 7^> 8a; iii. 57, anvL,prep., ii. 95. 133; iv. 98; V. 144, 146; vii. 104, anukamparthe, viii. 85.

114 ; viii. ia5 ; °teh sutah, vi. 89. anuklrtayat, jore*. /)ar^., ii, ai. adurbala, v. 57. anukirtita, iv. a 8. adrsya, v. 156. anukrama, i. 79, 85. adrstaakhya, iv. 64. anukramatas, i. 46. adevata-vid, viii. 131. anukranta, viii. 139. adbhuta, iv. 50. anuga, iii. 13. adyantaaa, iv. 50. anng&chat, pres. part., iii. 13 a. adharsaniya, v. 137. anujna, vi, 35. adhi, prep, with ace, iii. 13. anupadista (kai'man), iii. 49. adhipa, jo^. (trayah), iv. 41. anupanlya, v. no. adhivasas, «., iv. 30. anupurva^as, v. 173 ; viiL 41. adhlyana, ii. ai ; vi. 14a. anumata, v. 63. adhyayana, ii. 14a. Anumati, i. 1 29 ; ii. 78 ; iv. 88 ; viii. 70. adhyardha, iii. 97. anumantrana, v. 86 ; viii. 66, 73, 87. adhyapayat, pres. part., ii. ai anuyaja, vii. 74 ; viii. 103. adhyapita, v. ^j,. anuyoga, i. 36, 53. adhyesana, v. 30. anuraga, vii. 148. adhvan, iii. 14a. anuvaka, vi. 146.

ii. iii. adhvara, 24 ; a, 3, 6a ; vii. 73. anu^asana, Arii. 134. adhvaryu, vii. 70. anustubh, i. 11$; viiL 105. anadvah, iii. 50, 79 ; iv. 116. anrsi, v. 58, 59 ; viii. 139. anandha, iv. 15. aneka, ii. 11 3. anapayin, vi. ^^. anekadha, iii. 44. anartha, vi. 113. anekartha, ii. 108. anarthaka, ii. 91. anekarthaka, ii. 91, anartha-vid, vii. iii. anta,v.i7i;foe.,ui. 49,5a; vi. 101,144. analpaias, ii. 9a. antahparidhi, adv., vii. 98. anavagama, ii. 108, 115. anta-kala, ii. 53. ; ;

157] VII. INDEX OF WOKDS [-ambara-ja antatas, viii. 2i. apragrhya, iv. 144. antar, adv., ii. 95. Apratiratha (Aindra), viii. 13. antara, vi. 123. aprapya, vii. 152.

i. ii. viii. antariksa, ii. ^^, 58 ; v. 166. Apva, 112 ; 74; 13.

vii. pi., i. antarasa, m., ii. 42. apsaras, v. 149 ; 147 ; ai antika, vi. 122. vii. 71; viii. 114. antya (karman), vii. 10; (mandala), iii. abahuvat, adv., iii. 8a. 116. ab-devata, vii. 10. antya-karman, vii. 15. ab-daivata, viii. 50. with vii. antra, n.pl., iv. 126 ; vii. 79. abhi,^r«p. ace, 87, 97. andhata, iv. 15. abhighata, vii. 88.

i. ; viii. abhicaraka, -ika, iv. 118. anna, 84 ii. 40 ; iii. 5 ; 40. adj.,f. anna-kama, iii. 32. abhitapya, vi. 121. annada, vi. 151. abhidhana, iii. 77 ; v. 154; vii. 95. anyatha, viii. 129. abhidhayaka, v. 94, 95. anya-devatya, ii. 126. abhinirdisya, vii. loi. anya-desa, v. 16. abhimana, vi. 60.

' anya-daivata, i. 18. abhirupa, vii. 151. anyonya-yoni-ta,/., i. 71. abhisapa, i. 58 ; iv. 118. anxisytinti, pres. jpart., viii. 27. abhisikta (rSjan), viii. 2, 73.

ap, pi., apah, i. 83, 112; ii. 73; apah, abhistava, i. 39.

iii. ii. 59, vii. 62 ; apam, ii. 55, 56 ; abhisamsrita, i. 44. vi. loi abhisambandha, vi. 97 ; iv. 63 ; V. 175 ; 100, 96. vii. 9, 20, 33 ; adbhyah, iii. 24; ap8u, abbihata, vii. 84. V. 154. 2k)\i\'^s&t,pret.part.,f. -ntl, vi. 154.

apakramana, v. 17. abhiiSu, js/., i. no.

apakramya, iv. 109 ; vii. 62. Abbyavartin, v. 124, 138, 139.

apakranta, vii. 3. B}3\iyxCa.y&, fut. part.past., ii. 12a. apanatti, iii. 114; vi. 153. abhyetya, vi. 122. apanodana, vii. 91. amati,y., iv. 114. apara, pi., others, viii. 75. amitaujas, vii. 55. aparadha, v. 82, 83. amn, tee adas.

»-pasyat,j9re». jwir^.y., -nti, v. 74. amutas, ii. 9 ; iii. i ; v. 2.

apahata, vi. 106. amatra, ii. 19.

apahatya, v. 12. amurta, i. 81. adj., viii. apahrtya, vii. 18. amrta, «., iii. 85 ; vii. 109 ; apahnava, i. 38, 56, 57. 140. apakriya, vii. 60. amrtatva, iii. 88.

napat, i, viii. ambara, ii. Apam 124 ; vii. ^^ ; 127. 35.

ii. ambara-garbhapgba, ii. Apala, 82 ; vi. 99. 55- apupa, vi. 103. ambara-ja, ii. ^6. ;

8ml)5-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [158 amba, V. 58. ardhastama, iii. 97. ayam, see idam. Arbuda, vii. 146. ayuj, iv. 44. Aryaman, v. 147; vi. 8; vii. 114; ajnija, viii. a6. viii. 127. aynta, «., v. 30 ; vi. 61. arvaSc, ii. 9. ay-oh, du. of -e, fenonal ending. -/arh, V. 59, 159; vi. 61, 62; vii. ayomukhi, v. 133. 134; viii. 1,5. aranya, v. 67. alaksml-ghna, viii. 60. aranya-gocara, adj., iii. 14a. alaksmy-apanuda, v. 91.

Aranyani, i. iia; ii. 74; viii. 57. alpaias, iv. 143. Aristanemi, ii. 57. alpa-stava, iv. 43. aristi, iv. 72 ; vii. 73. avaka, vii. 79. ari-seim, vi. 112. Avatsara, ii. 1 29 ; iii. 57. Aruna, vii. 145. avamucya, v. 72. aruna,/. -i, pi. (gavah), iv. 141. avayava, i. 74 {v. r.) ; ii. 103.

Varc : arcati, iii. 51; vii. 25, 123, 124, avijfiata, ii. 114.

146 ; viii. 15 ; du., arcatah, vii. avijnana, vii. 2.

pi., arcanti, iii. ; 35 J 48 arcan, viii. avijnana-pradista, viii. 132.

54 ; arcayat, iv. I. aviditva, viii, 136. Arcananas, v. 51, 5a, 53, 76. avisesya, i. 20.

arci, i. 94 ; v. 99. aveksya, viii. 20.

artha, object, i. 6 ; gente, ii. 99, 102, avyakta-varna, iii. 9.

118; matter, iv. i i. iii. 114, 115, 117, ; avyaya, 45 ; 30.

vi. 101 ; vii. 143; arthaya, /or the avyayibhava, ii. 105.

sake (gen.), iv. : of 130; viL 104; Vak asnute, iii. 16, 72 ; vi. 143 arthe, id.,v\. 100. ainuvate, vii. 127.

artha-tattva-jna, i. 118. aslila, vi. 153.

arthatae, i. 10. i. asva, 84, 109 ; iv. 27 ; v. 123, 131 arthaya, deti, verb, i. 9. pi., iv. 140, 142. artha-vaia, ii. 99. asvamedha, viii. 92.

artha-vada, iii. 53, 104. A^vamedba, a king, v. 13, 31,83; vi.92. artha-viveka, ii. 118. asva-raimi, v. 14.

artha-samcara, iv. 51. aiva-rupini, vii. 3.

artharsukta, i. 15. aiva-sata, v. 80.

arthin, suppliant, iii. 96 (b). aiva-samstuti, iii. 51. arthepsu, viii. 137. aiva,y^, vii. i.

ardha, iii. 126 ; loc, ardhe ( = madhye), asvajani, i. iii.

iv. 134. asviu, du., i. 82 ; ii. 8 ; iii. 20, 22, 86,

ardha-pancama, vi. 5- 91, 96 (b); iv. 98 ; vii, 6.

ardharca, ii. 5, 17, 133, 140 ; iii. 78, aivostra, m.pl., vi. 5 a. 1 12, 114, 127; iv. 6; V. 42. asvya, vi. 79. : ;;

159] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-atma-hita

sstaka, containing eight stanzat (sukta), ahoratra, m. pi., iv. 34 ; m, du., vii. iii. 90; vii. 118. 126 (a. du., v.r.). Astaka, N.ofa teer, viii. 16. asta-masika, ii. 55. Akamya, vi. 119.

Vas, to throw : akhu, vi. 59. viud, vii. 86. akhu-raja, vi. 60.

sam-ni-, viii. 132. akhyata, «., verb, i. 39 ; ii. 94, 121 pra-, V. 99. viii. 85.

sam-, iii. 31. akhyata-sabda, i. 44. asamstuta, i. 119 ; iii. 48, 81. akhyana, i. 53 ; vii. 84, 153. asamjnapta, iv. 29. akhyaya, v. 125. asat, i. 62 ; ii. 120 ; viii. 140. agaeh&t, pre*, part., iii. 134. Asamati, vii. 85. agata,jo^. (devah), vii. 30. asambhava, vii. 17. agamin, vii. 19.

Asita, ii. 157. Agni-maruta, i. 102 ; iii. 75. asu, ii. 54 ; vii. 89, 98, 99. Agni-savitra,/., -I, vi. 132. Asvmiti, i. 124; ii. 54; vii. 92; viii. agnendra,/., -I, iv. 102.

126. agneya, i. 99 ; ii. 75, ia6 ; iiL 8, 65

(A);/.,-i, iii. asura, vi 83, 149, 150; vii. 55, 63 ; 8, 98; V. 117.

viii. j)l., ; agtrni, iii. 115 ; vii. 63 viii. 24, 26, 95, 96. 28,31. aghrata-matra, vii. 6. asura-maya, vii. 54. angirasa, iii. 83, 106, 126, 145 ; vi. asuyat, preg. part,, vii. 148. 139;/. -i. iv- 2; vi. 40. asrj, vii. 80. acaiya, ii. 132, 136, 143; iv. 138; asaa, tee adas. v. ; vi. ; viii. pi., 39 9 90 ; v. 112 ; astam, with V'i, ii. 68. vii. 38, III. astuti, iv. 97. acaiyaka, iv. 119. astra (varuna), v. 133. acikhyasa, i. 36, 58. asthi, vii. 78. aji, viii. 12. asthi-samcaya-karman, vii. 18. ajnaya, v. 75. asmattas, vii. 65. ajyarsukta, v. 11. aeyandana, vi. atman, i. ii. 138. 73 ; 86, 87 ; iv. 10, 143 asyavamiya (sukta), iv. V- vi. 3 1, 3*. 51, 67, 70, 73. ^35 ; 32, Vah, aha 95. "9. ^a ; vii. 57, 60, lao ; viii. ann-, vii. 105. 3». 45. 5a. 139- ahas, a., day, v. 175 ; vii. 18, 19 ; viii. atma-prabhava, viii. 78.

98. atmavat, adv., vi. 134, 136 ; vii. 82. ahi, i. 126; V. 165, 166. atma-vadin, vii. 71.

Ahi budhnya, i. 126 ; v. 165. atma-samstava, iv. 135. a-hita, unfriendly, viii. 29. atma-stava, ii. 87 ; viii. 42, 82. ahi-daivata, v. 168, atma-hita, viii. 68. ;;

5tma-hi°] Vn. INDEX OF WORDS [160 atma-hitaisini, iv. 131. ayudhagara, v. 131. atmaanga, iv. 23. ayus, iv. 130 ; vii. 44, 73, 103. atmaadana, vi. 96. a-radhya, gerund, vii. 44. , v. 51. arogya, vii. 44. adana, ii. 6 ; vi. 96. arohati, pret. part., vii. 130.

iii. fidaya, vi. 1 14, artava, 15, 34 ; iv. 91. fidi, iii. 49.5*; v. 171. artni, dit., i. 113 ; v. 130. Sditas, V. 113. artvija, adj., vii. 83, 138.

viii. artvijya, n., v. ; viii. 6. Aditya,jB^.,ii. 12 ; vi. 125 ; 128. 33, 51 Aditya-devatya, vi. 2, 49, 126. Arbudi, viii. 74.

Aditya-daivata, iii. 108 ; vi. 83, 87 arbhava, iii. 131 ; iv. 27, 123; v. 174 ; vi. vi. viii. viii. 117. 135 ; /•. -h 108 ; 74. adesa, iii. 39, 109. arsa, i. 14; iii. 130; iv. 94; v. 74. ady-anta, du., i. 22. arsaka, ii. 126. adyantya, iii. 89. Arstisena, vii. 155. adhara, viii. 139. alucya, vii. 89. adhvaryava, j9/., vii, 105. avam, iii. 21. anltva, V. 18. av-i, loc, of -an, perfect suffix, viii. 85. anlya, v. 18 (r. r.). asa, iv. 93.

ii. asis, i. anupurvl, 100. 7, 26, 32, 35, 47. 5°. 5^ ; i"- anupurvya, i. 105. ^53i^)i V. 30, 135, 170; vi. 9, 31, anumata, adj., vii. 93. 74; vii. 12, 19, 96, 136; viii. 80, anumanika.y., -i, i. 60. 81, 82, 84, 96.

n. pi., r.). iii. ; vii. antra, vii. 79 {v. a&-vada, 82 ; v. 91, 93 10 ;

\/ap : ava-, perf., vii. 44. viii. 44.

pra-,/tt^., vi. 90 ; vii. 152. aslrvada-para, viii. 47. apaga, vi. 23. aslrvada-babula, vii. 117.

Aptya, pi., i. it6, 128 ; viii. 40, 126. asu, iii. 3i, 50, 79 ; vi. 150; vii. 3.

Apya, V. 174. asrama, v. 64 ; vi. 99. apri, pi., apriyah, iv. 16, 6^; v. 26 asravyaj ii. 142.

vii. 107 ; viii. ^6 {v. r. a) ; apryah, a^vamedhika, ii. 153.

ii. iii. iv. 96 ; V. 25, 159 ; vi. 130 ; aprisu, asvina, 127 ; 102, 104, iia,

ii. 28, 151. 119;/., -i,v. 117. aprl-sukta, ii. 152 ; viii. 37. asvina-trca, iii. 102. abharana-bhusita, iii. 146. a^vya, iii. 21, 22, 23. amusyayana, i. 25, 26. astri, viii. 68.

Si-y&t, prei. part., -vi. III. •v^as: asate: ayamya, vi. 144. parijipa-, ii. 49. ayasa, vii. 53. asakta, iii. 95 (b). a-yat, pret. part., vi. i5ra. Asanga, vi. 40.

i. iii. Ssandl, v. 20. ayudha, 74 ; 85 ; iv. 143. 161] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [-ukta-pra° aslna, ui. 2. Indragnl, iii, 131.

-i, vii. IndraDl,i.i29; ii.77,83;iii.9a; viii.55. asura, vi. i6i ; viii. 3 1, 34; /•, 49. asya, viii. 8. Indra-parvata, du., iv. 4. ahanasya, i. 37, 55. Indra-pusan, du., iv. 31.

Ahavanlya, ii. 145. Indra-brhaspati, du., v. 5 ; vi. %6. ahrtya, iv. 114. Indra-brahmanaspati, du., iv.^i ; VL37. ahvana, vii. 153. Indra-varuna, du., iii. 119. Indra-visnu, du., iv. ao. (b). Vi : eti, iiL 96 Indrasraya, adj., i. laa.

adhi-, iv. 7a ; viii. ; caus., 133 Indra-soma, du., ii. 107 ; iv. 84. adhyapaya, viii. 136 (a). indriya, iv. 40.

ud-: iyaya, v. 15a. Indrolukhala, iii. 100. pra-, vii. 120. iyat, ii. 93. prati-, iii. 154 ; viii. 101. iyam,/. (=prthivl), vi. ao. upa-: iyaya, v. 76. ira, ii. 35. ichantl, pres. part., vii. 49. iva., particle, ii. 91. ijya. vi. 72. /is, to desire : iv. 49. ijyartham, iv. 106. passive, isyate: ii. 99 ; iii. 133. idi, the verb id, to increase, iii. 4. anil-, V. 19. itara, vii. 18; itarad, viii. 17. 15, isi-krta (rupa), iii. 4 (v. r.). itaretara, vii. 153. isu, i. Ill; V. 13a, 133, 134.

itihasa, iii. 156 ; iv. vi. 46 j 107, 109 ; isudhi, i. no; v. 130. vii. 7. 153- ija, i. 107 ; ii. 147 ; iii. 4. itihasa-sukta, viii. il. Ilaspati, iii. 71 ; viii. 137.

idam, «., this world, ii. lao ; m., ayam Ila, i. iia, ia6 ; iii. 13 ; viii. ia6.

(Agni), v. &c. ; =here, i. 48, 9. ilavat, adj., iii. 4. -/idh:

sam- : idhyate, ii. 145, 158. s/iks, to see :

idhma, i. 106 ; ii. 147, 158 ; iii. 5. upa- : Ikseta, i. aa, 76.

Indu, i. 124, 126. ava- : Ikseta, viii. 134.

i. Indra, 5, 68, 69, 82, 117 ; ii. 7, 22, anuj,va- : aiksanta, vii. 6^,

31. 34, i5y 67, 107 ; iii. 37, 61, 69, iksamana, viii. 139.

81, 90 ; V. 148 ; vii. 114, &c. /id, to praise: idyate, viii. 133.

Indra-cikirsita, «., vi. IC30. idi, the verb id, iii. 4. Indra-prasada, vii. 59. ii&yaX, pres. part., iv. laa.

Indra-matr, ii. 83. •/is : iste, ii. ^^.

. Indra-rajan, du., iii. 155. /is : isate, ii. 109.

Indra-vajra, du., vii. 27. \/ih : iheta, viii. 13a.

Indravat, adv., vii. 148. ilita, iii. 27.

Indra-vayn, iii. 94.

Indra-sama, iii. 115 ; vii. 49. Ukta-prayoga, adj., ii. 96. ukta-man°-] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [162

ukta-mantra, adj., viii. 125, ia6. upamartha, ii. 91, 93 ; iv. 97.

uksan, iv. 41 ; v. 31. upalaksya,y?<^. part, pass., i. 45.

ugra, vi. 141. upavasana, i. 35, 28, 32. Ucathya-ja, iv. 14. upasamgrhya, gerund, v. 76.

Ucathyarbrhaspati, du., iv. 11. upasarga, i. 39 ; ii. 94, 95, 103. Ucathya-bharya, iv. II. Upastuta, viii. 39.

uccavaca, ii. 89. upasya,/«^. part, pass., viii. 130. uccavaca-madhyama, iiL 154. upottama, vii. 119.

uehati, pres. part., iii. 9. ubhayatha, viii. 139.

uttama, ii. viii. -a (tvac), ubhayavat, adj., ii. iii. 38 ; 140 ; f., 155 ; 31. vi. 106. uras, iv. 22.

uttara (Agni), vii. -a (tvac), vi. Uruvasini = Urvasi), ii. 67 ; f., ( 58.

(vedi), vii. Urvail, i. ii. v. 106 ; 3a. 128; 77, 83; 149; uttara-sukta, iii. 148. vii. 147, 151. uttarena, adv., vii. 127. urvl, ii. 56. uttana-parna, adj., viii. ^6. Ula, a seer, viii. 88. uttarana, iii. 16. ulukhala, i. Ill ; iii. loo, loi.

utthaya, iv. 25. Usij, iv. 24. utsaiiga, vi. 36. Usas, i 128 ; ii. 8, 9, 60, 74, 80 ; iii. utsarga-kala, iv. 12. 8, 9, 10 ; iv. 138 (madhyama), 141 ; udaka, vi. 145, vi. 83 ; vii. 121 ; viii. 73. uda-kumbha, vi. 100. usasya, adj., iii. 102 ; v. 88, 170 ; vi. udaya, ii. 9, 58 ; iii. 10; vii. I2i. 136; vii. 140 {v. r.). udarka, iii. 128. ustra, vi. 52.

VLAahrtsk, pp., vi. 158. usnih, viii. 105. udita I, pp., arisen, ii. 62. udita a, pp., stated, iii. 148. 0na, ii. 90. udonmohita, pp., iv. 23. tJrjahuti, du., i. 1 14. udgatr, vii. 70. aAgix&t, pres. part./., -nil, viii. 34. ^ksa, a king, vi. 92. udgitha, viii. 122. rg-bhaj, i. 17, 18 ; ii. 79. uddisya, iii. 44. rn-mantra, jo^., iii. 39. udyata, pp., vi. 12, 123. TC, pL, iii. 15 ; iv. 8 ; =Rg-veda, viii. Tinmattavat, adv., vii. 150, IJO, 130,139.

ii. iii. upajalpitum, iv. 57. Rjisvan, 129 ; 55. upadesa, i. 38, 52. Rnamcaya, v. 13, ^^. npadrava, viii. 133. Rta, i. 124 ; ii. 42. upanisat-stuti, v. 83. rtavrdh, ad^'. du., iii. 38.

rtu, sing., du., i. upanisad, ii. 83 ; iv. 63. iii. 34 ; iv. 57 ; 115, upapraisa, i. pi., i. ii. iii. 38, 56. 131 ; 17 ; 41 ; S5, 3^ 5

Upamasravas, vii. ^6. iv. 34; vi. 91 ; vii. 62. ;

163] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [osadhi-sta° rtu-praisa-sukta, iii. ^6. ekantaraya, ii. 140. rte, prep, with ace, iii. 104 ; with all., ekanna-trimsat, v. 105. vi. 140. e-kara, viii. 85. rtvik-stuti, viii. 10. ekikrtya, ii. 113. rtvij, pi., i. iii. ekaikaias, ii. 84 ; 3 ; vii. 70. 65. rddhi-karman, iii. 4. etad-rupa, v. 87. Vrdh: etya, vii. 33. prati-: ardhi, vii. 75. enas, iv. 59.

sam-, i. 21. enasvin, v. 15. rbisa, V. 84. evam-prakara, i. 59.

Rbhn, iii. 83; pi., i. 82, 127; viii. evam-prakrti, i. 40. 128. evayamarud-akhyata, v. 90. rsi, i. 6 ; ii. 86, 87, 88 ; viii. 134, 136,

138; pi, i. 81; iii. 116; vi. 137, Aikatmya, ii. 18. 139; (trayah), viii. 78. Aiksvaka, v. 14 {v.r.); vii. 85 {v.r.). rsi-krta, iii. 4 (». r. isi-krta). Aiksvaku, v. 14 ; vii. 85, 96, 99. rsi-gata, vii. 11 2. viii. Aitasa, i. 55 ; loi. rsi-chando-daivatadi, viii. 135. aindava, /., -I, iv. 4. rsi-putra, iv. 11; v. 6'^. aindra, i. i32 ; ii. 125, 127; iii. 66; rsi-srestha, vii. 55. /., -I, vi. 25, 31. rsi-samsad, iv. 133. aindra-vayava, ii. ii"];/., -1, iv. 92. rsi-sattama, iv. 78 ; v. 151. aindra-vayavya, v. 4 ; vi. 16. rsi-Bukta, i. 14. aindra-sukta, vi. 77.

^j^stisena^suta, vii. 156. aindragna, iii. 131 ; v. 89 ; vi. 19, 78; viii. 6^^;/., -I, iv. 9 ; vii. 119.

Eka, ii. 112; ekasmin, i. 13 ; eke, i. aindragneya, iv. 99.

61 ; V. 108, 119, 170 ; viii. 23, 38, aindra-parvata,/., -1, iv. 110. 65. 75. 90. aindra-pausna, v. 118.

eka-ja, iii. 30. aindra-barhaspatya, vi. 117.

eka-jata-tva, i. 98. aindrarbhava, iv. 123.

eka-devatya, ii. iii. 143. aindra-vanina, 66 ; iv. 124 ; v. 3, cka-dela, v. 25. 131.

eka-pada, j»/., viiL 109. aindra-vaisnava, v. 121.

eka-pradhana, iv. 8. aindra-soma, vi. -I, vi. 27 \ f., 31. eka-bhuyas-tva, iii. 130. ai^varya, vii. 44, 60. eka-ratha, vi. 20.

eka-vat, adv., in the tingular, iii, 81 Om-kara, ii. 135. iv. 107. ojas, iv. 133.

eka-vim^a, i. 116. pi., i. ii. osadhi, vii. I32 ; 112 ; 73; eka-&ta, iv. 95, vi. 94. eka-&», vi. 21. osadhl-stava, vii. 154. aucathya-3 Vn. INDEX OF WORDS [164

Aucathya, iii. 146. 120; iii. 16, 78, 104, 135; v. 164;

ii. vii. aucitya, 118, vi. 69, 120, 137 ; 23, 58, 103 ; aupanisada, viii. ^6. viii. 18 ; rife, i. 4, 21 ; ii. 20 ; vi. aupamya, i. 30. 160; vii. 10, 14, 113; viii. 6, 131, aupamya-karana, ii. 89. 138; art, iii. 84. aurasa, viii. 113. karma-guna,^^., vi. 70.

ii. ii. ; iii. ^a (=Va8istha), 36, 44, 156 ; karma-ja, 23 41, 43, 60.

iii. karmataSj/roOT action, i. the 56. 27 ; Jrom

Ausija ( = KaksIvat), iii. 125. rite, vii. 16, 17. ausasa, iii. 45, 113, 124, (Agni) 139, karma-dharaya, ii. 105.

140 ; iv. 124 ; V. 6, 120 ; vi. 63 ; karma-^rpsa, v. 6.

-i, iii. /., vii. 140. karma-samsthaj pi., 82 ; v. 93.

karma-samuttha, i. 29.

Ka, i. 122 ; ii. 47, 125 ; iii. 70 ; v. 98. karmopasamgrahartha, ii. 89. ka: ko 'pi, iii. 15 ; ke cid, viii. 80. kalavinka, vi. 151.

Kakslvat, ii. 130 ; iii. 56, 142, 150. kalasa, v. 151.

Kaksivat-pramukha, iv. 25. kala, iii. 8. kaccid, viii. 33. kalpa, i. 41. Kanva, vi. pi., iv. kalpanuga, viii. 35, 36, 37 ; 98. 104. Kanva-patnl, vi. ^5. kalyana,y^., -1, viii. 26. katthana, i. ^^, 51. kavaca, v. 134.

to tell, iii. iv. kathaya, 73 ; 34. kavaca-stuti, v. 132. kathita, iii. 69, 123, 154; iv. 6; vi loi. kavya-vahana, vi. 161. kathita-devatya, v. 5- kasa, V. 132. Kadm, v. 144. kasipu, V. 20. kaniyas, iv. 12 ; vi. ^6 ; vii. 13. Kaiu, vi. 45.

iii. kanya, 146; v. ^6, 60, 66, 76; vi. Kaiyapa, iii. 57 ; v. 143, 145. 54, 7<5, 99- Kasyaparsa, iii. 130. kanya-dana, iii. 144. Kakutstha, vi. 54.

iv. vi. iii. (a); vii. kapinjala, 93 ; 151. Kakslvata, 140, 15a 43 ; , ii. 66; vii. 141. /., -i, vii. 48. kapota, vii. 87 ; a seer, viii. 67, 68. -/kanks: iv. 20.

: vi. ; vii. -v/kam cakame, 99 cam., kama- kaScana, v. 34 ; 78. yam asa, vi. 76. Kanva, vi. 39, 58 ;/., -I, iv. 99. kampayat, pres. part., ii. 67. kama, iii. 70 ; vii. ^o. kara, /land, vii. 56. kamatas, vi. 55. karna, du., viii. 118. kamya, iv. 34,57; v. 137; vi. 77, 149; viii. kama-samsrita, viiL 113. vii. 5 ; 20. kartr, iii. 30, 49. kaya, adj.,f., -I, iii. 98. kartr-tva, iv. 45. karu, ii. 22, 28. karman, action, i. 7, 33, 2$, 26, 28, karya, v. 51 ; viii. 26. : ; : :

165] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-ksatra

kala, iii. 8 ; vi. 137. krtakrta, ii. 97. Kalakeya, jj/., vii. ^^. krtaSjali, v. 76.

Kala, V. krti, iii. (balasya), ii. 144. 30 ; 6. kasA, pi., vii. 79. krtta, iii. 23. Kasya, vi. 42. krtyanasana, viii. 45.

Kasyapa, ii. 157; viii. 18. krtsnasas, viii. 130. kitava, vii. 37. krd-anta, i 45.

kirana, ii. 6^. krntatra, ii. 58.

Kiratakoli, di(., vii. 86. krpanyu, ii. 27, 3a. kirin, iii. 96 (b). -/krs : cakarsa klrtana, iv. 31, 32, 119 ; viii. 123. -nis-, vi. 105. kirtana, v. 114. krsi, V. 9, 10 ; vi. 138 ; vii. 37. klrtaya, iv. vii. pats., vii. krsi-jlva, v. 35 ; 58 ; 48. 9.

kirtayet, iv. : ana-: 19. /kip kalpate, vii. 154 ; kalpyante,

prati- : kirtyante, vii. 139. iii. 74. klrtita, iv. 30, 120. sam-pra-: kalpasva, iv. 52.

Kutsa, iL 2, 25 ; iii. 58, 125, 126, 128 ; vi-: kalpate, ii. 151. iv. 18. klpta, vii. 10. kutsita-naman, i. 33. kjpti, ii. 3. kuntapa, viii. loi. kes&,pl., vii. 79. kantya, adj., viii. lOi. kesin, i. 94; ii. 13, 65; jt)/.(trayah),i.95. kumara, iii. 145 ; vii. 6. kaisina, viii. 49. kumara-rupa, v. 21. Kautsa, viii. 1 7. kumbha, v. 149, 151, 153, 154. Kauravya, vii. 155 ; viii. 3.

vii. pi., vi. , iii pi., iii. Kuru, 155 ; no. 45 ; 74. Kuru-ksetra, vi. 58. kratu-raj, viii. 92.

Kurunga, vi. 44. /krand, ii. 55 ; vi. 13. Kurusravana, vii. 35. -/kram kusa, vii. 79. apa-, per/., vii. i , 63.

Kusika, j»^., iv. 98, 114, 115. UTp&-,perf., iv. 13 ; vii. 4.

Kusidin, iii. 58. krama, ii. 116.

Kuhu, i. ia8; ii. 78; iv. 87; viii. 125. kriya, i. 44, 45. kiipa, iii. 132. kriya-yoga, ii. 94, 95. kiipestaka, iii. 135. knlartham, iii. 143. vii. kunna, 79. kruddha, vi. 37 ; viii. 34. krkalasa, vi. 106. •/krudh : ma krudhah, v. 78. krchra, vi. 140. krusta, viii. 113, 114, 116.

v/krt : akrntata kriira, iii. 133. ni-, iv. 23. krodha, v. 16. krtavat, perf. pari., vi. 41 ; vii. 58 Krodha, v. 144. viii. 18. ksatra^ v. 126. : ;

ksatra-ba°-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [166 ksatra-bandhu, v. 126. Gandharvaapsaras, jo/., viii. 114. yksam : ksamasva, v. 78. Gandharvauraga-raksasa, ^/., v. 145.

: vii. pens., ksaya, home, v. 81. •/gam ja^ma, 3 ; gamya- •s/ksar: ksarati, ii, 57. tam, viii. 135. N/ksi: ksiyati, ii. 57. adhi-, iii. 142. ksiti, ear^^,ii.4i, 50,63; j9^.,^27fer*,ii.4i. ava-: gachati, vii. 121. Vksip: abhia-: jagama, iv. i, 2.

e^$. ud-: aksipan, vi. 88. Gaya, ii. 130 ; iii. sam-ud-: aksipan, iv. 24. , v. 140. ksira, vi. 145. garbha, ii. 113 ; iv. la, 13, 130 ; v. 86, ksud-bhaya, vi. 90. 87 ; vii. 5 ; viii. 66. ksudrasukta-mahasukta, jo/., iii. 116. garbha-karman, v. 92. ksubdha, iv. $^. garbha-vat, adv., v. 85. ksetra, iv. 40. garbhartham, v. 82, 85 ; viii. 83. ksetra-jna, iv. 40. gavasva, v. 64. ksetra-j&ana, iv, 36. gavya, v. 11. ksetra-pati, i. 123. -/i. ga, to sing: jagau, iL 154, 156, ksetarasya pati, ii. 40. 157; V. 117; vi. 85; viii. 36; pass.,

glyate, ii. vi. ksepa, i. 39, 49. 140 ; 5. ksaitrapatya, v. 7. prati-, viii. 38.

Vo,. ga, to go : gah, 2 sing, aor., viii. 28.

Kha, vii. 93. apa- : -gab, iv. 73. khinna, iv. 2i. gatra, iv. 30.

V'khya Gathin, ii. 131.

a-: cakhyau, v. 36; cakhyiih, Gatbina { = Visvamitra), iii. 56 ; viii. 70. viii. 78. Gathi-putra, iv. 95. khyata, vL 146, Gathi-sunu, iv. 1 1 2. khyapayat, jjrc*. /)ar^., v. 51. gayatra, ii. ia8 ; iii. 33.

i. ; viii. gayatri, 116 ; pL, vi. 144 105.

Gachat, pres. part., iii. 142. giri, vi. 82. gaja, V. 123. glta, i. 131. gana, i. 120, 121, 127 ; ii. 7, 85; v. gita, iii. 155. guggulu, vii. 47 ; pL, V. 49. 78. gana-sthana, v. 172. Gungu, iv. 87 ; viii. 125. gatasa, vii. 89. guna, quality, i, 88 ; ii. 103 ; iii. 41,

; vi. ; -/gad : jagada, iii. ia6, 137 ; iv. 3, 95 43, 60 70 virtue,\m. 6^; species, vi. 68, 103. ii. 108.

iii-,joa«*., gadyate, i. 18; v. 174; gunatas, v. 156.

vi. 115 ; vii. 138 ; viii. 104. guna-bhuta, v. 96. gadita, vii. 95. guna-bheda, v. 49.

Gandharva, vii. 71, 130; viii. 52. guna-vigraha, ii. 102. ;; :: .

167] VII. INDEX OP WORDS [-candra

gunaabhidhayaka, v. 95. pra- : grbnanti, ii. 142. gnnartham, viii. 17. prati-, V. 78 ; vi. 23. gnpta, vii. 99. sam-: jagraha, v. 14. guru, teacher^ iii. 14a ; iv. 60 ; v. 103, grahana, ii. 97.

vi. Au., iv. father, vii. gravan, vii. pi., i, no; vii. 139 ; 35 ; 60 ; 146; 84, 147- 116 ; viii. 74. guru-stava, iv. 103. gravna, a^.f., -I, vi. 30.

/guh : ni-, viii. 24, 30. grlsma, i. 131. guhya,y7<^. j^art. past., viii. 98. grnat, pres. part., iv. 78. Gharma, v. 41 ; viii. 15, 79.

Grtsamada, il 54, 155 ; iii. 27, 36, 58, gharma-samstava, vi. 134.

y/ghas : jaksuh, vi. 128 ; iv. 6S, 70. 78, 98. 58. AriL masc. pi., iv. ghrni, iii. (b). grha, vi. 103 ; 4a ; 95 vii. 116, 117 ; V, 80; vi. II ; 131 ghrta, vi. 23 ; vii. 74. neut. pi., iv. 20. ghrta-prstha, iv. 33. grha-pati, vii. 61. ghrta-vat, ii. 50. grhlta, ii. 97. ghrta-stuti, v. 1 1 grhyamana, v. 154. Ghora-putra, vi. 35. gairika, vii. 80. ghosa, ii. 60.

cow, {at a goddett), i. ii. ; vii. go, gauh 139 ; Ghosa, 82 42, 48.

IL 78 ; vi. 127 ; nom. pi., gavah, iv. ghaura, vi. 39.

141 ; vL 138 ; viii. 72 ; ace, gah, /ghra

iii. 132 ; vi. 82 ; viii. 24, 27, 33, 36 ava-: jaghratub, iv. 60. vi. gen., gavam, v. 30, 106 ; 51, 60 ; upa-: ajighrat, vii. 5.

vii. 20 ; viii. 29, 30 ; du., gobhyam,

v. ; earth, ace, ii. iv. 31 gam, 37 ; Cakra, v. 123 ; vi 73. 95- cakra-vat, iv. Z^. ii. Gotama, 45, 129 ; iiL 55, 125 ; pi., cakra-vartin, v. 123. iv. 98. caksus, ii. 19; iv. 94; v. 74; vii. godha, vi. 106. 71-

Godha, ii. 82. v'caks go-pafci, vii. 1 20. a-: caste, iii. 20.

Gautama, i. ; iv. 127, praty-a-, v. vi. 58 133. 59, 77 ; 154. Gaupayana, jo/., vii. 87, 90, 100. pra-: caksate, vi. 109.

Ganri, L 129 ; ii. 81 ; iv. 36. catur : inst.pl., caturbhih = cata8rbhib, gaurlr-anta, iv. ii. ; vi. vii. 42. 44 V. 163 ; 41, 42 ; 36. gna, pi., viii. 128. catur-rca, vi. 18. grantha, ii. 90, 92 ; v. 23. caturtha (svara), viii. 118.

-/grab, V. 33 ; vii. 65. catur-yuj, iii. 147, 149.

caut., grahaya, iii. 21. catur-vidha, ii. 34.

ni-: jagraha, vi. 61. candra, i. 8a, 88; iii. 17. ;

candra-mas-] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [168

ii. candra-mas, i. 126 ; ii. 16 ; iii, 131 ; jagati, 14 ; viii. 106. vii. 123, 129. jaghanya-ja, ii. 60. candra-surya, du., vi. 126. jangama-sthavara, i. 61 ; viiL 116. camasa, iii. 87 (b). jathara, i. 65.

vii. Vjan : per/., jajSe, &c., iii. 11 v. cami, the root cam, 129. ; 99 ;

-/car, vi. ; vii. (dhar- vii. pass., jayate, &c., iii. 78 20 24, 127, 1 47 50 ; ;

mam), 150, 151. viii. 136 ; cau»., janaya, iv. 25 ; vii.

a-, vi. II. 2 ; viii. 1 9.

vi-, viii. 27. abhi-: jayate, v. 166. carana, iv. 2. jana, iv. 13. caru, iv. 29. janayitr, ii. 37. carmaadhisavaniya, iii. loi. jana-hita, ii. 37.

; vii. caksusa, viii. 119. janman, iii. 11 iv, 73 ; v. 164; candramaaa, vii. 125. 103. c&y&t, pret. part., viL 129. janmasti-tva, ii. 121. cayanlya, vii. 129. janya, ii. 37.

Cayamana, v. 124, 138. Vjap : vii. 15, 90, 91 ; viii. 136. caru, vii. 129. japa, viii. 134. ciklrsat, j)res.part., i. 102 ; iv. 68. , ii. 156; iv. 125; pl.,iv- cikirsita, iv. 58 ; vi. lOO. 114. Citra, vi. 59, 60. jaya, viii. 13. citra-bhanu, vii. 6^. jara, vii. 43. cid, a particle, ii. 91. jarayu, v. 87. jala, cintayat, pres. part., v. 67 ; vii. 46. V. 151, 152 ; vi. 88. cinta, vii. 43. jata, i. 92. Cumuri, iv. 67. jata-matra, iv. 131. cetas, iv. 113; vii. loi. jata-vidya, ii. 30. codita, V. 24. jata-vedas, i. 67, 97, 106 ; ii. 30, 31 iv. viii. 16, 97 ; 7.

i. iii. Vehand : chandayam asus, Arii. 157. jatavedaeya, 99; 117, 126, 130; iv. viii. chandas, i. 14, 130 ; ii. 14, 44 ; viii. 65 ; 88, 89. 39, 134, 136. 137. 138. jati, V. 146. chandah-sukta, i. 16. Jana, v. 14, 18. chando-ga, ;;/., v. 23. Jamadagna,y!, -I, v. 25; viii. 36 {v.r.), chaga, iv. 31. 37- chandasa, ii. 10 1. jamatr, v. 57, 58, 59. chandomika, vi. 108 (b). jaya, v. 19.

jaya-pati, du., iii. •/chid : imp/., achinat, v. 15 ; aor., 155, 156. achidat, vi. 150. jala, vi. 88.

Vji : jayevahi, v. 126.

Jagat, i. 96 ; iv. 37. jigamisu, iv. 93. : ;

169] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [-turSsah jighamsu, vi. Ii2; vii. 50. tad-gnna, ii, 99. jijnasu, ii. 119. tad-deva, i. 6. jita, V. 124. tad-daivata, viii. 10 1. jima, iv. 21. tad-dhita, i. 3.

/jlv : iii. 19 ; vi. 137, 138. taddhita, m., ii. 106.

8am-, V. 16; vii. 19. tad-bhakta, i. 72. jivanartham, vii. no. tanana, ii. 26.

Jivaputra, v. 92. tanaya, v. 164 ; vii. 5^. jivaavrtti, vii. 85. tanu, ii. 26 j iii i ; iv. 72.

-/jus: vii. 66; viii. 31. Tanunapat, i. 106; ii. 26, 147, 156;

Juhii, ii. 82 ; iii. 58 ; viii. 36. iii. I. jetr, iL 37. Tanunapad-dvitlya, iii. 31.

Jostn, i. 114. tan-napat, vii. 35. Vjfia: tan-naman, ii. 77, 138.

anu- : jajne, v. 80. tan-netra, iv. 15.

ati-vi-: jananti, ii. 19. tan-manas, vi. 1 44. jnati, vii. 134. /tap : V. 155 ; vi. 140, 141 ; vii. 49.

jSana, iii. iv. vii. viii. abhi- : atapat, iv. 137 ; 43 ; 109 ; 15. ^35- tapas, iv. 47, 59, 66, 71, 95; v. 155, jnana-sarnstava, viii. 93. 156; vi. 100, 140, 141, 142; vii. jya, i. III. 49 ; viii. 130. jyabhimantrini, v. 129. tapasvin, v. 150.

jyayas, vi. 163. tamas, ii. 60, 62, 64 ; iii. 9 ; iv. 14

jyestha, vi. 77 ; vii. 156. V. 12. jyestha-vat, iv. 112. tamasvati, iii. 10. jyog-jivana, vii. 11. Taranta, v. 61, 63, 80.

jyotis, i. 90; vi. 144; vii. 109^ 127; Taranta-Purumilha, du., v. 62.

viii. j)l. (trisu), iii. 140 ; iii. 12. taru-vat, 28. y/jval tata, vii. 44.

Tapasa (Manyu), ii. (Agni), iii. nd-: ajvalat, v. 21, $^ ; 5«.

Tattva, viii. 130. Tarksya, i. 123; ii. 57. tattvatas, iv. 47. Tarksyardaivatya, viii. 77.

tattva-dar^in, i. 10. talavya, viii. iio, 115.

tat-purusa, ii. 105. tavat, adj., iii. 147.

tat-purva-8iikta, iii. 127. tigma-tejas, vi. 84.

tat-pradhana, i. 72. tittiri, vi. 151. tatha, 'yes' iv. loi, tiryag-yoni, vi. 62. 75; v. 127, 128 ;

vi. viii. : i. (devyah), 23, 133; 1,31. tisr tisrah (devatah), 69 ;

tatha-rupa, v. vi. ; iii. vi. 87 ; 94 viii. 62. ii. 149 ; 12 ; 136. tad-gata, v. 95. turasah, iv. 75. turlya-] VII. INDEX OF WOKDS [170 toriya, vi. 129. Traitana, iv. 33. tulya-naman, i. 93. traipada, iv. 8. tulya-rupa, v. 67. Traivrsna, v. 13, 14. tulya-vayas, v. 68. Tryambaka, vi. 3. Tuvijata, iv. 83. Tiyaruna, v. 14, 31, 33.

Vtvts : tosaya, iv. 58. tvah-pada, ii. 114. turnam, adv., ii. 57; iii. 16. tvaksati, the root tvaks, iii. 16. vii. -nl, vi. Vtr: atarat, viii. 33. tvag-dosin, 156 ; /., 99. trca, ii. 17, 126. tvag-dosopahatendriya, viii. 5- trcadhama, viii. 97. tvae, vi. 106. trna, iv. 63. tvat-prasadatas, vi. ^6. trnapanika, V. 113. Tvastr, i. 84, 108, 135 ; ii. 149 ; iii. trtlya (svara), viii. 113, 118. 15. 17. 25. 37. 83, 84, 88 (b); v. trtlya-savana, iii. 89. 148 ; vi. 163 ; vii. 7. tejas, i. ii. Tvastra (karma), iii. (Trisiras), vi. 98 ; 6^ ; vi. 37 ; vii. a. 84 ; taijasa, i. 88. /•. -i. iv. vii. 147 ; 86; 3,13. Tairindira, vi. 47. tvis, vi. 131. tyajya, ii. 100. tvisi-tas, iii. 16. trayastrimsa (stoma), ii. 13.

Trasadasyu, v. 13, 31 ; vi. 51 ; vii. 35. Daksa, iv. 83; vii. 114; viii. 138. tri : trayah (agnayah), vii. (adhi- 143 ; Daksa-suta, iii. 57. pah), iv. 41 ; (rsayah), viii. 78 adj., ri^ht, ; ; daksina, iv. 75 southern, (lokadhipatayah), viii. 1 (svarah), 31 ; iv. 33; vii. 67, 115. viii. 131; trlni (sirarasi), vi. 150; Daksina, ii. 84 ; iii. 68 ; viii. 33. trisu, iii. 31. daksiiia,^/., sacrificial/ee, v. 159 ; viii. trinava, ii. i. 33. Trita,, iii. 58, 136, 137, 153 ; vi. 147. daksiniyatama, v. 158. tri-diva, vii. 100. daksinena, adv., southwards, vii. 1 37. tridha, ; iv. i 63, 64 ^^ ; vii. 130. dandarha, ii. 106. tri-vandhura, iii. 86. dandya, ii. 106. tri-vikrama, ii. 64. datta, V. 141. tri-vidha, ii. 73; iii. 12, 14, 43. daAibt, pres. part., ii. 34. tri-vidha, iv. 35 (v. r. for tridha). dadhi, iii. 95 (b). tri-vrt, i. 115. Dadhikra, i. 35 ; ii. 55. Triairas, vi. 147, 149, 163. Dadhyanc, ii. I3 ; iii. 32, 23, I3I. Trisoka, vi. 81. Danayu, v. 144. tristubh, i. 130 ; viii. 106. Danu, V. 144. tris, vi. 105. dama, viii. 130. tri-samvatsarika, v. 97. dampati, du., vi. 74; vii. 131. tri-sthana, i. 65 ; iii. 1 3. darpita, vii. 54. tristhanaadhisthita, viii. 91. darsana, iv. 19. 171] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [-deva-gana

ii. daJa, io8 ; iii. 146. divyatman, vii. 77. dasama (ahan), v. 175. •/dis: dasaksara, vii. 31. upa- : disyate, iii. 141. dastum, vi. la. dis, f.pl., iv. 98 ; viii. 128.

Dasra, vii. 6. dJksisja.t,fut. part., vi. ao. i/dah : adahat, y. 22. dipta-tejas, v. 6^.

-/da, iii. diptimattara, iii. j8. ffive, 148 ; v. 31, 32, 34, 56,

dirgha, iv. ; vii. 58, 72, 139, 145 ; vi. 51, 66, 83, 14 73. 123. dirgha-tapas, viii. 67.

pan: d&de, iv. 117. Dirgha-tamas, ii. 129, 154; iii. 146; pra-: adat, iii. 18, 156; iv. 5^; iv. 14, 21, 23. vii. V. 6^ ; vi. 79, 85. dnhkha, 88, 152. daksya, viii. 130. duhkha-loka-parltatman, vi. 33. datr, viii. 23. dundubhi, i. no ; v. 11 a. datrtva, iii. 61 ; viii. 23. durga, adf'., vi. 137. dadhikra, v. i, 173. Durga, ii. 77. dana, iii. (a), durbhaga, -3, vii. 140, 153 154; iv. iii ; /., 42. V. 140, 141, 162; vi. 41, 44, 47, Durmitra, viii. 17.

80, 95, lao ; vii. 147. Duvasyu, ii. 129 ; iii. 56. dana-tusta, v. 29. dus-krt, ii. 119. dana-^akti, vi. 59. duhsvapna-ghna, viii. 67. dana-stuti, vi. 45, 92. duhsvapna-na^in, /., -1, iii. 139 ; v. 89.

Danava, vii. -I, duhsvapnadya-pranasin, -I, iv. 50, 51 ; /., vi. 76. /., 83. dara.y., vi. 53. /dub : duduhe, vi. 23. dara-samgraha, v. 82. duhitr, iv. no, in ; v. 73, 145. Darbhya, v. 50, 76, 77, duti, viii. 27, 28. dasatayi, iii. 154 ; viii. 88. dutya, viii. 25.

iv. -I, durat, adv., vii. dasa, m., 21 ; /., iv. 25. 64. digdha, v. 133. /i. dr, regard: a-driyeta, ii. 154.

Diti, V. 144. /a. dr : drnati (iram), ii. 2,S- ditsn, V. 56. drti, iii. 95, 96, 97. didrksn, iv. i. '/dA, past., iv. 18; vi. 94; caug., didhaksat, vi. 37. dar^aya, v. 6^ ; vi. 119. dina, iv. 34, 132. pra-, pass., ii. 132. dinanta, vii. 121. drsta, V. 86 ; viii. 66, 87, 100. div: dyauB, vi. 123; vii. 93; viii. 47, drsta-linga, iv. 80.

iii. 127 ; divi, 14 ; iv. 66 ; vii. 53. df8ta-vat,y., -I, viii. 33. divakara, ii. 61. drsti-hlna, iv. ai. iv. 6. div-adi, deva, pL, i. 83 ; vi. 98 ; vii. 54, 6^, 64,

iv. ; divaukas, 62 v. 42 ; vii. 118. 68,71,72; viii. 9, 49, 112,125. divya, iii. 1 , 86, /., -a (vac), ii. deva-gana, iv. ; vi. 1 103 ; 7a. 36 156. deva-guru-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [172

deva-guru, vi. DyavaprthivT, du., iii. gen., iii. 113. 93 ; 138. devata, i. 118; ii. 88; vii. 139; viii. dyavaprthivlya, v. 7.

8, 138. dyu-bhakti, iii. 113; vi. 156.

devata-namadheya, i. 17. Dyu-bhu, v. 1 14.

devata-naman, i. 11. dyu-mat,/., -1, viii. 8.

devataarsaartlia-chandas-tas, i. 14. dyu-vat, ii. 81. devata-vat, ii. 136. dyu-sthana, ii. 7 ; viii. 48. devata-vahana, i. 119. \/dram: dramati, vii. 129 (b). devata-vid, viii. 124, 131. dravina, ii. 25 ; iii. 63 (b). devata-linga, viii. 21. dravino-da, iii. iii. 61, 62, 65 ; pL, 63. devatva, i. 98. dravino-das, i. 106; ii. 25; iii. 38, 65, deva-daru, vii. 78. 129. deva-deva, m., i. 104; iii. 88 (b); adj., dravya, i. 42, 45. iii. 126. drastr, v. 170. deva-devatya, iii. 112. Dravinodasa, iii. 64 (b). deva-nltha, viii. loi. drughana, i. iii ; viii. 11, 12. deva-patni, pL, ii. iii. 12, 78, 143; 92 ; dva, du.loc, i. 13. viii. V. 45; 128. dvandva, ii. 105 ; v. 148 ; viii. 30. deva-prahita, iii. 86 ; vii. 6^. dvandva-bhuta, i. 113. devara, vii. 14. dvandva-^as, vi. 21 ; viii. 19. devarsi-pitr-pujartham, iv. 126. dvadasaka, iii. 34. deva-vat, adv., vi. 60. dvada&dha, iv. ^^. deva-sutaupama, iii. 144. dvada^arca, ii. 146.

Devapi, vii. ; viii. dvar, pi. (devyah), i. -, 155, 156 2, 3, 4. 107 ii, 148 ; devasura, /)/., v. 145. iii. 6, devi, V. ; viii. pL, iii. dvigu, ii. 75 8, 76; 92 ; 105.

(tisras), i. 108 ; du., iii. 8. dvi-catvarimsaka, vi. 81. de&, viii. 115. dvi-ja, vii. 86, 87. desa-kala-tas, ii. 118. dvitiya (svara), viii. 113, 114, 117.

Daitya, iv. 67 ; vi. 115 ; vii. 50, 54. dvi-deva, iii. 128. dairghatamasa,y., -1, iii. 152 (a). dvi-devata, ii. 140, 142. daiva, ii. 125; (Agni), vi. 161. dvi-daiva, iii. 41, 80. daivata, i. i, ii. iii. dvi-daivata, ii. iii. 2, 4, 5; 124; 109; 145 ; (mantra), 81. viii- 134, I3<5- dvi-dhatuja, ii. 103. daivata-jna, i. 2. dvi-pada, iii. 82 ; iv. 8. daivata-vid, viii. 139. dvi-pada, vi. 69 ; viii. 109. daivya, pi. (hotarah), iv. 104 ; du, dvi-pradhana, iv. 5, 8.

(hotarau), ii. 149; iii. ii. dvi-vat, adv.— in, the dual, i. 75; iv. dogdhrl, iii. 50, 79. 107, 108. dosa, iii. 10. dvivat-stuti, iv. 5 ; vi. 16. dautya, v. 74. dvisad-dvesa, iii. 114; iv. 118. ;

173] VII. INDEX OF WOKDS [-nasta-sam°

; pi., Dhenu, i. ; ii. ; iii. dvrca, ii. 17 ; iii. 155 vi. 136 ; 129 78 50, 79, 85 compoier of couplets, viii. 54. iv. 36; viii. 125. iv. dvaipada, iii. 80 ; vii. 86, 98. dhairya-karya, 134.

dhmata, ii. 158.

viii. dhmati, the root dhma,ii. 158. Dhana, ii. 25 ; v. 31 ; 30. dhana-kama, adj., v. lo. •/dhya : dhyayet, vi. 145. dhana-kupya, iii. 147. dhruvam, iii. 7. dhanasis, vii. 135.

' ' dhanur-adana, vii. 15. Na, not ' and Hie,' ii. 91. dhanur-mukta, v. 134. na-kara, ii. 92. dhanusmat, vi. 11 a. nakta, iii. 9.

; vii. dhanus, i. Iio v. 129 ; (aindra), Naktosas, du., i. 108 ; ii. 148 ; iii. 8. 27- nakba, vii. 79. dhanvin, vii. 53. Nagohya ( = Agohya), viii. 127. dhanna, iv. 36 ; vii. 147. nan-purva, iii. 9. dharma-kama, adj., v. 10 {v. r.). nadat, pres. part., vi. la. dharma-vyatikrama, viii. 3. nadi, vi. no; pi., i. 112; ii. y^, 83;

/dha : dadhus, vii. 19. iv. 24, 105, 107, 108 ; vi. I, 21.

abhi-, i. 30. nadl-toya, iv. 21.

ava-, iv. 21. nadi-vat, adv., ii. 136.

: iii. ii. iii. ni- adhattam, 22. napat, 27 ; i ; v. 103 ; vii. ^^.

earn- : dadhyat, ii. 100. napumsaka, i. 40 ; ii. 96. dhatu, root, ii. 102 ; mineral, vii. 80. naptr, ii. 55. dhatu-ja, ii. 104. Nabhaka, iii. ia8. dhata-vibhakti, ii. loi. ynam: dhatuupasargaavayava-guna-sabda, ii. earn-: namet, ii. loi. 103. namas, v. 78.

Dhatr, i. ii. ; iv. namaa-kara, i. ii. viii. 1 125 ; 56 88 ; v. 147 ; 37,54; 123; 1 2.

vii. 114. namas-krtva, i. i. dhana,^^., vii. 31. nara, pi., ii. 65 ; iii. 2, 3. dharana, vii. loi. NarSlamsa, i. 107, no; ii. 28, 115,

V dhav : adhavata, adhavan : 147 ; iii. 3, 3, 67.

abhi-, vi. Nara&msa-vat, oJ;'., ii. 12 ; viii. 137. 156 ; /., -I, iii. npa-, vii. 55. dhavatj^rM. part., vi. 12. navaka, ii. 85 ; iii. 66, 75, 117. dhisnya, adj. pi. (agnin), iv. 104. Qa,\a.ti, pi., vi. 115; vii. 51. dhlvara, jo/., vi. 88, 90. navama, ii. 56 ; vi. 130. Dhuni, iv. 67. -/nai, V. 17. dhuma, iv. 41 (b). nasta, vii. 6^.

-/dhr : dharaya, v. 155. Dasta-rupa, iv. 64.. ni-, v. 84. nasta-saipjna, vii. 84. naka-] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [174

ii. naka, 66. nipata-bbaj, iv. 10, 92, 128 ; v. 91, viii. Nakula, 14. 93, 107, no ; vi. 130 ; vii. 145. nananiya (sukta), vi. 139. nipata-matra, i. 93 ; ii. 75, 81. nananvayopaya, pi., ii. 99, 119. nipata-stuti, iii. 119. imnaprakara, i. nipatita, ii. iii. ; v. 34. 134 j 67, 121 105 ; nana-riipa, v. 9a ; vi. 32 ; viii. 7a. vii. 21 ; viii. 40.

Nabhaka, iii. 56. nipatin, iv. no, 124, 128 ; viii. 6y,

iii. Nabhanedistha, ii. 130. 128; /., -I, 53 ; vii. 39. nipatyartba, iv. nama-tas, vii. 49 ; viii. 17. 97. namadheya, i. 87, 88. nibarbana, ii. 6. namadbeyaanukirtana, i. 89. nimruc, ii. 10. naman, i.76, 85; ii.96; v. 125; viii. 85. niyama, viii. 134. nama-laksana, ii. 71. niyukta, iv. 28 ; v. 3. namaakhyata-vibbakti, j5^., ii. 94. niyut, pi., iv. 140, namanya-tva, i. 70, 72. niyoga, i. ^6, 51 ; v. 75; viii. namabvana, i. 86. 130. narasamsa,y., -1, iii. 154 ; vii. 139. nirartbaka, i. 31.

vi. nirukta, iv. ; narl, ii. 83 ; 40. 74 vi. 134. nasana, viii. 45. nirukta-vat, ii. in, 112, 113. nasanartbam, vii. 95. nirapta, iv. 49.

Nasatya, vii. 6 ; du., iii. 21, 39 ; vii. nirapya, iv. 48.

48 (?) ; viii. 30. Nirrti, vii. 91. nasikagra, viii. 113. nirnaya, ii. 117. nasikya, viii. 118. Nirmatbyaabavanlyartha, ii. 145.

Nabusa, vi. 20, 23. nirvaktum, i. 96. nikrt-ya, vi. 82. nirvacana, ii. 23. niksipya, vii. i. nirvacas, ii. 106. nigada, viii. 104. nirvacya, ii. 104. nigadya, vii. 13. nirvacya-laksana, ii. 103. nigama, ii. 136. nirvrtti, i. 44, 45. nigrblta, iv. 113. nivasa, i. 35, 29. nicrt, viii. 107. nivid, iii. 50, 78 ; viii. loo, 104. nidarsana, ii. 107, no. nisacara, vi. 32. nidagba-masaatigama, ii. 49, 54- ni^asta, viii. loi. Nidana-samjnaka, v. 23. ni^Itba, iii. 10. nidbana, ii. 113. nisanna, v. 20.

-\/nind : nindanti, vii. 37. Nisad, ii. 82. ninda, i. $5, 49. niska, iii. 148, 149.

-/nl, i. ii. nipata, i. 39, 78 ; ii. 3 (jil.), 82, 89, 90 ; 53. iii- iv. v. 162 nlyamana, iv. 93 ; 25, 36 ; 54. 96 ; ; 27. vi. 86, 135; vii. 145; viii. 52,60,129. mn, particle, ii. 91. 175] Vn. INDEX OF WOEDS [-parisani°

v^nud : anudat, iv. 33. Patbya, i. 128 ; ii. 78 ; vii. 93, 105; para, iv. 134. viii. 125.

nr, i. 91 ; iii. 3 ; vii. 60. /pad:

i. nrpa, iv. 3. prati-, 102 ; iii. 150. nrpa-ksaya, v. 19. pra-, vi. 32; vii. 43.

nrparsi-kula-ja, v. 57- padj/oo^, viii. 34 ; verse, vi. 85 (v.r.).

ui. pada, step, ii. ; viii. 68 place, Nejamesa, 59. 6^, 93 ;

Nema (Bhargava), vi. 1 17, 118. iv. 121 ; word, ii. 100, 103, 104, iii,

i. ii. ii3j iii- viii. naipatika, 17, 19; 71, 79. "7. 142 ; 46 ; 17 ;

nairakta, interpretation, ii. 119 ; m. pi., metrical line, vi. 17, 85 ; viii. 21,

etymologiiti, i. 24. 42, 43-

nairrta, vii. viii. vii. pada-jati, ii. 1 4. 92 ; 67 ; f.,-\, 9a. 1 Nodhas, iii. 128. pada-vyavaya, ii. 113.

padasas, viii. loi.

Paksin, viii. 115. pada-samgbata-ja, ii. 1 1 7. paksi-rapin, iv. 94. padanusarin, viii. 35,

pankti, i. 130; viii. 106. padartba, ii. 108.

v^pac : papaca, iv. 1 26 ; apacyanta, v. paddbati, viii. 35. 17- padma-nidbi, vi. 55. adv., vi. viii. pacchas, iv. 107 ; vi. 50; vii. 41. payas, 23, 94 ; 30, 31, 34.

pafica (janah), vii. 66, 69. payasvini, v. 92 ; viii. 72,

pancadasa, ii. i. para, adj., (madhu), iii. 117 ; (brabma),

pancadha, iv. 35. vi. 144 ; higher, viii. 92 ; highest, paficama (svara), viii. 119. viii. 97.

pancarca, iv. 136 ; v. 28, 8a, 109, 169. parama, iii. 123.

pancasat, vi. 51, 54. paramestbin, ii. 125 ; viii. 45. /path, viii. 139. Parakadasa, vii. 1 18.

Pani, pi, viii. 24, 26, '^^, 36, 38. paraii-mukba, vi. 153.

/pat, iii. 23 ; vii. 5, 88. paramarsa, v. 34.

abbi-, iv. 67 ; vii. 88. paramrsta, v. 23.

ni-, v. 149 ; caiis. pas*., nipatyate, paravrfcta, iv. 46. ii. 92, 93. pariklrtana, iii. 47. Patanga, viii. 75. pariearin, iv. 21. pati, lord, vi, pi., i. hus- paridevana, i. 73, 159 ; 75 ; 35, 50.

band, i. 129 ; vi. 40, 52 ; vii. 43, paridbi-karman, vii. 11. 130. parinistbita-karman, aJij. pi., iii. 84. patita, V. 151 ; vii. 89, loi. pari-brmbita, iii, 5- pati-vrata,y., -a, iv. 3. parimana, v. 154. pati-samvanani, viii. 57. parivartin, iv. 34. patni, vii. 119; pi., ii. 8; iii. 6. parisvajya, iv. 60. patbi, V. 35, 140; i^^-i vii, 6^. parisamkbya, ii. 71. ; ;;

parlksa-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [176 parlksa, V. 94. pada-sukta rg-ardharca-naman, ii. 98. pa,tiksy&,/ut. part. pass., iii. 80 ; v. 13. padardharca, pi., iv. 8. parlnama, ii. I2i. padyaarghya-madliuparka, v. 79- (b), Paruchepa, ii. 129 ; iii. 56, 125. papa, iv. 33 68 ; vi. 143. Parusni, vi. 96. papa-krchra, du., vii. 95.

i, viii. papa-cetas, viii. paroksa, iii. 141 ; v. a ; vii. 9 ; a8. 52- papa-roga, vii. 73. paroksa-vat, vii. 31 (b). papabhi^anka, vi. 37. paroksa-vaisvadeva, v. 44. paplyas, viii. 136. paroksokta, iv. 3a (b). papman, vi. 153.

Parjanya, i. 8a, 117, laaj ii. 5, 36; Payu, V. 137. viii. a, ia8. para, viii. 34, ^i- Parjanyaagni-vivasvat, iv. 38. parjanya, vi. 35. Parjanyaanila-bhaskara, pi., vii. a8. Partha, iii. 57.

ii. iii. vi. pi., parthiva, i. ; ii. ; iii. 61, Parvata, 3 ; a3 ; 138 ; 99, 105 39 15, -I, ii. iii. viii. ia8. 74, 76 ; V. 48, 61 ; /., 73 ; parvata-vat, iv. 5. 93; vii. 17. palayana, ii. 109. parthiva-madhyama, i. loi ; iii. 11. palita, iv. 33. parsva, loc, v. 67.

Pavamana (Agni), i. 66 ; ii. 39 parsvatas, vii. 151. (Soma), vi. 130. parsvastha, vii. 149. pavamana-vat, vi. 130. palana, vi. 33. pavitrakliyana, i. 36. palaya : palayati, iii. 36.

; : vi. pavaka, iv. vii. 61, v^pai pasyati, iii. 135 ; apasyat, 41 99. "7- pavana, viii. 87, 93. vi. -I, vi. anu-, vii. 64. pavamana, 145, 146 ; f., 137,

ii. vi. ; vii. viii. 141, 144. pasu, 138 ; 94 74; 114.

protect : ii. ; iv. pasa, vi. 14, 15. Vi. pa, pati, 39 34 ; pitaputra, du., v. V. ia6 ; vii. a4. 64.

•s/a. pa, drink, iii. 90; vi. loa, 114; pitu, i. III.

pitr, iii. (a) ; v. ia8 vii. 31 ; viii. 30. 150, 151 109, (deva), vi. (Vaiuna), vi. 14, Paka-sasana, vi. 76 ; vii. 148; viii. 35. 3 ; 15 (Vata), viii. Paka-sthaman, vi. 4a. (Vivasvat), vi. 157 ; 71,

88 pi., i. "• vi. patha, viii. ^6. ; 137 ; 123 ; 147. '"i- 68, 71, pani, iv. 75 ; vii. loa, 156, 157. 158. 159 ; 19. patr, ii. iii. a6. 83; viii. 113, 128. 39 ; pada, ii. 5, 17, 90, 133, 145 ; iii. 78, pitrtva, vi. 38. pitr-devaasura, pi., vi. 160. 105, ia6, 127, 138 ; V. 76, III, 133, pitta, vii. 80. 135; vi. 37, 125. 1*9. '^?>hy ^5T, vii. 8, 93, ia5, 140 J viii. 109; pitrya, vi. 159.

Pi^aca, V. ; viii. 1 -I, v. 33. (trayah), vii. 9 a. 146 15 ; /., 19, 177] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-pausna piti, iii. 77. puta, vi. 143. pitva, vi. 115; viii. 31. piiranartha, ii. 90. puins, i. ii. vi. piirusad, ii. iii. 40 ; 96 ; v. 49 ; 40. putra, iii. 83, 115; v. 78, 102, 127; purna, iii. 95, 96 (b). vi. 68, 149; vii. 43, 49; (grha- purva,y., -a (tvac), vi. 106. pateh), vii. 67. purva-ja, vii. 73. putraka, iv. 60. purva-yuga, iv. 36 (v. r.).

adj., viii. putra-kama, 81 ; /., -a, 82, 84. piirvayuglna, iv. 36. putra-kamya, iv. 24. purva-sambhuta, iv. 13. putra-ta, iii. 115. piirvapava, vi. 142. putra-^ata, vi. 28, 34. purvapari-bhuta, i. 44. putra-soka-paripluta, vi. 28. Piisan, i. 82, 118 ; ii. a, 4, 10, 63; iii putrika, iv. 110. 95, 9<5 (b); v. 148. punar-graha, ii. 97. prthak-karma-stuti, vi. 70. pura, viii. prtbaktva, i. ii. ; iii. 33. 95 ; 28, 71 49 ; puramdara, iv. 76 ; v. 137 ; vi. 81, 104. V. ia8. Puramdhiya, iii. 79. prthak-prtbak-stuti, ad;'., iii. 40. puras with vii. prthak-stuti, adj., iii. iv. v^kr, 76 ; with •y/dha, 4a, 43 ; /., 42.

v. 18; vii. 87 ; viii. 6. prthag-devata, iv. 124. purastat, viii. 123. prtbivl, i. iia, 129; ii. 11, 74, 81 ; pura, adv., v. prep, with all., ii. vii. 77 ; 9 ; 53. vii. 120. prtbivl-jata, vii. 72. purl,/)^., vii. 52. prthivl-stbana, i. 105. purisa-pada, viii. 102. prtbivy-agny-asraya, i. 120. Purumllha, v. 61, 68, 80. prtbivy-adi, vii. 52. pnrasa {»ee medha), ii. 153. Prthu-^ravas, vi. 79. purusa-vigraha, v. 68. Prsni-matr, adj., v. 71. purusa-sukta, vii. 143. Pr^ni-sukta, v. 113. prsatljjj/., Pnruravas, i. 124 ; ii. 58 ; vii. 147. iv. 141. puxodhatr, v. 6. Prsadhra, vi. 85. purodhas, vi. 149. prsta, V. 36. purohita, iv. 106 ; v. 14, 15, ia6 ; vii. prsta-vat, v. 71. 85. prstha, V. 75. puskara, v. 154, 155. Paijavana, v. 162. puspavat,/., -1, vi. 56. paitamaha, vii. 148.

Y>\isya,t, prei. part., ii. ii. vii. -I, 63. paurnsa, 15 ; (sukta), 143 ;/.,

Vpu : punati, vi. 142. viii. 109. -/puj: Pauloma, pi., vii. 53- prati-, iv. 115. PaulomI, viii. 63. pujayitva, 118 vi. v. 79. pausna, iii. 108 ; v. ; 43 ; vii. puja, V. 62. /., V. vi. 8, 23 ; -1, 114; 71, 74. a ; ;

pausna-sa"-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [178

pansna-sSvitra-saamya, iv. 12^, pratyaksa, i. 11 ; viii. 129. praiiga-devata, ii. 135. pratyavaroha, i. loa. prakarana, ii. 93, 96, 118. pratyakhyata, v. 60. piakalpita, iii. 89. pratyrcam, ii. 146, 151 ; iii. 34 ; vi. i viii. prakaia, ii. 6^ ; v. 2 a. 81, 91. (svara), viii. prakalayat, v. 32 ; vi. 59- prathama 112, 114. praklrtana, iv. 30. pradarsita, v. 25. prakrta, iii. 127. pradaya, vii. 99. prakrti, ii. 108. pradista, iii. 48, 49, 81, 141 ; v. II. prakriya, i. 95. pradhana, i. 78; ii. 99; iv. 4,5; ^^ praksipya, iii. 132 ; vi. 88, 105. 96 ; viii. 99. pradhana-guna-bhuta, v. pragatha, iii. iii ; vi. 35, 38, 43, 50, 96. 80, 84. pradhana-tas, V. no; vii. 116. pracodita, v. 75. prapadyamana, vii. 131. pracyavayat, jareg. part, ii. 59. prapanna, vi. 152. prabodha, vii. v'prach, v. 69 ; vi. 137 ; viii. 26, 27, 55. 33- prabhava, i. 61. praja, ii. iii. i pi., ii. ; vii. prabha, vi. 126, 27 ; ; 46

I, prabhava, i. ; viii. 157 ; viii. 3, 4, 18. 34 34.

prabhutva, ii. ; vii. 60. praja-kama, v. 97 ; viii. 18. 6 Prajapati, i. 62, 83, 125; ii. 124; iii. prabhuta, vii. 60.

pramada, i. 69, 72, 88 (b) ; V. 44, 97, 100, loi 38, 56.

vii. 17, 48, 137, 141 ; viii. 102, 127. pra-yat, pres. pari., vii. 19. Prajapati-tas, vii. 50- prayatna-tas, viii. 24.

Prajapati-devata, viii. 108. prayaja, vii. 74 ; viii. 103. prajarthin, iii. 32. prayata, v. 72.

Prajavaj-Jlvaputra, du., v. 92. prayukta, ii. 69. Prajavat, viii. 80. prayuSjana, viii. 134. pranava, viii. 123. prayoga, i. 90; v. 94; vii. 18, no, pranlta, vii. 67. 154; viii. 124. prati-grhya, iii. 150 ; v. 35. prayoga-tas, i. 59. pratipurvaka, v. 90. prayoga-vid, i. 12. pratiyoga, iii. 52. pralaya, i. 61. pratiradha, i. 37, 55. pralapa, i. 37, 55. pratiloma, ii. 9. pravaksyat, v. 73. prativakya, i. 37, 50. pravargya, v. 35.

ii. i. -< pratisedha, i. 38, 52 ; 92. pravalhika, 35, 57. pratihara, viii. ii. 18 pi., iii. (a); iv. 123. pravada, ; 46, 65 pratici, vii. ii5' 32, 107. pratlclna, vii. 18. pravada-bahula-tva, iv. 43. pratnavat.y., -I, vi. 46. pravibhajya, ii. 106. : : ;

179] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-halavattara

pradhanya, i. ; ii. ; iii. pravTsya, vii. 47. 6, 75 138 7 ; pravyathita, v. 18. vi. 17 ; viii. 60. prasamsa, i. 35, 48. pradhanya-tas, v. 107 ; viiL 62. prai&sja,,fu(.part.j)ags., iii. gerund, prayaias, iii. 151. 3 ; iv. 60. prayascittartham, viii. 69. prasasya, iv. 95. prasada, vi. 56- prasna, i. 2^, 50. prasta, v. 17. prasanga, abl., iii. 47, 52, 68 ; iv. 19, priya, n., vii. 149.

; iii. vi. 28, 81 ; V. 142 ; vL 73 ingt., 53. priyakamya, 149. prasang^ja, iii. 28. priyatva, iv. 70.

iii. vi. prasanga-tas, v. 171. prlta, 103 ; v. 71, 137 ; 104 prasanga-parikirtana, i. 22. vii. 46, 76, 77, 100 ; viii. 8. prasanna, v. 19 ; vi. 89. pritaatman, iv. 55. prasadya, v. 18, 50, 135. priti, iv. I ; vii. 149, 150. prasuti, i. 96 ; iii. 30. preta, vii. 13, 15, 18. Praskanva, vi. 85. pretaanugamana, vii. 14. prastava, viii. 122. pretaasis, vi. 158.

Praatoka, v. 124. prepsu, viii. 13. prasvapin.y., -I, vi. 2. praisa, i. ii. iii. viii. 35, 57 ; 152 ; -^fi ; praharsita-manas, vi. 60. 100, 103.

praisa-gata, ii. prahita, iv. 25 ; vi. 149. 154. prahrsta, iv. 3. praisa-sukta, ii. 152, i54. Prahlada-tanaya, vii. 53. Phala, viii. 134. ; viii. prahva, iv. 71 ; v. 76 vi. 54 ; 4. phala-pradarsana, iii. 151. prauga, adj., iv. 92 ;/., -1, vi. 17.

prak, prep, with M., iii. 10 ; viii. 21. Baddha, vi. 14 ; /., -a, vii. 135. prac,/., -I, vii. 115. baddhva, iv. 21 ; vi. 88.

Prajapatya, iii. ; v. ; viii. 22, 69 143 badhyat, jore«. joar/., v. 134. 41, 64, 80. •y/bandh Prajapatyaa^vamedhika, ii. 153. prati- : abadhyata, vi. 14. pranjali, v. 51 ; vi. 38. jb/., iii. vii. 86. Bandhu-prabhrti, 59 ; pranjali-sthita, viii. 4. babhra, v. 33.

-i,^ Prana, ii. ; iv. 39, 40. Vbarh

: prana, vii. 71 ; pi., vi. 144. ni barhaya, iv. 69. prana-drsti, viii. 135. barhis, i. 107 ; ii. 148 ; iii. 5. prana-thuta, ii. 51. bala, i. 87 ; ii. 25 ; iii. 62 ; iv. 113, prana-vat, vii. 82. 132; vi. 114. pranaapana, du., vii. 126. bala-kama, iii. 32. pratah-savana, i. 115. bala-krti, i. 87. pradaya, iii. 24. bala-pusti-kara, viii. 33. . pradur with v^aa, v. 67 ; vii. 45, t^,- balavattara, v. 94. .;

baJa-vitta-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [180

bala-vitta, du., iii. 6i. Brhaspati-pracodita, iii. 136. bahu, loc. pi., i. 13 ; iii. 8a. Brbaspati-stuti, iv. 85. bahutvaekatva-laksita, iii. ^^. bodbita, viii. 7. bahu-devata, i. 75 ; iv. 7. brabma-karman, v. 158. babu-daiva, iii. 80. brabma-carin, iv. 59.

ii. ii. ; viii. bahu-daivata, ia8, 133 ; iii. 41, 43, Brabma-jaya, 83 36.

128; vi. 84. Brabmanas-pati, i. 1 3 3 ; ii. 2 ; iii. 66, 7 1 babudha, iv. 143 ; v. 39, 151. brahman, «., supreme soul, i. 62 ; ii. 40,

prayer, iii. babu-prakSra, i. 19. 119; vii. 109 ; viii. 140 ; iv. 8. 18 viii. priestly caste, v. 126 babu-pradhana, ; 93 ; bahu-rupa-tva, vi. 55. m., priest, v. 1 25 ; vii. 70. bahu-vat, iii. 8a ; iv. 107, 108. brahmarsi-ta, iv. 95. babuvat-stava, iii. 89. brabma-vadin,y., -1, female seer, ii. 84. babu-vidba, v. 6^. brabma-han, vi. 152. bahu-vrlhi, ii. 105. brabma, ii. 125; viii. 98; /., -i, iv. babu-las, iv. 8 ; vi. 157. 113; vi. 152; viii. 109. bahv-eka-dbatu-ja, ii. 103. Brabmana, «., i. 41 ; v. 25, 157 ; vi. tedbitum, vii. 54- 117, 129; vii. 72; viii. 100, no; badbyamSna, vii. 55- m., V. 158. barhaspatya, iv. 9, 124 ; vi. 2$. brabmana-kumara, v. 15. bala, iv. 1 20. brabmana-sasana, vii. 14. bala-bhava, iv. 3. brabmanaspatya, iii. 107.

Baskala, jjI., viii. 85. Brahmanaukta, v. 11. babusrutya, viii. 130. bruvat, vi. 20.

bahya* (mantra), v. 34. v'bra : abrutam, iii. 21.

bibbyat, pres. part., iv. 89. nir- : bruyat, ii. 106. buddhi, viii. 130.

buddbva, v. 70 ; vii. 57. Bbakta, iv. 25.

v^budb : budhyeta, iii. 48 ; abndhyata, bbakti, i. 6, 73, 76, 77.

V. 69 ; bubudbe, vi. 100, 150. bbakti-tas, v. 173.

cans., bodbaya, vi. 37. \/bbaks : bbaksayet, vii. 31. anu-, iv. 115; vi. ^6. bbaksayitva, vi. 103.

budbna, v. 166. Bbaga, ii. 10, 63 ; v. 147 ; vi. 8 ; vii.

budhnya, v. 166. 114 ; viii. 138. Brbu, V. 108. Bhaga-daivata, v. 169.

i. brhat (stotra), viii. 78 ; (Sama), 131. bbagavat, v. 78. brbati, viii. 105. bhagaantara, vii. 46.

Brbaduktha, ii. 131 ; iii. 55. ^/bhaj, i. 5, 18, 78, 88, 113 ; ii. 73, 74,

iii. 81 iii. vii. Brbaspati, i. 82, 122 ; ii. 3, 39 ; 76, 80, ; 14 ; 65, 143- 86, 133, 137. 156; iv. 12, 13; V. vi-, vii. 113; viii. 39.

103 ; vi. no, 113, 116; vii. 137. \/bban : bbanyate, iii. 54. : ; : : ;

181] VII. INDEX OF WOKDS [-mandala bhayodvigna, viii. 35. bhima-parakrama, iv. 67.

Bharadvaja, ii. 63; iii. 138; iv. 98 /bhuj : bhuDJate (pi.), V. loa, 124, 137, 139, 140. upa-, viii. 115. bhartr, vii. i, 47, 133. bhurij, viii. 107. hhavsit, pres. part., i. 61 ; m., v. 126. bhuvana, vii. 60.

ii. vii. loi. bhavisya, i. 40 ; iv. 29. bhu, 73 ; 5, 93, bhavya, i. 40, 61. /bhu : bhut, vi. 57, 90. bhaga, m., iii. 89, 136 ; vi. 21, 23 s&m-,peTf., V. 150 ; vii. 6.

viii. 29. 1. hhutA, perf. part., pott, i. 40, 61. bhaga, adj., iii. 45, 51 ; v. 167 ;/., -I, 2. bhuta, n., being, ii. 24 ; iii. 24, 30 iii. 98. vii. 128. bhaj (suktasya), i. 100. bhuta-karana, viii. 85. bhat, pre*, part., ii. 6'^. bhuta-vat, iv. 39. Bharata, v. 83. Bhutamsa, viii. 18, 19.

Bharati, iii. 13 ; v. loi. bhuti, iii. 33.

Bhargava, ii. 51 j viii. 70 ;/., -I, iv. 11. bhupati, V. 19.

Bharmyasva, vi. 46 ; viii. 12. bhumi, V. Ill, 133 ; viii. 47.

v. : viii. bharya, 59 ; viii. 19. \/bhr bibharti, 76.

Bhallaveyl, v. V. pi., i. ; iv. vi. 159. Bhrgu, 99 ; 128 98; bhava, i. iii. ; iv. viii. 75 ; 21 59, 68, 73 ; 156; 125.

vi. 38 ; viii. 31. bhr^am, adv., iv. 23. bhava-pradh ana, ii. 1 31. bhesajartham, vii. 91.

Bhavayavya, iii. 150, 155, 156. bhaisajya, viii. 64.

iv. viii. Bhavayavya-snta, iii. 143. bhoja, vi. 42 ; pL, 98 ; 23. bhava-vikara-ja, ii. 122. v'bhraj : bhrajate, i. 93. bhava-vrtta, ii. 86, ; v. 113 bhratr (madhyama), iv. (yaviyas), 130 87, ; ^^ ; vii. viii. iv. (kanlyas), vii. du., vii. 133, 140; 46, 56, 59, 66, 112 ; 13 ;

pi- (catvarah), iii. (trayah), 91- ^5S\ 59 ; bhava-vrtti, vii. (b) vii. iv. 135. iv. 32 ; 89 ; (Marutah),

Bhavya, iii. (vrknah), vii. (purvajah), 140. 51 ; 61 ;

V'bhas : abhasata vii. 73,77. abhi-, V. 100. bhru, viii. 113, 117. prati-, iv. 13. bhasayat, ii. 63. Makha, i. 115 ; iii. 45. bhaskara, vii. 28. mangala, i. 25, 32. bhittva, vii. 53. ymajj : majjati

-/bhid: bibhiduh, vi. 64; bhinddhi, ni-, iii. 24.

vii. 149 ; abhinat, vii. 150. majja, vii. 79. bhinna (sukta), i. 30. mani, v. 123. bhisaj, vii. 154. mandala, iii. 28, 116; v. 103; vi. 39, bhita, iv. 69, 89. 130. M5- ;

manduka-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [182

i. %"]. iii- ; V. manduka, j»^., 109 ; vi. 37 > 46, 48 58, 94, 95, 96 ; vii. viii. mata, iii. 122 ; v. ^6, vi. 157 ; 16, 45, no, 138 ;

mati, iii. 144. 109, 124, 131, 138 ; «., ii. 132 ; viii. matta, vii. 23. 129. matsya, v. 152. mantia-tas, vii. 17.

: =pa»sive), iii. mantra-daD^in, i. ; v. 66. V'math mathyati ( 6a. 34

mathyamana, iii. 64 (b). mantra-drl, i. I ; v. 58.

Vmad : madayase, iv. 78. mantra-drsti, i. 3. mad-grha, m.pl., vi. ^^. mantra-daivata-vid, viii. 133. mad-devata, vii. 74. mantra-prayoga, v. 94.

mad-devatya, vii. 74. mantraya, den. verb :

: 1 madhu, iii. 17, 19, 21, 96 (b), 123 ; iv. anu- amantrayat, v. 28.

npa- : cakre, v. 20. 126 ; vi. 145. mantrayam

Madhuchandas, ii. 126 ; iii. 57. mantra-vittama, ii. 122.

madhya, iii. 116; loo. dug., iv. 134 mantra-vid, i. 22, 90 ; v. 93. {v.r.); viii. 113, 137. mantravin-mantravittama, iii. 133.

madhyamdina, ii. 9; vii. 121. mandu, ii. 141 ; du., -u, ii. 142.

madhya-bhaga, ii. 31. mandra (svara), viii. Ii3,ii5)ii9)i20.

madhyama, i. 66, 69, 93, 94, 99, 130 mandra-karsana-samyukta, viii. 113. ii. 26, 38, 41, 43, 45, 72, 85; iii. mandra-sthana-samahita, viii. I20. iv. 76, 99 (Agni), 116, 120 (Agni) ; iv. manyamana, lai.

(Agni), (Agni), i. ii. iv. 5i; V. 10 iS 43 Manyu, 123 ; 52 ; 134. (Vac), 48 (Agni), 49 (Vac), 88 manvSna, vi. 1 1 a. (Prthivl), 166; vi. 11 (Agni), 128, Mamata, iv. 11. 129. '^55 (Yama); vii. ^^ (Agni), Mamata-suta, iii. 56.

106, 107 (Vac), 142 (Agni) ; viii. Marici, V. 143.

Marut, pi., i. 1 ; ii. 39 (Agni)- 83, 103, 1 7, 127 35 ;

madhyama-sthana, i. 121 ii- iii- vii. 105. 103, ; 7 ; 37. 74. 75' ^°7 ; iii. 74. Marut-pati, vi. 113.

: i. marutvat, iii. iv. Vman manvate, 24 ; manyate, iii. 94 ; 56.

76, 112, 130, 155, 156; manyete, Marud-gana, ii. 144 ; v. 67.

iii. 100 ; mene, iv. 4, 18. Marud-gana-pradhana, ii. 141, 143, mana-avartana, vii. 90. 144. mahat, viii. manas, v. 54, 55, 60, 6$, 73 ; vii. 71, 140.

82, 85 ; viii. 76, 132. mahartvij, vii. 113.

i. Manu, ii. 12, 130; iii. ^^, lai ; vii. maharsi, 81 ; v. 65 ; viii. 137. mahatapas, iv. . a, 103. 107- 25. maha-dosa, iv. manusya, pi., v. 9 ; vii. 68, 71. 119. mano-vag-deha-bhojana, /)/., vi. 143. maha-dyuti, v. 147, 152.

ii. i. mantra, m., i. 80, 86, 87, 119 ; 20, maha-nagni, 55. 21, 68, loi, no, 112, 118, 132; maha-nadi, vi. 96. :

183] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-maitra° maha-namnl, pi. (rcah), viii. 98, 100. Mitra - vanina - daksaamsa - tuvijata - maha-yajSa, iv. 1 1 a. bhagaaryaman, jo/., iv. 82. maha-yasas, v. 152. mitrl-krtya, ii. 48. maha-vlra, v. 34, ^^. mitbuna, vi. 162 ; vii. i. mahiman, v. 164. /ml : miyante mahisi, v. ^6, 60^. pra-, iv. 120. mahendra, ii. 144. mlna, vi. 88. mahendra-sadana, iv. 76. mukha, v. I ; vi. 102, 151. mahausadhi, viii. 56. mukhya, iii. 37.

-/ma : pais., miyate, v. 153. makhyatama, ii. 8.

nir- : -mimlte, vii. 129. •/muc : mumucub, vi. 89.

: vi. mamsa, iv. 39 ; vii. 78. pra- mocire, 15. mata-putra, du., iv. 39. mud,/., V. 53. matr, vi. 90 ; vii. 97. Mudgala, vi. 46 ; viii. 12, 90. matr-tva, vi. 38, 91. mudba, vii. 43.

iii. madhyamika (gana), ill. 35. muni, 106, 115 ; v. 144 ; vii. 47. mana, v. 153. muni-sattama, viii. 18. manasa, vii. 21 ; viii. 69. musala, iii. loi.

Manya, iv. 52 ; v. 153. musalolukbala, du., i. 113. manyava, vii. 117. /muh : mumoha, vii. 88.

vii. mamaka, vii. 44. muhurta, iv. 66 ; v. 149 ; I57. maya, ii. 42. murta, ii. 33. maya-bala, vii. 88. murtimat, vii. 146. maya-bheda, viii. 75, 76. murdhan, iv. 60, 120 ; viii. Ii2, I16. mayavin, vii. 86. miirdhanvat, ii. 18. Marfca, V. 143. mrga, iv. 89. maruta, iii. 107 (MSS.). mrta, vii. j,^. marataindra, iv. 44. mrta-patnl, vii. 13. mas, loc., masi masi, ii. 52. mrta-sista, vii. 11.

ii. i. ii. vii. 16. masa, ^6 ; iv. 34. Mrtyu, 122 ; 59 ; 10, masa-krt, ii. 112. /mrs : mamarsa, iv. 13. masika, ii. 56. megha, iv. 41 (b); v. 166. mahatmya, i. 70. medas, vii. 78. mahitra (sukta), viii. 86. medha (purusasya), ii. 153. mita, measured, viii. 109. medba, ii. 84. mitaksara, ii. 90, 92. Medhatithi, ii. 64, 130, 155, 157 ; iii. 55.

Mitra, i. viii. 123 ; iL 4, 48 ; t. 147, 148; medha-sukta, 58. vii. 114. medhya (a^va), iv. 37. Mitratithi, vii. 35. maitra,/., -I, iv. 17, 123.

Mitraryaman, du.,y\.. 81. maitravaruna, ii. 127 ; iii- 105 ; iv. -i.vi. Mitra-varuna, du., i. 83 ; iii. 94, 125;/-. 65, 72, 124. Maitra°-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [184

Maitravaruni, v. i6o. yasasvini, iv. 57 ; v. 54.

iii. (b). maithuna, iv. la ; vi. 154 ; vii. 4, 133. yahu, 64 mohita, vii. 54- /ya: abhi-: ayat, vi. no; vii. 104;

Yaksa, vii. 68. ayus, vii. 90 ; viii. 30. yaksma-na^a, vii. 154- •/yac: ayacatam, iii. 20.

yaksma-nasana, viii. 64, 68. yacna, i. 35, 49. yaksma-nasin,/., -1, vii. 133. yajamana, adj., vii. 138. yaksyamana, v. 50. Yajnika, pi., viii. 99. V yaj, pres., viii. ill /ut., vi. 31; yajya, v. 55. ;

vii. viii. ; caut., v. yajyS, ii. 138. ^etf., 59 ; 7 5s > viii. 5. yajyarcjta, v. 64. yajat, vi. 58. y&i, preg. part., viii. 87.

i. yajamana, vi. 73 ; vii. 70 ; viii. 80. yathatathya, 4.

yajus, ii. 15a, 153, 154 ; viii. no, 130. yadrchika, i. 30.

yajna, iii. 136; v. 158 ; vii. 31, 74, 77, yadrs, vii. 134. adj., viii. 113 ; viii. 130, 135. yavat, 19. yajnartham, vii. 143. yukta, iv. 34. yajfiiya, vii. 7a. yuga, vi. 105.

vi. ; viii. yajvan, vi. 73, 74. yugapat, v. 98 ; 54 37.

Vyat: yateta, ii. 119. yuga-paryanta, adj., viii. 98 ; -m, adv.,

yatha-kramam, ii. 71. iii. 34.

yatha-nyayam, ii. 23. yugma, iv. 44 ; vii. 30 ; viii. 29.

yatha-rupam, vii. 138. Auj :

yatha-vakyam, ii. 13 a. ni- : ayojayat, v. 74.

: yniikte, yatha-vidhi, viii. 6. pra- yujyante, vii. 15 ;

yatha-sthanam, ii. 72 ; vii. 52. viii. 131.

yadrchaya, v. 99. sam : yojayet, i. 118. yad-daivata, viii. 103. yuddha, iv. 131.

-/yam: yachati, iii. i. yuddhadi, v. 134.

pra- : ayachat, ii. 35 ; vi. 163. yuddhopakarana, v. 138. vii- Yama, i. 133 ; ii. n, 47 ; iii. 58 ; vi. yudh, V. 134, 125; ^i- 154,155. 157. 158, 159. 163; viii. yudhyat, pres. part., viii. 13. 48. yuyutsu, v. 135. yama, tmn, vi. 163. yuva-kamya, vi. 77.

Yama-putra, ii. 60. ynvam : ace., yusman, viii. 37- •Yama-YamI, du., vi. 163. yupa, iv. loi.

yiipavat, iii. 38. YamI, i. ia8 ; ii. 77, 83 ; vi. 154. vii. yava, vi. 58. yoga, 88, 109 ; viii. 84, 130, 136.

yavistha, Arii. 61. yogitva, iii. 115.

yavlyas, iv. 11 a. yotsyamSna, vi. in. ;

185] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-rupa-krt yoddhr, v. 127. Raka-Sinivali, du., iv. 87. jod^&y&t, pres. part., iv. 132. raksasa, pL, v. 145 ; vii. 68. yoni, i. 62 ; viii. 140. iSksoghna, vi. 28. yaupa,/., -i, iv. 100, raksoghnaagneya, viii. 40, 65. rajan ao, yauvana, vi. 55 ; vii. 44. (Varuna), vi. 14, (Nabusa) (Kurunga) 44, 138. Raksas, viii. 115. raja-putra, vii. 155, 156. rakso-bhuta, vi. 34. raja-putri, v. r^^, 54. rakso-han, vi. 134. raja-yaksma-ban, viii. 64.

iii. ; rajata, vii. 78. rajarsi, 54 iv. 98 ; v. 29, 50 ; vi. rajas, pi. (trini), ii. 6^. 51 ; vii. 2, 147. rana-devata, v. 131. rajfil, iv. 3. rati, vi. 55. rajya, viL 54, 157 ; viii. i, 4, 5. ratna, v. 123 ; vi. 52. ratri, iv. 132 ; v. 84 ; vi. 11.

i. ; iii. Ratri-samstava, iii. ratha, 84, no 86, 95, 147, 149 ; 105. V, 14, 15, 123; viii. 12,35. Ratri, i. 112; ii. 74, 84; v. 74, 75; ratha-gopa, v. 131. viii. 44. ratha-chidra, vi. 105. Ratry-usas, du., iii. 138.

Rathamtara, i. 116; viii. 78. v/radb : radbyate, viii. 98.

Ratba-prostha, vii. 85. rastra, viii. 2 (». r.).

Rathaviti, v. 50, 73, 74, 77. rasabba, iv. 141. Rathaspati, viii. 127. Rabugana, ii. 45. rathabhimarsana, v. 112. riktba, iv. in. ratbitara, iv. 73. /ribb : ribbyate, iii. 96 (b). rapas, vii. 95 ; viii. 50. riramsu, iv. 58, 59. Vrabh: rebhe: rukma, v. 72. a-, vii. 54. rnkma-vaksas, v. 68.

-/ram : ramaye, vi. 54. Vrud : arodit, ii. 34. ramya, v. Rudra, i. 122 ii. pi., i. 75. 103, ; 4, 33 ; rayimat, iv. "jt. 127 ; V. 47 ; viii. 128. rava, ii. ^S, 42. Rudra-patni, v. 46. ravi, iii. 10, 17. Rudra-sunu, v. 69.

rasmi, i. 63, 68, 94 ; ii. 62, 67 ; iii. ruvat, ii. 59.

; iv. pi. iv. 17 38 ; V. 130 ; (sapta), /rub: robati, vii. 13.

adbi-, ii. 67.

rasa, i. 68; ii. 3a; viL 127. a- : ruroba, vii. 4.

rasadana, ii. 6. rudbi-gata, ii. 102.

Rasa-para-nivasin, viii. 24. rupa, ybr»t, ii. 119; iii. 76 ; iv. 18;

vi. ii. rabasya, 129. viii. Ill ; grammaticalform, 158 rahah-samyoga-kamyS, iv. 57. iii. 4.

Raka, i. 128 ; ii. 78. rupa-krt, i. 84. B b ;

rSpavattS-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [186

rupavatta, vii. 45. Lui^, ii. 129 ; iii. ^^.

rupavad-bharya, ii. 107. loka, pi., i. 130; ii. 63; vii. 127;

rupa-vikartr, iii. 25. (trayah), i. 90, loi ; ii. 50 ; vi. 121

rupa-vlrya, pi., iv. 134. du., i. oa.

rupa^sampanna, iii. 144. lokaadipati, J5^. (trayah), i. 73. retas, iv. lokaadhipati, (trayah), viii. I3i. m ; v. 149. J9^. raivata, ii. 13. lopa, ii. 116.

roga-ghna, iii. 113. Lopamudra, ii. 83 ; iv. 57-

rogapanutti, iii. 114. laukika, ii. 10 1.

i. i. RodasI, i. 129 ; ii. 78, 143 ; du., 83, laukya, 4. 113; iv. 6, 98; vii. 94, 95, 136; laulya, viii. 31. viii. 125. vi. roman, iv. a ; vii. 78. Vamsaja, 39, 58.

Roma^a, ii. 77, 83 ; iii. 155, 156. vam^ya, vi. 142.

roha, i. 102. vaktu-kama, vii. 84.

rohitjjo/., iv. 140. v^vac : vaksyami, i. I ; iv. 32 (b) ; raudasi, v. 117. (ma) vocah, iii. 19 ; uca, vii. 66

iii. -I, iii. ucyate, iii. (a). raudra, 139 ; v. 173 ; /., 108 ; 153 V. 38. pra-: vaksyami, i. 85. raadra-sauiyaaasasa, iv. 99. prati-: ucuh, vi. 21. raupya, vii. 5 a. vacana-linga, du., i. 43. iv. vi. Rausama, v. 34. vajra, i. 84, 87 ; iii. 23 ; 5 ; 82, 123,150; vii. 25, 149. I50' vajra-dhrk, vii. Vlaks, V. 154 ; vii. 140. 32. vajra,-8amstava, vi. I20. upa-, i. 12 ; viii. 79.

laksana-sampad, i. 11. vajrin, iii. 23, 115.

laksita, viii. 81. -/vad: vadati, iv. 17. labdha-vat, j)erf. part., v. 66. abhi- : vadanti, viii. 96 ; avada-

labdhasu, vii. 102. yatam, v. 6^. vi-pra-, iv. 10. -/labh, vi. 68 ; vii. 50 ; viii. 18.

earn-: ude, ii. udire, iv. upa-, iii. 134 ; iv. 52. 85; 105 ;

laksa, adj., viii. 51 {y. r. laksa). vi. 89 ; vii. 81.

: vadhih, iv. ; vadhit, Laksa, i. 129 ; ii. 84. -/vadh (ma) 52 laba, adj., viii. 40. iii. 21.

vadhu, iii. ; vi ; vii. 131, linga, i. 45, 86, 87 ; ii. 96, 97, 100, 147 51 132.

102, 118; iii. no; viii. 31,81, 104. vadhumat, iii. 149.

iii. vi. vana, vi. loi, 138 ; viii. 2 ; vanS- liftga-tas, i. 20 ; 39 ; 69. 35, liiiga-bhaj, iii. in. nam (pati), iii. 26.

iii. linga-vakya, v. 93. Vanaspati, i. 66, 109 ; ii. 150 ; 36,

linga-vakya-vikara, vii. 108 (b). 27 ; vii. 62.

: vavande, iv. 2. lingokta-daivata, iv. 129 ; viii. 65. •/vand ;

187] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [-vajavya

ii. •\/vap: Vasistha, 63, 130 ; iii. 138 ; iv. 98,

nir-: upyate, i. 78, 119 ; vapante, 119 ; V. 150, 151, 154, 157, 158,

ii. 16. 163; vi. 11,34. vapus, iv. 66. Vasistha-dvesin,/!, -i, iv. 117. vayas, 6ird, v. 146. Vasistha-fepa, vii. 59.

; vi. Vasisthaagastya, du., v. vara, boon, iii. 34 iv. 71, 74 ; 54 164.

vii. 50, 65, 76. vasu, «., v. 63, 139 ; vi. 85, vara-dana, vii. 132. Vasu, m.pl., i. 116 ; ii. 12 ; viii. 125- varistha, viL 87. Vasukarna, iii. 5^. Varistha, v. 144. , vii. 30.

Varuna, i. 117, 118, laa ; ii. a, 4, il, /vail, vi. 21, 22 ; vii. 6^.

33; V. 98, 147, 148; vii. 114. a-: avahayat, iii. 133. Varuna-daivata, vi. 93 {v. r. -devata). vahana, i. 119. Varuna-mitra-deva, iv. 6. vak-purva, viii. 11 1.

Vamnani, iiL 92. vak-prana, du., iv. 39.

Varunaaiyama-mitra, pi., iiL 107 ; vi. vakya, ii. 88, 89, 100, 117; viii. 68.

50 ; viii. 86. vakya-ja, ii. 104.

VarunaindraagTii-soma, pL, viii. 41. vakyartha-nirnaya, ii. 117. varga, i. 5 ; ii. 85, 86, 87 ; vii. 116. vakyartha-darsanarthlya, i. 41. varna, letter, ii. 116; caste, vii. 15. vak-sukta, viii. 43. varna-gotraadika, iii. 145. vag-devatya, ii. 125; viii. 122. vama-gotraavirodha, iii. 144. vag-vidvas, vii. iii.

ii. varna-samghata, 117. vac, L 74, 128 ; ii. 39, 44, 5°. 72, 7<5,

; iv. v&rt&nti, j>reg. j)arf., vi. 137. 79, 81, 84, 138 ; iii. 13, 14 36, vartin,y:, -i, iii. 12. 39. 72. 85, 113. "4> 115. "<5; v. varmin, v. 129. 3, 98, 100; vi. 131, 153; vii. 71, varsa, «. pi., vii. 42. 106, 107; viii. 8, 76, 91.

ii. iii. varsa-sahasra, vi. 20. Vacaspati, i. 125 ; 44 ; 71. varsa, j5^., ii. 13. vacya, i. 62 ; ii. 96. varsistha, ii. 67. Vaja, iii. 83 ; vi. 135.

Vala, vi. vajin, vii. pi., ii. 12 iv. 142. 64. 3 ; ; 141, va^, ii. 93. vajina-daivata, v. 167.

Va&, vi. 79. Vata, i. 125; ii. 5. vasat-kara, vii. 61 ; viii. III. Vatajuti, viii. 137.

/vas : vaeati, iii. viii. 134 ; uvasa, vii. 43; Vata-deva, 49. Ufatuh, vi. 35. vadhuya, vii. 134.

ni-, vii. 147. Vadhrya^va, ii. i$$. vasat, jw. jiart., vi. 36. vama, iv. 33. vasati,/., tie root vas, v. 156. vama-tas, iv. 89. iv. vasanta, i. 115. Vamadeva, ii. 40; iii. 57 ; 132. vaaaati, pres. part., vi. 40. vayavya, i. 87 ; ii. 127 ; viii. 49 {v.r. a). Vayu-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [188

Vayu, i. 5, 68, 69, 8a, laa ; ii. a, 4, 16, -/a. vid, to find,:

32,124; iii. 94. anu-, vii. 11 a. Vayu-devata, viii. 108, laa. Vidathi, v. loa.

var, toater, iv. 38. vidita, i. 33 ; viii. 76.

varuna, iii. (jana), vi. viditva, iv. i ; vi. ; viL ; viii. 98 ; 13. 38 4 a8. Vanmi (=Vasistlia), vi. a4, 33. vidya, iii. 14a.

Varasikha.js^., v. 134, 125, 136, 137. vidyut, i. 54, 94 ; ii. 33.

varisakapa (=Var8akapa), ii. 69. vidvas, vii. 11 a, 113.

varya, iv. 74. Vidhatr, i. ia6 ; v. 147 ; viii. 70, ia6. varsasahasrika, vi. aa. vidhi, V. 94.

varsakapa, vii. 141. vidM-drsta, iv. 77 ; v. 34. varsika, viii. 6. vidhi-vat, vi. 1 14.

•/vas : vava^a, iv. 93. vidhuya, vii. 77. vasatlvara, v. 149. Vinata, v. 144.

vasas, iv. 30, 41 (b) ; vi. 53 ; vii 13a. vinasana, ii. lai ; viii. 50. Va8istha,j5^., v. 159. viniksipya, v. 84.

vastu, ii. 43. viniyoga, vii. 113 ; viii. 10.

Vastospati, i. 133 ; ii. 43 ; vi. 48. viniijita, v. 135. vastospatya, vi. a. viniscaya, iii. 39.

vahana, i. 74 ; iii. 85 ; iv. 143. Vipat-chutudri, du., iv. 106.

vahanartha, iii. 147. Vipa^, i. 1 14.

vim^ati, ii. 94 ; v. 30. vipula, V. 70.

vikarsa, viii. lao. viprakrsta, ii. 100.

vikara, ii. lai ; vii. 108 (b). vipravada, ii. 131. Vikuntha, vii. 49. viphala, v. 83. vikramya, vi. laa. vibhakta, iv. 6.

vikrinat, j9re«. par(., iv. 133. vibhakta-stuti, iii. 41, 83.

vigraha, ii. 106, iia. vibhakti, i. 43, 45 ; ii. 94. -v/vic: vibhajya, vii. I30.

vi- : vecayanti, ii. 94. vibhava, vii. 133.

vicikitsita, ii. 141, 144. vibhaga, ii. ao. vicetana, iv. 113. Vibhindu, vi. 43. vichandas, viii. 109. vibhu, vi. 113.

vijana, vi. 99. vibhuti, i. 71 ; iii. 123 ; iv. 3^. vijaraaroga, vii. 47. vibhuti-sthana-janma, L 96.

vijnana, iii. 137 ; viL lio. vibhuti-sthana-sambhava, i. 104 ; ii. 30.

' vijnaya, vii. 3. Vibhvan, iii. 83. vitata (yajSa), v. 53. Yimada, iii. 138.

vitta, ii. 30. vimSna, i. I3i. V'l. vid, to know: viyogartham, vii. 149.

adbi- : vetti, ii. 30. viraga, vii. 133. ; : ,

189] Vn. INDEX OF WOKDS [-Vrtra-safika viraj, vm. 107. Visvamitra-vacas, iv. 108. vilapat, pres. part., vi. j,'^. Visvavasu, vii. 130. vilapita, i. ^6. visve-deva-ga,na, j»^., iii. 136. vilapa, i. 53. visve&i, viii. 140. vivara, vi. 1 23. visa, vii. 44.

Vivasvat, ii. 47 ; v. 147 ; vi. 68, 162, visa-ghna, iv. 64. 163; vii. 2,4, 7» "9; viii. 127. visaya, i. lao; viii. 107. Vivasvat-suta, vi. 154- visa-sanka, iv. 64. vivikta, iii. 20. visnati = the root vis, ii. 69. vivicya, viii. 139. Visnu, i. 8a, 117 ; ii. 2, 11, 64, 70;

iii. vi. vividha, iv. 31 ; v. 139 ; vii. 50. 59 ; V. 148 ; laa, ia3. vividhaayudha, pi., vii. iii. Visnu-nyanga, v. 90. -/vi^: visati, viii. 140. visamvada, v. 95. a-: aviiat, viii. 2. visarga, iv. 38.

: visrjat, prei. part., i. ii. praa avisat, vi. la ; vii. 62. 93 ; 58. npa-: vive&, v. 22. vistara, i. 79, 80.

ni-, cau»., ii. 100. vistara, viii. 3a. viiati = the root vis, ii. 69. vispasta, viii. 88, viiasya, iv. 30. vismaya, i. 38, 57. viiesa, ii. 109. vismita, v. 69. vilesa-tas, vii. 138. Vihavya, ii. 131 ; iii. 57. visesa-vacin, ii. no. vihita, viii. 135. visva, ii. 134; pi., visve {icih, devSh), vihina, vii. 150. ii 12; vii. 41; (devah), i. 84; iii. vldvanga, iii. 147. vii. 95 ; iv. 98 ; V. 97, 155 ; 76 virya, vii. 54, 60. viii. 106; (divaukasas), vii. 118; virya-vat, v. 149.

(devan), iii. ; viivaih, to choote, vi^van 44 v^vr, v. ^i, 51 ; vi. 38, 54,

(devaih), viii. ; vi^vesam, vii. 61. iii. 60 ; 62 vrkna,

iii, 6 ; viii. IC56 ; (««7., devanam), vrkta-barhis, i. 6^. viii. 10. vrksa-dronl, v. 83.

Vi^va-karman, i 123 ; ii. 49 ; vi. ^6. V vrt visva-bhaisajya, adj., viii. 50. ann-: vartante, iii. 6. vii^va-rupa, iv. 142 ; vi. 152. npa- : vartefca, vi. 145- vi^va-rupa-dlirk, vi. 149. ni- : avartata, v. 60 ; vartetam, v, 61 visva-liiiga, ii. 128; iii. 33, 4a, 43. pari- : vaxtate, i. lao.

Vi^vavara, ii. 82. vrta, iv. 23 ; vii, 151. Viiva, V. 144. vrtta, V. 60. vi^vatman, iv. 121. vrtti, ii. 109.

Vi^vanara, i. 127; ii. 66. Vrtra, ii. 6 ; vi. iia, lai, laa,

Viivamitra, ii. 48, 131, 157 ; iv. 105, Vrtra-bhayardita, vi. 109. Vrtra-^ka, vii, 113, ; : ;

Vrtra-han-] VII. INDEX OF WOEDS [190

Vrtra-han, iv. 136; vi. iio. vai^vadevata, viii. 133. vrddhi, ii. 121. vailvadevya, vii. 39.

Vrsa (Jana), v. 14, 18, 19. Vaisvanara, i. 67, 97, 106 ; ii. 11 ; iv.

\/vrs : varsati, i, ; iv. ; vii. loa ; V. vi. vii. 68 34 24 ; 97, 104; 46; 61, vavarsa, viii. 2. 143; viii. 137.

i. VTsan, ii. 66, 6y ; vii. 141. Vaiivanara-stuti, 99.

i. ; iii. vaisvanarlya, i. iii vrsabha, iii 148 ; vi. 5a; viii. 99, 103 ; 117, 139 ;

I a. iv. 96 ; V. 161.

Vrsakapayl, ii. 8, 10, 80; vii. lao. vaisnava, iii. 93 ; viii. loa. Vrsakapi, ii. 10, 67, 68. vaisnavya, viii. 103 {v. r.).

volhr, iii. vrsti, ii. 3S- 50, 79. vrsti-kamaijya, viii. 5. Vyamsa, vL 77 ; vii. 58. vrsty-artham, viii. 9. vyafijana, ii. 116. vega, vii. 5. vyanjita, i. 64. veda, V. 58; jB^., ii. 44. vyatiklrna, ii. 104. veda-pitr, v. 58. vyatyaya, vi. 17. vedartha-tattva, vii. no. vyapeksa, v. 34. vedi, vii. 3a. vyapohitum, vi. 140.

v^ven: venati, ii. 5i' vyavasthita, ii. 34; vi. in, II3; vii.

Vena, ii. 51. 52. vevesti, thefrequentative of the root vis, vyasta, ii. 133, 134; iii. 14, 60; viii.

ii. 69. 134.

Vaikhanasa, ii. 39. vyakhyata, vi. 139.

Vaidada^vi, du., v. 6a. vyaptimattva, i. 98. vaidika, i. 4, 23. vyahrti, ii. 133. Vaideha, vii. 58, 59- vyahrti-daivata, ii. 133.

iii. viii. vyutpatti, ii. 108. vaidyuta, 77 ; 44. vainya, viii. 41. vyoman, i. 93 ; ii. 33, 43, $6 ; iii. 14 vairaja, i. 116. iv. 46, 66. vairupa, ii. 13. v^vraj : avrajat Vairupa, m.jil., viii. 37. anu-, iv. 3. vairupya, i. 26. vraja, viii. 37. vaivahika, vii. 138. vrajat, j}re». j)art., ii. 53; iii. 143 ; iv. vaividhya, i. 14, 16. 117. vai^vakarmana, vii. ii7' vranita, iii. 135. vaisvadeva, ii. ia5, ia8, vrascanl, iv. 101. 81, 132, 133 ; iii. 33, 43, 47. 51. 12a. 131. 141 iv. V. viii. v. 7, 8, 31, 4a ; 175 ; 138 ; Samyn, 109.

/., -I, iii. 99 ; iv. 9, 133 ; v. 106, -/iams, iii. 3, 104, 140, 150; iv. 17;

174; vi. 133. V. 140 ; vi. 53, 130, 139, 160 ; vii. vaisvadevaka, ii. 137. 33. 96- : :

191] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-s'usi-usu

anu- : samsati, i. 103. Saslyasi, v. 61, 64, 80.

pra- : samsati, iii. loi. Sasvati, ii. 83 ; vi. 40. Vaak: ahk&t, vi. 122. Vsas: sasyate, iii. 33; v. 175; vi. saka, iv. 41 (b). 108. sakata, v. 31 ; vL 105, 138. sastra, i. 102 ; iv. 23 ; v. 175.

&ikum, i. 109. sakini, vi. 138.

^akti, ii. 33. sakvara, i. 131. ^akti, iv. 113. santi, viii. 90.

^akti-prakasana, viii. 10. santy-artham, vii. 15, 3i, 94 ; viii. 87- fekti-mat-ta, vii. 60. sapa, i. 39, 49 ; vi. 34.

iii. sakra, 38 ; iv. 3, 70 ; vi. 53, 104, Samga, pi., viii. 54.

114; viL 29,30. Saryata, ii. 129 ; iii. 55* sakvari, i. 131. salamukhya, vii. 67. sankha-nidhi, vi. 55. sasvata, iii. 106 ; v. 136.

Saclpati, iii. 20 ; iv. 74 ; v. 138 ; vi. Vi&a 53. ^37- anu-: asat.iv. 131; lasati, 3. «/»^., Saci-sahaya, iv. I. vii. 37.

iii. ; vii. sata, 148, 149 ; viii. 2. a-: i^aste, v. 135 ; vi. 31 11, sata-kratu, iv. 46, 52 ; vi. 152. i».i9. 134, I3'5; viii. 83.

&ta-dha, iv. 130. ^astra-vid, iii. 48. sata-yojana, viii. 32. Viiks, iii. 84 ; viii. 4. fetarcin, iii. 114, 116. sitaman, ii. 114. satru, V. 137 ; vii. 60, 84. ^iras, iii. 31, 23, 33 ; iv. 33 ; v. 15 ; oamtanu, vii. 155, 156; viii. i, 3, 6. vi. s6, 150- femnomitriya,y., -a, iii. 79. ^isira, ii. 13.

/sap : sapate, vi. 33. ^i^u, V. 16 ; vi. 139. &ptu-kama, vi. 37. i^i8ya,i>^., iii. 83. Sahara, viii. 72. sitausna-varsa-datr, vii. 38.

[^bda, ii. 99, 109 ; iii. 80. ^ukra, iv. 13 ; v. 99, 151 ; vii. 5. 6, 78.

^bda-rupa, ii. 108. lukra, adj., vi. 144. femya-matra, v. 153. ^ukra-pratisedha, iv. 13.

-/sam : ^mayat lukra-samkara, iv. 13.

pra-, iv. S3. sukia, V. 80.

^arad, i. 115. ^uci (Agni), i 66 ; iii. 139. sarira, iv. 40 ; vii loi. Sutudrl, i. 1 14. ^arira-pata, vi. 89. ^una, V. 8. inTinn, /., -nl, v. 98. ^ana-devl, v. 7.

^kara, viL 79. 6unah-^epa, i. 54; ii. Ii5; iii- lOS-

^rina, ii. 46. ^unaslra, tinff., v. 8 ; du., i. 114 ; v. 8, 9.

Saryanavatl, iii. 33. sabhas-pati, du., v. 84 ; vii. 43. lalyaka, vi. 106. lulrusu, vi. 142. ^ula-sthuriS-] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [192

^ula-sthuna, jo^., iv. 30. sastha, v. 103 ; (svara), viii 119.

viii. pL, vii. salrca, iii. ^esa, 50 ; 37. 37. feivala, vii. 79 {v. r.). solaiarca, iii. 136.

^okaya, den. verb : solha, iv. ^^.

vi : aiokayat, vii. 36.

Saunahotra, ii. 40 ; iv. 78. Samynkta, vii. 84.

Imasana, vi. 160 ; vii. 15. samyogartha, vii. 136.

iii. vi. j)l., iv. samvatsara, ii. ; iv. vi. fyava, 147 ; 5a ; 143 ; 16 35 ; 37. samvaiiana,iii. iv. viii. /, -I, iii. 8. 59 ; ^y, 33, 95- ^yava^va,v.5a, 55, 56,60,64,65,69,7 a. B&mv&vt&ysA,, pres. part., ii. 61.

^yena, i. 126; iv. 136. samvada, ii. 88 ; iv. 44, 47 ; v. 163, fyena-rupa, iv. ia6. 164; vi. 154 ; vii. 39, 148, 153. ^rad, verbal prefix, ii. 95. samvijnana-pada, v. 95.

^raddha, i. iia ; ii. 74, 84. samvid, vii. 147. ^ravana, iv. 119. samsaya, i. 35, 51. ^rSddha, adj., viii. 58. samskarya-preta-samynkta, vi. 158.

i. iii. ^ri, ii. 83. samstava, 117 ; 109 ; iv. 37, 136 ;

^ri-putra, ^/., v. 91. V. 173.

Sri-siikta, v. 91. samstavika, ii. 15.

-/^ru: ^u^rava, iii. 133; past., sru- samstuta, ii. a ; iii. 36, 83, no; iv. yante, vii. 73. 6,28.

Iruta, iv. I30 ; v. 50 ; viii. 87, 135. samstuta-vat, iii. 81.

Sruta-bandhu, ii. 53. samstuti, i. 75 ; vi. 161.

Smtarvan, vi. 95. samstha, iii. 8a ; v. 93. ^ruti, iv. 139; V. 33, 83, 159, 167; samsthite, v. 67.

viii. sakala, ii. vi. 34, 148 ; vii. 63 ; 138. 144. ^raisthya-karman, v. 156. sakta, V. 55. Irotra, vii. 71. saktu, vi. 103.

^rauta, iii. 14a. sakhi, iv. i ; vii. 56.

^lagha, i. 7,6, 5^. sakhitva, iv. 2, 75) 77. i\6k&, ii. 43. sakhl, vii. 151.

; ^van, iv. 136 ; vi. la, I59- sakhya, iii. 106 vii. 103. ^vasura, vii. 31. samkalpa, i. 37, 55. Ivas, iv. 50' samkalpayat, pret. part., i. 54.

Samkusuka, ii. 60.

Satka, viii. 56. sainkhya, i. 45 ; viii. 13. sadvim^a, vi. 84. samkhyana, ii. 93. sadvimiSati, ii. 33. Bamgati, v. 77. sas (vikarah), ii. 13I. samgrhitva, ii. 47. fa§ti (varsani), vii. 43. Eamgramaafiga, jB^., v. 136. sastyupadhika, iii. 149. sacaturdaia, vi. 146. : :

193] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [-sambhuta

-/saj : asajyata sapta(ratii5ni),v.i23 ; (8varah),viii.i2i. sam-, vii. 51. saptaka, vii. 51, 116. sajar, iii. 46. Saptagu, vii. 55, 56, 57. sajosas (°sajti), iii. 46. saptati, vi. 51. samjnapta-vat, iv. 29. sapta-trmlattama,/., -T, vi. 45.

iii. ; viii. (stoma), ii. samjna, ii. 134 ; 8a ; v. 93 saptada^ 14. viii. 99- saptarsi, pL, ii. 11 ; iii. 58 ; 123. 8ainjnana,^^tf^y»j»'samjnanam,'viii.95. sapti, iii. 50, 79. samjvara, i, 38, 56. saphala, v. 85.

iii. 8at, i,j)res.part. miA past part., i. 92 ; sabar, 85. vii. 23. eabar-dughfi, iii. 85. ' sat, 2, n., i. 62 ; ii. 120. sabharya, iii. 143.

ii. sattra, v. 97, 149 ; vi. 22; vii. 59. samagra, 76. sattra-sad, viii. 133. samara, vi. 115; vii. 51- sattva, L 23, 81. samasta, ii. 123, 124; iii. 14, 60; v. sattva-satngati, i. 29. 175; viii. no, 124-

Sat-pati, iii. 70. samastaartha-ja, ii. 104, 144. satya, ii. 40, 42. sama, viii. 2.

Vsad : sidati, sidat samadaya, vi. 100.

ava-, i. 90; iv. 113. samana-chandas, i. 16.

vijtt-, caus., vii. 53. samana-dharmin, iii. 128. pra-, caus., viii. 3. samana-vayas, v. 68. sad-asat, du., viii. 140. samamantrya, iii. 88.

Sadasas-pati, iii. 67, 70. samamnaya, i. i. Badaeya, v. 159. samayat, jDr««. ^ar^., v. 22.

ii. -I, vii. i. sadr^a, 97 ; /., sama^rita, viii. 117, 118. sadyaa, v. 73. samasa, i. 79 ; ii. 28, 106. sanStana, vi. 144. samahita, viii. 120. sanSman, i. 91. samutthaya, iii. 24. samtapa, i. 36, 52. samutpanna, vi. 62. samtyajya, v. 16. samuddhrtya, v. 85. mmdndh&t, pres. part., viL ia8. samudra, ii. 11 ; vi. 138. samdhi, viii. 139. samudra-ga, vi. 20. Bamnidhi, vi. 139. sameta, vii. 129. samnipata, ii. 132. sampad, i. 11 ; ii. 158. sapatna-ghna, viii. 69, 94. sampravada, iii. 155. sapatna-nibarhapa, viii. iv. 92. sampreksya, 94 ; v. 74. sapatnl, vi. 57 ; viii. 6^. sambandha, jo/., iii. 68. sapatny-apanodika, viii. 57. sambodhya, iii. 145. Baputra, v. 5a, 53, 103. sambhava, i. 104 ; ii. 20; iii. i. aapurohita, iii. 144. sambhuta, v. 151, 152 ; viii. 79. c :

saipbhrta-] Vn. INDEX OF WORDS [194

sambhrta, ii. 56. Savitr, i 84, 125; ii. 12, 6a ; iii 88 sambheda, iv. 106. (B). 98.

sammata, iv. 119. Savya^ iii. 114, 115. sammantrya, v, 59. savrlja, vii. 97. sammita, v. 153. Sasarparl, iv. 113.

sammoha, vii. 84. sasoma, iii. 124.

samyag-bhakti-didrksu, pi., iii. 73. sabamana, v. 22.

sayuthya, iv. 38 {v. /.). saba-raksas, vi. 160.

Saranyu, ii. 10, 80; vi. l6a, 163; vii. sahas, gen. (yahub), iii. 64.

I, 3. 4. sahaaa, v. 21 ; vi. 88.

Saranyu-devata, vii. 7. sabab-8uta, vii. 61.

i. ; Sarama, 138 ; ii. 77, 83; viiL 35, sabasra, iii. 149 vi. 61 ; pi. (trini), 27. a8, 33. vii. 75.

saras, ii. 50 ; iii. 23 ; vii. 150. sabasra-tama, iii. 17.

i. ; ii. iv. Sarasvat, 123 51 ; 39, 4a ; sabasra-daksina, v. ^^. vi 19. sabasra-yuga-paryanta, viii. 98.

SarasvatI, i. 128 ; ii. 51, 74, 76, 81, sabita, iv. 76, 141 ; v. 97, 138 ; vi iS>

iii- i^- vi vii. viii. ^35' ^37 ; 13 ; 3<5, 39 ; 39, 6^ ; 77 ; 4.

aa, 23. 24, 59. 145- V'sa : syanti, syet

sarpa, jB^., vii. 72 ; viii. Ii5. viava, i. 86, 89. sarpis, vi. 145. sangaupanga, v. 53.

sarva (= entirely, witk another adj.), Sadbya, pi., i 116; ii. 12 ; iv. 36 ; v.

; viii. iii 103. 97 ; vii 143 117, 128. sarva-karman, v. 158; viii. 124. sanuga, iii. 143.

sai-va-karya, vii. ia8. sanulinga, iii. 152 (a).

Barva-gata, vi. lai. santvayitva, vi. 13.

sarva-drktva, iii. 134. sSntvya, iv. 3.

sarva-nSman, ii. 97. saman, i 1 16, 131 ; ii. 13; viii no,

sarva-bhuta, n.pL, ii. 19. 117, 122, 130.

sarvabhuta-hana, vii. 44. samartbya, ii. I22. sarva-ripra-pranodana, viii. 92, 93. sama-svara, viii. 119, lai. sarva-veda, pi., v. 53. samanya, ii. no.

earvanga^obbana, v. 66. samanya-vacin, ii. 109.

sarvantara, ii. 69. samasika, i. 79.

sarvavapti, ii. 134. samrajya, i 118.

salaksana, vii. 3. sayam, ii. 64.

.• ii. 68. salila, iv. 41 (b), 43 ; v. 155 ; vi. 88. say&bna-kala,

(trtlya), ii. sayrijya, ii. 21. savana, iii. 90 ; 13 ; (ma-

dhyama), i. 130. sfiyndha, iv. 67.

savarcas, ii. 141. sarathi, v. 130.

SavarnS, vi. 68. sSrameya, vi. 12. : ;

195] VII. INDEX OF WOKDS f-suna sarasvata, ii. 135, 138; v. 119; vi. Sudasa, vi. 34.

19, (jala) 88 ; vii. 59. sudurjaya, viii. 33. SarSjaya, v. 104, 139. Sudhanvan, iii. 83; viii. 137. sartha, i. 9. Supama, i. 124 ; viii. 127 ; du., vii. 48. sardha, iv. 108. supriya, vii. 56. sardham, v. 20 ; vii. 51. suprlta, iii. 18 ; vi. 119.

Sarparajnl, ii. 84 ; viii. 89. Subandhu, vii. 85, 87, 88, 89, 94, 99, salavrkl-snta, iii. 13a. 100. salokya, L 19, 98 ; ii. 21 ; v. 171 ; vii. eubhaga,/., -5, vii. 47. 144. Bumanas, vii. 65, 76.

Savarnya, vii. 103. samahat, vi. 140 ; vii. 49.

-I, iii. sumahayaias, v. savitra, iii. 45, 105 ; /., 50, 78 72. vi. 13a. Sumitra, viii. 17. savitra-saumyaasvina-maruta, iv. 99. sura, vi. 114.

Savitri (Surya), ii. 84; vii. 119. sura-drum a, vi. 56. sahacarya, i 19 ; iii. 75 ; v. 17a ; vii. SnrabU, v. 144. 144. Bura-pana, vi. 151. sahayya-kamya, v. 137. suloman, vi. 104. Simhika, v. 144. Buvira, iv. 7a. sikata (=BikatS), vii 79. Bu-viraya, vii. ia8. Vsic: Susaman, vi. 67 (b).

abhi-, vi. 153 ; viii. i. susamhrsta, vi. III. Vsidh Snhastya, vii. 47.

ni- : sisedha, iii. 19. Bukta, i. 13 ; iii. 25 ; viii. 99. pmti-, vii. 13, no, 133. sukta-praya, iii. 80.

Sinivall, i. ia8 ; ii. 77. Bukta-bhagin, viii. 10; f., -I, i. 19, 60; Sindhudvlpa, vi. 153. ii. 77; iii. 53.

Sita, i. 129; V. 9. sukta-bhaj, i. 17, 18, 99 ; iv. 99 ; v. slra, V. 8. 142; vi. 159; viii. 99, 129.

Vsn : snsTive, iii. 133 ; susftva, vi. 102. suktarg-ardharca-pada, jo/., i. i.

pra- : sauti, ii. 62. Bukta-vada, viii. 100.

8U-Iryatva, vii. 128. sukta-^ata, vi. 145.

Bokha, ii. 46. 8ukta-&bda, viii. 100.

Buga, vii. 65. sukta-^esa, iii. 93, 138 ; iv, 144 ; vii.

BUgandhi-tejana, vii. 78. loi ; viii. 9, 16. suta, jBjB., jarested (Soma), iv. 54 ; m., sukta-sahasra, iii. 130.

ton, iii. 18 iv. suktaadi, iii. viii. i^, ; 112 ; v. 100, 146 ; 45 ; 42. viL 47, 114; viii. 19. Buktaanta, vii. 39. snta, V. 56 ; vii. 45. Bukta abhidbana, viii. 100. sutvac, vi. 104, 105. Bukta^kadesa, viii. loi.

Sudaa, iv. 106, 112. suna ( = 8una), iv. 39. ; :

unu-] Vn. INDEX OF WORDS [196 sunu, iii. 153 (a). saubbSgya, viL 45. suri, ii. 34. sauma,/., -I, v. 41, 44.

Surya, i. 5, 61, 69, 8a, 88, 100; ii. 8, saumya, iii. iii, 134; vi 39, 146 10, aa, 61, 70, 134; iv. 63; vii. (mandala); vii. 33, 93; viii 119.

saura,/., -I, iv. 1 v- ^ ^ ; vi. 9. 114, 1 38. 4a, 1 3 J ^ 5,

iii. ; viii. Surya-kfttya, iv. 1 14. saurya, i 87 ; ii 7 ; 113, 139 Surya-daivata, viii. 119. no;/, -5, vi. 6, 136.

Surya-prasuta, i. loi. saurya-vai^vUnara, ii 16.

Surya-vat, vi. 134, 136. saurya-vai^v&naraagni, ii. 1 8.

Surya-samstava, iii. 44. saurya-vaiivanarlya, ii. 17.

Surya-samstava-samyakta, iii. 43. saurya-c5ndramasa,/., -I, vii. 134.

Surya, ii. 8, 9, 79, 81, 84 ; iii. 45; viL sauvarna, v. 31, 35; vi. 56.

119, 131, 130. \^Bkand : caakanda, v. 99, 149. SuryS-candramas, du., vii. 81, 136 skauna, v. 84.

viii. 16. stirna, ii. 57. Suryaanala-sama-dyuti, v. lOi. Vein: stosyete, vii. 45; astaut, iii.

vii. ; vi. viii Suryaanila, du., 38. 37 ; iv. 16 36, 63 ; 71.

Suryaanuga, i. 77. sam- : stuyante, iii. 7.

'/ar : sarati, vii. I a8. abhi-sam-, iii. 44.

/srj : sasrje, ii. 53. stuta-vat, viii. 68.

ut- : Brjami, iii. 1 9. stuti, i 6, 14, 35, 47, 60 ; ii. 131 ; iii 7.

Sobbari, i. 48 ; vi. 58. stuti-karman, ad;., iii. 4.

Soma, i. 83, 117, 136; ii. 3, 4, 107; stuti-kamya, viii. 30. vi. loi, 103, 109, 111,113, 130, 136; stuti-harsita, vii. 57.

ii. 9, 74. stuty-filis, ^K., i. 8. Somaka, iv. 139. stuyamSna, iii. 103. Soma-devata, vii. 83. stoklyfi, pi., V. 35. soma-pati, vii. 58. stotr, i. 33. soma-pfina, vi. 151. stotra, viii. 78. soma-pltbin, iv. 54. stotriya, i 103. Soma-pradbSna, iv. 137. stoma, i 115; ii i, 13. soma-bbSga, . 1^6. strl, /eminine, i. 40 ; ii. 96 ; voman, vi.

Soma-surya, pi., viii. 135. 41 ; vii. 1, 133,135; ;>/., V. 49 ; vii.i3. Soma-pausna, iv. 91. strl-dbarma, vii. 15.

Somendra, du., iii. 67. strl-liiiga, vi. 76.

Sauclka, vii. 63. stbala, V. 151 ; vi. 88.

Bautramana, ii. 153. stbavira, iii. 47. saad&sa, vi. 38. •/sthft sauna, iv. 39 {v. r.). abbi-: atisthat, vi. no.

Bauparna,^*., -1, vi. 130. fi- : tasthe, vii. 43. sauparneya, iii 119. pra-, caut., v. 136. ;

197] Vn. INDEX OF WORDS [-hari

sthana, i. ^6 ; ii. 21, a6. svarga, i. 8; vi. 90, 114; vii. 152, 157 sthana-loka, du., iii. 68. viii. 133. sthana-vibhaga, i. 70. Bvarga-jigisu, yi. 141.

pi., "]. sthavara, i. 61 ; viiL 116. Bvargaayur-dhana-putra, i. sthasnu-jangama, iv. 37. Svarbhanu-drsta, v. I a. sthita, vii. lai. svalpa, viii. 87. sthiti, ii. 118. svalpa-virya, vi. ai. snata,/., -a, iv. 57. sva-vaksas, v. 73. Bnayu, vii. 78. sva-vakya, ii. 58. snusa, V. 54, 79; (Indrasya), vii. 30 (b). sva-^arlra, iv. 117.

vi. ; spardha, vi. 57. Bvasr, ii 8a ; 77, 149 viii. a8. -/sprs, vii. 56, loa. svasrtva, viii. 30.

Svasti, i 138 ii. vii sprha, i 35, 53. ; 78 ; 93, 105 ;

-y/smr : smaiati, viii. 85. viii 125. sravat, pre*, part., v. 86 ; viii. 66. svastyayana, vii. 90 ; viii 77, 87. sravantt, vii. 115. Svastyatreya, iii. 56.

viii. 8va, iii. %2 ; v. 85 ; vi 41, lai ; vii. 23. svadhyaya, 133. Bvaka, viii. 71. svadhyaya-phala, vi. 143. Bva-janman, iv. 10. svadhyaya^hyetr-samstava, vi. 133. 8va-dara-garbh5rtliain, viii. 83. svapayat, ii. 68, svadha, viii. 112. svabhidheya, ii 117. svadhiti, iv. 30. svaha, pi., iii. 30.

Svanaya, iii. 143, 150 ; iv. I. svaha-kara, viii. iii.

Bva-nilaya, iii. 142. Svaha-krti, i 109 ; ii. 150; iii. 29. svista-krt, vii. /svap, iii. 14a ; iv. 69 ; v. 85 ; vi. 75.

pra-, cauf., vi. 13. hata, vi 28, 34. vi-: aeufivapat, vi. 13. hata-vat, vi. 152. svapna, vi. 11. /ban, vi. 32, 115, 122; vii. 51, 52,

Bvapnaanta, vi. 148. 63 ; viii. 34, 36. sva-bala, vi. iii. apa: abanat, iv. 22, 114.

Bva-bahu-vlrya, vii. 5a. ft- : hanti, v. 166.

Bva-bhava, viii. 31. vij- : ghnanti, iv. 99. Bva-maya, vii. 150. bana, vii. 44. Bvayam, =-acc., viii. 89. hanta, v. 66, 78. sva-yuthya, iv. a8. baya, iv. a8. svara, ii. 115; viiL iia, 114, 116, 117, haya-rupin, vii. 4. 118, 119, lai. bara, m., v. 19.

Bva-raimi, ii. 6a. barana, ii 19 ; iv. 38 ; vii. 133.

Bvara-saman, iii. 141. baras, «., v. ai ; {m. ?) v. 17. svarSj, viiL du., iii. ; pi., 107. bari, 86 iv. 144 ; iv. 140. ; ;

harit] VII. INDEX OF WORDS [198

harit, ja/., iv. 140. hima-&,bda, ii. no.

Hari-vat, iv. i. hiranmaya, iii. 103.

Hari-vahana, iv. 77 ; v. 157 ; viii 35. Hiranya-garbha, ii 46. Harynplya-nadl-tata, v. 138. hiranya-stuti, viii. 45. harsa, v. 66. hiranyastupa^ta, iii. 106. harsita, iii. 153 (a). hina, ii. 100. havir-dhana,<^K., i.113; iv. 93 ; vi.155. -/hu, viii. 132. havir-bhaj, viii. 139. huta, iii. 5. havis-pankti-pradhana, i. 86. Vhr : aharat, iii 22. havis, i. 78, 118, 119 ; ii. 16, 138 ; iii. a.'pa^, perf., iii. 132 ; viii 24.

(b), a-, V. (sattra) ; viii. 7. 63 74 ; iv. 29 ; vi. 58, 93 97 31, 36.

vii. 73, 14a ; viii. 103, 131, 132. vij- : jahara, iv. 14. havya, iv. 50 ; vii. 65. hrdayam-gama, iv. 72. havya^kavya-vah, vi. 160. hrdya, viii. 32. havya-vabana, vii 6^, 77. hrsta,_/., -a, iv. 2. hasta, vii. 135. hrstatman, iv. 115 ; vi. 61. hasta-ghna, i. no. hemanta, i. 131. hasta-trana, v. 132. haima-raupyaayasa,/!, -I, vii. 5*-

/ha : hiyate, viii. 134. hotr, vii. 14, 70 ; du. (daivyau), i 108 hana, ii. 121. iii II.

y/hi: ahinot: hotra, vii. 66, 77.

pra-, viii. 25. hotra, i. 65. himkara, viii. in, 123. homa, viii. 134. hitarthin, vii. 99. •/hve: huyase, iii. 77. hima-bindu, iii. 9. a-, iv. 131 ; vi. 102 (b) ; vii 100. Himavat, v. 75. upa-, iii. 84. oxroBO, enolasd: hobacx habt, mjl.


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last existence up to the attainment of Buddhaship ; while the sections of chapter v are about Buddhist monastic life.

The price of Volume III is one dollar and twenty cents ($l.2o)=4 shillings and 1 1 pence = 5 marks = 6 francs or lire and 20 centimes = 4 kroner and 44 6re=2 florins and 91 cents Netherlandish.

Volume IV. —Raja-9ekhara's Karpura-manjarl, a drama by the Indian

poet Raja-gekhara (about 900 a.d.) : critically edited in the original Prakrit, with a glossarial index and an essay on the life and writings of the poet, by Dr. Sten Konow, of the University of Christiania, Nor-

way ; and translated into English with notes by Professor Lanman. 1901. Royal 8vo. Cloth, xxviii + 289 pages.

Here for the first time in the history of Indian philology we have the text of a Prakrit play presented to us in strictly correct Prakrit. Dr. Konow is a pupil of Professor Pischel of Berlin, whose Prakrit grammar has made his authority upon this subject of the very highest. The proofs have had the benefit of Professor Pischel's revision. The importance of the play is primarily linguistic rather than literary.

The price of Volume IV is the same as that of Volume I.

Volumes V and VI.—The Brhad-Devata, attributed to (;:aunaka, a

summary of the deities and myths of the Rig-Veda : critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes, by ARTHUR A. Macdonell, Boden Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Balliol College. 1904. Royal 8 vo. Cloth.

Volume V (or Part I) contains the introduction and text and appendices. Volume VI (or Part II) contains the translation and notes.

The price of each Volume is the same as that of Volume I.

Volumes VII and VIII.—Atharva-Veda Sathhita, translated, with a critical and exegetical commentary, by William Dwight Whitney, late Professor of Sanskrit in Yale University. Revised and brought nearer to completion and edited by CHARLES ROCKWELL Lanman, Professor of Sanskrit in Hai vard University. 1904. Royal 8vo. Cloth. About cx+ 1050 pages.

This work includes, in the first place, critical notes upon the text, g^iving the various readings of the manuscripts, and not alone of those collated by Whitney in Europe, but also of those of the apparatus used by S. P. Pandit in the great Bombay edition. Second, the readings of the Paippalada or Cashmere version, furnished by the late Professor Roth. Further, notice of the corresponding passages in all the other Vedic texts, with report of the various readings. Further, the data of the Hindu scholiast respecting authorship, divinity, and meter of each verse. Also, references to the ancillary literature, especially to the well-edited Kau^ika and Vaitana Sutras, with account of the ritualistic use therein made of the hymns or parts of hymns, so far as this appears to cast any light upon their meaning. Also, extracts from the printed commentary. And, finally, a simple literal translation, with introduction and indices.